qty. A! such value, and to such amount .thc Goxenlment, the banks, lllm L‘onrls andindividualq arq bound to rem-in! it in Ipayment; but the Banks can? plvgw them- selves what they recvivc or rvl‘uie [0 ru- ceive in deposit ; and we fancy llley will not want to take more English shillings glngn necessary. Some inconvenience is likeb’ ‘0 (“me from the adoption of the currency of dolâ€" 'alâ€˜ï¬ and cnnl<, owing to the defermination in certain quarter; :3 reduce the value of the English slulhngc. llitlwrlo llmt crnin has passed for a quarter of ardollnr or in other Wonk twvnly-ï¬vc mm“. but since the hat of .Inmnry, inst†it has been ro- ducud In lm-uly four cents. By. an ar- ticle in n lntu issue of. the Montreal Gr:â€" uL/t i! is slam! that. the lingljgh shilw ling is declared by slalute go hl-Jluz lvgul tender for (be one-twentieth ‘palt of a pound in‘paymavnt of amounts of $10. (or £52 105) and under that sum. ‘ The fol- ‘ov'ving is the artible'rcl'erretl €01â€" The Standanl in Canada, is the pnund currency in gold, but was have not yet am 'cnin representing it. It ix what in cnllml money of account, and by law equivalrm! lo 101 3211000 g aim Troy wdglut, 51' gold of the standard of‘ï¬nencss now pr?- scribcd by law for the gold coins-0f the United Kingdom. The dollar currency is exactly equivalent to one-fourth of the Weight ul'gold and standard ï¬nflnos“ alioi'v mentioned. The proporlions nl'lllv dif- ferent denominations to each ntlur in money ol account, are too well known In 'méiku it noc'essury to state lliPlll. if the English shilling is Only lnkmi far 24- instcad .of ‘25 cents, the (leprtcialion is equal to 4- 9.0; gal, of what has hither- to'been its conventionI i'a’lu'e' in the pro-- Vince and a dvprecialiou] of 2-3 ol‘a cent. ‘belowixs legal value. A d'vpreriauon so “great as llv'per cent. in Ibo value ol'lhe icoin in 'most cOmmon circulalion amon‘g ms. is ofcoulsc serious, and il a man were do receive English shillings at 25 ceiits, and pay‘ them away for 24-, his sacriï¬ce would be severe. This would be par- ticularly the case with railway or other «companies, who daily receive large ,sums of money in small change. “'4: next come to the value rif Elm-ling money, out of which nrisvs the practiclnl (lillicully, which will !ikvly cause much gmeml inconvenience and concillm-nblé 1mm, in n tantalizing sllaiii‘, l0 lntlivdunlé. The: Pound Sleiling is lchlfll‘Cll by Pro! *Winc'iu'l' stntnté to be equal to £l~ 4-?4d4 .currency, $4,863. The Englislnshflling id also ‘I’Clafll'd by.statulc to be the lag.“ dead†for ihe mieâ€"lwvnliollllpnrt ,lois, 10 the amount of $10 or £2 10s. .curren- ‘I‘he afl'airs of our Canadian neighbors. «to not appear to interest us to the extent thatthey ought. We ï¬nd that our (cor.- tempotaries are prone to dismiss their political alfairs with but a short item at the best. This is not right; we ought. ‘to study the politics of the Canadas and ~the growth and developmaent of their_ material Interests. So soon as they to shake from their shoulders the monopony 'of the Hudson’s Bay Company, which: like the old man in the sea, in the story of Sinbad, has weighed them down and by which thej have been “ cribbed, cabined and c0nï¬ned,†they will enter anew upon' the broad road to prosperity. Few of our peopleï¬illy appreciate the extent and grandeur of the British possessions in: North America and the great resources, from which those possessions, ample as they are, can draw their supplies. The] have immense tracts .well ï¬lled star the cultivation of cereals and the proâ€" =ducli0n ofgrasses where the agricultural- ‘nt can ï¬nd full employment, and ample rewards. for his industry‘ which yet lie waste, 5nd whbse ‘virgm soils are ye! un- houched by the plough. They have also the ï¬nest ï¬sheries in the World, and from whatever point of View we may look upbn the Briti:h North Ameriran possessiom, wartitularly upon the Canadus, we shall ï¬nd that they are well worthy ofour atten- tion from their wealth and population, lllc fositlon which they occupy with reference to ourselves, and our present and fu£ure cqmmeréial relations. In the Britisli'poéessions on this he- misphere are the grrms of a powerful Clnr pireg' and should the time ever come, and we think it not improbable in the course of human events, when they shall separate from the mother country and paw-from under the imperial sway- they will take their place among the nations of the earllr' with a vigorous youth verging into a strong and energetic manhood. “’it‘a the people of the Canadas, to whom the future open- so magniï¬cently, and whose terri ‘ tories strike cotemporanously withour own {or three thousand miles, We are always to be neighbors. Between them and our- selves it is true that nature has, put, in part, a dividing line, in a continuous chain «Mikes and rivers the most extc sive aLd grand in the World, hut as to tln- rest. an imaginary line almost separate people alike in language, literature, customs, and \i‘e may almost say laws also since our con and those of Canadas are the oflslioots of the same strong rootâ€"the English Contâ€" mon Law‘ The only exception, indeed. that can obtain among the population ol‘ French descent in Lower Canada. The very lakes, which in the old world would wit'ely separate, in fact, the dwellers on their stores, only serve as highways or the quicker interchange of commercial relations between us and Canada, and the large rommerce which has sprung up an» fostering influenced the recipro~ 'y, amounting, as it does, to the Provincial Currency; The Canadasl following slulemvnts. \VO‘lléH’C lievn :15â€" sured by a medical friend that Inc has boon consulted by}: lady who has rmnully ar- rived “at Bayuwatir, {win ludil \vhow mse had been cut 08‘. llm child, thrm- years old has neither hands nor lied ; the) l was all cut OFF by “no "muliucers. llnw1 the child survived is a my‘tery. 