ts of the time to assert their principle. ï¬rst of these was the fact of the census ppcr and Lo or Canada having been but a f months before; the second the Fur:. of the Clear Grit Government e hour having forced the consideration policy and ï¬nance. Most emphatically do we protest against any personal motives being attributed to us in As stated last week, Solomon does not take the most mi- making the above remuks. [Lemesemmim measure upon the at. croscopic interest in the struggle which is on of Parliament. rid how much more opportune than at at was the attempt to recoguilc 1h? 'iple. any one can _see. PM .l-hu census basis of1852 no: one Ilka; lllllS hour be content to see the re- ntatticn adjusted. In Upper Canada ontvod that we barge optgroyln the Low- .‘rovipce in population in a greats; ratio during the ten years preceding the but us. While, an the other hand, the pen- I ll}? Lower Province contend thaltliny redeemed their p0silion as to numbers. that they now stand in- a position at lity with Upper Canada. at present agitating Canada. “Every thng in the shape of high and generous principle Is for below zero as rcgard's Clear Grits ard lliriisterialists. IIeaven grant that a thaw may Sper'dily bring about a more auspicious state of matters! In the meantime let us seek to make the brst ofa bad bargain, and strive to procure as representative men who will not disgrace us in the cycs of the waild by either preserving a penenoial silencc In the “ IIcn. House,†or by opening their months only to perpetrate outrages against IIrr Maj esty’s English. No bad idea would it he to ordain candi- dates for Parliamentary honors to undrrgo a preliminary examination that SurI-lv as much inlrlligencc, at least, is required for o dqtermine how the case stands a new us tbrreftyc becomes a politic'al nqcr-ssity. in! bath UPI!“ and» Lower Cana- But what: are the condi- cognatc to whiehslioolmasters have to stind. (greed. . . den which a census would be ,takrn - Clear Grit policy followed out at moment? Make the censuoa speciality lt'lllljto‘ dct o' gambler the people of Lower Canadaâ€"- leQâ€"for the simple purpose- of gig their representative strength in the fly; and what would be the certain I†A! every one knows, it would be a mt between sectional rivals to augment 'rlprns by unnatural and unfair means. the! section would willingly consent to ila‘cediIn a pasilion of numerical inferior- ‘The very bitterest feelings of jealousy ,lipfred would be engendered by the up one; of the Census Commissioner. In yparish of Lower Canada the alarm Id' be sounded that the census authorities 'not going the rounds as in 1852, but ‘ bent on a politicaTâ€"ï¬iission at. the insti- oo of lhe rabid Clear Grits of Upper adoâ€"and that the object was to crush utierly exterminate the French Canadian . Does any one question what would he upshot of all this? Dous_any one I tobe told that an alarm sounded in such . very census sheet to pro- tons which uld hea mockery of fairâ€" ,or reliability ‘l Does any one doubt the very object sought to be obtained Id be frustrated l That instead of finding we had outgrown the Eastu'n section of a competent M. I‘. I’. as for a competent doupduster. Law does not require the inquisition which we suggest, but the electors can take the “’9 a gr?“ s‘fglm'l'fll "5"“; law in their own hands. They can insist upon every individual who craves their votes giving satisfactory evidence Iliat he can write correctly, speak grammatically, and. has mastered the rudiments of political economy. Let this most. reasomble role be adopted, and universally acted upon, and our House of 4sscrnbly will soon cease to be adutnbra- titre of a. b.1t'4‘00m, bear-garden, or synod of dances.â€" Slreetsru'le Review. ' The Storming of Delhi. The foltowing letter, published in the Times oftlie 20th Nov., is from an engin- ecr ofï¬cer: “ The Camp, Delhi, Sept. ï¬t to Sept. 27. “ Here we are at last, thank God, having kicked out those rascals, neck and crop. The 14th was the storming day, as I told you, and I got knocked over the day before, ,whicb pre- “'e lost about sixty-four ofï¬cers and eleven hundred men after a twelve days attack. . “cum 5“, vented my being present. out oflhrec thousand who were in- Some mensay there never was harder fighting. and when we got inside the brutes disputed every inch, till yesterday we shelled thein H‘Y‘I‘Ia‘e. we had become their in'fcriors numbers? No sane lmleltlIill doubts «Not even the rasrally and dishonest r Grits, who voted against representation 'Blation when they had control of the opulent, will venture to gaineaty what ' They know that the whole game out of the palacmcharged. and took it with no loss, and all the villians in the city bolt- ed; it is all ours now. Our men have been really inns-t humane; they would not kill a single man who was not a Sepo-y, and I am glad to say not a woman or cluld was touchâ€" ed; but when I saw sturdy brutes of men. 0 re plaving at this moment is omofdv the very class who committed all the atroci- ionâ€"â€"and on this particular question do. ties, “Mom-d (0 pass Out, I could not [MP info ofthe most lligrantcliaracter. They wishing some of the s"ldicrs would drivv I! that their boasted alliance with what . . oiled the progressive men of Lower Can their bayonets through thrm ; but Idid nnt say so out loud, as t'ury are very apt to take you at your word. “ Sept. 23.