Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Commonwealth, 18 Feb 1859, p. 3

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ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTHERN RAILWAY COM- PANY. From the Globe. Tbe annual general meeting of tbe Share-liolders ol t he Northern Rail way was held yesterday, at twelve o’clock, m the Company’s Oilices, Bay-street. 1 he following gentlemen were present :â€"Hon. J. C. Morrison, Messrs. JSandfoid Flem- ing, W. R. Harris, 1). Crawford, VV G. Storm, E. H. Rutherford, F. McConchy* R. Spratt, G. II. Wyatt, 1). Morrow.J. G. Worts, D. McDonnell, J. D. Ridout. and B. W. Smith. The President of ihe Road, Hon. J. C. Morrison, was unimous- ly called on to preside. On opening the business he said that he might state for the information of those present that it was the intention of the Directors to adjourn this meeting until after the return of Mr Cumberland from England. 1 hey had consulted counsel relative to the adjourn- ment, and had been informed thai it would be necessary, in terms of the Act, to p>o eeed with the election of Directors lor next year. No report had been prepared to lay before the shareholders, as in all probability the arrangements of M r. Cum- berland in England would, to a certain extent, alTect the future prospects of the Road, and consequently it was thought advisible to postpone the report until the return of that gentleman. The statement of the amount of earnings and the expen. diture of the past year had been made out and sworn to, and would be laid before Parliament to-morrow. They would now proceed to nominate scrutineers to super- intend the election ol Directors, and also appoint the Auditors for the next year, which must be done at the annual genera! meeting. Mr. J. D. Ridout moved that Messrs. R. 11. Rutherford, and G. 11. Wyatt Le appointed scrutineers.â€" Carried. Mr. McDonnel moved that Mr. Drum- mond and Mr. Brent be re-elected Audi- tors for next year.â€"Carried. The Chairman then declared the poll Open for the election of Directors ; the name to be closed at three o’clock in ti e afternoon. At the close of the poll, the scrutineers reported that the following gentlemen had been duly elected â€" Hon. J. C. Morrison, Messrs. D. Mc- 'T^ouncll, J. G. Worts, F. \\ . Cumber- land, B. W. Smith, .1. D. Ridout, and F. McConchy. After a short discussion, the meeting was adjourned tiil the 16th of March next. It has been rejnlvedto make a reduction in the freight and passenger tat ill on the Northern tXail.vay, the latter from 15 to 20 per cent, to take effect from the 9th inst.â€"Globe. TORONTO MARKETS. Thursday, Feb. 17. Wheatâ€"About 800 bushels changed hands to-day, at 7s 6d a 8s 4d per bushel ior prime Fall. Spring Wheat brings 6s 6d a 7s for best samples. Barley is in demand at 4s 6d a 5s per bushel. Peas are also in demand at the. same rate. Oats meet a brisk enquiry at 3s a 3s Id per bushrl. Potatoes are held at 2s 9d a 3s per bushel. Pork is firm at $5 a $6. 50 per lbs. Apples by the Dairel cannot be had at less than $4 to $5 each, fnlerior quali- ties are sold at 4s 6d to 5s per bushel. Beefâ€" For the best $6 and even high- er is paid, varying from that to $5 per 100 lbs Sheep $4 50 $5 50 each ; generally $5 tor the ordinary run. Calves are be- coming more plentiful at $5 tach. Butterâ€"Fresh butter is not plentiful, at Is per lb. Tub butter of No. 1 qual- ity. is also scarce at 9^d to lOd per lb. Cheeseâ€"American cheese is held firm- ly, at $10 to $11 per 100 lbs. Eg^s are wanted at Is 3d to Is 6d per dozen Chickens are scarce, at 2s 3d to 2s 9d per pair. Geese 2s to 2s 6d each. Tur- ku-s 3s to os each. Wool Is 2d per lb. Sheep skins if»l .')0 each. Calves skins 6d per lb. Beel hides $6 50 per 100 lbs. Plasterâ€"Gr**y piaster is sold at $1 to $1 12^, according to quality. Wood--By the cord, excellent wood it delivered at $4. By the load $3 50 to 3 dollars 7:) cents; are Uie current rates. â€".Leader. FIRE. Sunday afternoon, shortly before one o'clock. Constable Hacketl, whilst on hi' beat, observed sparks issuing from one of the chimneys of the brick buildmg, c^rnei of King and Bay-streets, used as office?, lie notified the care-taker of the cireum stance, and, as it was thought, effectual means were adopted to prevent any din- ger. About an hour afterwards Consta- ble Burns saw the roof ol (he building on fire, and ^ave the alarm. The timely ar- rival of the engines and a copious supply o* water soon extinguished the flames bui not until a large portion of the roof wa- destroyed. There is no doubt but thal ♦he fire was caused by sparks falling from the chimney on the roof.