In Maine there are 4,102 School Districts, 240,764- childlen between 4 Mad 21, audï¬an average of $663,000 ex- pend: d for school purposes. dares that the United States have not low, and never will have, gold enough (0 purchase Cuba. 030 less than tllu Railway for Hm week endin amounts to $14,829, bein The Goshen Republican says the qumtity of milk sent from Orange county to New York, last year, was +,967,18+ gauonl, for which the round sum of $596,- 062 was received. ' They manufacture from fourteen to ï¬fteen thousand Millie rifle balls per day, at the Watervliet Arsenal in New York State. last year It is said that a gentleman who was E1~merly3ne of tie proprTetors 0T a mercantile house in Davenport, low, which lulcly (tiled, is now sawing wood 03 a living. Mr. Rodier was elected Mayor of Montreal bya majority of 769 over MnDQ. The votes stoodâ€"Rodier 3,- Ninety millions ol'pounds of 10a were imported into England in 1856 und forty millions into the United Smtes we suns yean. The Pope has granted indul- gences to the army and navy otï¬cers of the United Slams to eat meat during the present acason of Lent. Lady Bulwur) wife of hrntcd novelist, is sand to b want, and is about to sue her her support. 092, Day 2,323. The letters collected at the Wash- ington Dead Letter olï¬ce for one month, contained valuables to the amount of $1,- Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, has, in is said, one of the largxst landed estates of the Southâ€"his farm comprising ovur 1|,000 acres. The Albany Journal says, an old Oneida Chief, Skandoga, 106 years of age,is now in that city sulTel'ing from want. A wealthy Printer has been dis- covered in India. The British Zoological Society arelnnking preparations lo catch him. The E King of I English [7 $10,000. years 460,685 as. left by will to I) D. Hume, the celebrL- led American medium, a life annuity of $21,200 per yPar. ’AJQ him a ~‘h of .ludr Freeman Hunt, editor and pro- prietor m Hunt’s Merchants Magazine, pired after a brief illnBSs, in Brooklyn, on \Vedncsday last, March 3rd. The Buflalo Commercial Adver- ï¬ser says over seven hundred dogs hm: perished under the terrors of the law in that city, during a few weeks. Information has been received in England. that upwards of G_000 sick and wounded soldiers will shortly be on their passage to England, from India' Considering maple sugar has been made during the past few Weeks, in H»,- neighborhood of New Haven Conn. A boy mancd Green, a resident of Illinois, 15 years of age, and perfecth formed, is much smaller lhan Tom Thumb. Competition has cheapened the {are to California. The charges now are, second cabin, $100 ; steel-age, $50. The Maine Legislature purposes to 'give 80 acres of land to awry settler who will select and occupy :1 l'arm on the States lands in Aristook Co. A girl of eleven in the Taunton P°°bhouse, has just given birth to a child we'ghing eight pounds. The father is 14- yea" 0â€, and the mother was born m “‘0 Door-house. Q‘he London papers are quarrel- ling as to whether the Princess Royal 11h! weep or did not, when she was married. A careful estimate of all the In- dian tribes indicate that lhey now number the); 5,000,000 in all North America. nu \' The rate-papers of Woodstock, $4,. have ratiï¬ed a By-law passed by the Town “5 Councll,for the total suppression of 5a. g‘" Icons, beer shops, bowling alleys, and all the gambling institutions within the limits of m; the Cornorutinn. B" latter part of the month of June, and he proposes to remain there with her seven weeks. Father Zappelti, a Jew“, who has obtained some notoriety by his abuse of the English government, on returning to Malta from Rome was canveyed back to Italy in her Majesty’s ship Harpy. Capt. Harrison, who ism com- mand the Levialhan, writes that he is in hopes to be in Portland with his vesse‘ i“ It is estimated that were all the United Sï¬nea as densely inhabited as Massachusetts, (hey Would have a porn- lation of 445,000,000 souls, of which Texas woth have 50,000,000. The olï¬cial paper of Spain dc- An English lady has recently ‘rporution \v residing near Selma, Ark, Brussel lace dress which the the Belgians presenled to the Princess on her marriage, cost A, :vventceu hundred )ts of thc mom, a Jesuil, who me notoriety by his abuse government, on returning Rome was conveyed back Lr - h was slr espoudir 1mm \Vcstom in; March 5th, in: about $10, ck in the mint red and ï¬fty in actual husband lbr the week of There are 112 Masonic Lodges in the State of California ; 4,282 Master Masons; €152 Fellows Craft ; 4-85 Enter- ed Apprentices. Nme hundred and three have been initiated the past year; 789 pused; and 740 raised. Quite a little army ! Last week we announced the fact that there persons in the township ofElizabeth- town had fallen beneth the blow of the murderer. The inve<ligation which has since taken place Shows a brutality in the commissmn of this triplicate murder of the most revolting description. The names of the murdered parties are John Thomp- son, Mrs. Thompson. and John Slaven, the latter being :1 boarder, and at the time of the murder conï¬ned to bed from sick- ness. On the morning of the 12lh 1111. the Union WOIkhOUSe at Athy, Ireland, was almost. totally consumed by ï¬re. The particulars of (his dasastrous occurrence have not been Ivarned ; but no less than three adult male pnupers and ï¬re boys perished in the conflagmtion. In Durlsloy's Register 01 October, 1765,11 is stated that -" :1 method ofmak- ing sugar and mnhnsrvs from the sap of a certain tree called maple, common in the Ne“? England Colonies, has just been dis- covered and put in practice at severa! por~ tions of New England, but especially at Bernardston, about 20 miles from Athol. The Newark Advertiser has this rare notice: Married, in the village of London, England. on the 25th ult., Fred- erick W. Hohi-nzoliern, Esq., of Berlin, Prussia, and Victoria Adelaide Guelph, eldest daughter of Albert Saxecoburgnnd- gotha, Esq, of the former place The Legislature of Texas is a re.