---VVe have all moved down to a capital house on the bank of the river in the city ;tlve breeze is delightful, and we 'iugs them never so much as a single , livournflbis measure. They know ifthey Wan allowed to form a govern- nlto-morrow, they would be compelled to also on this very issue ; to recogniZe, yrioderaï¬en do now, the ltl'tlltfllllc b no one seeks to dispute. and to trust are all getting as fat and jolly as if We were at home. hive got the King the great Mogul prisonrn we are getting on capitally ; we 'velopments of the next census when it ken at the ordinary period, to givepracti fl‘ect' to their views. his is the best, the very best, that any and are only waiting for luavc ft om Calcutta to hang him. His e'dest son and heir, Mir- za Mogul Beg, a most infernal scoundrel “Illn set the example of murdering the Euro- i'pment could do under the circumstan- i't’au‘. was caught and shot like a dog. and . . IT r . . and we are straining t to grace 0. charity Ins son,a man of about 20 years old, as well secbrid son, Mizra’s brother I saw all the three bodies exposed in the unnatural degree to admit even as a supposition, that a Clear Grit Cabinet I, i v d ac " her with so much judgment or r 5 as the king' Iiotwallie, this morning. I am happy to spy. . ‘hc truth is, ifhistory is any guide : at all, the Clear Grits, were they to the reins of powvr at once, would never t'o touch such a question. \Vliy did riot deal with n in 13532 \Vhy an {lurk it when the game was in their own 5‘! \Vhy did they give us a Represen- n‘Act, which at the end of one short iiiyqieut they now affect to despise! The say we are not so lenient as we were. Two of otir native sappiers \vere murdered in the cily,so we went out and hunted up about 50 or 60 men thorough rascals, and our men have been shooting them ever since. I saw 24- knocke-l over, all tied together against, the wall ; and when you hear these wretches, when they see they have no chance, coolly tell you, ‘ \Vcll, you may shoot me if you 9‘,‘ is Patel“ '0 um world‘ ‘0‘“ Chin" like, I killed three Europeans in the glorious is unequal the task of settling any great q I n. \\'|iy, else, did the igogucs throw (3va one of the grrat massam’e,’ you lose all horror at the sight, antl only wislithey bad cats’ lives to take . ‘ them all. .Only four Victoria crosses have arcs of a quarter of a century into the sol the moderate menâ€! Why else did their Elective Council, their I“ been given in the army one to Lieuten- ant Home, Engineers; one to Lieutenant rcsrgn Ilarization B‘Ieasure, their Seignorial are question. to Conservatives? For eason other than this, that they were inâ€" petent and dishonest. n will it be with the great question of a iscd Parliamentary Representation. A beggnrly platform candidates will ride ~salkcld, Engineers; one to Scrjcant Smith. Suppers and Miners; and opeto a bugler in her Majesty's 52nd. So you see We got three out oftlt" four in our corps. Poor Salkâ€" eld isso badly woundch am afraid he will never wear his. However, the red riband has been better than any medicine. I am sure I would have given my left arm for it, the ASsembly by pledging themselves to lutionize the Province; but the practiâ€" business of settling every one ofthe great. -s will devolve in the future, as it has de- ed beretoforeppon those who think sober- .nd are indisposed to play the part of g agogues. Deathly Common Drivel. and I might have had a chance as I should probably have been with Salkeld, blowing up the Cashmere Gate, had it not been for that wretched grape the night before " ' ‘ We are wonderfully comfortable iq our new house; it was a powder manufactory in the days of the Mogul, and consequently our servants accidently blew us up the other day But these After be- ing three months every day under ï¬re, the and killed one of themselves. .____. o o ‘5 little excitements are necessary. = cometh it to pass that our Cana- . J-z ment embraces sucha deplorably p‘ec entage of dolls, joker-heads, and bits; 1% ainl , in Solomons‘s opinion, because so ' ituences confine their suffrages to change is so great that we were thinking of payirg men to ï¬re at us daily, and so let ourselves down to a quiet life by degrees. I have given up walking about the back streets of Delhi, as yesterday an officer and mysclfllad take-n a party of ?0 men out [Iatrollingmpd we found H" worm-n with their lIlt‘vats cut fir-om ear to ear by their own husbands, and laid out in their shawls. \Ve “fuglll a man there. who said he saw them lulled for fear they should fall into our hands, and showed us their busballdi, “ho had done the best thinn' D wards, and killed who are “ personally knotvn†to n, and} have “lived among" them since rwmhood,†ally} we concede that other things go , I, it is desirable a locality should r9," A nted by a native of the same. ie buttidiots, however, would imist upon they could after- tliemsrlves. “'0 took about 280 cannon, with shot, &c., for about three years. Without artillery they are no V . ' good; with it, no despicable antagonist,h 0“ ' l‘ l"! °r “l “he†“grlclllllll'flllsly 0’ There-are no better gunners anywhere, a, tractor’ or ‘1 I‘m," I’llfl'" °lf°f 'll‘ we discovered in this siege. Byjretui-ns we “0750 be is qualiï¬ed to enact 10“ 1350 men and 54, ofï¬cers during the a ï¬alation, when the district was har- yof Iï¬lviduals possessing due senatorial inï¬ll. by h means follows because a man is t laws, and! solve complicated questions of assaults only. Tolerany bloody york. V Our loss in the assault, out of eighteen ofâ€" .flcers on duty, was one ofï¬cer killed (poor 'l‘andy), ten wounded, many severely; one, I fear, mortally; one the day brfore the Total thirteen, out if eighteen ; a tolerable number, for tho-re. were assault, one after. seven or eight who were on another part of the work whom I don’t count, and uh) Ire on the streri-gtlgto as~ist the u iliappy remain- ing ï¬re now. Happy to say tncre is not much work for us just now. At present, indeed. cut up as WP have been, we could not: do it if we had much; as, what with ofï¬cers tho- roughly done up since with fever, and others sent out with movable ,columns, our twenty- six for duty are reduced to four.