did-r". .4». . men could not contrive ' fast night '1' , ‘Vlfbirt‘szhis named? "Some rents make long friendsâ€"and it hides. THE FAMISHED SOLDIER. A DOMESTIC noixscn. [From Punch.) A Soldier came to my area gate. \Vlroru my wife would have sent away, For our larder had aufl'ered much of late ; But I said. Let the warrior stay. Let him go to his Cook for something to out, For his hunqu craves relief; He’ll enjoy a Int of good cold ttrcat, After living,V on tough burlcd beef. Beyond all trades, to the trade of war, Du vicrims the fastest fall; But consumption thins the ranks by far More quickly than steel or bull. They give them worse paupere’ food. Much worse than they give a thief? How the deuce are our loos to be subdued On a diet of tough boiled beef. How the fuel can keep plack's fire alight Is what doth exceed my ken. I wonder how our regiments light On such a regimen. ’Tvvere no marvel at all if the bravest host ' Should in action come to grief, Being \iictuallod, not on the best of roast, But the worst of tough bohed beef. Let my kitchen’s plenty then. repair The Soldier's “astod frame, Supplying his cuuiitry’u lack of care For the sustenance of the same. Let the sausage, [00, hits in the frying pan ; .\\'It.h all my heart, right lief. I will notgrudgu it that valiant man, )Vhe is sick of the tough belied bucf. Hungry soldier tliou'rt welcome here, Thou shall have a good blow-out, Go some of ye, fetch him a pot of beer. Ale. or half»aird-hair', or stout. There’s a cold log of mutton, I think, below ; \Vrap it up in a Irandkerchcit‘; 'I‘hou may’st bear it awayâ€"for ’tn ill be, I trow. A change from thy tough boiled beef. \‘ ,‘Ittiliihnm. Etl'tiihiiiga. An Irishman, in describing the qualities eta favorite parrot, declared that it cursed and swore, and told licslikc acbristian. ' $- A German chemist hasdiscovercd that «there is sugar in tears. What a lump ofsweetncss, their Niche, tnust have been who was ‘all tears!’ 1‘in some married to distill this sweetness; their wives would supply them with the‘ very best moist all the year round.’ of? A man who cheats in short measure is a measur‘eless regur. If he gives short measure in- wheat, than Ill.‘ is a rogue in grain. If iir whiskey, that. he is a rogue in spirit. If he givcs a bad title to land. then he is a rogue iuâ€"decd. And if he cheats whenever lze can, he is iir deed, in spirit, in grain, a incasurelcss scoundrel. I]? A down-caster advcrtists for a wife in the following manner :â€"‘ Any gal what’s got: a cow, a good feather bed and fixings, $500 in hard putt-'r, one that’s had the measles, and understands tending chil- drcn, can have a customer for life by writunzitr biIIy dill, address Z R, and stick it on Unce Ebcriezt-r's barn, hine side,jinnin the hog pen.’ COPY or It VVELCII ConnLck’s SIGN. â€"I’ryce Dyas, Cobbler, Dealer in Bacco Shag and Pigtale, Bacon and Ginger bread. Eggs laid evrey morning by me, arid very good Paradise, in the summer. Gentlemen and Ladies can have good ’I‘ae and Crumpeta and Strawberry with scinr urilII, becausel can get no cream. N. B. -â€"S|Iuse and Boots tnctzded very well her! 0:}- An Episcopal clergyman, who ra- ther likes a joke, was engaged to read the service for a brother minister, and was hurrying to church on Sunday morning. A friend, struck by his uncommon speed inquired, ‘ Sir, wiry so fast 1’ ‘ In order,’ replied lrc, ‘ that he who runs may rcad.’ of A day or two_ ago, a Quaker and a bot-headed youth were quarrcllirig,r in the street. The broad-brimined friend kept his temper mast equably, which secured but to increase the anger of the other. ‘ Fellow,’ said the hitter, ‘ I don’t know a bigger fool than you are,’ finishing the sentence with an oath. ‘Stop, fricnd,’ replied the Quaker, ‘ thou forgettcst thy eelf.’ L I}? An honest farmer having a nunrbr-r of tncn fleeing in his tic-Id, went to see how his 'Work .vvr fit on. Finding one of them sitting still, he inquired the cause. The man replied, - I thirst for the spirit.’ ‘ (irogpyou mean, I suppOse,’ said the farmer; ‘Ilut'II-‘IIIIE Bible tcaches you to thrist after the spirits, it also says, ‘ IIoc.’ every one that thirstcth !’ Oj- ‘ Bridget,’ said a lady to her serv- ant, -Bi‘idget.Cdn|Py, ‘ who was that man you were talking so long with at. the gate, ‘ Shure it was nobody but me eldest brother, ma’anr,’ replied Brilâ€" get, with a dished check. - Your bro- ther. I didn‘t. know you had a brother. , , ‘ Barney O'toolan, the am. ‘Indeed, how comes his name is n'vt the same as yours '1’ ‘ Truth, nia‘arn,’ replied Bridget, ' he was married once.’ IRISH PROVRRBS.â€"(By the Cove of Cork.)â€"â€"Men of straw don‘t make the best bricks. It‘s a narrow bed that has no tuririuz.- \Vlren money is sont flyinar out of the windotvs, it‘s poverty tth comes in at, the door. The pi-ar that pleases to live must lite to please. One man may stral a hedge, \‘t’lit't’eds anothrr daren‘tci‘en as much as luck at a horse. holds cquallpgood with your landlord and your clothes-The mu; of a fool is known by_-tlrerc bcin: nothing in it. You may put the cart before the horse. but your can't. make him cat. Money Illdkt's the gentleman, the want ofit tln- blackéuard. , W'hen wise mi-n fall out. tlwn rogues conic l by what is not their (ruinâ€"Punch. .THE Axxroq ‘Bxxrr MANAGERâ€"â€" There is a story afloat canonical or apoc- rjiphal as it may turn out to he iilrich wc g was it comes tfl‘lts'Sâ€"h b. nk-nr na. (r . in Iiriiair, falling in with an arutia it: n c,‘ asked him, with appxrt-nt unconccru, ‘ it lhcre was any ncu‘s,’ - Noihur; prirticuliir.’ , was the riâ€"ply. ‘ Nothing about the trials I" ‘ Oh, yes, by the bye; (no (It the curr- spitators'is to be imprisoned for life. and the rest a... to be beleailrd.