Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 11 Dec 1857, p. 4

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I â€"‘ I’vc cyplicrcil th. eugli addition, partition, '. ’. A _ w-.~m . a k (Elie grimy 23500 -. MW MMMMMMMM W Here \\'it ltl bright elilllflellct‘ glows, “'rih \V'ralem pirncrl, through rhyme and prose, And both unite lllf‘ll' l harms in zinc. '1": form the sage and hunr'ious pun. “A...MWW..~---...-M-.M,M-.. .w---“ *Midamc,’ Said it very polite Il‘ai. QilPi‘ t) a testy olrl |.~rr.d’:dy,’ ifI tea prop l’ to Iic'p Ifl)SclflO this milk, is there any nn- propi'icty in it I" ‘ i don't know what you mean: but if yer mean to insinuate that there is anythingr nasty in that milk. I‘ll give you to understand that you’ve struck the lecir ain't a first it, for as soon as a Do.tlry Anti told me the cat diowrrdcd in the milk. I right an’ strained it over.” Tire young man fainted. w on; horse! hair in was went ‘ My dear: sir,’ said a candidate. ne- ‘costing a sturdy wag, on the day ofclcction. ‘I’m very glad to see you.’ ‘ You needn’t bCâ€"I’i‘e \‘oted‘,’ ri'plied the wag.” A doctor in Row York gave the following: prescription for a sitk lady, in few days since: ‘A new bonnet, a cashmere.- shaw_I,and a pair of guitar boot-ell The ady recovcri (I immediately. ‘TIIC great Dr. Jennings, of London sent the following lines, with a couple. of ducks, to a patient: Doar madam, I scird you this scrap of letter To tell you Miss Mary is very much better: A regular doctor no longer she lacks, Therefore I send you n cotiplo ol'quacka. It is proposed to establish. an insti- tution in which the science of spinology‘ wcavology, and woke-logy iray be taught to ladies and lifbt‘l‘t", aftcrobtainzng these ac- complisl nit-tits, they may receive a regular d'plonra, Tlllt tbrr lronored degree of F. F. IV , Iv‘it Fey Wives. ‘ How do you got along with your arithmetic '2’ salted ii father of his little boy. siibsti action, distraction, abomination, justifi- cation, hallucination, derivation, amputation Ilr’d do for an en- ' gineer on a. short line railroad. creation and adoption.’ Audubon gives a beautiful descrip- tion of the loves of humming birds. He says that in their courtship, the male, dancing girin upon the wing, swells his plumage and throat, and whirls lightly around the female; tlicn diving toward a flower, he returns with loaded bill which be proffers her. He seems full of ecstacy when his caresses are kindly tit-ccivcd. I-Iis littlc’wings fan her as they fan the flowers, and he translers to her the y insect and honey which he has procured. If his addresses are received with favor, his ' courage and care are redonbled. He dares oven to catch the tyrant IIyâ€"c:.tulier, and Iiurrics the blue-bird and martin to their nests ; and then on sounding pinions, he joy- oust returns to his lovely mate. Near the depot were several Irish draynien. 'I‘lrinking to quiz them, a gentle- men shouted to oneAâ€"J‘ Has the railroad got in ,7 in “One ian has su', wasthe prompt t.Csponse. Frank camo- homc the other day in a perfect glow. ‘ “here have you been, Frank 2’ ‘ I've been playiirgyat an old game .â€"cha>ing a hoop in Iiroadway.’ At a jewellcr’s shop on. Ludgatc Itlill, London, a bill is exhibited in the win- dow on which is written: ‘ \Veddipg rings at this shop made out (it lucly old ‘guincas.’ Daniel says that he thinks that lioardr-r-s who are obliged to eat sausages three times a day (lining the dog days, are justifiable tn growling at their fare. A prosy orator l'Cpt‘O\Cd Lord North for going to sleep during one ofhi: spccciics.â€"‘ Pooh, Pooh l’ said the drowsy premier, ‘ the physician should never quarrel with the effects of his own modicinc.’ ‘ There is no place like home, ‘ says i trlte poet. Right! unless it is the resi- dciice Cftlic young woman you are after. This is, of course,an execplion. Future poets will please to note it. Too much zeal is suspicious. The man who cries ‘ stop tlricfl’ the loudest, not unfreqirrntly turns out to be the greatcst hiefh itnscll'. The difficulty of refuting very silly and weak arguments, reminds one of the ‘ well known difficult frat of cutting thro’ a cushion with a sword. Louis XVI. asked Count. Meltonv if he understood Italian. ‘ Yes, please yorir Majesty,’ answered the Count, ‘ if it is spoken iii Irisli.’ : At. a railway station, an. old lady eaid to a very pompous looking gentleman. , who was talking about. steam communica- iotis :â€"‘ Pray, sir, what is steam l’ ‘ Steam. ma'ain isâ€"alil.â€"â€"stcam is~â€"elil‘ ah! steam sâ€"â€"steam l’ ‘I knew that chap couldn’t tsll ye,’ said a rough looking fellow. standing by; ‘but Slum is a bucket ofwater in i. reincntlous perspiration l’ Scotland is great in jams and jellies, - marmalade and mountains, and a fair corres- pondent of the Aberdeen Fm: Press, who Ind been noticing the questions oftlie day, - apprises the editor that; in forty-seven cases out of fifty, the first two were, 1. ‘ My dear Mrs. EL, how d‘ye do 7â€"2. ‘And how has younjelly turned out 1’ AV ‘ Lassen “is: _Gn.r.u.iit:ri.â€"“ Jake did you ever study grammar r?” ‘- I did, sir,” i“ but case is My. , . I” ‘.