‘3 CANADA. {In Golgi: prominent membl'r or “39 Canadian. ‘Legislative Assemblh m" "' session in Toronto, has prepared and pub- lished a series of resolutions, mice m number, which he is about to 9581' In that body, in favor of Federal Union for the two Canadas, in lieu of the Legislative Union n'ow existing, 3an conlemPl‘ll-Wg also a general confederation of all Britiin Nora. American Provinces. The ï¬rst of Mr, Gan’s resolutions recommends, in view of local and sectional difï¬culties, that Canada East and Canada West should each have aLegislature of its own, and that there should be a general Legislature and Government for both Provinces, to which all subjects of national and common Importance shOuId be referred. The idea, borrowed from our system, is sensible and practical. There can be no harmony be- tween the diverse populations of the two Canadas so long as all their local legisla- tion is transacted in one common body.â€" Each can better manage its home affairs l,Iior itself, as is done by each several State , of the American Union. The second re- solution recommends local Governments fer the Northwest and Hudson’s Bay Ter- ritories; and the third is devoted to urg- ing the establishment of a general confe- deration of the Provinces of New-Brunsâ€" Wi , Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince E ard Island, with Canada and the Western Territories, as calculated among other things to “add to their national power and consideration.†These topics ï¬re regarded With interest in Canada, and well they may be. The chain of pro- vinces, stretching across the continent, and embracing nearly half of North Ame- rica, isa nascent empire which the world must ere long take notice of.â€"N'- Y. Times, 17th. OTTAWA. The Hon. Henry A. Murray who formerly trat‘rlled over a large portion of this continent, wrote a book entitled " The United States and Canada,†in which, referring to Ottawa, the following remarkfbecur. They are worthy of per- usal on account of prophecy which the writer would almost seem to have possess- ed :â€" “ The ground upon which the greater part of Bytown (Ottawa City) stands, was offered some years since to a serva .t, as payment for a debt of £70. He found the bargain so bad that he tried to get on ' it. The value of the same land is n5“ estimated at £200,000 ! ! ! As late as 1826, there was not one stone put upon another; now the population is 10,- 000, apd steadily increasing. Nothing can exceed the Beauty of the panoramic view from the verge of the Barrack Hill, which is a dark frowning perpendicular rook, several hundred feet high. To the West are the Chaudiere Falls, 200 feet broad and 60 feet high, irregular in shape, and broken here and there by racks, around which the rapids leap in unccasing frenzy, ere they .take their last plunge in- to the maddened gulf below thence rolling their dark waters beneath your feet. 13c- low the falls, the river is spanned by a very light and beautiful suspension biidge. This part of the scene is en liver ed by ll e continual descent of timber rafts rushing dOWn the slides, skillfully guided by their hardy and experienced navigators.â€" Around you is a splendid expanse of wavo ing ï¬elds and sombre forests, as far as the eye can stretch, and bounded towards the north by mountains looming and half losi in distance, whence comes the mighty Gatineauâ€"a watery highway for forest Mums, treading its course like astrenm ofliquid silver as the sun’s rays dance upon its bosomâ€"the whole forming one of the most beautiful panoramas imagin- ab'e. “ No place was ever better calculated for the capital of a great country. Borâ€" dering upon Upper and Lower Canada, only tweb‘hours from Montreal, easily capable of defence, with a trade increasâ€" ing in Value as rapidly as the source there- of is exliaustable, at. the confluence of two ‘éivers, whose banks are alike rich in tim- er and arable land, requiring but 19 miles ofloekage to unite the St. Lawrence, the Ottawa, and the Gatineau with the boundâ€" less inland lakes of America possessing the magniï¬cen'. Ridean Canal, which adords a ready means at transport to Kingston, on Lake Ontario, rich with Scenery unsur- passed in beauty and grandeur. and enjoy- ing a climate as healthy as any the world can produce. Nature seems to have marked out Brtown as the site for a Canadian metropolis. In short, were I a prophet instead of a traveller, I should b Iy predict that such it must be some (I y, it Canada remain united and indepen- dent.†5 QUEBEC VOLUNTEER HIGHLAND COM- PANv.--At last there is some appearance of 3 Quebec Highland Company becoming not a mere phantom of the brain, but a killed, plumed, broad-sworded and Minio- ritled reality. This matter has been long talked of, but somehow or-anotlier talking was all that was done about it; now, we are delighted with the idea that actions, not words, havo become the motto of some of our most respected Scotch citizens, and we understand that in a short time .Quebec will be able to boast of a mil tnry company representing that land,“ the land of the heather and plaid,†whose deeds of inrms have claimed universal admiration.--- If there is one thing more than another palculated to give the Quebec Highlanders opularity, in the eyes of our Scotch citi- gens, it will be the fact that they are to wear the uniform and tartan of the 78th Highlanders, whose deeds in India will pever be forgotten by Scotchmen so long as the heather blooms and the thistle t‘ lags.†Montreal, Toronto, and Hamilâ€" ton,ha ' their one or two Highland mompap , nd why should Quebec lag be- hind !