Having in my youth notions of sevére piety, says a celebratrd Persian writer,I used to rise in the night to watch, pray, and read the Koran. One night when I was engaged in these exercises, my father, a man of praclical virtue, awoke while I was reading. If your coat is comfortablv, wear it two orlliree months longer; no mat- ter if the glass is oï¬â€˜. ]f you have no wiï¬- get one; if you hare, God bless her; stay at home with her, instead of spending your evenings in expensive foolerios. B0 honr‘st, frugal, plainâ€"seek content and happiness at homeâ€"be industrious and perscvrring;and our word forit, if you are in debt you will soon get out of it; if your circumstances are now t’nlbill‘l‘JSSt‘d, they will soon become easy. A poor bachelor, after coming out at [he small end of the: horn in all hi5 matrimonial attempts, pathetically ex- claims: \Vhen I remember all The girls I‘ve met togellner. I feel, like a rooster in the full, Exposed to every weather; I feel like one who treads alone Some barn~yard all deserted. VVlsose oats are llvd whose hens are (lead Or off to market started. “ Behold,†said I to him, “ (lly other children are lost in irreligious s‘umber, while Ialore wake to praise God." ‘ Wull,’ says she, ‘ if he is bad, there is one comfortâ€"llxerc‘s very little of him.†“Oh, Mary, Mary, my heart is breaking l†“ Is it, indeed? so much the bettvr for you,3ir." Vl‘lxy so my idol 1" “ Because, when it is broken, you can sell the perCS for gun-ï¬lms.†An ofï¬ce seeker, in urging his ‘claims’ said that his grandfather didn’t ï¬ght in the Revolutionary war, but he guessed he would have liked to i!" he had been in the country at the time. He was :‘ppciated. " Son of my soul,†he answered, “ it is better to sleep lhan to wake to remark the faults of your brethren." A Melodra na was some few years since played in a centain theatre, the chief actor in which had made himself‘ from his haughty and overbearing conduct. disliked by one and all. In the last scene he was supposed to visit the tomb of his ancestors. In the centre of the stage, upon a marble pedestal, stood the statue of his father. A heavy fold of draper covered the ï¬gure. Enter Alhtirtâ€" “ Once again,†he saw. “to gaze upon those features which in lifll so oftrn gazed on me with tenderest affection. Father thy mourning son now comes to [my thee adoration. Let me remove the veil which from the vulgar gaze shields the beloved image ofa once dear parent ?†Off went ll -.- (llapery, and behold the father stood A lady being about to marry a manwho was very low in stature, was told that he was a very bad fellow. A Gentleman of Albama was ly- in;r in bed one morning. when a friend, breakfast is stepping in. sun], “ 1‘ coming on.†“ Let it come,†exclaimed P , with a look of deï¬ance, “ I'm not afraid of it .†Ar genius has discovered a pro- cess for converting old topers into or"- ridge boxesâ€"Thur superiority for that purpose consists in their being always dry. A Dutchmau thus describes the New Yorkers :â€"‘ Fine people’ says he; ‘ day go about der streets all day, hcheuf- ing each oder, and day call dat pusiness. A Miss Wood recently recovered ten thousand dollars damages for a breach of promise of marriage from a [hill-loss swain. High price for wood, We think. Punch says that‘ every family ought to keep a kitten to amuse the chil- dren. They should also keep clnldren to amuse the kitten. Let me never fancy I have zeal till my heart oi'eriloWs with love for every man living. “'c should like to see such sentiments more fashionable. ‘ It is said that the early bird piclrs up the worm; but gentlemen who smoke and ladies wl‘o dance till three o‘clock in the morning, will do well to consider that the worm also picks up the early bird. image ofa once dear parent '!†Oï¬â€˜ went lhc diapery, and behold the father stood (upon his head! The oiled. cannot be dosci‘ibed‘it was electric. The shouts of laughter which followed the mistake of the sconesman efl‘eclunily put an end to the scene, which changed to the next as quick as possible, amid the braves of the audience, the anger of the manager, and the uncontro'lnblc rage of the actor. The man who minds his own business was in town on Sn'u~day,but left immediately, as he felt so lonesome. ‘Is itnot very curious,’ said an old gentlemanï¬l few days since, to his friend, ‘ that a watch should be perfect‘y dry, when it has a running spring inside T’ The other day, an old lady rush- ed into the garden in search of her daugh- ter, on being told that the young lady had gone there with a ‘ rake.’ A lady recently put up at the Jovington Honse, Kentucky, with hues- band and tlnrly-two children. all her own! Francis Pigg. of Indianna, has run away from Mrs. Pig: and four liltle Piggs. The Gazette sayshe is a hog. W'â€" Quack Doctors are considered 1 drivers’ of the ‘ last stage’ of disease. Here Wit in W“ With Wisdom in And both unite! To form the 5112‘ @352 érrnp 215m. (1er I23 was some few layed in a certain theatre, the in which had made himsslf :hly and overbearing conduct bright efl'ulgeuco glows, m joined. mrongh rhyme and proud. ile their charms in one, saga and hum’rous pun. How To MAKE A House DRAW.â€" Ionee knew a man that bought a ï¬ne lnolting sorrel mare, that was t‘alse as a beast could be, bu1 she was ï¬nally cured to perfection in the following way : He geared herto the cart, and went to the cornï¬eld to get a load of pumpkins. After he got some ten or a dozen she thought she had loo much load and refused to pull. He coaxed and‘ patted her for some lime but all .to no purpose. He next got a stick and thumde and thrashed with the same success. He then thought he would try another plan.â€"-â€"He got a Wheelbarrow and wheeled pump- kins enough to make a full load, and put in the cart when he took her by the head again but it was no go. He started home and concluded she might either pull the load or stand there until the day of judgment. But when the sun began to get low she began to think about her supper and started home, paSSing skillfully through three sets of bars, and ar- iivingar at the barn iii safety, with her load. He put her in the stable, and fed her as if nothing had happened SI e refused top ill at two othertimes, but she got the same. treatment eat h time, so she found it was no use, for she had to pull the loud in the end After that she became as good a beast to work as ever was hitched. A \Vag was one day speaking of two of his acquaintances who had gone out \Vest, where the new comers wore usunl'y attacked lhe ï¬rst season \vi.h tho agile; said he. “ NeithPr of Ihose two men will he af- fected by it." " \Yhy not T†inquired a bystander. “ Hecausv," was the rrp'y, “ one of tlwm is [no lazy lo slake, and the other \vo..'t shake unless he gois pay {or it.†We do not like to write roughly, but we must inveigh against the mockish sentimen- talities cf the times, that mis- taken philanthroph)r ofa cer- tain class of men, who, brought up in early life without any religious training, yet possessâ€" ing a high grade of intellect and large-heartedness, strike out into the limitless sea of human amelioration, with heads full ofcrude theories and hypothetical impossibilities, believing themselves and cans ing some. ofthe Weaker folks to believe likewise, that they are We learn from the Chicago Tri- bune that the receipts of Hogs and sales yesterday Were very large. though we cannot quote the market active or ï¬rm. lndced we never saw so many (lrovers, buyers, pack- ers, shippers, commission merchants. and others interested in the Hog trade as there were at Myriclt's an] the Alton railroad depot yesterday afternoon : yet buyers wore quite loth to pay high rates. The sales yesterday reached over 1500 head, at prices from $330 a 4,60. Lots amounting to 700 head were sold together at 81, gross, but it required agood salesman and nice ï¬guring to do it. A very nice lot, of 100 head ofevcn, fat. choice, hogs sold at 83,95, gros.=, for shipment to New York ; 40 car loads of Hogs were received on the Burlington road. about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. most of which were sold. It is :1 good time to slaughter, allkl packers are doing well in disposing ol‘ the ofl'ul. Two or three packing ï¬rms are buying, and some are slaughter- ing on Canadian and New York acâ€" count, grain dealers harng gone in- to the Hog trade. Some sales of Mess Pot k are about being made, on fair terms. l going to regenerate the World I in double quick timeâ€"t0 take a short out towards the millen- nial era, and inaugurate a hea- ven on earth. But having no Bible for their polar star, they } soon “ fetch up†on the break- i ers of human depravity, and, in less than a lifetime, a per- fect wreck is made of all their hopes, and they conclude to wait for the coming of that more propitious age when men shall be “less se_/fls/z;†when, ifthey had read the Bible, they would have found in the out- set, that the very ï¬rst com- mand in the Christian system was directed against that very principle in the utterance of the Saviour, when he would describe the ï¬rst step.towards lanelevation toabetterandhigh- lernatui'e : “Deny thyself, ta/re up (by cross, then “follow me.