mun lCatholic ihhabithnts‘ of the Separate Soho ,tion in WMO..1,;.~of the of Markham. have an equal ghii'to the “ general fundg’hllhe town! ‘3: With their Protesfgfl‘ “9'51" borsf'hud‘fl have yet to 1911'“ that the Township Council has the legal P0,"? to deprive them of their share when It IS appropriated for when“. _ In the secondj‘lam; I 351‘ 1°“: Sir, If the Catholic inhabitants of the Thorn- hill School section'werenot included in “the “mar†upon which. the Clergy Reserve money was apportioned to n... wanship of Markhamâ€! The 18m Vict., chap. 2, provides that the Clergy Reserve fund shall be “ apâ€" “ portioned equally among the several " Municipalities respectively, according “ to the then last census, and shall make “ part of the 01‘? General Funds ofthe “ Municipality mond be applicable to 4‘ any purpose to which such funds are “ applicable.†Audit you chose to ap- frply it to school purposes, and deprive a Catholic school section of its proportion, I ,ask you how you can place your hand upon your breast and say to yourself “ I have discharged my duty in this matter canscientious and godâ€"fearing man 2†Mr. ,Reesor remarked that “ he did not carefor the opinion of Dr. Ryerson †in this matter;â€"â€"of course that is his pri- vilege, but when Mr. Reesor thought ï¬t to treat Dr. Ryerson’s written opinion with such emphatic contempt, he should, like a true “ philosopher,†have given his reasons for differing from so eminent an authority, on school matters, as the Chief Superintendent. In this you appeared to have followed Mr. Reesor’s example. Let me contrast'the course you adopt w "F‘Ii'IGnTFUI'. RAILROAD ACCI- towards your Catholic fellow-subjects in Upper Canada, with that pursued In Lower ,Cauuda towards Protestartsâ€"ou the subject of Separate Schools, the 61:31“ Superintendent of Canada East says, “The Legislation of Lower Ca‘ ““nada was the first to sanction the prin- -‘ ciple; and if they be still a sirly‘ect if “discussion to the Protestants of Upper “ Ca'ncula, the same thing cannot be said “ If tlu‘sswtion of the Province, for there . re herejorty two boards 01 dissentient ' “ trustees, (of which {om-only are Catho- “ lic,) having seventy-three schools under “ their control. I should also add that “ the demands of the Protestant inhabitâ€" “nnts for Separate Schools are every “year becoming more and more numer- “ nus. In Upper Canada there are ‘1‘ forty-two Separate Catholic schools for “a population of 167,696 souls. The “non-Catholic population of Lower Ca- “nada amounts to 143,395 souls.†I ask you, sir, as an honest man, if the course the Council have taken is such as you would justify the Catholic majority in Laiver Canada in adnptIng towards their Protestant fellowssubjects‘l If not, I will have established my case. a I I remain, yours, &.c.,. J UN 1 US. ,Thoinlgill, May 3rd, 1858. - [In allowing this communica- Jian to appear in our paper, we disclaim any hostility to Mr. Pingle, and, if he feels himself aggrieved or wronged by these 're- marks, we shall be happy to afford him the use of our columns to rcply.lâ€"Eo. THE “ECONOMIS'IԠEDITOR PRACTISING TIIE HORSE TAMING SECRET. X To the Editor of the British Tribun o. SIR : The editor of the Economist has recenpy discovered a new method of pro' curing subscribers, and offers as a prize, a book containing this great and genuine secret to the first two hundred ul'subscrib- ers who pay their subscription in advaucr , but before they are entitled to this valu- able pandcct, they must pay up all ar- grs. The editor assures the public that 1 e ‘ secret ’ is the genuine thing, having himself experienced Its- powerful effects. I think great credit is due to Mr. llynes far selecting so refractory an aniâ€" mal as Reesor, whose stubborn will is no doubt ere this considerably subdued."- That it was macessary for Recsor to ob- tain a little more knowledge of matters and things no one will attempt to deny ‘. and ï¬nding his subscription list consider~ ably disï¬gured, and himself becoming etc- ccedingly unprpular, he at once resorts to the above scheme will: the expectation of replenishing his list; of course he dues not ask his subscribers to pay for the Economist. No, pay two dollars for the secret, and that will do. ‘ Who will se- cure the prize ?’ Yours truly, ANTI-HUMBUG. i‘plnionville, May 8, 1858. PRISONERS A-‘l‘ LARGEâ€"One day last week, three of the chainind-ball gang of prisoners escaped from the turnkey at Cayuga, whilst working on the bin-hway’ a short distance north of the Courtijmuse. and are still att large. Their names are _.Henry Johnston, age 27 years, 5 feet 10 inches in height ; John Donnelley, age 31 years, 5 feet 4- incbes in height ;_ Grout, age 24- years, 6 feet in height. On Friday evening, about six o’clock,two more prisoners'cscaped from the Cayuga gaol, by ripping up the Hoar and dropping down into the judge‘s room, adjoining the Court-room, through which they made their escape. Their names areï¬Patrick Keefe, age 22 years, height 5 feet 2 inches; Joseph Jones, age ‘20 years, This last-mentioned prisoner was sen- tenced to serve four years in the Provin- Biol Penitentiary, for forgery, at lhe last A’ssizes. We suppose the prisoners were “ afraid" to stay in McHenry’s 00mP3"7v and so look “ French leave†of Mr. Iaant’llcew-Graml River Sachem. Over 1,000,000 pounds of 001311“ are said to be ready for shipmrnl at ()n- . tonagnn. ._... DENT NEAR UTICA. seven“. reasons KILLED AND