Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 14 May 1858, p. 4

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mi? The woman who undertook to scour the “oath has abandoncd the jth owing to Lhe high price of snapsuds. The .last that was seen of her she was {kimming J the seas. STREET \VI1‘.--(5cene: impudcnt ur- -chin to fat old gentleman, who is trying to get along as fast as he em, but with very indifferent success.)-â€"‘ Say, old follow, you would get on a darned sight quicker if you would lay down on \he pavemenl and let me roli you along.’ (Jenlleman with his cane cleaves the air instead 0| urchin's pale, being two inches short of “he mark. A BACHELoR’s DEFENCE.â€"â€"Bnche- tlors are styled by marrit’d men, who have .put their foot into it, only half perfected individualsycheerless \‘agalmntls, but half «a pair of scissors, and many other titles are gimn them; while on the othvr hatd Ithey e,xtol thpir state as one of such perâ€" Tect bliss that a change from earth to he. - ~\‘en would be somewhat of a doubtful good. Iltluy are so happy why don’t they enjoy their happiness and llultl their tongues about? What do halt‘the men get mirried for‘l Simply that tlwy may have somebody to darn illctt' stockings, sew buttons on their shirts, antil trot thril- Rubies; that they may‘huve mutt-body, :l.~ the married man once said ‘to pull of: their boot when they are n l-t'ti- hulmy.‘ 'I‘Imse frilom are always talking of tlw loneliness of hachrlnrx. LnnleuL-ss in deed! \Yho is patted tn (Tenth by la’lii's with marriagenhle daughters ?â€"â€"inritt-c,‘ tn 19a and to ct‘rning‘ parties, uuzl tohl tr drop In just when it was convenient l~~ The bachelor. Who lives in cl .rrr all iii; (lays, and *when he tltk< has ll mien firewn on his grave by tho gills that couldn‘t ontiap tin? 'J'ht- ilthiltfiolW"-‘ “'ho strews llowura on the Illal‘i'lt‘tl wank vgrnve7 lils widow. Nata hit of it; «he pulls down the tomlhtoue that a six \vecks‘ grit‘f hm! set 11; in it' r hurt, and goes and gets lllal‘l‘lt'li again; \llr, docs. \Vho gut-s to hell curly breath tum- tianZS huari’y on his 'l‘lm mar. flCti man. \\‘:ll't. get: a scolding fox pickâ€" ing out the guru-u [tail of tho lit-d. and for waiting the baby \vhr-n ilt.‘ turns out .it morning ?---Th: lfi‘rir‘rim‘l Minn \\’t.,\ In. of? ‘ How did you like that clam song?‘ ,asked an old lady of her daughter, as they supper! with the crowd out into [luv Open air after a popular ('OIIL‘PI‘L ‘ Chm song '1’ exclaimed lhr- young lady in aston- ishmcm; ‘ Why, What do you refer to. mother I’ ‘ “"hy, the first one sung.’ ‘ D, you mean ‘Shells oflhc Ouan,’ don‘l you, mother 1’ ‘ “'9”, yes,’ said the old alady,‘ I do think that was it; it was something about c-Ihn, any way, and yer 'know I like clams so well! Didn’t you lllke i‘ 7’ (if? An Iri‘lxmml rm being 1’?“ to grt‘ase the wagon. returned in nbuut an hour afterwards and aaid, ‘ l’n- art-mm! every part rlf the mgon but llwm ~lick~ where the thcls hang on.’ a? ‘ Papa. have guns got legs 1’ ‘ No.’ How do the)" kick. then ‘I’ ‘ \Vttl: weir breet‘hes, my son !’ (If? A chap out \Vest. who Ind been nfllicted with palpitatinn of the heart, :uy.~ he found instant relief by the amilitation of another pa'pitating heart to the part Affected. v r * 1. (3:?- A celebrated barrister, rclirml from practice, was one day asked his sin- cere opinion of the law. ‘ \\'hy, the fact is,’ n-ioined he, ‘ ifany man were to claim the coat upon my back, and threaten my refusal with a law suit, he should ceiminly have it, lest in defrnlling my coal l Lhould lose my waistcoat also.’ i (11'? ‘ Father, are there any boys in Pm-limncnt House '1’ ‘ No. my >01. ; wIn do you ask that qur-siion?’ ‘ Baa-m,- l 3:";- ‘ “'asn't that a waste of pMVder T nid an Inshman In a Kcnlurkinn, Mm had just brouth a coon lo the ground. with his rifle, from a large tree. ' Why 5), Pat '1’ asked lhe hunlcr. ‘ Sure lhc fall would a kiltlnim.’ 01'? In the shadow of a sum" mu. may be seen a large doczo.‘a bill, and \he outline of a colfin. Tm: WAY THEY ‘ MAKE CHANGE ’ m UTAH.â€"~The Mormon currency is on the principle oflhe wit in one of Douglai Jerrold's ('thdies. He says, ‘My noâ€" iim o! a wife of forty i~, that a man 5hr)qu exchange her, like a bank note, for l wo menlies.’ fi- Bcauty nipped in the waist is like a roue nippvd in the bud. It is the short- est lived, and falls ofi‘ the quickest. £3? Grandma, l hope you will (lie first.‘ ‘ \Vlly so, my child ?’ ‘ ’Cause 1 can stand trouble better than you can.’ 03’ An old Dutch [Hemâ€"keeper who had his third “in: being asked his news of matrimony; rel‘ilcd, ‘ Veil, dcn, you see, [he first Ii ne I marries forlovcâ€"dat wmh goot; dry: 1 marries for peauty---dat waih goo: too, apoth as gout as d9. first ; bul dis lime I marned for money, and dls is potter as both.’ ' 0:? I say, friend, your horse is a little ‘cont:ary, is ha not I” ‘ No, sir-9e !' ‘ What makes him stop. lln-n l’ ‘Oh, he’s sraid somebody‘ll say, ‘7l‘h/7a.“ and h: almn‘t hear it.’ (If? A man, who had a severe fall, was asked by the suv‘gcon, ' Have you strain- od yourself near lhe fibula ?‘---‘No,5jr,’ was the reply; it was near Ihe markub place. 0:? ‘ Now, George, you must divide the cake honorable with your brother Charles.’ ‘\\'hat is ‘honorable,’ mo- ther 1’ ‘It means that you must give him [he Iargml pierr‘.’ ‘Hlen, mollucr, I‘d rather that Clxarlt'y would dn'ide it.’ a? \Vho was the man who first iulro ducul salt prm'mons into the navy 7-“ No.11: for he took Ham into the ark. rememlm- (ht 61'? A rather thick-headed witness in the police court wai aslnd lhe quvstion whether So and-so ‘stood on the deten- siwe.’ ‘No, sir,’ he innocently replied, ‘ he stood on a bench.’ hers Liukcd M housc.’ a siniling face. morlnngl---'1'I wool to split, ing U do. the lazy servants liud mm. \V HRuuhnm S‘Lirahingfi. The prettiest humg for a bonnetis ‘1'hu‘li’irried um it, h‘m'pc halmlin he yhiing ones 3 Iojgbk after “'110 is let‘n uu Thc unrn'ed mu- l'he ' married ma pers‘ HIM that lht ‘ Brown} in” out Lfi'iwe on his SLIMâ€"The 'qul knew whal 92 was line that Innrrivs does Imrncs not docs betler.’ set u; in h r luaar‘, and mind again; she does. ed rally. brcause time his hands? 'l‘ln‘ mar- geb a scnhlmg Ibr pick- ;t‘ part. of lhe'bl‘d. and py‘wlu-n he turns mu m i‘n'rriéd man. \\"luo hm m: halmling and urn-ket- Yu'ng (mos to wash, and 19m: :lfrer‘Iâ€"Thu mar. is lake“ up {0‘ whipping ngrn'ed man. \Vho get: 'Inarried man. Fina‘lyx pmre on his siJe T~Thc gull knew whal !e was “He that Innrrivs does nun-ms uol docs beller.’ emhurL u' : prevail on : warriors) (1 others now can find Ilu lYIPlI have .x ucp! Majm gnnerally } himself \v'H lhe point ( "as no|ified (h legation \Vestern l and that sl' man). pone on that da} immediate! who remail n-riml man's FLORIDA NEWS bit of it; )su/ur of (In: 131} Ihnt a six BOWIegs I‘vprvscnls r lu-ar', and emhurk a! any time ; .‘lIC dOL‘S. | nl‘evflil n“ 1| "HP." 1 and m'u-ket I Wash. am \VIIO ha Ill "Ll III Hurvvy Fowler, the younger, of the town of Bellevilln, Ccumy of Haslings. guntleman, [or “ An improved npparalus {or washing and wringing~ clothes.”â€"â€"Da~ ted lth January, 1858. Gaspard Roch Lenore, of the 0in of Montreal, printer. for “ An improvement in sewing much'mes.”â€"â€"D:xtcd lllh Januâ€" ary, 1858. Unh‘ar. French and Luther French, of the village of Baton, coumy of Compton, carpenlns and joiners, for “ A new and improved straw culter."â€"â€"Da‘ed 11!!) Jan., 1858. \Villlam George Oliver, of Ihv ril)‘ of Toronto, cnunly of Yo‘y. «lentisl, for “ A new and uneful nnlllod of anp'ying and using (-leclricily as an imvslhefic agrnt in lx'rucling “'0”! and in olbeu surgical Operations.”vâ€"Daied 16111 Mulch Joseph S. Godlr'ey, oi the village 0! 'l‘haumsl‘rod, county of Oxford, carpenter. for “ A new nnd improved washng mm chine.”-Dalcd 12lb February, 1858. Isaac Wellington Farewell, of the township of \Vhilby East, county 01 Oularm, farmer. (or- “The vxmkinr stra\v-(ccdm.'-Dated 13th I’cb., 1858, .101) Morris, of lhe Village of Bradford. county of Sirnrne, inkevppr, for “ A ncw and improrvd mom and home healer."â€" Datcd Nth March, 1858. Dull'ymplv Crawford, of the ci y of Toronto, (nunly of York. murchnnl. for ‘f An improvement in the manufaclure of soap.”â€"â€" Dated 16th March. 1858. Bvldvn M. IIrncks. 0|" the town of Branlford, county of Brant, rnarhlc dralcr, for “ A new method of slatmg.”â€"â€"Dutrd 16111 March, 1858. Bm‘eau of Agriculture and Statistics, TORONTO, 30th April, 1858. PATENTS or INVENTIONS. His Excellency the Governor Genera| has been pleased to grant Letter Patent a] lnvcnlians for a period of fourteen years, from the dales thereof, to the fol- lowwg persons, viz :â€" Adam Cant. of the town ofGnlt, coun- ly of “’aterdnwn, Pattern-maker, f0: “ A new Root Cutting Machine.”â€"Da- ted 1511) December, 1857. James Patton Clarkemflhe city of Toronto, coumy of York, haclulor of music, for “ A mode of propulfing steam- bnntb. nalnrd Clark's Series 0[ Paddles.” â€"-Dated 81h Pei». 1858. John Thomas, of the city 0! Toronto, county of York, pinnol'arle Innufaflurvr, for “A new and improved paddle."~ Damd 8111 February, 18.38. Albert Bigelow, of the City of Hamil- ton, County of VVeanorth, mrrchaut, tor “ An endless Chain Steam Plough.”â€" Datcd 1611: March, 1858. \Ve regret to learn that the ship Priz’c (3f Canada, for lhis port, with a general cargo, is ashore on Rod Island an full of water. The steamer Napoleon 111., aflcr bringing up the ship S/Iamlrm, lvl'l immedia'ely for lied lalnnd lo assist the Pride (3f Canada. The steamers Ad- miral and Janus JUL'Kcnzz'e, with a Johnson Sopur, of the township of Clarke, County of Durham, farmer, for “An Imprm‘cd Clover Separator.”â€" Duled 16111 March, 1858. Jay Frank 'l‘aylur, or the (own 01 VVi.xdsor, « o mly of Essex, Engineer, for “A new and useful m'xclnine for coupl- i.Iq Railway (.‘ars. termed a Self-coup}!!! and Cn‘zpfin; Pin Smel.”â€"Dated 18th Nmembur, 18.37. Tllra '. [Mb 0 It L1 1557. 1858 James Thompson, of the village of Yorln'ille, noun1y of Yorkmabinet maker. for “ A certain new and improved melllod of consmlcnng mangles.”--Datcd lfilh March, 1858. Vantur James Fliza'lhur Tuu‘min, of Old Yonge strrct, near Toronto, County of York, professor of music, tor H A self generator Gus Burn°r and Lamp-”â€" Dated 16111 March, 1858. Lyman \Vcbs‘cr; of the township of Halley, County of Stanstead, Waggon and sleigh makn-r, for “ A new and im< proved Bee Iiive.”â€"Datcd 20th March, 1858. {ohm-l Emery, of [he city of Toronto, county 0f York. Gentlmmufor A “ press fur lino lnuxufuctuse of Have Troughs of Duncan Campbell, of the city of To- ronto, county ok‘ York. 'l‘ailnr, for “ A Revolving Angle Joint.’â€"Dufed 181!) November, 1857. Tlmmas Maxwell Bryson, of lhe city of Montreal, cuslam house broker, “ A new and imploved method of protecting the Tens of Boots or SJAoes.”â€"Da(ed 315! March, 1858. George Albert Hicks, of the tofin of \Voodatock, County of Oxford, baiiiIT, for “ An improved sili‘eric oil or sdf genera- ting nan-explosive fluid Gas Burner.”â€" Dnled 20th A pril, 1858. gang ofcnrpeuters and all necessary ma- terial's, have aho proctcd-‘d to the :lssis lance of tho. atlanded veswl. Thu bzu'que A'ina reporls a deep Ming a ship. an' the hatque Ifmigram. at hand. Nncu milmg llw above, we learn, with regret, that nunllu-r ship has gone ashme lwlnw, llm Emigrant. \\‘e have not hr-nrd any particulars in cnnneclirm with lhi~ Sl‘c'ml! unl‘ortmmte mishap at tlu' npuning ot'r‘ur navigation; but we trust lhnt nu grl-nl amount of injury has been ~u‘lninul hy tile ship. The slemner [Limb/Pr tun been sent. down to her as» si:luu:c.