Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 16 Apr 1858, p. 3

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_ , have been com u-Ilr-d to ink > action nienade on the - lake shore. Nothing mm“, it 1 “ ‘m‘ore of him is seen till towards six o’clOcl , ° ' when he goes to dinner and rats with a The Agricultural Works, on ‘ THE ISLAND HOTEL VVASHED AWAY. A: disaster WbICh has for some time been anticipated, occurred yesterday morning, viz., the washing away of Mr. Quinn‘s hotel on the Island. The stonn com- menced early on the afternoon of the pre vious day and towards night the breeze freshened, and continued blowing steadily from the north-east. Such was the fury 'of the tempest on the bay that serious fears were entertained that the hotel would be blown down, butit withstood the violence of the hurricane. Towards morning the waves were breaking on the beach in rear of the house, and about fiVp o’clock, the water made a complete breach over the island, undermining the house and leaving it a total wreck, and at the same time, making a channel four or five feet in depth, which will make a convenient eas- ‘tern entrance to the harbour for vessels of light draught. Mr. Quinn, who was an- ticipating the catastrophe, succeeded in removing his family, and the greater part limit Elma. Eight members of the U.S. Sen- ate are on the sick list. Shad-fishing has been commen- ced o. the Connecticut river. Among the recent conversions reported is that of Julia Dean Hayne. There are one hundred and fifty saw mills in Asbtabula Co., Ohio. It is stated that Luois Napoleon has exiled thirty-two thousand men. Mr. Thackeray is said to have joined the editorial 31.1111. of the London Times. The slavelscboouer Panehita had been captured at llavana by a. British of his furniture to a small dwelling which war steamer. he had erected a short time ago, a little to the West of his late residencc.â€"Glulre [41h inst. S'I‘. MARY’S RIO'I‘. The following is from the St. Mary’s 11‘ s:--- The India papers state that the country all over was being tranquilized by degrees. It is said that the Dutch govern- ment is building live steamers for the Em- ] no men and cut down five of the enemy Capital from Harrisburg to I‘Iiilntlvlpllia. Jugs usually takes a walk along the pro- a'nd beating him most unmercifully. left About two Iiun Ired hands, employed I’ll“)r Of Japan- on the railway cut, in and near this \‘111- . . . age,are‘on a strike for higher wages.â€"- Rev' Laban Amswonh died In They demand $1 per day or an advance Jamel, N- 11-, Mum“ 1711‘. aged 10” of 20 cents. A row occurred yesterday, years, 7 months and 28 days. in consequence ofa few hands going to work at the old rates, in which the over- :seers and men were all chased from the work. A company of Royal Canadian Rifles arrived here from Toronto early this morning, when eight of the ring-lead- ‘8" were arrested and placed in durance , . V , , vile_ The riflemen will remain to prom“ tornies iri Lincniuati who have never had the workmen who are willing to labor at a case even before a city magistrate. ‘the old rates. Other arrn-sls will doubtâ€" . , , “less be made during the day. as the con- An em)“ 15 makmg 1“ wall, tractors are determined that the work street to induce UOV.I\I.l=' to granta par- 3113“ be Pu‘lhed 0" Vigorous” 1“ defiance dou to Chas. B. Huntigton the fewer. -of the lawless two hundred.” ° The number of real estate owners in the United States, cannot fall short of one million five hundred thousand. It is said there are a hundred at- , . ,, The number of convictions in THE HUNDRED PH R15UIMENT' cases of wife-beating brought before the It is said that Captain Bruce has rr - :sigue‘d his claim to the majority of this Walker, the defunct fillibuster iregimentin film" or Lleumnfllll Dun". is at present in Mobile, where his pre- formerly 01 the “"1 Lllnl'erfir and 50" °l seiice seems to excite no curiosity, what- 'the former Receiver General of this Pro- even 'vince. Major Dunn has performed 'good . . -service for his country, having served in The people of Philadelphia are 't Crimean campaign, where he saved again urging the removal of the State London magistrates in 1857 was 4-11 1 :at the fearful encounter of Balaklavaâ€" . . 'for this he has obtained the Victoria The Standardhe'gm lor recmlts Cross. We are happy, therefore. “mt so for the Royal Marines is to be five feet good an officer has been appointh u, “(,5 six inches and a half until further orders. corps, and more particularly because he is The Shipyards of Konsingmn canadim and the 5°“ 01. ’0 “011191 a man and Soutliwark, Philadelphia, are dest‘l‘t- as the late Receiver General.â€"Globe. ed, no, a single new vessel is on the stocks. ALLSOP, THE FUGITIVE. _ , A decree for the liberation of Chicago now claims the honour ofhold- the 30,000 slaves in the Dutch colony of ing Allsop. The Chicago Times says: Surinam, had arrived there and been pub- s“A'“s°P.Pi the English stock-lurch”, 'isl'ed. who fled‘ from London some. time . 