oven roa'rv wouuoco. UTICA, N. Y., May It. A frightful railroad accident occurred this morning at half-past six o‘clock on the Central Railroad, by the crushing of a bridge over the Sagnort Creek, some three and a half miles west of this city, near Whitesboro‘, sever: or eight per- sons are already dead, five or six others are barely alive, and the injured num- beced forty or more. The killed are A. Moore,of Rising Sun, Indiana, head crushed and has since died. Two children of Abraham Mind: of Cincinnatti. An unknown man lying in the baggage room at Iltica. An Irishman, aged apparently 00 years, name unknown, his lead is entirely jamâ€" med in, he seems to have died instantly. A negro whose legs are cut off. An infant child of Carl Hover, St. Louis. The wounded are James Ward. of Schenectady, conductor of the tram, badly bruised, but it is believed not dangerously. W. H. Perkins, grocer, Rochester, N. Y., very badly hurt about the head and chest; he probably will not recover. \Valter II. Scube, of Rome, Rich- mond County, Ohio, injured about the spine, but it is thought not dangerously. II. Bellman, Cincinnattia, Ohio, very seriously injured about head and chest; arm also fractered. It is feared he will not recover. S. P. Tucker, Dry Ridge, Grant County, Kentucky, slightly injured about shoulder and side. George Coil. Columbus, Ohio, wound- ed in the leg, but not seriously. The three following are from Louis- ville, Kentucky :â€"C. F. Dushoe, a lad, 15 or 16 years old, injured about the head slightly. Mrs. Schenck, arm and head badly hurt. Miss Aldrich, slightly bruscd. A. Cobb, Yorkshire, Calaraugus County, New York, slightly cut on the head, and shoulders slightly bruised. Mr. and Mr. Sproven, residence not not ascertained. Mrs. S. has about three inches of the scalp torn otT, a tooth knocked in, and otherwise seriously injur- ed. Faint hopes are entertained of re- covery. Carl Honor, of St. Louis, bound for Germany. was severely bruised. lie was accompanied by his wife and child ; the former is somewhat bruised and burnâ€" ed; the latter, an infant. some two years of age, was badly burned by the upset- ting of the stove in the car, and probably will not recover. Mr. RIley, of Albany, brakesmau on train, has a broken leg. Mr. Haley, 01 Schenectady, another hrakesuian, seriously bruised. J. F. Trnsy, superintendent of the Chicago and 1’. I. Railroad, badly cut ova the eye, but not dangerously. John Clemens, of Erie, Pennsylvania. badly bruised and sprained, but left in next train. . Miss Cook. Sunbary, Delaware Coun- ty, New York. slightly bruised about boa-l. S. S. Horton, Binghampton, sliglIIly bruised. W'm. IIart, Cleveland,0hio ; bud con- tusion on the head, and am] bruised, but not dangerously. A. A. Langworlhy, St. Clairnlle. Chatagnay county, New York, slightly injured. S. M. Allen, president, Nagara Falls Company, slightly hurt. R. \V. Balkley and sister Mary, of he v Yolk, both slightly bruised. Mrs. L. 117. Andrews, Tcmpster, N 11., slightly bruised. Mr. Bickni-ll, of Rome, father of cash- ier Bicknell, badly hurt. A lady from Kentucky, unknown,badly wounded, and probably will not recover. Abraham Mack, wife and children, all more or less injured. Two of the chil- uren were dead. The parents will re- r-over. Josephine Houbler, a young lady ac- companying Mr. and Mrs. Mach, is bad- ly hurt in the head. David Levi, Cincinnati, has a bad compression of the ribs, but will probably recon-r. Iaphael Bowman, Strasberg, Germany, has :I fractured leg and wounds on the head. John Mc- Donald, of Morris, Oswego county, badly hurt about the head and right arm, but will recover. John “'allace. of Eagle Harbour, Lake Superior, neck hurt. Jrhu Munro,of Geeu~hush, lIuIt ir- ternally on left side. Hugh Lesley, of Minnesota, bound for Dover, head cut open badly,tlIc scalp torn olftln- forehead and eye-lid cut loose. Mr. Yates, of Fulton. scalp loosened, but not seriously injured. G. E. Knowles, of Samhornlon Bridge, New Hampshire, terribly bruised about the head, is now deranged, and can hard- ly recovel. 'I he wife of Micheal Brodkcriek, of Boston, had her scalp completely out around;her husband and child, on ad- joining seats, were not injured. Mrs. Mary Bachelder, mollIer-iu-law of Dr. L. \V. Fesbuellc, of St. John‘s, Michigan, was hurt across the neck and shoulders, and internally. Many others were more or less bruis- ed, but none so seriously as those rained. The accident oecured to the Cincin- nati Express, due here at 6 20 am. It was somwhat behind time at Whitesboro’, and was coming at a high rate of speed when it met on the bridge over the San- quoit Creek the Utica Accommodation for the west, each on its own track. The Express crossed the bridge, but as the passenger cars of the Express and freight cars ofthe Accommodation came upon it, the north side gave way, precipi- tating the freight cars into the creek, and piling the passenger cars one above the other, splintering the platforms and seats to atoms as the cars struck the abutment. The persons injured were all on the Express. The passenger car on the Ac- commodation did not reach the bridge. Different stories are told as to the cause of the accident. One is that an axle 0f the Express baggage car broke as it reached the bridge and thus threw the trains together. The other attributes the casua'ty to the rottoness ol the ï¬rm bers of the bridge, Major I’riest, local superintendent of the road, happened to he on the Accom- modation tram. Be at once dispatched a sufï¬cient number ofmcu to the relief of me ._“ï¬â€˜,.ret~s_ A large number of the wounded were immediately brought [0 up, city, and taken to Bagg‘s Hotel, the McGeorge House, the Northern Hotel, and the Railroad House, and the‘ rest were cared for at VVlIitesboro’. The physicians where summoned, and every- thing was done that could be to relieve their SUEEI‘IDES.