Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 18 Dec 1857, p. 3

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For the Tribune. LITERARY GEMS FROM THE MABKHAM « ECONOMIST.” DEAR n. ED1TOR,-â€"Tlle public press . 3H d to have a great influenceln raising the literary taste of the people ; how for the Markham Economist contri- butés to this desirable object, your readâ€" ers "my perceive from the following “ ele- gant extracts.” In his leading article on the 3rd Dec,, the Editor writes thus: “ Lapse of time has only went.” Again his favorite contribitor “ John Smith," who is conceited enough to Wish to reform every thing and every body, thus express- es himself in the same number. “ In either case, I havethe satisfaction that [he tories, and. them only, are the betrayers &c., &c., reformers happily are innocent of them robberies.” This is the material, Mr. Editor, of which Reformers are made, V erily ignorance and presumption go al- ways together. Yours truly, SYNTAX. Iarkbam, Dec., 8th, 1857. For the “ British Tribune.” YORK RIDINUS’ VOTE IS. Elect findependence and prudence I Now 11.93:; Opportunity olTers for choos- ing your Representatives for the ensuing Parliament, it IS incumbent upon you to exercise a common sense distinction be- .twecn a worthy, intelligent and discreet man, of mature iudgernent,with a charac- ter to lose and property to suffer in coir.- UD GE To WILLIAM TR 0 Sm,â€"W'c the undersigned Electors of Ward number-tWo in the township of Markham, bog most respoctifullv to request you to come forward at the next Municipal Election, as Candidate for our word. of your superior qualifications is sufficient to convince us of your integrity and worth while attending to our wants at the Council board. Your interests are identified with oursâ€"our wants and desires are known to you,â€"conscquemly we know, that by placing you as our Representative in (loiincil,,wc.havc nothingr to fear. Suffice it to say that if you will condesccnd to have your name placed upon the nomination card as our Cunâ€" didatc, votes and influence shall be procured through our exertions to make your Election sure. Dr. Duncumb \Villiam Stephenson Robt. Grundy John Gr'eady Thomas Gawley Charles Greatly James Birtbright Thomas Savage Thomas Martin Daniel Tipp Thomas Fi'isby Francis Bovnton Thomas Dennison \Villiam Boynton Jnr J. Stoutenburgb John Palmer Humphrey \Ybite Robert VYisemnn AL._W..¢.M‘M... To DR, DUNCUJIIB, ROBERT GRUNDY JIND FIFTY OTHERS :â€" _'I‘his dav I have been favored with a Requisition from you and several other res GENTLEMEN, Electors of the above-named VVai‘d, expressive of my ability to represent you in Council. and soliciting that I should allow myselfto be put in nomination as a Candidate at the next Mnmcrpal Election. I feel that it would be an act of ingratitude on my part, were I not to respond in the affirmative to so influential a call, and Ithercfore cordially accept your invitation to stand as Councilman for your \Yard. 7 In presenting myself to your notice. I beg most i'espethully to mention as one of the grounds on which I ask for your support that Ward No. 2 is the place of my nativity and that your interests and my own have been for many years identified, and I reyorcc that crrcumstanccs have now brought me into more liiuncdiflte intirmev with the Electors of this Ward, among whom I hope to reside for many years. \ Gentlemenâ€"you know me well enoughâ€"you know any merits to which I pretend, merits rather of good cannot doubt you Will, I shall endeavor to carry my owll ng influenced by the insrtlinus Sim/1's 01 any member of the Council. I shall not be tempted to depart from the Dluin path of Duly, in order to flatter you or advance mysclp To rehearse my intentions. if elected, would be to weary you by vain repetition.lumiving, as you \chI do. 111'” I '1111 sincere in mv views. and fearless in the expression of thorn. I‘Iavrnér no bigoted attachment to any man or anv party. I am prepared to support any mcriibci of the Councrl whose policy I may deem sound, and intention than of ability ; and. if you views into practice, wrthout bcr of the B N, E sq dz'tor ritis/z ') John Coulter James Verney Oliver Veale Jacob IIorner Godfrey IIrIts Joseph Ellcrby George Peach \Villiarn Dnrose Hugh Robinson George Niclrolls IS. Sanderson George Grooves John Simpson Joseph Johnson Robert Simpson George Teasdale Robert Cooper \Yilliam Anderson REPLY: I elect me, as i . . . . , . whose measures I may think most bcncfrcral to the 'I ownslnp. The timidity and shortsiglrtcdncss which has characterized the conduct of your present member during the current year, must be obvious to you upon the subject nr Monday, the 2811i inst. mon, should be support any clan or party whose acts and intentions are unfriendly to the peace, happiness, and welfare of the peoplc,â€"and the idle placelhunter, the eedy adiLenturer, who has alldo gain and nothing to 1050, having neither character nor property at stake, whose only aim is Illnrinar with fair promises to gain his ob- ject, to procure a seat in the Legislature, to bMeat a Ministry for place and pocket. Thus, I say, with hat in hand nd soft unmeaning words, beggar-like the candidate is the voter‘s inferior and _servant. Instantly Ire succeeds, by being elected, the affair assumes another face. The candidate becomes the voter’s master; you canno .him, he hides his time, he ’knows litmyou and cares