Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 16 Apr 1858, p. 4

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(if? An old farmer out \Vest, who was in the nightly habit of counting his live stock to see if any one had gone astray, said to his 5' n one evening previous to re- vtiring: ‘ John, have you counted the hogs ?‘ ‘ Yes.’ ‘ And the turkeys 1’ ‘ Yes.’ ‘ And the cows ’1’ ‘ Yes.’ ‘ And the sheep T.» ‘ Yes.’ ‘ “'9”, John. now go and wake up the old hen and count her, and then we’ll go to bed.’ FELLOW TRAVELLERS.â€"-“ “"ill you help me out of this mud hole I” said a tIavelling (huge gist. who had iust been compelled to stop his team in a mud- hole, bec ause they couldn’t pull it out. “ No, I can ‘t stop,” said the Yankee, who was heavily loaded and was fearlul that he would be too lale for the cars. " I would take it as a great favor, besides laying r y’ou, ’said lb: drurgist. “ \\ hat me you loadI-d IvillI ’! ’ asked the \ ankec. “ Drugs and medicines,” said he. “ I guess I’ll by to get you out, thvn for I am loaded mth tombstone s" “)lhe ' \\ are seen travelling together after that.) of? In Ireland. not long sincv, the body ofa murdered schmlmmt-‘r is said to have been found in the road. with his head full of fmctiom. ‘ I‘m thinking it’s a shonaside,’ said Larry. ' The horse‘s shoe, was it 1’ ‘ No, alanna,’ said Larry; ‘ shoe-aside is Latin for rulting your throat.’ ‘ But he didn’t cut his throat.’ said the widow. ‘ Sure it’s all one" said of? There is a man in Massachusetts so straightened in his circumstances that he is obliged to get his waistcoats made at a lunatic asvlum. There is another who has lived so long in the State of Ohio that he can‘t pay annyhndy. Jonathan Briggs, nf New York, has a memory so long that he is obliged to tie it in a knot to carry it about with him. There is n pululican in New York so remarkably stout that he retails his shadow at Sixpence a pot. day. ‘P replied very innocently,‘ 3 ns, some on ’em goes (a the common, and some on ’em goes down by the side of the river.’ (If? ‘ Pleasant enough, but wrong.’ was the reply of the little urchin, who, on be. ing arraigned for playing marbles on Sun- day, and slernly asked, ‘ Do you know where those little boys go to who are wicked enough to play marbles on Sun- Larry, ‘whelhcr he did it with a mzhir on his ‘hroat or a hammer on his head. â€"~ It’s shoe-aside all the same.’ ‘ But then- was,‘ no hammer found !’ ‘ Noâ€"bul he (If? An exlrmagant young gentleman having for a few days sported a pair of beautiful grey horses, asked a friend of his who flhappened to be of a serious cast, what he thought of his grays. “ Why, I confess, Ned,” replied the other, ‘- they look extremely well; but take my word for it, your grnys will soon be converted into 11mm.” K? In a tavern, in a small town, sat a farmer, who was plagued and banter-ed by above a dozen guests who were present. “ Well,” said the farmer. .11 last, “ I’ve got the best of all of you.” “How so ?” asked all. “In me you’ve only got one fool, while in you I’ve got above a dozen.” It,’ l}? Member ofCongress (about to en~ ter the House) to friend. “ Just my luck ; I have left my knife and slung-shot in my other coat at the hotel. Just Wait here “ till I go and get ’emâ€"I won‘t be a minute, and it won‘t do to go wilhoul BS] (if? “ Sir,” said an irascible man, ex~ cited by a theological argument, to his op- posite neighbor who had difiered from himâ€"“ Sir, I believe you are either a de- iS‘t or an atheist.” “ Wrong‘ sir,” was the rejoinder, “I am a dentist.” \nu‘ick was, ’twm done, and somebody done it, and lln-y Were blackglmrds, who‘ ever hey wxc e, and unknown.’ 0f? “ Have you not mistaken the pew, sir?’ blandly said a Sunday Chesterfield to a stranger who entered it. “I beg pardon,” said We intruder, rising to go out, “I fear I have; I took it for a Christian’s.” ROYAL PROOF or CoUnAGE.-â€"\\’lnen Charles V. read upon the tomb of a Spun- ish nobleman. “ Here hes one who never knew fear,” he wiltily replied, “ Then he never snufied a candle with his fingers.” 0:? Why is a fashionable married belle, who don’t care a. “ snip" for her husband, like a pipe of Cognac? Because slu- is hooped. contains plenty of spirit, and “ fast men” are very fond of her. 0f? “ Is your cough any easier '1” Sfllh one of poor Hood‘s acquaintances, on call- ing to see how he was. “ II should ho, ’ said the wil, from his pillow; “ I've been practising all nighL” , 7 7 l‘l (If? A notunons contemporary says that he cannot be convicted of a single fake- hood. Then the only reason Is. that his falsehoods always hunt in couples. fl” Chevreau, in his history of the woxld, inlorws us that it was created on the sixth of September, on a Friday. a little aftel four 0 cloak III the afternoon. Fox had a great respect for the geniUS of his rival, I‘m. 114: used to say, “I never want a word, but he never wants the word. fi‘l‘he editor who uses weak nrgumvnls and strong epithets makes quite as great a mistake as the landlady who furnishes her guests with weak tea and strong butter. Oj- \Vho ever heard of a widow com- mitting suicide on account of love! A little experience is very wholesome. used for a youn who goes to “ woman 0’3" Shou!d you be talking to a thin lady, of anolher thin lady, you needn’t de» scnibe the party alluded 10 as a “ scraggy old maid.” {ff-'Beautiful exlr lady out of a mud in 31? Experimental Philosophyâ€"asking a man to lend you money. Moral philoâ€" sophyâ€"refusing to do it. 0:? Jerrold says that young boys who marry old maids, ‘ galln-r, in line spring of life, the golden fruits of autumn.” ‘uld fixing that inuhnm Slituhinga toe-aside all the same.’ ‘ But then- 0 hammer found!’ ‘Noâ€"bul he have hid the hammer after he did throw off the disgrace of lhe shoe- ‘ But wasn‘t there any hfe in him he was found P ‘ .\'ot a taste.“- 7rowners sat on him and he never said a word, and'if he was alive he L’ ‘ And didn‘t they find anything'l‘ hing~ but the vardick.’ ‘ And was ii that Lilt him 1’ ' No, my dear; the crack on the head. But the -,k was, ’twas done, and Somebody ’ Gone a duckin g “ l‘cl‘er ” in Arkun-ai, net up” with a young actâ€"Helping a young the term 1 lama of Richmond Hill and the public genemlh‘. that he runs a regular Convemnce, [‘wice ll day. to the Railroad Station, and re- specllullv suliciIsllmirpalronage lhorelo. I’as- seIIgons conveved to am pm! oflhe cuunln on the shortast notice. 'PHE Subs‘cr-iyel: begs 3°,I‘imim! the inhgbi Conveyance (0 Railroad Station. Richmond Hill. Juno 15m. ”957. L meals a: Brother Robert V‘Visamnn Mawuic Hall. the second Snmrduy evening each month. IOULD respectfully inform the Ladies \ ' upd Gentleman. who wish Io availlhem- selves of his professional services. that he will be in allendnnm lliefirsl Monda) and 'l'uesdny following of each month. at Ainbler’s Hotel. Richmond Hill; “’ednwduy following at the Aurora Hotel. Aurora; Thiusday and Friday at J. McClure‘s Hotel. Holland Lnndin : the rest or Ihe monlh M the Thoruhill Ole]. Thornhill. Fields occupied by winter grain, if par- tially winter-killed, should be harrowed, the bare spots sowed with spring grain or clover, and suitable top-dressings, and then the whole rolled. Any roots dis- turbed by the harrow will be partially re- stored by the roller to the soil, add the abrasion will cause such to tiller (throw out new shoots from the first joint,) and thus give full crops.â€" lVarl-ing Far. To Medical Practit ion en's A sell to a Medical Man of standing and experienoe. House and Promises. both plea- sant and convenient. can be had on reasonable terms. App l_\'. if b\ letter post paid to the Editor of the ’l‘rilume. Ou'lcnms EIECTâ€"Colonf‘l D. Bxidgford Maslar . J B. DeoGior. Doputv Mustar . John Munhollnud. Secreuan- , W. l'ogue. “~1nnsurer. Januar) 21. 1858.133 Spring is not far distant, when work comes crowding on, and time li scarce to do it in. Farmers, get your hot-beds ready ; recollrct, a good garden is half a farmer’s living. Get all your implements ready for work, and In your social visits to your neighbour, learn what he has new in the way of improvement or inventions for the coming yeahâ€"Prairie Farmer. Rich barn-yard or other putt-eacent manures applied plentifully lo the potam crop, is almost certain to bring the rot; and the quality of the potato is not so good, as when grown on a sod without manure.â€"â€"L.S., American Agriculturist. [5’ Communications Thornhill Post Ufficu. Rnummcxs [by permission] râ€"Rev. R. Paintin : Rev. N. C. Gown“ ; A. Buck. M.D., R. C. 8.. Eng.: C. Knysor. M. D. ; F.0Weuv M. D. : J , Zimmerman. S. D. to he addressed to It is a good thing to rear a crop which shall net you $500 or $1,000 a year; but it is a better thing to rear a crop of ideas which shall net you moral and men- tal elevation; which shall fit you for the place we occupy as part and parcel of this great nation. Lire down with all your heart, and all your mind, and all your soul, that old brutal notion that a farmer must needs be uncouth, and unkempt, and unsocial,and ignorant. There may have been an excuse forit in the old days.â€" Homestead. M. l). : J , Zimmerm Decombar 31. 1857‘ If the farmer Were to devote one hour to file garden belore breakfast, much la- bor could he performed in a very short time, and cast but little.â€"Ignotus. The plans the farmer intends to pu sue during the summer,“ not, already perfected, should he sIudied and matured. Each field should be considered and a determi. nation formed as ‘0 its summer manage- mentâ€"Gran. St. Farmer. MEADOW MUCK.â€"-I speak advisedly in saying that the decomposed leaves and other matters waxhed from the forest _and hills, and found in [Meadow Illuck, (and 5 ill more if clay be added) when thus ap- plied will work wonders !â€"Ploughman. ISOLATED MAMMOTH HUGS on VEGET AnLES ought not to be the highest. ambi- tion at the farmer‘s husbandry. but the largest general product, rrlaiuing all that may be valuable for the succeeding crop, for mun make nulhing‘ in spending their strength in single spasmodic rlllrrl dis sn- bling themselves for all (he fulure.â€"Ea: THE 'FURKEY.â€"Tlli$ noble American bird has now bccmm‘ common to every civiliznl country, says the \‘ermonl Stock Journal, and lbe more widely known the more highly is be appreciated. It would be disgrnuful to us as American agriculturists and bn-edu‘s, lo sufi'er this splendid bird to deleriornte.â€"- Cal. Far. SURGEON DENTIST, Mr. J. W Proctor, of Dmn‘ors‘ spoke of the cullivalion of III!) Derby farm in Salem Twenty acres matured with a compost of nigln-soil, barn manure,‘ctc., yield a profit of $200 to the acrv, in gar- den Wgclables. People in Salem and Marblelnead found sea-weed a valuable auxilary. Homematerials\vereabundanl, and there was no necessity lo go away from home for manurcs.â€"1V.E. Farmer. “’ISE M» aux: 2H :2 GS ABOUT .NG. Dec. 3, 1857‘ Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORA GE LODGE. V0. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it Slhnrrtimmrntfi: G H. IIUSBA ND, RICHARD NICHOLLS‘ g.2-wy g26-lf 80] CHAS. POLLOCK, 08] Goods. No. 80. City Buildings, King Str'eat EASE. oppoaite St. James’ Cathedral. Toronto, C. W. Nov. 5. 