Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 2 Apr 1858, p. 4

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Oj' “7e are frequently much astonished at the conduct of our brethren of the press. They do most “onaccotlntuble” things. One of them recently makes the following unprecedented announcement :â€" VVe respectfully decline “ A Young Maiden’s Kiss.” The fellow was crazy without doubt Another is positively inâ€" human; hear himâ€"“ My Dying Mother” cannot be admitted! We suppress his name out of regard to the profession A third, makes the following startling an- nouncement :â€"The “ Golden Bible” is rejected. \Ve would like to shake hands with that “ brother.” A fourth, to end this strange catalogue, says. in his last i:- sueâ€"“ Mrs. Mullowney’s Chri~tmu< Pudâ€" ding” shall go In nvxt wevk .' \\'e admire his ln<le. May good digestion wait on LIN u, pilitc. A GOOD ONE â€"Parson Brownlow ‘he Knoxville IVhig tells rallwr a g‘ slpry of John Mitchell. the Irish patr ,, v” . .-- who, in company will) a Mr. Ewan, Iishes a papex in Knoxville, 'l‘cnne They employ in llieir ofiice a slave n: Jordan, and the smry I'UI.S thus :â€"“ Swan, in the presume of Milclwll marked to Jordan. ‘ \Ve (meanining' selI and Mitchell) have concluded h open the African slave trade. and fi country with real iroryJootli from Co: and turning to Jordan, inquired, ‘ will it do 2’ Jordan scratched his and, afler a moment‘s reflex-lion rc‘ ‘ I think it would do first-ram l ‘I think it wo‘ Billy, provided y Irish out of our dey came from, de place!’ ” 01'? At a church meeting in Connecti- cut, for the purpose of fillinga vacant deaconship, some diversity at opinion, strange to say,appearetl to exist among the brethren as to “ho should fill that very pecuniarly profitable ofiice. After a deal of talk, and no progress, brother B , an honest, straight-toward lar- mer, having in mind the Democratic Convention, probably, thought that a third man might “ unite the party,” and made up his mind to propose the thing, although he had never made the attempt to speak in public. Rising “ith caution and hesitation he delivered himself“ to the point” thus:â€" “ Gentlemen, I am not used to public speaking, hot, in my opinion, Dun Baxter would make an allfired goal deacon I" It is superfluous to add that “ Dan Baxter” was “ elected." The man untied his horse with nervous anxiety, and jumping into his Waggon drove hastily dowu the street. “ So you wrote a novel, eh 2" aaid we; “ strange that we have not seen it. Did you publish it I” A NARROW ESCAPE.â€"â€"“ Misther! misther! What have you done 11” said a little newsboy to a greeuhorn who had just tied his horse to a spruce pole, as he thought, on Third street. “\Vhy, yeth you have, thir; you’ve hitched your holh to the magnetic tele- graph, and you’ll he in New York in 'ess than two minutes if you don’t look out.” (If? Muggins once read Slukesperae, and thinking it was “ normuch of a book,” determined to let the wmld see a touch of his quality, in the way of authorship. “ Done !” said the fellow; “what do you mean? I han’t been doing nothin’. as I knows on !” “ Why, yesâ€"that isâ€"l wrote it. and took it to an editor, and the blockhead only made light of it l" replxud Muggins. “ Made lightâ€"how Z” “ He looked over it, carelessly, and de- liberately lighted his cigar with it.” “ There, now th’s just what I told Becky; she ’Iowed it was worrums !” “ Yes, marm; it‘s probably an irritation of the gastic mucus membrane, communi- cating a sympathetic titillalion lo the op- thulium of the echaarian.” Dir “Dick, how is it you are alwa35 possessed ofsuch a store offun ? \Vhexe do you get it 1” “I manufacture IL ] can make it out of nothing. For in- stance, I could make fun of you, bu! for friendships sake. 0:? “Doctor, kin you tell me what’s the matter with my child‘s nosel She keeps a pickln’ of it.” (1:57" A biography of Robespierre, pub- lished in an Irish paper, conclude‘s with the remarkable sentence: “This extra- ordinary man left no children huhind him, except his brother, who was killed at the same time.” of? “ Mr. Scowl,why do you “war that shocking bad hat 'I” said a person one day to a friend. “ Because, my dear, Mrs. Scowl vows she will IIOl go out of the house with me until I get a new one.” 0:? An indrpcndont man is one wl.o blacks his own boots and shoes, who can live without whiskey and tobacco. and shave himself with brown soap and cold water, without a mirror. 01';- Dow, Jr., says that the reason that man was made after everything else was, if he had been created first he would have annoyed the Almighty with cnd!esa s‘uggestions of improvement. fi' My son if thou wilt wear boots. there are three had things will invariably suffer, namely, a bad a bad gait. and a bad tempt-r. (If? A notice ofn recent steamboat ex [flosiun closes as ibilon's:â€"â€"“ 'l he captain swam ashore. So did the chamberinuid. She was insured for $16,000, and loaded with iron (11'? Be not 190 hasty to believe flying reports to the disparagement of any one‘ (If? He who will not reason is a bigot; ‘he whu cannot is a fool ; and he who dare 'not is a slave. m5“ “ Sure, it’s nick thick buttermilk they have in Amrriky,” said an Irishman. \vle.n he saw a barrel ofnewa-mudc soft soap. ble 01’? In com are better than of? One of the toasts drunk at a rm cent celebration, was “ Woman! she re quires no eulogyeshe speaks for herscll'l’ V 6:? If you wish ulwup‘to be thirsty 0:? If you wish alwap to be thirsty, be a drunkard ; for llm ol'lcnor and [be more you dliuk, the more thinly )ou will be. Here Wit in brig!) With Wisdom join An both united the To form the saga 1 H’ 0'3" SVhya e 7 Becaus @bt 5mm 35001:. are rlslnp, three hard squeezes fifty soft words. ‘e gloves generally unsalea~ 3 they are kept on hand. too hasty to believe flying disparagement of any one. m efl'ulgence glqwsytl > ued. rhmugh rhymo’and prose. elr charms in ans. and hu un patrivt an, mm bad corn Mr tight thou LAGI Banner and Ornamental Painter. Elizabeth Street. Toronto,â€"â€"Over W. Grif- fith’s Grocery Store. 