â€"Globe BURGLARY.â€"Tn Tuesday night a bur- glarious entrance vves effected into the store of Mr. J. Ball, grocer, corner oi Terauley and Louisa streets, and a bag o! flour and several entpiv bags were earrieJ off. The store is adjacent to the shop, and it appears that the gate was insecure ly fastened on the inside. The thief or thieves, therefore, hau an easy job of il ior by pulling too one of the gates, a â- pace was left sufficient to admit, a hand then by starting the stick which was thrust through the hasp, the gate flew open Mr. Ball left for the country early in the morning, and was not made aware of the robbery until his return at mid-day. For- tunately, he had disposed ol a large stock of flour vestei day, otherwise the thieves would have had a more successful haul. â€"Globe. 15 1 R T 11 S . At Teesvvater, Township of Culross, county of Bruce, C.W. on the 7th February instant, I the wile of Mr. John Logan, (formerly of j Rich tu oil cl Hill,) of a daughter. <"*n Saturday, the 5th inst, in Markham j Vi 1 the wife oI’Roiskrt Wii.son, Esq. of a daughter. j Special Notices. TO FAH3113 AND MO HI F.RS. | You know how important it is for your cliil- j dreti that you should keep good healdi. How frequently do we see. feel le parents dressed in j mourning on account of the death of theii be- j loved children. What a pity it is, when, 1>j proper car** and remedies, all the.-e tiials and tionbles can he avoided When health can he icstored to the parent and life and happiness lo the chi d. Restore the health of the mother and yon obviate tlie necessity of Paregoric. | Godfrey's Cordial and other injurious narcotics for crying children. We entreat you. as we deshe to imnrove the condition of our race, to proeme Dr. Morse’s Alni'iU iC and read how diseases are cured in acemdance will) Nature's laws with innocent Hoots and Plants. PREGNANCY. During this critical period Morse’s Indian Root Pills will he required, because they cleanse the body from those morbid humors, and tho- roughly iltive away all pains, and give esse and comfort to mothei. Froi: on â-  to three ef the e Pills, takew two oi three times a w< ek during pregnancy, will cause the mother « saet and easy deliver}, ard will be sure to give a stout and healthy constituion to the child, Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are sold by al1 dealers in Medicines. THE Injudicious use of Mercury often oc easions affciions of the throat, of the banes o! the nose, and malignant sores. Dr. Mofi’it’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters jre signa'ly suc- cessful in eradicating all the effects of medirlorn (he system. They aid nature i i casting from tlie bod\ all poisonous matteis. and In thus puiif\ing the vital fluids, they resioie the const lution to sound health. For sale In W. H. MOFFAT, proprietor, 8J5 Broadway, New York, and his Agents. Fihe at Yorkville.â€"Between sev- en and eight o’clock on ^atutday morning, the roof of the carpenters shop of Mr. George White, Jiloor street west, 'iotk- ville, was discovered to be on fire. With the assistance of the neighbors, and the workmen employed in the ouilding, the flames were soon got under, causing no damage but the burning of some of the ahingles of (he roof. The fire originated by the bursting of one of the chimneys which was supposed to be fire proof.â€" Globe. State Fire Insurance Company OF LONDON, CHARTCRSD BY ACT OF 1MPKHIAL P A K LI Ail Eli T . CAPITAL. ££00,000 STERLING. Canada Branch, Head Office: Toronte. TRUSTEES ;-- Hon. John Ross, | John Cr iwroRD, Esx. Boark of Directors.â€".William Hc'.laster, Esq. Chairman; W. P. tiowland, E q. M.P.P., Vice-Chairman: William Ross, Esq. ; Wtlliam Henderson, Esq. ; F. W Jarvis, Esq. S>-:entl U. C. of Y ork and Peel. Bamckrs â€"'I'he bank of Montreal. Solicit, rs. â€" Ross, Crawford and Crombie The engagements of the State Fire In suranco Company are guaranteed by a respond ble Proprietary. All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the board in England. ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW, Manager, b. N, America Agent, Richmond Hill. February 18. 1850. !2-lv $ a r T is U C K EC T S*. 'HE Subscriber wishes to inform Farmers, storekeepers and Olhets. that he has now on hand a large quantity o* superior SAP BUCKET , which ho is se.Img remaikably cheap. Eot No. 11, and Con, Markham, or by letter, pro-paid, to Buttonville P. O, February 18, 1859, 12-4p O R . C . S . LLOYD IN AURORA. Doctor Lloyd begs one and all, Not lo neglect immeoia'e call ; 1* or having made the firmest standâ€" With every ciioice at his command : The Dr. lecls the greatest pride, That every want can be suplied, As far as •* Medicine” can do, With art and skill, attending tooâ€" And fears not when his friend* s hall call but that he can supply them all. When they can speak how they enjoyed Tlie benefits, from Dr. Lloyd ; His “ Tinctures ” are the most refinedâ€" In fact his Store has every kind, Amonia, AIoms, Myrrh, blood Root, With Soaps, and Indian llonip to suit, Chloroform, tialls. Ginger too, Egot, (..loves, and Hops quite new ; Cassia Camphor, anil Cayenneâ€" 1 soon shali have to stay mv pen ; For it would g ve too long atieui on, The w! ole of this large stock to mention. A le v w.od< more on the suppliesâ€"- Saff on. Fo\-gove. Spanish Flies, l emloc , Rhubaib, Lemon Peel. And ciioicest Salves, the wounds to heal. Infusions of the richest store, Tnen need 1 mention any more. Tn» Dr. once aguiu must sav. To hose that wish to give (airplay, T i try his “ Ointments,” and make sure That they have lound a certain cure 1 Antimonial and Compound, Sulphur, Pitch, can here bo found ; Par, Tobacco, best of spice. Essence end Sweets to suit the nice ; Acids of a tuil supply For those who wish the same to try. ’ I is needless here to mention ail, AVhen eyes can view them if they call ! Give ti ial ! and prov» \ou have enjoyed True benefit from Dr. Lloyd. Auiora, Feb. 18, Jb59 12-3-m. r\0 i'iCE TO BUILDERS ! O EALED TENDERS wiil he received until >3 Fiidav, the !25th inst. at 4 o’clock, p.m. for ERECTING A SHED, It 0 feet k 22 fee:. <.n 1 he Chun b Giounds of the U.P. ( hutci Kichmond liill. i Ians and Specifications may be seen at the < flii c of tbe undersigned any day previou- to ti e above date. Contractors to furnish all material-. GEO Richmond Hi1!, Feb. 1859. P. DICKSON. 19-1 IT' ISO I'ICE. AVINC received Power of Attorney from Mr. I'11OM AS COOPER, 1 have to :eqi »st all pe sons who ha”e Accounts with him to settle the same with me without any delay. JOHN b RUN SKILL. Thornhill. Feb. 7, 1859. _l-4 Remaining in RIO FEbRUAR Y 1st, tiers ’ >ND IHLL Post Office .S59. o ft$mrnt$. GENERAL AUCTIONEEIIS AND COMMISSION AGENTS ! rPIIF, SUHSCRluERS beg most respectfully to announce to the Public in gencinl. that tiiey have taken out Lickssks as Auctionkkhs for the Co’.usiics of York & Peel, And also 'or the COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! Said Counties are co.uposed of the town-hips of Scarboio’, Matkham, York, Vaughan, Whitchurch, King. Etobicoke, Toronto, Gore of Toronto, Chingucusha, Cale.don. Albion. East Gwillimbuiy, Noith Gwillimbnry, (ieor- giana. I'ickoring, Whitby, Uxbridge, Reach Scott, brock, Thorah. Mara and Rdtna. Any person requiring our seivices in the above capacity, in any of the above named Townships, will write to us either at Matkham or Stouffville. and W6 will give it our prompt attention. WILSON & PATTERSON, Markham $£< Stouffville, ( Auctionrers. February, 1859. J 12-ly Ambler, Win. briiliuger. Geo. [2] Itilti n, Miss Sarah b isingtwrtit, Win. liernard. G. 11. Biker, Mi'-s Susan Coombs John Curry, Mrs. J. b. Ciinek. Mr. Da’y, John Durrant, (Charles (indwell. John i Iughcs, Miss M O ugh thy, William Plater, James Ritchie, Wm. busreil Benjamin S.iield-i. .?i )hn Star, Adam S'tott, Step lien Stewart, Henry Shepherd, Mrs, dow] Simpson, Jamos Sproul, James vannSivers, Robert [ w i - 11 oulglithy, W ill iam Liufoot, Mrs. John Lemon, Samuel Louis, Ellen I .yne, 11 enry j\iiller. James [2] Morreli, John M I'tin, 'I'lios McNaughton, 1). McKmnon, Angus McNair, Mathew Me Both, Thos. [2] O’Leary, Mrs. M. TF.EF\. Postmastsr. Shephard. Aaron Thirsion, Lyman Yelie, Joliu Wftunph. F. S, B. Wattnch, J. W, Witworth, Edward Weir. John Wallace Bridget [2] Williams. John [2] W ikon, Richard Wel.pton, William Williams, Mrs. Daniel DqqroRS Differing.