†This very class of persons, Praft, and Fourier and Ann 'I.ee with Dale Owen, and The Cincinnati Gazette of the 3rd, inst., says that Hogs were not pressed and the feeling was, if any- thing, better than on yesterday. There appeared to be buyers for all there were offered. at $4.80 a 4,90 for light and $5 :1 5,10 fur lots avera- ging 200 to 230 lbs. It required heavy, well fatted animals to bring anything over $5. The receipts were considerably less than for either ofllic past three days. The weath- er was also more favorable. INSANI'I‘Y. The Hog Market. It is to one only of these pretended benevolences that we designed to draw attention, when we wrote the heading of this articlesâ€"the Plea ofInsan- ity, which is now so rife, and which is to become the scape- goat of every infraction ot'law, and justice, and right. Al- ready has it come to pass, that, ifa man eats liimsell'to death, or guzzles bad liquor until he can guzzle no more, or studies himself to a skeleton, and then jumps into the river, or puts a bullet through his heart, the merciful verdict is, “ He is in- sane.†Ifhe forges his friend’s name 01' tires his neighbor’s dwelling or his onn store to secure the insurance; or ifa young lady allows herself to be abducted by another wo- man’s husband, or a hysterical daughter ofa millionaire mar- ries her father’s coachman, the convenient cloak of “insanity†is benevolently thrown around the. delinquencies and aberra- tions, and next day the Weak and the unprincipled alike Show themselves in the streets, the “ observed of all obser- vers,â€â€"the lions of the hour. Theodore Parker, and Bris- bane, and the lesser lights, such as Pearl, Andrews, Hine, Garrison, Thompson, F. Wright, Nichols, and others of a kindred nature, Woman’s Rights people, Bloomerites, Radical Abolitionists, Vege- tarians, Water Curers, Spiri~ tualists, Table Tippers, and all that; through all these classes of'people there runs a certain vein of pseudo-philanthropy and rank inï¬delity, bordering on Atheism, which shows with perfect plainness that they are radically one and the same thingâ€"enemies of the Christian religion, rushing with reckless indifference into the plausible and untriedâ€"all careless ofwhat ruinous conse- quences may follow, and will follow, should their plans fail. We may with great safety Set it down as an incontrovertible Fact, that the moment a man begins to improve on Bible philanthropy that moment he becomes a fool.â€"'l‘urning every woman into a herma- phrodite,thc reckless instan- taneous freeing millions of thriftless and improvident slaves, sweeping half the good things of this life from our tables, dismantling our dwell- ings, cutting the useles but- tons from our coats, converting our statuary into lime for man- ure, covering our cattle with the canvass which records the genius of immortal artists, the disssolution of the marriage tie, “made easy†as the un- loosing of an old shoe, hug- ging the heartless murderer to their bosom the moment he is found out, and serenng seoundrels of every grade from the penalties of the law, through the tender mercies of the Insane Asylumâ€"these, we say, are but a part ofthe at~ tempts to improve on Bible mercy, on Bible polity. How none of them have succeeded, how all of them have miser- ably failed, and always will fail, present observations teach, and the true historians offuture times have nothing to do but to reiterate the lesson. But, not to make our article too long, we propose, in short, that all persons be tried for the crimes fairly charged against them. Let the major- ity ofthe jur)r decide on the verdict as to the fact of the act; then let the plea ofinsan- ‘ tiy come. It not sus- tainedletthelawtakeitscourse. ‘ lt' sustained, let the person