80] CHAS. POLLOCK, 08] MPO RT ER of Brilifih, French German and Amelicun, Fancy and Slnple Dry Goods, No. 80, City Buildings. King Stre ‘t East. oppOSile St. James' Cathedral. Toronto. C. W. June, 1857 Toronto, June 12th, 1857 F Coats of Arms, and everv description of Herald Painting. executed with Jesputchmnd at reasonable charges. ‘ June. 1857. ngv. U mond Hill. Ladies’ and Geutlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after lholatost styles. August 6. 1857‘ Saddle and Harness Maker, Next door lo G. A. Barnard's, June, 1857‘ )une. 1857 J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. lune. 1857 June 20. 1857‘ Au kssortment ofo'ead, Biscuit and Cakes, constantly on hand. 'I‘horuilill. SepL 25. 1857. g17-1v EALER in Groceries. Wines and Liquors, Thronhill, C. W. Choice brands ofTeas. Sugars and Coffees on hand. genuine as lingorleql. _ CALEB LUDFORD, Saddle and Harness Maker, THORNHILL. Thornhi". Nov. 16. 1857. 5194-“ 1 dealer in Dry Gomk. Groceries V\'{lxes.Liquors, Hardware, Glass, Ea rtheuwarm &c. (I? Also, Licensed Auctioneer. September. 93. 1857. gIG-Iy J. NREID, )HYSICIAN x: SURGEON FFW'O Miles Nnrth of Richmond Hxll, JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., NNKEEPER. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and Simcoe. Corner of Yonge and Bradford streeis. Holland Landing. RUACH’S HO'] 101mm: om-onr and m October 15. 1857 Nov. 5. 1857 THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, “2'1:ng S; Sleigh Opposite the White Swan Richmond Hill. June 10. 1857. November, 96,1857 l Goodi. G'nccrics. \Vi Paints, &c., 611'. Richmond Hill. June. 187‘ [Gamma Hill. June, 1857 March SMELSER 8L BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneers! Markha m S; \Vhitclmrcll Juno. 1857 WELLINGTON HOTEL, 1’. LJKU: I RY GOODS. ( Wines. Liquors. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, lune. 1:35 AUCTIONEER. January 14, 1858 Barristers, xv”, No. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, KING ST., TORONTO. Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET, TORONTO, C. W. GEORGE DUDD, Veterinary Surgeon. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Itirhmoud 'Ili’ll.’ January 14, 1858 PPOSVIT‘IENA. LAW'S, Yonge street. B 10h WILLIAM HARRISON, HENRY SANDERSUN, MESSRS. J. St W. BOYD, 00D Stabliug and AttenliveVHostlers ' JOHN MILLS, x Proprielo .e, 1857. g. l -wy. uuo. 1857 HARON. Attentive Hosflers always in attendance. "HORSE & FARRIER” INN Corner of Yonge and Centre Su-oels. VLERK THIRD DIVISION R F. EAR the Railroad Station. Aurora Careful Hustlers always in attendance. C. CASE, Proprietor. _ )AILII'I‘ MI’ORTER of Btlfiiutfifl mirtttOI‘Qo JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clotllicr, Veterinary Surgeon, AND 3orner of Y Offi‘ A. GALLANOUG MANSION HOUSE, mkscms :-â€"-Honry Smolser. Lnskay ; Thos. Bowman. Almirn. Markham. CLYDE HOTEL, mic 3mm EASTLTURONTD. JAMES MCCLURE, Lot ‘26. 41h Fun.I Vnughan Youge SL. Richmond Hill i'. 1858 .1054 EPII K FILLER, )ACH’S HOTEL ol' Youga and Centre Streets. RICHMOND Hth. JOHN GRIEVE, hl! Th or" hill FOR THE TOWNSHIPS 0F IR of British and ‘Amorican I). GvnccrieS. Wines. Liquors. Oil‘ MAKER, “.lChanlld Hill A. BARNARI), Sprond and Thixd DIVISION Ofl'xca. Richmond Hill. JOHN ROACH M. MORRISON. Agent, out and George 5 reets; east of the Market, P. CROSB Y, J. KAVANAGH, Proprletnr 10008. GR()(‘ERIES. s. Liquors. Hardware, A‘Lc Richmond Hill, g.1-wy, Propriomn 3H, g.1-\\'y g Lwy Inn g.3-wy g9â€"Bm g1 -wy. g. X wy glO-tf [Ll-WY gJ-wy [1.1 -wy COURT g25-If g22-tf ‘39 :32 [32 ng-l W 3‘ UR MACHINE is substantially built to - Wrought Iron. euurely free from side draught. can be elevated to any height. from a Mower to a Reaper by a screw in frong and culs without clogging. in Grass, \Vheat. Oats or Bailey, willmul change} ot‘kuife or gearing. and works easy for the horses. ‘ The price for a Mower, $120 .00: complekd as a Reaper, $140 .00- An ex’tm knife will fbe $5.00 extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well buillaud of the best material. Thoruhlfl‘ THE Subscriber begs to remind the iuhnbi- tants of Richmond Hill and the public generally. that he runs P regular Convevauca. Twice a day. to the Railroad Slalion, and re- spectfully solicits heir patronage thereto. Pas- sengers conveyed lo any part. ofthe country on the shortest notice. RICHARD NICHOLLS. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. GILMok. Pres. | THos. HA“ ou'rn, V. Pres Wm. Henderson, Rice Lewis. James Loask, George Michie, Hugh M'ller, J. P. Rolmxts, Waller Macfarlano. Robl. Stanton, Sac. 11? Head Ojficc. Church Street, Toronto THIS COMPANY lusures all descriptions of BuildiugsJHanul‘actories. Mills. (310,. and Clouds and Furniture. in the same. against loss or dam- age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly seltled. The facilities which the subscribers have for manufacturing. having two of the largest Paper Mills in Canada, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. Colored, Brown. and Wrapping Papers, W Wafers, Slato‘n Ink, S;eel Pens. Envelol Metallic Memorandum Books. Twines, C Books. School Books and General Slaliom &c,. 6m Conveyance to Railroad Station. Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. Residence, Riclur HE Suhscribers have always on hand, a large and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing. Colored, Brown. and Wrapping Papers, \Vax, Wafels, Slat q Ink, S‘eal Pom. Envelopes. K'BA_XI:- RN.» , ,J 1‘ u .â€" A No hand-made Shingles can equal those made by Steam. for neatness and durabilily. Speci- mens of his Shingles may be seen a: the ‘- 'J'ri- bune” Office. Richmond Hill, am at Mr. Rul'ua Skinner’s, Grocer. Yongc Street, Toronto. Jlozrcr and Reaper D TY. can now be had in any quantity, from One ton Thousand Bunches, at Mr. JOHN LAhG- flux-T’s Shingle Manufactory, Youge Slraez. near Thomlull. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- selt to a Medical Man of standing and experience. House and Promises, both plea- sum and convenient. can be had on reasonable lerms. a" A largo stock of Hal-neg. &c. always on hand. and made to order at the lowest possible remuneratng prices. To Medical Practitioners Apply. if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the '1‘1-iLan. Richmond Hill. June lfilh. 185‘ ESPECTFULI.Y announces lo the Public generallthal he having taken the F] R S T l’ R lZ E for Harness at (he Yonge Sheet Ag- ricultural Show. Two Years in succowiou. he feels confident that he can give amino sauslucitou in all branches of his business. U THIRTY Acres of good land: par! of Lot To 13, 4th Cun. Vaughan. For particulars, adplly to 05=AII \Vork \Varranted.;gfl It meets at Brother Robert Wiseman‘s. Masonic Hall, the second Saunday evening in :53ch month. Uxbridgc, 'l‘hos. Todd. District Mastâ€" «:r; Scott, John McCleutnn, District .\1u>ter; Scott. Nathaniel McClenton, flicretary ;. Uxbnillge, Ira Kesler, Trea- sunr. PRIVATE LoDGE.â€"â€"Goodwond Cann- dian Loyal Orange Lodge, number 57? mPr‘ts on the last Friday in each month Thomas Todd, Secretary. OFFICERS ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfmd, Master, J B. DeeGier. Deputy Master: John Munhollnnd. Secretary ; W. Pogue, Treasurer. 7 4:57;: "‘1' ‘x . SADDLE é’ HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South qf the TRIBUNE Oflice. ’ ‘IIE Uninn District of Uxbridge and 1 Son", Lodge No. 4. met at George Mcdcnlf’s Hotel, Uxbridge Village, on the srcoml Tuesday of January 1858, when the following officers were chosen lor the insuing year. RICHMOND lilLL at? P R E M I U M :93 \VIIOLESALE ‘aper & Stationery Warehouse. Dec. 3, 1857 January 6. 1858‘ To Buildcs, Farmers and (it/ms! IHJNGLES, 01': A SUPERIOR QUALI 'I‘hornhill. Sept. 10, 1857‘ December 24. 1857‘ CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000 Richmond Hill. Oct 15, 1857‘ ‘remzum INCORPORATED FY ACT OF PARLIAMENT :u-ling & Aitchison‘s COMBINED O_NTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND January 21.1858. VVilliam H. Myers, Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE No. 778 FARM FOR SALE ! SHiNCLES! I. Yonge Street. June 24m. 1857 \VESTERN BUNTIN. BRO. &. Co‘ ill. Augl1st13.1857 Haran .Man u fuclurr’r GEORGE DARLING RUBT. AI'K‘CHISON. Yonge street. Toronto. A. LAW, Dn. REID General Agent. 57 glU-ly Thoruhil! mes, Copy Stationery. gZUâ€"lr 2- W3" ng-l) l3! gH-t 129-tf ‘33 LHNCY THE Gévzamcon German. by an Order in Council, bearing dae the Twent,“ third January. one thousand afght hundred and fifty-eight. has been pleased "Order and dire“ that no dutigs shall be refuldod "PO" 209‘“! L:_|. L . w "nu-m... .. v which, having been angel-id for duty:5 shall have passed into the hand. of the Importer, and thus have gone' into casumption ; except in cases where the goods/received. turn OU‘ not to be the goods ordeed, in which case notice of such tact shouldba given to the Col- lector within on. week ate: daliverv. in order that the Collector may vrril'y the alleged fact: and Upon his rtport to ti: Department that he has done so. and that t’e package. to be ex- ported. is a whole packnp. andthnt its contents are identically the sum. as when originally imported. an Order Inn! be given to refund the duties upon due proof 6 exportation. By Command ‘ R. S. M.BOUCHE'I‘TE. Therefore. 1. lhe Miui<ter~f Agriculture, hereby give notice of the formuiou of the said Society as the “ Elora HorIiCulural Society.” in accordance with the provisions oflhe said Act. D. 0. .No. 15.7 TNSPECTOR GENERALS OFFICE \NY HEREAS Twanly-five persons, and ’ more. have organized and formed themselves into a Horticultural Society for the Village of Elm'a. in the Cnunlyof \‘Vulllllfllon. in Upper (Yanudn. by signing t dec'nr.xtlot) in the form of Schedu'e A anuexel lo the Art ‘20 Vict. cap. 32. and have sub<crbed a sum ex- ceeding Ten pnunds to the Funds thereof, in compliance with the 48th Sadlon of the said Act, and have sent a Duplicate of said declara- tion written and signed as by hw required to the Minister ong-riaulture; ......â€"w. u- ‘g. u. Bureau of Agriculture & StalisiCS, Toronto, 10111 March. 1858. \VfHEREAS Twenty-five persons, ’ antI more, have organin-d and formed lhmnsclvos into a quticnltural Society for the Parishes nfSt. Joachim. Ste. Anne and Si. Fereol, in the County of Muntmorencv, in Lower Canada. by signings derlm'nlion in the form 01 Schedule A annexed to the Act 20 Via! Cap. 3‘2. andhave subscribedn sum of not less than Ten pounds to the Funds thereof. in com- plinnco with the 481!) Section of the mid Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declaration written and signed as by law requiied to the Minister of Agriculture ; the said Act. Therefore, 1. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give llnllr'B uf the formation ol' the said Society as “ The St. Joachim Horticultural SOCie! ' ” in accordance wi 11 the provisions of Bureau of Agricultfim &WSI-t;u:lihcs Toronto. 9th March. 1858. \7 ' ,H E R E A S Twenty-five persons. and v more, have organized and formed them- selves into a Horticultural Society for the City of Kingston. in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration in the form ofSclicdule A. annexed to the Act 20 Vic. cap L2, and have snhscribud a sum exceeding To I pounds to llm funds [hex f‘ 1 compliance with the 41%|] Suction of sait‘x ct.‘ and have sent a Duplicate of said do- claration, wullen and signed as by Iawrequircd. to the Minister of Agricnllurv : Therefore, I. the Mimswr of Agriculture, hareby give notice of the formation of the said Society as “The (‘ity of Kingston Hurlquâ€" lural Society.” in accordance with the proviflons of the said Act. Therefore. I, ma Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of .he said Society as “ The Fergus Horticultural Society." in accordance with $he provisions of the said Act. Bureau ongriculture and Statistics. 