must not be forgotten that the Clear Grits make a boast of doing things unlike anybody else. This is one of the strongest of their distinctive features, the only solid “ plank†in their otherwise very ricketty “ plat- form.†Considering what an in- difference these worthv men pro- apt to flatter itsell'owith that com stderation. The London Tums has ere now written on Ten THUMB, JOHN THOM and BARNUM; but the first continued still to remain a dwarf, the second did not cause to be an im] 0 ;tor, the third was nor a humbug. All gained more tcrn- porary notoriety, but none any lusting fume, by the notices so at- forded them. W’e consider it no- cessary to make this allusion to the conduct pursued by our great Enâ€" glish cotemporary, when small matters claimed its attention, partly by way of apology for our own course, and partly as a matter of justiï¬cation for giving such promi- nence as we are about to doto such unpromising and unimportant in- dividuals as compose the clique-~â€" or party, let us sayâ€"-above alluded t). iVe of course allude to the modern Clear Grit, Bai-ebones faction. Although now rapidly decreasing in numbers, the avowed Clear Grits who held seats in thc Parlia- ment just dissolved, numbered something under-a score. But they were a noble and heroic little band, and, if their own assertions might be taken as evidence, there was no act of self-devotion, down to taking ofï¬ceâ€"for the welfare of the coun- try, of courseâ€"which _ they were not fully prepared to submit to. On the some authority, such an im- maculate body of pure and uncorâ€" ruptible politicians has never be- fore been thrown in the way of a ueglectful and unappreeiative world. They all declare they have an intuitive hatred to parliamentary corruption only equalled by the intensity and genuineness of the dislike with which they regard the_ occupation of the Treasury Benches by any party unless it be their own; To be sure these voluntary testa- monials to their own superlative merits have the trifling disadvan- tade of not being corroborated by the evidence of any disinterested plrties; but, on the other hand, it Whatever the circumstances \vhicleay, happen. to evokean ap- peal to the country, a, general elec- tion can only be regarded as a na- tional crisis. As in crisiscs afl'ccting Hm human atem so in the body deavors to raise itself to an unnatu- ral, and, for it, dangcrmis and diz- zy eminence. We wish it to be understood, however, before pro- ceeding further, that in elevating it to the distinction of a “ party,†we do but adopt the deï¬nition it has iself provided and assumed-had t're task of characterizing it hem assigned to us, “'1? should, with at any sense of meting it out m:ng but the am‘plest justice, have de- scribed it as :1 clique. To give the men who constitute this faction the notoriety, which they are likely to gain by being mentiomd in a pa- per so generally read as The Ctu’om'sl, is not necessarily to do them an honor, though their vanity will'be apt to flatter itself‘wilh that conâ€" T h( in( ble w l national stxfnglh inI: body instczd of sub: tinilcsiIllallyÂ¥â€"-\\'l1e1]: the candidate posses: solid attributes of 51: only roaring dema asses in lions’gkins. Of the vax'iqus par aspire to the high managing the {111111;- incc, there is one es has made the m'ost apprel by (111 ors wmcn people to get as tho. can forget, tlc sophis‘u presses or the natural but capt'u vil A Word to the Electors. will always be suf: nacing to awaken un- till the crisis is past. now again ï¬nds itself ‘81: periodical times of i it behaves eVery voter :eal interest at heart to eply how he shall on 5 use the, constitutional h which he is invested. unappreciati’ve declare they have [to parliamentary ha equalled by the