- mnrlmble body, and its labours without a parallel. They [me a large amount of business on hand, and for some time have been holding three sessions a dayâ€"fore- noon, afternoon, and at night. To these they have added a fnurlh, a session before hreak'ast. The Austin Gazelle sa)s the House now meets at 4 o’clock, A M., and goes to work. The body of Thompson was found lying in the barn, with a lantren patinlly brok- en near him. From this circumstance, it would appear he had gone to the barn for some purpoFe immediately before retiring to bed, and that his wife was awaiting his return from the barn in order to rtire for the night also. It is more than probable that the murderers had been on the watch, and follomd Thompson to the the barn, and before he was aware knocked him down by a blow on the face, and when so knocked down, seized the shovel and com pleted their diabolical work by repeated blows on the head with the edge of the shovel, in the manner described by Dr. Edmondson. The murderers appear to have left the barn when the r l'e tdish purpose was ended, fastening the doors as they retired. They then went to the house, and while one used an axe for the murder of Mrs. Thompson, another ï¬end broke in the skull of Slnven, with some blunt instru- mrnt. The appearance of Mrs. Thomp- son was sickening. No less than [our ghastly wounds were inflicted on the head of the untorlunate womanâ€"the ï¬rst given on the head being sufï¬cient to cause death. No portion of the evidence is suflicient- ly direct to cause the ariest or any susâ€" pected parties. As the inquest proceeds, we trust more important testimony may be brought out, and the guilty parties reached. Although unseen by human eyes, there are eyes that never sleep, and our hope is that through His instrumen- tality the guilty will yet be brought to corTLlign punishment ’ * On Tuesdayï¬he excitement during the COFOIIH": inquest was inteuee. Strong suspicions were entertained against James VVha'en and Dennis Troddcn, and W'ha- len‘s shanty was searched. In the mean- time. Whalcn. Trodden, and a man nan- ed 1’. I). Cumnrings, who had only been in the noighhonrhoml for a few days al- though in'imate with \thlen and Trail- den, had pacde up all they could con- vcuienlly get hurried together, and, with their families decamped. On searching \Vlmlen’s shanty, an axe was found hidden on a shelf. On exami- nation, the axe appeared to have beenâ€"re- cently washed, and yet a small quantitv of what appears to be blood was discovered, with a few human hairs, in the eye of the axe. This discoveay heightened the ex- citement, and a feeling was aroused which some were afraid would end in the exci- ted crowd talking summary vengence on the three persons we have named. VVar- rants Wirc however, immediately made Out for their arrest, when their exodus f o n thelocality was discovered. Mr. Kin- caid, Mr. Mott, and others, then made arrangements to trace out the lugitives, and at Iasc Mr. Kincaid fell upon their track, and followed them up to the North Augusta road. \Vhile Mr. Kincaid and his party kept on the track, Mr. Pardce made his way to Brockville and intimated how matters stood. Immediately a party went out of town by the Calitornia road, where the suspected persons were met, near Mr. Fastons. They were hemmed in at this point, Mr. Kincaid and his friends coming upon them from the rear, and these who went from Brockville meeting them from the front. The par- ties, \Vhalen. Trodden and Cummings, were escorted to gaol, where they now lie “Waiting examination. The township Council, we prcceive, gage Put out bills offering a reward of 'ersoo ‘3': the apprenhesion ot' the murder- guih hether the‘ pelswns arrested are m deyci‘ar mlmcent, it would be premature the l (19-. If they are guilty, the law of an Wlll reach them, and they must NY the penal: .' - Brae/trifle Ricmlii-erllmr great crime.â€" We lmpe, for the credit ofour country: that the murderers will yet he lound No such crime has ever been co.nmited in this part of the country, nor do we think in Canada. Single persons lmvo no boubt. been murdered. but three mur- ders perpetrated at once W“! never have seen recorded in the annals of Canadian crime. The township council ought at once to oï¬er a reward, as well as the Government, for such information as will lead to tl e apprehension of the perpetra- tors of this appalling crime. The Brockville Murder. Notwithstanding the bad roads and the unpromising weather of the morning the supply was good, reaching over 1,500 bus ieis, the sample of which, taken as a whole, was very good. T he market was active, and competition amcng buyers cauSed outside rates to he paid freely. The range extended from 90c to $1 02¢ per bushel, the greater part moving 05, however, at 95c to $1. For shipping wheat, sprouted shrunken samples are in poor request at 80c and under. Spring Wheat is much enquired for at 75c to 80¢ per bushel. OATS scarce, and worth Is 7d to Is 8d per bushe‘. BARm-zv 25 to 23 3d. Rye 3s bushel. FLOUR is held very ï¬rmly, with but very li‘tle offering. Sales are seldom re- ported, but the following quotations fairly indicate the marketâ€"Superï¬ne, $3 806 to $3 85c ; Fancy. a sale ‘0 $4, f.o.b.; Extra, $4. 