Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 26 Mar 1858, p. 4

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A TENNESSEE SQUIRE 01“ T11 OLDEN TIME. -â€"4â€" There flourished for many years. in certain village in the good State of Ten- nessee,nn eccentric fellow, who “juice ‘1 the name of Peter Izard. For men years be filled the important oilice know in various parts of the Union as Magus trato,'A111er1nzm, or Justice of the Peace The following is a sample of Equne Izartfu nodoiof proceeding: A gentleman by the name of McMur- flu mnviding through C~â€"-'ewl1erc his For replacing; it. the horse lost a shoe. _ blacksmith whom name ‘Was Enos deo charged the cool sum ofuu eagleâ€"or Naturally Indig- nant,-our traveller refused to lay such an exorbitantdemand. and he was arrested rather 1m sovereigns. at the suit of theson of Vulcan. There being no other manurce, Mr. Nodlurrnn was escorted to the magis- trate’s ollice, back of the bar. After being introduced into the most august presence ofthn Squu‘n.nnd 1111: charge slatnd, 11111 following dialogue oc- curred! ~“ Well. sir, what is your name '1” 1‘ -.\I11.\Iurrau, sir.” 41 IInmph, MoMorrnn ' no other name I" “ J 01111 MoMurran, sir.” “ No. Mr. .\Ic.\lurran-â€"no alias?” “ Of course I 111-1' not, sirâ€"1. have no need of one.” “ \Vhere do you live, Mr. Carrion l” “ My name isn‘t Carrionâ€"I 10111 vou is it McMurran.“ “ Vt’ell. Mr. Morton. did you make any bargain lor shoeing your horse I” t‘ No, sir.” “Then. Mr. Burton, you acted, sirâ€" ‘excuse Incâ€"like a fool 1” fl 1 don't come hen- to be insulted, sir, and no man shall talk so to me I" cried poor Mac. “I know you did not, Mr. Follow- keep silence, or I’ll line youâ€"you acted. ripâ€"Alon‘l: contradict me â€"â€"like a perfect fool! Let this be a warning, sir, never to trust such a scoundrcl as Enos Bildo, the smith. farther than you can sling a bull by the tailâ€"$11300 1b.: plaintili) I mean youâ€"you skunk! You , would steal the cooper olfyour dead mother’s eye, you poor. nosouled 11031” “The sentence of this court is. that Enos Bildo shall have two dimes for his work. which .is all is wortll,,and if you say pnotlter word, I’ll lmork you down! Like-1r this court!" Fully satisfied with this vr‘rdict, and highly amsusgd with his adventure, Mar went. on his way rejoicing. A PruSsian Journal relatesa silwular fact. In 1111' Income community. tnere exists a Rabbi, esteemed and loved by all. To prove their gratitude 1or services renâ€" dered, the community decided (upon the suggestion efo rich merchant) to otter the Rabbi a present ofa tun ot'wmc, and in order that all might contnbu'te to it, it was agreed that all should bring a bottle of 1vine.on,d pour it into the receptacle. The Rabbi received. the offering. and with tpuchlprccaution deposited 1111-, pre- I cious liquid in his cellar. But, 011 I grief, when heplalted to taste i'I a miracle had operated ' instead of wine he found only water. ills honest friends had all i11d1v1l-. ually thought a bottle oi water would pass unperceived «into the quant-it of wine. Unhappily each had the some i1ea. 71 Consolaian in Grirflâ€"A very cov- ctons man lost his only son James The minister came to comfort him, and re marked that such cluslismncn's of Provi- donor- wore mercies in disguise ; that al- lhough in the death of his son, he had suffered a severe and irreparable misfor tune, y’et, undoubtedly his own reflections had 21' nested sumo sort of consolation. t‘Yes'I’i’qix‘clamed tile weeping but still yrorident father.” Jim was a monstrous vaterl.” if ' ».a tiledt you oneâ€" year ago last night. fourvtlollars andeigbty-seven cents. If you'but'e 110C 51111111: long enough, please keep'it. one year longer,” are the words of a dospa'tch sent from Syracuse to New York on the wires a few days since; and to which the following answer was prompt- lfwrdfuijned :â€"“ Had forgotten it, and hoped'you'had. Let. her run another yeahur Mulligan! VCflllL‘dSrâ€"A New Or- leans julw'deolares a man to have come to his“ death by an unknown cart.” About on a par with the Philadelphia verdict some time since. A man having been crushed tqsleath in a millâ€"the jury added to their verdict, ‘F no blame can be oltachetl with: machinery? Aqmstnu’stcr, puzzling out a very 1111- 1 certain superscription on :1 Irish letter. I jocoscly remarked toran intelligent son i of 111111.111... stood ' by, 11.11 the 1.1.1. ‘ brought a hard mofnames to this coun- try. ' *‘V'fltit‘s'a t‘act; ‘yei- honor,“ irepthed 3the Irishman ; “ but‘tTirey get harder ones afterthey arrive here.” Fuddleozztater.â€"â€".'t‘be New Orleans Sui: tells of: machine wl1icl1i1as been lwented “ out South,” which enables one to tell when he'is “going too far.” It is called a fuddleometer, and given warning by hitting the gentleman under the short rias the moment he has got enough. Smack C‘utlwchism.â€"Pedagogne :â€" 1 “fits wait Goliath! Boy: The muckle giant whom David slow with a sling and a stone. Pcdagogne: \Vba was David? 1 Boy :: The son' of Jesse. Pedagogne : I Wha was j@d_ Boy : The tlower o‘ Dunblane. .« You‘re a. loafhrâ€"m't man. without ai , 111.11.. 18.57. E 111.3111}... minnow. Dn. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond I it!- g.1-wy. .WMM w..-» a Iune. 1857. d ,1' 11 ~ JOHN GRIEVE, Office. Richmond 11111. ' lone. 1357'. g.1 -tvy. JOSEPH KELLER, AILIFI" Second and Third DIVISION Court. Office. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. 2.1â€"1vy. ’ I G. A. BARNARD, MPORTER of British and American Iby Goods. (l-ocerics. \VinoS. Liquors. Olls'. Paints. &c.. 5111. Richmond 11111. June. 187'. g l-wy. I). CROSBY, , RY GOODS, GROCERIES. ' '3' 7 VViues. Liquors. Hardware. etc. and 11111. June. 1857. gJ-wy. 'I‘IIOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, “'ngzon 8; Sleigh M A 11' E R , ' Opposite tho \Vluto Swan 11111. Richmond Hill. June 10. 1857. g.l-vi‘y. SMELSER 81 BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE TOlVNSIHPS 0F Mnrkhn 1n & \Vltitclnu-ch furstmzwaps :â€"~-Iicnry Smrlser. Lusltny. King ; Thos. Bowman. Almira. Markham. LERK THIRD DIVISION COURT“ 1 To Medical Pmctitioncrs A GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers 11- H‘“ 10 *1 Medicul Man of stundiug and M"i'el‘lellen. House and Premises, 110111 picaâ€" sant and convenient. can 110 had on rctuonablo rwms. Al’l’IV- If by letter post paid. to 1110 Editor of 1110 Tnbuu, Richmond Hill. Juno 15111. 