Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Commonwealth, 21 Jan 1859, p. 3.

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SIDENCE IN TORONTO. A KENTUCKY PLANTER SELLS lives on their way to the Canadian Ca- HiS DAUGHTER. naan. j When the train on which they em- SHE escapes and takes up her re- | barked reached Crestline, the officials \Vere Mnutterly chagrined at not finding the fugitives, and more so when they learned that she had been within four miles of them. After a lapse of two weeks they ven- tured a move, and went to Detroit by the way of SSandusky City, and without ac- cident reached the Canadian shore. They are now residing in Toronto. [From thc> Bucyrus (Ky.) Journal] A moving incident came to our know- ledge last week, which we lay before our readers. We suppress names lor reasons obvious to every one. Near Louisville, Ky., lives a planter of wealth and standing, lie was the pos- sessor of a hundied negroes, and lie was neted for his thrifty, money-making dis- position. He had never been married, and was an incorrigible bachelor ol tiity. His house was managed by a young lady of about twenty, his daughter by a squad- roon, whose complexion was lighter by hall than hisâ€"and in whom the negro blood was scarcely visible. The mother died ten jears ago, leaving her daughter FUNERAL OF CilALES ALLAN, EbQ, M.P.P* From tho Daily Globe. The funeral of Charles Allan Esq. late representative of North Wellington, took ace at Fergus on Tuesday. The cortege f BY-IiAW. BE IT ENCATED by the Directors of the Vaughan and King Plank Hoad Co. And be it enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing of this By-law. to appoint a Meeting to be held at Mr. Joseph Noble’s Tavern, at 12 o’clock, ou MONDAY, tho 7th day of FEBRUARY, 1851), to make up the annual Account, and to Re-eleet Di- rectors for the ensuing year . and that this By- law be published in the Richmond Hill York C.numonwcalth three successive weeks.â€"Car- ried. TIIOS. COOK, Sec. & Treas. Vaughan, Jan. 18, 1859 8.3 was more than a mile in length, and coin- nith its"tather’sbsoIe~inn p°oinise Ihat’Vh’e ! P"86!1 near,y threH liuad,e(i slei»lis* ^Ucl‘ ^ ____ „ I .1........ J should be educated, and should live as a free woman rather than as a slave, and that she should pass as his daughter, as she was. The planter gave his promise, because he had been really attached to the dying woman, and was greatly attach- ed to her and his beautiful child. And so she grew up radiantly beautilulâ€"receiv- ing a reasonable education, all that her lather could give her, and in time look the management of his household. t>he never knew that there was any negro blood in her veins, and never dreamed that she was a slave. Last Fall a series of misfortunes over- took the j'lanter. His house burned down and in it the notes, books and pa- pers, that composed a large portion oi his fortune. His crops tailed to a great degree, and some heavy speculations in which he was engaged resulted disas trously. Added to all ibis, he had lost heavily at pk*y> the besetting sin of Southern gentlemen, and had completely exhausted all his ready means, and lound himself in a terrible situation ot having more money to pay than be could possibly raise in a given tune. He applied to his attorney for counsel in his extremily. 'Ihe attorney, alter examining the situation of hi> atlair.s, advised him to seli oil a portion oi his a tribute to the memory of departed worth is seldom paid, and gives pleasing proof of the estimation in which Mr. Allan was held by all who knew him. Men ol all views and creeds turned out to show their respect for one who was truly a friend and counsilloi to hundreds residing in the North Riding. Long may his name live green in the memories of his fol- lowers. Every new truth which we ob- tain casts additional light on every other which we previously pos- sessed. The human soul is a divine co- lian, whose chords must be attuned by the hand of misfortune e’re lltey become harmoniouslv responsive to the breath ot the Infinite. TORON TO M A RKETS. Thursday, Jan. 20. Wheat.â€"The arrivals by railroad and wagon t:) dav amounted tu between 3,000 and 4,000 I bushels. The nature of the demand may be judged from the fact that, even with this large j supply, yesterday’s extreme prices were main- The planter objected slrenu- | tained, and prices for best qualities ranged negroes ously, first objecting to the sale oi ne- ! from (is, to 7s. 7^d. per bushel, groes, and secondly, I nut his force was Spuing Wheat sold at 5s. 6d, a 5s barely sufficient to work his plantation, j per bushel. But after lull deliberation, he found this 10'd. Baulky is in demand at 4d. a 4s. 3d, per to be the only alternative, and sorrow- j bushel, fully consented. A list was made out, and every bead that could be possibly spared was put down. After all was done, and the most favorable prices lor them, the aggregate fell $.),000 short o! the sum. The Attorney remarked quietly that be had not included all that could be spared. ** I have put down all I can dispen«e with,” replied the planter. “I do not see Ma;y the housekeeper’s name in the list,” replied the lawyer. She, if offered to the right person, would make up the deficiency. 