Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 26 Mar 1858, p. 3

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. 'F‘" in disemi of the digestive organs. pains In lhe luck or tho heart. these medicines hi“? l'roved 10 be superior to all other known. "'m‘d'“; 80'! b)‘ the proprietor. \\’. H \NOFFA 1'. 330 Broadway. New York, and his Ali-“In- XVAm‘ TO FIND HER h‘IoTHEn.~-â€"Jane 1 Price wants to find her mother, who she ‘ supposes was Eliza Price, is now in Can- ada. Jane was taken from her {arents and adopted when she was a 'ittle girl, by one Thomas Fletcher, in St. Andrew’s Lower Canada. He moved to Montreal and Toronto, and then to Crab Orchard, Ky., where she writes from. Her fatheri was insane, and she supposes him dead ;‘ but she hopes her mother lives. and “ would give the world to see or hear from w,” and knows no other way but to ask us to make her case known. Please pass round her name until the mother and dau;h- ter meet again.â€"N4 Y. 'l’yibune. A gentleman in Ireland has just published an Almanac, in which in: pre diets that 1858 will be a most disastrous and inglorious year for England. Rus- si will get the better of us in lndia; {glance will strive to strike a disastrous blow against us; Canada Will revolt ; 30 .â€" 000 Irishman will be in arms. In fact, all theworst wishes of a fiery enemy will be fulfilled. The “ beaten beast,” John Bull, having “exhausted the patience of heaven,” is told that “ the day is at hand when the nations shall tread thee under foot as a social, political, and irrvligious nuisance !” ‘ TUESDAY, March 23. \YHEAT.â€"â€"'I‘he supplies lo-day were small, reaching only about 500 bushels. the sample of which was not of the prim- cst kind. Prices are unchanged, the range extending from 45 3d to 55 3d per hushel,â€"â€"5s being paid freely for good shippng wheat. The demand is active and loads move ofl'the market rapidly. Spring whrat is in active request at 4-: a 4-5 3Il,â€"â€" and in one case 45 6d per bush- el. m Richmond [1- l. on the morning of lhe 23rd inch. Mrs. Hannah (’lny‘er. aged 77 Years ; being a dewndnnt of [he pilgram fathers. who ‘Inded on this continent ‘238 years ago. M's. flnyler arrived in Toronto 63 years ago. Recently, at St. Sauveaur, :1 Wu- mhn was secretly delivered ofa child, and the inhuman monster threw the body into the fire in the stove. The facts have been stlongly sworn to j indeed, the wo- man has confessed the crime, stating that the child was not born alive. She has been committed to stand her trial at the approaching criminal term. FLOUR is firm and in good demand, gerexully on speculation. with but few chases for immediate shipment. Qua‘ mans are varioust slated 3 follows,â€"-â€" superfine 80 a $3 90; fancy $1- 10 a $4- 15 and even $4 90 ; extra $4- 30 a SSH 50 ; double extra $5 per barrel. )Aganls‘ n “'9 can onion withé’ni Wlt'chl‘wiils blessings arO 6f lift]. co.“ ‘ - I otinr of great im ortaace to gun“ we deem ” you to enjoy L The hawdTlntzstttgekwni" tor state by which they Ira annual m c” 'el’fljnl a useless matter; any "a ma mainr): I la which nature has appointed to “m. 0v; min-l that is nnneeessuy. And it is inIPoSfiifl mg tell what a large-amount of sicknm has I: m cau'sodl‘by con-tipation or tmivouess: in otehe“ ‘ofln_ byaubtv keeping the‘howeh “gm” . “‘3' the main-rend :9 all diseases ; jtjs m. "(186:3 unnat lml ‘ irritation to the mucous. or finin" membranes of the bowels. anmg lost. the? natural strength. they cannot object to what i; required oftheln. Hence. the bowels becom. inflamed. and unless von find a apeedv relie r. a thou-and other complaints are ever‘roady to drag You through a mi-arabia nud wretched life. Such medicines must be given as will cleanse the stomach and bowels, and restarts their nutu. g! strength. To accomplish this there is no mponnd so valuable as these Pills; all other medicinem (ink to utter insignificance when Compared to them : it seems as though the An thor ofNulure had designed them l'or this as well an ether complaints. l-‘mm two to rim Pl"! A day will increase strength and appetite, and (leana'o the stomach and inlestinns from IU’ Tho funeral will take placo on Sunday. "w 28“: insn. n12 o’cluck, P. M. an tun-nu], nun. mou nun... . and Mill-:1 Station, that he has on hand 1,500 bushels of choice wheat the crop 0f ’56. Last year he rclused $1 75 per bushel for it. l'Lkheld on for $2. He has now contrncled to deliver it at the rail- road at 73 cents per buallel. We hear of several farmers in that region who are in about the same fix. whatever is injnnons‘ The Chicago Tribunclearns from a sharp and wealthy farmer of Macupin county, not many miles from Brighton _ , , , A . . . I I , , I Dr. Mom's Indian Root Villa are sold hv nll dealers in Medicines. I39 There is exhibited in the Ex- change News Room a model of four new iron ilenmships now building on the Clyde for [he Montreal Ocean Steamship Com- in]. These