1857. SHINcL'EsF To Bail/165. Farmers and (it/ms] HINGLES. OF A SUPERIOR QUALI- TY, can now be had in any quantity. from 0110 tua'l'housaud lluucbos. at Mr. .louu L131:- >'1'A1*"1"3 Sin-1gb) Manufactory, Yougo Street. nonr 'l'lluruhill. N11 Itandunado Shingles can equal those made 111' Steam. tor uuntm-ss and durability. SI‘OFI' IIICIH of I11»~ Shingles may be seen at the " '1 r1- bnnu” ()llico. Richmond Hill. audul .\lr. Rufus Skinner’s. Grocer. Youge Sheet. Toronto. 'l‘hornhill. Sept.10. 18.37. 01 LL ..___.._..H.. gfl-wy. Duf-Iiii’g 6.; Aitcltison‘ COMBINED Illou'cr (md liarpm‘. UR MACH-[NE is substantially built 10 \Vrought iron. enurely free front side draught. can be elevntnd to any height. from a Mower to a Reaper by a screw in front, and cuts without clogging, in Grass. \Vbeat. ()an or'fioilct‘. 11'11houtcliungo of knife or gearing. and works easy for the horses. The price for a Mower. $12.) . 01); completed as a Reaper. $11U .1111. An extta htrito will be $5 . 011 extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well huiltnnd of the best material. CEORCE DARLING ROB 1'. AI'I'CLISON. Thornlull. Yougo Shoot. S October 15,1857. glO-I JAMES McCLURE, NNKEEPER. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Simone. Corner of Yongo' and Bradford slmoLs. Holland Landing. November. 56,1853. gi‘S-tf JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., 7 1\\'O Miles North of Richmond IIIII, . 7 dealer in Dry .Goods. Groceries, “dung-Liquors. Hardware. Glass. Earthenware. 61c. 11? ALso. Licensed Auctioneer. September. ‘23. 1857. . glli-ly CALEB 1313111111), Saddle and Harness Maker, TIIORNIIILL. Thornliiil. Nov. 16. 1857. t 1 get. 11 A. GALLANOUGH, EALER in Groceries. \Vines and Liquors. TI11onbili. C. 1V. Choice brands of Teas. Sugars and Combs on hand, genuine as Imported. An assortment of Bread. Biscuit and Cach. constantly on hand. Tltomhill. Sept: 25. 1837. l g17-1v WELLINGTON HOTEL, TEAR tho Rnilroad Station. Aurora. Careful Hostlers always in attendance. January H. 1358. (1. CASE. Proprietor. 132 MANSION HOUSE, tilARGN, Attentive Hostlcrs always in attendance. 7 J. KAVANAGII. Proprietor. 13" January 14, 1359. MESSRS. J. 81. W. BOYD, Barristers, &c., No. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING ST.. TORONTO. June 20. 185,7. 3.3-.wy. CLYDE HOTEL, KING SIREN EAST, TORONTO. 00D Stublitlg and Attentive Hostlors T ' JOHN MILLS, Proprietor. g.1-wy, 1301111511 Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET. TORONTO, C. w. 111. MORRISON. Agent. Toronto. June 12th.,1857. glâ€"wy. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, I LAG. Banner and Ornamental Painter. 1 Elizabeth Street. Toronto.â€"Over \V. Grif- fnb’s Grocery Store. 113" Coats of Arms. and every description of. Herald Painting. executed with despatcl1.and at reasonable charges. June. 1857. J. V'EnNiiY, Boot and Shoe Maker. PPOSITE A. LAW moud Hill. Ladies’ and Gcntlemons‘ Boouand Shoes. made after titelatest styles. August 6. 1857. 80] CHAS. POLLOCK, 08] MPO RT ER ofBritish, French German and American, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. No. 80. City Buildings. King Stro *1 East. opponite St. James’ Cathedral. Toronto. C. W. Nov. 5. 1857. ’g‘ZQ-tf WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Makcr,’ Next door to G. A. Bernard‘s. Richmond ilill. g.1-1vy. JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothiers Yonge 81.. Richmond Hill. lune. 1851. g.1-\vy. g. l wy. ’S. Yonge street. R .châ€" 559-6111. .1 une. l 851. callitfg," said :1 judge [on person arrested as a vagrant, _“I beg your pardon.I ha1e ; a voeation.” “ What ’is it “1” t- I i smoke glass fo_r echpses ; but just now it i is our dull season.“ i A man attempting to carve a goose: dropped it on the floor. “ There now I" exclpimcd his wife,‘. we have lost our ($111â€" , nor. l‘t‘e got my foot 011 it.’ ‘Jones.’ said a sympathizng neighouri to friend. ‘Wbat in the world out tuntri runny into your brad 1‘ k Well. the libel ts. I was getting short of shirts.’ A printer in setting up ‘ “'e are but parts 01 a stupendous whole,’ by mistake 0111 letter made it read, ‘ “'1: are but parts of a stupendous whale.’ Be chary of the §olden treasures of youthâ€"418 who would enjoy the fruit must t...“ the opening blossom. Patience and preseverance distinguish the good 119%. (late dissemblers. "‘ "'1' do 0111110311111! Wear mittens? To ”“1. '8“? 91pm ‘chaps. ‘ Ob, n.0,” absivercrl he, ‘ it‘s safe, i no , RICHMOND iliLh. A “ GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. Lot 516. 4111 (’011.. Vuughau. "HORSE Sc FARRIER” INN. g15 HEN RY SAN DERSON, Veterinary Surgeon, I l AUCTIONEER. Corner of Yougo 111111 Centre Street“. 111119. 1852. 1 J.N.REID, .PHYSICIAN 11'; sunouou g 1.1vy. } Corner of Yongo and Centre Streets. Thoruhill. I \ugust 14. 19:37. 210-“ l ROACH’S HOTEL; ORNER ofFront and George s‘rects. 1 one black cast of” the Market. Toronto. 1 101m noscn. Proprietor. I March 5. 18.58. 130 ' will be spared to make the Rural cont ‘foredl It has no blanks. but rewards evorv June 24.11. 18-37 gfl-t PRIVATE SALE 1 I LJI.VD .‘LV'D "UTE/E .ilIILL .1 NEAR RICHMOND HILL. ’ VHIS FARM contains about Fifty Ann-s. 11i111 a House. (lurdrn. and small Clear- ance. and is well ti111berod. The \Vatcr Mill. including Three good Dwelhu;V Homes. “1111 Gardens. and about F11'1rett Acres of 1.111111. 1f 11311111191] by the purchaser. The pmnnscs are at present used as an Agricultural implo- 1nent and Filo Factory. All the above property will ho sold no easy 111-1115 for Cash 01' Yearly Payments, and is worth: the attention of tho Mechanic and Far- 111er. For particulars apply to BK. DIINCUMB. Richmond 111'1. u_/'..11:1berIS.’17. 10 aid-ti T0 I’R IuV’l'ER S. II'I'IE >1.‘11.\'('111151§Ii begs to inform the Trade, that his $101k of PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE, INKS. and all other descx‘imion of matetials. has been \‘on largely increawd this Season. by ar1iva|s from NEÂ¥V YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTONE and MONTREAL: 111111111141 ho is prepared to supply o1ders for new Offices. in addrtiou to 111osni11 operation. at the shortest nozil'e Prinilng ALACIIINES and ENGINES im- rental to order. _ ‘ Best qualiry 11f NEWS INK at 0110 Slulhng pt'r lb. ' Ua'rl Type 111/ran 1'11 err/mugs for new. _ D. K. FEEIIAN. Colborne st. Toronto. Jan. 9. 