- Ev‘e‘n the volunteer companies that are " ‘stence may be said to represent our ' ' ,'Irish, and French Canadian citizen‘utd‘the formation of a Highland company will make the demonstration com- plete, and prove that Highlandmen in Que- ec have the same spirit which hovers over the rugged'm‘duntaius of their native land. DuncanglicPherson, Esq., has, we under- stand, been nominated as captain of the company. -We will be happy to hear of the company’s rapid completion.-- Quebec Gazette, ‘ The “ getting up†of the new French thing for brilliancy that' has ever pre- ï¬assy to London, it is said, will exceed 0 ed it in the history of diplomatic mag- niï¬cence. The Duke’s ofl‘icial carriage will surpass in beauty and cost that made ‘tbr Marshal Soult and the coronation of Queen Victoria. The new minister’s inâ€" come is about 580,000 francs a yearâ€"or :31 [5,000. A VFEDEILAL UNION 11m On the ï¬rst of March last it will he recollecled that three persons were mur- f ilered ncar Brockrille ;~Thompson, Sla- yen, and Mrs. Thompson. Three men were placed at the bar named Whalen, Cumming and Trodder, charged with the murder of Mrs. Thompson only. Burl“- tle evidence in addition to that given at the inquest was adduced. The three pri- soners were proved to be at the house of the deceased on the day of the murder, and to have been aware from dealings they had with Thompson, that he was possess- ed of some little money. An axe which was lound at the house of Wlialen, and which the day I revious to the murder, he had secured to its handle, bore unmistak- able marks of blood, but a witness for the defence saw VVhalen’s wife cutting pork with it on the day in question. The wounds on Mrs. Thompson’s head were unquestionably inflicted with an axe. In Whalen’s house a pair of woollen trousers were found which Mr. Slaven, confessed to having recently washed, The lluee prisoners were the ï¬rst to give the alarm, and to summon the neighbors to the scene of the murder. The Jury not thinking the evidence sullioienl‘y strong to warrant a conviction. returned a verdict of“ NOT G UILTY.â€-- Gin/m. A SPRINKLING or DIAMONDSwâ€"Vl‘llt Paris correspoiident of Illl‘ Boston Tru- veller describes an accident which occur. red at Mme. Lehon’s ball, who lives on the left of the Bend Point of the Champs Elysees. Young Prince Murat and his wife were going to the ball, when just be- fore tliey reached the door some obstacle in the avenue made the cariiage josllr so violently as to throw the driver from his seat; the horse ran away and broke the carriage on the basin ofllie fountain. The Princess was carried, bleeding and seme- 1855, into Mme. Lehon’s; the dances Were, of course, instantly intel'rupti-(I, and seve- ral ladies fainted at tile sight of the Prin- cess in a hall dress and covered willi blood. The wounds she rirciriiel proved, fortu- nately, slight. When her alarm was dis- sipated, it was discovered that her neck- lace and other ornaments of diamonds had fallen into the avenue. Imagine the conâ€" sternation which followed this discovery. especially when scan-b was made in vain for them, and it became necessary to postâ€" pone furtlier investigation until the day- light appenrcd. Ten thousand dollars of diamondsin the Avenue des Champs Elyâ€" sees all night! Policr-inen were pesled to guard the ground until day broke, when the diamonds were found scatter“! in every direction; not a diamond was missing! HEnnsv.â€"'l‘lie Rev. Peter Sharp, 01 Michigamwas once a member of the Ohio Annual Conference. At one of their meetings a brOllltr had been tried for her- csy, and ï¬nally the charges Were consider- ed proved, and lie was duly convicted:â€" The members snt silent, pei baps revolving in their own minds what punishment ought to be meted out to this urring brollwr, who did not understand the book juxt cxnrtly as they did. At lenglli the presiding bishop asked, “ What will the c0nference il) with the brother 2’7 Up rose Peter Sharp. and with great gravity, said. "I more that be be burned at the stake.â€â€" 'l‘lie motion was a strong one, and it brought into such a glaring light the lolly of punishing men for errors of judgment, that the conference made the sentence as gentle as they possibly could. ATTEMPT TO Assassmx'rn THE Bounnou IN V\'asuincrox.â€"'l‘hc Washington Star gives an account of an attempt to assassinate ibc I’lrv. lillraZcr Williams, while engaged in literary labor at his lodgings, 4-71. Pennsylvania Avenue, on Friday night between the hours of 1‘2 and I o’clock. A mini entered his room with an uplifted dagger in his band as claiming, “I’ve got you at lilaf, have I,†wliei Mr. VVilliiuiis, although an old "km of seventy-eight, defended IlIHISI‘II so vig- orously that his assailant was compelled to retreat, leaving; llis dagger upon the floor. Mr. “'illinuis’ cries aroused the inmates of the house but not in sens-in to iipprebenl the zis~a~~in Mr. Williams was not injured, an! no reason can be as- signed fI.‘ the attack. Rnusnxam. i\l';ll’I‘-â€"DI‘.S"I‘.NT or a Ban on FiRi;.â€"'l lu- N. Y. Journal states that while the New York and Wm- crster train, cultural-tin; with the strainer Conunonwealt/L. was passing Nalick yes terdny morning, a ball 0t lightning as large as the two ï¬sts of a man, descended ran along the telegraph wire, and explod- ed with a report its loud as a cannon. The wire was conunned, and [lie posts within a space of hzill'a mile were shiver- ed from top to bottom. The passengers on the train were greatly alarmed, as the ball of ï¬re was all the lime in sight, and the. explosion seemed as if beneath the cars. Had the train been under it must Imve been struck. qus.â€"On \\'edn--sdiiy night, beâ€" tween 11 andli’. o‘clock, a lite broke one in the bums ofour t‘slCt'ttletlllieIIOWâ€"IOWIIS_ man, Mr. John Elliott, at the foot of Maine street, which was one of the 100st destructive that has taken place in this town for some yous, destroying three large barns, a driving shed. four valuable horses, 350 bushels of wheat. 