nuiuenESs of the :h they regard the; A Treasury Benches *" 55 it be their o'wnï¬ voluntary resta- own superlative ,rifling disadvan- corroborated by any’ disinterested \~;. b) I did not (wag 1e third was 0 gained more 1c but none 2 more or : most fa ccorï¬panied danger. the the com; they were submit to‘ 10h an im- md uncor- matter of .ch promi- doto such 01mm in- y “ plat an in en pro 1211 \‘BI' ‘11]- my “Y lll ‘D levied oitufii'met's and even oniv; their empYoyees, are judiciously Q allowed to remain in the back-‘0 ground. As [or the great proba-‘z" bility of orr not being able to meet 1‘ our obligations to the national C creditors, and the ()an inevitable; in resort to the adoption of the Yankee .doctrine of repudiation, it would of course be indiscreet in them to hint at. that. The Clear Grit par- “f ty is content to bid high for popu- m larity, and that fully gained, to a:- [' sumo the reins of government. Having accomplished so much, they will b: well content to let the future take care. of itself. It would 5 be too great a compliment to trace ‘ in out scriutim the theories propounded inaugurate and carry out all ne- cessary reforms, whether social, commercial, or political; on the other, of a conglomeration of fac- tions, composed of amass of dis- appointed politicians and place- hunters, ready to promise any scheme if by so doing they can arrive more certainly and Speedin at the realization of their ambitions and prusumptons hopes. It rests with the electors themselves, and them alone, whether we shall pass safely out of the present national crisis, or be precipitated into a con‘ dition from which it will take years of afterâ€"care and self-denial to extricate ourselves.â€"â€"Cnlrmist. The fall of Delhi had a marked eï¬ect at Mocrut. shot groundwork. As before asserted, every' general election is more or less a period of national crisis, and the present is one of the most critical that we have yet had to (-11- counter. The people have the choice, on one side of a party pre- pared to conserve all in our system and institutions that is good, and to inaugurate and carry out all ne- cessary reforms, whether social, commercial, or political; on 1he other of a conglomeratinn of fun. military connuission rations as its emoluments and its power and patronage, they certainly do manage to bid pretty high for the popular favor. Without in- curring the unpleasant and irksome task ot'examining statistics bearing upon the subject, but preferring to set up some imaginary tables, whose parentage is due to them-- selves alone, they vainly‘ endeavor to ingraliate themselvcs‘with Up- per Canadians - by advocating Re- presentationon the basis of Popu- lation-“:1 principle which, as such, has been advocated by the Con~ »servative party. But, if it be barely There w‘m be 7000 by the end of October The enemy were in vicinity of that place. he King of Delhi fess to entertain for the cares and News‘from China unimportant. responSibuities Of Ofï¬ce, anilmll’ï¬w Normumberland and Durham Bank has callous‘ly’ mt to':say repwac 91" Wad'."‘1ti5 feared its'aésets wm 117-061 Eth'ey lon‘Uï¬Eiich worldly conside- federates vx ho make up the still- born Reform Alliance. They all consist, as will be found on exami- nation, either of truisms which no one denies, or of visionary and mis- chvvious doctrines which the good souse and honesty of the community revolt at. \Ve have deemed it un- necessuiv :0 refer to the Clmr (:rh immorle trade, that is to spring up (expediency will wink at it for tth sultcwf thL-Aempting pwflts) is not to be conceived by the most sanguine expectations. But the direct taxation to which All classes will be subjected under the new state of things, the inquisitorial examinations which plying collec- tors of