less, and ten to one if he ever again visits the locality of his adopzion, without it be to gull the I vot:r"s a second time. Truly it is amusing to see the number {and variety of candidates now-a-days. In one County a meal-monger or defunct miller boldly steps forward, declur'ng in is owrr 0pi_r iJn that he has nothing to do, and is a very fit person for the office, and any man is stupid and ignorant that won’t .A_ 7 his qualifications. He sends out is interested friends with a begging etitionâ€"nick-narned requisition~~â€"ne\'er- 1 class all fails: for a diabolical conven- ion orders homé, out of the back door, be poor flourless lad miller, to att’nd to J‘s own domestic affairs and let politics ’3 lane; How rmfccling! Here is a proof that all the wise men are not in the cast. So thought the rebuffed millrr~candidate, nd he bolted in i the west, without even banking in. iporters! \erat an un- generous act! There he is throwing “meal-dust into the eyes of the voters, .where I leave him. 4-. «4,... “ I am opposed to the present Adminis~ traticn, and will feel justified in assisting to oust 11% the first opportunity.” 'I‘livs goings another of the aspirants, a rich spe- icimen of a muddy-minded candidate.â€" Would 0 God the electors had the privi~ loge sling their drone representatives at critical times! No man would think of ousting a Ministry before work was performed for good or-ill. Such stupid and ill-timed declarations show a prejuâ€" diced mind, and iirdellibly brand such wrong-beaded men as unfit representatives ’of any community. The other candidate after spouting impossibiliiies about in the cast for a\vliile,llew lo the west, where he grinding Iris organ to the marauding fibunty lords or re Western Wilds. IIn conclusi Cast York by having lelecterl Mr. John Duggan, and \Yest York, Mr. Gamble, have displayed great good judgment. They are both men of alrn, shrewd, and upright mindsâ€"perfect beaconsâ€"â€"urrswerring props to genuine principles, which are pure, just, and worthy of support; and they are equally as bitter , ernics to odious and suspicions renegades, branded with political infamyâ€"for where there is reform on the lip there is rebellion In the heart. _ CHURCH AND QUEEN. 3 St. AndreWS, Dec. 13th, 1857. r To the Editor of the Tribune. Sm,~â€"Do insert in your widely circulated columns my few lines. Near by are tem- porary located a small band of Indians. whose wigwa ' nightly visited by men from this Yil Married men must be utterly lost to .:lrarne, who pay Such night- 1y prowling visits,â€"-are unfit for civil so- ciety,fl:’<1dcstroyers of their own fire side appi ’55, which must end in disgrace and domestic ruin. If this hint fails, names Will appear in a future notice. Sit, Yours truly, 'TRUTH. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14th, 1857. Another New Territory- Among the passengers by the lVort/zern Light, yesterday, was James M. Craue, Esq., Of California, who is on Iris way to Washington, as the representative of the eople of the Great Basin, or Carson Valley, whorare desirous of having the ortian of Uta , of California, erec (1 into a new territory, eparate from the Mormon dominion. The proposed territory embraces all the region lying between the Sierra Navada ing‘ near the boundary ' over them, for they will not pay tithes to RICHMOND I‘IILL, Dec. 14, 1857. _.A/\/.'Afi.fl,.fi,.-/s,-/\ , ,v. on the west, the Groose Creek range of‘ mountains on the east, Oregon and Utah on the north, and the Colodora on the south. The white inhabitants of this irri- incnsc and fertile tract number about eight thousand, while the Indians of the various tribes. which inhabit it, exceed a hundred thousand. The Indians are reprcscrled as not unfriendly to the whites, or “ Amerâ€" icans” as they are absurdly called, nor unfavorable to a new territory. The Great Basin possuses immense mineral resources, aboundingr in go‘d. silver, and copper, while the valleys are extremely fertile. The people there are living in a perfectly unorganized state, without any form of government whatever, and subâ€" jected to no constituted authority. The Mormons cannot exercise any control the saints; California canirot give them any aid, as they do not come within the jurisdiction of that state,and they are too far removed from both Oregon and new Mexico to have connection with the gov- ernments of these territories. As Mr. Crane goes to \Vashiugton to present the claims ofthe Great- Busin to the protec- tion of the government, we presume there will be no obstacles in the way to prchnt the district from being erected into a sepâ€" erzrte territory at the same time with the new territory of Arizona. One of the serious difficulties which the people of the proposed new territory labour under, is that they have not yet been able to invent a name for themselves. The only, or principle town in the country is called Genoa, and they have proposed calling the territory Columbus, in compliment to the discoverer of the New \Vorld, but they will do better to find a name of local sig- nificance.