.1 mil 1‘ fl :5 WINMIORJ'Ar NEW CANADIAN ,_ .mrz'r. . , _..... ‘ [Original] 7 -.’n‘;.;..:- V.’ -t;.-fÂ¥on¢Dec9th 1856 Well my dear trieadi if so it be spent some ï¬reside talk from me my behool I'll give you a bit af'hï¬lt'inyofl'eoial desk I all I've but a small attendance now To I’ another just twenty two Jones-y bud road! keep them away ‘hd‘otherv the scarlet fever stay ,gigtflilll'lve Bill Jack Jim and Mick i, talking sir) tack goes the stick Therefe Mary and Sal and Cute and Jin ‘ a dozen girls 1 wean loan that ought to he mending shirts ‘1“ at being here to mend their wits “In low they are out to have a play Yoh’tl think they'd scream their lungs away Rowlhch comes one with a sum she cantrlo v ’wo [ores ore six sir (I stomping my foot cries) '.‘~ '9' “on come. snothcr- his intoth I cant ï¬nd Here courts silsiy one‘tho rest has left behinl . â€"it is now dinner time all's now alert ‘1, mama: of Goldsmith for a desert But new air aghino my fun is all gen vhf scarce got through and yet it is one Here they come a coppy they want '~indlher sir how innit I post this account ’ . But now they'are coming thick and fa~t .Wl must leave my tumble at in st " [AI few weeks ago we had the pleasure of noticing the advent of a new poetical work, by vflilMeLu'hin. of-Erin. It is now our pleasing W10 introduce to our readers a new poet. ‘whoftrom the peculiar freedom of his style . rm diction. may fairly challenge the irritable ‘m.’ The deï¬ned“ the muses wields the I ï¬iwoinithe flourishing Township ofMorkhnm. mil I nutter ofregret that a genius of this des- cription should thus spend his life in obscurity. flint. it must be remembered that Homer was reduced to the miserable necessity of going shrough the streea of his native city. in the «mlition‘tof a blind-medical“. and gained a "nearly subsistence by singing his own ballads ; -Shekupear was neither understood nor ap- prised according to his meriLâ€"it was long :nftqr. he had gone the way of all the earth. that , , lo gtaleuts began to be appreciated. Little ,‘pupder then that our Markham pool should. like many, a flower. be born " to blush unseen. and waste its sweetness on the dcsertair." We welily predict: that when Shakespeare. Scott. end-Dubi- have sunk into oblivion, this tutor in the literary; I'iramamcut will shine no diright as ever. “'e ive the above as a speci- nihn of the poetical e utrions of his fertile ims. ‘aatien; condoning our read-rs against cri i- mmingdloo clorev his orthography or style of composition. but 'to forget all these tilings'irl or. sublimity of his ideasâ€"En.) ilnnitum findings. BENNIE AND THE TIGER. A fair little English boy lay sleep- ing in thc shady verandalt ofltis lu- dian home. The servant who was left with him was unfaithful to his trust ; and while he slept wandered away in scorch of pleasure. A treacherous tiger, prowling in search of a pig or a lamb for a supper, ï¬nd- ing the village very quiet ventured Tlle En- glish gentlemen were all absent, and in among the dwellings. most oftllc nalivcs Werc ill the rice swamp, or the paddy field; while the white indies, exllnuslcd with the heat, wurc taking their rest, little dreamingr how curclcss were their nurses. The treacherous tiger noiselessly post the dcscrtcd lmusc, till he spied the sweet little sleeper. Then with one bound in sprang upon him, grasped the flowing while robe in his teeth, and darted off to his jungle. Having secured the c re pl prize, he laid him down, and as a kitten plays with a captive mouse, begun sporting with him. He walked round and round, laid ï¬rst one paw and then another on the plump little fact, and looked into his beautiful face as if his ferocious heart was almost melted by its sweetness. There was a brave heart in little Bennie, for he seemed not at all alarmed by his strange companion. He was woll used to Nero, the large black house dog; the ponies wore his chief favorites; and he felt inclined to look on the tiger, perhaps, as an addition to his circle of dumb friends. 01 iflhe glance of those fiery eye-balls alarmed him, and the display of those drendfuI rccth made his heart beat for a moment, he only returned the gaze, saying in baby language. “ I’m not afraid ofyou, for I’ve got a father! You can’t touch Bennie-Bennie's got a mammal†0, how strong "Th" 9"“5'“ 5" I “'it'hlw“ inseam“! this trust in earthly love made that 10 this." writes a friend. " old Dr. Dâ€", who, Although a man of ï¬ne sense. was unfortunately addicted to intempersnco. While visiting the city of Hawkeevillc. famous for its coal mines. frail boy! Vl’liy will not those who know that God is over all conï¬de in him in timcs of danger. and be at the was overcome by King Alcohol. and fell rest '7, into a drunken sleep. The boys of the place- tfo'rtd of fun. concluded that they would carry 'tho Doctor into one of the coal mines to see Chat efl'ect it would have upon him when he At this time the boy's mother 'slr-pt, nor dreamed of danger to her darling. The truant nurse, missing awoke. After an hour or two the Doctor her mile chm-go’,ï¬e‘v from house to aspen“! his éyu,.mt seeing aomauy biggigr faced men with lamps in the .side of their erg... I g wary naturally concluded that he rm: Ill;_a¢_l‘ A . - ’ “other world. As soon as the miners discovered him. An itng native had heard the “house in search of him. But the eye which never sleeps was upon “Iâ€. ’l‘ "u “"h- °“° I“ 1h"? “rpm‘cl‘cd 19m growl of satisfaction. which to ‘“ No. I thenlr'youi Mr. Devil. sly-led the Debtor. ’ ‘ ,If you want ltn ignoramus' to respect you. i“ dress to death." and wear watch seals about hind the bushes. 1h. size of: hrickbat. , his, Corinne. he followed in “"tl-irit ilth ‘. bottle, and'aikfd at... to drink. I quit dtinking ' intros weeks before 1 loï¬ the otherwurld !" re- his practised ear told him that a ti- ger had scizcyd his prey. Taking his trail, and secreted himself noiselessly bo- Hc watched his opportunity to ï¬re. and trembling H n has been satisfactorily ascertained that lest the. charge meant for the tiger ducks enter the water for (liters reasons. and "come out for sun-dry motives. ‘ I A‘ceuntry curate was dining with the bidiop ethic diocese. when he was asked.‘by his boat. 310w he liked the wine. " Bonus rinum." he V from a curate ’I†" Yes," replied the ornate. " bad Latin for bad wine." Other wine was ._ \' Shellfishwhen the curate rmechd his lips and Olelaimtd, " Barium tinum I" ' iA oorpnlent ‘cle'rgym’an rose at a public dirt- aer to return thanks, which he did by laying . his hands imploringiy on his stomach. and .lyiug 1â€"“ We thank Thee for those blessings to beautifully spread. and our capacity to enjoy V chem.