Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Commonwealth, 25 Feb 1859, p. 3

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NKVVrfPAPELl POSTAGE AND THE ABUcilSU F LI AN KlNG PllIVILEGli. From tho Loader. From various indiratious, including those contained in the I Import oft lie Post- master General lor 18 )8, we are led to believe tliat there is a question of re-im- posing a postage rate upon newspapers. The proposed rate would probably be, in accordance with the new cu lency, with which the Pos'al laws will have to he made to correspond, a cent or half a cent on each newspaper. It is much to b.' re- gretted that such a question should have been raised ; arid it is difficult to see how educational grants can he maintained il the freedom troin postage hitherto accord- ed to newspapers is to he withdrawn. There will ot course be no difficulty in proving the necessity for increasing the Postal revenue ; hut it muM he remember- ed that the newspaper postage was repeal ed with a full knowledge of the deficiency which wou'd result. The Legislature grants thousands upon thousands for edu- cation and superior education, Common Schools, Grammar Schools, ahd Colleges without end. A million of acres in Up- per Canada for Common Schools, lIn- ancient Jesuits’ estates in Lower Canada Grammar School and University endow- ments, are some of the forms in which as- sistance to education is granted. Surely the political educationâ€"the knowledge ol the curient public events of our own time and countryâ€".vhich the newspaper pres> affords is not less important than tin* < liter kinds on which so much public patronage is lavished. Il is political education which, more tlia any other, fils a people for the enjoyment of free institutions Admit that I lie political newspaper press j;ives a partizau view of public questions, *till the antidote accompanies the bane, or in other words, we have what Lord Lind- say has called “ progress by antagonism.' Such, in lact. is the form oi all political progress, in free countries. Party i> pit- ted against party, principle against princi pie j and the resulting cmtiasis, ai d com- panions, and the relative force ol the .u - guments by which o| poking principles art sustained, ultimately dtterminu lhe con- test in favor of truth. The ueW'pape. press, whatever may be i>s defects, con- tributes no little to the arguments In which public questions are ultimately de- termined And if we (urn to those de partment* of «*du a i*>n on which s ic enoiirious sums aie every y< ar lavished lM the generosity aud enlightened sagacitr o t!ie Legis'jitu:e do we find that there is 11 antagonism there 1 Do we find a dead level of common opinion pei vailing ih> two sections ot the Province, upon ail ed- ucational questions] Are the common school systems ol euucalion, in Upper and Lower Canada, identical ] Is I he popula tion of Upper Canada at peifect ai cord as to the principle s on primary t-il ucation should be encouraged by the Mate I Do the ancient seminaries oi Lower Canada instil into the minds ol tin youth who frequent tIn-in the same idea* as are inculca ed 111 similar institutions in Upper Canada ! Is there peilecl accord in Inis respect, among I he latter ! As cendihg to (he Universities, *f there is a question of estaidislnug a c/iaii of political economy, must not the questionâ€"wh.ii school of political economy shall In taught ?â€"be fust settled I Have metu phjsicians ag eed upon some foi m o eclecticism compounded Irom the vi>ua and the sensual systems'? And yet meta physics are taught in our Uiiive.-sities which owe their foundations to public grants, in one shape or another. 'II r. 01 jection, that there is a diversity in th character of the political inlormation dis seminated by the Press cannot it is clear from these considerations, be accepted a- a reason for relusing to continue the im munity Irom postage which newspapeis were accorded in 1854-, aud which the) bare ever since been accorded. Aud u the political education of the people, on which rests the hope of success in that ex- periment ot Iree liovernment in which we arc now engaged, is not worth the slight- est consideration al the hands of the legis lature, how long will I be thousand olhei educational grants be secu e Ir 111 repeal ] The blow which is now threatened to be aimed at the newspaper Press is the second that has come from the same gar- ter within the s.ioi t space of a year. Only seven months ago, we had an in- creased paper duty imposed 3t the very moment when the movement in favor 'I getting rid of this *• tax upon knowledge.’ as it is universally admitted to be, was gathering a degree ofstien^th which gna ' antees its future success. Two blows, directed towards the saint1 point, in the short space of two months, have too much the appearance o' system ; and with what- ever justice il cannot, tail to beget the conviction in the public mind that men ii. power have no love lor the criticisms of a free Press, it becomes us, as a peopi**, jealously to watch every encroachment ol this kind. It is not alone by the censo - ship, such as prevails in Prussia, or the “ warning” system, such as obtains under the empire oi the third Napoleon, that at tacks may be directed by the hand of power against the unloved influence of an outspoken Press. Increased paper duties and the recall of existing privileges oi the free cii dilution ot newspapers, as first steps, possess a significance ot which il will be well to take note in time Nor is it the publishers or conductors of news- papers alone who are interested in the mat- ter. It concerns the public in at least an equal degree. The imposition ol new and >. the revival of old taxes on tho«e sources of knowledge on wlucli the great body' ot the people almost exclusively rely, inter- pose a barrier between the people and those means of genet al. and especial y po- litical information, without which theie would be no hope for the success of our institutions. These soirees ol knowledge are the very last which ousibt to be looked -to as subjects of additional taxa i n. In another quarter, an important postal .reform might be eli’ected wi'li great ad- vantage. 1 he franking privilege, wher England, that il wa*. dtetn d ad visible to abolish the privilege altoge'lier, on the introduction ot penny postage.- Now, a letter cannot go free, through the* post, in lOngland, Irom one government office "to another; so completely has every vestige 01 ibis much-abused privilege been rooted out. At Washington, the abuse ol this privilege ha> produced a proposal for re- form. And there are abu reasons why the example ol ICng'and should be adopted here. Letter* not c.n'y to all parts of the. country, but to all parts ol the world, are franked by members of the Legislature, lor themselves or their friends. Such ot them as have large business con- nections, frank business letters bv the thousand. .£16,000 a year is officially set down as the equivalent of the Legislative and Departmental banking; a sum far exceeding what the entire newspaper p( s - age, at the same rates as are charged in the United States, would yield. LLere. then, is a ready means of saving a larger sum than could be got from a postage on newspapers, unless the rates were so Heavy as to amount to some fitty per cent, on the cost ol the papers. Would it not be lar better to abolish this abused banking jiiiviiege than to revive a newspaper post- :»o *-» I 11EV. Al It. (JlllNlQUY IN QUEBEC. Scaki.kt Fever.â€"We regret to learn that scarlet .lever is very prevalent in ilamilion, and particularly (atal amongst children. Alsmy par- ents have had to 111011111 the loss of 0110 or two beloved liuie ones, while some have lo~t three aud eveji lour. in ireve"ftl instances the only child has been suddenly cut ofi’. Adults, too, have heen Hacked, but with tow fatal results thus far.â€"Gh/Lc. TO LION TO Al A LIKETS. We give, from the last number of the Journal d Quebec, an account of tlv 111 nner in which this genlleman was treat- ed during the hitter part of his stay in that city7, it savs : lie has gone away, but net in tri- umph.” The part is played, but its ter- mination has not been lavou aole to the author. Eight days have elapsed since the unlortUi.ate Mr. Chiniqny made his appearance m this city, and already thea immense popularity with which he flitter- ed himself has vanished like a d earn. Coulidin ; too much in the good faith oi ins adherents, he believed I i nsell able, with impunity, to raise the veil thut con- cealed him ;i little irom intelligent, olse:- vation. Put the evil oi this attempt n ei took him; for scarcely had he pro ' lounced