those who have their work appointed them, see to it that they do their duty, and they will find the young men are as ready to take their places Inntha^ranks and lend an helping hand in carrying out the object of this association as they aro in the promotion of every thing which is for tho benefit of themselves or the com- munity. VINDICATOR. To the Editor of the York Commonwealth.' Editorâ€"Sir : In ybuf editorials to yttttng ttieh I have noticed that you frequently deplore the want of good debating schools, and at the same time allilde to those now in action. As 1 know but one place near here where dis- cussions are held ou various suhjects, it seems to me that you intend your remarks for it. Happening to know a little about that society, 1 w ish to inform you, that in it are 110 men yet •out of their teens, tha.t there are none who talk trash and twaddle, iand that leading men do not altogether stand aloof from it, but, on the HrOturary, we have some young men who ’tctuallly do talk sense, and aro ashamed of twaddling, and some old men who are con- â- eiderod equal in intelligence and talent with <&uy in the county. But, Mr. Editor, notwithstanding what we know we still find ourse Ives deficient in many respects, and would suggest that you devote an article on the proper manner of forming and conducting a good Debating Club, wh ich I assure you will be perused with pleasure by your correspondent ' ALIXES, Richmond Hill, Dec. 2lst, 1858. THE NORTHERN RAILWAY. From the Globe. The Speech of Mr. Cumberland in the Board ot Trade yesteiday reveals a very pretty slate of allairs between the Govern- ment and the Northern Railway direc- tion. Cayley and Macdonald have evi- dently been systematically humbugging the managers ol the road and their friends in Parliament, with promises of assistance, aid have left them m the lurch at the last. It has been the same with all enterpiises of a like kind ; too weak and too corrupt to take the straightforward course and re- fuse aid, they have been keeping the rail- way in a state of beggary, waiting for as- sistance which they never intended to ren- der. There never was a more melan- choly spectacle of mismanagement and ex- travagance, ol weakness and corruption, than is presented by Mr. Cumberland's spee h. company has been running into debt to the Government over thirty thousand pounds a year, and the Ministry have never had the courage to sit down and consider seriously what they should do with an enterprise so situated, and which was, in addition, an applicant for further assistance. Th^y were afraid, probably, that Mr. Angus Morrison would desert them, or perhaps Mr. Tom Ferguson might have kicked up his heels, so they stood by, and suffered the enterprise to sink into irretrievable diflicultie*. They did taka a step in the right direction by introducing a bill empowering them to .foreclose their mortgage on the road, but IVlr. Cumberland tells us that they were frightened into withdrawing it ! Mr. An- gus Morrison threatened to go over to George Brown rather than suffer such a thing to be done, and what could the min- istry say after that ? The defection ofan Upper Canadian would have been ruin, and they submitted, as a matter of course. What mattered it that, half a million of public money was at stake 1 Did not their salaries also depend upon it, and bow could they hesitate ? The blessings which (low from Sir Edmund Head's ad- ministration of public affairs are truly in- calculable ! What a loss he will be when he goes ! Mr. Cumberland, and the Board of Trade, and the City Council, are, we pre- sume, going in a body to the Government to get something done. It is said, in fact, that Galt is to do something, but what that something is nobody can gue*s, and it is certain that Galt will have as much trouble in managing the Government sup- porters as Mr. Cayley had. The minis- try are even less able now than they were last session to take up a difficult question, and settle it in a complete and satirfactory manner. The Northern Pvailway. â€" Dep- utations from the town council ot Barrie, Bradford and Collingwood arrived in Toronto yesterday, and put themselves in communication with the directors of the Northern Railway, with a view to the adoption ot measures for keeping open the road during this winter. The order ot the Inspector of Railways has produced quite a consternation among the people in the north, who have called pub- lic meetings in most ot the towns along the line of to take the matter into serious consideration. Trains will be run to-day for the last time under the present arrange- ments.