‘ ‘Good 1 Heavens ." cxclanrr-d our h'ru, clutching the arm of his fr IcIHI “Ill! both hands, t ynu don‘t say so? The directr rs of ih: HOX'VI CAME TO BE MAR- RIED. It may be funny, but I've done it. I've got a rib and a baby. SHAD- ows nnpxn'rcn, oyster stews, brandy cocktails, cigar boxes, boot jacks. absconding shirt buttons, whist and dominoes. Suxnows rttnsnxrâ€"hoop skirts, band boxes, ribbons, guitch, long stockings, ju- vcnilc dresses, tin trumpets, little willow chairs, cradles, bibs, pap, su- teats. gar parcgoric, hive syrup. castor oil, Godfrey's cordial, sootlr~ in; syrup, rhubarb, salts, squills and doctors bills. SIIADOIVS FUTUREâ€" stycs. The last lingering rays of the setting sun, glancing from the brass buttons of a solitary horse- man, shone through a knot-hole in date Sell the hog-pen full in Sall's face, dye- ing her hair with an orange peel hue, and showing off my thread occupied by him at. RICHMOND I CASH The following, articles will be sold at C Viz., Printed Cashmeres, Fur Boas & C nels, Salisbury 8:. Fancy Flannels. Blanket hand reclining oti the small of her backâ€"she was almost gone and I was ditto. She looked like a grass- Thc present opportunity of buying tea a codï¬sh ball. ‘Sal,’ says I, in a more babies. mor‘c hivc syrup, ctc. I‘ll just tell you how Igot caught. l was always the darndcst, most tca custard, bashful follow you ever did see ; it was kinder in my line to be. taken with the shakes every time I saw a pretty girl approaching mr, and I’d cross the street any time rather titan face one ; ’twasn't be- causcI didn’t llkc the critters, for if I was behind a fence looking through a knot hole I couldn’t look at one long enough. Well my sis- tcr Lib gave a party one night, and I staid away from home because I was too bashful to "face the mu- sic ;" I hung around the house whistling “Dan Tucker,†dancing to keep my feetwarrn, watching the heads bobbing up and down behind the window curtains and wishing the thundering party would break up so I could get up to my room. I smoked up a bunch of cigars, and as it was getting late and mighty uu- comfortablc, I concluded to shin tip the door post. No sooner said than done, and I soon found myself sung in bed. ‘ Now,’ says I, ‘lct her rip lâ€"Dancc till your wind gives out 1’ And cuddling under the quilts, Morpheus grabbed me. ‘1‘ 3* * I was dreaming of soft-shelled crabs aird stewed tripe, and was having a good time. \vliensomebody knocked at my door and woke me voice musical as the notes of a dy- ing swan, ' \Vill you have me '1’ persons indebted to ,1“. subscribe, Wm I She turned her eyes hcavenward, accounts must now be paid, clnspcd me by the hand, had an ab February 4‘: 1858- tuck of the hooves and blind stag- gers, and with a sigh that drew her '33â€"“- Canada Clotlis. Gala Plaids, French Mcrinos in Brown, Merone, Green 8:. Scarlet, hopper dving with the hiccups, and I'IOSIQ'I‘)’, Polkas, Hoods, Gauntlets, Sl‘cvcs, Long Shawls (Filled 8c \Voolcn) Rib- I (-8“ mm» u mud tunic choked with bons, Ladies’ 8:. Gentleman’s Gloves, Ladies & Children’s Boots, Shoes 8:. Rubbers. public at large. His entire Stock which is extensive and well Assorted, having been purchascd in the first markets and on the most reasonable terms. IIe trusts any furtln-r notice will be unnecessary. and came'hcavyladcn with the de-lS IE I I I : O ' ' licious odor of hen roosts and pig 1 g . HE Subscriber being under the necessity of vacating the premises at present iILL, has come to the determination of Closing his Business, and in order to do so effectually, be will from this or ONLY. This course is indispensible, having but zr very short period to wind up his business. During last Autumn a reduction of about E) per cent was made on every description bare coat to bad advantageâ€" one (It of Dry Goods. A further reduction has again been made, in order to make a com- my arms around Sal's waist, my plcte clearance before the expiration of his lease. 0 ST I ufls. Fur Caps, Red, White &. Blue Flan- 5, Horse Blankets. Men’s Winter Coats, lly Cheap Goods, should be siezed by the that“: make an immediate Settlt'men, their J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. shoe strings to her palate, said, ‘chl' She gave clear out then, and squatted in my lapâ€"she cork- screwcd andI curflummuxed and rolled in it. I hugged her till I Tr broke my suspenders, and her breath RIEN AN fabric. Having purchased Int: material, . « , 0 ' bdmc' ‘VCH’ to make 1 long St r} trade, he can thoroughly recommend them short, she set the day, and we prac- ticed for four weeks, every night, how we would walk into the room to be married, till we got so We could walk as graceful as a (:Ouplc of Muscovie ducks. attention to this- class oftrade, he would cu of giving Clltll’c satisfaction. CLOT PRICES, at 51h u 1’ ill 51‘ m t‘II to. Emma Inn, 0... 15,1857. iiiriiiiii iiiiijii iiii’ t A. BARNARD has now on hand the largest, best, and cheapest assortment of -2 TIMES l DBOYS’ smelt of ,he onions She ate a week Ready-made “'inter Clothing, North of Toronto, in every variety of style and and had them made expresst for his own as DURIBLE, And for CHEAPNESS THizv CAN nor nu sunpxssnn. Having devoted a pntticulu: r'nestly solicit an Inspcction, being confident HING Made to order, in every style, from almost every material, at the MOSI' ECONOMCAL G. A. BARNARD‘S, Richmond Hill. ngâ€"tf N 0 T] C E . VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Flourishin Villarre 3 R BUTTONVILLE, IN THE COPPER, BEG to Township of irriutniii, 81? FOR SALE. cm ONSISTING of Three Village Lots, with 511011 115 making ' " ' . ~' ‘ 'I f c, , . suitable Bulttllllg‘, “IIII a luuiti part 0 b FL“, _PANS’ an acre of Land attached to each. One is a IVH OLE SA LE And Furnishing small Cottage suitable for a small family. Tire second is a New House, adapted for a Mechan- up. ‘ Rap’ again, I laid low. ‘Rap' rap, rap 1' Then I heard a whisper- ing, and I knew there was a whole raft of girls voutsidc. ‘ ‘ Rap, rap!’ Then Lib sings out, ‘ Jack, are you in there '1‘â€"-‘ Yes,’ says I. Then came a roar of laughter. ‘ Let us in,‘ says she. ' I won’t says I ; ‘catt‘t you let a follow alone?â€" ‘ Arc you abcd '1’ says she. ‘ I am,’ says I. ‘ Get up,’ says she; 'I won’t I’ says I.â€"-Thcn can e anoth- er laugh. By thunder! I began to get riled. ‘ Get out you pctticoat- ed scarecrowsl’ I cried; can’t you get a beau without hauling a fellow out of bed? I won’t go home with youâ€"I won‘tâ€"so you may clear» out 1’ And throwing a boot at the door, I felt better. But presently, 0h ! mortal buttons! I heard a still small voice very much like sister Lib‘s, and it‘said: ‘Jack, you'll have to get up, for all the girls" things are in there 1’ Oh! lord, what a pickle lâ€"Think of me in bed all covered with shawls, muffs, bonnets and cloaks, and twenty girls outside waiting to gut in !â€"--Ifl had stopped to think I should have pancaked on the spot. As it was, I rolled out among the bonnet wire and ribbons in a hurry. Smash! went the mill- irrery in every direction. I had to dress in the darkâ€"for there was a crack in the door, and the girls will peakâ€"and the wayI fumbled about was death to straw hats. The crit- ical moment came. I opened the door, and found myself right among the women. ‘Oir, my Leghorn !' ‘ My dear, darling, win- ter vclvct’ crics another; and they pitched inâ€"thcy pulled me this way and that way, boxed my cars, and one bright-eyed littlc picceâ€"Sal~ her name wasâ€"put her arms right around my neck, and kissed me right on my lips. Human nature couldn’t stand that, and I gave her as good as she sent. It was the first time I ever got a taste, and it cries one. Color-rd, Brown, and Wrapping I’epera, \Vax, Metallic Memorandum Books, Twines, Copy 5L0†rkc. for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills .n Canada, they are prepared to was powerful good. I believe I could have kissed her from Julius Caesar to Fourth of July. ‘Jack.' said she, ‘ we are sorry to disturb ic of any kind or Doctor, (as there is no Doc- tor iir the neighbourhood). The third is a Large House, with all the accoruodations for a Tavern, with a truer-failing \Vell of. Water. Cheap as any one by paying Cash for it. A: Cheap as any House in Montreal or the States. British Copper Companirrs of England they flatter themselves they can get (.‘rvpper asi GOOD NEWS THE OLD sou WILLIAM HODGE TIN, AND IRON PLATE 8t. 00., WORKERS ! Ironmortgcr's, tic , inform their Friends and the Public generally, that as Cajun-7' has Fr/l and is Falling, they intend to go a little in T 11 c 0 p p c r- corrrzn roux 'AINs‘, SAUCEâ€"FANS, B u s i II c s s ! ’I‘EA KETTLL‘S, (mourors, &. , &c. ()1: RETAIL I IIai'ing scrvcd Iinder one of the Having also, had vacn Years’ experience Also, good, suitable out-buildings. consisting in making Copper Goods in the Queen City of Hamilton to advantage, in: feels con- of driving-house, large shed, wood-shed, gran- ary and stable, together with some choice Fruit Trees, comprising plums, pears,cuirants, and the black tame cherry. , , V _ BUTTONVILLE is Rimmed on a Plath as they \vrll endeavor tornnkc 1 ca Ixcttles strut rise of round, on the 4th Concession of Cheap ‘15 I‘â€5~‘lble~ FOR CAbH ODLY- Markham. here is an established I’ost-Oflice together with a Gri;tand Saw Mill, Store. with Mechanicsof different kinds. ‘ Terms easy, apply to the Proprietor on QM (’ollllerr B'assr the premises, or by Letter, post-paid to Button- Skins, 1: ms, Sic. vrllo. Possession will be given on the 1st of ~ ‘ . , o- â€" April, or if needed. the lst oI‘January. R'Chmond Hlll‘ M and) ‘3! 1898' E? Title indisputable. £1] WILLIAM bIOIIRISON- Buttonville, Oct. ‘28. 1857. gQQ-tf Brass I‘nnsfls. Gd. per 11)., kept on ha PAINTING. Subscriber bugs to inform the irr- . t he 03: LOOK AT THIS 1 ‘59 habitants of Richmond Hill and sur~ __ _ rounding country, that he has continent-ed . LMOST EVERYBODY is ordering the limitless in PLOUGH. LOOIII and ANVIL. That the rest maybe as wise, and possess themselves of what we are houndâ€"at any cost to ourselves â€"â€"lo make the Leading Industrial Journal of the timesâ€"the best for the Further, the Mechanic, He hopes that by _strict attention to 1Ԡorder on- atrdthe Family Circleâ€"We make the following trusted to him which will be executed in a It‘ttt unprecedented liberal ol-l'er ;_ and workmatrlike manner. on the stronost no- tice, to merit asharu of public patronage. Richmond Hill, RICIIl). VAILES. March II, 858. till-6m House Painting, Closing, Paper IIaIzging, Grrtz'ru'ug. (yr: , (SC. Our Eleventh Volume will commence with ' January, 1858â€"will run to January. 1859â€"and contain 765 large octavo pages, on ï¬ne paper, with new type. It will [reissued within the ï¬rst week of each month. in numbers of 64 pages each, done up in the bestrtragazine style. To all who will forward the money for thi- volunre, as single subscribers or in clubs. we wrll send gratuitiously, the numbers of the cur- rent volume, fionr the time of their forwarding, and one month previous. thus giving in two, three. or four numbers, accordiuy to th 6 time, to all who subscribe before January. Trentonâ€"$2 a year, in advance; $1 50 to clubs of four and upwards: $1 for e x months. Advertising. ten cents a litre. For giving pub- licity to improved stock,agricultural implements, mechanical improvements, and like matters of general interest, there is no other medium good at the price. Liberal terms to persons disposed to no agents for this work. Let us hear from tit J. A. NASH, M. I‘. PARISH. 7 Beekman Street. New York. October 22. 