taxes will make into the ledgers of the mercantile commu- nity, the ‘opp‘ressive exactions to be amour has been advocated by the Con~ servative party. But, if it be barely hinted that any agitation on this subject at the present moment would be calculated to defeat the very ends in View, a holy hovil of horror rises as from one moat-11,. from the Clear. .Grit ranks. With them, justice‘is‘ entirely Ova-clouded by selï¬shness. Then, again, they hold forth the glittering bait of a universal Free Trade, by the adoption of which all the commerce of this Continent is to be concen-‘ trated in Canada, which, by that potent agency, is to become a land flowing with milk and honey. Gi- gantic warehouses, each a Crystal Palace in itself, erected by the capital of English and French manufacturers, are to rise like magic from the soil; and worldly commercial pilgrims, from New York, Boston, Chicago, New 0r- leans, yea, even from the lost and heretic Mexico, the Brazils, Chili, and Peru, are to make hither semi- annual pilgrimages. The contra- band, but necessarilv somewhat ers:& dimim’ Issr in limt Tlh rates‘ Cl‘ht forwn‘ ruary. Mi tion 0 ment 'l‘h (let ll‘ L0 S'm‘e limis liably It i Btl C( in cats 'l‘u 11L C655 by this federa ad reac T I IIavelock Two more of the K Arrears of revenue coming in mpa] ecliv rcn‘in "(I “'l t be delddcd ; of such a 5 L11 they can fa interest 310m md work. A y-gencml el‘ disadvu )any the Arrival of the "Europa." be suï¬ic g in it, : detothe muti NEW YORK, Dec. 14‘. Europa" an in (I this morning. ATER FROM INDIA. ntroop ships, with 6000 me I151] icient at once to scout, ‘ as they will, only the e annexalion of Canada liglibouring Republic. rcrfluous would it be to ‘iouslv' the advantag‘s a comphment to the them-it‘s pTOPOI ,1 or bvrits natural safe at Luci, 7000 troorï¬ had been deh‘alcd of 43 Elms and n m iï¬troduclk L:xrv--.anotl' orks of the community ve deemed it un- to the Clear Gril Thousnr ng‘s sons have great force in th" Will be trit the advantagc that would m 1nd French 0 rise like and worldly at Lucknow HOW nd killed rapidly 11‘ um rl'nors. 93“ I and f "eat 01] bad Great excitement prevailed at Newâ€" castle, but the banks were extending as- played Olher svspensiohs took place, which in- clude 'chdt &. Buldeman, London 'and ermgn lrade,â€"£IO0,000«. .T. R. Hob- lbï¬rd, Leeds"woo‘l, merc'hant, £20,000, and some balfdozen Hamburg ï¬rms. Ac- ceptable propoaitions have been made for liquidation ofDennison’s & Naylor, Vick- turn of over half a not chaul‘has' su till Fedrunry Hamburg letters report the steppagc o! Leven Hertzdlore, a very old and respect- able house. The Cinl Council ofHamb cepted the proposition of the create exchequcr bins to the on'lbe securin of impariï¬hable merc disc, State Bonds, or Railroad shares INDIA. The ovariand mail had. arrived at Tr with dates from Calcutta to October aTI‘H' 6000 lr Ministérs will prepose the total tion ofthe [Cast lndizi Com‘ any 6 ment as Soon as Parliament meets Ion lmbly t BREADSTL’FFS sliglnly {when Flour rather more enquired for; sold for 6d ad- vaucmâ€"‘Voth‘x n Canadian 2% 6d a 255; Ohio, 265 a 3275. \Vlleat advanced Id a 21] kince Tuesday, closing ï¬rm: Rod, 65 ‘istance, and operatircs would be L'Ept em ml ad the Amgo on the 9.6m J :«ince 'J‘uur 1:1 75 1d; 0m dull, but uef (old) It p Lucknow was safe There have been no new faiiures in Lon The Indian 3 l‘he Th [My 911 rili rtanu ‘e “'86 lates from Calcutta to October 23d om Bombay to Nov. 3d. ll 5 nchu L €53!) Vtsloxs generally duh and dr lie: key cï¬icially intimated the probablb ty of placing troops on the Danube aunt nl‘ trouble m the Principalities. H‘Lâ€" British (; reporth (hat 'n troop ships from England had 1 mor 60.000 linue Hubbard, of Leeds, woo} men suspvnded wil I) Iiabiiilies amount )0 marks Banco, and ny lina various Indian ports with about I in Ameri “Um ocialions fail 91 The y there was more Exchange lllun I White,65 8d a niglu-r rates a:kc m gold from s not tcle LONDON, Nev 28. 