Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 12 Jun 1857, p. 3.

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 â-¡.jr* LaIU'KNY II v a Sbkvaxt.â€" Oh Sutidhy morning last, while tlio -family of Mr. Jolui Fleury. of the Township of King, were absent at church, a young girl, named Mary Ann Clements, who had been emplov- as a servant in the family, broke open a bureau and stole therefrom $90 in gold, with which she abscbnded. She was, however, traced to Toronto, and a wanant having been procured, she was arrested by Constable May, in a crowd in front, of the circus. Though i vounj* in vears, she is evidently old in * C3 *• * • crime, having been on two or three .whi-n former occasions convicted of robbery I in Toronto. Her trial was to take: place this day at the Toronto Police ; £ourt. arrived al tlie Suspension £>ndi*'e at.d those who arrived in steamers from American ports on Lake Ontarioâ€"estimated by Mr., Hawke at 7-0â€"appears to be:â€"- Via Quebec 11096 1 “ Suspension Bridge 1 1*201 “ Ports on Luke Ontario 7f>0 ! 2.5108 J>eft for (lie States ] 1262 Actual settlers in Canada .1171-7 So ar I be emi^nnils exceed that of any yea since IS47. and the ('migranls are, in . e era! character and means snjioi-ior’ to ihone of any prct'eding year. Of,the English and â- >eolcli a large proportion were respectable' farmers, apparently in comfortable circum- stances, and their destination Canada West, here many have iVieii’ds; fully 5 Oths of Uie lMiglish and Scotch remain in Canada, l-'irds ol the Jrish have gone to the United States. About 410 (rermans. wiili means, have remained in Canada.â€"Leader. Great Demonstration ! I 8 5 â- 7 SABBATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY, [J^r3 Firk at Victoria Squark. ' On Monday evening last a Fire broke ! ROBERT "SI V Ell, Boot and Shoe Makei'j . . ‘ A OJOI.XIXG^ the Wesleyan iVletliodist Clm- out in a frame building, in ihe above-1 I V M, Yonge Street, Richmond Hilt, named village, occupied bv Mr A. ' choice selection ol Gentlemens’, Indies’ and w| .... 1 • ‘ ' Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand, IJlltS, which in a short tunc consumed ; ;ind malcvte oider on the Shortest ISoiico. the entire dwelling and its contents. Richmond Hill, June lSth,. 1857. g.lw.y. The origin of the fire is unknown, and | ^ we learn that there was no insurance i * clTiClSOll S 1 tG«l pGl\S# on the property. I I JAV0 stood the test i'or years, and those'who ! JLX hfive used them testify to t\ie(r superior ex- | celteuee over all Competing Machines. ' Inothei-colums will be found] j-/* Simplicity of their a Report of the late Parliamentary! Construction, Session, including the number of Acts Renders thorn a Favorite in localities where they \FTTCR a. year of unparalleled success, the Alembets of the Lemonville Division, No. 38.">. S of T., have come to the determination of Ii !ding their ANNUAL SOI REE ^ V.â€"On (1)0 95th of June, 1857, at Lemon- ' vilie, 7ih Concession of YVhitcJlurch. The .Viclpria Square Sax-Horn Baud has b en engaged, and will be in aiIpudance without fail. A I* R () C BSSIOS Will be fdii led at the Division Room, and March to the Tea Ground. TEA will he served at P2 o’clock noon. After the.removal of the cioui, several Memhc'S of Par- j liaruent and other eminent Geiuiedieu will deliver ; Suitable Addrfcsses. No pains will be spa-od to make everything I omf.'i iable, as Lemonville is ee^eer'ated ibr Good I Parties, tho Committee is determined that its cha* ; racter shall be sustained ou this occasion. The i Members of surrounding: Division 01 Sons, Goor Templars, and I’ublic generally are respectfully invited to attend. 