‘ - Globe. JAMES A. DAvmsoN.â€"â€"There is a fol- low of this name, who bv his own account must be a very bad man, going about the country lecturing on temperance and writ- ing imperlioent letters to the press. He was in Kingston a few days ago, and was honored by a large audience, including a clergyman of the Church of England. Hear what the vile chap says of Kingston and its inhabitants: “KINGSTON.â€"â€"In this city the cause is alive. So is the cause of the devil. Such a place for whiskey I have not seen in all my travels. I met more loafers yesterday than I have seen since [was breaking stories in Toron- to jail-yard, before the Lord \wlled me out of infidelity and intcmperance,‘ihlo the liberty of His children.†Such a fellow should be drummed out of any place he visits. His humility is all mock, and while he debases himself for his past Inis- deeds, he wishes his hearers to think him a saintâ€"Kingston Whig. Mme Elma. ,___.:I The population ochxico is about eight million. The national debt of Spain amounts to $140,000,000 sterling. There are thirty thousand nee- dle-women in New York. There are 556 light-houses on our Atlantic and lake canals. Tlie health of the King of Prussia continues to improve. The colony of Victoria has sent £2,000 for the India Relief Fund. Her Majesty has received a pres- sent of 80 ArabIan horse-siren) the Sultan . The Turkish Pasha is just recov- ering from a scvurc illIIcssIn Washington. The journeymen shocmakors of Cincinnati are on a strike for higher wages. Gen. Santa Anna is probably by this time on 1115 way from Havana to Vera Cruz. The United States Congress pays about $20,000for the folding of their documents. It is said that the Eugiish Cunard steamers will turn out no better than the Collins line. Our present consumption of for- eign watches can scarcely be less than $5,000,000 per annum. The Illinois river at present, in some places, resembles a vast lake, being over its banks for many miles. It is stated that the subscription in Italy and England for Orsim‘s laIuily exceeds a million of frames. The Treasurer of \Visconsin makes announcement that the Treasury is empty, with $90,000 to be paid. RUSSIa is talking about a telegraph line Ila, Liberia and ncr ss Bi-liring’s Straits to this continent. Astronomers are on the qui vine for three exlnccted couiels,1"uy's, Eucke‘s and the great comet of 18.36. Mr. Urey, of Princeton, Ky.. has maniunittcd 25 of his negroes, fox lliepur- peso of sending them [0 Liberia. Ifn fcc of50 cents were charged to see the sun rise, nineâ€"tenths of the world would be up in the morning. The National debt Of Mexico figmes up one hundred and twenty-nine tuIllIons, without the floating debt. The circulation of the London Il- lustrated News is 200,000 copies, of which 30,000 are sold in this ccunlry. San Francisco is supplied with ice from Sitka, in Russian America, as New Orleans is with the same article from Boston. Reports of mines in Washiuton Territory and Vancouver Island had proâ€" duced a rabid gold fever in those locali- tics. The Irasburgh (VL) Standard boasts of employing a man whose will: is second cousin to the present King of Prussia. Edmund M. Blunt is said to be the oldest editor in U. S. lie resides at Sing Sing, and Is in the 88th year of his age. Massachusetts has 1,509 miles of railroads, which cost $53,910,101. They would probably now sell for about $30,000,000. The numborof ï¬res in Cincinnati during the past year were 7-1:, with a to- tal loss of $369,782, of which $219,010 was insured. The Citizens of St. Cloud, Mine- sota, have bought a new pi ass for Mrs. Swisshelm to Ie-place the one destroyed by the mob. An Italian in Chicago, worth $20,- 000, who also owns ï¬vc houses on lllil- waukee avenue, has seven or eight girls in his employ begging and stealing On Friday week a Chicago firm shipped direct to London, England, by way of New York, eighteen thansand coon skins, valued at $9,000. The skins were made. up in sixty compactly pressr-d bales. The American word caucus is introduced into English politics. The London Star speaks of a caucus of Lord Palmerston's friends. A report made to the Emperor of Russia, states that in that Empire the number of families who are land owners, amounts to 127,000. It is announced that $700,000 in gold has been sent to St. Louis by the Government to pay the expenses oforgan- zing the Utah expedition, The Herald. published in Texas, says the young ladies thereabouts are making great ravages on the grape vines, taking them for hoops. In Oregon, men get from $40 to $120 per month, in lumbering establish» meats and $40 to $50 on farms Carpen- ters, from $4- to $6 per day. Flour sells at from $12 to $16 per barrel. Beef from $8 to $15 per 100 pounds. Pork, $10 per- 1001113. Potatoes, $1, 50 per bushel. WEALTH or THE UNITED STATES. â€"The aggregate wealth of the United States amounts to $12,000,000,000, and the population is about 21-,000,000 souls. The wealth, divided by the population, gives $500 to each person, young and old; and collating five persons to each family, it would give the handsome little fortune of $2,500 to every family in the Republic, not excluding the slaves. TORONTO MARKETS. Tonomro, Maw 11. There has be--n a continual (lulln <5 during the week in the 1\|‘()tlllt‘t‘ market, and except in articles for home use, there has been a decline. \VHEAT has ranged from 85c to 90!: per bushel for average sample, for choice 95c per bushel has been paid. The re- ceipts during the week have. been about 1,000 bushels per day ; hut/rum large re- ceipts of western grain a reduction may be loolrrd for. SPRING VVHEAT.