~ He‘s an abyectn‘e case.” “ Howso I” “ Because he objected to pay his subscription that‘s llccn owtng for three years and a ‘ half." inhi iâ€" 7 " ‘ B 5 VI hat is a. noun i” ‘- Don t know, ; but I know what renown is.” “ “7c” what - - n ‘ ~ , is it? “ Running oft without paving the printer, and getting on the black delinquent.” list as a ‘ “ Good. “‘hat is acenjnnc- mop? ’ “ A method of collecting outstand- ipg subscriptions in ceiijiinotion with the constablcj-nql'cr employed by printers un. til. the last extremity. Go to y_our Ccat. and quit shooting,1r paper- W the girls.” , . urea. ... so... .. “ That’s rishtl experience in the business will eria itiCdnnhtnGE’ IS RECEIVING HIS AEITEIII‘EN& W’HN'E‘ER GOGDS AN IMMENSE STOCK: DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS! â€"4\L30â€" Five Hundred I‘airs Ladies”, h‘]i~ses‘.aad Cirrldrons‘, loots, Shoes 8:. Rubbers, BRADY MADE CLOTHING! GROCERIES, Sun. A FIRST IIA'I'C ASSOR'I‘MEN’I‘ I‘ The above Goods will be sold at the lowest possible rates. For particulars see Bills Richmond Hill, Oct. 30‘, 1337. ngQin _â€"CHARLES nnnRANTs -â€"NEW ARRIVAL OI"â€" thNT on QBY GOODS Ladics' Clouks 5:. Muiitlcs, .â€" Ladies' Dress Goods, Ladics’ \Vuol Jackets, Ladies" Sill: d: “"001 Scarfs, Hosiery. Gloves, ti: llilibons, Blankets 6L FIanncIs.. Children's \Vool Goods of every tlesrriptinn. k gOHd» Assortment of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. C.D. rcspcctilully Solicits an Inspection. of hisStoc-lt which will be found to be large aiid well assorted. CHARLES DURI‘IANT. Richmond Hill, Oct, 30. L857. gQ‘I-tf ADIES’ MANTLES, JUST IIICCIZIVED. a variety of the Newest Patterns in Black and Grey Cloth A ’I‘Illllt‘t, Vccuna anl Plush. Drawers. Scotch Lambs \\’ool, scarlet. blue, white and fancy Flannel Shirts. VVOOIL‘II sorks and gloves, of all sizr-s and qualities. Scarlet and fancy nmfllrxrs. A nice 35.0.1. meat of coloured lambs wool and werrlcn yarns, &c., which will be sold atu slight advance on cost. FOR CASH! at G. A. BARIINRD'S, Richmond Hill. rag it“ E" .. i lied dill Skill Tllllii I (If A. Iir'tiiii.‘rIiD lias now on hand the Ingest, best, and (heapcst assortment of _ o EIEIRI AWE} BOYS’ Ready-made \‘r‘intcr Clothing. North of 'I‘ornzim. in every varian of style and fabric. Haring purchased iii" InalGHa‘l, and had them made expressry for his own trade, he can thoroughly receiitiucrrd than) as V II b R A B l. E ,, 'And for Citirat‘xrss 't’rrm' can: No? or: soupasstzni, Having devoted a particular attention in this class :f trade, he woti'd earnestly Solicit an inspection, being confident of giving entire satisfaction. C L 0 TH I N C Made to order, in every style, from almost every material. at the MOST ncoqutcAt. PRICES, .7 at i’ as its“: Militia-silt G. A. BARN-ARIES, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Oct. 15,1857- ng-tf i._ noon 8 If“ SYSTEM I” :0:â€"-â€"â€"~ Slim! Life 2‘0 rlze Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long sze to the New Syrianâ€"SHORT Canon, CV . ' ) oirrcces to the Bcsz‘ Syslcmâ€"â€"TERMS CASH. \GzA, ISAIIXARD. Richmond Hill, will conduct business solely or, CASH OR‘ SHORT CIJuDI I”. Sn months Will be given on all new Accounts, payable promptly on 1st October & 1H April I') each year. i G. .‘\ SARNARD is now receiving a largo and well selected stock of Dry Goods. Groceries, W'iries &. Liquors, Ladies 6:. Childrcns' Boots 5: Shoes, Hardware, Crockery. Paints, Oils, Drugs & Medicines, disc, 6:0... (Sac. With an unu~~ al assortment of READY-MADE CLOTIIIXG. in every fabric. make. shape. ~|yle and vatictt. which lie oll'ers on the above te'tiis. aiitl-iiiiiizh loss than 6\'t:l' sold before, In con- finiiig his bitsitirss in slioiier time, be is assured of tho iiecos>iiy of a general adaptatioantn the new priiiiiptc, “lili'li iiii stipcrzcdo the Lung Credit/nut Long P1113: System. in gent-ml u r. in this Lonnay; uii~l cunvincrii that a lIl>CGlllitluV public will avail tlieniwlhm of the Nrav Svsri in, whereby they can clicu amving from 1.31:) 2r) ,7; will on the average on Goods they usually require. (i. A. I}. earnestly and respectfully solicits acali. and on examination, his prices will. be Cuxccizb- 111) In as Low Mi, than any in the Neighborhood-4H5 motto shall be 1-7 ' Small» Profits and Quick Internsâ€"tine. Price and no Abatement ! Richmond Iliil. June 30, 1957. ‘4.“ Markham Economis: please copy. till forbid. BETIRl-NG FROM BUSINESS. , ‘ "Fun: Subscriber, in returning his sincr‘t‘e thanks to the inhabitant.» of Markham and ritirrity, tor the libcral patronage bestowed Onilllln during the last 'I‘wciiiv-tlnre years he lifis IIt'Efl in I;'.t.\;r~.8i at \'icroni.\ SQUARE, would he; have to state that he is about dr-cliniag the Blacksmith businr-ss and moving to the \Vexi, and that he has let his prettiiacs to ‘ r i > v I ‘ -1‘, . AR. JOHN hi°KILNZIE Who will from the first of November next, carry on the business on the same approved system as heretofore. .--._. _.__._.- _. . 0.... ._ a... _ 'I'he Subscriber has much pleasure in recommending Mr. AIA‘CICENZ‘IE to the formi-r patrons of this I£~talili~hmerit and the public gent-rally. as a young man of steady, punctual, business I-alzits ; he feels the more confidint in doing so. having, had him in his employment during the Ias‘ twelve months, during which time he was perfectly satisfied. with his \in kiuai :Iiip. ’ Trading he. may nth with the saute rottnlenant‘c and support, formerly bestowed on this ustulili-iionent, he would he; to subscribe himself, Your obliged servant, “'m. G IIING‘STON. VICTCRIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, ‘857. BLACKSMITHING. \THC'E‘ORKA SQUARE. TH; Sulrst‘i‘iirct‘ would be; lravc to intimate to the inhabitants of Markham aiid vicinity, litttt he has Icasul the pzi-tnises at present OCtupicd by Mr. \I'M. G. IItSGsroN. \‘icte'ia Square; antlihat IIIL' bti~iin ss hitherto carried on by Mk. IIINGSTUN will from the Is: of Rota-tuber, I!