23!), bushi-ls of oats, about 10 bushels of peas, 12 tons of hay, several sells of harness, and a quantity of farming implementsâ€"amount- ing altogether to about £1,500. Mr. Elliott was only insured for about £500. â€"Brampton Times 23rd. The Examiner, speaking oflbc 100th, says that Strathrd wi'l have the honor of contributing a very respectable contingent to the Prince of Wales’ Regiment. Over thirty men have been already sent, and Lieut. Houghton of the 17th is actiVer drumming up more recruits. Crinoline has got into Court at De- troit. A suit is now pending before a magistrate’s court, in that city, instituted by the husband of a lady who was rofused admission to a public lecture, the price of which was 25 cents, which being duly tendered, was refused, and 50 cents de- manded, on the ground that she would occupy two seats. Mas. CUNNINGHAM BURDELL. ~--It is intimated that new developments have transpired witl-in a few Weeks that war- rant the supposition that this woman will yet be subjected to a new trial for the murder of Dr. But-dell. It is said that new phases of this extraordinary case will probably soon be made public, and the chief incidents of that bloody drama will be re-invcsted with still more thrilling interest unless money and influence again smother it. A suit for divorce is pending in Itoâ€" chester, New York, which originated in a dispute between Mr. B. and his wife as to whether they should have beefsteak broilâ€" ed or some oysters fried for breakfastâ€" the lady, whose tastes are excellent, con- tended for the latter. Mr. George Field, a letter-carrier of Birmingham, being something ofa “ poet,†sent some verses on the death of Have- lock to Lady IIavelock. In acknowledg- ment bcr Ladysbip says it is a great pleas sure, though a melancholy one, to know that her late lamented husband is just- ly appreciated by the lowly as well as by the great ones of Ilie land of his birlli. FIRE IN Bushmanâ€"The premises of T. Ramson & Co., on Holland street, consisting ofa general store and outbuild- ings, together with a paint shop adjoining, were totally destroyed by ï¬re on Thurs- day night last' They were owned by Ransom Es l,‘o. who had an insurance of £1,000 on them and the stock, which is believed will covsr tlie lossâ€"Bradford Chronicle. OPENING or 'riii: Cantoâ€"The Secretary of the lloard of \Vorks has in- timated to the Montreal Board of Trade, in reply to its inquiry, that a commence- uicnt will be made to let the water into the upper canals on the 25th, and inlo the Lachinc Canal on the 27th inst. A NEW \VOOLEN I?AoTonv.â€"A project is on foot for erecting an exten- sive woollen factory at Cult. The Call Reporter says the scheme promises to be liberally supported. TORONTO M AR K ET S . \Vednesday, April 28. There was a good supply of sensonnblc products on the market yesterday, all of which moved off readily at full rules. Wuhanâ€"About wheat changed hands at prices ranging from 4.3 7d (0 55 3d pu- bu‘thel’ one load 'I‘lioruhill Post Oflico. only moving oil at 55 4d. The average 1,500 bushels of rest of the month at tho 'I'lioriihill Hotel, FARM FOR SALE ! IONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND 'I'riiiirv ACI‘GS of good land, being part of Lot To I3. 41b Con. Vaughan. For particulars. apply to Du. II Ell). 'I‘Iioriiliill. 1294f December 24. 1857. T O R E N T, B‘OR TWO YEARS, April. A PARK LOT In the ViLuni-z or RICHMOND lliLt., coulaiuing FIVE ACRES. For pnrliculnrs apply In GEORGE McPIIILI.ll'S.I'.I...\'. Richmond Hill. March 29, 1858. H3-3 from the first of V o To Carriage Makers. VI‘HEAdvorlisor is desirous of obtaining a Situation in n Carriage Shop where a number of hands are kept. \Vould have no objections to discharge the duties of Foreman. fooling convinced from his: knowledge of the trade that he would be able to give gonornl satisfaction. Address W. 5.. Tribune Ofl’ico. Richmond Hill, C.\V. April 1. 1858. t43-4t TO RENT, N THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND I HILL. nCouipIele DWELLING HO U SE, VVIII) 3 Stable. Driving House and n quarinr of :m Acre of Land. Apply to GEORGE McPHlLLH‘S, I’.!..S Richmond Hill. March 29, 1858 Mil-ll G. II. HUSBAND, SURGEON DENTIST, OULD respectfully inform the Ladies / \R and Gentlemen. who wish to avail Illf‘ln- solves of his professional services. that be will be in attendance the ï¬rst Mondnv and 'l'iicsdm following of each month. at A'mblor’s Holt-I. Richmond Hill : lVediiesday following at lbo Aurorn Hotel, Aurora; Thurs-(lav mid Friilin' at J. McCluro’s I'lolcl. Holland Landing; ibis Thornliill. IL? Communications lo be addressed to Rial-‘iznimnns [by porniissiou]:~â€"an. R. I’aiiitin: Rev. N. C. Gown“; A. Iluck, MIL. price for the day would not be much un_ R. C. 5.. Eng: C. Knyser. M. D.; Rowe", dcr 55, an! the market closed buoyant. SPRING “'iiE/i'r is not in such good ‘ request, and is now worth 35 6d t0'3s 9d 1) A I N ’1‘ per bushel. BARLEvâ€"Is 105d to 25 3d. Rye 35. rjihc OATS arc in better supply at Is 7d to Is 8d. PEAS are plentiful at 2s 9d to 35, Hit: latter being the extreme ï¬gure. POTATOES were very abundant at all rates between 25 6d and 3s per bushel. I mun was excrssrvcly dull, and no or- ders in Illc market except at prices much below the vich of holders. The rat-s now named are nominally as foll0u's:~â€" superfine 75; fancy $3 90 lo $I-; extra fill 12;. to $4 25 per barrel. Other articles remain as before quoted. â€" G/olje . B I R T H . On the morning oflhc 94th iusl.. the wife 0 Mr. Thomas Smith. jun., of twin daughters, who with their mother are doing well. Speciai Not ices. ‘\ OFF/IT'S Life Pills and Plimnix Killers. 