'Tickets Is. 3d. each,â€"Child*on half price ; to be had at the Ticket Office, on the Ground. w. Ij. \\ lliTE, Secretary. LemonvilTe, June 1*2 th, 1857. I. Tciiipeia»Ve Demonstration. : l)AZAAil and Tea IVjeeting of the Wesleytn j .J j Sabbath School, Richmond Mill, will fnko I place, [1). V.] the 17th day of June 1857, at the Wesleyan Chapel, J The Bazaar comprises a, JLarmo Variely of i A nicies'. U.-oful and Ornamental,'which will be open for Inspection and, Sale at JO o’clock, a, m. At half-past •'! o’clock, p. m., [weather irig.J the Scholars Will .March jri Protrfrssib'n i through the Village, headed' by. the Jii'ittonville Brass Band. Tea will he served at 4 o’clock, p. m., after , which the .Scholars wHl â- â€¢give j A V O N C E il T, llecitation^j &<». All Persons-favorable to,Sabbath Schools^ are-* | respectfully requested to attend, as the \Vhole of the proceeds arising from the Ba/.aar and Tea j Metjtiuu will be applied exclusively for the Be ie- ! lit ot the School. . ... Ticket,) 1% 3d. , Bicljmoud in.ll, June l2ih, 1857. 1. O JN M O IN I) A Y ! ri'ke I "ill o.fc’ June, ant! Following iJa.ys; HAliA'yHID. S1Y AUCTION, Tlir. BALANCE OB' TlfKIR S'l'OCK, WHICH MUST ALL I5E 4" n. ULiiLA M S* M_ C 3L Ii OUTS IN CONSEQUENCE OF-'TUE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. LAND FOR SALE. passed during its continuance. ARRIVAL OF THE “ ERICSON.” havo been introduced. They are perfectly reliable and safe in the hands of the inexperienced, No Mechanical Skill being required to keep th in iu order. i-. ii . a u .1 ' i Tliev are made from the best of materials, and Corn was also buoyant and hud ao | in a gMng aB(1 .ubfitaB„al manuer. should he Fo Immediate! y, over tlirce-fourths of tlie num'oer we intend to make aie alrecily engaged. PATTE LISON St BROS. Richmond Hill, June 4<th, 1857. g.l New York, .Tune 11. AVheat was the s;ime, and had advance I H- vanced 2s. The market for all closing.qatef. | Qr(lcrs s)wul(l fc Forwarded In the British Parliament the annuity of j JGS000 per year to the Princess Royal ^ was agreed ro without a division, Mr. Roe- buck making a leeble demonstration. The ! dowry of £40.000 was brought before the Committee os Supply, when Mr. Cunning- ham moved that the pension be reduced to jEGOOO, and the dowry be ommitted.â€"14. members voted with him on his first motion 9 and 16 on the second. The east India Company hare taken pos- session of the Island of Perim,in the Straits of iSelielmandel. and completely commanding :tfe entrance of the Red Sea. The ostensi- ble cause is, that two years ago an English 1 •hip was wrecked on the Coast of Barbary 1 jjrj^ford0©* and pillaged by the natives. An artillery | garrison is-already paced on the Island. Preparations are making at Portsmouth for the reception of the Grand Duke Con. | stanline. ! Oic|«on, Mi Darling LETTERS IN Richmond Hill P. ON 1st JUNE, 1857. o. Ambler, William A. B. C. * Cunningham, Hugh Biliney, Henry Bilton, George Curry, J. K. D. Miss 11. (care Mr. Smith.) Georae Duntan, James rPHE New-Moo’ll Division, No. 266, S. of T., 1 ever active to the nscessity of spreadin;*; the benign influence of their ofider, have Resolveu to renew their Declaration of War ! Against the Rum Traffic, by holding' a Tempe- rance Soiree in Mr 11. Lines’ Beauiilul Maple Grove, adjoining th® Village of Rupeutvili.k, on Thursday ihe 18lh June, 18o7. A Procession will bo formed at the Temperance Hall, (near Richmond Mill Railway Station.) at-One o’clock, p.m., and, accompanied by an ex- cellent Brass Band, which