In the Court of Oyrrr and ’I'wnu'mr, and (It'nzrul Gaul (it‘ll-L177] m,- I/w County (If IIcthliIILu/Irl. Tut: QUEEN { 1 Rum-2111‘ Jam ‘ I Mclluxnvpt Cuyu ' 2a, in the (‘0. of {_ llaldiznand, (Sentie- | utan,tnuku ualh and “Cu. Towxsaxn. [say :â€" lat. That I am a nalin: on" Sculhmd; [hat 1 Wm burn in Lu'mt'kahzrc, in tln‘ "Par 1825; that I l'caidcd in the vicinin ut'tln: Milne-'3 of Springhln'ne and Cum- lucltit, unul the year 1839; in the Ltltct‘ pull 0:} the .sumanrr ul‘ u Inch )‘cut' 1 Id] \‘collund, alum: l‘ur Canada, uu the bar- que Jamaica, commanth-d hy Captain Marlin. Having renclu'd Quebec, J came up to Montreal, and runnith in that city for some days In comp; n,‘ with some other cntigrunh. l [hen \vcnt lo St. John‘s, Imwer Canada, and engnï¬'ud there will: one Emilh, who [Ltd tornnhly been :I soldier in Her Matjusty‘s scrvictu (I think in the 71>t [{t‘silltclll.) 1 can ltnuetl in Smith‘: rlnploy ul (I‘umhly un- til the Spl‘iu,r of thv year 1310, u‘tn'n 1 went to \\'hitehull, and from thence to New York city. ‘L'S . To the Editor of the St. Cutlmrines Journal ST. CA\TII:\Z\11NES,.\Iny 10, 18.38. D5511 \‘m,â€"_\~ lln: Cayuga Stu/[11d oflnsl wan 1:0uluimeJ sm'mal :xflidurila and doruxnmls read by [he Cuunwl for the Crown in the aplvlivalioJ In poalp unu- lhc hill of .\lCLll‘nry u/[ux l'nwuyml [311 the murder of Mr. \n-llcs. until next Full Asaizus, without publiahing llu: ailidmhs read on buhalf ni' Hm prisoner , l hau- lo requusi you to do llue lnimzurr :Im justice ofmscrllng Ilw uflidznlls in his favour, 5!) that (In: public mind may not bv u :l'uirly lHleHliccd by [waving only om‘ side ol'lhc case. ject. 1115 you 111-31: 5mm, an: r.1-'. To the Editor of the Brili<h 'l‘rihuno. FIR :â€" Will you oblige hyullouing lhv writer a space in your columns to axk a question? In .1 late number of youx paper, I was much plomvd to notice that It Wm the intention of the inhabitants at this tillage to lay the foundation of n Mechanics’ Institute, and, subscqln-ntly. lheï¬mes of the Oflicel‘a and a managing committee appeared. In looking over the respective names I found but two or three Mechanics in [he whole, inchidiug othcers and committee. Would it not be Well, as it is supposed to be got up [on the beneï¬t 01‘ the working ciusaus, to have a few more Muchanics more immediately connected with it 1 thereby securing thr'ir influence in securing so de>irahie an oh- lichmond Hill, May (If? “ Separate accounts shall be kept of “ all monies disbursed under the precudiig .‘ Sections ol'lhis Act I) the end that (m 5' equal sum may be app/quintet! by " Parliament for the seam/«l City and a‘ County Ilfuniciptditim in lil’I’J-Jli “CANADA, for the gmeml purposes “ ofsuch Municnpaliliesflnd to be dinded “ among them in proportion to their Impu- “lation, by their last census." Your readers will ï¬nd the foregoing in the 181h Vict. chap. 98,â€":ifter which,I conclude, they will acknowledge that I have con- victed John Smith, a second time of G1? libbin; . COMMON SENSE King, 2711: May 1858. John’s own ciassic Style, to “stick a pin here i†and I will soon eonrince [hum of another of which he his been wrll'ully guilty. He has asserted for a fact that as?" we (I) even pay their (the LOWI‘I‘ Canadianjju‘ymen ;’ a \Vrvng again, John ’. somebody has been lmnxing ycu, if you have not invented the “ cnunmcr" yourself. In order to convince my read- ers of the truth of what I state, I will simply quote the statute relativa to the payment of Jurors in Lower Canada, and leave them to jngc of the reliability of stateIm-nts emanating from such aquar- ter. It runs thus “ No; more than £5000 “currency, may be advanced to the " Sheritl‘: of Lower Canada, and of the ~‘ consolidated Revenue Fund of the Proâ€" “ Vince.†for the payment of Petty Jurors. \‘I‘HMIINES, May 10, 18.38, im,â€"_\~ lhc Cuyugzl SUI/[ad K coumineJ sm‘mal alihlurila misread Ivy [he Cuunwl for in [he applin'a'lo.» m lwalp on.- AS )U.’ 1“ ROBERT J. Mc- alius \VM. 'I‘UH'N. Ill Yours truly, .lAs. L} Cunizm. GIVEN 131' Ill.“ INQUIRER. 3,1958. l-l-lh. [ further say, that. at saiil trial, the Crown also broua-ht and (-xumincd anmher witness from Clmelund, named \\'ilhmn 'l'alcon, who proved that in 1852 [sailed on the St. Law/'cnce achnonel', of which hc was male, on Lake Erie for a monih and a hill} commencing in April of that year, and that 1 left such \‘lfasel with a new of going On board the 1‘020- huflun . 15111. I further say, that my coulinued imprisonmwt, and (he cxcilement I have labored under since I was brought to l||i> Province, have injured my health and constitution. ry. on which indiclmunl l was tried; and, mm :1 trial of [on days durulinu, I was acquittedâ€"Inc Jury liudingtiml l “a: [lulu-NJ. Mcuuny, and not \\'iliialn 'l‘mvusend. 13111. I further say, that at my trial at .\lcnl'ill3\'i|lu, a \Vlllltts named O. C. Al‘lmulluuf Sandusky, an Aitarney at law, was brought by the Crown, who pron-d that on the 29th day of July. 18.31, I was imprisoned in Dunduzky ij, and runmined in such juil from lhal lunc until about [he lst of March, 1852, dur mg which time he was the keeper of such jail. (Signed) \. MCHENRY. Sworn before me in open Comt, at Cayu- ga. In the Counly of llulllimand, lh'h' 24-111 day of Aprâ€le D., 1858. (Signed) ROBERT V. GRIFFITH, C. A. . nun: mam-0nd was on its way upwards, and Wm!