be: ‘ committed to an Insane A sylum l for life, if the crime was a cap- ital onegor, if cured of their insanity, to be transferred to‘ the penitentiary for the rem- 1 nant of their days. 1 1f the act be only a peniten- tiary otfencc, let them be sentI to the Asylum, to remain for! ' life, or until cured ; and when cured, let them serve the same time in the penitentiary which . they would have done had they " not been declared insane. For beyond question, if insane,I the Asylum is the proper place for them ; if not insane the penitentiary should not be cheated of its workmen. In other Words, either have no laws or enforce those we have enactedâ€"[fall’s Journal of Health. Is heaven-born charity and her sister, true benevolence, thus to mantle over all that is dishonorable and murderous, and to cover lechery from our sight? These things ought not so to be. The true phil- antropists of our day and gen- eration should wake up to the discovery of an efleetual rem- edy for these evils. G. A BARNARD. Richmond “ill. will conduct business solely on CASH OR SHORT CREDIT. Six months will [)0 given on all new Accounts, payable prompllv un Isl October & lat ‘ . v . s . Apnl In each year. “'ith an unus nl assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. in every fabxic. make. shape. Rule and variety. which he ull'ers on the above terms, and much less than ever sold hel'ore, In con- ï¬hing his business m shorter time. he is assured of the necessity of a general adaptation to the new prinéiplo. which mnsx supersede the Long 01151111171111 Lang Pm :Sgstem, in general we in thus ('ounlrv ; and cunviucrd that a discerning pubhc w1ll avail lhenhulvos of the NEW Svsrlum, whercbv they min eï¬'ect asaving from 15 ta 20 per cent on the average on Goods they usually require. ' Ready-made VVinUar Clothing. North of Toronto, in every variety of styln and fabric. Having purchased tut: milexial, and had them made expreamy for his own trade, he can thoroughly recommend them as D U R A B L E, And for CHEAPNESS THEY CAN nor BE SURPASSED. Having devoted a attention to this class of trade, lie would earnestly solicit an inspection, being of giving entire satisfaction. C L 0 TH I N C Dry Goods, Sum“ Proï¬ts and Quick Returnsâ€"One Price and no Abatement! Made to order, in evary style, from almost every material. at the MOST ECONOMICAL pnxcss, at J Thibet, Vccuna and Plush. Also, an Excellent Assortment of Meni’ Scotch Lambs \Vool, VVorslerl and Flannel Drawers. Scotch Lambs \Vool, scarlet, blue, white and Fancy Flannel Shirts. Woolen sorks and gloves, of all suzcs and qualities. Scarlet and fancy mufllPrs. A nice assort- ment of coloured lambs wool and woolen varns, &c., which will be sold at a slight advance on cost, FOR CASH! at Cr. A. B. earnestly and respec‘ifully solicits a call. and on examination. his prices will bu CONCEED‘ I-tn '10 AS Lawn-m. than any in the Neighborhoud.â€"-His mouo shall be : Who will from the ï¬rst of November next, carry on the business on the same approved system as heretofore. Tch Subscriber, in returning hi9 sincere thanks [7 the inhabitants of Markham and viciuily. {or the liberal patronage bestowed on him dming the last ’l‘wuntynhme yems he has bum in bURlllt‘SS at VICTORIA SQUARE, would beg leave to state that he is about “Wm,ng [he Blacksmilh business and moving to the West, and that he has let hi: P't’Iniscalo 'l‘he Subscriber has much pleasure in recommending Mr. MACKENZIE to the former Pnh‘ous of this Emthlishment and the public generally, as a young man of steady, punctual, bu-‘ine‘g ham"; h“ ti'els the more conï¬dent in doing so, having had hnn in his employment during the 1215’ twelve months, during which time he was perfectly satisï¬ed with his workmanship. 