will discourse sweet Music upon the occasion, will proceed to the Grove, where TEA will be served up. in a man- ner worthy the cause. Several eloquent Speakers have been engaged who are eminently qualified to hurl the resiitless arguments of truth AGAIfST Intemperance, which in one Black and Awful Gulf swallows up so much of Human Happiness All friendh to the Temperance Cause are res- pectfully invited to attend on this occasion, and thus convince the Antagonists of Temperance of the mighty combination of talent and influence arrayed against Kin% Alcoliol, Whose reign is marked by the propagation of Human Misery, and the Destruction of Souls. ICF Single Tickets, Is. l()|d. Double Tickets, [Lady and Gentleman]: 3s. I Ad. to bo had of the Members of the Division. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! Rupe/tville, June 0th, 1857. 1. Wm. Hi MYERS, ! SADDLE, HARNESS , TT^ORTY-FlVE Acresâ€"boiug Ihe West Part*of A Lot i\o. J. in the Second Concession of tlie i ownship of King*. â€" ALSOâ€" Ii^lVE Acres of Land at Richmond Hillâ€"two acres of which is a Nursery, well stocked with driving- Trees, now ready for the Market, with a Mouse, a JNTow Bam. iwo Wells of Qood Water, and other necessary Out-Buildings, being Part of l.ot No/48,2 First Concession, in the Town- ship of Vaii'fhan, and known as Smiths Nursory, the name of the former Preprietor. All the above Property will bo Sold on easy terms. Apply to J. DUNCOMB. Richmond Hill. : June.* 8th, 18^7* g 1-tf. rPHE Stock consists, in part, of 1 Prints. Delains, Cobourgs, Qrloafis, Muslins, Bleached Callicos, ShiV-lings,, Linens, Carpets, &c., &c., &c. Heady - Made Clothing, in great variety. j Of all kinds.of Cussimerc, Doeskins, Satinet, Tweed, Pants, Yosts and Coats, Bonnots, Ribbons, A nice assortment of Light Summer Clothing, Silks, FaiiCv Goods, &c. H A 11 D W A R E , â- : A General Assortment, with.a good assortment of Scythes,- Snai-ths, Manure and Hav Forks, Grain, and Common Shovels, Butts, Hinges, Brass and Plated Candlesticks. Table Cutlery, Knives, Arc. Crockery and Glass H are, Teas of all kinds, and a general Assortment of Groceries. Paints, Glass. Putty, &c. A complete Assortment of the usual Wares kept in a Country Store, all of which havo been purchased last Autumn and this Spring : and in consequence of the Advance in Price of most of those Goods, thus are much below the present COST PRICES ! f :o:------------ 1 NO RESERVE ! The Goods will be Sojd for what they will bring. Parties desiring a Cheap Lot of Goods will attend to the Salo. |05 Tkrms.~£6 and under, Casbi-^-above that sum, Endoised Notes, payable on 1st October next. --------so;â€"â€"------ SALE TO .COMMENCE EACH DAY AT rJ’EN O’CLOCK*- J. (»oj*mley, Auctioneer Richmond HI 11% June 9lh, 1857. LAND FOR SALE. rprlt: suissCribf.r offers For Sale the uu- 1 deinientioned Valuable Property., being the East half of Lot No, 33, in the Gth Concession, Township of Whitchukch, 10 acres cleared, with a good Living Stream* A1.SQ, . j .1 J ,f>rr Lot No. 1{2, 2nd Ooncossion, containing SoO acres, Township, of Adelaide, South of the Egre* mont Roa^l. For further particulars, apply, to the Proprieto , ROBT. MARSH. Richmond Hill, Juno 11th, 1857, g.l. S? Riclnnontt 11 ill DRUG STORE. Dance, Richard (care of M. Teely) E. Kyer, David LATEST BY THE “CANADA.” THUN ; IN.'O THE liRIG “ JOH« EDWARDS/ London, Saturday, May 30. The French journals contain the follow. 