“ mthin about a mile of Lands- down, the tend-w, cars, and locomotive were thrown olY the track, and piccipilfl- ted down a sleep bank. Al the lime of the accidvn’. the workmen were asleep in their h)deng {'an, and ahhough the van was lurmcd repeatedly ' over in i1: desccnl down the bank, and unimale broken lo pieces, not a singlg parxon was suriomly injurcd_â€"-Brackvllle Recorder. MIRACULOUS ESCAPEâ€"On yesterday Week, as the woo-J train oflhe Grand Trunk Railroad was on its “my upwards, and Win!“ wuhin about a mile of Lands- downfllle tcndvr, cars, and locomotive Were lln'own olY the track, and plccipim- “5d down a steeu hank, A v ulm .. .J .1... 3‘) his. 1211:. At the lust Me: slzus the indictment found Llle pr('\‘iulls Assich was ( .mw Indmlme'u found uéuin 'ium 'l‘onum-nd (L/l-(LS linbu to Calilk‘rnin, which J necuidingly did. l'o this letter, ltowm'er, 1 received no answer until alter l was tried ll-‘l‘e l’ur the murder of Nclhw, at the lahl Full Axizes, When the jury could not agree, and wrre d ~mi.~~e.l. Hill. A few days after my trial here. I was taken In .\lerritl.~vill», in the Coun'y nl' Welland, and there inditted by the name of l’wliert .l. _\lclIr-nry, for the murder of Ctnuiles l'ucliards. 1 then \vi~l;ed my trial postponed, as l was in- lnx'ltn-Il tlul prisons were ready to sweur that l w..s the man who hllOl llicliardzg and my counsel then advised me that as the UHHVII had Sllt‘ll evidt nce to Oder .igaimt me, it was fllJ‘JllulPly necessary to prove an all/Ii. Un making application tor the postponement of my ttinl, 1 ï¬lled .ln ntlidatit :ltowing where l “as at the time of the murder above mentioned, and the nnttne of lllt‘ del'ence I intended to sel up. The counsel for the Crown re- aated "10.x! :lrenuoudy this application, a Id urged that my trial ahv 11141 at. nuce p Oeued; but his lurd~hip, Chief Juatice Jrupm'. 'lllllL'll my request, and my trial it. .Jlï¬l'itlï¬â€˜l‘lllu “'4: postponed until this lune us \Vizlium '1 uuuncud, 1 touk nu measure: to llloguh‘. cndcucu hum Cali- lmuiu, Hm place where l Inï¬dcd whx-n .\ir. Ntllcs wa» kilitd, \Iulil lhe 22in] day ol'June, “'ll'cn 1 was persuaded to “rue 7th. I stayed in New Orh‘nus but :h-w days, when I came up No-th as far :15 Clevvland, h-n‘ing some intention 0t ailing uh the hikes, \\'hen,ou the llth day qulnit, 1857, l “3, arrested at. Cleve- luud charged uilh hrhlar \Villuuu 'l'uu‘n- ~eud, the summwd murderer ot' “'ilham Hamilton Nt-Hes and Churtcs {Echde 8th. A Her I was arrested, 1 requL-stâ€" mt Mr. Jones, an Attorney :11 Law, in Cleveland to nSsist at the Examination almut to beheld het'nru the I'niled State~ Hunt 0! my bums l Hue-J Vince, I \\'uuld have uulhiug would be brought into and Cd 1 cute. I then came down to Buflalo. and immediately shipped as Robert. J. Mcâ€" IIenry on the Virago. Remained on board of that vessel for a short timi. \'Vas on the brigr Cumberland, and then went as cook on the St. Lawrence. Alterwaids left her and sailed on the l’uu‘hattuu, in Lake Erie, until 1 was discharged from her a few days [before Christmas of that year. 51h. Alter leurihg the Pow/Latte†I went to New York, and in the month of February, 1853 l sailed {rim that port to Vera Cruz, on the brig Brownsville, Capt. Rogers. Having arrived at \ era Cruz, I left the ship and went to the City of Mexico, and remained there lor about six weeks, then proreeded to the Pacilic ‘ shore, and shipped in the steamer Colum- bus for San Francisco. 6th. 1 only remained a few days in San Francisco, when 1 went to Big Riv- er, in Mendocino County, and worked at some mills there until December. 1 then went to Capt. Richardson‘s mills on Al- biun River, :1 di~tance of about eight mi es from the ï¬rst mills I worked at, and there remained a sitort time, when 1 we; t back to Francisco, and made two trips to the brig General lVo/cutt, Captain Falkâ€" ner, from that port to Columbia Hirer. 1 left that ship in May, 18%, and went up to Chipps’ Flats, and got there in the lollowing month, and commenced boart'i lg at the house at one Samuel Davidson, at that place. I remained in that pint at California until July or August, 183?). when I went to Money Lake, and stayed‘ there lor some time, when l “ent to San‘ Francisco, and sailed from [hence in De- cvlnhet, 1856, on the steamer Sierra Nevada, for the lstlunus. 1 then went ()1 m] (L/l-(LS linbufl J. Hallm- indiclmenl l was tried; and, 3f [on days duruliuu,[ was he Jury ï¬nding [int 1 “a: lent-my, and not \\'iliialn was arrested, 1 rch \ Allorney‘ :1! Luv is! at the lixaunin: lie-form the I'niled SI 11:: comm-med lo do was quash: uninzl lllt riltsrillc As a;uin.~l me a! rcquL-st- Law, in minnliuu :a States md Wil The Hartford Cournnl lays 1: dictionary ls soon to be published which will contain 10,000 more Words than any of its predecessors \Ve are lather dlsposcd to regret llllS. It would, wo think, he beller to have few er words and more idons. Words have more than quadrup- ml since the days of Addison and Bunyan, and yet tlwy expressed their idea. quiet I clearly as the writers of the presom day. â€"Tho Lla mas recently imported from Peru and no.v in va Yurk, are '0 be taken 10 Eng- land. there being no sale: for them in lha‘ counln'. inn â€"Billy Bowlegs and his whole party. cor- sisling of 166 perscns, arrived In the United States bnrruck§ below New Orleans, on (he 15111 ind" on their way lo the Indian Territun’. A new kind of cotton. called the rose cotton. excellingin ï¬rmness oflinl and length of the staple the kind ordinarily produced. has been sold in Galveston. Texas. at above the nmr- kel value oflhe Mexican Gulf collon. As a new varisly. it promises to be 1: very decided improvement. â€"-An entire Chinese regiment. for having abandoned an untenable l'ort, during lho recent attack on Canton by the Fn‘nch and English â€"\.