-- Globe of 21st. Great Dog Fight.â€"The “ Fancy†had a great time of it on Monday last. Emulous, doubtless, of the notoriety ac- quired by Morrisey and the Benicia Boy, the “ Fancy†of Hamilton and Toronto determined 011 a great fight, but on this occasion it was wisely resolvent that the animals to mangle and worry each other should be only bull-dogs. A Mr. John Martin, of Hamilton, who keeps a tavern and a bull-dog named Boney, and a Mr. somebody else of Toronto,â€"the proprietor of a bull -dog named “Cribâ€â€"entered in- to a solemn compact to make both dogs fight until one should be declared the win- ner. On this match the owners of the respective dogs staked $100 aside. The place selected for the fight was in the vicinity of Vine’s tavern, on the Don and Dauforth Road. Here a large pit/ was built specially for the occasion, and some three hundred persous assembled on Mon- day last. Boney and crib were led into the pit muzzled, an 1 wea’ing heavy blan- kets. In addition to the dogs, the pit was occupied hy their respective owners, two backers, and a time keeper. The muz- zles and blankets having been carefully re- moved, Boney airl Crib rushed at each other fiercely, and a series of the most sanguinary bitings, tossings and yelpings took place for fifteen minutes, when ac- cording to agreement both dogs, were separated, and their muzzles sponged by the seconds. At the close of this round heavy bets were offered against Crib, with some acceptances. Time having been declared up, Crib and Boney again closed, raising the excitement of the beholders lo the highest pitch. “ Shake him, Crib !†and “ Finish him, Boney !†resoundedon all sides, and, according to the most au- thentic accounts it was only with the greatest difficulty a few of the spectators could be prevented from shaking and fin- ishing one another. At length alter an- other quarter of an hour Crib was so com- pletely finished that he hadn’t a leg to stand onâ€"and Boney was declared the winner, by which slight circumstance Bo- rry’s master pockets $100, in addition to his stakes.â€" Toronto Patriot. A Grist Mill Buhnkd in King.â€" Wo are intormed by Mr, Joseph Wood, of the town- ship of King, that Mr. Stokos’ Grist Mill 011 lot 3 seventh con. of that township, has been burned to the ground. It was observed to be on fire on Thursday morning,and the fire spread wtih such rapidity that it was impossible to save any part of the property, except the water- wheel, which was preserved by the .vater being turned upon it. There was as much as 1,500 or 2,000 bushels of wheat in the mill at the time, some of it belonging to Mr. Stokes, and the rest to farmers in the vicinity. Last year some £300 worth-or repairs had been put upon it. The loss is estimated at £5,000, none of which-is insured, the insurance having expired three-months since, Much sympathy is felt with Mr. Stokes in liis calamity. The hands employed in tho mill had ieft it the previous evening about five o’clock, and, as there had been no fire in the stoves on account of the mildness of the weather, strong suspicions are entertained that the fire was the work of an incendiary. Nearly four hundred men received their dis- charge from the Brooklyn Navy Yard on Wednesday. juifl Strtna. Earthquakes are reported in Spain and Portugal. A Kentuckian has been marrying a Kickapoo squaw. There are 35,000 places where alcohol is sold iu Boston. Cholera is raging in Japan, and carrying off’ thousands, D. Colbert has been elected Governor of the Chickasaw nation. Four otters were killed in Luzerne county, Pa., week before last, The corn crop in Italy is a failure, and prices there are on the rise. The Mayor of Philadelphia has ordered the arrest of all street beggars. There is a general agitation in Asiatic Tur- key, Insurrections are frequent, More than 300 lads are seeking appoint- ments at Albany as Legislative pages. There are five hundred applicants for the ten vacant cadetships ot West Point. Santa Anna’s wife has left him, and is now the * reigning belle’ of Havana. Three small whales were captured a few davs ago Narragansett, Long Island. Sir