ï¬nances Bindery. JAMES LANOSTAFF, Richmond Hill. g.1 -wy. JOHN GRIEVE. ’ LEIIK 'I‘lrird DIVISION COURT. Office. Richmond Hill. - Juno, 183-7. JOSEPH KELLEEE. gJ -wy. Court. Ofï¬ce. Richmond 11111. June. 1852. gJ-wy. G. A. BARNARD, IMPORTER of British and American Dry- Goods. G oceries, Wines, Points. 621.2. 61c. Richmond Hill. June. 187. Liquors. Olli’, g. 1 -wy. CHARLES DURR’ANT, (Late II]. Tor/y) MPORTER of British and Foreign Dry Goods. Wine and Spirit Merchant. d: c.. (to. Richmond IIiH,June.1857. g. 1- wy. P. CROSBY, _’_ ‘- I Liquors. Hardware. ole. Richmond Hill. Juno. 18.37. g JOHN MCDONALD, (Aleutist and Drur'sist, -"l Eli. of English Drugs. Soaps. Por- futucs‘ I’rruslros, &c. No. 1011. Yonge Street. (Opposite Shiner Street, ni-nr Green Rnin 'I'avorn. 'I'onoziro. lune, 18.37.. gJ-dm. THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, “HT-3011 & Sleigh M A K E R, Opp-rite the \Vhito Swan Inn. Richmond 1111!. June 10th. 1857. EI'WI' g. I - \vy. J. W. GIBSON, Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite J. l\'. 1"ali‘0lll)l'i(lge'5. YONHIC SI'IKEI'ZT. 111C113“ ND “11.1.. ï¬rtuo. R57. p,l.w\'. ‘9? F‘ ' â€"_ ’r u WARD & McCIUSlnth), HIHISL'. Sign and Ornamental I 1 71's, Gildrts, Glaziers, ’ and laprr Hangers. , TIIORNHILL.} r | All Micki???"I1iEE;rI"7’.rzrrrs, Oils, Glass, and Putty. GOOD \‘IORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF TLIIE COUNTRY. 7g-ly. ._..._.___._._.-_____. July 23. 1857. L;:_..=‘ ' VVI’1.E.IA M- HARRISON, Saddle and Hat-new Maker, Next door to G. «V: D. Barnaid’s, Richmond- llil! g. l -w_r, June. 1957. JOHN COUL'I‘ER, Tailor and Clothier: " V, Kongo St...B.iulunond IIill. , .I‘uno. 185 . " ' " ~ - «candy... GEORGE DODD, Vc‘fériuary Surgeon. 1.01 21;. 41h ('ou.. Virughnn. " HORSE 15:. FAIUIIEK†INN. 015 HENRY SAN DERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, \\ A ND AUCTIONEER, Corner 01' Yang- nnd Centre Ft-‘eetw, ’ V RICIIZIIOND HILL, i" 851. r.\'\\ W. r w: , 1'. WWW, _ Boot and Shoe Maker. PI’OSITE A. LA“ ’5, Yongo street, Itch- iuond IIilk' Ladies" and Gentlemeus’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles.. August 6. 1857. gfl-Gin. EEK VICTORY IIO TEL, éfl» Ami Musam'c Hull, 1 YONG}: S'rnitizr y KIRKSI‘I‘E Stabling. and obligiug Hustlers J always in attendance. ‘(Ihoico \Vinos and Liquors. “minus Suinuior llevoruges. Regalia. l’rincipe. Ilavnua. Manilla and other brands of Cigars and Cheroms. Beer. For tor and An Omnibus to and from Toronto. Coils at this 1:110:01, daily. ' ROI} Richmond Hill. June. 1857. ‘2 RT WISEXIAN. I’ropi'ielon g. 1' -wy. A. GALLAIVOUGH, I EALER in. Groceries. “'inos and Liquors. 'l'h onliill. C. \V. (Thoicu brands of Ions. Sugars und Com-es on hand. genuine as linporzt-tl An unsortinont ot Ureud. Biscuit tind’Cakes. constantly onhand. 'I‘horuuill. St'llt. ‘35. 18-37. gl7-1t‘ Thorn Hill Hotel; 1000 ACCOMMODA'I'ION ron I ’Ernurllois. J'OIIN SIIIELS. I'ioprietor. ' Thorn Hill, .6 9111. 1857. g.l-u‘y. J. w. inï¬rm, AII‘D‘K'I’ER 11ndL~ Dealer in Gold and Silver 1 \ "â€"“""’- l‘"°_ Jt‘Wcllory. Iilcctro-I’Iate. r hoods, kc" \\c. N“ 3" "MS" SUN-‘1. Toronto. June. 1557- CALEB LUDFOItD, Saddle and Harness Maker) 'l‘lIOILthILL. Thorn-hill. Nov. 16. 1857. gl-Gnr get-tr 80'} CHAS. POLLOCK, [80 AI PO‘l’i'l‘I‘IIi, of Bi Illoll. French German and American. Fan-"y and élaplc Dry Goods. No. 80. City Bindings. King Stre‘tEmt. opposite St. Juures’ Cathedral. 'I‘orouto. C. w. my. 5. 1557. 92:41 ' Jl N. REID, PEIYSICIAN do SURGEON. Comet-of Yonge and Centre Streets. Thorn hill. . August. 14. 1357. great Batmrr Second and Thi'd DIVISION. RY GOODS. Groceries. “lines. I IV I TH OR 1V1 T11 0 UT OFFENCE Vol. 1. 'I‘I’IE \VHI'I‘E SWAN 12m, and Livery Stub/es, Yam 3 SIRFJCT. OSEI’II GA BY begs to inform Ibi~ public that i he has commenced to run a Serge limit the draw Hotel to the t). S. &11. It. 11. Station. ‘\Ilicbn1:-nd Hill) In ire a day: and nill convey '- rrssengirs to any tnrt cf the country. night or day. in ten minutes notice. 53rer llrrr’irir. .103 21’†GARY. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Ont. 15. 1857. ng-tf A Voice from Heaven. SMELSER 8t: BOIVIWAN,~ row. 'rnr: BRITISH TRIBUNE. Licensed 1‘ uc‘ianccrs y Islriue in the light of God. FOIL 'I‘HE '|0\\ Ns‘tm-s 05‘ His likeness stamps my brow - - "-’ . -', ftl'tl, .)Ealqihan‘,&‘Vhltchurch 1hro the shadow ofdtah my ee into rat And I reign in glory now. Ill-ZSIIII-ZNCt-2s :â€"IIrnrv Sini-Iser. Laskay. King. l‘hns. Bowman. Aluiiru. Markham. October 15. 185-7. JAMES. McCLURIC, NNKICEI’ER. Licensed Aurt‘ioueer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Sitti- i‘uu. (‘urnor i-f Â¥orrgs- and Bradford Eh‘t‘eus, lIulland Landing. November. 16.1957. gm 1 No sorrowing heart is here, No keen and thrilling pain; No wasted cheek where tin.