†"Father," said a cobbler‘s lad. pegging away at an old shoe. " tllev say that trout bite good new." “Well.welt.†replied the old gentleman. "you stick to your work, and dirty won’t bite you!" An old gentleman being asked what he withod for dinner. replied. “ An appetite. good company. something to eat and a clean napkin. †. ‘It is a very common thing to abuse lawyers. Ilrieflesslawyera, however. should always be excepted. It would be wrong to speak of a can " without a cause." All Ohio politician was boasting, in a public epeeeh. that he could bring an argument to a point as quick as any other man. “ You cart Mn. a quart to a pint a good deal quicker,†replied a Kentucky editor. â€".~ A coqnette is a rose-bush. from which each young beau pinch a leaf. and the thorns are is“ for the husband. â€"â€".._ The Philadelphia correspondent ot' the New York Dispatch gives the following .â€""A few days since, a young than. who had long been attached to achurch. and who was about to have for New Orleans. came to bid his pnslor farewell. " And so you are going to that de- generate place. New Orleans, are you 1" said the pastor. " Yes. sir : but I don't expect to be influenced by any extraneous pressure of ms: kind." responded the young nml, With considerable earnestness. " “'ell. l am glad to see you so conï¬dent. I hope the Lord will guide you. Bat do you know the temptations which exist there 1" “ Not particularly. sir." .’wal‘. Ida. You will ï¬nd wanton women. in the guise of Perla. tempting the very elect: and rare wines ltnd ardent drinks ,- and vou'll ï¬nd fine company, and night brnwling. and gambling. and dissipation, and running after the lust of the old man Adam." “Still. sir. I hope to combat these .-IIr-rss<t‘ull\-." "l hi-rpe you will. my dear Christian brothrr.†VII the reply. "1 hope you will; and 111 nu- , give you this much for your consolation. in can you should fall from grace. The totnpter ' 5 “gram thug the sin , and the greater the temptation. the more merit there is in resisting hit, The man who goes to heaven by the Iraq grim Orleans is Cure to have twice as high a place int-tarsal glory as he who reaches Paradise thlvugh the quiet portals of Connec. ticIIt‘or Pennsylvania." ~â€"â€" ,npttoa. « What !" exclaimed .n. -- bad Latin. ' Au elephant once nearly killed an Irishman for an insult offered to his trunk. '- The set w rash in the extreme. but it was impo-eihlo." Did- the Hibernian. †to resist a nose you Mid pull with both hands." might kill‘ the_boy., , He took his aim and ï¬red. The tiger ran a few atcpd tow‘ard the jungle, then stag- «gored and fell dead within a few yards of the little captive. Do you think that mother can ever forget that kind old native .7 could she ever forget God, who saved her dar- ling from so terrible at death! There is an enemy more danger- ous than any beast of the forest, who seeks to destroy both body and soul -â€"Satan, whom thc‘ Scripture calls “ a roaring lion.†He has many servantsiwho watch like the tiger for their prev-â€"rcndy to spring upon unguarded youth. God has warned us against these spiritual foes, and promised his protection to all that trust in him. THE Err-nor or THE IIUMAN Vo!cr: UPON Wan Ammau AND Burnsâ€"No sound, however loud, whether produced by a cannon or a fowling~picce, causes the same amount of terror amongst wild an- imals and wild birds as the human voice. A writer in the London -‘ Field†says-J‘I have always known more grouse to be sprung by Sportsmen speaking to their dogs, or to each other, on the moun- tains, in the sltooting-scnson, than by any other cause; and it is a rule of mine only to make use of the whistle and signs to my dogs, such as taking offmy hat, 8m; and a wicked or cross look has often more good effect upon :1 (lug than a whipping. So, likewise, in snipe-shooting, one word spoken springs more birds than twentv shots. If you go to a rabbit-bui- row to ferret you may being away all day with your gun and the rub- bits will still bolt ; but once com- mence speaking and your sport is over, the/ferret lies in, and the rub- bits submit to certain death sooner that move towards your voice. Porridge are so much accustomed to the loud voices of farmers and laborers, that, generally speaking, you may talk as much as you like in pursuit of them. Nothing proves the polver of man over the brute creation more than his voice. Even in the tllickr‘stjnnglcs wild beasts will skulk away iftltr-y hear him speak." SKETCH OF LUTHER. A course, rugged, plebian face it was, with great crags of check bones~a wild amount of passion- ate energy and appetite! But in his dark eyes were floods of sor- row; and deepest melancholyh sweetness and mystery, were all‘ there. Often did thch seem to meet in Luther the very opposite poles in man’s character. He, for example, for whom Richter had said that his words were half batâ€" tles, be, when he ï¬rst began to preach, suffered unheard agony. “Oil, Dr. Stzrupitz, Dr. Stanpitz,†said he to the Vicar-General of his order, “I cannot do it, I shrill die in three months. Indeed I cannot do it.†Dr. Stnnpitz, a wise and con- siderate man, said upon this, “ \vcll, Sir Martin, if you must die, you must; but remember that they need So preach, man, preach, and then live So Luther preached and lived. and he beâ€" good heads up youth-r too. or die as it happens.†come, indeed, onc gl‘cnt whirlwind of energy, to work without resting in this world, and also bvforc he died he wrote very many booksï¬ uooks in which the true munâ€"for in the midst of all they denounced and cursed, \vllat ttmchcsoftcnder- Look at the Table Talk for example. ness lny. VVL see in it it little, bird, having aliglttcd at sunset on the bough of the. pear tree that grow in Luther’s garden. Luther looked upon it and said 2â€"“ That little bird, how it covers its wings, and will sleep there, so still and fearless, though over it arc the inï¬nite starry spaces, and the great blue depths of im- mensity. Yet it fears not~â€"il is at home. The God that made it too, is there.†The some gentle spirit of lyrical admiration is in the other passage of his book. Coming home from Leipzic in the autumn season, he breaks forth into living wonder at the ï¬eld ofcom. “ How it stands there,†he says, “ erect on its beautiful taper stem, and bend- ing its beautiful golden head with bread in it ; the bread ofman sent to him another year.