1 Physically considered. man is lhe parm gun of animals ; biil his system is liable to (“<- mrnnl and internal rlorangeniriils to which we give the name of discas‘n. I'lemrdios of n .kiHIjlll‘ kind should be ï¬rst usr‘rl. The Mofl‘al Life Pills purify the blood, ieiiovnle llioilelil'ale organs of the stomach. \vbilsl lbe Phoenix ll tâ€" lers. In gently stimulating the appetite. give a dew 195! to life and its enjovmonts. W. Il. MOFFA'I‘, 335 Broadway, New York. and his Agents. “~â€" GIDDINESS. HEADACHE, Are. These pains and disagreeable feeling; we generally syiiip'ous of some olher complaint ; such as dyspepsia. appoploxy. and various others. all of which are caused by corrupt nox- ious matter, clogging the various circulations : bone", a stream or rush of blood lo the hand, and by the excitement as great pressure on the brain. (.dltltllllPSN’, headache. loss of memory. (IIIIIII(SS of sight, and various other complaints arc the result. Thus it will he sci-u that all the above painful and distressing maladies own IIIt-II‘ oiigin to the blood. Dr. Morso's Indian Iloot I’iéls are acknowledged to be the onlv medicine that will lborouglily purify tlio blood. They enter the blood. and follow the stream of life on its journey llirougli the sysleiii. They root out all foulness and impurity. and drive out every unhealthy obstruction. They should bu taken every night in sufliciont quantities to up- eralo briskly, by commencing with two pills on going to had. three the next iiighl, four lbo next; if the syiiiptous are not removed, com~ inenco again wilh two pills and go up again as before. Continue in like manner until the blood is thoroughly puriï¬ed. and all pain and distress is entirely removed. Obtain one ofour FREE ALMA read the history of Dr. Marco’s father. and how the medicine was introduced. M. I). ; .I. Ziiiiinorniau, S. I). Docoiubor 3!. 1857. ING. Subscriber begs to inform the in- _ Imbitants of lliclunond Ilill and sur- rounding country, that he has commenced business in House Painting, Glazing, Paper Ifruzging, Gl‘aining, ($13., .j‘c. He hopes that by strict attention to rll order on- trusted to him which will be executor! in a mint and workmanliko manner, on the shortest no- tice, to merit a share of public patronage. Richmond Hill. IIICIID. VAILICS. March II. 858. g bill-Gm OATS,__OATS ! I, TAN'I'I'ID to purchase Orin 'I'lanith V ’ Ilushcls of good ()nts. Iliglli‘nt pricn paid in Cash. Apply at the Tribune Ollicc, Richmond Hill. Feb. II. 1538 [SIG .lPOTIIECAIiIE." "llllll! ITING STREET, 2nd door ori~t of Church X Stieot. opponto the ("ntliodral. W. T. A'[|(l\SUK. A: (30.. Law of King slreot \Vcst, now offer at their now establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Potent .ll/rdicines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, 1)yr-- "boils, Com/is Brits/H’s «Si-Ln, At such moderate piiccs as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. T. A. 81 Co. having considerable ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts of England. have no linsllaliutl in saying. that a gloat many of their Manufactured Ailicles \vill In: Ioiiiiil very supeiiur. Medicines used IN compounding l'rewiiptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Clllllis Mcilct‘Illes, dun, are uf the. veiy host qunlily, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug “on. s. \V. 'l‘. A. do Co. beg to call attention to their Celebrated I’repa- ration for the Tooth. Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth‘ Paste. Also their lunch admired Pei-fume 'I‘IIli CNULISII NOSEGAY. Soda \anor holllcd and from the fountain; St. Callieriucs Minion-n] \aner, and [lie Plantagenet Walor, celebrated for their healthy properties. April 2‘1, 1858. MG For Sale or to Rent, A D W E L I. IN Gâ€"IIOUSE, Store-house, Driving-house and about an Acre of Land. in the Village of Victoria Sqiiaie. suita- blo for a Store or Tavorn. For terms apply to W. Trudgeon, Esq. 'l‘rillmie OHICB. Richmond Hill. April 522. 1855. [~16 Straycd Steer: Come into the premises of the Subscriber. NACS. and Lot No. IS. 5th Concession Markham. about the last of March. a Hazel coloured Steer. two years old. Tho owner is requested to prove Beware ofa couulerfoit oflllese Pi]]S_YE[,_ property. pay expemos. and take it away. LOW WRAPPER-S. All genuine are in BLUE wrappers with the signature of A. J. VVIiilo Sr, Co. on each box. PIICB 25 cts. Dr Morso‘s Indian Root (ltnleis in Medicines. I43. 'â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-=â€"â€"____ Slhurrtimm into. Sti-aycrl Steer. (NAME into the premises of the Sub- scriber, on the lat of April, a RED SIEER. two years old. The owner isl'0< quested to prove property. pay charges and take it away, WILLIAM LAWSON. Lot 28, 5th Con. Markham. April 7. I858. FOR SALE! ACRES OF LAND. Eu! half of I _ Lot No. % 7th Concession. North Givillimbury. Also. ON I". ACRE OF LAND. situated in the Village of Tlioriihill. with good House and out-build' lugs. If? Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill. January 14. 1858. L1? HABpD) UP CAN’T HELP IT! [.I, past dun arcnunts not paid by the let at May next, will be put in suit, Pmirhmlity is l/u: Lift. of Tank. “'3’ Save your Costs and my (Trcdil. G. A. BARNAIKD- I45 n A April, H, 28.74, WILLIAM I‘ADGET. Markham. April 15lb, 1858 MS. Pills are sold by n" F RES]! GROCERIES JUS’I‘ RECIEVED, AN D CHEAP, FOR CASH! i. t. Bllllllll’l, M 'SCOVADO SUGAR, CHRISTALIZED SUOA It, FINE F LESII TEAS, H4 3 PURE MOCHA 8i JAVA COFFEES, LIVERPOOL soar, CURRANTS 8r. SPICES, TOBACCOS, ac. sic. Richmond Hill. April 8, leS. l-I-l-lf To Medical Practitioners GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- self to n Medical Man of standing and oxparionce. House and Promises. botli plou- sant and eoiivouioiit. can be bad on reasonable terms. Apply. if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the 'I'riLLne. Richmond Ilill. June 1511;. 