- fi‘i‘quent tour IIath rolled and left its stain. II have found lllu joy‘s of hiav'n I am one of lllt' saintcd band, {1254f JOHN I-IARIIING'I‘ON, Jn., ’ \wo 1‘.liles- Nnrilt of Iliclrumnrl 11.11. I 1““? "'"m‘ “*9 M311â€! mgr dealer in Dry Go rds. Gram-rim, \Vines, \\ lrom Jesus litilli. set true, Liquors. Hardware. Glass. Earthenware. Sic. Also. Lroonsodr Auctioneer. September“ 1557. To my head a crown of glory is givrn, And a Harp is in my hand. And the glorious valede Heaven. will ring ï¬lm†\.\‘i.tb.1n.y new- born melody. No. grief, no sin, as pain, Safe in my happy home ; My fears all lleil. my doubt‘s all slain. My hour of triumph come. Opposite the Post Office. bongo Sir-cot. KN Omnibus leaves the above llnlol every » Nbiniirgx (Suntltuys excepted.) at 7 o'clock, . nt‘ 'I‘omnto; returning the same eveningâ€" '1‘119 friends of mortal years, The trusted and the true-â€" . Ycare Walking still in the Valley of tears, llamas andiBuggies kept for hire. But I wait to welcome you; i‘ RICHAR‘II)’ N-ICIID‘LI.S. \. I . V) l l ’ premium... 1 o, lorgtt . :11 no, Richmond. [1111, June. 1‘57. ml,“ y. 1:," mvmmyrs gawk,†chain, eliall biird my heart to the hunt; below... ,1 V‘L 1111 they meet. to touch again. ‘ lDo- nu ourn wl en mother star DOCTOR 1‘ m ’ ' blriircs out from the glittering sky I or 4 IDEJVTJE .SU 'tGEIIY. 65.. King Street, East, Toronto, C. 11/. Do you Weep when the ra pun- vrricc of woe, And the storms of oonllxt the I 'I‘bru why should your tears run down, And your heart be sorely liven I For another gem in the Saviour-1's crown, I And another soul in lleavcn l‘ Particu‘ar attention iveu. to. the reâ€"ulstiou of g 1. Children‘s Teeth». Consultations Free. and all Work Warranted. a Toronto..lunr. IP67. Thou Art not Here. ._ .. ‘ “5“ int 01.01th 11. Puzs'ncn. J. K. FALCONBIRDGE, Richmond Hill; MPOR’FER and Dealer in Drr Goods. Gro» ccries. VVinus,_ ILiquors, Haidwam, G1ass.l Earthenware. Arm. &c.. &c. I June. 1557. g.3-wy. ’ l‘is :nornâ€"â€"-tlre 14:3 breeze seems to. bring Joy, health and feahucss on. its wing; - Bright flowers, to 1m all strange and new, All glittit'riug in the early dew, And perfumes rise from many a grove As inst-use to the clouds that. more D AVID ATK‘INSON Like spirits o’er you wel‘ldir clearâ€" A ,‘ AGE-NT FOR & Aitciiison’s COMBINED ‘llllllllli lllll Illll’lllli 111A 011 I NE S , It? ICHJHOA’ZD 131.131). June. 1857. But I am sailâ€"thou art. not here. Darling "l‘is noorwâ€"a calm. unbroken sleep Is on the blue waves of the deepâ€"- A soft haze, like :1 fairy dream, Is flbatiu-i orrr hill and stream; Anl many a broad magnolia llower “thin its shadowy woodland bower g'lwy- Is gleaming like a star»- MESSRS. J. Si IV. BOYD, Barristers) &e., NO. 7, “WILLING'I‘ON BUILDINGS. 11111 I am sudâ€"thou art afar. "I‘is eveâ€"on rarth the sunset skirs. Are painting their own liden dyesâ€"- The flats i'anie hurt). and trembling glow. KING~ S’I‘.. TORONTO. 1 Like blossoms in the wares below ; June '0' 18"7' “'3 “3' AudJikc some unset-n tsplilt: the breeze lâ€"IOTEL’ Seems lingering 'inid the orange trees, Brratlring music round the spotâ€"- ' 111116 STRET EAST, TOiONTU. C 00D Stabling and Attentiro IIoStlors T JUIIN MILLS. 1’1‘0piietor. K-l"".‘.'v Bottled A110 Depot, (if). YORK SilillEE'I‘. T 0 II. ON '1" O‘, C. W‘. ‘ M. MORRISON. Agent. l'urouto. June 19th. 1857. But I am sadrâ€"I Semtime not. "I‘is nil-bu flitâ€"with a soothing spell June. 1857. Tue far tones of the ocean swc'l Soft) as a mother‘s cidrncr mild, Low bending o’er her slot-ping child; And on each warmth-ring breeze are heard The» rich notes ol'tlre mocking birrI ï¬lm.“ In many a “'lltl‘ and wondrrous lay-- But 1 am sadâ€"tliourart away. I sink in dreamsâ€"low, sweet and clear, 'I‘lry own clt-ar vols-e is in my ear; JOHN MURPHY, x , Around iny chi-ck thy t'ri-sscs twineâ€" ll House Decorator, Pilluu‘rr ll: 'IIhy orvnrlm‘t-d hard is clasped in mineâ€"- I 'I‘hy own soft liprto mine is pressrdâ€" PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER I I] 'I‘lry head is pillorved 0.: my breast, &c., &c. l: i No 491 King Street; 4 Doors West of Bay Street. 0! I have all my Iii-art holds dear, it And I‘ arn-lr:1ppyâ€"-tlrou art here. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€"____ PANIC S'rnrivâ€"Thi-rc is an old story iii the East of :1 man journeying who. incl. :1 11 wk and dread apparition. \\'|in are you I said the traveller, ur- I DEALER rx PAPER IIANGINGS. l] noose DECORATIONS.&¢. I Toronto. Juno 181.11, 1557. g.2-wy. l costing the spectre. ‘ I'm the R' I’luguc.’ \\ hither an: t'ougniug? re- it‘illctl. the traveller. "L'm gait“?! m G O T O Damascus to kill three thousand human. IHORPHY BROTHERS beings; said the dread spcttlrc; 'I‘wu. FOR Imouths afterwards the man. tru- mnmg. mit the some apparition at V OOI) “'atches. Clocks. Jewelry. )Irlodeons, ‘ ' T Elt'CUO Ware. Silver Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit every sight. lE‘r' \Vn‘eh Clubs in Operation. ClockK troni le upwards. '1 oruiire. June. 1357. 1-3. _-â€"â€"~mâ€" ROBERT J’. GRIFFITH, LAG. Banner and Ornamental the same point. ' liaise .spii‘it.’ said ihc. 'why dust thou dun-l with me in Wammed licsf 'I‘liuutlcelnr'edst thou \vurc going ltusluy three thousand ut Damascus, and In! than has slain thirtv tinni- ‘be notnver husly in lll_‘.' judgment; 1 Elizabeth Street. Toronto ~0ver \f’ll‘ialfi'l killed liidcod blâ€. “Ty lhrec thousandâ€" mms Grocer)" Store. ' - “‘- Fg’ar lulled the rest. 11? C0315 Pf Arms. and every doseriniion of Hemld‘ PIWH'E- eucmedp‘iih dupuch; andi nrl reasonable charges. June. 18-51I~ Notaries Public were ï¬rst appointed by the I glwy. memoirs of martyrs in the ï¬rst century. TO FRIENDS OR FOES. Scatchmen and Scotch Music. ‘ The following.r instance shows that! ,Scotrh music will urukc a Scntclrman ltitratiything out ofhis own country :â€"1 A gentleman, who was :i first rate per- former of Scotch music on the violin. spent :1 winter in l'lxeti-r. and ofcnurse' sntrii bet-amt: acquainted with the unrsi- 1, cal dillM-ttiiiti of the place. During out: day with :1 Professor, the courierâ€" suti it turned upon Scotch music. and a strong :irgulrrcnl ui'trsr as 10113116111" iug (:onrpi'titiiru with foreign music; trhc Sciatirliirrmi. whom we shall" fin! the present designate the Fiddler. insisting .thut. when properly pln.cd, i1irthin;_y icouhl oxith it; tin: Profuss¢rr on. the other hand. insisting that it Was only ‘fit for the burn yard. ‘ ‘ I‘ll telliyiru- whan says the Fiddler. 1‘ I‘ll luy youa but til-£5. that if.1 party ofb‘cirtchrueu can hi: got together I ll make them shed tears one minute, sing the next. :uLI dance thu third.’ ‘ Dunc†says the Professor, ‘ and. if your music is t‘Illiillrlit (if thnl. 1 will ‘unt only pay you the £5 u ith plcusurr, but willl he t‘tNiVlllt'Ctl that it is the mast culivcrr-ing, pathetic, and bcs‘. music in the wirrld.’ The difficulty arose as to gettingan opportunity fin? a trial. But this was ,simu nbviutctl by a third party infot- run;' them that :1 number of young Scott-lunch dinedi uunu illy .it the Old Londer l]t1Il31,. on tab»: anniversary of Burus‘ birth-day. This was a capital opportunity for tho Fiddle-1'; for these. youngr men, built}; principally raw-bon- ed. irvi-rgruwu Scori‘h- luds. who lind' ltlut-Tirtitly lufl‘ their country to carry . tea in the Ilt‘lultlml‘linntl, were the \'(.‘l'.Vl [onus upon whom he ixus sure to maket is 1.11. l All being now :tr-rnugml. and the ut~ most Scenesy being {I‘Q'l‘tlt‘tl upon, the lcvcuiful day was auxinuslry lunl-‘tftl for. .At' lirragrlilrh it: came ; and: the Fiddler laud Professor- by an introduction In one of the party. got an Ill\'IItllItIII to the dinner. There Were “11(qu ul- Iligtilillcll SilldtHVll ;- and; a right urcrry rpnl‘ty they soon became ;. for thur \vlriskcy-tirddy was not spared. wheni rthu rucmm‘t’ “fully of Srrtrtia's hurtls‘ ' The Futon... w..- ‘ long in per-relying [but he had got among a right lllllS»‘i(3iil suit. and. he waited patiently till they worn: in that ghappy state when they Were fat for" lauylhiuu. At length he gave a wink: 11‘01110 Professor, who at once [Whining-I .ed: that his friend shinth favour tlrcm‘ iwith a Scotch tune on the violin. was prop...“ .1 ..,.. ' That's capital, capital I’ cried the whole party. I '1’er Vllillll was brought. and all were in breathless anxiety. The Fiddler (those for his ï¬rst time "IIcrc’s health: Ito them that‘s nwu.‘ and played it in the most snlcuiir u-udr purtrhctic manner. ‘ "I‘hnl’s :1 wut'ful turre‘ said a great raw-boncd youth to his next ireiulrlrtrutgf ‘ It is that. Sandy. 'I‘herc‘s rnciltlui in that tune, mun. It reminds nu: 0‘! giving a dire]; sigh, and drawing his. liaudi across his thug: ,rptiruiit fut-c to hide ,‘liistdrccks. The Fiddler “5111111 his kci‘n (rye soon perceived llh‘lzl. before he got through the second! purt' of1 the tuner he would Ilinvu them. :ill in the same muod. 11-: lthcrcfurc threw his whole sun] irrio Ilic iIIlSllltItllt‘lll, plusy ed. the turn: us. hi.- hail Iucvci‘ drriii: lrofu-i‘c ;' and: as the la-sl ,fiiur bars of the tune died ziwziv like 111.: Qltihuni, v AND YORK.RIDINGS’GAZETTE. I SKETCH YOUR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT GOES.