â€" There was a brisk setto between two distinguished lit- erary gentlemen at Bloomington, Ind., a few djiys since. Dr. A. Murphy attack- ed Dr. William Daily, the President ol £he Stale University, spiking him with his cane, whjle jie was standing near the post-pflice. Df. D^ily replied in kind and did not stop till he had given Murphy a sflund thrashing, completely shivering his own stout cane to pieces. The stu-r dents appreciated the spunk of their prey* (lent sp heartily that they immediate1)' subscribed fifty dollars to buy him an e!e gant cane. The Turkish Government has formed a commission of literary men at Constant in- nopie to draw up a new Ottoman diction *7- A lioy Wanted. Wr ANTED, a Smart, Active BOY, about 15 or 16 'ears of age, to learn tha Printing business. Apply at this office. GRAND CONCERT! The Buttonville Brass Band respeptfufly in- form the inhabitants of THORNHILL, that they will give a GRAND CO NC E RT ! VOG L & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, At LEMON’S HOTEL, THORNHILL, on Wednesday evening, the 231d instant At the conclusion of the Concert a BALL will ce sriven. Tickets for the Cqncert, * * 25cts. For the baH, t - 25 els. Ladies fiee. For pa ticu ars see programmes. Buttonville, Feb. 18, 1&59. 12-1 AGENTS WANTED. \\J Ar^T ED. twfl smart intelligent men as \ V Agents fqr the Yokk of R.cbmond Mill. Fur particulars, apply a the Office. PsceNiber 10, 1858. GREAT BI-ANNUAL CLEARING SALE ! THE Subscribei having determined on disposing of all his fTIjy TER GOODS Previous to leaving for the British and other European Markets, has commenceu and is now SELLING OFF ! His Winter Stock of Goods at unprecedentedly low prices, for CASII ONLY, tie is enabled to sell lower than usual in Toronto, from tlie fact of having purchased his goods in the be»t Markets, on the bc*t terms, and now having A GltAND CLEARING SALE ! All parties in want of Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and examine the Stock and Prices. French Merinoes, French Double Twills, Cobourg Cloths, De Laities, German Gala Plaids, Plaid \\ oollen shawls and Scurfs, Paisley Shawls, Woollen Mantilla Shawls, Fur Boas and Cutis, Polkas, Flannels and Blankets, Grey arid \\ hife Cottons, Striped and Fancy Shirtings, Prints and Ginghams, Grey and White Cotton Shirtings, Linen Sheetings, Towellings, Table Damasks, Cassimeres, Satinets, Cloths, Fancy Flannel Shirts. Millinery? Mantles and Ready-made Clothing. •N.B.â€"The Store on the cornor of King and Church Sts. is discontinued. Toronto, January 1859. JOHN CHA LILES WORTH, C'jf” 41 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Druggist. 9-3 m 31. L E 1 S H M A N, No. 81, King Street East, next door to the “ Colonist” office, has opened out a complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! MILLINERY AND CLOTHING, Which he will sell at Prices that will favourably compare with any House in the Trade, his determination being to sell Goods of the best qualities and at such Prices as will recommend themselves without the additional aid of PUFFING so universally rtsorltd to by most Pa; ties in the Trade. ' "iii Comprises all kinds of Goods suited for Family and Domes! ic use. THE FANCY STOCK! Is replete with the Newest Goods cf the Season. T SI K M I li B E 11 Y S T O € R ! Ts choice, and remarkably cheap. Clothing, ready made and made to order very much btlow the usual Charges. Sales made for cash only. No Second Price- M. LEISHMAN, No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist office. Toronto. Jan. 1859. 9-3m iWif 1ICIS3I1 HILL WILLIAM HARRISON Itt returninghis grateful acknowledgements to his friends and the pub- ic generally, for the very liberal support he has received since his com- mencing business, especially during the past year, most respectfully so- licits a continuance of 1 heir patronage. As he still manufactures a superior article he hopes to meet thp ap- probation of those who will favor him as customers in the ensuingyear, and would call their attention to his 4toeK <>£ Single and Double Harness ! I made of the best material and sold at the lowest remunerating prices. ALSO, TO HIS SCOTCH, ENGLISH, AND FANCY COLLARS ! warranted not ‘o injure the horse. WHIPS, SURCINGLES, &c.. &c., constantly on hand TYi.iiJuin ; of various Styles done with proaipincss> iiheaji»»ess and despatch. Richmond Hill, December 3rd, 1S58. 