1. only about one half as many charged with compiler y \~._ui'1 um... 1. grams had amved at New york ,0 the late dastardly and murderous airart. “Id, 2.441,, as came last year ,0 same on the Emperor Napoleon, is now in Chi- mue- cago, and has been living here in great tranquility fora week past. He is quite regular in his habits, and though he shuns publicity, takes nopains to conceal him- self. He probably indulges the idea that he is under the aegis of the American eagle. He rises early, and on fine morn- The present number of stores in New Hainsliirc is 2,700, or one to every 20 families of half a dozen persons each. ' Jury packing has become so no- torious in Philadelphia that the judges Scott st., Buffalo, were burnt on the 31st ult. Loss $5,000, which is covered by insurance. good relish. To look at him, no one would suppose he 11.I(I a single care on his mind.” 'SUDDEN Dunnâ€"An inquest was A worthy citizen of Winchester, held in Mrs. IIOss’ tavern, corner Of Mass” was last \ieek conveyed to lhe Nelson and Duchess street, on Saturday Insane Asylum in Sorucrrille religioust by Coroner Hallowell. 'l'lie dteceusid crazy. was a German named William Selina l is. . . '1 It is said that 860,000 have been Iie had been, it a ieai‘s somewhat in liquor, and coming 1:1“! to’bis‘ lodgi 1g in securf‘d towards $190,090 l""'l’“*”‘l, 1" Stanley street, on Friday he sat on the be “sz5911 {‘11 a B lPIN- LOH‘WW “1 1‘”5' side of the bed with a Mr. Lynch, and 5"”‘1'110’ [\y' SEIII. POI: lialfa pint of whiskey. 111: 111?." 'l‘he first “roolcn on the Pa- Cfllle‘l 10“ breadr‘Vhell MF- LYDCh gave citic coast has been set in operation at 11"" some me“: although as was lema'kt‘d Salem, Oregon, \vi'li four bun lred and by one of those present in the room, (ii fight}. spindles. was Friday,) and Schnapps aiternpied II: , , _ swallow it. But it stuck in his throat and [t 15 531d that the Turk’Sh Aln' bassador. who has been made such a lion choked him. Dr. Bovrll was iuiim-diute- , . _ IY Sent for, but although he arrived in a 91 at_wa‘1‘“':‘5‘°"1 ‘5 31"”e'" 3mm“ 1001‘" ing fellow. veryqshort time, the man had expired. Tliejury renderedn rirrdict in a.-cui-.|- The late Charles McMiCkin, of Cincinnati, has IM‘qlll‘itllll‘ll to that city ance with the about factsâ€"Patriot. .rropcrty valued at $800,000, to found a Free University. Tun TOWNSEND Cass.â€"A CROW.\VirNi-zss NEARLY BBATEN To l7nA'rH -â€"We understand that Mr. Sylvester The Geneva Courier says that Dcaue, a highly respectab'c farmer liv- about one hundred and fifty persons hare mg "l the V'0'lllll'_ "l Mfil‘l‘llbl'lllL'. and been converted in that village duringr the Witness on behult of the crown in the re- past few weeks. cent trial of Towuseud alias Mchui-y, was attacked by some dastardly cowards while on his way hotneward on the evenâ€" ing of the 5th inst., in passing through a wood, and after pulling him all his horse _ The next exhibition of the Pro- vincial Agricultural Association for Up- per Canada, W111 be held at Toronto, Oll the 2811‘. September. The income of the English Wes- leyan Missionary Society for the year, has exceeded £‘20.000, being about xizhun- tlrcd thousand dollars. him in a dying condition. He hard been threatined before giving his testimony, hiii disregarding all consequences, be repeated what he had formerly stated at Cleveland. T. . _ amrming um, Prisoner was me vernal,“ tie amount realized to the city Townsend, which not suiting “reviews of' Pr Nahum": for ,H'“ ""“D “mush “We the sympathise“. he became a many, ,0 is set down as $600000 to he. :lplrlletl to his own rrmhfulness__st_ Catharina educational purposes. Constitutional. John Kablcr died in Philadelphia last week of liydropliobia, resulting from the alinOsl forgotten bite ofa I et dog nine weeks previous. Prof. E. A. Andrews, L. L. 1)., The American \Vrecking Company have-been compelled to abandon the eu- tcrprise of raising the Russian Inen-ofowar :sunkeii lll the harbor of Sehaqopol. They find that the Teredo, a worm which author ofa Latin Lexicon and Grammar, destroys the keel»! of ships in the Black died at his residence in New Britain, S“! 11“? 5° P‘filoratcd and eaten up the Conn., last weekâ€"aged 71. 1193“ 01 1116 llmbels as to leave but a shell “mammg' 1‘ isi"'tmssibtc to Pump Out the water from the holds of the ships be- cause the sea rushes in all-ouch the ’gap leries made by this worm, End the at- tempt to blow up and remove the obstruc- tions proves equally fruitless. There is not resistance enough made by ,he sides of the vessel to render this pix-mm efl-ec_ t ve.â€"Eiglityâ€"one vessels were found sunk in he harbor. The New York Mirror says a large number of elegant houses in upper tendom, are offered for sale or to let, in consequence of the late rcvulsions. The Tennessee Historical Society has received a letter of thanks from Lord Brougham, for the compliment of an ho- norary membership, extended to him. Alexandre Dumas, pere, has re- ceived a grand ovation at Marsailles, when a public fate was given, and the great romancer was crowned with laurels. RAILROAD TRAIN N A Wuraner â€"â€"The Mobile (Ala.) News gives an account of a singular accident to a rail- road train near that city. The train was caught in a whirlwind and the three last cars, loaded with freight as they were, were turned over and thrown some two or three feet, and one of them, struck and all, landed as much as twenty feet from the road. This occurred while the train was in motion. and but a short time after taking in wood and water. After crossing the road, the wind took a upward shoot, twisting the largest pines oil by the roots in its passage, and disappeared in air. A private of the 85th Regiment, stationed at Pembroke, is reported to have come into possession of £1,000 per an- num. He only enlisted about four months ago. The converts in England to the Roman Church during the last few years comprise three duchesses, a marquis, two countesscs, four Viscouutesses, eight ladies, ten baronets, two arelidencons, eio'hty five ’ O clergy men, and two hundred and seventy- two persons moving in the upper ranks of SOl'ler.'