“ carried on by the Undersignrd. who Wall at all times endeavor to merit a continuance cf the patronage so liberally extruded to his predecessor. The Subscriber will at all times be prepared to execute all kinds of G Eli-EAL BLACKSMITH “WORK, On the most reasonable terms. and on the shortest notice. ‘ V 7 Soliciting a continuance of the putrlso patronage, tic would beg to subscribe himself, Your obedient servant, JOHN )IcKE-NZJE 1857. gl 9â€" 3? Markham Economist please copy till forbid. . , , \ tcrom Enos-as, Oct. :2. iii. tillâ€"Ill jjltllllllltl l Ol-IN \V. FIERIIELLER begs to inform the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding Town- ships that he has CUIYIIDCIICI'CI business at VICTORIA SQUARE, “"d ls WW @3175th to do all kinds of luczsunmxc, from a Faring Machine to a Locomotive but betwixt and between he would call particular clientiou to his stock of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHSI all of which are made of the vcrv host material, and not up under his own inspection. Hie Ion . bio hint to we: 's'a ‘ . . . can ,0 nape“. g an x court to all those who may purchase or 11? fl . Terms at his Customer: proposal. a l Wis Sfinnre. Nov. 1‘). 1857. 394-3: I50, an Iivcrlicnt Assortment of DION“ Scotch Lamlrs \Vonl, \I'orstcd aorlFIannel ' SPRING MPORTAT ONSI Silks, Ribbons, ‘ Eace Gouda, 'I‘werds, Fancy 'I'wccdS, Poplins, Moire Antique, Shawls. Sattarnfi Drab Kerseys, Robe Dresses. Challis Dresses. Toronto, June. I857. Straw Goods. Flounder!“ Dresses, Shepherd Plaid. 6m. -» :. ..â€". we. .-»..r_- ...«... .. , . V . D r. C A D ‘V on Touox’m. OCULST & AURIST. Operalw' on (lie Eye. and Ear. [INIVERSALLY known tlirrtiglioiit Can-Ml" and the United States for his skill and success in Restoring Lost. Sight ard Ilcaring' A i (I removing all Diseases of the Eve and Rat generally. hogs most respectfully to iriforiii these am fled in there (lf‘lll‘flfs mpa‘is. that he has for- ivnidrchu thr- office ol'ihis pnycrn R‘w dozen copies nfilrr- 4th edition of his 'l'rentisc mt DIS/ZtISCSUf tlt lE!/C unr/ Eur, published t I: day, which will ' Street East; Toronto. DRY GOODS ml Millinery, Clothing and Gentlemen’s Outfitting E:iiporiiiin.. Head. Dt‘essOS, Muslin dresses, IMPORTAT 0N8! I , t;§ Ewart-n, 3;, _.~__. _. “t; SPRING Ilroail Cloths. Saints, Saline-ts, Gloves. I‘amaols, Doeskin‘. Fancy docskins, Mantillub‘ Venetian Cloths. Bonnets, Bath Cords, Hosiery, IIarcgo dresses, &c., I-tf. RICHMOND HILL mfPREMIUMém pk» ESTABLISI’IMEN'I‘. Orze Door South of [he Git-morn Ofl‘we. 'VVilliam Myers, ,Prcmium Ifarncss 1117122 ufacfurcr, l ESI’EC'I‘I‘Uluer announces to the l’ublio . generally. that he hwv ngtnhcn the If I‘ R S 'I‘ I’ It I Z l‘) for Harries-s at tire Yonge Street AQ‘ iiculiural Show. Two Years in succession. he feels confident that he can give Cl)11|0'balislh0uol in all branches of his business. (If? Alli Work. Warrantcd. :98 “f A Inge stock of Harness, &C, always on hand. and iriade to order at the lowest possible reinuiicrnling pr ees. Richmond Hill. Oct 15, 1857. FOR SALE, VI‘WO ACRES OF LAND AND FRAME _ HOUSE. sztuaierl on Crime Street.. For particulars apply to EIS-ly G. DOLM AGE. Proprietor g3] -t ' Ilichmondtllilr‘, Oct. 3t), 1857.; i _"t .I. M.ORRISON,. , I Hausa Sign and ()rnmitcirtul ’ tr _ r. 't n, ' .. ~. . i i tittassnn Gi'itiitcr, Glider, GI:‘.ZԤCI', and Paper Hanger. l ., . I RICHMOND HILL. I cannraccs, BUGGILS AND mesons, unwrap AND TRIMMED. I l Richmond Hill. Sept 4, ISSV. gl3-3tn I |l___ SHINGLES. To Bull/(It’s, Farmers and ()Ilrms.’ (SIIIXGIJSS, OI" A SUI‘ERIUILZQUALI'I‘Y, I can now he hadiiii any quantity, from One to a Thousand Bunches, at Mr. Jqu ll\.\G"l‘.\l"'r'.' ,Shi-rglo h’lauul‘uctory, Yongofitreet, near 'I Ilul'll- In“. No hand-made Shingle: can equal those made liv Steam. loriioatnoss and durability. Specimens 'n[‘ his Shingles may be seen at the " Galena" Office. Richmond4 Hill, and at Mr. Rufus Skin- uci"~‘, Grocer. Yongv Street, Toronto. 'I'boanhiil, Sept. LU. 1.957. 31-bit TO M ECIIAN IDS. IN V I5 N.’I'OI{S. In otder to increme and >l|tll|llilbt§ the formation of r I'liiginceiiiig, Mill. \\ ink. and all llitEI’tNts which ‘i the Iiglit.uf l’iucticnl Science is calculated to ad JAMES HALL, Boot. and Shoe Maker, REGHMOED IiI‘ILL. V VOULD respectfully intimate to his Friends and the Pirblic,tliat he liusi on~tantlv on hand a large and varied assortment ~ f Ladies‘ and Gentlonrcris‘ BOOTS A‘N‘D SHOES. OI" EVERY WISCRIVI'ION, 3 Of the best quality niid workmanship. and alnio’ exclusively of Hume Marng‘iict/uo. Also. a Iarg~ stock of Beady-lliatle Clothing! ‘Compririiig Coon», Wests. I’arits. Hats and.- Caps Ac, «kc... of even srze and (IBrG'lplIOlll :rl>o of excellent quality and manufacture, all of which lie “I” sell as low as any house in Upper Canada. for (.‘AS‘I l. Iticliiiroitdr I'IiII, July ‘23. ISSJ. . LUKES’ HOTEL.