M I ‘ long range ofthe Eitficld rillcs, the repml ' kitts r " “21115 glima. Indy" Neill has a family of nine â€"%ix sons and three dan5lttrrtvâ€"tbe eldt-st std! ut-Irr age. The Pays states that the British "00115 Not from England I) India. via ,Egypt, Ii id arrived at. Aden lrom Ma‘ta .in twelve days. .Stores and an hospital Ital been established at Aden for tlte . re- ception of troops. ~_ The billowing advertisement ap- proved in one of the St. I’cterslturg papers :â€"" To be sold. portraits of Nana .‘allib, tlte Indian chiel, the slayer of the ‘ English, at 15 copecks eaclt,tliic proceeds for the reliefoftlie sutlcreis in the Crimea." Two more volumes of Lord Mn- catilt-y"s history. bringing it down to the . end of the. it-igii of Queen Anne. are ap- l L mulling completimi; and II is said that ' they nifl be published shortly after tlte completion of the cheap etli ion now in , course of issue in monthly volumes. The Eist ludizt Coinltauv, at a special general entail lit-Id on the Itht carried a restlï¬ion granted to M aior General Sir Arc It .tle \thsoil in a unity of£1000. :Iul to Indy N all :1 il \1 s. Ncll tlsnn. tn ther of tlte latr- B.'.;n lltft'~(;.'llt: '31 John Nicholson. suecizil liBIhIOIIS of £300 per annum respectively. It appears that one Englishman at Delhi, having| been raptumd by tlu- uzutiaeers, lent thnm iin tortaut assistauco: as an .trtilleryiita-i. to save his life. Four oll ers also, at .‘lOr'Illtlbflil.llli'llt'tl Mussul- mitts for the same pn'pose. llut win-n We l't‘lli‘t'l that out 015 000 r:lii-isliiiiis,ett- [105111 to death and stdl mot-t: honritilc tor- tures, only live yllfllli‘l! their faith to their fears. we crinno litit recognize :in tIt-i swinvin; ï¬delity to rell;l"tt.\’ faith not ex- ceeduJMt iii the more noisy era of the cru‘adcrs. General Caurobcrt has written to a lady now in PJII‘. widow of an linglislt general killed iii the Ctitnua. a letter full ofthe deepest adiiiiratimt ofthc British troops in India. ‘- No one who has set-ii “Will and val )ur displayed by the Bi itish 'oï¬inrrs can have Iiad any doubt of tlu- issue,“ are astonished at the ~these immense results have been accom- plished.â€-- Court Journal. says the Marshall ; h but evrn we speed wi'li which A letter from Allahabad saysâ€" ILSt advice to ltis int-n is rich: " Keep out of the way oftbe blue caps (Madras l‘usilicrs). tley hit without ï¬ring (in allusi n to the “ Nana Sahib has again bolted. of which was often not heard); and when the Iligli'anders get. near any village kill all the women, for these are the men who have been sent out Iiy the Queen to avenge the dt-ath of their women and child: co, and that is the reason they go into action with GALLANT EXPLOIT.-â€"Tllc follow- ing is an extract from a private letter _, from her Majesty‘s ship “ IIiglilchr,†ï¬nd 110m; Kong, 13th 01 October: “ Two of our niidsliipmen, a few days since, whilst paddling up one of the even-ks in a .canoe, came suddenly upon a long vow- boat. the yonnslcrs pulled alongside, when the Chinese crew, anticipating. no doubt, that the smalHDeat was only the first efan I-xâ€" peditionat'y force, were taken by s.rpriso, and jn-imcdo-‘H'board. The two albums 'uiuped on board. and. Iinding the i-owboat Cheering at the top of their voices, dust-rti:d,cut ltereable, and towed her down to the ship. This easily-Won prize Iiad live guns. a quantity of other ains. n.td rowed thirty-six oars " The editor of a \Vestern paper owes a land about $1,000.1nrwltirh they hold his note. The dt-taulling wag au- imunct-s thus in his paper: There is a laige ;.ntl rare collection of the autographs of distinguish-11 indi-‘iduals deposited for sa'e k,.,.piug in the ciibitiethtlit- Farmeï¬aud . Iecbauirs‘ Bank. eat-h accompanied with a note in the liitultv-iluig of the auto“ \\'e I. am that they have cost graidiist. the bank a great deal 01 money. 'l‘llt‘y “dd over a thousand for ours. \"t‘. hope grout cave is taken to preserve thesi- t-apit- a1 and interesting rilics. as should tln-y hp last. we doubt whether they could be. Should tiie bank h0\'t'vtl', be so unfortunate as to lose ours easin collected again. wu'b let them have anolhcr at half prin- . ’ 7 in consequence ol the very hard limes."â€"â€" ‘ N. O. Della. Moss'rcn Snipsâ€"1n the midst at launch the Gram Hus/err: has caused in England, We find that already a still lar- gor vessel is projected ; and one, in com- parison tu \vliirh tin- unlauncht-d monster still betscll look small. proji-cletl by Mr. Clare, an engineer of l‘iyei'ptiol; and lllOu;ll be proposes slit: shall be 30,000 tons measurement, and 1.000 feet in IFDUII, she is to draw I water than the Grant Eastern. and sail iiiucb ENE-‘- ‘1'Itis new ship Is {‘33 to Her characteristics are to be: side-wheels, with prope'lor aud‘ . flat bottom. It is stated that Mr. Clare‘s proposals have received flattering eucoup- igeincnt from the Government; and that, should the Great Eastern be successful I... will undoubtedly be able to interest. sumac": capital to undertake his plan. Tm: I‘Lumm m Dunnâ€"A letter from a soldier of the 6th Cambineers .. FM- 3 dewriptiou of tltc t'lclles Cash- says: of Delhi my pen is inadequate. mere shawls, inlaid with gold. bodies cov- ered with gold lace, skirts of dresses, watches, bars of gold. beds of silk and down, such as no uoblemau‘s house in England could produceâ€"you would see Sikhs carrying out of Delhi the ï¬rst day . “ugh-“yew..