1857. s). '. i 14,, .rrtix "M'D 'OLNOHOL v’ JHVDBS .LC-IJIIIVN XVI-IR 'ISVE ‘LS E“ rs o o 6 Vi â€"t p m >: r»: in ’> (-1 in .4 2-: >1 4n .qo m» 22 on u 2.: "c H .in _-4 .4 x o r» t q as to H O E 2 Ft H H b U2 '1 x O -u a: .. t": h] ‘1. EU. _ one...“ \VIIOLESALE Paper t‘lt Stationery Warehouse. VFHE Subscribers have always on hand, a large and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing, 1' I! 0 was: Rat 1'15 1‘3 0R WRITING BY SOUND! I'I‘MAN'S Manual of Phonography is a work of about 100 pages, every other Books} school Books and General Slammer†leaf of which is printed from stone engravings. giving writing exercrses in the art which the book is designed to leach. By the uso of this Manual, any school boy or girl, of 5 or ti Mums and upwards. mav learn, in It surprisineg short space of time, to read and wine I’horrography I or I'honetic Short~haud, anti u few months of daily practice is all that is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence to urito IOU or more Words per minute I This rate of speed is sufficient to take down ordinary sermons, speeches, and conversation ‘ns fast as spoken. The " Manual of Phoriograplry,†75 rents, and tho " I’honograpic Copy-hook,†:5 cents. are sent to auv address, by mail, post-paid, on “'ul‘ors, Slaten, Ink, Steel Pens. Envelopes, The facilities which the subscribers have manufacture all kinds of paper to order. BUNTIN, BRO. &. Co.. Yunge street, Toronto. January 6, 1858. t3] ’1'0 PRIN‘TERS. HE sUBs'CRIBâ€"En begs to inform the Trade, that his Stack of n‘coipt of tire price, ONE DOLLAR. ï¬dent that they will be able to give satisfaction to THEIR EMPLOYERS HERE on the Dutch plan, Good and Strong, and 3 nd and made to order; Brass and Japan Goods selling offat and under Cost Price for CASH ONLY. Pcwtcr and Lead taken in exchange for Goods, Sheep it? M For Sale or to Rent, x D WE L L INCâ€"HOUSE, Store-louse. I Driving-house and about an Acre of Land. in the VII ago of Victoria Square, suita- bio for a Store or Tavern. For terms apply to \V. Trudgeon, Esq“ Tribune ofhce, Richmond Hill. April 2‘3, 1855. (46 Straycd Steer. Came into the premises oftho Subscriber. Lot No. H. 5th Concession Markham. about the last of March, a Hazel coloured Steer, two tears old. The owner IS requested to prove propcri}, pay expenses, and take it away. KILLIAM I’ADUE'I‘. Markham, April 15ilr, 1858 HS. OATS, OATS ‘! 'TAN'I'ED to purchase Our: THOUSAND Ilushels of good Oats. Highest price . paid in Cash. Apply at the Tribune Ollicc, Richmond Ilill. Feb. 11. 18.38 t36 The Only Sure Remedy IN THE WORLD for the sure cure of Rheumatism. I’uiits in the Duck. Breast, and Side, Palpita- tioir of the Heart, Toothache. Head- ache, Wrrak Stoni- ach. and General » Dchllitv, Cramps in the Norrractr. Frosttd Hands or Feet. Spraius Iliuiscs, or Stiffness III the Joints, Fever and Agile, Cholera Morhus, Coughs, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Suiriitier Coiirplaiiits, Bruises, Sore Throat or Quins-5y. Stvelliirgs, Cuts. Burns, External Injuries, &c.,is Dr. Tumblcty’s Vegetable Compound. I “Its efï¬cacy has been fairly tested, and its Virtues pronounced unparalleled †The cures made by Dr. Tumblon with his Vegetable Cornpourrd,"are so miraculous as to resemble the famed Scriptural account of similar cases in ancient times, and those Cflst)‘: are so wundcrftil trnd Illstr’lirtfllleuuï¬, so satis- factory aiid mitigating of Irurrrnn ill, asto call upon public functionaries and those havrng charge 0f public institutions for the sick and suffering to look well into the well attestcd merits ofthis Vegetable Medicine. .Nunrerous caseS, two months in Hospital. \vttlrout any beneï¬t, have been cured by a few days’ Use ofthe Vegetable Compound. It is the most soothing medicine in the British Bank to be Irchvaded! l!’ ‘ No, 5:, !’ “joined the nuwsint néer; ‘ not the punk ccnspu.iiorsâ€"â€"Orsini and his coni- ’ The bank-itrungcr wits relievedâ€"â€" his btad let secure again on his shouldtï¬l‘a.l _., .V _ PRINTING PRESSES, ’I'YI’E, INKS, and all other description of materials. has been verv largely increased this Season. bv arrivals from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Ofï¬ces, iii addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice. Printing MACHINES and ENGINES irn- ported to order. Best quality of NEIVS INK at One Shilling er lb. p Old T;ch taken in urhangc for new. D. K. FEEIIAN. ‘Collwrne s1. . Toronto. Jun. 9. 18’ 57- 25 you, but won't you sue me home 1" ‘Yes,’ said I, ‘I will.‘ I did do it, and had another smack at the gate, too. After that, we took a kindcr tur- tle-doving after each other, both of us sundriinr like a barrel ofuew cider when m: wei'c away from each ‘ 'I'ivrzs at tho other. closc of a glorious sunirnci' d:r_vâ€"- thc sun was Address. p0st-paid. WILLIAM II. ORR. USIIAWA, C. \V., From whom all English or American Phon- g raprc Works may b iarocured. t42- k; Fire! Fire! I Fire! I .' W E S '1‘ E R N Fire Insurance Company of Town to. PRIVATE SALE I! LAND .rJNI) WATER. MILL ! xnxn RICHMOND HILL. setting behind a distant hog pen- thc chickens were going to roost-â€" thc bulll'rugs were commencing their evening songsâ€"the polly~wogs in their native mud puddles were pre- paring thcnrsulves for the shades of nightâ€"and Salt and rirysclfsat down Gardens, and about Fifteen Acres of Land, . . l - if required by the purchaser. The premises upon air antiquated big log, 11510113,... at present used as an Agricultural Imple- IIIS FARM contains about Fifty Acres, with a House, Garden, and small Clear- ance. and is well timberetl. The Water Mill. including Three good Dwelling Houses. with illlg to the music of nature, such as r montand Fiie Factory. All the above property will be sold on easy ll. true for Cash or Yearly Pennants. and is trec toads, roosters and grunting _ Vtorthy the attention of the