â€"â€"B_I/ron. Caught the Panic. A tall, lank. Turnsulom sort ofa fel- low. pretty well under influence of Mr. Alcohol, was observed swinging in :1 lamp post on Fifth street last night. .110 wastalkiag quite loudly to the aforesaid post, when a guardian ofthru night ‘uppriraclwd him. "Come. sir. you are making too- ." said the watchman. " Noise? who's that said noise I" asked the postholdcr, as he showed his head and eudcirvor‘cd in vain to give the Illllld-.1t:1'fl Sober look. much noise “ It was 1111);," I’t‘Pllr‘tl’th watchman as be exposed his silver uumbcrsto full view. H “ You? and who-the (l--~l are you? It taint me that‘s a rnakiir’ of the 11015.". No. sir. It's the banks that}; u urakiu’ all the noise. 'Ir‘hcy are a hreultuu', atzrushiu’. turd n smushiu' of things in an incredible amount. Nuisul It’s the bunkers that are :1 urukiir’ ofthi: noise. The" are a cus- sin". a rippiir‘, and a staviu’ all 'i‘.rnntl, lt‘sthe broker's tbtituru a. makiu’ of the noise. 'I'lrey :t»i't:':t hollinriu', and a- ycl'piu..’ and a scmcch-iir'. like wild. i11- juns. over the times- that woi‘Scrs everything but themselves. No, sir. it aim me that's a nrukiirfofrhe noise.†“ You an: as tight as a brick in a new wall,“ said thciirlï¬ccr, urnuscdut- the timid. iraturi: trfthe llltIt-Vllllttll. " t\lc- tight I’ W'er said I am tiglill No. sir. you're mistaking. I‘ts money that’s tight. Go down on 'l‘hird-st. and they'll» tell you. tin-re that money is tight. Go into the \vm'ltslropauu' you find money ls tight. Read the llt.‘\\'S])lll)t'.lStllli‘3:011:11 find out that it's money tlittl’st‘ig'lrt‘. M’e- tight 1’ I’ve got nary a red but Kunuhuwa, and thc dâ€"l couldn’t get light on that. No, sir. I'm not tight." “ Then you are drunk.†“ Druukl b'ti'ungei. yer out of it tight. The world's drunk. 'I'hc lrul community is a :1 stuggcriu’ round. ‘butlin’ their heads aruin stone \vulls'nllicrud iu the ï¬rst class :und :1 .skiiuriif of tltcit' noses on [hula-21). pui- nunum. Yes. sir. l curl-stone of adversity. RICIIIIIOND HILL, FRIDAY, IIECEJIBER 11, 1857. A Lord and; his Tenants at; Variance. arc in open i‘clmllinil against Lord Stamford and \Vui‘rilrglmr. are getting ;tip a powerful agitation in favour of somethier like tenant-right. It up- pear-sthut a highly resp‘ct-tcd family of the Everards has for two (-cntu-ricsirc- euprcda portion of Lord Stuurford’s hereditary estate at Groby. 'I‘lieir present representative, Mr. Bi'ceilon Everard. is otdcbrutod for his Scientific urqyiircurcutsand known agricultural experience. Casting:- aeidc. as not ‘\V()I'I~Ili.\' irf'olhought. the legal insecur- ity of an annual tcuurt', he has Ven- turcil npnn av hiin r-ntirse of farming. and has echtidcd a vast amount of capital. judgment, and lubuu-ii ltLllb'lFC the furmiu model «me “full hiscupit- ul buried in, and upon his ln'utl. he wus seerd with a sunnnury notice to quit. '1‘hiscuuilum. has aroused. the indiguu- tlirir of the tenant farmers of Leices- ter'shire; and a demonstration look plan: :it the sale of I‘Ive'u‘rd's stock. All the i-onrlnsiou of the sale, a large compuin of the celebrated agriculturw ists Ill Lciccstcrshirc (lined in the hall nfiEvcraril's residence. On, that. or- cusion Mr. I‘Ivi-rard stated that he had: «mirrrrrtumed business in 1-838. In 1852. he said. my father r.:tit‘ud‘ from busi- ness. and his farm came into my oc- cuuuti-rn. wh (:11 was then augmented l to upwardsuf300 acres. In the spring of the your 1853. my Lord Stamford an'crcd :1 prize of £25 in plate for: the best cultivated. fm'nv upon his estate, wl‘rlchrpnizu Ifnbtuini-d. IIe likewise nth-1211.1 prize of £10 for the best green Cmps. which I likewise nbtuirr- (ill; and £10 for the best corn crop, which. It was not qualified to compete for. in cousi‘qucnre ofnot having a sufï¬cient brc rdth of" wheat sown, the lue'. autumn prtven'ing. I was now disqualified from cornpctingfirr his £25 ‘prizc fur a period of four years. but during“r the succeeding years of 1851. 155.211111’56 l ohtuiucd'all the prizcs amounting to This year I auu-u obruiiredrihe £25. prize for the host . r . . “'Cll'U all (l"l'â€li'â€""lll'“ '5. CVCI‘.‘ l’Odyls, culttrrwuitcd. lurm upon the estate. £10 drunk but run. I‘m. solrcr‘-â€"â€"s<ibcr us a padre Jun-go Omar canny dith. I ain‘t drunk ; nu, sir. stranger. 1" ain‘t drunk." *' What an: you nurlting such ’8 fool nfyourscll‘ for tlrcnilz†" Forrll’ Sir. I’m no fool. lrcssi‘d. I‘ve cutchcd the contagion. I‘iu udlimcd-†" Are you sick I" " l‘ixuctly." " What's the matter with you I†-‘ I've got [Ire panics.†“ 'I‘lri: whnt I†“The panics, sir; it's :1 going to carry otl‘tlris town. I tried to escape by hard drink. but it's no use. The panics have gin me, sure.†The wuii-l.1uraii..more amused than ever. lcnrlct‘c'l' his sympathy, and. what was better. his aid. to the panic- strit'kcu individual. one that’s Kant: ;’ Jamie at the same- L‘““ a†I‘m†ll" lllld lllc l’l‘il‘sufc “1 putting him into the door of his board- .slumbcr.â€" ('in. 