1857. gQQ-(f August 6. l857. PPOSITE A. LA W’S. Yonge street. R ach- mond Hill. Ladies’ and Gemlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, June. 1857‘ June, 1857‘ IF Coats of Arms. and every description of Herald Painling. executed will) despulchmnd a! reasonable charges. June. 1857, 2.1wv. June 20. 1857 M‘ MORRISON. Agent‘ Toronto, June thh. 1357. gl-wy. LAG, Banner and Ornamental Painler‘ { ICHzabezh Street. Toronto,â€"â€"Over W. Grif- fith’s Grocery Store. EALER in Groceries. “lines and Liquors. Thronhill, C. W. Choice brands of Teas. Sugars and Coffees on hand. genuine as Imported. An‘ assortment of Bread, Biscuit and Cakes. constantly on hand. Thor-um”, Sept. 25. l857. 217â€"!" J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. June. 1857 September. 23. 1857 Saddle and Harness filaker, THORNIIILL. Thornhill. Nov. 16. 1857‘ June. 1857‘ l. dealer in Dry Good~, Groceries Wines. Liquors Hardware. Glass. Earthenware, 51c. II? Also, Licensed Auctioneer. ORNER ofFront and George s'reets, one block east of the Market, Tm onlo. JOHN HARRINGTON, $2., VFVVO Miles Nnrlh of Richmond Ill“, MPORTER of British and Amoriran Dry Goods, Grocon‘es, \Viues, Liquors, Oils. Paints, 510.. &c. Richmond Hill. June. 1837. g‘l-wy. \ugusl 14. 1857 June. 1857. Rifclunoud Hill. June, 1857 Carriage. “'azgon & Sleigh RESIDENCES :â€"--Hom-y Smalser. Laskay, King ; 'I‘hos. Bowman. Almira. Markham. October 15,1857. ng-l NNKEEI‘ER. Licensed Auctioneer 7 for the Counties of York, Ontario and Simone. Corner of Yonge and Bradford straws. [lnlland Landing. November, 26,1857 Opposite the \Vhilo Swan Inn Richmond Hill. June 10. 1857. g.1 FOR THE TOVVNSHIPS OF Markham & \Vhitclm rch lune. 1857‘ *SMELSER & BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneers! luuo. 1857 DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond Ilill. WELLINGTON HOTEL, Barristers, &c., NO. 7, WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, KING ST.. TORONTO, MPO RT ER of British, French German amermex icanl Fancy am] Dimple pry January 14, 1858 January 14. 185R March 5, 1858 ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, AUCTIONEER. MESSRS. J. 8; W. BOYD, GEORGE DO DD, Ycicrinary Surgeon. Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET. TORONTO, C. W. ”ARON. Anemive Hosxlars always in ‘ attendance. 00D Stabliug and Allemive Hosglars HENRY SANDERSON maximum flircttom. EAR the Railroad Station. Aurora Carofu| Hustlers always in aneudnnce. HYSICIAN & SURGEON LERK THIRD DIVISION COURT‘ Office, Richmond Hill. Corner of Yours and Centre Streets. _ RICHMOND HILL. Corner of Yonga and Centre Sueets‘ 'l'lmrnhill. Lot 26. 41h Com. Vuughan. ' HORSE .5: FARRIER ” INN AILIFF JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier, gouge SL, Richmond Hill. Veterinary Surgeon , (‘ou rt RUACH’S HOTEL, MANSION HOUSE, THOM A S SEDMAN, A. GALLANOUGH, CALEB LUDFORD, JAMES MCCLURE, Next door to G. A. Barnard‘s‘ CLYDE HOTEL, JUNE smsu EAST,77T0R0NT0. JOSEPH KELLER, G. A. BARNARD, JOHN GRIEVE, MAKER, .1. N. REID, Second and Third DIVISION Ofiire, Richmond Hill. RY GOODS, GROCEIUES. Win55. Liquofi. Hardware, &c P. CROSBY, JOHN ROACH. J. KAVANAGH. Proprlemr AND JOHN MILLS, Proprietor. g. l -wy, C. CASE, Richmbnd Hill. gJ-wy, Proprietor Proprietor. gJ-wy g Lwy, g.3-wy g9-61n n-l-wy g.1-wy gJ-wy gJ-wy gJ-wy ngy gIG-ly g10~tf gQ4-lf g25-tf Q39 L3 ‘2 (32 AM induct-d to come before the Public, on account (1er. Rarey's unpamlled attrac- tion in Furope. to let them know his great Horse laming Seclet. whereby any Lady or Gentlemen or an_\ little Girl or Boy, can make the wildest, most fur-ans, unmanageable. or oaulky Horse porftclly tame. gentle and dutilo in a few minute; so that he will remain lll‘r- fectlv tractable ever afterwards The Hoxse will be perfect-3' true, dmw wherever Iou wish and cheerfull) do whatever you tell him. ll_being aware at this secret 3ou can tame 81)) wild animal. Lion. Tiger or Elephant. Any person enclosing the sum of $3 to me or my Agent. will receive full lllSlllâ€"lCllOllS. ur the sum ol"$5, and will get full instructions. with a Work conlaining one hundred and fifty Vflluflble ReceiptS. trealing on the diseases 01' Horses and lelo, and if not as harsh) stated. I will forfeit $i00, and refund the money. No DRUGS given to the Home. Address A. M. SMITH. or Agent. WM. D. MILLS. Oakville Post Office. County Halton. C. W. Pteac m, March 10 D 'I‘Y. can now be had in any quantity. from One ton Thousand Bunches, at Mr. JOHN Lua- s’ru-‘T’s Shingle Manufauwry. Yonge bum-l. near 'l'horulnll. No hand-made Shingles can equal those Inndr- lIy Steam. for “witness and durability. Spet‘ |- “lens of his Shingles may be seen at tho ' 'l H buIIe” Office. Richmond Hill. and at Mr. Ruins SkiIInI-«I:y s. Grocer. Yonge Sheet, Toronto. ’l‘hornhill. Sept. 10. 1857. g14-l “; Parties ordering the Books bv mail. will Please tho give us the name of. some well- known verso-I; as ;eferonce. as to than "us!