Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Commonwealth, 3 Dec 1858, p. 4

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Jfewllnitfoutf. The weather in Paris is bitterly cold. The Russian journals openly and even ardently embrace the cause of Italy. Mr. Gladstone has introduced a bill for the abolition of compulsory church rates. When is literary work like smoke ? When it comes in volumes. Why is love like a scotch plaid? Be- cause it is all stuff and often crossed. Why does a sailor know that there i? a man in the moon ? Because he has been to sea (see). Sixty thousand sabre bayonets have been ordered by France from the metal works of Eokilstuna, in Sweden. Upwards of eleven millions of persons, the Pays states, passed through the turnstiles of the Universal Exhibition. Registrarseip op Toronto.â€"Mr. Chas. Lindsay, of the Leader, has been appointed Registrar of Toronto.â€" Globe. Good juicy horse flesh steaks are sold in Paris at from 8d. to lOd. per pound. This price, is only realized for choice cuts. A Negress, speakmr of one of her child- ren who was lighter coloured than the rest, said, I nebber could bear dat brat, ’cause he show dirt so easy. It is announced that, after the New Year, all foreign papers will be exempted from seizure in Paris, provided they be not printed in French. Professor Goldwin Smith, it is rumored, purposes to quit England for life in the course of the ensuing spring. It is believed that Mr. Smith intends emigrating to the United States. A married wretch says the greatest gift vouchsafed to any living man was that granted to Adam, as he was blessed with a wife without ever having a mother-in-law. An American paper calls attention to this interesting factâ€"1 A Maryland man, who has arrived at the ripe old age of 102 years, was married a few days since to his second wife, and the couple are now on their wed4- ing tour. The Danish press is highly satisfied with the sale of the West Indian Islands to America. All parties agree in wishing that the $2,000,000, when received, may be put by against the next war. A Max Drownedâ€"Kingston, Dec. 24.â€" A man named Charles Lalaude, while crossing the ice from Wolfe Island to this city, to day, broke through, and before assis- tance reached him he was drowned, Thd tttt profits of the Paris Exhibition amount, it is Slated, to £120.000, which, according to agreement, falls to be divided Among the Government, the Corporation of Paris, and the Society of Guarauteers. Robinson Crusoe is as popular in France a» in England, He and his man Friday are esteemed in every household, and the b00k in which his adventures are recorded is con- stantly given as a priag to th<3 school chil- dren. Since the latter end of the last century the average produce of wheat per acre has nearly doubled in Great Britain. In the United States the averaae produce of wheat per acre, in the old States, is uot much more than half ol what it was in the days of Washington. At present the average yield of wheat throughout the whole of the Union is estimated at not more than ten bushels per acre; little more than one-third of the average produce per acre in England. Robbery in London.â€"London Dec. 23,â€" A robbery was committed at the Grand Trunk office here yesterday morning between 7 and 9 o’clock, after the night wateh.ijen had left the building. The safe was broken open by means of a chisel and “jimmy,” and a bag containing $900 stolen. Three men were observed by the switchmen on the Great Western Railway, leaving the freight house, about nine o’clock, one of them carrying a bag like the one stolen- They have not been indentified, nor have any arrests been made. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate, APPI Y to'Mr. WARMOLL. of Van- koughnkt & Wakmoll, Barr.sters, &c. Corner of King & Yonge Streets, TORONTO. November 9, 1866. 23 H. W. DIMON’S SELF-ACTING fVaygon It rake Patented April 10, 1867. THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED. THE undersigned having purchased the Rights for the Countv of York, is now offering for sale in this countv INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Joel Williams, Agent for Richmond Hill. David IS ill, Agent for Thornhill, 3-m H. M. MJSENER, Day Hooks, Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket B^oks, Wallets, Purses, &c. &c. W GREAT VARIETY, AT SCOTT’S LllCriMOND HILL. Family & Church Bibles AT LOW PRICES, AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND MILL. SCHOOL BOOKS! XVSHY VARIETY, A" Srr/IT’S RICHMOND HTLL FARMS FOR SAUt. E Half Lot 29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, 83 Acres E Part do 31, do do 80 do E Half do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do E Half do 34, 3rd