'Iilmt s. Voices of the Night~ Night. how beautiful in all thy princely majesty ; thy brow thIC('I(C(l with juwels rivniled each other in splendor. ’l‘hy -:1.b'c robes, interlaced with uryruids of stars, hung,r ii). graces I'm (1 is- In the course of" the sum of £3,000. sund.’ ‘Fricud.’ replied the Plague.l i l Fathers of the Church-to collect-the acts or ' ldistant echo. there was not a dry i'hcck l “’1 {"1115 “mm‘d Ill." I‘m", i‘d‘llllg' 511â€, luurorrust the whole i-mu-rl-ruuy. '1“\lt')\\’llll(â€'c {1""L’COlL‘1 bl‘llllil'WY LL" L11." lt'hu limb, thought tli - Fiddler. and balm.“ Ol'- “'11?†Sllilll’licmnlml‘u “mm,†stopping. a mm,an gimp]. “I, [ht-e! Purl would stand: ubuscd. in. liu a hold. vigorous .st lo“ \Villic brtrw'd In." lll‘175‘1n‘3t'. tlwuglt 110" ï¬ll-'1†WC“: ‘upci-k u' ruirut..' Out went the liurrtl‘sms PW"less ‘13 “11th 0Wâ€- All “‘0 ktii‘tthiufs. away went the tears. {W’U‘d queens “f Cilrll‘ ill 111." '01-’19 | ‘(fhnrusl' ('i‘ictl the Pruitt-tin -, and "‘lg'†1“.†“"d‘ Wd“ "'2?" 0"“ 1'1"" thy dazzling charms. I'hc sun ecu hitlcs his face are thntt comesl. a-u/I .ihough trc lingers fora while beyond you western hills. hc fcurrcth. to meet ~l'llct'. lieautinus queen. tell thy messages, for we would gladly be the bearer of ] LR . ‘ ' ‘ I. . ylllt.‘lll...l.1‘l|t')t.) dost whisper to every- ] ~_‘3“l'l"“{l' f‘H'e‘Crl CHCd Jamie: llllllu in Nature. and all heed tliv land in an instant, tables. ('lmlrs. :ind 2-(intlc V0,,“ Let me he,†in. “11.5. glasses were scattered in ulldiretriinns purï¬w‘s_ Timid [,jnL m 1],} nest fwd ll‘c “‘lml‘i Pall." flaming “"‘l .lumll' .iwny ; cover wit-hi thy wings the tiny "111.; 111‘“ "lildllit‘m ones who await that coming. IIustu Out ran the :rlfrighted Professor (fur ‘thirel lest the breeze should; chill the he (lid not know what might come tlnï¬ciigcd‘uï¬â€˜Eprï¬gâ€"ebant one sweet now.) up came rite landlady with her, sting ere thou goest, for I would hear terrified train of inmates. But none tv‘lrec. (lurst enter the room, the harms and Man of mil’. cease thy labor. for I thumps on the floor wcr-u so boisterous ,lcnmu to close the gates of day ; wind and it wusoulv (ru- tibc entrance of a I my Steps llt)lllL‘\\'fll'(1, where near and S's‘irt'ch- t’t'ut‘cllur. “I'm bad jiist'u-ri'ivrd‘;(lczit‘ ones await thy coming; the and who cried to the Fiddler fur any-Tcliuerful ï¬re gleaming on rhc lHurl-h. suite to stop, that order was rcstnrt-ddaud all within is so inviting. Comfnrl It is needless to sav that the Prnfcs- : ShiԠbe 111“ WWM’d 0f 111): diligence, sor paid his bee cheerfully. and was fԠ11Ҡmt“ HUI." Cilmc‘l “'- izonvint-cd‘ ofthcefl'cct ufb'mtuh mustcl I‘llâ€? "lllldrcn i I come 1“ Cln-‘e Ill." who†mnpcrh. Played ; and “m, we eyelids lti .sleop ;cc;rse the pruttle and lundludv took care that the Fiddler Hull "‘0‘: 1“ r951 “"151 5‘3"“ "WW" never came hm, hm. lmnse 0,, Bums.‘ IJr-euuis slrull cheer Ithec ltll morning anniversary dlmm.__Dumf-I.I-es Hamid coup-unbud then with the lurk shall - ye 10111 in music to welcome the ris~ ling sun. 17‘ch um. for though my . in an instant. all struck up : ‘ “For we- an nan fliir."\\'i-'Ie no that foil.’ But just :1 llt‘ajrlrie in our «'2: The cock 111 '9’ craw, the tiny may d'm', lut aye no'll man the barlryh-ee 1’ The song cnil‘nl‘. tip strut-k tlic Fltl- ‘d‘ler in his best style, the reel 01 ‘ Jen- uy dung the \\'uuvcr-’ Astronomy was ï¬rst sit1.'ieilby thr Hours, A and was hv ihem inhoduccd mo Europe in garments :er sombre. naught shall 1201. The rapid progress of modern arzat- “Mr†“‘99- l 11331“: 11100 for l have mny dates from the time, of Copernicus. "Iller "108868110; for a sphere more Books of astronomy and'anntomy were de- brightand beautiful than thisâ€"yet I strayed, a‘s infected «with m‘ngic,in England. do not forch those less highly favored under the reign of Edward VI. in 1530. while St'iltt' l on my regal throne. lfini the best crops of cum. and £10 fur the lrcsr green crnps.’ boating ntfnll cmnpetetlmu. 1 h:ch likewise succeed- ed this yea-r (whirh you quI know) in- (alibttillii-lig Mr. l’ut-kcs‘ prizcnf£80 for" the best cultivated farm in I.erccstcr-‘ shire. acrourpunieil by one of the high- est compliments ever paid to a tcnimr farmer. And during the very: mouth in which I vainly thought I had arriv- ed at the summit ofnry ambition. as far as agricultural muttch are con. ccrncd, I received a notice to quit my home, and: that firm which up to this time had. been my idol; the greater portion of which had bccmn-sz: into a. farm by my forcfuttrhcrs. illltl‘ nt'cupieu suui:essively by my great grandfather, aucl‘ upon which I’ hail expended in im- provements in the space of five years I so little expect- ed whut was coming upon me that if Lord Stamford hail sum me \VOtttI that In;Ir house. and pointing out to h'm. the l he was 50 well pleased with me that it D rho [curs \vlpwlr, WCâ€. mckhng down s best tGiiiL(1\ .1 soft bed and long waslris intention to one me my firm, Ishoull not have been. more astonished ,t'bun I was whunl received notion to quit. I immediately wrote to Imril Mumford, a most respectful letter. so- liciting air interview ; telling him that Imust have been very much misi'uv presented; and telling hi:n, likewise, either by word or deed. that 1. liud said. to incur his displuusUr'e, and tirustcil that he would consider my case. 