- wonhinoss. Enclose $2. pnyyour postage, and you will receive the Book by return of mail. See the articles from the London Time: and other papers on the subject. Exchanges inserting the nbove three times. will be entitled to a copy of the Book- C. J. HYNES & Co.I Booksellers. Joe. Brili~h and Provincial manufactured Writing. Colored, Brown. and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Wafers. Slam". Ink. Steel Pens. Envelopes. Metallic Memorandum Books. Twines Copy Books, School Books and General Stationery. &c., &c. The faoilities which the suhscrihers have for manufacturing. having two of the largest Paper Mills in Canada, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. Great Horse Taming Secret RICHMOND 1-H LL \VHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. SA DDLE é‘ HA RNES S ESTABLISHMENT. Two Doar South qf Liza TRIBUNE Oflicv. William H. Myers, Premium Harness Jlla n ufucturpr, ESI’EC'I'FULI.Y announces lo the Public generallthnt he having taken the F! R S T P R 12 E for Hnrness at the Yonue Street Ag- ricultural Show. Two Years in succession. he fouls confident (hat he can give cnlire smisfnciton in all branches of his business. " * A large stock of H amass, &c, alwms on hand. and made to ordel at the lowest possible mmuueruling prices. UL? Head Qflicc. Clmrrh Street. Toronto. A} BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J.C. Gunman. Pres. l Tuos. HAWOKTH. V. P“: Wm. Henderson, ltice Lawis. James Loask‘ Gum-gs Michh Hugh Miller. J. l’. Robmts. Walter Macfarlalm. Robl. Slallloll, So Tins COMHNV lnsuros all descriptions o! Buildings,Mmml'actories. Mills. 51 c‘. and Good and Furniture, in the same. ngainsl loss ordam age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses prompt!) sellled. 91:?1811 Work W’arranlod.;§30 Residence, Ric h n‘ Fire I n 91] ran 00 (to m pa n 3 of Toronto. The Great To Buildes, Farmers and Ollms.’ yiflmaws. 01" A SUPERIOR QUALI- January 6. {858. JACOB BARNS. Esq. Councilman. Oakville, C. W‘ OakviHa. March 6. 1858. REFERENCE Richmond Hill. Oct Fire ! Fire CflPlTflL STOCK, £100,000 WPREMIUMAJB KHE Suhscribers have always on hand, a large and general stock'of the best INCORPORATED HY ACT 0!" PSRLIAM SHINGLES! SECRET. WESTERN Pill, August 13.1857 BUNTIN. BRO. & Cm. Yonge street. Toronto‘ 5. 1857‘ ’A. mm; Horse Taming ncrnl Agent ng-l} glO-l (:31 143 spuliuus Agents wanted in every town, villnga and hamIet in the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for terms. Price 25 cents per box. five boxes will be sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. 133 A J. WHITE dz CO.I Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street, New York. Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills are sold by al dealers in Medicines. R. MORSE,tlIe iIIvt-IIIor of Nurse’s Indian Root l’ills, has spent the grenIr-r portion oi his life in trat'elIiI-g. having: visited Europe. Asia and AI'I'iC'I. 1t\ well as .VOIth AIIII~I'icIIâ€"â€" has spent llIIeII tears among 1h) Indians at om Western countryâ€"it was in this wuy that the lndiun Root I'ills were first discovered. D'. Morse was the fiIst man to 8‘111I)li<'i tho fact the all cinemas :Iviso i'IIIIII [\II'UIUTY 0|" i‘lll‘l liLi‘lll)â€"-Ihnt IIuv .«IrmIgIh, lIcIIlth and Me Ilupuudtd upon this vital fluidi “(hen the various passages become clogged and do not act in perfect hrIInIout with the dit- ferent functions of the body the blood loses Its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased , thus causing all pains. sickness and distress of every name , our strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived of and il' nature is not assisted in tnrowiug ofi’ the stagnant humors. the blood will become choked and cease to act. and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the hotly free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put n medicine in your reach. namely. Morse’s lndian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mnuu tanious clifi‘s in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific. which opens the puree of the skin. and ass Nature in throwin out the finer parts of the corruption within. g‘he second is (I plant which is an Expectoiant. that upens and uuclngs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting 'l he thiId Is a Diquetio which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged they IlIIIw laIge :IInuuuLs of im- puritv from the blond thI:h is than thrown out hountifirlh in the uIiIIarI or u titer passage, :IIId \IhiI~II Could not have lILeII (iiSCiHllLYEd in .III\ (Illlll \\'II\ Film r'ullllil IS a Chlilfll'hlc nnIl ItcctIIIIp'IIIios the mhor prnpmties o' the Pill while entrained in pIIriltiuIv tho illflod; the coarser particlrs of iIIIpIII'ity \Vilit'h cannot pass by the other mulch. are thus tIIkt-II up and CHHVt’yl‘d t-H' in great quantities hy the bowels. From the above. it is shown that Dr. Movse's lndian Root i’Ills not only enter the stomach. but become united with the blood. for they find their way to even part and complete- h Iout and Ieleaso the sy mu rom all Im puIity. and the lite ot the bodyI which is the blood. becomes portecth healtlw - consequently all “ickness and [ram is dIivnn trom the system tor that cannot IeIuIIiII when the bod) becomes so pute and l‘lt‘ilr. nnd all tuber description of malt-rials. has been very lar g'eh increased this Season, b.‘ arrivals from NEW YORK. PHI] ADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Ofiicee. in addition to those in operation. at the shortesl notice. Priming MACHINES and ENGINES im- Colbome 51., Toronto, Jun. 9, 1857 IIE RUBSCR IBER begs to inform the Trade that his Slack of PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE. INKS. - Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling Per Lb; _‘ _ Also, ONE ACRE 0]“ LAND. silumod in the Village of Thornhill. with good House and out-buildings. arleuy. until iifi‘ is taken from the body by dixame. Dr. Morse’s Puts have added to thenhoit'es victory upon victurt', hy restoring millions ot'the sink to hlomning health and hup- pinesfi. Yes. thousands who have been raclu‘d or tnrinenied with sickness, pain and anguish. and whose feeble l‘rmnes have been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and who have been bought. as it were. within a step of he silent gmvv. now stand ready to testify that they would huvo hoen numhered with the dead, had it not heen for this great and wondeiful medicine, Moixa’s Indian Root Pills, Arlen-one or two dusec had been taken. they ware a~' lonished, and absolulEIy surptisvd, i'l witnessing.