MECHANICS INSTITUTE. ’lGn‘lTucsday, last a meeting was held: in this village, to consider the propriety-of establishing , a Mech- anics’ Institutc. Mr. Sheppard pre. sided. .A proposition, being moved bod scponded, that such an institu~ 'lion should be forthwith formed, Was unanimously adopted by the kneeling. . . PRESENTATION TO R. WILES, ESQ, 'EX-MASTER or THE L. o. L., No.91. 'On Tuesday, April 23rd. the members and ofï¬cers of the above lLodge, met at their Lodge-room, ,Mt‘. Sheils’ Hotel, 'lhornhill, to present to R. Wiles, Esq., a splen- did portraitof himself, as a token , of the high esteem in which he J (Vac held by them. An excellent supper was served up in prime style by Mr. Shells; several guests Wore invited, a number of toasts were Irlunk with the usual honors ;-â€"â€" he whole affair, indeed, went off with the greatest eclat. We were kindly invited to attend, but were *1brotlierltoml. ’. .t unavoidably absent. After the usual ceremonies., J. TShiels, spoke in substance as fol- lows:â€" To ROBERT! WILES, Esq , Rnsrccrcn Sin AND Banningâ€"1 in behalf of the officers and members of this Lodge regret that ran did not allow yourself to be put in nomination for W. M. for the present year, in consequence of your alliancrdnge. “’9, are glad, however. that we shall still have yo" present truth» us. We are very grateful to you for the great illlel‘tll. you have ever taken in our welfare; since we ‘startcd, in 1552, you have spared neither 'troublc nor fatigue in our service; and we shall ever look tip to you as the foun- tder of our lodge; our prayer will ever be Ithat you may be spared yet many happy happy years in our midst, .tt‘tl see us alâ€" ways increasingly flourish. In the name ftlie Order, I present you with this por- Itrait asa small token of esteem. Bu .aseurcd, honored sir, that you will always the remembered by u-i with pleasure. We hope that the noble example you done set us will bear abundant fruit, and aha! the matcliless name of our glOrions \Villiain will ever he revered as the great deliverer from Popish inlluence. May “your life belong. your end peace, and ,your home Heaven, is the fervent ,praycr of your affectionate brother's The following is the reply given iby R. Wiles,Esq., Dcin Sin’s AND Bnorncn’s,â€".\1y .reason for not allowing myself to be put tin nomination for your \V.Vl., for the .prcsent year, is well known to yourselves. ‘hat I iii-ed not explain tlliillel's that l tll‘dY : done before ; yet, if my presence. and iintluence are of arty advantage to yoii,l shall be ever ready and willng to assist iyou in your duties, as far as my ï¬liilil) neiiables me: until shall ever keep the welfare 01 your Lodge at liravt. and also .u lasting I‘eVerence of that glorious insli 7tution which binds its in the bonds of As for the difï¬culties ‘Wlllcll devolved upon me, l consider them ibut duties which it Was a pleasure to fill- Ilil, and which I discharged to the best of my ability; and as for this portrait. which you have presented to me this evening. .a portrait of myself, I accept it with llh’ most pleasurable emct‘ons, and return ~vou my sin-e,» thanks for this token of your esteem and brotherly affection. which you have. this eVening conferred iupon me. Hopingtliat l. and a†Qanta- inien. may ever reverence that glorious name which you have mentioned in your address to me on this occasion. I once more tender you my sincere thanks lor this evidence of your affection; and my .carnast prayer is, that when we art- bepuratrd from the earthly brotlterlipod. we may be found where our connection will he eternal, around the Throne of Heaven when: "there is fulness of joy and pleasures for ever more.†SUMMARY OF PARLIAMENT. Every careful observer of Her Majesty’s Opposition will be at once struck with the great disl‘ar- ity existing between their words and their acts. They oftimes emit great volumes of sound. They vaunt loudly in their own praise, and boast of their fabulous strength, popularity, assiduity, devotion and patriotism. By their words one would imagine that they need only arouse themselves to action, and, like aresistless flood, they would sweep all before them; but, alas! though in words they are lofty, in acts they are contemptible, possess- ing neither a principle nor policy worth the name. They have de- scended to the unenviable position of being mere obstructionists and drag-chains on the wheels of pro- gress. Their main object seems to ,be to oppose every measure of (very Government, of which they do not form a partâ€"an object piti- ful and contemptible to every well- regulated mind. Happily for us they do not possess sufficient power to carry out their nefarious designs. We Observe with leasure that several measures of importance have recently been discussed. which, we hope, will become law_ The Attorney General Macdon- ald’s bill to make better provision for the punishment of frauds com- ‘mitted by trustees, bankers, and others, in spite of a factions opposi. tion, passed its third reading, and was carried to the Legislative Council. Attorney Gen. Macd onald intro- duced a bill to deï¬ne the elective franchise, and provide for the re. gistration of voters. Mr. Sicotte has introduced a bill to make better provision for the sale and management of the pub- lic lands. is to have half-yearly cash sales in every township where there are any land'- to sell. The object of the bill ucknowldedge the corn! The Usury Bill is still being dis.