1 Eo*ter, Mose* ing statcim nt respecting this affair : an Eng- j lish brig, tlie ‘John Edivards,’ bound from Cloodwell, John Bordeaux to Liverpool, was compelled to i Gamble, James anchor in tlie roadside of Belle Isle, as she ! Guinan, John had no colors hoisted to show h<*r nationality. The state schooner' Amaranth’ fired a blank 1 I^rdino, Y\ illiam . . ... ... , Holland, Miss Mary cartiA'ge to remind her ol her omission. A seco'no",.*’as equally unattended to, when a third cartridge, with ball, was discharged) Jordan, Richard ^nd the shot killed one oi the crew named Williams, 'the Captain of the brig accounts Kindry, Mrs. for his not showing colors by saying his signal J°hn halyards had been carried away, and that he could not repair them. The case is under, A. investigation by the authorities. R. H. IIALL, Chemist and Druggist, tT ILL hare constantly on hand, a complete VY and cr'fefully selected Stock of Genuine, Drugs, . Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Dry and.Mixed Paint, Lamp and'Machinery Oils, Best White Load, in tins, &c, Garden and Field Seeds. Huilo’s Antiques, and all flair Preparations. Lubin’s Extracts, and all kinds of-Pei fuinery. Toiloi A o , , -m. Brushes of all kinds. An extensive assortment of Fancy Goods, Combs, Portemo'iuaies, Pocket Knives, &.c. &c. *&c. F. G. H. Gomiley, J. Gamble, Euphemia Houghalan, T. One Door So'ith ol' tiio Gazette Otfico. Richmond Hilt, June J2th. 1857. g '-'Yy- WILLIAM IIAKIilSON, Saddle and Harness Maker? Next door to G. & B. Barnard’s, Richmond Hill. Juno, 1857. g?l-wy. A small assortment of Firs^cbtss/.Tev. eHery, Gold Watches,. *fcc., C HA R LESWOR TH Mins Street JZnst, Toronto. D’ School Books, Stationery, fyc. Depository Richniond Hill Braiicli Bib!^ Society, Richmond Hill. June, 18.>7. gl-pf. -,t)!.r>W oil’ IMMIGRATION TO CANADA Love, Richard Lavin, John Lew i Thos. 'I'he following digest of Returns by A. C. 1^a^c ’ Buchanan, A. 15. Hawke, and T. C. Dixon, _ Esqs., Emigrant Agents, of the number of Newberrey, ilis. Emigrants arrived in Canada this season up to the 9th day of June, is made up at the O’Henin, John, Bureau of Agriculture, by Mr. Ilatton, Palmer, John K. L. M N O Kelly, Janies Knowles, Geo. Lawi cnce, C. E. Langstatr,.! .(Sr) Lavin, William Lesslie James McPhail, Nancy Dr. JAMES LA NCSTAFF, l£i<hmond Mill. Juue, 1857. g”. 1 -wy. JOHN COULTER, Tailor aiul Clotlueri Yongo St., Riclimond tlill Juno, 1857. g.l-wy. « u Cabin. Steerage. R England - - 421 3686 Richmond, O. S. Ireland 0 871 Roche, Win. Scotland 7.9 1:101 S Gernmny « 1380 Siver, R. xVonvay 0 1518 Scott, 11. W. 508. 10756 Trench, Wm. T nd Total 11,264 W Of these 4879 wore males ; 2858 females; 1254' boys; 1*216 girls; !>37 infants; 320 not particularized. Of their callings we learn that 7:’)7 were mechanics; 1581 far- mers;" 19*78 laborers, and 7191 of callings not stated ; 164 of them were cabin passen- gers. A| -compared with 1856 the returns are : Wright, John [Sin] Patterson, Thomas Ross, John S. Shewfelt, Claricy Simpson, James (2) Waterhouse J. M. TEEEY, Postmaster JOHN GRIEVE, CLERK Third DIVISION COURT. Office. Richmond Hill, Juno, 1857. g-lwvi JOSEPH KELLER, BAIUFF Second and Third DIVISION Court, Office, Richmond Hill. Juno. 1657. fc.l-wy. THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, Waggon Sleigli M A K E 11, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill, Juno lOtli, 1S57. 1856 11)57 185G 18 i 7 Gubin. Steorago. From England 19tj 421 2413 5G5G ' 14 Ireland 6 0 4'J8 55m 1 4* Jutland 15 79 982 i3«i; •• Germany 0 8 765 1380. ! *• Norway 0 0 0 1518 j 219 5'J 8 45S8 10756 ! 1856 1857 HIMH Grand Total 4807 him 1 Increase in I H.">7 to June 9, Gi.