â€"â€"N. Y. Times. News of the Week. Although failures are here and there announced, the commercial crisis is daily becoming “small by degrees and beauti- fully Icss,” but it will require to restore the confidence which exâ€" isted prior to the panic. The debates in Parliament will, in all likelihood, pro- time duce a good efi'ect; for it will be seen that the condemnation of our present sys- Nothâ€" ing has yet oozed out respecting the in- tentions of the Government about the renewal of the Bank Charter, but if Lord Palmerston has nerve enough to grapple terifol Iiirance'is loud and general. with it, .as firmly as his frienls say he in- tends to do with the East India Company's Charter, the victory will be easy. The commercial assoeiations throughout thena. tion are not indifferent spectators~ of what is passrng. Every man of ordinary intel- ligence feels that sornetlihi;T is radically wrong in the working of our monetary sys- tem, and when a great house like that of Messrs. J. and A. Dennistoun, who now ofl‘cr their creditors ‘205 in the pound, could not get relief to buoy them up during the storm. it affords the strongest clause in the In fact, when the pressure comes, the Bank of England looks only to it itsfif, inditl‘er- out who may be sacrificed. bill of indictment against the system. Surely, the hour of retribution is approaching when the arch sinner will receive condign pu iishâ€" rnent. I At the close of the market on Thursday 1 the funds had improved to the extent of a-half per cent., and the market was un-» usually buoyant, more so, in fact, than for weeks previously. provement continued. Consols for Money, at the end ofthe day, stood at 90;. to Loans on Government Securities were freely offered at five per cent. The stop- page of‘ the Noribumbei‘lAnd and Durham Bank does not seem to have impeded the buoyancy of the Money market ; as in the case of the other Bank stoppages, females Yesterday the im- " “A”: ,- ,. r. "NV-“Wu every attentive eyc. Ishall have an ore fully, at a Public Meeting of the Electors, to be held at Victoria Square, on In the meantime, I have 11.0 honor to be. Gentlemen, Your faithful and-ob WILLIAM TRUDG EON. A “Arc/\AA,‘ .xâ€"Vâ€"c/xWA «W «N« VOA 5“ AA , “he, is in a better position, and is cnabled to lower its rate of discountâ€"a circrim-r stance, at the present time, which is very. I encouraging. l IIonours, rather tardin conceded, now ‘ begin to flow in upon our Indian heroes, The Queen has raised to the dignity of‘ Baronets of the United Kingdom, Gener- als \Yilson and Ilavclock with Indian titles â€"Srr Archibald \leson, ofDelhi, and Sir Henry Hart-look. of Lucknow. The di- rectors of the East India Company have made a grant of five hundred pounds a year to the widow of General Neill, and; her Majezty, in the most gratifying terms, , has signified her permission (Int tlic \vidorvl may assume the title of “Lady Neill.” which would have accrued to her if her" husband had been spared to enjoy the dig- nity ofa Ii. C. B. Mr. Hope and Mr. Sydney IIL‘"I)r.'l‘f Irave been dilating with" considerable effect on the Indian mutinrcs arr-.11er conduct of our little band of inâ€"l vincilrles. “ Haveloek i: saved,” said the, first-named gentlemanâ€"“that brave oldl man whose sinch more than 60 years have , not pals-led, and who in the sear and yel- the wisdom ofa sage, and more than the dar» 10w leaf of life has shown more than ing of a striplingâ€"and the chivalric Out- rarn, who yielded to the comrade by lrisl side that mood of victory. which, accord- ing to all ru‘es and regulations, be mightl have plucked.” Afr. IIcrbr'rt has IittIcl sympathy with the outcry lately raised tIrzit= young men befrian counters should be trans- “ Ilc did r not mean to say that, ifplaeed oppositei formed into Britiin soldiers. a battery, they would not display the cl ar- but what we wanted for soldiers were hardy, acteristic bravery of Englishmen , men. \Ye must not have men with white complexions, With the nerves ofa duclress, This ‘, was not the siuffofrvliicli our soldiers should i, and the simper of a lady‘s maid. be made. of the very best classâ€"of men who lived in the open air, and were hardened by greatexercise.” Mr. IIerbert thinks that the profesdon ofa soldier, in a pi‘cuzria'y sense, is the very best for an English pea- sant~â€"tlie pay, instead of being a shillingr a day, as was erroneously supposed, amount- a day. Out of a 1000 troops he gave the following as the p-'op0rfions :â€"-English 462, Irish 366, Scotch 158., Rumours are rife, now that Parliament is on the point of meeting, that LOrd I’al- rncrston’s Indian policy will he very strikâ€" lng,â€"that he will supersede the manage- ment of the LeadcnhalIâ€"strcet merchant and transfer the entire government of India to the Imperial executive. The Independence Beige, which fequent'y inspired through the medium of is and Riganlt do Genouilly to commence active hostilities against China. The cor- respondent of a London morning paper, writing from the French metropolis, indi rectly confirms this statement, for it de- clul‘cs that the Inst dcspatcircs received by ' the French Government from the celestial empire announce that the Court of Pekin will not give any satisfaction for the niurâ€"V (It-’1‘ of the French hIissionary, Cbapdc-l leiue, and the writer adds, referring to the it has given the strictest Order against the Catholics. persecution would be recommenccd.” The. Chinese Government :â€"~‘ Moreover, It was feared that a religious improved position of atIairs in British India will set at liberty the troops which were arrested on their way to China. and with this additional insult to the branch Go- vernment, it is more than probable that [111: combined acti0n against Canton will be carried out with as little delay as pos>ible. so that we shall soon see England and France Ieagued against China, as they were recently banded against Russia. are severe sufferers. Of the shareholders in this establishment, who number 400,112, or more than a fourth, are unmarried we- men or widows. The, Bank of France, One thing is clearâ€"that a war with such foes will not be very protracted, which 2 ‘r...: . . Europe and elsewhere. Our army was now composedi ed altogether to very nearly two shillings, 5 Cash lioI-TV’Vlicat. the Paris burcanx. states distinctly that 1 orders have been sent to Admirals Seymour 1 ‘ York. that in obcdmrrce to Her illnjnsiy’s \Vrii. ! require the. presence of the ‘ \Vcstoii. on \'\'cduc~dn_\'. 