251: to $1 50c per barrel. S perfect health is the greatest blessing that we can enjoy, without which ‘ all other blessings are of little consequence, we deem it of great importance to point out the way for you to enjoy it. The bowels must be kept in a state by which they are enabled to carry oi? the useless matter ; they are the main channel which nature has appointed to carry everything that is unnecessary. And it is impossible to tell what a large amount of sickness has been caused by constipation or tostivoncss ; in other words. by not keeping the bowcls n‘gular; it is the main road to all diseases ; it is the cause of unnatural irritation to the nmcous. or lining membranes of the bowels. Having lost their natural strength, they canle object to what is required ol'lhom. Hence. the bowels become inflamed, and unless \‘ou ï¬nd a speedy relief, a thousand other complaints are ever ready to drag you through a miserable and wretched life. Such medicines must be given as will cleanse the stomach and bowels, and restore their natu- ral strength. To accomplish this there is no compound so valuable as these Pills; all other medicines sink to utter insigniï¬cunce when compared to them : it seems as though the Au‘ thor of Nature had designed them for this as well as other complaints. From two to ï¬ve Pills a day will increase strength and appetite. and cleanse the stomach and intestiuen from whatever is injurious. ‘\/ OFFAT’S Life Pills and Plnnnix Killers. 1 The very painful symploms which pro- cede the attacks of fever and a ne can he sup- pressed and all dangm‘ nrreetmï¬ by the we of [hose valuable medicines. The pills and billets are also a euro for rhnunmlism. and every var- iety of bowel complaint. Sold by the proprie- tor, W. B. Moï¬'at, 335 Broadway. N. Y.. and his Agents. 0!" other artirlos the suppiy was very small.and no chnage in prices transpired. PEAS 25 (id to 25 9d, and even 33 bushel. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. x39 NOTICE is hereby given that the under' mentionad Crown Lands in the Town‘ ship 0f Weedon. County of Wolfe, L. C., wilI be open for sale to actual and intending settlers. at the upsat price of three shillings per acre. on and after the TWELFTH day ofAPRlL next. on application: to Jonn meron. E<quire. tho local Agent at Sherqrooke. FOURTH RANGE. Lots 1 to 6 inc. (200 acres each). S. W, 3 7 (100) 8 8L 9 (200 acres each). 17 &18(200 acres each.) 19 (130). 20 (92.) FIFTH RA N GE. Lots 2 & 31'200 acres each] l7& IS [200 acres ench].l9 [ I49]. (41. Ono ï¬th 0! the purchase money to he paid down. and the remainder in four equal annual inslalmonls. with interest; the purchaser to reside on the land. Wild 3 house thereon, not less than sixteen by eighteen feet. and place under crop at least two acres annually for each one hundred acres during ï¬ve years. No tim- ber to be cut or removed unless under License. except forAgricullural purposes. )‘I RSI' RANGE. Lots 1 (016 inc. (200 acres eat-h). S. E. I7 (100 acres). 1810 21 inc. (200 acres each) sncorm RANGE. Lots 1 5L ‘2 (‘200 acres eucll). N. E. g 8 (100). 910 ll inc (200 acres each). 13 to 16 inc. (200 acres each). 19 & 20 [200 acres each.) THIRD RANGE- Lots I & 2 (‘200 acres each). 9 lo 20in. (200 acres each.) V 7 HEREAS Twenty-ï¬ve persons. and more. have organized and formed themselves inlo a Horticultural Society for lhe Village of Elora. in the County of Wellington. in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration in the form of Schedule A annexed to the Act 20 Vick. cap. 39.. and have subscribed a sum ex- ceeding Ton pounds (0 the Funds thereof. in compliance with the 481}. Section of tlte said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declara- tion millet: and signed us by law required to the Minister ongricultnre ; Therefore. 1. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give nolice of the formation othe said Society as the “ Elora Horticuilural Society." in accordance with the provisions oflhe said Act. HEREAS Twenty-ï¬ve persons, and more, have organized and formed themselves into a Horticultural Societv for the Parishes ofSt. Joachim. Ste. Anne and St. Foreol. in the County of Montmorencv. in Lower Canada. by signinga declaration in the form 01 Schedule A nouoxed to the Act 20 Vict. Cap. 32. and have subscribed a sum of not less than Ton pounds to the Funds thereof, in com. plinnco with the 48“; Section of the said Act, and have sent a Duplicate of said declaration written and signed asby law required to the Minister ongnculture : Therefore. 1. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of the said Society as “ The St. Joachim Horticultural Society.