*’-8. The number arrived at the Toronto and Hamilton Agencies up to the 31st May were:â€" Toronto. Hamilton English 1782 1530 Irish 213 1073 Scotch 84*2 1183 Germans 881 4487 ' The total number of emigrants arrived it Canada this year up to June 9thâ€"includin those who arrived at Quebecâ€"those win IT DRIVES DULL CARE AWAY! J|mn f PHE Members of the Victoria Square Sax-FIorn _1 iJaiid [under the tuition of R. Wisoman,] beg to inform the Public that they have recently received some of the most • | Popular Music of the Day! i Composed by Grafulia, Dodsworth and Friedoricli. and that they 'are |no\v pi-epaved to attend to all calls from any part of the Country. ITr’ All Orders loft at the Post Office, Victoria Square, ox at II. Wiseman’s, Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, will he auoit,dod to. Victoria Square. June 10th, 1857. g,l. CLYDE HOTEL, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. C\ OOD Staliling aiwl Attentive Hostlers tjj- JOHiX MIL1.S, j. rropNetor. June, 1857. g-l-wy. DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling & Aitcliison’s COMBINED mi ffl im\E MACHINES, lHCHJHOJVn IIIIjTj. June, 1857. Tliorn Hill Hotel, r\OOU ACCOMMODA-TION FOR V^I TravolUiS. JOHN SHI ELS. I’lojirietor. riioni llill, .1 line Otli. 18.V7. n.! -wy. HENKY SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, A NB AUCTIONEER, Corner of YpMge and Centre Streets, H TCUMOM) HILL, .In no, 1857. fT-l'vr, | JAMES NEWTON, Tan n e #• a n (I €' it r r ier> ELGIN MILLS, RICHMOND HILL. 'rpHR Highest Price paid in Cash for Hides | 1 and Wtiinsv |, 185.7-. 1 wy- Dr. € A 1) W Ii Ii Ii, OP TORONTO, OCULIST & AURIST, a OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR!! CNIVEliSALLY known throughout Canada and the United States for his great skill aiid ! success in Restoring Lost Sight and Hearing, and removing all Diseases of the Eye and Ear 1 generally, bogs leave most respectfully to oali at- tention to the fact that ho has forwArded to the Editor of this paper a few dozen copies of tho third edition of his Treatise on the Eye and Ear â-  which will be disposed of to such applicants as mav wish to obtain MOST IM PORTANT INFORMATION Tree or Charge! The work contains nearly 200 pages, and has? a targe number of Operations and Cases' reportedâ€" LottetsjKoferences, &lc., worthy the careful jxerysal of tlio 'afflicted. Persona visiting Toront-o and p 1 acing ihemso 1 vos under Dr. Cad well’s care, will not be charged ir case of unsuccessful treatment. Ail camimuiicalious to Dr, G. mu:,t be prep did. | Toronto, May 22:h1, 1^57. 1-tf j GOOD NEWS t'OR JLLLT (Jo to Tl7. Raphael CLAIRVOYANT AND PHRENOLOGIST. J for advice and guidance. All laboring under j melancholy thoughts and depression of spirits, distress and anguish of mind, from whatever c ause, aJJ laboring under bad and delicate' health, go to him for relief and comfort. All Ladies who | have suffered under those complaints ail'd diseases i incident to females, consult him with the greatest ' confidence. Previous to marriage.; «.ll in delicate ! health should consult him AW who have had bad i luck, all who have tried their fcsest to get on in ihe World and cannot, go to ham for advice howto im- j prove tlioir circumstances, Parents should go I his opinion what trade or p ofession its best calcu- !lated to ensure their chi Id ien’« success in life. In love affairs, the principles •of the albove self net | guide you to happy marriage, atid domestic feli- I eitv. Ho shows the I.1KKNKSS OV THE FUTI.'UK HUSBAND OK WIFE. 1 ! Call, consult him, and .judge' for vonrwlf, how I truly he can tell you. 