-Pal'ls UnlL‘ClS. BURNING OF THE STEr MER SULTANON THE MISSISSIPI _TWENTY TO THIRTY AND LIVES LOST. CAN’T HELP IT! LL past due zit-counts not paid by the l:t of May next. will be put in suit, Pinirtualuy is Um Life of Trade. IE? Save your Costs and my Credit. G. A. BARN/1RD” We take the following particulars from the St. Inuis Demorrlt: When five miles above St Genevieve, early on Friday morning, the boat was discovered to be on fire. The lire orig inated in the watclirnan’s locker. The boat was rounded to, made towards the shore, and fastened to a fallen tree. The ‘ . current, however, being very powerful, Markham & Elgin Mills , carried the boat into the stream, together PLflJVK ROflD COJIIPJLV'I. with the tree to which she was attached by â€" N O T l C E . her linc, before anyone could escape. FR M I f l S H H ' ' 1 b0 rd iortiou of GEN . Al. oetiiigo tin to iorors bomb Jumpul 0v“ a ’ a1 of tho MAKKHAM and ELOIN MILLS ' who Whom were drowned’ wh'le other” PUNK ROAD COMPANY. as well as all others dung ‘0 “10 5mg} Planks or Pieces of fur interested in the maintenance of the Road. nilurenvcre saved. The number ofiicr- will be hold Ill MR. MIGIITON’S. Crosby's was supposed to have been on the boat Cornorr. Markham, on at the time of the disaster was about stx- S A T U R D A Y . A P R I L ty-eiglit, as follows: Captain, 1; clerks, A, ELEVEN 0.0mm. “w. ‘2 ; engineersan pilots, 2 ; carpenter, 1 3 To lulu:i iphio coizsiiqfrttiolq‘gheoprqqfiat 5:13 o; - -~ ' - -~ tieroa, o (LII -. . flute” .1 ’ w‘udmmn, 1. ,d 3:11”!le :33 possible. dovisId means for keeping up the Road. “mks, 3 ; ram" boy's, 4‘ , LC cuw, 1 7 Stockholders and all others. particularly passengers’ abom 13’ and l Chlld' those rosiding East and North of the Road. are specially requested to attend, as the Company will bo'obliged to remove the Planks from rho 61b and 7th Concessions, to reparr the Road on the Front Concessions, should no additional Stock be taken up, or assistance otherwise roti- dared By order of the Board of Directors. G. 1’. DICKS‘ON, President. Mir-ti. April. 14. 1853. 17, It is mentioned as a rumor. that while the plank which supported the two ladies, the child, and the harbor, was floating a'ong safely, a deck-baud took hold ol'aird insisted upon getting on it, to the immin- cnt risk of capsizing it and drowning those ivliom it supported, and that all the reinoristrance failing, the barber drew his knife and cut the man‘s throat, whirli was the only method left, it is supposed ofget- ling rid of him. Markham. April 5. 1858. AGRICULTURAL SHOW. The Sultan had a cargo of at least 800 tons 011 bourd,wliich was all, or nearâ€" ly all insured, although the “ freight list” was not. It corsisted of p01k, lord, and flour, principally. and 1,000 pigs. lead, but. The boat was valued at $20,000 or over, and was insured (not here) for $17,000. She was owned partly by Capt. Haunum, but pricipally. by other parties of this citv. The Stoufl'ville Branch Agricul‘biM So:icty'.~ SPRING FAIR I AND Ploughiug Match ! WILL COME OFF 0n THURSDAY. APRIL 22nd. 1553. At .1081 I’ll PERRIS’ HOTEL, w .cn 1110 :lulluwlllg plums Will be awarded, v I. :â€" Bust Cuiiudinii Draught Stallion . . . . L1 10 0 . n 2nd do do do do ..... I ll 0 TORONTO MARKEI 5- 31d do do do do . . n to (1 Best Imported Draught Stallou . . . . . I ll) 0 . 2nd do do do do ..... I 0 0 Tenor: ro. April 15. 3rd do do do do i ‘ _ ' ' 0 ,0 0 Wantâ€"The arrivals 10-dav were siml‘. Best Ctiiiudian Stallion. for general I 10 0 ‘1' ' l,’t Mir sou... . . . . . . ........... . “at PrIObn I} muoummg to Huge man] 1- 040 Quit diiu :10 do do do I l) U bushes. Pnces ranged from 9 c to 3 .)( 5 3rd do do do do do 0 '0 0 9d “55 3‘1) Per buShel' A“ “Clive dcm’md Best Brood Mare. either with fonl or prevailed the foal by her side. . .. .. . . . . . . . . 1 fl 0 SPRING Wiuurr for milling find purchasers g: g: g: g: g: g 3 at 85c (43 3d) per bushel: for seeding itbriugs Hes, “u”. ,wo you“, oh, and “ImmdS l U ,, 92¢ a 91c (14s- 7d and 4s 8d) per bushel. 211:] do do do do do U 10 0 Emma is quotable at 4 dolls and 4 dolls Alem- Mllcla C°Wr 30" Duir.le“”|"'5‘33- 3 1151 3 Inc For barrel' for N1" 1’ superfi‘mr 3 dons Ifbgtdlgair lloarrows-f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ll) 0 55c n 3 dolls. GSchor N). ‘1 ; 4 dolls 15c a 4 2nd do db ' _ _ _ _ . . . _ U 5 U dolls 25c for fancy; 4 dolls 50¢ a 4 dolls 75c [lest Iron I’lough.. . (I It?) U for extra; 5 dolls a5 dolls 231- for double exirn. ff‘dlda, l d°d I; 3 . C l 0' (5 - a - u - . . v . . v . Oars were plentiful at 30oz: 33c (ls bd ii Is 2):; do ',,u n d: _ I . I t . I g ‘ _ . U 5 0 8d) I)er b15119" Best Laud Roller .. . . . ll 15 0 RV: is in demand 81.606615) per bushel. 