†in accordance wi'h the pmvisions of the said Act. Bureau of Agriculture &. Slalislic‘. Toronto. lUlh March. 1858. Bureau of Agriculture (a Stalisï¬â€"u. Toronto. 91h March. 1858. THE BOWELS AND THEIR FUNC- ilOAS. Globe. Slhurrtimmrnm. TORONTO MARKETS. Special Notices. Cnowu LANDS DEPAR‘I'MENT, Toronto. 12m March, 1858. P. M. VANKOUGHNET. NotiCC. Notice. TUESDA Y, March 16. M. VANKOUGHNET. ‘Minisler of .Agricullure, 6w Minigtq of Agricultuer 5w. t4l 141 per per Cnown LANDS Damn-rusz. Toronto, 16th February. 1858 OTICE is hereby given that the unv dermentinned Town and Park Lots of Paisley. in the Townships of Eldorsiie and Greouock. in the Countv of Bruce. U.C.. will be offered for sale by auctionâ€"at the upset price szedâ€"by the resident agent. Autumn! MCNARB. qulr' l Southampton. ourâ€"and MCNARB. E nire. at Southampton). onâ€"anu afle â€"tha T EN'I‘Y-THIRD of NEXT MONTH :â€" Nos. 11-511042 13 14â€"7! 10 ouchâ€"l5 â€"â€"qu. No". "â€"81 l0,â€"12 13 14â€"7! [0 each ~15 -lOl â€"lï¬â€"5l. Duka St. northâ€"West. Side. Nos. 28 29 30â€"5l 10 eachâ€":Xlâ€"ï¬l 10. Duke St. southâ€"East side. Nos l|â€"-â€"7 10 â€"l‘2 l3 l4â€"6l each â€"-!5 16 â€"'N 10 each â€"â€"l7â€"â€"Gl. Duke St. northâ€"East side. Nos. 28 29â€"51 10 each ~32â€"6L â€"33 5! 10 â€"34â€"6[. Nos.llâ€"â€"7l Illâ€"12 13 14â€"6! ouch --l5. libâ€"~71 lOcuch â€"â€"l7 l8-6l. ll) each. Victoria St. southâ€"\Vesl side. Nos.lI-â€"IOlâ€"l‘2 1;; Hâ€"7 [0 eachâ€"15‘ 16â€"-lUt eachâ€"l7, lBâ€"‘lt. 10 each. i Victoria St. southâ€"East side. Nos. ll--l01â€"-l2 13 14â€"7! 10 each -â€"15 16â€"101 each â€"l7 18-71 l0 eachl l Queen St. southâ€"West side. Nos. llâ€"l5lâ€"12 13 14â€"421 “lunch ---15 Iii-~15! each â€"i7 lSâ€"l‘ll 10 each. Queen SL southâ€"East side. Nos. "â€"13! 10-12â€"12! 10 Albert SLâ€"West side. Nos. 11â€"101 ~12â€"71 10. Alberl St.-â€"East bide. Nos. ll--lOl â€"12â€"-7t 10 George St -â€"Wesl side. Nos. ll--7l lU â€"-I2â€"-UL George S(.-â€"East side. Nos. 11â€"71 Ill -â€"12â€"-6[. James Sl.--Wesl side. Nos. "â€"6! 10 --12 I3 l4â€"â€"5[ each â€"I.‘) I6 «0‘ 10 each â€"I7 18â€"51 each. James SLâ€"Easl aide. Nos. 11â€"61 m â€"-l-2 1314 â€"-51 ml: ~15 16 â€"61 10 each â€"17 18â€"5l each. ‘ Nelson SLâ€"Wesl side. Nos. llâ€"6l 10-42 13 14â€"5! ouchâ€"15 16-â€"6l 10 eachâ€"l7 l8â€"â€"5l each. Nelson Sl.-â€"-East side. Nos. llâ€"ï¬l [9â€"42 I3 I4â€"5l eachâ€"~15 16 â€"6‘ 10 eachâ€"47 l8â€"â€"51each. Dundas Sl.-â€"West side. Nos. 16â€"6! lOâ€"â€"17 l8â€"5l each. l Goldie SLâ€"Sonlh side. ‘Leller A.â€"7l. 10â€"1) Eâ€"u each r G 71, lOeach.â€"Kâ€"8l.â€"L-8[. 10. Goldie SLâ€"Norlh side . Letter A.â€"7[ lO.â€"Bâ€"6Lâ€"â€"Câ€"â€"6£ m, D. E ‘ â€"7l each,â€"Fâ€"-7l, lO.â€"-lâ€"8tâ€"J Kâ€"Sl. ‘ IO each,â€"Lâ€"9l,-â€"Mâ€"9l, 10. i Cardigan SLâ€"-Eust side. Nos. lâ€"lOl.â€"2. 3. 4â€"5! eachâ€"5. 6 6t. l0 eachâ€"7, 8. 9â€"6! each,â€"lOâ€"-7l. IO. ‘ Cudigan SLâ€"West side. Nos. 1.7110: 2.5!; 3. 12110. 4,101; 5. st; 6, ï¬t 19; 7. 7l;8, 5t. NM. 11â€"7i 10 â€"12 13 l4â€"6l each 15 lGâ€"7l 10 each â€"-l7â€"â€"6l ~18â€"Gl 10. Regent St. norlhâ€"West side. Nos. 29â€"101â€"30-5l 10 33 61.10 34 7t 10. 6. 6119; 7. 7t; 8, 5t. Nolan SLâ€"West side. Nos. 1. 51; 2. 61:3. 6i, )0; 4, 5, 6, 7. 5! each : B. 9. 6t 10 each; 10.11.12, (it each; 13. (it 10. Nos. 1. 61 10; 2. 3. 4. 51 each; 5, 6. 6t 10 each: 7. B. 9. 10. 51 each; ll. 12. (it 10 each ; l3. I4. 15. Bleach; 16. G! 10. Lucan Sl.---Wesl side. Nos. 1. 6t 10; 2, 3. 4. 5! each; 5. 6. 6t 10 each ; 7. 8. 9.10. 5l each; ll. 1‘2. 6110 each; 13. 14, 15, 51 each: 16. (it 10. anun SL-uEasl side. Nos. 1. GI 10; 2. 3. 4. 5! each: 5, 6. 6i [0 each; 7. B. 9. m. 51 each; ll. 12. M10 each; 13,14,15. 5! each; 16. 6! l0. PARK LOTS. North St.---Soulh side. Nos. l. 3 S-lOlhs, 2. 3. 4. 5 each, 101 ouch ; 5 6. 5 each. 13! each; 7. 8. 9. 5 each. J2l lo each: 10. 5.15l; ll. 7. 22! 10; £2.13. l4. 5 each. 15l each; 15. 5. 2% 10; 16. ‘2 9- lfllhs. I0l; {7. 5. 17110; 18, 5.151; 19. 5, Nos. 1.3 8-10lhs. 2, 3, 4. 5 each. 10l. each; 5. G, 5 each. l3]. each ; 7. B. 9. 5 each, I'll. l0 each; IO, 5.17l.10; ll, 9.30I.; 12,16- 10lhs.13. I}. 12]. each; 18, 2 5-10lhs. 101.; 19. 1L 15L Chm-5: SI.---§3u1h Sid; Nos. 1. 46-l0ihs.2. 3. 4. 6 each. I‘ll. each: 5. 6. 6 each, 13L each ; 7. B, 9. 6 each, l2]. 10 each : 10. 6.17l.10; ll. 3 6-10ths,l2l.10. Delmcy Evans St.---Soulh side. Nos. l. 3 8-IUth, 2. 3, 4, 5 each. lOl. each; 5. G. 5 each. 13]. each; 7, 8, 5 each, 12L 10 each. Inkerman St.---Soulh side. . Nos. 17. 4,121.10; 18. 5. l51.:19. 5,12l.l0: 20, 21, 22, 5 each. 15L each. lnkerman St.---North side. Nos. 18. 2.5-]0ths,8l.; l9. 5, 12L [0; 20. 21, 2-2. 5 each. 151. each. Alma Sl.---Soulh side. Nos. A. 3 3-mms. 40L ; 17, 4 5.10m. :21. 10; 18.6 5~101hs.2|'|.; 19. 53,151.; 2n.55- 101.115, 171. 10;; 22.63.17]. 10. 7 7 7 121 10; 20, 21; 22. 5 each. 151 mm Cambridge St.---Noxlh side, Nos. 1. 3 8-10lhs, 2. 3, 4. 5 each. 101 each: 5. 6. 5 each. ldl each; 7, 8, 9. 5 each. 12! Nos. 16. 7H. 15!.; 17. 10 5-101hs. 20L: 18. 8}, 15].: ID. 8. 15].; ‘20. 8 5-10th. 15L; 21. U. 131. ; 22. 6 5-101hs. 12!. 10. Goldie St. Nos. l8 3 19!.10; l9.6.!8l.: 20 21 22 G each.20|. each. 9.33.171. 10. Balakhva Stunâ€"South side‘ No. 17 95 201. D. 0. N0. 15. INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE NOTICE is hereby givdh that "Is Exam.