'l‘he1 govcrness oflhis famhy escallml with the" loss of her ears, which were culle as ‘au (515wa of gelling her. earring. An. other lritml is attending a lady whst ‘nose has been slil open,«and yllf‘l‘ _eurs_ have, been cut GIT. Slug has lirquglll home to. England lliree yci'uug' L'llildren, all blind. 'I‘lleic eyes haye; all bgcn gougvd out [3) the Selwys. .\\'e have hme from m.â€" etllelf‘ souxec, quite b-n'oml que>liun.(:1 ‘llmly wlio speak§ frompersonpl linéivleilge.) that there ai'e'helz‘eral Hiding now ‘in Cal cutla, who have undergone such “inspeaki able degimlatiol) [lint lhey' obstinater fréi like to glvfei'tlieinl'n'ame's 'J‘ney yrefer to be thought of by {heir relatibns ‘i'u ing- land {is dead. Z'I‘hero. are also in Calcutta sevéral young Children whgï¬e names are "quite unknown. Oue Hide-creature say: 5' eds ‘ Mammu’s pel;’ and that is all wr are ever likely to,;kuow of her paslhis- icky}? ' «. . Th‘e erIrrlimi Timm Stl)‘.\‘,’.>_â€"5" It has become the faxhion‘for, ï¬ï¬‚'Wï¬lthlitcrs-LO ,tJn-ow doubts upon the l; nth oIltlc rvpmts, of‘the atrggities committed by‘ ting Sgt-“\oy‘ :pï¬tincrrs upon our cattflrylpvn In ludia.‘1 It is‘said tltat thesle’ rtjtfll‘l‘slhuvg game tttr‘BQgthEjire spieshihnivle Wm}? eulong ‘t3y.th‘vvlndjanvf’ï¬i‘gas"and III‘Ol been authenticated by Eut‘oï¬cnn ‘ht‘cfstimony. ‘llnw .fut' lltesc arguments an}. (worthy, of éredit, our‘rmdurs may iudée ï¬â€˜r‘m the following statements. ' \Vu‘luwc Itevn asâ€" a stranger, unless his attention was speci- ally dr “in to the; subject, or Qic‘xï¬red t~roe~â€r,:wnb flying, would nevei suspect that Inert {were fort-ignl vessel; in w} for- eign not-trio holdingént‘cus areéhe‘ looks “nine vessels. ‘1’ v The friendly rolationsuhirli [mm the condition ol things have necessarily Sprung up belwevn u« and our colonial neighbors in tlu- noxlh, we hnpc always Io are sus- Iained. And we hail with [demure 1h:- great advance Whirl] within a few years p'lst they line made .in‘gnery l‘ljlp‘ll- 9f national life, 'J'Iwy stnntl second to Io‘ other people of the population in the great‘ nï¬llqual’unprovrnu-nts ul lhc dayâ€" canals, railways and tulegrnphu. An‘l nnc lhing 7517131713 accorded torithéllné that all: h 1‘ pfbvements' he of the mm: substantial character. \Vhat they have ddne is well done ; and‘in this we think we" ran lzilm 'a lesson? from them to ounatlrnntngcQâ€" ('hl'mgo Times. -x,'- "llill'l ‘ ;:_ Sum of six millio‘ni of dollars, fully attests lhe truth of what we say. Among the vessels that throng our harbor the tonmée of the Canadian vessels is a large item- Thcy are engaged in all the enterprises that attract and employ our vessels; and John Liufnot. . . ' l Note chldâ€"Johu Ranch. ‘ Privaw Bills-Legislaliwa Assembly Notice. Flu-[nation of Horucnllural Socmtyâ€"Hamillon Formation of Horticultural Societyâ€"Niagara Spatial Noï¬cos. (1mm; Lands’ Depnrun‘cmvNolin-e, Mofl'alls Lift) Pin? and thnix Bitters. Nola Lostâ€"Peter Jones. D\vel_lipg _l<_luyse.. &c., for Sale or to Rent- ï¬ritiab @ribnnr. 'Our‘e-lection'conte‘sts are now 1 o‘Ver‘jyand theistrongan‘d Wide-spread I 1 agitation occasioned by Whenï¬will 'i soon have wholly passed away: i The excitement in the publicrmind 1 'may,’. indeed,' befkept [up rifor -a ‘ time by the ’ demonstrations which the reform party are holding in‘dif- ‘ fetent place: throughout the coun- try; but éven‘Of these the people “iill 's'oon h‘ecorne""t'ired,i‘l‘heir icle- vated spirits will gradua‘llfsubside, 'and matters willere longr set'tle'dowu again into the‘it'drdina’ry and routine Condition; 'VVisr‘. m'en Will then have time for reflection. Parlia- ment will soon be called together for the dispatch of business. Her Majesty’s _‘Op'pos{ition, Who have maydg‘SllQl'l ainple proléssionsof at- taclrfnent to the people’s interests, ‘and boosted so long and loudly of their increasing strength and good intentions, Will then have an op- portunity afforded them of showing what, with their collective wisdom, V theyare capable of accomplishing. They are, no doubt, of opinion that the management of our‘ Provincial _ affairs is soon to come into'their llands,_and that they are the onlyI ‘ party who are able to supply an an-‘ tidote for all the supposed ills with 5 which the country is alllit-tt-d ; but "even were this the case (which is not at all likely) they might ï¬nd the government of the country a task ' more difï¬cult to carry out [ham they I had previously anticipated. APt‘or- _t ding to their showing, they hare l gained a triumph, especiallyin this _ seetiou of the Province. 'I‘hry us- ; szrt that an accession _lms been I made to their rank-s by the late ap- : pm! 10 the people, and that they are , liker to have a trial of the reins of . government is a matter about ' which they seem to entertain no RICHMOND HILL, JAN. 29, 1858 New Advertisements tth Week ‘Se‘poy Victims in England doubt Whatever. When parliament meets, however, a very ditlL-rent ‘state of things. we feel persuaded, ‘will be presented. But. suppose the Opposition Were in power toâ€" monkn’v. Whether, withgall their boasting‘ they will succeed in gpplying alremedy ‘to the sofenlled fliul-adtnin'sgration of the gbvem- which, for; the hit Jen ï¬aï¬ithe have. \Vu‘nsei‘upd‘lonsly’ villiï¬ed by heaping every kind of personal abuse on the leading men of the province, or bring to a satisfactory adjustment the: coptlieb- ing claims of the two oppohiné sele- tions of the country is utterly im. possible, under existing.pimtt_m§1an- ces. The leading principle oftheir politienl Creed is representation by po- pulation. Considered iu“il’::~'el'f1hisE prutgiple is pyrl'eetlngï¬tvnnd the demanel‘thgt [it $l;p,u_]d_ be granted is ,quitcjgs rea‘squehl‘e ; but the object to \v‘hiclrit is intended!tqrgpplythis prineiple, when obtained, is one whit-J} a‘glmj‘ts