1857- 5;: . '7 :NO T1702. " VALUABLE PROPERTY: IN 11111; Flourishing Village BUTTONVILLE, Township of MARRHAM, 1:;- FOR SALE. 4;) ONSISTING of Three Village Lots. with suitable Buildings. With a fourth part of an acre of Land attached to each. One is a small Cottage suitable for a small family. The second is a New House. adapted for a Mechan- ic of any kind or Doctor. (as there is be Doc- tor iu the neighbourhood). 'Th'e third is a Large House. with all the accomodations for a Tavern. with a nevur-l‘a’ilmg Well of Water. Alxo. good. suitable out-buildings. consisting ofrh‘iving-bouso. large shed, wood-shed, grou- ary and stable. together with some choice Fruit Trees. comm-Bing plums. peaw.currants. and the black tame cherry. BUTTONVILLE is situated on a plea- sant Iise of round. on the 4111 Concession of Markham. ‘here is an established Post-Ollieo together Willi n Griztand Saw Mill. Store. with Mechanics-of different kinds. Terms easy. apply to the Proprietor on the premises. or by Letter. post-paid to Button- villo. Possession will be g1veu 011 tho Isl .f April, or if needed. the let nl'Juuuary. IF Title indisputable. 3 WILLIAM MORRISON. Buttonville. Oct. 28. 1857. g22-1f Rural New Yorker. LEADING AND LARGEST CIRCULATED AGRICULTURAL. LITERARY. AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. l Moore’s THE VOLUME 1X 1-‘OR 18:23, 4‘ 3x05151011,“ 11. glorious Motto. and J “Hog-toss and Improvumont.” its laudable objects. the Rural New Yorker conâ€" tinues to excel in Merit. and rep rts decided progress in both Circulation and Usefulness. For evidence that it is unquestionably the Standard in its sphere. pleas-e examine the paperâ€"compare in both contents and appear- :iucn. with any other extantâ€"atd you will coincnlo with its patrons and tho Pless in pro- \V/‘ 11 E R 1‘. A S 'l'wcntV-livo persons. and ' more. IlflVo organizcd 11114.1 formed theme ”was into a llortimiltumlSociolv for 1110 Town :111d'1'0\\‘llslllp of Niagara. 111 Uppor Canada, 1,3- signing“ declaration 11111111 l'orrnol'Snl1N11110 A. annnxcl to the A1120 V1ct. cap. 32’ and have mtysct'ibt‘tl :1 Mill] oxaordinw 'i‘cn poinuls to the 'i"111111<111orunf..11 compliiinro 1111111 tlld 48111 Set-111111 of the said Act. £11111 bavo sent a Duplicate ufsuitl 111-cla1'alluu “which and stunt-11 a bylaw required to 1116 Minister of Am-icnliulo. '1‘l1o1ofore I. the Minis1er of h hereby give notice of 11111 formation of tho said Socioli'.&3 ‘1’er NIUL'Ilr' Horticultural .So- ciety.’ iti‘uccoldanco w1111tlle [ITUVISIOIIV of [he sold Apt. Agricultnrr‘. P. M. VANKOUGIINDP. Minister of Agr, Bureau of Agriculture 15: Standing Toronto. dated this 18111 day “Limp“, 1938. i 134 N O TIC E . \‘ 11 E R E A S Twentyfivo [101's011s, and Inoro.h:1vo Ot‘Em'i'Led 111111 formed 1110111- solvos into 11 llorlirullural Sociot 111‘ Hamilton. in i 1' for 11111 (‘in lppor Canada by Honing :1 declaration in 11111 form of Schrdalo A, "Plum-“d to the Act QRI'it-t. r:1p..'12. and have subsmibml :1 s11111ewcoediug 1011 pounds to the Funds thereof. incompliaucc 111111 the-18111 Suction ol said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of aid 111‘clurution written and ~ig111rlas by 11111 Icqniwd lo the Minister of Aglirmlluro. ‘ 'il1erel'flio 1. the Minister of Ag- iv-11111110. lmrrby glvn "wire of 11111 formation til 11111sai1| Socicly us '* The ”audio" ||or1i1v11-|11r:11 So- cie11'."l" accordance \v1111 tl1oprov.:ious of the said Act. 1’. .\I VANKOUGHNET. Ministol‘of Agr. Bureau of Agriculture S: Statistics. 'I'oroulo,d.11ml this 18111 day of .11111‘1'. 185'}. i 131 N O I 10 E . HEREAS vI‘wepty lit’t' port-011s, and \/ more. have organized 111111 formed themselves into n iiorliculturnl Sour-11' for the Town of lloilovillo, in 1110 Comm of Hastings. in Upper Canada. by signing a (10151411111011 in the town ofScht-dule A annotvd :o the A1121) V11-1.n11p.‘-l‘-l. and havo SttbetiI-od :1 511111 ox- ceeding Ten pounds 111 the Funds lhcrrof. in co111pli111ce “"1111 11111 713111 Serum nftlm said Act, and have soul :1 Ullplicn o of 571111 decl: "1- tiou written and signed es by law 1911111er 101110 Mini-tor angricultnIo. Therefore. 1.1110 Minister of Aglioultnro. horohy give notice of 11m forumliou of 1110 said Socmly as ‘- The Rollovi Ie Horticultural So- 1:i1-11 ," in accordance With 1110 pro\ minus of 1110 said Act. P. M. V'ANKOUGIINI“.'1‘. Minister of Agr. Bureau of Agriculturo & Statixtirts. Toronto. 11111611 [his 8th (I 1y ofFequary. 18:75 W NOTICE. V HER EAS 'l‘wr-nty-fivr persons,an11 more, have organized and formed themselves into a Horticultural Society for the V111agn of Fergus. 111 the County .of Wellington in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration in tho form ol'ScherInlo A annexed to the Art ‘21) V1121. cap. 3‘}. and have subscribed a sum ex ccediug 'i'en pounds to the Funds thereof. in co111p11':111ce 111111110 48111 Section of said Act. :1111ltmvo sent a Duplicate of said decimation written and signed as by law required to the Minister “Agriculture. ' 'l'herel'oro. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation 01 .110 said Society as" The Fergus Horticultural Socioty." 1p accordance with the provisions of the said 1 Cl. P. M. VANKOUGHN ET. Minister of Agr. ‘ Burrau oi Agricultnro & Statistics, N O T l C E . \T 1. 11 E R E A S 'I‘weutyefive porsous. and \’ more. have organizcdand formed 1116m- selvcs into a Horticultural Society 111' the City of Kingston. in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration in 1110 form ot'Schedule A. annexed to tho Act 21) Vic. cap 32, and have subscribed a sum dxcceding ’l'ni ' pounds to tho funds thereof in compliance with the 414111 Section of said Act, and have sent a Dupticate of said do- claratiou. wmtcnand signed as by law required. to the Minister of Agriculture : Therefore. I: tho Minislor of Agricultule. |1e1chy give “0111.15 of the formation of the sold Society as “The City of Kingston Horticul- 1111'a1Society.” in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. ‘ P. M.‘VANKOUGIINET. Minis-:1“ of Apr. Toronto. datod this 8111 day ofFehruary. 1858 Bureau ongricuIturc and Statistics, ‘271h Januaw. 1858. 136 Notice. IIEIIEAS 'l‘wenty-fu'e persons. ‘VT 1’4 I . antl more, 11:11-12 orgamzod and formed themselves into a Horticultural Society for the Parishes nt'St. Joachim. Ste. Anuo 111111 St. Percol. in the County of Moutmoroncy. 