- cussed with considerable bitter- __._ ness. It is evident-the obstruction- The Annual spring Fair of the 'sts are afraid to divide, lest an- Vaughan Agricultural Society came otf VAUGHAN SPRING FAIR. ther proof of weakness should be at Burkick on Thursday the 29th ult. evident. They boast, however, The day was ï¬ne, and the attendance that it cannot pass. good. The show of horses, cattle and agricultural implements was large, and on the whole the proceeding augurcd favour- able for the future anccess ol'tlie Sooiety. The awards of the Judges gave general satisfaction. At the close of the fair, the members of the Society and their friends dined together in Captain \V'al- lace’s, Inkerman Hotel. After the re- moval of the cloth, and the usual loyal toasts being given, and responded to, the chairman announced the awards to the successful competitors as lollows :â€" DRAUGHT STA LLIONS. Class lâ€"lst. Prize, James Addison ; 2nd Thomas Charlton; 3rd. John Sau- dersou. STALLlONS £0“ GENERAL PURPOSES. Class 2â€"15t. Prize, George Gow- lazid ;Qnd. John Sanderson; 3rd. Pat Siiiyilic. Lotbfniere election, examination of WitneSSes not yet concluded. Hon. Mr. Sicotte moved the ï¬rst reading of a bill for the regulation of ï¬sheries. Mr. Dorion moved to elect at once the remainder of the members af the chislativc Council. Nega- tivcd by 62 to 40. H011. Mr. Fcrril moved a resolu- tion in- favor of introducing free schools into Lower Canada. Mr Cauclion moved as an amend- ment, that the [louse go into com- mittee on the subject six months frotn that date, May 3rd. Nega- tived by 73 to 35. Tuesday, May 4th. The debate on the Usury Laws was rcslirncd by Mr. Scone, after a lengthy debate, the bill passed a second reading by a majority of nine. Mr. Benjamin moved for leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Loyal Orange Association of Cana- da; which, after a tedious and pro- traclcd debate, was defeated by a vote of 54 to 46. m DRAUGHT MAKES. Class 3~lst. Prize, (ieorge Pearson ; ‘lnd. George Lottgltousc. MAKES FOR GENERAL PURPOSES. Class 4â€"151. l‘riZc, Michael Brown; ‘litd. G. (lowland. BULLS THREE YEARS OLD. Class Sâ€"lst Prize, Alfred Jeflrey. (if bull is thorough bred ) BULLS TWO YEARS OLD. Clws 6~â€"-lst. Prize, ll. J. Boulton. YEARLING it t LLS. Class 7-lst. I’iizc, II. J. Boulion; ‘an. Jacob Lahincr. LEGISLATIVE COUNClL. IuoN Pt.ouGHâ€"-Ist. Prize, Peter _.._ Malaby ; 2nd. Joltn \Vatt. Monday, May 3111- WOODEN PLOUGH‘lï¬t. Prize, G. On the motion of the lion. Mr. Kempbllilll ; 2nd. Jame. Ross, the House adjourned. out of respect to the memory of Widmer, who died that morning at six o’clock. Dr. Widmer was looked upon as the ablcst surgeon on this continent. and will be regretted by all classes of society. The bill for the punishment of Fraudulen. Bankers and Trustees was read a second time, and passed through the committee without any amen dmcnt -.;tvagc. IIARttowsâ€"-â€"1st Prize. l‘ctcr Malahy. GnAiN DniLLâ€"â€"lst fiizc, J. Atkin- son.â€"-â€" Globe. 311mm gltlllll. France stint to Crimean war 300.000 Napoleon 111 was 50 years of age last month. of Norway has a population about a million and a quarter. At lust accounts, 1,750 hands were at work on the steamship Leviathan. \â€" (Eurrmpunhetiri. P011ch tells us “how to make money"1 thus:“Gcl a Situation in the Mini.†It is stated that the Atlantic tele- graph cable will be shipped by the mm of d‘lay. “JOHN SMITH †BECOMING “RIPE AS A CHERRY." To the Editor of the British Tribune. Simâ€"For many months past the readers of the Economist have been lion-d by an insufferable egotist. who 5 yltrs himself “ John Smith. ’ This fellow apâ€" pears to have taken out a licrnse for it.- ditlging in a course of the most extrava- gant f-tlst-hood and inisrepresentution-a small edition of the notorious 'l‘i‘us Oates. of infamous memoryâ€"be asserts what he ', but proves nothing; one time ‘ i~ pointing his attillery at members of Government, at another It» discharges his missiles at the representatives of Lower Canadaï¬abusing the French Canadian people in witch-sale fashion. calling them everything but gentlemen , and what does '1" that be has written amount to 1â€".sitnpl v, sullicicnt to piore the truth of the asrelâ€" tion that The religious revival at Amherst College has left. but a few students un- converted. The Leviathan is in the marltel for sale in her present incomplete state -so it is said. The Pennsylvanian Senate has rejecch the hill to limit bank notes to not has than $20. There are 50.000 skinned car- casst s ofrabits eitported weekly to ling- laitd from Belgium. The revivals in Cube†and Kaila- whrt counties. Va., have resulted in ‘25?) accessions to the cliuiclt. A lady was gnrcd to death by an infuriated hull, iii the strer t‘.‘ Philadelâ€" pltia,on \Veditesday last. One thousand is the estimated number of converts in Buffalo, thus far, during the present revival. A ï¬rm in New York city " A litt‘e learning is a dangerous thing.