'Ifi-r 'this letter l rcrcivcd nouuswcr. This was 01-1315! August. On the 281h September I wait'ediou my lord at his 0L\l1|rcsit1Ulit:e; and he not only rc- fuscd to see me. but he likewise refus- ed toussigu any runs-nu fur taking so cxtruondiuzmy a. step ; and I remain to ‘this day as ignorant of his motives as buy of yous-41.0111 Stamford. be con- tuuceâ€"ol the home of his birthâ€"of the pleasing associations und Conner:- lof the huppy greetings of his deputi-j ldcrrts and poor neighboursâ€"Hf t cl pleasure of (mntributiupr to their wuntsl in :ifIIicti-rn and distress ‘;â€"-hut he could i tnot deprive him of the place he held,l in their afl'cittions. ofhishirstof‘frietnls,l hundreds. nay. thousands. whom hei had himself urudi', nor could he dc-l prive him of the satisfaction be lrud,’ .iu the: rcoiitude of his own conduct. er. Allen. of'lllwrmastou. in :1 lu'ghlyr complimentary speech, proloscd .\lr.i Everurd‘s health. which Vw:rs cnthusi-‘ ‘ticully drunk.â€"Jllunc/iester paper. | r l l Tm: Hlotiv Laxmâ€"The rich pre-T 5-1"». and votive offerings sent by the lAusrrian Archduke. Fcrdmund M‘zix- llllllimi. to Jerusalem. in memory of his late pilgrimage to the'lmly places. have reached that city, and embed the admiration ofull bulloldcrs. They are a iwrguifilmut alter. with all its appurtenances. a splendid carpet chan- duliers. astatute (Hill-5:331) of bronze ofSt. II lona. on :1 [1011031111 of green sr~ryemine. nutla miseal beautifullyl bound in ve'vet no.1 gold- There. were other handsum: present bu- si.les, for the patriarch. rules. the Austrian consulate and The tenant farmers of Leicestersbire‘ .stcp- “111011.111 their wisdom. that Icouldnut call to mind anything. tinned. might dept:ch him of hisiuhcri-l N0. 2'7. :the convents 0f Jerusalnmand Beth- . , 1c lic 11-1.. '1‘ II E IIIISII LORD CIIANCEL- 1.011 AND THE IRISII OILANGI'ZMEN. A meeting «if the Grand Lodge of the County of Anir'iru :rflirrtlcd Lord Iinngannou. its Grand Master. an op- portuuiiy ofgi-ving full vent to his chI- lugs wrtlr regard to the letter ofthc Chancellor. Ilia» Lordship concluded a spccclr which occupies sirverul Col- umrrs of o hmul jimr‘uul lllrlcllL'SU terms: I “Now, their. let him ask. Vtht have been the :mticipatinus of the Lord Chancellor and. Lord Cui‘lislu ill the they thought proper: to :idirptl' Did they imaging that men of character and high positionâ€"men, like himself. who were placed by Prnvi knee in stations in which- they might act as cxariiplus to those under tire-m. in another sphere of lifeâ€"did they imagine that they would prove traitors to those priuciph-s rWIllCll they hurl always professed and ,slrcnuously maintained I 1)iilthoy flut- tcirtbcuisclvcs that in a mmncutufiu- digiiuitiuu urrdcxciieurcnt they would resign the cmumission of tho pCttttt'. and thus. as it were, tacitly admit to Elie world that their couriccti‘m with the Society rendered thcrn unfit for the mugistet‘iul office? \Vouhl they ex- pect ttlrem. thus indirortly to. aid. a-bet and sanction the injustice tirusirrflictcd t It was not necessary for him to speak, in suclui body ofrnun as were present labout the impropriety of showing dis- ‘rcSpe-ct for the pmvz-rs th'it be; but hey should, w.tli:1s littlc delay as pos- sible. represent their gricvtuii'cs to the Crown through IIct‘ Mnjpst-y's Minis- ;turs. It was, no doubt, in the power lof the Government; tn. su.pcr5c lc him or any utlktn' Orange Mlugistrutc it they thought fit ; but be rather rthuughl that the public of the United ‘Kingdum would rcipiiru sum: strong- er cause for sir citrcine an out than ibis connection With the ()rtnge Instiâ€" rtutiou. (Continued applause.) 