Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 21 May 1858, p. 3

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The bill to consolidate the laws relating to the inspection of Fish in Upper and Lower Canada was read a second time. Hon. Sidney SMITH moved the (jaecond reading of the bill to legal- ize By-laws and Debentures of the 'Tewn of Cobourg, and for other purposes. The bill was read a second time. T on. Mr. ALLEYN moved the se- ‘cond reading of thelbill to amend the law relating to Emigrantsâ€" .‘After rather a keen discussion thebill was read a second time. Further reports say that the conductor, fireman, and engineev were killed, and that no other; were serously hurt. The pccidunt happened at one o‘clock this morning. The night was very dark, and t water had undermined the abutment: M", e bridge. The [rain was running at ‘he rate of 25 miles Per hour. The en sine had reached the end of the bridge, which is 100 feet long, when the whole 8"" WI!- James Erwin, Conductor, Jaw" Burning", Engineer, and Maloney, fireman, were killed. None of the [135' "nan-rs were injured. A shocking accident. occurred (On the Lafayette and Indianapolis muroad last night. As the Cincinnati night Ex. press train bound north was crossin ridge 22 miles east of Lafayette it gave way, precipitating the whole train into the Water. The fireman and engineer were killed,and it is reported that many others were killed and wounded. Particulars Are expected nomentarily. ga A‘JV0T1_1»1_£R”RAIL\V The bill to establish a uniform tax on Emigrants was passed through Committee without any amendment. Mr. BROWN moved the same amendment as before, which was negatived by 56 to 49. Mr. I‘IARTMAN moved the restric- tion of the bill 10 Lower Canada. Negatived by 53 to 52. TUEsDAY, May 18th. ffir. Domou moved the third reading of the bill to authorise the Sister’s of Charity to sell and alienate their Ficfs and Seignories. Hon. Mr. SICO’I‘TE moved the ,second reading of the Fishery Bill, which, after a lengthy discussion, was withdrawn. Mr. BROWN moved in amend- ment, that the report be not now concurred in, and that the Corpora- tion shall not have power to rein- vest the funds obtained from the sale of their property in real estate for pfi‘poses ofendowment, but only for the use and occupation of the Institution. Mr. SCOTT moved in amvndment, that Lhe bill be read a second time this day six months. The report of the Committee was then concurred in. Mr. BROWN’S bill to relieve the employees of the Government in the Post Qfiice Department, and on the Canals from Sunday labor, was ruled by the speaker as out of or- der, on account of its not being Â¥rimed in French. Mr. FERGUSON moved the second reading of-the bill providing for the repeal ofthae acts authorising the establishment of Separate Schools in Upper Canada. After a short discussion the amendment was negatived by 64 to 35. On motion of Mr. Sinumn, the House went into Committee on the bill to incorporate the Quebec 'l‘radesmen’s Colonization Society. Attorney Gen. MADDONALD mov- ed in amendment, that the Com- mittee rise, report progress, and ob- tain leave to sit again. Carried. 0n mofion of Mr. Gum, the Hause went into Committee on the bill to amend the Naturalization Mr. Bnowx moved that the Com- mittee rise, as the bill was so unjust. Several clauses were added, and the bill was mcpomed without amendment. MONDAY, May 17. On the question of concurrence in thé report of the Committee of the whole on the bill to authorise the Sister’s of Charity of Montreal to scLand alienate their Fiefs and Seigniories. v On motion of Attorney Gen. CARTIER, the House went into committee on the bill to amend the Judicature Acts of Lower Canada. Thie bill to incorpmate the Que- bec Warehouse Company was read a‘third time and passed. Hon. Col. PRINCE moved the second reading of his bul to amend the'Pctty Trespass Law of Upper Canada. 58!. Gun. Rosa inlroduced a bill 10 regulate the inspection of Leather. me‘y, May 14th. ML ROBINSON introduced a bill to incorporate the St. George’s So- ciety of Toronto- GWEN “myâ€"TME“ LOST. The bill was read a second time HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY CLEVELAND, May AY BRIDGE COLD-BLOODED An) BRUTAL Mun- DER.â€"-Most of our readers will. doubt- less, recollect the fact of a human body having been found a few Weeks :ince, packed in a barrel, and addressed to “ W. H. Jennings, 18’), Leonard st., New York.” Since its discovery. the detec- tive police has been very bu:in engaged in fcrroting out the evidence connected with the finding of the body. It was traced to Chirazo, by the authorities, but they could not find out by whom it had been slipped from that city. Atlust, however, the mystery has been explained so far as to lead to the arrest of a man, named Henry Juniperlz. a journeyman barber, of Chi. cage. From his own confession, and through the police, the following facts have been eiicited. It appears that the murdered Woman was Sophia “'erner, who had been living with Jninpertz as his paramour. After some time, these par- ties removed fiuni Chicago to Milwaukie, where for a time they remained. Sophia, it appears. in the meantime, had an illegi- timnte child by Jumpcrtz, which was made away with. The prisoner, at length left Milwaukie, and returned to Chicago, “me”, 'after a lew weeks, Sophia wrote pim, Wishing him to marry her, and take 1 I" ‘9 Chicago. He wrote to her re- one of our citizens who spent some time yesterday at the. scene, llh desaribed to us briefly as well‘as he was able the aspect it presents. The wonder is that sulnany [ageingors escaped alive. The two for ward passenger coaches mare form-d thWh into the chasm azainst the east abutment ot. the bridge \Vllll so much nohznee that they were shive ‘ed to atom. The hind car of the six was partly forced into the one next before it in the form at a telescope. No one in the rear car was seriously injured, and two but slightly. The water in the creek is about {our feet deep. and some were proliably lerttnezl beneath the debris of the train. Our in- fmmtnl examined the timbers (if the bridge, but did not find them so bad a» N'pi'-'st-ntcd in the repoxts. 