“r their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish. but they at once go to work at the foundation of the diseafie. which '< the hlund. 'l’horeforc, it will hn shown. especially by [hush who use that-e I’ll . lhal they will so clause and purify. that disavoâ€" :hat deadly enemvâ€"wnll lake lbs flight. and the {luxll uf youth and beauty \\'|ll again rulurn. nml lllo punspucv. ufn lung and happy life \\i|| cherish and brighten your days. paged to Byder. (nu imbury \lONSlSTlNG of Three Village Lots. with suitable Buildings. with a fourth part of an acre of Land attached to ouch. Ono is a small Colin 8 suitable for a small family. The second is a filew House. adapted for oMechan- ic of any kind or Doctor. (us there is no Doc- lor 'III the neighbourhood). The (bird is a Large House. will) all the m‘comodalious for -\ Tavern, with a never-failing Well of Waler. Also. good,suilnb|e out-buildings. cousisling ul’ IlrivnIIr-IIonso. large shed uood- shed gran- In mid ~Iul>le lugolllt'l‘ \\'llll ome choice bruit 'l‘r.(-(‘:z romp: ismg plums, penufinlll’unb and llIK‘ lvl: l\ tnnlo VALUABLE PROPERTY! ACRES OI“ LAND. Ens! half of >Lol No. 2, 711‘ Concussion. Nurlh :1 B. A'Urwre. All ,\. J. WHITE 62 ('u .Vlmkhmn. 'l'hvuâ€" is nn (N Ingelhm‘ with a Gridand Mechanicrol'diffi‘rem kiln: T4 rm“ mp}: 'i‘ppl’y In LJ..\'I) .HUV‘I) WA '_I‘lv}R .MILL NEAR un‘nmunl) mm. vullé. Arm B UTTON VILL E, (IT Terms Easy. Apply to January I4. 1858 For particulars apply Butlom'illn. Oct. 20'. 1857 w H lill Old Ty» taken in exchange for now. D. K. FEEHAN DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. Township of MARKIHRI, 93-- FOR SALE. .59 T0 PRINTERS mher 1857‘ 10 Flo“ 1‘ shin: Village I‘TONVILI PR l V A'l‘l‘} SA LE !! N â€"Unwnre of .1 Counterfeit signed uurc. All genuine have the unme ul 1111: 51 (70.. on each box. Alsu the If A. J. [Vlzltc & Co. All ullners we F01: SALE! IL Title i JOHN PALM ER. Db IN THE N THE ll lye on the 411- (,‘u an established llslullilhlP. HA M niomuan [He Meéhnuic and Far‘ Richmond Hill 'h' wili ‘lu- s DUNCUMB‘ tho Prnpv‘intor on pml 1mm] lo liuuou well on the [st Richmond Hi'l. 314-” mlll Fill and sum ishcd l'ast-Oflim Mill. Store. witl .ILII smalLCle We “73m” M g Hons-ox. w Aerw of La! (Kern: of Land The promise icuhurnl lullrle [3‘2 plea mm will .and of? LOOK AT THIS ! flfi'l‘hc Only Sure Remedy LMOST EVERYBODY is ordeiiug the I’LOUGH. LOOM and ANVIL. That llm rest maybo as who, and possess themsalves of what we are houndâ€"at any cost to outsolves â€"-lo make the Loading Industrial Journal of the timesâ€"the host for the Farmmwthe Mechanic, and [lie Family (.‘ircieâ€"nvo make the following unprecedented liberal oll'ur :â€" Our Eleventh Volume will commence with January. lSSdâ€"will run to Jununrv, 1859â€"31113 contain 768 large uctnvu pages on fine paper. with new type. It will he issued within the first weok of each month. in numbers of 6-1 pages each, done up in the host maguzine stylo. To all who will forward the money for this weok of elich momli. in numbers of 6-1 pages each, done up in the host umguzine sl.\'lo. To all who will forunrd the money for [hie volume. as single subscrilmrs or in clubs,’ “"0 will sond gmmitionsly. Ihe numbers of the cur- mm volume. from the limo of their forwarding. and one InonIli previous. thus giving in two, Ihree. or four IIuIIIlmrs. accordin . to th a time. to all who subscribe before January. '1 FRMS: â€".‘\"2 a war. in advance . $1 50 (0 clubs of four and upwmd $1 for a months. Advmlising. ten cents a Ii 0. For giving pub- licity to improved slack. nincuitun’ implements. mechanical improvemems. and like Inauors of general interest there is no other medium good at the price. Moore’s Rural New Yorker. H * XCEISIOR." its gTorious Motto. and “ Progress and Improvement,” its laudable objects, the Rural New Yorker con- tinues to excel in Merit, and rap rls deudud prugress in both Circulation: and Usefulness. For Evidence that it is unquestionably the Standard in its sphere, please examine the paperâ€"compare in both contents and appear- ance, with any other extantâ€"Ind you “ill coincides with its patrons and the Press in pro- nouncing it of its cl‘ ‘ THE BEST WEEKLY IN AMERICA! Liberal terms to persons disposed to an agean for this work. Let us hear from 1" J. A. NASH. M. l‘. PARISH, 7 Beekmnn Slroe l. '1‘ hev require no dieting nor confinemonv me perfecth mild and pleasant In their operation, but will powerlu lv restore healthâ€"that glean-s! of all earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhaust id and dilapidated constitutions. Prapared and sold by DH. WILLIAM J- MOFl-AT. 335 Broadwm, N. Y. I34 As an Agiiculluial, Haiticnllural. [,ilornr and l‘amil)‘ Newspaper, combmnd. Ilia Rural has long- bumi unequalled. It employs the. best lalunl. and is illustrated with numerous uosllV and appruprialo engravings. Embracing in one a greater number at iIIIponant, uselul and liIIIelI topics than several 0. dinan' journal: â€"including rural affairs. science. Ineghunicul Every family can alfurd the Rural. for such an eminently instructive and enterlainiug paper IS not a luxury. but a necessity‘ Indeed, all who desire a high toned, progressive. and. emiâ€" nentlv practical and useful farm and fireside journalâ€"one which ignores trash. humbng and decnlitiou, and seeks to enhance the best in- terest: and promote the home happiness of its tens of thousands of readerS. of various occu- pntions, in both town and countryâ€"are invited to try the Rural. An honourable system will be used to deter- mina which one of (he seven Subscribers shall be entitled to one of the above Gifts. which will he sent immediately“ receipt of the Subscrip- tion mouoy. Address all communications to ROLAN R. WEST & Co.. N.W. corner Broadway and Worlh'sheevs. 