'l'rueting he may meet with the same countenance and support, formerly bestowed on this establishment, he would beg to subscribe himself, Hosiery. Gloves. & Ribbons, Blankets & Flannels. Children’s Wool Goods of every description. A good Assortment of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. C.D. rcspcclilully Solicits an Inspection of his Stock which will be found to be large and well assorted. “ CHEAP SYSTEM ! THE Subscriber would beg leave tn intimate to the inhabitants of Markham and vicinity,that he has leased the premises at present occupied by Mr. WM. G. HINGSTON. Victoria Square; and that the business hitherto carried on by Mk. HINGSTON will from Ihe lat ol‘NoVember, b" carried on by the Undersigncd, who will atall times endeavor to merit a continuance 01 the patronage so liberally extended to his predecessor. The Subscriber will at all times be prepared to execute all kinds of On the {nest reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Solic the publxc patronage, he would beg to subscribe himself, Your obedient servant, WINTER DRY GOODS GROCERIES. &c.. A FIRST RATE ASSORTMENT! The above Goods will be sold at the lowest postible rates. For panic-u Kirbmond 11in, Oct. 30,1857, AUTUMN & WINTER GO0DS and is now prepared to do all kinds of Bucxsuwmxc, from n Faring Machine lo a Locomotives but betwixt and helween he would call pmliculnr attention to his stock of all of which are made of the very best material, and got up under his own inspection. His 101 experiqnoo in the business will eunble him to givesausfaclion to all those who may purchasa call to inspect. Short Life to the Old Systemâ€"Long Credit, Long Life to the New Syslemâ€"SI-IORT CREDIT, Surccss to the Best Systemâ€"TERMS CASH Yum): iaSqual-e. Nnv. M. 185 Richmond Hill. June 30, 1857 Richmond Hill. Oct. 15,1857. UST RECEIVED. a varigty of the Newest Patterns in Black and Grey Cloth VICTORIA SQUARE, Oct. 12, 1857 lichmond Hill, Oct. 30. 1857. VICTORIA SQL‘AnE, Oct. 12, 1857‘ LADIES†MANTLES OHN \V. FIERHELLER begs to inform the inhabitants of Markham and surrounding Town ships dial he has commenced business at VICTORIA SQUARE, GENERAL BLACKSMITH W'ORK, C rockc ry, ALI. EREATIflN EHflLLENEEl]!!! A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest. best, and ( heapest assoxtment of â€"AL50â€" Five Hundred Pairs Ladies’, Misses’, and Childrens’, Boom, Shoes 81. R Ladies' Cloaks & Manllcs, Ladies’ Wool Jackets, ELHTHENG T SUIT THE HERE] TIMES! RETlRING FROM BUSINESS. AN IMMENSE STOCK! DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS! ds, Groceries, Ladies" 6L Childrens’ B0015 & Shoes, G. A BARNARD is now receiving a. largo and well selected stock of CHARLES DURRANT’S BLACKSMITHING. EW FALL GOODS! ALCONBRIDGE Drugs & Medicines, READY MADE CLOTHING! CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS 0:? Markham Economist please cepy tiIl forbid REIGN AND BOYS’ VICTORIA SQUARE. Markham Economist please copy till forbid I? Terms at hie ,Customcta proposal. £1] i, and on the shortest notice. Soliciting a continuance of â€"NE‘V ARRIVAL OFâ€" IS RECEIVING HIS â€"â€"ON TII Eâ€"â€" G. A. BARNARD’S, Richmond Hill A. BA RNARD'S, Richmond Hill. ’aints, Your obliged servant, Ladics’ Dress Goods, Lndics’ Silk & Wool Scarfs, Blankets & Flannels. \Vln. G. I'IINGSTON. CHARLES DURRANT. g2] JOHN B‘ICKENZIE \Vincs (S; Liql‘ors, Hard “'21 re, For )Mrtiwiars sec Bills Rubbers, Oils, g21-2m pal titular conï¬dent g194f (94-3! g4‘tf Ion Toronto. June. 1857 One Door South If the GAZETTE Oï¬ce William H. Myers, Premium Harness I‘Ianufaciurrr, P R 1 Z 111 for Harness at {he Yonge Street Ag‘ ricuhural Show. Two Years in successiun. he fauls conï¬dent that he can give cnl'ne salisi'actxou in all branches of his bnSiness. RICHMOND HILL "f‘ A large stock of Harness, 6L0. always on hand. and made to order a: the lowest possible reTl‘ugeralingNérce' SADDLE é- HA RNESS ES'I‘ABLISHMENT. ESPECTFULI.Y announces to the Public generally. that he havng taken the F1 R S T P R I Z E for Harness at the Yonge Street Ag‘ Richmond Hili, Oct. 30. 1857 Friends and the Public, (lint he has onslantly on hand a large and varied ussortmem t' Ludues’ and Gemlenieus' BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIE'I‘ION ! Of the best quality and workmanship. and almost exclusively of Home Munq/‘actura Also. a largo stock of Ready-Made Clothing! Comprising Coats. Vesls. Pnnls. Hats and Caps &c.. &c., of even size and description; also 0f excellent quality and manuluctura. fill of which he will sell as low as any house in Upper Canada. \A/VOULD respectfully intimate to his D can now be had in any quantity. from One to a Thousand Bunches, at. Mr. JOHN Luas’rAF'r's Shingle Mauufautory. Yonge‘StrceI. near 'l‘hurn- lull. No hand-made Shingles can aqua! those made by Steam. l'ol'neauwss and durability. Specimens ut‘ his Shingles may be seen at (ha ‘- Gazette" Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. and m. Mr. Rufus Skin- ner’s. Grocs-r. Yougc Street. Toronto. Thornhiil. Sept. 10. 