'I'huy lmust bu [rttcprmleil to prove that. by lsuurc overt art which he hud commit- ilcd. h- was unworthy of rho position. ch had no anticipation. that nirytltiuy.r [like that would be attciriptcd. l(t)lrecr:s.) Now. having: commented :uprrn what had occurred to hint res- lpt'ctirig the conduct on the part of the ll‘l‘tecutivc of this country, he desired llo address- tathirm a few Words of 'eurucst' itthlCC as regarded their prr~ sitinn at this exciting crisis. No mut- ti-r how great Tn ght be the obhrquy which was attempted to be cast upon them. they never" would. be was con- vinocd, dcsut‘t those principles [up- pl-tus-c] which had conferred such honor on their institution, never for- gut the loyalty that was due to their Queen, or respect for the laws of itlrcir country- Let nothing provoke them to utter our: single expression bordering on disnï¬'cctinn or irritability. ‘l'irus they would attain to greater strength and. influence and they lwmuhl. prosper abundantly under“ the wine blessing. But, while they placed their reliance on God, they must not leave all to Ilim; they must do all t-hoy‘ could: themselves. He firm. and: united. Let their feelings be known in both Houses of I’urliii- 1n :nt. 'I‘hey S'IlHlltl call. on; their county mornlcrs to support their cause in Parliament. Let them claim their rights as fi'cc~bnrn British sub- jpcts. and insist on protection from the lirssiuilts that WEN." made suprrn them. They should protest agiirrst the insult uird injury that has been i'ill:ctcd upon {them by the recent ukrisc. or “hit- 'cVer' it might be called. of the Lord (fhuucellui. Had they cmrspirctl against the Throne and the existingr order of things- -h:nl they aided and labelled the cause ofscdition utid revo- lutionâ€"a more marked stigma, :1 rgrcatcr nhloquy. could not have been iimposcdâ€"u more fl‘nzr irt outrage irtrtiltl not have been Offs-red than that . . . , vwhiuh w.rs brought to bear on them. . tiiims 111: had formed from his clrrldlrnod,l A Special meeting. in Dublin. hail bucuitnllcd by Inrd Enniskillen mi 'l‘hursd‘uy 'wxl, November 3. [lo should fut-.1 it his duty or uttqu that meeting. and they slmulil consult as to what course it Would be most dc- sirahlc to adopt. Thrcucourst's were Open to them-to petition the two II‘HISt‘S of Parliament : to appeal to the Prime Minister; and to lay their neprcscntariions :it the foot of the Throne. 11c could not but believe that when the whole ease became known throughout the cauutry it woulddrngrerrtdcal in their behalf. ('l-Icar. hear.’ and t‘heci‘s.) 'I‘hcy war..- no tluubt very distasteful to the Ilornm. (-futlmlic bodyâ€"that burly which the Executive zit the present time So much delighted to sustain. But that hhrw which appeared to be aimed at the Orarrgz-rneu directly wrs rcullydireeted at the Pratt-stunts of the country generally, and the ulti- mate result would be that the I’m- tcstants would be driven frou their positions, and nothing more or less tlizinthc Roman hierarchy instilled in their place. It helmch all Pru- tqstants. to see.tlrat their interests the Turkishlwure interwoven with those of the attributed to Oliver tar». .s. .-,~ . v a a. ,, ‘L lbsgiuuinq nfjuurirulism. -. -- .... I .pn.»......â€"..- n.-. .râ€" ~ joined tht body when it might be said to have been at a discount, and he d I so on the conviction that it was 1'... duty ofcvcry Irish Protestant laud- owncr to support it. (1102112) Tiat these illjudged proceedings on the part of the Government would tilti- irrutcly turn out for the advantage of the institution must be clear to every; person. 'IIc had reason to~ know that u v:-ry strong fueling existed with re card to the mat'et‘ aboard. He was told by a member of Parliamentâ€"‘13 never was an Oruugemnn. but so out- rzigt-ous (101 consider these I‘H'O'Kletl' ings that l. for one, will 3' iii) the ins stitution.’ (Loud cheers.) There- fore. looking at nll those cir'cumslanz‘es, he thought that what was Illltllillt'll, for their destruction would turn out. for their increased prosperity." Curious Facts from History. The Saxons first introduced archery in the tune of Voltigrr. It Was tli'tlplll‘tl‘ im- mediately after the conquest. but revived m‘ llII'~ Crusaders. they having “‘1' 1b" t‘fli‘ ts of it from the Saracens, who probably, derived It 11311) the l’ai'llnuns. Uow‘s and arrows as wrnpons of war, were in use, wuh stone e111- non balls. so late as 16-10. It is singular flat :ill the slmttles lor the encouragement 0| arche‘ry were framed fll‘ltfl' the invention of gunpowder and firearms. Yr-w trees were uncntitaurtl lu t-lrn clryards. for the making ‘1 how in. 16-1-2. lli‘nce their gener‘ulll)‘ in clutchyurtls in England. 0 3'5 of arm came into vogue in the reign of Ilirlrird I. of England, and became lirrrem ditary in llrrrrilivsubout the your 1192. 'l‘bPV took their rise from the knights panning their bannrrs “ith dillcronts ï¬gures In disuhguisb lllt'tll in the crusades. 