- LEICV 1m: Govtzunon Gunman. by an Order in Council. hearing date the Twenty- third January. one thousand eight hundr and ï¬fty-eight. has been pleased to order and met that no duties shall be refunded upon goodl. which. having been entered for duty. Ihlll have passed into the hands of the Importer, and thus have gone into consumption ; except in cases where the goods. received. turn out not to be the goods ordered. in which case notice of such fact should be given to the Col- lector within one week after delivery, in order that the Collector may verify the alleged fact: and upon his report to the Department that he has dune so. and that the pnckage, to be ex- ported. is a whole package. and that its contents are identically the same. as when originally imported. an Order may be given to refund the duties upon due proof of exportation. 22110;16.4::.1ums.151; 17,5.17110; 18 5.7‘151; 19,5.12uo; 2o. 21. 22. seach. lOench: 10.5.17110; 11. 7. 251; 12. 13.5 egch. 17! lo each ; l4. 5. 201; I"), 4 4.10m. 151 each Regent St. soulhâ€"Wesl side. Duke St. southâ€"Wes! Side. By Command Regen! SL soulhâ€"East side Wpllinzlou SLâ€"East side. Cambridge Sl.---Soulh sidc‘ Canrobarl SLn-North side. ANDREW RUSSELL. Cunons DEPARTIEE'I', Toronto, lOlh Fob.. 1858‘ Alma SL-- -North side. Nolan Sl.-â€"Eas| side R. S‘ M. BOUCHETTE. Assistant Commissioner SELLING OFFH “IE Subscriber [wing under the necessity of vacating the premises at present ' occupied by him at RICHMOND HILL, has come (0 the delerminatiun of Closing his Business. and in 01118!" to do so cï¬ecluafly, he wi|| from this dale Sell [or CASH ONLY. ’ " This course is indispensible, having but a very short period to Wind Up his business. Duiing Inst Autumn a reduction at about ’3 per cent was made on Evvry descripllon 0‘ Dry Goods. A further reduction has again been made, in order to maln- a com plete clearance before the expiration of his lease. The following articles will be sold at COST 3 “1-, Printed Cashmeres, Fur Boas & Cufls‘ Fur Caps. Red, \Nhite &. Blue Flan- nels, Salisbury 81. Fancy Flanncls. Blankets, Horse Blankets. Men’s Winter Coats, Canada Cloths, Gala Plaids, French Merinos in Brown. Merone. Green & Scarlet, Hosiery. Pollms, Hoods, Gauntlets, Sl’ewes. Long Shawls (Filled & Woolen) Rib- bons: Ladies, 8‘: Gentleman’s Gloves, Ladies & Children’s Boots, Shoes & Rubbers. The present Opportunity of buying really Cheap Goods, shnuld be sieletl hy the public at large. His enlire Stock which is o-Xtcnsire and we'll Assorted, having hem purchased in the ï¬rst markets and on (he most reasonable terms. Persons indebted tn the suhecriber will plane make an immediate Settlrmen, their accounts musl now be paid. lle trusts any l'urllu-r nolice will be unnecessary. February 4-, 1858. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Readyâ€"made “'inter Clothing, North of Toronto, in every variety of style and fabric. Having purchased Inn: material, and had them made expressu' for his own trade, he can thoroughly recommend them as And for CHEAPNESS THEY CAN N01 BE suunssan. Having devoted a particular attention to this class of trade, he won“! earnestly solicit an Inspection,being conï¬dent of giving enlirc salialaction. CLOTHING Made to order, in every style, from almost every material, at the MOST ECONOMCAL mucus, at ‘HE Union District of Uxbridge and Scott, Lodge No. 4, met at. George MedcalPs Hotel, Uxbridge Village, on the second Tuesday of January 1858, when the following oflicers were chosen lor the insuing year. Uxbridgc, Thos. T odd. District Mast- er; Scott, John McClenton, District Master; Scott. Nathaniel McClenton, Secretary; Uxbridge, lra Kesler, Treaâ€" sun-r. Pawns Lonan.â€"Goodwood Cana- dian Loyal Orange Lodge, number 572, meets on the last Friday in each month. Thomas Todd, Secretary. 11 meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s. Masonic Hall. the second Saturday evening in each month. Orncms Enterâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Master; J. B. DoeGier. Deputy Master; John Mauholland. Secretary ; W. [’ogne, Treasurer. OTlCE is hereby given, that Lands in the Townships of Algonn, Brudonell, Sebas- topol and Ralph. inathe‘Coumy of Renl‘rew. are open for sale upon application] [0 WILLIAM Hunts, Esquire. at Adamslon. near Renfrew. upon the following conditions : The price. 4s. per acre , one ï¬fth to be pain down. and the remainder in four equal instal- ments. with interest; the purchasers to reside on the land, and to clenr at least two acres nn- nually on each 100 acres during the ï¬rst ï¬ve years. No timber to be cut. unless under License. except for agricultural purposes. I29. 1w Lot No. 2, 711‘ Concession. North Gwillimbury. Also. ONE ACRE OF LAND, situated in the VilIage of 'l'hornhill. with good House and out-buildings. ANTED to purchase ONE Tuousum Bushela of good Oats. Highest price paidin Cnsh- Apply at the Tribune Oflice. Richmond Hm. In the thriving Village of Maple. with One Acre of excellent Land. 'l'armua, 12m demry.1858. OTICE is hereby gixen that a Mill- site situated on Beaver Creek (or Crow River) consisting of IotNo. 