27th January, 1858. HEREAS 'l‘wenty-fiw persons, and more, have organized and fur-med themselves into a Horticultural Society for the Village of Fergus. in the County of Wellington in Upper Canada. in signing a declaration in the form ol‘ScheduIe A annuxed to the Act 20 Vict. cap. 3'2. and have subscribed a sum ex- ceeding 'I'en pounds to the Funds thereof, in compliance with the 48th Section of said Act, and have sent a Duplicate of said declaration Written and signed as by law required to the Minister of Agriculture. Bureau olAgricuhura & Slmis‘tics. Toronto. dated this 81h day orFebruary. 1858. themselves into a Horticultural Sacaeh' for the Town of Boilevi'le. ill [he County of Hastings. in Upper Canada, by signing a declaration in the form nf Schedu'e A annexed to the Act 20 , 3:2. and have submribed a sum six-- ceediug ’l‘en pounds to the Funds thereof, in compliance with the 4am Suction oftlm said A01. and have sent a Duplicmeof‘ said declaraâ€" tion written and signed as by law required to the Minixter ot‘Agricullnre. Therefuro. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of Llin {urination of the said Society as “ The Bellevi lo Horticultural So- ciety" in accordance with the provisions of the :aid Act. HE R E A s 'I‘waâ€"nl‘ VV more. have organized selves into E Horticultural So‘ and TOWHSIHP of Niagara. i by signinga dechrnliun m [In Bureau of Agliculture & Statistic“. by signinga declarnliun I“ the funnel Schedule A, annexed to the A6120 Vfl‘l. cap. 3'2, and have subscribed a Kllll] exceeding 'l‘en pounds. to the Funds thereof. An compliance with the 48th Section of the said Act, and have sent a Duplicate ofsaid declaration wiilicn and signed as by law required to :he Minister of Agriculture. Thmafora l. ills Minisie: of Agriculture. hereby 3"" “Nice 0f the formation of the said Society as “The Niagara Horticultural So- ciety,” in accordance \VIllllllo provisions of the said ACl-I II E R EA S Twenty-five V mom, h ave orgamml and 1' selves into a l-lorLicullnrul Society 01' Hamilton. in Upper Camda Bureau of Agriculture & Statistic: Toronto, dated this [Blh dav of deciarationin the form of Scheduie :A. an“ to the Act 20Vi0t. cap. 32, and have subsc a sum exceeding 'leu.pounds to tho F thereof“incompliance with tho 45th Sectii said Act. and have sent a Duplicate ot' declaration written and signed as by law req [0 the Minister of Agriculture. Therefore 1. the: Minister of Agriculture» hereby give “mice of the formation of the said Society as " The Hamilton I'Ionirultural Soâ€" ciotv.” in accordance with lheprowsions of the said Act. PLM. VANKOUGHNET, Bureau of Agriculture &, Statis Toronto, dated this 18th day Toronto. dated this 8th day 0f February. 1858 Cus'roms DEPARTMENT. Toronto. 10!) Feb. , 1858. OTICE is hereby given 9131. H1: EXCEL HEREAS Twentyfive persons, and more, have organized and formed P. M‘ VANKOUGIINET P. M. VANKOUGHNET, P. M. VANKOUGHNET. Minister of Agr P. M. VANKOUGHNE'T‘, Mimsmr of Ag‘ P. M. VA1‘ P M. VANKOUGHNET. NOTICE. NOTICE. N OTIC E :1 A S Twenlv- NOTICE. Notice. NOTICE. Notice. Commissioner of Customs Minister of Agnicullure. Sac Minister of Agriculture, 650 ale? Jelivery. in order Vrrify the alleged fact: LII: Depflrlmeul ghal ho \ventv-five pfil'SODS. “I‘d NKOIGHNET, Mini: day ofJan’y.. 1858 134 Minister of Agr. and {0.1-1an them- ciely for the Town u Uppm- Canada, 5 formof Schedule VIN. can. 3‘2. and Minister of Agr. of Jau'y. 1858‘ [34 ‘ter of Agr‘ t4! l4] 136 and all other description of materials. has been very largely inr'rensed this Season. by arrivals from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL: and that he is Colbome st . Toronto, Jan. 9, 1857‘ - Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling “'19:, , prepared to supply orders for new Officps. in addition to those in operatinn. at the shortest notice. pelted to Bifder. Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will he sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. (33 CAUTlou.â€"â€"BowaI-e of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE & Co.. on each box. Also the signulurr qu. J. Wlutc &- Co. All others are spurious. A J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse's Indian root Pills are sold by al dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town. village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will addre<s as above for terms. The reason why people are so distressed when sick. and why so manv die is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the alllictetl parts. and which will open the natural pass-ago for the disease to be cast out; hem-e. a large quantin of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing uisagreoablo fermentationt constantly mixing with the bi rod, which lllt'wa the corrupted matter thriugh every vcin at d artery, until life is taken trom the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions ofthe sirth to blooming health and hop- piness. Yes. thousands who hmoleen racked 0r tormented with sickness, pain and anguish. and whose feeble l‘rnnies have been scorched by the burning elements of fever. and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of be silent grave. now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead. had it not been for this, great and wonderful medicine, Morse’s Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken. they were as tonishetl. and absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood, 'l‘herefure. it will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will so clonse and purify. that diseaseâ€" that deadly enemyâ€"Will take its flight. and the flush of youth and beauty will again return. and the prospect ofa long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. When the‘various passages become clogged. and do not act itt perfect hmmony VVllh the dif- feront functions of the body. the blood lesos its action, becomes t tick. corrupted and diseased : thus causing all pains, sickness und distress of ovary name; our strength is ethuusled, our health we are deprived of. aud it' nature is ttot assisted in