u-uft-i ’. ij i; r r n |i 35oo|{. Hern \\ ii In Wright effulgence 'glows, \\ ith Wisdom joined, ill rough rhyme and pro.se figination can rol The Now York Post says:â€" T\igjil llirew 1't‘i- \nanllc o\:r 1 lui cail Si -and •j.iMieil it with a star.'5 Tasty. wasiTl site 1 ^Viiynrc loeth like verbs ? Re- cause they ait: regular, irregular, and delcc live* l nift d states papers say that then; is a tlie present revenue deri ved from ! in<>-, the terms will be as follow: j ?r mc"; Inr , â- â- â- â- â- .. ' l ~ i o' . â- _ vol. discoveries in <ciencc, ivc. iro.speci of ;t lcdoction in the pnee ol sti^ir. the United Ridings of York alone.;â€"7. (id., currency, per annum, it I ous Engravings. 5i'2 pp. 8vo. The ^Scn- York Times says“ lint., i lie j'jie 'L'ownsliip of Markham,wilh : paid within ihefirst 1 lireo moil (Its;! prosprcts for a Tull cmp, we are most happy its some eighl thousand in ha hi- 10s. ii paid within six monllis; | v?"1,4,1 <'",l,ra<'",!r ll'"l’"!"l0,ls And bi ih unite their charms in onr^ to statir. arc liijilily t>ncotiraging. 'J lte liiglt til Ills To form the .-age and humorous pun. prices which have ruled Ihe past l\vo years cm rii; AVJioro the heart has no occu- pntion la eivc, it. is imposrsililt; llial tile iln» ral consequences are, increasing stock*, and a Uppe ‘s at this moment than , lion of the volume, 12s. 6d. will Ik i the whole Province ofleharired. Tr'udyeon, Hill. .May loth, XS57. j\]an.ai>er, Kit Inhond anada but twenty-live I JA]|.communications(pro- tcmlciicy to lower prices. The crop o! Lwii - years ago; and what with the f() ])(< addressed to William iani promises to be nearly fou.- timeseieater increased facilities for gelling than it was inst vear. and tlni* yiehl of Maple now'-paand ihe p;reatlv im- Sii^af has been imirli larger tlum was ever | proved e i I OUll 1st it I1C0S of ihe peo- belhrS known. All Uiese causes cuiiibined. p'o, il is extremely probable lhat will have the desired elTeel of hringin^; tln« n , t hl'l'e a I'C 1> lore llOWMH! | >01' readers The most ignorant liaveknow- 1 <- d e e 1111 n l‘ 11 lo delict 11 if lalilts ol others; lit- Inosl cl a â- - i hied art* oiten blinded .to their own. rl'lihardest thing to hold in this wo; Id, is an nnnjly I<'11. n.*. Il beats a lot smooth.ng iron, and a Lickin';' horse cOn- Sideiiibly. the price of this coininodil v, and Ihi'c wh •> have fortunes in it, will have a wide liiiiein to lalj-back tl^ou when the decline lakes place. The New York Ih-raJd slates that on the Slh itHant a honilde tl'ag'edv ocriirrnl Hear Tweut^-seeo'ul Street, in lb.it. O.iiY. A woman, mum d I'lizi Shaw.wasfoitr.il lying ill llipVai d allnfhed lo her dwelling, with her Ihfoaf rill and her body horribly mil!il it id. 11. r Ini'! I. Tlmmas Shaw, h is been nrrcsled on suspicion nl havin.; inm dei ed her. n r l 1 ’ I* Tn the room occupied bv ihe prisoner and Ins Dr. John,>on, Oi.ee spea’ ing ol wilt: was iimnd a large pool nl blond mu! a tt finairelsonn: fellow, said, •' II lie I' a it t..<o * ,,, t]t ideas in 11is bead they would fall out with tiaclt other/’ Always do as the Sun doesâ€" look at Ihe Ih 'ii'iil .side of every iliin^ ; it is just as cheap and lliree tinles as "Ortd for di- inzOr coverfcd Witli oOrei The wind nv sil was also rI.itilled w it'll b'rt 'it. showing I h it I he ! body had’ oiilVer been thrown out of 111.win- 1 dow or ilectased had jumped out herscl A good deal of evidence \vas taken ; but lit. lie light, however, was thrown upon the ji'cslion* “You waul h Hogging, that’s wluit. yon walU.^s-id a parent lo an unruly Son. “ I know it dad, hul IT 1 iv to gel nlong- without il,†said the independent Urat. The weddi.sg’ rim; worn mi the fourlh Ini^ei 'of llie lei I liaiid. because il \vas ancienllv believed, that a stuail a.teiy Iran ironi 'lbis liai e. tr> tiie he;A:t. 7 7/ r IJ a if ff ( V; iu jj ($1, incitleiiLs of (rar | the hotlies rrijsd f-o.nlc; of menâ€"lo. the .<ha:ined'nl ms- With lnmier- I sumption that the beni-ihted antl le.eb'o, whether In soul or bodv, are lo be regarded ik fredfe'd' as Tie con"euieince. 0!% the prev of their wiser or .•'Ironger hreUirenâ€"lo ihe domination of despots or j •'ligaic.hs, whel.ber o('empi:es or plantationsâ€"lo the enslavers of cities and kingdoms in ivienpe, er the breeders of children lor’the alter, on-hloek and ,, J1 lll_ i the et^Uon-fieiti in Virginia or A Sahnnia, lerest in l aris, Rouen, Lisbon, ivhulnd, Bare Iona. IMsa, Login rn, Rome, .Naples, l lercnian um, 1'o^jipeii, l,!nstum,;i,a.iermo. .Malta, Verne Scars'1 S('cncs and Sk^.lcbcs of Conh ncvtial Europeâ€"embracing desc France, 1 ‘irlm*al, Spain, Jlalv, Sie land. Bel gin nV, Uolh.nd, iV pri Contents, ami a complete Index. Bv JL TRALL, M. D. I ub’islnd I)v FOW!J:r WELLS, NKW YORK. In the. plan of tin* U o-k. the wants and r.eerts* witzer- i- with of in- | Mtte: Wh been s!.eatliiy kept in view. Milan Geneva, Fiirnes, Brussc!s"Tyroil, Anl- werp, Rolterdam, Amsterdam, \\ aif rloo, Sir., Si.c. <>arefn!lv compiled from the be-t ami !ait*s! sources. Nunicrons Kngraviiigs, ;V>0 p'p‘ r;vo •Sv/rs’ P'r'u,'cl 7)t scriptiwi rr G'r-r<U III il'ilft tml l.eluM'iâ€".101 rj’He doctrine that no liuim-an bning was ever created for the .benefit or.ady.ants'go ol ^.noilj^uâ€" that all sfvice between man and imsii rhonld !