a few words against the lailli (A nis lathers, when a voluntary inoveiiien '•ok place in tiie midst ot tne audience, and nil his partisans abandoned linn his change ot o, iuiori operate I during tie de'iveiy ol liia leciure. Iasi Sunday. a< t ie rt a ang-room in St. Ana Street ; and y stciday morning, between half-past nil e oid ien o clock, two iespe:table persons appointed by tile citizens of St. Itoch on account of their coolness aud prudence ntered the bouse w.iere the apostate Chiiiiquy Irom tune to time withdrew intn sell since his arrival in Quebec, situated m Crown Street, St. fiocli. There two gent! einan warned him, in terms ve.y po ite, hut vet energetic, to l ave the house ;iiiin*'diate!y, and quit llit parish to[th*vith i hey informed bun that the entire popul- ation were indignant at his scandalous conduct, and'that they looked on his pre- sence .iirning them as a disgrace. iVlr. Chiniquy then, raising his hand, wished to i npose silence on the person who had con • eyed the intelligence. * Gently, my friend,’said the former.’ * No, sirâ€"quickly, theie is not a 1110 Kent to lost;.’ * But, at least, give me time to eai a tittle !’ * No, sir, it is a long time, perhaps since you wanted hreakiast ; you will b compelled to do wituout it this morning'.’ Air. Chini piy then rose trembling, and earing looked into the sheet observed a c 0vvd ol about 400 persons su round d the house, lie tin 11 remirked â€" * I dii' e not go out, these people will al tempt my life.’ ‘ No >ir, 1 give you my word of honoi that no person will raise his h mil against you. A carriage awaits you at the doo . fyou have any baggage to biing, da so w.thout delay.’ lie then found it necessary to comply Air. Chiniquy descended into the stieel escorted by I he two mesvngers who had given him thair word of honor, lie pa's- ed, trembling, with his trawlling-bag 1111 der his arm, through a crowd, peaceable, nut irritated. The crowd, 'ortuuately did not behave violently, but they manifested their indignation, in ephhels not very lla;-, such asâ€"* Uet away, you apostate â€"enemy of your countrymen,’ &c. There >»eie none, not even the women, who had not some reproach to launch at lnm. i Ins is the man who a few days ag“, I bought lie could draw alter his eliai t h • ma*s ol the French Canadians. vV he 1 e is now this popularity of which he bad been boasting in his pride] It has vanished like sin >ke. It did not appear; it was al.eady gone. Mr. Chiniquy intended to surpiise the good t'ailb ol the citizens; but he wa- geeatly deceived. lie looked upon S . R 'cii as the theatre of his glory ; it was til â-  re he was preparing for the tiium h, it was tlu*re piecisety he eueou. Ins most shameful defeat. DEATH AND BUillAL OF MR. E F. WTUTTEMOllE. •ever conceded has been greatly abused. imir tnmd^d nelsons on tyot and about To sucb an exteul did tho»e abuses ^o, in ' seVenty eairia^ej, Abridged fioin the Globe. it is with feelings of the deepest regret that we announce the d^ath of Mr. F. P. WhittemoiP, which took place at his house on Bay Street, at ten o'clock, on r'aiurday ni^ht. lie was laKen ill ab^ui a week ago ot iniLiiuati<>a of the kidneys, and, not wit hstanding the exertions of nu m us medical men. continued to grow >vo Sr. until he was atlaeked with typhu , and dtalh speedily put a slop to bis sii.- ferings. I lie Itiuei al look piace On Tu<-s Jav a tern^ou, from his late res deuce, a id the very large number who attend* cl to nay ihe last sad mark ot respect to 1 is remains, justly showed the high estimation in which lie was held by all classes ol the c minunity. The stoies on King, Yonge .Hid other streets were a1! closed as tin m > til procession passed a'o.ig on its way to the cemetery, ’llie cortege was u iwards ol’ twenty minutes in passing a triâ-  en I' n . and was com,>os d ol over T'hursday, Feb. 24. Fall Wheat is at present changing hands at prices ranging from 7s 6d to 8s 3^1 per bushel for the best. Spring wheat is still worth 6s 6d to 7s per bushel. Barley is wanted at 4s 6d to 5» per busliel. Peas 4s 6d to 5s per bushel. Oats still bring ,‘L to 3s Id per bushel. Pork has slightly declined, aud is at present worth from $f) 50 to lfi(i per 100 bs. for nrime heavy hogs. Beefâ€"Slaughtered beet is not plentiful at $5 per 100 lbs for hind quarters. Or* foot cattle are