Mechanic and Far- Plgs ; and now and then the rncllow . _ . nrer. inusrc of a distant JackaSS was waft- t-‘or- particulate apply to cd to our ears b . - - DR. DUNCUMB. I . y the gentlc chhy is Richmond Him that Sighcd among the mullcu stalks, eytvtnber 1857. to, gH-tf INCORPORATED FY ACI‘ OII' PARLIAMENT- CflPlTflL STOCK, £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. C. GILMOR, Pres. | Tnos. Hawornrr, V. Pres Win. Henderson, James Leask. Hugh M llor. Walter Macfarlane, Rice Lewis. J. I’. Roberts. Robt. Stanton, Sec. 15’ Head Oflicc, Church Strut, Toronto. £1] THIS COMPANY Insnros Buildings.Mairufactories. Mills. the. and Good: and I' ururture, iii the came. against loss or dam- age by tire, on If) t . L "Med. t eraI arms oases promptly A. LAW, Residence, I General Agent. , tichm Hrll,Atit_7ust13.1857. gIU-Iy George Michie, ' all descriptions of. world, or that ever will be. The Vegetable Compound is put up highlv concentrated in bottles accompanied with printed directions, and sells for :25 cents, St) cents, and $1 per bottle. Dr. Tunrblety’s Vegetable Pills, The best and safest Cathartic and Purifying I’ill ever offered to the public for the cure of Costiveuess, Bilious Complaints, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache. arising from a foul Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid func- tion of the Bowels, and Pain arising therefrom, gFInlulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcers and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuant iMediciue. Scrofula, King's Evil, Functional ,‘ Derangerirentof the Liver, Spleen and Viscera. lthay stand unrivalled. IL? Price 25 cents and 50 cents per box. ‘ These are no crude and untried remedies experimentally placed before ttre public, but they have stood the test of years. All that science. skill and experience could do, in perlcctrng good. wholesome and ever lsate and rcliablc Family Medicines, have been concentrated In these preparations. No pa- rents who value the health or even the lives of their children should be without them. Hundreds of Physicians now use them and acknowledge them to be the most scientific and vwholesortre preparations ever offered to the public. For sale wholesale or retail by Dr. Tum- Iblety. at his office, Ill King tin-eel, Toronto, Canada “’eet. ’,," Four people will be liberally dealt with Toronto. Dec. 9-4. I851 ‘31 .: IE. ‘5‘ Richmond Victor-in, OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. IJ meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s, Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening in each month. OFFICERS ELI-:c-râ€"Colonol D. Bridgford, Master. J. B. DeeGier, Deputy Master; John Miiuholland, Secretary ; \V. I’ogue. 'I‘rcasuwr. January 21,1858. (33 HOTEL FOR SALE. H E Subscriber offers for sale that well known Hotel, situated on Lot No. 5, 6th Concession in the Township of King, with good stabl'ing and Seventeen Acres ofExcellentLaird. Every necessary accomodation for on Hotel arc in first rate repair. Terms extremely easy. For fur- tliur particulars apply to the proprietor on the pro- mises or to Dr. Duscunn, Richmond Hill, THOMAS REDON, I’r’opriotor. g24-tt King, Nov. 19. 1857. .,____ DR. MORSE’S End ion Root Pills. DR. MORSE, the inveiTtor of Morse’s Indian {out I’ills, has spent the greater portion of his l.fc in traveling, having visited Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North Amt-ricoâ€" has spent three years among th J Indians of out \Vcsturir countryâ€"it was in this way that the Indian Root. Pills were ï¬rst discovcrrd. 1).. Morse “as the first titan to establish the fact that all diseases aiiwe from IMI’URI'I‘Y OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life depondtd upon this vital fluid. “'hen the various passages become clogged. and do riot act in perfect harmony with the iii.- foroirt functions of the body, the blood loses i's action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased; tlitts causinLr all pains, sickness and distress of every name: our strength is exhausted, our hualdr wu are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in ttr‘owiug off' the stagnant lllItthrS, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passagcs of the body free and open. And ltow pleasant to us that we have it. in our power to put a medicine in your roach, namely, Nurse’s Indian Root I’ills, manufactured from plants arid roots which grow around the menu tatiious cliffs Ill Nature’s Garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made is Li Sudoiilic. “IllL’lI opens the pores of the skin, and assists Natnic in throwing outthu firrcr parts of tho corruption within. The second is a plant which is on I‘prectorant, that opens and timings the passage to the lungs by colzrous spitting. The third is a Dilitt'ttl', which givcs ease and double strungth to the ItitItru}s; thus encouraged, they draw largo zrniotitrtsuf im- purity I'nrrrr the blood, which istheir thrown out bouirtifully by the urinary or water passage, and “hit-Ir could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cuilrtri'tic, and accompanies the other properties of the Fills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed of? in great quantities by the bowels From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root I’ills not only enter the, stomach, but become united With the blood, fort they ï¬nd their way to every part, and complete- ly rout and rolaasn the system from all impurity, and the life of the hotlv, which is the blood, becoitres‘ purl'i-ctly healthy; consequently all >1Ckllths and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason uhy people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is IMCBU‘O they do not get a medicine which wrll pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passage