1" Lower Canada. by signing a declaration 1111110 form 01 Schedule A an new] to the A0120 Vt-t Cap. 3‘3. and have s11b>c1111eda sum of not less than 'Pcn pounds to the lfivulstltnroof. in (-0111- PINIH‘G with 1110 49111 Soctionoftho wa’d Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declornlinu written and signed as by law requitetl 10 lllt‘ hillttslor ongrlculturo; Therefore. I. the Minister of Agt‘iflllllllto- hereby givo notice of the formation ol'tbo said Socyely as "The St. Joachim Horticultural Somety.” in accordance 11'111 tho provisions of the said Act. P M. VANKOIIGHNETv Minister of Ag i1ultn1‘o. 1&0. Bureau of Agriculture & Statistics. nouucing it of its class, THE BEST WEEKLY IN AMERICA! As :111 Agricultural. llorlicultural. Liternrv and Family Newspaper. combined. Ibo Rum-I has long- been n11c nailed. It employs the best 11110111.:11111 is ilustrotedvriib 1111111erou~~ costly and appropriate engraving-1. Embracing in one a greater number of important. useful and limoly topics than several ordinary journals â€"iuriudi11g rural affairs. science. 111ec11anicnl nrts‘. education. history, biography. moral os~ says and tales. poetry and music. reading for youths. news of the do)" market reporm, N c.. â€"it is emphatically and economically A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! Every family can afford the Rural. for such an eminently instructive and entertaining paper is not a luxury. 11111 n necessitv. Indeed, all who desire a hIgh toned. progressive. and emi- noutlv practical and useful farm and fut-side journalâ€"0110 which ignores trash. humbng and docuptiou. and see-ks to enhance the best in. tcrezti and promote the home happineSs of its tons of thousands of readers. of various occu- pations. in both town and countryâ€"urn invited to try the Rural. ' THE NINTH VOLUME. FOR 1853. Will be printed on clear new type and su- Eu-nor pawnâ€"wilds no other effort or expense A . _ 111111111st worthy 1111: unmeuse c1rculatron 11 is attainiuiy among all classes and throughout the whole country. Next to your local paper the Rural is indispensable. The Rural New Yorker is published wocklv each number. comprising eight large double. quarto pages. [forty columns]. primed and illustrated in superior style. 'I'erms :â€"Ot1lt‘ Two Dollars a your: three copies for Five Dollars; six for Ten Dollars; ten for Fifteen Dollarsâ€"in udva‘lm Our list of Premiums for obtaininrv Subscri- 1101's to the Rural for 1851*. is uneiiusIEed in both liberality and fairnessâ€"the best ever of- person who sends a club of six or more 1 11st 12} )1]lest Mid. will be son specunrns. show-bills. &c..] to all Now is the time to do wood and be selves 11y canvassing idi- Family Weekly. Address D. D. '1‘. MOORE. 139 Rochester, N. Y. The 1 free [with applicants. nefit your- the model Rural and Toronto. 9111 March. 1858. ”1- Notice. \. 'I‘IEREAS Twenty-live persons. and more. have org-anizcd and formed themselves into a Horticultural Society for the Village of Elora. in the County of Wellington. in Upper Canada. by signinfi a dcc‘aration in the form of Schedn'e A annexed to 1110 Act. ‘20 Viot. cap. 32. and have s11b~cribed a sum ex- ceedmg Ten pounds 101110 Funds thereof, in compliance with the 48111 Section oftte said Act. and have set1tal)11plir-ote ofsaid declara- tion wtittew and signed as by law required 1“ the Minister ot'Agricultnrc : ' Therefore. I. the Mini-tor of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation ofthe said Society as tho “ Eloru Horticultural Society." 111 accordance wirh 111eprovisious of 1110 said Act. P. M. VANKOUGIINET. Minister of Agricultme 61m. Bureau 0f Agriculture 18L Statisticr'. Toronto. 10111 March, 1853 D. 0. No. 15. INSPECTOR GENEPAL‘S OFFICE. Ct'srons thesaurus-r. Toronto. 10111 1“ch.. 18.33. VOTICE is homhy given that His Fxrr.t.- I ”2ch m1: (161...... GENERAL. by nu Order in Council. hearing: date the Twenty- 1111rd January. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, ht“ been pleased to 1111191' and direct that no duties shall be refunded upon goods. 1111ic11. having been entered for duty. shall have passed into the hands of tho Importer, and thus have 110110 into co11su111p11011; except in cases whom the goods. received. turn out not to be the goods ordered. in which case notice of such tact should be given to the Col- lector within one week after delivery. in order 141. ,thot the Collector may verify the alleged fnclf and upon his report to the Department that 110 has done so. and that the package. to be ex- ported. is a whole package. and that Its contents are identically the same. as when miginally imported. an O1der may be given to refund the duties upon due proof of exportation. By Command 1’1. S. M. BOUCHETI'E. [‘59 Commissioner of Customs. c. LUDFORVD, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, THORNHILL. ) ES PECTFULLY bogs leave to in- }. for111F11r1ners and others that. he has conâ€" stantly 0111181111. or 1111111111actu1'ez1 to ordtr. all descriptions of Saddles. Heavy and Light 11:1r- noss. Bridles. Smcinglcs. Whips and othor urti- clos belonging to the trade: all of wh1ch lie is prcpamd to sell low for Cash. or on approved Credit. [If A 11 inspection of my stock and Prison is sohcited hefole purchasing elsewhere. C. LUDF‘ORD. TI111r1111iIl. Nov.1!l. 1357 g‘ll-tf Fire! Fire! ! Fire! I .' W E S 'I‘ E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED FY ACT CW I‘ARIJAHFN’IX (MPITJL STOCK, £100,000. BOA R D OF DIRECTORS. .1. C. Gtmtou. l‘1-o~. l Titus. 11.11111151'1'11. V. Prev- VVIH. iiuudorson. James Lnnsk. Hugh M 11111". Walter 1\1aef:.r|a11r.- lico Lr'wis. (it‘m‘ge Michic. .l. 1'. “011.1115. Rubt. Stanton. Sc . I? Ila/Ml (film. Church Siresl. Toronto. in T1119 (Youraxv Ipsuros all dwmiptions of Bu1|1li113s.Mauufactol‘ies. Mills N‘s . a1111 Goods a11111"ur1111111o. m tbesame, r1111>1 loss o111a111- ago by lilo.utrl‘ib81alter111s. Losses p1o11quly smiled. A. LAW, Rnsidonco. Gnuornl Agnn’. ltl1~|111~ .! 111. August 13.1557 gill-1y DR. MORSE’S “Minn Boot Pills. I R.MORFE.1111\ invculor 11f1\Iorsc‘s indian Root 1111sI has spent the greater [1111111111 1f I11< 11t'o 111 traveling. liming \i~iv(~rl Europe, Asia and Africa. as wall aSNotlll AIIK‘I’If'flâ€" 11:15 spent three years among 1111 1111i17111suf nur \\ ("tutti coumryâ€"it was in 1111< way that the 111111.111 Root P1113 were first discovered. Dr. blurso was the first man to ounb’isb tho fact that all diseases a1i>o f1o111 INII’URI'I‘Y OF THE BLOODâ€"111mm“- strength. health and life dependtd upon this vltal 1111111. \thn the vmious passages bommn clogged. 