scarce. For the best $6 and even higher is paid, varying from that to $5 per 100 lbs â€"deducting one third !or shrinkage. Sheep $4 50 to $5 50 each ; gener- erally $5 for ordinaly run. Calves a e becoming more plentiful at $5 each. Butter--Fresh butter is not plent’ful, at Is per lb. Tub butter of No. 1 qual- ity is also scarce at 9^d to lOd per lb, Chees â€"American cheese is held firm- iy , at $ 10 to !f> 1 1 per 100 lbs. Eggs are wanted at Is 3d to Is 4d pi r dozen. Chickens are scarce, at 2s 3d to 2s 9d ,ier pair. Geese 2s to 2s (id each. Tur- kies 3s to 5s each. Wool Js 2d per lb. Sheep skins $1 )0 each. Calves skins 6d per lb. Beef "ides $6 50 per 100 lbs. Woodâ€"TJy the cord, excellent wood is lelivered at By the load $3 50 to |s3 75 are a’I the current rates.â€"Globe. Special Notices. TJ fcWUS tS AND \10IM EKS. You know how important il is for your chil- dren that you should keep good health. How Irecpiemtv do we see t'eenie parenis dressed in iitniirning on account of the death of their be- loved children. What a pity it K when, by roper car*- and remedies, all ilie.-e ti ials and troubles can be avoided. When health can be estored lo ihe parent and life and happiness to die chiid, Restore the health of the mother uid vou obviate the necessity of Paregoric (Jodfrev’s Cordial and other injurious narcotics or crung children. \\ e entreat you, as we desite to improve ’.he condition ol our race, to iirocii:e Dr. Mor.-e’s Almanac and read how diseases are cured in accordance with Naiukis’s laws with innocent Hoots aud Plants. PREGNANCY. Dnrinnr this critical period Morse’s Indian Hoot Pills will be required, because the;* cleanse die body Irom those morbid humors, and tho- roughly diive away all pains, and give ease and comfart to the mother. Fror. one to three of die e Pills, tidie -i two or thiee limes a week during pregnancy, will cause the mother « saef and easy deliver), a id will be sure lo give a jtout and healthy consiituiioii to the child. Dr, Morse’s Indian Hoot Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. TllFi Injudicious use of Mercury often oc oa*inn* aff ctioiis of the throat, of the bones o! die nose, and m iiynant .-oies. Dr. MidFat’s Lite Pills and Phoenix Hitters are siyna'lv suc- cessful in eradicating all the effects of me>cur>om the system. They aid nature i:i casting from tiie body all poisonous matters, and by thus puiifjing 1 he vital fluids, they restore the const union to sound health. For sale bv W. It. MOFFAT, proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York, and his Agents. flrto ^SiKjrttemcntM. NOTICE. ON MONDAY, the 4th of April next, ap- plic tien will be made to the Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan, to pass a By-Low establishing a certain Hoad leading from the -^nd Concession acio-'s, 43. to connect with a Road heretofore ©siabtishfd, from Yo»«>e Sir^et, between Lots No.42 and 43, GEO. J. F. 1 EARCE, Towush’p Clerk. Richmond Ill'll, Feb. 2a, 1859. 13-4t, 1 "HE tSub.«criber wishes to inform Farmers, storekeepers and Oihei s. -nperior SAP RlJCKEt' , which ho is sedmg remafkably cheap. hot iNo. 11, ‘^iid Con, Markham, or by letter, pfe paid, to Butionviile P. O, February 18, 1859, OR. C. S. LLOYD IN AURORA. Doctor Lined begs one and all, Not to neglect immeilire call ; For having made the firmest stand â€" With e\er\ cnoice at his command ; The Dr. teels the greaiest pride, '1 hat every want can be suplied, As far as â- * Medicine” can do, With art and skill, attending tooâ€" And fears not when hr* friend - shall call Rut that he can supply them all. When they can speak how they enjoyed The benefits, Irom Dr. Lloyd ; It is •* Tinctures ” are the most refinedâ€" til fact his Store has every kind, Amouia, Alo«s, Myrrh, Blood Root, With Soaps, and Indian llemptosuit. Chloroform, Galls. Ginger too, Egot, <â-  loves, and Hops quite new ; Cassia. Camphor, anil Cayenneâ€" I soon ehidl have to stay my pen ; For it would give too long attention, Tne who e ol this largo stock to mention. A Ie v word < more on the suppliesâ€" tSaff on. Fox-gove. Spanish F.ies, Hemlock, Hhubah, Lemon Peel, And cli ace't Saives. the wounds to heal, 1 illusions of the richest store. Then need 1 mention anv more. 