splendid screw steamers E to be namedthe Nova Scolian. orth Briton, Hungarian, and Bohemiv An Emancipafiou Banquet has been held in St [’eiersburgh, at wluch muclyrejoicing was had over the sz-‘s course, It was declared by the best ura- tor in the Empire, tlmt“'l'he glory of Russia was too magnificent to be support- ed on so narrow a basis as compulsm‘y la- bur. The gold fever still continues in New'B'runswiEk. Merchants are closing up lheir business; M. D.’s abandauing their pestle and mortar ; D. Dis dofling Ilieir long robes and donning the miner‘s attire, an} with pick-axe and spade, lc- gellier are any to the scene of action. A horrible murder was commit- ted in‘the TOWnsbip of Plymplon,_ on urday last, by a person of the name of em} Hardyâ€"‘th victim being an En- glishman by the name of Marlin Jackson, Lately arrived in {his country. A lady appeared in Broadway, New York, the other day, WIU: Scarlet trousers, cutala link, and button tigl.t around. the ancle. The etTects atlhe street crossings was quite distracting, much more so than that toflhe Balmornl peflicoat. THE BOWELS AND THEIR FUNC- 'l‘lONS. S perfect health is the greatest blessing that we can enjoy. without which . a“ 0m” ossings are (if liulo congquouce. we deem it nun: :m--H-__A In other articles [lwre is no change VOEFAT‘S Li'e Pill: and l’hmnix Billers. TORONTO MA R K E'I‘S Special Notices. DIED c w polmon: the way for e bowel. must be kepx in n an enabled to run-)- off [he can“ of F lining M \hcir what i, Cnowx Ln‘ns Danna-us“, Toronto, 19rh March. 1858. OTICE is hereby given, that the un. dermentioned Crown Lands in the Township of Vtgnr, County of Temiscnnata, L. C., wi“ be open for sale to actual and intend» ing settlers, at the upset price of one shilling and six pence per acre, on and after the T‘VENTIETH day 01' APRIL hell. on appli- cation to L. N. Gauvreau. Esquire. lhe Local Agent, at Isle-Venn. in said Coun'y. formerly Laugllborough 2nd Con. N pt. 96 [50 acres]. 5th Can. Can. pl. 25 [75 acres]. 61!) Con. S pt. 23 [120 acres]. One fifth of the pnrchuse money to be paid down, and the remaiudur in four equal annual instalmcnls, with interest ; the purchaser to re- side on the land, build a honse \lwreou nol less than 16 by l8 feel. and place under crop al least two acres annually for odd» one hundred acres during five years. No Kimber lo be cm or removed. unless under license, except for Ag icuhurul purpuses. S'l‘ORRINGTON.fw-merly Pittsbulgh‘ 10111 Con. W- B. N pt. 3 [30 acres]. lllh Can. do 3 1901 Con. do N; 17 25 29. 1311: Con. do 16. Nth Con. do 8 21 22 N pt. 25 [65 am- 151h Con. do 4137910 151161718 9‘ am Can. 1415 16. 9”) Con. N. W} 6 ll. IQIII Con. S pl 10 [55 acres]. 13m Con. 13. TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON. 9th Con. l “’5 3 5 G W39101'213141618 202122242526 2728. mm Con. 12345 151713141516171821 2223 ‘24 25 26 28 29 30 3132. 11(11Con.156791011121314161718 21121222324525.2627 28 30 32. TOWNSHIP OF PORTLAND. AM induced to come before the Public. on account of Mr. Rarey’s unpnsnlled attrac- tion in Europe. to let them know his great Horse '1‘. inng Seeiet. n-lmehy any Lady or Gentlemen. or any little Girl or Boy. Can make the wildefl. most furious, unmanageable. or oanlky House perfectly tame. gentle and docile in a few minuteS. so that he will remain per- fectly tractable ever afterwards. The Horse will be perfectly true. draw wherever \on wish, and cheexfnlly do whatever you tell him. By being aware of this secrtt1 you can tame any wild animal. Lion. Tiger or Elephant. Any venon enclmlng the sum of $3 to me or my Agent. will receive full IIIFI'UClions. or the sum of $5. and will get full instructions. with a Work containing one hundred and fifty valuable Receipts. treating on the diseases of Horses and Cattle. and if not us herein stated. [Will {arfeit $100. and refund the money. No DRUGS given to the Horse. 56 inc., “10073055 ewachllu. 51h Range. Lots 1 to 40 illc.fll00 a. Ball. M "86". 4'2 “87". 43 "88” 44 to 50 inc. “100 a. on”. 6th Range Lots 1 lo 38 inc. "100 3. ea.“ 39 “9:” 40 HS)” Putnaou. Esquire. at» Kizgstnn. on and af- ter the TWEN'I‘IETH of NEXT MONTH. at Four Shillings per acre, onefiflh to be paid down. and the remainder in four equal annual inslu|ments, will: interest: the purchasers to reside on the land, and lo clear and pllco under crop at loasl two acres annually for each one hundred acres during the first. five years. lsl Con. 1. 16. 17. 28. 29. 2nd. Con. 1 l5. IS. 28, 30. 3rd Can. 1. 16. 17. 29. 30. 4th Can. 1, 2, 3. 4. 7. 8. [96 acres.]14.15. 16.17, 18.21. 21, 23. 24. 2526 28293031. 5111Con.13456791011121316171820 2122 2425 26 27 28 '29 30 3'2. GthOIL1234578910111314151617 1822 23 24 25 26 ‘28 '29 303139. 7111 Con13456791011141617202122 242526 27 28 ‘2930. 81hCon.12345 W171V48910111314 151617181991 22231242526282.9311 3132. HE following Gentlelnml have been elected Members oflho Boards of Agricultule for Upper and Lower Canada. for me year 1858. under (he l‘llh Secl.20 V|c(.. (Jap. 3‘2: Cnown LAsos Dunn-th", Toronto. 