E. Bulwor Lyttou ha-s been elected Lord Rector of the Glasgow University, Two lines of stages are already advertised to leave eastern Kansas for the gold region. Arrangements are now being made to com- mence washing for diamonds in Georgia. Tho salaries of the clergy of the United States do not average five hundred dollars a year. A Kentucky drover says that he lost <£3,000 •,n the gambling hells o!1 New York last week. They aro now talking of the Astor House as a suitable site for a New York p >st office. One hundred thousands hides a mouth are shipped from the La Platte River, South America. Watermelons and shad are among the luxu- ries of the Columbus, Geo., market at present. In the city of Milwaukee there are 13,000 children who are constant attendants at school. The population of Cincinnati in 1831 was "29,831; the city now has a population of 275,- 000. 'Phe public debt of the consolidated city of Philadelphia amounts to twenty millions of dollars. A shoe manufacturer in Boston has invented and is making boots for ladies to skate with. During Oct. the coinrge at the New Orleans mint amounted to 541,651 dollars, and the deposits 751,994 dollars. Mootings in the aid of the now reform gov- ernment continue to be held in various parts of England. Pierre Descombe, a Frenchman, died at St. Rock, Canada, 011 the 15th ult., at the great age of 112ayears. ur<>r Tho Middlesex company at Lowell are mak- ing heavy woolen Balmoral skirts for the girls to skate in this winter. A bill has been reported in the North Caro- lina Legislature to remove the free colorod pop- ulation from the State. The Belgian journals record the marriage of four brothers to four sisters, celebrated at the same time at Mons, A Black Hawk colt five months old was ta- ken out in tho steamship Canada, on the 1st. Its destination is Scotland. A Texas paper mentions havi lg received a letter fiom a friend accompanied with the sc"b p of a Camanche Indian. Two thousand mackerel were taken In one haul off Provincetowu last week, and 10,000 in three nights. A new Snow Shoo Club is being formed at Montreal, which is thought will successfully with the old one. Forty-two thousand bushel of potatoes have been received at the port of Bos'on, from the British provinces, sinco Nov. 22nd, The California wine crop of this year prom- ises to exceed in quantity and quality, the pro- duct of any previous vintage, ’ s The estate of the lato Francis, of Boston, i found to amount to $483,000, of which sum 2,200,000 is cash on deposit. On Christmas Day a large hog is to be guessed foi inJNew Brunswick, N, J. The man who guesses nearest to his weight is to havehim. The Pope has thrown British and Roman sportsman into despair bv passing a decree that there shall be no more fox hunting at Rome, lo the Cincinnati Common Pleas there aro 110 fewer than one hundred and s<i vetity-five applications for divorce on the docket. A pork packer of New Albany, Ind., it is stated has cleared 15,000 dollars this season by by a lot of hogs purchased by him at 5 dollars each. A child, twelve years of age, fell upon a pair of scissors in New York, while playing. The jugular vein was pierced, and she bled to death, A boy, eleven years of age, was arrainged before ihe Police Court at Boston, last week, charged with being a common drunkard. Mrs. Edwards was frightened to daath in Washington, last week by a dog attempting to seize her as she was walking 01? the public street, On Thursday iast messages wore sent with- out inteiruption over the telegraph wires from New York to New Orleans, a distance of 170C milts. V lads, eightv years of ajre, made the jour- ney overland from Illinois to California, via Salt Lake, and reached Sacramento iu good health. Quite a number of Americans have died lately in Paris, Three Corpses came in ihe Arago, Hon. B. F. Butler, Mr. Hodges and Mr. Tuttle, A jury was burned in effigy at Springfield, Kentucky, last week, because they failed to convict on circumstantial evidence a man accused of murder. Fat deer and wild turkeys, the latter weigh- ing sometime twenty pounds, are the style of game taken noar Owasso, Shiawasse county, in the Srote of Michigan. Olic huntsman took four deer and twenty-two tuikies, The government of the United Stales is about to erect a mmotb foundry 011 the Pacific cost- It will be located at the Mare Island Navy Yard, near