-e | reeipioc.-lâ€"that tlio l«aborer should not toil and w eat. lo namper others’ price.oi- minister.to others* hi lor nd dt mi -lev to ii i in and crt. - is . Ii .ed ' cei ai:i theiVplel 11nost every topi': of interest, in the depart- ments ol Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology Ilv^ieiie, anti 1 hevapeflfics'is briefly presented.those ofprae 'ical nidi ty are always put .pioimiremlv foi wa:d 'j'he picvaling e.itn -, eoneeits. and whims of d o day and Age a c exposed anti refilled; the theories ai-d hypotheses upon which the poj-ular drug- pat iice ' is pn dicated aro conir«.veiled, and tiio u:!uj and. wl;err/i-rc-of the fallacy clearly demon s'*a{eo I'he loi.owing is a brief analysis of its? wilt. â- iiie.-'. h u. ,nte i tin in. RRlTISi I ('OUOMS'I', 'I'ri-11 rrl/i/. And JYein.s- of ihe Wee!;. WrrLhj. Dail\ Coloui t J> iijsii C'l.loni t Wt'vkh (-o‘o:i>(. *• Clubs of m the three Jtidings of \ ori< alone, lhan till Western Canada could boast of at a lime~.within the rec.nllection of even young men of the present day. Under Ihese eirenin.•stances,!lie Pi.hiish- ts of the “ J or!: Hulun!** (inz- 'â- f/c†feel that tlicv hut march with the times, and ke(*p pace with ihe it*(jnire11u;: 11s of iheir eouutrv, when lltey proitos'1 dis- 'eminaling iisefui infurmalion. !>v in^ans of a respeclable. and well conducted Joined. It is but marking progress wilh mind. 1 binging a newspaper upon each mile-stone of( auadian advance- ment, Is hut unfurling llie tlag, ' . • ' are .such a's can not be .-u -pa> oi ci\ilization over 1h(‘ nclncvr-1 Daily cowt i. « la g,* d, Payal)le at least 3 iuomh* in a< ’I he Daily C’oloni-t is de i\- 7 d. ]>er wi £ 1 10 I) !•> 0 7 1 5 })er ani'.uui. hjindied hrji.tl tuni« s, ^ c., in pages, pet.avo. Scar* I' and t hu.-u.di 'tru within i â- no; tail in , !mi milâ€"( *. Wit!) <»ve ijii!Haiive. [imes, n:«-nu.i â- !> l r*j .Man* hut evr-'v' nrsTonv of mi;ni< ixi y ol i>alhino: 11 i'spo-v of Aled.t A S.VI O.M Y , d by One; iinndrc.d and ’I'wentv a Pi I Ys In LOG’ 'â- \. compi isi.jg th.e Rati Hal !).•?, pprop* Mind' ed 'n Toronto, at eek, and i!n* liritish ( olnnisi at Gd. per payable to tiie Ncws-cuilie.rs. fortnighi- I he ( olonist Lsmhli- hment having Ihcu nv- built, and tlic whole business pi.,-cvd upon a hasi. nf the most compieie and suhstaii-ia! kind, “the Proprieties fee! every cunl dence in asking lor tin- llie continntd and increased supjjnj’l of a.ii who de.si e to support an Independent U'oii.-1-, vaiive .lorn nal. Tluvarrangement* for the supply of la'c News d in (Jam.da. 'J iic- Ac. I'-.li p.-. f'vo. Sra.j's' Iu formation, for the. Froj)lrâ€" cu-ii:< i ing w ii. :iii ii t. !f a cump'eie iior.ary o: u e i'll I and eatc;-tainiilg knowledge. 'Tlii â- wo-!*. eoMj* ‘isos the-, finest sc- ies iof i' in'»< lisjimen:.- ever oI'Veied to .llie jjnhjic. p'aj/e:- ociavtj. Sea/ s', \ rir Pictorial Fain ill/ lnsir/:clor d is le ti to Wiled ::ons of 1 -i.;T" ti<>i ’plion, .Xuiiiiion the 'I'll! c bus'.' Io-(!.iv in h Ireimtheoii'g tl.cl I vity whie;! ; e\ e;i .chart i :( ir don • or l beir set-»d of 1 I'hi’es' ; in of ’irculatioi , Itt-spir- •t:i el ion f Lxcr, linn, she Races ol .Men, j|.i iis a con- lion n,;is! w ill’ Ti • all the r ope rat i-re or Di- Ci>11 ( pit maiiot (itdufi , If o' owe i de ei ti I a a i i daV', j: and Iia. the h? •n i â- ave the ). i i i 0 ! 11 .Ur \ ' at: a 1 Ame.i- titi . twa :s aud ^cars •h'ess hands tier the prori ».p.j e pit ' ice- . o uren. . Hu doinde slie’et of 18 col- men In of i na a hood and for! it ude. j mm's- ai,d lliu- 1 11 ||v Jonrnni t*m.:isii; <i , . . ... . . on me Aiiit':iC!in CunlliiiMit. It will, iln-i emrc, Ii- r eel mg aim wrjtmg m llus spirit,1 emmkii to give betUM1* Parliamentary Reports and myslericns affair. 'J’he husband Of Ihe d e- j 1110 Publishers of llie YorkJlid- eeased protesls his innocence strongly, and ! (Utzvllv ask their IclloW VCO- ^ives a prelly sti ai-hl accounl ol hijnself. Slaves are •• looking' up†in price. A few lavs since, in Missouri, a “ hoy" of'21 was old for I and a wnm in with H children or $2350. Whether the woman bad any ecidiar *â- al fraction*†beyond frnil fulness is mt stated. But the prices are quite Ho- man-like. and show that Governor \\ ise's ( ,»!•* die’ion alimil the rise in Value ol' mic.Ii chat llll'lll natUl’C I icls are likely lo be about half realized; I ihe di-:i; poi.it- | which is saving much nf political prophecies. 'i'here exists uj a disposition 10 mu. mt l.ients and calallii ieM incident to il, rather j There is something -horrible 1 iftisi to a< know lodge \vith.gra!iiii(le, the. b'e.