Con. 4o 100 do S Half do 35, dp do 100 do Apply to JAMES McGEE. Vaughan, April 17, 1867. Propelling & Repelling Pencil, With Ho] <U & Knife, AT SCOTT'S RICHMOND HILL HAMILTON STOVE DEPOT! B JAMES STEWART EGS to inform his friends le the County of York that he has opened a Stove Depot on Richmond Hill One door south of Mr. Barnard’s store, and that ha is prepared to sell at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring Cooking ot* Box Stoves Will consult their own interest by examining his Stock before buying in Toronto, Stove Pipes supplied at the Lowest prices. Richmond Hill, Oct 4, 1867* 6 m LAND FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD on reasonablo terms* the fol- lowing nopeity : â€" PartofLotNo 30, on Sind Con. Vaughan, containing 63 acre0 ; also. Villas© Pi'oporty At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. Richmond Ilill. Sept. 1. 1866. 69 From 30 cisj to $6. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND IIILL. C1ATARRlI, Bronchitis, Scrofula. Liver and V Ktdncy Diseases, Natnre’s Remedials from V ante. YVM. R. PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for 60 years proprietor of ihe Linnaean Nur- ,eries, has discovered posrnvii cukks for above, and for all Inherited am! Chronic Dis- eases, Dyspepsia Nervous Debility, Rheu- matism, all Female Maladies, and others re- sulting from impurity of the blood, hitherto incuraole. Explaniiory circular, one stamp. Treatison all diseases, 20 cents. 58-4 Photographs for 50cts doz v/F ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain & Fancy Stationery IN BVKRY VAfilRTY, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HIL,L ACCENTS WANTED. $150 PERJVIONTH, H& CjR\NITE STATE Family Sewing -L Machine is no-v presen/cd to the people of Canada possessing all the improver* ents that ran be well confined in a sewing machine. It will accomplish every de*-c»iption of sewing except button holes, from an overcoat down to the finest silks and muslins This machine sells for only $15, and is rea'ly wo-th $5f), in any family. Every mechine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three ye-ira.â€" All machines sold in Canada are manufacture at the company's branch manufactory in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions, s«nt express free on receipt of $15 in a registered letter. Full printed directions accompany each machine, so plain that a child iwelve years of age can learn to work one successfully in a short lime. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Macfmie Company, R, T BUSH & CO., Canada Manufactur- ers, 14 King Street E.nst, Toronto, C, VV. Ileac Offices in in Great Britain and Canada, London, England, Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. P. S.- Good agents wanted in every part o the country to whom will paid a salary from $f>0 to $i50 per month, or a large commission. Terms to agents seiu free to thoso wishing agencies. Toronto ;V?reh 3rd 1866 44-lj. UUli.h SOCIETY DEPOSITOR! 1 SCOTT’S BOOK STORE ^"hmond Hill 1865. ^7$7‘QOCaL £VXXt O cl. |7*ROM 50 to 100 Cords ot Green and Dry JJ Beech and Maple, to be delivered in Tor onto during the winter, Appiy at the Herald Office, Richmond Hill. 69 STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 & 27 Broadway, N. Y- Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. 'I'HE Stevens House is well and widely *â-  known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€" and adjacent to all the principal Kailroads and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House has liberal accomoda- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilatedâ€"provided with gas and wat- terâ€"the attendance is prompt and respectful â€"and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the seasonâ€"at moderate rates. GEO. Iv. CHASE & CO. 462 Proprietors. A Card to Invalids. A Clergyman, while residing in South Am- erica as a missiouary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak- ness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Siminal Organs, and the whole train of disordars brought on by baneful and vicious haoits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire ot benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I wil send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any ot who needs it, Free of Charge. Please 9 nclose an envelope addrossedonp yours el Address, JOSEPH T, INMAN, Station D. Bible House, New - Yvrk city' JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham, Nov. 1, 1865. 