1111111111 1101:1111” perfect harmony “3111 the 1111’- l'erent functions of tl1e11ody, the blood bros its action. becomes thick. corrupted and 111311.1st : thus c.111rillgtill pains. sickness and dist 0.5 of every nomo; our strength i» n1112111s1ed. our 1101:1111 \vu :11n1lopriveil of. 111111 if1111111roi~ not a~sistrtl 1:11.1r11w111g 1111' the stop-1mm bunnirs, 11101111111111\1111101,o111e click: 11 and some 111 pct. and thus 111111111111 of life will be forever blown 1111'. How important then 111:1111'o >l1ultltl keep the various pawagos of the body111(1a11111qm11 ‘ .\11d l1n1v pleasant to 11s that we have it in our power to put a 1116111111110 in your reach. namely. Horse’s Indyan Rout Pills, 111.11111t'ac111r1d froin plants 111111 roots which grow around 1111: 1111111 1 [anions (-1111; 111 Nntmo’s Garden. for the health and Ircuvoty of (11\L‘1'\>811 man. One of the vouts f1 11111 \1'I1irl1 11““? Pills aro 11171116 is a Sud lllilt'. 111111111 opens 111" poms 111' lire skill. and a»i~ts Natmc in [blowing oultlto linen pruts of the COI ruption 111111111. The second is a plant winch is an Expectoraut. that opens and 011111th the ptfl<agfi to Ibo lungs by copnous spilling. Thu 1111111 is :1 Diuretic. which gives case and 1111111110 strength to tho k1d11oys: thus encouraged. tiny draw 111-go :1111o1111Lsuf im- purity flom tire 111111.11. 1111.1:11 151111111 thrown 'out botn1t1l'ullv11v 'lm minarr or 11 ater passage. and whit-11 could not have. been rl1>charged in any ()lllPl‘ way. The i'»ur.l1 is a Catllart C. and accompanlos 1110 other properties of 11111 P1119 while engaged in puufumg the blood : the coarser pnrllelrs of impurity which cannot pass by 111ootl1or outlets. are 111115 Iakr-n up and conveyed 1:11'111 great quzunnuus by tile bowels. From the above. it is shown that Dr. Mo‘se‘s Indian Root P111; not only enter 1l1e stomach. but bccmne united with the blood. for they 111111 their way to every palt. anti I'olnpleto- 1y :out and 1el11as1~ t'nn sy>1o111 from all impmily. and the life of 111e1111411'. which is the blood. broomos porfectly healthy : co11<eqt1c1111y all sickness and pain is driven 110111 the sy>tem. for they cannot lemain 11' 11111 the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so‘ distressed: when sick. and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine \- I1ic|1 will pass to 1110 atllioted parts. and “'1 lb will open 111(- 11nlu1al passage for the disease to be ca~t 0111.; 116111 a. a large quantity of food and other 1111111131- is lodged. and the slolnflt'll and intestines are literally overflowing with 1111' connpted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation. constantly mixing with the 1 111111. wl1icl1tbrows 111e corrupted matter 1111111311 ovary vein and artery. until lit'o is taken trom the body by disease. Dr. Morse’h PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory. by 1'1‘>tu|illg 111iIIio11softl1esiuk to blooming health and bap- piuess. Yes. thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish. and whom feeble frames haro been scorched by the burning elements of favor. and who have been brought. as it wens, within a stepof 11c silent grave. now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead. bad it 1101 been for this grout and \voudoxful medicine. Morso’s Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken. they were as tuuisbed. and absolutely s111p1iscd. in witnessing their shunning ell'ects. Not only do they give immediate easo and shonglb. and take away 1111 go to 1vo1k at the fonndatmu of tho (11300 n, which is «1110 blood. '1‘11crcf111e.ituilllno shown, especially by those who 11>e 111-no l’ill~'. that they will so clause and purify. that (lumbeâ€" :l1at deadly oucmyâ€"wtil take its 11114111. 111111 the Rush of youth and beauty \thl again return. and the prospect ofn 11111;: and happy life 11111011151141 and b1igbteu your days. Clownsâ€"Beware of a counterfeit signed A. ll. Mum-c. All genuine have the name of A. J. Wm'rr: & Co.. on each box. Also the signaturr of A. J. lV/utc A'- Co. All others are spunous. A J. \VIIITE A; CO“ Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morso’s Indian root Pills are sold by all 1101111513 in Medicines. Agonts \vantcd in every town. village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiringtho agency will address as above for terms. Prfoe 25 cents per box. livo boxes will be sent on rcCeipt of $1. posmge paid. t33 The Golden Prize 1 THE NEW YORK \VEEKLY GOLDEN PRIZE. NE of the Largest and [lost Literary Papers () of the day. A11 imperial quarto. containing night pagus. or forty columns of choice readmg matter such wnek. Trusts or Sunscntr‘rlou :â€"$E.’ per year. And a gift will be pro»et1trd to each subscriber 1111111ed1ate1y on receipt of 1111) subscription money. Each hlllbcrlllt‘l’ will be 011111191111) a 5:111 worth from one dollar to $500 111 UOLD. To CLUBS: 11 copies, for one year Five Dollars. 10 copies. for 0119 year lt’tttoon Dollars. REA Dâ€"READâ€"READ T111: LIST 01‘ GIFTS lâ€"GIPTS! !â€" GIFTS! 1 1 1 package containing $500111 Go'd ill G1 1d Patent Lever English Hunting Cased ‘ ‘ Watches - - - - $11K) 13:11:11 3 ‘a It An II 7.1-) It 25 “ “ Gold \Vatt-bes. tit) .. '00 M II 41 ol 5‘) II 21111) Lndios‘ “ “ “ 3.3 “ [1.0 Silver Cased \Vntcbcs 23 “ 2310 " “ 10 to 21) “ 5011 Gold Vest and Guard and Fob Chains. 1010 30 " Gold Rings. Ear Drops, Brooch- es. Breast Pius. Studs. Cuil' P115. Sleeve Buttons. No, 1 to 15 ‘ Immediately m1 receipt of the subscription 111n11ey. the subscriber’s name will heentercd upon our subscription book. opposuo a. number and the gift corresponding with that number will bo foiwarded to his or her address by mail or express. post paid ' Addmss REGRETS; C0.. Publishers. ~18 and ~19 Alofl‘ott’s Buildings. New York. NILâ€"Canada subscriber’s 25 cents extra for postage. Specimen Copies snzl fx'ru- 3 ft sickness. pain 11ml anguish. but they at 01100 - FARfVl roR SALE 1 . ., ovrnmxc ONE HUNDRED 11an 1“er Acres of good laud. hein ' f Lot 'l'u 13.4111 Cut]. Vaughan. g pan. 0 For particulars. adplly to DR. REID. Tbornbill. December ‘24 1857. SWAN HOTEL, ‘iIOPtNHILL. The Subscriber in tendering his thanks for past favors, would bag to call Public attention to his NEIV l‘lsmblishmcnt, 'I'borubill. and known as the SWAN Haven. which 110 has lately entmed into in consequence of the nccomodavion 111 his ntd; establishment» being entirely too limited for the ‘ comfort-of his numerous guests. 