>- smgs by which liny an; more lhan eountei** balanced. The tirsl pur of bnek-skiu uree<-'hi.s ever .sc«-n m tlu. ouiJi-sra jsiands \V(>re so lit Vic mVdVM sto‘o<L tiifit the niiiivcs staled..tin lit wi; ii sea Weed, and' had i-iiein Miilod’†(o!'1 dinuei'» (iii.tm I diet, lor a sniii.l te i party that. One of (he best observations against inlempe ance wa' ll.al ul L.emotiie- nes, wiio. win'll iiishi'ii's coinmi'iided 1’lnlip of VIacv(lull as a jovial man. Ili.it would th ink lively, replied ill it “ ibis was a good quality in tt s;ion..c hut not in .1 kin". in these facts ; men and womon's sales being quoli d in the prices current of the land of trecdom ! Ill what respi cl is the country w here such tilings are pm milled belter than Sahara ^ whe.e sliipu recked chrislians are botighl aud j 'hell lo\e ol jll - : tlieirhalrcdofmonopolyâ€"Riilish men and c,ili/.en.s to give il lhat welcome and .support which a pioneer effort in a good cause merits. The people should re- gard a new Journal in a new eouutrv somewhat as the Queen of Navarre did the poor Trouba- dour, when she said, “ Show me the Orach’ that can till ria/ions / a III 1*1 P(lt. | -0. K iiifr Strcvt Ea t, 'J'oronlD. The Politics of tiie York Bid- i: 1 <rs (iazcttc Mill he eminently' J',r Daily Globe, and emphalicallv Hrilishâ€"Rri-1 â- * $'1 per annum. Ii is published at four o’clock lish in iheir Conservatismâ€"Hri-1 „ 1 ish in iheir lolerationâ€"Jhitish in tin ir lihetalilvâ€"British i:i more Aews, thii|i anv otliei J* urnal. To Ailr/rfise'rs. Tiie terms of udverii-injr me,the Knuie as fm Journal* ol llie suiiillc.-t riiculanon. AM alive. â- tisements receive a gratuitous inse.tion iu t!ii‘ I ri-.\\ eekly ed.tion, w h ell ienders llie a.dvertisi ^ circuhition eyua-j, il not superior, to that of an other newsj)ap'er whatsoover. Money Lctiers, if irgistond, will he considered ! at the ii>k ol the Piibnshcrs Sul».scripl1ous;nia\ j Dc eo in me peed at any period of :he year. All post-masters acting r,s Agents, wi 1 be a! lowed a eommissjon on cash remittance-. THOMPSON ^ Co,, MJJ pa Pictorial if/stori/ of the ]{â- rolu- iunt.-^-w book for every family in rhc '11 aioa ! Ii contains an account, of !!ie oa; jv his..to:y ol the country, the con-litution ofilie V. S-'i a Hes^a’ chro- nological Index. A;c,? *S'ev',eial hundred Lngrav- ings. Scars Pictorial S11,nday-llo/)l:â€"(lesio n- Con ed for the use of lamilio, bilne-ei.-tsses, and j year Suu(Iav- schoohteacl-i«r.s; prineipallv illu-ti aiive of j * hj? the manners afid .customs el\easte;n. natious,and | *"r “jusliee '* lixp!auaior\' of many po.--lions of the scriptures, | the criminal ini (ill 1 pp.Jsyo . j down. Scars ilible Mopra/iln/, or the Liirs it conrit.i.s i« d.c Sum e i on uAai Chiu-ut U'yiti oj I'ic Pruuiji'iL rc- ................ • â€" • • â- - • . a..... i . Kin-as has for twe'vo im mbs endun il. even Ihingary- Or Poiaial has never known, and the ! owe at wh >s(- in iil.‘â- i»• >i» liw-se y-lla.nios we.eai.d aie pen etra;eti .-i;s cn'Ieore i a: lire \\ lute lioust- Publishers. cortlcl hi ihv. i>i.'ci crf-li r:iriiu,'sâ€"I'lat-Meallx atla.p- â- let! io the ilisti lie;i n o. youth and p.ivate fami- ; lies; containing thi'My/dissei:l:'Lio'iiS \ju the Lv.i- ! deuces of divine revelation ; fromTimpson’s ke\ | tn the hi le, Wii’n numeiou^j 11 ustraliotyij. 5ji- } pages locla \ 0. - , j Sews’ if'imders of the i cor hiâ€"Sec mil I Seriesâ€"in Tvo i'ari.s. â€" Prirt 1. Wonders of .\a- j Hire, containing a description of the races of men ! manners and ensto/ps oi‘«varituiv; naiion^, Ix-rr -ts. ; birds, plants, Ao. /'art 11. Womb-s of Art : m ; desci iplio.us. of in vemugivs* eitjosj ruins, cn iosi- t:es, ci. \Vitfi 4(1(1 ilfn-1 n'i. *ns '!> 1.) .j>p S'-o, i: i’/e II si'on/ oj JUjJest.ucâ€"ii'om 11n j ha! an- Iu the present time. i>v .ltni> j ifl \v iging’sf witr of ex e mination on ihe dis- id i -1 h ihii arts «»: if- jx ii.y Reps.has. while ii â- ns leers and scow Is ;it Cuba, y/ai'e Imo t ipriated on devo'ed Kansas, ud s/pj.'es ol' iiie Ft .(Je td A(|*-| atioii. Kveii as we write the felegr ph in- is that tw enty ig io dele nd%ih le: cc of Bu/io.ti’.- and Ti.us’s hrood-ilii:. t, , havo been conv.cteti, ' hv Ijecompiels of piansiaug-hti r i a .d sentenced i«j live imp; i.-'Onn.eiit ; I lirud labor, as felons. p< ci.uen of.what has long passed Krms.asâ€"a jnsiiee which takes pay and aids them in Ivuniino ndering aiid '.‘w iping out.’’ the ininicent icy ;t e \ er g;o;ided in o (he matlness of re i-iing tneir cp- prc\'s0is. Siioil ci'iiues and wiong.s as unhiippy Ci nut : sliceâ€"Hrilish in One Suud'iy when lire minis- ter di { diey enlercil tue kii't< In; >v;is no less surprised than indignant to Imd ih.al “oamie ]â- iemmg'v had taken po*-session wl liiepnipii. *• C’oine doon Jamie*' said hir> reverence. (’onie \ e u(i, ^tr," ansvve ed .Lunte. liny re a Miii-m’ck'-d and rtdieliious generation, Hr a.t’ it'll tak us b ith to manage *ei Kill lire is a good ho.ik-keeper, say" a sinewd wi lier ili an eAeliahge j sin i.egli-i is nothing ami ve!s down everything' to in, credit, and debits,us with everything, 'i here is nol tiii eighih nail of a cent I! a I t'scapes her notice. J iie iI< tils tire .slnallj bn \vhen tlmy are added ij>. llie b.iiikrllpl ctn.si - I ul ion premalu » ly ligu ed, >liows llie luav> balance lo be lliade up. We like f;il peopleâ€"good j d1 im.; img', b o.id -visv, -e *. tai •»*•.