1 would give that for her myself.” At any other time the planter would have taken the suggestion as an insult, but necessity is a hard master, and he grasped at the idea, and before an hour the transaction was closed. It troubled him not a little to disclose the nutter to her, but the fear of bankruptcy and ruin drove him to it. The poor girl's horror and distress may be imagined. She had known nothing but happiness, and now was to be plunged into the deepest and most hopeless misery. She had been sold, and was then the property, soul and body, of one who purchased her merely for the gratification ol his beastly lusts. The idea was too horrible, and she swooned, remaining almost delirious lor several days. There was another upon whom the intelligence came with crushing weight. A junior partner in a produce house in Rye,â€"Very little comes forward. It is worth 4s. l^d, per bush Peas are worth 4s. a 4s. 3d, per bushel, and are more likely to advance than recede from present rates. Oats are still dear and command 2S. 6d, a 2s. 8d. per bushel. Pork still commands ^4.75 a 6 dols, 25c. per 100 lbs.â€" Colonist. B 1 R T II S . On Jan, 4th, the lady of Charles Law- rence, Esq., of a son. On the evening ef the 19th inst., Mrs. J. Waterhouse, Richmond Hill, of a son. D I E D . On Thursday, tho 13th inst., tho wife of William Eckart, of Unionvilie. The funeral, which took place on Monday last, was attended by a very large circle of friends. Special Notices. TO FAHERS AND MOTHERS. You know how important it is for your chil- dren that you should keep good health. How frequently do we see f'eebie pareius dressed in mourning on account of the death of iheii be- loved children. What a pity it is, when, by proper care and remedies, all these trials and troubles can he avoided. When health can be restored to the parent and life and happiness to the child, Restore the health of the mother and you obviate tho necessity of Parcgoric Godfrey’s Cordial and other injurious narcotics for crying children. We entreat you. as we desire to improve the condition of our race, to procure Dr. Morse’s Almanac and read how diseases are cured in accordance with Nature's Louisville had frequently visited th planter’s house on business, and strm k I |,,seasc. , . r. . , . , - . , ... r i | laws with innocent Roots and Plants, with tha beauty and intelligence ot ihe supposed daughter, had become enamored, and after prosecuting his suit a proper time had declared his passion, and, un- known to the father, the two had be- tbrothed themselves. As soon as possi- ble, after her father had told her her fate, she dispatched a messenger to him, stat- ing the facts, and imploring him to save her from the doom that awaited her.â€" M „,, ,,, „ . | ..i . Dr, Morse’s Indian Root Pills are sold by all 1 hough thunderstruck at the intelligence dealers in Medicines. that his affianced bride was a slave, and ________ had just been sold to a fate worse than death, like a true man he determined to rescue her. That night be saw her, and a plan was formed for flight. ,The day she was transferred to the PREGNANCY. During this critical period Morse’s Indian Root Pills will be required, because they cleanse the body Irom those morbid humors, and tho- roughly drive away all pains, and give ease and comfort to the mother. From one to three of the e 1’ills, taken two or three limes a week during pregnancy, will cause the mother « saef and easy delivery, ard will be suro to give a stout and healthy constitution to the child, THE Injudicious use of Mercury often oc casions affections of the throat, of tho bones of the nose, and malignant sores. Dr. Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters are signally suc- cessful in eradicating all the effects of mercury rom the system. They aid nature in casting possession o( her purchaser they fled, and j from the body all poisonous matters, and by m due time arrived at Cincinnati, where ' I'IUS purifying the vital fluids, they restore the constitution to sound health. For sale by W. B. MOFFAT, proprietor, 335 Broadway, New they were married. Our hero obtained j , , . | >, | i'A V/ I I ii L < J-/ » V/ J^A I U an interview with one ot the agents ot j York, ancj his Agents, the Underground Railroad located in that | city, who immediately telegraphed in- ! structions to the different agents along, the line to keep strict watch, and if wo-j man catchers were on the watch, at any j point, to telegraph back, and give the fu- j gitives timely nolice that they might! leave the train. Accordingly they start- TWO COMMODIOUS TENEMENTS ed, purchasing tickets for Crestline. ! * , adapted for Shot,*, situated in the most . 