129-1f‘ The SWAN 11011.1. in a few days will be completely renovated. and respectablo visitom mat rely on having their calls immediately at- tended to. He has also very extonsivn accomo- 111111011 for Horses andCarriages. . His Bar will always ’bo found well stored with 11111 chow-est Liquors; \vl1iln’tl1c subsmibrr 11inrs1lt'intends to (led/0161115 lime to the cam- fortof all those who may l1onou1 himuvitb a call. ’ JOHN SHIELS. 2 Proprietor. 183 Conveyance 10 Railroad Station. ‘lili 5 to remind the inhabi- Il Subscribon bog tants of Rlcbmonddlill 111111 the public gI-net'nlly. that he runs a regular Conveyance, il'wicc a day. to the Railroad Station. and re- specd'ully solicits tl11~ir patronage lllt‘rcln. I‘ns 5012:1018 conveyed to‘ any part ofthe country on tho sl111110s1 111111139. RICHARD NICIIOLIS. gill-1f Thornhill. January 2:1. 18.33. 3. 18.37. Der. N OLD 1111111111 doctor who has 11111119 j\_ his fortune and retired from IllhlIIESS. will spend the re111nindor 11f11is days in curing that dreadful diseaseâ€"Comm”:rioNâ€"b‘nmt OF CHARGE; his earnest durin- being to cm111n1111i~ cute to the 11 mid 1115 remodirs 111111 haw proved \11t1cnxsl'uliunmrfl 111111341111) cases. 119 re- quires each applicant [us-(111d 111111 a minute (le- s1:11ptmn oflhe >y111pt11n1s. 111111 two Stamps, 11; cls.) to pay the 1e111r11 Iolter. in '11 1111.11 1113 will return them his mlrire lirrsrriplrou. wi'lt d1< recuuns for preparing 1l1e turtlicinc. Tim ()M Doctor linpcs that those afflicted will not. on account ol'dellcacy. refrain liom c011â€" 51111111311111] because he makes No Charge. His solo object in advertising is to do all the good he 01111.110f01cl1odios. Ho feels that ho is just- ly celebrated for time of Consumption, Asthma. Raunclntis. No1vnus Ai'liections, Coughs. Cold, die. AdtlthS. DOC'I‘. HNCAS BRXNT. 33 Box 35111. 1’. 0.. New Yer 03? LOOK AT THIS 14.23 LMOST EVERYBODY is 01'11131111g' the 1 l’I,()U(1II. [.0011] and .IXI'IL. That the rc~t11111y110 :13 wise. 111111 1111': ss themselves of 11113 we :1ze boundâ€"111.unycostto ourselves -â€"1o 111111101110 Leading Industrial Jonrn'zl of 1111 filliesâ€"1118 best for the Far111rr,tl'.o Mechanic. a11111l1e Famlly Circleâ€"we 11 11115 the fol'owiug unplccorlcmcd liberal oll'cr :â€" Our Eleventh Volume will commence with January. ldJSâ€"will r1111 to January. lt‘S‘Jâ€"ann contain. ”16731Inegcuctaropagcx 0:1 fine paper. wizh new type. It will be issued w11|1111111elirs1 \veck 11fuac|1 month. in numbers of (ii pages each, dune 11p in 1110 besttnaguziue style. To ri'l who will forward the money for 111i~ volume. as single subscribers or in clubs. we. \1'111 send gmtuinously. the numbers of the cur- i re11110111111e.110111 11111111116 of titrir f11r1va1d.1-g_ and one month previous. 111m g1vmg in two, 111108. or four 111111111crs. accortlzu to the lime. to all who subscribe before Janumy. '1'1:.\15:â€"$Q r1 yrnr. in advance; $1 50 to 4111515 of four and uptvatds: $1 for s x months .\drerli:i11;_'. ton rents a line. For giving p111) 111-111' to improved stockmpri 111111ra'i111ple11 enl . 111ecl1anical improvenwnts, and like matters 01 general interest. t|1erei< no other 111011111111 good at 1110 price. Lib-oral termsto persons despo‘cd to :1: agents for this work. Let. us hear from it .1. A. NASH. M. P. PARISH. 7 Beeltmau Street. New York. October 2‘7 1" \VIIOLESALE P11prr & Stationery Warehouse. ‘III'Z Subscribers have always on hand. 7 1 a large and general slr‘clt of the best British and Provincial 111a1111f111:tu1‘c<1 “’1" 11,11. ('olortd. Brown, and \Vrapping Papers. \V \ancm. Sluto‘. 111k. Steel Pens. Envelopes. Metallic Memorandum Books. ’l'wines. Copy Rook». School Books and General Stationery. 8‘20” 1&0. The faoflitics \vb'cb the sub criters how for 111.11111fac1uring, Inning two of the largest Paper Mills 11(.'u1111d:1. they are prepared to 111:11111t'ac1ure all 11111113 ofpaper to order. BUN'I‘IN. BRO. & Co.. Yonge street. Toronto January G. 1358 [311‘ Moffat’s Life Pills, AU PHOENIX BITTER S. Tho reputation of tl1c~e trory celebrated vogo‘i table relucdles is now unequalled by any others in this country or in Europe. 'lhny are fully estabbsbod as tho 111ust11111vorsal family medi- cine now in we. and they will maintain their prc‘cmiusut161101le by the intlinsic and com- p1el1e11sive v1rtues which acquired it. The usual modrs of pnti'ery would be unworthy o| them and is unnecessary. 'l'buusnnds and tens oftbo'usnuds of poisons now living in perfectly restored health. can testify. as thousands have testified. to their pro111pt and decided eflicacy not only in all ordi- nary dovangcments ot'l1ea1111. front impaired Digestive Functions. Costivcncss. II1|ious 1.1111. Liver Complaints. Rbeumaltc 111111 inflamma- tnry Colds. Coughs. Nervous 1.\'1-nknes.<. l.llS> of Appetite. Fa1lu1e of Flesh. Headache and impure State ofthe Blood and other Fluids. but also i11R|1e11111alism. Fever and Ague. other Intermittent Fevers. Asthma. Bronchits. Cho- lic. Plourisy. Palpitation ofthe Heart. Rush of Blood to the Head, Settled Pains 1n the Joints. Limbs and Organs. Alfecuons of tho Bladdo.i and Kidneys. Jaundice. Dropsy. Piles. howevn inveterate. Habitual Castiveness. Serous and Ililious Looseness. Obstinate Headache 11nd Giddiness, and an iane-nm'e number of other maladies. They requiro 110 dieting nor confinement. me perfectly mild and plouwut in their operation. but will powerfu 1y restore heullbâ€"that greatest of all earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhaust-r1 and dilapidated constitutions Prepared and sold by DR. ‘VILIJAPJ I‘l. blOI“1"1‘t‘l'r 335 Broadway. N. Y. 13-1 A New Monthly Paper. ...'1‘11Eâ€" CLV‘DERELLJI SLIPPER. JOURNAL devoted to 1110 Auusrzsmsr 1 AND [Sn-21111;“ 01:1..1111123 .ysp Gns'rmzmm. entirely urigluul ill all its parts. Lighl Guy and Fast. All this may be furnished 1v1tliot1l the slightest 11111110rality in its tendency gaining a place in its columns. The lugubrious or miserable \v1llf1ud nothing congenial in tho SLIPPER. 11 bile the Humurist and Don I’irnnl 111nywo11 enjoy 11. The terms for the Monthly will be 1311131. Cents per annum for Single Subscribers. . TO' -CL1UBS, 7 Copies fbr $2 ' so ‘ '2 ll « 23 u 10 One Subscriber in ovely seven will be entitled to 11 GIFT wortl) from $1 to $2010. Among the articles to be distributed are Gold and 511- vor Watches. Gnkl Guard and' Vest Chains. Silver Cuko’and llh'uit Baskets. G91d.LockeL<. Armlets. Ear Drops. Brooches. Pins. - R111gs. 1' Gold Dollars. &c.. &c. A 11 honourable system willbo used to deter- mine which one of the seven Snbscribofi shall be entitled to one of the above Gifts. which w1ll ho s1‘11li1ntnediutelym receipt of the. Subscnp- tion mouoy. Address all communications to ROLAN R. \VEST 6'4 Co.. N.