22 E-Ienry SBmolaor, r ICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho coun- 1J ties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes, Accounts, &c, Small charges and plenty to do Laskey. March 2nd 1865 39-1 EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE UNITED Counties of Yoik and Peel. Residence--Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.O. Addressâ€"Buttonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the Hkrald office. Junuary 4, 1065, 31 W.WHARIN&CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Watches, clocks, and Jewelry ELEC'l LO-PLATED, WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c. The attention of *he Public is inivted to their lock, consisting of a great variety of 3HCI0E AMD FANCY GOODS, Of ihe bes* description and newest desigas, Jhrefu1 attention given to the repairing of Watches an*1 Clock? Jewelry manufactured and R#*t>air^'J. No 11. King Street. East, 6 doors east of Vcnge Street. Toronto, April 26, I860, 4 Kiss givootl Jffa*’ble Works V. WIDEMAN, manufacturer of all kinds or "PPOTS, HEADSTONES ! &c. &c. &0. Call and examine my Stock and Prices be- Tor purchasing elsewhere, as jou v»ill find it to your interest, GO3- Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Rmgwood, Sept. 1C, 1867, 479 J. SEGSWORTH, of WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. ll£f, YONGE St , TORONTO Masonic aud other Emblems made to order. Toronto, Aard 27,1866. 47. '\7%r. a-. OAOTSXii, MANUFACTURER OF PUKE AND UNADULTERATED CONFECTIONARY ! 363 Yonge Street, Toronto, W. G. C, calls at all the Stores between Poronte and Richmond Hill every two. weeds, and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices, Toronto, July 20, 1865, 7 dentistry. w. C. ADAIVJS, D- D. S*. OJ* 95 King Street East, Toronto, NEAR CHURCH STREET, TS prepared to wait upon anv who need his 1 professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu late the teeth of those, who need it. Consultation free, and all work warranted. June, 1S65. I! l; BY ROBERT FERRIS. S> F. having leased the above Hotel, * [formely occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having put it in a thorough state of repair, Travellers will find this house both comfortable and convenient. A good Hostler always in attendance. Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 31 ITCH 13Ij HOCsE ! AURORA. DAVID McLEOD bejjs to announce that he has Leased the above Hotel and fitted it up in a manner second to none on Yonge St where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors,*&c. This house possesses every accommodation Travellers can desire, those who wisli to stay where they can »i’id every comfort are respectfully imrited to put up at thi establishment* Aurora. June 1865. DR.NJ.PEeO, NEW METHOD OF EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN ! By the use of Ethkr Spray, which affects the Tooth only. The tooth and gum sui-ounriing become insr nsihle with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life as in the use of Chloroform. Du. Pkck will he in the following places prepared te oxtract t®eth v ith his new appara- tus, All other operations in Denistry perform- ed in a woi liman like manner ;â€" Aurora.................... 1st of each month. Mewmai’ket Brelsford hotel 2nd ° •* Stouffville................. J8th •• •• Victoria Square,20th ** Thornhill................ 23rd *• Richmond Hill. ,24th ** ft Maple............. t;ttt,,, .26th 1 * Burwick . .28th ** tf Kleinburg ................29th !l Nobleton..................30th •* ♦Vhere he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7, 18§5, J*tf The York Herald OJSEAP ANjD JOB PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Order* for «nv •! the undermentioned deicrip- PLAIN ASP CQLOREO JOB W01K Will So promplly attended to BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARD&. CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEADS BLANK CHECKS, drafts, PAMPHLETS AND LARGE and SMALL POSTERS, And oroiy other kir.d of Letter-Press Printing. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Ii entirely new aud of the latest pMterns, Urgevsiiety of new Fqr C»rds, &c... just received, • ORDERS PROMPTLY IXEIUTEO HAT .T .’IB STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS rpHE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now -*â-  manufacturing improved Ploughs of niin@i which he now offere at the It educed Price of $16 and which he confidently offers aa one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. IIKNKY IIALL. RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 18G7. ( 3RU 3FjjL. 3R.« RADWAY’S iSEAPY RELIEF ! 11 CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! 