immerse flirtation.“ . LA. GS'I‘AFF, DR. JAMES Itichnunul III II. g. I -\V)'. Iuric. 1357. JOHN GRIEVE, LERK THIRD DIVISION COURT. Oï¬cc. Richmond Ilill. lune. 1857. g.1-wy. J SEPH KELLER, AILIFF Second and Tlll‘fl DIVISION Court. Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. g.1-\vy. G. A. BARNARD, MPORTER of British and American Dry I Goods. G'ocorios. Wines. Liquors. Oils. Paints. &c.. din. Richmond Hill, June. 1877. .P. CROSBY, RY GOODS. GROCERIES. Wines. Liquors. Hardware. 61c. gJ-wy. g l-wy. at I) .‘r Richmond Hill. Julio. 1857. ,â€" THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage, Waggon s.- Sleigh .MAKER, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. June 10. 1857. g.1-wy. -SMELSER a BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE T0\\'N§IIII‘S 0F Markham & “’liiteliurcii Rasumurics :â€"-Henr_v Smulser. Laskay. King: Tlros. Bowman. Almira. Markham. October 15.1857. glfl-l _______'_____._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- JAMES McCLURE, NNKEEPER. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and Simcoe. Corner of Yonga arid Bradford I, streets. Holland Landing. . November, ‘26. 1857. g25-lf JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., 7 W0 Milés North of Richmond Ilill, dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries. Wines.Liqnors. Hardware. Glass. Earthenware. doc. II? Also. Licensed Auctioneer. September. 23. 1857. gIG-Iy CALEB LUDFORD, Saddle‘and Harness Maker, THORNHILL. Thornbill. Nov. 16. 1857. ' A. GALLANOUGH, EALER in Groceries. Wines and Liquors. Thronlrill, C. W. Choice brands of Teas. Sugars and Coffees on hand. genuine as Imported. ' I An assortment of Bread. Biscuit and Cakes. constantly on haird. Thoruirill. Sept. 25. 1357. WELLINGTON HOTEL, EAR the tailroad Station. Aurora. Careful Hostlers always in attendance. C. CASE. Proprietor. :32 g24-tf g17-1v January 14. 1858. MANSION HOUSE, HARON. Attentive Hostlers always in attendance. J . KAVANAGH. Proprietor. January 14. 185R. t3! MESSRS. J. a: w. BOYD, Barristers, &c., No. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING ST.. TORONTO. Julie 20. 1857. CLYDE HOTEL, †KING STREET EAST. TORONTO. 00D Stabliug and Attentive Hostlers JOHN MILLS. June. 1857. g.3-wy. Err Proprietor. g- 1 -Wy- Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET. TORONTO. C. W. M. MORRISON. Agent. Toronto. June 12th. 1857. gIâ€"wy. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, LAG. Banner and Ornamental Painter. Elizabeth Street. Toronto.â€"0ver W. Grif- ï¬th's Grocery Store. IL? Coats of Arms. and every description of Herald Painting. executed with daspatch.and at reasonable charges. June. 1857, g. 1 wy. J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. PPOSITE A. LAW'S. Yonge street. Rich- mond Hill. Ladies’ and Gentlemeus’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. August 6. 1857. g9-6in. 80] CHAS. POLLOCK, 08] MPO RT ER of British, French German and American. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. No. Bl). City Buildings. King Streat East. opposite St. Juiues’ Cathedral. Tomato. C. W. Nov. 5. 1557. g22-tf WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, Next door to G. A, Bernard’s. Richmond Hill. g.1-wy. JOHN COUL'I‘ER, Tailor and Clotliier, Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. lune. 1857. g.1-\vy. GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. Lot 26. l4th (‘on.. Viinghan. “HORSE &. FARRIER" INN. gl5 HENRY SANDERSON, Veterinary Surgeon, AND AUCTIONEER. Corner of Youge arid Centre Streets. RICHMOND HILL. June. 1857. lune. 1857. J. N.RE11), PHYSICIAN 6i SURGEON (‘urner of Youge and (‘cutre Streets. 'l‘lun'ir hill. \ugusl l4. I>.')7. glle IVJACI'I‘S HOTEL, ORNER ofFront and George s rccls. one blonk cast of the .\I;Irkrt. Tomato. JOIIN ROACII. 7111111 3 occupied by him at RICHMOND I (Yltrsiug his Business and in 0 tale Sell for ' CASII of Dry Goods. A further reduction has a The following articles will be sold at C Viz., I’rinlrtl Cnslimcrcs. Fur Boas 84. C nels. Salisbury & Fancy Flauncls. Blanket I lusit'I'y . bons. Ladies' 8:. fivnllemcn’s Glov The present op pulllll‘ at large. purchased in the first mar nccouiit‘ must now be paid. IIe Irusls an February 4-, 1858. t35»ff .L 7:3" . G. M'EN AN fabric. Ilnving purchased IIII: material. trade, he can thoroughly recommend them And of giving entirc satisfaction. CLOT Pitic as, at Bichmond Hill. Oct. 15, 18:37. Subscriber being under the. necessity of vacating the prcini Canada Cloths. Gala I‘laids. French Merinos in Brown. l’olkas. Hoods, Gauntlets, Slacvrs. Long Shawls ( es Ladies ht Children's Boots. portunity of buying rcnlly ‘ Ilis cnlire Stock which is cxtenstve and well kets and on the most reasonable terms. Persons indebted to the subscriber will please make an immediate Set y furtlicr notice Will be unnecessary. 'nnnnnnni SETHTUEG Orrin†ses at present IILL. has come to the determination of ruler to do so effectually. be will from this ON LY. This coursc is iiidispeusible. having but a very short period to Wind up his business. During last Autumn a reduction of about E) per cent was made on every description gain been made, in order to make a com- plt-le clt'zii'uiiv'e bvfort- the expiration of his lease. 0 ST ! ufls. Fur Cops. Red, \Vhile 8t. Blue Flauâ€" 9:. Horse Blankets. Men’s \Vintcr Coats, Merone. Green 8:. Scarlet. Filled 8L \Voolen) Rib- Slroes 8t. Rubbers. Cheap Goods, should be siezed by the Assorted, having bean tlcmcn, their J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. if in 11 TIME A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest, best, and ( Iieapest assortment of DBOYS’ lendy-innde \\'inter Clothing. North of Toronto, in every varictyof style and and had them made expressly for his own as DUMBLE, for CHEAI’NIISS THEY CAN NOT or: SURPASSED. attention to this class offrade, he wou‘d cuinestly solicit an inspection, being conï¬dent Having devoted a pmlicula: HINC Made to order, in every style, from almost every motel inl. at the MOST ECUNOMCAL G. A. BARNARD‘S, Richmond Hill. g19â€"ff FOR SALE! ACRES OI“ LAND. East half of‘ 10 Lot No. 2, 7th Concessrun. Nurth' Gwilliuibury. Also. ONE ACRE OF LAND. situated in I the Village of Tlioruliill. with good House and out-buildings. I? Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill. 7 January 14. 1858. I32 The Great Horse Taming sEcaET. R. RAREY’S’suceessin England. where he has been practls ng before the high and noble function's‘ries of state from the Queen downwards, his great secret in TA MING HORSES. has caused general attention to be concentrated on the treatment of this noble normal. We have a Book printed during the last two months. which contains his entire secret means of taming horses. This book is copy-righted in the States. and sells for $11) or $20. but as there is no copy-right in Canada. it can be sold lower._ A travelling agent visited many of our Provincial towns and disposed of Books at the rate 01'310. binding the purchaser in the sum of three hundre dollars not to communicate the secret to any one. We have a large edition to dispose of. and offer them for TWO DOLLARS per copy. the purchaser binding himself under a. penalty of 5510!) not to , communicate the secret to airy one We will also sell them by the dozen or hundred. terms of which will be made known on application to the subscribers. fl.†Parties ordering the Books by mail. will please also give us the name of some well- known person as reference. as to their trust- worthiness. Enclose $2. pay your postage. and you will receive the Book by return of mail. See the articles from the Louduii Times aird other papers on the subject. Exchanges inserting the above three times, will be entitled to a copy of the Book- O. J. HYNES .3. Co.- Booksellers. 6w. M3 Prescott. March 10. HE Union District of Uxbridge and Scott, Lodge No. 4-. met at George Medcalf’s Hotel, Uxbiidge Village. on the second Tuesday of January 1858. when the following ofï¬cers were chosen for the insuing year. Uxbridge, 'I‘lios. Todd. District Must- er; Scott, John McCleuton, District Master; Scott. Nathaniel Secretary; Uxbiidge, Ira Kester, Trea- surcr. PRIVATE Lopesâ€"Goodwood Cana- dian Loyal Orange Lodge. number 579., meets on the lust ngdny in each month. Thomas Todd, Secretary. Rich inond Victoria, IOYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. 1 meets at Brother Ruben \Visenmn's. Masonic Hall. the second Saturday evening in each month. Orricrzas ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfnrd. blaster . J B. DeeGier. Deputy Master.‘ John Muuholland. Secretary ; W. Poguo. Treasurer. January 21. 1858. till! NHSHINGLES!» To Builrlrs, Farmers and U’hWS.’ IIIINGLES. 01“ A SUPERIOR QUALI-l TY. can now be had iii any quantity. from One tca Thousand Bunches. at Mr. Jous Lyso- srarr’s Shingle Mariul‘actory. Yonge Street. near 'I'horulrrll. l i No hand-made Shingles can equal those made by Steam. lor itchiness and durability. Speci- mens of‘ his Shingles may be seen at the “ 'l'ri- l burie" Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. and at Mr. Rufus Skinner’s, Grocer. Youge Street. Toronto. Tlrurnhill. Sept. 10. 18.37. gl-l-t‘ arling 5.- A itcliisorr's counixcu l RICHMOND HILL ï¬ngREMIUMéjf} _ V). SADDLE é‘ HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South of the TRIBUNE Oï¬ce. William H. Myers, Premium Harness ricultural Show. Two Yearsin succe it. feels confident that he can give cutii e satisfacitor in all branches of his business. foAll Work warranted;on '3.“ A large stock of Harness. &.c. always on hand. and made to order at the lowest possible remunerating prices. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. ng-ly To Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- _ sell to a Medical Man of standing and experience. House arid Premises. both plea- sant and convenient. can be had on reasonable terms. Apply. if by lette the Tribune. Richmond Hill. Julie 15tb,1857. g.2-wy. Conveyance to Railroad Station. TH enerally, that he runs a regular Conveyance wice a day. to the Railroad Station. and re- spectfully solicits their patronage thereto. Pas sengers conveyed to any part of the country on the shortest notice. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Dec. 3. 1857. gas-ii I e I Fire ! Fire ! Fire 1 WESTERN Fire Insurance COlnpany Bureau ongriculture and Statistics, of Toronto. irrconronanm riv Aer or PARLIAMENT. CflPITJIL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. Gluten. Pres. | TuosJ-Iawon‘ru. V. Pres Win. Henderson. James Leask, Hugh M llor. Walter Macfarlaue. Rice Lewis. George Michie J. P. Robarts. 1LT" Ifwd Oflice. Church Street. Toronto. £1] THis COMPANY Insures all descriptions o Buildings.Manufactories. Mills, the. arid Good and Furniture. In the same. against loss or dam McClenion, . age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly Jllanufacturvr, ESPECTFULLY announces to the Public geiierally.that he having taken the FI R S T P R I Z E for Harness at the Yonge Street Ag- ' be r post paid. to the Editor of E Subscriber begs to remind the inhabi- tants of Richmond Hill and the public to the Act 20 Vic. cap 32. and have subscribcd Robt. Stanton. Sue. V‘T II E R E A S Twnulv-ï¬ve persons "llll more. have orgsrrizrd'and formed thqu- selvns into it Horticultural Societv for the Town and 'l‘owuship of Niagara. in Upper (lauadn. bv siguiuga declaration in the form of Schedule A', annexc4 lo the A0121) VicI. cap. 3‘2. and have subscribed a sum exceeding 'I'on pounds- to the Funds thereof. In compliance with llIv 48th Section of the said Act. and have sent n Duplicate ofsaid declaration written and Signed as bylaw required to the Minister of Agriculture- . Theleforfl I. ll)" Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the i‘oxnmtion of the said Society as “The Niagara Horticultural So- ciety.