'Further particulars sdiit I GHA'I'J-S to any Name or Address. All Lctter>: Commnnieations, and Interviews, sirictly PrivaVi •ina Coniidontial. In order to claim atleniioji, th« Postage of all Letters must Ixvptfâ€"paid, and have Postage Stamps endosod for the answer, Address, W. RAPFIAEL, Bex 508 Fosl Office Iloersof Consultation, from 9. to 11, a. mi, aiic from 2 to C p.m., at the Corner of Nelson am Dutche# Street, 'J'oront'o. Toronto, June, lfc*>.7- ll-tf. i liY GOODS and Millinery, Clotliing and Gentlemen’s Outfitting Emporium. Silk.«, iiibbons* - . Broad Cloths, Satins, Lace Goods Tweeds, Satinets, Gloves, Fancy^T weeds, Poplins, Parasols, Dooskms, Moire Antique, ’ Shawls, Fancy Doeskins, Mantillas. Sattaras, Head Dresses, Venetian CiothS, Bonnets, Drah JCerse'v's, • Straw Goods, Bath Cords, Hosiery, Robe Dresses, Flounced Dresses, Muslin Dresses, Barege Drosses, Chal is Djesses. Shepherd Plaid, . fe,., &c., Toron;o, Juno, lSoT. 1-tf. i 1)0012 OI) ll i.'f'f t 4 Iftjl) Uflftl . f v‘J OtlJill . â- â-  |Q V-iC'><j « 11Subscriber lias received instructions lr.oin G. P. Dickson, Ksq., to Seli by Public 1 Auction, on U hiirsday,; 1 ? tlrof and lolllowiiig days, the whole of Ins Stock of Stud Horses, Faim and Team Horses’, Waggons, &c. Consisting, in part of 'No.. I, Chanimonâ€"This splendid entire Horse is now nine years old, his «tock has been provc<i to be of iho mosl u^ei-uj for general purposes of 4Wiy iin thecoiintt-y % nor ha^ a^iy h^iWiii Province, imported or otherwise, ov«t iC^coUed tom in siz^, symni^ti'Y, .action and durability;- No. :2. Black o mire Colt, two years old, by imported Robin Hood, dam a Messenger Mare,' 3. Dark Iron-grey entire Colt, two years old, by Governor, dam a fine Cleve- land Mare. 4. Grey Mare, 4 years old. 5. Grey Horse, 4 years old, well matchod and suitable for a’s carriage. ‘ 6 GreyFilley,2yoars old, by imported Young Lion, <3am a Messenger 7. Iron-grey Filly, 2 years old, by Governor^ dam a. largo French Canadian Mare. 8. Bay Mare, 8. years old, by Tom Kimble, very handsome. £). Chestnut Maire, 8 vears old, by do, 10- Bay Hors'eâ€"^-gobd Fa'rm-liorse. 11. Bay lloifyo,â€"large ana powjerfuL 12. Brown Horse, do- &• 14, Two Brown Horses, a pair of good 'Farm-horses, 15. Bright Bay Horseâ€"good lor all woik. 16 White Horse, do. 17. Black Horse. 18; R:iy Horseâ€"a very strong pair. 19. Bay Fujy, 4 years told,.by Champion. (20. Giev do. (i years old. by. do, 21. Bay Horstâ€"urge and strOngj 2^2. White Mare, in i.'oul, by im^'oriexi Young Lion. 23. While do.â€"-a ii no brood Maro.' 24 , Bay Hoi soâ€"-a good team horse. . 25. Bait’ Coil, 3 years old, by Governor. 26. & 27'. A pair of matched H«rse>. . > . â-  28, Bay 1 lorso^.5 years old- Iled£ar«. W. tfj QJ. O r« 5C •N O PS, CJQ Ciq O £2 XU w » oV • crl CJC. 1X2 o ll o as cS W i? A do do do do do do Pull. do do Steor. 3 T’hree-year-old Grade Durham 1 Two-year-old 5 Yearlings 1 Yearling 1 Yearling do do Steor. pp 3 Milclr COWS. immmm 10 Good Brood Sow?, and about 30 Sucking Tigs. 60 Store Pfg^. A new 6;-horse-Pow.or Thrashing. Machine. ^ 1 Fine Leicosier.Ram, from .the imported Stoclt of Mr, James DIckcoax, j-*"*: Clark. 4 Yearling Leices Gr Ramr> . i O ^5 lJeicdstCr with tiieir 'T.afn1»s. â€" 5-Iron--axle Waggons. 5 Wooden-axle do. ti .Sleighs. 3 timers \ One-herse Wa-ggohV'ou’springs; with |K>le and shafts. 1 DonWe-se jU>d C'of/oisodCarriage, wiih pole-and sha'ts, *^uite suewc. 1 Buggv. 2 ( oup (Jarts, one o f lhem new. 1 One-horse Waggon, shafts’only. 1 Large spring Wagy <• . {j Sets Team Harness.. I 0 Collars* 1 Set Double Cairiagb Hai n-ess. 2 Set Bug^V; Harness. 2; perLahle 1 >at-bitis. 