†" John Smut†may he very expert in “ taking the bull by the horns," in his Icgitimale occupation, but as a writer for a pub ic journal, the rli.ia"ti‘r for truthfulness of which depends upon its con- ltllllJl‘hS, he has (to u e another homely has ppm...) ago, me wrong so“. by just received from England a :tyle of .le lug.†The proprietm or the Ewmfl revolvers wtth ezghlcen barrels. mist has i1 tight to do What he pli-asrs “fill his own property, and if it is agretaâ€" hle to his tam-,1 am willing lllilf he should inflict upon his readers, weekly, a couple of columns of nonrense, seasoned with falsehood and cnluutny of [be vilrsl lescviption; yct there are many of his readers who do not lit-licve that “ John Snub†is capable of fl'lling the truth nlirii the contrary su ts his purpose. I found it dillicul". to restrain this i from indulging iii a hearty lauin on reading tl e following in his letter of tlm 12l|i inst :~â€"“ I know that the readers if your paper are a n.0ral people, a. all good refermers are! I always tell my informants that sttcli facts may do well enough in some Tory journals, but they are too low too disgusting (l i) 100 im- moral (? l I) for any drcent journal to iii- sert. ’ ‘ ‘ I shill neither pollute my pen (I) nor cause my numerous readers to blush for me.†! !! I’Iow modest and yet how like the fellow? “ Why, Câ€"-â€"y, ’tis your vocation, C y; ’tis no sin for a man to labour at his vocatio .†Mr. N P. Willis is reported to be lying seriously lit at ldlrwild, with bilious fever and pneumonia. Tlte income oftlie Due de Maln- half, a». Nrench Ambassador to England, is no less than $60,000 per annutn. The General Assembly of the New York School Presbyterian Church, will meet at Chicago on the 1301b inst. In the different countries com- prising the German Confederation, there are now residing 1,306,208 Jews. It is stated tlittt there is an ex- tensive organization in the Southern States to aid tlte liberal party in Mexico. In a severe hail storm at New Braunsfels. 'l‘exas, recently, it is asserted that had slones fell weighing i‘I pounds. Mrs. Showall fell dead while dancing the “ Lancers’ Quadrille,†at a ball in Pllllathlplla, a few days since. A quarterly meeting of the New York State Temperance Society, will he [told at Auburn on the 19th and 2011i inst. Although I have not time to spare to review many of the false assertions of the hfaithful correspondent†of the Econo- mist in this letter.I will give your readers an instance of the utter wortltlcssness of what. he states, when professing to deal with facts and figures. In the letter be- fore quoted, lie says:â€"“ \Ve paid last year about four shillings and ltvo pence on every dollar raised, and French Cana- da raised the other ten pence on the dol- Lord Ross denies having uttered the prophecy attributed to him respect- ing the excessive heat of the ensuing summer. The mountains about Wilkes- barre (P.i.) have been on ï¬re for a week or mere, destroying an immense amoun: _ t‘t' . lar. We get their ten pence back in o lmber expenditure, and French Canada gets The Chicago PI‘CSS estimates our four shillings and two pence instead. that there are now in store,at various Upper Canadians! what say you in this mattet 1†And 50 on, about“ our French masters, &.c.,†with all the bombast that lie is capable of uttering; and What are the facts! The following; will be proof No. l of his uutrutlifulness, taken front the “ Public Aceounts :†Expenditure on Public \Vorks in Upper Cannda tor 1857. . . . . . £3,743,583 Expenditure on Public Works in Lower Canada for 1857. . .... points on Lake Michigan. 2,927,025 bushels of wheat. A recent statement ofthe Metho- dist Book Concern in New York and Cincintati. shows their recources to be about $700,000. Scarltina prevails quiet extensive- ly among children at Oneida, Madison county, N. Y.,severel case having termi- 2.235.415 nated fatally. £1,508,168 Here we see, by the best authority, that Upper Canada has received over one million and a half pounds (I? more than has been expended in Lower Canada during the past year. I call upon “ John Smith" to explain his mode of cyphering, when he states that we get but ten pence tn the dollar. and “ French Canada†acts the balance. viz :â€"“ four shillings 5and two, pence.†I hope in his modestv '1 (Julius Cesar l) he will not consider‘ it u too low," “too u'i'wustimr †or “too immoral.†to enliglitenons; a, The great flood has entirely sub- merged the town of Jacksonport, Ark, and the inhabitants use skills to go from house to house. B. L. Tay, ofthe \Vebster farm. Franklin,N. H.,lias killed 61 crows this season, by the use of corn soaked iii a solution of styycltnine. According to the last census, the aggergntc population of the Australian colonies amounted, on the ï¬rst of July, or otherwise, 1857, to 1.0-13,000. Seven vessels are advertised to sail from Detroit direct for Liverponl, via the St Lawrance, within a few days. Lumber is the cargo. Yours, &.c.. COMMON SENSE. King, April 27, 185B. A letter from Berlin says that the Princess Frederic-“'illiain is pro- hibited by her physicians from taking,r equestrin exercise for some months to Openin†or‘Lodwe V0 930 I"! B 7 L ' ‘ come. The Bristol Jllercury death of the once famous pugilist, “,Bill Neat,†who expired on the 23d ult., at his residence in that city, in the seven- teenth year of his age. One hundred colored emigrants left Baltimore lor Liberia on the Jst of May. The steamer Ocean Spray. when about live miles above St. Souls, on Thursday evening last, took ï¬re and was totally destroyed. Eight to ten lives are supposed to have been lost. The steamer Keokuk, against which the burn- ing vessel floated, Was also destroyed. CASE 0FlDENTIFlCATION.