133 Now York" H T0 CLUBS. 7 Copies for $3 It ‘2 u n 28 'It 10 One Subscriber in every seven will be entitled ton GIFT worth from $1 10$”00. Among tha articles to be distributed are Gold and Sil- ver “’atches. Gold Guard and Vest Chains, Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets. Gold Lockets, Armlets. Ear Drops. Brooches. Pius. Rings, Gold Dollars. &c. J“; AN UlID lndizIn doctor who has made his fortune and retired From business. will spend IlIu [Flllalllllaf of his days in curing that d'undl'nl Ilix-easoâ€"Cossvmrnonâ€"FIIV.I: or CHARGt-l; his eIIIIILM desire being to communi- am (a the “add his remedies that have [Iruved snocmst’ul in morn than 3,000 cases. He re- quires aach nmIliI-ant to send him a minute Ile- svripuou (If the umptoms, with two Stamps, (6 ms ) to 1m) llm relurll letter. In nhich he will IctIIrII llIUlIl his mlu'cc ptcscription. with di- rucliuus flil' preparing Ihe medicine. The Ulrl Duclur hopes that those afflicted will no! on ccouIIt oi'delicnm. reflain from cou- suiting hiIn heczmxe he makes No Charge. His’ suln obiect' III adveIlis ing is to do all the good II? can. lml'mc |Io lll0\. He feels that. he IQ jns‘l- |_\ crluliIau-Il t'oI Ile (3 nl Consumption, Asthma, liIIIIIciIitiu. vaous All‘ections. Coughs Colds, 'l'llonsnnds and tens of lhonsandsmf persons now living in perfeclly reslore'd health, can u-slil'y, as thousands have testified, to their prompt and decided olficauynot only in all ordiA nnr} derangemans ot’heahh. from Impaired Digestive Functions, Costivunrs<. Bilious anti Liver Complaints, Rheumauc and Inflamma- tory Colds, Coughs, Nervous Weakness, L0$ ul‘Appelite, leum of Flesh. Headache and lxnpnre Stale ofthe Blood and other Fluids, but also in Rheumatism. Fever and Ague, other Intermittent Fevers. Asthma‘ Bronchitsx, Clio- lic‘ l’leurisy. Palpitalion of_lhe Heart. Rush ol Bloud Lu the Head Settled Pains 1n the J‘oints. Li! 'and Organs. Afl'ecllons of the Blu'ddm and Kidne) s. Jaundice. Dropsy. Piies, howovfi unveteraae, Habitual Custivenuss, Semus and lhliuus Lovseness. obstinate Headache and Guddinesu, and an immense number of other maladies. arts. education, luslon. biograplhv. moral as- sms and tales. poem and muxic. reading for )oulh<. nuns of the din. market )upuns $ch â€"â€"ll is emphatically aml economically Our list of l'remiums for obtaining Subscri- bers to the Rural for 1858. is unequalled in both liberalitv and fairnessâ€"the best ever of- fored! It has no blankS. but :rawards every person who sends a club ot‘six or more ! The |i<tis just issued and will be sent free [with specimens. show-bills, &c..] to all applicants. Now is the time lo do good and benatit your- selves by canvassing for the mudel Rural and Family Weekly. JOURNAL devoted to the AMUSEMENT up '[anns-r or LADIES .nm GENTLEHB. . entirely original in all its parts. Light Guy and Fast. All this may be furnished without the slightest immorality in its lendency gaining a place in its columns. The )ugubriuus or miserable will find nothing congenial in the SLIPPER. uhilu the Humarisl and Bon Viva»! may well enjoy it. The terms for the Monlhh~ will be Fifty Cents per annum for Single Subscribers. The reputallun ofthcve very celebrated vege- mhle remedies is now unequalled by any others in [his country or in Europe. They am' fully mlnlnlnshud m the most universal family qui: cine now in use, and they will maintain their pro-mninenl renown by thé intrinsic and com- plehensive virtues which acquire-d it. 'l'be' llsklfll modv's of pulfery would. be unworthy ol lhmn and Is unnvcmsarv. THE NINTH VOLUME. FOR 1853. Will be pnuled on clear now u pe and 5“- PH 101" PEIIBIIâ€"wlnle no other effort or expense will be spmul to make the Rural Cullllllllnusl) worth} the iIIIIIIaIIse circulation il is attaining among all classes and LIIIouIrhoul the whole counlr}. Next to your local paper llIe Rural is indispensable. The Rural New Yorker is published weakly. each number. comprising eight large double quarto pages. [forty columns], printed and illerated in superior style. 'l‘orms:â€"Only 'l'wu Dollars a year: three copies for Five Dullhl‘s; six for Ten Dollars; [on far Filteeu Dollarr in advance. A c 33 THE LEADING AND LARGEST CIRCULATED AGRICULTURAL. LITERARY. AND FAMILY NE‘VSPAPL‘R. Mgmays gfi’té: P913, New York. October 22. [857 Add [.19 A New C DVD ERELLJI SLIPI’E'R, A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! AGENTS WANTfib VOLUME IX. FOR 1858 PIIOEX IX BITTERS Add powr. UNCAS BRANT. ms Mon thly Paper. D. D. 'I‘. MOORE Box 35:11. 1’. 0.. New 'Yur â€"â€"’1‘HEâ€"â€" Rnchestei'. N. Y m Deb" ‘ .. llw bloumch. hosted Hands u;l|‘;Le(.:hg Bruises, or Slifi‘ness in the Johns. Fl.