jot, very graye consid- eration land pn_,\\'..liic,lt _a diversity. of opinion will he found tq‘gxist. w Upper (Junnda sw'ks rt'ln‘(\s(\iiln-' tionvby population. This :she (loos with the .view of increasing" her rc- prescntationi inthc Hon sent Aésom- ‘bly; and this again-with the View Of ‘- ruling» by .l\(‘l‘ principles lllC'w‘tlliilléLL Provinces. But, in thisrxcuse, who (lOCS‘ not furvsov that an- Uppor Canadian majority may enact measures boll} idistastc- ï¬ll and unsuitable to the inhabi- tants of the eastern section of the province, differing from us,‘ as they do, in origin, language, religion, Ian‘s and institutions. Our li-llow subjectsin Lmvm‘ Canada would thou ho planed (‘xaclly‘in the samo position in which: We have been ever since the union in! 1.84], in having measures thrust Upon us,- omitrm-y‘to ‘our wishes and men dot-t tr-i mental to our interests, by a Lower. Canadian ministry. 1: In such‘a state «of things would our mutual jealous- .ios and recriminations ever be brought to a conclusion 3 each sec- tion of the prm'inco governinm alâ€" ternately, matters going on like thevre'b‘bing and [towing of'the tide, while a continual agitationand exâ€" citement are being kept up thmuglv (nit bur entire population. r- ‘ l It is constantly aflirtnejd hy the leaderspf the Opposition that ' 1116 Lower Qanadinps‘ure ‘nOt a progress: sive people ; that‘is, that, they _do ‘ not,va1 once, throw-OH thc.s_liacl§le§‘ of priestly domination and‘ “go for; ward the march of imprdvement stud civilization gs quickly 'as their fellow‘ subjects in‘u‘the; West. ' On, this account they zit-guy, that it is necessary, even for their own beneï¬t, to bring them asllsoou as possible, under the more generous, civilppd religious: influences whigh are brought to bear upon the inhabitants ,of the \Vestvrn section of, the .pro-y, Vince, But every . enlightened statosman knows that, liowcver,de-, sirahle such an object may he in it~ self, all changes are mosteflectugilly, and beneï¬cially made among :a', j People. as they CM-tappteciatc ,fli‘d. :' Swain-“g with “mm, amiul'thrihe. ; rate of with whiehsuch , ‘éhangesare made should'corresppnd in some degreeto :the present char- acter and- past oonditian, religious, political, audisocial, .in .which for several past generati01istithat people may have been placed. That the, day will come when the samerneg; surés will be equally applicable, ignd asbe‘ptable' to both sections of tho provinceï¬no ione «Vito-Yd at 0b; servant-of the progress of. passing events can for 'ahnoment doubt ; and for the arriml‘ of suoh av day,evqr_y one 'who' Wishes wellrtu-his country will faithfully labour-and eagerly long for. Could any object,more de- lightful, be presented to z} reflecting; tnind,than tolsee these splendid prot. vinees adorned-and enriched with every thing that nature could lavish upon thermftlled Witha large and en- ‘ lightenedpopulation, gradually be- coming assiniilateclto each other in. sentiment audyopiuion‘ou civil and religious questions, in all that, relates to their material prosperity,' v and awvide and inoreased diffusion of thcvcomfort's of life, their interests . must-ever be one and the, Same. But such a commutation. will never -be brought about under the present state of things. To, apply the same [ legislation to Uppvrand Lower Can- ; min in present circumstances is not , only impracticable but absurd, and he who makes the attempt will ï¬nd it so in the end, tollis astonishment. . All hise-tlorts,in that direction will be at- tended with discontï¬mm and (it-fem and he will eventually be convinced, that 5110th course of conduct on his p111 argues an ignorance 01: human nature and an utter» unanquain. , Lance with the history and progress of our species altogether repre- hehsib'le in him who aspires to tho high 'nnd responsible position oftdi- ‘_.__.â€". V brvâ€"ï¬t rscting the councils of a state or am tion. Tlle only nicasurcthat in our humble judgment could meet the case would be a federal union of all the North American Provinces, with a general constitution for the whole, agreeable to that on which the British Empire is based, and :1 local government in each. We do not intend at present to discuss the merits of this mï¬qsurei but Would satisfy ourselves by simply indicat- ing our opinion, iiiithg hopke'mt some of our contomporl-‘z'iries may takg‘upfthwsubject and tï¬gvom‘ its iiith‘ahéir Vie-[M's upo’r’i‘itl Such a measure, however, we regard as uh- solutelytnceessary mndon‘muny ac- counts we believe it would be found to be useful. To say the least of it 'ï¬ï¬valfld giw‘fué a‘s :Epeoptlclw’wlléiwl habitation and angling? “union‘s; tho natipqcsï¬of tho earthnto, whiph we are justly entitled, considqring the vast‘c’xtcntof our torritoryd-mr rapid- lx‘lincreasiugv population, and our extended coniirnqrcial reln_ lions?“ It \x‘toul‘dnlsodcml to termim ate the mutual antipathic‘and dis, trusts ofvonc ‘ginothcir, ltllqu't‘Xisl to such a fearful oxtqntin the midst of" us, and which might at some futuro period render us an -n_asy prey. to our.qpyiou|s fluid mppgious neigh- bours onuthq‘others‘idc of the} lines. ‘ ' The (if'WcLlllésttzty has thé foilhwiug I ivlï¬pzh'tant mmnunms- nihnl'éâ€"JVC have ‘ a1ithority for stating that a dospzltch hm Lt‘on received from the Imperial Guâ€" vcmmcnt, illtilnï¬t-iltgi" that [let Majesty, to whom ,was l‘t‘fm'rw} tho selection of tho Scat bf Govm‘nnivnt for the Province (if Czlt'nada, has nr lived at, a decision; and that the CITY of OTTAWA hashocn chosen. Mr. Charles Sheppard, of thc Golden Lion Tavern, Yongo‘Slrct-I, and Mr. John Pei'i'y,!of .tht; Town- ship of King, lmvedrecnnlly rvturu- cd from the neighborhoml [of Pine River, on the line of the,Northorn Railroad, where they had bevnbn: gnged,.f0r about twoyweeks,‘ in hunting. ‘During that timp they killed thirty-nine deer