91.11 for monvy. Money rates unchanged at Bank ;. Bunion largely increm- payment in six instalments auiu! measures [ill 1‘ overnm any ï¬nancial measur nflux of DIZC a PARTICULARS nrledâ€"li. lionsin, Jr J. Mullt-r, Gibb, Hibil Conï¬dence in that city under the influvnae C< : fund. Allbuz‘v & ivcd out on 1hr W85 51 m Ol'llll steamship ck Ext-hum l secunlirs at Eli] ll dull is to be brou and Purlimm aymcnt es exhibited an in 80,007, and a re‘ already Demand [or money New Your; H d the l. the ns’oun é nlll wing in stvadlly m will n‘ 10f dull; Ihrd quitr Ashes, no sales Cf L‘oflee quiet. has reduced its me ‘1 ‘3 per cent inler m‘ermnent will and loans we 'minatinz on (hr lit mo wing; addition has instruct «101‘ Mexico wed to an further 28111 of No Jl' " Amgn Glh. lin, reach most with merchan mount 0 us at the nee-ntral nate, to Europa ,l at Liv ï¬rm full full be lent 3"? a‘ rEovern linl Sr \‘Bl‘ aboll unent ht uu neste mixed V‘JUCV man the: mg 10d lmd 3t] Ilv 1H bugar d Tea. in 1he 5thx they .beat the rebel culling up 4:00 bf them. then proceeded to Agra um place on the 14th of Octob suddenly attacked by a lag- nccrs, who_wcre repulaed \xji their guns, 43 in numberâ€" of treasure ,and 1,000 killsd Lord Clarendon announced 10 an anti- slavery depumhon, Hunt the French Npgro Emigrationstzllellm, ï¬om Africa, would probably be abandoned. The divisions under Outram and Have- logk were; bgtli in the, Residency. . â€" - The enemy were said to be in great force in the vicinity and very strong in artillery. decline of“; on useful curl-put qualities of Auwrican, 11ml (‘Ollaltlel‘flhly more on the low and ordinary grades, which are al- mnst nominal. Sales oflhe week 2,660 bales, including about 1500 to speculators and 5000 to “porters. On Friday the 27th the market was more stcndy, and sales reached 8000 bales, about lmll‘cn speculation, and export; the quotations :1 ‘eâ€"~â€"fair Orleans 6;; middling 6;. aad 65 8d b15118], clo mixed Richardson 8:. Co, and others of new Beef at 1105, but 0] and lower. Pork dull. B2 maintnfne COTTON -Tlle Brokers’ Circular re ports a drooping market, with a limite< demand, and holders anxious to sell at : less was small a strong posmon Reports were rife 'of threatening disâ€" tux bunces at Hydraba]. Nana Sahib was said to be near Bitlmor Arrears of revenue were I in l‘npid‘) and ’oyalty was th day in the Grout \Vestern I Turkey lmd ofï¬cially iulimnled the pro: lmblc necessity of moving troops on the Danube, on account of trouble in the P1 in- cipulilies. Troops were said to he already concenll‘amul at \\'iul.1in. Col. “:ilsnn had attacked and defeated the rebels at Bethoor, driving lb’em out at in riumber. were still ed Couchn l‘o Three hundrrd thousand pounds org from Australia Inn] re-ached Suez. The news had not been telegraplwd of Baring 8:. Bros to do business. Part of a Bombay ied at Deesa. and the India der the conll' ment in case [he nc Meerut and contiguous districts ill] HISU A markml coldness is $21M to be appar- ent between France and Home, on ac- count of the Ia‘tel‘ refusing to grant re- BIinistcrs will, on {1! Parliament, propose the the East India Comp-an 373 6d a 395 6d it :5 79pm i.) China ila 1011), and Dhanghnc tn the 7:11 Baring I sales as sale and nominal d fluctuatin Ear dull. It wan r It is Th The fa†of DeHvi lnu‘. a marked effect in ROVISIONSâ€"- LIVERPOOL. 