“ HOLLAND__LANDING. HE ‘Subscrilicr begs to inform the Iii-v Iiahrt'ints of the nIJOVP-nr‘tllletl Village and surrounding- Country, and the Public 2on- molly, that he has least-d the above Hotel, formerly kopl by ’I‘Homus Billy, whichdie has fitted lip and furni~hcd for the steaminodnlion at his Customers, and he trIl‘-l:< bv constant attention to their wants to serure a lilreri’I patronage. Liquors of the best brands at the Bar. arid everv attention paid to Guests. - Tg-tf THOS. corms. Holland Landing, __ Sept. lit, 1857. Fire! Fireii Fire! i .' W E R N Proprietor. g l 4 - 3 m ISCORPORATED liY ACI‘ 0F PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STO C K, .6 1200-,GOGL m BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. GILMOR. Pros. I Tues. IIMt'onru.V. I’ren- i}\'in. [radars-on, Itico Lewis ainos voan', G ‘ .‘ Hyigli M Iler. J‘.e§lg£(;Â¥;|cli;le' W alter Macfarla no. Rabi. Stanton Sec. [1? Head Ojiw, Church Street. Taruma. 3 THIS CcfiPAK! Insures all Buildings, Maiittfactottes. Mills and Furniture. in the mine, against loss or dum- :.â€"rge by me. on liberal terms. Losses prompth 'seiLIed. && 0 IA;& , descriptions of . \\'c . and Good! Residence, Richmond Hill. August 13. 1957, pm. 1’ Elfif INSURANCE CUrflANY 0F TORGIlliflil it tiiiii llllll nit General Agent. BLAN K FQvRMrS. L LARGE SUPPLY of. Magistratos' Blanks. 1, according to tho latest forms, for sale at this Ofiicu, hy the dozen or hundred. “ Gazette” Office. Aug 27, 1857. Aill’) I\IA1\' UFAUTUREIIS. announcing.’ the Thirteenth Annua' N I. tiliime'of 'J'Hi: Seicsrirrc AtMERICAN he Publishers respectfully infotiiii the public 'ilrat Clubs, they propose to other One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums, for the fifteen largest list“ of subscribers sent in by the Ist of January, 1.558; premiums to be d s- tribntcd as follows :â€" n For the largest list. . . . . . . . . . it '21HI dtr...,. . 250 3rd do . . 2rll| 4111 do . . . . . . . . . . . 150 5th do . . . . . . . . . . . . . I00 6th . do . . . 110 7th do. . . 80 8th db . . 70 9th do . . 6t) 1 .lll- do . . 50 Id tII- do. 40 ierh d’o . . 35 ion. do. . 3!) 14th do . . 25 L3H] do . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t). Names of subscribers can be sent in at ditfcrcn' titties and from different I’osl 'Iilicos. 'I‘ha ca It Will be paid to the 0 tiers ot' the sum-chm i-om- petiwis.i IIIlIt'dtLtGIV after the Lst of January. 1658 Southern. Western, arid'Canada money will br taken for subscriptions. Council in subscribers will please to remit twenty-six cents cum on each year’s subscription [0 pie-pay postage. Tamra on Sussenrr‘rrou.â€"$2_a your , or $1 for Six Months. CLUB RATES. Five copies Iior tian rnilrs . . . . . . . . . . 34 Five Culilt‘s for 1‘! months . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ton ccpits for (J iiioritlis.... . 8 Ten copies for i2 months . . . . . . . .15 'Iitvetitycupiesfot‘12.iiiuuths. . . . . . . .23 For all Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly snb~cirpiion is only $14”. The. new volume \VlII-IJO printed iipoti fine paper wi It new type. The QGIIUJII character ofllie Scirrilific Amelirmr is well known. and. as heretofore it will he chiefly devoteduorihe promulgation of iiilnittiatmii ICIHIIIIL' t0 the Various Mechanical and Chemical Alb. Manufactures, ALHICUIIUH‘, I'atrnts, Inventions. wince. It=is i-snedituv-clily. in form for binding; it contaiirsanntinlli from 5|ltltu 6.10 liner executed Engraviirgs, and Notices of American and Euro- pean Irripruvcnrents. together with an ‘)fi:IL'-Iill Lit of American I‘ateut (‘laims published weekly in advance of all other papers III}, Specimen copies will be cont gratis to am par l of the country. MUNN SI. ('30., Publishers and Patent Agents, No. 1‘25 Fulton street, New York. g‘J-I Canada Typo Foundry. RJ-IMOVED T0 ST. 'I‘niauiaa. Sr, IN Deacon’s Ift‘iibisos. AIOAIRI'ZAL. ' HE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the I’iin crs of Canada, that they ’17:“: now manufactured and ready fun dcliveny. a large quantity of Sinulld ion. I’rziiior. I5uiiigeor>c and Ilieuicr. of Scotch far-c, which they will Lina. mutcc caiiiiotrlie .‘lllplIS‘Cd by any Foundry upon this continent for dutzrbilitv and appearance. They have also on. hand a choice assortment of various kinds of Ornamcn ta 1 Ty no. The piices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada 'l'ypo Foundry. will be four-d at least 3t! per cent less than they could be pur- chased previous to its estabislrment. It is therefore hoped that the I’iinters of Cana- do. will show their appreciation of the advantages it; holds out. by bestowing upon it a fair share oi their patronage. In return for whiclLIlio pmpiioinrs pledge themselves to heme no means untried to give ample satisfaction. I’riiiters l mark the reduction in the price ol type since this Foundry was opened : and llt-nr in mind'tliat nigrouter I'c‘dtlt'tlnll depends upon your- sclves. ()ur mortu i.~â€".~npply the trade \\'I'II I\’I(‘ of Hull! quullllll”.\‘1ll)ll‘fll such prices as will pie- vent the necessity of patronising foreign nianu- factiirors. The followinglist of a few of the principal arti- :lcs required by printers. will give an idea of the great: advantages of the Canada Typo Foundry 'â€" P III C I: S : Nonpari’cl â€" - - . - 25 (id pcr lb. Mininti- ~ - - - - 25 3d “ I‘revrer- - - - v - ‘25 Id " BOlllgt'uiSQ - - - - Is 10d “ Long Ilrs'iiier - - - - Is 8!] ” Small Pica- - - - - Is 7d “ I’ica------156d“ IE? All other Book Fonts in proportion. Limitsâ€"3 Lo Pica and‘ iIiicIter. Is per lb.: 7 to Pica, 153d; 6 to I’ica ls 6d. TL'OS. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Siri-et Montreal, May 18h. 1857 g3 N.I3..â€"sI’ub‘.i>liers of new>papers giving insertion to this f-(IVCIIISIIH‘III. for 2 months, will be allowed their bills iipun purchasing five times ll|('ll amount of our manufacture. I‘IditOrs will confer a favor by directing attention to the announce- mcui. 'II. .I. G. tfi Co. AWAY t TIIE Members of the Victoria Square Sax-Horn Bond [under the tuition of It. Wiscinrrn.] beg to inf-rm the Public that they have recentli received some of the most ' Popular Illusic of the Day! Composed by Grafnlia. Dudsworlh and Frirdeiich and that they are now propazrd to attend to all calls from any putt of the Country. [If All Orders left at the Post Oflico, Vicmria Square. or at. R. Wisoman’s. Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill. will be attended to. Victoria Square. Juno lOthJSffl. 11 be picsontrd to applicants, seen, Letters and References l'rmri Inglilv rtspec- jii/lioirl render of this wiirk will he cuiivriiccd that FRI-IE OF CHARGE. Ten Thousand Copies are new rcnrly/‘ur distribution. Tliu' wo It contains nearly 2000 pages of road- ilig matter. in \\ Iiicli will be found reported nlarge number of most important and surresstul opera- iuus on the Eye, and more than Una Handrail iri- crcsting Crisis of erery (IC>CIII)IIOI|. iI‘iistiaied with Ltiiniernih~ (‘Ilts nrl I’laes. Also, erI' he inlilo parties from all parts of Cnilmln and lIIt' United States,â€"al| of! which will he found well worthy the careful perusal ofthc afflicted. The Author fer-Is fullv n~srrrev| that every unpre- DI-cascs ot the [dye or Hill in any strigc short «it complete dismganizaliou. uni and may IIC ourrdv and it must :rppr-ar evident to even (-ornitleraic person that the principul'cmise offal/Ire to obtain relief in [IN so (‘Jt‘t'S throughout ilic country/.Js tire. resultof impru] er [I'CIILIIILIIL and n waiiiofi xvi-zu- Nicola, sKiIa , and Cunt/crust v on the part ot‘iliesc lirtrlt-ssilltv or attempting I0 i we sur Ii diseases. 'I‘hi: \Vork \Vl” al 0 be forwarded to individuals frrery‘c/inrg‘e) sending their add oss, RUST-PAH), to the Antli0r at. Toronto. Tones-re, June Bill. 1857. gill-ly- T [I E Herb Doctor! Indian ' IS'I‘FINY to the voice L of 'l'irtth and Ron» <0“. and lit‘ prolilrd by it The time has come! that all who will can as- t-apu the ltflli grasp of Aleicniynirdotlicr haile- . firl pulMiIIS, by CHIIIHLV : i\itllt)lll (It-lay to-«co iln- ' \velhktiOWii nird' jri in tt'irl) aicd iierb Doc‘nr, F. 'I'i MIILIZ‘I 1!. who. after Havering ilie Ullltt'd States and (Tanndn, has concluded to. make 'I'ororrio, C. \V I1i<l10llleIOI'IIIGIIIIIII'I‘, where IIO will ailiiiini~ter in his pct-cuts lltflrl) onlv tine and safe Medicines from aniirc's Garden,- which hrs for its author the g-ientandraII-ivim I'hy:iciari above. The following diseases can be cured by D , 'I‘ III the most OI):III|III{‘ state of their cxi~iencru vimâ€"diseases of the Lungs, Heart. Liier and I Iiioa : also, dyspepsia. (Ii'npsy an d all disturb of the Blood; such as Fct'oliila. . -\‘\I[H‘IIIF. Salli lllieiiiii, I"cvcr Sores, and all (llitunic Ctiiiiplaints of years standing. I’. S.â€"â€"'I'lm licator will also give particular at- triiiion to all diseases peculiar to Foiiinlas and Children. Oflireâ€"IVO. 111, King St. East. ()I’I’OSI'I'I‘I ST. IJ.\\VI{EI\CE IIALL. U3, Consultation Free. Toronto. June, I857. GOOD News FOR ALL i PHRENOLOGICAL Evami‘riation, (Ilnirvoyaiit consultations, and ad. vice giv it daily, Sunday» excepted. Mignrtu- I‘Ili'ctrir‘ityapplied to the r'iiio' of d senses. It is all inlirllibli- l'lll‘! for weakness, debility. liidi-cre- trons ofl youth, and all IIClt‘Ulh coiiiplniiit» Clair- \0\1|IICe ctialiibs us to st n more clearly thr- critiq- of all our “III: rings and IIIHIIIIIIIE‘S. Ilcnahle~ II~ to sue mo 6 clearly the (same of all our striliaritip and intirriritrs. It enables its to recommend thine means that Will effect a certain and perfect cure. when all other term dies lime fueled; it also sees the IIIOSI iiiiioi cut safe. and coilnni menus to In- cinplriyt-il. All who are in toiibfe. all who liavr- been unfortunate), tleccivrd and triflctl \\'Iill, :il. whom fond‘liupes have been crushed and blasted, all whose irr'urds and health are suffering and dev clining. go to the never failing CLAIRVUYANT AM) I’IIILEN-OLOGIST. or advice and guidance. All laboring under iriclaiicliolv thoughts and dcprr .siou of spirits, distress and :IIILVIIISII of mind. from \inatevr-r Iniiso. all laboring under land-and dPIICIIlfi lrcaiili. go to Iiirri for relief and comfort. All Lathes who have stitfeittl under these voiiiplailits and di~cnsos incident to I'i-iiialcS, consult him with the greatest (iotilirlu-nco. l'ieviunstu marriage. all in tlolicah2 health should consult Iiiiri All who li v.9 had bad luck, an who have tried their boat to get. on in the world and cannot, go to him for advice how to iniâ€" prove tllt ir CIICIIIIIFIIIIICt‘S, Parents should get his opinion what trade or p ofcssiuii is bo~| calcu- lated to ellrllle their children‘s soccer.