- \- c w as if they were almost nothing. A shawl tvliirh iti England would fetch £100, they I were selling for four rupees, on] you may depend our fellows were not behind them. It is supposed the liil1‘s will go to Eng- l.lntl wnli upwards of £1000 CflClI.lllQU(;lt General \Vilsou has issued an order that the prizes shall be all put together and divided. wards of 100 rupecs.’ Nest of our men are worth up- DECIMAL Cun'tcscv, AND DECtMAL \VEtGllTS.â€"-Otit' mctchauts are now (.blig ed to send lllt‘lf checks to the ba tits in dull irs :itid cools and to draw llIl‘il' pt'ouiis sory notes and bills (t’XCt‘III in sterling) in dollars and cents. This almost. of [It‘â€" cessily, involves ken-ping the cash book aid the. bill book in the same L'll‘l'l'ltcy'. a step which would fu‘tlter render tlen‘C~.~:tt’y a similar change in all tlte books ofac count. “be take it. to “r ir advanta-‘rt- il not absolutely net‘PSsnry, to fnll.tw lln- example ol the banks and the Government The public convenience arising from the change Will be much enli-uierd by the ’ititli No man in his st-n- IIIOt‘t’mt‘tll hem; gi-itetalâ€"in will mainly dept-nil on it. scs can doubt the tlt'ClllIIi ('lll‘t‘t’llt'y is in- ï¬nitely hllllt‘IIOI' to the old system, how ever much many people's :IlT.'t'lll)llS may cling round the pounds. shillings and pence, “'lllt'll l'nr ‘lDu; years wid e-tutinur' to be popu'a ly used iii comm-tn p.ttlaiit-e. last as shillings :intl pence still have iii llIt‘ United diiiicult to change then tlte forms and liti- States. There is nothing mori- gauges ol' .icvttu it to which a pcnpn! luis bet-n accustomed. Inconvcttirnce will for a while he felt from the want of the no cessarv coins to represent tlu- new cut-- but \Vte informel our l‘r‘th)’ in smtll clitttgc ; we i'xpt-ct soon to receive those. readers some time ago of the preparation nftlie dies than in process. As far as “’1' tall grub-tr. the proposal to introduce deci- mil wci4hts, “Inch w.- beiore advocate. m ets with in tcli furor ; :iul we liipe tril become general .â€"v Illa/urea! (9'11 :rtlc. IMPERIAL 1’1 IlLIAIIISN’I‘. LONDON, 18th Dtct-ml'cr, 1857. The L‘u-iness of the brief Session of Parliament was brought to a close or Saturday, and ltdtb Houses are adjourned until 'I‘hursday,tlic 4th of Feb u try. The Governmt tit proposal ol'a life pension ol £1,000 a year to General Ilavelock was generally felt,bot|i in and out of Pat lament to be a very shabby acknowledgment of that distinguished OlllcPl‘S services, and llS continuance for two lives was strongly urged on all hand-LOLord Palmerston. making a virtue efut‘cessity, intimated on Friday that iii the further progress oftlte bill government were prepared to yield to the generally expressed wish on the sub- Another bill has been boastbt into the Commons by Lord John Russell. with ject. the view of enabling Baron Rothschild in take his seat in Pa liautcttl. No Opposition was ollered to its introduction, but. Sir I“. Thesiger and several other members ex- pressed their determination to contest the '1'1 9 bill will very likely pass the Commons, but little doubt is t-itieriatincd of its defeat It. the Lords. the Premier on Saturday it appears that measure iii its subsequent. stages. From a statement made by the vexed question of (,liurclt-ratcs will Iron] a subject oflegislation on the re-as- \Vliat dia, Reform, Jewish Disabilities, and the semblitig of 1’a:li.uncut. with In- Cliurcli-rates, we should imagine Ilt‘tn members will have quite enough on theit hands for one sessiott.-â€"Loml07t car. If Colonist. MARRIAGE 01“ THE PRINCESS dier Giant. and the united firt‘e. 3.000 strong, under the command of the latter nll'lt'tfl‘,ct')ltill|\1t’t1 its match to C.twnpore. where it arrived on the ‘261b of October. Having been rcinfot'Ct-tl to 5,000, tl‘e lsl'lgfltjit'r crossed the Ganges on the 30I It. with a 1.Il‘gt’ convoy oI provisi ins, and procet'tled without llllt‘rtllltlIDII to Alum- Ettgli, wince b: awaited the arrival of Sit ColitiCo npbcll. \Ve learn that Sir Co‘in reached Cntvnpore on the 33d of Novem- ’W- ._. LOST, EVENING OF NEW YEAR’S tho "I t l) I).\Y. between M'. Ili‘a'j. Clarltsoii'~. 411- Fun. Dl‘lrkl‘fllll. and Ynngo Stroet. A MINK 110A. deliver it at the I'ost ()tlice, llielinioud lltll. will he .cuiialt'v rewarded. Whoever has found the name and \\'lll Jan. 7. 1-454. t31 The Only Sure Remedy IN 'l'llli‘. IVORLD tor the suta cute 01 Illinunt'ttimi. I’aius pllI lltP Rnc't. Biotin. ROYAL. The Qï¬tliof January is. now positively fitted for the marriage of III“ Ptiucess I’tot'a'. The current rutnor is that tlu- Parisiau custom of open theatres on days of national rejoicingr is to be introdnrcd lien.- at the coming wedding. '1 hrs. d.amtie it-pi't‘sitiitations *' by command.- are arr.†events with: given tllTIvr Ma itsty‘s 'l'hea're, whether 111‘ admittancr is ,{ratuitous or not. A tragedy, (I'l Lit;- Iish opera, and a comedy will be perlovut ed. Our rcadrts may imagine the anxiety “'lllt'll will be felt to lte present at tlirst stale performance. '1 ll!’ more important ceremony will take place iii the Chapel Royal, St. Jam .