for the disease to be cast out ; heir: e, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; tlrtis undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the corrupted mutter through every VOItI and artery, uiitii liftI is taken from the body h_disease. Dr. Morso’s PILLS have added to tht‘irisalves victory upon victory, by I'rFIIlIIIL’ millions ot'tlic ~it-k to blooming healih and hap- pincss. Yes, thousands who have been racked or tornrontctl with sickness, pain and anguish. and whose feeble lizrincs have been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and who have been brought, as it wore, “'ltlltll a stop of In: silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered wiilr the dead. had it not been for this gioutmrd nutrdurful medicine, Muisu’s Iiitliair [loot Fills. Attorune or two doses l)tItI been taken, they were as toirislred, and absolutely surprised. in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away ull sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the dist-ac, which is the blood. '1 litirufore, it will he shown, especially by those who Use the:e Pills, that they will so cleriso and purify. that diseaseâ€" tlrnt deadly erretrrvâ€"WIII take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty wrll again return, and the prospect ofa long and happy life will cherish and briulrten your (Ills. CAUItoN.«-Ue\varo of a counterfeit signcd A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. Warn; & Co.. on each box. Also the stgrurlrtl'r if A. J. IVItrto t“ Co. All others are spurious. A J. IVHITI'I & CO., Solo Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street, New ‘Yurli. Dr. Morse’s Indian root I’ills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents wrilltt'tl iii every town, village and hamlet in the land, Parties dcsiriug the agency will address as above for terms. Price ‘25 cents per box, five boxes will be sent on receipt 01' $1. postage paid. t33 Canada Type Foundry. REMOVED To S'r. TIIEIIEEE St, is Drznnrtx'r’s Burtntxos, Mox'rREaL. VIIHE Proprietors of this Establishment beg to inform the Prin ers of Canada, that they have now irranufactured and ready for delivery, a large quantity of Small Pica, Long Primer, Ilourgeorso and th'evier. of Scotch face, which they will guarantee cannot be surpassed by any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. They have also on hand a choice assortment of various kinds of Ornamental Type. The prices at which these and othertypes are sold at the Canada Type Foundry, will he found at least 30 per cent. less than they could be pur- chased prerious to its establishment. It is therefore hoped that the Printers ofCaut-r- do will show their appreciation of the advantages it holds out, by bestowing upon itafairslinro of their patronage, in return for which the propriot~ ors pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample satisfaction. Printers ! mark the reduction in the price of type since this Foundry was opened ; and bear in iniud that a greater reduction depends upon your- selves. Our motto isâ€"supply the trade with t_\ pe ofsuch quantities and at such prices as will proâ€" vent the necessity of patronising foreign urarru- facturers. The followinglist ofa few oftlre principal arti- cles required by printers, will give air idea ofthe greatadvnntagcs ufthe Canada Typo Foundry P It I C E S : Nonpariel - - 9.9 6d per lb. Mitiiorr - - - - - - 23 3d “ Brevier- - - - - - 23 Id " Bourgeoise - - - - ls 10d “ Long I’ritner - - - - 1s 8d “ Small Fica- - - < - ls 7d †I’ica - - - - v 15 6d " III? All other Book Farris in proportion. LEADSâ€"6 to I‘icnniid thither, Is par 1b.: 7 to l’icu. 153d; 5 to Ficu ls Gd. TIIOS. J. GURNIN & Co. St. Therese Street Montreal, May IBih. 1857- g3 NILâ€"Publishers of newspapers giving ins". tien to this advertismeut for 2 rrronths‘ will be allowed their bills upon purchasing five times their amount ofour manufacture. Editors will confer a favor by directing attention to the nnouncement. T. .l. o. a Co. 33 . .73... ‘-.,r.\“;w‘ u-zâ€"â€" 7 AND MANUFACTURERS. N announcing the TlrirteentbAnnual ' Volume of Tun. SCIENTIFIC Ameni- CAN. theI’ublishem respectfullyinfortn the public that in order to increase and stimulate the form- ation of Clubs. they propose to ofl'er One Thousand F ice Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums. for the ï¬fteen largestlists ofsubsct ibets sent in by the Ist of January, 1858 ;-prerniurns to be drs. tributed as follows :â€" Forlhe largest list............., 300 '2rid do . . . . . .......u. .30 3rd du...................- 200 4th do... . ............15tl 5th do............ . . . . . . . . 100 61h do.................... 90 7th St) Blli 70 91h 60 Itllll 50 11th 40 mm 35 13th 3" 14m 95 15th 20 Names ofsubscribers can be sent in at different titties and from different Post Ollices. The cash will be paid to the orders oftho successful ocnr- petitors, i.nrncdrately after the lst of January, 1858. Southern, \Vesterir,nnd Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit twenty-six cents extra on each year’s subscription to pie-pay postage. 'I‘rzitxts or Sunscnrrrtonâ€"S2 a year , or $1 for Six Months. CLUB RATES. Five copicsfor 6 months. . .. .. . . . . . . 34 Five copies for I2 inorrths.. . . .. . . . . . . 8 Ten copies for 6 rrrouths.... .... .... 8 Ton copies for 152 months.... .. . .15 Twenty copies for 12 months. . . . . .28 For all Clubs of Twenty and over, tlreyearly subscription is only, I >10. The new volume _\yill be printed upon fine paper \Vltll new type. The gelIOIBICIIaJ‘EICleI' ofthe Scientiï¬c Ameri- can is \VurI known. arrd,as hci'etof‘uicit will be chiefly devoted to the promulgation ofinfortnatiori relating to the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Iii- vctitiurrs', Engineering, Mill Work, and all tutor- csts which the liglitot' l’racticul Science is cal- culated to advance. It is- issued wrcliiy, ir ' for binding; it contains annually from .