the city of San Francisco. Some anxiety is felt for the fate of the steamship Ariel, which touched at Southamp- ton 011 Doc. 1, and has not since been hoard of. There is good room for hope respecting her,but it is dashed with misgivings. The N. Y, 7 imesstates that the speculation in real estate in New Fork continue, and the rapid rise of prices in many cases have equalled the great operations of the year lt>36, Miss Piccolomini is exciting the enthusiasm of the New York people somewhat after Jenny Lind’s fashion. A party of sportsmen recently sh >t 14 deer, in Wood Co , O. They report wild turkey abundant in that region. The Mayor of Hartford, Conn.. has offoied 1,000dols. for the arrest and conviction of in- cendiaries that infest that city. Valuable gold discoveries h ive been made iu the province of San Luis, Buenos Ayres, said to be of singular richness. A company of o:ie thousand Garmans is being formed 011 the rive:s Rhine and Moseile, with the intention of emigrating to California, and settiing on Col, Freemonts’s c’aim for the purpose of mining and farming. Each of the members, who number one thousand, is to furnish 1000 dols. making a capita! of 1.000,- 000 dols., but they ma; dispose of 100 dols. shares to third parties. R OB BE 11Y. On Sunday last the hou'e of a farmer living some ten miles North of the City, on Yonge Street, was robbed while he was attending Divine service. For some time past a boy named Tom, who repre- sented that he had an uncle on the Great Western Railway, had been engaged as a servant; and on Sunday last while the family was out this Tom broke open the press and stole therefrom a gold watch and £b in money, with which he decamped. He ha^ not since been heard of.-:â€"Leader. A Nobi.e Act.â€" A son of a Mr. ^•mith, of Wellington, while skating on West Lake, a few days since, fell through the ice. The alarm was given and peo pie hastened to the place, but did rot suc- ceed m raising the body of the lad. Some time had elapsed., when a blacksmith in the village, familiarly known as Sam Hyatt, learned the cause and hastened to the spot, and without hesitation plunged through the hole into the water, and brought the body to the surface and threw it out upon the ice. He speedily followed and took the boy home. He there set to work manipulating the body until life was restored, and (he mourning of the friends was turned info joy. The water at this place was some eight fee* deep, and the hole in the ice quite small, and but for coolness and courage tho hero might have shared the fate of the boy, and both been lostâ€"Ilamlton Times. TORONTO MARKETS. PREGNANCY. During this critical period Morse’s Indian Root Pills will be required, because they cleanse the body from those morbid humors, and tho- roughly drive away all pains, and give ease and comfort to the mother. From one to three of the^e Fills, takea two or three tinles a week during pregnancy, will cause the1 mother a sate and easy delivery, acd will be sure to give a stout and healthy constitution to the child. Dr, Morse’s Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Wednesday, Dec. 22. The arrivals of produce continue large, and a good demand prevails. Rates have not changed since Monday, but the market is rather firmer. Wheat has a good demand. We quote prices at 6s a 5s 6d per bu., or an average of 6s 3d for prime fall wheat, A medium quality brings 5s 6d, and a lower grade 4s 6d a 4s 9d. Spring wheat iu demand at 5s a 5s 3d per bushel, Rye brings 3s 6d per bushel. Barley sold at 3s 9 a 4s per bushel. Peas sell at 3s a 3s 3d por bushel. Potatoes wore sold at 2s 5d a 3s per bushel. Pork is easier at 6 dols. a 6 25 and 6 50 per 100 lbs. D I E D. At Victoria Square, on Satuiday, the 18th inst, Mr. Robert Stkphe.nsor, formerly of Yorkshire, England, aged 50 years. Special Notices. TO FAIIERS AND MOTHERS. You know how important it is for your chil- dren that you should keep good health. How frequently do we see feeble parenrs dressed in mourning on account of tho death of their be- loved ehildren. What a pity it is, when, by proper care and remedies, all these trials and troubles can be avoided. When health can be restored to the parent and life and happiness to the child, Restore the health of the mother and you obviate the necessity of Parcgoric, Godfrey’s Cordial and other injurious narcotics for crying