â€â€"â€"Such thoughts as these are as little windows, through which we gaze into the in- terior of the depths of Martin'Luth- er’s soul, and see visible, across its tempests and clouds, a whole heav- cn of light and love. He. might have paintedâ€"*he might have sung â€"coulrl have been beautiful like Raphael, rreat like Michael Ange- lo.â€"~â€" Carlyle. \. Sihnirlirrmrnlr. VNE W rotâ€":11 minim Buffalo Medical Dispensary, 7.5TA31J5HILD Felt THY. Cl'RE 0P IPl‘SPI“. A, GENERAL DEBILITY. FEVER A‘D AGl/L. SCROFULA. OLD ULCI‘ZIIS. GREAT IMPU- ttnv or nu; moon, s/lL'r anvn, PlurLEs. FlS’I‘UIA. FILED, IIDNMYS. DI-thlIJIY, IN- FIHMITIES 0F YOUTH arm our acre, do 637' No Mercury Used. 4:3) I R. AMOS &. SON. Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo. New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn: ing until 9 o‘clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days. and crises of a slight nature in two or three days. at livery moderate expense- The cure effected without conï¬nement or Iliu- drance from business. Young lllcnâ€" Take Particular Notice. There is an evil llnbit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness. but giVes rise to a series of protracted. insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences. until they ï¬nd the nervous system shattered. feel strange and unlit-counta- blo feelings, and vague fears in the mind. A Most Srimti/ic Jmtmfion. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness. Nervous Dchility. &c., which are permanently cured itl front 15 to 211 days by the use ofthis instrument. when used conjoiutly with tllotliCines. aw chwdlcs and Quirk Cures. Du. AMOS \\' SUN tnke plcnsure in announ- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseasos. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris. Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Sort. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- ments, p edge themselves, that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the nbove useful instrument will observe, that the price. with the accom- panying directions; securely packed and sent by mml or express. is ten dollars. Beware of Imposition. Beware of t-rnpiries and itinerant self-styled professors. who Arraurr cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Sou have for a long series of years been engaged in nu extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the onlv legally qualiï¬ed Physicians who now adveriiso to euro certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. l’izttsoss r.\‘ an PART or Tn: “'ontn may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail or their cases. with a remittance for Medicines. «a, which will be returned with the utmost dispatch. and secure from observation. Address Dr. Anne dc Sari, corner Main and Quay streets. Buï¬'alo. N. Y. t‘lti-ly my“; only Sut- c Remedy IN Tllli VVORI.D for the ‘énre cure of lthnunmtism. Pains in the liltcli. Ilrenst. and Side. l‘nlpltn- timt hf the llenrt. 'l'onlltnclie. He'an mite, \Vnak Stomâ€" ach. and General ill-luilitv. Cramps ill the bummed. I'lti>tl'(1 Hands or Feet. Sprains Bruises. nr Slill'llt‘is ill lilo .lrlilllN. FPVCT and Agile, (Illnlcrn Morlms:_ (.‘nugln' Cums. 1.0.3.: of Apt-Bill“. Summer ('mnplnink, Bruises. Sore 'I‘llront or Quinn-r. Strolllngs, Cuts. Burns, xtcrunl injuries, \\O.IIS Dr. 'I‘ll:lll)l(‘l_\"‘a‘ Vegetable Compound. ' " Its oflil'nr‘y‘ has been fnlrlv tested, and ile’ virtues: pmnouured \Iltpill‘illlt‘ll ll " The cures lllatin lil' Ur. Tun]va will! his Vegetable Compound. are >0 miraculous as to resemble the forum! Scriptural :n-onntrt of similar cases in ntlcveut tilurw. and lllOV‘ PIN“ are so wonderful and instantaneous, so Solis» factory and lllilignling of hulllnll ill, nsto cull npun public functionaries and those having charge of pllltllt‘ illSllillIIOIIS for the sick and suffering: to look well into the troll attested merits of this Vogvtalilo l\lt'tltt'll\l\. Numerous roses, two months in Hospital. without any benefit, llrrve llf‘f‘ll (-tll'ml l|\' rt few days‘ inc ofthc \‘rzvtrxhlc ('ompunnrl. I It is the most soothing lnctllcille in the world, or that over will be. The Vegetable ('umpound i»- pul up highly Concentrated lll bottles nrronlpnuiod with printed directions. .‘lllti-‘l'lls lot-2.7 001118. 5“ veins, and $1 pm‘ lmltlc. Dr. Tllltlblt‘ty‘s l‘t‘getnblc Pills. The best and saft-st ('ntllnrlic :llul Purifying l’ill ever offered to the public for the our.» of Costlvolless, lililttll‘w‘ (.Ynlllplniuts, lllolh)‘. Heartburn. l'li-zuluclle. ItllSlllLf from it lonl Storm-it'll, Nansen. Indigestion,hmlrllirl Illt’tr- lion ofthn Barrels, and 1'ml) linking illi-inlnln, Flntulouoy. Loss of Appetite. nil [liver-s and Cutaneous Diseases u lurlr impure on ovrlcuml' Medicine. Sf‘l‘ofula, King's l‘lvil. 1"nnrlionnl Dormigcmoutnt‘lllo Liter, Splvr‘tl mtrl l'iscmn, they stand lllllll'ltllt‘tl. 1L? Price £15 rents and 5(1 routs per box. Those nre no murlunnd untried remedies experimentally placed before the public, but they lmvo slmul llll" lost of years. All tbnt scivurr. skill and evpmiem-n Polllll do, in poi-footing grind. \l'llOlf‘~l)ll)t’.\ and ever snfc and I‘CllzllllP Fumin l‘lf‘lllf‘lllt’u, llnvc 1)t'L'|l concentrated in llama prrpnrnliuus. Nu pr» routs who value tllo llf‘flllli or even the lives ofl'hoir children slnutltl be without [11(‘ftl. lltllllll‘t‘tls of I’llysir-iuns now use them and acknowledge them In lie tlu- muslsrictttlfir: and wholesome preparations ever offered to the public. For sale wholesale or retail by Dr. Tum- blelv, atllisoflivv, lII King Snot-l, Toronto, Cnrimlu \I'esf. " " Poor people will he liberally dealt with- v. _- . Toronto. Doc. 24, lHa/ Lil Hot. 3 ,4 E‘,‘ t" E" Pd 0' 'OLNO'upI. i 'IQHVGNILLV Ml SAYIA‘II WK) WIVHJOE 3" ,0 a o. 0 ll! 4 > u: .â€" 2 n > 4 .4 D n I 'H a D z D -t :a C m -t 4 Z 0 m .1 u. a 'flfl'a‘rut , '1'11 ['2 I. GOLD EN PREZE I ILLUS’I‘RA’I‘EU. DEAN 5L SILTER, Editors null Proprietors. f ‘IIE \‘ew York \Vevkly Gfl/rfr’fl, I’n'y' I in one of Ililf lll'fltl‘l null ltral literary papers oflho tinyâ€"nu Harper-ltd Qunrln, CDIIlallnng LIGHT Wild-501‘ YUII‘I‘Y (‘tti \‘M35. 01 entertaining and original matter. and elegantly illustrated every week, A GIFT, Wort’fu men 50 (1.5“ '11! $51 (ll) IN com, “It'll be presented to elicit .«ulncnbor Inztllorlt- ately on receipt of tile sulwcriplinu money. This is presented as a Memento of It‘riendslnp. and not as an inducement to obtain allbecl'iliols. TERMS: One Copy for one year . . . . . ()ne Copy for two 3 nrtt‘ 2i 5i) and 13 pills Ono Copy for three yours. . . . 