â- â- . . V\ e i vo Sat womenâ€"tat boysâ€"fat babies â€" ta = pursesâ€" ii Ini liM ol subst nbersâ€"a lat j<>bâ€" hit atl verl isei sâ€"lat t vvr> t iling, j' atm ss i a lng sign of healih. Fat men are m ve II eacherons---lat women are not sharp- 1 li..U« (lâ€"lat biysa;e nol inischit voiis-11 la Lames are always goodâ€"in line, lat people In e llie kmdesl : aud liicreiore li e most pop-- loar. C’ominet d u*^ to lat people. ‘â- If 1 hi're is any b idy und(*r the C ouster Oi' ht;.i\en, ilial i Him; in ut.er ex <.e>e(iice.†s; id Air*. Partington. ** it i' 1 1..--bearer a .d slanderer, going about like a * iie boa c.onsirucior, ciiciealing ils cannm- Hide ab"it lionesl I oik. I always knows one by his pl.ismuiiogany. It e ms ;>s il i>eiy.a- bob hid "tamped bun wilh i.is privii e sign... a i i evei.ylleug- lie looks at app< at> to linn a dirtr. ’ And having it lereil lli.s stum -what elaborate speech, she was .seized \\ilii a lit ol Coughing', and called toi some domuicen. d. ops. We :il! ‘ look doWn†on some- botly. i In- man o. h.ulion iooi.s .1 tin on I .a- shop keeper, lit-' shoji-ki I'pei on hi' el. rks I ne c eOis III! Il I1|I tin 11 Ii ses lit il.. ch.mu .- " nii: lire mi ciianics aie tlhovi: ti-si ci.ilm^ w.l it iiO‘1 cariieis; the si amsl. t s-Cs won! >: eak lo r,i i-lt j â- . • .i â- i â- i > ^ uluic 1 lit- ra.lish sold al iii_h prices'! Alin are horrilici! tvhen ihey read ol llie sale of a woman l y iIn ,Meheineliiii Ar..bs of Ihe â- Desert ; hut â- these A rubs never proclaimed to the world • t In’ll- con vie t i--ii lhat all men were born fric and eq ml. nor have they dem unced one branch < I ihe slave trade as piracy, whib carrying; on tiie other with the utmost biis!.- ] ness. The Aral’situ c l ruder is frank an cmisisti lit, anti sees 1 lit* linger of Provtdenct in a wri ck. while the American Merchant [H it I he siime clas« ranl-s abuut liberty., pocket- â- In- tjidfa.s. Hud supports the Denn craci iolh fimi) nriliciple and from interest. Tim! ire soiliei' hat divided in the woild. hut tiny Will na: be in llie next..â€" llnstn//. Trovcf'cr ’I'lio |i 'iijdi; nl' I Ik: South nnl Soil'll Western Sinlus. t!S|)ecinll\; of \'ir^inia liiivt* ji^iH^l ih ksiid ;t t'eimmlssinn to i1.11l;I;uiJ for tjio ilisstMiiintiling coi'i'ia.-t ...In: iiiatioii in th.it i-.minlrv os to the li- niint'inl coiitliuoii iiinl rcsouiccs ol \ ir M inia aiid lo |il.it*c: prominent I v bi loro ilu: tromnn-ririul tin'll abroinl iln; il.lvan- â- :i<"i*s of a (lii-c-i t tratio lielwecn the 1:1 their reverence for llie oioiits ind the wisdom of a matchless thnpire ; ;md in their keeping pace wilh the re(|iiiremen1s aiid improvements of a rapidly pro- gress! iiâ€- people. II onui-fr hul Sioiijio ; a, il i.< ,li-|i ta.cd In nay trams to all parts of tho country. It i> la huge to;ty.coluine sheet, containing- a vas; I amount ot news, mercantile intelligence, and ge- neral iniormation, ot tiie latcsl and most iinportani cliaracioi: An\ person sending ihe cash for five I)nil\sub- scribers will be eniiiied to an addmonai cop\ Fujik. The Tri- Weekly Globe. [â- * issued every iNTouda at .1 per annum . Ii AVednesday and Fridav-, primed on a hi ge f bee., and co..tains an imn t-ii.-e amoio»i,of reiidmg mat- tOi- I" it eoiumns is given all iliat appoais in ihe daily edi ion. w.ili tho teltgia] hie and oi!,cr news iO the -late t niotiicir. ^ ‘ . , T~ / ! ^"v l,e:son sendini/ the cash for fiv I poll locnl (piCSt 1011S) 11H' I OVh' I Weekly subscribers will be entitled lo a fret Pat Krrro. edrt.oiof tiie Lundon Pictorial P>ible, Vtcic of .At’ir larkâ€"lliis I'lmravinir is printed on a imtmiuoihsheet, 47 by l!) inch'.-ami oiiuhl to ho ve rv saleable. Price Oil cents, j I),cl s ('oiii/ili'lc Worksâ€"ulovi:)) vols- in two, loOo pp. 8vo. Pi ice four dollars and a halt;........................- Sears’ .A’-//* FaoiHi/ llece'pt-Booleâ€" containing, the mo~i valuable ,'> i;isfo: they'a- Hous brai:sches“ofCobk-ervj /lescrviiig, Sib'. Scis. each. [X3?3 Oi-(l':i‘s for anv ol' lire above W oi ks i i.ta.'i vi-il at this Ollitju. .1 ire Irjilf. 18f)7. c 1 r i- 1>|'V. Hidings Gazette;it once nails its j y//(? Globe,â€"New Serin. â- â- olors to the mast m bivor ot i) . . • / it / , ; . (â- On Fridav, 2nd of January, I8.