1 central and commanding part c»f th* Vihasre ; In the meantime the lawyer, as soon i each containing 6 rooms, g-ood cellar, garden, as he discovered his loss, had commenced and other conveniences ; well suited lor Mi active measures to recover it. lie had e"6^’ 1 or Shc no difficulty in tracing them to Cincinnati, and none whatever in ascertaining that their destination was Crestline. But fift&ertusments. TO IjET, Shops. Rent moderate. Apply to GEO. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Jany. 20, 1859. 8-tr having arrived several hours after their departure, he was obliged to content him- «£3,500 TO INVEST self with telegraphing to Crertline to the ^ . proper officers to arrest them at that For Eli£Jll)le 1' nr ESI Mort place. But, unfortunately for his pros- ajagCS Jit reduced. rates. pects, the intended arrest got wind, and ----- when the train reached Ga'ion, two citi- f OANS NEGOTIATED for Farmers and zens of that place stepped into the car, others th« agency or the variqus Cbedit 1 . r r . V OMPANIKS, Or of PRIVATE CAPITALISTS, Oil all and a conversation of a few moments en- descriptions of Colateral Securities, for sued, in the lowest kind of whispers, at long or short periods, the clos£ of which the four left the car. j p ^ £ GOOOH A carriage was in waiting, and in two jfjon€y General Broker j hours the fair fugitive and her husband ^ were domiciled in the house of one of our whole souled farmers, near Bucvrus, who (NEAR THE TORONTO EXCHANGE,) TORONTO. Jias long taken pleasure in helping tugi- January 20. 1859. 8-10 NOTICE. A LL PARTIES indebted to the “British x\_ Tribune” OlHce, by Book Account or ^Subscription, are requested t-j settle the same with Alexander Scott, “ Commonwealth” Office. Richmond Hill, or with me at my resi deuce Victoria Square, on or before the 4th day of February next, after which date all accounts remaining unpaid will be sent to my attorney for collection. WILLIAM TRUDGEON. Victoria Square, Jan. 10, 1859. 7-3 OWAN HOTEL, THORNHILL. Good kj Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SlllELS. Proprietor • Thornhill, Jan. 10, 1859. 7-ly CHARLES TOD, BREAD AND FANCY BISCUIT BAKER, MAIN ST II EE T, MARKHAM VILLA OK. CONFECTIONARY, CAKES, BISCUITS, &c. &c. &c. Pic-nic Parties and Tea Meetings atended and supplied on the most reasonable terms, Markham, Jan. 6, I 8;’,9. 6-tf EXAMINATION OF COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an J_\ Examination ofCoinmon School Teachers and others will take place on Tuesday, the 1st day of February, 1859- In the Court House of the City of Toronto, at Richmond Hill, and at Newmarket, at 9, a.m. Candidates will be required to produce certi- ficates ef moral character from their respective Ministers, and, it teachers before, also from their respective trustees. JOHN JENNINGS, D.D. Chairman. Toronto, lanuary 5. 1859. 6-2 Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HI LL Post Office, JANUARY 1st, 1859 Armstrong, Thos. Arnold, A. Bellerby, Isaac B idgman, Norah Belt, Thomas Chapman, Isaac Cobor. Peter Chessman, Henry Clarkson, Hilary Dun ant, Charles Gamble, Julia Gamble. N. A. Hard'-, John Hill, R«v. Arthur Hamilton John Hayslip, John I lood, Wm. Helmkey, Francis Hill, Miss Susannah Izzard, J, R. Lemon, Thomas M. Lemon, Samuel Lawrence, James Mapes, Win. Manly, Robert Marsh, Alex. Muushaw, George McGar. George McBeath. Thos. O’Boyle. Bridget Stong, Daniel Sullivan, Mrs. Scott, Stephen Sproul, James Stacey, James White, David [2] Williams, Jacoo G. Wright, John Wilson, Richard Warren, W. S, Wiliams, Mrs. Daniel Whiite, Alfred, TEEFY. Postmaster. TO ADVERTISERS I Great Reduction of Advertising Rates! Taking into consideration tho hard times, and being determined to advance the pros- perity of the community in which wo live; and believing as we certainiy do, that a Village is judged by parties at a distance by the Ad- vertisements that appear in the columns of its Newspaper, and boing very desirous of offer- ing every inducement in our power to Mer chants and others to Advertise, we have de- termined to Reduce our Advertising rates to as low a Fg ire as we can possibly afford.â€" Our groat object is, to encourage liberal adver- tising, as this branch of Business is the main stay to all Printing Establishments. Our readers will at once perceive that it is utterly impossible to advertise at lower rates than we give below If we did, we should not be able to carry on the paper: for no one (not even printers) can be expected lo work for nothing. However, we hope that all those who desire to encourage a Village Newspaper will advertise liberally, and then while we shall be benefited, hey themselves will be even more so by an ncrease of business,â€"the invariable result of advertising. Tho following aro our reduced rates :â€" j column \ a year r5 per cent i “ 30 i “ 1 35 *• i “ i 30 4 “ i “ 35 i i 40 l i “ 35 “ l “ h " 40 l l 45 “ All advertisements to be measured by a scale of 2 0 solid Brevier lines to a column.