1857. g.2-wy. Conveyance to Railroad Station. 7 HE Subscriber begs to remind the inhabi- tants of Richmond Ilill and the public generally. that he runs a regular Conveyance. Twice a day. to tho Railroad Station, and reâ€" spectfully soliclis tlieirpatronogo thereto. I’ns- seiigem conveyed to any part oflbe country on the shortest notice. RICIIA RD NICIIOLIS. g‘ZGâ€"If Doc. '3, ISST New Goods, J ust Iéecim'ed. , A'I‘IONAL SCHOOL BOOKS. _ot Re- 1 (blood Prices. in variulv of Plain and rims.- STATIONERY, Shelf and Heavy IIARDVVAIIE. SI’ADICS. MANIIRE and IIAY FORKS. GARDEN RAKES null HOES. and an excellent assaitinent of G009, FRESH GARDEN SEEDS! CHEAP. FOR CASH. A'I‘ G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. April 8. 1858. till-If SIVAN HOTEL, ’ 'llflliNlllLL. The Subscriber in _ tendering his thanks for past fnynrs. would bog in call Public attention to his l\b.W Establishment, Tlioriiliill, and known as ~tliu SWAN “0113., which be has Ialrly entered into in consequence of tho aflcomodntiou. in his (IllI cstnbllslimout being entirely too limited for the comfort of his numerous guests. The SWAN IIOTEI. in a few days will he completely renovated. fllltl respoctabln Visitors mai rely on having their calls immediately at- tniided to. He has also very cxlensivo occonio- dation for Horses nnd Carriages. His llar will always be found well stored with tho chomest Liquors ; while the subscriber bimscll‘iutends to devote his lime to the coin- fort of all those who may honour him with a call. JOHN SHIELS. é Proprietor. i133 RA R E CHANCE. f ‘Ill'i S'ulhcribcr pliers, by Private Contract, for pile month only, Tliornbill. J an nary 20. 1858. FIFTY BUILDING LOTS IN TIIII Village of Richmond Hill. A credit of five years will be given. in half yomly payments, and no money required down. The soil and situation cannot be surpassed ; ovary porson that hm not a homo ofhis own should looso no lime. but come at onceâ€"now is their chance to make up for the Ilfll‘d times. and secure for his family, whose labour may I'qulil'o it. a little spot ofl'ree earth that ho caii call his own. that will be an asylum in times of adversity. in which tlm molhor and children can rest their \voary limbs and breath the free air ofhoavon. J. R. ARNOLD, Ricliinon illill. April 7. I858. It 1-4 Richmond Victoria, I OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778, 1 meets at Brother Robert Wisoman’s. Masonic Hall. the second Saturday eVening in oacb mouth. OFFICERS Ei.i:(:Tâ€"Colonol D. Biiilgfnrd. Muster . J. H. DooGior. Deputy Muster; .Iolin Muuliollniid, Secretary ; W. I’ogue. 'I'rensurcv. January 2!, 1859. l.'l3 Iiâ€" 'v" "3| WAR!) 8i llchUSL-ll‘ill, ? IIIHISC, Sign mul Ornamental ' l 'V PAIi‘a ._ ERS, Grniiins, Gilda-rs, Glaziers, and Paper Hangers. T}! 0 RN}! ll L L. ./]ll li'irirlsi of:JIIin'itliT’ainls Oils, Glass, and I’ully. GOOD \VORKMEN SENT TO PART OF 'l’lIl-l (.‘UL‘N'I‘RY. ANY | July 93. 1857. 7g<ly. __ ONE HUNDRED CORDS r 0 1’ I N E W 0 O D I! FUII. SALE. For terms apply to Mr. TIIOS. COOPER. Tboriiliill. ’I‘Iiornliill. Au usl II. l857. glll-tt‘ ’I‘llOItNHILI. IIO'I‘EL. f HE Subscriber bch to inform [he l’ublic that he has leased the above promises, and‘fillcd them upiu fluent and comfortable style. lnnlilnrs and transient vixilors will ï¬nd the arcoinodutions in every way ngrconble, The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stnbling and attentive hostlers HENRY LEMON. l wiio'ruifi‘o'ii sand. Thai liliill, l’ropiiotor. Jun. 20,1858. £33 Holt-I, situated on Lot No. 5, 61li(.‘onri-a-ion iii the Township of King, with good stzibliug and Seventeen Acres ol'Excclloiit Laud. I'Ivui v necessary aecomodnlion for on Hotel are in III'SI. rate repair. 'I'oi'uis extremely easy. For fur- ther particulan apply to the proprietor on the pro- “lines or to Dr. Down-nu. Richmond Hill, THOMAS REDON, I‘roprietor. King, Nov. 19. 1857. £344, Lct tel-s 71!“ E Subscriber offers for sale that well known ‘ Mania; 1.... sing; PHOENIX Ill'I‘TE Tho reputation of those very colobralod vogu- tablo roiiiodius is l:O\V unequalled by any others in this country or in Europo. They are fully imlublisliorl asitlio iiiosl universal fumin medi- cine now in use, and they will maintain their pro-iiiniueiit renown by the intrinsic and com- pii-liulisivo virluiw~ \\ llIt‘Il acquired It. The usual moilrs of IHIIH 'y \\'u|il(l be unworthy nt Illblll and is uiini-cossnr} . 'I‘liousnuds and tons of thousands of poisons now living in pmfor‘lly I'i‘rlOl't‘ll health, can I testify. as thousands have lOSIIIIOlI, to llIi-ir , pioiiipt nud docidoil ellicni-y uolunly in all ordi- iinry ilcrallgniiionts ol'lii-allli. from liiipairoil Digestivo b‘niiciioiis. CoslivoiioSs. Ililious and Liver Complaints, Illieuiiiatic mid Inflamma- tory Colds, Coughs, Nervous \Vealiuoss. Loss oI'Appelilo. Failure of Flush, Headache and Iinpuro Stale oftlm Illoorl null otbor Fluids, but also in Rheumatism, Favor and Agun, other Intermittent Favors, Asthma, Ilroiichils, (,‘lio- lie, l’leuris‘y. Palpitatiou uftho “curt, Rush of lllond to [lie llenrl. Settled I’nius In tho Joints, Limbs and Organs, All'cmious of tho Blnililn and Kidneys, .lnuiidiCc. Di'opsy. I'ilos. liowcvn iuvrtornlo, Habitual (,Tostiveucss, Scion.» and mum's LOWNH‘SS‘. Obstinale Ilonilnrlm niid 0V?"â€â€˜i~" l 1‘ , I t r†I , p ’ ' ' ’ ' \ a .i ’ . Giddiuems, and an Immense number of on“, lures nlll niggic I p I III inaladios. They roquiro no dieting nor couï¬nomont.mc perfectly mild and pleasant in their operation. but will powerfu ly restore healthâ€"that greatest of all earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhausted and dilnpirluloil constitutions. Preparer! and sold by Dn. VVII.I.IAM ll. MOFI’AT. 335 Broadway, N. Y. II“ N III IV TR EJI 'I'.M FLY?! Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE 0F DYSPHI‘SI’I, GENERAL IDEIIIIJ'I‘V, FI'ZVI‘R AND JULIE, SliROI-‘ULA. OLD ULCLI‘IS, GREAT IMI‘U- I; R. AMOS Jr. SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo. New York, are (be only Physicians in the Slain who are IllOlll- bors of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until 9 o‘clock at night, on every state and ,symp‘om of disease. The lreatmoutthoy adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. Tlio must inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nino day a. and cases of a slight nature in Iwo or three drive at a very moderate expense.â€" Tho cure effected without conï¬nement or hin- draiico from business. There is an evil Iiribit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude. often growing up with Ihnm to manhood. and which. if not reformod by thorn in duo time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness. but gives rim to a series of prolrar-ted, insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who givo way to this pernicious practice (11‘!) aware of the consequences, until they Find the nervous system shuttered, foe! strange and unaccounta- blo feelings, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Scientific Intention. An instrument for the euro of Genital Do- Iiility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility. &c., which are permanently cured in from )5 to 20 days by lbo use oflliis instrument, when used conjaiutly with iiiodiciiios. . e, . New Remedies and mic/r Cures. DR. AMOS 8L SON take pleasure in nmioun- cing that they buve~invohted a most. important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has boon subjected to a test by the most eminent pliysiciansiu London, P is. Philadel- phia and New York. It has bee declared the only usofitl instrument eyer yet invented f r tho cure of Seminal Weakness, or auy’dlseaso ol‘ the genital organs, caused by the secret. habits ofyoutb. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to tisl'y the most skeptic-flu to the merits of ti a'iustru- mciiLs, pledge themselves. that In anyinstance where they may prove nnsntisfactony after a fair trial. the money will ho refunded by ro- luruing the instrument in good order. ‘ Persons wishing the above useful instrument will obsorvo. that the price, with the accom- panying directions. securely packed and sent by mall or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Ilowaro ot' empirics sud itinerant. SGIf~SI3I0d professors, who AT1EnIPT cures. but never succeed Dr. Amos 51. Son have for a long series of years been engaged in an oxtcn<ive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints. and are the only ‘Iegally qualified Physicians who now advertise to euro corlniii complaints. or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. v I’LIIFOAS w ANY PART or Tm: WoriLD may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases. wiih a reiniitnnre for Medicines. Am , which will he returned Willi the utmost dispatch. and secure from observation. ‘ Address Dr. Anus ((3 Sou. corner Main and i Quay streets. Billlhlo, N. Y. lIIi-ly (if? LOOK AT THIS ! aw LNIOST EVERYBODY is ol‘IIOIiITg‘ the f noun-u, 1.00.11 and ANl’lL That the I‘e>l may be as wise. and possess themselves of what we are boundâ€"at any cost to ourselves ~10 rimke the Leading IiirluslrialJournal of tho timesâ€"the best. for the Format. tho Mechanic, . and the Family (.‘ircleâ€"wo make the following lHIjilliL‘I‘tILHlt‘tI libci‘nl oll'ei' :â€" ()ur Eleventh Volume will t‘Ollllllt‘llr‘u with , January, “SBâ€"will run to January. BSDâ€"and contain 768 large oclhvo pages. on line paper, \villi new type. II will be Issllfld within the IIISI \vcck ofoucb moulli. in iiuiiibors of (it pages unuli, done up III the best magazine style. To all who will forward Ilie money for tbiu vulnino. as single subscribers or in clubs, we will send graluiliously, the numbers of the cur- rent volume. from the lime of their foi'wnidiug. and one month previous, tlins giving in two. three, or four numbers, accoi'diii - to lli e limo, l to all who subscribe before January. Remaining in II ICII MOND HILL I’ost Ollice. AI’IIIL Isl, ISSB. Lungstnff. Juliu Mrs L} man, John Lyuiou. .I. Metcalt‘. It. Moodie, Alex. Master, 'l‘lioa. Mntbow~. John Mnrgliiiii. M. A. Macy, John Lawrence McKiuuou, John MacGillivary. Jemima Miss Mclletb. Thomas O’Brien, Jniiins Post 3. I’Iaylor. James Palmer, William Quantz, Fredk Reid. George Sedinnn, Thomas Esq. Sivers, R. Slockill. Robert Simpson, William Truseott. Robert 'I'iiiLlnll, Joliii Trench. \‘Vrn. Jui ior Turner. James 'I'isdell, William Trench, William Veriioy. James - Willir-rford. Edwin Watson. Thomas Williamson. ll’obcrt Wise. Peter Wright, Amos Esq. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. AIIIIEI'SOII, A. an. Arnold. Joseph Arinslro «,1. IV“) Boll, William 2 Bell. G. Bell, Mary Salome llrowu. Joliii Badger, 'I‘liouins Iliyson, W. Bowman, Isaac Bishop, \Vm'ron Combs, Jolm Combs, James Curtain, Mary Cauo. Julia Mi s Copliug. Willinin Cameron. Malcolm Coreseu. T. Charles Daniels. William Dickbout, Peter Dui'raud, R. C. Danton. Brown Forsylb, Mr. Finigan, Catherine Grunt. Josiah Goodwill, John Grooves, John Hastings. Thus. Esq. Hopkins. Jobii Ilislop. Gideon Hart. John Hughes. Robert Herrick. David Kirkeltou, Charles Kerr, \Vin. Luiid, Wm. Loo, John {43 I'ri lice BLANK FORMS. f LARGE SUPPLY ot'Mngistratos’ Blanks _ according to the latest forms for solo at this Ollice by the dozen or hundred. “ Tribune" Office Aug. ‘27 1857. Tiziuis :â€"532 a year. in advance : $1 50 to clubs of four and upwards: $5] for s x mouths. Y Advertising. ten cents a lino. Forgiving pub- , licity to improved slockmgricultura' iiuploiiiouls, ilneclmiiical improvements, and liko inalleis of ignuernl interest. there is no other medium ' good at the price. Liberal terms to persons disposed to no agents for this work. Lot us hear from in J. A. NASH, M. r. PARISH, 7 fleokmau Street. New York. October ‘22. I857. VVHOLIZSALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. 