†The Seige of Delhi. The explosion party, under Lieutenants [Ionic and éalkcld, which so gallairtly per- .‘ormed the desperate duty of blowing in the 'aslimcrc gate of the. city of Delhi, in broad day-light, in the face of the enemy, on the H-tb of September, was composrd of the two officers above named. Sergeant .lobn Smith, Sergeant A. B. Carmichael, and ICorporal F. Burgess. all of th- Suppers and Miners; Buglar Hawthorne, her blajrsty‘s 62nd Foot; 1} Sappers and Mirrors, natives; and 10 Punjuub ditto. rnuzbees, covered .by the ï¬re of her Majr-sty s (50th Iiflrs. The party advanced at the double to,iva.rd.s the gate, Lieutenant Home, with Sergeants smith and Carmichael, and lIavildar Mad- hoo, of the Suppers. leading and carrying the powder bags, followed by Lieutenant Sal keld, Corporal Burgesa, and a Si ction of the remainder of the party. repched the gateway unbuit, and found that The advance party part of the drawbridgc had" been destroyed, but, passing across the prebarious footing supplied by the remaining beams, they pro- ceeded to lodge their powder bugs against the gate. The wicket was open, and through it the enemy kept up a heavy ï¬re upon them. Sergeant Carmichael was killed while laying the powder, Ilavildar Madhoo being at the .same time wounded. The powder having been the advance party slipped down into the ditch, to allow the ï¬ring party, un- der Lleutenant Salkeld. to perform their duty. -\\'liilc enth’avoring tofirc the charge Lieutenant Salkcld was shot through the log and nt‘ll’l‘, and handed over the slow match to Corporal Burgess, who fell mor- lally wounded just as be had successfully ac- I'Iavildar I‘illuck Singb,0f the Sikh Muzbccs, was complished this arduous duly. woundcd,:__tpil IIQIIIIJU‘III, Sepoy, of the samu corps. killed, during this part of this opera. tion. The demolution oft!er gate having been most successful Lieutenant Home, happily uulmrt,causrd the buglcr to sound the call to the 52nd as a signal for the ad- vancing columns, but fearing that amid the noise of the assault the sound might not have been heard, he had flu: call repeated three times, when the troops advanced and rarried the gateway with complete successâ€" tlius most materially contributing to the brilliant success of the day. The king of Delhi and his Atrocities. A private letter from the wife of a dei- val officer, dated Brndivqn, Oct. 8, 1857, gives the following hd'ormution of some of the brutal atrocities cnmmittrd on our poor unoffvnding countrywmncn :â€"-“ I write you under feeling so acu!ely painful as to make it a difficulty accurately to describe the horn lIII details, for myself and children might have subject to dreadful indignitiesâ€"ten thousand times worse than death. But alas for my unfortunate and polluted countrywo- men! Twenty-three ladies. by order of the aged monster within the walls of DIlllI. were ordrâ€"rrd to be brought before him, and “ten stripped naked; unheard-ofindignities were paclised upon them, which lhe'wrvtcb gloat- ed over; and then, with a ï¬lthy piece of rag to cOvev their loins, they were ordered and torced by torture to work as coolics, and fed rike horses, no other food being permitted them but ‘glirarn,’ and the most offensive At lrngth our brave troops appeared before the wads of Delhi, and then the aged demon completed his horrid- bntclrery. Our poor cnuiitrywo- water from the dirtivst of tanks. men were again brought before the wretcb. again tortnrcd with the vilest indignities, and by his lowest of rulliuns, and then savagely slaughtered, and their poor bodies and limbs hacked to pieces and flung into the strn-ets. Can human suflcring surpass this bloody act I Great. God is there justice left, and shall such unheard and yet the aged monster lives. of cruelitirs remain unpunisbetll I have heard from gnod authority that our soldiers have pcrcuiptorily demanded the king of Delhi to be given tip to them, and, let the consequences be what. they may, they are determined to hang lIre old villiari outside the city walls; nor is this his just deserts. 'l‘hc Maharajali has been a good and true friend to England throughout the fearful 50.000 rupees are offered for the capture of Nana Sahib, but we fear that massacres. he is too strongly protected by his savage hordes, over whom he seems to have unlimi- led control; and we hear that on the least dispOsitiou of wavering among his rebels, they are cut down and their bodies burnt. Fifty thousand of these monsters are yet within a short distance of us, but we know also that our brave English soldiers are av- riving fast to our relief. ‘May a merciful Providence save us from the horrors 0: an- other massacrc and atrocities that I am uu~ The thirst for Eng- lish blood is scarcely to be credited, and equal to pen nothing but a signal retribution will have any avail. The mutinous dispositions of the na- tiv'es has been more widely extended than you will believe in England, and nothing but prompt measures, supported by a powerful English army can stay the furious tide of rebellion. You lmow not how kind the Maharajab has been to my husband and my- self. “'e are very grateful to him.