‘)7. the Wkkkiy . » CJjJ (Hf’Jlfd. 10)1 l)!j ./ ()])Uf(f K)H 9 Ol | q, 0HK was is-tied’in a nc W^-forui,.great ly enaiged :lie preservation-of our Common School Si/stem ; of ilie prevenlion >f lavish itnd eiionijons espen- lifuri's ol' public money upon in<>-|e ibiilwiiys, which hut en- icli johbers, and render ilu* coiui- inciiprihh ('S- bc- I liil 1 lotirinion and tin; Old World,like- wise lo induce lli : |iro|)i'ii'toi\s ol tIn !r via I! i: 111 Sleainsbi|i Ol'eat hasteril in |>r<>t>i"i*ss ol (ams! 1'i.itrlion, to send llial vessel lo A'orfo'k will) a view lo tlu .abiislim.ent of a line of steuinel's j i ween iliat port and Llil'ojic. .N man late'y walked into llie cilice ot it udjfe of 1'robnle, in Ihe Stall s, and asked • Are y ii Iiie .lude'e of 1’eproliales \ †I in ill1’ die;de of I’l obal e.,) \\ ell. (hat s I. I expect'. Vi u see, my father dial it* esied, am! lie left several little inli.lels, and waul lo lie executioner.†'I’he best .capital lo begin lile on is n cn{ - i al wi e, FUOSPi-X'Tl S OF THE Wfjff Jiift Milliiiyy ym AM) 111eIi:\io.\o HIM. AnvEitTtsi-ai. ai 1 wav jol>bers,iind drivin«- iheni ml of llie Le^islidure ; of Ihor- m^hlv inveslio;atin^- all eases of iiihiie dt*mor;11i/.iition and wroni> hy Railway Hoards, Contractors, or Menibers of Parliamen! ; and â- il prevenliii«- all partiiil and un- just "Taluilies to religions edijca- lioual establishments, or to any ither (Establishments, which are 'ection;il ;md seclari;in in their .-haracti'r, and nol for the benefit of the whole popple. 'J'he York Killings Gazette wi 11 levote ever,- attention lo Agri- •iilture mid lo AgricnIluraI Ma- listics ai.d Improvements, mil will also fillv chr niich' ihe pro- •ei'dings of Ilu* York Kidin,"s Mun'ieipal bodies; indeed, will ')c. emphalicallv a 1 or/: Hidings Gazette. Jt will he under tho editorial m-mao'oment of gentlemen ol expei ienoe and talent;and whilst il will freely concede to other journals everv credit for their a- bililv and (Miterprise, il ill aim ;it heiiig ii family and political newspaper which will be at once creditable to Canadian literature and the Canadian press. 'J’he iiist number w ill bo .is- sued on or <:bout lho5lh of.lime ! imprevtd. It is printed on an inm en c dou- ble Oiet t ol' paper of a superior cpi lity to anv heretofore Used ; it is made up in-a hand ome <piarlo form, comprising eight pages of seven columns each ; anti contains moie re ;dmg mallei ilian tiny other political* newspaper on the conii- ne lit. Croat Improvements oreTnade" in ihe cmi- pilation of the pa} er ; the news iscaiefully co.ba- led from tiie dailv euiliou. and articles sp>eciailv j* ,,, , J ,, ,,t., 1 - I,, (V •' p epaied for its columns:'arid an experic<iioed airri- ()I 11! 1(10-1 TH K i I lii â- i , , , • ‘ i ,. j ( * 1 • i c,i'lUra* W'l.er is emj)loyed 111 eondnclmg a de- r;i 11V USeflll WOl'lvS \ of (leteeiillj,*'. anmenl deyoied to agiicnllu in sub>c,s. 'I’he 1 n.i.a ket reports at home and ulnoad receive iu- e eased attention. NotWritlistanding.. these improvements â€"-Two Dot.i,Aits will Continue io be the annual f(*e. hut w lb thf-s difter^nce, ilia1 all sfubsciirlions must'be ! paid CASli !)()\\ . 'I'd induce exertion on ihe | part of ihe friends i f the Globe linongin ul the country it has been resolved thatam peiton mak- ing up ;i C ub may haveâ€" 'Pen pop ies for ......... .............$ I o 'I’went\;-five copies for............. 3.) Eighty copies tor..................... lot) Anv person sending the ca-di for five Week v ub'Ciiln rs will be eniiiied to a free eopy. The Weekly (Ilobe wi.l be sent to all Cle gy- iien for |l a year. Money l.eUers addiesM-d lo “ The P'ujilishor of il'ie Globe,' '’J'coiiCo,can be r< gistered by pay- ment of one penny, and their sale arrival will then >e ;it the risk of the jmbiisher. Sub-eriptims may c< mmoiiee at any period of lie' year, and be made for any term--and person* lesiiO'is of ii-ceiving the paper need not wait, for tn agent to 'call On them, but have o 111 *â- t.a en- close their money with their name and post office, to GEO. PIU)WN. Globe Ollice, Toronto Poronto, DecemberlSoti, •and has; .in st ac'iievcdi an.; â- incy in 1 no V, do:a! (lover of ih.o -e 1 lacis, can s :y ffi.al j.iio iheir arm: s. eve.ii for ai TIIE i RI lii’Ni'i w*:i P ili i.-af nal --- avowtil n.i! r'iav e;;.\ ;i i-t< l:’rt-!'V’ll'|: in t! io rosnJi tun control t •ver the" F.-der- vviiiie it [give s pro- in.-nc disou si i n ant ! e-u. 'd :ion tiie dav. ii - i i ik< nii i * â- i‘ IJu inss and Fami'v \v-.v ngs of 1 C ’ 011 o reI k-- lb v ;il died and ei.mt. <1 iv a pondems . " h; le f om Lon, nle, 1 lav a na, San' 'Franc. tklue-' .four vears ascend-.J ument. Wlm. in vic.v ; llepnbifciVns may now a houiv. liYGlENK, reiafioiis of Ai-, I-igh;. D ink, !vr\eie'-se. Slc'jj'. Clothing, assions. lo (he growth develop- >1 i>',dy and .Mind, the Presei-vxtiion of a!l.!i, and the at:ainme,'ii of ijongevity. m i;ti/ncs, uj>â- ising- the Piijlo, Anaiomie:d. 1 bvsio’eo'eal, <â- ii.ii.ni ;,n..l / ,xpei iim nlal Evidences tH>,i.cej «• j ing the natural i)ietcti( C har;ic;er o; iSlaii. â- I! VD'ROPATIIIC COOK K11 V. | with Speci d Oireciions for tho Preparation of 1 > ! !: 'I' A U I I -, s, j ce:;ta.nii g ihe '1 horapeutic Distinction of Diet for I invalid.-. l’lill.OSC! I!V OF \VATI-ill ( CKE, I with, illu I: a led >'X: l.inatioiis ol' all tiie vvalefVC.ura j appliances,'a Pi ilosophi. al E\j»o-'iii,'in of the • .no- j dns opeiand'r o! water treatiVient, arul lire truo l rationale-oi- Dnlg.