7 THE Subscribers have always on llllllll, :1 large and general stock of the best Ilrilisli riuil Provincial lllltllllffltJIIllr‘d “'riling. ('olurid, Ilrown, nud \Vrnppiiig Papers, IVax, ‘Wafois, Slalow. Ink. Stool Pens, Envrlopos. 'Motallic Memorandum Books, 'l‘wiuon, Copy Books. School Books and General Stationery, , &c.. Are. The faoilities which the aul).ct'ilmrs IIH\'('I ‘for ninnufncluring. Iiaiiug two of tho lulu"?-l Paper Mills ll Canada. [boy are prophrcd mi ,lllfllluthllIH} all kinds of prqior to ordvl'. UUNTIN. BRO. do Co.. I Yougo street. Toronto. January 6, 1858. 13! l STRAY COLT. l tAlVIE into the. promises of the Sub- 5criber,abonttbe Itilli of March ‘los‘, A BLACK COLT. ono your old. The on hand noli 1‘. i and (Iliildreux' lloois and Shoes i-oirlontlv on Richmond Hill. June l'fili. INST, RICHMOND / o‘clock. Richmond Ilill, .quo. l 57. Children's 'l‘ocili. Buy or 'i'iii: moon, snu‘ minim, Ef‘ll‘,’ji““°‘_lfif7' n , hwy- I’lMI‘lJ’ï¬, visTiim, rii.i.s. _ -â€"â€"-â€"-,., -_, Kiimitw. mzniurv, "1- TV > ‘ TATâ€" in i “HT Ir FIRMI‘THZS or YOUTH T ll Jur, AND our in», Sr. ' ‘ ' 5 ‘ 0:2? Ni) Mercury Used. 4:0 CARRIAGE, sum, I i=___._s____-._';l CORNER of \Vright 8t Yonge slrcrts. 7 . . Crorkoi and Glassware cheap for Cash. No lmmg Mmâ€" Trike Pmtm/lm credit If D. HOPKINS Notice. Jan. 7. I958. m . ‘m M. Agata; [Ac _ EDWARD GRANGER, U T C HE R . THORNHILH Fresh and Pickled MquS. Poultry. l.\'C.. nlivuys Families supplied on tho shortest B 'l‘hurnbill. March III, 1859. H I 3i) 120mm 'siv Boot. and Slim.- Maker, “JOINING tlic “'nsluynu Motlioilisl Chapel. Yoiign Sli'i'ot. RICIIIIIIHHI Hill. A choice soluriinu of lio-nllouinus‘. lmlnw' , l l land. null Illfltlt‘ to order on ill(\ Slump-st .\‘l’ ion. 5:; l \\ .v, J ' llllll‘ HOTEL, . I Opposite the I’Dst (lllii o, Yoligr \irut'l, N ()iiiuilmc Imier llin «bur.- Iliur‘I vvnrx l Morning. (Sunday l \: blur .l. i ril sun... I for Toronto; rrlueizinrr tho, snow. ». Illt'llAI‘il) NIllliOl.l.S . l‘i‘opi iulor. g.|.uy. iv‘.C.AD.-tl\l.\' DOCTOR (1" Dental 8 U R G ERY. (ill, Iii/1g Slrr‘ct I‘IIISL, Toronto. Particular nttoution given to the regulation of Consultations Free, and all Work Warmntud. â€"ANDâ€"- Ornamental Painter. I Richmond Hill, Fol). I7. 185‘}. l'l7‘IV' l ICW _.i' airtime, N fist Richmond Hill) Cheap Groceries and Provisions. .- 'I THE WHITE SWAN Inn, (m/l Llwri/ Shiblfls, Yosci-L Slum-1T. OSEI’II GARY begs to inform the public I that be him commenced to run a Stagi- from tliealiovo Hotel to the (l.S.&ll.lllI. Station, (Richmond Hill) twice a day; and will convey passengers in any part of the country, night or day, in [on tumules notice. if JOFICI’ll GARY, I’i‘opi'lclor. Richmond Hill, (lot. 15. “337, girl-ll DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR / Darling .‘v Aitciiisou‘s COMIIINXEI) lllll‘llllll till lilidlla JIIACHINES, Richmond Hill, June, 1857. _4 g; g,l ivy. TORONTO “cnvv Mingle wears: N0. YONG! STREET, SI"..le QUEEN STREET D. C. & W. YALE, MPOII'I‘I‘IIIS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotapbs, 'I‘oiiib and Grave Stones.0riiameutal enclosures for Grave plots. Ase. Orders through our Agents Wlll io- ccivo prompt attention. D. CARLOS YALE. “'M. YALE. D. DAVIS. AfiI‘iN'I‘. J. B. DEEGIER, Agent, TRichmond IIill. Toronto. July Ill. 1857 g5 If. G O T O MORPHY BROTHERS FOR OOD “'alrlios,f'liicli5. .lcivrlry, Melodenns T Electra \Vare. Silver Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit every Mglll. (II? VVmoli Clubs III Oporatiou. Clorlis from illls iipW'n'rls. 'l‘oronre. Juno, Iii-37. IVarraiiled 1-3 Ilml illusonic III/ll, Your»; S1 Ill-.E'I‘ XTENSIVE Slabling. and obliging Ilosilois always in attendance. Choirs IViiios null Liquors various Summer Beverages. Regalia, I’riiicipo. lluvnuri, i‘vl.iliill:i:aiid other brands of Cigars and Ohornms. Au Omnibus to and from Toronto, calls at the Hotel, daily. {1 Deer, Po: tor and Roll l'iRT “' ISISMAN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Julio, 1857. g.l-wy. LUKES’ "TiOi’l'EL, HOLLANDhymoinc. f "illld Subscriber begs to inform the In- 1 linbitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- erally, that be has loosed lbo above Hotel, formerly kept by 'I‘Hoiiiis Miv. which he has ï¬lled up and furnished for tho flCCUlilllltltlltIIOll of his CIISIOIIIBEH,-’IIHI ho trims livronslaul attention to their wants to Secure a liberal pali'oungo. Liquors of the best brands at tho liar, and every niioulion paid to Guests. THUS. I.l'l\'ES, Proprietor. glI-ilm Ilullriuil Landing. Sept. Ill, I357 BLACK IIOR HOTEL [i‘oiuii~:i:i.v iiH’i nv nu. uui,iri.] ‘(JRNI‘ZII of Pillar" ' ii 1 (i map-i- \I note, i-mt I nl ilu- Mmkul Squaw, 'l - Iloniil :5! w- lloxllcrs r'r ‘51“ .l:. per (LIV. (icud Rubbing uml v p. v. nlwuh in (III'Jllllullf‘vt. ,‘ui I'lll‘Hlfllh lo and from tho llziilioul ST'Hmâ€. I g “I 'I'IIOMAJ i'.“.l.~li.il, I' up.“ tor. 'I‘U‘Illll't, I‘b‘l) 1'6, 1‘21". [IlH-ly r.;â€"â€".f: 9â€"er 9â€",“â€" ___,,. JOHN MURPHY. Home Decorator, Pz‘ii’iill lI.‘-..\'(JI.I{. GLAZIIIIL ‘ «SLO, (to. I No. 4!), King .‘li'ei‘t, | 4 Doors West of Pay Slrecl. DEALER IN PAPER ll \NGINGI", HOUSE DECORATIONS. Arc. Toronto. Juno l-‘Jlli. i Ou nor in required to prove properly. pny ‘ cl hues, and lake him away. HENRY LEMON. Tiiousmti . Ap II 951. NS“. 40.3 L. RI S .-l I) I) l. ."rl‘miil 1/1 an acre of Land attached to each. _ sllmll Cottage suitable for a small family. I ll lnr iii the ueiglilionilioml). Largo House. will] all lbo acconiodatious for a Tavern. will) a uovor-fnllin Also. good. suitable ï¬lII-IHHI iiigs, consisting of driving-house. largo shod, wood-shed. ‘l'|l|~ my and stable. together with some choice "ruii ‘ Hugh M llor, ‘ ems-1) .M‘D WJTIYR .