“ iâ€"l‘lOC Nona as, owing, l suppose, to an ll)’ The George B‘rown-Orangemen. IIadicabsin can but ill consort itsqu with Orange loyalty. The strong attachinrnts of the latter, and its adherence to princij I», are too much for the violent, change loving llatiicul. The loyad Orangrman is an up- lzolder of establishel institutionsâ€"The Iladical seeks to change or altoge licr sub- vert them. The Radical is essentially actions. He becomes :1 member of die Order, not out of love for Orange Pllnch plus: but for a factions purpose, or in order to serve a political end. To serve his pur- pOse in this rrspt‘cl he would asstieiate bim- si‘lf with arvy other combination, Know- Nollringisin, or Ribbonism, just as iraddy as he becomes an ()rangcniun. I'Iis rest- lessness and desire of political prorninrnce urth lnni to extermes, and by the loudorss of his violence hr expects to acquire influ- ence. The true Ornngvman is steadfast to ' his principles, political as \vril as religious, a lover of law and ordr-r and an upholder of British Supremacy. The litullczvl Orange man isa deinagoglu‘, of a nrw typeâ€"an Orangvmau aL/a George Brown. 'I he George Brown style of Orangcman has no truthful I'Egard for Orange principles. He cannot. As we hate said, he would lit-- come a member of a Knowâ€"Nothing Lodge, or a Ribbon Association, in the satire mm- ner llrit he became an-Orangcrnawâ€"to use either as a [mans of obtaining li.s political curds. In Ireland, the cradle of Orangcistn. .i Radical Oranqcuian is a tiring unlirait' of. The existence of such a creation is an ab- surd-ity. a-id is.indig,rnious to none other than Canadian soil. \Ve assume this position in consequence of the attack made upon Ogle It. Urou'un, qu., by the Radical Orangemoo of the Times. blessrs. McCabc a-rd Greenwood, â€"-â€"botli Ora-igemcnâ€"â€"ot thr. lhul/cafsturnp ignoring IItt‘lt‘ allegiance to the ()iderand their faulty to a brother, and cliiufâ€"-â€"givt- currency to the innst base falsehoods respec- uig .\Ir. Gawain . They revive accusations against him which have bet‘n proven. false, and puprovok. d|_v strive to injure Mr. Gow- an‘s character and integrity as album. This Is the despicable position which Messrs McCabr and Greenwood chose to ocrtlpy in the sight of Orangcrnen.â€"â€"'I‘liey brand Mr. Gowan as guilty of acts of which tIu-y know nothingr car lbly except from hearsay; while they ignore the fact of his being an Orangmncn-â€"liis strong attachment to or- a'ige principles, and the interest .be has ever 'akcn in advancing them. They likewise impure motives to him wilhmtt cause, and seek to- cover their malignin by Open lying. I‘o endeavor to cloak tl'rv-insrlv'es nodnr tbs lyingr snlrte.fuge that the Chronic/e is a Catholic organ, and that Mr. Gowan is sup ported by Lt, is pitifully moan and contemptâ€" iblc. 'l he course of the Chronicle since Its ï¬rst cxistencc,givcs the lie to the brazr-n asset tinn. Butiif I’L'lln‘lll Catholics support- ed .\Ir. Gowan, is that a reason uliy his brother orangcmt-n should make it an t‘Xcuse to opp ise himl The radical Timur Sufi/S 79a; but we \‘l‘lllll » to utlimn that no loyal O'ï¬nllgelllftn devoted to Orange principles. and respecting his allcgicrrct: to the order, will agree in its tlS§t'l'IlOIl. On his own lnl’t'- its. ard regarding only the interests of the North RidingIr of 0:11;: i0, Mr. lg‘rowan is pvrliaps,tlic most fitting rmri that could be found to represent that liidrng. and in the absence ofa better qll‘dllllt’ll candidate in the liberal interc~t, he shall have our good word. «JV/1116]] Chronic/c. N ana Sahib. The Dinaporc l'nulint-t‘rs, with Koor Singli‘s pt-oplc, and probably the soldtory of the llajah of llcwzih, liivc, II is feared, got as fur up the country as Ilandi, to the west- ward of Allahaba l, and IiUI‘IIl or Buntlelcund In connection With them is again brought into notice jllr‘ (letcsrcd fillâ€? (ll Nana Sahib distiuctness in my \Vllllllg, it. appcms in your columns. You m-ry sru a H port that Nunal Falill) was wounded in an cnrornter \Vllll IIavclock‘s force in Cu l::. But there scents reason to suppose that he is not in Ouilc at all. Theyc are one or more Rlclirnonds In the IIL‘ltl. Or) the authority of his owu cr‘us in, lately arrrsled near hrrc, and a llraliuiin friend of [but ctllbll and of birth: if it may, l suppose, he ann tultct‘ll with some certainty, that the tlana has sevrial nit-n in Various placcs with tho rebels dressrd like and bearing his name. Ile himself. as l have said, is probably not ;It Ulltll‘. By inform ulion which l know to come. fro r- b‘ciodia it; prrson at Gwalor, be ll.|$ an agent at M or ar, the cantonrnt-nt of that city, endeavour- ing to incite the intiliiiicd contingentâ€" hitherto. as I have lit-fore written, llt‘ltl in clirck by lb.‘ Maliil'ajiliâ€"h join the rcbrls at. Bundu un her lus halt-slip. lIc himself, according to the same authority, is, or at [cast “as thought to be, \vlirn on the 5th and thi instant. the informalioa lt-fL Gwalior. ul .lalonn, some 70 inilcs to the (’IDIWHHI 0t Sciridui's cautal. if the projected move- ment Is effected. the Nani Will have at Ills d spoal a large body of Lll‘llllllll‘lt'd rnutinccrs and whether he crosses into ()tltl“, or, still wmsc, moves downward into Btlgtlslclutl, he may yet do us much mischief. wlit-rc .\Ir. Colvin‘s successor is Capt. I’va« srr. of Iltt‘ E igiticersâ€"liv is not in the pe- scnt stite of things likely to attvnipt. It would be satisfiictory to believe that the reâ€" ward of 50,000 rnpt-t-s, said by a ('alrutta paper to have hern p.accd upon the baud nl this inisercaut, is likrlv to load to his speedy apore-liension.â€"â€"-Bwnbuy Correspondent 0/ III: Times. liimsvlr .