-treatment. I 'i’he .Nature, Symptoms, and Treatment of all | known Di-eases are examim.d, the ill suet ess of drug-pra«.t:ee exposed, and the proj or Mt’dieutiotP* i re'Commended .and specitied. | the rit;:a i ment or si'PvGical J)!81:ASI.S, ; iilustrated, ami I/irt clions, tor tho minor operatioiiB iu . th. i. ml e Sl- it has bo n, igli not exchi th a i Kreedo d.euiil-N' con iiie. IP.? 1 ho Managemen.t. of 1 ying-inr.W’omen, I and he ii eatniem ot C Idid.en, A e, | Tiie n, i. â- ni. P.ut to ihe •r sti I'll'C tin . oitjr s eh a --- i’-i onv iaii orial .voriherii Ku.rope, and v Sw< den, '^spl id. !ui". i next s- ason across S;be i mm in of. llie A inou i, ai ihe Pacific and ' aliibrni on,i I '.'.c |V HCI l"l- ose of Kansas. Will he •1 able- c.orps of ( orres- on, i'ai i-\ ('oiistan.tin-o- -:co.‘ \ 1 â- > n and o le i e ial ad • ice wi 1 be. a* k H T i\ l n â€"in n i i 1 : pi Ii - i llie vyi n: a and Tn t c V (.» d- tlieiif’-o JioMievvio. le!r i ill ere 1 ; i â- â- i i > t rk i intended to be a | and su.iicient :gi i ie for Domestic p treat mem.;-in all. oi»ii na-cJiseasc,^ end) acini. u'bo|le, rn age- of, • uhjccis con net tctl'w i:i.' iln- i o j j 11 y * * I Life, the prese: vati.ou of ie idth, ,;ji. treatment of di -va.-cs. This gi(' it wo .k niav ho had .hi one Inrce v« I- u i:c, bound in liorary si\le. Pice. p;r<--paol !y m.at.l to any I’o.* I Ollice, in the C cited Slates or Cair.da, onlv ’i'HKEE DOLi.Aiitv Al! leilers and orilers .-dp- ujd,.be di. ected as fol- lows : â€" Fowuvii a \vp;t.t^, join e lion io * the ii ii o or ot No. .*U S. !»: :r d va- , New York. W i 11 o Agents in even ucig lioi!i ol wi'ri he Slip- er in h d go.- • f a (L/.en o. mo; t: c« pie.*, by w a \ i'i.X jil t --S .1 : s Fa ig:.t. Single co lies, by mail --- the Fve. â- famiiy hc-iiid h IVC a copy. d ll.- Lditors copying the ah ve :• for. I Hires--- in- •'mi.' ig this. No e ---a id • dlmg ; ttention to b.o I lari v L. SCOT'r & CO.MPAJSY’S KI-; Ki.NT OF Tin: Bn 1;sil Periodicals ! ! A X U T1110 FARMER’S GUIDF.! Great Kedaction in the price of the Tatter Publication. ck to â- c ut ts of tin tor wiumi : ul hi |( • two yea• m io-i ; n'1 e .. v. i!! i ells |ot fo- i's < . I r on ig:i ul rega urns of Oil si sie nt! ! )ofUto ti-- News n I to the • onde ’saii m e g ca e.a am mnt oi with the' list of t' wiil w ile ! (‘on ne-v. which i | s co-np’et'oii. ()11r | r I cetmes, Pubii. j .e!i thle : and oor : ado up with a ca. e- j into our mil de e d- | inielli^enee that is j litled to . yn’i; ] & 4 iv 'V j i j-: ) Hr It; 5â€? V T .il.!'- 'â- ft i n • is >*v y 4» v » â- THE 111! PCM; foi v.'iint of expendi- SPO PT .V Co,„\, j, l.sh the fyl!,owing b 1\. con'Mnne to' pnh- ;• Jji.ij.isli Peiiedical- 1 rpill' Publishers of ihe nbovc* f named .lourual conceive that ;i â€ood Family Newsp;i]>er,which w ill combine literary and useful j next, and forwarded lo all those knowledge, will; an Independent |'whose names already iippeiir on and maul v, but at llie same time ! °IIV subscription list, as well as The Loud n Quarterly (Conservative.) 2 rJ'he^Edinburgh Re\iew (WTh:-g.) 3 Tlio. INprlli Briii h .lU-vi.ew (F^i e Church.) 1 Tiie Westminster Ileview (Liberal.) ii IJIackwood’s lidinluKgli Maga'/ine (Tory.) n, shoit. if. we fad to in; v. Kth its cost, it shall not lire or ell’o.rt. ]f it !)â- * deem'd d-'skab’e by Uepul licans til t TEE TKP'ENE -hon’d h.e cjicuhnlid ill ihcu several loc-ifHifex.' we iirge them io>-eo that (‘lubs he nititle up and fo. wai i.fcd in d .e se.ason. I he I’o-'tuia; leas j1.1e semi -ofti iaily admonished mi to I'pe oivr e.ii'i ifn'ion, but to u go instead llial of Journal's deeiucd *vpuml*’, and "N a!,io11ai*! hyihe couipa‘iio*’s of Atclii-eh and Stringo How. We H>k live llepu' licans evorvwhcie to lidie c.aic tha; those cfib: is 1 »»* nol elV'-c:nal to qucneb ihe light of Freidom in the mmk mi>is of S.a\ery. TERMS. Dai y Trib ne,- per aim im, .................$ (i Oil Sli.MI-WKL.kLV 'I UlliUNE, Singje Cppv.,,pe- a.niHiui, ......jjl .‘1 (FI Too Copies, j er annum, .... â€". â€" a 00 Five (’opies, pe annum...................... II Ten (’opies, to one address ............ JiJ DU We send the Semi-Weekly Tribune to Clergy- men for ,^‘2 per year. IS Ft ni.IsilFF) KVERY FRIDAV .MO It .MX:', HV ~v> w r • -l* ti o "" ’6-, iHxr.m & I'trti fxcti, And despatched to Subscribers by tiie earnest mails, or oilier convevancc, when so desired. 'I’he Yokk Hii)i>Gr’ (» t/.i-rrr. w.iil. always he found to contain the latest and most important Foreign aud Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest caie will lie taken lo rentier il acceptable lo the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. TFK.MS.â€"One Dollar and a half per aimui^, in aiivamk. If not paid within three months, iwcf dollars ; and if not paid wahiu twelve mouths. two dollars and a half will be charged. Six lines and under, first insertion .... .CO ’-s. These Periodicals ably represent the throe ofeat j Single Copy,, per annum, po:i iea! p-a.iies ofOreai I>:i ainâ€"Wirig, Tory and I Three Conies, per annum, Kadicalâ€"hut poli ies fo; in o;.ly one feti'.lire of their 1 Five ('oj'ies, per annum, character. As Organs Of the most p ofonnd w i ers j 1 en Copies, per annum on Scienev. 