-â€"â€"â€"A witness for the Crown who professul to have been Well acquainted with the notorious Townsend, was introduced to the prison- er’s cell at Cayuga the other day. On his entrance be was accosted by a per- son sitting on the boil, tvilli “wrll,l suppose you have come to swear tome like all tin: rcst oftliein.†He replied, -‘ come now Bill, own up, what‘s the use, you know you‘r 'l‘oinend. and I can swear to your being he.†Fancy his lcclttigsit'lit:ii infotiut'd that the ‘M‘I“Oll he had both addressing, and oï¬ering to swear was 'l‘ownsrnil, was no other than Mr Barker, the prisoner‘s attorneyâ€"â€" Spectator. TORONTO MARK 1'} l‘ S. May 3, ISJS. The market on Saturday was only moderately supplied \vi'li produce, and witlia lrss active di and, there was much less enquity than usual. \VtrimT-â€"'l'lie .. :at market was \91’)’ flat, and prices are again lower, the highest paid bring 4s 9d per busliel. while the greater part of the day‘s reâ€" ceipts (4-00 litisht-ls) niovt-il off at be tween is 3d attd 4‘s Gd. this sudden and extensive (lEl'lll'lC '1 In: cause of is at- tributable to the falling otl'and withdrrwztl oforilers from the market, probably in consequence f0 lllt‘ amount of \l'eslr.‘ grain at ()swcgo, Ogd nsbmglt. &c. The unfavorable reports irom England and the Toronto, Apiil £25). 1858. declining tendency of prices everywhere innst necessarily affect our market, and it is a matter of suiprise that prices should have remained so high here for such a length of tinie' FLoUitâ€"â€"Tliere is little or nothing doing in flour. and except at exceedingly demand. \Ve 5113 of superï¬ne at $3 70, and presume that would be about the quotation for that grade. Fancy $4; Extra $1 15 a $4 25 per barrel; these being generally nominal. SPRING “'ncar in moderate request at 3i Gil a 35 9d per bushel. BARIJZY 2: a 2s All for tnidding to pr‘giic, and ls 6d a Is 105d for interior per bushel. Ptvi; 3s and in good demand. OATS more plentiful at 157d a is 8d. PEAS 25 6d :I 25 9d per bushel. PtiTAToES very plentiful .1125 6d a 35 for inferior varieties, and 3s a 3.; (id for best native kinds per bushel. APPLES Wanted at $9.2?) a $2 50 per barrel. Cannons and LLMMONS plcitliful at $4 50 a $4 75. BUTTEl'hâ€"Fl‘esll low rates there is no heard of a small butter is in better supply, but is still bought freely at ls 3d :i 1‘ 6d pPl‘ lb. fur the best Tu‘) of No.1 quality is worth 9d 310.1, and No. 2 6d a 7d per lb by the fli‘kin. EGGS are very plentiful at 55d a 7d per dozen. POL'LTnY is scarce and named at 25 9.1 a 35 4d per pair for chickens. BEEF~â€"Otl foot cattle are “'m‘lll $5 a $6 per 100lbs. sinking one-thi'd. Small sales of slaughtered are repmted at $4 50 per 100 lbs. Point-«Two loads of Fresh Pork rral- izeil $6 per 100 pounds. HAY is in good supply and sills at $16 per ton. Straw $7 a $9 per ton. Sitar-2P scarce 31$?) a $8. CALVES $4 a $7 each. _ \Yoor. 10d per lb. Calf-skins 5s a 5s ad each. Beef Hides $4 ‘25 per 100lb. Calfskins 9d per lb.â€"â€"Putrlut. t Special Not ices. G, H. Hashim, Surgeon Dentist. hit“ lath ï¬lled and extracted teeth for mo in n satisfac- tory litltiner. J. W. SU’I‘IIEI‘. LAND. DISEASE OF '1 [IE HEART. Y this disease we understand as iiifl titration cilhot in the memban or substance of the liver. known by dull pains III the tight side. the stomach always disordered, the yellow tinge of the skin, d.y cough. tongue to ited, cos‘ive- now. higli-rolored urino_ and of a thick nature. severe weakness and SPVBIO pains in the head. The quantity of corrupted liuiitors in the tegion of the liver. causes it dufcciive secretion of tho bile. The liver. when healthy, serve- as a filler to the blood. to separate all iinpiiiity. or to refuse it. \Vben diseased, it ULD‘Illl purify the blood. which. when sent to the lungs. brains. and other parts in a moubid condition. may cause Jaundice, Consumption. Insanity. 814:. and Withholding thn natural stimulus to the 1111.! nines. Causes Dyspepsia, Piles. and other complaints. as you perceive the direct way to unravel and tear the whole svsteni to pieces. I A patient. suffering from this complaint. should resort to speedy relief. Yet there are very few medicines worth a cent in curing diseases. What then shall be done 7 We say. use Dr. Moran’s Indian Root Pills, as they are competed of plants and roots ; they will be found a sure cure for this painful disease. be- cause they purge from the body those corrupt and stngunut humors. and so cleanse and renew the blood, which is the cause not only of the disease of the livoi. and the iiiflanintioii of the kidney and tho bladder, but ofuvorv description of disease. From 3 to 4 of the 'above pills. taken every night on going to bed. will. iii a few days, entirely relieve the body of every- thing that is opposed to health. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. 