†in accordance With the provisions of the said Act. P. M. VANKOUGIINET. Minister of Agr. Bureau of Agriculture & Statistics. Tbrouto. dated this 18th day of Jan’y.. 1858. (34 NOTIOME'. \ H E R E A S Twenty-ï¬ve persons. and more. have organized and forman tlmm- selvoe into n Horticultural Sociniv for tho (‘iii of Hamilton. in Upper Cnnniln by signing u decl «ration in the form of Sclicdn'e A. :iunmu d to the ACI ‘anict. cap. 32. and have sulisriilicd a sum exceeding 'leii pounds to the Funds thereof. incompliance with the 48th Section of said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declaration written and signed as by law required to the Ministoi of Agriculture. ’l‘lierefore I. the Minister of Agril ultuie. hereby give notice of the formation of the mid Society as "The Hamilton llniiivu-tnrnl So- cieti.“ in accordance with the pi'tu’lr’ltllib of tlrc said Act. I’. M VANKOUGIINET. Ministcr ongr. Bureau of Agriculture 8; Statistics. Toronto. dated this 181li day of Jan‘y. 1.9533. till NOTICE. V H ICRI‘IAS 'l‘wcnt‘v-five persons. and \l more. have organich and [mined thernsolvas into a Horticultural Sociptv for the Town of IIolloville. iii the Couutt of Hastings. in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration iii the form of Schedule A annexed to the Act 21) Vict.cap. 32. and have siib.cri vctl a sum nx- ceediug Ten pounds to the Funds thereof. Ill compliance with the 48m Section of the said Act. and have sent a Duplicu‘e ol‘saitl declara- tion written and signed as by law required to tho Mini-:tor ongricu'tuio. Therefore. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice ofthe formation of the said Society as " The Bollevi'le lloruciiltural So- ciety.†in accordance With the provisions of the said Act. P. 7V1. VANKOUGIIX ET. Minister of Agr. Bureau of Agriculture dz Statistics. Toronto. tlated this 8th day of Feb. nary, 1856. N O T I C E . HER EAS TwsnIy-ï¬vc persons. and more, have organized and fcrincd themselves iirto a Horticultural Society for the Village of Fergus. in the County of Wellington in Upper Canada. by signing a tIt‘('latflllulI in the form of Schedule A auncxod to the Act '20 Vict. cap. 32. arid have subscribed a sum ex coedi-ng'l'eu poundle the Funds thereof. in compliance with the 48d) Section of said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said" declaratmn written and signed as by law required 'to the Minister of Agriculture. Iberefore. ,I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of .he said Society _as “ The Fergus Horticultural Society.†in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. P. M. VANKOUGHNET. _ ,. , Minister of Agr. Bureau of Agriculture 81. Statistics, Toronto. dated this 8th day of February, 1858 1 NOTICE. W’ H E R E A S Twentyefivo persons. and more. have organized and formed them- selves iiiio a Horticultural Society for the City of Kingston. in Upper Canada. by signing a declaration in the foriir of Schedule A. aniioXcd , a sum exceediug‘n pounds to the funds thereof in compliance with the doth Section of said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said do. claratiou. written and signed as by law required. to the Minister of Agriculture : Therefore. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of the said Society as "The City of Kingston Horticul- tural Society.†in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. P. M. VANKOUGIINE’I‘. Minister of Agr. “27th January. 1858. Notice. HEREAS Twenty-five persons. and more. have organized and formed Ibt-mselves into a Horticultural Society for the Parishes of St. Joachim. Sic. Anne and St. Fereol. iu the County of Moutmoreucv. in Lower Canada. by signinga declaration in the form of Schedule -A annexed to the Art 20 Vi':t. Cap. 39.. and have subscribedn sum of not less than 'I‘eu pound.- to the Funds thereof. in com- pliauce with the 4811i Section of the sn’d Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said dec‘ardtiou written and signed as by law requiied to the Minister ongriculture; Therefore. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the formation of the said 136 f s LWafeis. Slate“. Ink. Steel Pens. Envelopes. Metallic Memorandum Books. Twines, Copy 'the wildest. inest furious. unmanageable. or .limrer mul Ir’mlocr. 1 FR MACHINE islubstanlially built fol () “'ruiiglit lion. urniinlv fry-c from side draught. cnu l|l‘t‘lt‘\il1t<lllll airy lnnglil. from n5 Mount in a ltr-apor by n \t'lt'“ in front. and cuts Iivillioui clogging. Iii Grass, \\ III'JII. UaLsi or Holley. Mllllnlll change of krillc oi pe.’rrliig.l and uuiksr-nsi for [lie IIUI>C>. 'I‘Ilt‘ p-ive lttl a Mower. 5111.1)": in n Runper. $1 in . on. . ill) extra. All our Machines are \\II1'l:illIt‘lI to be well builtzind of tile III‘SI innit-rial. GEORL l-I D.\1ll.i NU ROB 1'. APPLE. IDUN. I‘OIIIIIII‘IQ‘C I Air extra kuilo Will be Proprietor. March 5. 1858. 139 Thurnliilf. Yonge Streui. I June 24th, 1:557 g3â€"tl settled. Society as “The St. Joachim Horticultural r Ody-f.†iii accordance wi Ii the provisions of A. LA“ , [he said Act- Resideuce. General Agent. P M. VANKOUGIINET. Richii' I ill.August 13.1857 glU-ly Minister of Ag'it'ulture. &c r" r - ~' Bureau of Agriculttire & Statisllcs. WHOLESALE Toronto. 9th March. 1858. 141. . . ' .l. t t . Paper 8L Stationery “artbonse. “once. V ng Subscribers have always on hand, ~ HEREAS Twaul)._ï¬â€˜.o pflsom‘ and a large and general SIOCk OI llle best more. have organized and formed British and I’rovincral manufactured Writing. themselves into a Horticultural Socictv for tho Colorcd, Brown. and \Vrappiug Papers, “'ax. Village of Elora. in the County of \Vullluglmi. in Upper Canada. by signing a dec‘arnuou Ill the form of Schedule A annexed to the Act 2“ Vlct. cap. 3:2. and have subwribcd a sum ex- ceeding Ten pounds to the Funds thereof. in Compliance with the 48th Section of the said Act. and have sent a Duplicate of said declara- tion written and signed as by law required to the Minister of Agricultth ; Hooks. School Books and General Stationery. dun. die ‘ The facilities which the sub..cribers have for manufacturing. having two of the largest Paper Mills n Canada. they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. BUNTIN, BRO. dc Co.. Yonge street. Toronto. t3] Therefore. I. the Minister of Agriculture. hereby give notice of the for-irration of the said Society as the " Elora Horticultural Society.†in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. January 6. 