6'1. (41 acres) on the east side aflhe Hastings Road. “I the Township Tudor. in the County af Hastings‘. U. C.. will be offered for sale by Auction. by the Resident Agent. FRANCIS MCANNANV. qu at Believing 79L FOQN. on the SEVEN- 1 ' H E R E A S Twenty-ï¬ve persons. and W more. have organized and formed them- selves into n Horticultural Society fur the City of Kingston: in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration in the form of Schedule A, annexed to the AC! ‘30 Vic. cap 32. and have subscribed a sum exceeding Ten pounds to the funds thereof in compliance with the 48th Section of said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said de- claration. written and signed as by law required. to the Minister of Agriculture : Upset price £50 : one ï¬fth to be paid down. the remainder iu fqur equal nunna| instalments. with interest .' subject to the building of a Saw Mill within one year. and a Grist Mill, within two years. from the date of sale. Thcnal'oro. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of the said Society as "The City of Kingston Horï¬cnl. mm! Society." in accordance M“: the yrovisioua of the said AC!- 'I‘EEN'I‘H o'r NEXT MONTH Bureau of Agriculture and Sluï¬aï¬u, 27m January. 1858. Richmond Hill, Oct. 15, 1857. January 2]. 1858. [IT Terms Easy. Apply January 14. 1858 Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. Terms easy. Apply to MapIe, March 2, [858‘ IILflTHINE Tl] SUIT THB'HAIH] TIMES! Feb. I]. 1858 t35-tf A. BARN ARD has now on hand the largest, best, and ( Ilenpest assonlment of NEW DWELLING-HOUSE AND W O R K -S HO P 1 OATS, OATS ! FOR SALE, ACRES OF LAND. East hall“ of CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT, Crown Land Department, Toronto, November 10. 1857. FOR SALE! P. M. VANKOUGHNET. Minister of Agr. NOTICE. RICHARD DYER. Builder, 81c. ANDREW RUSSELL. JOHN PALMER. DIEN ANDBOYS’ Assistant Commiss-ioner Richmond Hill HUMBLE, . A. BARNARD’S, Richmond Hill. |33 (3‘2 136 HARD UP Ll, past due accounts not paid by the 15th 1 or February next. will be pm insuil, Punctude is Uu We of Trade. [LT Save your Costs and my Cram. Wanted to Purchase or Rent. The advertiser is: Practical Farmer. abou six years from the West of England. would take possession immediately.and would pay one year's ram In advance. or more if required. a tumult: From 1 to 300 Acres. N a pleasant locality. and a good agricn'tunl district. within a short distance of Toronto preferred. Application to be made. post paid, in the Editor of the British Tn'bm, Richmond Hill. Feb. 9. 1858. tile-II [11? Daily Globe to copy three times and render accounts to this ofï¬ce. Aï¬'ey. Barney Armstrong. W. Billon. Sarah Miss flrunskill. 1'. Master Basingwaile. W. Brown. Patrick Brown. Jno. Baker. S. Mi‘s Bell. William Badger. Thomas. Burr. J. Blackslock. Hannah Bone. Thos. Baker. Jacob Bridgman. Noragh Beynon. Robert Craig. Mar Cameron. one Craig. Wm. Cook. Thus. Curtain. Mary Miss Combs. John Coxhead. Thomas Cook. John Creber. A. Creeley. R. A. Mrs. Campbell. G. S. Craig. Robert Chapman. 1‘. Duncan. W. . Dancy. Richard Dill. George Davis. James Dolby. Duggleby Dancey. John Dar-coy. Mary A. Frock. Maria Ann Ferguson. Wm. Floroson. Charles French. W. John Hanngall.“illiam 7 blass. Thomas Grant. Jesse Grant. E. Gram. Eb. Golder. Eleanor Green. Mary Graham. John Gilding. John Gilfoila. Danl. Husl. William [‘2] Hutton. G. C. Helliwcll. Elizabeth Harrison. H. 5:. J. Hewitt. Robt. ['2] llahnkef'. Francis Hisson. Robert Homer. Jacob Hoarno, Samuel Hewden. Charles Hardv. Ann I Hull,~ Francis Horner. James [2] Herbert. James Hastings. Thomas lredalo. Wm. Killfeolher, Miss Killfealher. Margaret [3]]{ennedy. William H. Kirk. Cillau Kempskill. Goo. Leather. Mary Lowe. M. Reril Linfool. George Lund. Wm. Lawrence. C. J. Lee. Geo. Lawrence. Miss ll. Langstaï¬'. J. Sen. Morgan. Sarah Marsh. Alex. Mathews. John Muster. Thos. Maddie. Alex. Morrison. Wm. McCagne. Wm. McLane. A. McLean. Hugh McGee. John McMillan. Mrs. Nixon, Mar rel. Nowherry. illiam Newton. James O’Brien. James O'Brian. Owen O’Connor. Isabella O'Gradv. Wm. Uster. George Paige. Frederirk Pearce. G. J. F. [2] Pollock. Wm. Post. B. Raymond. D. Ritchie. Wm. Robson. Michael Scott. Samuel. Scotdobert , Scott. Hector Shaine. Charlos Simpson. Wm. Sims. John Szeyson. Richard Smith. Mary Stephens. Smith. John Schomberg. H. A. Shunk. George Snake. Be'sey Sigsworth. John J. Simmonds. Raclmel Truscott, Robert Turner. Henry Trey. William ’l‘eel, Robe-t Turner. Jamns Trench. Beatrice Verney. John Warren. Wm. Wines. Arney Webster. John Wilson. Thomas Walker. John W. C. Esq. Johns._J. Frederick Wright. Ann Ramaininï¬in RICHMOND HILL Post Oï¬ieo. MARC i lst, 1858. Hellnkey. Franci§ Hissun. Robert Homer, Jacob Hoarno, Samuel Howden. Charles Hardy. Ann Hull. Francis Homer. James [2] Herbert. James Hastings. Thomas lrednlo. Wm. Johns. J. Frederick FOR SflLE OR TO REJV'T! T RICHMOND HILL, that large and commodious house, now occupied by the Subscriber. lbrmerly kcown as the " Half-way House.†suitable either for a private dwelling house ora tavern. Eansiva subling nnd out-houses. together with two or lines acres of land attached. including a garden and orchard. For further particulars nppl; on the premises. RICE FIFTY CENTS. Enclose pen in a letter with cuh or postage Mpg nd by return of mail you will receive the pen as good as new. Address E. ELLIOT. Syracuse, New York. [LT Any editor giving the above three in- sertions. and sending me I marked copy. shall immedlntely receive one of my heal pens. 40 Jone. R. H. I" NINETY ACRES, known as the: “ er Barn" farm. Richmond Hill. one of am very best in the nei hborhood, eighty acres of which are cleared. $Vi|l be leased for a term of Five years. Twenty acres of fall wheat will be sold at valuation. There an:- thirty acres of the thrm fall-ploughod. For futthor particulars en- quire of the owner. January 21, 1858. CAN’T HELP IT! JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill. March Illh.1858. Gold Pens lieâ€"pointed. M. TEEFY . Postmaster. Letters AND â€"-AL€O :â€" G. A. BARNARD' g I 94f MO. LEGISLATIVE AssanJ. 