Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Commonwealth, 4 March 1859, p. 3

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INDEMNITY TO MEMBERS. (From the Globe.) On Monday evening the House of Assembly exhibited one ol those scenes, which in past sessions have sp scandalized the proceedings of Ibat body in the eyes oi the public. The chairman ol the Contingency Committee moved the adoption ol the report ol that Committee in fa- vour ol adding two dollais jnrcLem to the sessional payment oi mem- bers of Parliament, over and above the statutory rate ol lour dollar*? per day. The motion was met with cries of u carried, carried.”â€" Mr. Brown called on the Govern- ment to resist the motion, unless they desired it to pass. The mem- bers of the Government look per- plexed, and talk earnestly to each other, but do not rise. The SSpeakei puts the question, •* shall this motion pass”â€"Government still more per- plexedâ€"but no member rises.â€" Yeas and nays cailed forâ€"Ministe- rial perplexity, obviously increases. “The yeas will please to rise !”â€" ..says the Speakerâ€"but no Minister rises. The Clerk begins lo call the yeas, “ Archambault,” w Baby,” “ Beaubien,’ “ Caron,” “ Cimon,” &c.â€"Ministers intensely busy tak- ing down and counting the names. •The yeas are duly recorded, and it appears certain that the motion will be carried ;â€"then, and not till then, up riiies Mr. Alty. Gen. Cartier, with Mr. Atty Gen. Macdonald, Postmaster Smith, Board of W orks, Rose, Secretary Alleyn, anil Re- ceiver Sherwood sailing in his wake, and desirous that the names of Ministers may be recorded among the yeas ! The Inspector General, whose duty it is to protect the pub- lic money from such attacks, was not in his seat! The motion was of cour>e carriedâ€"43 to 26. The eH'ect of this vole is to add #30,009 to the expenditores of the yearâ€"and in the law ol' the accu- mulating embarrassments of the Province it is utterly inJelerisibie. All the great industrial iriierests ot the Province are in a slate of pros- tration ; the annual expenditure?* vastly exceed the annual revenue ; it will De absolutely necessary .o cut off every sixpence that can pos- sibly be saved ;â€"and yet the very men who must enforce this sweep- ing retrenchment begin ihe \vo;k by voting themselves t vo dollars pe# day extra, eor.t.ary to staiute, .and that in the shabbiest manner conceivableâ€"as a cuntiagmcy !â€" It this insane work is not speediiy stopped, ihe prospect before this countiy is lamentable indeed. MURDER BY A ME vJ BE LI OF CONGLIESS AT WASHINGTON. Washington, Feb. 27. The community was thrown into an in- tense excitement to-day by the killing ol Phillip Barton Kt-y, U.b. i»istiict Attor- ney for the District of Columbia, at the, hand* of Dani«l E. Sickles. According lo tbe repmt, Mr. Sickle t»> in ; convin- ced of the truth ol • ertain seandalou- rumours involving his wile, re>o'ved lo r*- dress bis wrongs. Al abuut - â-  *» i» ck thin attei noun, he proceeded i.on liwi evi- dence near the Piesid. ru’s house to ti.t south east corner of Laiuyclte S.ju;ire, in the same neighborhood, where. AL. Key was engaged in conversation with Mr. Butterwoith. oi‘N*w York, be •â- .barged Mr. Key with having dishonoured him and destroy< d ln» domestic peace, and shot hiui with a revolver. Out* of ih« balls entered the leit .*ide ol the body, im passed through to the cone*jif>iiding point in the opposite, lodging under the skin Another, shot took inicct in the right thigh, n*ar the main artery, when Mr Key fell, imploring Air. Stickles not to kill him. fihe third shot was in the rigli; side, glancing from the bjdy, inflictm only.a bruise. Death ensued in a leu minutes. The body was ta*en into tn National Ciuli Lion***. where a jury her an inquest. Alter an exammaiion ini the circumstances, of »om»* hours length, they returned a widict merely «tatii^. that the death ot Mr. Key was from tli« eflect of. pistol snots, »v above stated ftrpd rby Sickles. The premise* of th*- Club House were crowded with peopW antiouMy. enquiring into all the circuit.- stances of the event. Alter Mr. Sickle*, had killed Mr. Key, he repaired to the residence of Atty. Gen. Black, where In i*as advised to deliver himself into the hands of the officers, who subsequent!