â€" Four pence a line will be charged for the first insertion, and one penny a line for each sub- sequent insertion. Advertisers to have the privilege of chang ing ’their advertisement four times a year. Advertisements under a quarter of a co- lumn, continued for three months, will be subject to 20 per cent: for six months, 25 per cent ; and for 12 months, 30 per cent discount. Proprietors •' Commonwealth.*’ Richmond HjlJ, Dec. 1, 1858. 8tray Marc. CAME into the premises of the Sub- scriber, about the beginning of August, a small Dark BA-® MARE. Tho owner to prove property, paj expenses, and take her away. JOSEPH CIIARTARS, Lot 15, 4ih Con. Vaughan, Dec. 3, 1858. l-3p. AGENTS WANTED. YT 7 ANTED, two smart intelligent men as VV Agents for the York Commonwealth of Richmond Hill. For particulars, apply a the Office. December 10, 1858. IlliiU 11PIT IICSE1I3 1ILL WILLIAM HARRISON In returning his grateful acknowledgements to his Iriends and the pub- lic generally, for the very liberal support he has received since his com- mencing business, especially during the past year, most respeclfulh so- licits a continuance Of their patronage. As he still manufactures a superior article he hopes to meet the ap- probation of those who will favor him as customers in the ensuing year, and would call their attention to his Stock ol Single and Double Harness I ! made of the best material and sold at the lowest remunerating prices. ALSO, TO HIS SCOTCH, ENGLISH, AND FANCY COLLARS ! warranted not ‘o injure the horse. WHIPS, SURCINGLES, &c.» &c., constantly on hand Triiiisaiiii^ of various Styles done with promptness* cheapness iiml despatch. Richmond Hill, December 3rd, 1853. 1 tf i fill JOHN HARRINGTON, JUN. Begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed to Richmond Ilill, and has purchased a large and well selected STOCK OF FALL & W INTER GOODS Boots? Shoes, ? &c. Which he is prepared to sel1 at priees that will defy competition. N. B. J. H. Jnr., respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage which was extended to him in his former place of business. Richmond Hill, Dec. 3rd, 1858. 1-tl i\otc liOSt I r OST either on Monday or Tuesdav last JLi between Lot No.10, 3rd Con. of Vaughan, and tho city of Toronto, a Note granted by Alexander Campbell and John Ristard, in favor of the Subscriber for 100 dollars. Any person finding the same is hereby notified that payment of the same has been stopped. JOHN SNIDER. Vaughn, Dec. 23rd, 1858. Stray Mare. /"IAME Into the premises of the Subscriber, JLot 45, 1st Con. of Vaughan, about the 15th of September last, A LIGHT RAY MARE, with a white forehead, one forefoot split, a spot of white under the fetlock of one hind foot, aged. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses JOHN DEVERICKS. Vanghan, Doc, 21, 1858. 4-3 THE “COLONIST il mHE “COLONIST” 11AS A I “ bona lide ’’ circulation of Twelve Thousand ! ANDH HE REF RK THE Best Advertising Medium, in Canada TERMS: Daily,â€"4d a line for first insertion, and Id a line for each subsequent insertion. Weekly.â€"6d a line for first insertion, and 2d a line for each subsequent insertion N.B.â€"Postmasters who send advertisements on these terms, will have a commission of 15 per cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAILY “ COLONIST,” are six dollars a year, payable in advance. For the VVELKLY, the price is a dollar and a half, also payable in advance. To Clubs of ten, the Weekly will bo sup- plied at one dollar a year. 6d-4 For Sale. n'MHj Subscriber offers for sale a JL Thorough-bred DU IttIA M BULL, three years old, breed by Mr. Harrison, Hali- garth, Leaven, Yorkshire, England, and im- ported by the proprietor in 185G. For further particulars apply to EDWARD SANDERSON. Lot 17, 4th Con. Markham, or address Buttonville, P. O. August 12, 1858. G2-tf A 5-PAN OF Matched Carriage Ponies, FOR SALE, ^THVIN BROTHERS, rising 4 years old, of a Dark Bay Color. For terms apply te 220BERT MARSH. Richmond Hill. November 27, 1858. 76-4 F 0 Ii SALE! OF LAND. East half of 2, 7th Concession, North In Foundl I) ROUGHT into my Pound, on the ) 19th November, 1858, A BAY llORSE. 5 years old, having two white hind feet. The owner is requested to prove properly, pay damages, and take him away. Also* A Wliite Ram. Both will bo sold to pay expenses unless claimed within three weeks. VV M. DUROSE, Pound-Keeper. Victoria Square, Nov. 24th, 1858. 75-3. To tiie Sick and Dying R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of iYi_ Vaughan, near Klineburgh, guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged JYecks, And many other Diseases. Persons- laboring under either of the abovo mentioned Diseases, will do wol1 to call in time, Ail letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER Klineburgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858. 