45-11“ IFE Pills and thuix Bitters, These Re- medies have stood the test of twenty years' experience, and during that period have beneï¬ted three millions of individuals. By their use the blood is puriï¬ed, without re- ducing the system. Sold by W. B. MOF~ FAT. M.D. 336 Broadway, New York and his agents. 43-1 records the Pious, Glarious and Immortal Memory. ., . ._V FOR SALE! ACRES OF LAND. East half of 100 1.01 No. ‘2, ill“ Concession. North thlliinbury. Also, 0N1". ACRE OF LAND. situated in the Village of Thurnhill. with good House and out-buildings. (I? Terms Easy. Apply to JOIIN PALMER, Richmond Hill. l Slhnttiistminlr ,. ,_ _..= January 14. 1858. 13‘2 To Carriage Blakei's. ll‘tlf‘. Advei'iisor is desirous of obtaining a a Situation in n (‘uiriagc Shop whch at number of builds are kopl. VVonld have nu objections to Iliscliiirgs the duties of Foreman. fooling convinced from his knowledge of the trade lllfll he would be able to give general satisfaction. Address (‘ l] WEE-M; REMEMBER 1698. TO the Masters. Deputy Mush-ti and Brethren of the [.mol ()l‘llt‘l‘, lllt‘y are respectfully invitrd to attend and insist in tllI‘()t)allltlgufa NEW LODGE, at Sir. 'I' . DLNNlS‘ HOTEL. King Station, 0.. 8- 5L \V. S., 'l‘tibniis Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, C.\V. April I. 15158. Mil-4| G H. HUSBA ND, FIFTY BUILDlNC. LOTS] A credit of five years will be given. itt hull yearly piiyiiietiiu. and no lll"|lt“\ itupiitttlilntvn svory person that has not a bout» ofltis unit should loom no lltlll'. but com» is their chance in innke up :or tile 1min tiinns. ,rrquire it, a lilllo ('all his own. that Will tin nu it~\ltiin iii k‘lllfl\' til iid\ei‘i~'ily, iii \\lllt'll the mother uni! i~liililrcti l A...†7, Ms. ,A' 'u' G 'IfoSi Just Recipe-oil. N ï¬mï¬ï¬m" R: ’ RARE IIE Subscriber oflcrs. by Private Contract, for cite month only, CHANCE. ' l 13' THIS. Village of Richmond Hill. The soil and :illlnlltlll criiinnt bc \llipnist‘d : .11 (llll't‘â€"llu\\' I I iid secure for lll‘ faintly. \vliint- liilmiir "I'll pol ot't'irc earth that ho can It on rust their weary limbs and bruntli the [rec trul ltettt'oii. J. R. ARNOLD, Hi hinoxt ( llitl. illul A'l‘lt‘NAl. ."t‘lit (1L llOliKS, at Rn- ’ on hand ituli c, A“ m- >v- x vowAnD GRANGER, ‘ l l' T (‘ II E R , THORNHILL. Fresh ) mid Pickled Meats. Poultry. «0.. always Families supplied oii the shortest 1.41 ROBERT Sivan, Boot and Shoe Makers liltilNlNG tho “'oslavan Methodist (“unlit-l, Yungo Street, Richmond Hill. ‘\ ClIi-u‘g selection of Gotillemens’. Ladies' 7 ‘ ’l‘ltnrnltill. March 19, 1858. not) t in tll‘Oll\‘ Boots and Shoes constantly on ‘llhl. and made to order on tho Shortest No- two. g.1w.y. lill. Juno li’th, 1957. it hit. ithl l opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. Yoiigo Street. Omnibus leaves the above [[0191 every .‘lnt-iiitig, (Sundays excepted,) at seven ‘clm-k. for Toronto; returning the Smite .. r ~l l‘l‘ll'lt\. :t \'.titt~l\ ol' Plain and 'nlllmlll‘l' . . “i R. P. on lHURSliAY FIRST tho Gilt Mitt. . - ‘. , d†.l l. . , ,l» I [1,, ,7 Homes and Buggies kept for hire. will;elimi“l U "Emil" "‘m' i ll‘l‘lleTlYltl‘ll lxsl'lfllli: Ilitltillluis filth JRlCHARD NICHOLLS- rctiron are exyiorted to appear in full “KY FORK; (.‘Aulnjy “A K Eb- am, > , Proprietor. regnlm. R I, “I Gkrron ’ “ODS. and :iii I‘l\'\itlll:|ll us~ottiiiciil of R‘Cl'mm‘d n‘ll' 'l“n°' lbs-1' .E'LWY‘ . c - v . _ 7 . L ' ’ . . CULD ro‘lthrtl‘nllt inform the Ladies v n ': ‘1‘ ' ‘ ‘ King, AP,†30 1853 bantzlégll \ and (ioiillaiiion. who wish to avail them- nth-31‘ AN ‘ ' ' solves of ltl‘ ptul‘munnal mint-cs. that he will ‘ , ' 1 ho iii aitt-tiilmti-e the first Mondav and 'l‘uosdut Clll‘aAl‘. FOR CASH- A l" DOCTOR , , l‘tllowing of each lilutltll, at A‘Illblel'b“ Hotel, , , N D's, ov‘ Rli-ltiimurl llill; \Vctlntutlny following til the G' A' BAR AR D t 1 7‘ Aurora llotnl. Aiirnm; 'l‘t‘illrsdav niiil Friday llicliiiiuiid llill. April 8, 1858. [drl‘ll' 0“ a- l 0. 6‘1‘19 .)\ .l. MrClnlo's llult‘l, llolluiiil lmiiiltitg; the _. S U rout nf the month at the 'I‘ltoriiliill llotol. Thoritltiil. h. EE'I‘S at WM. l)llll()SE'S llO'I‘IiL. Victoria Square, the lust Fr-day evan- ing in each month. ’ dill" t'omniiinical arts to be addressed to p . .. , . , llimtilitll l'tisl tith. n_ 0 “Lu†“1†‘ Iliti-‘iJiiACis [by poriiitssioii :â€"lluv. It, SWAN HOTEL, ‘IlOllNllll.l.. The Subscriber iii tendering his thanks for [Hist favors, JOHN BUTTON. Mustrr. JAMES CANAGIIAN. Deputy. THOMAS Il()\VMAt\'. Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Square. May 7, 1858. 48-13' f'uvntiu; llev. N. (I. (-‘ou'itn: i\. Burk. M.I)., it C. 5.. ling: C. Kfllhfll'. M. 1).; “Owen, M. 1).; J. lellillt‘llllflll, S. D. Decombm' 3|. 1:57. 130 TONE CHUNDRED 'conos’ TORONTO CITY MARBLEWORKS l) I N E U“.in 0 0 z, . 185 YONGE STREET. FOR SALE. ' F l :4 H1‘ MDT“ S. l l“ MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES. 'i'hoiirhilil‘ “mm 0 comm 1'() M as 'p 0 N E 5' ,SLC. 'l'hutnltitl. Au ust ll. 1857. 