1/m rninre, Moialiiy, and lit-lioion, 1 Tw enty Copies,' tâ- > oitr uitrirrss, anil anv they siantl umTvalli d m the W orld of ie.lets, being I larger number at the rale ot con-ideied indispcuWd.le to tiie ’>choral- and tin j annum,.......... p otessional man, while to ill- ini* l.igem reader of! Tweiity Cop e's, l-> ad it rats of •',ack S/Jt- j) every class iliev iiiliish a more coned aiid satis- j s-criOer, and any larger number, at 'he > facoiy record of’the current literature' of th day';] ra to of $ 1 2l) each.....................) throughout the win Id, than can he pos>ibU obtain- j 'Phe United States Po-tage must he pre-paid. *.:(i ed tiofn any other soiuce. | cents on Wei*lily, .'i J cents on Semi-Weekly, aud I -ji oh on the D.ailv Tiibune. WEEKLY TUI BUNE. A '° 00 Each subsetpient insertion.......... f> ()() j 'Fen lines and under, first insertion.. Each subsequent insertion.......... Above ten lines, first in., per line..’ Each subsequent insertion, per line • address, and any j) te of 1 par ^ 1 Ud 20 00 21 00 ‘X ‘ i’s. 0 7 id. ‘ts 1 , ! -1 1 • y 1.1 ti ni; i. id. KAIMA’ COPTICS. The receipt of Adrnn.ce Slirels from the T>riti<h â- I nbi; lieis eives additional value to these Ke-piints, | in.asmu.eh tis they cmi now be placed iu the hards : of siib c.liters about as toon us the original edi- | lions.. IO’ Advertisements without written tljreclious inserted lill forbid, and charged accordingly. All transitory advcniscmenls, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. Any person sciulinjr ns a club o' twenty, or over, | A liKml ll*«,«’11,t "!il 10 !>"<•«« will be entitled to an extra copy. | tising by the year. We continue to send tho Weekly Tribune to | All advertisements published for a less period ( iorgymen at ^1 per year. J Oian one month, must be paid for in .advance. Sub-captions may commence at any time. Pay-j All letters addressed to the Publisher must be ment in advance is tetpiifed in all oases, and the THE TRIiraE 10R 1857. p.o’st paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are I paper is invariably disi out nued at the expiration of tho advance payment. I Money miiv he lcniitt.e.1 for snWriptHns in lei- j paid : and parties refusing papers willtoul paving: The Elfcfon is past :.nil its res«lI proves tl.at | ,ers lisk : |„lt the Postmaster at tho place wi|| be held accountable for llie. subscription, the work d- volved on the Hepub.icaii pan\ i> no. i vVj1(,|*(, j|!e lelier is mai'ed should, bo made ac- j VI t comp l ie. In all llie I’.ns:. rn anil N.irlhein j ,.n.t,f| wj,|, j,.: rnnu.nl , an,| |i(.0p n (|c..criptii>ii 1 llerclmnts nn>! oiliers wlio advertise liberally in 1 in lions ol iiie eoniilry- in l\ew 1.11^innil. .New j |[t0 l(j[]s. \\r!n.'ii ih at’is ran lie obtained, they ' the OAZl'/r'l'E will have their Curds inserted in Vo.k. Ohio, and ihe Noiil.-W estâ€" ihe Kepiiblicaii : 1|llIcll safer t|la„ l0 st,IH| banner lioais in triumph ; while iii Southern Jor- sev, i'en.-N Ivauia. Indiana and Illinoisâ€"-in sho t, j Scars' .ATlf and Complete lllstorif Of whei-t-ver few news|)apers are taken, am! wl ‘ I...1 ....... ,. n.wl )„a £r>a-M» I tlO'.lS. We have 110 travelling agents*. Any one wisli- _ ^/itl Vc>\ I-Jdiliotis .J ust Pub!islied the business Directory. 1, 1 | States or Canada received at par for cubscr.p - . I ' the liil/fcâ€"from the creation of the woild to the coinmon schools are ipo uc.w and too lechle to ha\cj lull esiablishmenl of Cinisiianilv, wiili .opimis .dii.at.d the p e.-ent (rcueraiion of votersâ€"lie j . Notes, tormina tin illm-tnilcd coii,iiieutt.rv of the hi ink II g of sl-.verv ohsirticis ihe .................. A to n cuve I 111. I K I 111. need not wait sacred le\l. 7IHI pages octavo. ' , snan-ei- lo Ameiica miglit ih tin-nish thote por- 1 to he called upon lor hi emperate discussion of publie to several others whom llie pub jiiostions, w ill command 1 ho bsli(*rs consider iavorablc to tho] ,......+ .. r tl,,, .... cMi?maivi^o 1 w ;t r. pages support oi the intellignil yeo-1 eil,('rPi1s{‘ maiirv and niochanies of the As't is confidently anticipated ,, . n. . . 7 ,, ,. r,, i susmm ....mâ€"«« ... ... I,-- i- i i , , . •, J ... pears .\eic J idoriat JJescnption n/ l/ie \ â- ,, .1,,, -; ,i .,-,,11. ,vi,i line Kului^s whoso name it boars; lhat ihe proposed Jounnil will ^ t .................................... «.,.acc<.«„, ot th',- top | w.„rWt as and llial il willdoyood bv doiny eonimand an extensive circula i gn i^ 111 ini< il " It) w ai d v n'- 1 .o’ 1 it l .e i.iiZZi' s [ iii,I Let < I il'.l. \\ ho I lie !ill If. : v' Ii • \ ! m > !• a.; f-.e.l. ii! i 'Mi 11 they c. -.(>! ler i i, m.< «> c.