PROSPECTUS OF THE AND RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISER. Weekly Journal Devoted (o Politics, Agriculture, ments of manhood and fortitude. Feeling and writing' in this spirit, the Publishers of the York Rid- ings Gazette ask their fellow yeo- men and citizens to give it that welcome and support which a pioneer effort in a good cause merits. The people should re- gard a new Journal in a new country somewhat as the Queen Commerce, Literature of the whole people. The York Hidings Gazette will f devote every attention to Agri- culture and to Agricultural Sta-! tistics and Improvements, and; will also fully chronicle the pro-! ceedings of the York Ridings <2 Municipal bodies; indeed, will be emphatically u York Hidings} of Navarre did the poor Trouba-! ^a~'cllc’ dour, when she said, “ Show me\ It will be under the editorial; the Oracle that can tell nations 1 management of gentlemen ofji am <n-eat†experience and talent; and whilst ’ ^ The Politics of the York Bid- H wi!l, freel? concede to other!, ings Gazette will be eminently ;J°»rnals rver>r credit for then-a-JT and emphatically Britishâ€"-Bri-! bihty and enterprise, it wi 1 aim tishin their Conservatismâ€"Bri-1a bel,)S a faLmi>' a['c political . h in their toleration-Brilish uewsPaP"r whlch wliJ beat once TOlHE Publishers of the above- named Journal conceive that ! a good Family Newspaper, which i will combine literary and useful j knowledge, with an independent ! and manly, but at the same time 'temperate discussion of public questions, will command the ! support of the intelligent yeo- jmanry and mechanics of the fine Hidings whose name it bears; ^Jand that it will do good by doing ; right, and be useful by telling «truth. When three papers were ||first published in Toronto, its I population but little exceeded that | of Richmond Hill at the present j time ; whilst the entire revenue j of Upper Canada did not exceed the present revenue derived from the United Ridings of York alone. | The Township of Markham,with jits some eight thousand inhabi- ^GjJ jtants, has perhaps more pleasure 'carriages at this moment than ^ij were in the whole Province of i Upper Canada but twenty-five I years ago; and what with the grossing people. lishers consider favorable to the; | increased facilities for getting Upon local questions, the York enterprise, newspapers, and the greatly im- Ridings Gazette at once nails its As’t is confidently anticipated | proved circumstances of the peo- j C0W to the mast in favor of that lhe pr0poSed Journal will l| I pie, it is extremely probable that: Representation by Population ; of command an extensive circula-1 I there are more newspaper readers the preservation of our Common \ ion it will form an excellent' ! in the three Ridings of York! SchL System ; of the prevention Medium for ad^rtisb^, which j ti in j creditable to Canadian literature | and the Canadian press. in their liberalityâ€"British their love of justiceâ€"British mi their hatred ofmonopolyâ€"British! The first number will be is-1 in their reverence for the glories; sued on or about the 5th of June; and lhe wisdom of a matchless j next, and forwarded to all those Empire; and in their keeping! whose names already appear on pace with the requirements and j our subscription list, as well asj; improvements of u rapidly pro- to several others whom the pub-t ^alone, than all Western Canadalavish and enormous expen- could boast ot at a time within ditures of public money upon be charged tor at the usual _n« the recollection of even young fj men of the present day. Under j these circnmstances,the Publish- ed ers of the “ York Ridings’ Gaz- kif ette †feel that they but march with the times, and keep pace Avith the requirements of their country, when they propose dis- jseminating useful informations | by means of a respectable and well conducted Journal. It is j but marking progress with mind, ^jj Hanging a new spaper upon each *“% mile-stone of Canadian advance- ment, is but unfurling the flag Sof civilization over the achieve- single Railways, which but en- rich jobbers, and render the coun- try incapable of undertaking really useful works ; of detecting railwavjobbers,and driving them out of the Legislature ; of thor- oughly investigating all cases of public demoraliza tion and wrong by Railway Boards, Contractors, or Members of Parliament; and of preventing all partial and un- just gratuities to religious educa- tional establishments, or to any other establishments, which are sectional and sectarian in their character, and not for the benefit uwws _ ______ will rates. In order to place the Gazette; within the reach of all parties! desirous of aiding the undertak-j ing, the terms will be as follow:! â€"7. 6d., currency, per annum, if I paid within the first three months; 10s. if paid within six months and if not paid until the expira-ljtj tion of the volume, 12s. 6d. will be charged. -Allcommunications(pre-paid) rv to be addressed to William Trudgeon, Manager, Richmond jr Hill.1 Mav loth, 1857.