o i f 1 7 Â¥ I. Orange Association to his readers, as an ; Institution composed of men handed to- gether for the purpose of screening each “Other from the punishment of crime. he mentions the fact of a young man named John McNeer an oiaugeinan, being con- victed of perjury at the last assizcr in Toronto, and then deliberately states that the verdict was scarcely delivered. "1‘?" some half dozen petitions were put In circulation by the members Of his loIlg'e. praying that the judge!"le Pmnoullce 3 light sentence upon him, and continues that even W. III Button Was most ac- tive in procuring signatures for one of the petitions, and regrets to say that some p.19" signed by ministers of religion, and magistrates. Now, Sir, that the man- In... of McNeely’s lodge put six petitions in circulation on his behalf, or that Mr. Button took a most active part in the matter, is utterly false, as will he clearly seen from facts I am about to relate. Mr. Button being in Toronto when Mc- Neer was convtcted, was in company with Christian Reesor, J. P., and John Reesor, then grand juror, when he was requested by a brother-in-lnw of the un- fortunate man to get up a petition, and at the suggestion of Mr. Christian Reesor. it was drawn up by Mr. Gardner 1. P. Grand juror in the sitting room at Pal- mer’s Hotel. lt was to this effect :â€" “ To His Lordship, Justice Richards; Whereas a young man, John B. VIcNeely has been found guilty of perjury, your petitioners having been acquainted Willi the prisoner from at. youth believing it to be the ï¬rst ofltence, now in behalf of a young wife, of a respectable family, and aged mother. we ask your Lordship to make the penalty as light as possible. Signed by Christian Reesor.‘ J. P., W. M. Button. John Revsor, Robert Gard oer, J. P , H. P. Cresby, Francis Pike, Christian G. Reesor and Robert Arm- strong. The attempts therefore of the 'Ewnomist to stigmaIiZe the character of any one man, or set 01 men, lhzough the medium of the press, are now truly appli- cable to himself. Will any truth telling man say that Orangemen were the Cir- culator: of any petition drawn up on Mc Neely's behalf? There were, only two, one ofvvbich was signed by four persons closely related to the Economist. I ask you sir 5110 could judge better, the pro- YONGE STREET SPRING SHOW. On Wednesday, the 26th inst., the Annual Spring Fair of the Yonge street Agricultural Society was held in this village. The day turned out exceedingly wet and uncomfortable. The whole night previous the clouds sent forth torrents of rain, rendering the side- roads all but impassable. Serious fears were entertained as to who- thcr any exhibition would take place, as the weather was so ex- tremely unfavorable. However, these doubts were quickly dispel- led, as team after team were Seen slowly to approach, and there was soon a great number of entries. Indeed, the competition was very great for the dillcrcnl prizes, and the stock shown was of a very su- perior description. The Judges, we doubt not, had a very arduous duty to perform, which, we believe, was in allcases performed faithfully, and to the best of their ability; and we think that on the whole the prich award- ed will give general satisfaction. The show of horses we do not re- mcmber to have seen equalled in any former year. Several of those who did not obtain prizes were highly recommended. The compo- tition was so spirited as to preclude the possibility of particularising any one as particularly distinct from the others. \Ve think, how- ever, that especial thanks are due to Henry Jennings, G. Miller, Esq., Messrs. Armstrong, Edw. Sander- son, Thos. Martin, and others, for bringing out so many for competi- tion on such a wet dayâ€"~thcy com- ing front a distance,for a few miles was a great distance to come on such unfavorable circumstances.â€" One of these gentlemen, however, tried to bring more out, but could not get along with them, on account of priety ofa petition, then Mr. John Ree the roads? several .mhi‘rs 3.150 stir, a grand juror who heard a'l the evi mld “5 , 1t, _ was the†"mention ‘dence against the prisonor. In conclu- 0f eXhlbmng Several more sion, I would say that the ministers of re- 011116, hm "181’ were Prevent- ligion do not require the Editor of the ed by the weather. We are de- Markham Economist to teach them the duty they have to perform towards their fellow men. especially as he stem.