‘s’, which is now briu: lil- ted up for the occasion. “'lidst om daughter is sltor l_v to be in irrietl, lllr' hand of another is about to he demanded. Tb. Princess Alice is Fiona-lit in mart-3.13: by Ilt. Prince o:' Orange, and Lieutenant Gun-ral- the attention which the rec nt attempt to l V0" Olllltllal has, we are told, ~et out Iron. the [Ia-gut: to llleL‘ an otIi;ial “ demand " “to this t-tl‘cct. THE RELIEF OF LUCKNOW. The intelligence brought by OYCIIRBLI Mail which arrived in London on Sunday ,night is of a most cheering charm I 'l "the garrison of Luckan was brute.) hold it; out, notwitltstandiuat' all COIIIIIIH'II cation with the fortiï¬ed post 01 Alumbagli was cut oil. and the extensive plain lying between the latter place and Lucknow was occupied by upwards of 50,000 i'ebt-Is. U'l der, it is supposed, the comttnnd of the a.'t'll-lt':\llor Nana Sahib. Iuth-ed II c garrison was so well circumstanced tlt;t General Ontrpm‘ ' bad Intimath to the Commander-in‘Cbicfthat it could ltold out for some days, and be legged that no thought of its danger might interfere “Illi :51::Td:i;t:0'l:::)\:ylltaP‘fanwhilt, it in SM vigorous and pou‘pt ttlt‘awl‘es were bring taken not only to re- I‘Vt’. the beleaguered fortress, but also to deal a death blow to the rapidly declining cause of the mutineers. Shortly aftrr tbw lballle 0f Agra. COL Greathed’s victorir on: column was merged into thuof Briga- . . . K ' , - . bar, and be lcll again for Lucknow on tltt' ‘{“‘l kll - I“itâ€In ‘ . lltlll oi the llupii. 9th at the band ofa force varioudy stated 't‘noth...~t..~. llend ache, Worth Stout null. and (iciieta. l)cltilily, Craitips iii (In. .\t..-n.tc.t. than: d ttitnds or lt‘cet. Sptaitu or Ilittist-s. Stitl‘nms in the do tits, Fever and Agno. Cholera Mo hits. Coughs. (inltls. Loss or Appetite. Summer Complaints. llruisos. ‘Vto 'l'nioat or Qniitsuv. Swelliugs. Cuts, B trtts. External Iiijiti'.o~, thouis Dr. Tumblcty’s Vegetable Compound " Its elTi 'nr‘y Ins been l'tirlv tested. and its virtuei p ouounced unparalleled " at from 1.1300 to 5,000 men. Me “as expected to arrive at Aluitibagh on lll' IBIlt or 11th, when he would at once take command of the whole of the troops at that place. Great conï¬dence is cypress: (I III the result of Sir Colin Campbell’s :iI'- vanct: towards Lucknow. although it is obtious Ills movements will be nppost'd by itbntvvcr force Nana Sahib mus'cr \Vitlt three head like II.ivr- Ioek. Outram,and Campbell lunged against L‘iID against ltitii. The min-s tnadn ht I)r. Tumblety with his Vegetable Compound. am so iitirai-ulntN as to resemble. the t'-ntt~tl Scripininl account of similar Cl\'(‘\ in one cut titties. and those caser nit" su wnii lor‘ul null instn llilllfll)ll\‘. so so I» factory and itittipnltiignf lllllll'lll ill. as to call upon public l'tint'llttiia ins and tltltso having ItllitrLrA of public ins itutiniis to: the sick and sull'ctiug to look welliv-ttt the well attested the its nftliis Vegetable Medicine. him, Nana Sahib, may begin to cousich his latter end. 7the King of Pottugal- A Lisbon letter relates llt’J follow- ing t.‘\'t‘t!!itltl'lttt111\'t.‘ of the devoted- itcss of th: )"llUtlg' Run; of l’tti'tugnl lll out: ttl'ltis visits to the itiililary hospital 2â€"" .‘\pprit:tt:hin:_z a bed in. \\_llltfll was lying' the trumpeter itfn t-nvzilry regiment. lie stooped dmvti :uid llll'll\\’lll;: his arms round the al- ttmsl iiiniiiiiinto body of lllt,’ patient. Numntous cases. two months in Ilospital. nitlimit any lmnrlit. have been cured by a few dats' the ot the \"ou‘t'tttlo Compound. It is tlm must sntiliing medicine iii the wotld. or that ever will be. The Vegntahle Compound is ptit up highly concentrated in bottles accompanied with til’llllt‘tl directions. ntidsolls for ‘25 cents. .30 cents. and $1 per l)0'.tl(‘. cried out with a ï¬rm btit ltiiidlv ,, .. - - I. t' . ' . voice : " Cheer ltll. lrtenl. ohm-r 0" lumbl‘ily 3 “glimmer Pill-‘- ttlll Ytill :It't.‘ Ilttl going 101110 )1â€. TIM lte<1 'llltl safest Catlnrtic and Purifying l’i'l evnr ttlI'en-(I to the public for the cure ol Custtvoness. Bill ins Compl Int“, Diupsy. Heartburn. llentlac to. niislng from .1 until .‘loniflt‘lt. Nausea. 1nd gesiiJu, Min-bid 1ii..i-- III)†of the Bittvels, and l’aiti arising tlievcfmiu. ("lnttt'citryz Loss of Apputtte. all {Items and (‘u'nut-nus l)|>t‘.’me.~‘ \\ li t'lI require an evncttuu' Medicine. Si'itil'ulri, King's Evtl, Flllltllltltlitl Der-nugetueulol' the Liver. Spleen and Visccra. tliay Sl'iud untivalled. 'I‘nlte courage ! 1 :iiii suth sltall IIIIC of those days bear llte sound of your lruntpot Under the window»: of m} palace l.“ The sick man seemed to I‘tllISifu.t.ll the s itin l ot'tlr: _\'t)lIiI‘_’.' King's voice. his eyes opened. and a faint Colour rose to his check. 11o pressed his .suvcreigti's band It] titltt-u ulgi‘atitude. and from titutuimiitiitt revived to existence. and It .- his now not only ttttl ol'dniiger, but rut-ovu- ing rapidly.†" Galiguaui." in re- pcnling this (met-ditto. snvs : "V10 ‘ believe we can state that the l‘iu - pnritroftlie FI’CII‘II has been so struck by the-coinage and devoted- ness di:pl:t_vcd by the King of Pat'- tugnl during the whole of the visit tniion of the yellow fever that his M ajustf.’ ll:tS charged Count \Va- lewslii, Minister of Foreign Affairs. to transmit to the King, lll“0tl;_Â¥ll Burundi: Pavia Portuguese Ministrr. the expression t)fIlIS sincere admira- tion.