5 (ill “till 3 gifts One Copy for five vmirs. . . . 8 00 and 5 gifts AM) To rl.n s Three Copies, ono your . . . . , 55 Five Copies, one your . n‘ "‘2. "(l and lglft. 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Immediately on rcrcipt of tho money. the subscriber’s nulno \vlll ho t‘lllcl‘etl upon our $300 on cal-ll . ‘Jllll llll thl ll [[10 (IU cacti ltlll (l0 C‘ltf‘ll ’3 (ll) onrll 'tl til) ouch Ill UK) eurll week, by mail or express, pth paid. All communications should he addressed to IIECKI'I'I‘ .v. Co. 48 and 49 Moll'ut Budding, New Yolk. 0:?- LOOK AT Tins 19:0 I’LOUGH, [.0011] and .«1N1'll.. That of what we are houndâ€"tit any cost to ourselves â€"lo make the Leading industrial Journal of the timesâ€"the best for the Farmer, the Mechanic, and the Fondly Circleâ€"we make the ful’owing unprecedented liberal oll'cr :~ Our I‘Llevctltlt Volume will comtuenrc with January, “SSâ€"will run in January, laj‘Jâ€"nud contain 713?! large ortnvo pages. on flue pop“. with new lypr‘. It will be is~llcd within the fier week of ouch month. in numbers of (54 pages eat-ll, done up III the luwl magazine style. T0 all who “ill forward the llloncy for this volume, (IS single subscribers or in t‘lllllS. “'6 will send grattllliouslv. the numbers of the cur- rent volume. from the time of their forwarding, and one month prevmus, thus giving in two, three, or four lllllllIIL‘l'<, accordm to th 9 time, to all who subscribe before January. Tums 2â€"452 1. vrnr, in ndvnnre; $I 50 to clubs of four and upwards: $1 for s x mouths. Advertising. tell cents rt line. For giving pllb- licity to improved 51001:,ngrit‘llltul'n' implements, Jllecllanicnl improvt-nwnts, and like mnllnrs of general intone-t, (hero is no other Medium good at the price. leersl terms to persons dispo~ed to :1: agents for this work. 1.141 us llt‘lll' from til .1. A. NASH. M. 1’. i’AillSH. 'i Peelttnan Street. New York, October ‘22. INST. '1‘ o P 1:71.\‘""E‘71l s. HE SI'BHFRHEIJR hugs to inform the Trade, that his Stork 0f PRINTING I’RI-ZSSES, TYPE. INKS, and all other description of materials. hurl been VN‘V largely illt'rt‘fl‘il'tl this Sensor). bv arrival:= from NEiV YORK, I’llll.AI)l-'.l.l’1'11A. BOSTON and MONTREAL: niltl that b8 is prepared to supply orders for new Others, in addition to these in operation. at tho Shortest ltolir‘e Printing: MACHINES and ENGINES im- ported to order. Ilost quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling por lb ()M T3015 taken in ruftangcfnr ""5. D. K. FICEI‘I AN. Colborne st , Toronto, Jan, 9, IS 57- [15 Ton (‘npicax one \ our. . . . ..l-t (ill and lit r_i|f]s beak, and the gift will be forwarded within one LMOST I'IYIZIIYISUDY isorlloriug the the rest may be as wise, and possess themselves 1 Fire! ! Fire! I .' \VESTERN Fire Insurance Companyl of Toronto. Fire INCORPORATED l'Y ACI‘ 0F I‘IIILIMlIENT. C'APITJL STOCK, £100,000. DOAl‘tl) 0F .1. C. Glleon. I'l‘ou. \an. Ilcttrlnrscll, Jill"l'.‘11(\il$k' Hugh M llor. \Vttllcr Mtrcl‘nrletle. DIRECT (ms . | Titus. IIAWORTH. V. Pres. Rice Lewis. Geoch Milrllic, J. I’. Rulian Robl. Slaulon, Sec. [1:7 Ifuul (Wire, Chi/[Th Slrrt'l, Tormtlo. a1 Tins ("nMMNr Insure? all descriptions of. Buildings,lllrtntlfactories. Mills, the†and Goodsl and Fltl'llltlll’El, in the some. against loss ordain- nge by tire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LA\V, Residence, General Agout. fliclllt‘ I ill, Angrth 13,1357. gill-1y [- rr 0 .ivaa no pl! '1' 0R WRITING BY SOUND! I)1TM.\N’S Mnnnnl (if l’llonogrnplry is n V \vnrk of about liltl pages. evt-ry other lunftlf ll'llfi’ll is prilllvrl lrom Stout) nilgrtlvingï¬ giving \VlllillL’ oxt-lcnm in the, art wllu‘ll the book is «lung-nod (0 (vault. II} the use oftltis Mnullal, u_\ St‘llllul buy or girl, of :3 or ii years filltl upwards, lnnv learn, ill a surprixiugly short \pnre of time, to lead and write I'ltollugl‘npllt' or 1)1)t)l|t‘llt‘ Silott-llnntl. and :l few Illnllllli of daily practice is all that is roqunml to enable a child of I‘l‘lllll-‘Il'l' intelligence to write 101! or more \voul.c per Illllllll"i This rate of speed is slilllt‘lt‘lll to take (10“)! Ol'tli 'l|'_\ sermons, SliI‘FCllf‘S, and : mnmsolinu as fast as spoken. The " Manual of I’llunrlgrnphy'.†75 cents, and tile †I’lmllrrgrapic Copy-book," :15 tents. are sent to an) fltllll't'nS, by mail. pod-paid, on rncoipt of lllt‘ pl ion. Ul\ 1'1 DOLLAR. Atltil'ms, pufl-pnirl, ii ILLIAM 1f. ORR. ()>ll,\\vi. C. “7., From whom all Enql‘nh or American l’hon- grnpic “'orlis‘ may 11 inrnturrrl. t-12. PERIIAM OUT-DONE ! ’ ‘lll‘l proprietor of the MERCAVTILE (lt'lnr. would respectfully (‘nll the attention of Merchmlta Farmers and Mech- nnirts melding out ofthn r-itv. to tho moderate terms for :t )0nlly Slllrt'ripdlotl to the Gums. being. to [mill StlllSCflefS. only nifty Cults, Pr'r .guultm, "AKING 11' THE (‘HHAPFST NVClV‘P/II‘I'III IN THE UNITED S'l'.\ ES. The columns of the “ Guide†will votttuiu the usual variety of original and spicv nrtic'es. written not olllt‘ I0}?lt\1~(‘, but to instruct. In tcg'lrd to politics the" fluids“ will maintain all indnpelltlt-tll lune. and from time to little \vlll advocate momma»: as conllnrzlivo to beneï¬t the grentllllmber. I’ltkl‘llUtH.â€"AN an indur'emrnt for persons to interest themselves to obtain susrriplinns for tho “ lllcrcantllu Guide." we offer the followâ€" ing premlums. Upon the rermpt of the names paid in advance. we will forward by cxrlress. 0r ttlllel'\\'l~0 lt'ordvred, to the address of [rose e'ltltlod to them . Fur 3t)†suliwrilil-rs, cash . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 For ‘25†subscribers. we will give a spirit- ditl gold watch. warranted . . . . . . . . . . . ZID Oil For ‘ltlll subscribers, we give, an elegant gold locket. four glasses, worth . . . . . . 15 For 1:30 subscribers. one elegant bracelet II For 101) subscribers, one gold \‘t‘\i(.‘1)itlll lr,‘ For 75 subscribers. one gulrl pen and ()0 Oil (If) holder. 1|al|d~0lllell ctlg rived. . . . . 5 ()0 For 5“ subscribers, one gold pe and bolder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 (JG For ’1») subscribers. no gold pen and bolder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 For-25 Sllllxt'l‘lllt‘rs. two IIIL'tlillllI gold pens and holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2 00 For-12 subscribers. one gilt] pen and bolder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 pâ€, All cmnmuniualions should he nrlre~5ed in W. BLAKHJ' I'Zditnr and Publisher of the New York {\Inrci ltilu Guide, No. 1in Greetiâ€" wivh Street. New York. Newspapers throughout the Union by pith- lislling the above. npprop inn-1y tli<lila_\'crl, ill- cll.l1ln;_r this notice. the llluntlls. turd (:ttlll'lr ntlellttutl cdifovizrlly' to the some. and Sfllltllllg us the paper. will be EIIIIIIC‘Il In an exchange. and receive a gold pen and bolder worth ton (loliars. dï¬-‘Zlu It‘Uli 'l'lll'l SEASON. USSS. 1553.] Tim Imported Premium. Draught Horst: GREAT BRITAIN Will stand for Mares this season lowing places ;. IlIO.