and a huge bear, Weighing upwards of four v_ hundred pounds. ~ "l‘liey::'fbllo\vcd Bruin on “his track; oir‘cr-h'ills and through 2 swamps, ï¬m‘ labout twiclvo Lmiles, and at‘lcugth came up with 'him having found him in his den, Which was a hole of about c‘lcvlen feet deep, dug in the sidé of a hill under a fallen tree. With rifles in readiness the huntersvappronched Within a safe distance of the den, butthe bearcontinued inside; grow]- ing and gnashing his teeth. ‘ As the précisé position of lfls'bearship could not ' be satin, owing to" 1110 j darkness in thb den, it was rcsblved ' ‘to ï¬re 'into 'it' at random; ’ but no soonér-had Mr. Perry done so than ’giéut fury, when he was pierced ‘by-two ballé, bné of Whieh‘ontercd: his ht’ffd,"a little aimveualieléygï¬ï¬u the other lodg’e'd‘irl hisropen mo‘uth. "H'ey‘the‘l‘euplll‘i retreated to tho far- thest corner of' his den-m the agonickE of death, where for the next ï¬fteen minutes he- uttered they- most pitiful moons and cries. Night wasl'i-om- iug‘on,lanid as tho part-ywcro not sure tliat'tlieir victim Wasï¬dend, it wnsv‘agreed'thnt one of them should Ercop‘into the‘d'en’ 1while tho othvr followed olhsé‘itflcl'a'hi‘m, so that in 'méc‘bri‘lin stitll‘lived‘i he ’VVOLIld be in'zi position to (how his companion » â€".‘.â€".â€" _.Fa-â€" Aï¬ï¬lï¬ ra- thc bca'ii'l‘ushediont upon them wil'h R buck bythe‘ heels; They 21(‘Port‘lâ€" and having smisflcd'themsvlvcs that life was cxtinct,’ ho was withinmoh difficulty dragged out. \Vc have soon a portion of the carcass, and we. bc‘li‘e'vo the above-montionod weight of the animal to be correct. Aboutï¬wolygggllons of oil ‘Will be _ ohlziincd‘froin him, and his hith is _ ‘vulued at $10. ‘A prvtty fair’spcti- men of Canadian sport. ingly 91116er the monstch retreat ‘ S‘EXI‘ OF (:O'VER'NMEW _ On Sunday {as}, Coroner Bridg- l'ord of this place, hold an inquest a} Thornh‘fll, on the body of Wm. Wilson, a'lbrickmaker, i‘Csiding in that village. Frbm thc‘evidcnce adduced, wé‘leam theft on Sabbath morning last: ‘ décezimd leï¬ ll‘c 110%? 1m] \Vént into khe yard, and having been observed to fall sudden'l'y 'm .the‘ grotrhd, Il‘c'WaS Immediatcl‘y carried imo the house ; but he expired in a few minutes Qflerwards., The jury rctumedia verdiqt {hit his death had bt‘t‘ll caused ‘2‘ disease of- lhe liver and IullgS' "1110, décoasedjvas a single man; a native of England, and W35 about 26 years of age. ‘ - ~ï¬$ï¬ The 'last oflicial Gazelle conâ€" talns a. prqqlamation summoning Parlimnentâ€'ii) nice-t, for Ihe (les- Palch ‘0T'bi1ï¬incss’,'on Thursday, 1110 25“! day of February next.- INQUEST AT’ ‘ THORNHILL OTTAWA ‘SELDCTEDE ‘\ BEAR [-IUN'T , The Inemhe assembled yeg thé ‘C'dmt Hm (inly bueinossi I of [he \‘Vni‘ll Vaughan-Kceve, DM'iL1_-Bridghrd; Dc‘ ut/ ic‘evb'; EY'r .Uï¬Jfl‘ry. ' ' ' “Whitclmréh-«Reévé,IlosephHartman ; Deputy Reeve, Mnxon Juneau ‘ ' _ Yorkâ€"Rcevv, \V. James; Deputy Reeve, W. Tyrrr-H.‘ Newmarkit't‘â€"‘Reé‘vc, Donald Suther- land Unfnry Rann, Cbbbuf under; "VOOtlxlOckw Mr. \VIIEEH-ER rose and saidâ€"I have great pleasure in submitting this motion to You, “That Joseph Hartman, Esq, be Warden for the United Counties of York and Dev] {or the year 1858.†Our old friend, Mr. Hmtmnn, 'has Gecupied that chair for 'some considerable ï¬rm, and I believe I may say thathe has done so with great satisfaction to the member of thv Council and also to our constituents. (I-Ie‘arxyl see around me a great number of npw members, but 1 have not the least doubt they will concor with‘th‘e old memâ€" bérs in their opininn of the ï¬tness of Mr. 1Hartman,and that tliey'will 3not‘ think it {negrssary that we allflllltl have the conte\t in this mamicrlu'hi l] las (-hlracterised Il‘or‘mcr Yours.‘ Mr. Hartman‘s past. ‘con'«‘ duct is aguarantee‘lor the future. iimMr. TERRELL seconded the motion. - eA'ilVImumR 'saidihe ,had no objection to_ Mr. Hartman, but it \ynsg question in ,his mind whether they Ought to proceed twiththe'el‘ection now, seeing thirt a num- ‘ber bf members were absent, including tlu' members for Pecl. Mr. \VHEELER said he was not awarr‘ that the Council had any control over the members for Feel. It. was their duty to be present. But he understood they were prevented from attending by a meeting taking place in their County for the c'ec- ‘tinn‘ol‘a Provisional Council.’ Mr‘xJI-IARTMLN sajd'he had no choice whether the electron of \Ygrilen‘ was pro- ‘ccedeglrwith‘yioyv’gr Whether it 'was delay- cilz' A's‘é‘n act (Sf courtesy to the memâ€" bérs’for the County of Peel heghoultl of course prefer that they were preseut. He saw one of them on Thursday. and he told him that if here at all they could not be here until the evening. ' Whether they had since madeianyqurangemcnts by which they could 'erriv‘lc; ‘earlier, he (Mr. Hart- ] I n,, maï¬)‘ did {mt "flow: ’As regarded the eh‘bï¬â€™Ã©n', be ’bfllieved they had‘no alter- native but - tn .proceed.;\vi;tli _it to-duy They might however, if they thought propi r, defer it until u later hour in orde'r to give the l(gonlh-men time tO'arrive. A~ liar as‘he was personally rao’ncerued such a gout‘segi'iet his c}1ll:e concurrence. This Clerk puttlpilniotion, and it wm carriel unanimbusly. I " 4 The] VleRDEi‘t‘élert having“ fakcn the 'c'iuiv",szri‘d>â€"â€"Itniii imposssible for me in the present state of my lieullh to express my- selfzts I would like in return for the hand- some comp'im‘ent you hat'olzpaill me, in electing me XVLQï¬lqaiofthe United Counâ€" tigsyof ‘ York and reel. cunvonly say that Iflthunk you Since‘ :l'y,":lmll‘I trust I \shall be able, with the a’ws’istnn‘é‘e of Divine Provideupe,‘ :by whom I wasikiudly raised {rpm at bgetl 0f_$Icl{v‘ltr>.s‘,lo'tlisellgrge the‘ duâ€" tieggvith Zetlll and ï¬delity, though it may not"be with ability.’ 