Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 9 Apr 1858, p. 3

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In. at gh ,1 0 i1“: per t'l' es aI ‘ld THE CHARGE. His Lordship commenced to charge the jury at 5 p m., he up rssed his admirâ€" ationgl'the care they had manifested dur» iii-g this protracted trial. The learned Judge related the circumstances connectâ€" ed with the murder ; he stated that a great deal of eridonce had been given on the one hand to prore that the prisoner was Townsend, and on the other hand much testimony had been brougl t forward to prove that the prisoner was not Town send. There was no doubt that a 1 these wi'nesscs had spoken to the best of their bt‘liel; tlare was no doubt lint one or otter of these parties were mistaken, but they were. all deserring due cred't for truithfulness. The learned Judge thought that the conduct oftlmse who had come VOlUIltaI ily forward to defend the prisoner, was highly creditable. He also thought that. the witnesses for the crown, had sworn to the best of tln-ir belief. anl he did not. think they were actuated by any mercenary motives. His Lordship read from his notes, to show the whereabouts of Townsend at ditferent times, and said he did not see anything to ShtW t'. t there were two persons one Mclienry , on the same side at the same time. it, however. the Jury were satisfied that the prisoner was in California, in October and November, 1854-, he was ent‘tled to :n acquittal ; but, it‘they were satisfied that the prisoner committed the murder and aft: rwards escaped to California, ut d r the name of MclIenry. howu‘er painful it might be, they were bound to return a verdict of guilty. Hvrocnlsv.â€"â€"Evcry man alone i sincere. A! the entrance of a second person hypocrisy begins. We cover up our most honest thoughts from him under a hundred VENTILATING CHAIRS.-â€"L. R. Buic- sacb, of New York, "3‘ inn‘me‘l a chair for hot member, by which the person who occupies i1 is refreshed by an artificial breeze, produced by two pairs of side Lel- |ow5_ The cflbrl to use it is but slight, and the reliefafi‘orded is said to be efiec- ma], under the mast oppressive heat. The jury then retired, but soon aitcr came into court,slalmg that it would take Some time to dclibelate. The court Ihen mljmrned till the following morning. when they returned a verdict of “No! Guilty” Thus ends the most remark- able trial that has ever taken place in I‘MMJA The London Times censures Qut'en Victoria for having, while in Srollaml, gone to a “ Presbyterian Conwnlicle,” and, after the selmon. “ complimented the clergyman upon the excellence of his dis- course!" This (firm: of heresy [5 said to have shocked the peoph’ in England, and is cited as proof of Her Main-styl‘s .‘ Luth. eranism,” in sympaihy with Prince Albert. able irial (haf Canada. Mr. Mactlonald apologised for making a short address on account of illiies<.â€"â€" He commented severely on the fact that the puisoner had refused to give any ac- count of himself. He stated that there was no necessity for going to California to prove an alibi iltlle prisoner were not 'l‘owtlsend. It could have been due at home. He then showed the import- ance of Mrs. Fleming's and Mr. Coppius’ evidence. He also dwelt upon the fact that the pii~onér had called lles by name, and had styled litn an old friend. H.- then look up the difll‘rent witnesses, show- ing that their deficription of Town-end tallied will) that of the prisom r, particu- larly on the scar on the that. He thought it impossible that two men should have sears so much alike. He did not go through the whole of the evidence, al- though he could easily do so. If there was a doubt, by all means give the pri- soner the benefit. He hoped the almighty would asSIst them to come. to a rib-ht ( 0 Al 1:10 i. Shortly before ten o'clock Mr. Free- man rose to address the court on behalf of the prisoner. lle rigrclted that he was summing from a severe cold. lle rc- capituliitcd the canses which had led him to appear on behalf of the prisonerâ€"â€" Wll')!" lie firmly believed to be an inno- cent man. He defied his learned friend, the counsellor for the prosacu'ion, tonamv a single inhabitant of Caiiboro’ (who knew Townsend) to identify the prisoner. He then very ably commented upon the ‘ evidence of these witnesses, who had sworn that the prisoner was Townsend.â€" He showed some glaring inconsistenrtes and contradictions. A Witnesshad sworn that Ilns showed no exaitement on seeing the. prisoner. Graham had been mistaken before about othrr persons, to whose identity he had sworn. Others had seri oust contradicted each other in their descriptions of 'l‘owmend. He then took up the evidence for the defence ; most of the witnesses had voluntarily ofl'eied their services. He dwelt particularly on the endence of Flanders and the Caliâ€" lornia witnesses. He showed that their evidence had not been upset, and thereâ€" fore it was the duty of the jury to cm.