1857. gl4-tf for CASH. Richmond Hill. July 23. 1857‘ 05: All Work Warranted. .1503 [HE Subscriber begs to inform Ihe In- habitants of the above-named Villagge and surrounding Country, and the Public gen- erally. that he has leased the above Hotel, formerly kept by THOMAS MAY. which he has ï¬lled up and furnished for the accommodation of his Cuswmers, and he trusts by constant anemic“ to [hair wanls [0 seouxe a |ibera| palronage. Liquors of 1118 best brands at the Bar, and every allemiou paid to Guesls. W E S '1‘ E R N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. GlLuox. Pres. ] Tnos. HAWORTH. V. Pm Wm. Henderson, Rice Lewis. James Laask. George Michia, Hugh M “or. J. P. Robins. Walter Macfarlane. Robt. Stanton. Sac. Tms Comp/m1 Insures all descriptions of Buildings, Manufacturius. Mills. &c.. and Good: mud Furniture. In due same. against loss or dam- age by ï¬re. on liberal terms. Losses promptly seulod. Richmond Hill. August 13.1857 Residznca _ HOUSE. snuated on Centre Street For parliculms apply to LUKES’ HOTEL. HOLLAND LANDlNC. [13' Head Ofliu, Church Street. Toronto. .3 Richmond'rim, 0m 15, 1857‘ Holland Landing. Sept. 10, 1857 ‘u 1 WE. "H IV :‘HHI “p ;‘ To Buildes, Farmers aml Otlms! HINGLES. 01“ A SUPERIOR QUALITY, W0 ACRES OF LAND AND FRAME ‘RY GOODS nd Millinory, Clothing and Gentleman’s Outï¬tting Emporium Silks, Ribbons. Broad Cloths. Sal Lace Goods. Tweeds. Satiuels, Fancy Tweeds. Poplins, Parasols. CARRIAGES, DUGGIES AND WAGGONS, PAINTED AND TRIMMED. Richmond Hill, Sept 1. 185‘ Fire Saltaras_ Drab Kerseys. Ro’bo Dresses, Challis Dresses. Sh CflPITflL STD CK, £100,000. Gruiner, Gilder, Glazier, and Paper Hanger. Boot and shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. ISCORPORATZD )IY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. RECHMOND HiLL. SHINGLES. Hausa Sign and Ornamental JAR J. MORRISON, Lace Goods, Tweeds. Fancy Tweeds, Poplins. Moire Antique, Shn FOR SALE, MES HALL, Voire Antique, Shawls. F1 |s_ Head Dresses. Veneli: ys. Straw Goods, Bath Cords. Plounccd Dresses, Muslin dresses. Shepherd Plaid, &c.. King Street East, Toronto. THOS. LUKES. G. DOLM AGE, A. LAW, Rice Lewis. George Michia. J. P. Robmm. Robl. Stanton. Sac General Agent. Pruprictor 'oplielor gIS-ly 7g-lf gl4-3m 010-!" Victoria Square. JuneIOIhJBST T0 MECHANICS, INVENTORS, AND MANUFACTURERS. N announcing the Thirtvonlh Annual Volume of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. he Puhl'bhers respectfully inform the public that in order to increme mud stimulate the formation of Clubs, they pIOpOSB :0 (ATM One Thousand F I've Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums. for the ï¬fteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the ls: of Januu-y, Ib58; premiums to be dus- lnbmed as follows :â€" For the largest list..............$300 2nd du...... . . 250 LARGE SUPPLY of Mngislrales’ Blanks. net-ording lo the latest forms, for sale at lhis Ofï¬ce. by the duzen or hundred. 2nd do....................v250 3rd do ................... 2W] 41h 51h 61h 7th 8th 91h luth lllh 12m 13m 14m 25 15m 20 Names of subscribers can be soul in at difl‘eronl times and from different l’osl. “mg-es. The cash will be paid to the orders of [he snccesfl'ul com- peliloxs. anedzalcly allerthe 151 of January, 1858. Southern. Western, and Canada money will be taken l'ox‘subscriplions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit m'amy-six cents extra on each year’s subscription: to pro-pay postage. IL is therefore hoped that the [’riulers of Cana- da will show their appreciation of the advantages it hoids out, by bonuwing upnn il. a fair share of their patronage, in return fur which the proprietors pledge themselves ro leave no means untried to give ample salisfaclion. Tum: or SUBSCmP-I [UNIâ€":1 Six Months. The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada Typo Foundry, will he found at. Ila-1.4.30 per cent. less than they could be pur- chased previous to its establishment. Primers ! 