throwing at? the sthgnant hutnors, the blood will become chokt‘d and cease to act. and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach. namely. Morse’s Indian Root. Pills. manufactured from plants and roots whiclt grow around tlte moutt tanious clifi‘s in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing onttho finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third‘ is a Diuretic. which gives ease and double strettg h to the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of im- purity front the blood, which is then thrown out hountit'ully by the urinary or water passage, and vthiclt could not have been discharged in any other.way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other propatties ot the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, ate thus taken up and conveyed at? in great quantities by the bowels From the above, it is shown that Dr. Mo’se’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach. but become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete- ly rout and release the system from all impurity. and the life of the body. which is the blood, becomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from tlta system. for they cannot t'otnain when the body becomes so pure and clear. HARD UP R. MORSEtlie inventor of Morsa's Indian Rout l’ills, has spent the greater portion of his life in travelling. having visited Europe. Asia and Africa. as well as North Americaâ€" has spent three years among the Indians of our VVefitm-n countryâ€"it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr‘ Morse was the first man to ertablish the lac! that all diseases arise from JMPURITY OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength. health and life dependzd upon this vital fluid. an sma 0! Land allacheu small Conngo sni.’ Me for I second is a New House, n( in of any kind or Doctor; (or in lha ~veighhou hoo Largo House, will) all [ll :1 Tavern. mm a neverâ€"fa VALUABLE PROPERTY! are at pl'gsem used as an Agricultural Imple- mom. and File Factory. All the algmia. property w‘ill be sold on easy In rmslf'or Cash or you”! Payments, and is “'bllhj‘ilhe attention of’ the Mechanic and Far- V ‘HIS FARM contains about Fifi}v Acrex. with a House. Garden, and small Clearâ€" ance. and i: well limbernd. The Water Mill. includng Three good Dwelling Houses. wilh Gardens, and abgul Fifteen Acres of Land, if requiredfixy. fliefiplwehaser. The p-emises are at pr nl'llsed as an Agricultural Imple- Markham. Tharp is an established Postâ€"Ollie: together with a Gfidand va Mill. Slore. will Mechnlllcsof difl'erenl kinds. 'I‘crms ea~y. anplv the Proprietor on the premises, or by Letter, post-paid to Button ville. Possessior will be given on the lsl 0 April, or it‘neoded. the Isl ol’January. l1? Title indisputable. VVIIJJAM M0: RlSON LflJV'D .flNI) WflTER .MILL! NEAR RICHMOND HILL. ay‘omber1857. 10 Priglmg MACHINES and ENGINES im- ner. DHE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform L the Trade. that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE. INKS. BUTTONVILLE, XLL past due accounts not paid by the 15th of Febmaryrnen, will be put insuil_ Punctuality is the Life nf Trade. W Save your Costs and m_\' Cram. January 21. 1858 Old Tm): talml in exchange for now. D. K. FEEHAN ‘OIYSISTING of Thin: Village Lots, with ) suimhla Buildings. with a fourth part of name of Land aflachou (o mach. One is a nall Coungo sni.’ l\le for a small family. The For particulars apply to Buttunvine. Oct. ‘28. I857 CAN’T HELP IT! DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. Township of MARKIHM, 9:? 1’01; SALE. $0 TO PRI¢V°TERS Flourishing Village PRIVATE SALE ! ! LE: is aima'ed on a plea- ud, on the 4th Concession of is an established Postâ€"Office Jand va Mill. Slore. with [N THE DIL DI'NCUMB IN THE G. A. BARNARD ad (9% there' no Doc- ). The third is a e rccomodmions for ni‘ing Well of Water. buildings. consisting 3d. wood-shed. gran- ilh some choice Fruit Richmond Hill Mechan no Doc- gl4-tf g2‘2-1I ust out ; l' matter nes are mass ; ‘nlalion, x33 One Subscriber in every seven will be entitled ta 3 GIFT worth from $1 to $200. Among the articles to be distributed are Gold and Si]- ver Watches, Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets. Gold Lockets. Armlets. Ear Drops, Brooches. l‘ins. Rings. Gold Dollars. &c.. 5w. Au honuu'able system will be used to deter- mine which one of the sevenSubscrj .rs shall be entitled to one of the above Gifts. iv ich will be sent ilnmedintelyon receipt of tho Subéscrip- tion money. AddrMs all communications to ROLAN R. WEST aha, NW. corner Broadway and Worth streets. [33 7 7 New York , JOURNAL devoted to the AMUSEMENT AND INTEREST DP LADnzs AND GENTLEMEH. entirely original in all its parts, Light Gay and Fast. All this may be furnished without :he slightest immorality in its tendency gaining a place in its columns. The lugubrious or miserable Willfiud nothing congenial in (he SLIPPER, Vihile the Humnrist and Bon Viranl may well enjoy it. The terms for the Monthly will be Fifty Cents per annum for Single Subscribers. Our list of Premiums for obtaining Subscri- bers to the Rural for 1858. is unequalled in boll) Iiberalitv and fairnessâ€"the best ever of- fered! It has no blanks. but rewards every person who sends a rlub of six or more 5 The lislis just issued and will be sent free [with specimens. show-bills. &c..] to all applicants. Now is the time lo do good and benefil your» selves by canvassing fur the nwdel Rural and Family Weekly. Address D. D. 'l‘. MOORE, N OLD- Indian doctor who has made“ his fortune and retired from business, \y‘ili spend the remainder of his days in curing that dreadful disenwâ€"Coxsuup'nouâ€"Fm:i: op- CHARGE; his earnest denim being to communi- cate lo the world his remedies lhnl haw proved successful in more than 3,000 cases. Ho re- quires oucli applicant to send him a minute d0- scriplion of the symptoms, with two Stamps. ((3 ow) to pay the relurn lolmr. in \iliicli he win. return them hIS adricc przscfipliou. will: di- ‘ rec ions for preparing ihe modicum. Will be printed on clear new type and su- perior paper.