'I‘chty Per Cent Chen pcr TH‘N ANY OTHER 210-“ I‘POTHECARIES, HALL ESTA BLISHMET. I HIE Undrrsrgnetl Assigiti-rs of the estate offl. C. 81. \V. YALE, wdlcon- tinne tho business under the stiperinteiidenoo ING STREET, Toronto. ‘an door 0th of Church Streot. opposite the Cathedral. W. T. A'i'itih'sns, at (70.. Late of King street West, itow offer at their new Oétï¬bllshlllt‘nf, ot'onrdtily authorich agents, AusriN Annr! Genuine Inglis/l Drugs, Patent I .C sY:i.: l '. -‘l|ho ~- ‘ . galvakntul,fdged_'l' Wm" mm“ ‘“ .Jlchicznes, French and English P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- Perfumery, Oils, Paints, paid on the lst rinv offuno. 1858. will be put l'lto (‘outt fur col ct- i. Coloui s, Dyc- "foods, Combs Brushes &c., At Siltll moderate prices as cannot fail to so- cure custom. W. '1‘. A. dz Co. having considerable ox- parienco in the Drug business in various parts of England, have no liesita1ion in saying. that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will he found very superior. Medicine! used in Compounding Presetiptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and (‘tittls Medcciiros. (to. are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug lloiiscs. \V. 'l‘. A. db Co. beg to call attention to their Ci-lebriitod Prepa- ration for the Tooth. Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their ninch admired Perfume TIIE ENG LISII NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottled lllld from the fountain; SL Catherinos Mineral Water. and the Plantagenet Water. celebrated for their healthy properties. April 22. 1858. MG FRESH GROC ERIES JUST RECIEVED, AND CHEAP, FOR CASH! t. i. iiiiiii’i, MUSCOVADO SUGAR, CIlRISTALIZED SUGAR, C. YALE. G. CUMMJ l't. act-if THE GOLDEN PRIZE 1 ILLUSTRATED. DEAN do Sauna, Editors and Proprietors. V ‘HE New York Weekly Go/(lm Prize in one of the lirgcst and bust literary papers oftho dayâ€"an imperial Quarto, containing i-zloHT moms or r‘ua'rv couulss. of entertaining and original matter. and elegantly illustrated over)‘ week. A GIFT, wow-r" room 50 CENTS To $50 00 IN com, Will be presented to each subscriber immedi- ately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a Memento of Friendship. and not as ati inducement to obtain sub>cribers. TERMS: Ono Copy for one year. . .. . .352 (10 and I gift. One Copy for two yours 3 50 and 2 gifts One Copy for three years. . . . 5 011 and 3 gifts Una Copy for ï¬ve years†.. . B 00 and 5 gifts um To CLUDI 'I‘lireo Copies. one your... .355 CO and 3 gifts Five Copies, one year .... . 8 00 and 5 gifts Ten Copies. one your.... ..15 00 and )0 gifts Twenty-one Copies, 1 yeatu31l 0t) and 9| gifts The Articles to be given away are cctiiprised in lllc to lowing list : 2 Package of Gold. cotittiiiiiiig..$500 0'1 eur‘h 5 do do do .. 200 00 each ‘ .‘ . t t“ . 10 do do do .. 100 tit) enct. FIAL FILETIT TEAS’ in one“. M "in: Cased runn MOCHA s. JAVA COFFEES “latches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hill 111) each ’ 20 gold \Vntclies... . 7.3 on oath LIVERPOOL SOAP, 5.1 do ... (ill [10 each 10?) do -°------II-o.. SUUOeacli 301) Ladies’ Gold Watches 35 00 each 2 ill Hunting Cased Watches†. . 311 00 each 500 Sliver Watches ....$10 00 to 25 00 each 100) Gold Guard. Vest and Pub Chuiiis..............$10 00 to 25 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches. Breast Pius. Cufl'l’ins. Sleeve Buttons. Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys. Gold and Silv'er 'I‘ltitnblcx, and n variety of other articles, worth item 511 cents to $15 each. Immediately on receipt of the monry, the subscriber’s name Will be entered upon otir book, and the gift Will be forwarde within one wnek, by mail or oxpieSS. pmt paid. All cotttitiiinications should be addressed in , BECKE’I‘ to. Co. 48 and 49 Motfnt Building. New York CURRAN IVS & SPICES, TOBACCOS, 8m. Etc. Richmond Hill, April 8, 18bit. 144â€" if To Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it< , Malt to a Medical Man of standing and oxpnlioneo. House and Premises. both plea- sant and convenient. can be littd on reasonable lcriiis- Applv. if by letter post paid. to the Editor of the Tribune. Richmond Hill. Juno l5lli, 1857. g.2â€"wy. Conveyance to Railroad Station. VI‘HE Subscriber begs to remind the inhabi- tants of Richmond Hill and the public gonornlly. that he runs it angular Conveyance. Twice it day, to the Railroad Station. and re. Lct ters ltetna‘titingiu RICHMOND HILL Post Office. MAY 181. “358. AFkSBY. Gl‘rorga Kl-k~ Allen spectt‘ully solicits tlicii patronage thereto. I‘ns: All"">°â€v {"901} K"l‘l““di Lha‘les sangch conveyed to any port uftho country on Atkinson, thzabuth Law. A. mg sham,“ “one. Long. John Luiiilor. John Beyuoii. John B ~tiir0so. Joseph Btii'ritii John Legg. Margaret Burtizo. Georgi: Mitnshnw. George House. Sign and Ornamental Campbell, Mrs. Laugh-Murray, John ' PAINTERS, lthIlARD NICIlOLLS. Doc. 3. test. g‘lS-tf WARD & McClUSLAND, (,‘hitrpentier.Miss MaryMcMoriau. ti. Ci‘ulbrl. Frederick McBride. Duti Disuiml. .lolm McKinnou. A. Dnr tin . Charles Mclleth. 'l'. in l'o‘i .t'k. Cri tian McNair, An lrow comfort of his numerous guests. complemly renovated. and respectable visitors tended to. duttou for Horses and Cairtnées. with the choicest l irpiors: while the subscriber himself intends to dcvaie his time i) the l'olll- , fort of all those who may honour him With a call. would bug to call Public intention it: his NEW Establishment. Thornhill. and known as this SWAN IloTEL. which Ito has lately eiitci‘Ed itito in consequence of the accomodatioti in his old establlsltinent being entirely too limited for the The Swan lloTKl. iii it few days will be iia\ rely on having their calls immediately at- ‘ He has also Vcrv nxtensivn accumu- His Bar will always be found wall stored t JO H N 8111 ELS. Proprietor. taa Tltornltill. January 520. 