â€"'1‘here has been little doing during the week. Priors ranged from 75c to 90¢ per bushel. BARLEV RYE range from 30c to 40¢ a bushel for the fmmrr and for the latter 50c to 55c per bushel. OA'rs ale plenty but prices somewhat unsI-ttlcd. From 30c lo 33c per buallul has been the general ï¬gure. Pussâ€"There has been a gond supply du ing the \ch-k at prices from 4-5c to We. l‘rices seem to have a dowuward tenv dency. l‘o'I‘ATOIts sell at from 50c In 550 per bushel wholesale. By the load 75c has been realized. BUTTEII.â€"â€"Frcsli butter lI ranged in om 25c to 30c and scarce Tub Is scarce, but sells at from c to 12 1e . EGGS were plenty at from 10c to 12} the dnzrn. I’oULTRv.â€"â€"Chickcns were the only poultry offcr‘ug and sold at from (SOo to 65¢ per pair. I’igouns sold at 50c the down. REEF ranged at from $6 to $7 per 100 lbs on foot, sinking one third. SHEEP sold at from $6 to $7 r\arh. CALVBS at from $4- to Std-"Linden Special Notices. EME'IIBER that there are but two slates of the systemâ€"a state of health, in which 111" functions of life are carried on with vigor and harnmnv: and a stale of disoaro. in which something interferes with then proper action. VVlIat we want is a medicine that will remove llle cause of disease. and Wing about a condilinn of health, “will the least expense to the system. The Life Pills mu! I‘lianirr Bitters answer this Durpuse better than anything yet dis-covered ; and surely it is but the dictate of prudence and true wisdom to prefer them to all others. Sold by [he proprietor. \V. B. MOFFAT, New York, and his Agents . G, 11. Hummu, Surgeon Dentist, has both ï¬lled and oxlrzlcted teeth for me in u satisfac- Lory manner. .1. W.SUT11ERLAND. DISEASE OF THE HEART. ) Y this diseasa we undersland as infiamnlion either in the Inumbruno or substance of the liver. known by dull pains in the right side. the stomach always disordered, the yellow lingo of the shin, dxy rough. tongue coated. castive- Iiess, high-colored urino_ and ofa thick nature, severe weakness and sevmo pains in the head. The quantity of corrupted human in the Iegion of the liver, causes a defcclivc secretion of the hIlo. The liver, wthI healthy, Sel‘Ves as a filler to the blood. to separate nll impurity. or to refuse it. When diseased. it cannot. purify the blood. which, when sent to thelungs, bruins. and other parts in a morbid condition, may cause Jaundice, Consumption. Insanity, (be. and withholdmg the natural stimulus to the intiotiues. causes Dyspepsia. l’I‘e:, and other complaints. as you perceive the direct way to unravel and tear the whole system to pieces, A patient. sufl'oring from this complaint, should resort to speedy relief. Yet there are very few medicines worth a cent in curing diseases. What then shall be done 7 We say. use Dr, Morse’s ludiaII Root Pills, as they are composed of plants and roots; the) will lit. found a sure cure for this painful disease, be- cause thevpurge from the body tlmso corrupt and stagnant lIuInors. and >0 cleanse and renew the blood, wliIr-b is the cause not only of the disease of the lIvoI, and the itiflumatiou of the kidney and the bladder, hutofuveryduscriplion ofdiscnse. ram 3 104 of the above pills. taken every night on going to bed, will. in a few (lave. entirely roliwo t"e body of every~ thing that is opposed to health. Dr. Morsc‘s Indian Root I’Ills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. dBâ€"Im \. ,__, ‘.,...., .. ._.-, F 0 R S A L E ! ACRES or LAND. East half of 10 Lo; No. % 7d- Cnucession, Nonli (iwilliuibury. Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND. situated in the Village of Thornhill, with good House and out-buildings. 113’ Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALVIER, Richmond Hill. rou THE SEASON. 1359.] The Imported Premium Drought Horse GREAT BRITAIN Will stand for Muss this season at the folâ€" lowing,’ places :â€" MONDAY. Ma? 3â€"~He will leave his own stable, lot 11, rear of the 5111 con. of WhIlâ€" church. and ploceed to James Lloyd's, 4th can of \Vhitchuvch, at noon ; the nee to Chris- 118011'5o Yonge street, and stop all night. TUESDAYâ€"Ho will proceed down Yongo street to Joseph any’s, and stop all night. WEDNESDAYâ€"He will proceed to Ma- ple-sills. 4th can. of Vaughan, at noon ; thence by way ol‘ ltnssel’a to Mudville, 5111 0011. 0f Vaughan. and stop all night. THURSDAYâ€" He will proceed to Henry Featherstoue’s. Thoruhill. at noon ; thence to Wm. Dixon’s. GonnanMills, and stop the night. FRIDAYâ€"Ila will proceld to Sliield'ï¬i Brown’s Corneis. 4Ilicon. ul' Markham. Bl noon; thence to WIIIIaIII1)uI-o.~so’a, Victoria Square, and stop all night. SATURDAYâ€"He will proceed to S. Mighlon’u, Crosby’s Corners. at noon ; lll4'll1'e to his own slnblo and IeIIIaiII iIll Manila) morning. The above route will he continued during the season, health and weather permitting. The owner of GR EAT BRITAIN wont to Erglnnd in 1:455, for die express purpose of selectuig one of tho best horses niliptod for Ibis country, and purchased Great Britain.