“ in life. In love irillri 5,, the plinciplf-s of the above sconce guide you to happy marriage, and domestic feli- citr. Ile short: the Illtllfilll t-tr. l.lK|‘li\l‘SS UII'r THE I-U‘IL'III’. HUSBAND Ol‘v \VlFIC. Call, consult him. and judge for yourself, how truly be can tell you. Fairlie-r particulars sent GRATIS tnvuuy Name or Address. All Leilers, anti Conlidentiali In order to claim attention. the i’o~tape of all Letters must be pic‘pald, and have Postage Stamps uirclowd for the answer, Ad row. W'. RAPHAEL. Ilcx. 568 Post Oilicc. Hours of Consultation, from I) to It. .1 UL. and “01111310 S. l‘l.ul.. at tho Coiiior of Nelson and Dutchos Stioot, 'l'oronto. Toronto, June. 1557. The Daily Colonist, BRITISH COLONIS'I‘, Triâ€" T’Vcclrly, And News of the [I've/c. IVcc/rly. 14f. TERMS. £1 10 0 per aniinin. 0 12. 6. H Daily Coloui»! IItlllrll Colonist. \Veekly Colorist U 7 8 " " Clubs of five I 5 0 ” Payable at least 3 months in advance. The daily Colnui~i is de'ivored In'TOTDlIIO. at 7'd. per }\‘t't‘II‘, nlitl‘ihe Iiriti>ll Colonist at Gd. pet fortnightâ€"payable totIio NeWs-oaiiiers. The Colonist Iisialrlihinentv having been re- biiili, and' the whole bu~iriess placrd upon it basis of the most. complete and snlistan‘iirl kind. the I’I'uprictois feel ovi-Iy conlidcncc iti asking fur the the continuid and IIICIt'hsltI slippuri of all who desire to support an Lndepona'cnt Conservative Journal. The arrangements for the supply of Iaze News are such as cannot be surpassed in Canada, 'I'hr dailv Cofonirt. is a large double slit-ct of 48 col- timds, nird'is the Largoâ€"t daily Journal publishrd on the American Continent. It uill. therefore, b:- enntrle d to give better Parliamentary Reports and mate Vents, than any other Journal. r ‘ n v . . . .lo Adrieitiscis. The terms of adtu-iii-iiig are the same as for Journals ot the smallest circulation. All adver- tisements receive a gratuitous insertion in the lri-\\'cr~klv edition, \\ Ireli renders the advertisir g circrrltition‘cqrial, if not superior, to that. of an) other newspaper whatsoever. Money Lt'tlers, if iegistcrcd, will be cniisidcrcd at the rIâ€"k of the I’ublhlrers Subscriptions mu} be eouimencod at any period of the year. All post-masters acting as Agents. will be al- lowed ecominission on cash trnnlltflKe“. THOMPSON 51. C0,, Publishers. 52, King Street East. Toronto. g-l- no 138 1(0sz s‘rism-zv, man ovum S'IItLIl'I' D. C. & W. YALE, AIPOR'I‘LIIS and dealers in Italian and American Marble. also manufacturers oI Monuments, Cenotaphn, Tomb and Grove Series, Ornamental enclosurrs for Grave tIoLs. \‘lC Order. through our Agents \viIl receive prompt attention. A I). CARLOS YALE. Wu. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DznfflEI’», Agent, Richmond Hill. Toronto, July In, 1857 :5 if. (UR MACHINE is NI! be elevated to any III‘IL’IIL from a Mower In ii lit-apur by a screw in front, and cuts :vnlltmt clogging. ||I ( out change of km, for the horses. as a Reaper. $IIU.UtI. $5 . tit) extra. and of the best material. Thrr ihil', Yongo Street, fittith hy Modern Sr heal fur-tho Piano Forte. which recent- _\' Look the fir-t I’Iize Medal. and is so highly H‘- ('OllllllelidCll by llmlbcrg. Drcyschoi'k..leurll. Ur. . Ma on. \\'iu. Miran, and others. :is lioltlg>llll9fl0i lu all other other Illslltlctlul) Hooks published. I Corimiunicatiotis,:indrliilorviews,strictly Private Scars." Piclurzal Dpscripnon Gl-pal Tomato “CITY” ornate wars, Vivw of New Yorkâ€"thisengravingis lDick’s Complete IVorlrsâ€"â€"clcvcn vols- A Gift of one 'l‘lmnsaiiti‘ The engraving} of sum) of tlio mo~t irriportuni plates is the cause olii s (II-la.\'.. Irt is n Inigo quarto of5ti pages. ('OIIUIIIIIIIL' runny bent Lu'nl t-iigiavrngs. and u derelipth't‘ index to the ideas of over (i It) i] illivrciit composers of music. book for teachers of music. amateurs, and all plm - ‘ ms and >itlgEI3. . work. we are induced-to GIVE A \V.-\ Y the cdrtrun of UN E 'I'IIUUSAB I) CUI’II‘IS to poo, Ic iutcrestod in Inu:ic, and we will PIKE-PAY 'ini. t‘osraen. address. thatth addresses are received. EXPENSES, by sending your name and address. without delay. to To rI)ITORS.â€"Iill‘»‘L‘ll &. II;clI:II(I‘t)II will send 1' you Two divilurs‘ woilli of IIN‘II‘ I: to»! Miiicnl Th" London Q'mrm'ly (cellsml‘nl've') Publications aid the Al‘usii'iun‘a‘ Gut/Ir. postage 2 paid. ii'ynn will gyi- the aliens IlliI‘Q‘lIlrt‘IlIrIH tin- cludiiig this otter ), one insertion in u or pop. r. itiii’iittttiiiliti New Editions Justt’itblisltcrl Sears” .N'cw and Complete History 0/ Sears” JWw Pictorial History, of China Newspapes'. Da rling; 8'. Aitehison’s COMBINED [Homer and Reaper. Law Respecting "t UBSCRIBERS who do n I' give exp y_ Notice to the contrary, e consider-e as wishing to continue their su. ‘ “inlitm. If Snb:cribers order the disco‘n c: heir papers. the publisher may continue 1 send tlrr in till all m‘r'caiagcs are paid. Ifsubscrilirrs neglect or refuse to talt :lreir papers front-the office to whit-hm“: a rlircctcithcy are responsible till lltey liar .r-tilcti their Bills, and ordered their papers be di~continucth * If subscriber-s remove to other plac williont informing the publisher, :iud the. p pcr is sent to the former direction, they a lii‘ItI rcsponxible. G liN't‘LEMEN! ECONOMY tS WEALTH. 'l‘IIF. Undor'signvd begs leave to- inform 1h I'ublie III t he holds himself in outlines at his Old Exmlrisllllu’nt. which has been con rrnucd for the la>t Six Yi-ars. in this Cily (N |ti.’. Ynupo Street. and directly opposite th “ IIriiianuain It. use." 