1858. l RICHMOND HILL guy SADDLE ï¬rHARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South of the TmBU‘SE Oflice. William H. Myers, Premium Harness Jllanufacturcr, ESPECTFULLY announces to the Public gonerally,that be having taken the F1 R S T P It IZ E for Hamster at the Yoiige Street Ag- ricultural Show, Two Years in succession. he feels conï¬dent that he can give cntiiesatisl'aciton in all branches of his business. GS=A11 Work \Varratitcd.;§j{} ',," A large stool: of Harness, &c, always on hand. and made to order at the lowest possible reniunernting prices. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. ng-l) STRAY COLT. AME into the premises of the Subâ€" scriber, about the 1611i of March las‘. A BLACK COLT, one year old. The Owner is required to prove property. pay charges. and take him away. HENle LEMON, THonsmu. : April 22. 1858. 463 NEW TREflTJlIE.\'T. Buffalo Medical Disprnsory, ESTABIISHED FOR THE CURE 0P DYSPFY‘IA, GENERAL DEBILITY. PEVICR AV!) AUDI-Z. SCROFULA. oLU ULCLRB, GI:P..\‘I IMPU- RI’IY OF THE BLOOD, SALT REID-‘11.“, PIMPLES. HSTULA. rims. XIDNEYS. D1.lll|.llY. 1X- FIRMITIES 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE. Szc. 01'? No Mercury Used. [A R. AMOS do SON, Corner of Main and I Qtiav Streets, Buffalo. New Yot k. a e the onl',‘ l‘livsic'inus in the State who are mem- bers oliitlin Royal College of Surgeons} London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morti- lug-until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and sviiip out of disoa~c. ' The treatment they adopt is the result of tip- wards of 30 yours' t XlrIIMVB and stir orssful practice in London. The nIlIFl lltvvlmnlr‘ symptoms of Disease eradicated Ill eight at nine dens, and cases of :i slight llullllï¬ iii two or three dnvs at a veiy moderate expense â€" The cure rll'octed witliuut cuiilittciiiuit or llltl' , druitce from business. Young Mmâ€"â€" Trike Particular Notice. There is anrcvil habit sometimes indulged in bv boys. in solitude. often growing up with tlioiii to manhood. and which. if iinv reformed by them in due time. not only begets serious ‘ubstacles to iiintiiniouiul happiness. but gEv s ,riso to a antics of protracted. insidious. and 'dcvastatiiig ufl‘aclieiis. Few of lltoso who give ,way to this pernicious practice are u~.vnm of l the consequences. until ihev ï¬nd the nervous ,systctn sliatleied. l‘aol strange and titturcouittuâ€" 'blo feelings, and vague four» in thr- Illll'd. D ( way. John Nairu, Alcxuiit'er E.oi. Uniticl l’siteison. 'l‘l out is (it ldrr. Miss Eleii Reid. liltzal a ll G odwtll, John Seymour. Patrick (2‘ b on. Robett Stanley. \\ il min f o innit. John Sanderson, \Villium Go ulwill, John D. 511118. John limb-tit, John Slirpperd. er.C, ltn Murray. George Circuit. Thomas Miliews, John ll _ l Graiiics, Gildrrs, Glaziers, ,1 iiiiil Paper Hangers. ,l 'l‘IIO RNIIILL. , .._..._...... _.-c,.-,. Hill. Silas 'Io-nltitsnn, Mitts Su- ‘9†kinds 0" “,1â€,de Paints llnmel|.J=Iml‘s bi’ltiey . , - , lie ick. David Triisrnu. Robin" } Oils, (1112.33, and fatty. “aqiiigs, 'lhoinus 'I‘einlinson. James , Il‘ttrltcoctt,Juttteu Usher, \Villinni cont) \\'01(Xi\lli.\‘ suu'r To any “"1 “Elm-Sam“! wnsmh “Chard l l’.\|\ r or 'iiit. cot'ix'i'nY. Harrell. Catherine .lmcc, Maigurot Kerr. James Watcrhouse , John W ice. l’oter July ‘33. 1:457. 7gâ€"ly. , A llIost Srimtijir Invention. bilily. or more properly known as Seminal hVealtness. Not-vow Duliililt’. K’r . which are poi-iiiatwntlv cured in from 15 Lat ‘21! days by the use uftltis itistrtiiticitt. n hen Ust'd CU.iJUl|lll_\‘ with medicines. New Ilenwdirs and QUfl/f [ Cures. DR. AMOS SLSON talus pleasure in mtno-iit- ciitg that they have invented a llll‘bl intpo.taiil instruiitent for lllt} cure of the above tllst‘ns' :.. It has been subjects-(l lo a test by the inn 1 __ _ ,_-V,_ .__. 1-18 M. TEEFY. Posltnnstor. B L A N K F O R M S . LARGE SUPPLY of Magistrates’ Blanks awarding to the latest forms for sala at this Ofï¬ce by the dule or hundred. " Tribune" Office Aug. 27 1857. AND CAN'T HELP 1T! FARM FOR SALE ! VONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND / 'l‘riiitrv Acres of good land, being part of Lot To 13. 4th Con. Vaughan. ‘ For particulars. apply to of May next. uill be pttl III \llll_ Puiictuali'ly is (In: Lift. of ‘I'rm/c. [7’ Save your Costs and my Urrilit. G. A. BAHNARD' r H.) April. it, l858. ’ lhabils of \ulllll U P l D, Amâ€, & 90,, LL past due acct-tints not paid by the lst pliiit and New loxk. It lizn: li'wlt (lei-Enroll llir‘ onlv useful ittstruiiient evuryet invanuul I»! the cure of Seminal \Viï¬-Il-.Il-‘\‘(. or auv it sens: Toronto. June, 186}. from Station. (Richmond Hill) twice a day; and \\'lll convoy passengers to any part of ‘tlte country. night or dayuin ten minutes notice. l An instrument for the cure of Genital Do- ‘ eminent physicians: iii London. lasts, l’lii atl.