111023111 iirst.. :11 noon, A «a» 726’. Triba Our knowledge James “Valkcr \Yiiliarn IIeafon John Harrison Henry Harrison .Iolrn AlcCaguc Henry Trent \V. C. )Inccy John Iiumohr Robert Craig. “'oodward Robert \'ivcr '1 bomas Glover G. A. Barnard John Harrington Jr. George I’orsler Robert A rnolrl Thomas Motson pectable oppoi'tunii v. however, of nddi‘cssirrg cdicnt servant. -\ ‘\ A r\ \x \vi A, ~WJW~V TORON 'I‘O MA R Ii IGTS. Toronto Doc. 16, 1857. The market. for the past week, has exhibited a very depressed and The of grain brought in, of every dcscrip~ gloomy aspect. amount tion, has been very inconsidcrablc ; yet the prices, in general, have had a tendency reason that money is very scarce. and the markets in \that has been in very short supply, not cx~ downward, from the low slate of coeding, on the average, more than The average price, for the week, has been 48 3d bushcl. Flourâ€"There have been no sales cxtcni, though the article has been purchas~ 2501ruslrcls per day. per of any al~ ed at reduced prices in some cases. “'0 quote as follows, as the present rates :â€"â€"Supcrfinc. $3 75 to $4 00; fancy. $4 25 to $4 50 ; extra, $1 75 to $5 00. scarcely any supply. and it has been little Outsâ€"~N0t a large supny ; yet the prices keep low, say from ls 4.1 to 15 6d per bushel. Bccfâ€" There has been a largo supply throuin the week : prices average about $5 00 for Irind quarters. and $4 00 for forc quarter's. Porkâ€"Good supply, and not quite so high, averaging $5 50 for heavy, and $4 75. per hundred, for lighter dcscription.â€"â€"Col0nist. Barlcy~â€"-T|rcre has been sought after. BIRTHS. At Richmond Hill, on the lltlr inst, Mrs. Charles Shepherd ofa Daughlcr. At Iiiclimond Hill, on the 12111 inst, Mrs. John Grr-ave of a Son. DIIII). At his residcnccfl'ietoria Square, Mark- ham, on Tuesday the 15111 inst, after a long and painful Illness, Mr Joseph Greatly, r (7â€" y. .7. ,agerl ~..) ylais. r l . Prime Christmas Bch at Aurora. 1" \YOULD respectfully inform the inâ€" , babitarrt~ of Aurora and vlcini‘ry that ,I am about to slaughter two very fine Beercs, one Cow. lzrtled by Mr Nathaniel Pearson, of Aurora, weighing 1296 lbs., live weight; and one Under fed by my sclf, weighing 14-03 lbs., Iivc Weight; also, a very fine Bear, rcry fat. Any one wishing to see the Bear and Reeves, after flirty are slaughtered, can do so by erllllll: at my shop on the three first days of next neck and judge for fliciiiseltcs. JAMES IIALLADAY. - Aurora. Dec. 17, 1857. 128 H 1: highest market price will be given for 511.001) lluslrcls of Wheat. delivered at tho Pomona Blills. JOHN BRUNSKIIJ. Thornlrill, Dec. 1.5111, 1557. 128. PROCLAMATION. WEST RIDING 01“ THE COUNTY OF YORKâ€"7'0 II’I'I': UBLIC Notice is hereby given to the I‘llcr- _ tors ot'tlic \cht Riding of the (‘onniy of to me dir'ectciI.â€"and bearing dare rho Tenth Day of the month of December. instant.â€"l said Electors at for the purpose of Electing a person to represent mom in the Legislative Assembly of this I’ve- Vince; and that in cast‘ ct I’cll siiziII both-Intrud- ed and allowed in the rrmnncr in Law prescrib- ed: Such Poll “ill be opened on ter THIR- THZTH Instant. at the following places within the Ridingâ€"Thar is to Sty :â€" 1.â€"I“or the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. â€"-at the 'I‘ownship Hall. Q.â€"l’or'hat part oftbe 'l'ownslrip of York Sit- uaio within the Riding. being all that, partr thercuflying Il'esi of Tango FlreeLâ€"at the SCHOOL HOUSE. upon or adjacent to Lot 13?. at the rear of the 31d Concession. West or Yongo Sireei. 3.â€"Por tlrc TO\YNSIIIP OF E'I‘OBI- COKEâ€"at the School Ilouso in the Village of )Iimico. on Dundris Street; of all which every person is herobv reqn red to take notice, and to govern himself accordingly. Given under my Iran I. at “'cston, this 11th dav ofthe month of December in the year of RICHMOND H I Trade, consisting of IMPORTED JOHNd‘El.” MERCHANT TAIL RICHMOND HILL EGS to annmincc that he has on hand a good aSSOI‘liiif‘nL of materials for the \Yinter 22, DIRECT T0 T Eh arenas i a Fancy Scotch IS NOW’ OPENING A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT Wtwwuh Goons, FR 0." E Nf ALA NI). The Duly Colonist, A or rm: . M ‘ , V r r w , BRITISH COLONIS I , OR, - P (I, '1',.,'_nr(.,./l./,/, 9 . or my; And News of 1/16 II'rr‘lr. l COUNTY OF YORK. nee/co. I ‘II I‘: Gazette announcing a D1 SSOLIL _ _ TERMS~ ' I V TION of the Present l‘ni‘liamcnt £101?) 21’””“"""" W I 4 , - having been issued. and a general I‘llvciion H’O- ‘ I x, h; 1“ u T Slkllls9 Clltlliit‘ll. ii is now time that I should addrosls a “high” Elli?!) SI. r ‘ a 7 6 “ few words to you. when asking for so iinpor'nnt “5 0‘ "a l 5 U " R031 Flti‘ Beaver, for Over-coats! All Slrmlcs of Colours. kind, and varint Richmond 11111, Oct. 30,1857. ‘+ O T , â€".