children. We entreat you, as we desire to improve the condition of our race, to procuie Dr. Morse’s Almanac and read how diseases are cured in accordance with Nature's laws with innocent Roots and Plante. LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. Seafaring men aud travelers in tropical cli- mates should always supply themselvbs with these genuine and invaluable medicines, which purify the secretions and invigorate the sys- tem. Sold by the prpprietor, 335 Broadway, and by his Agents. JlctiJ fSQKrtctimttrutsi ftote Lost S JOST cither on Monday or Tuesday la3, between Lot No. 10, 3rd Cou. of Vaughn, and tho city of Toronto, a Note granted by Alexander Campbell and John Bastard, jn tavor of the Subscriber for 100 dollars. Anv person finding the same is hereby notified that payment of the same has been stopped. JOHN SNIDER. Vaughit, Dec. 23rd, 1858. HAIMS!; MPOT HCIHOItO IILL WILLIAM HARRISON;:", In returning his grateful acknowledgements lo his iriends and the pub- lic generally, for the very liberal support he has received since his com- mencing business, especially during the past year, most respectful!} so- licits a continuance of their patronage. Ashe still manufactures a superior article he hopes to meet the ap- probation of those who will favor him as customers in the ensuing year, and would call their attention to his' Stock ol Single .and l>ouble Harness I ! made of the best material and sold at the lowest remunerating prices. also, to his SCOTCH, ENGLISH, -AND FANCY COLLARS ! warranted not *o injure the horse. WHIPS, SURCINGLES, &c.» &c., constantly on hand Trimming of various Styles done wiMi promptness) cheapness and despatch. Richmond Hill, December 3rd, 1853. • ‘ 1 1 .'if.. Stray Mare. (1AME Into the premises of the Subscriber, J Lot 45, 1st Con. of Vaughan, about the 15th of September last, A LIGHT BAY MARE, with a white forehead, one forefoot split, a spot of white under the fetlock of one hind foot, aged. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses’ JOHN DEVERICKS. Vaughan, Dec, 21, 1858. 4-3 Wanted, A N APPRENTICE, at the Maple Village l\_ Saddlery. A boy about 14 or 16 years of age. None but of steady habits need apply. CHRISTIAN WURSTER. Maple, Doceinber 16, 1858. 3-tf HURRAH FOR CHRISTMAS BEEF. rPHE SUBSCRIBER wishes to inform the JL Public that he has purchased a splendid BEEF, bred and fattened b\ Mr. Horsley, 5th Con. of Markham, and would invite an early call ; also, choice MEATS of other kinds. ROBERT HOPPER. Richmond Hill, Dec. 17, 1858, 3-2 AGENTS WANJ.ED. YIJANTED, two smart intelligent men as* YY Agents for the York Commonwealth of Richmond Hill. For particulars, apply a the Ofiice. December 10, 1858. TO ADVERTISERS ! Great Reduction of Advertising Rates ! Taking into consideration the hard times, and being determined to advance the pros- perity of the community in which we live; and believing as we certainly do, that a Village is judged by parties at a distance by the Ad- vertisements that appear in the columns of its Newspaper, and being very desirous of offer- ing every inducement in our power to Mer- chants and others to Advertise, we have de- termined to Reduce our Advertising rates to as low a Fgure as we can possibly afford.â€" Our groat object is, to encourage liberal adver- tising, as this branch of Business is tho main stay to all Printing Establishments. Our readers will at once perceive that it is utterly impossible to advertise at lower rates than we give below If we did, we should not be able to carry on the paper ; for no one (not even printers) can be expected to work for nothing. However, we hope that all those who desire to encourage a Village Newspaper will advertise liberally, and then while we shall be benefited ihey themselves will be even more so by an licrease of business,â€"the invariable result o advertising. The following are our reduced rates :â€" I column | a vear, 95 i “ i 30 i “ 1 35 i *• i 30 4 i “ 35 ft “ l 40 1 i “ 35 1 I “ 40 1 l 45 All advertisements to be measured by a scale of 200 solid Brevier lines to a column.â€" Four pence a line will be charged for the first insertion, and one penny a line for each sub- sequent insertion. Advertisers to have the privilege of chang ing their advertisement four times a year. Advertisements under a quarter of a co- umn, continued for three months, will be subject to 20 per cent; for six months, 25 por cent ; and for 12 months, 30 per cent discount. Proprietors ‘ ’ Common wealth.' ’ Richmond Hill, Dcc. 1, 1858. 