2 iâ€" to t;;ees. Neck-yokes, ifec- -Soveral pai â- cilv 46 gallon.".. Several ‘-'ets of dutihl 4»f I lorsO-blankels and.’ ('eleinglcs. I Dri!»]jU^nil’> Patent. Jfuyuirted. t'hir:,n., dopble plunger. 1 J run PloYigli. 3 WooSeu du. j I'a^s&i Mic now; •„ 3.Sheet* Blocks a» d :aek!e 3 Logging .{^'hrinsii in package.. 4 Second-hand \ '<xVking .Stoves. 1 Large Patent BwW, capa* â- S<ill PloUfft â-º300 Nr.w Starke quite Mill Dags â€" TERMS. â€" (tT ATI purchases nnd-r .C5, Can'h purchaser over £.r> Sii: IMonths* Credit, on furaiib'hiug joint lOtcjs satrsfaetoryto the owner. 03°>An extended .term will lie give to ll' dir a he FL( purchaser of 'Champion if desired. \ I’rin'tod Cat/dogu.q.w'11 he in rQadim.'s-; p:ovion-i'f ijie day pf Sj'e. wli'eh ,w31l *tnke place (J IN liOXI-Sfc, joh tho J’romises"Jh.p j\:IjlJs. J, GQRMLL'Y rAuclio:?ttniu * G K N T. L ElE K ! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. rPUE Undersigned bogs have to inform the !_ Public thâ-  11 ho holds himself in readiness at his Old E-tub ishment, which has been eon- linued for tho^ last Sjx Years, in this City (No. lt)J, \orige' Street, and directly' opposite the •• Brittannaia II use,” Toronto,)*to Renovate< Clean and Repair All Descriptions of Clothing, In a proper and satisfactory mnnner, byeredicting Points, Oil, Par, «Xi'e. ^‘C., and restoring Colors te their original appearance, so as to give Gentle- me.n’s wearingapparel the full appearaiice of new. From 31 years’ experience in tlio business and prompt attention to all orders with which he may be laVored, combined with an earnest desire to pirate, his customers, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. WILLIAM RICHARDSON. Toronto, June oth, 1807. 1-tf. T II E INDIAN HERB DOCTOR. BSr mg F ISTEN to the voice J J 6f Truth and Rea- son, and be profited by it. 'The time has cornel that all who will can es- cape the iron grasp of Mercury and other bane- ful poisons, , by calling .without delay to see the well-known and justly celebrated Indian Herb Doctor, F. Tuiviblkty, who, after traversing the United Stales and Canada, has concluded to mako Toronto, C. W. his home for the future, whore he will administer to his patients those only trne and safe Medicines from Nature’s Garden, which . h4s for its author the great and alHwise Physician above. Tho following diseases can be cured by D;\ T, in the most obstinate state of their existence, viz:â€"-Diseases of the Lungs, Heart, Liver and Throa1: also. Dyspepsia; Dropsy and all Diseases of tho Blood, such as. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt- Ithpum, Fever Soros, and all Chronic Complaints of years standing. P. S.â€"The Doctor will also give particular at- tention to all diseases peculiar to Females and Children. Officeâ€"No. Ill, King St., East. OITOSITF, ST. LAWRENCE llALL. O3 Consultation Free. Toronto. June, 1857. 1-tf. The Daily (Jolonist, BRITISH COLONIST, Tri-Week/i/, And News of the Week. Weekly. TERMS. Dnih Colonist JSl 10 0 per annum* British Colonist ~ 0 12 6 “ Weekly Colonist I) 7 G ** *’ Clubs of five i i 0 ** Payable at least 3 months in advance. The Daily Colonist is deii,vored in Toronto, at 7.jd. per week, and the British Cojonist at 6d. per fortnightâ€"payable to the News-carriers. The Colonist Establishment having been re- built, and the whole business placed upon a basis of the most complete and. substantial kind, the Proprietors leel every .confidence in asking for the the continued and increased support Of all Who desiie to support an Independent Conservative Journal. Tho-arrangements for the supply of late News 2Jaify foVnst'1 lY*ge double sheet of 48 col- unies, and is