1858. Great Horse Taming Secret P. M. VANKOUGHNET. Minister of Agriculture. Sic. Bureau of Agriculture 6L Statistics. Toronto. 10th March. 1858. AM induced to come before the Public. on “L account of Mr. Rarey’s unparalled attrac- tion in Lurope. to let them know his great No- 15‘ Horse 1‘ ming Secret. whereby any Lady or INSPECTOR, GENERAL’S OFFICE- Geutlsiuen. or aiiv little Girl or'Bov. can makg ' Cvs‘roirs DEPARTMENT, Toronto. 10th Feb. . 1858. OTICE is hereby given that His EXIT!» Tm: GOVERNOR GENERAL. by an Order in Council. hearing date the Twenty- third January. one thousand eight hundred and ï¬fty-eight. has liee‘nlplonscd to order and direct that no duties shall be refunded upuu goods. oai'lky Horse perfectly tame. gentle and docile in a few minutes. so that he will remain per- fectly tracta‘ile ever afterwards. The Horse will be perfectly true. draw Wherever you wish and chcerfully do whatever you tell him. Iif‘ being aware of this secret. you can tairie any wild unruial. Lion. 'l'igur or Elephant. ‘ Anv person molding the Slllll of$3 to me Which. having been culered for duty. Sllflll‘ HARDIH> AND CAN’T HELP 1T1 . LL past due accounts not paid by the 15th L‘\ of February next. will be put insult. I’uiictluilily is [he Lift. of Trade. IL? Save your Costs and my (‘i-ulil. G. A. BARNARD~ t'tR January 21. 1959. N O ’1' 1 C E . VALUABLE PROPERTY! IN THE Flourishin 3; Village . F BUTTONVILLE, IN THE Township of llbllllillill. 0:? FOR SALE. 43 ONSISTING of Three Village Lots. with / suitable Buildings. with a fourth part ol an acre of Land attached to each. One is n small Cottage suitable for a small family. The second is a New House. adapted for a Mochnuv ic of any kind or Doctor. (as there is no Doc- lor in the neighbontliood). 'I‘he lhlltl is a Large House. with all the accoinodniinns fol a Tnvt‘rn. with n never-fading Wull of “titer. Also. good. suitable our-buildings. consisting of driving-house. Iargc slicif \vooil.slicil. '_'I'I'I|| :ti. and sizi'olc. ingI-tlini with ‘Olllt' C'ltlll‘f‘ 1"Iiiii Tit-cs. roiripiising plums. lll‘lil~.(§lllrilllls’, illlll the lilnck Ianie cherry. HU'I'TO‘NVILLE is stunted on a plea- sant rise of ground. on HIV 4th (.‘oiicrssiou ul Markham. There is an established 1’o~t.()flice together with a (in: Land Saw Mill. Store. with Mechanicsofdiffnront kinds. Tor-ms easy. apply In the Proprietor on the picuiiscs. 0" by Letter. post-paid to Hutton- ttlle. Pusscssrou Will be given on tho lst if April. Oi if llt‘t‘lli‘ll. the Isl nl January. [[3 'I‘itlv- iiiilispiitnlrli. ; W 11.1.1.\ .\I MORRISI IN Buttouville. Oct. 28. ltJT. g22-w PRIVATE SALE ! ! LiN‘D .HNI) WJJTIJR JIIILL I NEAR RICHMOND HILL. ’ ‘HIS FARM contains about Fiftv Acres. 1 with a House. Garden, and small ('Ienr- truce. and is well tiurbered. The Water Mill, including Thrlo good Dwelling Homes with GHI’(IDI|>.HI)I‘I about Fifteen Acros- nf 1,:tiril. if required by the piiiclimciz Thu p-Cqu-s are at presuui used us an Agriclllllll‘ld lull-lo» iiioul and File Factory, I\ Irris for Cash or Yearly I’tllltll‘llls, and i. uutl1_ the attention of mo Moi Itauic umi I'm-- rucr. For particulars apply to DR. DUNFUMB. Richmond Hill. Soytoiii-bcr 1857. 10 glA-tf DR. MORSE’. Indian Root Pills. R. MORSE. the inventor of Morse’s Indian Root l‘ills. has spent the greater portion of his life in lI‘itVE‘I ing. having visited Europe. Asia 'and Africa. as well as North Americaâ€" has spent three years among thy Indians of our Western countryâ€"it was in this wav that the Indian Root l’ills were first discovered. Dz Horse nus the first (nail to cslirbnsli the laI‘l VIllal all ifiscrist-s a be, from INII'IIRI'I'Y ()I“ THE BUN lI)â€"lli:it our strength. health and life dcpoudt (1 upon this vital fluid. VVben the various passages Ilt'1*tlrllï¬ clogged, and do iiOtncLiu perfect iiuiiuom wrth ilrc dil. l'erent functions of the body, the blood loses its action. becomes thick. corrupted and diseased : thus causing all pains. sickness and dist ass of every name; our stieugllr is exhausted, our health we are deprived of. and if' nature is uOI assisted in tnrowiug off the stuguaul burners. the blood will become Cllokl'd and cause to act. arid thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How Important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and Open. And how pleasant to its that we have it iii our power to put. a niedicrne in your rczrch. namely. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. inaiiufncturvd from plants and roots which grow around the mutt I tauious clifl's in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots front which these I’ills are made is a Sudoriï¬c. which opens Iho pores of the skin, and insists Nature in [blowing out the finer parts of the corruption uithiu. 'I‘lie set-cud is a plant which is an Expectoraut, that vtIlOIlS and nut logs the pnssage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic. which gives ease and double strength to the kidney thus eucouingcd. they draw huge amounts of im- purity from the blood. which is than thrown out botiutifully by Ihe urinal“) or “8101' passage. ‘tlld which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic. rind accompanies the other properties of the I’Ills while engaged in puiifving the blood ; the coarser particles of impurin which cannot pass by the other outlets. are thus Iakcu up and convrycd nil" in great quantities by the bowels From the above. it is shown that Dr Mo‘se’s Ind-nu Root Pills not only enter the stomach. but become united with the blood. for they ï¬nd their way to every part. and complete- ly rout atid Ielease the system front all impurity. and the life of the body. which is the blood. becomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is (lrtvsn from the system. for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick. and wliv so nranv die. is because they do not get a medicine which wrll pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the Iratuiul passage 1'or the disease to be cast out; bout 9. a Inigo quantity of food and other matter is