'I'll© Dr. once again imst say. To hose that wish to give fajrplav, To try his *• Ointment*,” aud make sure That they h^ve lound a certain cure ! Antimonial aud Compound. Sulphur, Pitcli, can here bo found ; Tar, I'oViaceo, best of spice. Essence and Sweets to suit the nice ; Acids of a I’utI supply For those wdio wish the same to try. ’ i is needless here to mention all, When eyes can view them if they call ! (iive tiia! ! and prove vou have enjoxed Tine bejiefit from Dr. Lloyd. ^np-ora, Feb. 18, 185^ l^-3>ra. A IJoy Wanted. \ V7 ANTED, a Smart, Active BOY, about \V 15 or 16 'ears of age, to learn tha Printing Business. Apply at tiiis otliee. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION AGENTS! HM1E SUBSCRIBERS beg most respectfnliv J_ to announce to the Public in general, that they have taken out Lic«>sks as Ai/ctionkicks for the United Counties of York & Peel, And also 'or the COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! Said Counties are composed of the townships of Scarboio’, Maikham. York, Vaughan, Whitchurch, King. Etobicoke, Toronto, (iore of Toronto, Chingucusha, Caledon, Albion. East Gwillimbury, Noith Gwillimbury, Geor- giana. I iekeiinir, Whitby, Uxbridge, Reach Scott, Brock, Thorah. Alara and Hama. Any person requiring our services 111 the above capacity, iti any of the above named Townships will write to us either at Markham or StouffviMe. and we will give it our prompt attention. WILSON & PATTERSON, Markham & Siouffville, February, 1859. Auctioneers. lSJ-ly NOTICE. rPIJE SUBSCRIBER de-ires to inform his 1 friends that he has pnrchasod the STORE GOOD:* belonging to Mr Thomas Coopkk. and will be ready al all times to supply them with DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, Li<ni<> rg, IIa rd wa re, &C. &C. &C. Of first quality, and at Reason ible Terms. JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thornhill, Jan. 04. 18.M). 9-tf TO j., 1ST, rPWO COMMODIOUS TENEMENTS JL adapted for Shoos, situated in the most central and commanding part of the Village ; each containing 6 rooms, good cellar, garden, and other conveniences ; well suited lor Mil- liners, Tailors, Tin Smith, Saddlers, or Shoo Shops. Rent moderate. Apply to G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Jatiy. 20, 18.59. 8-tr NOTICE TO BUJLDEKS ! OEALED 'PENDERS wiil be received until >3 Friday, the 25th inst. at 4 o’clock, p.m, for ERECTI VGA SHED, 100 feet * 22 fee*.. (.n'heChunh Giounds of the U.P. Church Richmond Hill. Ians and Specifications may be seen at the office of the undersigned any day previous lo ti e above date. Contractors to furnish all materials. GEO P. DICKSON. Richmond Hill, Feb. 1859. 12-1 NOTICE. HAVINC received Power of Attorney from Mr. THOMAS COOPER, 1 have to rcqi est all persons who ha*'e Accounts with him to settle the same with me without any delay. JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thornhill. Feb. 7. 1853. _l-4 Letters lie imining inRIOHM )ND IHLL Post Office FEBRUARY 1st, Ambler, Wm. Britliuger, Geo. [2} Biltou, Miss Sarah B.isingtwait. W m. Beruai d. (i. H. Baker, Miss Susan Coombs. John Cinry, Mrs. J. B. Ciinck. Mr. Daly, John Durrant, Charles (indwell. John Oughtbv, William Plater, James Ritchie. Wm. Bussell. Benjamin Shields. John Star, Adam Scott, Stephen Stewart, Henry Shepherd, Mrs, dow] Simpson, James Sproul, James [wi- ll ughes, Miss MaryannSivers, Robert lloutghtby, W illiam Shephard, Aaron Liufont, Mrs. John Lemon. Samuel Louis, Ellen Lyne, Henry Miller, James [2] Morrell, John Martin, Tlios Mc^aughton, D. McKiun&n. Angus McNair, Matthew Me Beth, Th os. [2] O'Leary, Mrs. Thirston, Lyman Vrelie, John Wauncli, F. S. B. W’annch. J. W, Witworih, Edward Weir, John Wallace Bridget [2} Williams, John [2] Wilson, Richard Welpton, William Williams, Mrs. Daniel M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GREAT BI-ANNUAL CLEARING SALE ! “THE Subscribe! having determined on deposing of all his JVIJYTE Ii GOODS Previous to leaving for the British wid othor European Markets, lias commenced and is now SELLING OFF ! Ilis Winter Stock of Goods at unprecedentedly low prices, for CASH ONLY . He is enabled to sell lower than usual in Toronto, from the lact of having purchased bis goods in the best Markets, 011 the best terms, and now having A GRAND CLEARING SALE ! All parties in want of Goods, will find it to their advantage to call aud examine the Stock and Prices. • Flannels and Blankets, T O P R IN T E 11 S . rpiIE SUBSCRIBER, begs to inform the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE, INKS, and all other description of materials, has been verv largely increased this Season, bv arrivals from NEW YOHK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- ported to order. Best quality of NEWS INK atOne Shilling per lb (rid Type taken in exchange for new. D. K. FEEHAN. Oolborne st_. Toronto, Jan. 9. 