-w York Cily is said to be flooded with altered bills on various city banks. and some of them are so well executed lhnt bankers say they should take them without question, ifllleir allonliun was not drawn to the allernlion. There has been received at Buffalo. since the beginning of the year. by [he Ccnlrul Rail- road. 34.971 bcevos. 49.942 sheep. and 74,007 hogs. VVhal must the resources of a country be that pours forth its pruducliveuess in smh a tide T â€"The Brili h Stunt/art! slalvs llmt the in- come :0 ho anumumed m the Briirh and Foreign Bubla Society’s May meeting is 75:1- 000 dolmrs. forves. has been sentenced Lo woar \vomen’. c'othes for ï¬ve years. â€"â€"The gold fever is on the increase in Iowa. Reported discoveries of mines in Union and adjoining: counties are mentioned. â€"Thec mm: of V‘leslorn Texm say that ealing bread is all habit , they have lherafore Ignored its me. and live on beef and cofl'uu. â€"An order has been issued directing the French Imperial pnslilliuus to wear enr-rings' after the fashion undo I the unrirntngimc. â€"Tlu-re are l0.000 tons of pig iron cn=t annually in the foundries of Buffalo. all brought [mm the Pennsylvania i on district. â€"â€"The contest in India is dra\\'inglonclnse, and the strong arm of England will soon put down the last struggles of the insurgents. -â€"II is reprosunled that some of the old Moxi- can gulr malarial seals haw hem: used to forgo private land deemin Cnlilornin. â€"Theinnhi1ity of a wife to make bread 11-1: been declared sufï¬cient ground for divorce. by a County Agricultural Society in lmva. â€"-The N.Y. Express states that six million dollars were expended to carry on the city go- vernmenL â€"â€"The American Balms! saw the nggrogato of conversions reporlrd in Baptist churches alone. during March. is 17.000. â€"Tlle Dunkirk Journal says that a sa“ water stud was taken from Lake Erie by one of the {idling boats at that place. â€"-Tho public-spiritud people of East “'al- pole. N.H. sat out over 760 ‘rem on May day. at intervals of 40 foot. on the public roads. Flour is said (0 be scHing in Know-i310. Tenn. alone dollarand a half asuck. three dollars a barrel. â€"A company of “new fun) Donmmk. 1 arrived i cw York. -â€"Mr. J. B. Lnddox recently died M St. Paul. Minnesota. at the remarkable age of one hundred and four years. â€"Sir Colin Campbell has declined the offer of peerage. bu| would like to be ï¬eld marshai'. and is to have that honor. Morris 0 ’Bnien. a lad only I3 years old. died in l’hi'ndelpnia ou the 9th instant. frum iu- lonlpmance. â€"Lenvc|.wonh papers slate [hat for the 1:151 three month than place has been flooded with counterfeit silver coin. â€"â€"Geu. Shields and Henry M. Him, by ï¬le admiï¬sion of Minnesota. have become mem- bers of the U.S, Senale. â€"The largest individual d01)0~'il-)l’ has no less than $1,950,000 to his Slate slraet. â€"-Gon. Scott is in Washington, with the President in regard to (he Roginmni. â€"Une thousand converts have been added to the Chicago churches since the commence- ment of the present revival. â€"Slonm canal boals have been used with success on the Ohio and Chosopoapo canal. â€"-'I‘ho journals of ille west announce the flourishing condition of the growing crops. -â€"â€"The pnblgc debt of Milwaukic. including its issue of bonds to railroads. is $‘2,2$5,55(L â€"The foreign imm'gration for the ins! year amounted (0 271.558. â€"There are but throe Revolutionary pon- sinners surviving in the State of Ohio. The Cuurl. Martial of Gen. Twiggs. wil| 003'. the Government 6.000 dollars. of a dular in aid ofn Railway abundance at Norfolk, Va â€"Thore were 490 pnasongors left New York for Europe on the ï¬lth inst. -â€"Jefl'erson Davis has recovered sulï¬cieully to take his seat in (he U.S. Senate. â€"Tho slaves of Kentucky nro escaping in large numbers. â€"The gold of Iowa has proved to be nothing but iron pyrilios. muted at 878.000.000. fashionable dresses in Broadway â€"ll is slated that the free ungroes of Texas a availing lhmnsolves ofu recnnl luw ennlul» g them lo chuu~o master and [Income slnves. â€"-The national debt of Spain amounts to £140,000,0l10 snarling. â€"Tho planters of the south are re-planting their cotton. â€"Norwa_v has a population of about :1 mil- on and n ha! 1‘. about lo make am 0 ' Ii demomlrallou â€"Denths in Philadelphia. \ho \veok buforo last, 193. â€"-There waro 341) duuths in New York city, the week before last. â€"'l'he foreign population of Chicago mo â€"Cnlerpillars have uppmred in grout â€"The population: of" all the world" is esli â€"Green is the predominant color in the â€"â€"Cllicago never pledged itselflo {he amount 3621113 3th5. 