18m March, 1858. OTICE is hereby given that (he. un- dé-rmentioned lands in the County of Frontenac, w." be open for sale upon appli- gation w the Resident. _égam ALLAN “kc,- Loks 1 £0 3‘ inc. â€"l(\(| u. an.â€" 32 â€"95- 33 4‘2- 34 â€"SIâ€" 3510 50 inc. â€"l0() :1. ea.â€" Slh Range. Lots 1 10 IS inc. â€"100 a. ea.- 19 â€"82â€" 20 :8â€" 21-93- 2‘2 to 31 inc. â€"ll:() an. em- 3‘2 and 33 â€"91 a. oa.â€" 34 lo 50 inc. â€"100 3. ea.â€" 9th Range. Lot 1 â€"84 a.â€" 2 â€"64- 3 439â€" 4 â€"73â€" 5 -75â€" 6 â€"91â€" he 50 inc. â€"100 3. ea.- 0.42. L01 1 11160 agrvsu.21191113177114118411.510 Great [Iorse Tami“ 2, Secret "E Nan Commissioned Office): and Men of No. 9, Troop, will meet at Mr. DUHos‘ Ho'rkL. Vicloria Square, on Wednesdny, [he 3lst ith at two o'clock p.m. March 25 No'Timber to be cut or removéd. unless unâ€" der License. except for agricultural purposes. TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBOROUGH. 1011) Con. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.11. 12.13. 14.16. IB' N. pl. 19 [90 acres], N. pt. 20 [80 acres.] s; 2|. 26. lllh Con. 5, 6. 7, 15.13.19. 20. 22. 12lh Con. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. IQ.13.14. 16. E} 18. I9. 20. 21. Sfi 25.26. 131.11 Con. 3. 5. 7. 8.10. 12. 13.14.15. 17. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. Mlh Con. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.11. 1213.14.16.18. 19. 20, 21. 23. 25. 96. TOWNSHIP OF PALMERSTON. lsl Can. I. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 16.17. 18. If). 20. 21. 22. 24. 1‘5, 26. 27, 28. 29. 30. 3'2. COUNTY OF YORK LARGE SUPPLY oFNlagislrnles' Blanks according to the luau forms for sale :1 hi. Office by tho dozen or hundred. (42 Bummu or Acmcumuna um STA1ISTICS. Hkh March, lt58. \ouuq nanon. Renutxcx :~ JACOB BA [{NS. Esq‘. Councumun. Onkville. C‘ W Onkvil'e. Mnlch 6. 1858. 41 1194“ 42 1645 inc. IIIOO afien‘u 46 490- 47 â€"s~2â€" 4s â€"81- 49 â€"9|- 5': -100.â€" Trihune" Office Aug. 27 1857 Address flhnertimmmtfi. ACTIVE FORC or Agem. WM. D MILLS. Onkville Post Ofics. Count; Hahn“. C. \V H. Rlnlnn. I Geo Alexander. ( Lowxn CANAT‘A ANK FORMS. Capt. Cum 1858. NOR. T, McLEOI) 17. 18 31. 32. 19. 20, 2]. 22. do N§ 17 25 29. do 16. do 8 21 22 N pt. 25 [65 acres] do 4679101216171892. ANDREW RUSSELL. UPPER CAXADA. Thonwnn, Esquire, Denison, do 4111 Range‘ 71h Runga . 5. 7., 19. 21. 22, 23. :24, 2.3. Assistaul Commissioner. '3 lroop. Y. V. C A. M. SMITH. 10. 11.12.13. 24. 25. 26. 27. Mi H- 26. 28‘ Tho " Manual of Phonography.” 75 cents. and the “ Phonogrnpic Copy-hook." ‘25 cents, are sent to any address. by mail. post-paid. on receipt otho price, ONE DOLLAR. Address. post-paid. WILLIAM H. ORR. OsHAw.\. C. W., From whom all English or American Phon- ogrnpic Works may be procured. 1452- Respecfinlly inform the Inhabitants of [his vicinin that I inland slnughleling two of [he FIN EST CATTLE \hal has ever yet been slanghmred in any country town or vil- lage. and indeed Ithink they cannot be excel'ed in Toronto this season : they were failed by M'. Oiiver Plullips. on Yauge Stzeex. hvo mi‘e: north 0' Aurora. and weighing. live weight. upwards of forty hundred 1 .xhall ako have on bind a variety of other kinds If MEAT, and wlshing all those that take a pride in uxing good Mta: and sseing it too. will favor me with a on“, for we cannot starve if iv, is hard limes. VFlne Subscriber begs to inform the i1,- GOOD NEWS FROM THE OLD SOD l'l‘MAN'S Manual of Phonogrnphy is a work of about l0!) pages. every other leafof which is printed from Mono engravings. giving writing exercises in the nrl which the book is designed 10 (each. By (he use of this Manual. any school boy or girl, of 5 or 6 years and upwards, may loam. in a snrpri<ingly shun. space of lime. to read and Wrile Plionugraphy or Phonetic Short-hand. and A few months ol‘ daily pruclics is all that is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence (0 write 100 or more words per minute 1 This mm of speed is sufficient to take down urdinnry sermons, spesclles. and conversation as fast as spoken. WILLIAM HODCE 8b 00., COPPER, TIN, AND IRON PLATE WORKERS! HARD TIMES, BUT WE CAN’T STAHVE ! JAMES UALLADAY‘ Aurora. March 25. 