‘ 600 finely executed Engravrngs, and Notices- at American and European Improvements, togetlr or with. an Ofï¬cial List of American Patent Claims published ivcckly in advance ofnll other papers. 113’ Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. I MUNN SI. COL, Publishers and Patent Agonu, N0. 123:! Fulton street, New York. 13-34 Moore’s Rural New Yorker, 'IIIIJ LEADING AND LARGEST LIKCULATKD AblIILUIJ'UILAI.‘ LII'I'IIARY, AND FAMILY haivsrarut. VOLUME IX. FOR 1853 " 1XCI‘ZI.SIOR.†it< glorious Motto, and A " l'i'ogruss and Irrrpruvciirciri,†its laudable objectsundro Rural .\c\v Yorker conâ€" tirtuos to cxcel in Merit, and rap rts decided progress in both Circulation and Usefulness. For evidence that it is unquestionably thr' Standard in its sphere, pleas-u examine the paperâ€"compare in both contents and appear- ance, with any other extantâ€"aid you “ill coincide with its patrons and tho Press in pro- nuurrcing‘ it of its class. ’I‘II'I-J BES'I' VVEI'IKLY IN AIIERICA ! As an Agricultural, Horticultural, Literar and Family Newspaper. corrrburcd, the Rom has long boon unerprnrlrd. It employs the best. talent, and is Illuslr-zit‘d with numerous costly and appropriate engruvings. Embracing in one a greater number of important, useful and timely topics than several ordinary journals â€"includirtg rural affairs, >L’IL'IICt‘, trrcclrarrical :J‘ts, tdtictrtion, history, biography, moral cs- sa_\s and t'ilos', poetry and nitric, reading for youths, trans of the (lay, ritarket reports, dim, â€"it is uirrphatically and ccotrorrrically A PAPER FOR. THE TIMES! Every family can afford the Rural, for sunlr an outlnclltl} instructive and entertaining pr, t r is not aluxury, bnta necessity. lrrtleod, azl who desire a high toned, progressive. and t‘tlll- nentlv practical and Useful farm and fireside journalâ€"Ono which ignores trash, ltutnhiig or d deception, and seeks to enhance the host inâ€" tcrests and promote the home happiness of its tens of thousands of readers, of various occu- pations, in both totvu‘aud countryâ€"are invrted to try the Rural. 'I'HI-J‘NINTII VOLUMI’. FOR 1853. \\'iil be printed on clear new type and str- peiior pawnâ€"while no oilicr effort or expat...- will be spared to make 11)“ Rural continuousl} worthy the immense citculntiuri it is atiuiiring among all classes nrid throughout the whole country. Next to your local pupci‘ the Rural is indispensable. ' Tire Rural New Yorker is published weekh, each number, comprising eight large douth tprarto pages, [forty culutrriis], printed and illustrated itt superior style. Terms :â€"-â€"(Irri_'I‘wo Dollars a year; three copies for I-‘rvu Dollars: six’ for Terr Dollars; ten for Frl'tcorr Dollar'sâ€"in advance. Our list of l’reriiiunrs for obtaining Subscri- hers to the Rural for I855. is tint-qualied in both lrht-ralitv n;.d fairnessâ€"the best ever of- fored! It has no blanks, hut rewards eve y person who scnds a club of six or more I The specimens; show-bills. mm] to all appdcants. .Now is the titne to do good and benefit your- selves bv canvassing fur the model Rural and Family Weekly. Address D. D. '1‘. MOORE, till) Ruchtâ€"stcr. N. Y. Moï¬at’s Edit: Pills, A)†PHOENIX BITTE RS. The reputation of these very celebrated vege- tab'e remedies is now utiequallcd by any other: in this country or in Europe. 'Ihey are fully established as the most universal family medi- cine now in uso. and they wrll Inuirrtairr tlIi'Il‘ To; MECHANICS, INVEN'rciRs, Ii-tis just issued and Will" be sent tree [with ' or TORONTOi . OCULST 81. AURIST, Operator on the Eye and Ear. , UNIVERSALLY known throughout Cami-r and success In Restoring Loeright & Hearing! .\ Ird removing all Diseases of the Eye and Eer‘ t“ generallv. begs most respectfully to inform. those" afï¬lCIed lti those delicate organs, that ho has for- wardcdm the oï¬ice of this paper a few doze copies of the 4th edition of his Treatise on Disw- ‘. Sas'ty‘. (It? Eye and Eur, published this day.- wlrrclr Will be presented to applicants. ' FREE OF CHARGE, Ten Thousand Copies are now nailny 4.5m? ‘ button. C Thin work contains nearly 2000 pages of" i reading matter. in which will be found reported nlarge number of Inostimportantond successfut‘ operations on the Eye. and tnore than (hie Hundred intcrcsting Case: of everv descrip- u‘on, Illustrated with numerous Cuts bud Plates. Also, will be seen. Letters and References from " highly respectable parties from all ports of Cana- I do and the United Staies,â€"all of which will1 ‘ be found \\ ell worthy the careful perusal of tha’ afflicted. The Author feels fully assured that every "II" ' prcjruliml roar/er of this work will be convincedi that Disoasas of the Eye or Ear in any sla short of complete disorganization. can and ï¬lm be com! .- and it must appear evident to everv considerqu person that the principal muse of Nature to obtain reliefin those cases throughout. the country, is the result ofimpmpcr treatmonl. and a want of r.xrr:utr;scr:, SKILI , and COIPlv Treaty on the part ot'tlroso professing or attempt-' mg to cure such diseases. This \Vork will al~o be forwarded to IlldIVI’" duals 1m: 4/ charge) sending their add.ess,- ros’r-rain. to the Author at Toronto, TORONTO, June 8th, 1857. do and the United States for his skill. i I; gIé-Iy GENTLEMEN! ECONOMY IS WEALTH.- n- IIE Undersignrd lit-gs leave to inform the~ I Iublic that he holds himself in readinesr at his- Old Estabdshrneni, which has been conr iinucd for tlrt‘ last Six Years. in this City (No. “51L Yong.» Street, and direcilv opposite the " Brittanrmra IILUSC.†'I‘orontoéhto Itcuorxtlc, clean and Itcpair .