1 tf JOHN HARRIMCTO^, JUN. Begs to inform I)is friends and the public generally, that he has removed to Richu-ond Mill, and has purchased a large and well selected .1 .. Hoots? Shoes, Which he is prepared to sel1 at prices that will defy competition. N. B. J. IL Jnr., respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronuge which was extended to him in his former place of business. Richmond Hill. Dec. 3rd, 1858. 1-tf JYO TICE. A MEETING of tlie YORK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION will he held at Auroka on the 19th inst, Teachers, and all friendly to tho cause of Popular education, are requested to attend. (By Older of the President,) Richmond Hill, Feb. 4, I8u9. 3-1. T O P 11 I .V T E n s. rpiIE sUBSCPvlBKR begs to inform £ the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE, INKS, and all other description of matorial^. has been ver\ largely increased this Season, bv arrivals from NEW YORK- PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MON I’REAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to thos^ in operation, at 1^6 shortest notice, Printmp MACHINES and ENGINES im- port'd to order. Rost quality of NEWS INK atOne Shilling per lb Old Type taken in exchange far new. D. K. FEEHAN. Colbom* bL, Toronto, Jan. 9, 18 57 g5 To the SiCii and Dying \ T II. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of iYJL Vaughan, near Klinebmgli, guarantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged JYeck*) And many other Diseases. Persons laboring â-  uider either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do wel1 to cal! in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER, Klitieburgh. N. R. NO CURE NO PAY. August <t, 13o8. 61 - tf WHOLESALE PiijH r & Stationery Warehouse, f|\LIl£ Sulincribers have always on hand, 1_ a lariie and general stock of the best Rritish and Provincial manufactured Writing, Colored, Rrown, and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Wafers, Slate-, Ink, Steel Pens. Envelopes, Metallic Memorandum Rooks, Twines, Copy Rooks, School Rooks and General Stationery, &c., *.Vc. The faoilities which the subscribers have for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills n Canada, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. BUN’TLN, RRO. & Co., Yciiige street, Toronto. January t, 18W. 13 iVO VICK. 'ARTIES indebted to the British A LI, P^ * ribttno” Office, by Rook Account or Subscription, are requested t > settle tho same with Alkhnduk Scott, '‘Commonwealth” Office. Richmond Hill, or with me at rnv re3i deuce Victoria Square, on or before the 4th day pf February next, after which date all accounts rema ning unpaid will be sent to my attorney for collection. WILLIAM TRUDGEON Victoria Square, Jan. 10, I8.r)£t. 7-3 TO THE “ COLOMiST.” rnHE “ COLONIST” HAS A 1 “ bona tide ’’ jirculation of Twelve Thousand I AN DM H k REF Illi THE Best Advertising1 Medium in Canada TERMS: Daily,â€"4d a line for first insertion, and Id a line for each subsequent insertion. Weekly.â€"6d a line for first insertion, and 2d a line lor each subsequent insertion N.B.â€"Postmasters who send advertisements on these terms, will have a commission of 15 per cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAILY “ COLONIST,” are six dollars a year, payable in advance. For the WEEKLY, the price is a dollar and a half, also payable in advance. To Clubs of tun, tho Weekly will be sup- plied at one dollar a year. 6G-4 APOTHECARIES’ IIALL KING Street, Toronto, 2nd door cad of Church Street, opposite the ( athedral. W . T. Atkinson, & Co., Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent Medicines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, JJyc-IVoods, Combs Br ushes tyc., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se» cure custom. VV. T. A. & Co. having considerable ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying, that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle, <&c., a'e of the very Jiest quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. VV. T A iV Co, beg to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for the Teeth, Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth. Paste. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottled and from the fountain ; St. Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plautagenet Water, celebrated for their healthy properties. \pril 22.1858. Uti LEWIS MACDONALD, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, STOUFFVILLE, BEGS to raturn his thanks to the inhabitants of Stouffville and the friends who have hitherto favored him with thair cu tom. and would announce that he has commenced business again at his old shop, John Yakks’ Hotel, and hopes, by steady attendance and moderate charges, to merit a continuance of their support. Jevvellry neatly repaired, All work warranted. LEWIS MACDONALD, StoufTVille, Aug. 20, 1658. 63-tf TORONTO CITY WARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, T0MBTBLES- TOMll-S TONES & c. Twenty t*er Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISH MKT. r HUE Undersigned Assignees of the estate of D. C. & VV. Y A LE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Ausi in Abbi y and D. Cari.os Y.ile, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid nil the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection. C. YALE. G, CUMMER, Toronto, ^9, April 185.8 48-tf LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, Mo,, 644, Meets at wm. durose’S hotel Victoria Square, the last Frday even- ing in each month. officers elect : JOHN BUTTON, Master. JAMES (’ANAGHAN, Deputy.. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN G V VV LE Y. Treasa rer. Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. 48-1 Riel)monri Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 778, i meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s, Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening iieach month. Officers Elecfâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford-, Master. J B. DeeGier, Deputy Mister; John Mnnholland, Secretary ; VV. Pogue, Treasurer January 21, 1858. t33 NE W TR EJ1 TMEjVT. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AMD AGUE,, SCROFULA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMPU- H1IY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RHEUM, PIMPLES, FI SI U LA, PILES* KIDNEYS, DEBILITY, IN- FIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &C. £3“ No Mercury Used. DU. AMOS & SON, Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, are tho only 1'hysicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn* ing until 9 o’clock at night, on every state and svmp om of disease. The treatmunt they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 year-.’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine da s, and cases of a slight nature in two, or three daw-: at a ve y moderate expense.â€". 'i'he cure effected without confinement or hia*. draiice from business. Young Menâ€"Take Particular Noticc. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which, if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but give»- rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware ot the consequences, until they find the nervouij system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta- ble feeling-;, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De* bi!ity, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Dehilitv, &c., which ar® permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. Stray Mare. CAME into the premises of the Sub- scriber, about I he beginning of August, a small Dark BA'1 MARE. The owner to prove property, pai expenses, and take her away. JOSEPH CHARTARS, Lot 15, 4ih Con. Vaughan. D<*c. 3. 1858. l-3p TO ADVERTISERS 1 Great Reduction of Advertising Rates! Taking into consideration the haid times, and being determined to advance the pros- perity of the community in which we live; and believing as we ceitainiy do, that a Village is judged by parties at a distance by the Ad- vertisements that appear in the columns of its Newspaper, and being very desirous of offer- ing everv inducement in our power lo Mer chants and others to Advertise, wo have de- termined to Reduce our Advertising rates to as low a Fgure as we can possibly afford.â€" Our great object is, to encourage liberal adver- tising, as this branch of Business is the main stay lo all Printing Establishments. Our readers will at once perceive that it is utterly impossible to advertise at lower rates than we give below. If we did, we should not be able to carry on the paper; for no one (not even printers) can be expected to work for nothing. However, \ye hppe that all those who desiie to encourage a Village Ne\yspaper will advertise liberally, ai;d then while we $1^1! he benefited, they themselves will be eveq more so by an increase of business.