â€" As he has descended from the IIIOVL noted line of Draught Ilorrsos, and possessst of great strength. symmetry and superior ncliull ; and the breed of Mums which he has sprung from has been in Mr. Thomas Cass’ famin since lBO'Zâ€"and for slieuglh, symmetry and good constitution, stnudn unrivalled in Englandâ€"oil must recommend him to tho patronage of all judicious breedeis. Pedigree of Great .Britain. GREAT BRITAIN is a beenlfl'ul dapplo brown. clear of white; rising 8 yours old; stands 17 hands high, with strong flat bone and superior nation: has proved himself a euro foal getter. He has IeCoIved promiulns al lfoivden, \Voulhmby. Selby, Tadcastvr, IHIII Yoik: also. llIe ï¬rst prize at the Markham Society; the ï¬rst prize at the Youge street Agricultural Society, and the second prize at the Stuufl'VIlle Snelety. Great Britain was got by Young Active ; dam by Old Dari, supposed to ho one ofthe best horses in Norlhumhtr and I grand-dam by Useful; g g d by (lid SyInIIIe~ try. Young Active was got by that noted heise. Black Active, which proved hImself to be the best horse 'In England He I'OCCIVOI the following premiums at Hodon :â€"Iho pruniums given by the Holderuoss Agricultural Society. January 14. 1858. 1.32 To Carriage Makers. "Ulnl‘er of hands are kept. Would have no objections to discharge tho dutie.i ot' Foreman. feeling convinced from his knowledge of the trade that he would be able to give general satisfaction. Addrem W. 3.. Tribune Oflico. RiChmood Hill, C.\V. April I, 1853. HIS-4| G 11. HUSBAND: SURGEON DENTIST, \ 70111.1) re~perlfnllv Inform the LediI-a nIrd (icnIleIIIcu. who wish to availthem- SOIVG‘I of his professional sorvices. that he will be in attendance [l-e first Monday and Tuesdut‘ Following 01' each month. at Ambler’s tlotel. Richmond IIlll ; Wednesday following at the Aurora llolel, Aurora; Thurs-ng null Friday «1.1. McClIIIo’s Hotel. llollanrl ImIIdIIIg: the rest of Ill-2 mouth at the 'I‘horuliill llotel, TlIorIIlIlll. IL? Communicnt'ons Thornhill I‘mrt (1m: 0. errrnrxcns [hi~ permission] -. ~Rev. R. Pmnliu; Rev. .V. C. (Bowen: A. Buck. 1111).. R. C. S.. ling: (7. Kay'ser. M. D. ; 1". Owen, M. 1).; J. Znnnicrnmn. S. 1). December 31, 1657,. to be addressed to 130 ONE HUNDRED conoé‘ 01" P I N E FUR SA 11E. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER, Thornhill. 210â€"1! ING STREET, Toronto. 2nd door 9a.: of Church SIIeet, opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATKINSON. 4&- Co.. Lalo of King street I HE AdvoI-Iisor is (lesiious of obtaining n. Situation in u Carriage Shop where a‘ W00 !1' - (A... hand amen. IIE Subscriber olIers, by Private Contract, for one month only, _F1FTY BUILDING LOTS [IV “run Village of Richmond [1111. A credit of ï¬ve years will be given. in hall'- yeaIly pnynmnu, and no mnnryrequlrtildown Ibo null and situation cannot be surpassed ; ova)" permn 11ml im- not a Ilnlll“ ufliis nwu olimlldlooso IIOIiuIIr, but come Isl cocoâ€"III)“ is than chance 10 make up :m llIe lumi lIIIIcs, lfllld scenic for 1II~ lisIIIIly, whom labour n1’trt-qIIIIOIt, u lIItle spot ul’llu- earth that ho cult ‘call his own. llml will im an f1<\l|1111 in illllt‘s ol ndvcreuy, 111 which Ilm mother null (‘lllItIl'Bll can rml their weary limbs and breath tho lrov air ul'lieuvrn. l l J. n. ARNOLD, Rirhnmu i “ll April 7. 1‘54. 41-4 J‘i'ur (floods. Jiesz Rccierexl. l ‘.\'I[(lIV.\l. 5-‘(,li(.Ul. HOURS, at 1",... duel-I1 l’ricos, :I vnIet)‘ of l'lnjn and Funny S'I'A'I'IOXICRl bllolf nI'II llenvy HARDWAI’. I. Sl'ADES. MANLRE and II.\Y FORKS. GARDEN RAKES and “DES. and an excelluui assortment of €000â€, Fllll‘éll GIRDEN SEEDS! l CHEAP, FOR CASH, AT G. A. IIARNARD‘S. Richmond 11111, April 3, 1858. (-171 If SIVAN HOTEL, ‘ IIORNIIILL. The Subscriber in tendering his thanks for past favors. would beg to call Public attention to his NEW .Establislnnent, Thornhill. and known as the SWAN Ho'rtL, which he has lately entered into ,iu consequence of the aocomodanou in his old establishment being onliiely too limited for the ' comfort of his numerous guests. The SWAN 1101121. in a low days will be Completely Ionovnled, and respectable visIlors may rely on having their calls IIIImedinloly nt- tr‘uded '0. He has also vorv extmrnrn accomo- datiou for Horses and Carriages. His liar will always be found well stored with the chalcest Liquors; Whilollic SUIJSC'IIIEI' lIiInselfiIIlonds to devote his lime to the omn- l'ortof all those who may honour 1111“ With a call. .10le SIIIELS. g Proprietor. I33 Thoruliill, January 20, 1859. LT? ‘ \Y (‘A \ L1 E R, Trek?! 14,! EDIIUND 8R1] I U '1‘ C 111?. R . THORNHIEIA 7 and I’ickled Meats, Poultry. (\‘C , n.wny€ oxlflmid Families supplied on tho shoIIes-t “01:0. ' ' Thurnhill, March 19, 1858. ROBERT SIVEII’, Boot and Shoe Maker, “JOINING the “'esloyau Methodist ., Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond 11211. A choice selection of GoIItlemoIIs', Ladies’ aim t lIIlIlreIIs’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- lico. Richmond Hill. June 12th.1857. g,1\v.y. Y )1]- (),.po~..Ia lhe Post Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, 1\' Omnibus leaves the above Hotel evmv A Moiuiu . (Sundays excepted,) at seven u‘rluclt. luI- gToronto; returning the 5.... e "\‘f‘lllll! 