lodged. and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing With the corrupted mass: thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation. constantly mixing with the blood. which throws the corrupted niattcr through every vein aid artery. Iiulil life is taken front the body by disease. Dr. Morsa’s PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory. by restoring millions oftlie sick to blooming health and hap- piness. Yes. thousands who have leen rocked or toriiieuleil with sickness. pain and anguish. Hlld whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of fever. and who have been brought. as it were. Within a step of be silent gr:ch. now stand ready to testify that they would have been Iiuurbercd Iviilr the dead. had it 1101 been for this great and wonderful medicine. Morse’s Indian Knot l’ills. Afterone or two doses llltll been taken. they were as tonislied. and absolutely surprisrd. irru itucssiug tlmir charming clli-t‘ts. Not only do they give immediate case and strength. and talto away all sickness. pain and anguish. but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disca~e. which is the blood. 'l'hercfuie. it u ill be shown. especially" by these who use these Pills. that Ihey will so clause and purify. that diseaseâ€" lhat deadly enemyâ€"Will trike its flight. and the flush (it youth and beauty Will again return. and the prospect ofa long and happy life will cheriin and brighten your days. (‘AUI'ION ’Betvare of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE 6; (20.. on each box. Also lIll' signature of A. J. ll'hilc A“ Co. All others are spurious. A J. WHITE 5L CO.. Sole Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Mnrse’s Indian root Pills are sold by al dealers in Medicines. Agents wanted in every town. village al‘d hamlet in the land. Parties lIi‘Hfll'g the ageiicI will address as above for terms. Price :25 cents per box. five boxes will be sent on reCeipt of S1. postage paid. t33 TO PRIJVTEJZS. SUBSCRIBER bcgs to inform or my Agent. wrll receive full instrurivons. or the sum of$i. and will get full instructions. with a Work containing one liundrcd and fifty valuable lli‘C-‘IilLs. treating on the diseases of Hor\PS and Cattle. and if not as herein stated l“ in form“ 31ml. and refund the money. Nd Drivns given to the Horse. ' Address A. M. SMITH. or Agent, W )I. D. MILLS. Qakville Post Ollice. County Ilaltou. C. W. ha"? PaSsed into the hands of the Iiiipoiti-r, not to be the goods ordered. in which case notice of such 18",! should be given to the (‘01- letter \vithiu on.- week after delivery. It] order A that the Collector may verify the nllegud fact: and upon his report to the Dcpnrtiirent that he has {loin-so. and that the package. to bv ex~ ported. is a whole package. and that its contents are identically the same. as when originally imported. an Order iuaI be given to refund the duties upon duo proof of exportation. By Command R. S. 51. BOUCIIETTIW. Comnrusioncr Of Customs. Rrrsnracs :â€" JACOB BARNS. Esq, Connoilman. Oakville. C. W. Oaltvil c. March 6. 1858. I42. (:39 and tlrns have gone into consumption ; l'.\' i-pt 1 In cases where the goods. received, turn outl VJLHIE the Trade. that his Struck of PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE. INKS. l and all other description of materials. has born I van largely increascd this Season. by arrivals ltiom NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. I BOSTON and MONTREAL: and that be Is prepared to supply orders for new ()flices. in addition to those in operation. at the shortest iiouce Printing MACHINES and ENGINES iiu- rlidto order. I I Best quality of NEW'S INK at One Shilling per lb. Old ’1‘;ch tulien in cIrhange for new. D. K. FEEHAN. Colburne st . Toronto. Jan. 9. 1857- ï¬g Ii'° ‘ volume, as siuglo subscribers or in clubs. we All the above pviiportt‘ Will be will or f‘i’ls‘\ ‘ OLD Indian doctor who has model I ‘ . y [\ his fortune and retired from Ilttsllll’ss. will spend the remainder of his days in cuiingl that dreadful tliseaseâ€"(.‘ossUMPTtoN-Fitr;i: or: Cruisers; his earnest desire being to communi- rate to the wOrId his remedies that have provcd sill‘cexsful in trim-e than3.t)t10 cases. He re- quires ouch npplicirut to send him a minute dc» scriplion of the symptoms. with two Stamps. (ti cts.) to pay the It'llll'li lelter. in which he will return them his tiririrc yirrsrTI/Ilmu. with di- rections for preparing the iiiedrciue. t The 0111 Doctor hopes tlinl those iiï¬lit‘fcd will ‘ not. on account of'delicacv. refrain ftoiri cou- sulliug liiiii because he makes No Charge. Ilis sole object in :rdvniii~iiig is to do all the good I he can. before he duos. lle Irels flint lie is just- lv cnlobrntcd for cute of Consumption. Asthma. Bronchitis. Nul‘t‘utls Alli-elicits, Coughs. Cold». Au. Address. lltltf’l‘. I'N(‘.\S BR MVP. 33 Box 35-1. 1’. 0.. New Yor 01'? LOOK AT THIS 14:9 LMOST EVERYBODY is ordering the A’ l‘I.()U(i‘H. LOUM and A NI’IL. That the reel may be its wise. and possess tlrotusalvtu of what we are boundâ€"at any cost to ourselves _to make the Leading Industrial Journal of the timesâ€"the best for the Farmer. the Mechanic. and the Family (‘irclcâ€"wo make the following unprecedented liberal oli'er :â€" Our Eleventh Volume will commence with Januarv. loï¬l'éâ€"will run to January. 18.39â€"aim coniniif ‘ilio largo oclnvo pages. on fine paper. willr new type. It Will be issued wrlhiii the first week of each month. in numbers of (31 pages nut-II. done up III the lit-stlriugiiziue style. ’I‘o :i'l “'lll’) will forward the money for this will send griifiiiiruusly. the numbers of the curâ€" I‘rltl volume. from the lime of their forwnidtug‘. and one month pievmus. tlius givmg in two. three. or four numbers. accordiu to the time, to all who subscribe before January. 'l'\I<:â€"$‘2a _vcar. in advance; $1 5010 clubs of four and upward: $1 for s x mouths. Advertising. ten cents a lino. For giving pub- Ill‘ll\' in improved stock.agriruliura' implements. Iricchaitical irriprovciueuls. and like matters of general interest. there is no other medium good at the price. Liberal terms to persons dispmed to ac agents for this work. Let us hear from I! J. A. NASH, M. l’. I’Ai‘tISII. 