“ Ague. Cholera MorbuS, Coughs, Com“ of Appetite, Summer Complaints, 1! Sure Throat or Quinsey. Swellixngs_ Bums. External Injuries, &c.,is “ Its efficacy has been fairly tested‘ and its virtues pronounced unparalleled ” The cures made In Dr. Tumblaly with his Vegetable Compound are so miraculous as to resemble the farm-d Scriptural account of similar cases in ancueut times. and those cases are so wonderful and instantaneous. so satis- factory and mitigating of human ill. as to call upon public functionaries and those having charge of public institutions for the sick and sufi‘ering to look welliulu the We" attested merits ol'lhis Vegetable Medicine. Numerous caseS. two months in Hospital. \AiLhouLany lionofil. have beau cured by a few days’ use ofth Vegetable Compound. ll is the most soothing medicine in the world, or that ever will be. The Vegetable Compound is put up highly concentrated in bottles accompanied with printed directions. and sell: for ‘25 cents. 50 cams. and $1 per bottle. T0 MECHANICS, INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS. Dr. Tumblety’s Vegetable Com pound. N announcing the Thirteenth Annual Vulmne of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERI- CAN, thePublishers respectfulh inform the public (hm lu oIder to increve and stimulate the form- ation of The followinglist of a few oftha principal arti- cles required by printers. will give an idea ohhe great advantages ofthe Canada Type Foundry Dr. Tumblety’s Vegetable Pills, l’ill ever offered to the public for the cure tof Costiveness, Biliotts Complaints. Dropsy. lleartbnrn. Headache. arising from a ton] Stomach. Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inac- tion of the Bowels. and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, all Ulcers and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacunut Medicine. Scrofula, King’s Evil. Functionull Derangemenlof the Liver, Spleen and Viscora. l the) stand unrivalled. [F Price 25 cents and 50 cents per box. These are no crude and untried remedies experimentally placed bnl'ore the public, but they have stood the test of years. All that science. skill and experient'e could do. in perfecting good, wholesome and ever safe and reliable Family Medicines, have been concentrated in these preparations. No paâ€" rents who value the health or even ‘Ihe lives of their children should be wilhout them. Hundreds of Ph)5lcmns now use lhsm acknowledge them to be the Inoslscienlific wholesome preparations ever offered to pubiic. blely.- at his Office, 111 King slréet, Toéorurm‘ Canada “'351. Clubs, they propose to ofl'er One T/untsaml Fiz'e Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums. for the “men largest lisls ofsubscrihcrs sent in by the 181 ofJaIIuary, 11358; premiums to be d.s- IrIbIIled as follows :â€" For the largest list. . . . . . . . . . . . . .8300 2nd 3rd 4m 5th 61h 71h 81h 9m IIitlI lllh 12m l3lh l4llI 15Ih Names olsubscrihors can he sent in In difl'erem time-s and from different Poslol‘fices. The ca>|I will be paid to the mdcrs oflhe successful ocm- petitors. Innuediately after the [st of January. 1858. selves. Our motto isâ€"supph the trade “"IIh tI p0 ofsuch quantities and III such prices as will pre- vent xhe necmaily of patronising foreign manu- faclurers. THOS. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Stu-M Montreal, May lBlh. 1857. g3 N.B.â€"Pnblishers of newspapers giving inser- tion 191th ndverlisment for 2 moulhs‘ will be allowed their bills upon purchasing five times their nmoum ofour mlnnfncmra. Editbrs will confer a favor Ivy directing nuonlion‘ tn‘ the announcement. 'l‘ l n .v l n. Southern. Weslern,aud Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit twenty-six cents extra on each year’s subscription to pre-pa)’ pedago. Publishers and Patent Agents, No. 128 Fulton street. New York. g94 The prices at. which these and other types are sold at the Canada Type Foundry, will he found at least 30 percent. less than they could be pur- chasederuvious to its establishment. ll. isglherefore hoped that the Printers ofCana- da will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out, by he>lowing upon ila. fair share of their patronage, in return fur which the propriet- ors pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample satisfaction. Printers l_mark the reduction in the price of type since this Foundry was opened : and hearin mind that}: greater reduction depends upon your- REMOVED To ‘ST. 'l‘HmucuIc S12, m Dxunnn’s VFHE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the Prin ers of Canada, that they have now manufactured and ready for delivery. a large quantity of Small l’ica. Long Primer. Bourgeoisu and Brevier. of Scotch face. which they will guarantee cannoi be surpassed b) any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. They have also on hand a choice assortment of various kinds of Nonpnviel - - - - - 28 Cd per 1b. Minion- - - - - - 2s 3d " lirevier- - - - - - 23 1d “ Buurgeoise - ~ - - ls 10d “ Long Primer - - - - )5 8d " Small Picnâ€" ’ - - - 1! 7d " Pica - - - - ~ - 15 6d " .113" All olher Book Fonts in proportion. Lunaâ€"6 to Pica and thicker. ls per “1.: Pica. 133d: 8 to Pica ls 6d. CLUB RATES. Five copies for 6 months . . ........ $4 Five copies for [‘2 months. . Ten copies for 6 months. . Ten copies for 12 months” . .15 Twentv copies for 12 months ........ 28 For all Clubs of Tu ent_\ and ov er. the)early subscription is only $140. The new volume will be printed upon fine paper with new typo. The general character ofthe Scintlific Ameri- can is well known. and, as lierclotoreit itill be (' hiefly detoled to the promulgation oi information ielating to the various Mechanical and (‘ hemirnl Arts. Manufactures. Agriculture. Petenh. ln- ventions. Engineering, Mill Work. and all inter- salts which the liglitof Practical Science is cal- culated to advance It is issued Vi eeklv. in form for binding; it contains nnnualli from 500 to 600 finely executed Biigravings, and Notices of American and European Improvements. togeth- er \\ ith an Ufficial List of American Patent Claims published weekly in advance ofall other papets TERM: OF SUBSCRIPTIDhâ€"‘ for Six Momhs. [ET Specimen copies will he sent grnlis to any part of the country. Canada Type Foundry. The host and sufasl. Cutlaflic Annd_ Purifying nu: .. *5” Poor people will be liberally deal! with Toronto. Dec. 24. 