'lihe impress. ion that. the cause of the accident was the breaking down of the bridge is now quite general, and the broken axlwtree theory i» tll~t‘;l!’(lt‘(l. The number of killed and t'a'ally wounded will in the end, we fear, aggregate as high as fifteen or twenty, and the wounded three times as many as the ki'led. 'l'he disaster is regarded as the worst of the year. and is by far the must serious which evet took place on a Raitruad in the State ofNew York. As to the causes, and the ultimate conse- quences, we. had better not speak too con- tidently now, as the iiivestigation taking p'ace will give the public light upon tht-Se points.- -Ruchestrr Union. SIR :â€"VVoul«| you be kind enough to inform me. [though the columns of your paper, why the Militia of the Township of Markham are not required to mustvr this ynar as usual? Is it because the Colonels have become ashade of their limited knowledge? or is it because the Junior ()llicers object to drill under them i tor, probably. it is in consequeni-e of a lctter which appearvd in your paper a few months ago, orcr the signature of" H. C. Young.” the purport of which was‘ in my opinion, rather cutting to one of our Colonel’s. Yet Mr. Young has Ite\'cr given satisfiictory proof to the public that his assertions wore correct. Now, Sir, Is a resident of Markhzun,I should like to know why Mr. Young did not give us mw e informition upon the subject! 1 shall unnously “mil 3 reply. \Ve continue to receive intelligence from [he scene of the dueadlul dlsa‘ler near lHira, and some of the \vnunded are added to the lust of the deul. Among them our town~man, \Vm. ll. l‘trkins. who expired this noon. \\ 1m. we have by telegraph will be found under the ap- propriatc brand. The gap in the Railroad at the baquull has interrupted lhuconn c- tion ol‘ trams, and detained the mails, so that we are nixhcut full reporl: from Uli- ca. Bah the lxains which armed here this morning we ‘e made up at Syracuse. It seems |o 11: [Int the mail agents (1‘ Railroad c unpany might lllVC conveyed the mails by tne first train over the bread: I: ai t) have bought lhcm up in If e :econd t'ain. l’awengers were bui liltlt In ‘re forlumte. N: n: arrivrd here frr m the scene ofthe accident until lam hut night. and the first came by the Mail '1 rain. have Eheen elicited. It appears that the murdered Woman was Sophia “’erner, who had been living with Jinnpei'tz as his paramour. After some time, these parâ€" ties removed from Chicago to Milwaukie, where for a time they remained. Sophia, It appears. in the meantime, had an illegi- timate child by Jumpertz, which was made away with. The prisoner, at length left Milwaukie, and returned to Chicago, “Ike”: latter a tew Weeks, Sophia wrote :iim, Wishing him to marry her, and take "I" to Chicago. He wrote to her re- que‘““‘% “3" ‘0 some to him. but to take gastric to arrive in Chicago during the night, senile wastiaar‘iilesirous she should not he in Chin” aéd fleiflipi‘tllletl, she arrived diately daspatclied ande vapd, was Immeâ€" _ v i 0r concealment. packed mio the barrel, which 1“. kept in his room for ah‘ou; tun days, before ship_ pig it for the Last. It appears “mt lhe prisoner expresses no alarm as to the re- sult of his trial, and denies having mur- un. luv-un, um luv-c “ We arrived here yesterday, and were eight days in coming from Bellingh am Bay, five at which were spent in finding the mouth of Frazer River. We bong-lit a schooner of 200 tons burlhen at Bell- ingham Bay, but can proceed no further up the river with it than this place, and will start for Fort Hope in two or iliree days With canoes. There is quite an E!» citemeiit here about the mines. and there is said to be from 150 to 200 miners at work in them. They are all at work at present on Frazer River. The Indians are working on Thompson River. I have seen $800, which three men said they procured by ten days’ labor. l would advise persons coming to these mines to come in canoes. and buy their provi-inns at Fort Langley. They cpn purchase them here much cheaper than they can bring them up themselves in large boats, as they can get no further up 'in large boats than this place, and canons are Yvry scarce here. Buttonville, May 17, 1838 Simâ€"Your yearly Fair or Show is now drawing on apace, hence we are a year older, it not twelve month's wiser and better men. However. I have to ask the favor of your giving at least one insertion of the following scrawl in vour usetul paper. l’iivate Papa says he has been visiting Professor Smullteer, tle celebrated clairvoyant, and luarncl worker in the secrets of the inward man; and that Papa has been furnished with a full and particular history of the past, pre- sent, and future doings of oflicials in our neighborhood. And further, Papa de- clared to me in confidence, that Profes- sor Smalhbear declared to him that our fair would end as usual with a magislerial upâ€"and-down light. Crime and disordein conduct. on the part of dull-brained be- fuddled magistrates,â€"undera cloudy ma- jar. and conspicuoualy ignoble peculuting colonels, is'ol‘ten prevented by a pro- spective View of public exposure than by fine. Hence, in future, I trust that all such reckless members of sooiety will take this kind and friendly hint, for Papa is very fidgily for the show day, to watch the doings of adulterated worthies.