1858. t- JV habilants of Richmond Hill and sur- uoundiug counLry. that he has commented business in The Copper Business! such as making COPPER FOUNTAINS, TEA KE’I‘TLES, STEWâ€"PANS, SAUCE~PANS. GLUEâ€"POTS, 2w , m WHOLESALE ()R RETAIL ! PAINTING. He hopas that by strict nllention torll order on- l'usted to him which will be executed in n neat and workmanlke manner. on (ha sllutlesL no- tice, to melil ashare ol‘ public patronage. Richmond Hill, RICH“. VAILES. March 11, 858. Mil-6m As cheap as any House in Montreal or the Slates. Having served under one of the British Copper Companies of England he flutters himself he can get Copper as Cheap as any one by paying Cash for it. Having also, had Seven Years’ experienr-e in making Copper Goods in the Queen City of Hamilton to advantage, he feels con- fident that he will be able to give salisfaclion to THEIR EMPLOYERS HERE, 01'? Oh] vCopper, Brass, Pewter and Lead taken in exchange for Goods, Shevp Skins, Furs, SIC. Richmond Hill. March 25, 1858. t4-2 “New Era” please Copy for three months, and send account to ‘Villinm Hodge, Richmond Hill. 1’ [IO-N‘OGRJI’II 1' OR WRITING BY SOUND! solves of his prufessionnl services. that he will be in attendance the first Monday and Tuesday I'nllowinz of each month. at Amblm’s Hotel. Richmond Hill: Wednesday following at the Aurora Hotel. Aurora; Thu:de and Friday al J. McClme's Holel. llollnnd Landing.- tho PM. of (II-.- month at the 'l‘hornhill Uolul. Tnnrnhill. as thel will endeavor to make Tea Ketties on the Dutch phn, Good and Strung, and cheap as possible. FOR CASH ONLY. I HEREBY Caution all person: fiom purchas- ing A Now dated March, IHST. flom PETE“ MILNK. Markham. drawn against \VIIJJAM MILKK. Uxbndge. for the sum of FOR'I'Y DOLLARS. as I nevcr lecelved ulna [here- for. M. D llrzrhmzwcu [by permission] :â€"Rev, R. [’n'nliu; Rev. N. C. (iownn: A. “lle. M.D.. S.. _En_g.: C. Kaysef. M. I). ; P.0wen, Thomhill \ [OULD respeclfully inform the Ledios and Gentlemen. who wish to ava {ham- PI N E ‘V 0 O 11!! FOR SALE. Béass IPans 25. Gd. per lb., kept on hand and made to order; Brass and Japan Soods selling ofl‘at and under Cost Price for CASH ONLY. E) Cnmmunicnlions to be addressed lo Thornhill Post Office. l'hnmluu. Au ml 11. [857‘ Superior Easter Beef A r AURORA. SURGEON DENTIST, ONE HUNDRED CORDS base Painting, Glazing, Paper Hanging, Gl'az'ning. 4-0., (5-0. March II. 1858‘ December 31. 1857‘ For will): apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. And Furnishing Iron mongers, .Sw , EGS to inform llwir Friends and the Public generally, lhal as Copper has Fe]! and is Falling, they intend to go a little in (i H. H USBAND; remain yours CAUTION. unnermnn ".V M_ MILNE 140-25L. gla-u‘ {-42 I30 NOTICE is hareby given that the under- memioned Crown Lands in tha Town- ship of Weedon, County of ‘Volfe. L. C.. will be open for sale to aclual and intending settlers at the upset price of three shilling-s per agre. on One fifth ol the purchase money (0 be paid down. and the remainder in four equal nnnual inslalmenLS. with interest; the purchaser lo reside on the land. build a house thereon. nol. lassthan rixteen by eighleen feet. and place under crop at least two acres nnnnally (or each one bundled acres during five years. No tim- ber to be em or removed unlisss under License, except fol-Agricultural purposes. FIRST RANGE. Lots 1 1016 inc. (200 acres “AA . -1 ). 5.11;}? [.0151 to 6 inc. (200 acres each). S. W. 3 7 ([00) S & 9 {‘200 acres each), [7 &13(2% acres each.) 19 (130). 20 (92.) nrrn mum. Lots ]0 aces each] 1755 18 [200 acres 149], H]. and am} me' TWELFTH dm' d‘rA‘anL nail. on applicmiou to Jens FELTON. Esquire, the local Agent at Sherqrooke. (100 acres). 18d) 21 inc. (QM/acres eazh.) SECOND RANGE. Lnts 1 & ‘2 (903 acres each). N. E. § 8 (100). 91011 inc (200 acres each). l3l016inc. (200 acres each). 19 & 20 [200 acres each] 1'an [u mm. Lots I & 2 (200 acres each). 9 [020 inc. (2“) acres each.) Cnowu LAND! DEPARTMEKT, Toronto. 15th Fab/“nan . 1858. TOTICE is hen-by gh‘en that H15 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR Gunman" has been pleased to extend the duties ofALExmmm JAMEISOH RU:sEl.l.. Esquire. as In>peclor of Crown 'l‘imlwcr Agencies, to Upper as well as Lower Canada. 135‘ VI‘HE Subscriber ofi'ers for sale that wellkno“ n HuLcL summed 0“ Lot No. 5. Elk Coucwsicn in the Township of King. with good slnbliug and Seventeen Acres ofExcelloul Land. Every necessary nocnmodnlion for an “owl are In first rnta repair. Terms extremely easy. For fur- ther pnruculars apply [0 [he proprit-lur on lhc pre- mises or to Dr. Dusruun. Richmond Hi“, OTICE 's hereby given. lhut Lands in the i Townships of Harrie, Kuladar. Kunnclmc Olden and 050. in Lhu Coumies of anlcnac and Addlugtou, are open forsnlo upon applica- tiou (u the Rmidenl Agfilll. ALLEN MAcl‘mLK- son. Esquire. at Kingston. at four shillings per acre. one fith to be paid down, nnd lhorcmain- der in four equal annual ilnsLnlmems with in- lelest; the purchasers to reside on the land, and to clear and place under crop at least two acres annually for each one hundred acres du‘ ring the first five years. No Timber to be cut or remm'ed. unloss nn- dor License, except. for agricultural purposes OTICE ishelehy given, that Lands in the Townshva of Algonn, Brudenell. Sebas- lopo! and Rulph, in the Conulyof l‘xanfrew, are opan for 5318 upon applicm'mn to WILLIAM “Mums, Esquile. m Admllslun, near Renfmw. upon {lnu following condilim s: Also. certain lots in the Township of Bed ford 3155 per acre. subject lo the same condi lions as regards settlement. 