90 Mormonsâ€"most of Sweden and Norwayâ€" on Sunday wwk. conferring Volunteer credit on YHAT apiece of work is man ! (1)0 ; but how umily Is that paragon of nuimuh nut MM 01' order, and than unless unuwtluue mudes are at hand, llu: paragon hur‘mues a plagua l0 Ilium-“Wand a source of mis -lnul [0 Km fellaws. An unack of d >pcpsiu “'1†reduce a giant [0 the level of a dam 'f. and hung dawn the intellect of u phxlcsupher lo that of the meuucal capachy. Hence the nutussily ofru- cuporming Ihn body and restoring the mama] powuh. lukmg 'ho Lé,"c Pin: and I‘lmcmz: Bl lr’rs. us said by 1/41: [’1 upriulur, H'. I}. MUFFA 33:3 Bram/way. New York. and Ins Agents. A patient. snfl'wing from this complaint. should resort lo speedy relief, Yet there me Val_\' few medicines worlh a cent in curiu diseases. “'hal then shall be dove ‘! We say, use Dr. Morso’s Indian Root Pills, as they are composed of plants and roots ; they will he found nsnre cure for this painful disease, be- cause they purge from the body those corrupt and stagnant humors. and so cleanse and renew the blood, Much is the cause not only of the disease of the liver. and the inflalnation of the kidney and the bladder, butofcvery description ofdisuase. Frau: 3 £04 01‘ the ubove pills. taken everynigllt on going to lie-Ll. will. in a few days, entirely relieve 1‘“: body of every- thing that is oppo‘ed le‘henltl Y lhix dist-use “o l nd :rslaud as inflmuntiou L'izhcr in the u om warm or substance ol tho 3iver. known li_\' (lull pains in the right sitle, the stomach alwztis disordered. the yellow tinge of the shin. d y cough, tongue costing- new, high-culurod uriun. and of :\ thick nature. severu woalturss and sevura pains in the hand. The quantity of corrupted humors iu the region or the liver. causes u defective socmtion of the btlu. The livsr. when healthy, wrves as a ï¬ller to the blood. to separate nll impurity, or to refuse it. \Vheu dist-used, it cannot purify the blood. which. \\ hen sent to the lungs, brains. and other parts in a tno'hid condition. may Cause Juuudicc. Consumption. lusauiu'. &c. and withholding [ha natural stimulus lo the intestines. causes Dysrupsin. l’ileS. and o;her complainb‘. as you perceive tha direct way to unravel and tear the wholo system to pieces. G. 11. HU>BANU. Surgeon ï¬llud and oxu‘uclcd loulh for lor)‘ IIILHUNJI'. 1):. Mama’s. indian Root Pills arosold by all dealers in Medicines. Ja-lm \YouL. 10d perlb. Sham-skins. (frc‘h slunghlvrud) 5s :1 5‘ 7'14. l’ells, 153d u '35 6d. Beef hides, 50 ])(‘1‘ 10') lbs. Cull; skins, ULI per Kinâ€"Globe. Sum-JP an: mul‘c plentiful at a $6 vault. Calves not so much in dmnuud at about, tlw sumo lulv. Lambs 50 .| each. l’uULTnY scarce. For chickcm, 60:: lo (55 is [he current rates. Nothing do mg in other fowl. Bumâ€"'l‘hc market is unchanged, with zuppl'v and demand about. equal. '11.e bust callle an: purchzunblc at $6. llnc price I’uI-ing atom-ding to condition, down to 1, per 100 133., :iukmg one third fur :lu'iukuge. HAYâ€"0n ï¬ne (lays lhc supply has bm-n law in excess ol lhe demand, and all lu‘iccs au'e uuceplcd between $5 lo $17 per 13“. POTATOESâ€"Thch is a plentiful sup- ply olpoxulm-s ollerlng, and plice: rc- uluinsu-udy 2:160: 11 (55c for Canadian 31mm. and 40¢: u 001: for American, ac- cordng Lo qumlily. APPLESâ€"Bound :lpph-s are in dumand It a $3 2.3 per barrel. Bur‘l‘LRâ€"l’rcsh Bum-r has come in Ill't’lly herly, but hm: [hum] rrudy sale .11 25c lml' “1., which may be rah] lu be the Malay; lulu. Tub, ul llrsL-clda: quality, Is sculcc at 90¢ per lb. No 2 is dull ul 1256 :1 15c per ll). EGGS heel) oll'clcd at 8c a We per dozen . A: an illuslruuou of the workng of (lu- Sculcll Uulnrrsily system, much (luscuxr- ed, it i» smlwl that this year llmjnint wir- ner ol'llm Ennpsnn muLthnmllicul £00 prize at King: Unllege, Aberdeen, was Mr. Donald llOlJCrle. Mr. Robertson (says llne Iirugf Journal) has up It) the last six munllls, Wmlwd all lllt‘ sununor at larm labour, cunning llmrcby’ bllllltlcllt to enable lulu: l0 rum-ml the college cluzrt‘: (lurirg llu‘. winter. Ir Imam CAN’T INTOXICATE, IT CAN MAKE (Juanaâ€"One of our Ger- man cilizens, say: the U’alm'tolon (“’n.) Democrat, homing a fair reputation for indusliy and sobriety, undertook, upon a wager. l0 dzink an almosl l'nbu!ons quan- iily of lager hier. The font was more Illun nucï¬lnplhllvll. Al'lrr pcrl'ornnn: this dlhgu>.lng guzzing attempt, am! while H] a slate of ullc-r ln-lplnsuwss, he mqu another l'ool-hzmly her, and lo carry lln- gume out, Wu: allowed to swallow lcn glasso: mom, in ozdlu' Lo convince th of his lolly. The consequence n'ns that he became a raving manmc, a Ili03l ll‘lghlliil and ollicnslve Objt'cl to look at, and had lo be l'CllIOVtHl to his home. For ll'llllb ho hung hehvcrn Me and d1':lll|. warm; and groaning, vomiling hlood, nnl sulllering lhc most excruciating bodily and mental agony. l’EAs arr: nol In active request at 45: to 50c Iver buallcl for tin: Deal cullzm n samples. [If The attention of Sxorckeopers, llolelkcnpem. and F PIRATES ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI. â€"'l‘he people of McGrcgor and viciuily, nn [he Jown sule of the Misshsippi, and â€"'l‘he people of McGrcgor and viciuily, 0n the lawn sule of the Missixsippi, and of the Prairie de Chiun,0n the \Visconsiu side, have discovered an extensive gang of river pirates. and had at last accounts arrested some fourteen cl. them. 'l‘hree bouts of stolen goods valued at $5,000 have been found. The people [hen-.- abouts are much exrlted, and there are threats of applying the Lynch law. This Is regalded a: the boldest, most desperate and extensive gang olriwr pirates that ha: yet been discovered on the Upper Nllbslssllvpl.