â€" I don’t observe in the bill any premiums ‘ offered by the Socit ty for the mo~t scien- tific display by a pugilistic magistrate.â€" Perhaps it is as well too, far the last year’s sorawling In the mud Justice of Peace fight,cxliibited but small power on a restive and vicious man, and was highly unsatis» factory. TUE RAILROAD SLAUGHTER AT U L'JUA. ' FAX JUNIOR Yonge Street. May 14, 18.38. To the Editor of the British Tribune‘ To the Edulor of the Brilinh Tribulo. (Enrrwpnnhwrt. ar to corn» to him. but ‘0 take rive in Chicago during .lhe niglfl. most desirous she should not be , the. time appointed, she arrived 3, and, it is believed, was immeâ€" Yours, &.c., Your obedient Servant, A corresponden’ of the Alta California says :â€" The Hudson's Bay Company have the entire control ofthe navigable titers in their t rritoxies. I would recommend all win intenvl visiting the mines to proceed to V.ctoria, take out their license, and there they will receive every information comeeted with th : gold diggings. Their license «7 I: be a kind of pass which will. I believe, he a benefit to the holders. I would strongly advise ship ownch not to allow their vessels to take freight up Fra» zer river. It they do, it is ten to one out they will be seized. This advice 1 have given to many, but they have said, “the Govrrnor has not the powvr to en- force the law.” They are mistaken He has two vessels of war under his con- trol. and the commanders of these Vessels are bound to enfr‘rze his orders, however unpleasant may be their feelings. When- ever John Bull's otiieials give an order- they must be obeyed. Tllerefoie, l rey com‘nend the public, whether they are naâ€" tives of England or America. or of a n other country. to be careful how they venture to navigate the rivers under the control of the [I'idsou’s Bay Compiny without their consent. The New York “ Times" says :â€" “ “'e are in possession of papers from Steilueoom and Olympia, \V. '1‘., up to the 9th April. They contain some Inter- v-sting news regarding the gold discoveries on Fuazer and Thompson Rivers. in the British possessions. The first news of the Iiclincss and extent of the di4gings, appears to he conlirmed. Population continues to tlock up Frazer River trom all quarters. Desertions from Fort Steilâ€" acoom,on the Sound. have been frequent of late. home of the deserters have been rapturrd, and detachments of soldiers Were in pursuit of the others. The mill hands were daily leaving Teekalet, al- though their places Were being filled up by new men arriving from San Francisco, who apparently, could not make up their minds. or had not the means, to proceed further on to the mines. There is a fever- ish state of excitement existing around the Sound. which bodes no good to steady, or- dinary industry. 'I‘Iie proprieIBrs and agents of the stean lumbering estzlbliahmenls Norlli- ward, on the waters of the Sound, find it exceedingly dilficnlt to meet tln-ir con- tracts in furnishing cargoes of lumber, &c.; and their embarlassmenl in [llla re- :puct is increasmg dailyâ€"as parties of their operalivea are constantly leaving I'or Frazinr’s :«nd Thompson’s TiVPl‘S. if company wilh permanent cilizens of King Hand, Kilsap, Jefferson, \Nhalcom and Clnlm counties. Surveyor General Tilton,fi~om his brnllie'r Mr. Hanson 'I‘ilion, dated Fort Langley. (some foriy miles up Frazer Riven) March 23. The writer was then en route for the diggings, with goods, pro- visions.and mining toolfi. lie says:â€" The Hudsr n s Bay Company hadY Wilh- in a few mnnlhs, traded from the Indians some one hundied and ten pounds of coarse gold dust, ol their own procuring (om surface washing‘ with their own crude appliances. This statement, we understand. is fully confirmed by oflicers of the Hudson’s Bay Company, which leaves nodoubt as to its truth. All the hands that Colonel Filzhugh had in his employ in his coal mine, except thin-e, had left for lhe gold region. -‘ stamvyede" will soon take plvace among the employ: e; of the Northern Boundary Commmion. A coneslvondenl of the Alta Californi- an estimates that the proceed; of them- new diggings at‘eragvs full $8 a man d-ulv. The best day’s work yet knnwn was $213 for two men. The digging: are m Britiah soil,ju:' over the line, but it is believed that they extend to the South of the line also. The Pioneer and Democrat publishes some extracts from a letter rec: ived by “'9 learn that the steamer “ Confi'ill - tirin,” Cap. A. BErove‘ on her way '0 can Francisco‘ landed at P nt 'l‘ownseixd fifteen persons from (1.11 ent way pm ts, buund for the gold mines. During tie pi'esent week, We are lold, fitken so!â€" dier: dearth-d from line garrizon at For! dicilacuom, leh the same destination ii- View. It appears U-at drsvrlions have likewise occured from Major Rainvs’ command at Fort 'l‘owusend and at Fort Unllmgliam, and it is lliuught that a The extravagant reports are repealed concelning the ricllneSs of the diggingsâ€" that parties are making $8. $10, $15, $90, and $50 per day each. and we have heard it confidently asserted as a beliet, l‘ounded upon prnspecling and extensive personal exam nation, that the gold-bem- in;; region extends lh.oughout a large ex- tent ct" country in both the British and American 1 assessions, from Frazer‘s Rm r to Fort (.