18 57 g5 To the Sick and Dying MR. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Kliiieburgh, guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged JYeckS) And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do wel1 to cali in time, Ail letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SMtDER, Kliiieburgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1S58. 61-tf TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMBTBLES. TOM B-S TONES & c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER KSTABL1SHMKT. rpiIE Undersigned Assignees of the | estate of D. C. & VV. Y ALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Ausi in Abb:- y and D. Caki os Y lk, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, wilt be put into Court for collection. C. YALE. G, CUMMER, 49-tf French Merinoes, • French Double Twills, Cobourg Cloth*, De Laines, German Gala Plaids, Plaid Woollen Shawls and Scarfs, Paisley Shawls, Woollen Mantilla Shawls, Fur Boas and Culls, Polkas, Grey and White Cottons, Striped and Fancy Shirtings, Prints and Ginghams, Grey and White Cotton Shirtings, Liti“n Sheetings, Towellings, Table Damasks, Cassimeres. Satinets, Cloths, Fancy Flannel Shirts. Millinery? Mantles anti Ready-made Clothing. ]N.B.â€"The Store on the cornor of King and Church Sts. is discontinued. .1OHN CHARLESWORTH, $3“ 4*1 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Druggist. Toronto, January I8f)9. 9-3in M . LE1S It M A N, No, 81, Kin«- Street East, next door to the “Colonist” office, has opened out a complete assortment ol STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! MILLINERY AND CLOTHING, Which he will sell at Prices that will favourably compare with any House in the Trade, bis determination heing to sell Goods of the best qualities and at such Prices as will recommend themselves without tlw additional aid of PUFFING so universally rtsortid to by most Pa:ties in the Trade. Comprises all kinds of Goods suited for Family and Domestic use. THE FANCY STOCK ! Is replete with the Newest Goods cf the Season. THE MIL 14 I * Eli Y 8 T OCR ! Is choice, and remarkably cheap. Clothing, ready made and made to order very muefi belatv the usual Charges. Sales made for cash only, ISo Second Price- M. LE1SHMAN, LOYAL ORANGE LODGE,, No. 044, Meets at wm. durose’S hotel Victoria Square, tho last Fr:day oTott- ing in each month. OVFfCKRS KBaKCT : JOHN BUTTON, Master. JAMES CAXAGHAN, Deputy. THOMAS RO WM A N, Secretary. JOHN GAVVLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7, 18.r>8. 48-1 Toronto. Jan. 1859. No. 81, King St. next door east to the Calonist office. 9-3 m Torontoj 29, April 1859 TO ADVEKTI3EKS ! Great Reduction of Advertising Rates ! Taking into consideration the haid times, and beiug determined to advance the pros- perity of the community in which we live; and believing as we ce.laimy do, tliat a Village is judged by parties at a distauca by the Ad- vertisements that appear in the columns of its Newspaper, and being very desirous of offer- ing everv inducement in our power to Mer chants and others to Advertise, we have de- termined to Reduce our Advertising rates to as low a F'giire as we ca i possibly aft’oid.â€" Our groat object is, to encourage liberal adver- tising, as this branch of Business is the main stay to all Printing Establishments. Our readers will at once perceive that it is utterly impossible to advertise at lower rates than we give below. If vve did, we should not b« able to carry on the paper: for no one (not even printers) can be expected tp work for nothing. However, we hope that all those who dosire o encourage a Village Newspaper will advertise liberally, and then while we shall be benefited, they themselves wilt be even more so. by an increase of business,â€"the invariable result of advertising. The followiug aro our iedticed rates :â€" } column 2 a vear, ^5 par cent 1 “ * so “ i “ 1 35 *• 4 “ a ” 30 ««. i “ i “ 35 It i ’* 1 40 • 4 l i M 35 11 1 i “ 40 It 1 1 “ 45 M THE “COLONIST.” fjlHE ‘•COLONIST” HAS A I “ bona fide ’ circulation of Twelve Thousand ! xnui\ HKKKr HE 'I'MK Best Adrertiiing' Medium in Canada TERMS: Daily,â€"4d a line for first insertion, and Id a line for each subsequent insertion. Wkeklt.