2nd do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l) 10 U BARLSY is dull 3145c (2s 3d) per bushel. â€" Plus come forward freely at 60c at 70c (Ts P L O U G H I N G l n 38 611) for best marrowfnt. Is'r nunâ€"mm. POTATOES were abundant and moi. :1 good lst Prize. 3 New Plough, value ....£5 10 O enquiry at 60c 3 64¢ (3s 3 3s 2d) per bushel. j" ' - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - - '- - - - - - - - g 3 Arruzsweroin demand at2dollsanolls " u 2ND ct.ase.â€"novs. 50” Per barre" \ lst Prize. a Pair Blind Bridles. value. I 0 0 Barrenâ€"Fresh sold at 24¢ a 250 per II). 2nd do a Riding Bridle and Martin- EGGs were remarkably pleuteous and cheap . gale-‘3 Vhlllt} :- -- - - - . . ~ -- . . .. . . 0 15 0 _beipg generallysold at “c 3 14.; pa.- dozcn Jul do 11 Riding Bridle. vnluo.. . . . 0 w 0 Fowr. were scarce and held at 65c (3s 3d) Pal. Pair. The Ploughmeu to he on the ground and . â€" ready for work at 10 o'clock a.m. For parti- Hav was abundant at 10 dolls a 16 dolls 30c ml”. .le m E wflmén' Esq. Mr_ T- per ton. SHAW, and Mr. MAXWELL. Snuw 7 dolls per tomâ€"Loader. Rules and Regulations 1. Persons wishing to “become iiieizibeis of 11113 Sioutl'viile Branch Agricultural Society. can do so by paying five shillings and upwards. annually to the Society, ten days preVious lo the day of the Spring Show. 2. Members paying five shillings. shall have the privilege ot'showrng two animals or articles \vrilriii the current. year, excepting Entire ll rises , 0.1 paying teu shillings. may compete .ur the pr.zo.~ of Entire llOrneS. and two other lII’IIOles‘ in the current yual, or may show four niiiuiuls ui‘ar‘ticlus orlier than entire houses. in the current year; on paying twenty shillings may show twelve annuals or al'llL‘IUS in the current year ; on paying iliiily shillings may «wiipa'e for any or all tin: PI'ILUS awarded in .110 L‘UIIL‘III. your. 3. Nun-inaniliors criteriiiguiiy article will be charged uric-Ii-rlf the highest preiiiiuiri that can bu awarded on such annual or article. 4. All Male Allllllulsl obtaining prizes. uxt'epl oniiro horses, rnuSi servo. for iho season, wrtliiu four rriilns of Sloutl's'illc, 5. No animal or aiticle shrill be entitled to a prom u111 that the Judges in ny prouunce uri- wui'tliy. 6 All animals or articles shown must in, flu/ruch the piopertyof‘ the person showing the same. one month pioVIous to the day up rho show. and all Implements- must. be shown In the iiruiiufnctuier. 7. The Directors are to use their utmost en. dcavours to prevent the Judges from Mm...” - 111,; the animals or articles exhibited ; or obtain. ing any knowledge as to their ownership‘ until ul‘ier their duties are performed : any person iii- ISI’IIDX'IIIL! with the Judges, while on their duty, slrull forfeit any claim he may have for a prize. 8. All entries io be made III the Secretary’s book before 11 o'clock. on the day of the Show at. which time the Books will be closed, and the Judges proceed on their duties. 9 Numerical Tickets will be supplied by the Secretary. which must be attached to cvoiy animal or article entered for competition. No person to receive two premiums on an; one class uf articles. PlIlLll' WIDEMAN, l’rcuilluul. Sloufi'vllle, April 3. 1858. Special Not ices. ()l-‘EAT’S Life Pills and Phoenix Bitteis. M A I’liilosepher once said. if life was a thing that money could buy. how the nth would live. how the poor would die. Of course he meant. to say that the wealthy would be the healthy. and the poor have l0 endure all thr- ills tlinl flein is Dell to. Yet it not d not be so. lor bv the curative pl'OPPllIQ‘l of 1).". Motfut’s valu- able iiiediciiius the health may br- restorod to the poor as wall as preserved to the. iii-h. HI u very small outlay, iii the purchase of his very popularfaiiiily lll‘élIiCIHeS. Proprietor, W, ll. MOPFAT. 335 Broadway, New Yolk. and sold by his Agents. GI DDINESS. II EADACII E. Soc. These pniiis and disagreeable feelings are generally symptous' of some other criiiiplaiiit ; such as dyspepsia, appoplexy, niiil vaiious others. all of which are caused by corrupt. iiox~ ious matter. clogging the various circulations : hence. 1r stream or rush of blood to ilio head, and by the excitement a grcat pressure on the brain. Gidiliiiess. headache. loss of memory. diiirness of sight. and various other complaints are the result. Thus it will be seen that all the aban painful and distressing maladies owe their oiigiu to the blood. Dr. Morso's Indian Root I’i Is are acknowledged to be the only medicine that will thoroughly purify the blood. They enter the blood, and follow the stream of life on its journey through the system. They root out all foulness and impurity, and drive out every unhealthy obstruction. They should be taken every night in sufficient quantities to ap- erntu briskly. by commencing with two pills on going to bed, three the next night, four the next; if'ilre syinptons are not removed, coniâ€" rneuce again with two pills and go up again as before. Continue in like manner until the blood is thoroughly purified. and all pain and distress is entirely removed. Obtain one of our FREE ALMANACS. and read the bistorv of Dr. Morso‘s harbor, and how the medicine was introduced. Beware of a counterfeit ofthese Pillsâ€"YEL- LOW WRAI‘I’I'LRS. All genuine are in BLUE wrappers with the signature of A. J. White 15L Co. on each box. Price 25 (:15. Dr Morse's lnaiuu Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. 