61-tf TO P II f JY T E R S . rpiIE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform 1 the Trade, that bis Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE, INKS, and all other description of materials, has been very largely increased this Season, bv arrivals from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL ; and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice. Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- ported to order. Best quality of NEWS INK at Ono Shilling perlh. Gid Type taken in exchange for new. D. K. FEE HAN. Colborne st.« Toronto. Jan. 9, 18 57 g5 WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. fFVIlLC Subscribers have always on band, 1_ a lar^e and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing, Colored, Brown, and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Wafers, Slate«, Ink, Steel Pens, Envelopes, Metallic Memorandum Books, Twines, Copy Hooks, School Books and General Stationery, &c., i&C. The faoilities which the subscribers have for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills n Canada, they aro prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. BUNT IN, BRO. & Co^. Yonge street, Toronto. Janu&ry 6, 185?. 311 100 w Gwillin’bury. Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND, situated in tho Village of Thornhill, with good House and out-buildings. IEF Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER, Richmond Hill. January 14, 1858. t32 APOTHECARIES’ HALL KING Strket, Toronto, 2nd door ea«t of Church Street, opposite the Cathedral, W. T. Atkinson, & Co., Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent Medicines, French and English . o Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- Woods, Combs Brushes S^c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. T. A. & Co. having ccnsiiWable ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying, that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Catiie Medecines, »&c., are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. T A. &, Co. beg to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for tho Teeth, Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth. Faste. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. iSoda Water bottled and from the fountain ; St. Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plantagenet Water, celebrated for their healthy properties, \pril 22.1858. t4S LEWIS MACDONALD, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, STOUFFVILLE, BEGS to raturn his thanks to the inhabitants of Stouffville and the friends who have hitherto favored him with their custom, and would announce that he has commenced business again at his old shop, John Yakks’ Hotkl, and hopes, by steady attendance and moderate charges, to merit a continuance of their support. Jevvellry neatly repaired, All work warranted. LEWIS MACDONALD, Stouffville, Aug. 20, 1858. 63 - tf TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TBLES, 1' O M B-S T ONES & c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABL1SHMKT. riYlIE Undersigned Assignees of the I estate of D. C. & W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Austin Abbky and D. Caklos YuLe, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection. C. YALE. G, CUMMER. Toronto, 29, April 1858 48-tf FhRWl FOR SALE ! /CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND \J Thirty Acres of good land, being part of Lot To 13, 4th Con. Vaughan. For particulars, apply to » *= ....... - VO rib90. P LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, I\o„ CM 4, Meets at wm. durose’S hotel, Victoria Square, the last Frday even- ing in oach month. OFKICE-RS KIiKCT : JOHN BUTTON, Muster. JAMES CANAGHAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY, Tretttnrcr. Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. 48-lv Itieli montf Victoria, T OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 778, J j meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s, Masonic Hall, tho second Saturday evening in oach month. Officers Electâ€"Colonel D.. Bridgford, Master , J. B. DeeGier, Deputy MiStor; John Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue, Treasure*- January 21, L85S. t33 NE W THE A TMEKT. Buffalo Medical -Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEI’SIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER A'D AGUE, SCROFULA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMI'U- IU IY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RHEUM, PIMPLES, FISTULA, PILES, KIDNEYS, DEBILITY, IN- FIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND OL1) AGE, &C. fcj* No Mercury Used. DR. AMOS &, SON, Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, are the only 1'hysiCians in tho State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state aud symplom of disease. 