- sider well their evidence. He then showed that the rehuttiiig evidence had completely failed. The learnedgeiille- man then concluded Willi an eloquent ap- peal to the jury, urging th-zm to set aside every prejudice. Mr Freeman then re- snined his seat, after speaking I'our hem": and a hall. Robert Coulter, said~â€"-Juhn Nelsrn O‘Brien has often toid me that he coufd not swear whether the prisoner was Townsend or not. The Court adjourned at eight o’clouk. Public feeling appears to be rapéd'y turning in favor of the prisoner. Nancy Crumbs-J heard Harvay say that Townsend had changed his name,and was now called McHenry. Cross-examinvd by Mr. Freeman-~- The prisoner is not 'l‘ownM-nd, Dr. Burns.---George Scllraln said (n court in my presence on seeing the pi- souer, “ there goes Townsend,” and when the 'pflsoner again moved,---Ihere I don I see lownsend. James Chambers.---VVhrn the exami- nation was going on in Cleveland I heard Farr say that Townsend had a scar over his left eye. Sayers S. Slagar.--»I h: Schram speak particularly having a scar over his eye. THE SPEECH FOR THE CROWN THE SPEECH FOR THE PRISONER. INT" DAYâ€"FRIDAY ml heard Valentine :ulnrly of Townsend Huldah Morrison, who set fire to the Ashtabula (Ohio) Infirmary an the 2d of February,and by the burning of which sewn persons lo>t their [in-s, plcadcd guil- ly tothe indictment, and was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years. Civic Honors to India Heroes, on Tuesday lasta motion that a bust on General liavelock be placed in the G‘uildhall, and a motio. that the freedom M the City should be given to Sir John hawre'm’, were carried at the Court of A Circular has been issued from the Horse Guards, containing a plan lkr augmvnling and recruiling the ’uoyal Canadian Rifle Regiment, from Ihe mar- Iied solders of the army. They must er.- 5ist for life.- -Kingston IVhig. The Examiner (Baptist) reports the conversions durinar the week as 17,â€" 000 among their own denomination, and 20,000 among the [\lethodiuts. ordered the a'rreat of 'l'ravis, who had advertised to shoot an orang? from the head ofa boy (here, on a wager of $l,- 000. In 1855, there were sold in both Caundas 979,481 acres of public lands; m 1856, 330,263 acres; imam, 307,1 6‘22 acres; the value of the sales was, in Ten anchors are required to hold [he Leviathan to her present moorings. It is thought she may be made ready lur sea by the first. of luly. ~ ‘ n u....u,u uuuu LUIS, _Ul Hmchmbrook, who had a dispute mth another man named Slonc, was brflally murdered by the latter, who first set his dogs on him, and then smashed his head with r. spade. The mnrderer has been a Gem-ml Ordvr praisng the conduct of the 54411 Rt-gilnent when on board lhe Sa ab Sands alcumer during the fire. Prince Alfred, second son of Queen Victoria, has been appointed unid- shipmun in a frigme,now getting ready I'or a three years' cuuisc. The National Lodge of the In- dependent Order of Good 'l‘emplurs. will hold its next seasion in Hamilton, someâ€" (ime duxing [he monlh of May. “8:35, £428,370; in 1856, £160,036 1857, £1542865. An advertisement in the Quebec ~‘ Chronicle” announces the re-oI-ming of the St. Thomas auction of [he Gr: nd Trunk Railway. Eighty-nine Canadian ponies ar- rived at Chicago on the ‘ZQmI ull.. on their way across the plains to California. According to estimate, the Uni- ted b‘lules hue incream'd in wealth full :1 thousand million of dollars by railroads. Dr. Livinston and his compnions of the African Exploring Expediuon have sailvd for Africa on board Ihe steamer Pearl. A bill has been introduced in the Uunrd Slat-'3 Congress for lhe election of l’osl Masters by the people. A little girl named Humasto 11 near Matlnon, “L, dirt! rccvntly, I'uom awallowing gun calmsâ€"They are deadly poison. " Col. Benton is so ill that he keel}: his bed, but he continues his Iilrr- any labours. Ilis disease i3 cancer of the stomach. Death has been busy among the Roman Cardinalsâ€"tweh‘e have be: n called lo lllttil‘ Inst account since the Lt- ginning of win'c‘r. The Louisiana Legislature has just passei a bill to prerenl free negroes from holding slaves in. that State. Grasshoppers are so thick in Tens that the lflhilbllalli are getting alarmed for the safely of their crops The Welland Canal opened yes- terday (Tuesday) and severa. vessels passed up and down during the day. There are 122 breweries in the State of California. employed almost en- tirely for the making of lager beer. Mrs. Thomas, a washerwoman in Detroit. Mich , has fall-m heir to a for- lune ol a mil|ion dol|ars, in Europe. The Legislature of Virginia has pawed bulls appmpriahng $2,000,900 in aid (if various railways in that Stale. Among those who have become convells in \he great revival now going on in New York, is Goo. Law. The English paper says Print-e Albert is about to make a voyage round [he Wurld in the ship Euryulus. The Chicago Press contains an advertisemvnt, 4-0 columns long, of lands in that city delinquent for taxrs. The cost of the mammoth steamâ€" er erialhan is estimated to be about £900,000, or $0,500,000 £800 has been raised in Eng- land towards the crecliou hl'a monument in memory of lIavelock. been giving contents at way lo Russia. ‘ommon came“ Seventy thousand sheep were frozen to death in one night, in Conslan- linople recently. ings now held daily in New. York and Brooklyn. The accouehment oftho Empress of Austria is expected towards the end or April. Eight recruits have been obtained at VVhiIby for the l00lh Regimrnt. It is reported that the peach buds in Northern Ohio are injured beyond remedy. From eleven to twelve million oysters arrive at ubiladelphin each week. Fine clear paper has been made in Philadelphia from the pulp of the beet root. In Mobile, they are indulging in Irish potatoes of llns season‘s cultivation. Thq LIayor of Louisville has The flgrge Guards have issued Madame Lind-Goldschmidt has There are some 27 prayer meetf Corn is up six inches in Texas. {nan named John Lee of 3321115 3th5. on her i, In , II» The soil and situation cannot be snrpnssod ; every person that has not a hom- ofhis own should loose no time. but come at onceâ€"now is their chance to make up for the hard times. and secure for his family. whose labour may requiroit. a little spot of free earth that he can call his own. that will be an asylum in timtu of adversity. in which the mother and children can rot their weary limbs and breath the free air of haaven. A crodit of five years will be given. in half yearly payments. and no moneyrequired down. GOOD, FRESH GARDEN SEEDS! CHEAP, FOR CASH. AT G. A. BARNARD’S. old HEIFER. Red $51116 nJXCnKWQ-‘nlhe face. Any penon relurning the same to lhb Subscriber will be suitably rowaldcd JOHN CRAIG. 14-1-11“ April 8. 1858. 0 Membels of the Yonge Street Agricul- tural Society. and other: interacted. a Meeting will take pluca at Mr. Jr‘s)?“ GAB": Hotel, Richmond Hill. on FRIDAY. April 9th. at FOUR O’Clack. PJI. April. 8. 1353. FIFTY BUILDING LOTS Jrew Goods, Just Karim-ell 1V duced l’riceS. a variety of Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Shelf and Heavy HAKDVVAKE. SI’ADES. MANK’RE uud HAY FORKS. GARDEN NAKES and HUES. and an excellent assortment of Richmond Hill. April 8. [858‘ E. A. BAHNARH’S, STOLEN OR STRAYED, MUSCOVADO SUGAR, CIIRISTALIZED SUGAR. FINE FRESH TEAS, PURE MOCHA & JUBA COFFEES, LIVERPOOL SOAP, CURRAN [‘S 3:. SPICES, TOBACCOS‘, &c. &.c. Richmond Hill. April 8. 1868‘ These pains and disagreeable feelings are generally symptom of some other complaint: such as dyspepsia. appoplexy. and various otherS, all of which are caused by corrupt nox- ious matter, clogging the various circul: tions: hence, a stream or rush of blood to the he: d and by the excitement it great plessure on the brain. Giddiuess. headache. loss of memory. dimness of sight. and various other complaints are the result. Thus it will be seen that all the above painful and distressing maladies owe their origin to the blood. Dr. Motse’s ludiau Root Pills are acknowledged to be the only medicine that will thoroughly purity tlte blood. They enter the blood. and follow the stream] of life on its journey through the system. That root out all foultte~s and impurttv. and drive out every unhealthy obstruction. They should be taken every night in sufficient qtuntities [0 Op- erate briskly. by commencing with two pilln on going to lied, three the next night. four the next: if the syutptous are not removed. cont- tneuce again with two pills and go up again as before. Continue iIt like manner until the hlnod is thoroughly purified. and tall pain and distress in entirer removed. Obtain one of our FREE AL‘HANACS. and read the history of Dr. Morse’s fauher. and how the medicine was inlruduced. Beware of a counterfeit ofthere Pillsâ€"YEL LOW \VRAPPERS. All genuine are in BLUE wrappers with the rignnlura of A. J White 5L Co. on each box. Plice ‘25 cls. OFFAT‘S Life I‘ills and Phcenix Bitteru. l Incipient Consumption and Bronchitis may be effectually cured by these remedies if judiciously administered . but for fevers. liver complaints, and disorders of the alimentary organs. tlnev completely stand at |he head of all the curative preparaliom of the lime. l'roprielor, W. n. MorrAT, 335 Broadway. New York. and his Agents. Dr Morse's intiian Root Pilis are sold by dealers in Medicines. I43 FR ES" G ROC I‘JRIES years. FLOUR.â€"'J'he market is hardly so ani- mated, and more difficulty i¢ experieucud in effecting sales, although there is no ap- parent change in prices, owing probably [0 (he small amount offering. “Ve "note superfine $4- 00 ; fancy 3% 15 to $4- 2.3; exlra $1- 50 to $5 00. At lhe residence of his grandfaflncr, Cook’s Holel. Thornhill, on the ‘200- March, John \Villiam Cook, aged five \VHEAT.