‘2:..-,1... _ :1 v, which i) l a.-- . Mini. mDPRIEhIIUDI.:‘jf} ., 2 6- I! :1 [a N 1; s s; BLISII NIILN'I‘. ._..,. AI,‘ t I Tm» [Mir Smâ€. if Mr 'l‘mniixn Off; r. \‘l'illinin ES. Egypt's. I’ll/"WWW ) I"..\‘l’l‘.("l‘l7i ' i .I .Y T‘llllllllllt‘l‘s In tho l‘lillllt‘ \ gen. ll\‘.lli:il ll'l IlllVIIILVI ikmi llio I“I R S 'l‘ .Wim Iii/iri‘fll/‘c'l‘. I' It I Z I. ltfl' Il’viiioss .il Ilio Yuugo Slioet Al:- 'l‘l‘llllldl Min v. Tun Yum-xiii succession. In» lf't'l\l nn'uia-m (out he can give cutiio sans-um... I ll“ n11 luriul-lii-s of lii< business. 01;} *All Work \an’i‘untcd...., “ ,‘ .\ I\"_{u L \r‘k oflloiuow. N'l‘. “I\V".‘"‘ "†iunll. llllll mulln lo (II‘LILVI ltl llio lowest PUoNi’l" ï¬llIIlilt-l'ulllig prices. Iliiliiuoud ilill. Oct 15, “157. glt‘r‘} NOTICE. VALUABLE PROPERTY! ‘ IN THE Flourishing Village BUT'I‘ONVILLE, IN THE Township of IIIARKHAM, 0:2?- FOR SALE. .50 CONSISTING of Three Villago Lots, \viili. suitable Buildings. with a fourth part of One is n _ 'I'Iio' ucoud is a New House. adapted for a Mechan- c of :iuy kind or Doctor, (as there is no Doc- Tlie lbird ix- a “'«ll of “’3 lor. 'I‘reos. comprising plums, ponrswurmuls, and the black lniuo cliorry. llUTTONVlLLE is situated on a ply-n- cant rise of ground. on tho 4th CoiireSsiun .tl' Markham. 'l There is an established Post-Olilm together with n Grielund Saw Mill. Store. Will], I\IB(:IIal)IC>0f(IliTUI’BHI kinds. Terms easy, apply lo the Proprietor mi llio promises. or by Letter. pest-paid to Blllllill- Ville. Possession will be given on the 1st of April, or if needed. the let ofJniiuary. I? Title indisputable. £1] I WILLIAM MORRISONY Ilullouville. OCt. 28, 1857. 2294 Fire! Fire! ! Fire! I .' W E S T E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. .INFOI‘J'ORATED llY Al'l' 0F PARLIAMKNT. ’APITflL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. (itLMOR, Pros. [ Tiros. Hawom-ii, V. I‘l'PS‘ Wm. Henderson, Rico Lewis. James Loask, George Mir-bio, J. I’. Robin is. Waller Macfarlarie. Robt. Stanton. Sac. {13’ Head Ojï¬u, Church. Slrccl, Toronto. Cr] Tins Comrn’v Iiisures all descriptions of Buildings. Manufactories, Mills, ($16.. and Goods and Fuiniture, in the some. against loss or dum- ngo by ï¬re, on liberal terms. Losses proriiptly seitlod. A. LAW, Residence. General Agent. Riclim Hill, August 13. l857. gllloly The Only Sure Remedy IN THE WORLD for the sure cure of Rheumatism. Pair“ in the Back. Breast. and Side, Palpitaâ€" tion of the Henri. Toothache, Head- ache, Wonk Stom- ach. and choral Debility. Cramps in ds or Feet. Spi'ziiiis' Bruises, or Stiffness in the Joints, Fever and Agile. Cliolora Morbus, Coughs. Colds. Loss of Appetite, Summer Complaints, Bruises. Sore Throat or Quinsoy. Swellinga, Cuts. Burns, External Injuries. &c.,ls Dr. Tumblety’s Vegetable Compound. “ Its efficacy has been fairly tested, and its virtues pronounced unparalleled †The cures made by Dr. Tumblon with his Vegetable Compound. are so miraculous as to rrsouible the famed Scriptural account of similar cases in ancient times, and those cases are so wonderful and instantaneous, so satis- factory and mitigating of human ill, as to call upon public functionaries and those having charge of public inslitutioiis for the sick and suffering to look well into the well attested merits oftliis Vegetable Medicine. ~Numerous cases, two months in Hospital, without any beneï¬t, have been cured by a few days’ use oftlio Vegetable Compound. It is the most soothing medicine in the world, or that ever will be. The Vegetable Compound is put up highly concentrated in bottles accompanied with prinled directions, and sells- for 25 cents. 50 conls, and $I per bottle. Dr. ’I‘umblely’s Vegetable Pills, The host and safest Catliartic and Purifying I’ill over otl'erod to the public for the Cure of Costiveness, Bilious Complaints. Dropsy. Heartburn, Headache. arising from a foul Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion. Morbid Inac< Lion of the Bowols, and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, all Ulcers and Cutaneous Diseases which require an ovncuaui Medicine. Scrofula, King’s Evil, Functional Deraugomcnlof the Liver, Splr-on and Viscei'n. they stand unrivalled. If)†I’iico ‘25 cents and 50 cents per box. These are no crude and untried remedies experimentally placer! before the public, but they have stood the test of years. All that scimice. skill and experience could do. in perfecting good, wholesome and ever safe and reliable Family Medicuies, have been concentrated in these preparations. Ne pas routs who value the health or oven the lives ol'liieir Cltlllll'l‘ll should be iiithout (lioui. Hiiurlrvils of Pliysirinuu now use them and nekunulcdgc llll‘lll to In: the iiioslscioulit‘ic and wholesome prrparatiuiis over ofl‘orcd to the , public. I For sale n'lmlrsnle or retail by Dr. Tum- blnlj, ai IN" uliice, 111 King streot, Toronto. Canada \‘l'esl. ~ ) 5“ I Toronto. Dev. :24, 1.557 1 _ , PRIVATE our people will be lin-unlly (l'fiil'. ~.\iili. t31 SALE !! MILL ! M1. l'. Riciiuoxi) HILL. 3' ‘lllS FARM contains about Fiftv Acres, ‘ i niib a House, Garden, rind small Clear- “mo, and is well :iniberod. The “later Mill, including Thrive good Dwelling Houses. mil] . Gardens. rind abrul Fifteen Acres of Land. -n .mplirr‘rl by the plliltllanll. into at present Hard as all A mom and Fill? !"' t‘lui'Y. All the allure propm'tvwdl lvu It riiis fv-i' (ï¬sh or Yially i rr- , . 1 i..~ pi" nises gricultliral Implo- -..iil UI ens'v .3 "writs, and is ‘ WOHIIZ' the attention of tlio Mechanic and Far- I l l l iiier. I For jlflflll’lllflf< npp‘j to 5 1m. nmcvnn. Richmond Hill. cylombor 1857, 10 gld-Lf ‘i