â€" merc Guzctlc. Str‘phen S. Croulcr, of [he lownshp of \VhiIl-y, county of Ontario, Farmer, for " A Stump, Stone and Hmip Puller.”-â€" Dated l5lh December, 1857. Daniel Conmbs, of the HI, trader. for " A comb Cream 1’1cczcr.”â€" Dale FLomnA ans â€"'[‘he Tampa I‘cn )su/ur of the lth uh., says:â€"â€"“ Ulliy Uowlegs n‘pri'scnls himself as ready to embark a! any time, and says that ho can prevail on :1 party of boatinen (fo'irleen warriors) to accompany him and the others now at Col. Iector‘s camp if he can find me. Several of Sam Jam's- mm have signified their intrnlion to a:- cup! Major Realm-’5 propositions. It is gnnerally heliored, however. that Sam liinrclf \V'H not remove ’lill forced to at. the point oftlic hayonol. Cal. Rector has nolified the hostile Indians that the thlvgation will leave Flmidn I‘nr Illnil‘ I‘m mnl Uulruu ized Iron.”â€" Dated 28m Nouunher. 1837 m Joseph Lake”, of the city of Montregfl, 1838 has nollfietl the hostile Indians that the (lllvgation will leave Florida for their \Vesrern home on the lst day of May, and (hat such of them as expect to re- mn'o, pvacvably must be ready to 'ombmk on that day. and that the troops will be immediately put on the track oftlmse who remain,” Inf);- -_luu=J,r In?“ CANADA PATENTS. Lille”, of the city of Montreal, machine Mann 8 'fIerr, lnr“ A and \\ innnwiug' Maclnne with- A pron.”â€" Datcd 3rd March , of the city of Montre- k combined Churn and ’â€" Dated 31H March, 0:3" LOOK AT THIS I450 lmmedinlelyou recaipt of the money. the suhflcl'iber's name \wll be entered upon our book. and the gil‘t Will be forwarded within one week. by mail or express. pox‘l paid. All communications should be addressed to BECKET (E Co. 48 and 49 Mofi'at Building. New York. LMOS'I‘ EVERYBODY i: ordering the j I’LUUGH. LOOM and ANVIL. That the test may be a: wise. and posses‘ Ihomsclve.‘ of what we are houndâ€"at any cast to ourwlvas â€"10 make the Leading Industrial Journal of the limesâ€"the hes). for the Furmer. the Mechanic, and the Family Cilc‘Ieâ€"we make the ful!owing unprecedented liberal ofi'er :Aâ€" 1):“! & SALTLR. Editors and Proprietors ‘HE New York Weekly Golden Prize in one of the largest and bust lilorary papers ofthe dayâ€"an Imperial Qunrto. containing EIGHT nuns or raw“ COLUMNS. of entertaining and original mutter. and elegantly illualratcd every week. A GIFT, One ("om One Copy One Copy Una Cally wonm hum 50 can: To $50 00 I! now. \Vill be presented to each subscriber immodi- alely on receipt or (he suhscripfion money. This is presented 11» a Memento ul Friendx'hip. and no). as an inducement to obtain sub~cribers. 10 Our Eleventh Volume wnll commence with January. 1858â€"will run to January. 1859-11116 contain 768 large oclaro pages. on fine paper. “‘lill new type, ll will he issur'd mlhin the first week of each Inonlh. in numbers of 54 pages Each. done up in the boslmaguzinc style. To «'1 who “ill forward the money for thi'I volume, as single suhscIihel-s or in clubs. “Q will wnd graluuiousl). the numbers of the cur- rent volume. fvom the Hun of their forwardmg, and one month previous. thus giving in two. lhroo. or {our numbers, accordzu Io {l1 a time, to all who subscribe bufore January. TERMS â€"-$2 a yrnr, in advance; $1 5010 clubs of four and upwards: SI for s x mouths. Adveilising. ten cents a lino. For giving pub- licity to improved slocluagrivnlnn‘a' inlplemonlx, mechanical impruvemanls, nml like matters of general lnleresl, them is no Olllbl‘ medium gogd at the price. ” Liberal ‘IGI‘INSIO persova dimes-ad to 8: agent: fur this work. Let us hear from ti ESTABLISHED FOR THE cum: or nysvu’su cmERAL DEBILITY. ravmx AVD AGUE, scaorm.A. om mums. amen-m?!)- Imv 0]" 11m lemon, SAL'I kuwu. rumpus. run-UM, Hus, films“. nunurv. m- rmmnzs or YOUTH AND OLD AGE, «Kc. I R. AMOS 65 SUN. Comer of Mninand Quay Streets. Uufl'alo. New York, are (be only Physicians in the Stale who are mem- hm! of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. May be coneulted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing unlil 9 o'clock at night, 9;] every male and aylpp'om of disease. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in b_\' boys. in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time, not only hegots serious obstacles to matrimqnial happiness. but. gives rise to a series of protracted. insidious. and devastating afl'ectiens. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find [he nervous system shattered. {eel strange and nnnr‘couuta- ble feeling. and vague fears in the mind. O The treatment they adopt is (he Insult of up- wards of 30 years' extensive and successful practice in Londnn. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in elght or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three day: at uvery moderate expense.â€" Il‘he cure efl‘ucted without confinement or hin- drance from business. An instrument for the cure of Genital Do- bilhy. or mora properly known as Seminal Weakness. Nervous Dehilily. &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 lo 20 days h_\' llne use oflhis instrument. when used coujoinlly with nmdicinas. Dr Amo< & Son have for it long series of years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints. and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain L-umplninmu,~ 9: from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. l’iznsoxs IN ANY PART or me \VonLD may he successfully treated by forWaxdlng a correét detail of their traces. with a remittance for Medicine». the. Whirl) will be rotnrnrd with the ntmo~t diflmtcll. and serum from observmion. Address,l)r. Amos &. Sew, corner Main and any straws, llufi'alu. N. Y. 146-” Dn. AMOS & SON take pleasure in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has boon subjected to a test by