129. The price 49. per acre , one fifth tu he pail. down. and the remainder in four equal instal- ments, with inmost; tho put'clmwm to reside on the Mud. and in dear at least two acres an- nually on tach IOU acres during the “tel five yearS. Notimhcr to he cut, unless under Licensa, excopl for agricultural purposes. 09. AKTIES intending to make application in the Legislative A5scnib|y for Private or Local Bills. euhcr fur granting oxclusivu privi- leges or conferri mg corporate powers for COIH' Inelcial or other purpows of profit. for reguiub iug surveys or boundaries. or ful'doing anything lending lo nfl'el'ltho lights of property of other parliesâ€"ul‘e hereby notified that (hi-y are re- quired h-' lho Ufliuifllhd and 64th rules [which we published in full in tho “ Canada Gazelle,” \0 fiiVB two momhs nolice of lhe applicuiinu in the " Canada Gazelle" and also in some news- paper puhiuhed in the County or union of Connie: affected. sending copies of the first and last of ruch nuliccs lo the Private Uiii Of- fice, Toronto. ALFRED TODD. OTICE is hereby given that His Excel!» cncy [he Admisnulor of the Government in Councii has been p‘0&ed, under the author- ity vested in him. to direct and order that. in lieu of the Tolls now charged on lhe passage of \he following nniclus (hrough «he Uuawu Can- n's, the 'I‘olls hereinafter smch shall be here- ufler collected. \iz: Iron 0m. passing through a“ or uny portion of the Ottawa Canals. to be (-harged will) a Toll of Three pence per (on. which. being paid. shall pass the sumo free through llio \Veiland Canal. King. Nov. 19, l85} I29 Clerk of Private Bil} Offica TUFOIIIO. Nov. 19. 1857. 129 HOTEL FOR SALE. lusntcron GmeuL's OFFICE. Custome Uepattmem. By command, Cnowx Luna DEPARTMENT. Toronto. 12th March.1858 PRIVATE BILLS Crown Land Department, Tornulo, Novembur 10, 1857‘ Crown Land Deparlmeul. Toronto November 10, 17357, R. S. M. BOUCHET’T‘E FOURTH R \NGE‘ Toronto. 30th Ocmbcr, 185' Commission" of Customs. THOMAS REDON. Proprie low. 57. g‘24-\f I) and P‘ on hand F IIO 66, King Sirecl. East, Torauta [‘nrlicular attention given lo the regulafion of Children’s Teelh. MflWINfl AN]! REAPINE DJOINING the ngluan Method‘xsl LL Ch'Pel. Yongc Street, Richmond Hi"- A chuico selection of Gentlemeus'. Jmlies' and Childrens’ Boom and Shoes conslnufl.“ 0“ Consultations Free, and all Work \Vnrmnted Toronto. June, 1867. l-wy. A. Inn, mul Livery StabZI’S, YONGE S I “Ex-2T. OSEPH GABY begs ko inform {he public a that he hm connnencell to run a Stage from theabovo Hotel to tho O.S.&H.R R. Slam)“. (Richmond Hi“) twice a day; and will convey passengers to any part of the country. night or day. in [on minutes notice. Opposite the Post 0mm, Yonge N Onnnihns leaves “Id above | Morning. (Sundays excepted o'clock. for 'l‘oronlo; ramming evening'- Hnrses and Buggies kap‘ for hire June. 185 TORONTO “CITY” MARBLE WORKS, D. C. & W. YALE, MPOKTICRS and dealers in Italian and Auucncan Marble, also manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave SlonesOrnamenlal enclosures for Grave plots, &c. Orders through our Agele mll re- ceive prompt allcnuou. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, Richmond Hill, June F0 R 1 00D “latchescloclm. Jewelry. Melod‘cnns I Electra \Vure, Silvar Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit evtry sight. ' U Watch C|ubs in Opexmion. VVzu-ranled Clotks from ‘20:; npwwrds. 'l‘ornnra, June, 1857. 1-3 HE Subscriber begs to inform Ihe In- habitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country, and the Public gen- omny. that he has leased the above “Mel, fonnpflj' kept by THOMAS MAY. wlnch he has fined up and furnished for the accommodation 0' his Customersmud he trusts by constant allenlion to their wants to secure a liberal pulrouage. Liquors of the best brands at the every aucnlion paid to Guesls. HiH E1 always in ulleudmlvw. Choir-e Wines and Liquors Bear, Porturand various Summer Ileveruges. Regalia, Principe. anmm, Man'fllrfiand other Immds of Cigars and Cherools. Au Omnibus (u and from Toronto, calls at the Hated, daily. Richmond Hi“. June. 1857 LUKES’ HOTEL, 951;] HOLLAND LANDING m! Childrens’ Boots and Shoes cons-mmh‘ on and. and made 10 order on the Shortest No’ N0- 138 yoxon 51‘ka. NEAR QUEEN s-rmmrr Richmond Hill. Oct. 15. 1857. l'horuhi“, March I). CARLOS YALE. WM. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. D. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond AGENT FOR Darling & Aitcllison's COMBINED ,‘XTENSI VE Stahling Richmond Hill. Feb‘ 17. 1858. l37-Iy Toronto, July 10, 1857 Honand Landing. Sept. 10, 1557 -\nuund Hi“. June 12th. 1857. g.lw.y Grainors, Gildas, Glaziers, and l’aper Ilangeru GOOD \VORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. Boot and Shoe Makers THORNHILL. JOHN MURPHY. llousc Decorator, Paint”, PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER Toronto. June 18m, lf-‘5'7 .9]! kinds (3f Alia-d Paints Oils, Glass, and l’ully. P AINTE R S, J . EDWARD GRANGER, MURPHY BROTHERS Ornamental Painter. DEALER IN PAPER. HANGINGS HOUSE DECORATIONS, &c. MR9 & McClUSLAND, DAVID ATKINSON, N0. 