‘olrilfe. THE NEW GOLD DIGGINGS! “'e find the following imponant intelli- gence among the last news from Califor- nia in the American papers. All the statemenls of the discovery of gold m Oregon are confirmed. “Respecfing the newly discovery gold diggings on Frazer’s and Thompson's Rn‘er,lhe Olympian Pioneer says' dered her; he states that he found her dead in his room, one morning, having committed suicide by hanging herself, and that to prevent disgrace, he concealed the body as we have described. We need scarcely say that but little confidence is placed in his statements, and for the sake ofjustice, it is to be hoped that such far- ther discoveries will be made as shall bring the arch fiend to receive punish- ment due to such heartless cruelly, and‘ horrible criminality. \‘erily. “ the way of transgressors is hard,” and, “ the heart of the wicked little \vorth.”â€"N. Y. Times. IMPORTANT FROM BRITISH OREGON! â€"They hIVO five steam fire angina: anach- ed to the fire department orbit. Louis. â€"-Wi(hin thalast seven years. 40.000 per- sons have died in Braznl of yellow fever. â€"â€"A flow of six vessels is expected In sail from Lake Erie for Liverpool. this season â€"It is recorded as a remarkable fact that on Iy iwo divorces were grauled by the Poun- sylvania Legislmus. duung its mean! seasion. â€"Tha Quenn rides oul daily on hone ~uck accompanied by the Princms Howl. â€"Tho California papers publish births and the weight of the baby when first born. â€"Thore is now $36.000.000 of spacie heap- ed up in (he vaults of the N. Y. banks. â€"At Dubuque. (own. the Julian Theatre ii used as a meeting house for daily prayer. â€"-'I‘he number nf dwelling houses in Boston is 25.584. of an average value of $4,562. â€"A new converlin New York has re|urned $1,500 to the Uniled States Treasury. which he got unlawfully. â€"An-,xngemems have been made at Chm- ham. England. whereby the soldier: can '0 -‘ .upplwd with bakeddiuhers evely olher day.” â€"Neal l_\' 2.000 Brixish subjects ale cafcululod to he in Home a! the prrsonl lime. and as many more Russian», French. and Americans. â€"Tlxe coat of the churches of [lesion is 4,000.000 dollars. The aggregate annual ex- pense of suppullmg public worfllip is 350,000 dollars. -â€"Large quantities of herring are now being caught in the Potomac. â€"Lock No. 7. on [he Welland Canal. which was broken. in now repaired. â€"-The mid Boshnians have actually been naming a ship Lola Moutez. â€"'I‘he paslaae charged in Russia on a single newspaper from the U. S.. is 45 cents. â€"'I‘he Jews of Philadelphia have establish- ed a permanent Hebrew llollef Association. -The merchants of New York are doing but little more than halfthei. usual business. â€"-lx is alrenly rumored that Queen Victoria wil: soon be a grandmnlher. Her age is only 39. â€"The Honorable Colonel Tache has been appointed 2: Director of the Grand Trunk Rail- way. -â€"â€"Counterfei1 fiva dullar gold pieces are in circulatiunâ€"ul-pearance good. but of light weight. â€"lt is Claimed that the population of Cleve- land, Ohlo. has ihcleased {101" 17.000”: 155i), to 60.000. â€"'l‘ne numbel of vehicles of all kinds in Paris is calculated to amount to 32.000. with horses. â€"l'. is stated as a fact that. there ara 1.200 appiiralions fur a sinqu liculennncy in the U. S. army. now vacant. â€"Arisxocrallc females in England have lveen taking lessons ul' the Amenicnn, Mr. Rue). in horse lraming. â€"A Boston phrenolngist is said to have made upwald: DI 4J,UUO cmunuulious in Lhe past twelve years. â€"'l‘he Rank of England contains a: the presanllime over 90.HG0.000 in specie; the Bank 01' France $75,000,000. â€"Il is rumored that Queen Victoria intends to pay a visit to Emma during the omuing bummer or autumn. â€"-St. Paul. Minesota, is well supplied with banking houses. The Times chronicles the opening of the lhixteenth. â€"Burns. the pedestrian. al Manchester. has run ton and a quarter miles in fif ymine and a quartet minutesâ€"his xima being an hour. â€"â€"Fhe Charleston Mercury fours a very general destruction of the cotton plants in the vicinity of mm cny b\ the finals of last weok. â€"-'l‘he Converse Rope Paclory at M unreal, was desiroyed by fire an the ’FI imam. The foreman and three gu'ls [lelmlltd in Lhu flame . -â€"The cars are now running regularly he- lweeu Vicksburg and New Orleans. A mun can nnw breakfast in Vicksburg and sup in New Orleans. â€"Tnckerman. the mail robber. was senien ced al New Maven on Tuesday. the Ulh imt. Io lweuly-one years‘ impriaomnout in the Slate l‘nson. â€"The Russians continua to build ships nf war and construct naval nrmamauls at Arch~ angel on the White Sea, in 1 ea of Sebaslopoi on the Black Sea. â€"Abmm Kirk. tha last slave in Penn., died latuly in Lancaster Co.. at the age of 103. â€"-The U. S. Mail Lotlings were decVamd at \Vashiugmu on Monday week Them were fi: '-seven thousand bids ! â€"A lump of pure gold was recently taken from a hole nine feet deep, at the Bullamx diggings. Ausllalia. weighing 45 pounds. â€"The)e are 60 canon fucmriss now in ope- ration in Geoxgia, ()Ihars have recently been established in Louisiana and Mississippi. â€"By returns made to the Police Commission, it appears (hat in H wurd< of New York city, 858 grog shops \vele in operation on Sunday. â€"Some |andlurds are in [he habit of laying an extra fork acro-s the p ales of lheh delin- queut boarders, as much as to say " fork Over.” â€"-The gleniuus old Victorv is about to re- sume her post as flag-ship at Portemollth. hav- ing been undur process of rcfilliug for sums nine months. â€"A fight occurred in Troy. N.Y. on Tum- day, between John Morrissoy, the notwious pugilist, and ucounlryman lumed Bennett. Mourissey was badly whipped. â€"â€"Eggs sells at three cents a dozen in Ml. Carrol . Illinois. â€"-The London That: has sent a reporter to Utah. Mr. Rutherford. â€"'l‘he Pillsburg Democrat estimates the lumber run out of the Allegany river, thin spring. at a hundred million feel. â€"'l‘holo are 500 bills unacted on before the U. S. Congress, end 1.000 bills and petitions before (he standing cummiuers. â€"The emigration to Europe is large this spring. Two of (he sleamels {hath-ll New York last weak. took out 765 p ssengers. -â€"'I‘heinlroducliou of cation mnnufaclures into the Texas Stme l’onilenliury has proud very salis aclury. The mills turn out from ten to lwelve thousand yards par week. â€"â€"A larger alllp than the Leviathan is al. aady talked ofm England. 