†11:?) Ptice ‘25 cents and 50 cents per box. 'l'bosn art- no t‘tlltltt and ulttticd remedies r‘vpoviiuetiu-lly plat'ed Irv-titt- t.o public. but they have stood the test of years. All that. seteuce. rliill Iititl l‘\'|)ollellt'0 could (1-. iii perfecting goi-il, \vllulu outs and evot sat}. and tclt'tlll" thtltll: Medicines. have been t-ii-ieautrrttrd in tin-so preparations. No pri- rents who value. the health or even the Ives of their children should be without them. Hundreds 01' Physicians now use them and acknowledge them 1‘) be the niosr seteuiilic and wholesome preparations ever cti‘ercd to the public. For sale wholesale or retail by Dr. Tum- h'eiy. at his Ofï¬ce, 111 King street, Toronto. Canada \Vest. ",," Poor people will be liberally dealt with Tuiutttu. Dec. ‘24. 12157 till \VIIOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. TORONTO {\1 A l‘. [{15'1‘7. 7 ‘\III;‘ Subscribers have always on hand. a large. and general stock of the best |Iriii~lt and Provincial mauufacluied Wriiiitg. t'olortd, Brown. and \Vrappiug Papers, Wax. “'nfeis, Slaten lI-It. Steel I‘cus. Envelope-u Mr allic M it oraudam Books. 'I'wines, Cop} Iioolts, Scnuol Books and General Stationery, kc†t‘t: The facilities wh‘ch the sub cribors have for iiiuiititaariug. having two of the largest l’aper Mils n Canada, they ate prcpurtd to manufacture all kinds of paper to older. IJUN'I'IN. ISItO. &- Cm. Yoiigo sheet. Toronto i3l Toronto January 6, 1838. The market, for the past week has been very nicagrely supplied with all desctip- tions of produce; the election iii the coun- tics bad someclfect on the supply. \VIIEATâ€"Tlii-rc was not over 1000 l)l.1:llt'l§ produced in the mmket for the past week. endiu; this thy. and the averâ€" age price may be quoted at. 4“ per b'islicl. FLOUR has been very dul'. on sales oi January 6. IBGS any amount having taken place. the con- sumption being. all local. \Vc prices as follow : Superfine $3 ‘33 a 50; Fancy $3 50 a $3 78; Extra $4 00 a $4 50. Banch has been last Week to the extent ofaltnul 500 lHIsll qitott’ 7 ‘IIE Pflltn‘TKlllzt Iii‘re‘tofore ltn’twu as Patterson 8t. Iii-others. Ilii-ltmoud Ilill. Township of Vaughnâ€. Canada \\’0~t. i~ hereby di SolVLd by the withdrawal of Tltontm .l. I’atteisoit. Dated. December 3011i, 1957. g ALFRED .‘~‘. PATTERSON. in supply for the ids. and has ranged from 15 10311 3 2s lid to Iii: liilly supplied. not are not at all anxious ‘l‘lIt).\l.\S .l. I‘A'I'TIZIISON, I’E'I‘lill I’A'Ii'I‘L‘RSON. per bushel. The brewers seem . . . . ’ 111E business lIt'l‘l‘ltIl'Ilt: cariied on by to raise the price by competition. Patterson 81. Brothers at lilt'lllltlttltl “:11. Canada \Vest. will be continued by A‘l~ ed S. lltlllet'roll and Peter l'nttetsou, under the name and lirttt ul' I’altcrsnu 6L Ili‘otlier. Dated, December 30th. 18.37. {ALFRED S. I’A'I'TERSON. I’E'I'ER I’ATI ERSON. t'IU-Iin OATS have been iii short strtply, accord- ing to the deutaaddor the. past Week con- st qtleully prices have advanced, viz., 1s Gd a Is 8d perltuslivl. IIAY has bcvn in good supply durinz tluI wet-k. liiIt pricts are lather downward Not over $19 has been obtained for the G. H. IIIISBAND) best quality. ’ DIED. 1n Markham on the 3011i drll‘l‘ a long and patn'ttll illness of neatl- Decetttbt-r SURGEON DENTIST, \ TOUIJ) r<~~prctlltlly inform the lwdi‘r ’ and Gentlemen. who wish toavmliliem- suite. of Iti~ pi’ul'esmtnn' seivtt‘es. that be \\il be itt illll‘llflll o the lit-s1 Elma} and 'IEdnt "tllntviug nt' oaclt imtntli. :it Amblei’s tlotel. Iticliiiieud llill: \lenthd ty following: til the Allrtitn llotel. Altruin; 'l'liilrulnv nutl I‘blday (J. t\1c(l.t e'.~ llucl. Ilullaud Landing: iltc IO‘I. nt' tlI‘ mouth at the 'I'liurtiliid Iltttel. l'ltotnlidl 'nuv years. Catharine. n-tf-- of Mr. Allia- lgt Foot, ntltLtItH-‘J‘lllcr of Thomas and Susan IIoopvr, late of [Liv-dbury Bryon. county of Dot-setsltire, Etia'lau l, .13. d 5.3 yt‘ill's. At'l‘horhbill on the Gib inst, aged «1 mmâ€); Chmtps Appllitmt‘p )‘OUlyvroht 5.,“ 11:3: Coiiiuiunieot'ons to be addressed to . ' , H F H l ° l'ltOtuliill I’ustOlIito ‘ ‘ . t ‘t : rt ' l. , _ 0' All ' ARIN.“ l m u†Rt:t>‘t,ttt:u:ts [by pcruitsstou] :â€"Rcv. R. 119v t\. t'. l-0\\':IIIZ A. Hut-k. 011).. l'n iiliii : ._=__. Cnowu LA\US Dl'I‘ARtHIKKT- Torn/J), DU; [)n-un/trt'. 1857. I OTICE iii co (\ll" pivot), that the under- , iitculi-tuud Crown bind. H] the 'I’otvihliip ot‘ Asltfutd. t‘onnzv of 1.11.10“ [,, C.. will be open to: sale to 3:1I1.;tl and inn-titling Sl‘lllul’ - "l “'6 "V‘m I"'â€â€˜â€œ or one chilling and Fl‘l'e'lm‘ nor her". on and .tl'tor the tui.1‘.VI£NTII day at .l \.\U.\RY next. on npphmnun to I‘tttscols Tern. Esquire. the Local Aaent. at St.'1‘lioma.~. in said County. 7 One fifth of the purctmeo manm- to be paid down. and the rmuaiuder in four (3an 3"""3' titstiilittotlls‘ wi.h interest; “.0 lunch...“ to rasitlr on the I Ill 1. build a llttu-o tlii-teuu not less lllltll Ititl '1 ft and pl ice nudur crop at Inn~t two times annually fo. each one hundred acres iliiiiuL' fiveyotrs. No timber in bu‘cutnr H‘III‘TL‘O. little at under license, except, for Agncultural purpoms. It‘angn A. l.otl (178 acres.) 9 to .‘ttl iiielu~ivt‘. (109 UC‘I‘S each.) :‘4 (tlti) 3.3 (:36) an [5.3] 37 [56t 3:3 [80) 155) to 43 inclusive [IOU acres cacti.) 