49, King Street; Richmond Hill, ROBERT SIVEH, House. Sign and Ornament“ T. MACBETH, Jnr.‘ LARRIAGE. SIGN. THE WHITE SWAN n E R . THORNHILL' 'icklnd Meals. Poultry. *5“? hmilies supplied on the M A CHINE S, VICTORY HOTEL, 11ml III/(smut ILIZZ, Yon; S‘I'REE'I E Stahling. and obliging “callers Post Office, Yongo Slro'el. leaves the above Ilolel every (Sundays excepted.) at seven &c., &c. -â€"AN|"Iâ€" luciiAnb NicHOLLs 19, 1858. ROBERT WISEMAN. Dental S U RG ERY. VV.C.ADAMS DOCTOR T1103 LUKES. JOSEPH GABY Propriemr. 'rnprielor, Proprietor: g.2~\v_\' 'ruprielm'. glAlâ€"flm lhu same g. l .wy g,lwy gJ-wy ng-tf Ba". and Fresh always shor(est 05 If. Ml SELLING OFFH HE Subscriber boeiuz under the necessity of vacating the premises at present occupied by him 111 RlCHMOND HILL. has come to the (lutermination of Closing his Business. and in order to do 50 clTeanally, he will flom this (late Sell for ONIASI. of Dry Goods. A. I‘urflu-r rrd'uM-fm 1m“ Inguin [won nude, in order :0 make 11 .com- plelu clmrnnrc brim-w- llw Pxpll'illmll of hw h-aw. The following articles will be S)!” at C0 ST ! Viz., Printed Cashrneres, Fur Bom‘ SA Cutie, Fur Cape. [19.1, “1.11.. 3,». mm, Fla”. HE'S. Salisbury &. Film-y Flamwls. Blankets, Horse BlmnkI-ts. Mn-u‘s \\‘i'nta~r (703!» Canada Ch)ll1<,(§ala l’lzliulu, FH'UL‘U Murinus in Brown. Merunu. (In-H." 5L Scam." llosivry. Pnlkas, Hoods, Gaunlluh, Sl-vas, Long Shawls (Fillml Si \\'nnlen) RH). hons, Ladies’ &. Guntlcxnun'» (Horus Ladies b1. Children's line‘s. Show & Ruhhmwl The prvsent opportunity of buying rmlly Clu-np Hoods, should be siezm] by n). public at large. His‘ on'ire Stock which is u'xtcnsive and we‘lvAssorlfid, qu'inu-bevr purchased in the first markets and on llw most reasonable terms. D ' andy-madv “'inker CIolhing, North of Toronto, in every variety of style and fubnc. Having purulde llu: material, and had them made vxpreamy for his own trade, he can thoroughly recommend them as And for Cnmpxxss THEY CAN NOT an sunmssan. Having devoted a particular attention to tins class nt'trade, he wou'd earnestly solicit an inspvuliou brine confident I t . . , . .. of gtvmg entu‘t- snthlactmn. CLOTHING Persons indebted to the ‘llh‘t'l‘ibel‘ will p'vnce make an immmlinfe Selfir'mr'n; the“. accounts musl now be paid. He lrlMs any fulfill-r nolice will be llllnl'thSSflI‘y. February 4-, 1853. Alec. ONE ACRE OF LAND. silunled in the Village of Thornhill, with good Halli-e and out-buildings. Made to order, in every style, from almost every material, at the MOST kc PRICES, at ACRES OF LAND. East half of Lot No. 2, 7ll* Concession, Nunh Uw1||inlbury. pnvidr in leI. Richmond Hill {ICHMOND HILL {WPREA*IIUI\I¢m SUF-I‘ SA DDLE g- HA R NES S ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South (If the TRIBUNE Ofiqc. Premium Harness fifmmfuchu‘fir. I ESPECTFULIX announces to the Public {genorallydhal ha having taken (ho F L R S 'l‘ l' R IZ E fur Harness at the Yongo Street Ag- I‘umlulral Show, "Two Years in succeuiun. he feel: confident that he can give amino anusl'acilou in all branches of his ‘hu:iuess. PRIVATE LODGE.â€"Ctmdwoml Cam. :lian Loyal Orange Lodge. numlwr 57'? monts on l!.e Inst FritlnyV in path Inonlh Thomas 'l‘rd‘l, Secretary. OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778, J meets at Brmher Robert Wisetnn\\‘.-, Masonic Hall. the second Saturday evening in each month. w “j A lnrge stock of Hnrness. 62¢. alwm‘v on hand. and made to ordm at the lowest possiqu I‘cmunelaling prices. VI‘IIE plunnses. um] I" comfmluble style The best of Liquors soleciod. Good Slllbllllg Richmond Hill, C‘ORNEK of “Yrighl Si. Ynnge Struh ) Cheap (v‘rnceries and Prmi~imm Clarkexy nud Glassware cheap fur C'mh. No Credit. I). HUPKlNS‘ Ilnurdem and transient visitors will find (1w accomodulions in every way agreeable. \ORNER of Palace and (‘worge shoots, must I of (he Mmket Square, 'l'oronlo. Bomd 3| per day. Good Slabling and allenlive Hustlers always in anendancn. An omnibus lo and from the Raihoad Station. 71‘1113 Union District of Uxbrixlge and 7 Scott, Lodge No. 4- mel at George Mudcah‘s Hotel, Uxhsidge Village, on lhe spcoml Tuesday of January 1858, when [he fOHOWing offivels were chosen Ior [he insuing year. Uxbritlgu, 'l‘llos. Tod¢L Dislrict Mast- er; Scott, John McCleulnn, Uinlricl Master; SCUM. Nathaniel Mrth-nlm. St'crelul'y; C'be Ige, 1m Kester, 'l'rvu- BLACK HORSE HOTEL 01:39AM Wark W21rrantcd..{ ‘1 A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest January H. 1858 This course is indispensibh‘, having but a Very short pmiod .t Dminghq Autumn a reduction 0] nbnul 5) per cvnt was mm] Dry Goods. A furflu-r rrductmn lnm again brim |n:|de,in :le clearance bk'ffi“? llw Plpll‘nliOII of hiw lvnw. [mummy mer'r BY wm. uou’n WORSE“ of Palace and (it-orga- she. Richmond Hill. Oct. 5,1857 Feb. 11.18.38 Richmond “I”. Oct 15, 1857 Jnn. 7. “458‘ Thm "III II Jun. 2( Toronto. Feb. 26. 