-Ill Descriptions of .Clothing, In a prnpcr and satisfactory manner, by eredi- eating I‘:iiIrL<, Oil, ‘I‘tll', the. dc, and restoring ('ulors to their original hppcnrntrce. so as to give Gentleman’s wearing apparel the full appear- ance of new, Front 31 yea's’ experience in tlrehnsinesa and prompt attention to all 'ordors with which he may bu Iut’ol‘l'tl, combined with an earnestdesirc- to please his customers, Ire tropes to merit share of public patronage. \vn. R ICI 1A RDSON. Toronto, June 5th, ISJ'r'. l-tf. Dru-ling & Aitcltisonls conniqu IIIOIt'cl’ (mil Ifctrpcr- ' UR MACHINE is sub-tantially built to ‘ Wrought Iron. enincly frce from side‘- draitglrt, can hr,- elevated to any height, from it Mower to a Reaper by a screw in front, and cuts- without clogging, iii Grass, \thut, (lots or Barley. witlruiit change of knife or' gearing, and works cosy for the horses. The price for a Mower, 1'3.) .00: completed as a Reaper, $HU.UU. .‘Irr'extra knife will he . fltl exlrn. All our Machines are warranted to be well built and of Ille hast material. GEORGE DARLING ROIl'I'. AI'I‘CiiISON . Thornlrrlf, Yonge Street, June 24th, 1857 gfl-t. 'i‘ H E ,Btitisti @titnuï¬ IS PUBLISHED EVER Y Fill I) .\ Y MORNING, .\nd Ctsl l-ltdit'ti to~ blibsiflibct’s by the earlies mun: , or other‘corivcyance. when so dcsircd. The BRITISH TRIBUNE will always be fourro to contain the latesb‘most important. Foreign and Provincial ND‘WS and Markets. and [lit g1 eaters-t care will be taken to render it acceptabrr to thanra’ttof business, and n valu- able Family Newspaper. 'I‘ E R M S.â€"Tivo Uollurs per Antitiiu, IN I auvxscz ; and if not paid wrihiir Six Months I“ o dollars nntl a half will he charged. Wit Ilium 'ï¬â€˜rudgc 0 II, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Rates of Advertising: bixlines and under, first insertion £1) 2s. Gil liaclr stilts-current insertion. . . . U 7 d 'I'eii litres and under, firs“. insertion 35: dd llaclr subsequent lIISt‘I‘tivtI. . . . . . ll Id Above ten litres, ï¬rst iii., per litre It It Each SUDSEIlthIIIIIMI'IIull. per line I' to II? Advertisements without written dim- Iions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- iirgly. All transitory atlt‘crtist'iur‘uts, from strangers. or irregular customers, llin be paid for u ircir handed in for insertion. A liberal discount \iiil he made to parties udâ€" pre-cmiuent renown by the intrinsic and cant- preheitsive virtues which acquired it. The usual modes of put’t'ery would be unworthy of thorn and is utrrrr-ccssu:y. Thousands and tens of thousands of persons now living in perfectly restored health, can testify, as thousands have testified, to their prompt and docidod ofï¬cer-y not only in all ordi- nary dcrangerrrents oft-caldr, from Irrrpnircd Digestive Functions, Cosiivcrrcsa, Ilrliuus ant. Liver CuluplflttlIF, Rheumatic and Inflamma- tury Colds, Coughs, Nervous Weakness, Loss ot'Aupetito, Failure of Flesh, Headache and IIIrpute Stine oftlro Blood and other Fluids: 1"†also in Rhetirrratisrn, Fever and Aguo, other Intermittent Fevers, Asthma, Ilronchiis, Cho- lic, Fleurisy, I’ulpitntioti of the Heart, Rush of 1 Blood to the Head, Settled I’airis III the Joints, Limbs and Organs, Alli-Crious of the I‘rudlilï¬r and Kidney s, Jaundcu. D-opsy, Files, hmvum inveterate, Habitual Custivvtress, Serena and Bilious Louseiioss', Obsiinate Headache and Giddinesu, and an immense number of other maladies. They require no dieting nor confinerrrent,are perfectly mild and pleasant in their operation, but Will powerfu 1y restore healthâ€"that greatnst ofall earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exlrouslad and dilapidated constitutions. Prepared and sold by Dtt. IVILLIAM' IS. MOFFA'I‘, 335 Broadway. N. Y. I.“ N OLD Indian doctor who has model A his fortune and retired from business. will spend the remainder of his days irr curing that dreadful diseaseâ€"Cossumrrroaâ€"I‘ mm or CHxnox; his earnest desiro beingI to communi- cate to the world his retnedres that have prov/ed successful in more than 3,000 cases. He re- quires each applicant to send him a minute do. scriptron of the symptoms, With two Siarrrpc_ (6 cts.) to pay the return letter, in which he will return them his advice pT(SrTf])fialt, with d,. rectione for preparing the medicine. The Old Doctor hopes that those afflicted will not, on account ofdehcacv, refrain front coir- sulting hiIn becaUsehc makes No Charge. His 8010 object iir advertising is to do all the good he can, before he dice. He feels that Ire is just- ly celebrated for cure of Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, Nervous Aï¬'ectiuns, Coughs, Copy. &c. Address, DOCT. UNCAS BRANT. Burt 3531, I’. 0., New York. i Circulars, SIP , ltcpt always on hand. vortisirrg by the year. All advertisements publirdrzd for a less pe. riod, than one month, Irriiet be paid for in ad- vance. 4 All letters nddrvsscd to the Editor rnu‘st' fut post paid. No paper discontinou until all arrearages are. “no...†. paid ; and parties rdfus'rng paper's without pav-. mg up, will be Luld accountable for the sttb-' ' ‘9'“ scripiiuii. Murchants and others who advertise liberally? the 'I'RIIIUXIJ will have their Cards insertct“ I III the business ltirccroi‘y. F. ..K Book and Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT. â€"::o::â€"-- ()RDERS for an“ of tho nnderinmitinnod- V do~cripiion of PLAIN and FANCY JOB \\ ORK Will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS. FANCY BILLS, WSINESS CARDS. IAIKGK ARI) SMALL POSTERS. CIRK‘ULARS, LA‘V' FORMS, nirt. HKADSJJANI cuncxsmrurrs. Aim " l' .i It r H L r. 1' 5. And every other kind of ( LE'I‘TER-I’RI‘ISS PRINTING? done in the best style. at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely“ new and of the latest patterns A large variety of new Fnirry Type and Borders. for Card! r’