‘\ graâ€" Rcfcrring to an article in a late issue of the Montreal TI'llllSC/‘f/Il, our excel- lent contemporary the Montreal Gu- zfllle says :â€"Our contemporary tlic Transcrr'pl, has made a discovery. Mr. McDonald and Mr. Spence are no debaters! \Yliut egregious asses alltlic Iiubitucsoftlie l’nrlrairicnt House, l Opposition and Minxslcrialists, must have been those many years past. They have always held Mr. McDonald is a dcbatcr par excellence among Cu- nadian politicians. Other men have been respected for the soundness of their views, and gravity and decorum of lllt'lt‘ dL'lllCanOUl‘; sortie for the bril- iuncy of their oratory, some for the ease and fluency of their diction, but for that readiness of wit and rcpurtee. that clcarness and closeness of logic, that peculiar kccnncss of intellect which go to make the dcbater, Mr. McDonald is cotifcsscdly without a ri- val in the Canadian Parliament. We doubt much whether there is any man livingr in Canada who [JOSSCSSUS the ability to become his equal. \Ve vcn- ture to assert, too, without fear of contradiction. that be is the beét read man in English history and literature. is by far the ablcst constitutional lawyer with possibly a single excep- lion. off the bench. in Canada. We doubt if the man who wrote the article on which we are commenting. ever heard a debate in the House of Assem- bly in which Mr. McDonald took any prominent part. As for Mr. Spence, ; .~.o " \Ns - T, RICHMOND HILL, IS NO‘V OPENING A MAGNIFICENT ASSOR’I‘ME N ’I‘ WINTEï¬ Goons, I MP 0R TED RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 22, JOHN COUL‘EiT MERCHANT TAILOR, ’ RICHMOND HILL 1 EGS to announce that be has on hand a good assortment of materials for the \Tinter Trade, consisting of Fancy Scotch Twccds, lloc Skins, Real Fur Denver, for Overcoatsl All Shades of Colours. â€"ALSO-â€" Brown and Grey Pctcrshams, Fancy Vestingsi xc , &c ’ The whole of which have been Carefully so eclt-d by himself. And. from his long and practical experience he is enabled to assure the public of the quality of each article. The latest biaslrions will always be found caparily as a Practical Tailor, to secure tl preference to those who deceive the public kind, and vaunt Iicbinond IIill. Oct. 30,1857. 3 lie is an orator of no mean ability orl standing, :1 man who has day by day,l during the last three years he has been in Parliament, won for liinisclfa high- crgand ltigbcrplocc asa Parliauientary speaker. He lacks the experience: of his cliiefnnd many others who have been in Parliament so much longer a time. but the Transcripts oriticismj with respect to him also is absurd. And so we might say of its attcmptod review ofth status and capacity ofthc other members of the Cabinet. TORONTO MA R K ETS. Dec. 10th. 1857. ‘ Phoumâ€" The flour markc‘. was- never more dull than it. is at present. It is impossible to-Iï¬x quotations with any degree of accuracy, and the fol- lowing must be regarded as purely nominal, at wliirb. however. purchases certainly Could be made zâ€"Supcrfrno $4. Fancy $4 25 .184 50, Extra $4 75 a $5 per larrcl. VVHI'IAT 4s :1 4s 3d [80¢ a 850] rang- ing from that down to 35 6d [70¢] per bushel. Fariitims’ qun docs not come in so freely. and ï¬nds heavy sale at $4 per hr] in bags. Some lots have moved offat lower rates, but at what ï¬gure we did not hear. SPRING l\ "RAT is not plentiful. nor is it much inquired for. Ordinary samples have found sale at 35 6d [70(:] per bushel. BARN-2" is heavy and is not in de- mand. Ono or two loads were sold on Tuesday at 2s.~ A_ prime sample might command higher rates. livr‘. is nominally worth 2; 6.1 per bushel. ' Oars are lower. owing to increased supplies by rail and bv farmers wag. goats. Soles were other:th yesterday with difficult" at ls Gd-perbuslrel, and not over that figure could now be realized. The stock on hand is stifli- cicnt to keen prices at this level for at Lost a we k. ‘I’ms are not in good supply, and will sell :1t ‘25 6d lo 2s 9d per bushel. HAY is plentiful at $10 to $17 per ton. Straw $8 to $9. Bl~‘[~2F--Ol‘tlllltll‘y beef on foot is worth $5 $5; per IOU lbs; deducting one-third for shrinkage. First class animals, for Christmas, might com- mand $611 $7. and ev'cti $8 per 100 lbs. Of slaughtered, the supply has not been so largo, and prices range from $4§ to $5l per 100 lbs for all parts. Sitter-ware worlli from $4 to $4; each. Lambs. $24 to $3. CaIVcs scarce, at $5 to 39 u rob. . \Vout. is worth 10d per lb. Sheep- skins are It) better request. at Is :1 25 each. For very fine of recent slaughter, 2s 3d has been paid. Beef hides are active at $4 per lOOlbs. Calf-skins 6d per lb. Crimst in large supply at $7 to $1] per ltlotbs for Airicrican. I’o'rAToizs‘ are ï¬rm at 35 6d per bushel by the load. Retail they sell at 35 9d to 4s. The supply is meagre and the demand active. Apples-For the best winter varieties .3 per barrel is asked. Ordinary kinds $21; per bound. and 3: 9d to 9s per bushel. Dried apples $2.; per bush. l5utlt-v-â€"'l‘lte supply of fresh and tub Butter is in ixccsx of the demand, and pri- ces tend downwards. Fresh moves sl'nvly at I: to Is 2d pvl‘ lb. No. eras sold at 9d per II) by the feriu. Iiggs are ' enquired for at 1s per dozen. Fresh, of unqin-stioned condition, are not plentiful at tlri; figure Poultryâ€"Fuwls are not in large supply. and sell easily at. Is 103.1 ‘25 3d per pair. it‘ll all I0 Geese are steady at 9,5 3.1 a 23 6d each. twelve rears ago with a view to promote llin ’l'urkeys, 3s 3d a 35 9d each. Porkâ€"Fresh nork continues in active rc- qurst for curing and immediate consumntion. Prices are firm. and, unless receipts ltirgely increase, are likely to remain so. lia'es range from $5} a $5};--â€"occasiorally for a choice bog. $6}, pe.‘ 100 lbs. Prices in Chicago a e in the vicinity of$5, and freight and charges down are fully $l',, so that there is llIIll: prospect of supplies from that quarter at present. Wood is plentiful on the :mrkct, at about $5 per cordâ€"Globe. Pcnsccorrox or CHRISTIANS t.\‘ Cocnrx- CIIINA.