} conveyed him to jail. Narrow Escape.â€"Mr. Veiteh, the* Reeve ol Wool wish, had a narrow escape from death last week, lie was attending on a horse in Ids stable, when the an ma kicked at him, and struck him on the nost and forehead. Luckily, the distance pie rented the fu’l ell'ects ol tne blow, and Mr. Veitch, although almost insensible lor the time, has now recovered lrom the accident.â€" Berlin Chronicle. A Parson reading the luneral service at the grave, lorgot Ihe sex of the de- ceased, and asked one of the mourners an Emerald-ir, ' * ts this a brother or a •ister ?’ * Neither,’ replied Pat, * only a cousin.’ THE NEWSPAPER. Rev. Henry Ward Biecher, thus speaks of the newspaper, the com- mon people's Encyclopedia : 4 In no other way can so much, so varied, so useful information be im- parted, and under circumstanees so favorable for educating the child’s mind, as through a j idieious, well conducted newspaper. * To live in a village, was once to be shut up and contracted. Bui now a man may be a hermit and vet a cosmopolite. He may live iu the lores!, walking miles to a post of- fice, having a mail but once a week, and yet he sh • >1 be found as fami- liar with the living world a# the busiest acior iu it. For the news- paper is a spy glass by which he iuings near the most distant things â€"a microscope, by whieh he leis- urely examines the most minute ob- jectsâ€"an car-lrumpei by which he collects and brings within his hear- ing all that is said and done all over the earthâ€"a museum full of liymg pictures ot real life, drawn not on canvass, but with printer's ink on paper. ‘The effect of liberalizing and enlarging the mind o( the you ;tr, ot this weekly commerce ivith the world, will be apparent to any one who will ponder it. Once, a liberal education could only be completed <<v foreign travels. The sons only ot the wealthy c uld indulge in thi# costly benefit. But now the poor man's son can learn a« much at home, as a hundred years ago n gentleman could learn bv journey- ing the world over. For while Miuie are some advantages in going into ihe world, it is the poor man’s privilege to have the world to come to see him. The newspaper is a great collector, a ureat traveller, a great Icdurer. It is tin* cn iitiimi people’s Cucyclopediaâ€"the lyeetun. ihe college.’ Another Atlantic Telkgkaphâ€" lindiscOHcaged by the failure of he la1*' • iiempt' lo connect Kurope and she New v\ or d, i fresh company, the Great Oc -an < leg aph Company. (Limited ) is an- â-  i ii'iced as being formed for the purpose, i’he ca -le em.iUy< d uy tne Great Ocean C' n pa;:y is lo be < 0H*strucled accorUmg o '.lie j at * u ted systems of A'r. Thomas ill n, Ihe em n<-nt electric d engineer, • inventions in tins dt ep'y-intereslin, science hive, wt* believe, received the commendation of some uf the highes: n ones in tbe engineering world. M Allan’s iope is the direct converse of the ! *te i>ne $ the whole stiengtb being placed iu Ihe cue, or centre, instead of on the •lUiside. so that tiw tension which is inevi- table with heavy cattle like the Atlantic Company's is avoided, and the gutla •ercba. the insulating medium, is preserved rom injury. It is an ascertained fact in 'he science of cables teal the shoaler Ihe water the heavier ihe cable should be, and vice versa Ligh inss, therefore, is the gr«at desideratum or an oce;.n cableâ€" the minimum of we ght. so as to preserve a relatively greater specific gravity to the w.ter. aud. at the same time, the maxi mum of conducting power and strength Such a rope it wouid appear, from the specimen we have seen, Mr. Al an now oilers to public notice. He s!hw- t! at, whilst the absolute weights of the two ables are as 21 £ to 10, their relative st englhsare a* 11 t*• 25, a strength of nearly times in lavoroflhe light cable. I’be li'reat Ocean Company propose to carry their line b om the Land’s l^nd to Halifax. United Males, which i* one of our naval arsenals, an*' the key t » the wires through our N• rth American pos- session as well a>< to the Untied States. Bachelors are not entirely lost to tin refinement of sentiment, for the following toast was given by one ol them at a ce le- gationâ€"‘The Ladiesâ€"Sweet briers in the garden of life.’ For EunoFE.â€"The Express learn- that Dennis Donahue, Fsq., lier Bntai'i'- 'ajesly'’*. Consul in Buffalo, intends le:»v- i ig m the course of two or three weeks o a dying visit to England arid will re urn shortly after the opening of navigation TO 11 ON TO M A H K ETS. Medical.â€"We have made a gieai tep towards th« discovery of what is fgood for a disorder when we have ouud what is bid lor it. Folks troubled with indigestion will please copy the pre- •criptioR. Thursday, March 3 Whkatâ€"Prices for Piinie Fall Wheat rang- ed from 7 : to 8s :’d per bush., A ^ri^k demand slill continues with very light supplies Spring Whkat is in demand at <5s 6d a 7* 1 d Flolrâ€"Super fine. £1 IDs to £i 11 ; fancy> JCI l*is; extra, £L 13s to £i liisper barrel, pes mi h. Uaklkt meets a good enquiry at 4s 6d a 5» per bush. I’eas are held at a similar rate. Oats are worth 3* per bush. C*n the matkot common flour for family use is retailed iu bags at £1 15s per barrel. 1'iMniHX S*,kl> has been bought and sold at 10*, Us, and 12s p»«r bushel. Cloven seed opens at £1 15* t> £1 15s 7Jd. p*r bushel. Hat brings from £2 l'is to £4 l^s per ton. t ie usual rate, good timothy being £4 to £4 5*. Straw £'l 10s to £2 5s per ton. Potatoes are become still more scarce, and good varieties have biouglu 3» 3d to 3s 6d per b isl e', wiiile common are held at iis 9d to Arpi.ts coutinuo very scarce at 5s to 7a (id per bush d. and £l to £1 5< per barrel. Pjrkâ€"For good hogs of over 20;) lb*. £1 12to £ ‘ 13s per 100 lbs. will be paidâ€"For lighter weights £1 l’»s to £l 11 is the range. Br.*Fâ€"£1 I Os for the best, and £1 5s to £1 7s 6d for medium per 1 JO lbs, deducting one- mird for shrinkage. Shkv.p £1 5s to £1 6s 3d each. Calves £l 3s 9d to £1 7s 6d each. Poultry.*â€"Chickens are scarce and worth 2s 3d to 3b 6d per pair for good fowl. Gem are carce at 2s 6d each. Turkeys sell at all price* from 3s 9d to 7s 6d each, according to quality. Eeos aie coming in more freely, but find ready sale at Is 3d per dozen. Butterâ€"Is 2d to Is 3d per lb. Tub butter of the oeit quality is worth lid to is 2d per lb. by .he firkin. Common, or No, 2, is saleable at 7$d to 9d per lb. Cheese.â€" i he nest is held firmly at £2 15s to £3 per 100 lbs. iiARD t>J to 7d per lb. Tallow of tne best quality selis at 6<i per lb. Wooi, Is 3d per lb. Sheep-kins very active at 7s tid to Ss 1 Id. Beef hides £t 15» per 100 lbs. Calfskins 6d to 7j per lb. Wood is in good quality at 15s ^ to I5s J per load, and £1 to £lj per coid delivoied.â€" DIED. On Thursday, the 27th ult., at the residence oi Mr. William V alentine, Brtsck. Mr. Thomas Woods, of King, aged tiO years, late ol Melier- stau, Berwickshire, Scotland. Special Notices. TJ FA HE 13 ANO vlO/ il ERS. You knew how important it is for your chil. dren that you should keep good health. How frequently do we see feeble parent* dressed in mourning on account of the death of their be- loved ehildren. What a pity it is, when, bjiroper care and remedies, all thei-e trials and troubles can be avoided When health can be • estored to the parent and lite and happiness to rhe child. Restore the health of the mother and you obviate the necessity of Paregoric Ciodtrey’s Cordial and other injurious narcotics â-  or crying children. We entreat you. as we desire to improve the condition of our race, to procure Dr. Morse’s Almanac and read how diseases ;»re cured in accordance with Nature's taws with innocent Roots and Plants. PREGNANCY. During this critical period Morse’s Indian Root Pills will be required, because they cleanse ihe body Irotri those morbid humors, and tho- roughly diive away all paisis, and give ease and comfort to the mother. Fror. one to three ef the e Pills, tftke* two or three times a week during pregnaney, will cause the mother « saef and easy delivery, aid will be sure to give a <tout and healthy cousuiu ion to the chil i, l)r. Mode’s Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. A Boy Wanted. >. a I . . 