-'- , 66, King Street East, Toronto. l'mi'u-nlnr attention given to the regulation of Cliilitit-n‘s Teeth. Consultations Free. and till \Vork Wartahtod. 1-wy. T. llldCBETII, Jnr., (, ARRIAGE. SIGN. â€"ANDâ€" Ornamental Paintcr._ Richmond Hill. Feb. I7. 1858. t37-Iy g .. , 5.3. STORE, ' was 1 2 Richmond Hill) OWNER. of \Vright 8L Yonge struts. Cheap Groceries and Provisions. Crocltory and Glassware chsa for Cash. No Credit. D. IOPKINS. Jan. 7, 1858. 1.31 THE WHITE SWAN Inn, and Livery Stables, Youon Sriu tar. OSIIPH GARY begs to inform the public that he has commenced to run a Stago thoabovo Hotel to the 0.S.&II.R it- JOSEPH GARY. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Oct. 15, 1357. glsvtf DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR. Darling 5‘.- Aitchison’s COMBINED llll‘llllli' lllll lllllllll MACHINES, Richmond Hill, June, 185?. g.1wy. TUittâ€"JNTO “our†Minnie WORKS No 138 vosci; STREET. “can out" s’rnsur D. C. 81. W. YALE, [\lPORTEI‘tS and dealers in Italian and American Marble, also manufac- turers of Monuments, Cenotaphs. Tooth and Grave Stonos.0rnnmeutnl enclosures for Grave plots. Sic. Orders through our Agents will re- ceivo prompt attention. I). CARLOS YALE. Wu. YALE. D. DAVIS. AGENT. J. B. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond Hill. Toronto, July 10. 1857 g5 1f. G 0 T 0 MORPHY BROTHERS FOR . l 001) VVatches,Clocks, Jewelry. Melcdoons T Electra Ware, Silver Spoons. and Specta- cles to suit every sight. 1LT Watch Clubs in Operation. \Varranted (’loclt: trom 20s upwards. ’l'urunre. Juno, 1857. 1-3 VICTORY HOTEL, And Masonic Hall, Youcz STE"? 2 X’l‘ENslV F. Stabling. and obliging Hustlers always in attendance. Choice Wines and Liquors Beer. Porter and vaiious Summer Beverages. Regalia. Principe. Havana. Monilla'nntl other brands of Cigars and Choroots. An 0 ninibus to and from Toronto, calls attire llotcl, daily. ROBERT WISEMAN. Pro priotor. gJ-wy. Richmond Hill. June. 1857. g. “i LUKEs’ Ciâ€"iOTEL, †HOLLAND “LANDING. II‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitattts of the aboveâ€"named Village \Iltl surrounding Country. and the Public gen- mnllv. that he has leased the above Hotel, fut-inuin kept by THOMAS May. which be has litlctl up and furnished for the accomiiiodntiotiof in. Customersmnd he trusts by constant attention in iln-ir wants to secure a liberal patronage. Liquors ofthe best brands at the Bar. and rvei'y attention paid to Guests. THOS. LUKBS. Pr istar. mgH-Ilm Holland Landing, Sept. 10. i857 M SLACK HORSE HOTEL IFUIUHERLY mar-r av WM. noun.) ‘( )llNl'lil of Palace and George stieets. east 47f llio Market Square, Toronto. Board .51 3 ( of the genital organs, runâ€"ct] b_\' the sci-rel lwr .Inv. Good Stabling and attentive llosilers v p. ,0 ,_ ., r. H". l ..l.t .rs in attendancn. An omnibus \u and 1') lllf ‘l 4'1 ‘ A“ t r d ‘ltflion. must Slu~_ 11‘ l a- to tho mettn ul lit-r4" In‘lili- l‘ "'†“‘6 RahafflobMAb. PALSHLK. iiieiits, pluilgu ‘lmmwlrm. lilul ‘ | um I‘ u .um- Proprimar . . v r '71 i. - when: lit. \ tum provn Inn 1 NM“ I} ' . ,, . _, , lfiiir lli..l. tlio iii-.iim \t'lli lu- it-‘ttiiilt .l i) .c l loronto. Fob. 26.1858. hisâ€) llll’lll1l" lllu instrument “1144‘! 'II‘lll' .â€" l‘orsoiis \t'lr‘lllllg the ï¬lm _ it «till "Mount-iii r..â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"._â€"_‘:|‘ will observe, ibni iltt- it it't‘. v tilt 111- am illl~ 1 IllzllYlllg tlllrl‘lltlll‘. >i~i il't'l\ 11".!le hlnl rem ll\' ll|l|ll or oxpii'ss. l‘ it‘ll ilulin s Bt‘ll‘lll'é’ 0f lIi//;;;.i!imi. l- \\"\f‘B of (‘Inlllilkx h‘l'll"|ll'l’1lll\4'l"myl°dl JOHN MURPHY. llousc Decorator, Patintrr, D. nriD ~’ WI“ rr'fmrs- “"0 “WW 1"" WV" PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER ' I l ' . T ' ‘ 4‘ ,sur-r Hl December 24. 1857. Thomlliils' tf THORRHILL “0 HAL. ““ “'â€â€™" ‘l' S" ""“‘ "’ †'°"‘~’ "m" "l &c 6w ' _p--- s, o T promises, voiiifortnble style. strayed Stccr. ‘AME into the premises of the Sub- ! Icriber, on the Ist of April, a Ill-1D STEER. two years old. The ‘owner is reâ€" oiiestod to prove property. pay charges and lake arrcniodntions iii every way agreeable. The host of’]llul’x’ soil (,‘lgm-s Careful it away, selected. Good f‘lJblllIE-llttl attentive hustlers WILLIAM LAWSON. HENRY LEMON, Lot ‘35. 5111 Con. Markham. Timmlnp, prov. 610,, April 7. 18.58. tttdt Jun. 211. HTS. t33 l Boulders and transient visitors will ï¬nd the , Vehi~litt'1 EIIQWZG'I in an FNl'WI iva pr'tctii'u iii Subscribl‘r beg‘l lo “‘{Olm “‘3 llic treatment o. 1!)“ Pllt“l -|ll‘ i-uiitplttiitts. ntiil , Public. that he has leased the above are the only 11 gully {llldllllt‘ll l litiiciuiis ubo and fitted them up in cheat and tiow advertise to owe t-crlaiii I‘Ullll’l..l:".~‘. or ‘ from whotn genuine European reiiicdios can be obtained. be successfully treated by tnm’nrtllng a t-nrru- detail of their cows. with u remittance to , Medicines. Ase. which Will betelutnid with tb |. , utmost dispatch, and serum from observation. \ Addiw Dr. Amos A; Sort. comer Main and , QM) street-v. Buffalo, N. Y. Hti-ly , l‘ansoss IN ANY Pint or Till; Want [1 may . No. 49, King Street, " 4 Doors West of Bay Street. DEALER IN PAPER narratives, ll HOUSE DECORATIONS. cc. 1 l 9 Toronto. June18th, 1857. (AZ-«y. -3_-.__- _â€"â€"- ï¬===ll