â€"â€"'l‘lie Moniteur (it: [a lv'lolte con- tains a statement of the persecution which is now can ied on against Christians at 'I‘onouin. formerly an independent kingdom, but now a province of Cochin Clritn. Accordingr to ACCOUIIIS recriiily received, cnurches have bcv'n‘rrazvd to the ground. missionaries ar- rested or (lriWri away, and the Clrristia' schools all closed. A §pauish Bishop, Mgr Dial, vicar apostolic of Central 'l'onquin ba~ been arrested and imprisoned with a chain round his neck at Nam-Ting, a toivn situated mar tlie cor-it. This unfortunate prelate who had been condemned to death, was still alive on'thn- 15th nfduly last, in the prison ito which he had been thrown in the riids of all tho m Ii ~f' tors of the country L-JC as of their own manufacture. at his establishment, and ho relies on his to patronage of all who want goodwovlr-in- will: ready-made 3/071 IVOI'Ir, of the lowest Tcrmsâ€"CA>II. . JOHN COULTEIC. gillâ€"ll TO THE FREE! _\xn_. INDEPENDENT ELECTORS! W'Esrrnriifnmo . COUNTY OF‘ YORK. IENTI,IE.\IE,\7,â€"â€"t\ General E'ccliori “Ill like. T p acoulmostiniu'ediutelv. Onre more lsoli‘ i. your snli‘ragcs; and in so doing feel, lll ll beyond declaring my intention of being a Catllllhljio, it is IIIIHECCSNIIFY In extend this address. For the last Twenty-ï¬ve Years, you have all boon familiar with the manner in. which inv pub‘ic (lllllt's have been discharged, in the Township. in Ill" County, as a Magistrate, as well as when in Parliament. I‘be l’ast um~t serve as an inrch to the Future. Aver-s:s to change for change sake, I li ive. lll'Vf‘l" .ll“le.\'S. endeavored to keep pace with the timvs: .rid my noliti~a| opinions, as you know, are in unison With the pitigtes‘sl‘lorï¬pbt'll ot' the age in which we live. Should time permit, it is my intention to con. veno Public Meetings, in each Township. where I shall have the ploasuie of" meeting you. and; giving my views on Public matters, although assurances of support. without any such exertion on my part. have boon tendered from every quarter Dfllle Riding. I l I have the honor to be. 1 Gonilmrian. ‘ l Your obedient Servant, l J \V. GAMBLE. Vaughan, Dec. 4, 1857. 27 ECIIRISTMAS FRUI'i‘.‘ UST‘ received an Assortment afï¬ne fresh Layer Raisins. ‘ MU>CATEL do. KEG. do CURRANTS. FIGS. Lenten. Orange and Sitrou Peel, Spices, fresh l, ground real Mocha Coffee. Chocolate. Serds. &c. 1 which will be .srml excoedingly low for Cash, at. l G. A. BARNARD‘S, Richmond Hill. Richmond llid. Dec. 10th. l If. l . ‘ S'I‘RAYED S'I‘EER. l l ITRAYED from the p-mnisas of the Sub r-ilmr It, about three Iliullllls‘ngo. a Red and White Steer coming two years old. ‘Vlior-ch \\|ll re- turn the smur- or give infniiri'xtion wlic:e he may be found, will lie std-ably 'rewardetl. JOHN PALMER. Richmond llill, Dee. lltll. 13.3}. 27 1". THE LAST CALI... r ‘HE Subscriber tach this method of i.»- formingr all those indebted to him by Book Account, that lie' III with to place all Ae- cnuixts past duo in the bonds of Ibo Clerk of the Court. if not paid by the ï¬fth of Johnny. 1853. ROBERT StVICII. Richmond Hill. Dec. Ilth, l85't’. 27 if. Letters A Remaining in RICHMOND IllI.I._ Post Qï¬coq DEC EMISI‘IIK lst, 1557. Lane, Miss Caroliuo , Loo, It. Loo, Mrs. Crorga Matchmaker. [2] Marsh. Alex. MeCullonr, Lariits McKinuon, .loltn MI‘K‘BHOII. l’i-ter MrKensock. John llakor, Jacob Baker, Samuel lliysoit. W. Bishop, Mrs. (Treber, A. 1): un , Patrick Dcrcham. Mrs. Dennis, James Flatiiunn. \\ illiam Nichols. Mrs. \V. Oliver, William J. Prose. Mr. I’lilnket. I’zitlick Paxton, George Roberta. Juli!) Full, Michael l-‘islihurn. ltev. J. Gilchrist. John (ionible, Mrs. M. Gildiug. Joln, Goodwill. .Iolm Grant, (tic-urge IIflYl‘lllflIOll .lr., John Harris. .l. 'l‘. Kelly, \Villi‘un Lindsay. Mary Law. Miss Clurncy 1‘17 'l‘lioiiias. John. Turner, llriirx’ “'u son. John \Viuax. lleurr M TI'IEI‘IY, Postmaster. COMMERCIAL REVIEW, AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Published Twice a lI'ctv‘J, for :32 pm‘ Amzzmr, I’aynb/c in. jI/fl‘llllll‘. VOL 5:111. [ possible \viows will be t'u!ly ovpreswd to you. ~~r .J l"arrel,r\Ir. toll-gate kpr.,.\lclnnes. John l Twiggy \\illi:im l \\'i liuuis,Mi5s Mary Ann Human. wrrnrrssn To ’Ptll} iniiiéi‘o Its ! EAST ' RIDING, 1 C0 U.\'TY 0 F YORK. r III; Gazette announcing a DISSOLU. TION of flu2 Present Parliament having been issued, and a general Election pro- cla'nncd, it is now time Ill'll I should address a few wouls to you, when asking for so iiiipor'anl and honorable: trust as that of living \our Ro- pra~entalive in the Logiduturo of this great Country. The experience of every dav life teaches us the necessity of avoiding extremes, and mav srrve as a beacon to [H politicallv, [\vlii‘u showing an iii- dependent perseverance in the path ohdntv, .iu tooling wrtli questions which affect not mut- um" own! welfare. but also the prosperity of our Coun- try to all . limo.) to exercise a judirious and “he moderation \Virhr this introdiirtotv remark. I can without fear point to nii pas: conductns on name tto vou. that should I become rnur Representative. llwdl in that high splitâ€"re. faiilrt'allv, and to the best of my abilities. endeavor to (li‘vclop the goat AGRICULTURAL resources of this I'rovinco. its Trade, Coinnu-ieo and Manufactures, as well as to promote ov,t-r_v Useful .t‘utstsrprize; knowing that these must be the sure inroris ofaccclorating the rapid progress of the Country, and of placing its prosperity upon a secure and lasting I'onu/Iaiinn. â€"tbat thus by onergctmal’ly plIFFlllllfl‘ tlio plnin path of Dilty.\vrt-l:elii lookin to the right or to the lt'fl. I Inav merit t‘rorn you hat l have alreadv received in the important yo: smaller Public posi- tions with \Vlllf’ll I have been from time to time honored by my fellow subjectsâ€"approval ofinv conduct. . 