1858‘ \Villiam H. Myers, flLfl'l‘HiNl} Til SUIT THE HARD TIMES! ’I‘HORNIIILL HOTEL. TANTED lo I33â€"tf NEW IE Subscriber begs to inform the Public flint he has leased the above ises.‘ nnd_ fined them up in n neat and Richm on (1 Victoria, Bushels ol' )llu OATS, OATS ! 'erms Easv FOR SALE! 20. 1858‘ THOMAS PALM RR. l'rnpfietor. b. 26. 1858. 138-ly to purchase 0“: Tnousuv ol' good Onls. Highest price» Apply at the Trilnma Ufi‘lee, JOHN PALMER. HENRY LEMON. M E N A N l) I} 0 Y S’ Apply to flit-h moud Hill and Cigars carefully am] allentive hosllcxs ‘ "1‘0 R 1c, Prop] ielo DURJBLE, G. A. BARNARD’S, Richmond Hill gl8-l_ [3'2 but a Very short pmiod :0 wind up his business nbnul 5) per cvnt was made On every descfipliou lm“ again 1mm made, in order to make 11 com of hiw lvnw. ‘ 136 l3l HARD UP The advertiser is a Practical’ Farmer. nbou >33 years frnm the “NS! of England? would (aka pnssessipn imnwdiatelyund would pay one year's rant III-advance. or more if requirr-d. Wanted to Purchase or Rent. 9:] 17.11301 .' From 1 to 300 Acres. N a pleasant locality. and a good agricq lural disuim. within a short dnthncu of 'l‘orama' preferred. Applicnlian m be made postpnéd. to lhn Edunr of the British 'l'libunc. Richmond Hill. Gold Pens Ilc pointed RXCE FIFTY ('FNTS. Encl‘m‘e pen in a loner with cash or po-Imge anps. and by return of mm! you Will uoceive the pen us good as new. Address E. ELLIOT. Syracuse. New York. IU' Any editor giving Ihe «have Ihreu in- sertions. and sending me a mnrked rop)‘. shnl} Immediately receive mm of my best was. 40 lleaiuingin RICHMOND “ILL Past-Office, IMAKCH Isl, I858 AITav: mméy *' ‘ Armqmng, \V. . Billuu. Small Miss [3 Bmmkfll, "1‘. Blabhil' Bnqngunilu. ‘V. Bron n. [’nhick Brown. Jug Hukr-r, 3‘ Mi 8 Bell. Willihm,‘ Badger, Thuujas, Burg. J. . Blackstock, Hannah Bone, Thaw. Baker, Jacob Bridgman. Noragh Boynon. Robrrl Craig. Musy Cameron. .Jmle (.‘ralg. Wm. Cook. Time. Curtain. Mary Miss (Iumhs. Jnhn Coxheud. Thomas Cnuk, John Crebor, A Cweley, R,,A_ M‘s. f1 and commodious home, now by tho thsmiber. furmerh‘ krnu “'Half-wny Hut dwelan hum» thud uuhhousas OF 1‘? Cnmfifioll. G Craig, Rohurt glmpmme, 'rl'. "01“de Eiizaheth Harriwu. H. & J. Hewill. Rth Holmko-y Francis “Mun. Robert Homer. Jacob Hoarue, Samuel Howdon. ('hullus Hardy. Ann llull, Francis Homer. Jumps [‘2] Hnrbvrl. James Hmlmgs. Thomas \‘Vm Johns. J. B. Frederick Jone. K H 139 Grunt. . Gram, Eh. Guldel, Elamlor (heel), Marv Graham. Juim Gzhhng, John (Mil-Ho. Dun]. Hm, Wiilinm Hutton. G. ('. Feb. 9. 135.5. ‘ we.“ I? Da'fly 'Glu’bz lo cépy three \imes and under LIL-couan tq this otfice. l) n'cnn, \V. [)nucy. Richard l.)l”. C(‘mgo Davis, JunHes Dulhy. D‘ gglvby Dnncey. Julm Duncey. Mary A, I‘Vcnk, Maria Ann FOR SHJLE OR TO RI‘LVT I ‘ T RICHMOND “ILL, that large- Fonguson, Wm.’ ‘ Flolesnn. Charles Flench. W, Julm Flanagan, William which Ll. pic: due an-counls not paid by [he lSlh of February next. will lue'pnr in suit. Puuclualily is (In Lffe nf Trade. [13" Save your Costs and my 0mm. January EH. 1858 J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. ‘III CAN’T HELP "ll 9 'l'ht Jo: heat, and (heapest assmlmenl of M. TEEFY. Pu: unmvern. L'xu . together WM: int-lied, including- mtlu-r pnrlicnlam Letters AND G. A. mamma- suimbk-o Kink. Cillxll Kompskill, Geo. Loulher. Mary Lowe, M. Ileril Llnfonl‘ George Luna. Win? kmvnencq' C. J. Lee. Gem , - Lawrcnca. Miss u. Lilngs‘lafl'. I Ran. Morgan, qunh Malsh. AIOX. Mmhews‘ John Muster, Thus. Moddiex Alex. . Mormon. Wm. McCagua, “rm. McLano. A. ML-Luan, Hugh Mof‘me. John McMillan, Mrs. Killf'enlher. Misc KiHrcalher, Murgnret Kannada \VUiiJm U Sims. John S eyson. Richard Smilh. Mary §the n_s, E Fluiln- 34. Blue Flan- n‘s \\‘i'nta~r (7mm Nixon, Mérgnre! Newburr)‘, VV'IH'Ium Nowiou. Jnmm Scott. Samuel. Scan. Robert Scott. Hector Shaiuo. Charles Simpsvm. Wm. Selmnlberg. H. A. Shuuk, Gem gu Snake, Betsey Sigsworlh. John J. Sirnunond=. Rachnul 'I‘ruscou. Ruben Turner. Henry Trey. William 'l'eul, Ruho't 'l'uxncr. James Trent-h. Beatrice Verne}; John \Vnrrcn. \Nln. “'inas. Arne)" \Vebler. John Wi|<on Timmy: Walker, John W. C Wrighi. Ann O'Blien, Jnlnes U’R' inn, Owen O’Cnnnnr. Isabella. O'Grady, \Vln. ()«ter. George Paige. Frederirk Pear”, G. J. F. [9 I'ollut-k, \\’|iL tht, B. Raymond. l). Ritchie, \Vm. Robson. Michael ("18:107. , now occupied known not the ilhor fora private xlensivo smbling two or Ihm amvl (mo )1: A L gIQ-lf (33 u] expal Imu- sum and terms. Richmond Hill. June Apply. ifhy loner the 'l'riiLue. ONTAINING ON C HUNDRED AND 'I'umu Mm: of good land. being part It? Lot Tu Ill. am Can \ uuglmn. ‘ by St Inc In bu In: S kiu‘ The SWAN HOTEL in u few days will b!) complowly renovated. and respectable visilom mm rely on having their calls immdiulely m- lrnded. 