28th N tes from 1 nd 1: LONDON MARKETS Europeans at ction ather higher renew nomi in; from (is a ’75 10d SS, but only In )pmg market, with a limited I holders anxious to sell at a on useful current qualities of mite rled [but several missionaries :‘. been condemned to death. securities TURKEY. J omcially iulimnled the pro M All KE'I‘S will, on the awrmbling of 'npnsc [he tolal abolition of u Company‘s Government, 1 Empire .will be brought unâ€" lof lhe Crown and l’urlia- 9W nominally at 345; white as 565. Tallow unsetllcd ; butchers’ associated 4-95. ‘ofl'ee quiet and unchanged. Id requestâ€"prices barely '1ed that Spain had instruct S'l‘IiALKA SPAIN hnize a force for Mexico report more disposition mt prices amalter of ons failed B R I‘I‘AIN Kong- are to October in the Fer, Athya 81 Co Sang'or, above 1,000 1 others raport sales but old neglected Jâ€. Bacdndilï¬cult Lard quite nominal for whit 1d :1 7s 1d for red rates were asked rn l‘rovmuc report generally with a lerate business In The British 19. noon had mulin l‘ C and caï¬ brought :r of the am orn nngociation. Bell 8!. Co. also more busingss dqing thlnjqr spme previously. The London Times, of Saturday 28th, says American seuurities generally left. off with increased ï¬rmness, and reports the following business: Illmois Central :lnaros‘ 1‘25 discount; Now York Central, 72: Erie shares, 16. Liverpool, Saturday, 3 P. M. Cotton-A better feeling reported to- day and prices a shade better; salvs 8,â€" 000 bales, 3,500 on speculation, and 500 for export, closing; ï¬rm. Mr. Duggan next explained the gaol question. He said the City purchased a year ago the Scadding Farm, on the Don, for ten thou- sand pounds, for a jail for the city ; tenders have been accepted to build two wings for the jail forthwith, so that their can be no possibility of any question arising on that sub- ject; of course the whole thing was got up as a pretext. London, Saturday, 2 P. M. Consols closed (0-day at 91‘; a 91; [or ball) money and account. The steamship “ Star of from Aspiuwall will) the C; arrived (hi: morning. The “John L. Stephens†brought down to Panama upwards of $2,700,000 in treasure. She passed the “Sdnora†on Nov. 25th with the New York mails and passéngea's. men at possesion of the town. A Lie the. “ Saratoga,†who happens shore, was ordered by \Valker VVilIiam Patterson, Esq., who is cali’ed the Patriarch ofScarboro', in a short and sensible address, nom- inated Mr. John Dnggan, as a ï¬t and proper personlâ€"l'rom his talent, standing and integrity to represent the Riding. After hearty cheering this was seconded by George Paxton, Esq., of the Township of Markham, with appropriate remarks, when Mr. VVt'ight.‘t'rotn a paper, and sometimes without, addressed the Electors. They seemed so impatient, however, ofthe old wishy washy style, that he soonelosed. Mr. Dnggan, then came forward, and was received with three hearty British cheers. He spoke of the flimsy pretext urged against him of being a member of the bar, by the same party, too, who tried to bring out \Villson for London ; Freeman l'or \Vcntworth ; Willson of Toron- to. and who were now supporting Mowatt of Toronto; McDougall ol' Yonge street; and Notman ol' Dun- dasâ€"all lean= hungry. radical Law- yers. The same party who. for the same Riding, had canvassed day and night to put in Blake and Small ; how could they consistently talk 01 lawyers? they supported all these ; but the momenta Conservative came forward. who was not a lean or hunâ€" board his (the Lieutenm ally andâ€"the stream blockade. They would also probably take measures to prevent \Valker’s troops from prising up the river. WW gry lawyer, they sang out ag: lawyers. Conservatives would allow themselves to be duped or vided by this radical trick. Preclamationâ€"W'cst Riding of York Prime Christmas Beefâ€"J. Halladay. Cash for \Vheatâ€"~J. Blunskill‘ ï¬riiégï¬a @rihamr. Dugg'an ofliee‘ ; R. B. Miller, Esq7 . Clark; and â€"â€"â€"â€" Hurd, Esq†Counsch The attendance was large. A! one o‘clock the rc'tul‘ning ofl‘icer hav- ing road the writ. called on the Elec- tors to nominate Candidate's, when Mr. iicesor in a trashy address, half written, half spoken, nominated Amos. Wright, which was seconded by Wheeler, of Scurboro’ (evidently quite against his wilH‘ EAST YdPBK, NOMINATION DAY . WI’JGIIT’S The nomination wok place on Wednesday lasi, at Milhgan’s Cor- ners; John Rirlout, Esq.. returning RICHMOND HILL, DEC. 18, 1857 art 1‘ San Juan, Wlncll place they Provisions unchanged Brcadstqfl‘su-Blglcr, Athya 8: Co., re~ rt :1 fair enquiry for breadstuffs gener- y, at Friday's rates. On the 5th General \ankcr lauded 300 :n at San Juan Del Nm‘te, and took ssesion of the town. A Lieutenant of c “ Samtoga,†who happened to he on ()n the evening" of the 3rd‘ inst Mr. Duggan, dwelt at length on 119 ‘li~‘h ship of the New Advertisements thlS Week GREAT VICTORY \Vulnslf S FRIENDS COMPELLED T0 DEMAND A POLL. l‘HE LATEST Triumphant, 3 to I! New York, Dec 14- tar of the \Vcst," the California mails C0. also repart gen-er with the e, “Brunswick,†Leopm'tg†sailed explained the said the City ) the Scadding ship report weeks ' 2811), left. off [S the fentrnl entrul, [ed toâ€" llt‘S 8,- id 500 0., re~ gener~ the great questions of the dayâ€"being frequean iniéiï¬ipfed width"Chetâ€"31'5"."c On the returning ofï¬cer calling for a show of hands for \Vrightâ€"lhough one or two dyspeptic looking custom ers held up bolh hands, very few were sccn,â€"when the call was for Duggan, a perfect forest of handsâ€" honest British hands were held up: as the returning ofï¬cer said three to one, when he of course declared in favour of Buggingâ€"and Raiser and Wright, chop fallen, demanded a poll. Thus far the victory is com- plete. Let Conservatives now unite and form commitfces everywhere and the Riding will be saved. 00B mist 1w- the and Ill ; i 0! se ; ime .uu- inst not ill. 3'85 101') The candidates in the ï¬eld for the City of Toronto, are Messrs. \V.;H. Bonlton, John Beverly liobinson,and George Brown. Mr. J. G. Bowes retired from the contestyon Monday last, after allowing himself to be nominated, 'and will throw'hls in- fluence in favor of Mr. Robinson. With three Conservatives in the ï¬eld against one Clear Grit, the success of the moderate party was greatly jeopardised. Brown has been making the most pitinus ap- peals to Boulton to run conjointly ; but his advances have been indig- nantly repelled. There are said to be 7.000 voters in Toronto, and after all his exertions, Mr. Brown has barely secured two thousand signa- tures to his requisition. The Clear Grits themselves look upon Brown’s prospects in Toronto as hopeless, since Bowes has resigned. The election takes place on Monday and Tuesday next. the [he Jld The Returning ofï¬cer then anâ€" nounced the polling places in the several Municipalities of the Edst Riding as follows :â€" Scarboro’â€"â€"At the School House near Armstrong’s tavern. Yorkâ€"In the building opposite Miller’s- tavem, Lot No. 6., 151 Con. York villeâ€"~At the Temperance Union ville Hall THE ISSUES PRESENTED TO THE ELECTORS OF EAST YORK. The Election in the East Ridingl of York takes place on VVcdnesdny and Thursday next. In the next issue of this journal, we shall have to announce the success either ofthe fanatical and anti-British party, which is (Tompos’ed ofe’very disafl'ect- ed element in the community, repre- sented by Mr. Amos Wright; or of the moderate, loyal, and constitu- tional party, which rallies to the sup- port of Mr. John Duggan. It then‘ the electors of East York, desire to be saved from universal suffrage, an elective judiciary. a written cor.