â€"]}I{flld0 Advertiser. [{Y Lâ€"lerc is Inn dly anyllningjdoing in Rye to 501: a 5'31: per bushel. OATS an: {.01 plunliful, and comumuls are main!) llc-pvudanl rm [humans for their alllllllll’ï¬. l‘l'icts Iunuin at 30c lo 3'3c per bushel. TORONTO, May, 27m. Svmxc “'an is only in moderaxe I'vqucst ut (55c 10 70¢ per bu~ln‘|. A vary line bulllplc might command 7:31: pel bmhcl. HARLEY is in very poor supply, \rlule the demand is nul very active. Prices remain at 30c to 45¢ per buslwl, the .mge 01' ramplus luin as \iidc as llu- Pl‘lct‘ THE SUBSCRIBER will sell by Public Auclion in RICHMOND HILL in the Store adjoining the 'l'nbune Olllce, ' lily'oflager hier. [hull accmnplnlml HHS disgusdyg gnzz m a slate of ullc-r l STOREKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS ! TAKE NOTICE 1 ! Richmond Hill. May 1911!. 1858‘ CROCKERY, GLASS. CHINA AND CUTLERY .' On Friday, May 28, and following Evenings, A LARGE STOCK 0P DISEASE 01“ THE HEART. Special Notices TURUN l U MARKET-S Sale (It 2 and 7 orlmlu pan WM. E. EASTT‘ J. “’. SL‘ RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE IMPORTER. Dentist. has both me In a swish“. 'l‘llISRLAND‘ fl‘llli Eullscribcrs have always on hand Cnmc into the premises of the Sulwcriber. Lot No. 1". 5th Concesflon Markham. uboul the lasx of March. 3 Hazel coloured Sleer. hru mun old. 'l‘ue owner ls requested lo prove properly. pay expans?‘ f:qu tarkre it away. a large and general stnck of the best British nnd Provincial manufactured Writing. Colon-d, Brown. and “'rappiug Papers, “‘3. \Vul'cN, Slate“. 111k. Stool I’eus. Envelope~ Mulallic Memorandum Hooks. 'l'wines. (‘npy Hooks, School Books and General Smtiuuuy. 620.. .\c The fa . lies whEch lho submribers have for manufacturing. having mo of the largest Paper Mills u Canada. they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. WHOLESALE 7 Paper & Stationery Wmchmxo. 7 ‘lllï¬ l llLlH'NSlIL‘tl Aï¬signcos of the losmlv of D. (I. & \V. YA L C, will con- tinna le luh'iuuss under the superintendents at our duly authorized ugnnb‘. Avsun Amer and D. ('uuos Y |Ll-2, “hose receipt will be du|\‘ acknowledged. lib. A|l "ales and accounts remaining un- paid I n (he lal day ufJune. 1858. “ill be put inlo Cowl l'ur cullwliou. v bun . mllm blo fuf u Slulu 'I‘ORUM‘O ( I H" M ARBLE W0th 18.3 YONG E S'l‘ll I‘Il‘Z'l‘. WILLIAM PADG'ET. Markham. April 1511). 1556 145‘ ‘lIE Suhsc: iht-rofl'vrs for sale that \vernou‘n 1 Hole]. uluuxed on Lot No. 5, 61h (Ioucessiun 111 [he 'I'ou'mhip of King. with good sluhling and Seveult-en Arn-s ul'Excallunl Land. leur} ncuexur)‘ uccomudzuiuu for an llulul an: m ï¬rsl rate repair. 'l‘orlns 1-.(lrelnely easy. For I'nr- llu-r particulars apply 10 the proprietor on the pro- miscs or 10 Dr. Uuuunm. Richmond Hill, MONUMENTS. TOMB-TABLES, TOMB-STONES. &(‘. 'l‘wcnty Per Cent Cheaper TH\N Aï¬Y OI'HIZR ES'I'AIILISIHIHT. u. U Timur Acres of good lurid: part 1.0!. To IR. 41]) Can. Vaughan. \N or nhnnl [he ‘ZOIII Fehrnnry Inst. 3 l'UCKl‘Jl'â€"BU()K. Conluining a non- ‘guilhl Julln 'I'llulnpmn [u the mnnnnl ol Pony-eight poundw. due on the 3rd of Frblnar)’ hast. Any persun ï¬nding lhu same and returning it to the owner. David 'l'honnp son. lulQG. 2nd con of Markham, will be sun-:th rewarded. The note will be of no use to any one except the owner. paid in th. Richmond Hill l‘HE Subscriber bop- lo remind (he inhabi- lunls oI lhcllnmnd Hull and the public generally. that he runs a regular Convevnuce, Twice a day. lo the llailroud Stalin". and re- spectfully sulirilsllueirlmu'onnge tlmreln. Pas saugers conveg ed [0 any part ol'xhe cuunlry on the shorleu uolice. Marklxalr . 13!. 1858 ~ril Conwyancr (0 Railroad Slnlion. For Sale or to 1mm. 'I'Ji/mnc uhwe LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N03 644, \ EETS ul WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. l Vinmria Square. the last Fr‘dnv even- I), I wll to a Medical Mull ul' slumliug and "Xl't‘l'll'lll‘fl- “who and Pramieos. both pleuv sum and convuniem, can be had on reasonable [er Applv. if by letter post paid, Lolho Editor of the Tribune. Richmond Hill. June 15â€! 'l‘oronm, April 29. 1959‘ A EETS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL Vi'iIOFi-‘i Squnre, lho last Friday even- ing in each momh. Victoria Square. May 7. 1858 IA meets at Brother Robert Wiseman'm Mih‘flllic “all, the second Sutmd ny evening in «ash Innnlh. Ol-‘Flrms ICLHr'râ€"(‘olonol D‘ Bridgford. Muster. J I}. DaeGmr. Drputy M.sler; John Mnnlmlland. Secretary ; W. l’ogue, Trvmuâ€"er. January 21. 1858. 133 l‘o Medic" 1 Fun: ‘ONTAINI-NG ONE HUNDRED AND For particulars. apply to January 6. 1858. December ‘34. l857‘ King. Nov. 19. l557‘ Dec. ‘3, 18.37 Feb. “.1858 July 23. 1857 GOOD WORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. T“ 0 R NIIIL L. J1†kinds (3f Jllixrctl Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. HOTEL FOR SALE. Richmond Victoria, OYAI. ORANGE LODGE. No. PAINTERS, (l l~ (Ix-nines, GildA-rs, Glaziers, and Paper flangern TANT ED Bushels NOTE LOST! FARM FOR SALE ! WARD & MCCJUSLAND, (200i) OPPORTUNITY now ofl‘ers it I) W l') I. l Unvi OATS, OATS ! strayed Steer Ilmlsc, Sign and Ornamental JOHN BUTTON. [II/LIIâ€. JAMES FANAGHAN. Deputy. THOVIAS BOWMAN, Sarrctury JOHN G\WLEY. Treasurer. 'nrmurs is particularly requested. £11 I. L INCâ€"HOUSE. Sluro-llturm v-Imlhe nnd (ab-ml an Ame 0‘ Vil age 0! \Ilclunu Squaw. su .\ or 'I'avurn. nnply to \V. Trudgvun. F.qu , Richmond Hill. OFFICERS II. UN'I‘IN. BRO KlCHA RD NICIIOLLS‘ to purchase 0n: THousn‘n of good Outs. Highest price Apply at the Trilnma Oflice. EASTTY. Auctiumrr‘ DAVID THOMPSON . 