Ihe most eminent physicians in Londonhl’aris. [’lli‘adel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only usuful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Smninal \Veaknem, or am‘ disease of lhe geniml organs, caused by [130 more! habils of'youlh. Beware of cmpiries and ilineraul EMF-styled professors, who AT‘IL'MPT cures. but never succeed and all other (lescxiption of materials. has been vcn‘ largely increased this Season. by arrivals from NElV YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : andlhnt he is prapared to supply elders for new Offices. in addition to those in operation. at the shortest notices, . Best. quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb; Ur. Amos 6L Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to [ha merits of théeu instru- ments, pleng themselves. that in any instance whe e they may prove unsausl‘aclory after :1 fair trial. the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good o'rder. I‘ersons w‘hhing the above useful instrument will ohscrvo. that the price. with the accom- panying dileclions. securely [radical and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. ‘IIE s['BSCRIBISR begs to 1 the Trade. that his Stoek of Primmg MACHINES and ENGINES im. potted to order. Young Menâ€" TIL/ft? Parmulm‘ Notice. GOLDEL ’ PRIZE ! NE IV TREuI TJIEW‘T. Bumllo Medical Dispensary, 'ew York. October ‘22, [857 ’cw Remedies and Qm'r/s Cums. 6:? N0 Mercury Ust- 4;!) olborna at , Toronto. Jan. 9. 16 57 PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE. INKS Old Type when in mhangufor m. D. K. FEEHAN .Most Scicm‘yic Jm-cnlion Beware of Imposition. for for for for ILLUSTRATED. TERMS [£1.\‘TERS THE J. A. NASH. M. l’, PARISH. 7 Beck man Street mo no ouch 75000ach -...... 6” [In each .. .. . 50 00 each as u... 35 00 each thew. . . . 30 00 each $l0 0010 95 00 ouch and Fob $2 N) and I gill. . 3 50 and 2 gifts 5 (H) and 3 gifts 8 CO and 5 gifts inform SELLING OFFI! ‘HE Subscriber buing under the necessity of vacating the premises at pr95enl I] occupied by him at RICHMOND HILL, has come ‘0 the determination 0 Closing his. Business and in order to do so effectually, he will from this dale Sell for CASH ONLY. This course is indispenaiblefiaving but a very short period to wind up his business. Duiing last Autumn a reduction of about 5) per cent was made on every descriplion of Dry Goods. A further reduction has again been made, in order lo make a comâ€" plete clearance before [lie expiration of his lease. The following articles will be sold at COST ! Viz., Printed Cashmeres. Fur Boas & Culls. Fur Caps, Red, White 8!. Blue Flan- nels. Salisbury 8§Fancy Flannels‘ Blankets, Horse Blankets. Men’s VVintnr Coats, The present opportunin of buying really Cheap Goods, should be siezed hy the public at large. “is enlire Stock which is‘ extensive find well Assorted, having bePn purchased in the first markets and on the most reasonable terms. Ready-made \Yinler Clothing, North of Torontan every variely filbnc. Having purchased luv material, and had thum made (‘Xpresmy trade, he can thoroughly recommend them as And for Cusnsnss THEY CAN NOT BE sunmsskn. Having devoth a pmticula: attention to this class oflrnde, he \VOllitl earnestly sniicit an inslu-rlion, being confident of giving cnlire salislaction. CLOTHING Canada Cloths, Gala P-luilIS, French Merinés in Brovvn. Merone, Green 8:. Scarlet limiery. POW“, JIOOdS, Gauntlets, Slwevvs, Long Shawls (Filled &. VYonlen) Rib. bom, LadiPs’ SI. Gentleman’s Gl‘ovcs, La’dies 81 Children’s Boots, Shoes 5% Rubber: Persons indeb'cd to the subscriber will pie-me make an immediate Settlcmen, accounts musl now be paxd. IIe trusts any further notice will be unnecessary. Fcbruary 4-, 1858. Made to order, in every slyle, from allnhst cvvry maternal, at the mnsr ECONOMCAL PRICES, at GOOD NEWS FROM THE DU) SUD WILLIAM HODGE 8!. CO., COPPER, TIN, AND IRON PLATE \\/'(')RKERS And Furnishing: lronmongcrs, 5w) such as making STL‘ W â€" P A N as they will endeavor tomnkc Tea Kettles on the Dutch plan. Good and Strong, and cheap as possible. FOR CASH ONLY. As chimp as any House in Montreal or the States. Having servetl under one of the British Copper Companies of England they flatter themselves they can get Copper 21‘ Cheap as any one by paying Cash for it. Having also, had Svi‘en Years” experience in making Copper Goods in the Queen City of Hamilton to advantage, he feels con- fident that they will be able to give satisfaction to Brass Pans ‘2«. 6d‘ per lb.‘ kept on [mm] and made to order; Brass and Japan Goods selling off at and under Cost Prch for CASH ONLY. (I? OH Copper, Brass, l’uwtcr Skins, Furs, &c. Richmond Hill. March ‘25, 1858‘ habitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding cuunlry, that he has connncmed business in rhe Subscriber begs to infoun “IS in- House Painting, G'luzz'n Hanging, Graining. .3 He hopes that by strict attention to 8‘“ order en- trusted lo him which will he executed in :\ neut and workmanlike manner. on the shortest no- lice. to merit a share of pubhc Imlrmmgo. Richmond Hill, gRICIIII VAILES. March 1], 858. HJ-fim PAINTING. [13’ Head Oficc, Church Strut, TDI‘DHIO. a Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. J. C. Gmuou, Pros. | Tnos. HAWORTH. V. l’re: \‘Vln. Henderson, Rice Lewis. James Loask. George Michie. Hugh M Iler, J. P. Robmls. Waller Macfurlnno, Robl. Stanton. Sec. THIS COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Buildings,Mallufactories. Mills. (to. and Good: and Funlimre, in the same. against loss ordain- __. I . _ Mb- ' “g3 by fire. on liberal terms. Losses prompll) seltled. Rosiduuce. Rich m ['I‘MAN'S Manual or Phonography is a work of. about [00 pages. ever." “her leaf of which is printed from stone engravings. giving \vvitim,r oxarcises in the art Which the book i? de>ignod to leach. B\' the USE 0f Wis book Is dasignod to leach. By the use of this Manual. any school boy or girl, of 5 or G yems and upwards. may loam. in a surprisingly short space of time. to read and wrilo Phonography or Phonetic Short-hand, and a few months 01‘ daily practice?! all um is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence to write 100 or more words- per minute ! This raw of speed is sutficienl l0 take down ordinary sermons. slyuciles. and conversation as fast as spoken. The “ Manual of Phonography," 75 cents. and the " Phouogrnpic Copy-hook.” 25 cents. are sent 10 any address. by mail. post-paid. on mcoipl of the price, ONE DOLLAR. Address. post-paid. WILLIAM H. ORR. Gal-“WA. C. W, From whom all English or American Phon- 3 my“: Works may 1) uncured. 