8tray Mare. CAME into the premises of the Sub- scriber, about the beginning of August, a small Dark BA'* MARE. The owner to prove property, paj expenses, and take her away. JOSEPH CHARTARS, Lot 15, 4th Con. / Vaughan, Dec. 3, 1858. l-3p. WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. 1THE Subscribers have always on hand, a large and general stock of (be best British and Provincial manufactured Writing, Colored, Brown, and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Wafers, Slates, Ink, Steel P ens. Envelopes, Metallic Memorandum Books, Twines, Copy Books, School Books and General Stationery, &c., &c. The faoilities which the subscribers have for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills m Canada, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. BUN TIN, BRO. & Co.. Yonge street, Toronto. January 6, 1858 t3l JOHN HARRINGTON, JUN. Begs to inform his Friends and the public generally, that he has removed to Richmond Hill, and has purchased a large and well selected STOCK OF FA IX & WINTE R GOODS Boots; Slioes, &e ? &e Which lie is prepared to sel1 at priees that will defy competition. N. B. J. H. Jnr., respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage which was extended to him in his former place of business. Richmond Hill, Dec. 3rd, 1858. 1-tf For Sale. fT^HE Subscriber offers for sale a L Thorough-bred DUR1IAM HULL, three years old, breed by Mr. Harrison, flail - garth, Leaven, Yorkshire, England, and im- ported by the proprietor in 1856. For further particulars apply to EDWARD SANDERSON, . Lot 17, 4th Con. Markham, or address Buttonville, P. O. August 12, 185R. G2-tf A SPAN OF . Matched Carriage Ponies, FOR SALE,, TWIN BROTHERS, rising 4 tears old, of a Dark Bay Color. For terms apply te - jKOBERT marsh. Richmond Hill. November 27. 1858. 76-4 THE “COLO rpiIE “COLONIST†HAS I “ bona fide ’* circulation of FARM FOR SALE ! CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND Thirty Acres of good land, being part of Lot To 13, 4th Con. Vaughan. For particulars, applv to Dr. REID, Thprnhill. December 24. 1857 t29-tf In Found! BROUGHT into mv Pound, on tie 19-lh November,' 1858, A BAY HORSE. 5 years old, having two white hind feet. The owner is requested to prove property, pay damages, and take him away. Also? A White Ham, Both will bo sold to pay expenses unless claimed within three weeks. WM. DUROSE, Pound-Kepper. Victoria Square, Nov.i2ith, 1858. 75-3. To the Sick and Dying. MR. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Klineburgb, guarrantoes to cure Cancers) Enlarged •ft'eckS) And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do we!1 to call in time, All letters to be paid, and addrosscd to PETER SNIDER Klineburgb. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1358. Gl-tf TO P 11 INTE 11 8 . r IMIE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform j the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE, INKS, and all other description of materials, has been very largely increased this Season, bv arrivals from NE\V YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL ; and that bo is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to those in operation, at tho shortest notice. Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- ported to order. • Best quality of NEWS INK atOne Shilling per lb. Old. Type taken in exchange for new. M D. K. FEEHAN. Colborne st., Toronto, Jh». 9, 18 57 g5 Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL Post Office, DECEMBER 1st, 1858. Atkinson David Langstaff, John [2] Allison, H. B. Miller, John Brackin, Mrs. ElizabethMalcolm, Martin 1ST.†A Twelve ^Thousand ! A NIKS IIKREi' RE THE Best Advertising Medium in Canada TERMS: Daily,â€"4d a lino for first insertion, and Id a line for each 'subsequent insertion. Weekly.â€"6d a line for first insertion, and 2d a line for each subsequent insertion N.B.â€"Postinastors who send advertisements on these terms, will have a commission of 15 per cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAILY “ COLON IS P,†are six dollars a year, payable in advance. For the WEEKLY, the price is a dollar and a half, also payable in advance. To Clubs of ten, the Weekly will bo sup- plied at one dollar a year. 6G-4 100 F 0 It SALE! ACRES OF LAND. East half ol 1UU No. 2; 7tb Concession, North Li willi n. bury. Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND, situated in the Village of Thornhill, with good House and out-frujllflngy. (CT Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER, Richmond Hill. January 14, 1858. t32 APOTHECARIES’ HALL KING Street, Toronto, 2nd door ea^t Of Church Street, opposite the Cathedral, W. T. Atkinson, & Co., Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent Medicines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paintst . Colours, Dye-Woods, Combs Brush: s 8fc., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. T. A. & Co. having considerable ex- perience in tho Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in sayjng, that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will bo found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle Medecines, &c., are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. T. A. & Co. bog to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for the Teeth, Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume TIIE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottled and from the fountain ; St Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plantagenet Water, celebrated for their healthy properties. April 22.1858. t4G Borgoue, Antonio Buchanan, Alex Baker, Jonathan Brillinger, George Biliin^y, Henry Baker, Miss Susan Cooper, William Cameron, Thomas Craig, John C my, J. K, Denton, Francis Doil, Thomas Deadman, John Durham, Richard D. C. B., Esq. Edwards, Joel Fargison, W B. Foggin, Miss Jane Glover, Joseph Grant, Jesse Montgomery, Richard Mastor, Thomas Metcalf, Robert Mattbevvson. Mr. McNair, Robert McMillan, D. Me Bee, James Naughton, Miss Mary O’Leary, Mrs. Oster, George Parson & Brothers Robson George Reid, Asa F, Reid, Mss Elizabeth R. S., Richmond Hill Division Schomboig. II. A. Stoekdill, Robert Sproule, Ann Stephenson, Joseph [2] Harrell, Miss C. Jane Sheph id, Mrs. C. Harrison. H. andj, [2] Smith, Thomas, J. P. Hamell, James lzzard, James R. J, T, W. Johnston, M M. Johnstone, Samuel Kibble, John Kirk, Allan Kirkland, Chari es Smith, Thomas Teasdall, Thomas Trueman, Beaty <Vhite, H enry Webster, Reckam Wood, John [2] Wilson, Richard Wright, Amos Wright, Miss Agnes, M. TEEFY. Postmaster. LEWIS MACDONALD, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, Stouffville, BEGS to raturn bis thanks to the inhabitants of Stouffville-and the friends who have hitherto favored him with tbsir custom, and would announce that he has commenced business again at bis old shop, John Yakes’ Hotel, and hopes, by steady attendance and moderate charges, to merit a continuance of their support, Jewellry neatly repaired, AH work warranted LEWIS MACDONALD, Stouffville, Aug. 21), 1858. 63-tf CHRISTIAN WURSTER, SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER w ^OULD inform the inhabitants of Maple Village and surrounding country, that he has opened a Shop in tho above line, whero ho will, by strict attention to all orders, endeavor to merit a share of their support. Repairing neatly and expedi.ciously attended to. IIT" Ail Work Warranted. Maplo Village, Aug. 20. 1858. 63-Gm TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, T0MB-TBLE8, TOMB-STONES & c. Twenty Per Cent Clieaper than any other establish met. rnilE Undersigned Assignees of (lie 1 estate of D. C.-& W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under; the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Austin Abbky and D. Carlos Y.Vle, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection. C. YALE. G, CUMMER. Toronto, 20, Apiil 1858 48-tf â€"jEssa** J "iMrTrfTWri LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 044, Meets at wm. durose’s hGtEl, Victoria Square, the last Fi'dAy Even- ing in each month. , . OFFICERS ELECT / JOHN BUTTON, Mamet: " . • A JAMES CANAGHAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY, Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. 