'mark ï¬he reduclion in the price of type since this Foundry was opened : and bear in mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- selves. Onr mono isâ€"snpply the trade Wi'll type of such quanxilil-s and at such prices m: will pre- vent the new».in of patronising foreign manu- factnrers. The followinglist of a few ortha principal urlic des requier by primers. will give an idea of the great advantages of the Canada Typo Foundry-â€" HE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the Pan ors of Canada. that they have now manufactured and ready for delivery. a large quantity of Small l‘ica. Long Primer. llourgeorw and llravier. uf Scotch taco. which they will gun- runtee cannot be surpasxed b_\ any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. They have also on Land 3 choice usmlment of various kinds of _ __ Five copies ‘or 6 months†Five copies for 12 months. . Tun copirs for b' InOIHhSu 8 'l‘eu copies fur l2 months†.. . l5 Twenty copies for 1‘2 IPDI‘IIllS- . . . . . . .28 For all Clubs of Twenty and (war. the yearly Sub>cripll0u is only $1 40. ........$4 8 The new volume will be primed upon ï¬ne paper wi h new type. The general character oflhe Scimtiï¬c Amtriclzn is well known. and,as heretol'oreit will bechiefly devoted to llie promulgation oi’ inlormalion iolating to the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts. Manufactures, Agriculture. l‘atenb'. lnvenlions. Engineening. Mill H ark. and all interests which the light 0! Practical Science is calculated to ad- vanes. ltis i>sued weekly. in form for binding ; it contains annually from 500 to 6'10 ï¬nely exeruled Engravmgk‘. and Notices of An erican and Euro- pean Improvements, together will! an Ofï¬cial List of American Patent (Tlaims pnlnlishud neekly in advance of all ollierpnpers. MUNN & 00.. Puinshers and Patent Agents. No. 1226 Fulton street. New York. g2} 33’ Specimen coLiés “ill be sent gratisto am" part of tha country. Canada Type Foundry. REMOVED 10 ST. THERI-Zl-lc S11. N DEBERAT’S ls 10d “ Bourgeoiso - . - 15 8d at Long Primer - - . Small Pica- - . _ . 15 7d .. Pica - . . . . _ 15 6d " II? All olher Book Fons in proportion. Luvsâ€"6 lo Pica and lhickm. ls per 1b.: 7 to Pica. 153d; Uto Pica ls 6d. N.B.-â€"Pnblishers of newspapers giving insertion to (his ndverlismem for 2 months. will be allowed their bills upon purchasing ï¬ve times their amount of our manufacture. Editors will confer a favor by directing ullemion (o the announce- ment. '1‘. J. G. 61. Co. IT DRIVES BULL EAREQ HE Members of the Victoria Square Sax-Horn Band [under the luixion of R. Wiseman.] beg to inf-rm the Pubiic that. they have recently recenved some of (he most Composed by Grafulin. Dodsworlh and Frierierich and that they are now prepared to attend to all calls from any part of the Country. [1’ All Orders left at the Post Ofï¬ce. ViClori‘ Square. or at R. Wisemw’s. Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill. will be uwndod to. “ Gazette†Ofï¬ce. Aug 27, 1857 Fancy dooskins, Venetian Clblhs, Bath Cords. Popular Music of the Day! Montrea‘. May 1801. 1557 BLANK FORMS. Nonpmiel - Minion - - Brevier- - Bourgeoiso Long Prime Ornamental Type ILDINGS. Mo CLUB RATES AW AY ! THOS. J. GURNIN & Co. Hosierv. Barege dresses. Satius. Gloves. St. Therese Street fear, or $1 for Bo n n els. Doeskins, Mnntillas Gd per lb. ....... l-tf. NIVERSALLY known throughout Cann- dn and the United States for his ski“ and success In Restoring Lost Sight & Hearing! Al I! ramming all Disenses of the Eye and Ear generallv. begs most respectfully to inform Iho‘e afï¬rmed in these delicate organs, thatho has for- waijdedio theoflice of this paper a few down °°l‘|\‘sof the 4th edition of his 7l‘catisc on Disca- 553.‘.’f U": Eye and Eur. published this day. which will be presented to applicants. . ' v . r r I. fuzlm‘o lo oblmu rehefln these cas xhe country. is the result of imprn and a want of )zxnzunmca. slum TENK‘Y on the pan oflhose professi ing to cure such diseases. es throughout per treatment, . and coun- ng or attempt- Ten Thousand Copies are now ready fur distri- bution. Thin weik contains nearly 2000 pages of reading matter. in which will be found reported n'e-ge number of most importantnnd successful operations on the Eye. and more than One Hunllrcd interesting Cases of every d ccrip :ion. Illustrated with numerous Cuts rnd M Also. will be seen. Letters and References fro highly respectable parties from ll parts of Cann- da and the United Slalomâ€"till of which will be found well worthy the careful