â€"Gd a line for first insertion, and 2d a line for each subsequent insertion N.B.â€"Postmasters who send advertisements on these terms, will have a commission of 15 par cent allowed litem. The terms of Subscription for the DA II I ** Cx LON IS I,” are six dollars a year, pavabie in advance. Fur the WEEKLY, ihe price is a dollar and a halt, also payable in advance. To Clubs of tus, tho VVkkkly will be sup- plied at one dollar a year. 6ii-4 All advertisements to be measured by scale of 200 solid Brevier lines to a column.â€" Four pence a line will be charged for tho first insertion, and one pe.iny a liu* for ^ach sub- sequent insertion. Advertisers to have the privilege of chang ing their advertisement four times a year. Advertisements under a quarter of a co- umn, continued for three months, will be subject to *<!0 per cent: for six months, 25 per cent ; and for 12 month*, 30 per cent discount. Proprietors •’ Commonwealth.’’ Richmond Hill, Dec. 1, 1858. State Fire Insurance Company OF LONDON, CHARTERED BY ACT OF IMPERIAL PAHMAMEKT. CAPITAL, ££00,000 STERLING Canada Branch, Head Office: Toronte. TRUSTEES : â€" Hon. Johs Ross, | John Crvwiord, Esx. Boahe of Directors.â€"Wilil«m deMaster. Esq. Chairman; \V. P. Howland, E q. M.P.P., Vice-Chairman: William Ross, Esq. ; William Henderson, Esq. ; F. W Jarvis, Esq. Sheriff U. C. of Y ork aud P*el. Bankers â€"Tho Bank of M mtreal. SoLiCiT. rs.â€"Ross, Crawford and Crombie, The engagements of the State Fire in surance Company are guaranteed by a responsi- ble ProprietaiV. All losses will b« settled promptly without reference to the Boafd in England. ALEX. STEWART. A. LAW, Manager, B. N, America A<;ent, Richmond Hill. February 18, 1850. J2-1? APOTHECARIES’ H.1LL KING Street, Toronto, 2nd door ea^t ot Church Street, opposite tha Cathedral. Vv. T. Atkinson, & Co., Lale of King street West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent Medicines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye-lVoadSy Combs Brushes &c.y At such moderate prices as cauiiQ,t fail to ae- cure custom. W. T. A. &. Co.. having consis*«r«b!a ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts ot England, have no hesitation in saying, tliai a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ce'pis, Horse and Catile Medecmes, *5tc., are ol the very best quality, direct from the prin cipal English Drug Houses. W. T A Co beg to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for the Teeth, Atkin«on’s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume rill': ENGLISH NOSEGAY. boda Water bottled and from the fountain ; St. Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plantagenei Water, celebrated for their healthy properties. \pril 22,lb5B. 146 WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse, rpHU Subscribers have always on hand, L a large and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing, Colored, Brown, and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Walers, Slate”, Ink, Steel Pens, Envelopes, Metallic Memorandum Books, Twines, Copv Hooks, School Books and General Stationery, &c., &c. J he fao:lities wh'ch the sub-cabers havo for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills 11 Canada, thev are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. BUNTIN, BRO. & Ce., Yonge street, Terente. January 6, 1353 13 AGENTS WANTED. J ANTED, two smart intelligent men as . J Agents for the York Commonwealth of R.chmond Hill. For particulars, applv a the Office. Decewber 10, 1858. Richmond Victoria* r OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. TIB, J 1 meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’i*, Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening in ‘ each month. Officers râ€"Colonel D. Bridgford, • Master. J B. DeeGier, Deputy Master; John * Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue, Treasurer- January 21, 1858. t33 NE W TR E.1 TMKjYT. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, (CSTA BUSHED FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND AWt, SCROFv’I.A, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMPU« HI I Y OK THE BLOOD, SALT RHEUM, PIMPLES, FISTULA, PILES, KIDNEYS, DEBILITY, IN' FIRM1TIES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &C. (£>=* No Mercury Used. DR. A^lOS & SON, Comer of Main ani Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, ar» the onl Physicians in the State who are mem« hers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Mav be conmlted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until !) o’clock at night, on every state and syrup om of disease. The treatmMit they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine da\s. and cases of a slight nature in tw* or three dave: at a very moderate expense.â€" The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€"Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which, if not refermed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware ot the consequences, until they find the nervoue system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta- ble feeling*, aud vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which ar« permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly svith medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures. Dr AMOS &. SON take pleasure in announ* cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above disease*. It has been subjected to a test by tho most eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New Yoik. It has been declared the onlv u.-eful instrument ever yet invented fe» the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the eecrei habits of youth- Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical to the merits of these instru* ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance wive e they may prove unsatisfactory after • fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom* i>anying directions, securely packed and seat by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styled professors, who attempt cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Son have for a long series off yeais heen engaged i n an extensive practice the treatment of these delicate complaints, andi uie 1 tie only legally qualified Physicians who- now advertise to cure certain complaints, or Irom whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Persons in any Part of the World may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c , which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address l)r. Amos Son, coiner Maiu ftud Quay streets, Buffalo, N. Y, t^O-Vy. Terms of the Montreal Witness, FOR 1859. Seini-Weekly Edition, TVVO DOLLARS PKR ANNUM. Weekly Edition) 2 dollars per single copy, per annum. 6 “ for clubs of 4 addressed separately,^ 20 •• for 20 copies to one address. When a chib has been formed, additions may. be made, at the same rate< Any one remitting ten subscribers for either, or both editions, will receive a copy of the se- mi-weekly, giatis, except in the case of &0, copies to one address. 1'he terms for both editions are strictly ca»h, in. advance, and tho paper invariably stops, when the time subscribed for expires The fVitness has from the beginning been much indebted for whatever success it has at- tained, to tbs kind efforts of friends all over the. country in Us behalf, and it is npw as much as. over de endent on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, not at variance with the character of the paper, will be inserted in the. semi-weekly at 7 cents per lin« for first inser- tion, and M cents lor each subsequent insertion n the weekly,.the charge will be 20 cents per. iine for each insertion. Every family should take a city paper in ad- dition lo the local newspaper. The latter is ne- cessary, on account of the local intelligence it gives, whilst the former is valuable for its gene-’ r&l information. All letters, orders, and remittances to bead' dressed, post paid, to JOHN DOUG ALL. Proprietor “Montreal Witnekss,” Montreal* w NOTICE. r HEREBY FORBID any pe>-8ou or persea* from negociating for, or purchasing TWO NO l'ES OF H ANO granted by me in favor of JACOB IIISEY, Sen., one for £6 5s. and tho other for £.!3 1 Os. ^as t have received no value for the same. Sikkim. Dee. 185$. ••ff-

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