1! i; intended that thi~ new monster shall carry 8.000 lam more lhan the Leviathan. is to run faster and draw loss wnlar. -â€"O|)io builx in 1857. 220 churches. worth $4.0“0J'UU. rvhool houses worth $40.000. and 90 county buiidings worth $800,000. â€"B_\' the recent death of the Earl of A31- mere. the honors and titles of the peerage have Iallen upon a worthy Canadian farmer. â€"h is said Lhnt there were 21 rainy days in May. 1857. ~19. is currently reported that the Money Kings of Europe. the Rolhwhilds. have been for the lint [we or threo month realizing mul- xiously, hut continually. many of the securities they hald, both in London and l’zuis. â€"The Turth Gave rnmont have orders in London. England. for lo: slealners. to establish the Black Sea undar tho terms of Lhe Trealy of Pink. cast wili be Iiltlc less than £300,001) alg â€"â€"Mnjor-Genoral Rose says that. upon enter- ing the Fort of Rnlhgur, tha effigy was {ound of the head ofu decapitated Europanu female. which the rebels’ leaders carried hefono their troops. Forty-four of the mulincers WBI’O executed. â€"Tho shipment of lraasure from California during the first quarter of 18.38 amounted to $11,497,594. which is an increasa over the same period of 1857 of 1.233.558 doilars. Of the eleven millions. 8.392.000 dollars came to New York. â€"Michigan is n teat fish. Her fisheries extend from Lake rie to Snpeiior. and im~ menso quanliiias of White Fish. Mackinaw Trout. and Herring. are captured every season. A late nu mlier of Ihe DEITDII Advertiser esti- males that the annual calch of Fish upon Lake Erie. Huron, Michigan and Superior, and lhe rivers and bays tributary. 15 between 80,0»‘0 and 100,000 barrels. â€"A monster nugget of gold. weighing 146 pounds. and valued at 34.860 dollars. has been found at Kingower. Australia. by four Culi- fam'm miners. nomad Robert and James Am- hrone and Samuel and Charlos Napier. It is two feet four inches in length. by ten inches in width ll. its widest point. and eight inches thick at one and and four inches thick at the usher. The lucky owners are two pair of hro:hen.ono pair being Engliuh and the other Barton boya. 311mg 3121115. Flcbt. The given WHAT AN ENGLisH Gnu. THINKS or MORMONs.â€"â€"An English girl named Elizabeth Cotton, who was induced to join the Mormons and emigrate to Salt Lake, writts home to Leeds, England, as follows :-â€"-â€"“ I am afraid I shall never see you again, but still I live in hopes. We started from Salt Lake some time since to come back again, but the Morâ€" mons met us, and we were compe'led to go back On arriving at the bult Lake. l was not a little surprised to see the men running alter the women and asking if they were married. but I have not got, married yet, and do not intend to. Many of the men have eight or ten wives, and he alt-ops with one two nights and an- other two nights. and ~o on. and this is Mormonism ; but this is not all. tor Brig- ‘ham Y0ung has {50 women, ltnll they had twelve sons in one yenr,nnd how many daughters Ido not. know. “'hat they preach about is , thieving, and cut- ting anybody s throat, and if you ail; any- thing zibmit it you are told it is none of your dâ€"(l husmese. I know of one young Woman of fifteen, who has had [our husbands in tire months, and that gives you an idea of Mormon sm. Ann .luhh came alomg with us across the Idains,and when .she got. to Salt Lake th. re Were so many men running after her that she got marrii d, and is the second wit", and they call her A-in \Vebb, but she is far from being eomloitable, and would be g'ad to be back again. If I was in England and any Marmon elder came to the house. where I was, I would give him a pretty warm reception. Mor- moniem in England and Mormonhm in (L? The anonfionpf Skomkeepers, Holelkoepers. and Farmersis particularly requeslcd. £1] On Tuesday next, May 25, and following Evenings, 'l'oronto, May 18. The supplies of produce continue to be very moderatv, and beyond a hare de- mand, the necessities oftlie household, the demand is exceedingly light. \YUEA'L remains depressedâ€"45 a 4-: 3d lining the average rate for good samgle, with an occasional purcha<e of prime at. 4»: (id per bushel. Then: is sliéhtly more competition observed among buyers, but the market is still inanimate. STOREKEEPERS I HOUSEKEEPERS ! TAKE NOTICE x ! Salt Lake a e as different as chalk and cheese." FLOUR is without change. and in the absence of a steady demand there ap- pvars to be but little prospect of improve- Inr‘nl. In the abscnce of actual sales, the lbllowing quot2tions must be required as purely nominal zâ€"Supcrfine $3 60 a $3 70; fancy $3 80 a $3 90; extra $4« 5 a $4 15 per barrel. BARLEY 25 SJ for the best; and 156d 3 is for medium. spmé Wm” 35 3d :13: 6d per bushel. OATS are more plentiful at 15 Gd a Is 7d7per buslu'l‘. ” firkin “’00:. low per p0und. CALF SKINS 5d per lb. SHEEP Hum 55 Tad a 6: 3d each BEEF Hm 8 $4- ‘25 per 100 lbs â€"Putrm't. AFOFP‘AT'S Life Pills and Phenix Billors. 