â€"The deliverias reached nearly 2,500 bushels= the greater part of which was of fine sample. There was the usual amount of competition; and the prices paid were steady at 55 to 55 4d for good lo the best; 45 lo 4-s 3d for me- dium. SPRING WHEAT is in active demand at 45 lid to 4-: 6d per busIIcL There was a moderate attendance 0n the market yesterday, both of farmers and dealers; and a fan- amount of business was transacted. ‘ How GENERAL NEILL WAS I<lLLED‘ â€"-The manner in which the gallant Neill met his death may not be generally known. He was riding through a narrow street urging on the troops, when he halt- ed for a moment uuder a portico to listen to the shout at the 78th Highlanders as they gained the Residency. At this mo- ment an oflicer passed by faint with his exertions. Neill pulled out a flask and liandn-d it to him. \Vhilu he was thus engaged, at eunuch lu-aning ovur from the portiro discharged his matchlock into the gallant hero’s skull ; he fell dead at once, the most daring, dashing spirit in the army. N ‘ ROM the 9nd Concgfsion of Markham. CHEAP, FOR CASH! Village of Richmond Hill. RARE CHANCE. ‘I’IE ATIOSAL SCHOOL BOOKS No change in other nâ€"licl. s.- on or about the 27m inxlunl. a (\v0- var Slhuzrtifiemrntfi. GIDDINESS. HEADACHE. 51c E Subscriber oflers, by Private Contract, for one month only, Special Notices TORONTO MARKET S. JUST RECIEVED, AND NOTICE I VVEDNESDAY, April 7th J. R. ARNOLD. DIED. G. A. BARNARD, Sac. and Trans IS THE Richmond Hill . at Ro H4-lt ' may The " Manual of Phonogmphy.” 75 cents. a can and the " Phonograpic Copy-hook," 25 cents. an: of are soul to any nddresa. by mail. post-pud, on ildren rPceipl of tho price. ONE DOLLAR. ’ “'90 Addresl. post-mid. WILLIAM H. ORB. OIHAWA. C. W.. lill. From whom ull Englhh or American Phon- 144-4 ompic Works may be procured. H2- t-H If 144-1? In [TMAN’S Manual of Phonogrnphy is a work of about IOU pages. every other leaf of which is primed from stone eugrnviugs. giving wxilinz exercises in ihe art which the hook is designed to leach. By the use of this Manuel. any school boy or girl, ofS or 6 years and upwards. may learn. in a surpri>ingly short space of lime. to read and write Phonugruphy or Phonetic Short-hand. end a few months of daily practice is all Ilia! is required to enable a child of ordinary inlelligenco lo write 100 or more words per minute ! This rule of apeed is sufficient to take down ordinary sermons. speeches. and vouroreetion as fast as epokeu. )KIL‘E Fl F'l'Y CENTS. Enclose pen in a letter with cash or po~tage stamps} and by return of mull you will receire [he pen as good as new. Address E. ELthrr. Syracuse, New York. [13" Any editor giving the above three in- sertions. and sending me n nI'Irked copy. shnll imnzedialel )receive one of my best pens. 40 [fungi/lg, Grnzmng. 6's , 41:. He ho; os- mm by strict attention to 1-” order en- ! u>lcd to him which “ill be executed in n nval and workmnnhke nmnner. on the shollest n0- liue. to mini! nshaw of public patronage. Rirhmond Hill. RICHD. VAILES. March 11. 858. § HO-Gm P 110 JVOG IlflPlI P QR WRITING BY SOUND! “Wm 11 Slnblv. Driving House and a quarter an Acre of Land. App‘y to paid in Club. Richmond Hiul House Painting, Glazing, Paper THE Advertiser is desirous of obtaining a Smmfinn in a Carriage Shop where a num'~er of hands are lmpt. Would have no objections m dlsclmrgo the duties of Foreman. feeling oom'inced from hi< knnwiedge of NW l-ndu lllfil he would be able to give genera] salisl'ncxion. Address “I. S., Tribune Office. Richmond Hill, C.VV. April I. 1858. 1434: Vl'he Subscribe.- brgs to inform lhe in liabilanls of K:clnnon(l H !| and sur- rounding country. that he h‘s couuuem-ed bu<iuess in W 4.â€"'l'he Judges will pass over and view the ground bufnre. as well as after l’loughing. to enable them to make any proper allow- ance. should there be any inequality in the giound. 5.â€"No PIonghman shall be permitted to or- range his Furrow with his hands; the Furrow to be at least. six inchesin depth . an infringe- mentol‘ this rule. will forfeit. any claim to a prize. 6.â€"The l’loughmen to be on the ground and ready for work at 10 o'clock. A.i\l.. and at the signal of firing a gun, shall commence Ploughing. 7.â€"-Three hours and a half to he allowed to each Plouglunnn to complete his work. and at the expiraliun 0‘ that time a signal as above. Will be given. B.â€"â€"'l'he Books will be open for Entries after the 17nd instant. at. Mr. PALMER'S of the Black Horse Inn. Toronto. and at the Secre- tary’s ()lfice. Mmklluill Vi Iago. and nnlJ the 94 ll tnslan', afu-r nhich nu entries can be made. DWELLING HOUSE, GEORGE McPHlLLIPS, P.L‘S Richmond Hill. March 29. 