142 Richmond Hill, 0a. 15,1851 CflPlTflL STOCK, £100,000 IILflTHiNE T SUIT THE HARD TIMES ! "FIG to inform their-Friends and the I'ubfic gonernlly, 1113! as Copper has Fall and is‘ Falling, they intend to go a link: in INCORPORATED RY ACI' 0F PARLIAth I‘. t35-lf I! 0 JVOG 53.?! PI! 1' WRITING BY SOUND! BARN ARD has now on hand the laru'cst, best, and (11911 >831 assonmenl of a l BOARD or DIRECTORS THEIR EMPLOYERS WESTERN Hill. August 13.1857 The Copper Business! :Ig COPPER 1-‘0UN'1‘AINS, ’J’EA Kl-j'l‘1LE8, NS, SAUCEâ€"DANS, GLUEâ€"POTS, &c., &c WHOLESALE UR RETAIL ! I“ E N A. LA\V, General A g: DUMBLE, ANDBOYS’ G. A. BARNARD‘DJ, Richmond Hill 1’1 qwr Agonl. glU-ly and Lead taken in exchange for Goods, Sheep paid in Ca~h. Richmond Hill 1 s Drivingâ€"home a Land. in the Vil age of Me for a Start: or 'l‘zu'e April '2'). 1855 Lot No. the lasl ‘ wars on property The Only Sure Remedy c: Markham. April 15111. li‘éR \ For Sale or to Rent, For lcnns Tribmm office the mumacu, lfiuuud u Bruises, ur Slifl'nessin Ague. Cholera Morbux of Appetite, Summor Som Throat or Quill Burns, External lnjuna “ Its efficacy has been fairlv tested. and its virtues pronounced unparalleled ” . The cures made hv Dr. Tuinblefy with his Vegetable Compound, me so miraculous as to rasmnble the famed Scriptural account of similar cases in ancient times. and [hose case‘: are so wonderful and instantaneous, so satis- factouy and miligaxing of human ill. as to call upun public functionaries and those having charge of public institutions for the sick and sufi'ering to look well into the well attested merits ut‘tliis Vegetable Medicins. Dr. Tumblcty’s Vegetable Com pound. Numerous cases, two months in Hospital. \ulhuut an} Ivanefil, have been cured by a few days’ use ol'lhe Vegetable Compound. The Vegetable Compound is put up mighly roucuntralad in bottles nccompauiad with printed direcxions. and sells for 25 cents. 50 cents. and $1 per boule. 1!. is the most soolhing medicine in the world, or that ever will be. fl Dr. Tumblcly‘s Vegetable Pills, l’ill ovor ofi‘eretl to the public for tho cuiie of Costiveness, Bilinus CompluiulS, Dropsy. Heartburn. Heudnclle‘ arising from a foul Stomach. Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inac- tion of the Bowels, and Pain arising tllorefl'om. Flalulency. Loss of Appetite, all UIL‘OIS and Cutaneous Diseases which re uiru an ovncuun'. Medicine. Scrofnla. King’s vil. Functional Derangemenlof Ihe Liver, Spleen and Viacom. may sumd unrivalled. ll? Price 25 cents and 50 cents per box. These ure no crude and untried remedies cxporimeumliy placed before die public. bul lbey have stood the test uf yours. All that rcienCe. skill and experience could do. in perfecting good, wholesome and ever safe and reliable Family Medicines. have been concentrated in these preparations. No pn- rents who value the health or even 1he lives of their children should be wiihoutlhem. For 5:13 wlxolmlo or retail by Dr. Tum- blety, at his office. 111 Kin‘ strut. Tommo. Cunadn “Io-L Hundreds of Physicians now use lhem and ncknowladge (hem to he the mostscianlific and wholesoma prop-rations aver offered to the public. Tile best {de srufost‘thartic and Purifying J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Feb. H. 1858 '3," Poor people will be “bonny dealt with Toronto. Dec. 24‘ 1951. :31 ame into the premises oftho Subscriber. No. 1“. 5th Concession Markham. about last of March. n Hazel coloured Sleor, two 5 old. 'l‘no owner is requested to prove mny. pay oxpens s. and take it nw TAN'TED D W E L I. LNG-HOUSE. Store-hm! Unshels OATS, OATS ! strayed Steer. or 'l'nvern. apply to \V. 'l‘mdgeon. Es Richmond Hill. every variely of siyle‘ and 10 purchase ONE THOUSAND )r good Outs. Highest price Appl} m the Tribune Office, II E I! v. ILLHM I'ADGE'I ml about an Acre of ‘ Victoria Square. suita- ands the and Side. Palpita- tion of the Heart. 'l‘nathache. Head- ache, Wu-ak Stom- ach. uud Genoml Debililv. Cramps in nds or Frat. Sprains he Joints, Fuver and Coughe, Colds; Loss Cmnplaiutx. Brlliaes‘ Swelliugs, CuLs, IN THE ‘V’ORLD for [he sure cure of Rhumnatism. Pains lhvumatim l the Bach ml Side. on of (hl ‘nulhache. the, Wu-a .or his own ng-[f their 146 136 U suitable Buildings. with a l'uurth part or an acre of Land attached to each. One is a small Cottage suitable Tor a small family. The second is a New House. adapted for a Mechan- ic of any kind or Doctor, (us there is no Dutc- lor in the neighbourhood}. The third is a Large House. with all the acenmodatious for a Tavern. with a never-failing Well of Water. Aha. good. Sllllnhle out-buildings. consisting of driving-house. large shed. wood-shell. gran- ary and stable, together with some choice Fruit Trees. comp-ising plumsI peam,currams. and the black tame cherry. VALUABLE PROPERTY BUTTONVILLE is situnmd on a pleaâ€" sant rise of ground, on the 4th Concession of Markham. There is an established Post-Office togclher \vilh a Grittand Saw Mill. Store. with Mechanicmf difl‘erent kinds. Terms eafiy, apply to the Proprietor on the premises. 