4th Range. Lot l [82 mm.) 2 [84].? [as] 4 [90] M92} 6 [II-l] 7 [Elli] 8 [its] 9 'thiu] [nun-21 II [1.4; lettuct l3[ttt.\ i4 tlltl] i5 [11:2] 16 [It-I] 17 [HS] 1:1[tut] l9 [ran] an [I_'.':.‘] 2t ([36) '.'2.|l5) 23 (il‘d) 2i [93.11 2.).Ih52112tLIIIIII 2; thin] 23 [Hall 2}) Illa. 51h Range. Lot. I to ‘29 inclusive. t'-‘0 not-es each". 30 "I37" :lt “tail 32 "won 3'1Ilt9llil-111115ll 3.; u till!“ all uttn“ 37 u... n 35 ||Slï¬t|| 39 “57" 4t Ilszll 4t “76] dzâ€"Tlâ€" 43 â€"05- 4t â€"6uâ€" 45 â€".’..tâ€" f GUI Range. Lite 1 to 4.3 inclusive. â€"|ll0 cert-5 each.-â€" ~16 â€"7 i -â€" 4'1 â€"t.‘)-â€" 48 ._t'.7_ 4.) _65_ so â€"6.'tâ€" 51 __6t_5e _59â€" 53â€"57â€" 54 -â€"-55â€" 55 â€"5.i_ 5t; _5t__ 71!: Range, Lots 1 to 56 inclusive. â€"100 acres eat-Ii.â€" ‘ t. 03 Cttott'n Lun. D :nn‘aten r. Toronto. Ill/i Decent/Mr. 15.37. OTICE is hereby given. that the East lialf L of Lot No. ‘2l, III the \ith Concession ol inc ’1 owttship of Mad tr. III the County at |Iu.~tin;r~. U. C.. will he titlbied for saln. under ilie piovi~iuus ot' the. Idth Section of the Land Act. by the lie-idem Agent. Ii‘imivcts Mc- ANNLKI’. I‘Isqmao. at Ucllu’illo, at bUUN. on the 'l‘tlIll'l'I‘A‘iN'l‘lt 01 JANUARY next. Upset ptico 1115 6.1, per Ante. I30 Crown Land Department. Toronto November'll}, 1957. OTIth is hereby given. that Lnnd< iii the l 'I'owiisliips ol' llarrte. Kaladar. Keuuehec Uldcu and Use. In the Counties of Frontenac and Addingtnu. are open t'orsale upon applica- hon to the Ito-idem Agent. ALLEN MAct hitti- sos. Esquire. at Kingston. at four shillings per acto, one ï¬tli to be paid down. and the remain- der In four equal aiitiunl instalments with hp le|asl; the purchasers to reside on the land. and lit clear :md place under crop at least two aczes annually for each one hundred acres du- ring the ï¬rst. ï¬ve years. No 'l’iuiltor to be cut or removed. unless un- der License. except for agricultural purposes. Also. certain lots iii the Township of Bed- t‘ord 3153 per acre, subject to the same condi- tions as togatds settlement. 129. Crown Land Department. Tomato. November 10. 1857. OTICE is hereby given, that Lands in the 'I'Owiish ps of Algona. Brndeuell, Sebas. topol and 1(trlpb.in the County of Iloiit'rew, are open for sale upon application to WILLIAM Italian». Iii-"quite, at Adamstuu. near Iteut‘tew, upon the. following conditions : The price. 44. per acre . one fifth to be paid down. and the icuiaiuder in four cqtiel instal- ments. with illtrlt'sl; the pittelmsers to icsida on the land, and to clear at. least two acres au- Illlflll'v' on latch 10‘.) acrcsdurtug the tiist five tears. No timber in be cut. unless under License. oxt'ttpt for agricultural purposes. 12!]. lssrucron GLNFJKAL‘S OFFICE. Customs Depaitment. Toronto. 3011i October. 1857. OTICE is lieteby given that “is Excell- ency the Adntistiator of the Government in Council has been pleased. under the author- [v vo<ttd in him, to tlll‘tct and otdrr that. iii lti‘tl of tho 'I'nl‘s now clinrged on the passage of the following unit-1m: tltiougli the Ottawa Colt- a s. the 'I olls lit-rt-iuat'itt‘ stated shall be here- .4.“ collected. \i/.: lrnii Ole. passing through all or any portion of the Ottawa L'annls. to be charged With a '1 oil of Three pence per luu. which. being paid. shall pth the some free through the Welland Canal. Railâ€"Rood Iran. to be charged one sliil lug per inn. including Laclliuo sv-cttoti,'St. Ann‘s Luck and Ordnance Counts. and liavutgpnssed ~uclt toll. to be «mill. (1 to puss free through the \\ ellatid Canal: and if having previously paid tolls tlIIUIILVlI the Chan-ny Catt-.1. such Inst iiienttoiied tolls to be refunded ut the Canal Utliee at Montical. This tells on Barrel Stoves. to he Eigbtpeuce out the t) dttauce ['ullllli. and Four pence on the St. Ann's Lock and Lneliiua section. mah- JOHN COUL’I‘ER. l"EHEC$lHJWT‘1W1flLOU% RICHMOND HILL 1 )EGS to, ‘nnnnunce that he has on hand a good assortment of materials tor ‘he \\ lttlt't‘ Irade. consrsting ol Fancy Scotch Tweeds, Doc Skins, Real Fur Beaver, for Overcoatsl All Shades of Colours. â€"ALSOâ€"- .\' June, 13.37. Brown and Grey Pctct'sllatnSi Fancy Vestings. &c y &e ,1 _. The whole of which have been cart-fu‘ly St‘. cttltnrily its a Practical 'I'uilor. tn sccttl'P. llt ptcl'ctcnce to those “he (lt’Ct’th' the public with ready-made 3/017 ll’lllky-ofthe 10w“. kind and vaunt Iiicbinond 11111. Oct. 30.1857. ltiilttttii ‘ lllUHll Iltll iiittti (t A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest, best, and ( benpest assotttnent of To RIEN AN Ready-made “'intor Clothing, North 0 fabric. trade, he can thoroughly recommend them D U R :I And of giving entire satisfaction. CLOT Made to order, in every style, from almost every material, at the MOST ECONOMCAL PItICES, at G. A. 13 Richmond Hill, Oct. 15,1857. CHARLES‘DURRANTS; â€"NEW ARR WINTER any GOODS 1 Ladies' Cloaks 6: Mantlcs, Ladics' Wool Jackets, Hosiery. Gloves. 6; Ribbons. Children’s lVool Goods of every description. A good Assortme C. D. rcspectilully Solicits an inspection of his Stock which will be found to be large and well assorted. Richmond Hill, Oct. 30. 