'I‘oronio,) to Ito/(ovate. clean and. Repair All Descriptions of Clothing, .Ip_a proppi- and our factory manner. by errdictin I ants. ()il, Tar, the. Sc, ai-d testoiin): Color‘ “'th original uppearaiiceefio :is to give 01:“: IIIBLI'S \vt-irrrng apparel the full appearance of new I‘ rom 31 years' experience in the bu~iiie'a nlil prompt nitration to all orders with which i ‘ m“. be Iavowd. combined with an 0-1"!!ng (Ir he I Home his cu‘lmuers. he hopes to “mill is sl are 0 public pal‘rmaue. WILLIAM RICH.“ "DSON. Toronto, June 5th. 13.37. I-tf- L. SCOT'F 8L COIVEPANY’S REI‘RIN'I‘ or 'l‘HE British Periodicals ! I AND 'riin FARMER‘S GUIDE! Great Rcdurtion in the price of 1/1 Latter Publication. Y substantially built 0‘ \\ tonight Iron. entrier free from Side draught. . . «use, \\ heat. hats or Ilarlev. \viilr e or gearing, and works can The P1100 for 3‘ Mower, $12.).00: eomnlciot An extra knife “Ill be All our Machines are warranted to no wait but]. GEORGE DARLING ROB'I'. AI'I‘CIJSON. Jtluu 22-Ith, 1857 gt.“ Copies. USSELL Sr. RICHARDSON have in press a work entitled THE IIIUSIOIAN‘S GUIDE; Nathan Richardson, nullinr of the The Illtlsirimi'x Gait/a will be ready this innnlli It is an invaluulrli- Dcsirous of making a rapid introduction of this first N. I3.â€"â€"Oii-.'_\' one copy will be srni. to the same ’I’lro Work. within. writ in the same Order II? Eon willcertainly geta copy FREE of all SCOTTS' f‘o..t'cw York, continue to pith [, liin the following leading British I‘etiodir‘u vtz RUSSELL 65 RICHARDSON, Milsical I’tib ishors. Boston. The Edinburgh Review (Whip). 'I The North Iiiiti~li Itrviow (Free Fhuich.) 4‘ The ‘iestiniuster Review (Liberali) hlay, ISJ'I. gd-I iv. 9 I'dackwood‘s Edinburin Magazine (Taryn) These Periodicals alily rcpt-(went the three pron pr) i'rr-nl parties ul‘Grcai Iili iiiiiâ€"Wihig, 'I‘ory an {ad â€"-!rnt pvli‘it's form only one fr ulllle oflhei character. A~ Organs of the Ill'hl p ofoirnd mi 0 on Science. Literature, Momliiy. niid Iteliuioli "hey sla‘td iiiiiiwiilltd iii the world of letters. beiu i-nihidered indispensable to the ictrnlnr and ill ,i nti-ssional man, whilt: to tIi--i t' ' l|l rr-nt‘lcr 0 every class they nrnixlr u ninii- c «t and truth: acuity record of the current IIIt‘I‘ftltllfl of’tli day throughout the we Ill. than l'lill be possibly obtain ed IIOHI any other source. I‘LUIIFIY COI‘IICS‘, The rceript nl' .4’4lrtllll‘ll Shirl» from. the Ilritisl ’IIII)II.‘II(’IS gives additional Vnhte to these lie-prints IIIIISIIIIIlfII as tlirv- can now he placed in the hand at >l|ler ilicrs hon: as :00“ as the original odi ‘illllls. the Bibleâ€"from the crration of the werlil iii ilii- t'nll (’Stflllilhlllllt‘lll ot‘ Clirr~iianity. with cupiutl Notes. forming an illn~iraicd coiirinuntun’ of lIlt sacred text. Itrt) pages octave. . (IIIII llllflllâ€"t'nlllllllfltlg :i llertll'rlrlul of lllUrl countries and lllCII' inhabitants: ciiibrnt'ing thi historicalcvcrrt.s,.g0ver IIIL'ML religion. “duca- tion. language, literature, arts, inaimi'aciiiies. pt'oductiuih, aomiirerce. and manners and cus- toms of the people, from the earliest. period 0! authentic record lllllll‘ pri-wnt tiiim. llIn‘tiatrt‘ with two IinitdiciLlaiiigiaviiigs. GUerirgo.‘ Iiirgt octave, 'l'lmilling Incidents (if the Emma of [In l‘nilcd :"tu csâ€"conrpii-ing the llIO‘lSIl‘IIvII Lv and iciirrirkahie cvr-nt.» of :Iie H‘EUIJIIDII. the I‘l|(‘llCIi war, the 'I':ipnlitrnn war. the Indian work, lII' second war ii itli Gicat and due Mexican war. \\ itli tbiuo hinder! I-Liigizrvings. Lint) pages octave. T0 PRIN'H‘ERS. . / ‘IIE *UBSCIIIBICI’» hch to infcri the Trade. that hisfitoult of PRINTING IIIESSISS, TYPE. INK-‘3‘“ and all other description of maieiiala has i vci'i largely turn-and this Sens-in. by am a. from r\'l-.W YUIRK. I'lIII.AI)t.I.I’IIII\. nos . l().\' and MUN'I ltt‘lAI. : and that he is preparer 0 supply Orders for new (Iflir‘cs. in addition I lllmiu in operation. at the shortest I'o‘it‘e _ I’Iinting MACHINES uiid IZAUINI'S in o t d to order. I Had. quality of NEVI'S LNK at. One Sltl prr ll) Scars’ .Ncw Pictorial Description “fl/m L’mteJ Slatesâ€"containing an account 0! tlfe [0p- ugraphy, Sulllt‘lllt‘lll. history, revolution: 3‘ and other i::tcic~tiiig i ._ fs, statistic», progress in .‘rgiiciiltii , :ranul‘:rrtnr..\’ and population. A12. c\‘t'.. of e. .h >Ii\l.t' in the urrirm. Ilzri~trateil with two hundred Lug" uiirg~ of the p 'utuipal Citrus. plat ch, buildings, sot-tier} ,curiu»it‘ie.~, souls of the stair-s. &e., (to. hilt) pages octtu'o. OM Tad-e lalmu in enlumgefir mm. , V D. K. FEEHA 1" (.‘ollioriio st . ‘I‘oronto, Jan. 9, 18.31. :5 . ' St'urs’ Ti‘casmyof Know/ed (Ind’ Cy- c/npruliu of Science and Arlâ€"cuninruing a gl;fll airroiintrot ll|ll‘l't:.~l|lll_' and ltrellil informationâ€" astronomy, train-I. II] 'he Holy Land, Dist-men of Aiiic-rii-zi. call. settleiircnb, of the country. biographies of eminent urcn, llIt'ItIc‘lllN of Liti- vel, discovelies in :cii-iice, rite. \VIIII immer- ons Iliigraiiiigs. 5ii1pp. Ste. THE '“' bridal) ’ftitilittttt IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING And dcspatclicd tu Subscribers bythc uorlicslmuils or oilici‘ conveyaugy when smtlcsired. 