143. S. J. IIOLDON. Secretary. 145 strayed Steer. Come into the premises of tlio Subscriber. Lot No_ lrl. 511i Concession Markham. about the last of March. a llnzol coloured Steer. two years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses. and take it away. Vv’Il.I.I/\M PADGET. Markham, April l5lh. 1858 MS. flhurriirrmriiir. HAD UP G.â€"Tlie I‘Ioughmen to be on the Markham. April I, 1858. ST cow. / “bout the litsl of March, a Black an \Vllll“ (101V. lIi Calf. about 9 years old. Tli dariiages and take lrcrawuy. 'I‘HOS. STEEL. Grcou [luin Ilotel. Yougo Street. Apiil8.1858. “+3, Gl't‘ll 1- 1’] on gli 1 n g Matt-Ii THE A .V.\' 11.4 I. I’LU UGIIING MA 'I'L'H. “'IIJ. (OM It: OFI" A'I‘ MA RK II A M VILLAGE. U the \Volliiigtou Ilotcl. Itiorr I’Lolioir. [value. I-‘oriv Dollars-J to In urns, to l)or,i.i\iis, making altogether IN THE FOLLOWING MANNI‘JIZ lst Prize. the Iron Plough . . . . . . . $41) (if) QiId (lo . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . "‘â€" ()0 3rd (In . . (Ill 4th do . Iii) 511i do 00 fitli rln . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ll 7'11 do . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7 “ll Hill ili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 ‘Jtli (It) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “0 l 1111 do . . . . . . . . . . . . 4nu RULES AND REGULATIONS l.â€"l’loi1uhiiig open to rill Canada. 1. â€"â€"Iiltllllll(‘81"tb,lo iVli-iriliors of the Sof‘it‘l)‘. .,..; to 0111(11‘>.\llflllll iiro Iiiiiits o ihe Idler-- torn I)!Vl~ltrll Soon-iv in [be East Riding of ., A . Yuik, 3.1. to all beyond stir-Ii limits. $4. Zl.â€"'|‘be (lllllllltl “'1” be sinlrod out in Plots of one qttttl‘ll'l'of an new, more or Io»~ 11nd llllllillill'ofl, and each I’lougbinau shallrlroosn Iii: 1111141 by ballot, and have the giound so r-Ii lrl'll. 4.â€"'l‘lw Judges will pass over and view the grulllitl lltiftil't‘, us well as after I‘luugliiiig. to onalrlo Ilit-iil to make any proper allow- ance, should there be any inequality III the ground. 5,â€"No Ploughinnu shall be permitted to or- range bis 1‘ ui'row with his hands; the l"urru\v to be at least six iiiclinsiir dcpili . an infringe- ment of this rule, will forfeit any claim to u [tllZ(l. round and rcarlv for work at It) o'clock. A.I .. and at the signal of'firiiig a gun. shall commence I'louglriiig. 7.â€"’1‘hree hours and a half to be allowed to each Plougliinau to complete his work, and at the expiration 0‘ that ijiiiea signal as abovo, will be given. 8.â€"'l‘he Books will be open for Entries after ilm ‘Zurl instant, at Mr. I’Aimnir’s of the Blur-k lloiso litii, 'l‘orouto. and at the Socra- um 'ri tlllii-n, Mrr.k|iniu Vi.l:ige. and iiiitil the 24:11 iiistuiil, alter ivliicli no 01111105 can be made. N.B.â€" I'Ilitrics may be made with Mr. Palmer or iho Secretary. by iiott‘, inclosiug the fee required. Dinner will beprepm-ed at the "Wellington Hotel, at 4p.m.for (Ire Judges and Dirrclurs. II. I'. CROSBY, Secretary. t-44 . FARM FOR SALE 1 . ODD ANNIVERSARY: TIIORNIIILL LODGE. 1.0.0. F.. M. U. FRESH GROCERIES JUST RECIEVED, AND CHEAP, FOR CASH ! E. i. iiiiiiirs, MUSCOVADO SUGAR, CI'IRISTALIZED SUGAR, FINE FRESH TEAS, PURE MOCIIA Si. JUBA COFFEES, LIVERPOOL SOAP, CUR {ANTS 81. SPICES, TOBACCOS, Ste. Sec. Richmond Hill. April 8. 1868. DIVINE SERVICE AT TRINITY CHURCH, 'I‘IIORNIIILL 0N Sunday, the 18th inst. AT 7 O'CI.OCK. r. M. The services will be conducted by the Rev. D. E. BLAKE. B.A. ' A collection will be taken lip on behalf of the Widows nud Orplians’ Fund of the Order. I]? The public are respectfully invited to attend R. J. ARNOLD, N.G. Thorubill, April 14, 1858. Hi! Strayed or Stolen, ROM the premises of the Subsciiber. Lot No.26. 211d Con. of Markham, on or about the 27th of March. a two-year-old MULLY HEIPER, of roanisb color. with white face. Any person returning the same, or giving such information as will lead to her recovery, will be suitably rewarded. JOHN CRAIG. 1-45 t4â€"‘I-tf Ncwflroorls, Just Reciercd. ATIONAL SCHOOL BOOKS. at R..â€" duced Prices. a variety of Plain and Fancy STATIONERY. Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE. SPADES. MANURE and HAY FORKS. GARDEN RAKES‘ and IIOES. and an excellent assortment of (.1001), FRESH GARDEN SEEDS?! CHEAP. FOR CASH. A'I‘ G. A. BARNARD'S. Richmond Hill, April 8, lr'frs‘. “Hf April 14. teas. B L A N K F 0 R M S . LARGE SUPPLY of Mugistratos' Blanks according to the latest forms for sale at this Oflice by the duzeii or hundred. “Tribune” Office Aug. ‘27 1857. 1 Richmond Hill. March 29. 1858. number of hands are kept. ()1)_]t‘(‘llflll8 to discharge the duties of Foreman. April i. 1553. CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND 'I'micrv Acres of good land. being part of Enhanceâ€"Ill Class. ()uc dollar; 2m! dofroc. L01 To 13‘ 411‘ C‘m- vaugh‘m- For particulars, apply to Da. REID. Thoriihill. December 24. I857. t29-tf fro RENT, OR TWO YEARS, the first of April. A P,ARK LOT fro m V In the ViLLiior; or RICHMOND HiLL, containing FIVE ACRES. For particulars apply to GEORGE McPHlLLII‘S,I’.L.S. 143-3 To Carriage Makers. l 11113 Advertiser is (buttons of nliiilliillllf n Situation in a Cniiiago Shop where u Would have no 1001!!th rorrviiiceil f'riuu bis- kiiowli-ilge of the trade that he would be able to give general satisfriciinii. Address IV. S., Tribune OfIit-e. Richmond Hill. C.