â€"whilu no oiher effort or expense will be spared to make the Rural Conlinumlsl) worthy the immense circulation it is nuaiumg among all classes and throughout the whole country. Next lo your local paper the Rural is intlispgnmble. arts. education. history, biography. moral es- says and tales. poeuy and music, reading for ouths, news of the day‘ market reports, 510., -â€"il. is emphatically and economically Every family can afford the Rural, for such an eminently iuztruclive and elllerlalning papvr is um a luxury, but a necessity. ludeml, all who desire a. high tuned, progressive. and emi- nenth practical and uselul farm and fireside journalâ€"one which ignores lrash, humng and der‘nption. and seeks to enhance the bést in- teiezts and plomole the home happiness of its lens of thousands of readms, of various occu- paliuns. in [will win) and countryâ€"are invned to try the Rural. THE NlNTH VOLUME. FOR 1858. The Old Doctor “opus that those nfiiicmd will not. on uccounl ofdelicncy. refrain from con- sulting him becausehe makes Nu Charge. His sole object in advertising-is to do all the good he can. before he dies. He fgpls l ml hais jnsl- ly celebrated for cure of Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis. Nervcms Afl'eclions, Coughs. Colds. &c. As an Agdcullural. Horticultural, Literar and Family Newspaper. cmnbined, lha Rural has lung bu-au unequalled. It employs the best talent, and is illuminated with nuineroun costly and appropriate engraviugx. Embracing in one a greater number of important, useful and timely topics than several ordinary journals â€"including rural affairs. science. mechanical THE BEST \VEL‘KLY IN AMERICA! (If? LOOK AT THIS! LMOST EVERYBODY is ordering the PLOUGH. LOOM and ANVIL. Tha| the rest may be as wise, and possess Lhamsulves of what we are boundâ€"m any cost to ourselves They require no dieting nor confinement, are perfectly mild and pleasant in their operatinn, but will powerfu ly restore healthâ€"that groatvsi oral] earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhauslw‘ and dilapidated constitutions. Moore’s Rural New Yorker. “ EXCELSIOR." its glorious Mono. and "Progress and Improvement.” its laudable objects, the Rural New Yorker con- tinues to excel in Merit. and rap rls decided progress in both Circulation: and Usefulness. For avidence that it is unquestionably the Standard in its sphere. please examine the paperâ€"compare in both contents and appear- ance. with any other BXIflI]lâ€"8|d you‘will coincide with its patrons and lhe Press in pro- nouncing it of its class. â€"(o umke'tlm Lonelng lmlusiriul Journal of [his [huesâ€"[he best for the Farmer, the Mechanic. and the Family Circleâ€"we make the fol!awing unprecedented liberal ofi'er :â€" ‘ Our Eleventh Volume will commence with January. lSSBâ€"will run to January. 1859â€"8136 contain 76!} large octave pageS. on fine paper, with new type. It will he ismed wilhin [he first week of each month. in numbers of 64 pages each, done up in the best magazine uLyle. To a‘l who “ill forward lhe money for thia volume, as single subscribers or in clubs, we will send gruluitiously. the numbers of the cur- rent volume. [mm the lime of their forwaxding. nar}~ 'derangemouts ot' hxélnll. from [unpaired Digestive Functions. Coslwunrsg Bilious am‘ Liver Complainls, Rheumauc and Inflamma- tory Colds, Coughs. Nervous VVeakuessu [405$ oprpelite, Failure of Flesh. Headache and lmpura Slate oflhe Blood and other Fluids, but also in Rheunxalism, Fever and Ague, other Intermittent FeverS. Aslhma. Bronchils. Cho. lic, Pleurisy. Palpitation offlm Heart, Rush 0! Blood {0 the Head. Seulod l'ains In the Joints, Limbs and Ongans, Afl'ecuons of the Bladde. and Kidne) s. Jaundice. Drnpsy. Piles. howevn inveterate, Habimal Custiveness, Salons and Bilious Looseness. Obsliualo Headache and Giddiness, and an immense number of other maladies. Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B‘ MOFFAT. 335 Broadway, N. Y. 134 three. or four ml to all who subscr Clubs of four and upwards: $1 for s x inon Advertising. (en cents a line. For giving p llcil)’ to improved stoclfiagricullum' impleme mechanlcm improvements. and like matter general Interest, there is no other modiun good at the price. Liberal terms to persons disposed to ac agents for this work. Let us hear from u 'l‘he reputalion of these very celebrated vege- table ramadlesis now unequalled by any others in this country or in Eu‘ropeu They are fully Oslablished as I 10 must umversal family medi- cine now in use, and they will maintain their pre-eminem renown by the inh-insic and com- prehensive virtues which arquired it. The u<ual modrs of pufi'ery would be unworthy of them and is unnucossarv. now living i testify. as 1h prompt‘ and d :39 Mofiut’s L i it: Pills, THE LEADING‘AND LARGEST CIRCULATED AGRICULTURAL. LITERARY. AND FAMILY N VSPAPLR. A New Monthly Paper New York, October 22. [8.37 Thousands CIN'DERELLfl SLIPPER, TERMS A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! TO CLUBS. AGENTS WANTEfj Address. VOLUME IX. FOR. 1858 PHOENIX BITTERS ‘ur and upwards: $1 for s x months. ‘51. ten cents a line. For giving pub- proved stoclgagricullum' ilnplmnenls. nl impruvemsnm. and like matters of Mel-est, there is no other medium â€"$2 :1 \' DOCT. UNCAS BRANT. nlh Box 353]. 1’. 0.. New â€"'1‘HE-â€" Lwill lie-issued within (lite-firs! 1th. in numbers of 64 pages he best magazine style. | forward the money for thin subscribers or in clubs, we usly. the numbers ofâ€"Lhe cur- the lime of thoir forwarding. revious. thus giving in two. )bers, accordéu Lo [ll 6 lime. before January. ear, in advance: $1 50 to J. A. NASH. M. P. PARISH. 7 Beekmau Street 7 Copies 12 u Rochester, N. Y for $§ Yol- The 0 nly Stu-c Remedy St. Montreal, May 181b, 1857 - N.B.