0" by Letter. post-paid to Button wile. Possession will be Ewen on the 1st 0 Aplil, or Ifnecdod.1h'elsl ofJnnuary. [[3 Title indisputable. £0 WILLIAM MORRISON- nig life in lrnvclxing. havinguvisiled. Eurnpe. Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€" has spent llneo years among tha Indians of our chlern connu-yâ€"il was in lhis way that the lndizm Root Pills were firsf discovered. Dr. Morse \\ as the first man m c<tablish the fact thal all diseases miss from IMPURITY OF THE BLOODâ€"thin. om slrenall). llenlth.and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogge”, and do not act. in perfect harmony with due. d1.- fcrent functiom of the body. the blood loses 'rs atlion, becomes thick, conunle and diseased ; thus causing all pains, sickness ind distress of every name ; our streuglh is exhansled. our heuhh we are deprived ul‘. and il‘ nature is nol assisted in tnrowiug of? the stagnant humors, the blood will hecome chode and ceaso'lo act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our powar to put 11 medicine in your reach. namely. Morse’s .lnduan Rout l’ills, manufacture-d from plants and room which grow around the man 1 tanious chfi's in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the R. MORSE, the inventor of Mhrse's hfdmn VRoo} l‘iHS. has spam the grqugarpgftion of BUTTONVILLE, room from 'which those Pills are made is a Sudurifi which opens Ilm pores of ' the skin. rind nssists Nulum in throwing: outthc finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectoraut. that. upens and unclngs the passage tn the lungshy captous spitting. The third i< a Diuretic, which gives ease and dnuble strength to the kidneys; thus enconrngvd, tht'y draw large uluouuhnf im- putin from the b!nud. “hich is'then thrown e-ase and double strength to the kidneys; thus encottrngvd, they drnw large utnounhnf im- putin from the blond. \thich is'then thrown uul bottnttl‘ullt by 'hc urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other ray. The fourth is a Calhartic. nnd accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the nzlter otttlctS. are thus taken up and Ct)llVL'_\'t’(l cfl' in great quantities by the bowels From the above. it is shown that Dr. Mo'se’s Indian Root l’tlls not only enter the stomach. but become unitotl with the blood, for they find their wa} lo every putt, and complete- ly rout and relenw the system from all impurity. and the life of Illt‘ bodv. which is the blood, becomes port'vctly healthv; consequentlv all becomes perfectly healthy; cbnsequemly all "I'kne<s and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and cluar. A J. \VHITE & CO., Salt: I’rnprictnrs. 50 Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Morse's Indian root Pills are suld by all dunlers iu Mvdicinos. Agenls \vnnh-d in every Hwn. village ard hamlet in the land. l’arlins desiringthe agency will addrews as abovn for terms. Price 25 cams ln-r box. five hoxes will be sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. 133. '1‘HE Proprietors of this Establishment hog to inform the Prin ers of Canada. that they have now manufactured and ready for deliver). a large quantity of Small l‘ica. Long Primer. Bunrgemm and Brevier. of Scotch face. which they will guarantee cannot be surpassed h) any Fuundry upon this continent for durability. and appearanca. They have also on hand achoico assortment of various kinds of It is therefore hoped that the Printers ofCana- (la will show their appreciation] of the ndvantnges it holds out, by bestowing upnn ita fair-share of their patronage, in return for which the propriet- ors pledge themselves to leave no means mmied to give ample satiafactiou. Printers ! mark the reduction inlhe price of type since this Foundry was opened ; and bear in mind that agrentor reduction depends upon your- selves. Our motto isâ€"supply the trade with type ol‘such quantities and at such prices as will pre- vent the necefiity of patronising foreign manu- lhcturers. Canada Type Foundry. The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada Typo Foundry. will be found at least 30 per cenL loss than they could be pur- chased precious to its establishment. REMOVED To ST. Tums»: S'r.. Danna The following list of a few ohhe principal arli- cles required by primers. will giva an idea ofllie gmatadvamuges ofllne Canada Type Foundry Nonpaxiel - - - - - 23 6d per lb. Minion- - - - - - 25 3d " Brevier- - - - - - 23 1d " Bourgooise - - - - 1: 10d “ Long- Primer - - - - ls 8d “ Small I’ica- - - - - ls 7d " Pica - - - - - - In 6d “ F All other Book Fonts in proportion. Lunaâ€"6 to Pine and thicker, I. per 1b.: 7 to Pica. 153d; 810 Pica ls Gd. ’l‘liOS. J. GU RNIN 5L Co. St. Theer Street MontrenL May 18th. 1857- :3 N.B.-â€"I’nblishenl of newspapers giving inur- tion to this advertismem for 2 moutha‘ will be allowed their bills upon purchasing five time: their amount ofour mlnufaclure. Editor-will confer e favor by directing nttention lo the announcement: 'I_‘. J‘ Q, Q (:5 nuttulnille. Oct. ‘28. 1857 ONSISTIL‘IG 701' Three Village Lola. willy. DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. IN THE Township of MARKIHM, fif? FOR SALE. 4:0 [n IN THE Flourishi n g Village Ornamental Type Buxxmmcs. MONT PRICES us united “'ilh tl’m blood, for lo every pull. and complete- tha system from all impurity. A bodr, which is the blood, heahh'f; Cbnsequenfly a” TOfihfififififiCgififififiTfifié AND MANUFACTVREfis N announcing ‘ the Volume of TH}: CAN, lhePnblishers respe that in order to increase mien of Clubs. they propose to offer one Wanna-ml F ire Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums. for the fifteen largest lists ofsubscribers sentin bv the 1st of January. 1858: premium: lo be dis- tribuled as follows :â€" For the largest list..............