tho Largest Daily jJoui iud published on the American Continent it will, therefore, be enabled tp give better PartiameuUiiy Reports and more News, than any other Journal. To Advertisers. The terms of advertising are the same as for Journals of tho smallest circulation. All adver- tisomonts receive a gratuitous iiLsertion in the Tri-Weekly edition, which rondors tho advertising circulation equal, if not suj*jvior, to ihat of any other newspaper whatsoever Mono}' betters, if registered, will be considered at the risk pf the Publishers Subscriptions may bo commenced at any period of ihe year. All post-niastefs acting as Agents, will be al- lowed a, coxumission on cash remittances. THOMPSON A-. Co„ Publisher#. 52, King Street East, Toronto. g.l. The Daihj Globe. is $6 5>er arannm. It is published at. four o’ ♦'very morning but Sunday :; and is dispatched by the early trains to all jiarts of the, country^ U a largo forty <colume sheet, containing a vast amount of news, moucan'tiile intelligence, and ge- netal iniormaLiou, o.V the latest .and m.ost atnporlani character: Any person sending the cash for five Dally sub- scribers will be -entitled to an aHdiiional coj>y .Fiusio. The Tri- Weekly Globe. Is issued ev-ery Monday, Wednesday and Fridar* it per it. is pi-inied on a Uigo shoeL; aid contains ,an immense amount of reading mat- ter. in it-* culnmuf; is given a’ll tiiat appears:in the laijy edition, with the telegraphic and oilier news o the latest moment. Any person -pending-, the cash. for five Tn- 'Veofilv subsenbers will be eittiVbcl tts a IVoevcopv. The Weekly Globe,-â€"'-New Series. >n F idav, 2nd of January, 185/'. the Wi:i;ki,Â¥ Ii.ouk was issuetf in a ncvv form, greatly enlarged id improved. It is print#-! o o- -au .Mi.*- • i lensf. -dou- e | sheet of paper of a superior icpriliiy to 'any ioretoibre used ; ' k is made up in a handsome larto form, -»coinprisin.g\ejght jpagien o'f â- sov.oj?. â-ºItVmns «e-ac& % and */;©H.taiidS-me-re r=o riiin-g -matter lan anv,other political newspaper on the couti- -•nt Great.improvemoiits are made in the c*m- lation of tho jiaper ; tlio news is carefully £&-Ihv- d from tho daily edition* &u*^ arvidos specially epared lieu* ks <«o1*»imns; and an expetieneed agri> •‘dtkfiral -wiiiter is . employed in conducting a do- artmeiit devoted to agricultural s.uhiceeit*.. I'he •larUot reports ati'.hoiAv® ;and abroad receive inâ€" >r,eased.atteifcti©«. Noiwithsta nding these improvements-â€"Two Dotxars will continue to he the annual fee., bat â-  v th this difference, ilast all ^ubsr.Rp*ions irnist be >nid CA>SH DOV\N.. To imluce exertion on ihe part ot’ the friends .of the' G'dbe throiighout lfhe â-  onntry. it has been resolved that an v person .mult- MMg up a Club may haveâ€" Ton copios 'for ...... . ...................$15 Tweuty-fiive (Copies .lor-.................. 35 Eighty (Copies for ..... - ........... it Mi Auv poi-son the cash for fi.vve Weekly subscribers Will ,4>e entitled to a free copy. The Weekly Globe will be sent to all 'Cl orgy- men for §.1 a year. Monev llett-'V-' -seii to * The Puhli ^er of the 'Globe, TomuUc^*-" can be registered h.y pay- ment of one penjfiv, ami their safe arrival .wifi thou be at the r sk of iW-pitblish‘6r, Snbiferii tions may eommenee at any period of the year, a Did be made, J^r any,termâ€"and persons dosjroofc <of receiving the paper uee»sl not wait -^.r an agent; to ,ealh mr them, but have onlvt.oou- clOso their y with'their name and post office, to XiEO. BROWN. (iiobe GtScfi, Toronto> Toronto, l^or-efc/lxu-r 28, t&M.

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