1858 143 3 In the VILLAGE or RICHMOND HILL. containing FIVE ACRES. Fur particulars apply to GEORGE McPHlLLlFS.P.L.S. Richmond Hill. March 29. 1858. 143-3 Markham, April 1. 1853. Gold Pens Re pointed )IUCF. FIFTY CENTS. Enclose;er a leuer with cash or "adage stamps. U THIRTY Acres of good land. bear}; p2}; Lot To l3, 4th Cu“. Vaughan. N.B.â€" Eh‘ries may be made with Mr. Palmer or the» Secretary, by now, inclosing the fee required. Dimmr wlll bcprqmrod IL! the Wallinahm Halal, at 4 pJu‘for the Judges and Dirrclurs. A PARK LOT RULES AND REGULATIONS 8140 to be Distnbuted as Prizes, l.â€"Ploughing open to all Canada. 2.â€"Enllance Fee. to Members of tho Soriety. $2; In ullners.willun the limits 0 the Elec- [urn Division Society in [he 15.4 [filing of Yank, 83 , to all boyund such limits. $4. 3.â€"’l‘he Ground will be staked out. in Hols of one quarter of an acre. more or less. and numbared. and each l’longhmun shallchooae his land by ballot, and huve the ground so chmsen. Mr. PALMER.of the BI ck Horse Inn. Toronto. has prasented to the 5m iety, a Nsw IRON l’LouoH. [vuluo. Forty Dollars] to be given asnl‘rize; and Mr. INGLIS. of the Wellingtun Hotel. has furnished FIFI'I Dot.- LABS. to which the Society has added Flt-"n DOLLARS. making altogether APTAIN ARMSTRONG has given a very suitable field {or the purpo>e, adjoining the Wellington Hotel. 0n TUESD-fl 1", 27th inst A’l‘ MARKHAM VILLAGE. CAME into the premises of the Subscriber. about the last of March. a Black and White COW. in Cull', about 931ml: old. The owner is requesied to prove propeny. pay damages and Inks her away. THE Markham Aguicullural Society’s ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH. Great Ploughin 2 Match April 8, 1858‘ AINING ONE HUNDRED AND [5! Prize. 2nd du 3rd do 4th do 5 h do filh do 7th do 8th (‘14) 9th do 10th do N THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. nComplole For particulars, adplly to Feb. ll. X858 December 2-1. 1857 '03 TWO YEARS. from the first of 'l‘o Carriage Makers FARM FOR SALE ! April, AINTING. ANTI-ID to lluslnels of OATS, OATS ! IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER TO RENT, TO RENT, STRAY COW, the Iron l'lough to purchaie 0M: 'I‘Housnu) ol' gond Outs. Higher-t price Apply a! the Tribune Office. WILL COME OFF H. P. CROSBY THOS. STEEL. Green Bush llo'el. Yonge Street 144-3: DR. REID, 40 00 00 20er I5 00 .. . ll) 00 800 700 .... 600 500 .... 400 Thoruhill Send/try. I36 1294f 1-44 [romumn KEPT n wn. noLPHJ WORKER of Palace nnd George streets. ass! I of the Market Square. Toronto. Board 561 per dm'. Good Slabling and attentive Hosllers alwau in attendance. An omnibus lo and from'lhe Running ‘S>l_al'|on._ Liquors oflhe bosl hmnds at the Bar, and evury allouliou paid to (hjoslg, r \HE Subscriber begs to inform 1h- In J lmbimnts of the above-named Village and surrounding Country, and the Public gen- omuy, 11ml lze has leased the above llolel. lberulr kepl by 'I'Houas Mu]. which he ha.- fiuud fiund furnished for Khe accommodation 0‘ his (‘uslome land he lru.~'l.s by constant Mlenlion to lhcir wnuls to secure a liberal patronage. BLACK HORSE HOTEL FOR 1 COO Wak~hes.Clocks. Jewelry. Malodenns r Elpclro Ware. SilverSpoons, and Specu- clos In an“ evmy sight. If? \anch Clubs in Oparalion. Warranted Clark: Iron: 2113 upwards. ’l'orunro. June, 1857. 1-3 MflWING ANII HBAPINS Juno. 18571 MPURTERS and dealers in 'Itahan and American Marble, also manufac- turers ul' Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave Sloues.0ruamenlal enclosures for Grave plats, .‘ Orders through our Agcms wull re‘ ceive pwmpt alleutiun. Regalia. Principe, Huvinn. Manillazand othex brands of Cigan and Cherools. TORONTO "CITY" MARBLE WORKS, { XTENSIVE Stabliug. and obliging Hosllon always in attendance. (‘hoire Wines and Liquors Beer, Portur and various Summer Beverages. An Omnibus lo and from To “0“”. daily. ronlo. calls at the Richmond Hill. June. 1857 LUKES’ IIO'l‘EL. HLLAND LANDING. .1 that ha has comlinenced to run a Stage from thenlmve Hotel to (he O.S.&H.R R. Station. (Richmond Hill) twice a day; and will convey passengers to any part of the country. night or day. in ten minutes notice. Hill Richmond Hill, ORNEU of \Vright 8L Yonge struts. Cheap Groceries and Provisions. Crockery and Glasswara cheap for ('nkh. No Credil. l). HOPKINS. Consultations Free. and all Work Warranlad‘ Toronto. June, 1867. l-wy. 66. King Street East. 'I'oronlo. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children’s Teeth. Opposite the Post Office, Yonga Street. AN Omnibus leaves the above Howl every Morning. (Sundays excep!qd,) at seven 0'010§k. for Toromo; returning [he same evening. Horses and Buggies kept for hire. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Richmond Hill. June. 1357‘ RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, DJOINING the VVosleyan Methodist 1 Chipel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice setection of Gaullemens’. Ladies' and Childrens' Boots nnd Shoes constantly on hfmd- and made to order on the Shoruasl No- (Ice. U T C H E R . THORNHILL. Fresh Ind Pickled Meals. Poultry, &c.. always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest no‘l-e. Richmond Hill. Juno l‘llh. 1857. Zle-Yo Toronto. Feb. 26. 1858‘ no. 138 mm: STREET. nun QUEEN s'rmzn'r Holland Landing". Sept. I”, 1557 D. CARLOS YALE. Wu. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. B. DEEGIER, Agvnt, Richmond JOHN MURPHY. House Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER Toronto. June ISKh. 1857 Jan. 7. [1358‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 15. 1857. Toronto. July 10. 1857 DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling x Aitchison’s COMBINED fl. Inn, and Livery Stables, YONGE Srumrr. OsEPH (_‘1.-\BY begs to inform the p_ublic 4 Doom West of Bay Street. DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS Thornhill. March 19, 1858‘ MORPle BROTHERS Richmond Hill. Feb. 17. 1858' t37â€"Iy ROBERT SIVER, Boot. and Shoe Maker, Ornamental Painter. No. 49, King Street, EDWARD GRANGER, HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c w. YALE, MACHINES, Richmond Hill, T. MACBETII, Jnr., L ARRIAGE, SIGN. THE WHITE SWAN VICTORY HOTEL THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. 1b. 26. 1858. 138-1)’ And ZIIasmu'c Ilall, Y 0mm S'rmuz'r &c., &.C. â€"ANDâ€" ROBERT WISEMAN Proprietor. THUS. LUKES. Dental 8 U RG ERY, W.C.ADAMS DOCTOR JOSEPH GABY. STORE, Proprietor. Proprietor. '. ng-tf Proprietor. gl4-3m gJ-wy g.l.wy ngy Ml I The advertiser is a Praclical Farmer. nbou six years from the Wrsl of England. would take possession immediately. and would [my one year's ram. In advance. or more if required. Feb. 9. 1858. _ we.“ I]? Daily Gil/m to copy three fimcs and render accounls to this office. His Bar will always be found we" elnred with (he chomesl Liquors; while flu: subscxiher himselfinlendé to devote his lime la the com- fonof all those who ma) hunoun him with a call. N a p'enam localilv. and a good agricu tum! distric . within a short dislulxcu of Town 0 preferred. Application) to he mndB pox! pnid. In file Editor of the British Tribunc, Richmond [IiiL The SWAN Monti. in a I'Hv days will he complaer renovalcd. and respectable visitors mm rely on having their (‘alls immediately at- trâ€"nded [0. He has ul>o vcn' exlemiw) acoomo- dalion for Horses and Carriages. HE Subscriber begs to inform lhe Public that he has [9.1501] the above premises. and filled them up in anout and comfortable style. The best of Liquo'rs aind vbigars carefully selocled. Good stabling and attentive hamlet: [I E Subscriber ofl'ers for sale that wellknon‘n Hole-l. situated on Lot No. 5, 61h Concession in the Township ol' King. with good slabling and Seventeen Acres ol'ExcoiIonl Land. Evew necessary accomodalion for an 110ch are m filsl rate repair. Terms extremely easy. For fur- ther particulars nnp‘y In lhe proprietor on Ch“ Dre- miues or to Dr. Duscumu. Hithlllond “ill. 7 HORNHILL. The Fuhscrihcr in tendering his thanks for past favors, would bag [0 call Public intention to his NEW Establishment. Thoruhill, and known as the SWAN HOTEL. which he has lately OHIOI'ld into in concequence of tho accumodalion in his old establishment being elllirely [on limited for [he comfort of his numerous guests. Wanted to Purchase or Rent. .1 IKEIIIJ’VI .' From I to 300 Acres. as they will endeavor remake 'l‘e-n Kettles on the Dnlcln plan. Good and Strong, and cheap as possible. FOIL CASH ONLY. Boardch and tmllsient visitors will find lha acggluOtJutioM my every way agreaalfle. Brass Pans ‘25. 6d. per Ib., kept on hand and madu to order; Brass and Japan Goods selling at? at and under Cost Price for CASH ONLY. (1:? 0ch Copper, Brass, Pewter and Lead taken in exchange for Goods, Slum-p Skins. Furs, 8m. Richmond Hill. March ‘25, 1858. (4‘3 “New Era” please copy for three months, and send account to \Villiam Hodge, Richmond Hill. For terms apply to Mr. 'I‘HOS. COOPER. Thornhill. Tharnhill. Au us! 1]. 1857. gID-d' “AME into llw premises of tlw Sub- “criber, on lhe ]st of April, 3 {ED STEER. two years old. The eweer is re- quested to prove properly. pay charges and lake il away. AWILLIAM LA‘VSON. “'7’ Luzs. 51h Con. Markham. such as making COPPER FOUNTAINS STICWâ€"PANS, SAUCEâ€"PANS, WILLIAM HODCE COPPER, TIN, AND IRON As chPap as any House in Montreal or the States. Having served unde British Copper Companies of England lhcv tlnttvr thmnselves they can «we Cheap as any one by haying (:a‘h fm‘ ll- Having “I30, llad b‘vven Yetta” in making Copper Goods in the Queen City of Hamilton to advantage, In fident that they will be able to give Sflll>lacllon to April 7; l8584 QULD respectfully inform lhe Ladies a Gentlemen, who wish to availlhem- selves of iis professional services. that he will be in attendance the first Monday and Tuesday hllowing of each month. at Ambler’s Hotel. Richmond Hill : “'ednesday following n: the Aurora Hotel. Aurora; 'l‘liursdm‘ and Friday at J. McClure’s Hotel, Holland Landing: the rest of the momh at (he Thomliiil Hotel. Thornhill. PINE W00]!!! FOR SALE. GOOD NEWS FROM THE OLD s65 IE? Communications to be addressed to Thornhill Pom. Ofiico. REFILRENCES [by pmnissiou] zâ€"Rev. R. Paintin: Rev. N.C. Gowan: A. Buck. M.D.. R: S.. 75%.: C. Kayser. M. D. ; F‘. Owen. M. D. ; J. Znilnmermab. S. D‘ December 3|. 