\V. corner Broadway and Worth streets. 1'13 New York. . - 2&5: .‘. . cmcdy IN THE WORLD for the sum cure of Rhouumtism. Pains in the Back. Breast. and Side. Pulpita~ lion of the i11141111. 'I‘ootbachn. Hend- ‘ .ache. Wonk Stomo oak. and General Dchilitv. Cramps in 113 01- Feet. Sprains W 301111... Fever and The 0111‘s; Sui-e 1:” the Stoumctnt‘rosted its“ Bruises. 11r Stitf11cssi11 t-l Aguo. Cholera MOrhus. Con 1121, ‘ of. Appotlte. Summer C011T111aiM33dBrtxisws Sore Throat or Quinscy. Swellings (3.“. Burns. External Injuries. MAS ' “5' Dr. Tumblcty’s Vegetable Compound. I“ Its efficacy Ins been fairly tested. and its v1r111csp1u11ounccd unparalleled " The cures made by Dr. Tumbletv with his Vegetable Compound. are so miraculous as to resemble ll1o~faniod156riptui~ul account of s111111ar cases in ancient times. and 111050 cases :111‘ so wonderful and installtuneotwv so sntis: factory and mitigating or human 111. as to call upon public functionoi‘ios’ and those Imviu 01111115101." publicinstituu'ons forI tl1e1sick 11115 sutibriug to Iooktvcllinlu the well attested _ men-its of 1111's Vegetable Medicine. ‘Numorous cases. two mouths in Hospital. 1111110“ any benefit. have been cured by a few days’ use ot'tho Vegetable Contpo'u 1'1d.‘ 11 is the most soothing medicine in the worlt'. or that ever will be. '1‘11o Vegetable Compound is put 11p highly concentramd in bottles accompanied with printed directions. and sells for 25 cents. 50 cents. and $1 per bottle. Dr. 'l‘nmblcty’s Vegetablcl’ills, The best {11111 safest Cntharlic and Purifying Pill ever offered to the public for the euro of Costivoness. Bilinns Complaints. Dropsy. llearlhnrn. Headache. arising from a lonl Stomach. Nausea. Indigestion. Morbid Inn}:- tiou of 1110 llowels. and lain ari>i11gtl1erefro1n. Flatulcucy. Loss of Appetite. all Ulcets and Cutaneous Diseases which require n11.0vncuan' Medicine. Scrol'ula. King's Evil. Functional Deranqenwntof 1113 Liver, Spleen anr'. Viscora. they stand unrivalled. 113' Pxicc 25 cents and 50 cents per box. These are no elude and untried romedies experimentally placed bcfoxe the pUinc, but they have stood the test of yours. . All that science. skill and experience could [ and success 111 Lost Sight uncaring! my -» ;‘.... M77 ”W“: “or; Tonox'ro, OCULST-81. AURIST. Opera/or on the Eye and" Ear. : flir- NIVERSA1.LY'known throughout Cann- da and the United States for his skill And removing all Diseases of the Eye and Ear figfi‘g‘f‘ begs most respectfully to inform 111030, \vardcfd ‘1‘"“N‘G-dolicanorgans. 111411110 has for- : I“ ‘1‘“ “mm of this paper a few dozen :Piilijnd 11111154111 edition of his 'lywtiss on Dism- ‘ "l . 41 Ir .11: and Ear. published this day. 11 11c 1 11111 bu pvt-”1111111 to applicants . runs or CHARGE. Ten Thousand Co to ~ ‘ ' 1' bdliliihqw rctulyfur (hurt- Tbiu work contains neava 2000 pages of reading matter. in which‘will he font ulmgo number of most important “3113:3111 oporatwus on tho Eye. and sworn than (I ‘ Ilundral interaction Cases of every dolscriw 11011. illustrated \vitb'uumorous Cuts and Plate}: Also. will be seen. Lottms and References froni lnghly respectable parties from 1111 parts of Cana- da and 1110 United States.-â€"-all of which will 2:11:33: well worthy tho‘cnrefnl perusal of the The Author fccls full _ . ' assured t ' - . prejudiced rem/c.1- of 1]“3 1“" every 1‘“ 1 ‘ . . 3 work will be convinced 1|1a1D1seases 011110 Eye or Ear in any sin 5 short ofcomplc’to disorgn11izatiu‘u. run and mu La cured : 111-dot must uppealtbvidont to (wow conuderale person that the principal cuuso q": hulure to obtain reliofm these cases throughout the country. Is the resultof improper lrculmcll. and a want of 1.xr111111-2nc11. SKILI. and court;- ‘Il'liflt v on 1110 part oftltose professing or attempt- tllg’lo euro such discasos. This \Vork will alro be fotwardod to indivi- duals free if charge) sending their add oss. POST-PAH). to 1119 Author 111. Toronto. Touout‘o, June 8111, 1857. gill-1y 1.1111 Respecting Newspape-. Y â€".â€"~1- _ 1L BSCRIBERS who do not give 11x- 3 L pro :.Not1ce to the contrary,are c011- do. in perfecting good. wholesome and ever safe and IcIiabIe Family Modicjnes,l1ava been concentrated in these preparations} No pa- rents who value the health'or even 1110 lives s1dercyl as 11'1sl11ng to continue their sub- sc1‘1ptton. biety. at his office. 111 King Street. Totonto. Canada West. cast. tl1oi’nhli~bo:s1e<pectfullyi11fovrm ll1epriblic 1011-6 ’flmusaml Five Hundred Du/lm's : taken for subscriptions. » can is wail known. and, as heretofore It will be of their children should be without them. . Hundreds of Physicians now use them and acknowledge them to be the mosl scientific and wholesome preparaions ever ofi'ered to the ' public. For sale wholesaler of retail by Dr. Tom- ',* Poor people will be liberally dealt with. Toronto. Dec. ‘34. [‘57 till TO MECHANICS, INVENTORS,’ A ND MAN UFACTURERS. N announcing the Thirteenth Annual V11111ne 0f Tm: Scriaxrtrlc AMcm- 1hat in order to increase and stimulate the formâ€" ation of Clubs. they propOSO to offer in ('ash Prvmiums. for the fifteen largest lists ofsubscribers sent in by the 1st of Jonumy. 1&58 ; premiums to be (I s- tributed as follows :â€" For the largest Iis 211d do. . . . 3rd do. 4111 do . 5111 do. 6111 do 7111 (lo . 8111 do 9111 do . 1 111 do . I 1111 do 411 1'1111 do. 35 1:1111 1111.. .. 211) 1~I‘.11 do . . . ‘25 15111 do .................... ‘20 Names ofsubscribers can be sonti11atditi'orenl times and from different PosUlflices. The carh will be paid totbe mders of111e successful 0cm- petitors. 1.11mcdiatcly after the 1st of January. 18.38. Southern. “’esten1.n11d Canada money will be- Cauadinu subscribers \Vitl plwre to remit twenty-six cents trim on each year’s subscription to pro-pay postage. Tums ovSvusculr'nonâ€"s2 a year, or $1 for Six Months. CLUB RATES. Five copies l'or 6 months ............ 34 Five copies for 1‘3 months . . . . 8 T1111 copies for 6 months.. ....... 