- stitution, and an elective governor, they will know for whom to vote in the coming contest. For are not the advocates of all these measures to be found in the Clear Grit ranks? Rally, then, British electors, to the‘ support of Mr. Duggan. His can- vass is one continued success. On every hand, men who are as true as steel, pledge him their support. 'Mnke one bold push then. to save the institutions of the country, and vote for Mr. Duggan. one aspir: Poor Di( round. ï¬n the west, pose. It ed him for the Clear lion that W. P. HOWIaHd, be the nominee was carried. Richmond“ Hill must then cm iIseH' with one aspirant for Legislative honors. Poor Dickson has been bobbing Messrs. Ferguson, b‘crrie. Freeman, and Drs. Frazer and ’Rolph have retired from public life, perfectly disgusted with Brown’s Dictator- ship. Among these names are to be found all that was talented on the side of the opposition last session. Of the numerous Candidates in the (,‘lear Grit ranks for legislative honors, there is not one ï¬tted for the ofï¬ce either of Solicitor-General or Attorney-General. \Vas ever a p'nrty so shamefully demolished and disorganized l Descrtions arc rapiflly taking place in the Clear Grit ranks. Mr. VVilsou, late member for London, as well as Messrs. Ferguson, Forrie. Freeman, Markhamâ€"At the School House DESERTION FROM THE CLEAR GRIT BANKS TORONTO ELECTION ;t to 1hc cast and ï¬hcn to but it appears all to nopur- is rumored Brown design- “'ES'I‘ YOR K Receiver-General, when Grits get into power. THEW‘.‘ GLOBE †NEWSPAPER “’KND 'ITS ECHOES. From time to time we have been exceedingly amused at witnessing the slavish manner in which a num- ber of our cotemporaries follow in the wake of the re(loxrihmiile*-Globe. With an eagerness worthy 5f la bet- ter cause, these small-fry jourhals copy (so far as their Jim-ï¬eld space will permit) every cdiitorial. “ stun- ner†which is issuedby their dic- tator’s organ, and their editorials (l) are mainly composed of the distort- ed thunder ol' the Globe, re-hashcd for home consumption. N 0 auto- crate rules with more despotic sway than does George Brown among his lbw slavish folldwers of the country press, and no potentate’s will is more submissivcly obeyed than his by his dupes-0f the press-gang. They are not permitted to think for them~ selves on questions of public polity ; the moment they become refractory they are “Shot accordingly†through the Globe, and every‘exertiontis made to circumscribe their usefulness. No discordant note must be intro- duced into the Grand Howl against “the powers that be,†emenating from the Globe, and re-cchoed by the whole pack, in every imagin- able quality of “ thunder,†from. the sophistic style of the organ-in-chiel to the spasmodic squeak of the most remote penny-whistle. Should the Globe denounce an independent canâ€" didate for the suï¬'rages of a constitu- ency, immediately the local repay takes up the hue and cry, and every Globular slander and lie is magni- ï¬ed tenfold, and every exertion is made to frustrate his Views. In our own neighborhood, the Markham Economist. and the New- market Era still remain faithful to the dictator’s mandates; and, fol- lowing the example of the Globe, the Conservative Candidates for East and West York are denounced in unmeasured terms, The readers of these journals cannot fail to per- ceive their close similarity to the metropolitan organ of the party, and With what avidity their editors snatch at every item relating to the three Ridings of York, however false and slanderous it may be. Their col- umns are ï¬lled, week after week, with garbled extracts and distorted versions of public affairs, and no ray of editorial sunshine is ever per- mitted to arrndiute the other side of the political picture; but, writ- ing with Globular spectacles on their eyes, everything is made sub- servient to party. W'e are without any information from Mr. Hogan. Our last ac- counts Were that he had gone to the county of Grey, and we have not since heard of his movements. In our MR. J. S. HOGAN \Ve have received a copy nfa new jouijnal, published at Pr'm Albert, in the County of Ontario. b James Hal-dun, late of Sloufl'ville. In politics the Observer embraces the Temperance Street Platform, and is violently anti-Gowan. 