- to have no regard for truth,so let him in future hold his peace. Yours truly, _ VERI’I‘AS. Markham, 29th May, 1858. " (Uncle to the Editor of the Economist.) To the Editor of the British Tribune, Sin: 1 observe in your last issue that Canada, and especially the 'I‘oundiip of York, had given birth to a very promis- ing Poet. You reqUested your readers not to examine. too closely, his ortho- graphy or style of composition. but to forget all these things in the sublimily ol his ideas. Now, sir, I think that I have got upon the right track of this ‘ivould~he “ Pedagogue †and “ Part.†I hate traced him from York to Victoria Square. and, I think, that he may be found within ten miles of that Village at the present IIIIIP,‘(OI. course, “sitting at his qffcciul desk ’ It I am not mistaken, be Is the same person who, on callinga mreting 01 his Trustees, penned the following, ver bumm note :#-r If you wrll please in at- tend avmeating of Trustees to be held an the Schoolhouse on Thursday, April the I inst at 4- o’clock a.In," date Marc/t 27. 18:38. Your rcalers will see that his note was written in March; yet the} must attend April 1, inst., and at 4 o’clock mm. when he intended them to a‘tenil at 4:, pm. Yes, and they Were requested to attend a (If? matting 0| Trustees; and this same person is said to hold a ï¬rst class certiï¬cate. I really llllllK he cannot 11:11“: Teacher who was said to be abroad upon the earthâ€"once. the sub- ject of inspirationâ€"now of legislationâ€" aeeking to mingle with statesmen in the Government of man. If so, in my opi- nion he cannot be called a Teacher, fot the term Teacher is generic. signifying one who conveys knowledgeâ€"inmrins and instructs, which caunot be appliel to this Pedagogue. I have just received a few lines said to have been composed by the above gentleâ€" man. on lit-balding his name in print. Dear air to you I nOW' My grnutudo do vow I now stand almost u so high As any star in you or sky For fame I fought so hard But noe'r till now could play the card It hurt me so but still I tried I sometimes laughed but oftonar cried But now I’ve won the day Your know I have for so you any. Some envious people me declaim Atid say my piece from Milton caino But thoughts like mine no one can cnl Not even though it came from Milton's skull The piece for weight and worth all feel T’is as good as any piece from Stool And Steel will challenge all mankind An error in his work to find T'ia excellent you know t’is Sir's So shut your months you envious curs. And yet this piece is nought for ma And this you very soon will see For sure I've now begun to writo I’ll fly so high as any kito And licks old nicks ir all away Down to the bottom of the Say I will by love you any time And any man from any climo And make them cry oh dun'i do‘it Stool Leave of and don't the out-right kill. Mora anon. Yours respectfully, A. PEDAGOGUE. M'akrlmn, J an! 1, 1858. To the Editor of the British Tribune. I am really surprised, Mr Editor, that the people _of Richmond Hill, who pretend to hold their heads as high as their neiuli- liors, should allow such a Slouch to eYist as there is near to the White Hart Inn. were it not for the serious inconvenience which the nuisance occasioned, it would have been quite amusing to see the comi- cal _cut some of the pedestrians made, , pung to and fro, on the day of the ' Agricultural fair. “'here are our“ City Fathers†that they do not see it 1 If an individual, in moving a building, obstructs or otherwise intercepts the p vehicle or foot traveller, is be As " an ounce of prevention is worn. a pound of cure,†I would suggest that something should be done immediately to cidcdly day’s exhibition showed the advance the Society has made, ass‘g’ Of I First Prize... ‘ I 1101. amen- ‘Jnd do . . . . . able for any rasuahty which might occurl “WWW "ID of opinion that 1Vcdnes- great more than that of any former year. The weather was so unfavorable that no one, unless thoroughly inâ€" terested in the welfare of the coun- ty, would come out and watch with thrilling interest the splendid coin- petition in a