'Phe treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. Tho most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days, and cases of a sligdit nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€"Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which, if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, aiid devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware ot the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta- ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicinos. New Remedies and Quick Cures. Dr AMOS &SON take pleasurei n announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the euro of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by tho most eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel- phia and Now Yoik. It has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of tho genital organs, caused by tho secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of thesa instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance where they may provo unsatisfactory after e fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed and so«f by mail or express, is ton dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styled professors, who attempt cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of yeais bee it engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are tho only legally qualified Physicians, who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Persons in any Part of the WofttD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos & Son, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-ly Terms of the Mimic eal Witness, FOR 1859. Semi-Weekly Edition, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. 6 Weekly lid it ion > 2 dollars per single copy, per annum. 6 11 for clubs of 4 addressed separately. 20 “ for 20 copies td one address. When a club has been formed, additions may- be made at the same rate. Any one remitting ten subscribers for either or both editions, will receive a copy of the se- mi-weekly, giatis, except in the case of 20 copies to one address. The terms for both editions aro strictly cash in advance, and tho paper invariably slops when the time subscribed for expires The Witness has from the beginning been much indebted for whatever success it has at- tained, to tho kind efforts of friends all over the country in its behalf, and it is now as much as ever de evident on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, not at variance with the’ character of the paper, will be inserted iii the semi-weekly at 7 cents per line for first inser- tion, and 3 cents for each subsequent insertion ; in the weekly, the charge will be 20 cents per line for each insertion. Every family should take a city paper in ad- dition to the local newspaper. The latter is ne- cessary, on account of the local intelligence it gives, whilst the former is valuable for its gene- ral information. All letters, orders, and remittances to be ad- dressed, post paid, to JOHN DOUGALL, Proprietor “Montreal Witneess,” Montreal. Decamber 24, 1857 Dr. REID, Thornhill. t29-tf NOTICE. r HEREBY FORBID any pe'sou or persons X from negociating for, or purchasing TWO NOTES OF HANrt granted by me in favor of JACOB H1SEY, Sen., one for £6 5s. and the other for £33 10s. ^as 1 have recoived no value for the same. Markham, Dec. 6, 1853. 3-3.d Tho Scottish American Journul DEVOTED TO THE Interests of Scotchmen in America, AND TO THE DISSEMINATION OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART I CONSIDERING the multiplicity of newa- / papers in America, it has to many been a matter of surprise that the numerous body of Scottish residents should have been so long un- represented To supply this desideratum, No. I, of the Scottish American Journal was published on Saturday, August 8, 1857. aud is low continued weekly. The primary object of the Journal is to fur* nisli i s readers regularly with tho news of their native country. It presents' a weekly re- cord of all events of interest occurring in Scot- land, and its subscribers are in this way as fully informed of what is transpiring at homo as if thoy were in regular receipt of an oid-country newspaper. Scottish questions will be discussed with intelligence and impartiality in tho editor- ial columns, and tho sentiments of the leading parties on these. subjects will be fairly repre- sented and commented upon- In tho literary and miscellaneous department of tho paper, while merit and talent will be ap- preciated from whatever country they emanate, the Scottish element will preponderate. 