7 Bceltman Street. New York. October 22. 1557. Mot‘iat’s Life Pills, A‘D PIKEle lllT'I‘IZl’tS. 1I1P reputation of these very celebrated vego-r lnlilc I'F‘lilt‘t‘l’l’s is now unequalled by any others in this country or in Europe. 'lliey are fully i-stnblishcd as the IIIUSI. universal family lill‘tll- riuc now in use. and they Will maintain their pro-eminent rcnowu by the intrinsic and com- prehensive VII‘IIIHS which acquired H. The ii~iial nlritltâ€˜ï¬ ofpuffery would be unworthy of them and Is unnecessary. Thousands and tons of thousands of persons now living Ill perfectly resturcd health. can testify. as thousands have testified. to their prompt and decided efficacy not only in all ordi~ niry deiangeuieuu of hcahh. from Impaired Digestive Functions. Costiveurss, Bilious 'dllt. Liver Complaints. Rheumatic and Inflamma- tory Colds. Coughs. Nervous Weakness. Loss of Appetite. Failure of Flesh. Headache and Iiiipure State ofthe Blood and other Fluids. but also in Rheumatism. Fever and Ague. other Intermittent Fevers. Asthma. Broncliits. Clio- lic. l’leuiisy. Palpitatiuu of the Heart. Rush of Blood to the Head. Settled [hills in the Joints. 'I.iiul).~ and Organs. Atl'ectious of the Bladdo and Kidneys. Jauudice. D tipsy. Piles. houevr inviteiale. Habitual Costiveuuss. Serous aiin Bilinus I.00§8I|(‘S\', Obstiiiale Headache and (I (liliuess. and an immense number of other trial-lilies. They require no dieting nor coitï¬ucmcngme perfectly Iiiild and pleasant in lllk‘ll’ operation, -but will pou‘orln ly restore healthâ€"that gl'eal-‘sl of all earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhaust ~11 and dilapidated constitutions. Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFA‘I‘. 335 Broadway. N. Y. 134 Rural New Yorker. LEADING AND LARGHs’r uRCvL.\Tr:D ackicuiu‘t‘nvL. l.ITDR\RY. AND FAMILY br.\\'>PA1‘t.K. Moore’s THE VOLUME IX. FOR 1858 " ‘XCEI.SIOR.†its Iorions Motto. and ‘1 "Progress and lllPI‘OVr'lllE‘lll.“ ILs laudable objtcts. the Rural New Yorker cori- tinues to excel in Mom. and rep ris decided progress iii both Circulation and Usefulness. For evidence that it is uuqncstiouablv lllt' Standard in its sphere, please examine ihc paperâ€"compare in both content.»- and appear- niice, will) any other extantâ€"aid you “'1†courcnlo with its patrons and tho l’iess Iii pro- nouncing it of its cl'iss, THE BEST WEEKLY IN AMERICA! As an Agricultural. IIUI‘IICIIIIIII‘JI. Lilcrrr and Family Newspaper. comb lll'LI. the Rural has long been unequalled. It employs tin: best talent. and is illustrated Vt'llh iinnierou costly and appropriate engravings. Eiirbrnciug in one a greater iiuuiber of important. useful and timely topics than several o.diiiaiy journals â€"â€"iucludiiig rural affairs. science. incclianicul arts, education. history. biography. moral es- says and tales. poetry and niu~ic. reading for youths. news of the day. market reports, die, â€"it is emphatically and economically A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! Every family can afford the Rural. for such an eminently instinctive and entertaining paper is not n luxury, but a necessity. Indeed. all who desiie a high toned. progressive. and euii- neutlv practical and useful farm and fireside journalâ€"one which Ignores trash. humbug and deception, and seeks to enhance the best 111- teiis of thousands of readers. of various occu- pations. in both town and countryâ€"are invited to try the Rural. THE NINTH VOLUME. FOR 1858. Will be printed on clear new type and su- perior papillaâ€"while no other effort or expense will be spared to make the Rural continuously worthy the immense circulation it is attaining among all Classes and throughout the whole country. Next to your local paper the Rural is indispensable. The Rural New Yorker is published weekly. each number. comprising eight large doublr quarto pages. [forty columns]. printed and Mn ll‘tllctI in superior style. 'I'erms :-â€"Only Two Dollars a year; three copies for FIVe Dollars; six for Ten Dollars; ten for Fifteen Dollarsâ€"in advance. Our list of l'remiums for obtaining Subscri- bers to the Rural for 1551. is Dllll liberalitt'aid fairnessâ€"the best ever of» fared '. person who sends a club of six or more I Fariiily Weekly. Address D. D. T. MOORE. L39 Rochester. N. Y. A New Monthly Paper -'I‘HEâ€" CINDERELLJ? SLIPPER. JOURN AL devoted Fast. place in its columns. bile the Hrunnrisl Mull Bun I'irnn The [urine for the Montlrlt SLIrrrzu. may well enjoy it. will be Fifty Subscribers. TO CLUBS. 7 Copies for $3 It AI 5 “ 28 “ 10 to a (Ill-"1‘ worth from $1 to $2110. Gold Dollars. Aux. 51c- urine which one of the seven Subscribers shal be entitled to one of the above GIIIS, which wil lion iiioiioy. Address all communications to ROLAN R. WEST 6. Co. NJV. corner Broadway and Worth streets. 1:33 New Yoik. AGENTS “'AN’I‘IID. y'l‘hc Only Sure Remedy terest. and promote the home linpplness of its ‘ IN THE \VORLD tor the sure cure of Ilhouiiiatisui. Pains lit the Buck. Breast. .ud Side. I’Iilpilu- ion of the Ilnuil. IFUl'lIth'ltl‘. Ilt‘ud- nlie. Wruk Simu- and Gout-re Dt-liilm. (‘rniups Iii In . . n. and. or p"... SIN"... Bruises, or Stiflliers’iu the Jnllils, [Inner and Ague. Cholera i‘IUllllls‘. Coup]... “My Lub of Appetite. Summer COIIlplttltlls, limp»; Sore 'I'Iiront or Quiuscy. Swellings, (3.“; Burns. External Injuries. &(\.Is ' Dr. 'I‘nmblety’s Vegetable Coin pound. “ Its efficacy hns been fairly tested. and its virInos pronounced uiipnrnllelcd †i‘lr. c The cur-cs made by Dr. Tniublety with his Vegetable Compound. are so miraculous as to resemble the famed Scriptural account of Similar cases In auceut times. and those crises are so wonderful and instantaneous. so satis- factory and mitigating of human ill. asto call upon public functionaries and those having charge of public institutions for the sick and suffering to look well into the well attested merits ofthis Vegetable Medicine. Numerous cases. two months in Hospital. uillrout any benefit. have been cured by a few days‘ ure nfthe Vegetable Compound. It is the most soothing medicine in the world, or that ever will be. The Vegetable Compound is put up highly concentrated iii bottles accompanied with printed directions. and sells for ‘25 cents. 