1857. FALCON IS RECEIVING HIS AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS! AN IMMENSE STOCK! DIRECT FROM THE “Algoâ€" Fiw Hundred Pairs of Ladies’, Misses’, and Cluldrens’. Boots. Slices & Rubbers, READY MADE GROCERIES, The above Goods will be sold at the lowest Richmond Hill, Oct. 30,1857. nCHMOND HLLI m?PRnMIUM4m &c.. :1 ‘ . SA H S Of the best quality and workmanship. and al- SS'I‘ABLISH t\1 ISN'T. Two Door South of [he TmBUM: Oflice. William H. Mych, Premium Harncss allunufacluiwr, ESI’I‘LCTFULIX announces to'the I’ublic .tze-tl-rnllv,tliat be Iiav.u,t_vttilteu the 1’1 Iv S '1‘ I' It 12 1-2 for Harness at the Yuuge Sheet Ag- iicultural Show. Two Years in succesaiou. he feels conï¬dent that be can give cutite satisfaeiton ilt all branches of his business. ClL-fAll Work War "tinted.;gi} “f A I trge stock of Harness. the. always on hand. and made to order at the lowest possible rentuucrating pr ces. Richmond Hill, Oct 15. 1857. gIS-Iy HOTEL FOR SALE. ' ‘IIE Subsetiberofi‘cis for sale that wellhiiown 1 Hotel. situated on Lot No. 5. thi CoItCE‘siOII in the ’I‘owiistiip of King. with good stabliug and Seventeen Acres ol Excellent Laud. lively necessary uccoutudatiou to} an Ilotel are lit ï¬rst IIIL' lluLLUlul toll pe.r_tltou.~aud. ltJâ€"ulld fioiii KIIIL’SIOII niid Montreal. the some as by the St. Lawteure iouto. vi7... one slti: in; portltousnud: 11y command, R. S. M. IJOUCIIETTE. Cominiti-ioucr of Custontr, PRIVATE BILLS. i29 R (‘. .. ling : C. K’Urfll’. M. 1).; 1“. Owen. .\l.1).; J. Ziitiuiciiunn. S. I). Der-ember Ill. 1357. ‘ NEW STORE, . . . 130 RICJIHOINI Hill; Oi‘tNl‘llI of \Yl‘ty‘lll &. Yonge ‘ll't't is ( heap (il‘t‘cvrtcs and l r.‘vi~iott~. Crockery and Glassware cheap for Ca-b. K0 titctzit. 'a. D. HOPKINS Jan T. 1:57. t3] MHOI‘ . \_/ Letters ltetuaiuiugiu RICHMOND 111LL P05101150) JANJARY Isl, 18.38. .\rk<oy. Gsnrge Lctiio. (‘oroliuo Anderson. Ad iin Law. Miss Claracev .\I'III~II'U'I'_', Miss Sarablrtw. A. . .\l-lts. Lucv Linklnter. 1.10st- .\inold. Ihonipcou Morgan. Mrs. \iiti~'rotig. Mrs Sally Mullen. Mir-haul Be Ilat'd Mrs. 11. A. Muushaw. (ionige llttotb. . tllt‘S MI-Kinuou. John llrurr, JJIIII‘C‘OH McBride. 1.)"th II 0010‘". Mrs. Ilch-i an. Georue But-inn d. 11. B. McIIeiuer. .llillllb ‘l .k- r. Michael McLean. llolvoit B dzer, Thomas (I’B ien. James Mark Henry O'U.iett. Owen t‘towu. )Itss Mary 1’0 1. Ma y Brian. R4 antn I’o t. Marv Ann 0 o of M. 'I‘ecfy.) I’ogue. \\ illmni .1.urv. l'airick l’ltilhps. Franklin Dnll‘v Jolill Quinton, \Ym_ “odd, George Robson. Mu liatl F,II nu. .\Iarv A. Sa-td.-rsgit. llenrv Etc-r. Dav-d Steel. It. 'I‘. ' I‘Isttry. .b-srph Sigswith. John J. I51 10'. Mi~s France: Stephenson. Joseph l Ittiatgan. “’ni. Scott. ll-tlte't Goodwill. John ‘3 Stenuct. GI ding. John Scott. Samuel (laviltier. Sarah Sttusott. (:corae Graham. \Vui. H. Sims. John 5 “ï¬ber . Joules. Simpson. William lznrd. .I. It. Thomas, John Jones. ll. ‘Veize. George 2 I 'M") ‘OLNOHOJ- N HVHN'JA‘ 1 1' o O a a W -i y en ,â€" >â€" Iâ€: (f5 p <5 "‘4 -» 2n y: -in .qa up 22 act >4 1 0: rm 4 f x o «t l q :5 UI 'KJLHIHdOHJ 'S'I’IIH all/0110‘ THE LAST CALL. 1117. Subscriber takes this method rifin- formingr all those indebted to him by Book Account. that be lll't‘tlds to place all Ac- counts pmt dtit- III the bands of the Clerk of the Court. if not paid by the ï¬fth ol'Jaitu t y. 1353. ROBERT SIVVER. Richmond Hill. Dec. Iltli. 1857. ‘27“. S'I‘RAYED STEER. ‘tTRAYED from the ptemises ofthc Suh- tc:ibcr about three month- ago. a Red and 1'“ "'“OS 1“- lvrlls. Jr‘tit “'hite Steer coming two years old. Whoever Jean .1.) . ‘1': Linn .1 din will roiurii the same or give information when) but. (14.. ..tss “'inas. [teary he may be fuund. will be suitably rewarded. ‘Vulldco. .lobu JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill. Doe. Itth. 1857. 2741'. Kirke. Allen 2 lAntarctica. C. E. L] M. TEEFY. Pontiac-tor. PARTIES intending to make application to the Legidativo As>etnbly fur l'iivnte or Local llills. either for granting exelurive privi- Ieres or coulorii lg corporate powers tor cont» uteicial nr other purpo-es of proï¬t. for regulat- ing surveys or bound tries. or l'ordtiiugnnytliiug trading to atl‘ct‘lthc lights of propoin of other partiesâ€"arc hereby u/tilied that they are re- quired l)‘ the l Quilbilrd and 64th rules [which ate pttblidictl i.. full in the “ Canada Gazette." to give two months notice of the application in the “ Cnundm Gar/mite" and also in some news. paper published in the County or union ot Coir-tips gtl'eeted, pet-ding topics of the tint and lint ot'uicli notices to the l'rivnto Bill Of- fice. Toronto. ALFRED TODD, Clerk of I’iivato Bill Oï¬ico. Toronto, Nov. 19. 1857. t29. LYRIAN, turns. a; Co. “'IIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, N . 4, St. Lawrence Buildings. DII'DRI'RRS 0". A50 IIZALER! IN Surgical Instruments. l’ure Drugs, Clteutrcals, llrusbes. Spine-s. Dyestutfq, I'crfuntcry. Paints and Colours, Fancy Soaps. Oils (Lump, Paint, Jun. Patent Medicines. Varnishes‘ India Rubber Goods. Clothicrs' Materials. DRUGG ISTS’ GLASSWARE, 81c. and which they offer lathe trad; at lowest rate- L. 13.x Co. would particularly call the at tll.’ ttuu of Dealers and hunters to. the Ground Colour: in 01'], Putty, VPag‘mt ‘flryers, A13. ~nmnrtfncturrd by them. feeling conï¬dent. that 0.. mat, they "III It» found supPriot’ lo the im- pan-r1 either ptico or'onalitv boil... conï¬d- 4 Toronto. Oct. 23. 