1 Its typography is uncxceptionablc. man 15 very“. Mr. Dempsey’s ad- Idress is manly and iudclmmlcm‘ He would make an excellent legisla- tor, as he has had nine years ex‘ pcriencc in the co nmon Council of Toronlo as Alderman. Mr. Richard Dempsey, of Toron- to, on Wednesday last entered the lists against Mr. Joseph Hartman, and is prosecuting his canvass with marked emouragcment. Mr. Hart- man is vcryill. Mr. Dempsey’s ad- dress is manly and iudclmndotfl'» John Marshal, a laborer of this place met with a most unfortunate accident yesterday afternoon, in a thrashing machine at Mr. JUL-hard Vanderburgh’s. He was oiling the cylinder when the sleeve of his smock was caught by the band, and he was thrown with great violenEE‘ against the machine. His head struck and a portion of the scalp was torn off exposing the bone; his side and arm are a good deal eon- tused. Dr. Duncumb was prompt- ly in attendance, and dressed the wounds, after which Marshal as removed on a stretcher to his re denee. His situation is critical. umucrulu Llllcl‘ills and Llonserva: lives, to lake the ï¬eld in South/01‘ turio, when: he will without doubt, walk the course triumphantly. Abraham Farewell, Clear Grit, and formerlyâ€"perhaps stillâ€"41in Annexa- tionist, will be his opponent. redeem duty \Villiam C. Sliver, of the Town» ship of Markham, in the County of York, Carpenter, for “A hollow flanged Lightning Rod,â€â€"â€"(Dated 7th November, 1557.) James Halo, ol‘ the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Brick Maker, for, “ A Churn, to he called Hale’s improved Churn.â€â€" Tonom‘u, Drc. 7th, 1857 DEAR Sm :â€"You have, no doul)t;"‘“ that my friend, Mn. Jon); Dramï¬ Cunxlllhlc for your Riding East 1(er lect petilors. the public invited to [3? The ammai mceling of the Richmond Hill Branch Bible Socie- ty, is to be hchl on Monday even- ing the Qist inst, in the Presliy- {crizm Church. The Rev. Laugl I (1 Taylor and other ministers and several gentlemen are expected to address the meeting. The friends of [he Bible are requested m attend. CO RI 311 The foilowing items appear in the last list of letters patent of In- vention, datt‘d Toronto, llth Dec., 1857 :â€" r Smnnono’, Dec. 11th,185‘7. I think it but right you should publish lhe enclosl-d Ietler of Mn. GOODERHAM. Thad lung since nude up my mind 10 poll; um] I feel surc active and goat} M of the Riding! whic commencing at '1 o’clock P. M. Prizes will be distributed at the same time, to the succéssfnl com- patilors. Parents, Guardians and the public generally are respectfully invited to attend. 4' will an mm, G Hill mum ME LANC HOLY ACCIDENT 1V†PATENTS OF INVENTION 77 EIC ONTARIO OBSERVER To the Editor Hues Halo, oftlxé Township of glmn, in the County of York, I; Maker, for, “ A Churn, to be ad Hale’s improved Churn,â€â€" ed Gib November, 1857.) SOUTH ONTARIO (2 about being in print. Ihope L'aliz‘es will excrt themselves and the Riding. Scarboro’ will do its 0 I1 NORTII YORK MR. DUGG I‘he semi-annual examinaâ€" the classes in the Richmond ‘rrammer School, wikf‘ï¬Ã©gg n Tuesdav the 22nd inst, ved with 156 do not L‘ now Your obedient Servant Illin which has becn sadly [if \VM ry truly ST YORK N'ICATIONS. tl‘is Townsh hr. in at GOODERHAM r lhe interest n)‘ name J) Tribune 0d Conser- mship lhny head oflhe prove an Ely esty