\V. Mil-ti TO RENT, IN 'l‘llE- VILLAGE OI“ RICHMOND IIILL, :iCoiriplutc l) IVELIJ NG 110 U Ii, Wiilr 3 Stable. Driving House and a quarter 01 .111 Acre oflmud. App'y to GEORGE McI’IIII.I.IPS, I’.I..S Riclriiioiid llill. March 29, 1:558 (-13.3 OATS, OATS if \, IAN'III‘II) to purchase 0"}; THOUSAVI, ' lliisliels of good ()nts. lliglinsi Wipe paid in (lash. Apply at the T'l'lj/inllt Ollii'c, Rit'liiirotid Ilill. Feb. ll. 185:8 tilti PAINTING. ’ ‘liie {Subscriber brgs to inforiri the III- , liabilunts of Richmond Hill and sur- iounding country. that lie has commenced business in House Painting, PM)», [{(mgz‘ng, Gruiuing, 6-0., 110. Glazing, [Io be; as that. by Still'l attention to ['11 order on- t listed to him which \\ ill be executed In a hunt and \rorltinaiilike iiraniicr, on the shortest iroâ€" tice, to merit a share of public patronage. Rirlimoiid lIill. RICIII). VAILES. March 11. 858. t-IU-Gin Gold Pens RopoilllCtl. [)1IICIC FIFTY CENTS. l'ilir‘losoperi iii _ a letter with cash or pustage stamps, and bv return of riinil you will rccc'rie the pen as good as new. Address E. l'li.i.ior. Syracuse, New York. 113’ Any editor giving the above three in- sertions, and sending me a marked copy, shall riiri..ediaiul )rocoive one of my best pens. 40 P I! 0 JVOG RdPII Y on WRITING BY SOUND! )I'I‘MAN’S Manual of l’bonogrnpliy is a work of about. [00 pages, every other loaf of which is printed from stone engravings. giving writing exercises in the art which the book is desrgired to teach. By the use of this Manual. any school boy or girl. of 5 MG years and upwards. inav learn. in a surprisingly short space of lime. to road and write Plioaogrnphy or Phonetic Short-build. and a few months of‘ daily practice is all that is required to enable a clirhl of ordinary intelligence to write 100 or more words per minute E This rate of speed is sufficient to take dewu ordinary sermons, speeches, and conversation as fast as spoken. Tho ‘- Manual of I’hoiiography.” 75 cents. and tho “ l’honogrnpic Copy-book.” 25 cents, are sent to any address. by mail. post-paid. on receipt of the price. ONE DOLLAR. Address. post-paid. WILLIAM H. ORR. Osuawa, C. W,. From whom all English or American Phon- gmpic Works may 11 «nrorurod. t4?- IANIE into tlioprenrisos of the Subscriber, owner is requested 10 pm“; Nope“), pay Markham Agricultural Society’s 0n TUESDJI 1‘, 27th inst. APTAIN ARMSTRONG has given 11 very suitable field i'oi-tliepiirpn.e, adjoining ‘Ml- liAlJMI‘llLUf the Blink Horse Inn. '1 oroutn. has presented to the Society. 1‘ NMV given as u Prize; and Mr. .INGIJS. of the Wellington llotril. has furnished Fir‘iv DoLâ€" u-bich the Society has added Fri-‘11! $140 to be Distributed as Prizes, ** 'ii Tll SIIUHI iiii iii G A. DARer RD has now on hand the largest, best, and cheapest assmtiiicnt of I NIEN AN DBOYS’ 'Renrlyunznle \A'iiiter Clothing, North of fribiic. d 6 Toronto, in every variet ' ' ' ‘ r. H . y of style and IIJHI’Ig purchased the material and had them made expressly for his own trad", he can thoroughly recommend them as DURABLE, .\1nl fur CIII-ZAI’NICRS THEY CAN NOT BE sunmssen. llnvinrr devoted attention to this class oftrade,1ie would earnestly solicit an inspdi: of giving cnlirc satisfaction. CLOTHING Made to order, in every style, from almost every material, at the MOST ucrmoMch I’Itlt‘l-IS, a a par ticulnr tion,bciug confident G. A. BARNARD‘S, Richmond Hill. Dieliiiitiiiil Ilill, llr't. 15,1857. g19<tf I ' 1 S BLLING OFFll O O 111E Subscriber being under the necessity of vacating the premises at present '1 ‘ o'er-uphill by him abRICIIMOND IIILL, has come to the determination of Cltlslllg Ills Business, and in order to do so effectually, be will frorii this date Sell for CASII ONLY. This course is inilispensible,having but a very short period to wind up his business. 1 llui ing last Autumn a reduction of about 5) per cent was made on every description of llry (mods. A further rcd'iictyon has again been made, in order to make a corn- plutn ctr-arnnre bolore the expiration of his lease. The following articles will be sold at COST 1 \'iz., Pr intod Cashrneres, Fur Boas 8L Cufls, Fur Caps, Red, White 8!. Blue Flau- nrls. Salisbury & Ii'nncy Flannels, Blankets, Horse Blankets. Men’s Vl'inter Coats, Cuiiarla Cloths. tiula Plaids, French Mcriuos in Brown, Mcrone, Green & Scarlet, Ilosivry. l‘oll.ns, lloods, Gauntlets, Sleeves, Long Shawls (Filled St Woolen) Rib- lions, Ladies‘ 8L ticutlemen’s Gloves, Ladies & Children’s Boots, Slices 8L Rubbers. The pi‘itst‘nl opportunity of buying really Cheap Goods, should be siezed by the puqu- at, large. ‘IIIS entire Stock which is extensive and well Assorted, having been pirii-lruscd III the first riiarkets and on the most reasonable terms. Persons indebted to the subscriber will please make an immediate Settlemen, their accounts inu~t now be paid. IIe trusts any further notice will be unnecessary. Irlilll'tlal‘y' ‘11, 1858. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. 13:3-1t' GOOD NEWS FROM WILLIAM HODGE 8!. CO., COPPER, TIN, AND IRON PLATE WORKERS! And Furnishing Ironmongers, &c., inform their Friends and the Public generally, that as C’Wer has Fell and is Falling, they intend to go a little in The Copper Business! COPPER FOUNTAINS, TEA KETTLES, BEG to such as making STE \Vâ€"I’AN S, SAUCEâ€"FANS, GLUE-POTS, &c., &c . IVHOLESALE OR RETAIL! .\s L'liPnp as any House in Montreal or the States. Having served under one of the 11. itiin Copper Companies of England they flatter themselves they can get Copper as Cheap as any one by paying Cash for it. Having also, had Seven Years’ experience in making Copper Goods in the Queen City of Hamilton to advantage, he feels con-j fidcnt that they will be able to give satisfaction to THEIR. EMPLOYERS HERE, as they will endeavor to make Tea Kettles on the Dutch plan. Good and Strong, and cheap as possible, FOR CASH ONLY. Brass Paris 25. 6d. per 1b., kept on hand and made to order; Brass and Japan Goods selling ofl" at and under Cost Price for CASH ONLY. (11';- Obl COpper, Brass, Pewter and Lead taken in exchange for Goods, Sheep Skins. Furs, &c. {irhmoud Hill. March 25, 1858. t4? Strade Steer. (tAME into the premises of the Sub- .) scriber, on the lst_of April, 3 RED S'I'EER. two years old. The owner is re- quested to prove property. pay charges and take ii away. WILLIAM LAWSON. Lot. 28. 5th Con. Markham. “4-3 ,7 WARD & McCiIUSLAND, House, Sign and Ornamental PAIN’I‘ERS, Grainrs, Gilders, Glaziers, and Paper Hangers. April 7. 1858. .. 15 a v-l E a; ,,._s THORNHILL. in E-i " . i . O 3' q a) :21 Jill kinds of Jllzxed Paints E: S 8 E Oils, Glass, and Putty. S " "1 ".‘ v-l : é >5 2, Z El m ‘22 GOOD \VORKMEN sour TO ANY , a: :L‘ a: ;: A, g ' . g 5 a: r: I; E Q: 2 d ' PART or THE COUNTRY ,_ .3 a o 3 E g f, an g July23,185‘l. 7g-ly. ‘3‘ i '8 i; = E 23 5â€"5 2- O A 57 0 ii". 5 E E :3 '3 (L * : a in ~ ’5 ONE HUNDRED CORDS 2 z >' r 4 E "5 E . or v n a: 5 g. $9 2 Bgssa. PINEWOODu L11 m is is“ 3 FOR SALE. 2 2 b m E g E For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. ‘1 E V .: a Thoruhill. U34: < a or f, Thnrubill. Au uni. ii. 1857. gio-u' E if . u-.. ._- THORNHILL HOTEL. SIVAN HE Subscriber begs to inform the r ‘HQRNHILL. The Subscriber in Public that he has leased the above “ml”ng his thanks for past favoFS, premises, and fitted them up in (throat and would bog to call Public attention to his NEW comfortable Style' _ , , . [ileullqhhlllonh Thornhill, and known as the Boarders and tumsrent Visitors wrll find the en \N “area. which he has lately entered into 3°c°m°dfitl°m 1“ €V°TY Wily afl‘j’tlflble- iir consequence of the accomodatiou in his old The 13°31 0‘ Ll‘lqu and 0133,73 carefully r-rstubllsbirmit being entirely too limited for the “1301911. Good Slablmg “"1 “He'll-1V9 “"5119” comfort of his iiiiiiierous guests. HENRY LEMON, 'l'lie SWAN IIOTEL in a few days will be § completely renovated, and respectable visitors HOTEL FOR SALE. 111:11 rely on having their calls immediately at- ll‘lltlt'll in. 110 has also very extensive aceomo- dauon for Horses and Carriages. IIE Subscriber offers for sale that well known Hotel, situated on Lot No. 5. fitli Concession iii the Township of King, with good stubliug ll'rs liar will always be found well stored wrili the choicest Liquors; while the subscriber and Seventeen Acres ofExcelleut Laud. Every necessary ucconiodntiou for on Hotel are in first himself intends to devote his time to the corn- rate repair. Terms extremely easy. For l'ur- fort of all those who "NU honour him with n t'IIII. JOHN SHIELS. tlier particulars apply to the proprietor on the pro- mises or to Dr. DUNCUMB, Richmond Hill. Proprietor. l 133 7 _ 7 THOMAS annoy, Wanted to Purchase or Rent. new“... .1 II‘JIIJYI .' €94“ From 1 to 300 Acres. N n pleasant locality, and a good agricu‘tural district. within a short distance of Toronto preferred. '1 he mlveriiser is a Practical Farmer. nbou six yours from the West of England. would take possession iiiiriimlintely.and would pay DIIU year's rniit In advance. or more if required. I Application to be made. post. paid. to the Editor of the British Tribune, Richmond 11111. Feb. 9. 1858. tSG-tf 11? Daily Globe to copy three times and render accounts to this oflice. RARE CHANCE. HE Subscriber oflers, by Private Contract, for one month only, Tlioruhill. Proprietor. Jan . 20. 1558. 138 'l'lioi iilrill, January 20, 1858. King, Nov. 19. I857. Letters Remainiiigiii RICHMOND HILL Post Oflice, APRIL lst, 1858. Langstafl‘. John Mrs Lyman, John l.y.'iioii. J. Metcall‘. R. Moodie, Alex. Master, Thou. Mathews. Joliu Margbiiii. M. A. Many. John Lawrence MeKrirnou. John Manfiillivary, Joiiiinin Miss Mclletlr, Thomas O'Brien. Jaiiics Past B. l‘layter. Jaiiies I’nliiicr, William Qllfllll'l. Frtdk Kurd, George Sedition. Thomas Esq. Sivors, lt’. Stockill, Robert Simpson. William ’I'ruscoti. Itobcrt Tiiidull, Joliii Trench. Win. Junior Tiirnor. James 'I'isdell, William Trench. William Verney. James \Vitherford. Edwin Watson. Thomas Williamson. Robert Anderson. A. Rev. Arnold, Joseph Armstrong. \Viri. Bell, William 2 Bell, G. Bell. Mary Salome Brown. John Badger, Thomas Bryson, W. Bowman. Isaac