â€"-Publishers of news; tiou to this ndvenismanl for allowed their bills upon pun their amount ofour manufal confer a favor by directing announcement. IN THE \VORLD for the sure cure of Rheumatism. I’uins in the Duck. Breast. and Side, Pullma- lion of [he Moan, Toollmvho. Hemlâ€" ache, “leak Stom- ach. and Gem-m] I Del-Wm; Cramp: in my btumucll. h Ioslcd Hands ur Fem. Spruins Bruises. or Slifi‘ness in the Johns. Fever and Agile. Cholera Morbus. Coughagoms‘ Loss of Appetite, Summer Compla‘nns, Buns“. Sore Throat or Quinsey. Swellings, Cum. Burns, Exturua! Injuries. & is Tun cables for 6 month. . . . . . . . Ten copios for 12 months... Twenty copies for 12 months. . . . For all Clubs of Twenty and over, subscription is only $140. The new volume will be prixued paper Wilh new type. MUNN & CO., Publishers and Patent Agents. No.128 Fulton street. New York. 294 HE Proprietors of this Estiablishment beg to inform the Prin‘ors of Canada. that they have now manufactured and ready for delivery. alarge quantity of Small Pica. Long Primer. Bourgeousu and Ilravier. of Scotch face. which they will guarantee cannot be surpassed b) any Foundry upon this conlinent for durability and anpearanca. They have also on hand a choice assortment of various kinds of The prices at which these and other [mes are sold at the Canada Type Foundry. will be found at least 30 per cent. less than they could pur- clmsed‘previous to its establishment. ' It is,therefore hoped that the Printers ofCana- do will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by bestowing upon its lair share of their patronage. in return for which the propriet- nrs pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample satisfaction. Printers ! mark the reduction in the price of type since this Foundrywas opened ; and bear in mind that a greater reduction depends upon your- selves. Our motto isâ€"supply the trade with type ofsuch quantities and at such prices as willpre- vent the necessity of patronising foreign manu- facturers. The following list ofa few oflhe principal arti- cles required by printers. will give an idea oflhe great advantages of the Canada Type Foundry Fica------ls4 II? All olher Book Fouls in pro LEADSâ€"6 lo Pica and thicker. 1s Pica, ls 3d; 8 lo Pics. 18 5d. Canada Type Foundry. " [ls eflicncy has been fairly tested, and its virtuos pronounced unparalleled " The cures made by Dr. Tumbler with his Vegetable Compound. are so miraculous RS lo resemble the famed Scriptural accounl of similar cases in ancient times. and those cases artA so wonderful and instantaneous. so §alis- factory and mitigaiing of human ill. 0310 call upon public l‘unclionaries and those having charge of public institutions for the sick and sullbring to look Well into the well attested merits oflhis Vegetable Medicine. , The general character othe Scientific Ameri- can. is well known. nnd,as heretoforeit’ will he chiefly devoted to the promulgation ol'informnlion ielaiing lo the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts. Manufactures, Agriculture. l’atenlv, ln- ventions, Engineeling. Mill Work. and all Inter- aais which the liglntof l’nctical Science is cal- culated Lo advnnce. I] is i>sued weekly, in form {or binding; it contains annually from 500 lo 600 finely executed Engl'avings. and Nolices ol REMOVED TO S'r. Tm:er ‘1'. ST., N DEBEnAT’s Dr. Tumblcty’s Vegetable Compound. American and EnropeaSInlpl-Svemems. togeth- ar with an (Jfilcial Lid of American Palenl Claims publiahed weekly in advance ofall other PHDOI'S. [13’ Specimen copies will be seutgratis to any part of the country. “fiNumemus gases; two months inr‘Hospilal. wiLhoul any benefit, have bean cuzed b)? a few du} s’ um ol‘the Vegetable Compound. 9th 60 lath 5O llnh 40 121}: 35 13H) 30 i-Mh 25 15Lh 20 Names “subscribers can be sent in at. different times and from different Postnfiices. The cash will be paid to the orders of the successful 0cm- petitors. immediately after the [st of January. 1858. Tums or SunscnlrnoNâ€"32 a year, or $1 for Six Momhs. 11 is the most soothing medicine in the world, or that ever will be. The Vegetable Compound is put up highly concentrated in bottles arcompanied wilh prinled direclions. and sells for 25 cents. 50 cents. and $1 per bottle. Southern. Weslern,aud Canada money will be taken for subscriptions Canadian subscribers will please to remit twenty-six cenlscztm on each year's subscription to p: e-pay postage. Dr. 'l‘umblety’s Vegetable Pills, N announcing the Thirteenth Annual Vulnme of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERI- CAN. thePublishers respectfuliyinform the public that in order to increase and stimulate the form- ation of Clubs, they propose to ofl'or One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums. for the fifteen largest li<ts ofsnbscribers sent in by the [st of January, 1&58 ; premiums to be d.s- lrlbuted as follows :â€" For the largest “$1.... . . “"8300 2nd ‘ " 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th The best and safest Cntharlic and Purifying Pill ever offered to the public for the rum of Custiveness, Bilious Complaints. Drop _v, Heartburn. Headache, arising from a ton] Stomach. Nausea. Indigestion, Morbid Inac- lion of the Bowels, and Pain arising therefrom, Flalulency. Loss of Appetite. all Ulcers and Culanenus Diseases which require an evacunm Medicine. Scrofula, Ki )g‘s Evil, Functional All that science. skill and experience could do. in perfecling good, wholesome and ever safe and reliable Family Medicines. have been concentrated in these preparations. No pa- rean who value the health or even the lives of their children should be without them. Hundreds of Physicians now use them and acknowledge them to he the rnosl scientific and wholesome preparelions ever; offered to the public. For sale wholesale or retail by Dr. Tum- bloly, at his office, 111 King sireal, TOrou‘to. Canada West. T0 MECHANICS, INVENTORS‘ AND MANUFACTURERS." lion of the Bowels, and 1’} Flalulency. Loss of Ap} Culanenus Diseases whicl Medicine. Scrofula, Ki )g Derangementof lhe Liver may stand unrivalled. [ET Price ‘25 cants and These are no crude a experimenlally placed b they havu slood the test 01 All that science. skill E dog in _perlet_:llng_ gogd, _ '3," Fear people will be_liberally deal: with- Toronm. Dec. 24. 