1357 I . "A BLANK FORM5_ LARGE SUPPLY ofMagistratu' Blanks. according to the latest fan 5, this Oï¬co. by the dual! or hundibd. for “I. “ "Tribune" Olin-Aug. 27, I867. mm repair. Terms extremely easy. For tur- tlicr particulars apply to the proprietor on the pre- mises or to Dr. UUNCUMK. Richmond Hill, THOMAS R EDON. Proprietor. g'M-tf CU I'TERS I! (31] I’TERS Ill LL those who wish a superior Cutter. can A ha supplied by calling: at the Phoenix Car- riage Factory. Markham Village. C. W. 11:? House to give an early call. HENRY B. \VALES, Proprietor. King. Nov. 19. 1857. Nov. 12th. 1857 . as of [III-11' own manufacture. Having run-chased Ilu- material. and had them made expressly for his own for CIIEAPNESS THEY can nor BE soupssscn. attention to this cliss ol'trade, he ivoqu earnestly solicit an inspection,being conï¬dent A FIRST RATE ASSOR'I‘MENTI t'ClPtl by himself. w. E A†. JOHN MCDONALD. Chemist and Drilirgist. )II’OT'I‘ER of English Drugs. Soaps. 1’0" fumes. Brushes, $0. o. 169. Tango Street. (Opposite Shiiler Street. near Uieall 1311:“ Tavern. Toxomo. gd- NOTICE. CASE -- UP. I.l. Account: due lst Ot‘tnbflt._ not paid It? Nth November. will be out in Suit. 1 shall V t ' I Am] from his In“: nmt l strictly adhere to my new system or Short Cit-iii! practical experience he is enabled to assure the public of llIt' qua“... “PM, “myâ€. I and Irantpt Payment, I‘llt.‘ latest Fashions will always be found at his eslaltltslittti-nt. and l... “HMâ€, y,i,1mdlnoudllil| ' l ‘ G. A. BARNARD. I p ' I . .o..5. 1357. gt? e pnttounga ol all “ho “mll good work Ill Termsâ€"CASH“ Fire, Fire ! l$irc ! .IOIIN COULTI‘IIL gQI-tf L2: DBOYS’ f Toronto, in every variety of style and as BLE, Having devoted a particular HINC. ARNARD’S, Richmoan IIiIl. gIQ-tf IVAL 01"â€" Ladies' Dress Goods, Ladies’ Silk 6L Wool Searfs, Blankets dz Flanncls. tit of Ladies’ Furs to arrive. CHARLES DUR KANT. £211“ BRIDGE†MANUFACTURERS! CLOTHING! possible rates. 1"orpaiticuiars see Bills gill-2m JAMES HALL, Boot and Shoe Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Friends and lht' l’ublic. that be ha.s constantly mi band a large and varied aswrttuent of Ladies’ and Guntlctneus’ BOOTS ANI) SHOES OF EVERY DESCth'TlON 3 V vOULD respectfully intimate to his ] mutt exclusively of Home anyitclun. Also. 11 large stock of Ready-Illatlc Clothing I ‘ Comprising Coats. Vests. Pants. llnts and Capo «C.. &c., of eve-rt N16 and dose'iption; 81:0 of excellent quality and titaunlacture. all of which be will sell aslaw as any house iit Upper Canada. for CASH. Richmond Hill. July ‘23, 1857. ' HOLLAND _LANDINC. l (I HE Subscriber begs to inform the In- [T-tf LUKES’ HOTEL. liabitants of the above-natited Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- orallv. that be has leased the above' Hotel, fut-uferly kept by THOMAS Matt. which be has ï¬lled up and furnished lor the nccotiiiuuduliotiol his Custouiorsmud he trusts by constant attention to their n nuts to :Ul‘llle a libeer patronage. Liquors oftltebest brands at the Bar. and ovary attention paid to Guests. TIIOS. LUKES. Ilolland'djiuding. Prupi'mor. Sept. 10, 1857. gI-l-Ilm Fire ! Fire! 1 Fire! I .' W E S T E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED IIY At't‘ 0)‘ PARLIAMENT. CflPlTJIL STO CK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. Gimton, I’res. | Ti-tos. HAwonTH. V. Pro. Rico Lewis. George Miehio. J. l). Ilobatu, 1 “Ho. Henderson, CHRISTMAS FRUIRSI l liJamcsngk, ' lluglt b1 ller. UST received an Assortment of fine fresh Walter Mac-tartaric, ( Lover Raisins. __ MUSCATEL do, [13’ Head jScc. Citrus/l Street. Toronto. .53 551$}st do This Conn." Insmes all descriptions of FIGS. . I Buildingstanut'ctctories. Mills. also . and Good: and Furniture. In the name, against loss or dum- L“â€â€˜Â°"- 0"“‘39 “‘1 Slim“ Pee" SPIN" fresh age by lira. on libeial lortus. Losses protuptl) ground rent Mocha Coï¬'co. Chocolate. Spices. “uled‘ &c.wliieli will be said exceedingly low for Club, \v no. A. BAuNAttu's. Richmond Hill. A. LA . Ruldpnca. - General Arm. Richmond Hill. Dec. 10th. 27-tf. Richmond Hill, August 13.1851. glO-I)’ ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING tho \Vesleyan Metlmtlillt Chapel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choir-e selection of (Innilemeus’, Ladios’ and Cliildreus' Boots and Shoes coris‘tantlv on hand. and made to order on tho Shortcut No. we. Richmond Hill. June Ich. 1657. F OR SALE. “'0 ACRES OF LAND AND FRAME HOUSE. s:tu.ttetl on Centre Street- For particulars apply to G. DOLMAGE. Proptietor. Richmond Hill, gZI-tl‘ 0st. 30. 1857. Crown l.i.itds Department. '1‘oronto. December 6, IP57. . TOTICE is lierrbv given. that the south halt l\ at the north halt of Lot 1‘9. 24. the north tiall'of No. '26, and the south liull'of No 33. iii the 3rd coucwsioit nt‘ lluittberstmta. III tlit- count.- or “'elltind. U, C.. uill be nth-red for rule by Auction by the Resident Agent. Henry Smith. EM'IIIIIO. at Sittttltlytlle. at 1‘0011.-0:l1ht‘! †| b of next Mouth: exe Vittg a rig o D“ R'ï¬ighhill. Ii chitin wide. ihtough the not lb half at .99.“ tot-No. 9.5. for the Wetland Rodney. - Upset price 40s. per acre. I329 g.tw.y. FARM FOR SALE 1 ONTAIVIXG ONE HUNDRED AND THtaTv Acres of good land, being part of Lil. To Ill. 4th Con. Vaughan. For particulars. odplly to December 24. 1857. ._â€"â€"._.