149-4 I'IIUMAS “le032 l’x‘uprie tor. onge nrool, Tovoulo DI. REID, (I, YALE. G. CUMMER 1-litimlcrs Thomhill 26-“~ “v 7‘. 48-13‘ [3| (‘2‘J‘lf 146 136 484! 24-" 0.] A: such modernta prices as cannot fail to se‘ cure custom. W. 'l‘. A., St Co. having considerable ex- pom-ncu iu the Drug business in various purl: of England. have no hesimlion in saying. that u great many of their Manufactured Anicles \'.i.l bu found very superior. Medicine: used in compounding Prescriplimm. Family Re- cuipw. Horse and Cattle Mudecines. 61.0.. are of the very host quality, direct from the prin- cipnl English Drug Houses. W. 'l‘. A. 61, C0. be; to Call attention to their Celebrated Propa- I'atiun for the Tooth. Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Paste. THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Nada Water bottled and from tho founlain; St. (Tullnorines Mineral “Inter. and the Plantagenet Wuler. colebraled for their healthy properties. April 22, 1858. 146 Aka. 0N1". ACRE OF LAND. situated in the Village of 'l'llornhill, will) guod Home and (Jul-buildings. [‘IIE Adrorliner is desirous of obtaining a Situation in n Carriage Shop whore n nnm‘mr 01' hands are lxapl. Would have no objections to dischnrgo the duties of Foreman. Foaling convinced from his knowlo‘dgo of the (rude 'Imi he would be ublo to give general salixl'actiun. Address \V. S‘. Tribune Oflicei. V1111]; Subscriber bugs to 'mfnrm the Public that he has leu<ed lbe above promi~cs. and ï¬lled them “pin u‘uout and comfortable style. Boarders and transient. visitors will ï¬nd the arromodalinns in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors 3nd Cigars carefully seleczed. Good stabling and attentive hustlers. HENRY LEMON. Thyrnln’l‘l. _ M Z l’ropxictor._ \. VOULD respectfully in!“ and Gentlemen. who \F9l\‘0€ of l|i< prul'usduuul wrv be in 1 lnudum-o Llw ï¬r»! Mun l’: “owing ul' ouch mumh. at Richmond Hill: \Vudnrs . Aurum Howl, Auruxu; 'l'iulr rest of the mouth at llm Thomhill Hotel. 'huruhill. If? (‘ommnnicul'ons to be addressed to 'l'hmnhill l’osl ()flive. “Lt‘mumchs [by permission] :â€"Rev. R. l'n min: va. C. (iuwnn; A. Buck. M.D.. N (3. 5.. lung: U. Kuper. M. 1).; l".0\\'eu. l ESI’ECTFULI.Y announces 10 the Public ,genvrallthnl he lmvnngtnknn the F I ll 5 T P R [Z L) fur Ilnrness at the Yonge Slrool Az- ricullural Show. Two Years in succasaion. ,hu rat-Is conï¬dent that he can give entixo salislhciwn in all branches of his lunainess. "f A hrg» sloulcof Héuruass. 81¢. always on hand. and qude to order at lho lowerl possible lellllllH‘l'hllUL' prices. Richmond Hill. On '5. 1857. gIR-h ’ ‘HIS FARM ronlmu ulmut Fil'lv Arrest. “llll a House. (larduu, and small (‘lenr- ance. and is \voll limlncrpd. The “lunar Mill. including 'I'hree good Dwelling Houses. with Gui-dens. and about Fxflrcn Acres of Land. If required h_\' Ihe purclméor. 'I‘hp premisns are m ["9801]! used us an Agriculturnl lulyle- mum and File I‘laclnry. All llle uhova property will he sold o.l may I. rms l'ur (lmll or Yrmly Fagin-uh, mud i~' null: like um-mion ol' the Mechanic and Far- I'm Curaan. Thomas Mulrnï¬'. George Malhews. Julm (IhnrpentierJHiss MaryMcMnrmu. U. Cruferl. Frederick l)i~mad, John Unrxanl. Charla: Dellcbnck. Cristian Drewory. John Evev, Daniel Golder. Miss Elen Goodwill, John Gibson. Rohert Gonna". Juhn Guudwill. John D. Harlem. John Hill. Silas Unmell. James Herrick. David Hastings. Thomas Hitchcock. Jnlnus Hurringlou. Smnnvl Hurrvll. (father-inc Joyce. Margaret Knrr, Janms McBrxde. “ml McKinnon, A. Mellolh. 'l‘. McNair. Andraw Nairn, Alexander l’allerson, Thomas Reid. Eliznbclll Seymour. Pullitk Stank-y. \Villiam Sanderson, VVillitn Sims. Juhn Sheppard. Mrs. C. Tomlinson, Mia: brinov Trustult. Robert 'l‘cmlinson. James Usher, \Villinln Wilson. Richard \Vulurhouse, Joh‘l “flee, Peter HS M. TICEFY. Postmaster. ACRES OF LAND. East hqu of Lot No. ‘2, 7ll‘ Conccasluu, Nuth Uu'illm bury. April I. 1553‘ APOTHECARIES’ HALL 7I;\'G Srnmz‘r, Toronto. 2nd door can! of Church Street. oppmile the Cathedral. \V. T. Arum-«m. & Co._ Late of King slres \le. nuw ull'ur at their new establishment. IIIOT. 50/ hi mber 10 18.37 Ark-'0)“. Gnurgo Atkinson, Jacob .\lkiu.~‘0n. Ehzuheih vaunn, John Buuxrose. Joseph {In} run John Bm-uie. George Campbell. Mrs. Laugh chuiuc Englile Drugs, Pate/it .WIadicinos, French and English Priï¬uncry, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- PVoods, Combs Brushes Qt, SA DDLE é- HA R A'ES S ES'I‘ABLISHMENT. lleulainingin RICHMOND HILL Post Ofï¬ce Ally ISL, [6.33. RICHMOND HILL Two Door Sauth (3/ Me Tmnuxl: Ofï¬ce Premium Harness .Tllauqï¬lctmv’r, QCPAII Work Wurmnled.:€_‘@ PRIVATE SALE! ! L/LV‘D ./).NI) WATER JIIILL I NEAR RICHMOND HILL. 31.11 For lernis apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. ‘l‘imrnhill. l‘lm.nhi|l. Au ust 11. 1857. gIO-L’ SURGEON DENTIST, ONE HUNDRED CORDS 3:? Terms Easy. Ayply to JOHN PALMER. January H. 1858 l)t‘1 .M {)CPPREMIUM \Villiam ll. Myers, 'l‘l [OR‘NIIILL HOTEL. To Carriage lheir much admired Perfume Jun . 2!), 18.38 particuiurs am (n‘ H. HUSBAND; m1 Hill: \Vudnrsd; Howl. Auruxu; 'l'iu (‘Iuw’a Huicl, HnlL the mouth m the MII' FOR SALE! FOR SALE Letters lL‘l‘lllull. Dn. DUNCUNIR Richmond Hill, C,\V Mil-4| Ki-k. Allon thland, (Jude: Law, A. Long. John Lagg. Margaret Mumhrm'. George ï¬lm-my, John Mulruy. George Malhews. Juhn 'McMorqu. U. McBrxde. l);ul McKinnou, A. Mcflolh. 