Bishop. \‘Varron Combs, John Combs. Jarries Curtain. Mary Cane. Julia Mi s Copliiig. \Villiniri Cameron. Malcolm (Zoresen. '1'. Charles Daniels, “'illiurii Dickllolll, Pclor Durraiirl, R. C. Doritoii. Brown Forsyth. Mr. Finignu, Catherine Grant, Josiah Goodwdl, Joliu Grooves, John Hastings, Thea. Esq. llopkiiis. John llislop. Gideon Hort. John Hughes. Robert Herrick. David Kirkclioii. Charles Prince FIFTY BUILDING LOTS I! THE Village of Richmond Hill. A credit of five years will be given; in half yearly payments. and no money required down. The soil and situation cannot be surpassed ; every person that has not a home of his own should loose no time. but come at onceâ€"now is their chance to make up for the hard times, and secure for his family. whose labour may requireit. a little spot of free earth that be can call his own. that will be an asylum in times of adversity. in which the mother and children can rest their weary limbs and breath the free air of lieuvou. " LKerr, Wm. Wise. Peter '1' R' ARNOLD' Luud. Wm. Wright, Amos Esq. _ _ Richmon (711111. Lee. John Aprili.1858. $14 [13 M. TIIEFY. Postmazlor. EDWARD GRANGER, I U TC 11 E R . TIIORNIIILI.. Fit-sh and Pickled Meats, Poultry. New always on hand. Pniiiilios supplied on the shortest notice. ’l'liornliill. March 19. 1858. "ROBERT- Siviaii, Boot and Shoe Maker, , DJOINING the \Vesloynu I‘IOlllf‘tlifi Chapel. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A K‘lioivo selection of Geiillouieiis‘. l.iul11~<‘ und ('hrlrlrons‘ Boots and Shoes constant!) on hand. and made to order on the Shortest Nu- lIL‘O. Richmond 11111. June l‘ltlr, 1857. HI {1.1 My, RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, Opposite the Post. Ollico. Yongo Street, ,XN Omnibus leaves the above “0101 every [ Morning, (Sundays excepted.) at set I'll o‘clock, uvouiiig. Horses and Buggies kept for hire. RICHARD NICHOLIS. Proprietor. g.l.wy. Wits ‘ DOCTOR OF Dental S U R G E R V, 66, King Street East. Toronto. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children’s Teeth. Consultations Free, and all \Vork Warrauted. Toronto. June. 1867. l~wy. F:_.â€"â€"_==_-=___â€"â€"â€"â€"Sfl ‘ T. IIIACBETII, Jnr., for Toronto; ioturuiug the same Richmond Hill. June. 1857. CARRIAGE, SIGN. â€"AND-â€" . Ornamental Painter. l H Richmond Ilill, Feb. 17. 1858. u=___. NEW t37-1y ORNER of Wright & Yoage streets. Cheap Groceries and Provisions. Crockery and Glassware cheap for Cash. No Credit. D. HOPKINS. Jan. 7, 1858. '31 THE WHITE SWAN Inn, and Livery Stables, YONGE S miner. OSEPH GABY begs to inform the public that he has commenced to run a Stage from thoabove Hotel to the O.S.&H.R R. Station. (Richmond Hill) twice a day; and will convey passengers to any part of the country, night. or day. in ten minutes notice. JOSEPH GAIIY. Proprietor, vi Richmond Hill. Oct. 15. 1857, gloetf DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling & Aitehison’s COMBINED lllIlWlIlli lllll lllllllllli MACHINES, Richmond Hill, June. 1857. g,lwy. TORONTO “CITY” MARBLE WORKS, rm. 138 vouon STREET. NILE QUEEN srriicn'r D. C. & W. YALE, MPORTERS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs, Tomb and Grave Stones.0rnamentsl enclosures for Grave plots, &c. Orders through our Agents will re- ceive prompt attention. D. CARLOS YALE. Wu. YALE. D. DAVIS, AGENT. J. B. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond Hill. Toronto. July 10. 1857 g5 tf. G O T O MORPHY BROTHERS FOR 00D Watches,CIocks. Jewelry. Melodeons Electro Ware, Silver Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit every sight. . 1LT" Watch Clubs in Operation. Warranted Clocks from 208 upwards. Toronre. June, 1857. 1-3 VICTORY HOTEL, 11ml Masonic Hall, Yancy. S'riucz’r XTENSIVE Stabling. and obliging Hostlers always in attendance. Choice Wines and Liquors- Beer. Porter and various Summer Beverages. Regalia. Principe. Havana, Manillnlimd other brands of Cigars and Clieroots. Au Omnibus to and from Toronto, calls at the Hotel dnil “. ' ) ROBERT WISEMAN. Proprietor, gJ-wy. T LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLAno___LANDiNG. r 111E Subscriber begs to inform the In- J_ habitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gou- orally. that be has leased the above Hotel, formerly kept by THOMAS MAY, which he has fitted up and furnished for the accommodation of his Customersmnd he trusts by constant attention to their Wants to secure a liberal patronage. Richmond Hill, June, 1857. I Liquors of the best brands at the Bar. and every attention paid to Guests. THOS. LUKES, Proprietor. Holland Landing. gl4-3m Sept. 10, 1857 BLACK HORSE HOTEL [Foniicnu KEPT BY war. noLPu.] '10 RN 15R of Palace and George streets, east of the Market Square, Toronto. Board $1 per day. Good Stabhug and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. Ari ouiuibus to and from the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. Toronto. Feb. 26, 1858. 138-1y FL.__ ==== JOHN MURPHY, Ilouse Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER &c., &c. No. 49, King Street, 4 Doors West of Bay Street. DEALER IN PAPER IIANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. the. Toronto. June 18th. 1857. gflrwy. I;___L =1] 7-,4 ._â€"'â€""

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