â€"._ J. W. MILLAR, \II‘URTER nnd Dealer in Gold and Sitâ€, \Vntclins. Fine Jewellery, Emmyflu“ Fancy (mods. the" &c. No. 93. Yongo Sin“. Tm hue. 185?. Cash for Wheat. HE highest market price will be given for SLUOU Bushels of Wheat, debuted at the Pomona Milla- JOIIN BRUNSKILL- Themhill. Du. 15th. 1351. m ,4- . . , Ewes. and 'I hree \‘Vetlters. “ Robl‘ munlou' ’5‘" turning them or giving inlertnatiou of them to the ll l.000 REWARD I \‘THEREAS the Taiwan at 'I‘bornliill. t‘tn property of David Mcbougall.1'1sq.. w.a burned dowti on the morning of the 4th November instant. by an incendiary or incendiaries; A Reward ‘of $1000 is hereby oï¬'ered and will be paid to any person or persons who will give such information on Will. loud to the arrest and conviction of the partv or [lhlllos who set. ï¬re to the said Tannery on we morning aforesaid. FRANCIS II. IIEWARD, Ago-ti. Royal Insurance Campanv. JAMES MANNING. ' Inspector Equitable Insurance Couipanv. » Novetuberï¬G. 1357. 2525-? . i i L. SCOT’I‘ 8: COMPANY’S -' . REI‘RIX’I‘ O'F Til-E British Periodicals l I AND THE FARMER’S GUIDE ! Great Reduction in the price of the Latter Publication. SCOTTGL Co..New York. continue to putt- . lilhuufollowing leading British Periodical: 1 The Marlon Quangtly (Consorvatin.). Tho Edinburgh Rogiow (Whig.) wiz- Tho North British R4evhiw (Free Church.) The Westminster Review (Libel-til.) 5 nlackwood’s Edinburgh Mngazino(Tory.) These Periodicals ahlv represent the three great political parties ol'Great Britainâ€"Whig. 'I‘ory hint Radicalâ€"but politics form only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most piot'ound w.i on on Science. Literature. Morality. and Religion. they stand unrivalled in the world of lezters. being considered indispensable to the scholar and Ilia , p ut'cssiunal man, while to the intel igcut render of 0 every class they ‘urnish a more correct and satin factory record oftlio current literature of tIv- day, throughout the world. than can be possibly obtain- ed liom any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Adronco Sheds from the British publisheis gives additional value to these Ito-prints, inasmuch as thev can now be placed iii the hands of subsc that's bun: as soon as the origiuJ odi- lions. T0 PRINTERS. HE SUBSCRIBER. begs to inform the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES. 'I‘YI’E. INKS. and all other desuiption of materials has been verv largely increased this Season. by artiv.-Is from NE‘V YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOS- TON and MONTREAL: and that he is preparcd to supply otders for new Oï¬iecs. in addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice ' Printing MACHINES and ENGINES iin~ ported to order. Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling pcrlb. Old Typo taken in exchange for mm. D. K. PEEHAN. CoIborno st, Toronto. Jan. 9. 18.37- as STRAYED! A ME into the premises 0" the Subscriber. Lot '23. 6th Concession Markham. about the last of October. a Red Muley Ileit'or two-years old. the owner is requested to prove property, pay damage: and take her away. “7. IVALKER. Markham, Nov. 25th, 1857. g2573t STRAYED. VAME into the promises of the Subscriber, Lot No. 41. l.~t Con. Vaughan. about the Isl. of October. 3 TWO YEAR. OLD BULL. The owner is requested to prove property, pay damage-- aud take ltun away. JOHN ATKINSON. Vaulhan. Dec. 3, 1857. “QB-if IT lllilllIS llllltl. IIIIIE AW AYI [113 Members of the VlCtmia Square Sax-110m 1383.1 [under the tuition of R. “'1scmau.) beg to inform the Public that they have tccently received some of the most Popular Jllusic of the Day! Composed by Grufulia. Dudsworth and Fi‘iedeiirh and that they are now prepared to attend to all calls from any part oflie Countryi IL? All Orders left at the Post 011306, Victoria Square, or at R. “'isemau’s. Masonic Hull, Richmond Hill, will be attended to. Victoria Square. JuneIUth,1857. {:1 Straycd. AME into the Subscriber’s premises, Lot No. I3. 2nd Con. Markham. about six wet-ks since. a YEARLING IIEII-‘ER CALI“. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges. and take her away. GEORGE QUAN’I‘Z. gzï¬-lm Nov. 23. 13.37. strayed, ROM Lot No. 31. 5th Concession Markham. l FIF'I‘I‘ZEN SHEEP. comprising Twelve Atty person te- Subscriber will be well rewarded. HENDERSON BELL. Almira, Nov. 9.7. 1857. 3264f Darling & Aitcliison’s COMBINED [flower and Reaper. UR MACHINE is substantially built to “'rought Iron. ctuurly free ficni stde draught. can be elevated to any height. trout a Mower to a Reaper by n st'iew tn trout. and cuts Without. clogging. III Grasai \\ heat. (-1813 or Ballet‘. without change ol knife or gutting, d works easy for the horses. a"This price for at Mutt-er. $12.) . ()0: Completed as a Reaper. $140. 00. An extra kttile “It 1,. $5 . UU extra _ All our Machines are warranted to be well built and of the best material. GEORLIZ DA RIL‘NO ROII'I'. AITCii ISUN . Thombtll. Yongov Street. June 24th. 1857, ~â€" Ell-t strayed ! N to the premises at the Subscriber. Lot 67, 1st Coucosciou King. Uttc \\'i-tlt.~i St-tep Any person proving prupettyuul pay... ex Ions“ can have the native on app \iui‘i to JUIIN 1.I.t,‘tv. novamber. ‘36. 185 2:. ONE HUNDRED COHDS OI“ PINE \V O Q.“ 17",“ FOR SAIL; For urine apply to Mi. 11105. COLA LII. Thu'nliill. Tim-hut Al‘ut it. 1051. gum