\1).\Y, Mu: ZLâ€"llo will leave his~ own stable, lot ll. rear of the 5th coil. of \Vhit- church. nntl pureed to James Lloyd's. 4th con 01' Wllilchtlrrlt. at nun“ ‘. thence to Chris- tlsoll's, Yongo street, and slop all night. 'I'UJCSIJAYâ€"lln will pl'nt‘nl’tl down Yollge street to Joseph (i?tl)_\ ‘s, and stop all night. WEDNI'ISILI Yâ€"Iio ll'lll prucoetl to Mn- pleville. 4th con. of Vanghnn. at noon ; thence by wny of Russol’s to Mnrlvllle, .ith curl. of Vaughan, and stop all lllLVl‘ll. THURSDAYâ€" He will proceed in Henry 1“o:tllt(-r:~‘lnnc’$, 'l'liorlliull, nt "00†; tltcnco in at the fol- night. FillllA YAâ€"‘llo will prnr‘crtl llrown’s Corners, 411i (on. of Markham, at noon ; thence to William Duroso’s. Victoria Square. and stop all night. SA’I‘l‘lIl).\Yâ€"â€" lln will proceed to S. IliiLIlitunK', (.‘I'U\ll}’.\ t‘ornt‘ls, at noon ,' thence to his own slublu and lent-mu iill Mandi} Illul‘lllllg. '1 lie nluno route will [no continued during the season, lloultll ltlltl wrnllwr permitting. The owner of GREAT BRITAIN wont to l‘lt‘glnlltl in 1855. for the express purpose of solectuig ounof 11101)th IlIllsos adopted for llllS Country, and pllrcllnsctl (trout Britain.â€" As he has descended from the must noted line of Dl‘nllgllt llorrees. rtllll possesrod of great strength, symmetry and Mltlrl'lnl’ action ; and the breed of Mums \l'lllt'll Ito luts slil’llllg 'rtnn has been ill Mr. Thomas Cnss' family since ltlll‘Zâ€"altd for strength, symmetry and good constitution, Klflllll.‘.lllll‘lViI118tl in Englandâ€"it lnusl recommend him to tho patronnge of nll judicious hunters. to Shioltl‘s. Pedigree of Great Britain. Gill‘iA'l' lllll'l'AlN Is a beautiful dopple 1110\"Il. clear of “lulu: rising it yours old: stand" I? hand. lllgll. with strong flat bone and >uperlur itcllull; has proved himself a sure foul goiter. He has received premiums ul 110\\’t‘lt‘ll, \Vcnllu‘rb. Solby. Tutlcaster. and Yolk; also, the 1l|‘>l prize at the Markham Socioly‘,‘ the ï¬rst prize at tho Yougo street Agricultural Society, and the second prize at lilo Slonll'vllle Socrely. Great Britain was got by Young Active ; (ltiln by Old Dart, supposed to be one oflllc best horses in Nortllumbcrlnud : grand-doth by Useful; g g d by (.Id Symme- trt'. Youâ€: Active was got by that noted horse. Black Active. which proved himself to be the best horse in England He received the following premiums at lledon zâ€"tho premiums given by the llcldoruess Agricultural Society, three successive years 1839. lat-ll). and lltl-tl : at Ilevorly, the premiums given by the East Riding Agricultural Society in will). 18-1], 1542 and 1844; atllowdcn. the premiums given by the llowdon Agricultural Society, in 11:41 ; at Hull. the glent Agrlcullurnl premiums Lvlvellby lllt) YOI’ltellll‘fl Agriculturnl Suliety'. llI ld~l| , open to all England. HB being the best Stadium in the Kingdom for getting draught horses ; at Burlington, the premiums given by the llurlinglon Agliculturnl Society, in 15-12. 1643. and 1844. for the best draught blalilull. \oullg Active. daln by Emperor: grand-dam by Old Oxford. which travelled l7 svnsons in one clrvuit. and rL-ccived n pn-urilult at Lincoln. (Juklmnl, Ilollorton, and Redford. TERMS: To insure a foul. $14 to he paid on the Isl of January, 18551 : for the season, $10. to he paid the last two rounds; single loop. *7, to be pool at the time of service. Mares that are Insured must be returned mgularly to the horse or they will he charged whether in foal or not. More~ tried by Great Britain. and not returned “'111 he charged its season mores llutlred mores disposed oï¬â€˜ before fouling will be chargnd for the illsnsnnce whether in foal or not. Groom’s fee. 50 cents. All accidean ill the risk of the ownrrs. Wm. Dixon’s. Quinton Mills, and stop the‘ 1V 0 T I C E . VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Flourishing Village BUTTOf‘lVILLL IN THE Township of lliillililillll, a? FOR SALE. .59 IONSISTING of Three Village Lots. with suitable Buildings, with a fourth part of an acre Of Land attached to each. One Is tr small Cottage suitable for a small family. The second is it New House, adaptor) for a Mechan- ic of any knit] or Doctor, (as there is no Doc- tor in the neighbourhood). The third is a Large House. with all the nrcomodntions for n 'l‘avern, with a never-failing Well of Water. Alxo. good, sullalilu out-buildings. consisting: of driving-house, large, shell. \vootbsberl, gran- art and stable. together with some choice Fruit Trees. l‘mnpl'isillg plums, pears,cnlrnuL~‘, and the blot-It tome cherry. IIU'I'TONVILLE is situated on it plen- snnt rise of ground, on the 4th Concession of Markham. There is an established Postâ€"Office logcllmr with a Griélmld Snw Mill, Store. with MeChnuicsof different kinds. Terms easy, apply to the Proprietor on the, promises, or by Letter, post-pmd to llnlton- villo. I’osct-xstou will be given on the 157. (it April, or if heeded. llm lst ol‘Jalluary. 11:? Title indisputable. 55:1] \VHJJAM MORRISOV. Buttonviile. Oct. 26. 18.37. DR. MORSE’S Indian Root Pills. R. MORSE, the inventor of Morse's Indian ) Root l'iIIS. has spent tlln greater portion of Iris life in travelling, having visited Europe. Asia and Africa, its well as North Americaâ€" llrlsa spr‘nt tltlcc years nlnotlg tin ltldinns of our \\'estv-rll countryâ€"it was ill this way that the Indian Root I’tlls were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to e~lnb|i<lt tllo 1':ch that all drsonst-s arise from 1M l'Ulll'l‘Y 01“ THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life tlepunded upon this. vital fluid. When the various pnssnges‘ lit-come clogged, and do not net in perfect harmony Willi the (lit- foront functions of the body, the blond loses its action. bottornns thick, corruplctl and diseased ; thus causing all pains. sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhtiuslctl, our health we are deprived of. stud if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant Iltlntors, the blood will become choked :lutl cease to act. and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How llltpnrinnt then