1101308 and Buggies kept for hire. RICHARD NICHOLIB. _ l’roprietor. lltclIIIIonll Hill, June. 1857. g.1.vvy. , w.c.ADAMs DOCTOR 01“ Dental 5 U R G E RY. 66, King Street East, Toronto. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth. Consultations Free. and all Work Warrantr-Il. Toronto, June, 1667. n 'i‘. 111.1CBE’1‘11, Jim, l; l o. 1 â€"-AND-â€" 1 l] Ornamental Painter. l iv / 1-wy. L ARRIAGE, SIGN. n Riclnnnnd Hill, Full 17, 1858. b37~ly I 1.: NEW ‘ .1 STORE, [tn-3e successive yours, 1839, 1540. and 1841 ; Kl. flnverly, the premiums given by the East Riding Agricultural Society. ‘In 1839. 18-11, 1542 and 1844; at Ilowdon. the jramiums given by the Ilowdell AinculIural Society, in 1841 ; at Hull, the great Agricultural premiums given by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. In 18-11, open to all England, as being the best Stallion in the Kingdom for getting drnnglt horses; at Burlington, the premiums givon by the Burlington Agricultural Society, in 1842, 15431, and 1844. for the best draught stallion. Young Active. dam by Emperor: grand-dam by Old Oxford, which travelled 17 seasons in one circuit, and received a preIIIIuIII at Lincoln, OaklIanI, Ilollerton, and Redford. TERMS: To insure a foul. $14 to be paid on the Isl of January. 1855): for the season, $10. to be paid the last two rounds: single leap, $7. to be paid at the time of service. Mares that are iIIsurl-Il must be returned regularly to the horse or they will be charged wlIeIIIor I'II foal or not. Males tried by Great Brilaiu, and not returned will be charged as season mares. Insured mares disposed off before fouling will be charged for the insurance whether in foal or not. Groom’s Ice, {:0 cents. All acmdcnla at the risk of tho 0\\'11(‘1'S. JOHN FISHBURN, Whilchurch, 18.3.15. t49 Proprietor. NOTE LO$.TI N or about the ‘20th February last, a POCKETâ€"BOOK, containing a note against John 'l‘houipsou to the amount of Forty-eight pounds, due on the 3rd if February lust. Any person ï¬nding the some and returning it to the owner, David 'I‘homp. sou, Int 26. 2nd con of Markham, will be suitably rowuldetl. The note will be of' no use to any one except the owner. DAVID THOMPSON. Markham, 131, 1858. t49-4 W Slhurrtimmrnla. ACTIVE FORCE. COUNTY 75F YORK. 0.2, TROOP of the Your. VOLUNTEER CAvALuv W111 meat on Saronoxv. the 22M instant. I'nr drill. proparniory lo the parade on the QUEEN’S BIRTH DAY, nt 11) o'clock, a. m.. at Mr. JOHN SHIELS’, 'l'horu- hill. NOR. THOR. MACIJflOD, Capt. CoIiIInaIIdlII 9nd Troop, W.V.C. May 12, 1838. 49.2 PERHAM OUT-DONE ! f “110 proprietor of the MEIICANTILI: GUIDE would respectfully call the attention of Merchants, Farmers and Mech- anics residing out of the city. to the moderate [arms for a yearly subscriplmll to the GUIIIE, LOYAL ORANGE LODG No. 644, N EE'I‘S at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL, ,L Victoria Square, the lust Fr‘day even- ing in each month. orrlcens encc'r : JOIIN BUTTON, Muster. JAMES CANAG‘HAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Sacrelhry. JOHN GAWLEY, Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. 48-ly Richmond Victoria, OYAI. ORANGE LODGE, No. 778, A IIIi-ots n1 Brother Robert Wiseman’s, Masonic llall, the second Satuiday evening in each monIh. Orricrzus ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfnrd, Master. J II. DeeGier, DCpIIly Master; John Mnnlmllnud, Secretary ; W. l’oguo, Treasurer. January 21. 1858- 133 being, to mail subscribers, only Fifty Cents, Per autumn: IuKIIro IT rm: cucArizsr newsrArLu IN THE vamp s'I'A'rns. The columns of Iho " Guide†will contain tho usual variety of original and spicy ariic'cs, written not only to please, but to instruct. 1II regard to pulIlIcS the“ Guide†will maintain an independent tone. and from time lo time will advocate measures as conductive to benefit llio great number. I’RVJIIUMS.â€"AS an indnromr-nt for persons to interest themselves to ohIaiII suscrlpliolls for tho " MercantIlo Guido,†we offer the follow- ing premiums. Upon the recap! of the names paid In advance. we will forward by express. or otherwise Ifordorcd, to the address of those entitled to lhcm .â€" Far 300 subscribers, cash .. . . .. . . . ...$35 00 For 250 subscribers, we will give a splen- did gold watch, warranted . . . . . . . . . .. 30 00 For 200 subscribers, we give an elegant gold locket, l'our glasses, worth . . . . . . 15 00 For 150 subscribers, one elegant bracelet If 00 For 100 subscribers, one gold vest chain Id 00 For 75 subscribers, one gold pen and bolder, handsomely engraved . . . . . . . . 8 00 For 50 subscribers. one gold pen and holder.... . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . 600 For 441 subscribers, one gold pen and lIolder....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 For 25 subscribers. two medium gold ponsandMaiden.................. 200 For 12 subscribers, one glld pen and holdor......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150 ,,',, All communications should Lie adressod 10 W. BLAKELY. Editor and Publisher of the New York Mercantlle Guide. No. 108 Green‘ wit-h Street. New York. Newspapers throughout the Union by pub- lishing the above. appropriately displayed, in- oludmg this notice, two months, and cullIng attention editorially to the name, and sending us the paper. Will be entitled to an exchange. and receive a gold pen and holder worth ton dullnII. 