50 cents. and $1 per bottle. llr. 'I‘uinblety’s I’cgetrible Pills, The best and safest (lalhnrlic and Purifying I‘ill evur offered to the ptiblic for the cure of (JustiveuesS. Bilious Complaints. Dropsy. Heartburn, Ileaduclie arising from a Ioul Stomach. Nausea. Indigestion. Morbid Inac- tiou of the Buwcls. :iurl l’nin arising therefrom. Flatuleiicy. Loss uf‘ Appetite. all Ulcers and Cutaneous Diseases which rcipure an evacuau' Medicine. Scrofula. King’s Evil. Functional Derniigeurentof the Liver. Spleen and Viscera. tiny stnnd unrivalled. llij’ PIICD 95 cents- and 50 cents per box. 'Ihess are no crude and untried remedies expeiiiiieulnlly placed hcfovo the public. but they have sleud tlic test of years. All that science. skill and experieuro could do. in perfecting good. wholesome and over safe and reliable Famin Medicines. have been concentrated in these preparations. No pa- rents who value Ilre health or even the lives of their children should be Without them. Ilundrcds of Pliysicians'now use them and acknowledge them to be the most scientific and wholesome preparations ever offered to the public. For sale wholesale or retail by Dr. Tum- blety. at his ofï¬ce. 111 King street. Toronto. Canada \\ est. - “3‘ Poor people will be liberally donll uitlr Toronto. Dec. 24. 1357 till TO MECHANICS, INVENTORS, AND MANUFACTURERS. IN announcing the 'l‘birtccnlh Annual Volume of THE SCIENTIFIC AMEIII CAN. tlief’uhlishers respectfully iirforiri the public that It: order to increase and Stimuluk the formâ€" ation of ' Clubs. they propose to offer One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars in Cash [’chmiums. for the ï¬fteen largest lists ofsubscribers sent in by the 1st of J iiruiiiy. It‘5tl; premiums to be ds- Iribiitetl as follows :-- For the largest list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700 2nd do . . . . . . . . s .. ‘250 3rd do .. . . . . . . 200 4th . . . . . . . . 150 5th 100 6m 90 7th 80 Bllr 70 91h . 60 I ith do. 50 11111 40 112d] . . . . . . . . . . . 155 13111 . . . . . . . . - . . till l4llt 25 ISIII 20 Names ofsubst-i ibers can be seminal different llllle‘r and from different Post “Ilires. The en b will be paid to the o ders oftlie successful oom- petitors. immediately after the 1st of January. 1858. Southern. Weslern,aud Canada money will be taken IOI' subscriptions. Canadian subscribers wnl please to remit l\\'(‘lll_\ -si.\ cents tar-[m on ouch year’s subscription to pie-pay portage. Tr.uIII~ or SUBSCRIPTIONâ€"$2 a year . or for Six Months. C LUB RATES. Five copies "or G 1n"llll1S. . . . . . . Five copies for I: iiioutlis.. 'I'i-u copies for 6 months†'l'eu copies for l2 mouths. Twenty copies for 1'2 irioiitlis. . . . . . . .28 For all Clubs of 'l‘ncuty and over, the yearly subscription Is outv $1 -1ll. The new volume Will be printed upon ï¬ne paper \vi.Ii new type. ‘ The general character oftlie Scifltllï¬t Ameri- can is well known. and. as heretofore It “ill br- chiefly devoted to Ihs promulgation ofiuforiiiatlon relating to the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts. Manufactures. Agriculture. l'aicuts, III- veuliouw. Engineering. Mill \\ ork. arid all inter- ests which the light of Practical Science is cal- culated to advance. It is issued Weekly. in form for binding 6l0 ï¬nely executed Eugraviugs. and Notices of American and European Improvements. togetb or with an pa pets part of tho cuuiiti y. MUNN .c 00.. street. New Y or k. Canada 'l‘ype Foundry Rituovizn T0 S'r. Ti-ir-zuici-zv. St. iN Dcazun’ BUILDINGS. MONTREAL. ; it contains annually from 500 to (Illicial List of American Patent (flaims published weekly in advance ot'all other If? Specimcu copies will be sent gratis to any Publishers and Patent AgoanWNo. 1:28 Fulton ‘ g‘l4 0F TORONTO. OCULST & AURIST. Oprralor on Ull'» Eye and Ear. [INIVERSALLY known thrnugliout Canaâ€" da and the United States for his still? and slecr‘ss in . .l ' ‘ Restoring Lost Mghl 3; Hfilrlflgl A ud removing nll I)i~e:rses 0f llll‘ E)†“I'll Ear goperiillv. lit-gs most respectfully 1" lllfu'm "lose. ullm-lod m lIIBst‘ delicate organ. that he “53 f0" wardch the office of this paper a few doze copies of the Alli edition of his 'I'reulise Mr Disaa’ sex of the Eye «nut Em. published 1 is days which “Ill be presented to applicants ' I FREE OF CHARGE. ['07- Thousand Copies are now rem] I butimt. This work contains nearlv 9.000 pages of“ rendiug matter. in \Iliich will be found reported, a large number of most iniport'autand Midis-fl" operations on the Eye. and more than 0.. Hundred interesting L‘uscs of everv descvi )’ tion. illustrated with numerous Culs 1nd I‘liitels Also. will be seen, Letters and References Iron; highly respectable parties from all parts of Cans.â€" do and the United States.â€"all of which will“ I)“ found we†Worlllv tho careful er afllicted. ' P “5&1 Of that TheAufhor feels frilly assured that " "ll" prejudiced rem/er of this work will be convineedi that Diseases ol the Eye or Ear iii any slugs! short ol complete disorganization. can and may be cured : and it must appan evident to evcrv considerate person that the principal muse failure to obtain roliefiu tlicse cases throughout the country. is the result of improper treatment. and a want of LXPHMILNLL‘. SKILI . and coura- ‘i'rmi v on the part oftliose professing or attempt- ing to cure such diseases. This VVoi'k will til-'0 be forwarded to indivi- duals frce if charge) sending their add ess. rusr-raru. to the Author at Toronto. 