18 Printi Jtusinees. Apply at thie etfice. WtTED, a Smart, Active BOY, about 5 or 1 € \ear» of age, to learn the THE TiijudicioMs «se of Mercury often oc cations aff ciioiis of rihe throat, of th*' hones o^' ihe nose, and m H^naiit foies. l)r. Moffat's i.i’e Pills and Phoenix Bitters are siyna'ly suc- • essfnl in eradicatins all the effects of me'cun <>in the systsm They aid nature i casting from the body all poisonous matters, and bv Mius putifying the vital fluids, they re^to^e the const tution to so md iiealih. For sale b\ W. !>. M* iFFAT. proprietor, 335 Broadway, i\ew York, and his Agents. r« Ministers of the Gospel AND Sabbatli-scliool T •.‘iclicrs OF THE COUNTIES OF YOLilv & SIA1COE. \ SABBATH School Union Convention o? Ministers of the Gospel, and Saiihatli .â- Sciiool Teacher* ol the above named Coun ies, •vill bi- he’d in Mewmakkkt on I uksdat and Wki'NEsuav, the 15ih and ltiih days of March next. Ministers are earnestl*' invited to attend, whether Delegates or not, and to take part in the proceedipgs. Each Sabbath School is requested to send one or two Delegates. The inhabitants of Newmarket have kindly engaged to entertain Delegates during taeir visii. The Directors ol the Northern Railroad have kindly engaged to convey Ministers and I eat:h- mts to and lrom the place of Convention, for ime j'ar€. upon presentation ot their certificates Schools intending to send Delegates auti Ministers who propose attending '.he Conven- ion. are requested to send word without delay to Rev. J. Hooper, Newmaiket, iliat due pie- paration for their comfort be m:;de. (By Order of the Executive Committee.) JOSEPH HOOPER. Seen Caries- P.S.â€"Any Minitters or Sabbath Schools not having eceived circulars and forms of certifi- cates of Delegation, are requested to applv at once to tiie Secretaries, who will forward them mi mediately. Newmarket. March 4. 1859. 14-2t. Letters Remaining in RIC11M >ND HILL PostOffic , March 1st. Anderson, Mrs. Atki’isou, Joiin Arnold, J. R. iiilauy, Henry Booihby, i liouias i<eir\. J liu iinlliitger, Goerge Brown. Lucy Collen-, Mary Jane Craik, Peter Coaptand. William Ceber, Peter i.ook, Harriet Durrani. Charles Elhoi, Rotiert E er, David Elliot, Ma:y Ann* Fogoin, J. Ooldur, Ellen Gray, William Gram, Jesse Harrison, William Hunt, William Hamilton, John iiorton. William Jenkins. A. M Jefl’erson, Jane Keal. Francis Lawrence. William H. i.ouis, Ellen Langsiatf, John [3J Lee, George Mapjs, William Millet, James [2] Morieli, Jame* Malcolm, Alex. McDonald, Lichlin[2] McPhiliips, (ieoige McMorran, George Newton. Jan:es JNicois, Matilda Playter, James Penney. Z A Patou, Isabella Russe l. Benjamin Seager, William [2j Stanton. George Sanderson. Henry Tory, Alexander £4] Trench, Robert Wride, Joseph Wiles, Jotiu TEEFY. Postmaster. NOTICE. ON MONDAY, the 4th of April next, ap- lie tion will t>e made to trie Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan, to pass a lly-Lau) establishing a certain Road leading from tne *-4nd Concession act o s <^ot .3. to connect with a Road heretofore established, from Yonge Street, between Lots No. 42 and 43. GEO. J. F i EARCE. Towiislrp Clerk. Richmond Hill, Feb. 35, 1&59. l3-4i, 8 A I* 15 U V li UTS. ,l'tlE Subscriber wislies to inform Farmers, Storekeeper*; and Others, that he has now on hand a large quantity of superior SAP BUCKET . which he is se.iing remaikablv cheap. Lot No. 11, 2nd Con, Markham, or by letter, pre^ paid, to Buttonville P. O, February 18, 1859, 12-4p OR. C. S. LLOYD IN AURORA. Doctor Lloyd begs one and all, Not to neglect immenia'e call ; For having made the firmest stand-â€" With every choice at his command ; The Dr. feels the greatest pride, 'I hat every want can be suplied. As far as “ Medicine" can do, With art and skill, attending tooâ€" And fears not when lit* friend* shall call But that he can supply them'all. When they ^an speak how they enjoyed 'Piie benefits, from Dr. Lloyd ; His •* Tinctures” are the most refinedâ€" In fact his Store has every kind, A motiia, Alo*s, Myrrh, Blood Root, V\ itii Soaps, and Indian Hemp to suit. Chloroform, Galls. GUiger too, Egot, t loves, and Hops quite new ; Cassia Camphor, and Cayenneâ€" I soon shall have to stay my pen ; For It would give too long attention. The whole of this large stock to mention. A few words more on the suppliesâ€" Saff oii^ Fox-glove. Spanish Flies, Hemlock, Rhubarb, Lemon Peel, And ch‘ icest Salves, the wounds to heal, Infusions of the richest store, Tlieu need 1 mention anv more. The Dr. once again must say. To hose that wish to give fairplav. To try his *• Ointments,*’ and make sure That they have found a certain cure 1 Antimonial and Compound, Sulphur, Pitch, can here bo found ; Tar, Tobacco, best of spice, Essence and Sweets to suit the nice ; Acids of a full supply For those who wish the same to try. * l'is needless here to mention all, W hen eyes can view them if they call ! (iive trial ! and prove von have enjoyed True benefit from Dr. Lloyd. Auiora. Feb 18, 1859 12-3-m. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION AGENTS! rPHE SUBSCRIBERS beg most respectfuliv 1 to announce to the Public in general, that they have taken out Lic«>s>s as Auctiosxeks for the United Counties of York & Peel, And also or the COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! Said Comities are composed of the townships of Scarboio’. Ma<kham, York Vaughan, Whi’church, King. Etobicoke, ! eromo. Gore of Toronto, Chiugucusha, Caledon, Albion, i.ast Gwdlimbury, Noith <iwillimbury, Geor- giana. i i‘-kc;ing. Whitby, Uxbridge, Reach cicott, B ock. I'horab, Mara and llama. Any person reqtiiriug our seivices in the above capacity, in any ot the above named Townships, will write to us either at Markham or Stouffville. and we will give il our prompt attention. A 1LSON & PATTERSON, Markham it SioufFville, I Anctiove.trs. February, 1859. j 12-1 v NOTICE. ’ | 'HE SUBSCRIBER de*ires to inform his I friends that he has purchasod the STORE GOODS belonging to Mr 'Phomas Coopkk, and will be ready at ail times o supple them with DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, Liquor^ Hardware, Ac. &c. See. Of first quality, and at Reasonable Terms. J >HN BRUNSKILL. Thornhill. Jan. 94. 18.>9. 9 tf TO t, ^J^WO COMMODIOUS TENEMENTS I adapted for Shops, situated in the most central and commanding part of the Village ; each containing 6 rooms, good cellar, garden, and other conveniences ; well suited ioi Mil- liners, Tailors, Tin Smith, Saddlers, or Shoe Shops. Rent moderate. Apply lo G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Jany. 2D, 1X58. 8-tr NOTICE. H AV1NC received Power of Attorney from Mr. THOMAS COOPER, 1 Have m rrq- est all persons who ha”e Accounts with him lo settle the same with me without any delay. JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thornhill. Feb. 7. 1859 . „l-4 TO PRINTERS. fFHE â- SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the Trade, that bis Stock of PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE, INKS, and all other description of materials, has been ven largelv increased this Season, bv arrivals from NEW Y >KK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- ; ortcd to order. Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb Old Type taken in exchange for new?. D. K. FEEHAN. Colborne st., Toronto. Jan. 9, 18 57 g5 To the Sick and Dying R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaugnan, near Klineburgh, guarantees to cure Cancerlinlarged JYecksy And many other Diseases. persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do wel1 to cali in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER, Klinebuigh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, ItioH. 61-tf TORONTO ( I I Y MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, T0MBTBLES. T O M B-S T ONES & e. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANT OTHER KSTABLISHMKT. 'FHE Lndersigned Assignees of the [ estate of D. C. & W. Y A LK, will con- tinue the business undet the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, A os i IN Abb. r and D. Cari.os Y lk, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection. c. Yale, g, CUMMER. Toronto, 29, April 18*» 4S-Vf GREAT BI-ANNUAL clearing sale ! THE Subscriber having deteruiincd on disposing of ail bis WINTER GOODS Previous to leaving lor the British and other European Markets, has commenced and is now SELLING OFF ! His Winter Stock of Goods at tinprecedenledly low prices, for CASH ONLY, lie is enabled to sell lower than usual in Toronto, lrom the fact of having purchased his gouds in the be*t Markets, on the best terms, and now having A GRAND CLEARING SALE ! All parties in want of Good*, will find it the Stock a Fiencli Merinoes, French Double Twills, Cobourg (Jlolh*, l)e Laines, German Gala Plaids, Plaid Woollen Shawls and Scarfs, Paisley shawls, Woollen Mantilla Shawls, Fur Boas and Cults, Polkas, to their advantage to cal! and examine nd Prices. Flannels and Blankets, Grey and White Cottons, Striped and Fancy Shirtings, Prints and Ginghams, Grey and White Cotton Shirtings, Lin-mi Sheetings, Towellings," Table Damasks, t.'assiineres. Satinets, Cloths, Fancy Flannel Shirts. 