'l‘he first standing: army in modern times was establi-hi d by Charles VII. of Front-r. in Ill-5. Pr't-vimis to that time, the king Ital depended upon his. nnblrs for currlingt'nls iii [111' tirni- of wax. A standing army was first estalil-sht-(l in Entr- land in 1631. by Charles I, ' or it was d:- cl-u'i-d illegal. us well as the royal guards. in .1679. '1 ll“ ï¬xst permanent military band. 1nstilututl in I’IIIAIIIIIII, was the in-tiii'n of the guards established in 1-185. ' Gum were I|1\'P111Pd:l)'y Swartz,a German. about 1178, a rd were brought into use by the: Vt‘IM‘IIiuH in 1482. Cannons were invented at an anterior dutr. They Were usr-d at the. battle of Cressy in 13-1-6. In England they were used at 1111‘ sine of Berwick in 1-1-01. It was not until 15-14, however. that flu-y- wvrr: cast in England. They were nor-d on board of ships by the Venetians ll 1529311111 were in use a non; the 'I'urks uhout thosume rim». An :11 kiflery comuauy was constituted- in Englimrl for weekly military exercise in» Ill! year 16 Insurance of ships was ï¬rst practised in the reign of Caesar, in 46'). It was a general cUstoirr in Europe in 1191-. Insurance offices were first established in Inndun, in 1667. Ilurks were first established by the Loin- hard Iowa in Italy. The wr-r'rl is derived fruit) (/10er lwnclr-â€"bencln-sr being L't'tt‘l'l’tl in ma ketsptaces for the exrl’mng» ofuronry. Soc. 'l‘lro ï¬rst public bani! um at Venice about 13.30;. 'l‘ln: bank of linglund was es- tablisbuJ in 11693. In 169% its untas were at ‘20 per cent discount. The invention ofbclls is attributed to f'au- linus. Bisbor nfNula in Camï¬uifl-antll tliu‘ vrar' 100. 'L'hey were first introduced into i-hnrchcs .is a rh-fcnce against; thunder and lightning in 901). 'I‘hi-y were ï¬rst hung in Englnï¬d‘ot Crov' I.rnil Abbey in Lincolnshire. in 9151- 11% the- .‘Iercuth century. and. lutr-r. it was the en.- tmn to baptize tliem' Before thev were rust-d. I‘lre Curfch bell was estalrlislrbd in 1058... It was ru g at eight in the evening. when people were obliged to put out" H- ir fire and ctr-.dlc. ‘I‘llt' custom was abolislreillin 1100. llelhnen wrre appointed in Lori lou io.1_:')=‘3f;i,, to rill-1 the bill and cry. - take care of your" fire and candle. be charitab'e to the poor. and put)! for. the dead.’ 1* _ 110w many are aware oftlre origin oftl’ur we d '2 Boo I†used to frighten thdthen. It I 1 .:s :1 rorruption of Bob, the mum.‘ of a fierce (Iottrie General, the son odein. the intention of “hose name Spread a panic among .1115 «nr'niics.-â€"â€" - ,, look-keeping was first introduced into England from Italy by Poole. in 1569. It! was dcr‘Wt‘ll from a system of Algebra. pub-- lishcd by Burgo, at Venice. The administration of the oath in cil'il nnsrs is of grunt antiquity. Exodus 2110. Swearing 011th gospels was first nil-v ministered iir England by‘the Saxons in 600.. I‘hc words-~50 help me God. and all [lie- saints," concluded an oath till 1550. Nigu'tls to be used at SP] were ï¬rst con; irivwl by James 11., \vlri-n Duke of York. in. [663. They were afterwards improved: bY tlw French commander, Tournellc, and by [\dillIl‘ill Ilaw Si'k was first manuf'ictnred b pen-- 11112 in China. called‘ Series 1‘50 B. « v . - It: was Ii st brought from India 27+,antl a pnuntll of it at that time was worth a pound nfgmlil. 'I‘he m-nrr.f1t-ture of raw .silk was introduced nto Ilurope by some monks in 5:30. Silk tI-‘I‘Wt‘s were brought into Europe the yezu‘ 527. “cu Ilulclwn. 01:16†0-1“ NJ-HVSPAPHRS.â€"Ft‘n't} 111.,- first dry of the meeting of the I.nri:11’.ri'liiim«:irt. may bu d.i'ed the The our host English newspaper that has been if s- ‘COV’JI'Cdg isvn (pin-r11) pamphleth a fcw lcut‘cs. cmnpitchcntliug :i summarv of parliamentary purceirilings for an un- iirt: yearnâ€"It is cutitlcd"'1‘uc I)'urr- al ()r't'til'i‘t’l‘rflt'.. 01' Daily Proceedings of both lPtrusi-s in this great and h-up- pvl‘urliuureur, from 31 November, 1010. to 3lti‘i‘irven‘1bcr. 1641." More: than on; hundred newspapers. with ilrliirrxuvt t'illcs, appear to have been publishedbetween this date and the death of the king. and uqurds of highly others between that cvunt and the Iicstorwï¬iim. Occasionally papan \thl'rt. issued. after the civil war began. limited to local or spi-r‘iul occurrences: .15 " Nun's Four 11 till," " Truths from Yin k," " Tidings from Ireland.†'I'lrc‘ more regular news-papers were pub- |is‘u:.l \‘rt-ckly at first, than twice or thrive :1 week. rI‘lie impatience of the 1) “‘pl: soon led to the publication of daily papers; and Spuldintz, the Ahoidircn :urrr.ilisi. mentions that in I,)«:!'cuibt:r. 1652.“ daily papers came from London, culled Ilii-ruul Ocvur' rum-u. declaring wh-rt is done in Pat‘- liament" In the Scottish cornpuign irf165‘l. thc urnrv offilrairltrs and 11.11. of Uith‘l‘ Cromwell. ouch ('urricd its printer along with it to report pr!)- gr'ess,:1iul, of coursr, to exaggerate ,5 {mm this circum- sturrtu; tnut tire first iti'l‘i'tlttt-Iirrn (if. ,Nwspupu-S into Scotland has bi-cn Crotuwallâ€" <".4""‘R.<“<. It Orange Institution. (Hum) 110 had Wade’s Erwland's Great/1m.