131m: lint ‘able.gen- tlemen, to’0ccupy your time at this moment with any I‘unthou remarks; indqmlJ leur my remarks during our whole sitting, will be only brief; but let me say that, to the extent of my strengthJ inn atyour scrvicv. West Riding of York Agricultural Socxety. l, rgmcuubcr, i'u inking this seat, the motto on our County 'sea'], which i; “ Deedx spe'n'k ;†am] I shall‘eudmvor it“) make my dt'PdS speak witlloul many woi'ds. The Council then adjourned.‘ ankvillc The Council met Tuesday mérni‘lg al 10 o’clock, the Warden in the Chair.’ :couuvmcrnok’sï¬ A conimunicmiolljwas read from the Provin- cial Secretary, caning the attention of the “’ar- den to the 23rd section of the Act 20 Vic. ch. 28. This is the now act. rolating to the man- agomant of prisons, and the séclion referred to ’requires'the vWat'den to call a special meeting oï¬ltlhe Council for. the purpose of appointing a committee to act in concwt \Vi'lh the l’rovincial’ Inspectors of Prisons. in wizard to the alterations and additions that may be deemed necessarv to make the County Gaol satisfy the requirum-enls of the law. . A communication from Mr. Til-Hy refuting to the Markham Plank Road. ~ l Cnunty Council of York and Feel A: communicatioq from Masts. Sunng and, Malthoson. . informing lhe‘Couucil LhaL 1|") dha’ncery sui‘, between the City and the Coumv Council, in regard to gigs prqpoIEEjn [ear of this agix;till'ouse.voccupiéa (K‘s ‘Méché‘llits' 1“. minute, had beenddly- prureeded with. The case had bee‘n grgued. v an_d_ the Coin". had re- sefw‘t‘d’: its judggm‘e‘nfl ‘Mes’s’rs. Strojng and Mauhesomattth‘e- sqme |ime reque§tqq 1m order on the treasurer {qr £35 lowa‘rd's their-cdsta waxes ELECTION OF WARDEN 'orn lhe‘Colohiis-l. Jarn. 26L“ Inhers‘rofztlx: ‘County CounciL yesterday in their Ch'ambcr,nt HouseAdelaide'stï¬Ã©Ã©t. The wsi‘transagwd ’Wn-s 111$ r oiechon ni‘llcn for the engulï¬ng ydht‘?‘ rsgnd Deputy, I‘iqeygs present ‘ve, Peter llully Dc routo V Néx' A communication of Ontmio, asking Council in taking leg tion hm] Supt Uflllt Stnl O'n {He mpgion fo‘tMrifnvam-znyg solacl com- (éiméé. consliting of Mossrsx 'l'yrml. Bridgford. Llamas. Prim. Smith. Stiles, uud Wheeler. was gppoinlod by ballot to Strike the Stgmdiug (30m- lnitwaé (or the cwrreuf your.‘ ~. Sgandiflg Board "(hd nttribfncd anribï¬lod the speciï¬c act “we! rather of tho lrus( of l 19 local superintend that a change of persons v a change f the system. v ilocéysup “Handouts did 1 I . , ‘ . ‘ A GOHADUIIICBUO“. “CC Jocéygtflefmlendénts did not do their duty. A eonéliuuicmion. acquainling the Council ofthe formation ot‘u Tenchars’ Association for the Countv of York. its objuclbeing to promote the fmutqu' imprmmel t d to olevntm 1.1 e lthamt:te§ra bf ke‘achm‘s. 8)! Hanks} sflz I ' A ,On the ro-asmmbling of‘UIe‘Council. “1&8? feet Commich appointed by ballot to no (Rafe the several Standing Committees repofligiaf fo‘llowgt- ‘; (1-H! ‘l-l :2! One requeinng aid to repai the Humber. Finance and Assagszpanâ€"Mpasrs. Price, ‘V'Ileelel',lSInit|1, §IL}son and Su‘theflalzd. \' Eduédzim'p;Méssrs,r'n~n-all, Jamey; Clark. Hide,- audasbarlxelhf ,. ‘17:†»,,; 1 Roadsmzd Brillgpgeï¬'IBSSI‘s.,‘Vright. Trud- geon, VVell's} McLeod, and‘Jém’eï¬â€˜. ' i! V (701)11ij Ply-nï¬eï¬lgflâ€"“Niéï¬rs-'Bfldgford, Sï¬les County Praimrtgfâ€"“NIMHs-Brmgmm, blues, Smith, Jones,vaudEgo. ‘ g ‘ Conlingcncicsâ€"ML§SIS,Streot,Hannah,Evdns“ Andprson, and Spragnb. I’rinlin gâ€"Md‘ssiï¬. Richardéoh‘, [Iutty.Fanlli- nor, Buunu, and Hart. , I Assessment RMHâ€""The Comm'itl'e'e‘ furtheu named lhé following, persons as suitable to be a Committee to equalize the Assessment ~Ro|ls â€"-\'Iessrs. Phillips. "Vallis, Jeffrby, Hannahr and Safrott Assessment Rn, named lhé follow a Committee love â€"â€"\'Iessrs. Phillip Mt. 'I‘YlmELL, chairman of the Select Gam- mitlee, moved ihdl the 'genï¬emeli nominated to serve on the Smudng Commitlues. f6: the cur- rent year, be elected, which was carried. A pelilion was Iec'e'l've'd from the Markham County Grumm ing for $490 towards the; ex school. H, The Traasurorâ€"J. S. Howard. E‘sqqï¬-sub- mined his annual ï¬nancial statements. for the information of the Council. . In doing so, he called the attention of the Council lo the reduc- tion of tha, amuum now being received from Government, (owaxdllhp expenses of criminal juslice, on'ing to the large and inereasinig prel- pondernnco of cily‘pri: onérsi " It would be ob- served. he saidhiu the siatnmeut of outstanding :wsels there was a sum of £36 l8§ 2d due by Lhe clerk of Assizei since Ocmber._18r5ï¬, being a balance of fees on cases entered {or trial at the then Court. It wasmiginally much [xi-gar, and Jiad been reduced Iglhe p'crem amounil But (in? ’I'fe‘iisdre'r hav'i‘r'rgfwilrd-to ohlain it, after frtquont application.. headgemnd iL right to call had been reduced 19th:; p e~enl agnou'ti't’s But thz'r Irieétscrrér hwir'rg‘fwilé'd-to obtain if, after frequent application. he dgempd it. right to call the attention of the Council tolmé inattor. Respecting the former difl'erance with the Water Companykthe 'I‘rgnsum: forwardéd the opinion aft 6 Go'varmuent Auditors sug'esling ah arb'it‘raliom and a'lettéfl'ro'm .M: Evans. Secretary of the_ Cvompany, cyncurring. : ’Jho tabular stmement ,accompanying the treasurer‘s mport,‘ win no doitbt. be advérï¬s'ett' ' THE Pmsox' Act. On VVedrfeéday‘ the Council mé: at the u'srial‘ hour. the Warden presiding. A special meeting was directed to he) held on Friday the 29d) insL. to appoint a commi-ue'e [0' act. in c‘oncett with the Provincial Inspectors of Prisons. imaccgrdanca with the Act of last ses- sion for ï¬i’e'belte‘r provision ofgoals for young offenders and the regulation of piisons. Mr. I'IANNAH gave notice (ha). he would fnd'v'e‘ on toâ€"morrow that Mn Street be addedyto the Special Committee for revising the assessme'm ‘r'oHs.’ ‘“ " "’“ ' r Mr. PMâ€: moved, seconded by Mn Wheeler. thal‘Mf‘; Naih’zm Gatchell be appoil‘lted on'e' bf tha.audi,tnrs bf the bounty accounts for the com- ing year.