'l‘. McNair. Audraw Nair", Alexander Patterson, Thomas Reid. Elizubclh Seymour. Pullitk Stank-y. \Villiam Sandarxon, VViHilm Sims. Juhn Sheppard. Mrs. C. Tomlinson. Mia: l Lauder. John Richmond Hill Richlneud Hill 2 l 4-H "arm the Ladies .ish to avail {hem- "il'BS. that he will Ida}; and 'l‘uesduy l Ambler’s Hotel. )' following at the I'MIZH' and Friday ud Landing; the ’l‘homhill Motel. t30 I) and Pickled Meals. Poultry. £41. ulwuu on hand Families supplied on the shorluat noli e. Thornhill. March 19. H358. HI EWING AN“ BEM’INE ‘ 00D “’nlchas,Clocks. Jewelry. Melodeons I Electra Ware. Silver Spomm. and Specta- ale: to suit every sight. IE? \Vatch Clubs in Operation. Wurnnted Clocks from 205 upwards. 'l‘oronre. June, 1857. [-3 Regalia. Principe. Having. Munifln and olhér braflds’pf ngars and_Chero_q}s. B Inn, and Livery Stables, - - You»: Smmm JOSEPH GARY begs to inform the public . that he hm commenced to run a Stage I'rum Lha‘nbuve Halal to the O.S.&H.R ll. Smliun. (Richmond Hill) twice a day; and will convey passengers to any part at the ‘, niglu or day, in ten minutespotice. June. l857 :1 Cling-cl. Yul-go Sheet. Richmond IIIIE. A chuice subcliun of (h~lllk~llneus’. Lnlhev :md ('llihlreus‘ “ODIN and Slums ('ulh’laully on Imml. and made lo order on [he Shorwsl Nth nice. liclunoud “ill, June, 1'57 66, King Street Bust. 'l'armltu. Particular attention given to the regulation of ('hildron‘s 'l'oelh. ' U (,‘lu-ap (h-uceriés and Provisions. (‘rm-kory and Glu>sware cheap for Cash. No Credit. D. HOPKINS. xx: é'igl 11sz 1111150211}: Hall, Youaz S'I'Rzm‘r 1 XTENSIVE Slabling. and obligiug Hosllers always in attendance. Choice Wines and Liquors Beer. Portar and various Summer Beverages. An Omnibixs to and from Toronto.- calls at the Holol. daily. Richmond Hill. June. 1857 V WIIE Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen- erally. that he has leased the above Hotel. formerly kept by THOMAS Mu, which he has ï¬ttod up and furnished for the accommodation of his Clistomers.and he trusts by constant attention to their wants to secure a liberal patronage. Liquors oflhe best brands at the Bar. and every attention paid [0 Guests. LUKES’ HOTEL, HELLAND LANDING. [roamznu KEPT BY WM. ROLPH,} ORNER of Palace and George streets, east of the Mmket Square, Toronto. Board :31 per day. Good Slnbling and attentive Hosllars always in auendauce. Au omnibus lo and from the Raihond Station. Richmond Hill. June BLACK HORSE HOTEL RICHMOND HILL HOTEL, Consultations Free. and a“ \‘Vurk Warranled 'X'orunku, June, “‘67. l~wy. Homes and “uggit‘s‘kfllt [Inf IIEIZG‘ Jan. 7. 1358‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 15. 1857. Holland Landing. Sept. 10, 1857 Toronto. Fob'l ‘26, 1858‘ DA VID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling s; Aitchison’s COMBINED Thomhi". Januar) Richnwud Hill. Feb. 17. 1858. 137-13' Toronto. June 18m. 14‘5‘ JOHN MURPHY. House Decorator, Painter, I’AI’ER HANGER, GLAZIER Boot and Shoo Makrr, “JOINING lllo \\'e.~]m~an Melba Richmond Hill, URN [ill of Wright 8:. Yonge streets MORPHY BROTHERS Opposite N ()mui EDMUND G HAINGER, U T C H FIR . "I‘UORNl-ll..l.. anh DEALER IN PAPER HANGING“. HOUSE DECORATIONS. K'c. Ornamvnml Painter. No. 49, King Street, Morni K. for EW M A CHINE S, Richmond Hill, ROBERT SlVl‘lh’, 7 ‘ 4 Doors West of Bay Street THE WHITE SWAN VICTORY HOTEL, LARRIAGE. SIGN. the al.1035273, Jun, THOMAS PALM ER. I’roprietnr. b'. ‘26. 1858. 138-13' ~ You ()ï¬'u-e. Yougo Street, : louws (he ub-wo Iloxul ovary (Sunni: Vs manned.) M suveu oronlo; returning the same &c., 6w. â€"ANIYâ€" RICHARD xumoms FOR ROBERT WISEMAN. _ Proprietor. JOHN SHIELS, l Proprietor. lh “Hull-3‘3" Molbndisx THOS. LUKES, SURGERY. \'\'.(7.A])AMS DOCTOR JOSEPH GABY, Proprietor. [857. g] 8-“ STORE, l'rupduler. Dvutal Prapriclor. gl4-3m g.l\v.y. 3.1 .wy gJ-wy. g.lw\' w \' t3] (33 _nnd upwnrds} mar lean watc- of lime, [u rend ' ur l'lmm (in Slmrl-l-und I Manual. any school b0; llmlr prucxim- is n“ lhul rhhd ul' laminar} Bugs! mole “unfs pm tumult; sutï¬viull lo Ink-e dO‘ sl-uorlms. nml "onvorn 'l'lm -' Manual 01 HI and the " l‘hunuulupic are «m. In airy :uhlleafl. THIS Cournv lnsuros t" descn‘pï¬ms of Buildings.Mnuufncborios. Milk. “Laud Good- zmd Furmlure. in the same. agains} 195$ gzdnlu- agn by ï¬re. on liberal terms. Losses: p'i'lgmplly ‘ "J seuled. A. LA“’:, '4 Residence, ‘ Ge'nerfligoul. Richm ENLAugust 13.18571" gift-Ly JV C. Gut-on, Pros. I Tuna.fltwoa1'll. 3ch Wm. Heudoma‘ . Rico James lmnsk. G"! A ‘lChiï¬n Hugh mu", 5. 1’. outs. \"nller Mncfarlalw. 11051.. W San- Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. , - 0:? FOR SALE. ONSlSTING of Three Village'Lots. with suitable Buildings, with a fourth part or an acre of Land attached to ondl. Dim is 'l small Cottnge suitable for a small family: The second is a New House. adapted for lMechan- ic of any kind or Doctor. (as there is :19 Das- tor in the neighbaurhood). Tlie' third is a Large “61158. with all the abcor’nodéï¬'uns for n Tavern. with a never-failing Well‘bf Water. Alan. good. suitable nut-buildings. consisting ol'driving-lmuso, large shed. wood-shed, gran- ary and stable. together with sumo'choice Fruit 'l‘rees. comprising plums. ~pears,curnnts. and the black tameâ€"cherry. . . N 0 T I OJ . ‘ VALUABLE PROPERTY ‘ The troauneunhey adopt islho result of upâ€" wardsof 3O yeah" extensive and guccosslnfl practice in London. The most invele nut symptoms of Disease eradicated ii‘ engln ur nino days. and cues of a slight mum in (no or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" 'I‘ho cure efl'octed without conï¬nemem or hin- dmnca from business. " ' ‘ ' BUTTONVILLE is situated on A plan- sant rise of ground, on the 41h Conqeasion of Markham. There is an established qut-Ofli'~o together wilh a Griuand Saw Mill'.