1SD- IS-A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVEH, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES I rrs noMBVSSB As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASBIODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. C --------- In sudden Attacks Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"One tca-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly â- top the most severe pains. II seized with Rheumatism^ Qout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"One application will afford immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the Tars, * Instant Help Needed In violent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION' OP THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FETER, CROUP, HIPTHERIA may prove fatal •within an hour or two, if not checked by a powerful antidote like KADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal difficulties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at once to this commanding curative. The READY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itself. It is more active than th» virus of tho mo<* swift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on the &rst symptom ox pain and nueasimess* iiq person need suffer an hour siclcneE^- RrCHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOC ATION. TII1S ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the 4IlEKAr.n * Book Store where Stockholders and others may tiroeuia BOOKS every Friday afternoon. Iron. 4 to 8 alock, p.m. A. SCOTT, Librarian, VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Village of RichmondiVLiU, For Sa ©. A GOOD Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, Driving House, Wood House, and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there is a quarter of an acre ot an Orchard of healthy young treesâ€"plenty of Cherfie#, Currants, Goesebetries, &C. The above Pacperty is situated in the centre of the village. Will be sold cheap for cash. For further particulars apply to M, TEEFY Es„ or P, CROSBY, Esq. Richmond Hill, January ]4, 186?. gg w- I WO FARMS ASt> A VILLAGE LOT FOU SALE! THE Subscriber offers for sale the following1 property belonging to the estate of thef late Mr. Lathan Jliller, Viz : The Farm, com- posed of part of lots No. 34 and 35, in the ls$ concession of the Township of Markham, ovs Yonge Street, near Thornhill, which Consists ol 1<50 A crcs, About *25 of which is Timber land. There is * good Spring Creek runs across tbfts pioperiy.â€"* Onlv 1*^ miles from Toronto, Also the north hall'of lot No, 12, in the 1st concet-sion of the Township of Innisfield, Also, A Bu lding Lot, comprising part of ItfS No 38, in the 1st concession of the Township of Vaughan.â€"5 Acres of Land, gof^TDwelS-’ ing-house, Barn, good Well of Water, For any further information apply to y henry Lemon, Thoruhil?* September 12th, 1867. TP O IOL S A Xji US t \ FIRST CL^SS Roadster Poney, bay JLJL 'tok>.n>14 hands high, 4years old, good aetion, and goed in sing)© and double h-arness-, ApplY at thisheffiee* 3-fS Sisters of Morey at Dorchester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Radway’s Remedies to tie sick. SISTERS OF MEECY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY. Dr. Radway,â€"I certify that your Heady Relief has enred OVER ONE HUNDRED of on* eick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, Ac., &o. . . „ One of our sisters had the Rheumatism m her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls of Reliof in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicmo, sho was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, dipthena, i. It haa a good effect in flatulence or wind cholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous effcct In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MART DE B0NSEC0UR3. N. B.â€"Beware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that wiU endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of tho Radway 8. The country is flooded ^-ith counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase y°rtMesg mixtures at less than half prieo they are charged for Radway s, vet charge therpubhoiti<»sam* Tice our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) Tho imitations c°un. jerfeits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In Reliof, see that there are two signatures of Radway & Co. on the labels, ami^the wordsR Radway & Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. All Around Ihe Globe. Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadly diseases are on record at Db. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating tom the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City o<" importance (except a tew in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when aU o^er remechal •gents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the IT. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad- 0- --------------- PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. O'* Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. ) JOHN RADWAY, M. D., & CO.; 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Moktreas, And 87 Maiden Lane, Nbw-YobK Ascuts for the sale of Hawdsy’s lit «* ) P. CROSBY, K,(bno.-d lliil TIIOS. AI JjISON, iciona t <j-are, CHAS. DOAN, Awon Mr. ROWE and Mrs. RG\\ ^ ri'g !":t SAW MILL CEERING TOR SALE. rnTIE Subscriber offers for Sale, very â- - cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mulley Saw, Upper and Lower Mulley, Pet-man, Orank, 5 inch wrought iron Shaft and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage, Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma- chinery for a first class Saw Mill. Will bfc sold at a great redaction of original cost.. For particulars apply to ABRAHAM EYEI5. Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. 3 m Jacob’s Rlicuniatic Liquid. FOR the immediate relief and permanent cure of K'i.pumatism, Sprains, Bruises,. Burns, Frost Bi es Lame Back, Side, Limbs or Stomach, Cramp, Numbness of Limbs?â€" Swelling of Joints, Sudden Colds, Diptheria, Sore throat, Jacob's Rheumatic Liquid Has been before the public for upwards of twenty years, and such are its merits that it is now justly considered as an indispensibTe arti- cle in every family where it is known. It ha^ aever been forced on public attVroon by flaming rdvertisemenfs or remarkable cures that never had any existence, but by its own peculiar value as an unfailing remedy, it has worked its way into public favor. Having a wonderful effect when taken inter* nally, in quickening the circulation of the blo.od* it is invaluable to persons predisposed to Para*? lysis, or subject to attacks of Heart Disease, In ca-es of Dyspepsia, where food distresses, it affords prompt relief, and continued for a short time, sets everything right. The name of the medicine is blown in each bottle of the genuine, and the purposes for which it is intended, as well as the mode of using, attached. Hemy, Simpson & Co.,, Montreal, Whole* salft Agents. S. J, Foss Co., Sherbtokf^ P. Q-. Sole Proprietors. October 10th, 18G7* Hunt’s Empire Hair Gloss ^T^HIS pleasant, agreeable, and scientific pre- X paration is an indispensible article for the toilet. It cleanses the scalp, renders the hair ofa darker appearance, is easily applied and will not; stain the finest linen. Those using the Empire Hair Gloss will find that it renders the harsh- est and coarsest hair, soft, glossy, fine and beautiful, disposing it to stay in any position in which it is placed. Jt prevents the hair from fallii g out, invigorates and strengthens it, and often produces a new growth of hair where it has already disappeared,by invigorating and maturing the skin, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and roots of the hair. Price‘25 cents^ S, J. Foss & Co. proprietors and sole manu-i facturers, Sherbrooke, Province of Quebec â€"n Henry, Thompson & Co. Montreal; Lyman^ Elliott & Co. Toronto, Wholesale Agents. X>i*. COLBY’S Anti-Costive and Tonic Pills, ARE a safe ami reliable reiiiody ill all dis- eases ol' the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. They are no Quack Medicine, puffed up by high-eounding tastimonials from imaginary people, but are the result of forty years experi- ence of a first class physician, and their extra- ordinary surcess is <iue to the fact that they answer exactly their name- The formula from which they are prepared, is based on sound, scientific principles, apd has receded the un- qualified approbation of the medical prolession. They do not profess to be a cure all, but for all disi-ases arising from any derangement of tVe Ftomnch. Liver aud Rowels, they furniirff-,*} effectual-remedy. We have in our possession I over one hundred testimonials from physicians who have used them in their practice and highly approve of them, among which are the following: The undsrsigned physicians cheerfully certify tc the high professional standing ol L>r. Colhv, of Staustead. one of the oldest and best physi-. dans and to the excellent qualities r,f hit) •• ANTI-COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS.” wbice we have usett in our practice, and hight ly approve. J, H. Gibbon. M. D , Ounham, C,E. Cotton, MU, Cowi nsville Charles Brown, MU, Cewansville S S Foster, Ml), Brorna, J C Butler, MD, Waterloo. John Erskine, MD, Waterloo. • Norman Cleveland, md, Barnston. N Jenlts, MP, Barnston, C W Cowles, md, Stanstead, John Meiss, md, Stanstead, Joseph Breadon, md, Surgeon, RN. Benjamin Pamou, md, Coaticook. Lemuel Richmond, mu, Derby Line, S. J. Eqss & Co. Sherbrook, P.Q. sole pro- prie* irs ; Henry, Thompson & Co, Montreal Wt ’esale Agents. V

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