flint we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a llll‘tllClllt! in your reach. tlnrrlely. Mune’s llltlinn llool Pills, ltl.tllllf.’tf‘,lltl‘t‘tl from plants and rnols which grow around the luon l lemons cliffs ill Nature‘s Gilrtlt‘ll. for the health and recovery of diverts-ell tllalt. One of the roots from which tllost' l’ills are made is n Nudulilic. ulllcll opens Illh pares of the 51(1‘1, and assists Nature in llllt)\\‘illyÂ¥ mltthe finer parts of the corruption “Illllll. The second is :1 plant which is all l-prortm-anl, that upens and “being: the passage ltI lllr" lungs by copious spitting. The l1|1|(1 is rt I)[tlf(‘[lt‘, which gives ease rind double strength It) the kidneys; thus atlconrngt'rl, tin-y tlrnw large nlttonntsuf im‘ pullt)‘ front) the, blond, “llft'll is then thrown out bountifull) by 'lre urinary or water pas-surge, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fullth is it Cnthnrtlt‘. and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged lll purifling the blood ; lllt‘ coarser particles of impurin which cannot pass by tile oilrer onlletfl are thus taken up and cothvyHI nil in great qnzmtilios by the bowels From the above, it is shown that Dr. Mo-se’s Indian Root I’lll‘l not only enter the stomach. but bvcmne united with the blood, for they find their way to every pn-l. rind I'Olllpletc- 1y rollt and releusn the sy'Flelll from all impu-ilv. and tho lifo ol' the budl, which is the blood, heroines perfectly healthy; consequently all sirkltexs and pain istlrivon from the system. for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when eit‘lt. and whv so mallv die, is became they do not get .1 modicum ubir:lr will pass tn the nfllrcled porls. hlltl \vllil‘h will open the natural pus-‘ugo for lilo t’i~t-n:‘r~ to ho ca>l out: , bent 9.3 largo q'lrliilitv of food and other tllntter‘ IS lodged. and the slounell and in'cstines are l literally overflowing \vllli lllF corrnmrtl mass; l tints undergoing (limgrw-nlile Ii‘lltlt‘lliflllOll. constantly mixing with llm blood. which throws tilt: corrupted mutter through story vein and artery. until lifn re taken from 1116 burly by disease. Dr. Morse‘s PILLS ltnvo milled in tllotlhclt'es victory upon victory, by restoring millions ofrlle >l|'1( lo lilnorlliug llv Illll :lllll imp- piuess. Yes. thousands who ll:\\t\ been rackl-tl or tormented with sickness. pain and anguish. and \vhox'e feeble frames lull-o linen scorched by the burning elemeer of favor, and who have been brought. (is it \vmn. within n step of he srletlt grove. now stand roadv m tr~til'_\' lliztl tllnv would have br‘eu IIUIllllBl’t'll Will) the (lt‘Z‘fl, had it not been for this gr'crltnttrl “’Ultt‘lelftll medicine. Morsv’s Indian lIool I’ills. At'leroue or two doses had been taken, they were as touisltetl. and itIlsultliCl)‘ surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate case and strength, and lnko away all sickness, pain and anguish. but tlloy at once go to work at the foundation of tho dist-:l-c, which is the blood. ’I ltorcfurc. it “ill be shown. especially by those who use there Pills. that Illcv will so cit-use null purify, tllul tlisensoâ€" tilnt deadly (Htï¬thâ€"lt'lll llthï¬ its flight, and the flush of youth and bounty \\'Ill-’1gallll't‘llll'|l, and the prospect ofa long and happy life will cherish and brighten your rims. (‘tu'l‘toN.â€"-llc\vul‘o of a counterfeit signed 11. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHlTr: & (20., on B‘ICII box. Also the Slg‘ltnlllvi‘r if A. J. ll'lntc l8- (,‘0. All other‘~ are spurious. A 3. WHITE & CO.. Sufi: Proprietors. fill Leonard Street. New York. Dr. Nurse's lutliiut root I’llls are sold by all dealers in Medicines. Agents \vnutr-rl in every town. village m'tl llnlrllct ill the fund. i’nrlit-s drsiring the agency will address as above for terms. Price ‘25 cents per box. live boxes will be sent on reocipt of $1. pustngu paid. 133. Canada Typo Foundry. erluovi-m T0 S'r. 'l‘mnizmc S'r., IN Drznrznt'r’s Ilurunsct. i‘lONTRl-LAL. 7 VIII“. Proprietors of this Establishment bog l to inform tln- l’litl crs of formula, that they have now manufactured and really for delivery , ti large quantity of Small l‘imr, Long I'riiner. lltllll'zt‘olbï¬ and lll'evivr. of Scotch film. which tllev will guarnutce cannot be ~‘tll‘pns~e(l li_\ (my Foundry upon this continent fur rlnrzlbilrlv mill nl‘pcal‘aucn. They have also on hand n choice assortment of variuus kinds of , Ornamental Type. The prices at which these and other types are sold at the Canada Type Foundry, Will he found at least 311 per cent. less than tllcy could bepur- chased proxiolis to its establishment. It is therefor-(- llopt'll that tho l’iinlers ofCauaâ€" tin will Show their npprevintiotl oftllo advantages it holds out, by bewowing upon tin foil- shore of their patronage, in return for which the propriote ors pledge themselves to leave no means untried to give ample h‘tllinfflcllml. Printers .' mark the reduction in the price of type since this Foundry was opened ; and bear ill mind that agreutcr reduction dupelnfs upon your- selves. Our lnotlo isâ€"srlpply the trade with typo ofsuch quantities and iii such )‘tlll‘t'ï¬ as will pre- vent tbe necessity of patronising foreign nmuu- fuclurers. The followiuglist ofa few ofter pl‘inl‘ipal arti- cles required by ])f|IlIBT.~, will give an idea of the great advantages oflhe Canada Type Foundry PRICES: Nonpariel - - - - - ‘2: (id per lb. Milllun- - - - - â€" {ls 3d †llrevier- - - - - - ‘23 1d “ Bourgeoiso - - - - is ltlrl “ Long I’rilner - - - - ls Hd “ Small I’it‘a- - - - - In 7d “ Pica - - - - - ' Is Gd “ IE? All other Book FOIIIC ill proportion. Linusâ€"f3 to Pit‘n null lllirkrr. Is per lb.: Pica, ls3d; 8 to Pin-a ls tirl. Tler. .l. (iI71IN1N 5: C». St. Therese Street Montreal. May lBlli. 18.37 g3 tto TD MIDCIIANICS, t‘ \n‘, Illcl‘ublishcrs respectfully inform tile public that in order to inrrcme and stimulate the form- ation of the 151 ofJanuory. 1558; PTt‘lDiums to be (1.5. tributed as follows :â€" tilncs and from different Post Offices. petltors, immediately after tllo Isl of January, taken for subscriptions. subscription is only.1 Jtl. inquTons, AND MANUFACTU tERs. N announcing the Thirteenth Annual' \ulnme of 'l‘llr; Scrux'rlrlc Austin Clubs. they propose to offer One Thousand Fire Hundred Dolftlrs- in Cash Prcmiums. l for the ï¬fteen largest lists ofsnbscribers sent in by For the largest list. “$1an ‘2nd do . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 3rd do....... 200 4th 150 5th toll 6â€, {In 7th 1‘40 8th 70 ‘Jth ($0 ltlill 50 11th 40 12m 35 liltlt Illl lsltll 95 15111 ‘20 Names ofsttbsvvibers can he sent ill at different ; The cash will be paid to the orders ot'lhe successful ocm- 185:3. Southern, \Neslcrll.nlltl Canada money will be , Canadian subscribers witlpleaso to rt-tllil lwctlly~six cents extra on each ' year’s subscription 10 pro-pay postage. Tl-.th1“of‘ Sunsrtllr'rtoxâ€"s2 a your . or $1 for Slx Months. CLUB RATES. Five copies for 6 months. l-‘ive copies for 1'! months Tun copies for G lnomlts.. Ten Coplt‘s for 19 nlotllhs.. '1‘weuly copies for 1:2 months. . . .34 .. r5 8 ...l5 .....25 For all ('llllr< of Twenty and over, the )‘t‘nrly The new volume will be printed upon final paper with new type. The general character ofllle .S'cimti/ic Alum-i- can. is Well known. and,“ ltcrotufomtl will be Clitt‘ll)‘ devoted to the promulgation ot'iut'ormnticu relating to tile vnrious Morllailicnl and (,'llellrictll Arts, Monufnrtures, Agriculture, l’alentv, Ill- velllious. I‘lltglllcollllg. Mill Work, null nil Inter- esl< which the light of Practical Science is cul- vulatorl to advance. ltis issued “‘t‘elil)‘, inform for binding; it contains annually from J-tilll lo 600 finely executed lingrnviilgs, and Notices all American and European Improvements. togctlr. l er with an (lilicial Li.-t of American l‘alont Claims published \vevkly in advance of all other . papers. [IT Specian copies will be sent gratis to any port of the country. MI'NN d: (70.. Publishers and Patent Agents, No.12t‘ Fulton street, New York. g'l-l Moore’s Ilurdl New l'orkt‘r. ’l‘Hl". l.l".\lll\G \XD I.\IIGli.~T CII‘HUL‘TEI) 1, AUllitlll.TI'll,\l., LITERARY, AND runnv anrrurnu. ' VOLUME IX. FUR 18.38 " EXCEISIOR,†if»- gloriou< Motto. tllld VJ “Progress and Irnprovr‘menl.†its laudable alnjlcts, the ltural .\ew Yorker con- tinues to excel in Merit. and r.-p rls riot-idol] progress ill botll Circulation and llsttrlzc~s. For evidence that it is llnqucslionablv lllt‘ Standard in ils sphere. please examine the paperâ€"(:nulllflre ill bnlh contents and approv- anco. with any other (‘xlaubâ€"attl you will coincide u ith its patrons and the Press in pro- nouncing it of its cl'ws. THE BEST WEEKLY IN AMERICA! As mt Agricultural, Horticultural, Liter-«r and Family Nowspnper. COlitblllt‘l’l. (he llnrnl has long been unequalled. 1t oulploys the best talent, and is liln>trntetl with lillruelun< costly and appropriate engravings. Embracing in one it greater number of important, useful and limer (UPICN' llim) several ordinary journals ~iln'lltlllllg rural affairs, sclcricn, tnletaIlir-al arts, education, history. biography. lnorrll cc- 5 vs and lnlcx‘, pot-try untl |lll|~lt', rcnlling for ) \ill\<‘ news of the tiny, market reports. the†l ~â€"~il is emphatically and economically A I’tll‘l'lft FOR THE TIMES! livery fnttrily can afford the Ilnrnl, for such an etnnwntly instructive :lndcutertninurg pnpt‘l’ is not a luxury. llnta tleccwltv. indeed, all who (losile a Illin toned, lit'uglt‘.‘ l\'tl. nnd criti- lienti: practical and weird farm and fireside journalâ€"mite which itznores trash. building and deception, and seeks to enhance lllt‘ best ill- tl-le-L' and promote the home lln]\[>ittt~a\ of its tons of thousands of renders, of various occu- pations. in both town and countryâ€"ore invrtcd to try lllt‘ llnrnl. THE: NINTH VOLUME FOR 1858. “'ill be printed on clear new type and su- puviur littllfll’nâ€"Wlllltt no other effort or expense (tinting all classes and throughout the whole country. Next to your local paper the Rural ls itldtspnmnlils. The Rural New Yorker is published weekly. tprnrio purges, [forty columns], printed ï¬lttl Illl trutrrl in stlpt'riol‘ style. 'l'elnls zâ€"(lnly 'l‘wr. llullnn 3 \ea . lllreo CUPIOS for Five Dull'lriiâ€"lll advance. In and suCcoss in , reading matter, in which will he found rhpurted OF TORONTO, OCULST & AURIST. Operator on flue lye and Ear- NIVERSALLY known tllrorrgllontiCntla- tin and the United States for his skill Restoring Lost Sight & Hearing 3 And removing all Dimasos of the Eye and Ear “l‘ell‘lbï¬ â€˜3ch most rcspc-ctl'ltllv to inform those slim-led in these delicate orgarle. that he has for- wardedto the office of this paper a fou' doze (‘OPM’S of the 4th edition of his 'l‘rmtisc nn'llt'sca- Sï¬â€˜ff (hf- f‘iye and E117, published t-i‘! dll‘. winch “'1†ho presented to applicnnts. . PRICE OF CHARGE. [on “ransom! Guilties- urc mm: Truth/IVY dlslrl' ‘ button. i Thin work contains urmlv 2000 pages of ulnl‘ge' number of most irnportautand successful operations on the Eye, and more than One Hundred urtcrrslmg Cases of evorv descrip- tlou. illustrated \vltli numerous Cuts ilnd Plates. Also, wrll be soon, Letters and-References from highly respectoble parties from all ports of Cana- du and the [Jllllcd blalespâ€"nll of which will be found well worthy the careful perusal of tho afllictcd. The Author feels fullv assured that everv un- ]n-cjtulirrd render of (ill; work will be convince that Diseases 01 the I-Zye or I‘ltlr in (my slant short ofcnruplL-lo (iisorgnnizntiou. out and 1nin be cum! .- and it tmt~t appear evident to everv considerate person that the principal curate failure to obtain relief Ill lln-sa cases throughout the country, is the result of improper truth/rent. and It want of th’l-Jull-ISCH. swim. and count- ‘rmu v on the part ol'lbose professing or unempl- ing to cure such disc-net's. This \Vork will n1 *0 be forwarded to indivi- duals frcc 11f dun-gel sending their odd nee. POST-PAID, to the Author nt Toronto. Tonox'ro, Julie Slit. 1857. gill-1y G 1-1 N ’l‘ L 1') .ll 1-) N! ECONOMY lS WEALTH. ’ ‘lllf. I’llrlorsignvd begs louvo toillfortn the Public that he holds himself in reedinesa at his Ulll ltl~tub ishmt-nt. which has been con- tinuml for the last Six Years. in ll)i~' L'ill' (No. 162. Yougo Street, and directlv opposite the H Ilrittallnaia Ill/use.†Toronto.) to Jr‘ennralr. clean and Harm? .lll Descriptions of Clothing, lit a proper and satisfactory manner, by eretli- r::rling l’niuts, (lit, 'I‘nr, she. the... mid restoring Colors to their original appearance, so as to give Gentlemen's wearing apparel the full appear- ance of now. From 31 years" nperietlre ill lllolnninssennd prompt attention to rtll orders with which he may be lnvored, combined u'illl all cnrnust desir to please his customers. he hopes to tnorit a ~lmle of public patronage. \\'.