â€"Cm'rjed. “ _ . ‘ - :‘ ..x. 'Mi-."I‘\' iu‘iu. girv'e notice that he would. on te-inorro‘xsmeve llmtthe: Council do resulva itself tutu a Committee of the whole. to outside! the propriety of submitting to the Governor in Cquncil the names of one ominore suitable per: sons to be appointed County Attorneys for the" United Counties. This was a matter of im- pnrtance. ’vflfld he thought the Council would not he stepping beyond the bounds of their duty in tdopling such a motiun. ' r ' ‘ CRIMINAL J-USTICE‘ Mr TYRRELE. guve.1totice.that he wouldg’iï¬i ’ 'liursday, move that. the Council resolve itselti into a Committee of the Whole to determine the best means to be adopted to secure a more equitable and just mode ol'reinunerating Crown \v'ituesse’s for their attendance in Court. and for such alteration in the 16th Vim, chap. 188. as will (later‘ We who is te’pdy the three'ine‘dical t)rnntioiiers {or their trouble and certiï¬cates in reference to insane persens, or if such certiï¬â€˜ cutesere et' all necessary. Tm: NEW- MUNICIPAL BILL. Mr. 'Smru, seconded by Mr. STARRETTL. moved that Messrs. ' “7heeler, Stiles, James. l‘riee .and [rm-ell be» a Select Committee tq inquire inte und’ report, hr petition or otherwise,» any amendments chew may deem necessary-in the New Municipal Bill. Carried. ' " ‘ IbeiCï¬wc“ the“ adjmwmdiuuiwn’c‘oc -cuit No. ‘2.â€"Il.o ï¬rst asking for some mun- GiIiBï¬'TSWW‘S'ewmmw‘m ‘ secpnd pmyjngthalGd a milQ be paid to [he ‘n’l'bérs'j Q1" 1' 6 Board in ~adcord‘mxcc wit“ the olilï¬on offlï¬a Couï¬ci! p’aésed a “5 meeting June last. We hnve seven days laper news (ton; Enropie brought by the §leamship "“Europa.†'which left Liverpool '61} p. m; of the 9m, and arriv at this 13qu. ye§lerd y morning. ‘ THE BANK OF‘ ENGLAND IIAS RE- DUCED TH‘E RATE. OI“ INTEREST FROM RIGHT TO SIX PER CENT. The Council then adjourned ‘ There was, nothing heard of the Vanderbilt steamship " Ariel.†which sailed from South- ampwn‘for New York on the 313: of Decem- ber, at Lhe departure of the “ Europa.†‘ ’I'h’e Ebngn' mone'_\‘ m'av‘ket was easy. “11d the Bank directors had again reduced the rate of interest faith 8 to 6 per cent. Abfluf $3,500.000 in gold was on its way florunslmlja to England»; 4RRII‘ The“ lasi return of the Bank of England showshn ihcrsase in Milliim of £VlL188,287, to- kgl amoqu gheflï¬l2,6-’L‘J.193; increase over 5,} millions dfpounds sterling 'm the space of 5 Webksy ‘ can for com ring Consols closed in London on the 8111 msmnl at 95 a 95 . Nolwithlaudiug this favomlilo state of the market wa‘huve to report the fol- lowmg failures ;-â€"G|a$gow : .71.. &‘\‘V. \Vallalla. Se\\'ed"’Muinn Manfl’facmreré; £250,000,- MiUer. M'uclxell S: Ogilvio‘ Wayehouse man. 1580.000: Clupperton. Findlay& Co. Mer- ‘c'hnuté: John E. “’m‘e (Kc-(30.. Dundee. Man- ufactwursv 50.0005‘wd R. H. Whitï¬eld ï¬g. Co., of Lolldoh, Wbsfln'dia Merchants, £4.14 00L). .Sugar-had ad‘mnced wuhynnactivo de- mand in London. Flour declined from 6d to ls per barrel on Friday. Latest -advices from. Andie had been ltele- graphed from Suez in London. but'iho exact dalos are not given. ' ' 71h. The Council thou adjourned Death of General llzwelock. Baum-a1 Havolock did a! Lucknow on the I; conlul'lnod in the po nnï¬ï¬icifliou hon} {he lhogCoumy ofiYork. sidefed lhn question sndbl‘lls‘. ‘0 which th my oxlrggl from “m r Cornwhuongï¬â€˜ mi uconluinod in the paling". 'M Iï¬Aï¬iciflion hon} {he Beade “of Insti’uo‘£ mgCounty ofâ€"York. stating that thgy darted the question regarding local dbl‘lls‘. 10 which their littontion was: a; extragt from [he procel‘pdings of lh’f Comrr‘mtekfd‘ mas \goyncn. {15¢ not bonishler‘ï¬xe objeciiï¬ns lungihlb'; the speciï¬c acts complained of to the Lher of tho lruslues and [anchors than 111 superintendents : and suggested we of persons would be preferable to :f the system. where it was found the APl’Ol lL'T OF AN AUDITOR Eri'nmsa commï¬'xms. PETITIONS PRESENTED Z'AL OF THE “ EUROPA.’ FIN CIA]. the Board or Public Instruction SELECT Cgknll'lTE E NOTICE OF MOTION ‘ers Ior obstruclilggtho pussqu over the B nck nvcr. lion from the Provincial Secre- )p}' of a petition from cul'lain householders of Garrufraxa, Jon prq‘ï¬ug for Incorporation, port from the \Vé’t‘ien on the inud in the pulilignu Lion from he Boma ‘of Iusli’uoé COUNTY ATTORNEYS- NEW YORK; 25th Jan.,1858. PVJ‘ITION‘ a London on the 78111; ilxslfnl m lh will from the Trustees of Grammar School. pray! the expenses of that STA REMENT! lho Connly Council co-operaliuu of this readings ngninst John bstrucling tho passage B ack river. ilie Provincial Seem. mition from cal'lnin ‘nls; and suggested ould be preferable to here it was found the the bridge across ing this favomlilo :10 report the fol- .1..&‘W. \Vallafla. {rm-é; £250,000,- Wayehouse man. dlay& Co. Mer- 'o.. Dundee. Man- i. H. Whitï¬eld ï¬g Merchants, 545,4 wiLhmnaCLivo dre- routed. tl1i§1mdy of mulinbers'ou llm ' Deï¬Bfllel‘fï¬cslroying a“ theikamnnilion locks and r. n. and 'capturing‘ti of lhe'u These ‘ wailol" mu't'maers “tyre Hm grc stncle tm’ the tranqmlilï¬néf Central India. VVQ hhvo to record,: deaths of a n *of catï¬er ‘ii’momz ‘ cm] H“ Madame Rachel. Field Marsh l Radmzk Redschid Pasha. IKQve been re_ loved (m. The latest dates fr In were no! From Ausxralia we have news dated at Syd ‘uox‘qn me “lb, and Melbourne on the 17m av. \ A. graphed. but active praparations for a can attack on Canton continued to be made at Kong. Some reports say the French would not mg part in the operations. Bills fortho construction of railways from Melbourne to Mount Alaxander, Bendigo. and the Murray. and from iGecimg :70 Ballarnt. passed the legislature, Estimated exponso's, £B.u.00.000 .slgz..~._.“......~..