3Iilliiicry, Mantles anti Ready-made Clothing. IS.B.â€"The Store on the cornor of King and Church Sts. is discontinued. JOHN C H A11LES WORT LI, ^ 41 King Street west, next to Beckett’s Dnigsist. Toronto, January 18.”)9. 9-3m M . L i: I S 11 >1 A N, No. 81, King Street East, next, do^r to the “Colonist” oOice, has opened out a complete asssortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! MILLINERY AND CLOTHING, Which he will sell at Prices that will favourably compare with any House in the Trade, bis detenninalion being to s**ll (Joods of the. best quilit’ws and at such Prices as will recommend themselves without the additional aid of PUFFING so universally itsortid to by most Pa ties in the i rade. Comprises all kinds of Goods suited for Family and Do;iiesiic u^e. THE FANCY STOCK ! Is replete with the Newest Goods of the Season. T II E 31 I L li I \ Eli Y S T O € li ! Is choice, and remarkably c'lertp. Clothing, ready made and made to order very much below the usual Charges Sales made for cash only. No Second Price- M. LE IS II MAN, No. 81, Kin.; St. next door east to the Colonist office. Toronto. Jan. 1859. 9-3in TO MDVEKTIi£Ki> ! Great Reduction of Advertising Rates! Taking into consideration the hatd times, and being determined to advance the pros- perity of the community in which vv« live; and believing as we ce tainiy do, that a Viliage is judged by parties at a distance by the Ad.- rertiseinents that appear in the columns of its Newspaper, and being very desirous of offer- ing everv inducement in our power to Mer chants and others to Advertise, we have de- termined to Reduce our Advertising rates to as low a Fg ire as we ca â-  possibly affoid.â€" Our great object is, to er.cour.ige liberal adver- tising, as this branch of Business is the main stay to all Printing Establishments. Our readers will at once perceive that it is utterly impossible to advertise at lower rates than we give below. If we did, we should not b« able to carry on the paper: for no ona (not ev<.*n printers) can be expected to work for nothing. Uowtm-r, wre hope that all those who desire o encourage a Village Newspaper will advertise liberally, and then w hile we shall be benefited, they themselves will be even more so by an increase of business,â€"the invariable result Of advertising. The following arc our reduced rates :â€" ^ column | a year 5 i “ i *•* :ui t ** i 35 i " i 30 i i “ 35 i “ l 40 1 i “ 35 1 i *• 1 40 1 45 All advertisements to be measured by a scale of 2 )0 solid Brevier lines to a column.â€" Four pence a line will be charged for the first insertion, and one penny a line for each sub- sequent insertion. Advertisers to hare the privilege of chaug ing their advertisement four times a year. Advertisements uuder a quarter of a co- unin, continued for three months, will be subject to yO per cent ; for mx months, y5 per cent ; and for 12 months, 30 per cent discount. PnopRiKTojts *' Common wealth. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1, 18jS. State Fire Insurance Company OF l.ONUON, CHARTEHKl) BY ACT Or 1MPKHIAI. P AH 1.1 AM KKT . CAPITAL. ££00,000 STERLING Canada Branch, Head Office: Toronte. TRUSTEKS I-- lion. John Ross, | Johs Cr vwfokd, Esx. Boakk or Dirkctoks.â€"Wilt In in »le:Vlaster. E*q. Chairman; W. P. iiowl tud. E q. M.P.P., Vice-Chairman: William Ross. Esq. ; William Henderson, Esq ; F. W Jarvis, Esq. Sheriff U. C. of York and l’uel Bankkus â€"The Bank of M nitres). Sol cit rsâ€"Ross, Crawrlord and Crombie The engagements of the State Fi e In surance Company are guaranteed by arespon i ble Proprietary. All losses will b(* settled promptly w'ithout reference to the Board in England. ALEX. STEWART. A. LAW. Manager, B. N, America Agent. Richmond Hill. February 18, 18#G, 12-ly THE “COLONIST.” rpUE “COLONIST" HAS A I “ bona tide ’ circulation of Twelve Thousand ! andij h&ri:f rk imk Best Advert.sing Medina in Canada TERMS: Daily,â€"4d a line for first insertion, and Id a line for each subsequent insertion. Wekkiy.