\NDâ€" INDEPEIVDEIVT ELECTORS.’ l â€"~0F THEâ€" VVEST RIDING 1 â€"-OF THE-â€" iCOUNTY OF Â¥ORK57 lENTI.I§.\IEN.â€"â€"A General Election will take T place almostimmediately. Once more Isolit-it your sulfr-ages; and in so doing feel. that beyond declaring my intention of being a Candid rte. it is urrneci-Ssarv to extend this nduros's. For the last 'I‘wcniydivo Years. you have all been familiar with the manner in which my public dullus have been discharged. in the Township. in the County. as a Mrrgia-truto. as well as when in Parliament. The Past must servo a: an index to the Future. Averso to change for change sake, I have. l]l"\'t‘l'â€" tireless. endeavored to keep pace with the times: and my pollfl"al opinions. as you know. are in nrii<o~n with the progressive spirit of the age in “Irich we live. vcno Public Meetings, in (‘ncli Township. where I shall have the pleasure of' meeting _\ou. and giving my vich on Public matters. alrliouglr assurances of support, without any such exertion on my part, have been tendered from every quarter oftlro err’og. I have the honor to be. Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant. Vaughan. Dec. 4. 1557. :7 Raisins. KEG. (TURRANTS. FIGS, Lemon, Orange and Sitron Peel, Spices, fresh ground real Mocha Coffee. Chocolate. Spices, &c. which will be sold excredirrgly low for Cash, at G. A. BARNARI)’S, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Dec". 10th. do 0.. ff. STRAYED STEER. qTRAYED from the promises of the Subscriber k about three months ago. a Red and White Sroer‘ coming two years old. \Vhonver will re- turn the same or giro information where he may be found, will be suitably rewarded. JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill. Dee. 1111). 1857. 27-tf. THE LAST CALL. f HE Subscriber takes this method of iii- 7 forming all those indebted to him by Book Account. that ho intends to place all Ace counts past duein the hands of the Clerk of the Court, if not paid by the fifth of January. 1855. ROBERT SIVER. Richmond Hill, Dec. 11th. 1857. QT-If. Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL P051 Office, DECEMBER lst. 1"" but. Lane. Miss Caroline Loo, R. Baker, Jacob Baker, Samuel Bryson. 1V. Leo. Mrs. George Bishop. Mrs. Matchmaker. [Q] Crebor, A. Marsh. Alex. Dr'iiry, I’atriCIi Dorehanr, M rs. McCullom. Larius McKinnou. John Dennis. James McKinnon. I’eter Flanigan. William McKeiisock. John Farrakhlr. toll-gate kpr..McIriiies. John Fola. Michael Nichols. Mrs. bV. Fishburn, Rev. J. Oliver, “’illiam J. Gilchrist. John Ponse. Mr. Gamble. Mrs. M. I’lunket. l’atrick Gilding. John. I‘oxion. George Goodwill. John Roberts, John Grant. George Twimr William Harrington Jr., John Thoinbris. John, I’Iall‘fi. J. T. Turner. Henry Kelly. W'illiam \Va’son. .Ioliri LIIKISHY. I\Iril’\' I _ \Vinas, Ilcnry Law, Miss Claracy Williams,l\liss Mar-yAiin t‘l'l M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Darlin 3.; & Aiteliismfls COMBIAED jllou'cr and [{CUIJC’T. I UR MACHINE is substantially built of ( “Taught Iron. ernrrely free from side draught, can be elevated to any height. from a Mou‘cr to a Reaper by a screw in front. and cuts wirhout clogging, in Grass. “'heut. Unis or timber. with- out change of knife or gearing. and works easy for the horses. ' The price for a Mower. $19) . 00; completed as a Reaper. $140.01). Air extra knife will be $5 .00 extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well boil and of the best material. GEORGE DARLING ROUT. AITCI'IISON . Tliorrihill. Yongo Street. Juno 24111. 1857. STRAYED! AME into the premises oftlre Subscriber, Lot 1 (y 2:). Lilli Coirccssrori .‘llarklrnnr, about the last if October. a Red Holey Heifer two-years old. the owner is requested to prove property, pay damages and take her away. g3-tf “’. \YALKER. .Markliarn. Nov. 95:11. 18.37. g'JS-Bi .r. w. MILLITR, IMPORTER and Dealer in Gold and Silver \Vaiclzrw. l‘rrio Jewellery, Electra-Plum, Fancy (mods. mm. &c. No. 8U, Yonge Street. Toronto. June. 195?. g1 -6rn G O T O . MORPIIY BROTHERS r I-‘OR Oiir Lord Eighteen Hundred and F1f13‘;56\'€11. , .1. STOUGHTON DENNIS, will be all the bctft‘r for commerce and civilization. l Returning Officer. ‘ \Veston. Doc. 14. 1857. 1'24. 3 Clea to suit every sight. 1 00D \Yatchcs. Clocks. Jewelry, Molodeons. T Electra “are. Silver Spoons: and Spocta- I [13’ Winch Clubs in Operation. ockr. from 95's, upwards, Toronto. June, 1657, C1 1-3. â€"-AI.SOâ€"â€" Brown and Grey Peterslinms, Fancy Vesling‘s. &c , .‘cc , The whole of which have been carefully so ccted by himself. practical experience he is crmbled to assure the public of lbe quality of each :ll‘lff‘lt". The latest Fashions will always be found at his establishment, and be. relics (-n his capacin as a Practical Tailor, to secure the patronage of all who preference to those “ho deceive. the public Willi ready-made Slop ll’ml, as of their own manufacture. r17 Should limo permit. it is my intention to con- . .1 IV. GAMBLE. I UST received an Assortmentoffine fresh Layer MUSCATEL, do. , .citbor price or qiralriv being considered BUTTodvnnnL -niannfactured bvthcm. feeling confident. that on‘ l Any person proving property and paying ex- “ arrantcd pauses can have the same on applying to And from his long and pant good work in of the lowest Termsâ€"CA >11. JOHN COII LTICR. ROBERT IVER, Boot and Shoe. Maker, DJOINING tho IYesloyan Methodist Che pcl. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. 4A choice STIchloli officnrlcmcns‘, Ladios’find Cliildrens' Ilnots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest Notice. Richmond Iiill. .luire l'lilr, 18.37. g,1\v.y. t A To Medical Practitioners. G001) orron'r'Urvr'r‘Y now offers inert 1' I to a Medical Man of standing: and experi- ence. House and Premises. both pleasant and convenient. can be had on reasonable icriirs. Apply, if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the GIILCUO~ Richmond Hill. Juno 1.5m. 18.37. g.Q-\\'_\'. Fire, Fire! Fire! ll IDOO REWARD ! \‘IIIEREAS the Tannery at Thor'nlrill, the ’ property of David McDongall. Esq. was burned down on the morning of the 4th November instant, by an incendiary or irrccndiarlcs .2 A Reward of $1000 is hereby ofI'ored and will be paid to any person or poisons who will give such information as will lead to the arrest and conviction of the party or partics who sci. fire to the said Tannery on the morning :rt'oi‘osnirl. FRANCIS II. IIEIVARD. Agent Royal Insurance Continuity. JAMES MANNING. Inspct‘for' Equitable Insurance. Company. November 26. 1857. g?5»3( PRIVATE SALEM LflND MINI) WHTER ill/LL ." 'mu RICHMOND HILL. '7 ‘HIS FARM contains about Fiflv Acres, with a House. Garden. and small Clearance. and h we” limlrcrcd. 'l‘lre \Vatur Mill". including Three good Dwellrngv I‘IO-I‘IMBS. with Gardens. and about Fifteen Acres of Land. if required by the purchaser. The promises are at present used as an Agricultural Implement and bile Ir‘aeiory. All the above property Will be sold 0,1 (‘asy terms for Cash or Yearly Payments. and is worthy the attention ot‘tlre Mechanic and Farmer. For particulars apply to ‘ I)l{. DI'NCIIMB, Richmond Illll. September 10. 1857. glut-if ONE" HUNDRED ooaos OF PENE ‘VOOD!! 1? " SALE. 1» For terms apply to Mr. TIIOS. COOPER. Thorirliill. and honorable a. trust as that of being your Ito-l prosoritatrve in the Legislature of this great Country. The experience of every day life teaches us the necessity of avoiding extremes. and may serve as n beacon to us politically. [while showing an in- dependent perseverance in 1110 parhof iluiv. in cooling with questions which affect not null. our own welfare. but also the prosperity of our Corin- try to all time.) to exercise n judicious and wise moderation Willi this intnductory remark. I can without four point to my past conductas an oar'iiestto you. that should I become your Representative. I'will in that high sphere. faithfully. and to the best of my abilities. mirlnnvor to develop the great AGIlIUUI/l'L’IlAI, resources of this l’rovinco. iis Trade. Commerce and Manufactures. as wall as to promote nvery useful criterprize ; knowing that then: rnust be the sure means of accelerating the rapid progress of the Country. and ofplacirrg its prosperity upon a secure and lasting foundation, â€"that thus by energetically pursuing the plain path 0fDilf_\'.W1lllout lookin‘; to the right or to the left, I may merit from you uhnt 1 have already received in tho iirrpm-tnrri yetâ€"smaller Public pnsi~ (ions with which 1 have been from time to limo honored by my fellow-subjectsâ€"approval of my conduct. The present finnncml position ofibe Country reqirirostlrut l1tI0.\Cl'110n should be spared by them entrusted with its welfare. in re trenching the l’ulr 11c expenditure airrliniruducing into every Departâ€" ment the most rig-(l economy. consistent with the efficiency of the public scr'vicc. The Lord granting Department requires in my judgment entire i'i'visrrrrr. No doubt tho magnificent re'rion called by the name. of “ The lludmn's It vy 'I‘err'tory.” belongs to C'mada. midis the rglitlrrl inheritance of the children or this Country, and I hope and expect in a few years to see those “ Hunting grounds” now the abode ofpovsrty and desporisrn. opened up to the Bible and the wonders ofllririsli Civilisa- tion. whore tlm:eindomitablo and sturdy pioneers, the sons of Canada, jrincd with their brethren from the British Isles wrll soon accomplish what they have done here already. making the desert to rejoice :rrrd blassom as the rose. To presrrvo to this country tho National School System of Ilppcr Canada. which has been grad- ually brought to its present state ofofhcioncy by tho nnwcar-ied exertion of our nlrlc superintendant shall he (Ire objccl (if my best endeavors. Representation by Population ard \Vcrrllh I look upon as the very lacy-stone o" t'ro arch on which rests tho f'mn pinspcriiy of (Tunadrr. Having a considerable stake in the Ritlingour interests will be identical, irrdcpr'izdoirt ot'whi”h. however, Islrall consider itiny rlrir’ylo be guided by war “(1.51165 in all matters of local irirerest The hearty assurance of confidence and sup- port you have evemwhcro received me with, does mic-Id can-c. me to feel grateful, and though it is quite impos<i1rle to make a personal Canvass. I shall continue to visit as menu of the electors as possiblo rill the day of nomination. when. my virws will be fully ovpresmd to you. Your obedient Servant. JOHN DUGCAN. East York. Nov 310. 11557. 5:26 is or: c E. , LI. Accounts due 151 October, not paid by f |~1Llr i\'ovcrrrber, will be put in Suit. 1 shall strictly adhere to my rcw system of Short Credit and I'rompt Payment. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Ilill. Nov. 5. 