1857. Thurnhi". January 2“, 1858‘ Feb. 9. 1853‘ ONE HUNDRED CORDS Thm “hill, Jan . 2U. 15.78 SURGEON DENTIST, King. Nov. 19. IB57‘ Graimrx', GildI-rs, Glaziers, and Paper flange-n, GOOD WORKMBN SENT TO ANY PART 0|" THE COUNTRY- July 23, 1857‘ THURS]! ILL. PAINTERS, fill kinds qf Jllia‘cd Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. TlIORNHILL HOTEL. HOTEL FOR SALE. WARD & MCCJUSMND, And Furnishing Ironmon EG to inform their Friends and the Public canon-n! House. Sign and Omumeub G H. HUSBAND, Straycd Steer. SWAN HOTEL, THEIR EMPLOYERS HERE The Copper Busi IVHOLESALE UR RETAIL! H ENRY LEMON, Z Propl ie‘or. THOMAS REDON. JOHN SHIELS. l Proprietor. OF 1‘ Ill lllfilllllg 11'0" [non gers, eir Friends and the Public generally, that and is Falling, they intend to go a little Proprietor. gmu 133 H-1 3 130 24-1] \- vV-’ IRON PLATE “'ORKERS! Local Bills. uiLlwr fur gran!ng exclu>ivu PliVl- leges or conl‘erri [2 corporate powers for com- nwlcial or other purpmes of prul‘u. for regulat- ing surveys or boundm or forth)ng anltlling lending to all‘er-tlhe rigth of propany of other partiesâ€"are herohy n mfied llml lhcy an: re- quired hr the (i2nd. 63rd and 64th rules [which are published in full in the " Canndafinzeue.” to give two monlhs notine of the application in the "Canada Gazette" and also in some IIBWS- paper published in lan County or null," ol Cuu'lies afi'ecled. sending Lupxes of the fin-I and la‘l of such notices to the l’rivule Bill Of- fice. Toronto. ALFRED TODD. Clerk of l’llvnle Bill Office. Bell. G. Bell. Mary Salome Brawn. John Badger, Thomas Bryson. ‘V. Bowman, Is mc Bishop, Warren Combc. John Combs, James Curt-in. Mary Cane. Julia Mi 5: Copling, \Villiam Cameron, Malcolm Coresen. 'l'. (Ihnrles Daniels. W|l|ian| D|ckhoul. Rater Durrand. [L (I. Danton. Brown Forsyth, Mr. Fiuigan_ Catherine Grant. Joriah Goodwnll, John Groaves. Juhn Hastings, 'l'hos. Esq. Hopkins, John Hislop. Gideon Hart. John Hughes. Robert Herrick. David Kirkelton. Charles Kerr. Wm. Lund. Wm. Lee. John :43 M. TEE HE following Gemlemen have been elected Membnm oflha Boards of Agncullnra for Upper and Lower Canada, for tho Your 1853. under the 12an SK c1. 20 VIc(.. (321p. 32: The [Wire 4- . per our , one fi{.h to he pail. down. and [he rrmuiuder in four equal immi- meuts. with inten s‘. ; lhe pu'cllasers to reside on the land. and lo clear a1 ll‘ib“ lwo ncrrs an- nually on Auch 100 acres durmg [he lizu five \‘oars. Remaining in RICHMOND [HLL Post Office‘ APRIL ISL, [8.38 Anderson, A, Rev‘ Arnold. Juseuh Armslro- g, \Vm Bail. “illium 2 U'I‘IL'E l: horaby 3 van, (h Townshqm of Algonn. B lopol and Hull-h. iu the (‘uul are open for sale upon applical “mum. I:l>quire. m Adflln‘ltnl, upon the followlug (‘Olldllio a: Notimber to he cut. unless under Lirense, oxcepl l'ur agriculxurul pllrpth - 129. Toronto. Nov.y19. I8 BURMA!) or AGk-cumunn A\D STA'IIMI lllh Mulch. lh.‘ ARTIES intending to make appllcgntwn to the Legislative Assembly for Private. qr :al Bills. uiLher for granting exolu>iVu pllVl- as or conlbrri [2 corporate powers for com- lcial or other purpmes of prufil. for regulat- surveys or bound' '. or forth)ng am (hing ding to afi‘er-tlhe rights of propanly of other liesâ€"are hereby n mfied that lhcy an: re- red hr the (and. 63rd and 64th rules [which published in fuil in the " nndaUnzeue,” OTICE i: horahy g Cnuwu LAM): Dun n1 I1. l'nmrov. do 1‘ C. Théhn, (10 J. 0. A. 'l'llrgcon, do H. Human. Geo Alexander. 1’ {I Crown Land Dopmlluem. 'l‘omnlo, November m. 1857‘ .‘RIVATE BILLS \Vll.LlAM HU'I"I'O.