-_... .V - .11. Sue me So qu’i. gir lilayHLiverpoo] 8th. says gâ€"JA wbdxy’s ‘mhrkfot‘ thb allendancg of buyers was var): small, and the business donu‘ in all doscfipiions of breadsm'fl's quite I‘imilod. .Wheol lqsl the a'dvancé of Theadny. a'nd was slow (ï¬gs 0 at the reduction. Fl‘olur also recededvdid 1g ls-pe; barrel, and wnsralmost neglected. " I lyikldialyqory'dnlfl. al‘ad GIL-pol- qI. choapor‘.‘ "x" ' \V’e qï¬lottla ï¬hohtâ€"‘Red‘. (Si 58 3 GS 8d for Western’;1 'choiuo Séulhern, frnm scarcity, 73 6d g1g7§ifl~;wllile 78‘6‘d 3‘8‘! g9! Fqur--.-l’lfnilaflalphini and Baltimore 243' u 253‘; _e;:ya Oh_m 26s; for Northern 28. In yegif f6};Neï¬ 61199115 Wes- tm 91!: a 24s Wui'é’ ' ‘ '5 u, ntol y i [h ‘1hflia‘1i CMI’EthxedLï¬H-Jiuï¬Ã©â€˜fs h 33$ white. 37:1 a: Biaher‘mia his. gre’sï¬ug’,‘ 'ï¬ud will be coimils’led in alcw'tl‘a'ys' ' Detalls of Indian news hrolrate’iveds. , Sir Colin Campbell has evacuated Lucknow“ 'Gen 'Olllraui 'rérï¬aits lat Allu'inb'ah with a :tcmlgflivisionh _ I. 1 , J†’ Gui]; ‘Wihdlram aflef defeating; the Gwalibr Coming-on! wa’s taken 'by auï¬ï¬‚is‘e‘nhfl his camp destroyed by Gwalior mulineers. whd were sub- sequently beaten by Sir Colin Campbell, and again by Grant, with loss of all,thei;.guns and stores. . Oudp insurgents dre'pï¬slaihg’sggthwards. V, n A'llquiel in the Punjauh. A ‘ Thg I\'1m.rrarqql from Liverpool. at 10,011 the mofuingvol’ï¬a‘nuary l‘drh, arrived a18230.n.m '711‘e‘l'a'un‘ch of'tho Lani/Mun; wkg dai‘ylpro; the towns and‘ villages of Canada have been far too reldy '10 'give credit, and have been excited'so to do ‘by the undue competition ‘hat has existed‘a‘m'o‘nï¬ sellers. [Ha purchaser in want _o_£_ @665 could secure a six months" credit at .1 particular store; while at. another establishment cash , Afvohl‘d‘be réQuired, ‘that _ housg‘has “He-elf; E'in\"a«"mbly :favouFe‘dC Will; 9135" patronage which would‘exchange goods \vithllim fdr pmmiées (a p'zif. ' BX tlii's'me‘ilh's ghe credjt storqu drew the greateg‘ part of the cus- ‘ tom. and it has been deemed. \Tlxegefgre‘,_2‘aj [matter of self-protection tQ -in . .Lhe credit system, and this, too, by many who are gppogeï¬ gqi’t ()leiincip‘e. vAndhw‘hde'n: we ask whov are these people .wHo demand lo'rig credit,'and hamper the'ofwer‘aginns of ‘hdsï¬ï¬ess by tardy payments? we ï¬nd them. Ho be precisely’ those’ individuals; who 'deJ man}! and 'rec'éfx‘e in' cash fllciproduce ‘9‘- ' ‘fHeTi‘. 0W1]~ labbr. ‘ ml CHANA The Admiral mfd the cï¬fef‘p'art‘ef have gone up the Canton river. An auack 'was reinforcementsA ARRIVAL OF THE « K‘AN‘G‘A‘RO'OE" 1; Ilgig' said Abatthe_ erssiapsshave éeas'éd ‘to interfere with lh'a'uavigélion of the Circassiau coast. < V ., V t ‘ I ‘ CASH FOR‘ “MEAT._;CI;EDI'I‘ - BOB-a goons. g The ciï¬v wag rephrted rui'nédr.’ . Lordglgip hag gym}: I? Macao. - Teas quioLaLShaï¬ghaii In ’ .71)? news from Francis IS unimporta‘nt.‘ _ , m » The Spahisthnflez‘ is'opened. The‘Quoen’s speech alludes to the meditation of Frfance and Eug‘land’tinthe Mexican quarrel; in what strain, the deSpatch says not. ' H Al‘- Pmpa élICceeds Redschid Pasha gs ijélgd * “ At- a time when the'caz'SK-rwhjch h We led to the existing commercial pressure engage the thoughts 0F most, it may Engt‘ be inopportune to refer to the HHS of‘tlte- long credit system." It is a fact, patent to most, that those cngagt‘d .inr .lbusiness in the towns and‘ villages of Canada have been far too reuly 'to 'give credit, and have been excitedso to do by the undue Trade at Melbourne continued depressed Pork. \vi they! change. “ Under the old sy§tem of barter Whiplk prevailed years ago, when produce were exchanged for goods the merchant fared far' better than' he does now; for then he hall something tangiblemnd though nogt (Wife " 57 convenient as Inoney,'5tfll “3 “3.5 a" more satisfactory than the bare prgnmse to pay which has hem im vogue, in latter years What a mh’rreats and wear; are such obvious necessaries that they; shoulrl aways emnmnn‘tlréxshg'i Tdhejjneople in a city .10, in, Ihe large mayorily of cases pay cash fox-'7 what they eatâ€"as can be attested every day in the markerâ€"Thu! the people from the country parts so manage that ,tbougb they take money out qf the city, leave very little in it; This system is the reverse at fair, and must: always lead to embarrassment. The man who is prompt in business is generally thrifty and sbecess- ful, but \redel'y any'man to be punctual in his payments who‘ supplies his own ne, cessities with cash‘nut'cfhis‘till, and minis- ters lolhose of other; by dealing out goods' from lIIS shelves, leaving them to be paid for ‘ after harvest,’ or at any other inde- ï¬nitem‘éribd; 7 ‘ _' : causing the loss of mam. -“ “'hen'business. is éond'ucted on sl:9;t_ credit,’l man Icon discovers those ~whn are \vdijtliy‘pf hripg trusted, While under the long credit‘éystcm he is kept in blessed ignnrauicé .61; the mattmj till, it is. perhaps. 100 late‘ Then‘ he rates hi Self for a tool. and wonders hmzhe could 1' gire hem in- duced to act son'rroneousI-v; But so great is competition, thétt let tinother would be customer some in, and he ï¬nds the sum? Willingness to give credit extended to- ‘ wards himself that has been given to others. And the only remedy to such nnprosner- ' ous habits of doing business is a crisis “kc almcked 8,000 01 1h New. The rah i ll) \V i the En; nearly L ambell. ’fhowover. com of‘ mutinbms'ou the my York; Jangxsmh, 1858 'oying all theikamuniliol and baptllring§6 of lhei u" mu'l'maers “tyre Hm gr uqnuli.ly.éf Central India expected'on the arrival-of wiLh ]‘ If the 1 :h l wh div nducedh ‘0}; ugh! the 64m the fleef 9.0M the present. jib'au'rdily Oh: yond their re gthey? 