\t. IICIIARDSON. Toronto. June 51h. 1857. Lil. Darling .v Aitcllisorfls columnar) tllmrcr (mrl limpet: i'R MACHINE is substantially built to Wrought 11011. entirely free from side draught, can be elevated to any height. from a Mower to a Reaper by n t-‘t'rew in front, and cuts ‘A'llflullf clogging, in Grass, “'llcal. Hot: or tlurlnv. without change ot'kuife or gearing, and works easy for the horses. The price for a Mower, 1‘1) .00; completed as n Rt-aper. $140 . 00. An extra knife will be $5 . (ll) extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well built and of the hrs! material. GEORGE DARLING IIUII'I‘. AI'I‘CHISUN . tvrll be spared to make the Rural continuously ‘ \vorllly Illt‘ immense t'ilt‘lllltllllll it it rlllninrtlg ‘ each number. comprising eight largo (lonl-lu‘ Dollars; six fori'l'r-n Dulluls; Inn for Fifteen ‘ ()ur ll~l of l‘rumiums for Ull'f’lllill‘: SlthsmL ‘ Thurnlrltl. Yonge Street. Jtlnc ï¬lth. 1857 '1‘ ti E 3 . o o e ,1 tlllï¬l) (inbuilt IS T‘I'BIJSIIED vl‘ll'l'ill Y Fill “A Y MUIININ ‘1, And dcspnlclu-ll lu Sillisrribers by the shrill-l Illllllr. or other convetnuce. when so desired. The BRITISH 'I‘lll IlliN I". found to contain the latest and most important \vill n1 ways be : P'orvigll and Provincial Netvs‘glltl Markets. and tilt flrelllt'sl rare it ill be Izrkell to render it l twm-ptarhlr to’tbe mail of business, and n valu- rlblo Family Newspaper. '1' E It M S.â€"T\\'o llollurs per Atlllunl, lit i AIM tNt‘H 7 and if not paid \\'llltlll Six Months i two dollars and u half will he chm-god. Wi Ilium '1‘ 1- ml 30 0 n, hers lo the llllrul for lhfix, lnrtll llllrl'ltlllf tl:.t1 lilll‘llt‘}‘-Illt‘ heel over till form“ It has no blitllks. 1H)! rmv:rrt'.~ urn) permit who south :1 rlnb ol'.~ix or umlc~l Tito ii~l is Jllbl issued and will be sent tree [wrlll specimen-a, show-bills. e‘C..] to all applicants. Now is the little to do good and llt‘llufll your. selves by canvassing fur the model ltnral and Family Weekly. Address D. D. '1‘. MOORE. tIlEl l‘l'l:11"slt r. Y. llnl-qnul or] ill Moifnt’s Life Pills, I‘llfICNlX Bl'l"l‘l-ZII.\‘. 'I'lu- reputation of these very celebrated vege- tnb'o ralncdins is lzow unequalled by any others in this cotlutrv or in Europe. 'lhcy nre fully plchcllsive virtues which :H‘qllilt‘d it. The (Mini modes ofpuï¬â€˜ury would be unworthy of them mill is unnecessary. 'l‘lluusrlnds and tens of thousands ofpcrsons loslify. as thousands have testified, to their ’lfolfl" ‘ ' rim-y dvrnllgeinents ot'hr-nltll, front Impnirt-d 1)1L70.~ll\tn Functions, Co>tivencsa llilluus and leer Complmuh‘. Rheumatic ttlltl Intlnmlllu- [cry Colds, Coughs. Nervous Weakness Less oprpetilo, Failure 01 I"lt‘~ll. Headache and llllpure Slate oflllo Blood and other Fluids, but also ill Rheumatism, Fever and Agnn. other liltertmtlt-nt rovers} Asthma. llrUIICllllN. Che- lit‘. l'lL-urisv, I’nlpiltlliull ofl‘le llcnrt. Ihtslt of Blood to the Head. Scull-d l’nins in the Joints, nlltl Kidneys. Juundicr. I) tipsy, Piles, howevm inveterate, Habitual (Toxin-new, Scions and lllllous Lookout-Sr, Olistinule lientfnrllo nt.d Giddinnss, and an immense numbl-r of other nlulndlos. They require no dieting.r nor coufmomsnhale but willpowerfu 1y restoro healthâ€"that greatest of all curtltlv blessingsâ€"to the most exlrnuslotl and dilapidated constitutions. Peruretl and sold by 1)R. \VILLIAM l]. MOFt‘A'l‘. 335 Broadwat‘. N. Y. m N ULD Indian doctor who has made f\ his fortune and retired from business. will spend tho remainder ofhis days in curing an“ dreadful I].,easa_C.iasl'xlt'TIoNâ€"l“uli;r: or finance: his earnest desire being to communi- t‘nte to the world his remedies that have provpd ,ru-CLMM in morn Ihflll 3.0110 vases. 116 ro- qulies each applicant to rend him a minute (it'- scriptlon of the symptoms, with two Stamps, (ti Cl>.i to pay the return lulu-r. in which he will return 0an] his mfrice prurriptiou. with di- rections for preparing the nit-divine. The Hill Durftll' hopes that those afflicted will not. on account ot'deltcovv. refrain front cou- sultiug him 1 I‘l'nlleollt‘ mnkos N0 Plunge. ills snln object in advertising is to do all the good he cnn. before he dies. He feels that he is just- N.Il.-â€"1’ublisllers of newspapers giving inser- tion In lllli ntlvortiatllt‘nt for ‘3 lumttbs‘ \\'|ll be nllowed their bills upon purchasing five times JOHN FISIIBL‘I‘LN. ' Whitchurch. 18:9, (.49 Proprietor. their amount ol'mlr lnnllul‘neture. Editors will confer n favor by dirof‘tlng attention to the annouucouwul. '1‘. .1. G. & Co. lt' celebrated for cure of (,‘onsnlnptlon. Asthma. lironclntls, bervous All'cclious, Coughs, Colds. &c. Address. DUCT. I'Nt‘AS BRANT. 33 Box 3531.1’.0., New York. (‘Slflltllsllcd as the must untvorsal l'ztlltily metil- , cine now in use. and they tthl ninlntnitr tllt'll‘ i pro-eminent renown by the inlriuxrc and north 1 now living in portenly restored health, can, and decided ollir-nv-v not unit in all ordi- 1 Limbs :ltld Org:le, Alli-L'llmts of lllc liladtlnr. perl'ccflv thrill and pleawut in their operation, , l EDITOR AND I’RDI’RII‘YI‘OR. v Rates of Advertising: l .. . - . . ,lelllt's and lllltit‘l‘, ï¬rst tusr-rlrnn J." :13. 6d lint-ll subsequent insertion. . . . (l 7 d , Ten film: and llllllt'l'. firs: illst‘flltlll 11!, 4d , litrcll subsequent insertion . . . . . . ll 1(1 ‘ Allure It‘ll Illicit, first in.. per line it I. Hatch attiln‘eqlletll insertion. prr itllt‘ " 1d 11:†Advertiscliwnls nitllunt \triltr-n dirrr- Ilvlt> inserted lill forbid. itlltl irlltlrgl-d accord- inuly. , All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular onstouwrs, must be pmd for when . Illtlltlt‘ll in for insertion. A liberal discount will be rruulc tu parties ad- vertising by the year. All ndvrrtisetrlents published for a less pe- l rind than one month. must be paid for in ad- vanes. All letters addresth to the Editor "MI-1 be ‘ post paid. No paper discontinued until all :irrearnges .rg ‘ paid ; “lltl parties refusing pupch without pay. ying up. will be held accountable for the sub- scrrpnou 1 Merl-hauls and others who advertise liberallv the TRIBUNE will have their (‘ards inserted in the Business Directory. l l l l , Book and Job Printing 4 ES TAB LISIIMENT. ()RDERS-fnr any of tile undermentionrd v (lef‘rlpllull of PLAIN and FANCY JOB \\ ()lllv will be promptly attended to :~â€" nooks, l-‘ANlY HILLS, BUSINESS nuns, Lure: ‘ , AND mun. PoeTl‘Re’. rrucnrans, LAW Fouls, , 8tâ€. ttlttrISJlAKl-t thit‘Ks,tnt\FTs, Ash ":\5ll'1ll l‘rs. And every other kind of LIC'IVl‘l-Illâ€"l‘l‘.138$ PRINTING! (lone III the best style. at luurloruto retell. Our assortment of JOB TYI‘I“ . is entirely new tutti ot the latest patterns. A large variety * of new Pulley Typo ulul lint-tiers, for Cards (‘n~ctllnr.~‘,&c., kept uluuys on bond.