1 Theme preparations have stood the test 01’ a long expL-riauce. and as a family IllulllClUG have provnd superior in curative propel-tins in all the varied types ofl'ever‘ scrofula. liver and bladder complaints. neuralgia. and all those aunm‘ancas which as cla<sed as nervous com- plainh. For travelers lhey are invaluablu. W. ll. Mom“, 335 Headway, New York, a rd hi< agents. G. [L HusBAND. Surgeon Denlisl. has both filled and extracted leelh for me in a suxisfac- lorv mnnuor. BUTTERâ€"Fresh, ls 3d per lb. and be- coming plenlilul; Iubl quiet, at 9d for No. l; and 6d a 7.311 for No. 2, by the FGGs also plvnlil‘ul at 6d per dUZFn. POULTRY scarce, and worth 35 a 3: 3d per pair. BEEF on hot firm at $6 a $7 per 100 RYE is not so much in demand ath 9d per bushel. PEAS are dull. and not much in de- mand at ‘25 3d a ‘23 Gd per bushel. POTATOES 3s a 35 3d for ordinary varivtit-s. Y this disease we understand as inflnmnlion I either in the membrane or substance of the liver, known by dull pains in the right side, (he Slnnmr‘h alwa}s disordered, the yellow tinge of the s «in, d-‘y cough. tongue coutod, costive- news. high-coloer "rink. and of a thick n1(u‘e, severe wruknoss and severe pains in the head. The quantity of corrupted hunters in the legion of the liver. causes a defective secretion] of the lnle. The liver. when healthy, sorves as a filler to the blood. to separate all impurity. or to refuse it. When disr-aaed. it cannot purify the blood. which. “hen sent to the lungs. bru'. s. and other parts in a umxbid condition. innvcame Jaundice. Consumption. lnsanitv. 32c: nnd withholding tlm natural stimulus lo the intestines. causes Dyspepsia. Piles. and 0 her cuniplaintS, as you perceive the direct way to unravel and tear the whole system to pieres. m- .- ... A patient. suffering frnm this complaint, should resort to speedy relief. Yet. there are very few medicines worth a cent in curing diseases. \tht then shall he (love 7 We say, 1156 Dr, Morse’s Indian Root Pills, as they are composed of plants and roots; they will be found a sure cure for this painful disease. be- cause theypurge from the body those corrrp‘ and stagnant lmmors. and so cleanse and renew lhe blood. which is the cause not only of the disease of the livex. and the inflammiou of the kidnvy and lho bladder. but ofuvrrvdescriplion ordiseue. From 3 m4 of the .above pills. “ken every might on going to hed. wi‘l. in A few days, entirely relieve the bodv of even- lhing that is opposed to health. I - Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills aresold bv all dealers in Medicinsa. 4821.“ Richmond “in. May mm. 1858‘ .V---..... “A U Tum." Acres of goodrlgud, hing purl Lot To l3. 4th Con. Vaughan. VIIE SUBSCRIBER will sen by Public Auction in RICHMOND HILL. in tho Slow adjoining the Tnbune Ol‘fice. CROCKERYu GLASS. CHINA AND CUTLERY! SHEEP in beHer «upnlv at $4 a $6. CALVES not so much in demand at $4 VONTAINI_NG ONE HUNDRED AN!) For particulars, apply in December 94. 1857 FARM FOR SALE Slhnrrtifirmrntfi DISEASE OF THE HEART“ TORONTO M ARK ETS. Speciai Notices. Sale at 2 and 7 o’clock, p m J. \V. SUTIIERLAND. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER‘ Dn. REID Thou-uh A LARGE SFOCK DF 48-h“ Ii". 129-1! I; mePls at Brother Robert Wiseman's; Masonic Hall, the second Sulunday evening in each month. h/ EETS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. ' VIClOI'ia Square, the 12:31 Fr‘day even- ing in each month. Victoria Square, May 7. 1858 To Medical Practitioners GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- V sell to a Medical Man of standing and experience. Home and Premises. bolhplea- sanl and convenient, can be had on reasonable terms. OFFICERS ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford, Master . J B. DeaGier, Deputy Master; John Mnnhollund. Secretary ; W. Fugue. Treasurer. Apph‘, if by letter post paid. to tho Edi'or of ‘ho 'I‘ Conveyance to Railroad Station. IIE Subscriber bags 10 remind the inhabi- tants of Rich moud Hill and the public mutually. that he runs a regular Conveyance. wice a day. to the Railroad Station, and re- spectfully sullcils their patronage thereto. I’us sengars conveyed to any part of the country on the shortest nullce. Richmond Hill. June I5Ih. 1857. gfl-wy" AME into the premises of the Sub- scriber,nlmuf the 16111 0|. March 135‘. A BLACK COLT. one year old. The Uuner iw required to prove property. pay charges. and lake him away. April 22. 1858‘ N or about the 90th February last. a POCKETâ€"BOOK. containing a note against John Thompson to the amount of Furiy-oight poundi. due on the 3rd of February lust. Any person finding the same and l'ullllllillg it to the owner. Dav“! Thomp- so“, 10:526. Qnd con of Markham. will be suitably rewarded. The note will be of no UN) to any one except the owner. rl‘ [I E Subscriber ofl‘ors for sale that well known llulbl, situated on Lol No. 5, 6th Concession in the Township of King. with good slabling and Seventeen Acres ofExcellenl Lnn d. Every necessary accomudmicn for an Ilolel are In first rate repair. 'l'm‘ms extremely easy. For fur- ther particulars apply to the proprietur on the pre- mises or to Dr. Dusomlu. Richmond Hill. THOMAS REDON, Ma: khmr, 13. 1858‘ NAUE into the premises of the Sub- ) <cribur, on [he lat of April, 3 RED S'I‘EER, two yon-'5 old. The owner is re- quested m prove properly. pay charges and lake i1. away. WILLIAM LAWSON. Lot. 25. 51h Con. Markham. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMB-STONES. &c, Twenty Per Cent Cheaper TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. April 7. 