\‘, Secrumry S i ll 68 S ! TEA KE'l‘TLES, GLUE-POTS, &c., Ste M. TEEFY . Postmaslen l'hums‘ Denison ,0\\‘ ER Pvt-in CANADA Letters Eloudiu, Alex. Musler, 'l'hml. Mathew~, Jnhu Marghim. M, A. Many, John I’nince Lawrence McKiunon. John Mucmllivaly, Jemima Playtex, Jamas l’aimer. \Villiam Qumllz. Fudk Reid. George iodman. Thomas Esq. Sivers. R. Srocklll. Ruben Snnpsou, \vViIlirun Snnpsuu, W Illirun Truscou. Robe-rt Tiudall. Jo'm Trench. Wm. Juuixr Turner. James Melcalf‘ Tide”. William Trench. V\ illiam Verney. James Witherl'urd. Edwin VVnL<on. Thomas \Nilliulnsou. Ruburl VVisa. Pemr Wright. Amos Esq. Lungslnfr. John Mrs Luna", John Miss McBelh, Thomas 0'13: ieumenes Post. Ii. 3L0 ) :15 Copper has Fell m )0!) under one of lhe gef (,oppfzr as urs expel-lance , he feels con- ‘mlonoll. Sebas- I|_\' of Ruul'ruw, on (0 WILLIAM “our ltuufiuw, nl Lands :1) the K. Aiex‘ .Oue fifth of the purchase mono down, and the remainder in four instalments. with interest ; lhe pur side on the lan'd, build a house the than 16 by 18 feet. and place 11 least two acres annually for each acres during five years. No lim‘h or removed, unless under license ug icultural purposes. lusrzc‘ron GznznAL's Orrin, Customs Depanmm Toronto, 30th October OTICE is hereby given that lli: ency the Admistrawr of the Gm in Council has been pleased. under I!) ' v vested in him. to direct and order My vested in him. lo-diggtâ€" lieu of lhe ToHs now chargt the following article lhroug Ckowx LANDS DEPARTMEV Toronto. 18“: l‘nh'o NOTICE is hereby given hm dermenlitned lands in t:-- of Frontenac. will be open for sale u cation to the Resident Agent All l’nnnson. Esquire. nL Kingston n my“, {WENHETH of nnvr i dermenlioned Crown L: Township of Vigor. County of Tom C.. will be open for sale to aclnnl ing settlers, at the upset price of ¢ and six pence per acre, on ar TWENTI_E'I_‘_H (lay of APRIL na cation to L. N. Giuvreau. E<q Agent. at Isle-Verte. in said Co; at Four Shillings per acre. one m down. and the remainder in [our ‘ instalments. with inleresl: tho p reside on the land. and to clear and crop at least two acres annually 1 hundred acres during the first fivn No Timber to be cut or remove der License, except for agricullux mentione Ofiice at 4 ll) 4th Range. L°l1__l|!"0 89978". 21191". 3 I] 43 use“ 44 {o 50 inc. [iioo al' 8:: 6th Range Low] to 38 inc. IIIOO 8. ea." 39 “9 41 "94“ 4210 45 inc. "100 :1. en 47 -8'2- 48 ‘81â€" 49 â€"91â€" 50 -I( 7th Range‘ 50 inc., [11001985 éacilllli 5111 Range. Lots 191%} inc.|l100 3. ea“. 41 Lots 1 lo 18 inc. â€"100 21 -9.’1â€" 22 to 31 33 â€"91 3. ea.- 34 16, 17. 23. 29. 2nd. Con. 1 15. 16. 98, 30, 3rd Con. 1, 16, 17. 29, 30. acres.] 14. 15. 16.17. 18.21, 2‘ 25 26 28 29 31) 31. 51hCon.134567910111‘2 3|; 2] 22 2-125 26 27 28 '29 :10 :2. Gthon.1234578910111‘~ l' 1822232425262829301“ 32. 7th Con1345679101114161. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. 8thCon.12345 \Vg'l‘VJBfil‘ 1516171819212223242..4. 3132. 91hCon..1W1355 W§9101211 202122242526 27 2S. lOLhCon. 12345 E1713141JI' ' 2223 2425 26 2B 29 30 31 32. 11111 Cou.15\67910111213 11 20 21.22 23 242526 27 28 3-; .,, TOWNSHIP OF PORTLL ‘ th Con. 1415 16. 91h Con. N. W; 611. 1-211: Con. S pl 10 [55 acres]. 1311) Con. 13. TOWNSHIP OF STORRI It (2 rovm-u RANGE. [403.1406 inc. (200 acres em h) (100)8 81,9 (200 acres each). I? acres each.) 19 (130), 20 (93.), nna RANGE. Lots 2 6t, 3 [200 acre» each] 37' acres each] I!) [149]. Lola 1 lo 31 inc. 410017.75; :22 34 â€"81- 35 to 50inc. ~100 a 31}! Range. Lot 1 -84 a.- 2 â€"6-l- 3 :69â€" 4 -91- 710 50 inc. â€"100 1:. ea formerly Laughbar . 2nd Con. N pt. 26 [50 acres]. 5lh Con. Con. pt. 25 [75 acres]. 6d] Con. S pt. 23 [120 acres]. Lots 1 & ‘2 (200 acres each). N. 7 91011 in: (200 acres each). (200 acres each ), l9 & 20 [QM THIRD RANGE. Lots I & 2 (200 acres each ). 9 w. 'zncres ouch.) TOWNS HIP 0F LOUGHDOI IUlh Con. 4. 6. 7.8. 9,11,12,13. N. pt. 19 [90 acres]. N. pl. 2d 8; 21. 26. lth Con. 5, 6, 7, 8,10,19,13,“. 20‘22. 1% Con. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11, H. E§ IS. 19. 20.21, S; 25. 96. [Illh Can. 3. 5. 7. 8.10.12. 18. ll. 20. 2‘2. 24, 25. STORRINGTON,furmerlI/ 1113 mm Con. W. B. N pt. 3 [30 acre ] lllh Con. do 3 12th Con. do N; 17 25 29. 1311: Con. do 16. [41]) Con. do 8 ‘21 22 N pt. ‘7 l5th Con. do 46791012131 One fifth of the purchase mnn down. and the remainder in four instalments. wikh intarest; tho reside on Ihe land. build a houm less than sixteen by eightean I’m‘ under crop at least two acras mm. ona hundred acres during five }" ' her to be cut or removed unless Il‘ except for Agricultural purposes. FIRST RANGE. Lots 1 lo 16 inc. (200 acres am H (100 acres). 18 to 21 inc. (200 SECOND RANGE. OTICE is hereby given th mentioned Crown Lands E ship of Weedon. County of Woi’ be open for sale to actualand ime at the upset price of three shilling and aftar the TWELFTH day 01 on application; to Jean FELTox. local Agent at Sherqrooke. 1411] C011. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.11.12.) 19, 20, 21, 23,2}. 26. TOWNSHIP OF PALMER 15! Con. l, 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. II OTICE is_ herth given, lint l Cnown LANDS Dzmmm Toronto, l9lh Mn CROWN LANDS Dunn 17.18 31.32. 18, 19. 20. 30. 3?. 19. 20, do 3 do N; 17 25 29. do 16. do 8 2122 N pt. ‘ do 4 67 91012 1 ANDREW RUSH Toronto. 1211) M Lo 31 im‘. ~Ila4 - 34 (o 50 inc‘ 9£h {flung}. nd M. BCUCHET‘ 6. 7. 9. 10. H 21, 22. 24, 2.3 Assistant ( 21. 22. 2- 21, 22‘ M ‘-. M

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