1 r’> 48-Iy IIiclsmoiul Vietoriar, J OYAL ORANGE LODGE," j moots at Brother Robert WisOtfi'an’s, Masonic IlaM, the second Saturday evening in each month. Officers Eleciâ€"Colonel D*....piidgfffrcl, Master; J. B. DecGier, Deputy-Master i johu Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue, Treasurer- January 21, 1858. . . . J. h NEW TREJlTMEJTlt Buffalo Medical Dispensary, KSTABI.ISHED FOR THE CUKE OF DYSPEPSIA * GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND i-AGt’K, SCROFULA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IiMPU* !:* RHY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RliEUM, M PIMPLES, FISTULA, PILES, KIDNEYS, DEBILITY, IN- , i»f> FIRMIT1ES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &C. ’U'V 03“ No Mercury Used, DR. AMOS & SON, Corner of Mainahd Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Mav bo consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn*'-'- ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and svnip’om of disease. / Tho treatment they ndopt is tho result rif up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days, and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" The euro effected without confinement or bin* drauco from business. Yoimg Menâ€"Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to .manhood, and which, if not reformed by them in duo time, not only begets serioua' obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, an<J devastating affectiens. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice aro aware of the consequences, until they find tho nervous svstem shattered, foel strange and unaccouuta- , ble feelings, and vague foars in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days hy the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. *•» . *. ..• ... New Remedies -and .Quick Cures. Du AMOS & SON take pleasure in annonu* cing that they have invented a most importa«t instrument for tho cure of the above diseases. It has been Subjected to a test by the moat* eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared^the; only rueful instrument ever yet invented. fo* j the cure of Seminal Woaktiess, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by tho secret ,babits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy tb* • most skeptical a.s to tho merits of these instru-f. ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with tho accom- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors, who attempt cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of veais been engaged in an extensive practice in tho treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to elite certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Person's in any Part of the Wori d may bo successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail.of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos & Son, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo. N. Y. t46-ly Terms of *Jic Montiea! Witness, FOR 1859. Semi-Weekly Edition, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, l!Feel* I y Ed it ion 2 dollars per single copy, per annum. 6 “ for clubs of 4 addressed separately,. 20 “ for 20 copies'to one address. When a club has boon formed, additions may be made at tho same rate- Any one remitting ten subscribers for either or both editions, will receive a copy of the se-~ mi-weekly, giatis, except in tho case of 201 copies to one address. Tho terms for both editions are strictly c-asft, in advance, and the paper invariably stops, when the time subscribed for expires The Witness has from the beginning been much indebted for whatever success it has at-' tained, to the kind efforts of friends all overthe country in its behalf, and it is now as much rs over de endent on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, not at variance with the character of ilia psper, will be inserted'in the semi-weekly at 7 cents per line for first inser- tion, and 3 cents for each subsequent insertion i in the weekly, the charge will be 20 cents per lino for each insertion. Every family should take a city paper in ad- dition to the local newspaper. The latter is ne- cessary, on account of the local intelligence it gives, whilst the former is valuable for its gene*- ral information. All letters, orders* and remittances to be ad» dressed, post paid, to JO UN DOUG ALL,. Proprietor “Moatkeal Witneess,†Monheal. r NOTICE. j- HEREBY I1’OR BID any pe 'son or persons 1 hom negotiating for, or purchasing TWO NOILS OF HAND granted by me in favor of JACOB IHSEY, Sen,,.one for £6 5>. and: the other for £33 IQs. f have received no, value for the same, JOIIN MILBORN ROBINSON. Markham, December G, 1858. 2-3j>