1858‘ HE Undersugned Assignees of the estate ofD. C. & W. YALE, will con- llnue the business under the auperinteudence ul‘our duly authorized agents. AUSTIN Ann and D. CARLOS YALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. RS. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid an the Isl day of June. 1858. will be put mlo Conn. for collection. COUNTY OF YORK. January 21. 1858. V7092. TROOP of the You. Vownuxn l CAVALRY will meet on SATunnAq. the 22nd instant. for drill. preparatory to the parade an the QUEEN’S BIRTH DAY, ll. 10 o'clor‘k. a. m.. at Mr. Joan SHIst'. Thorn- hill. Dec. 8. 1857 ‘l‘oronlo, April 29. 1859. Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778 King, Nov. 19, 1857‘ T“ ('9 RNHIL L. GOOD \VORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. fill kinds of .Mixrcd Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. July 23, 1857‘ HOTEL FOR SALE. WARD & McClUSLAND, NOTE LOST mines, Gildrrs, Glaziers, and I‘apcr Hangers. THAN ANY OTHER ESIABLISHMET‘ 12, 1858. House, Sign and Ornamental AINTERS, WM. E. EASTTY. Auctiuncrr. JOHN BUTTON. Muster. JAMES r‘ANAGHAN. Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary JOHN GAWLEY. 'l'rcuurcr. STRAY COLT. Straycd Steer. ACTIVE FORCE. NOR. THOR: MACLEOD, OFFICERS ELECT RICHARD NICHOLIS‘ Capt. C_on_m_1_undin DAVID THOMPSON . t49-4 HEN RY LEMON. Jommandln 2nd Troop,"Y.V.C C. YALE. G. CUMMER Proprietor. g24-u THORNHILI. 46~3 g26-lf 48-11' A) 0.1 M4 49-2 RICHMOND HILL as: P R E M I U M 3,31} Th6 hes-L lol‘ Liquo'rs and'Cigars carefully selected. - ' Good stabh'ng and attentive hostlers‘ SADDLE [IA RATESS ESTABLISHMENT. Tu‘n Dom‘ South (If the TMBUNE Oflicz'. HIS FARM contains ahom Fifty Acres, “ilh a House, Gardnn, and small Cleat- am-a. land ie well lilnherml. The Wnlor Mill. including Three goud Dwul'umg Huusos. with Gardenstund about Fifteen Acrss of Land. If required by lhe purchaaer. The premises are at present uscdlus all Agricultural Imple- mnnl and File Factory. All ghe above property will be 'sold 0.) easy h rms for Cash or Yearly l’aymeub‘. and is wnnhj‘ the attention of the Mechanic and Far- P R [Z E for Harness in n73 Yong-a Shem ricultnral Show. Two Years in buccewion fer-Is confidant that he can give vulhe autism in all branches of his business. '3 A hrgv star]! of Harm-Kr. kc, alwnys on hand. and made 10 01116! at the lowest fwssiblc remuneraling pr»ce<. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. l857. ‘ 'g‘IS-I) Iner. 11E Subscriber begs to inform the Public ‘hat he has leafied the above premium. and fitted them upin 11.116th and comfortable style. v Arksey. George Atkinson, Jacob Atkinson, EhznheLh Boynou. John Bemruse. Joseph Buyrun John Bunnie, George Campbell, Mrs. Laugh Premium Harness .Muanucturnr. ESPECTFUL|.Y alumni-res to the Public genemlithul ho hnlvunghllfon llm Fl K S T Seywmber 10 1857 PRIVATE SALE! ! LfluV‘D .aNI) W11 TE]: MIL L NEAR ‘lllCHMOAD HLLL. Boarders and transfer“ visitors w‘ill find the accgmodal‘gnp; in every wav agreeable. I'm' Curann, Thomas Murraj‘, George Mathews. John Chnrpentier. Miss MaryMcMorran. G. Cral'erl. Fredeiick Di3mad. John Durram, Charles Delleback. Cristian Drewory. John Eyar. Daniel ‘ Golder. Miss Ellen Goodwill, John Gibwn. Roheli Gorman. Johu' Goodwill. John D. Hmlvnl. Julm Hill. Silas Hamell. James Herrick. David Hastings. Thomas Hitclmuck. James Haniuglon. Samuel Harrell. Catherine Jox'ce, Margaret. Kerr. James 1 McBride. Dan McKinnon, A. McBezh. T. Manir, Andrew Nairn, Alsxander Patterson. Thomas Reid. Elizabeth 7 Sevmour. Patrick ‘ smiley. William Sanderson, William Sims. John ‘ Sheppard. Mrs.C. Tomlinson. brine)" . Truscott. Robert Tomlinson. James Usher. William Wilson, Richard \Vaterhouse, John Wica, Peter Miss So Remainingin RICHMOND HILL Post Office, MAY 151.1833. {15:13:11 Work Warranted. Lot No. 2, 7th Concenion.‘ North uwillimbury. Aim. ONE ACRE OF LAND, situated in the Village of 'l'hornhill. with good House and out-buildings. » ll? Terms Easy. Appb‘ to 1 ACRES OF LAND. Eu! hqu of HE Advertiser is desirous of obtaining a Situation in a Carriage Shop where a number of hands are kept. Would have no objections to discharge the duties of .Foreman. feeling convinced from his knowledge of the trade that he would be able to give general satisfaction. Addresa W. 8.. Tribune Oflice. Richmond Hill. C.W. April 1. 1858. t43-4l April 1. 1858‘ “foULD respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen. who wish to avml them- selves of his professional services. that he will be in' attendance the filst Monday-anti Tuesday l’tllowiug of each month. at Ambler’s Hotel, Richmond Hill : Wednésday folldwing at the Aurora Hotel. Aurora; 'l‘hursdav and Friday at J. McClure’s Hotel, Holland Landing: the rest. of the month at the Thornhill Hotel. Thornhill. [F Communications to be addressed to Thomhill Post Oflice. REFIRENCES [by permission] zâ€"Rev. R. Pninlin ; Rev. N. C. Gownn: A. Buck. M.D.. R. C. 8., Eng; C. Kayser, M. D. ; F. Owen. M. D. ; J. Zimmerman, S. D. P I N E W 0 0 DH FOR SALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. Thornhill. Thornhill. Au us! 11. 1857. 210-” ING STREET. Toronto, 2nd door on t of Church Sweat, opposite lha Cathedral. W. T. ATKINSON. & Co., Late of King slre'w West, now offer at their new establishment. Genuine English Drugs, Pate/11 Jlfedicings, Frehch and English Peqfumeiy, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye-I'Vouds, Combs Brushes 4m, A: such modem: prices as cannot {ml to se- cure custom. APOTHECARIES’ IH'LL W. T.'A. 6; Co. having or naidnrnl‘la 0x- perienco in Aha Drug bumme- iu Vllloy: 1111.15 of England. have no l|u<ll1llun }n saymg. u.