'I'ulomu. ‘llsl January. 1358. 1"“: lime fur remixing [‘vlktious for l’rivale or Local Biils will l‘Xllil'lt on this TWELF'I‘H MARCH. one thousand eight hundred and ï¬l‘ly-eigm. mom. have orgauimdhnd Ib'rmcd lluam- genus into n H orlicullural Social for the Town mid 'l‘ownshl of Niagara, in ppm Cnnmln, Ivy ' lingn eulgralitpl in Elieulform of Sgljedule K. :nnexml lo the Act'20 VicL cup. 32. and have subscribed a sum exceeding 'l‘on pounds. to the Funds thereof. in compliance with tho 48m Section of the said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declaration written and signed as bylaw required to the Minister of Agriculture. Themforo I. lhe Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of thefounalion of the said Society as “The Niagara Horticultural So. ciery." in accordance With the provisions of the sold Acl. V I] E R E A Twenty-ï¬ve persova and more‘. have organized and formed them- selves into a Horticultural Society for tlm City of Hamilton, in Upper Cnnnda by Signing n declzurnlionin the form of Schedule A. annexed to the A0! QflVict. cap. 32. and hava subserihed a sum exceeding Ten pounds to the Funds thereof. incompliance with the 48th Section of said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declaration written and signed as by law required to the Minister of Agriculture. H E R E A H TWEIHy‘ï¬Ie persons, and manning; orgnnimd and formed lluem- Bureau of Agriculture 6:. Statistics. Toronto, dated this [Bth day of Jan'y., 1958‘ 134 Therefore 1. lbs Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of [he said Society as "The Hamilton Horticultural So- cielv.†in accordanca with the provisions of the slid Act. I‘. M. VANKOUGHNE’I‘. Minister of Agr. [I ERE AS 'l‘wenty~ï¬ve [mi-sans, and more, have organized and farmed themselves into a Horticultural Socielv for the Town of Bellevilla. in the County of Hastings. in Upper Canada, by signing a declaration in the form of Schedula A annexed to the Act 20 Vict.cup. 32, and have subscribed a sum exv- ceeding Ten pounds to the Funds thereof. in compliance with the 48th Section of he said Act. and have sent a Duplicaie of said declara- tion written and signed u by law required to the Minister of Agriculture. Human of Agriculture 51. Stalidics. Toronto, dated this nau- day of Jan'y. 1858. I34 Therefore, I. the Minister of A griculture. hereby give notice of the formation of the said Society ns“Tho Belleviile Horticultural So- ciety.†in accordance with the provisions 9f the said Act. P. M. VANKOUGHNE'I‘, Minister of Agr. Bureau of Aglicullnm Jr Stalin-tics. Toronto. dalad this 8th day of February, 1858‘ W HEREAS Twenty-ï¬ve pemm,and more, haVe organized and fanned themselves into a Horticultural Suciely for the Villaga of Fergus. in the Cunnty of Wellington in Upper Canada. by signing n declaration in the form of Schedule A annexed to the Act 20 Vict. cap. 39, and have subscribed a sum ox- ceeding Ten pounds to the Funds thereof. in cumpliauce with the 48th Section of said Act. and have sent a. Duplicate of said declaration written and signed as by law required to the Minister of Agriculture. Therefore. I. the Minister of Agricultura- hereby give notice of the formalioln of .he said Society as “ The For us Horticultural Society." in accordance witht e provisions of the said Act. 134 Bureau 0! Agriculture & Statistics. Toronto. dated this 3th day ofFebmnry. “58, Cnowu LAan Dznmum'r. 'l‘nmmla' l5¢ll February. I858. OTICE is hereby given lhat Hls EXCELLENCY THE Govaason Gamma. has been pleased to extend the duties of Auzannn JAMEISON RussnLL. Esquire. as Inspector ot’Crown Timber Agencies. to Upper as well as Lowe: Cnnada. \38 NOTICE is hereby given. that Land: in the Townships of Barrie. Kaladnr. Kenneboc Olden und Oso. in the Counties oi Fronlrnac and Addinglon. are open forsale upon applica- lion lo the Resident Agent. ALLEN Murman- son. Esquire. at Kingston. at four shillings per acre. one ï¬th to be paid dawn. and the remain- der in [our equal annual iusmlmenls with in- leresl ; the purchasers to reside on the land. ’and to Char and piece under crop zitâ€"least two acres annunfly for each one hundred acres du' ring the ï¬rst ï¬ve years. No Timber to be cut or removed. unless un- der License, except for agricultural purposes Also. certain lots in the Township of Bed- t‘ord at 5s per acre. subject to the same condi- tions as Iegards settlement. t29. O'I‘ICE is hereby given that His Excell- ency the Admislrawr ol' the Governmenl in Council has been pleased, under lhe author- ity vested in him. to direct and order that. in lieu of the Tolls now charged on the passa e of the following articles through the Ottawa ‘an- als. the Tolls hereinafter stated shall be hero~ ul‘ter collected, vi; : Iron Ore. passing dntough all or any portion of the Olmwn Cnuals. :0 be charged with a Toll of Three pence per um, which. bein paid. shall mm the same free through the elland Cnual. ARTIES intending in make application lo I)!