1w? mm .tion ofcn‘ctlil is the cry? not make a f that the com: a living can†can’t collect dz] [Here we. we at‘ tge‘lagtflay qfthe (says flit; 13am Clnmn‘tlc), ahd’ we not had a sx‘ngléifrostu A week or agonw'e announced the gathering, of mispberï¬Ã©s, and earsoF'a- second in b'urlcy : at p‘reimr'w‘b -l|a‘Ve alt-she ll; ' We‘rï¬ï¬‚ï¬g ‘f'bipm‘shï¬nf Tm eggs‘; {he oHrer da'v. we heï¬ibgiF‘n 1 0r Wimg‘u king-ï¬shers; flying; thou‘ ; and somewhere†‘up the' Suiaimï¬wicdk‘ , r'alluy 'llIEre is a nesLof young ‘lhrushes; the woods gm: focal with the song of black- .birds anflmtlior fembe’r’eél' élidrixlers; the .(rggsjs‘rmcapidmc, olnilig‘hiko Pug}!ng some are actpaily‘mmslhig ipfé‘lea‘f; thé gm" (lens ’etéilibv'i‘ nimoS't all kinds of Spring flov'vers; in tlleJ-’cop’sesiare primroses by tlwusands-;=violets. peep: forth, and the wild ,sli'awbgrr makes preparation for fruit ’by [fï¬ding out its meek white blos- sotns‘;-smd loiglyunot lbeJestt startling, V ; HT. _ . m ....D, tinttcrtlics at various kindslvenlure [0 un- fu‘lgl thrir;i dplicate \virig‘ï¬m Thes'mdemom sti'ations cailse 'llie \veuï¬erwise to sl.a'<0 lltélr‘ “5119'; nna 'p'rodict that we ‘ shall ‘hu'e a smart nip for it by a’ndtbyu’i †'1': 8 winter. unrtgr olf18_5’7’, says the Che/lan- 1mm mm’mm'; llas’be'eii characterised byya milduess of temperature which lna not begn equalled in the memory of“ the oldest inhabitant.â€. Up to the_ prossnt time we have liaJ nearly six. Weeks of un« interrupted ï¬ne weather ; scarcely a drop ofrain has full'eh, not'a snow fluke hasliusn vis blewnilmwe" hu'vq had as yetnota s nglc nizhtï¬fayen “ a'ulumn frost.†On Clll‘lxt- “115 day the air was mild and genial as that usually exliui'ienc'ed in September. in minyygm'dt-ns violets and priinroses were g‘thur'ediniabunduhce ;-while the ii 5 ancos. o." rin raspberries, and even strawberries, during the last .few w’eék's,' have been by m means uncommon. '\Ve have now be- fore us a couple oflu<cibus pearsï¬jst gath . cred by iVlr."l“yler.of Suffolkparade. \Ve (chst Surrey Gazette) have heard so much of the extraordinary Weather this year, that We must almost hesitate to re- coril inolhorl instah'c'e'; bli’t having now before US a line branch of ripe white rasp‘ _be‘rries,gaitl:c_red on Christh Dav, by ‘Mr. B.Brown,bfthis to'vrn, on the top of Portdown hill , alsq a _ï¬ne' large bouquet lof blackberry blot§omé, intermixed with The East 11mlng Company is said to he derméd :13 a governing body. The Car- poration, however, his, great power in its hands.» ill prdve'd to'o strong for Mr. Fox by raising a' panic amongst the municipa C’H‘PO‘, alions in the kingdt‘zm ; but this time ti;0§e:bodies have no kidnllréd- ï¬elings will Li‘adenhull Street and Ilse COW' wi‘ have to ï¬ght ils battle singIE-llanded. O the nature of the ministerial measure, weekly official paper has ventured som (ipï¬culiï¬phs which may or may nol be well founded. India is, according to_ these t be goi‘lerned by a board, andithefre isâ€"a some‘ gimc high we led our rgad‘ers to an ; {kinda-«to begixother-Secgetaary of Stat * L i \ 9 ‘ diasï¬irWe suppos | 1 % {H to n -1 m p -. ‘4 kpmsi‘mens of. ghe| ï¬â€˜uit in.every s'age oi 'unr‘lpehéssflo‘ flré' fullâ€"headed, weP-duvul- ed, higli-cbloured berry, gathered on the same day near Chichester. ‘ MrhYgrnon Smifliiï¬jihavé the 0}}! 0111c yithavnemlitle. . Fromgflwg caii forse phi: yeqr will eith’er'ï¬iatérinlly alter sow 6f hill" Eiéiit" igfï¬l"\i'l‘i6i§§,"lbr ih’augura.‘ changes that \viil’i‘tikiu‘mél' ‘ï¬Ã©rï¬ fec'in; ‘ajdfmake'pojiï¬ps pride hinore' an excitin relement in ghpaggt‘q: .; cry for Admii istrniive Reform hasnat, ghee!» pHogeth: in vzvxihrh‘Thg' we'relzitir‘gn‘rof‘theit Crimea Committee hav'é ‘gii'eiihldgaliyhhlow to N absurdities of the Horse Gliards’ rcgin ml, ï¬ripg’ke 9599mhiflmeems to I 'd°is'%!‘é?-.bs?% $0, {$9.492 swimmer- ,in ail its branches, 3 new reguialio wirh? regard to stan gppgintments SCI : unexceptionable. “Th'éy pro'vid'envith tx- -rxeep£iens akaâ€"Hie lst 0L. J anuar 18994slo£l§cerjbap ‘13? ‘appoinied to [2 stuff without either having Sludihd effec "i‘véiy‘dt‘sandlmrst o’l‘"‘ï¬a<sed an exam nation: {L‘Tbe exceptiopsare in the case éflicar§at1§xining tire rank of Licutenan Colonel before the‘pcriod named and careers ol'prdi'iii] zibiliiy iii'flié ï¬eld. T ruie is n‘ g’om} ï¬ne, but it would ha ’dperafgd‘ uhfairiy if tbe’exceptions hall u bcgn made. It must frequentiy beleft {he battleï¬eld to diséovgr men of abilil and}: woiild'b’e’ hlikc unjust and impom to exclude them from high nppnintme: because they- had not passed through Sun hurst whilst those who have attainer Li‘gptvenapt golqneléj’ are propcn‘y er sidercd as eligible, soilhai/éiisiing rig may not he ruthlessly. cfpshedr-COZWZ TIIE'jEA‘ST INDIA COMRANY. h A MONSTER 'l’ï¬A‘ï¬kZâ€"â€"The Vol hon of gold has" become so! inlimat Ellemlï¬ed with any rpfqrence to Califon that the Péciï¬c 'Sfatetlms hardly recci Cfc'dit for rlr-elng éhlé‘tb imbduce anyth el§e.“. plank exhibited 9n ’Chauge ) terday, must have (1th nluéh to dlSpel t ld°§l, an}! to convince {allWho saw it, [ 'slré pésées’séé soméflling besldes gold mi ' Their-ï¬nk in- qdestién «as about Dr feet long; six feet six inches wide, and e iiiChe$ thick, ofr reitmiqoclf‘, It was I fectly “ clear,†with the exception . 'slnall'sput, not'amounling to a knot in corner. The tree from which this p‘ was préduccd must In"? been 1 mom and if they are common In California, those of'even half-the size :are foun abundance. the lumber of that Stale be of great value, Even as compared h'er gold.‘-â€"N. Y. Advcrtrisc. The ,Iumva‘iphl l‘cdit. A1 0f plaé Mildness of the 'Season‘ pres'vnt: We ~ha'1'c «Ill-she V iï¬g l;"‘bi"t[3’m*3ifyinr 'or )Hrér (Hy, we lleï¬ï¬‚kgf‘a‘ kingï¬shm r flying; all“; It will teach one and a†We raéing‘ :hei‘r‘meadsis'q far be- mm mm in the h \lr of need a‘ihhlqarlm land 1 Vaqusll‘iï¬' . 'At the px‘cse'ht'l‘line What N651 mu ruined; not] can- sir proï¬t during (‘b'e‘Venr : not ‘gnnnerirg, of ripe IF-'a- second {xx-op of lm‘w‘e ant-she lay-mp.â€" 3 Smr'an u‘lcu' lleï¬liP‘g'Fa brood g‘ue‘yenr ; not :0 sterilu, that m“ it, bul~â€"‘ I year have two