1857. norm; run srrrr. , 1 Hotel, siinuied on Lot No. 5. (3th Concession in the Township of King. with good stabling and Seventeen Acres of Excellent Lnn d. livery necessary ncr-onmdarion for an Hotel are in first rate repair. Terms e.(treiiiely easy. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the pi'rcmises. or to Dr. DUM:U.\IR. Richmond Hill. CASIT UP.‘ -g‘32l HF. Sirlrsv riher offers for sale that well known 4 Payable at least 3 months in advance. The daily Colonist is delivered in Toronto, at 75d. per week. and tho Ilriiish Colonist n; [1.3. p..- fortnighlâ€"pnyablo to the News-carriers. The Colonist Eslablislirnont having born in built, and the whole business placed upon n luv... of" the most complete and snbstnnrinl kin-Ir. the Proprietors fool every confidence in uslxrllg fur ilm the continued nnd increased support of all “I'm desire to support on Independent tiomervadw Journal. The arrangements for the supply of Iati‘ Now: are such as cannot be surpassed in Canada. The daily Colonist li a large double sheet of 1" mil- umus. and is the Largest dailv Journal publish d on the American Continent. It will. llrorciow. lrn enable d to give better l’nrlinmentnry I‘t‘prrils and more Vows, than any other Journal. To Ad t-m'ti'scrs. The terms of advertising are the same as for Journals of the smallest circulation. All ndvn - tiserrients receive it gratuitous insertion in tho 'I'ri~VVcekI_v edriion. which renders the :rde rr~i. ,1: C'rrculalion final, if iicfsupcrioryTo [but irt'fir} , other newspaper whatsoever. Money Letters, if rngislcrcd, will 1w r un’ilmvd at the r'lsk of tho Publishers Snbscr-rprmrn nun. be commenced at any period of rho )l'llr. All post-rnnslors acting as Agents. ur‘l ln- .'rl- lowed. a commission on cash renrittnrrrr- . THOMPSON .\' (UL. 1'iilrii I!"I'-, llllll’ PIETllllIrlIllilllllli. Kc“ Editions Just Plinth-11ml Scors’ .N'iw and Complete lllx/W‘I/ or, tlui Bibleâ€"from tho creation of" the world i}. nie full establishment of Christianity. 1. irlr cu), i."lJ.>. Notes, forming an illustrated COHHIIt'HlaI: wit uni.- sacrcd cht. 701) pages ociavo. Sears’ JVcw Pictorial llisIm-ynf (Wino aiill Indiaâ€"comprising a descriproii of rho..- conntries and their inhabitants; «whim-mgr tlrr~ historical events, goverrmcrit. rclryiun. r-rlura- lion. language. literature. arts, trniiril'wl-trliv-s, productions, commerce. and mallllrl': :iml rm- toms of Eire people. from the ear-lint pc-rmrlr of authentic rocord iothe present time hllrislru. ml with two hundred l‘lngravings. blur p ~';L"< Livon- octave, Thrilling Incidents of the 1'?"er of" l/e" roiled Slamsâ€"comprising the mosr mild: 1! .mn remarkable events of the revolution. thr- I-'.i-m- 1 war, the Tripolilian war. the Indian um. second war with Great Britain. and be ,‘fI-'.\|t'.ill war. \Yith three hundred Engrmrrrgs. phi) pages octave. Scars" .rV‘cw Pictorial Description "film- Unilei/ Statesâ€"containing an acerrnni ol’illrr Lupâ€" og‘raphy. settlement. history. revnlmzon-n run; other interesting evoc‘s. stalisties. pr «1' in agriculture, Cantifactnras’ and popr-lnrrmr. 6 l'.,, ((0.. cl'each state in the union. Ifiilllcll'fllell \vrtllr two hundred Engravings of the p‘irit-ipril (-rrlr-s. phi-"5N, buildings. scorrory.cnriositio<. seals of rho. states. &c.. the. b00pages oeinvo. Scar's’ Treasury of Knowledge and Cy- clopedia of Sricnco and Artâ€"con. .rrirrrg :r r [11's amount ot’inturesirng and useful iri‘or‘iiirvtnr: _- astronomy. travels in the Holy Land. flown-w. of America. car-lysettlnmcnts. of the rennin”, biographies of eminent men. incidents or rr-r‘ vol. discoveries in science, (.0. \‘r r'.|r irumcre ous Engravings. 512 pp. Svo. Sears" Scenes and Sketches of (bar'- ncnlial Fluropeâ€"embraciri,1r dos-e prions or' France. I‘oriugal. Spain, Italy, Sir-Hy. an rm 1- Iand. Belgium. Holland, 850. ; tuger'n-r \irrir views and notices ofthc principal olrlt‘t'ts ol' 1:!â€" torest in Paris. Roucn. Lisbon. Madrid, l.:t'i.' Iona, Pisa. Leghorn. Rome. Napliw. Ilcrt‘l-Iu . um, Pompeii. I’mstnng’alcrmo, Makia. ‘é't'rr ct". Tliornlrill. August 11. 1857. glfl-tf' THOMAS REDON, Milan Geneva. Furnos. Brussels TyroL Aug- ’ ’ Prolmelm“ werp. Rotterdam. Amsterdam. ‘Vn‘lt‘l‘lfitl.‘u‘t:_, 1V 0 T I C E . Killgi N0“ 19- l857~ 21‘?"ka &c. Carefullv com ilod from the bcstand llklli‘l. .__._ 7H ' 777777‘ IVOTIâ€"“VI If ' I “v N ' pF ' "(l d . . . . . . . . sources. umerous .n ravrngs, a.) 3) up. VALUABLE PROPERTY v (“UFTLR‘SM'UHERW’ g H [N THE Flourishin g. Village IN THE Township of murmur, 61'? FOR SALE. 4;) IONSISTING of Three Village Lots, with suitable Buildings. with a fourth part of an acre 01' Land attached to ranch. One is a small Cottage suitable for a small family. The second is a New House, adapted for a. Mechanic of any; kind or Doctor. (as there is no Doctor in the neighbourhood). The thirdis a Large House, with all the accomodarious for a Tavern, with a never-failing \Vell of \Vater. Also. good,suila- IIIG ourâ€"buildings. consisting of drivingvlionsc, large shed. woudvshed, granary and stable. to- gether with some choice Fruit Trees, comprisrng plums, pears. Currants. and the black tame cherry. BU'I‘TONVILLB is situated on a pleasant rise of ~ground, on the ~Iilr (Toner-5min of Mark- ham There is an established I’ost-Ollicc together with a Gristsnd Saw Mill. Srorc. with Mechanics , LI. those who wish a superior Cutter. can be A’ supplied by callim:r at the Plrmnix Carriage Factory. Markham Village. C. W. IL? Please to give an early call, HENRY R. “'ALES. Proprietor. gn3~8t Nov. 1 t1r.1857. Straycd. ‘lAME into the Subscriber's promises. Lot No. / 13. ‘3an ('orr. Markham. about six weeks sinco,a YEARLING HEIPER CALI“. The and take her away. “ GEORGE QUAN I'Z. Nov. 28. 