45-2m BLANK FORMS. LARGE SUPPLY of Mugistrales’ Blanks according to the latest forms for sale at HOTEL FOR SALE. I 11117. Subscriber offers for sale that wollknown llou-l, situated on Lot No. 5. Gib Concession in 1111' 'l‘owuship of King, with good stabling and revontcen Acres oi'Excelloul Land. Every necessary ncr‘mnodation for on 1.11;ch are in ï¬rst rule repair. Terms eJtrouIely easy. Fur fur. LlIer particulars apply to the proprietor on tliepre- nus-cs or to Dr. DUNCUMB. Richmond Hill, THOMAS REDO N, I'roprie tor. g‘ld-u King. Nov. 19, 1357. Strayed Steer. "A 1113 into the premises of the Sub- (V) scriber. on the lat of Aprip a RED STEER. two years old. The '0wner is ,8_ quested to prove property, pay chm-205 ,md my“, it awuv, ' ‘VILLIARI LA‘VSON. L0!- 25. 5111 Con. Markham. April 7, 1958. Hal-ii TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMB-S TON ES. etc. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER Eu‘nllgumh'r' HE IlndrrSIgned Assignees of Illt‘ estate of 1.). C. 8‘. \V. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendenco of our duly authorized agents, Ans-rm Ann†and I). Cinnos You. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. v.5. AIl notes and accounts remaining unâ€" paid on the lat day ofJuIIe. 1858. will be put Inlo Court {or collection. C. YALE. this Ofï¬ce by the dozen or hundred. " Tribune" Oflice Aug. 27 1857. G. CUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, 1958. 4,3.†cure Cus'tom. porienco in the Drug business in various parts of England. have no hesitation in saying. that a great many of II'It‘ll' Manufactured ArlIcles will he found very supeIior. Medicinal used In coipls, llurse and CritIlo Medeciucs, LXLC†are of the very best cipal English Drug Houses. Also their nIuclI admired l’oIl'quo West, now offer at their new e: tublishmenf, 6671111718 English Drugs, Patent .Illedicinrs, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye-"Gods, Com/rs Brushes &c., A! snih moderate prices as cannot fail to so. W. '1‘. A. & Co. having considerable ex- . compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- quality, direct from the prin- W. '1. A. do Cu. beg to call atlrnlion to Ilicir Celebrated I’repa- ration for the Tooth, Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. ’l‘III'} ENG LISH NOSICG AY. Soda Water bottled and from tho founlain; St. Cnihorinos Mineral Water, and the Plantagenet Water. celebrated for their healthy properties. April 9.2. 1858. 1‘16 FRESH G ROCERIES JUST RECIEVED, AND CHEAP, FOR CASH! II. I. lllllllllllll’l, MUSCOVADO SUGAR, CIII‘tISTALlZED SUGAR, FINE FRESH TEAS, PURE MOCIIA & JAVA COFFEES, LIVERPOOL SOAP, CUIlIiANTS 8v. SPICES, TOBACCOS, C. but. Richmond 1111], April 8, 18119. l-H-tf ’l‘o Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now aï¬'ors it- f 7 self to a Medical Man of standing and experience. House and Premises. both plea- sant and convenient, can be had on reasonable lonns. Apply. if by letter post paid, to the Editor of the Tribune. Richmond Hill, June I5Ih, 1857. g.2-wy. Conveyance to Railroad Station. HE Subscriber begs to remind the inhabi- tants of Richmond Hill and the public peumally, that he runs a regular Conveyance, I‘wice a day, to the Railroad Station, and re- spectfully soliciis their patronage thereto. 1’o8~ xungors conveyed to any part ofthe country on the shortest Italics. RICIIARD NICIIOLLS“ Doc. 3. 18.57. gQG-lf Wde & llIcC.iUSLAND, Housc, Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS, Grainr s, Gliders, Glaziers, RICHMOND HILL ricultural Show, Two Years in succession, he feels confident that he can give entire satisfaciton in all branches of his business. Richmond Hill; ORNER of \Vright &. Yonge stret ls. Cheap Groceries and Provisimu. {CCPPREMIUMéjJ/j I Crockery and Glassware cheap for Cash. No- Crcdit. D. HOPKINS. .Inn. 7, 1958. till F THE WHITE SWAN 17m, and Livery Stables, Yoror. Srunm. / , OSl'Il'lI GABY begs to inform the Plvbfll,‘ ESTABLISHMENT. . that he has commenced to run a Sing» I ~ from thanliove Hotel to the O.S.&H.ll R. I'Iro Door South of the TRIBUNE Oflicr. Suntan, (Richmond Hill) twice a day; nml \Villiam II. Myers, “1†convey passengers to any part of the Premium Harness .llfunufuclurrr, connny, night or day, in ten minutes notice. JOSEPH GARY- Proprietor. ESI’ECTFUI.I.Y announces to the Public generallydlmt behaving taken the F1 R S 'I‘ P R I Z E for Harness at the Yonge Sheet Apr~ Rivllmond Hill, OCL 15. 1857, ng-tr DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling A: Aitchison’sâ€" .., COMBINED llllillllli lllll lllllllli MACHINES, Richmond Ilill, June, 1857. g,1\v_\'. 05â€"41111 Work \VarrnIitoil._â€"§jfj ’2," A lug-o stock nfllnrness, 810. always on hand. and made to order at Ilie lowest possible remuneratin prices. Rirlimoml 11111. Oct 15, 1857. g18-1) STRAY COLT. AME into the premises of the Sub- scriber, about the Ifilh of March km, A BLACK COLT, one year old. The Owner is returned lo provc property, pay charges. and take him away. HENRY LEMO‘I, 'I‘Iinasiuu- 46 .‘1 Ibnuaid "ClTY" MARBLE wows, so. 1113 vosoc s‘rmzn‘r, sunk our.“ 51â€â€œch D. C. & W. YALE, \ii’OR'I'ERS and dealers in Italian , nn'l AmerIcan Marble, also manufac- “tiers of Monuments, Cenotophs, 'I‘omli am? (lum- Sioues.0rnamenta1enclosures for Grave plugs, dun. Orders through our Agents will rise coIva pmrnpt attention. I). (jaunos YALE. Wu. YALE. I). DAVIS. AGEVT. April 22, 18.78. PRIVA'l‘E SALEM LflND .4NI) Wren MILL .I .1. B. DEEGIER, Agent, Richmond NEAR RICHMOND HILL. UM. HIS FARM contains about Filly ANN. rumnm' Jilly 10' 1807 as m with a House, Garden, and sum.