'I'ortoN'I‘c. June 8th. 1857. yfur IIISIII’ gill-1y Law Respecting Newspaptr . gUB-‘SCRIBERS who do not give vx- L7 prc Notice to the contrary, are con- )ldt‘l'ru as wishing to continue their sub- scriptiou. If Subscribers order the discontinuance 0‘ their papers. lllt' pu‘lilislicr may continue I send llltll'l llll all arrearages are paid. lfsubscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office to which tlwy are directed. they are respons.blr till they have settled their Bills. and or dcrcd their papers to be discontinued. If subscribers rrrnove to other places without informing the publislierlhd. the paper is sent to the former direction, they arc held responsible. _G EN TFLE M E N! ECONOMY is WEALTH. ’ ‘IIE Undersigucd begs lcave to inform the Public that he holds himself iii readiness at his Old Establishment. which has been con- iiirued for the last Six Years. in this City (No. lti'd. Ynngo Street. and directly opposiie the " Biittaiiiiaia ll ruse.†Toronto.) to Renovate, clean and, chair III Descriptions of Clothing, In a proper and satisfactory manner. b_\ eredi- carting l‘niuts. Oil. 'I‘ar. die. dc. and restoring Colorsto their original appearance. so as to give Geritleiueu’s wearing apparel the full appear- ance of new. From 31 years' experience in the business and prompt attention to all orders with which be may be favored. combined with an earnest desire to please his customers. he hopes to Inerita share of public pationage. WM. RICHARDSON. Toronto, June 5th. l857. 1-tf. 4 "‘"inâ€™ï¬ .Btttiili flltillllllt' 1S PUBLISHED EVER Y FRIDAY MORNIch And dcspalclred to Subscribers by the earliss illullt. or other couvevauce. when so desired. The BRITISH TRIBUNE will always be found to contain Ih‘xutestnnd most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and the greatest care will be taken to rei er it A acceptable to the man of business. and valu- able Fainily Newspaper. 'I‘ E R M S.â€"Ttvo Dollars per Aiinum. IN AllVANL’E ; and ifuot paid within Six Months two dollars and a half will,be charged. “’1 1.11am 'l‘rnd go o n, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Rates of Advertising Six litres and. under. ï¬rst insertion £0 28. 6:! Each subsequent insertion . . . . 0 7 d ‘ Ten litres and niider. ï¬rst insertion iiis. 4d Each subsequent iusertiou.. . . .. 0 1d Above ten lines. ï¬rst in.. per line 0 1d Each subsequentineertiou, per line 0 Id 11? Advertisements without written direc- tion» inserted till forbid. and charged accord- iiigly. All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed, in for insertion. I A liberal discouirtvvill be made to parties atl- veitising by the year. s I All advertisements published for close pe- unuqual ed in It has no blanks. but rewards eve } l The lislis just issued aiid Will be sent free [wrtli specimens, show«bills. &c..] to all applicants. Now is the time to do good and benefit your-1 solves by canvassing for the model Rural and to the AMU‘LMHhT AM) lxrrmcsr or Linnea Aivn Grumman's. entirely original in all us parts. Light Guy and All this may be furnished wrtliout the slightest iIIinioralitv in its tendency gaining a The Iugubrious or miserable will find nothing congenial iu the Cents per auuuin for Single Ouc Subscriber in every. seven will be entitled Among the articles to be distributed are Gold and Sil- ver Watches. Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Silver Cake and Fruit Basltrts. Gold Lockets. Arriilcis. Ear Drops. Brooches, fins. Rings. .\n honourable system will be used to deter- bo sent immediatelon recoipt of the Subscrip- rtou than one month. must be paid for in all" vunce. All letters addrcssed to the Editor Ilanl be post paid. 'I‘HE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the [bin ers of Canada. that they have new iiiuuufzictured and ready for delivery. alnrge quantity of Small I‘ica. Long Primer, Bbiirgeouu :Iild llrrvier. of Scotch face. which they will guaiautee cannot be stlrpas>etl by any Foundry upon this continent for durability alld nupeai'aucc. ‘l'liey have also on hand a cliorce multineut of various kinds of Ornamental Type The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada Type Foundry. Will be found at least (Ill per cent less tlrau‘tliey could be pur- chasod‘prerious to its establishment. It is.tlicrcforo hoped that the Printers ofCaua- do will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by bestowing upon ita fair share of their patronage. in Ieturn for which the propriet- me pledge themselves to leave no tiieaiis untried to give ample satisfaction. Printers 1 mark the reduction in the price of tvpesiucc this Foundry was opened ; and bear iii iiiiud that a greater reduction depends upon your. selves. Our motto iiiâ€"supply the trade Will. it pe ofsucli (ltlallllllr‘b and at sucli‘prit'es as wrll preâ€" vent IJre necessity of patronising loreigu iiianu. faclurcrs. The following list ofa fewoftlie principal arti. clcs required by punters. will giye an idea ofâ€... great advantages ul‘the Canada I‘ype Foundry PRICES: ‘ No paper discoutiuuctl until all arrearagel “9 paid : and parties refusing papers without P'l' rug up. Will be held accountable for the lllb‘, scriptiuu l Merchants and others who advertise libs-rail)! the TRIBUNE will have their Cards inserted in the Business Directory. I I Book and Job Printing Nonpaiicl - - - - - 28 6d per lb ES TAB Miiiiun- - - - - - 23 3d “ _â€":.‘a::â€"â€"- ltrevier- - r - - - ‘28 1d H RDERS {m- mv of the underrneuliolll Bommim‘w ' ' ' ' ls 10“ u description of PLAIN and FANCY J0 Louglgrnner - - - - 1s 8d “ Vyuuk “y.†no promptly attended to :â€" 5 . . - . _ . ~ n . 12:2: fut , _ . _ ll: .. nooxs. ner nuts. susraass CARDS. IAIIt AKII siIiIIIJ. Pos‘rril‘ts. CIRCULARS. Law’r‘onlls. HILL HEADS. BANK (Hlif K5,DRAFT9' AND in M? "LETS. And ovary other kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING! done iii the best style. at moderate “10!- Our assortment of JOB TYPE is and now arid of the latest patterns. A large verb of now Fancy Type and Borders. for Cu" l‘ircnlnrs. &r .kcpt always on liiiiid. IL?†All other Book Foan in proportion. LEADSâ€"G to Pica and thicker. Is pcrlb.: 7 to Pica. 153d; 8 to Pica ls Gd. THOS. J. GURNIN & (‘0. St. Therese Street Montreal. May 181h. 1857 £3 NILâ€"Publishers of newspapers giving inser- tion to this udvertisment for :2 tiinlttlls‘ nill be allowed their bills upon purchasing five tunes their amount ofour manufacture. Editors “’1†'confL-r a favor I-v (lllthlIitfl‘ attention. to~ flit†announcement 'I' .l (i, t\ (o l l