'l'he’prercnt financial [lOSiï¬nll oftbn Country leqlllerIL’lI no exertion should be Spatctl by llws‘c entrusted with its \volfaro. Eu retrenching the Pub- lic r-vpontlitiito aritlintrorlnciitg into every Depart- ‘ Richmond llill..'unoli‘tb,1857. DIRECT FROM ENGLAND. Ebr- ROBERT SIVEIP, Boot and Shoo Maker-r mmxrxo tlio \\'eslo_\nn Motlrrtl'st or: pet. Yongo Street, Richmond Hill- A choice selection of Gontlenrons‘, [.mllos' mid (liildrcns‘ lloots and Shoes constantly on lump. and that‘s to oidrr on tho Shortest Notice. t‘ g. I\\'._\', To Medical Practitioners. GOO!) OPPORTUNITY now offer: rm.“ f _ to a Medical Man of standing and upon- once. House and Premises, hutli 'plcasiui and convenient, can be had on reasonable Irrios. Apply, if by letter post paid, to the Editor of tl.o Gazelle. Richmond Hill. JuncJSrh, 1857. Fire, Fire! Fire ‘2 .“lflOO R EVVARD 'l \‘T IIEIIEAS the 'l‘annery at Thor-Hull. ilo ‘ property of David McDougall. l \v i. burned down on tho morninguf lllt‘.‘llll NOVCIIIIM‘? instant, by an. incendiary or incendinrres; A Reward of $1000 is hereby offered and will be paid to our :‘r‘r-orv or persons who will give such iuthrmatmu :is \v'lL load to the arrest and COIIVICIIUII of the pmu it“ pmtics who sot fire to the said Tanniny on tho morning aforesaid. FRANCIS H. II B‘VA I‘. I7. ‘Agoni floral Insurance Company. J .\ ï¬ll-ZS MAN N ING. .~q merit the most rigid counontv. consistent with the efï¬ciency of the public se: won. The 11'†d grunting Department requires-in mi- judgment Elllli" rewsiou. - No dnnbv the magn-iï¬uent region callr-d by the , thine of “ The Hudson's B V ’l‘etr torv.†lietougq to Canada. and‘ is the r glittiil illieritvinco nt' tlu- child an of this Country. and I hope and expert in a few years to see those " Hunting ground.†now the abode ot'paverty and despo'isrn. opened up to the Bib c and the wonders ut’B lilslt Civilisa- . tinn, where those llltl’Jlllllfllll“ and windy pioneers, the sons of Canad-i, juiimd’ with their brethren from tho livitisli Isles will soon accorriplisli wliat tlit-y trove dine here already. making the desert to rejoice :mtl blossom as- ilre rose. To preserve to this country the National School Svs'eiii of Upper Canada, which has been grad- ually bronflri to its present state ol‘cï¬icicnrv hr the lllHl'Oilllt‘Li exertion of triiralilu superiutoiidaiil shall he :he object of niv IJL‘st endeavors. iloproscrita’iriii by Population ar'd “'ealtlil look rests the foe prosperity of Canada. Having a corisidemlllu «tulle in tho Riding our interests will beidr-nticul, irillx'pl itdcnt 0f\\'lll-"ll. however, I shall considir it my (lot; to: he guided by \our wishes in all mutter-s of local interest Tbs hearty assurance of (conï¬dence and sup port you have evewiliero received rim with, does rnilevd can 5 mo in feel graceful, and though it is quite impossible to make a personal Canvass, I stroll run! one to visit as many oftbc clot-tors as till the div .ot~ nomination, when my Your obedient Servant. JOHN DUGGAN. 11.1.2 v0 12, Nov 33. 18.37. 2‘26 NOTICE. . I ~â€" I . {jbfhi A - ' 0 LI. Accounts due lst Ottobor, not paid by l‘llll November, will he put in Suit. I shall sirictlv adhere to my retv svstein 01' Shot: Credit arid‘l‘roinpt l’uymcnt. G. A. R.\ RNARD. "no aâ€. Richmond llill, Nov. .3 HOTEL FOR SIIIE. fIL‘IIE Subscriber Offers for sale that well known llutul. Flltlitlt‘tl on Lot No. .3, Iirli Conversion in tho 'l'ownsliip of King, \\‘|Ill good stuliluig and Seventreii Arm-s of Excellent Land. Every iioccss y acrorrrotlaliou for on Hotel art! In first rate :epnir. Terms extreme-Iv casy. For further partierila > apply to tho [rt-opt lt‘iul‘ on the pl‘l't‘lllt\(“'. or to DI. Dawuuu, Ilrcliriioird llill. THOMAS REDON, Proprietor. gut-ft King, Nos. 13. I957. ____v ___. CU i‘I‘I‘ilIS ll CU iTElIS ll! , LI. those who wish a superior Cutter. can bc f Mlppfle‘tl by rolling at the I’limriix Carriage Factory, Maililiani Vikagr. C. \‘V. III" ’louso to give an ea:ly call. HENRY R. \VALES, I’nrprirlor. Non! tb. IS57. Sit ‘aycd. “A ME into the Sullv l'lll6l's‘ p'r‘nile'o‘l. Lot No. I [3, ‘2nd (‘oru Markham, about six weeks since. a YL'..\HL|NG III'IIFEII CALI“. The uiwucr is rcqnestvd to pro\ e property, p.i_\‘ charges. and take her aunt- r GEORGE QUANTZ Nov. ‘23. [37. 9136 Int â€"'-vâ€" titraycd, l"l I“ |'l'.F..\' SI l l'il‘ll’, (-oiiiprising Ill\\'t:l\'t' law-us, and 'l lirce \Vctliers. Any person ic- tuining them or giving information of them to the Subscriber it ill be well ruwmdrd. HENDERSON BELL. Tho Moxrarii. ‘lViTxmss was commrucrd Intere. . spiritual and temporal. of the people of Canada, and to oppnso every form of error, in. justi 9,, and Vice. 'I lie \Vrrmzss ls diVidrd into the lullowuig dep riinents :â€" Cuicmpnrury Press and News ~â€"Tliis depart- ment gives the essence of the news Cttlllzitnt‘tl in jibe British. Canadian sud American papers. The Editorial Ullmrtmrul contains, III :‘ddi- tluu to original articles, the rrgulnr and Ot‘t‘ns’toun' correspondence of the \\ IT>ISS, and Will be found to keep up \titli the events ntttl ionic-s ot' the day. 'l'lir (‘ommurrul Info/(nun! is felt r3. ho of o~- sootial importance in a paper liaiingn large rur- jcululiou among traders and farmers, “lltl'su in- ltelest‘: are affected by i very char go of um'cs o- lprospchs. To this department is brought the 'expt-iienco of a life of ILL‘rIIE L‘Otllitlt'rt‘lztl pit-suits. prod an intimate knowledge both ol the internal l and foreign trade of (.aiiztdu, together \t‘ltll up- pnriunities of obtaining connnrrci l and ï¬nancial information which cannot be surpass-ed. There are also (‘epartirients for Mothers and Children, far Young Men. and for Furnin-rs. Tho Miscellany COII>ISIS of Poetry and Miscella- neous instructive- and P‘IIPIOIIR articles. The Rscicrr is ï¬lled with reviews of, and extracts from. new books and periodicals. The .lfessrngrr [)rpurtuicnt contains tho_rno>t interesting Missionary intelligence, and the “pm pointed religions much-s. with anet do:e:, stones. and biographical Slit‘lt'ltt‘s‘. r We earriostrv (nit rliu support our} numb-'1?