1857 7 t3] Five copies ’or6 months. Five copies for 12 months Nonpuiel - Miniou- - Brevier- - Bourgeoiso Long Primer Small Picav ‘Jth llh 21h 3m 4\\ Ol'na m cnta 1 Type um ufour mnnufaclure. ' Editor's will favor by directing nugulrioni 19 (he BUILDINGS, MONTREAL â€"PRIC THOS. J. QUQNIN & Co‘ CLUB RATES 's o! neWSPupera giving‘inser- smanl for 2 mouths‘ will be upon ply-chasing five limes 50 cents per box‘ nd untried remedies fore the public, but Spleen and Viscera‘ in proportion Therese 5:1?th 10d 6d per lb. 3d u Id u per lb. the yearly upon fine .‘200 150 100 90 80 7m NIVERSALLY known throughout Cans-1 du and the United Slates for his skill; and success In ‘ Restoring Andramatrng 1 genemuy, MES afiiicled ‘1“ me“ wardod to m of copies of mm mm $63 If (hr, Eye which will bu ‘ All advertisements published for riod than one month. must be paid Vance. The Author feels fullv as prejudiced reader ot'thié we that Diseases of the Eye 0 short of complete disorgaui be cured : and it must app considerate person that the failure to obtain rcliofm th the country. is the result of and a want of Lxrnnuzscz ‘l‘ENtY on the pan. ofthosep ing to cure SULh diseases. All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for wlun handed in for insertion. ingly A liberal discount will be made to parlics ad vertising by the year. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearnges are paid : ahd parties refusing papers without pay- ing up. will be held accouluable for the sub- scription. opol‘alions on 1110 Eye. Hundred interesting Casi lion, Illustrated \vnlh nun) Also. will be seen, Letter: highly respectablb partiosl da and the United Stale: be found well worthy the afflicted. Merchants and others who advertise liberally the TRIBUNE will have their Cards inserted in the Business Directory. Thin work reading matter. a large number Sixlinesand under, first insertion £0 Cul Each subsequent insertion. . [l 7 d Ten lines and under. first insertion 3s. 4d Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . 0 Id Above ten lines, first in.. per line 0 ‘d Each subsequentinserlion. per line " ‘d [ILâ€"i" Advertisements without written direc- lion: inserted till forbid. and charged accord- done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely now mid of the latest patterns. A large "mew of new Fancy Type and Borders. for Curds' Circulars. &c.. kept always on hand. From 31 _\'ears’ experience in the business and prompt attention lo all orders with which he may be favored, combined with an earnest desire to please his customers. he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Book and Job Printing ES TABLISHMENT. .-:o::â€"â€"- (RIDERS for anv of the undermaminned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB RDERS for a§:--;f:'lihai undermentionad description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be p'romptly attended to :â€" lMKS. nch mus, ausuuss cums. LARGE AND SMALL rosnzns. cmcuuxs. LAW roams. BILL Huusmux cancxs.nmns. AID This “’ork will aho be fonvardm duals free If charge) sending the POST-PAID. to the Author at Toronto Tonomo. June 8th. 1857. FREE OF '1" on Thousand Copies In a proper and satisfactory manner, by credi- eating Paints. Oil, Tar. &e. &c.. and restoring Colors [0 their original appearance. so as to give Gentleman’s wearing apparel the full appear- ance of new. mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The BRITISH TRIBUNE will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valu- able Family Newspaper. f 'I‘ E R M S.â€"Two Dollars per Annum, l'n ADVANCE ; and it‘uotjraid >within Six Months two dollars and a half will be charged. L) prev Notice [0 the contraryfarecon- sidered as wishing to continue llxeir sub- scripliun. grim!) Glrihn‘trt And despatched to Subscribers by the earlies W'illiam Trud go 0 n, Operator on the Eye and Ear. If Subscribers order the discontinuance 0| their papers, the publisher may continue . A . I( send them till all arrearages are paid. lfsuhscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office to which the are directed they are responsible till they have setlled their Bills, and ordered their papers to be discontinued. If subscribers remove to other places withont informing the publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction'ffi‘hey are held responsible. I ‘HE Undersigned begsloave to inform the _l_ Public that he holds himself in readiness at his Old Establishment, which has been con- tinued for the last Six Years, in this City (No. [62, Yonge Street. and directly opposite tho “ Brittannaia House,” Toronto.) to ill Descriptions of Clothing, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Dr. CADWELL, LETTER-PRESS PRINTING 2 Toronto, June 51h. 1857 lUBSCRIBERS who do not give OCULST & AURIST. Rates of \flW ONOMY IS WEALTH. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Renwale. clean and Repair rusaml Copies at: n butiuu. work contains nea Respecting Newsp‘ PAIPKLETS And every other kil in Lost Sight & Homing! 0F TORONTO worthy the 'cargful Be IS PUBLISHED WM. RICHARDSON omnins nearly 2000 n which will be four nulls nearly 2000 pa es of‘ which will be found rogporlad,‘ most important and successful‘ Eye. and more than 0n gr Cases of every descrip-.' 1 numerous Cuts nnd Plates. 1 Letters and References from _' , .. r al'=o be forwarded to indivi- rgc) sending their add ass.- hnlm.. ... 'I .v fully nsured that Mgr organization. can and 15: appear evident to In! the prmcipul 'mn -r.“ ‘L Advertisin 2: : u 01 unpruper treatment; ch. sum , and count.- :50 professing or unempl- nc From all parls‘of CL: ‘s.â€"u" of whim. “- ‘rk will be c so casés lhroughoud kind of Teadyfur dlsln" ‘apcu whic‘. mu: 'usal of (he for in ud- gl3-Iy Ilef‘l'pl- 11 \ed‘ My dugo und may to (wery l-tf. H“

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