“ [legislative Assembly for l'nvmo or Local Hills. either fur growing exrlthive lnivi- leges or coulbrri I}: corpornw lmwers lor com- mercinl or other purposes of proï¬t. for regulat- ing snrvoys or boundaries. or for doing anything landing to nï¬'ort the rights of properly ar other partiesâ€"are hereby nutiï¬od that they are m- quired b' the 62nll.83rd lad GIL}: rules [which are published in full indie " CanndnGau-wlte." to give two months notice of the application in the " Canada Gazette" and also in some news- pnwer publiuhed in the County or union of Counties lfl‘ecled. sanding copies at' the lint. nid last of melt notices to the Private Bill Of- ï¬ce. Toronto. ALFRED TODD. Clad! of Private BEI mm». Rail-Road l'mn, to be charged one shil ing per ton. including Lachine secljon. St. Ann’s Lock and Ordnance Canals. and having pmed such toll. to be entitled to pass free through the Welland Canal: And if havin previously paid lulls Lhrou la the Chambly ‘unal. such last mentions tolls to be tel'unded at the Canal Oflice at Montreal. The loIls on Barrel Slaves. lo be Eight pence on the (Min-nee Canals. and Four pence on the SL Ann's Lock and Lachiue section. mak- ing the Lolnl mil por thousand. In and fmm Kingston and Mammal. the same as by the St. Lawrence mule. ViL.onu alliIIing perlhousaud : By command, Toronto, Nov. 19. "357 lermcron GENERAL'S Omen. Customs Depxmumm1 Toronto, 30th October, 185? CLERK‘S OFFICE. 1’. M. VAN KOUGHNET. PRIVATE BILLS. Crown Land Dcpnrlmonl. Toronto November [0. 1857I NOTICE. P. M. VANKOUGHNET. Minister of Agr. NOTICE. R. S. M. BOUCHET'I‘E. NOTICE. NOTICE. (Ionunisfliuner of Cuxlomfl. B‘ C|ork Assombh' LINDSAY. Minister of Agr. 1‘29 U T C H E R . THORNIHLL Ind Pickled Meals, Pnuhry. &c‘ on hand. Families summed on the nolvo. DJOINING (he “’Nleyan Methodisfl Chapel. Yongo Strum, Richmond Hill. A Choice seloclion or Hrnllemeus'. Ladies’ and Childranu’ “0015 and Slums constantly on lmnd. and nude: m order on the Shortest No- lice. Richmond Hill. .luuo mm. 1557. g.lw.y. A RICHMOND IIILL HOTEL, Opposite [he l’osl Ullico. Yongc Street. N Omniluw leavos lhd above Howievory Morning. (Sundays excnpiod.) ul sown o'clock. for Toronto: returning the nine evening. Nurses and Buggi kept for hire. _.. . n“ “.nnn- - u Richmond Hi“. June. “‘57 66. King Street Etwt. Toronto. Pnrticuhr ntlaulion given to the legtlluLion of Chi‘dwn's 'l'uclh. Cnusulkaliuns Rae. and all ka Wnrranted. anoutn. June, IEG7. ' l-w)‘. "Minnhiu. March 19. 1959. ELIE. 11m, and Liwery Stables, Yams Snucm'. OSEPH GARY begsio inform the public 0 that he has commenced to run a Stage fmm Illeahove Hotel to the 0.S.&[I.R IL Station. (Richlnnnll Mum) twice ; day; and' will convey pas-eugets to 1m)! pan of tho (wintry, night or any. in [an minutes notice. [SEWING AN]! REAPIPJEE June, 1857. TORONTO “CITY†MARBLE WORKS, MPORTERS and dealers in Ilalmn and Amencan Marble, also manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs. 'l‘omh and Grave Stones.0rnamenml enclosures for Grave plots, Gm. Orders through our Agents will re- ceive prompt attention. Hill. Toronto, July lo. [857 ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Mme Maker, HE Subscriber begs to inform “I8 In- habitants of the above-natured Village and surrounding Country. and the Public genâ€" erally. that he has leased the above Hotel, forqorly kw! by VTflorMAs: Mn. which he'has ï¬ned "g; and-furnished for the acc'ornmodatiorre? his Custorners,and he trusts bycoustanl attention to their wanls to secure a liberal patronage. Liquors of the host brands at the Bar. every uueuliou paid to Guests. LUKES’ HOTEL, LAND LANDING. Mum}. Mun: I)()Ll Richmond Hill. Oct. 15 [851. clue to suit 15’ Wau Ornamental Painter. Richmond um. Feb. 11, 1858. 137-ly Clocks from 209 upwm Toronto. June. 1857 no. I88 vosaz mrrvrr, s AGENT FOR Darling s: Aitchison‘s COMBINED EDWARD GRANGER, D. CARLOS YALE. WI. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond Holland Landing. Sept. II). 1857 JOHN MURPHY. [louse Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER. &c., &c. March ll. M58 1001) “'alchea.Clocku, Jewelry, Meludeonl I Harm) Ware: Qilver Spoons, and Sin-cin- Toronto. June 18th. 1857. g.‘2-wy 4 Doors West of Bay Street. DEALER IN PAPER HANGIN’GS. Grainers, Gildels, Glaziers, and Paper Hangers. July 23. 1857 iug PAINTERS, Goon WORKMEN SENT To A. PART OF THE COUNTRY. THIDRNHILL. ll EIHZBY Cami f1†kinds Qf .flliled Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. MORI‘IIY BROTHERS DAVID ATKINSON, WARD & McCrlUSLAND, No. 49, King Street, HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c‘ '1‘. MJCBETH, .Inr., LARRIAGE. SIGN. MACHINE S, Richmond Hill, IiEBY Cannon all persons floln purchas- n Nola duh-d March. [857, from PTTER Murkhum. drawn Igt'umt WILLIAM ('xlnidgu. for the sum of FOIITY ARS. as I never received value Ahme- THE WHITE SWAN House. Sign and Ornamental . every sighL cl. Clubs in‘ CAUTION. RICHARD Nicuous â€"KNf7-- FUR W.C.ADAMS DOCTOR Denial SURG ERY. Operation. W am: at.“ rds. THOS. LU KES. l’ropriotm’. 108 E?" GARY. Proprietor. [857. ggfl-lf All Quill-V s'rmuu YALE. WM_ MILNIZ. 140â€"31. g. l .wy Prvpn'ztot. gin-3m Frat h ‘ nlwa‘ 4 alumni 73-1)‘ 44 l g5 If. Jl