13.37. 226.1m strayed, 1ROM’ Lot No. 31, 51b Concession Markham. ll r‘ir'rrcrix ‘ Lwrs. and 'I hree \Vetliers. A ny person re~ lrrr'nlllL' them or giving information of them to tho Sub~crtber will be well rewarded. - HEN DERSOA BELL. ot‘different kinds. Almir'a, Nov. ‘27. 1857. gQIi tf Terms easy. apply to tho Proprietor on the.- - T T I premises. or by Letter, post-paid (0 Brittonville. i Q, _ h Possession will be given on the 1st of April. or if ‘ ‘7 needed. the lit ofJauunry. 1“ .. 7“ i) l [13" Title indisputable. m \4 . Q . i " - . . > .4 WILLIAM MORRIbON. is. [a , Buttonvillo. Oct. ‘28. 1857. gas-tr N. c: .. a: o g ‘ i o : 1.1.1 0 l: c . LYMAN, BRO’S.&CO., q a. l ‘ z , c L, a, v r. r .. ' ’ a - P i". r \viror.r;s-rLr; Dutcms i s, . < V’ l o s z. m. , , _ . . ‘ [J _ A0. 4, St. Lawrence Bur/(lengs. , Q :5 g 1 >4 3 inronrrtnsor. AND animus 1‘! E 2 § I" O I’urn Drugs, Surgical lilel'ulllL‘L‘lS‘ l m m < Chemicals, “rm-lies. N, ,â€" Z _ Spices. Dyesiutl's. Q a '2 I’erl'nrriory. Paints and Colours, a) < 9. Policy Soaps. Oil: (Lamp. Point, 510..) v .5 1 Patent Medicines, \an'riishcs, k: Lil .3 India Rubber Goods. Clothiersy Materials, ' m DRUGGISTS’ GLASSYVAIIE, &c.&c.. and which thev offer to the trade at lowest rail. L. IS. a. C0.'\\’ollftl particularly call the alien-i tion of Dealers and I‘aiiitors 1.0 the Ground III/rile Lead, Colour-vi in Oil, Pally, Palm: Dryers, 61., “ trial. they will be found superior roiho impor't‘d r Toronto, Oct. 23:18.57 Straycd z N to the promises of the Subscriber. Lot 67, 151 Cancer-sion King. One VVeiIrer Sheep, JOHN LEGG. Conveyance to Railroad l ‘1 J ‘ lstation ! fl‘IIE Subs-(Tiber bogs to remind the inhabitants of liclrrnond IIrll and the public generally, that he runs a regular Conveyance, Twice a day, to rho Railroad Siation. and respectfully solrcrts their patronage thereto. Passengers conveyed to any part offilre conntrv on the shortest rrolree. ' RICHARD NICHOLI.S. Dec. 3. r537. germ sTRAYED. AME into the promises of the Subscriber, Lot C October. .1 TWO YEAR. OLD BULL. owner is requested to prove property. pay damages. and take hrrn away. JOIIN' ATKINSON. ownci'is requested to prove properly. pity charges. _ SHICEI’. Comprising Twelve. No. 41. l~t Con. Vaughan. about the 1st of; Thel Sears’ Pictorial DPSCTfplZOn of Great Britain (Ind Irelandâ€"together Will: niitir-vsor‘rlic r principal places. natural curiosities. iii in the Kingdom and the British Islands. “'izlr soverer hundred handsome Engravings. Illustrative n‘r' Scenes 01' picturesque beauty. churches cm.- mines. thin. in those celebrated countries. 5.30 pages octave. ' 1 Sears' Pictorial Family .flnnualâ€"corn- prising within itselfa complete library of useful and entertaining knowledge. ~With Over two hundred Engravings, strictly illustrative. repre- senting actual Scenery. costumes, monuments. 650. 3613 pp. 8vo. Scars7 Information for the Peopleâ€"- comprising: within itself a complete library of useful and entertaining knowledge. This work comprises the finest series of Embelislimenls . ever offered to the public. 600 pages ociavo. Scar-3' A’cw Pictorial Family Instructor ‘ ur DigestofGeneralKnowledgeâ€"comprising a complete circle of useful and enter-toning infor- mation ; designed for families. Scliools,arrd libra- ries. 900 pages octave, Price two dollars and ‘ nhalf. Scars7 Pictorial History of [he Rem/u- tionâ€"a book for every family in the on on ' It contains an account of the early history of 1110 country. the constitution oflhc U. States a c'rrn- irological Index, &C. Several hundred Lirgrav â€" ings. Scars. Pictorial Sztnday-Boolcâ€"dcsigw ed for the use of families, bible-classes. r. Sunday-school teachers; principallyillirstrarit 1- of the manners and customs of eastern Ilufln]|.~.'rrlrl Explanatory of many portions 01' the scriptures, 600 pp. ovo Scarf Bible Biography. 01- llm 1,11- 3 am] Cir/tractors qfl’ie I’riucr/ml l'ersmulgr .< r1;- rorlleil in the Sacred IVritingsfll’i colic-ally acup. ted to the instruction of youth and private tan... lieu; ; containing thirty dissertations on the Jim. dullf‘GS ol‘diviire revelation ; froni'l‘in'rpson’s kt . lo the bible. W'itlr numerousillustrations. 5‘:fi pages ociavo. Scars: lVondcrs of the world~Secon I Seriesâ€"in Two Parisâ€"Part LIVonders of Na- ture. containing a description of the racns of men manners and customs of various nations. bracts. birds, plants, ‘SIC. Part II. Wonders of Art; or descriptions of inventions. cities. ruins. curiosi- ties. Jae. 1Vitli4fl0 illustrations 540 .pp two, Tire Ilisiory of Palestineâ€"from the Patriarchal ago to the present time. By Jon.» KITI'O. editor of the London I’ictorinl Bible. etc. View of .N'iw Ibrkâ€"tlris engraving is printed on a mammoth sheet. 47 by I!) inch... and ought to be very saleable. l’rrcc 50 cents. Dick’s Complete ll’hrlrsâ€"clevcn volsâ€" iu two. 1500 pp. 8vo. Price four dollars and a half. Scars' .New Family Receipt-Boo];â€" containirrg the WI valuable .reipis for the va- rious branches ofCooliery. (reserving. rX'c. Sets rich. Orders for any of the above W'orks received at this 011160 November. if}, 15.1.. "-2 I Vaughan. Dec. 3. 15m REGâ€"if Jive 1311:, 18:37. 31

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