â€"Gd a line for first insertion, ar*i 2d a line lor each subsequent ii^eriion N.B.â€"Postmasters who send auvertisoments on these terms, will have a commission of 15 per cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAI I K “ C LON'iST," are six dollars a year, payable in advance. For tiie >» Ei’IKI.Y, ihe price is u dollar and a half, also payable hi advance. To Clubs of ten, the VVkkkl* will be sup- plied at one dollar a year. (ib-4 APOTIIEClItlES’ IIVLL KING Stkkkt. Toronto, 2nd duor ea.-t of Church Street, opposite tha I athedral. Vv. T. Atkinson, Sl Co., Late of King strrsi West, now offer al their new establishmeiit, Genuine English Drugs, Patent Medicines, French and English Perfumery, OJs, lJatnlsy Colours, Dye- fi oods, Combs Brushes tyc., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom; VV. T. A. «Si Co. having c< nsi^i-able ex- perience in the Diug business iu various part' of England, have no hesitation in saying, thas a great many of their Wanafactured Articles will be tound very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions,. Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle Medecmes, Ac., are of the very best quality, direct from th* prin cipal English Drug Housed: WV I A «.V Co beg to cail alt ,nt,ion to their C'iebraieU Prepa- ration for the Teeth, Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume T LI 15 KNCJLISII N'O.-KGAY. ^oda Water bottled and froth the fountain; St. Catherines Mineral Water, and ihe PlatilHgenet VVaier, celebrated for theii healthy properties. April 22,1U58. t4ti WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. f I H15 fsuh«cribr;rs have always on band, 1 a largH and general stocLt of the besi British and Provincial maiiufactured Writing, LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, I\o. 044, Meets at wm. durose’s hotel Victoria Square, the last Fr'day eve»» ing iu each month. OKKICKKS KLF-CT ; JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAMES f'ANAGHAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN G WVLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7, 18.58. 48*1 Richmond Victoria, [ OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No, 7T8. { i meets at Brother Robert Wiseman'*, Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening in each month. . , : , ’ OtricEKS Ei.kciâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfori. Master . J B. DeeGter, Deputy M.ster ; John Munholland, Secretary; W. Pogue, Treasure' January 5J1, 1858. t33 NEW TREATMENT. Buftilo Medical Dispensary, established for the curb or ursrersu, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER A^D lOUK, SCROFULA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMPtf* HI I Y OF THE BLOOD. SAI.T RHEUM, PIMPLES, FISTULA, PILES, KIDNEYS, DEBILITY, IN- FIRMITIES OF VOUTH AND OLD AGE, &C. CO* ]\To Mercury Used, jpi DR. AMOS & SON, Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo, New York, ar# the oul i iiysicians in the State who are mem* hors of the Roval Colleffe- of Surgeons, London. M hv be con ulted from 8 o’clock in the. morn* in.a1 until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and symp orn of disease. The treatment they Pidopt is the result of up- ward- of 30 year-’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated, in eight or nine da s. and cases of a slight nature in tw* or three day.-- at a ve y moderate expense.â€" The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Menâ€"Take Particular CD Notice.. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up. witb them to manhood, and' which, if not re-fenued, bv them in due lime, not only begets serioue obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but give* list* to a series of protracted, insidious. »nd devastating affections. Few of those who give way tn this peniidoun practice are aware ot ’ the consequences, until they find the norvoue system shattered., feel strange and unaccounta- ble feeling;, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Invention. An instrument for the cure of Genital De* biiity, or more properly known as Semiu»l Weakness. Nervous Debility* &c., which are pe manenily cured in from 15 to 211 dayt by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with modiciiies. New Remedies and Quick Cures. Du AMOS &. SON take pleasurein an noun* cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above disease*. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel* phia and ew Yoik It has been declared tbe only u.-.eful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any diseaee of the genital organs, caused by tbe eecret habits of youth Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy th« most skeptical a-r to the merits of tiiese instru- ments, pledge themselves, that iu any instance whe e they may prove unsatisfactory after • fair trial, the money will be refunded by re* turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing, the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom* panying directions, securely packed and seat by mail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of einpiries and itinerant self-styled professors, who attempt cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Son have for a long series of yeais been engaged in an exten ive practice in mo treatment of these delicate complaints, and are tire only Legally qualified. Physicians whe now advertise to cure certain complaints, er from whom geuuiue European remedies can be obtained. Persons iv any Part of thf. World may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their ca-es, with a remittance for Medicines, Ac , which will be returned withth# utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos & Son, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo, N. Y. t46-ly l olon d. Brown, and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Wafers, Slate", Ink, Steel Pens, Envelope , Metallic Memorandum Books, Twines, Copy Books. School Books and General Stationery, &.C., &c. The lao:litie» wh ch the sub cribers have for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mids n Canada, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. li UN TIN, BRO. & Ce.. Yonge street, Tereute. January 6, l &iS | :i AGENTS WANTED. A \ ; ANTKI). two smart intelligent men a? V\ Agents for the York Comm<*nwkali h of Richmond f Hill. For particulars, apply a the Office. December IQ, 1858. Terms of the Mimtteal Witness, FOR 18.59. Semi-Weekly Edition t TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Week I y Hriitiony 2 dollars per single copy, per annum. (i “ lor; Clubs of 4 addressed separately, 20 “ for 20 copies to one address. When a club has been formed, additions may be made at the same rate. Any one remitting ten subscribers for either or both editions, will receive a copy of the se* mi-weekly, giaiis, except in the case of 20 copies lo one address. The terms for both editions are strictly ee*h in advance, and the paper invariably stops when the time subscriber lor expires The Wi ntss has from the beginning bee*: much indented for whatever success it has at- tained. to ihe kind efforts of friends all over the country in i^s behalf, and it is now as much as ever de endent on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, noi at variance with the character of the paper, will be inserted in th% sem.-Weekly al 7 cents per line for first inser- tion, and Scents for each sub-equent insertion ; n tiie weekly, the charge uili be cewta per ine for each in eriion. Every family should take a city paper in ad- dition io the local uevvspaper. The latter is ue- c.-ssary. on account of tiie local intelligence it iiives, whilst the former is valuable lor it* gene* rat iu forma ton. All let'e s oiders, and remittances to bead* d ossed. post p;>id, to JOHN DOUG ALL. Proprietor “Mo.>treal Witsee*s,m Montreal. NOTICE. f HEREBY FORBID any pe'-sou or persons | from negotiating lor. or purchasing TWO NO 1 LS OF 11 \ N grained by, me m favor ot JACOB HISEY. Sen., one lor £6 5s. aud the other for £ 3 10<. ,'as f have received ne value for tbe same. Itftrkkaa, De t. If, 1*5**

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