â€"the invariable result of advertising. Tho following arc our leduced rates New Quick } column, \ a year per cent i “ 4 3Q i “ i 35 i “ i “ 30 »• I " i “ 35 i “ i 40 l i " 35 l i “ 40 1 r 45 Remedies and Cures. Dr AMOS &SON take pleasure in an noun* cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel* phia and .Sow Yoik. It has been declared the onlv useful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth- Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy th® most skeptical a-; to tlie merits of these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance wheie they may prove unsatisfactory after » fair trial, the money will be refunded b,y re* turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors, who atiempt cures, hut never succeed Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of yeais been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicatp complaints, an$ are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Pkrsons in any Part of the Wont d may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. & Son, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. t4G-ly nnvo commodious tenements 1 adapted for Shops, situated in the most central and commanding part of the Village ; each containing 6 rooms, good cellar, garden, and other conveniences ; well suited ;or Mil- liners, Tailors, Tin Smith, Saddlers, or Shoe Shops. Ileut moderate. Apply to G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Jany. 20, 1859. 8-tf All advertisements to be measured by scale of 2d0 solid Brevier lines to a column.â€" Four pence a line will be charged for the first insertion, and one peunv a line for each sub- sequent insertion. Advertisers to have the privilege pf phang ing their advertisement fpur times a year. Advertisements under a quarter of a co- uinn, continued for three months, will be subject to y0 per cent ; for six months, 25 per cent ; and fpr 12! months, 39 per cent discount, Pr*oi’«lF.Tons •’ Commonwealth.’’ Rjchipond Hill, Dec. 1, 1858. NOTICE. TMIE SUBSCRIBER de-ires to inform his friends that he has puichasod the STORE GOODS belonging to Mr. Thomas Cooper, and will be ready at all times to supply them with DRY GOODS. QRQCERIES, Liquors) Hardware, &c, &c. Sic. Of first quality, and at Reasonable Terms. JOHN BRUNSK1LL. Tlufrnhill, Jan. 24-, 1859. 9-tf Terms of the Montreal Witness, FOR 1859. Semi-Weekly Edition t TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. IjfliI ion > 2 dollars per single popv. per annum. G “ lor chips or 4 addressed separately* 20 “ for 20 copies to one address. When a club has been formed, additions may be made at the same rate. Any one remitting ten subscribers for either or both editions, will receive a copv of the se- i mi-weekly, giatis, except in the case of 20 copies to one address. The terms for both editions are strictly cash in advance, and the paper invariably stop* when the time subscribed ior expires The Witness has from the beginning been much indebted for whatever success it has at- tained, to tho kind efforts of friends all over the country in Us behalf, and it is now as much as ever dia endent on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, nat at variance with the character of the paper, will be inserted in the semi-weekly at 7 cents per line fpr first inser- tion, and o cents for each subsequent insertion n the weekly, the charge v«ui be 2u cents per, lUie for each insertion. Every family should take a city paper in rui- diiion to, the lucal newspaper. The latter is ne- cessary, on account of the local intelligence it gives, whilst the former is valuable for its gene- ral information. All letters, orders, and remittances to bead- dressed, post paid, to JOHN DOUG ALL, Proprietor "Montreal Witnekss,” Montreal. NOTICE. r HEREBY FORBID any pe-sou or persons 1 from negociating for, or purchasing TWQ NO 1’ES OF II AN*" granted by me m favor of JACOB HISEY, Sen., one lor ,£6 5<. and the o her for £ i.'l 10s. as f have received no v^lue for the same, Markham, Dec f>, 3 859.

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