10. He ha: also verv aunnsjvo uccomu~ dnllon for Horses and Cmriagcs. 1U". SMWcribers have ahavs on hnmr, i ' a large and general stock of the lwst- Brili~h and l’rovincx‘ml manufactured Wriling. (foIorrd‘, “row”. and Wrappinan 03‘s, “'ax. Wafers. Slate“. Ink. Steel Pens. glllvolopefi- Metallic Memorandum Llook‘r Twines, Copy Buok:,-°chonl Books and General" Stationery. &c‘, > ‘ c . ‘ ‘ 7 IIORNHILL. The Sulficriher in tendering his thanks for past favous, would bag (n on" I’ulific mtenliou (a his NH‘V Establishment. 'l'hornh'fll. and known as [hip SWAN Home:u which he has lately cnlmed mm in roucequenuo of tho accnmodalion in his 01d ealublishmenl being enlirvly (00 limimd for [ha cnmfuxl of his numerous aunts. “is Ilar will nlwnvs he found we” storm? wnh. the choicest l iquors; while the subscriber himse|f illlrlldi to devola his lime (a the Coup- l'ort of all lhuw who may honour him with a call. Conveyance lo Railroad Station _., 'I‘HE Subsuiher hop to relvnind the inan ’l‘HE Subsm-ibpr lungs to remind the inhalm 7 lums or Richmond Hill um] the publm. generally. that ho mus angular Conveyam-«u Twice a day. Io [he Ilailroml Station. and re- speen'uhy admits that: patronage therelo. l’ns sengers conveyed to any purl. sflhe country an the shurtefl uolico. SADDLE 3 TV. can now be had in nnyquanmy. frn‘m )uu Inn Tbunmnd Bunches. a: Mr. JOHN LA. u 1’.\}‘T’.‘ Shi‘izio Munnfiunury. Yonge Stu-u. mm ‘l‘lmlulull. No hmul-mndu Shingles cun equal those made 1 ES PECTFU LLY begs leave to in- firani-mers and oihars that he has cun- slamiy onhmid. or nianui'ucturg'. 19 order. all descriptions of Sandlcs. Heavy and Light “au- ness, Bridles. Snicingiu-s. Whirw anxiother am- cles belonging to (he \rade; ail of’which in m prepared to M3” low for Cash, 'or on uppromd Credit. - 0.? An inspecfion. ai my stock and Piicnn is solicited before purchasing elsewhme. Thorium“. Nov 19, l To Bui/(er, Fan/1N3 and U’hms‘l :l‘r‘ll‘lGLES,Oi“'A SUPERIOR QUALI- Thu f‘uujlkies which |he submr'rbars have- l‘or mauu‘arluring. having two of the largo”M Paper Mills 1: Canada, Huey nro preparcd Io mmml'ucluru all kimls ol'paper to order. \VHOLESALE Papor & Stationery Warehquze. [13‘ Hunt (who. C/mrch Stud. Toron(m UR MACHINE is mbstnntiafly built to Wrought. Iron, mmrfly free from sin!» draught. can be elevated to any height" from I; Mower to a Reaper by a srrew in from. and ems without dogging, iu Gmsc. Wheat, “nu; or Baden; without change ol'knife or gearing. and works easy for the horses. BOARU OF DIRECTORS. J. C. Glmuu. l‘rm. lTHas. llA\vom-H.VV Pres. WIII. Henderson; Rico Lewis. James Lnask, George Mickie, Hugh M llcrl J. P. Bobmu. Waiter Macfhrhne, R012. Slam-)0. sec- Docmnlmr 3-8. 135: The price f6: 11 Mower, $120 .00; comphled as a Rvnywr. $1191. 00. Anoxua kufle will be $5: 00 wag-{4. r _ THE COMPANY lnsuxes all descriptionso! Euilmngs.Manufuclories. Mills. &c.. and Goods and Furniture, In the same. ngaiusl loss or dam- age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. w All our Machines are wannnled to be wt“ buillaud of {he br-st nmlerinl. Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. Rncidcueo. Rich H‘ Darling 5; Aitchison’s , COMBINED [Umrcr and Reaper. VA LUABLE PROPERTY 3 Thornhm, Yonge 5 June 24”. ThumhiH Sun-nu. iur "mum-s»v and dumb vuq of his Sllinglus may be seen ne” Office. Richmond Hi“. and mum’s. Grucer. Yong: Street. Tharuhiil. Sepl. 10. 18.3% Dec. 8‘ ‘or purlicuMs. mlplly w BUTTONVILLE, Jmmnry (i. 1858. ‘ONSIS'I'ING of Three Village Lola, / Mmub‘a Buildings. with a {ourlh pa ‘ncre of Land attached lo ouch. One 1a” Cullngn suitable for a small family. nond i< a New House. adapted for :1 Mec ufnny kmd or Doctor. (as there is no A r m [he neighlwuxhood). The third mg" House. with all the accomodalious Buttonvilio. 0‘ FARM FOR SALE ! (1'? PI T.’1L STOCK, £100,000; Fi re I V Fir e ISCDIU‘ORATED RV ACT 05 BARLMH‘IM kl THE Township of MARKHW, 63? FOR SALE. 4;] SHINGLES! Marital 1’1 ac I ilioners. Jannm’y ‘33. I853- F10“ rishin :5 Vi] lags. S W A N HOTEL, c. LUDFORD, ILE AND HARNESS MAKER, , TIIORNIIILL. 185‘]. WESTERN E m. August 13.1357 UUNTIN, BRO ‘ilh all the'accomod m n never-failing We” mums ont-hileizs. mo. large shed. uund-sl 2, together wnh some c? lung plums. pearsxun :- cherry. RIC HARD NICHOLIS. 5226-”? wmm'nm MU‘R‘IRISON‘ mi. on the 4 a is an astubl GEORGE DARLING; KUH'I'. AlTCHlSON. Shoal. post paid. to the Editor of 15Ih. 18‘ wgles cun equal those made 6 am? durability Sport- Yougp slree t, Toroulp‘ IN THE JOHN SHEELS. ‘ l Proprietor. l 851 ‘lmlql‘ C. LUDF‘ORD. gmm on. REID, A. LAW, WM General Agent. 57 zllMy hed Po leruhi" nt‘lhe h" u- m Mr. Rims Toronto. 2-2475 r :1 Mechan- a is no Doc. :29 1f ‘t-Oflico In. with -e 'Fruit L‘. and 13.? Cutlon- lal ol I, with )art of isning )Ieflâ€" Em of The ul) for

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