“ 0‘ the fathers and mothers ofCanada lertbe thlncss', convincer iliatiiwill much iiiuso than. yup-.y n. cost in tlierorvicos which it will render to them and their! ~Bo;ides a good local paper. which is lords-pans. able, each fuurily obviously needs a general paper. 5 to supply which want the Witnm to otforcd. [[7 Letters to ho addressed. (post paid) in Join Darn \Lt. Ram“, m“. Munro,“ ‘m Almiz-s, Nov. '17. ll-57. g‘2ti tf Q . ,u i is} .. v. s‘ so N . i N m In a: O :3 l C9 e, L†0 L7 . -q 8I Zto so i m - Z v _ a ' l lâ€: O T c; «I C a I: ~ >" N " l" r . .2 as, D g v _. ~. 2 < . E. N z -- I - a l- 1: ' ‘3 a) < 5 N ., a H s Conveyance to Railroad Station ! IIE Sllb‘l‘t‘lllt‘l‘ hp; to rennin l the inhabitants; of Richmond llitl and the public genomilv. upon as [be Vt‘l‘V her sin-w o' the a clt on which . 152381- ROM Lot No. Ill. 51b Concession \Ia‘kbamu Inspector Equitable Insurance Curr:p“ttv. November 26. ram. ‘ PRIVATE_SALEII LAND JNI) WflTER MILL ! NEAR RICHMOND HILL. ’ ‘IIIS FARM contains about Fifty Acres, uirlr offense, Garden. and small Clea allt‘é‘. out. "It well :iiubercd. The \Vatcr Mill, includm; Three good Divcl'tirg Houses. with Gard. and: about Fil'uou Acresof Laird, if required by llit" purchaser. The premises are at pres-cm llSCtl r. all Agra-ultnrrrl‘Implement and File I“Iit.'trn'_\. All the above proper-tr Will be sobi u. (HE-Vt terrnsfur Cash or Yearly Payments, and Is “'0 tll_" the attvntioti of the Mechanic and Farmer. For particulars apply to Dli. DUNCUMR, Richmond l‘lw‘i gH-ll ONE HUNDRED corms OF PINE Woonz-c FOR SALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. ('OOI‘ER- 'I'lioriiliill. September 10, 1857. l Tlie-iibi-ll. August It, 1857. gltl-tl' . N o T 1 c E . “fl VALUABLE PROPERTY ! l [N THE Flourishing Village 01' BUTTONVIL ET. ‘ ' is THE 1 TonnShip of rlIdRIIilslii, (3:? FOR SALE. 4;) VONSBTING of Three Villago l.ors.' u.:‘i. suitable Buildings, with a fulll'lll part or o. acre of Land attached to curb. Ono is a s... . l. lCortngo Miitablo for a small family. The ~.-. 4. u lis a New llouse. ado, ted for a t‘Ier‘lianit‘ at r - ikrnd or Dot‘lot‘, (as there is no Dot-tor I†.u neiglibou hood). The third is it Imon llmiw. with all the accomodarions for a Taurcn, iii in r upper-failing \Vull of Water. Also. good, :u it. Illt.’ Olll-Illll'llll‘IES. consisting of drirrnplmn r, largo short. wood-shed. granarv and sitibln, Luâ€" Lwthm- ‘.\‘llll some c‘ioice Fruit Trees. t'omp ls'ug plums, pours, curraucs, and the black tame clwr }. IIU'I'TONVILLE is situated on a pin-'nanL tin of ground, on the 4th Concession of .‘.l til.- ll'lHl 'l lit-Io is an established I’o~t-Ollit e IUL‘t‘tl l-r With a Griztaud Saw Mill. Store. with Mechanics of dit‘fu'out kinds. kc 'I‘I'rltis easy, apply to the Proprietor on it... premise-r. or by Letter. post-paid to Illllitlln'lllt‘. I’Dus:‘:§l0ll will he L'IVBII on the lst of April, or if needed. the lst ofdunnary. [ET Title indisputable. n \VILIJAM MORRISON. Buttouvillo. Oct. ‘28. I857. 2224‘ LYN xiv, BRO’S. an (to, \VIIOLESALE DRUGGI-STS, No. 4, St. Lawrence Buildings, ISIPORTERSDI‘, AND DEALERS IN l’riro Drugs. Chemicals, Spires, . l’clftiiirl‘ry’. I I".’ILH'"\' Soaps, Putt-m Medicines, Varnislios. India Rubber Gouda. Clothiers’ Materials, iDR IIGGISTS’ GLASSVVARE, .&c.&e.. , and which they offer to the trade at lowest. ru I 1,. ll. tï¬ Co. would particularly call the aim-:- tion of Dealers and Partners to the Ground thite Lead,‘ Column in Oil, Putty, Patent Dryers, at, manufactured bytltem, feeling conï¬dent, that o: 1 trial. they Wlll be found superior lo the import-d. citlier price or quality being convidnrod Toronto, Oct. 23. IRS? Surgical Instruments. Brushes, Dyestuffs. Paints and Colours. Oils (Lamp, Paint. dim.) _____.... STRAYEI)! l IAME into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot i (j “.2 1. Gib Concession Markham, about the |,-,,.,_ n or-mln-r. a Red Mnlry Heifer two-years old. the ! owner is requested to prove proporty, pay damages! _auvl who her away. W. IVALKER. Markham, Nov. 25th, 1857. H.353, __._..._ C. LUDFORD, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, T H o R N H I L L. lIlS PRCTFULLY begslcavo Ioinform Farmers and others that he has constanilx on 1 hand, or manufactures to order, all descriptions of l l l I that ha ru '3 a regular Convevance. Twice a da'v, ‘ S‘mdles' He’ll" and ngl'l Harness. Bridles. to the Railroad Station, and respectfully snliri ,,_‘ Suvcinglcs. \Vliips and other articles belongmq ilii-ir patronage zlwrcio. Passengers conveyed to l“ llIO ll'mlt‘ :- llll of Which ho is prepnzed to sell . l unv [Litt of [no countri on the slimth norm“ RICHARD NICIIOLIS. ' {JG-ti Der. 3, 13.37 STRAYED. II (J No. 4t. lst Con. Vaughan. about the )«t 0 Combat. 1! TWO YEAR OLD BULL. and talio bun away. I )HN ATKINSON. Vaughan. Dct‘ 3, ISL? g‘li-tt AVE into the pl'fllllties of tlic Subscriber, Lot The owner in "quested to prov: property. pay damages, low for Cash, or on approved Credit, l bf An inspection of my stock and Prices is 1 solicited before purchasing elsewhere. C. LIIDFORI). l TIIOTIIll-ill. Nov. IR, 1857. gfll’lf l Strayed! N to the promises of the Subscriber. [:0t 67, , lst Concession King, One Wethor'bhoop. Anv pmow proving property and ppying ex- am: can have the um. on up via 0 P' v. Iron. J0 N ovombor. ‘36. 1&57. '25 l'