perusal of the afflicted. The Author feels fully assured that prejudiced reader of this work will be lhal Diseases of the 1-131 or Ear in short ofcomplvle disorganization. an lUBSCRTBT‘IRS who do not give u:- k prc Notice to the cmilmry,are con- sidrrud as wishing to continue lheir sub- scription. If Subscribers order llte discontinuance 0‘ their papers, the publisher may c0nlin"e H send lhrm till all arrearages are pm . lfsubscribi-rs noglect or refuse tn take: their papers from the ofï¬ce to which tlwy are directed, they are responsible [ill they have setllcd their Bills, and ordered their papers to be discontinued. This Work will ah: be forwarded to indivi- duals fru: If c/mrgc) sending their add 858. PosTvl’AlD. lo the Author at Toronto. Tones-m. June 81h. 1857. 213-†. nu nuulur muls Iuny assured that every un- prejutlicctl reader of this work will be convinced that Disensrs ol‘lhe liye or Eur in m: ‘tage short (“complete disorganization. can Quay be cum! .- and ix must appear evident lo y vousidorale person that the principal cause If fuilurn m nl‘l r._. AL 1f subscribers remove to other places withnnt informing the publisher. and (he paper is sent to the former ï¬rm-3‘9, they an- lwld responsible. ( From 3] ~veurs’ experience in the buslllons and prompt aurnliun (0 all orders with which he may Ln- Iavored. combined with ail enrnesldmire to plome his cu-lomers. he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. In a proper and snlisi'aclory manner, by eredi- eating Paints. Oil, Tar. éze. $0.. and )esloring Colors to their original appearance. so as to giro Gentleman’s wearing apparel the full appear- ance of new. All {ransilory advertisements. from strangers nl irrrgnlar customers, must be paid for when hunded in for insertion. ‘IJE Undersignvd lions leave lo inform the 1 Public ilm he holds himself in readiness at his Old PI~1aliislnnenL which has been con- unued for the last Six Years. in [his Cilv (No. lGJ, Yougo Street, and (lireclly opposiia the " Brillannuia llivllSB.†'l‘orumo,) to Renovate. clean and Rrpair illl Descriptions of Clothing, A liberal discount “ ill be made to parties ad ventisiug by the year. Sixh‘nes and under. ï¬rst inserlion £0 23. 641 Each subsequent insertion. . . . 0 71d Ten lines and under, ï¬rs: insertion 35. 4d Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . 0 1:! Above lcn lines, ï¬rst in.. per line 0 1d Earl)subsequentinserlion,perlin ‘ K, " 1d [1? Advenisemenls without w 1 direc- "~ - . . ‘ (um- Inserted [Ill forbid. and ch used accord- AI! Vadvcrtisemeuls published for lien pe- r'on than one month. must be paid for in ad- Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages Ire paid : and pariies refusing papers without pay- mg up. will be held accounlabie for the sub- scrlpliun Merr‘lmnls and others who advertise “banâ€! the TRIBUNE will have their Cards inseer in Hue Business Direclon'. OCULST & AURIST, Operator on the Eye and Ear GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Dr- CADWELL, T H E grim?!) @tihaï¬i‘. The BRITISH TRIBUNE will always be And despatched (0 Subscribers by the earliest mulls, or other conveyance. when so desired. EVERY FRID AY MORNING, T E R M S.â€"Two Dollars per Annum Avwmu: ; and ifuolpaid within Six Mg two dollars and a half will be charged. “'1’ l liam '1‘ 1- “(I go o n, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. B00k and Job Printing E s TAB LISHMENT. RDERS for anvLZ’fHEIâ€"e-undermenlionod description or PLAIN and FANCY JOB “VORK will be promptly almnded to :â€" 5°°KS. “ch mus. ausmzsa CARDS. LARGI of new 1‘ Circulnn. now and of [h Law Respecting Nmspap Toromo, June 51h. 18: found to contain the latest and most important FOI'E'lL'H and Provincial News and Mylth and llu greatest care will betaken launder it acceptable to the man of business, and a valu- al-le Famil) Newspaper. LETTERâ€"PRES LAW YORIS. .AID AND SMALL posnzns. cmcuums, mu. HIADSJMNK CHICKSJRAFTS. P A M P H L E 'I' S . And every other kind of done in the best a 0m- usormmm u \1’. R. ROBERTSON, PRINTER Rates: of FREE OF CHARGE. | (he best style. at mo rams. Iorlnwm uf JOB T V 15 enlirokv :f the latest patterns. A huge Val-301v 'ancy Type and Borders. for CurdS. &rc.. kept always on hand. 0F TORONTO. IS PUBLISHED “'M. RICIIA RDSON‘ Advertising: s PRINTING gl3-1y pox-4. l-lf. 1d 1d