8 Ten copies for It} months. Twenty copies for 1‘3 months“ . . “228 For all Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subseriptiou is only $1 «RI. _ The new volume will be printed upon fine paper “'1 11 new type. The genernlcharacter oflho Scirntific Ameri- c|1i¢ 11y devoted to the promulgation ofinlonnat‘ou relating to the various Mechanical and Cl1o11iical Arts. Alanut'nctuues. Agricultum. Patent -, 111- ven:in11s. Engineering. Mill \\ ork. and all tutor- usts 11 hicb the Iigbtof I’Inctical Scienre is cal- culated to advance. It is issued Weekly. in form for binding; it contains annually from 51111 to 6 ll) finely executed Eugravings. and Notices 01 [111101101111 and European Improvements. togeth- er 11i1l1 an (.tfmial List of American Patent ('luims publisllrd weekly in advance ofall other papers. [13’ Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. MIINN A: ('0. Publishers and Patent AgenLv. No. 1215 Fulton street. New York. gill Canada Typo Foundry. Reuovxp To S'r. Tannin-:1: Sh. 1N Duncan’s BUILDLKGS. Moxrmzan. I ‘lIE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the P1111 ers of Canada. lltntâ€"tbey have now 111an‘ufacturcd andready for delivery. a large quantity of Small Pica. Long Primer. Bunrgeorm and Brevicr. of Scotch face. which- 111ey 11121 guarantee cannot be surpassed by any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appeal-mice. They have also on hand a choice assortment of various kinds of Ornamental Typo- Tho prices at which those and othertypes a1e sold at the Canada Typo Foundry. will be found at least 30 per com. less than. they ooutd ho pu1- chascd‘previous to its establlshmunt. but [be P11111ch ofCana- do will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by bestowingupondm falr share of their patronngd. in return for winch tho proprrot‘i ors pledge themselves to leave no means uutne to giro ample Sfliblaclloll. . Printers 1 mark the reduction 1111110 pr1ca 11' ‘ lt'pr since this Foundry was opened .- and bear 111 mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- solves. Our motto isâ€"snpply the trade wuh typo ofEucll quantities and at such‘pnces as 11111 pro- vent the necessity of patronismg foreign manu- facturers. . , The followininSI ofa few ofthe p1inc1palnr11- 1 cles required by printonawlll nge an Idea oftlin great advantages ofthc Canada '1 ype Foundry P R 1 C E S : I1is.111ereforehoped1 Nonpmiel - - - - ~ $ Cd per lb. Minion- - - - - - 2s" 3d " ltrovier- - - â€" - - 95 1d 0 Ilourgeoise - - - - ls 11111 H Long Primer - - - - Is 8d " Small l’ica- - - - - ls 7d “ Pica - - . . . _ 13 5d .. 113‘ All other Book Fonts in proportion. LEADSâ€"6 to Pica and thicker, Is per 1b.: Pica. 153d; 810 Pica Is [511. T1105. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Street Montreal. May 18111. 1852. g3 N.B.â€"Publisl1ers of newspapers giving inser- tion to this ndvortiswt for 2 months‘ will he allowed their bills upon purchasing lIVt‘ times their amount ofour manufacture. Editors will llu AGENTS WANTED. .cont'cr n favor by directing nttontion to the announcement. ’1‘. .l (1. a. co. . ance of new, ”Subscribers order the discontinuance 01, their papers, the publisher [13, continue 11' send 1111 111 till all arreurages are paid. Ifsnhscribcrs neglect or refuse to take their papers from the otfice to which they are directed,tl1oy are responsible till they |1are5ettled their Bills, and ordered their papers to be discontinued. .If subscribers remove to other places , w1thont informing the publisher. and 1111: paper is sent to the former direction, 1h°& are held responsible. ' ~OJEVN'I‘LEMEN-1' ECONOMY IS WEALTH. I"IIE Undersignrd begs leave to inform the 1 Public that he holds himself in readiness at his Old Ertabdslnnent. which has been con-- liuped for the last Six Years. 1'11 this C111'(No. 162, Yongo Street. and directly opposite 1111- " Brittaunain House.” Toronto.) to Ii’mm'atc. clean and Repair 111 Descriptions of 121011111164, , . . . i I - . . 111 a proper and satltfactorv manner. by eredt- eating Points. 011, Tar. $20.41;. and restoring Colors to their original appearance. so as to givo Gentiemen’s Wearing apparel the full appear- From 31 years' experience in’ the basins! and prompt attention to all orders with which 110 may be favored. combined with an oaruestdosiuo to please his customers. he hopes to morita shone of public patronage. \VM. RICHARDSON. Toronto, Jame 51h. 185.7. l-tf: 511511151). (tritium EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, rs PUBLISHED ‘ And despntched'to Subscribers by the camel 11111115. or other conveyance. when so desired. The BRITISH TRIBUNE will always be found to contain the latest and-190st important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and the grcolest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business. and a value able Family Newspaper. T E R _M S.â€"-.~,Tw0 Dollars per Aunum. I1! ADTA‘ECE ; and if not paid within Six Months two dollars and a half will be charged. Wi lliam Tr 1111 go o 11, ‘ EDITOR AND I‘BOPRIETOR. Rates of Advertising: 15’ Advertisements without written diracv 111-11s inserted till forbid. and charged accord- ingly. All transitory advertisements. from strangers 01 irregular customers. must. be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal d'.s¢ount will be made to parties ad- vcltisiug by the your. All advertisenwnts published for 11 less p1- riod than one month, must be paid for in 1111- vunce. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post. paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid .- and parties refttsing papers without pay- ing up, will be held accountable for the sub- scription. Merchants and others who advertise liberally the TflIBUNE will have their Cords inserted in the Business Directory. Book and Job Printing ESTABLISHIWENT. RDERS for ain'Lofi‘thâ€"oâ€" undarmantiound 1 description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€"- nooKs. rascv 1111.1.5. svsissss csnos. LARGE AND SMALL PNJERS. CIRCULA‘KS. LAW TURNS, 1111.1. Hummus 1,Hecss,un.1ns. up v.1 nr HLETS. And every o1her kind of f LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! done in the best style. at moderate rates Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely now and oftho latest patterns. A largo variety of “u“. F1111... Type and Borders. for Cards. Circulars. & r.. kopt always on bond. ,' Six lines and under. first insertion El) 25. 611 Each subsequent insertion.... 0 7 11 Ten lines and undonfirst insertion 3:1. 411 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . 0 111 Above ten lines, first in.. per lino 0 1% Each subsequentiusertion. per line 0 1 '

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