“ a great many of their Mmml‘nclured Arlit'las will be found very superior. Mudluim-s u-ad in compounding Proscriptimw. Family l‘w calms. Horse and Calllo Maduzines. 61m. nrn of fire very has! qllnlily, din-m from the prin- cipal English Drug Hanna. W. 'l‘. A & (‘n beg to call mention to lllrll (‘ lebnncd . mm- nation (or the Tm-lh. Thomhil]. For puficulars apply Also their much admired l'orfumo THE ENGLISH NOSEG RY Soda Water bottled and from tho fuun‘uiu : S Camerines Mineral Wan-r. and 11m Plum Ib'mu Water. celebrated for ’boi: haahln' wow-7M April 22. 1858. H 3 Jauunryl4.1858 SURGEON DENTIST, ONE HUNDRED CORDS \Vill iam H. Myers, THORNHILL HOTEL. December 31. 1857. Atkinsdfi‘s Parisian Tooth P To Carriage Makers. Jan. 20. 1558 G. H. HUSBAND, FOR SALE! M. TEEF'Y . Posimasmr. Letters JOHN PALMER. HENRY LEMON, Dn. DUNCUMB. Kirk. Allen Kirkland, Charles Law. A. Lon . John Langer. John Legg. Margaret Munshaw. George -Murray. John Murray, George Mathews. John briney , 'l‘ruscott. Robert Temlinson. James Usher. William Wilson, Richard \Vaterhouse, John Wice, Peter Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Proplietor‘ :A. mnaidernhlo ox- i n I in Vm'ioy; put“ would n in snyMg. llml Esmm‘ fnclured Arl'u-les .1“. Mudiciuu uâ€"ad in row F. Family lh- mid,“ gain”. &c.. n'n‘ comp”. V, from tho priu- ' ‘M \V. T. A K! (30 cult,” - lebralcd . n11.“- _ "II‘ 1" "m' trllflet [‘ooth Paste. In” ‘ with l IOSEG‘Q‘Y. Hlnne lull 0] the fonnniu; St. (1 I'm) Plnnl quIol' aahhy [wow-rm“; | Th "u". g1 4-H 138 gun. ilov. (30 U 'l' C H E R . TUORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry. &c.. mm} on 'hnud Families supplied on the shortcut 110‘. '8. [)JOINING the Wesleyan Methodim I (Sh-pa). Ymugo Street. Richmond Hill. \ choice selection of Gentlemens’. Ladies’ and ('hildrens’ Boom and Shoes consumuy on hand. and made to order on (he Shortest No- lice. Riv-hmond Hi“. June 12th. 1857. g.lw.y. Opposite the Post Oil-ice. Yonge Street. ‘ N Omnibus )cnves “m above Hotel overy' blaming. (Sundays excepted.) at se‘vxfn a'dOpk. for Toronto; returning the 'snmo GVBHIDE- * . _ Horses and Buggies kept for llile. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Consultations Free. and all Work Wananged, Toronto. June. 1867. 1-wy. RICHMOND I-IILL HOTEL, 66. King Street‘ East. Toronto. Particular attention given :0 the regulation of Children’s Teeth. Richmond Hill, ORNER of \Vright 8L Yonge strec ts. Cheap Groceries and Provisions. Crockery and Glassware cheap for Cash. N6 Credit. D. HOPKINS: Yonaz Srru-zm. OSEPH GABY begs to infarm the public u that he has commenced to run a‘ Slauo from theabove Hotel to the O.S.&H.l{1i, StaLion. (Richmond Hill) twice a day; mnl‘ will convey passengers to any part of the" country, niqu or day. in ten minutes notice“ lOSEPH GAB-Y, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. OcL 15. 1837, ng-ll' Richmond Hill. June. 1957‘ MN!“ MW RENE-3‘ FOR ‘ 00D VVatches.C|ock*=. Jewvh‘)‘. Melodoons T Electra ‘Vare. Silvm'Spoous. and Specta- cles to suit every sight. . U" Watch Clubs in Operation. Wan-amend Clocks from 209 upwvds. Tux-ours. June, 1857. ' 1-8‘ June. l857‘ Regalia. Principe. anhm. Manilla and other brands of Cigars alldVClwrug‘ls. __ . lu‘nnu Li"- Aml llfllsimic IIall, A Kmar- SIM-w: XTENSIVE Slabliug. and obligng Hosrlloirs always in anemlnmm. Choice Wines and Liquors BeervPoner and various Summer Uevoraqcs, - ' An 0mmqu to and lrom Toronto. calls nl 1116 Hotel, daily. *’ ' Richmond Hill, June, 3857 f \HE Subscziber beg.» to infuun theLm. ‘habitants nf' the mayoâ€"named Vine and surrounding Counu~y,.§nd the Public gen- erally. that he has leasrd the above Howl. formerly kept bv ’I‘Horuu 31w. Muir-h he‘ his filled up and furnished for the acuommudmi'én'of his Customers,an he trusts by constant attention to their wants to secure a liberal patronage. Liquors of'lhe best brands at the Bali, AM every auemio.. paid 10 Gueqs. ' " LLALS’ HOTEL¢* HOLLAND LANDING. BL ACK HORSE HOTEL 'l'hotnhflL March 19. 1858. Jan. 7. 1858. ""110RNIHLL. The Subscriber .in [enduring his Hunks for past favors, would beg to ca” ‘.‘u‘.1Yic aficntion to his NEW E<mhlishmem. 'I‘hornhill. and known as 1ho ‘vnv Harm. whirh he has ‘mh‘l_\' enmrr d into m volwcquonce of We accomodnlion in Mr dd usubhmw; Ill [wing entiron luL- hm'nud (or the Coznfn'! n" hi< numerous Enema. . The Swm Hu'nzl. in a few dupl {will In cumylvmly u-novnn-d. 3nd respoctubln vi<itorl mm roh‘ (\I having their cflls immedinwly «- lruded m. “a has aisovu') cuousih) I«malno- Jnfin-u for Horn and Curfingea. ‘ Hus Bar vml nlwnyu be found \rsil stand will: the Chou-x-st liq xors; while uu ~nhsrrib°f Filnnelr intend : l0 dnvom his limo M Ihe com' lurlul all mum: who mu) honour him with I AGENT FOR Darling & Aitchison’s COMBINED ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, Richmond Hill, Feb. 17, 1858. 137-13,‘ EDMUND GRAlNGER, Holland Landing. Sept. 10.1557 Tornnlox Folui’fi, 1858. MORPHY BROTHERS Ornamental Painter. JOHN MURPHY. Luge Becoralor, Paintt‘ PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER NEW Toronto. June IS'JI. DFALEJ 1‘1 PAPER HANGING“. HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. DAVID ATKINSON, No T. MJCBETH, Jun, LARRIAGE, SIGN, M A CHINE ‘5', Richmond Hill, THE WHITE SWAR 4 Doors “[05! of Bay SlreeL Inn, and Livery Stables, S W AN HOTEL, VICTORY HOTEL, 49, King Strect, THOMAS PALMER. &c., 6U â€"ANU- R0}; JOHN SH] El 1 Pmpr Dental S U R G E RY‘ THOS‘ LUKES; VV.C.ADAMS DOCTOR . BI; llT Proprietor. STORE, leT WISEMAN. Proprietor, - Propriet or. 135-1; l'rupriflur. ‘ gl-l-flm inter, gJ-wy. g,1 wy 241

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