‘Slo‘fe. with Mechanicsof diï¬'erem kinds. ‘ R.‘ AMOS LE SON. Corner of Main uni Qua)" Streets. Bu’ï¬'alo, New -York. :v a (he only Physicians in the State who am mom- bors of the Royal College of Surgeon LomL u. May be comnlled from 8 o’clock him nu» u. ing until 9 o‘clock at night. on every state nn'd symp'om of disease. ' A There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by hop. in solitude. often gmwix up with them to manhood. and which. if iio liefonnad by them in due lime, not only begets seriuus obstacles to matrimonial happiness; lmt giv 3 rise to a series of perqud. insiilious. and devastating aï¬'ecliens. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are nwarn of the consequences. until they ï¬nd the neivvins system shuttered. fael strange and unaccounta- ble fuelinga. and vague fears in the mind. nsrnusnnp roa Tm: CURIHMPEPNA. GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AVD AOL SCROl-‘ULA. OLD. omens. cmz‘x‘ggmw- um! 01' THE BLOOD, SALT REID“. PIMPLES, FIFI‘ULA, FILES, KIDNMYS. DKBXLITY. m- F|flflllTlES 0F 'YOUTH . " up on) AGE, &c.v An instrument forthn cure of Genital Do- bilily. or more properly known as {Semier Weaknest Nun-um Deluilily. &c., which n e permaumnly cured in from 15 to 20 days IN the useoflhis in " 'uxucm.when used conjo'wfy with nwdieiu ; .- « [Vela Remrdics nicvauirk Cures. “1 ‘ DR. AMOS SON take pleasurein announ- cing Ihul lhu_\ have invented a moat impunnnl instrument for tho cure of the above disemms. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent ph\'.~iein.ns in Londr‘m. Paris. “math.- phiu and Row York. 11 has been dednred I“ only umful umuunont ever )0; invented fur the euro of Smuinnl VVaaknt-ss. 6f inv diwuo of (he gonilnl organs, caused by “is seem! hahits of \ oulh Terms «my, apply lo the Propriekor on the premises. or by Letter. post-paid to'Buuom villa. Possession le be given o'n'th'b ls| if April. or if needed. the lst ofJnnunryz‘ ‘ F 'Tille indisputable. a ’- WILLIAM MORRISON Ur. Amos 3'. Son. in order to Caï¬sfy the most skeptical :h lo the meriLs uf these insuu- nmnts. pIt-«lge elmmcelves. that in any instanco where "It-3‘ may prove unsatisfactory after I fuir lri l. tho numey will be refunded by to- (uming the instrument in good ordqr. 'l‘he Subscriber begs to informâ€!be in- h-ware of empiries and ilinetaul-selfâ€"styled pruï¬â€˜s‘ors, who nnmn- cures. but never succeed Dr Amos 8.: Son have fur a. long series of )‘cais hot-u engaged in an extemive practice in the treatment of these delicï¬w compla‘ims, and are the onlv legally qualiï¬ed Physicians who now udx'cllise Lo cure certain. complaints. or from uhom genuine European telnedies can be nlllnined. ‘ l Inbitants d Riblnnond Hill and sur- rounding country. that he has consumed business'm Puraons “lslliug the above useful instrument will ol-son'v. llml the price, \villLtho‘ nrcomâ€" panying di anions. securely packed/and sent by mull ur exprcn is ten dollars. rvceipl of llmrprit'e Iluuse Pamtmg, Glazing, Paper IIung‘mg, Grammg, 4-9, (jac- Ho hopes Ihut by slricl attention to rll_order an- lrnmhd In him which will be execulelin a neat and workmnnliko manner. on "a!" phones! no- licu. to nmril 3: than; ul‘ public puma. Rnrhmmnd um. uncut). VALUES. Man“ II. 8.38. l Modem l‘yzkstns 'xx ANY PART OF nu: VVonLD may be successfull} healed By forwarding a correct detail of xlnéir 03:68. with a renï¬aance for Medicinev. ‘\'(¢.. which will be reumlcd with tho llllno\l dispatch. and secure from observation. [MTMAN’S Manual of Phonogrnphy is a wmk of about H10 pages, every other leaf of “'||i('h ix~ printed from stone engravings. giving wuiling («Bruises in the art which the hook is designed to teach. By lhe’ise of this Manual. any school boy or girl. 01‘58 6 years _:md upwards. mar laurn, in a sugprjsingly short when of lime, to rend and Write I’llouography ur [Wont (ir Shun-hand, and a few‘iwnlhs of dmlr pmcxiu'l' is all [hat is required (O'enahle l A'hhd ul' muium') inmlligence to wrio 100 or mule nuan pm mQuulc! TIN; rate 91' speed is Hume": lo Ink-e down ordiuui-‘v 'sermons. spuvrlms. nml "onvamlion “TM-l nispokom 'l'lm -' Manual 01 Phouographv." 15 cams. and tho " l‘hunuunupic Copyhoï¬k " 25 gems. nro «~11. In any .'l('llIB.\S by m ‘ aid. on rvccipl of the wire. ONE DOLLAR.†Addron. pom-mud. a' WILLIAM [1. 91m. OMIAW‘AJ C. W" From “'th all English or Amati-n Phon- g rapiu Works may 11 IafocurML 4 l4?â€" Address Ur. Amos &, Son. corner Muiu and Quay streets. Bull'rxlo, N. Y. > 446-†P A I N '1‘ IN G, Young Menâ€" Take Partuulm' Notice. P 11 0 .rifé I: .21 in: r BUTTONVILLE, NE IV TREfl TMENYZ Buffalo Medical Dispensary A .Most Scimti/ic Intention l-‘im ! Fire ! 1 Fire 1-4QO (I. IPITflL STO CK, £ t00,(fl0. Bmtonville, Oct. ‘28. 1857‘ (if? No Mercury Used. .43) ~ 1 Ar 1&3. [ï¬rm-onrmu n1 ACT or Luann: "and (Mia. Church Strut. T015111; a Township of MARKHAM, Nauru H. 358. l Flourishing Village Beware of Impositiqn. WRITING BY SOUND! BOARD OF DIRECTORS. WESTERN IN THE IN THE