“ (‘lenw ‘ â€â€˜ r" once. and is well liIIIhered. The Water Mill, G o T 0 including Three good Dwelling Houses, with Gardens, and about Fifteen Acres of lmuil. if required by the purchaser. 'I‘lIp pveIIIiscs F0“ are at present used as an Agricultural Implo- Ineut and File FacIory. All the above property Will IIP suiil oI ensr ltTmS for Cash or Yearly I‘Mllllr‘lli‘h mill is l OUD Watches.Clocks, Jewelry, Melodaons ] Electra Ware, Silver Spoons, and Specta- wing to soil every sight. worth: the attention of llm Methanie and Far- [1.7. watch Clubs in mention. ‘varmnmd me? I Clocks from 205 upwards. kor parhculars apply to 1 Arum-o, June, 1837, 1â€"3 Du. DUNCUMn, _ , Richmond Hill. ' squmlmr 10 1857. 214-" VICTORY HOTEL. And Jlfasom'c Hull, YONG: S‘rnmz'r IFXTENSIVE Stabling, cud obliging Ilosilers ‘1 always in attendance. (‘lmico Wines and Liquors various Summer Beverages. 11i~zznlia,l’riucipe, Havana. Mauilla‘and other brands of Cigars and Cherools. A ll Omnibus to and from Toronto, calls at the Hotel. daily. ' ROBERT WISEMAN. Proprietor. g.l - wy. WIIOEIZSALIC Paper dl. Stationery Warehouse. 111‘} Subscribers have always on 11111111, 3 large and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing, Coloml, Brown, and Wrapping l’apers, Wax. Wnl‘ciw, Slate-, Ink, Steel I’vus. Envelopes: Metallic Memorandum flocks, 'l'wiIIos, (lop) llouks. School Books and General Stationery, 500.. die, Tho faoilitios which the subscribers have for Innunfur-Iuring, having two of tlIo laigc-sl Paper Mills II Canada, they are prepared to ‘ manufacture all kinds of paper to order. Boer, Porter and I Richmond 11111. June, 1857. n ’ LU KES’ HOTEL. “ uux’rm. qu. a. v... ‘= “ Yougc street, Toronto. I Janna“. 6’ mm m I I ‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform the In- » l lInbitnntsof the above-named Village i I and ilirrouuding Country. and the Public gou- mnllv. that he has leased the above Hotel. and Paper Ilungcrs. } THORNHIL L. .411 it... of minimum.» Oils, Glass, and Putty. (£001.) \VORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. July 23, 1857. AM) CAN’T HELP IT! 1 LI. past duo nrcunnw IIol paid by the Isl f of May next, uill he put 11151111. PIInrtImlity is 1/“: Life of Trade. 1LT Save your Cost-6 and 111_\' t'rulil. G. A. RARNAH L)‘ April, 14, 1854. ll.) THORNlIlLl. HOTEL. manners. and Din-d 11mm upin n neat and euIIIl'urtnliLe st} Lu. IiunrtlI-l‘s and transient visitors will find this ai‘r‘mnodntmus‘ in ovary way agreeable. The boat of Liquors and Cigars carefull solucied. Good stahlmg nud altontlvc hustlers HENRY LEMON. TlIOI nhill, ) _ , I‘I'opiielor. Jan. 20,1533. 3 111:4 1‘11“ Subscriber begs to infmm llm‘ l‘nlilic that he has lt‘usull the zibuvl: . IONTAINING ONE llllNllltlIl) ANl) 'l'uuuv Acres of good land, being part of l, i 1.1:! To Iii, 4th (jun. Vaughan. fuIInl’lly kept by THOMAS MAY. which he has hde - p and furnished for the accommodatiouo! Ill\ Costumersmud he trusts by constant attention to than wants to secure a liberal patronage. For parlIculars, apply In l DII. RIZID, luq-Iors of the best brands at the Bar. and ‘ '1'hmnhzll. , l‘Vl‘f)‘ attention paid to (iuezts. 1 December 2-1. 18:37. 12:) if ‘ï¬- TuUs LUKES‘ â€"" “““““““ ‘ “ W ’ ’ r ‘r' ‘ Ilulluml Landing. Propriemr- Letters Sept. Io. 1857 gl‘i-ilm Rolnniuingiu RICHMOND 111i 1.. Post Office, I: ) MAY 151.1558. ' 1.1.. 171i; HORSE HOTEL [FOImll-LRLY xen- nv \vfl. uoI,rI-I.] i / WINNER at Palace and George streets, east Arksoy, George Kirk, I\l'en AlkIIIson. ilneol) l lKi-lil'uid. thuIlcrl , t “I [he Market Square, Toronto. “and $1 A‘l""""" '1"“l"‘l ‘ ‘4‘“ "' ‘ In» '1 \. Good Melvinâ€; and allull'lfe llo~.l(~Is l“,‘“°"- J“lâ€' l""'a"' J‘J'" IwuJ in attendance.- An omnibus In mid ll""““‘*‘- 1â€â€œâ€˜1‘11 I‘â€â€œâ€˜l“".‘lâ€h†......I the Railroad Sailinu Bum"- er lawâ€""i l""~"'"" THOMAS PALMER. I‘luime, (iwan Mun‘hnu. "PWâ€"5'3 : limvlwwp ,(‘riulpbolk .\Il>. luuiglrdlliuu). Jun?! . .r†"mo Feb 06 lq-fl “584‘. Ill! ï¬lmy“. I-f‘W‘JB ’ I V I‘_; w; A..- ._ . 7 .j e ('uruan, 'I II. mus \1.:Ilicw , ,Iullll , ‘7‘ ‘ 7 ( ||11Tjiii.l*l,.\lt“~ .\l'|I\ M. \l i I'm. G. ‘ r â€"â€""v-. ~â€"_-â€"‘~_ _â€"â€"â€".__--â€"-'â€"___‘L â€"-â€"'__ .â€" (‘,-:.II-I:, I. 11 em. = .\l. than. 11th ‘ 1‘ limnml, .lulm Jul AWN-.11. , l n. \. .-. 1, JOHN MURPHY, “Mu-lurk. ('II~II n .\‘lr\' l'l. .\IIIlr. 2' ll, 1).. non. Jnuu Anvil . .\ "xtum l' , .A . w . . ' i Lint. lliIII-l I'M e'suu, 'l‘ll'lJliIS EH’IISE “99013111â€, PIiIIIIIJ', tmlil. r .\11\\I‘;ll‘n It. to. InlL'iIN‘Iil l , , , ,1, 3, “U, m. “I j, M, “I: H, HH,_ 1.“, H k I,“ PAPER “Abbi-dd, GLAJI 1 ii|ll~lill lrlltllt'l'l 51 i m I, \VIIIIIIIII l I Uurum I. .1 din .‘Hml- --Ii\, “(Sham l l &C" &c’ (inmlwul. Jolm I). Mun. .lulm ' l Hulleut. Jul... s...-,.,,..,.I 1111,. (- . l r v q . . .r . ~ *~ I .0.4.) l\ n" dish, “I†5' “y T-HIIlIiI-HII, Bins So- w , i 5 nmnll, . 'Imee lumpy ‘ l - . a. l ' J . ll \ f 5.1%. I'llullltiit. “and 'I'rusrott. liobe't ,Il 4100†I l u I :wmgs. ' "th 'l‘i-Inlinsnu, James ‘ .~ ‘1' \,‘ [hyl‘RR HANGIAGS, ‘ Hitchcock, James lslmr, \\ IllinIII lIl ULALL \ L A , , llariiipimnh‘arnunl “In...†ppm... 1. house llllt‘OlfAlthb. m. , llniicll, ('rIlherIIIo \V'Illll'lllllhl‘, .lolm , ‘ M n I J“) C“. Mmglirul \V in! , I L'lt‘l l1, '1 inl'UlliU. Juno 161“. “‘0‘ ï¬lm’“) ‘ Kerr, James |‘ . . . . l i :J 11: M. TI'.I‘.hY. I‘oulIIIurlcr. L___â€"_,z~__._:..__â€"â€"-=