§300 2nd do..' .. ’0 3rd do........... .... 200 4th do . . . . . ...... 51h do.............. .... 100 61h do.................... 90 8th do . . . . . . . .... . 9th do.............. . 60 huh 50 lllh do.................... 40 mm do.................... 35 l3lh do . . . . . . . .. 130 Md] do....... . 25 15th 20 Names ofsubscribers can be senL 'm In difi‘erenl times and from different Post ()Ifices. The cash will be paid to lhe ouders oflhe successful 0cm- petilom.i1nmedialely after the [st of January. 1858. Southern. “’eslern.and Canada money \vi‘.) be taken for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit twenty-six centsulra on each year’s subscription to pre-pny postage. TERMS or Sunscmnlos for Six Months. Five copies "or 6 months” .. . . . . Fivecopms for [2 months Ton Copies for G nmmhs. . . Ten copies for 12 months.. Twenty cupies for It] months. For all Clubs of Twenty and over, subscription is 01151140. The new volume “'ill'be printed paper will) new type. The genoml character oflhe Scirnlific Ameri- can is wellknowu. and,” heretofore it will be chiefly devoled lo lhu promulgation ol'inl'ormalion Ielaling to the various Mechanical and Chemical Arts. Manufactures. Agriculture. l’nlenk. In- veniions. Engineering. Mill Wonk, and all Inter- usts which llIL‘ liglilull'rarllcal Scianve is cal- culated lo advance. llishsued weekly, in Ii;ng for binding; it conlnins annually from 5 U to G‘lO finer executed Engravings, and Notices ul Anmricnn and European Impruvemems. togeth- er with. an Uifiuial List of American Paton! Claims published weekly in advance ofnll other papers Publishers and Patent Agents, No.125 Fulton street. New Yoxk. [3-1 F Specimen copies will be sanl gratis to any part of the country. Moore’s Rural New Yorker. 5‘ ICXCEISIOR.” in glorious Mono. and J " Progress and lmpruw-nmnl,” it: laudable objrcls. the Ruml A\C\V Yorker con- tinues to axue| in Merit. and up rm (lw-zdcd progress in both Clrculation and list-fullness. For Pvidouce that it is unquestionablv the Standard in its sphere, please examine the paperâ€"compare in both contents and appear- ance. with any other ennuiâ€"and you will coincida will: iLs patrons and (ho Press in pro- nouncing i: of its cl'usx, Every famin can afford the Rural. for such an eminently inmuctive and eulcrluining paper is not a luxury, but a necmsily. Indeed, nil who desire a high tuned. progressive. and emi- nently practical and u>el'ul farm and fireside Journalâ€"one which ignores trash, humhug and deception, and secks to enhance the best in- luied: and promote the home happiness of its Will be pruned on clear new type and su- perior pupar.â€"w|lilu no other effort or L-xponsu will be spurt-(l to make the Rural cuminuousl} worthy the immense Cll't‘ulaliml il in auaimng among all classes and throughout lhu whole couuln'. Next lo your local papcr {ha Rural is indispensable. lens of thousands of readers. of 'v'nrious occu‘ palions. in both town and countryâ€"arc invited [0 try the Rural. The Rural New Yorker is published weekly. each number. comprising eight large double quarto pages, [Ibrly culumns]. printed and iluwrutcd in superior Mylo. Terms zâ€"Only 'l‘wo Dollars :1 year; lllreu copies for Five Dollars; rix for Ten Dullurs; ten for Filteen Dollarsâ€"in advance. The reputation of those very celebrated vega- tab30 remedies is now unequalled by any others in this country or in Europa. ’l‘lwy are full_established as the most ulnvarsal t'unxi medi- cine now in use, and they wxll maintain their pre-eminent Ienown by the inlrimic and com- prehensive virlues which acquin-d it. The usual modes of puffury would he unworthy of HIGH] Blld is l1"nt‘ce§.‘il|_\'- Thousands and tens of thousands of persons now living in perlbctl}' restored health, can testify, as thousands have testified, to their prompt and decided eflicai-y not only in all ordi- nary derangeunents ot'hcallh. from Impaired Digeative Functions. Costnuness. Ulliuus and Liver Complaints. llheunmnr: and Inflamma- tury Colds, Coughs, Nervous Weakness. Loss of Appetite. Failure of Flesh. Headache and lrnpure State oflhe Blood and other Fluids, but also in Rheumatism, Fever and Ague. other Intermittent Favors. Asthma. Brouchits. Cho- lic. Pleurisr. l’alpitation of the Heart. Rush of Blood to the “and. Seltled Yuins in tho Joins, Limbs and 0r nus. Alibcnuns of the Bladdoi and Kidneys, Jgaundicc. D ops)‘. Pilcs. howevn inveterate. Habitual Cmtivenoss, Sorous and Bilious Loosencu. Obstinate Headache and Giddinosu. and an immense number of other maladies. The Old Dnélar thas mm those nfllicled will not. on account ofdelicncy. refrain from cou- sulliug him because he Innkoe No Char c. Ilia sole object in advertising in to do all 1 0 00d he can. bofore he dies. Ha {eels thatho in lung ly celebrated for cure of Consum lion, Afllhmu, gronch‘nila Nonaus Afl'eollonl. ongha. Colds. will spend the remainder of his days in curing lhnt dreadful disensaâ€"Consunrnonâ€"ann or Calms: ; his earnest desire being to commuui. cute to the world his ramodios ,thnl have proud successful in morn than 3.000 cases. Ho reâ€" quires each applicant to send him a minute do. acriplion of the symptoms. with two Stamps, (6 cm.) to pay the return letter. in which ha will return them his advice pram-£1,130,“ “m, d1; realign-Io! Ereparing (he medicme. They require no dieting nor confinement. are perfectly mild and pleasant in their operaliun. but will powerfu ly restore healthâ€"Illa! greatesi ofnll earthly blessingsâ€"to the most exhausted and dilapidated colhlilulions. THI’. LEADISG AND LARGEIIT LIRCUL AthiUlJURAL. I.l'l'l>.I(ARY‘ ADI) FAMILY NE‘VBI‘APLK. Preps-red and sold by DH. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT. 335 Broadway. N. Y. I34 Moflat’s ] life Pills, 7k THE NINTH VOLUME. FOR 1853 A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! VOLUME lX. FOR 1858 OLD Indian doctor who has made his fortune and retired from business, A>D PHOENIX BITTER-S Addreu, ng ' the Thirteenth A nnuoj f Tm: Scmx’nflt' Ammu- _ars respectfullyinfonn the public Increase and stimulate Ihe form- CLUB RATES. DOCT. UNCAS BRANT. Box 3531. P‘ 0., New York MUNN (V, (70.. {R0 VISIT LIRCULATLD Rochester. N year , or $1 ....15 ....28 the yearly upon fine Opcrawr on tthye amf Ear- NIVERSALLY known throughout (‘anlâ€" dn and the United Sums for his skill‘ and success In Rcs‘orinsz - U Q And mmoving a“ Di>eases of the Eye and Ear gv‘nerulh'. begs most respectfully to inform (hose amicled in these delicate organs, that he has for- warded“) the uflice of (his-paper A few doze copies of the 4111 edition of his Treatise on Dism- srs of (In Eye and Ear. published this day. which win he presented to applicants. FREE OF cuihdi‘llfl Ton Thousand Copies are now ready for distri- butian. This work contains nearly 2000 pug“ of reading matter. in which will be found reported alnrgo number of most impor’tuntand successful opernliuns on the Eye. and more than One Hundred interesting Cases of every descrip- tion. illustrated with numerous Cnls and Plates. Also. will be seen. Letters and References from highly respectable parlies from all parts of Cana- da and xhe United Slates.+all of which will. be found well worthy the careful perusal of the afflicted. ' The Anthor feels fully assured that everyunâ€"-- prcjmliccll rem/5r at this work will be conr'm ‘ that Diseases of the Eye or Ear in any “‘3 - short ofcomplete disorganization. am and may ha cured : and it must. appear evident to every comidomte ponon that the principal cause If failure to obtain reliefm those cases throughout the country, is the result of impmper treatment. and a want of IXI’KKIIHNCE, sx Ll , nnd couri- nzmv on the putt of‘lhose prot' ing or attempt- ing to cure such di>easos. This \Vork will aim be forwarded to indivi- duals free if rlmrge) sending their add 95!. row-mm. to the Author at Toronto. V “Ill-I Undorsigned begs leave to inform the l'uhhc [hill he‘holds himsalf in readiness a! hi~~ ()ld EAuh'ishmcnt. which has been con- limit-d for the Inst Six Years. in [his Cixy (No. 1615. Yonge Street, and directly opposite the “ Brillaunaia lluuse.” Toronto.) to . Rmmratc. clean and Repair In a proper and salinfaclory umnnor, by erodi- cullug Pnian‘. Oil, Tar. .Ve. ‘{-c.. and restoring Colors [0 their magma} appearance. so as to givo Gentleman’s wcaring apparel the full appear- ance of new, , Ali Descriptions of Clothing, GL'N'I‘LI ECONOMY IS From 31 )onrs’ experience in lho business and: prompt nllcnliull to all orders with which lo may be favored. combined with an earnest den (0 please his customers. he hopes to merit; sham of public pullouugo. CR MACHINE is zubxtamially buill lo \VrouglIL Iron. enmer free from side draught, can he elevnmd [0 any knight. from a Mower to n Roapt‘r luy a scucw in from. and cuts willmm clogging. m Grass, \Vhenl. ()als or Barley. without change ofkuife or gaming, and works easy for the horses. The price for a Mower, 1‘20 . 00; compleled as a Ruapcr. $140 . 00. An axlrn knife will be . ()0 extra. 1’10"?” (1m! Ia’capcr. ' All our Machinex are warranted lo be well builland ol' the be“ material. Thornlnfl. Youga Street, Juno '241h. )857 Aud (lcslvaU-lucd lu fiulm'l‘ihers by [he curlios Ina-11>. or ullxer conveyance. when so desired. The BRITISH 'I‘lllllUNI“. will always be found lo contain the lnleslnud nmsfifia‘plxrmm Foreign and Provincial News and MurkeIs. and the greateslcure will be taken to render it uccepluble to llw man or business, and a valu- able Famil} Newspapur. 'I‘ E R M S.-â€"'l'\\'u Dollars per Aumlm, In Anunu. ; and il‘uolpuid wuhiu Six Month: lwo dollars and a half will be charged. 5mm; @rihuu? D1" EVER Y Fill l ) .\ Y MORNING \Vi lliam 'l‘r “(I goo n, fixlines and under. first inaeniun £0 Each sulwuquem inscrliuu . . . . - 'l‘eu flaws and under, firs: inserliou Each subsequent inserlion . . . . . . Above ten Iinc>. [3:81 in., pvr line Each subsequent insertion. [ncr line {\‘o paper discontinued lmlil ull arrenragn are paid : and parties refusing papers without pity; ing up. will be held accountable for the subâ€" scrlpuun. [1? Advurlismnl‘ms uillmul wrilleu dirc~ |ion~ insened lill fuxbid. and charged accord ingly. TORONTO, June Bth, 1857 Merchants and other. who advertise liberallv the TRIBUNE will have their Card: inserted in the Business Directory. All udvcru’semenm published for than riod than one month. lllllll be paid for 'm vance. All letters addressed lo1he Editor muul post paid. All lrausiior)‘ advertisements. frum stranger: a! irregulu customers. must be paid for when llunded in for insertion. A liberal dih'CDuIll will be made to panic- ad. venisng by the year. Book and Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT. Toronto. June 5th )RDERS rm .ny'Bflh; Ilhdt description of PLAIN and F! WORK will bu promptly attended BOOKS. FANCY HILLS, BUSINESS CA done in tho but style. at modnntn Our assortment of J01! TYPE i now and of the latent pangs-nu. A hr: of new Funey Type and 3m Circulars. &c.. krpmhnys on ham! OCULST & AURIST. Darling 5.; Aitchisou’s (0311mm) IILL unnunux cutcumuns. up 1* A u r u L z 1 s . And ovary ollu: kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! AND SMALL POSTERS. CIRCULARS. LAW lllLl. HILDSJ!‘ CHICKIJRAHS Rates- of EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Lost Sight & Hearing! OF TORONTO, \YM . KICI I A RDSON‘ IS PUBLISH ET) 'I‘ II E GEORGE DARLING llUB'l‘. Al'l‘CIilSON ‘ PLAgN .th-rlising: nusl nus mum“ Lute! M 1‘) N! WEALTH. mum rung 'PE in mm” A largo WHle gl3-1y ; Ieu pa» for in ad- I‘lf. Nuns. intone!!! (I Gil 41]

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