-» * liOiiy. C-'l. l'i . Isii i It. F 4 III ‘•S'" we ,n!il rig I trill i i rs a ixl lie iia; I. useful by loliiuj*' lion, il will form an excellent three papers wore medium for a.b oilisiiii>, v. liieh lied in Toronti), its'will bo. charged lor al the usual! Hit little exceeded lhat rates, d Ihchnibbd hill at the present, ]q order to place the Gazette within the tckcIi of all njiifies , . 7 1 r- r rn ' in ins of our count'y mo,si blessed with Education. | Sears ,\ew Pictorial History ol Ulina. |„t,.licence. I hril’i and Vir 110, by scanniyg Ihe and Indiaâ€"-comprising a de.-ciipt oii of those j i,e-lurn-s..of the Preside.niial conlest of l6o(j. Wq i countries and iheir in'mibitants : embracing the ’ v . failed of present success, not because tlx : historical events, gover men?, religion, educa- . people are against us, but because ih« Irlrgt'j lion, languagp, lilcrau ie, arts, maim fact tires, jt(>! tjon who <iid not knew what were the lea | productions, conimoiit. and manners and cus- (jMe ,11S at issue, went almost solid against us. i toms ofilie people, from tho earliest period of iry.ersing the verdict which the great majority ot June, 1857. authentic record to the present time. Illustrated the t ducati d and ia.el.igeni endeavor to pro- vviill two hundred Engravings. GOO pages large ' »i<mncc. octavo, , 'p|1(,s(, facts imlieate the patli of pressing d ity. Thrilling Incidents of the JH/r.s* of the \ With no unmanly tcpiniuVs dver what isirrevoea- Unitcd Elates-^-comprising the moststrikii g and hieâ€"Willi no abatement oi lieait or hope- becaus* remarkable.events of the revol.ition. the French the tiimjipli of Liberty tn her m \v ordeal is 1101 war, llit' 'Piipoliiian war. the Indian, wars, the .won at the Long Island aud \A-bite Plains ot bet second war with Cic.it Britain, aiid ihe Mexican j struggleâ€"with no shadow of regiot that thc res- With three bund ed Engiavings. GOO ponsihihtv of governing is no confined to lie; oe:aVo. I cliamp’iciis helore the j>eoplc wete full londy lo sustain themâ€"wo begin afresh tho wo k of diihi- hich. in legaid to ihe con- well as-the nexi, make.' ography, settlement, history, revolutionary and;! pf, <l i„(Jei*d. Now, in tlu* JSiave Power’s hcyda oilier interesting t-\ . s. statistics, progress in j {)j- v-.(;jorv. when its rn in is-ers and servitors are ga- .'igriciiltnre, : 'aimf-ictn., s' and po[U'!at;on. S c., , and ploltmg lo make the most of their tri- Sic.. of each state in the union. Illustrated witli | limlih,' .lll(| *Cueh uuf' tiie spirit which tiie> two hundred Engravings of the p.incinal cities. \ v;.jnjv |H |„.vo ,0 be crucilicd and onlmnhe !â€"it nv plat e , iniihlings, .scenery.curio itiys, seals of the j w;,oi; ,})0 f;.i,,tTheaded or cold-heart.--d. who latvN 0 pHgos octavo. . j I>as]si d in th,e» spushine of our jireimiluro hopes aie ina' of aba n- subscripiion. All that is necessary lor him lo do is to wriie a loiter in as lew words as possible, inclose the money, write tho name of the Suhsc iber, with his Post Otlicc, Countv and State, and direct the letter to GREELEY & ]\lcELRATM, Tiibuno Office. New York. 1-tf. V GREAT AND GOOD ROOK Kvevy F:ajnily T H E N K W 1 1. I. U S T H A T JJ 11 IF y d r c p a t h i c En cy cl ope din. A COMPLKTE SYSTtM OF IJ Y DROP AT 11Y AM) UY'iJFNE, whilst the or.iire .-e'-oni; states, i\ e,., Si Sears’ Treasm 1/ of Kafiic/ccty and Ci/- ’ t>-*«'injr ,:|'r to rcpoir <!auii.ees and 1 ’ /' Si-iriire iinfl A rlâ€"eoiiiiiininiv a irreat. <ll< i :U Um .t«-c,i areunol I nlmcs i fit! 11(1 f XI a df'sirdi;.-' 01 aimuji lac unecrtaK-! eUtfurjUa oj Sric.nce and Artâ€"co.ntamir amount of ihte-reeling riirfl te-e'tii informationâ€" astrorromv, navi-Lin *i;e flo’y Land, DiscoVrry 01’Ani'-ii'-H, ca; i soiuemeu-l-', of U;o coumrv, flo^ had o'. field*-â€"now, in this hour of wc , TIIK TRI Ht .N L reirews i to nal ! 1 o>liI tv i.o tv Embracing Outlines of Anatomy, -illustrated: Pin siologv ot tl o S iuman ]>ody; Ilygienie Agen- cies and ifie Preservation of Health: Oietics anil Hydropathic C.ookcy; 'i’heot.y . and Practice of VN’iiliV Treat me tit: Special Patho'lo-gY and ll.vdro- 'Phc: a) on lies, inehniing the Nature, C’tmscs. .Symptoms and 'I'ream.-cni of alt known D'eeasos; Ap il'C.aiioii to Musical DiscVos: A'pplicali m c! IJvdiouathv 10 Midwifery and the Xurserv: with Th re** Hundred En" r.ivi.ngs and nearly One 'i’ii'dusaud Pages including a Cilo'Sary, I anle of Ii (-* 50 Hook anti Job Printing E S T A B L I S 11 M E N T . /~\RDEIIS for any of the undermentioned dos- ^ } crijitioii of PLA IN audFANtA JOJiA.V.ORli will be promptly attended to : â€" BOOKS, 1’AMV 1H1,T,S, RUSINKSS CARHS, I A HOT' AND SM;A 1.1. I’OsI .KUS, Cl HCU I.A KS, I. A VV l'OKMS,‘KILL It 1,A US, HAN1C CHECKS, pH A El'S, AM) 1‘ A M P H I. K T S . And every other kind of LETT VAX- - PIVKSS I'll 1 NTT XH : done in the best stvle, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPK is entirely new Hid of the latest patterns. \ large v'arieiy of new I Fancy Tvp© and Hovders, for t'ards, C n.ovulars, i vVc.. kept always on hand. j \V. !v. I'iiinter.