'Pales, sketches, and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish character, and of a nature fitted to call forth the sympathies of Scotchmen both at home and abroad, will occupy a conspicuous place. In this department, the co-operation of various distinguished authors, possessing unrivalled facilities for the task, has been secured" In politics, the Journal will occupy a thoroughly independent position, aliko free Irom party bias and national prejudice. In or- der to irterest its readers wherever situated, it will take a broad view of topics of this class, hoiding those of a merely local nature, except n so far as ihey may pjesent points of import- ance to the general public Questions involv- ing the interests of British residents in the United States and in tho British Provinces, will be specially' considered, and it is believed that the information and news of the Journal on this impo tant class, of subjects will be such as shall command attention. Tho Scottish American Journal, will ia every respect be conducted in an efficient and bush .ess like manner, with every requisite guarantee for its permanence. Tho proprietors, who aro responsible parties, resident iii New York and olsewhore, therefore look with con- fidence for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable par- ties at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate wTith them for the establishment of tho- paper in their respective localities. A publication estab'ished with those objects must of course look for support mainlv from those connected by birth or descent with tho, country whose current history it chronicles ; but as the broad basis of this journal necessi.--> tates, in addition, tho treatment of all import- ant questions affecting American interests, and as its literature will be cosmopolitan, it is hoped that even to the general reader its columns will not appear unentertainino; or profitless. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. One Copy for one year................ $2 50 Five Copies........................... 9 0f() 'I'welve Copies.................... '-0 00 Twenty-live Copies.................... 40 00 To parties getting up a club of twenty-five a copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage paid, for’ $3. or 13s. sterling, per annum. tLT Office, No. 29, Bookman Street, N.Y, Eire ! Fire I ! Fire III W E s^Fe R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED HY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. l.C. Gilmor, Pres. | Geo. Michie,Vice Pree. directors : Rice Lewis, Esq. James Beat}’, E«q. T, P. llobarts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. | Bernard Hald-an, Esq. Secretary $ Treasurer* Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada, Bankers. Benjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. Thos, Haworth, Esq, W. Henderson, Esq. W. Macfarlane, Esq. [CP Head Office, Church Street, Toronto. ,f~~n This Company Insures all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, &c.. and Goods and Furniture, in the same, against loss or dam« age bv tire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LAW, Rosidnce, General ngcnt. Richiveond Mill," August 13,1857. glO-1 cor LOOK AT THIS I \ LMOST EVERYBODY is ordering the il. PLOUGH, LOOM and ANVIL. That the rest may be as wise, and possess themselves of what we are boundâ€"at any cost to ourselves â€"to make the Leading Industrial Journal of the timesâ€"the best for tho Farmer, the Mechanic and the Family Circlcâ€"vve make the following unprecedented liberal offer :â€" Our Eleventh Volume will commenco with January, 1858â€"will run to January, 1859â€"and contain 768 large octavo pages, on fine paper, with new type. It will be issued within the first week of each month, in numbers of G4 pages each, done up in the best magazine style. To all who will forward the money for this volume, as single subscribers or in clubs, we will send gratuitiously, the numbers of the cur- rent volume, from the time of their forwarding, and ono month previous, thus giving in two, three, or four numbers, according to the time, to all who subscribe before January. 'Perms:â€"|2a year in advance; $1 50 to clubs of four and upwards1; $1 for s x months. Advertising, ten cents a tine. For giving pub- licity to improved stock,agricultural implements, mechanical improvements, and like matters of general interest, there is Ao other medium good at tho price. Liberal terms to persons disposed to a:t as agents for this work. Let us hear from tSern J. A. NASH, M. P. PARISH, 7 Beokman Street- New York, October 22, 1857. r i? o e/wi a n * i i * m v WRITING BY SOUND! PITMAN’S Manual of Phonography is a work of about 100 pages, every other leaf of which is printed from stone engravings, giving writing exercises in the art which the book is designed to teach. By the use of this Manual, any school boy or girl, of 5 or G yoais and upwards, may learn, in a surprisingly shoest space of time, to read and write Phonography or Phonetic Short-hand, and a few months of daily practice is all that is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence to write 100 or more words per minute ! This rate of sp6ed is sufficient to take down ordinary sermons, speeches, and conversation as fast as spoken. The “ Manual of Phonography,” 75 cents,, and the “ Phonograpic ’Copy-book,” 25 cents, are sent to any address, by mail, post-paid, oa receipt of the price, ONE DOLLAR. Address, post-paid, WILLIAM II. OIIR.- OsHAWA, C. W. From whom all English or American Phoa- graphia Works may be t)roeured

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