1857 131 sale wholesale or retail by Dr; Turn Ornamental Type BUILDINGS, MONTREAL â€"PRICES:â€"â€" sl- - - - - 2s ( - - - - - 2s 1 - - - - - 2: ‘ ise - ~ - - lsl( imer- - - â€" )5 1 CI' ’ - - - la 7 - - ~ - - 15 1 M UNN 6'1, C0,, in the Buck. Bram! and Side. Palpita- lion of the Hean Toothache, Head- ache, “'onk Stom- ‘1?!“ 11nd Gcncrm IN THE WORLD for the sure cure of Rhoumuliuu. l‘ains year, or $1 Br amps i Sprain Q50 200 150 100 90 80 70 60 50 4o and and and the in UNIVERSALLY known lhroughoutCunu- da and tho Un'il'ctl Slales for his skill and success In Resmring Lost Sight & Hearing! And mmovilfig all Dizeuses of [he Eye and Ear generally. begs most respectfully to inform those afilictod in those delicate organs, that he has for- wardc-dlo the office of this Imp" a {ow dozo copius of the 4le adult.“ at his ’l‘realisc an Dism- xas qf L/u: Eye and Ear. publhhod this day- wlxich will be presenlud lo applicants. FREE OF CHARGE. Ton Thousand Copies are now ready fur dwln" billion. j'l‘hiu work conmins uenrly2000 pug“; of regding runner. in which will be found reponed nlarge number of uloslimportnnund anonneafnl The Author feels fully assured that evorv 11‘ prejudiced reader of this work will be conVI'nCL that Diaoases of the Eye or Ear in (my six/g5 short orcomplele disorganization. cm; and "my be cured .- and it must nppear evident to every considerate person that the principal cause 15" failure to obtain reliafm these cases throughout the country. is the rain“ of improper treatment. and a want of xxrulmcn, sxlu. and coura- n-zm v on the pull oflhose professing or attempt- ing to cure such diseases. This \Vark will also be forwarded to indivi- duals free 1y“ clutrge) sending their add ass. POST-PAID, to ma Author at. Toronto. Thomhlll. Yonge Street, Juno 24th. 1857 The price fin a MOW“; $7172) . 00; uompleled as a . Emper.$l~}0, 00. An extra knife will be - AH uur Machines are warranted [0 be we“ buillnn‘d of the has! man-rial. From 3] years’ experience in tho husinesr and prompt attention to an orders with which he may be favored. combined with an earnest desire to please his customers, he hopes to merit: share of public patronage. In a proper and satisfactory manner. by eredi- eating Painls, Oil, Tar, die. 40.. and restoring Colors to their original appearance. so as to give Gentleman’s wearing apparel the full appear- ance of new. .v U Wrought Iron. enure _\ ree from side draught. can be elovmed to any hoigbfifl'rom a Mower lo a Reaper by a screw in from. and cuts without clogging, in Grass, Wheat. Uuts or Bullev. wilhom change ofknife or gearing. and works easy for the horses. $5: 90 ugh]! K? Advoniscnnenls wit-haul wrillen din”:- (ions inserted ti” forbid, and charged accord- i n gl)’ . N a paper discontinued until all nrrearagea are paid : and parties refusing paper! wiLhout pay. in; up. will be held accountable for the aub- scriplion, filowcr and Ii’capcr. Merchants and others who advertise liberally die TRIBUNE will have their Cards inserted in the Business Directory. V ‘IlE Undersignx‘d begs leave to inform the J Public that he holds himself in readiness at his Old Estabiishmenl, which has been con- tinued for the lust Six Years, in this Chy (No. [6-3, Yonge Street. and directly opposite lh! “ Briuannnla House.” Torphlo.) lo A” Descriptions of Clothing, Six lines and under. first insertion £0 Each subsequent insertion.. . . Tell lines and under, first insertion Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . Above ten lines, first in.. per line Each subsequent insertion. per line All transitory adverlisenienls. from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ud- verlising by the year. All advertisements published for a less pe- riod lhau one moulll, must be paid for in ad- vance. A” letters, addressed to ”as Editor must be post paid. a THE 3mm; @tihnue mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The BRITISH TRIBUNE will :lways be found to contain the lateSt and mmimporunt Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valu- able Famil) Newspaper. T E R M S.â€"'I‘wo Dollars per Annum. IN ADVANCE ; and if nolpnid within Six Moulln! two dollars and 1: half will lw charged. Operator on (/10 Eye and Ear EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despnlched 10 Subscribers by the earlios VVi lliam ’l‘r ml 56 o n, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ORDERS for 53.3!" lbs undormomionad deficnplion of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" nooxs, ”Nu mus. nusmxss mans. mm: AND SMALL Posrms. uncuums. w ranus. mu. HEADSJIANK CEICXSJJRAHSI ”D r A M r u I. 2 1- s . And every other kind of Book and Job Printing ES TA B LISHMENT. done in the best 5‘3’9- at modomlo mar. Our assortmentno.‘ JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latent patterns. A largo) vanoly 3f now Fancy Type and Bordon: . for Cards Dr. CADWELL. ’l‘uuum’o, June 8m, 1857 Toronto, June 51h. 1857 LETTERâ€"PIKE Darling & Aitchisonm comm 1:1) ‘L‘R MACHINE OCULST & AURIST. Rates of Advertising : GENTLEMEN! ONOMY IS WEALTH. Ream-ate. clean and Repair or TORONTO, IS PUBLISHED WM. RICHARDSON GEORG E DA RLI NG BOUT. AJ'I‘CHISUN. ss PRINTING 2 subs (nfilin‘ll‘y built to l-lf. 4d Id. 11] Id

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