'I‘ho BRITISH TRIBUNE will ulwnysliel’ouiii to contain the latest and most important Foreigi and Provincial News and Markets. and th greatest care will be taken to rew‘cr it a- piulrl to the man of business, and. a antlflb I ‘urnif Scars" Stones and Slil’lt‘lics of Conti- nrnlirll Ellrnlleâ€"eiiiln'acrIrg, (loser ptionl of France, I'oriiigal. Spain, i'ialy, Sir-ii... Switzer- land, Iiolglltltl‘lltillfllld, Ac. ; together with vicwsanrl notices of the principal objects of iii- lerest in I'aris. IItriIcii, Lisbon, Madrid. Harco- IOIHI, Ilisa. Leghorn. Home, Naples, I-Iurculanc- uni. l’oiiipori, Pajsllllltl,I’aIL‘l'IIIIJ. Malta, Veil-('2. Milan Grueuu, Fumes. Brussels 'I'j.rul, Ant- wotp, Rotterdam. Artisterdam, Waterloo. &c., Jr c. Carefully compiled from the bu~t and latest ‘ i - -» ' 's'iai . xuuicus. humorous Litgini'ings, 9.30131) two he“ I I" 'I' I: II M S.-â€"T\vo Dollars anvami. : and if not paid. within Six Month two dollars and a. half will he charged. per Aiiirum, ‘1 Britain turd Irelandâ€"together \\'lll. unlit-cs ofthc [I'llll'lpal plnr-es. nutrian (:Itrioatit-s. (‘7‘... in the Kiilgtluiii and tin! I51I.Ibl| Inltiiirls. \‘iilll ‘€\'L‘vl'ul hundred li:rr.(|~nirio Engraving, iIlii~imiive oI St (mos of Illljllliorqllu beauty. churchm- ens- Illlllt‘S. &(‘., in those celebrated countries. 5.3” pages octeV-o. Scars? Pictorial Family flannelâ€"com- prising within itscifn complete liliiary of lhtflll and entertaining Lnowltdgc. \\rtli nvor two hundred I‘iiigrnt'iiigs, rtlicll)’ illustrative. rcpic- sonting nrtnnl Scenery, cestunres, monuments. A c. 368 pp. Bvo. ‘W i ll iam '1‘ r nd 56 o n EDITOR AND PRQPRLE'iOR. tales of Adv crtising . 'Six liiicsand under. first insertion. . . . Lt) H. - 0 Ion IilirS and under, first insertion Erich subsequent insertion. . . . lfiiicli subsequent.iiscrtien . . . . . ‘ fl. Scars’ Information for the Pt‘nplcâ€" “met” l'm’si li'SH'L' 1'" “"°" cornp-i-iirLv within itvlf a. complete Iinrnry oi u~cfiil and entertaining knowledge. This work cotiipiises the finest >0:I(‘S of Iiin'ii-lislriiiclits OVCI‘OIIIJICII to the public. GiiU page.- ot‘t:i\0, I‘inch subsequent insei‘iiun, per lean II? Advertisements without written direction riiscrtcil till foiliid, and changed accordingly. All tiansiioi-y mlvcrimcira-n:s, from stiziirgcrso Scurs’ .iV‘cio Pictorial Famin Instr-i ctor ur Digrstry'tirnt-rul ltnorrlcllgcâ€"cuiupiimng a cuiiiplcte l'll‘CIe of usefulqu OIIU'IWHIIIL' infor- Iiiation : dosigiir-d‘fur l'niiiilles. Schools. and lilnar 90'.) pages oclzivo, l’iieo two- dollars and irregular customers, must be paid for when hand:- it for Iiixt'tliuil. ' A |.btral ilcxcorint. w ill be made to parties Idve! iii-s. , a half. Scars’ Pictorial Ills/077] oft/re Ii'c-‘nluâ€" tiunâ€"a buol‘. IUI‘ every fatnin iii the iii tn ' It contains nir account of tlic cuzly Iii»lllt\ of ht- conntry, the cun~trtiition ofilie U. Stair I r: iro- nulogicul Index, «kc, Several hundred Lngrav- ings. Scurs’ Pictorial Senday-Bnolrâ€"dCSignâ€" ed ftil'tlie the of IliIiliIIth, bible-clan flIltI Sunday-school teachers; principallyil'mti. iron! the iiititirnrs and customs at eastern .iatiuiis,.-.iid Explanatory of many portions of the scriptures. GUU pp. Elva Scars’ Bible Biography, or the Lives - mul (‘luwu‘lu 5 lift/rt- [Hum/[11L].Peanut/gut tr: carrier! in (In: Strait/I IViilingsâ€"I’itactically adap- ted to the tll‘llllc inn oi youth and private fami- lies : COIIIiIllIlllL' tIri-iy (II>.‘ell|lIIIIIS on the EVI- drnr‘es 0| (‘iviiii- rcvnlaiion; fioiii'l iinpwn's key to the bi Ic. With numerousillustrations. 5JU pages (ICIHVO- Scars" IVoerr'i's of [Ira worldâ€"Second Seriesâ€"iii 'l‘v o l'nrf.~.â€"-â€"I’nrt I. Wendi-Is of Na- Jnre. containing a (It-~tiiplion of tlie tam-s of men iiiririiim‘s and customs of t'niiulls HUIIOIIS, I'K‘H‘IS’. Iblltl<. plants. AC. I'ul'l II. \Vondcis of All; or descriptions ot Il|\’e||uullr,rcllit'>', ruins. curiou- t‘ies, .\ c. I’Vrili 4m) IIIur’J‘alIUUb‘ 5-10.1IpSvo. The History of Palestineâ€"from the I'ai ‘(ll‘tillfll age to tho pit-rent tririr. Ilv Jnuy Ki'nro, editor at the London I‘ictorial Bible, etc. ‘tising by the year. All adv. raisemeiits piili‘ishcd for a less porio him one month. must be paid for in advance- Alllciters (addressed to the I’u'diclior inth b imSl paid. No papor discontinued iiniil all zrrciiragce I! paid : and purities refusing papers. u'itlioul peyin up. will he Iicld lif'CDlllllilble for tire subscription Merchants and others who advertise Iibemll." h the TRIBUNE will have their Cards inserted! the Business Directory. ES'I'ABLISIIIIIEN". ‘ ‘ > s . - t' the iirulcrmeiilioned do! (IRDU‘s rm iiiiiit and FANCYJOUWUR q cripiioii of I’ Will be promptly - we“; “xiv nuts. utiSiM-ss rantis, unu‘. AN ‘ satin. F‘OHLNS, cuttUi .\lt5,l in [th.» IILL‘ liLAliS, l;.\.\l( ( melts. IT. \I l3\,A>ll PatiPitl.i21 » attended to :~ printed on a iirairrmetlr sheet. 4. by )9 inch“ and ongI-Lio be \ur_\ saleable. I’rico 50 cents. in two. half. 1500 pp. Bro. I’iice four dollars and B And ovary other krrrrl at 1 E'I‘TL‘I‘ - Pnicss l‘l‘, iNTING 3 a done in the best style, at nun, rte nits. Our nssnrtrnentof .101} 'I'Yl r lS urtirct' not and of the latest patterns. A lot - .nrmtyaf no ‘ Fancy Two and Borders, tor . in .is, Lirulnr &c., kept always on hand. ,WA W. It. ROBERTSON, Punt: ., A a . , . . Sun 3- _.A cw Family Receipt-Boo];â€" containing the most valuable .ceipis for the VIP rionls branches of Cookery, ticSBl'Vlllg. Abe. Sets. one r. 0:? Orders for any of the above Works received at this Office. Jun e 12th, 1857. c1

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