drenching rain. IVc doubt not but that all the members of the Association were highly gratiffed with the result of their labors. We observed amongst Agricultural Implements that the Messrs Patterson and Darling 8; Aitchison’s Machines Were the topic 01 universal praise ~ they had two ï¬ne reaping and mowing ma-. chines on the ground, around which there were a concourse of people discussing their various merits, Messrs. Trench & Richmond ex- hibited Horse Rakes, Straw Cut- ters and Gauge PIOUgIIS which were much admired. We feel proud of having such enterprising men in our midst. An culogium on whom was ably passed by the president, G. P. Dickson, Esq.. in the evening at the close of the ex- hibition. The members of the Asâ€" sociation dined at the Victory Hotel. After dinner the prizeswert- read by the Secretary and Treat- surer, G. A. Barnard, Esq.â€" During the evening the usual loyal toasts were proposed by the President ofthe Assooialion, G. P. Dickson, Esq., and drunk with rapturous enthusiasm. A number of other toasts were proposed and drunk in good style, and the meetâ€" ing broke up at dark. 'I‘hs number of Entries were far in advance of any fomcryear, and the Premiums increased by over one-third,â€"this more fully delineating the progress of the Society. There were £12125 6d more awarded for prizes this year than last. The following is a list of the Prizes awarded by the Society :â€" unAuoin' "Amioss. First Prize.. . . .... £1 10.....John Fishburn. oizunnAL PURPOSES. First Prize.. .....£1 10.....Jobu Jackson. 20d do .. ..... 1 0....Eiii1 BriJoIIjI-r. 3rd do ....‘.... 010.....Wm. Moisou. anooD runes First Prize........£l 10.......H. Jennings. . Ed Sanderson. ..‘l‘lios. Martin. ENTIRE COLT FOR DRAUGHT PURPOSES, 3 YRS. OLD First I’rizo..... ..£l 10......1’1’iiliam Cherry. 2nd do ... 0 15......John Palmer. 3rd do ....... 0 10.....Janies Trait. ENTIRE COLT FOR GENERAL PURPOSES. 3 YRS. OLD First Prize. . . . £1 10.. . . Newborry Button. 2nd do .... 0 15....Ricli’d. Vandotburg. 3rd do 0 10.. . . Ezra Coomor. eat-Inn coL'r iron GENERAL roar-055s Dnorrnn IN 1857. First Prize.... . . .£1 10.. . . . .Robt, Jackson. i‘lLLY on annino nuorrcn IN 1856. First Prize.... . . .£0 15... . . . ..Johu Taylor COLT DROPPIZD in 1857. First Prize.. . . . .£0 15.. . . . Henry Jennings. 2nd do 3rd do 0 5.....Julin 'I‘aylur. riLLr Duorrnn IN 1857. First Prize.. ....£O 15.......Henrthy. 2nd do .. .. 010.. . . 3rd do ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPAN DRAUGHT 80855.5 1N HARNESSâ€"-CLASS N0. 2. First Prize.. . . .£1 10. . . . .Robcit Armstrong. 2nd do . I 0. . . . Alexander Marsh. .. .. 0 10....John Page. SINGLE HORSE IN HARNESSâ€"CLASS NO. I) First Prize. . . . . .. . £1 0. . .. ..Paltorson Bros. ‘2Iid do .. 0 15......Thomas Cook. 3rd do .... .. 0 10..... Joseph Snider. SADDLE HORSES. Finit Prizo.. .. . .£1 10. . . .Thomas Cook. 2nd do 0 I5. . . .Georgo Keinpshall Taonoucu BRED DURHAI BULL ANY AGE. . . £1 0. . . "Robert Armstrong. 0 l5. . . . . Edw. Sanderson. oununi BULL 2 vn's. oLn AND UNDER. FirstP' ..,, 2nd 5:9 £015. no... . . . William Armstrong. 0 10. . . . Jacob Rumor. . . 'I' ensure “fey! m Me and lunb. and u“ 11°11‘11""! alum noiuuu BULL ONE. yuan OLD removing of no fool a blot from the centre of our village. Yours. . A SCAVENGER. Bizbmond Hill, May 29, 1858. AND UNDER. . . . . .£0 10. . . . . Henry Jennings. .....- 0 5.... .Georgc Miller. GRAD! BULLâ€"ANY Amz. First Prize.. . £0 15 G ' ‘ .... .P.Dickson. 2nd do ....... U 10 . . . . . .Goorgn Miller. Fir-It Prize . 2nd do MlLCH COW-41101100011 BBID DURHAM- Firai. Prize.. .. . . .£1 10.. . . . .Georgo Miller. 2nd do 0 15 . . . . . . . do. 3rd do 0 10 . . . . . . do MILCH COWâ€"G RADI- First Prize.... . .£0 15.. .. .Henry Jennings. 2nd do . U 10 . . . . . do 3rd do 0 5 . . . . . H. G. Bernard. HEIFER, 1 YEAR OLD AND UNDER. - £0 10 - Robert Armstrong. U 5 - HonryJaunings. 1'0ch WORKING OXEN. First Prize, - - £0 15 - - Robert Marsh. SHEEPâ€"BEST KZICFSTER RAH ....... First Prize. - 2nd do First Prize, - - £0 15 - Henry Jennings. 2nd do '- - 0 10 - David Bows. did do - - 0 5 - Robert Marsh. 'rwo nwxs Aim LAMBS. First Prize. - - - £0 15 - Robert Marsh. 2nd do - - - 0 10 - John Palmer. 3rd do - - ~ 0 5 - do YEARLING twas. - £0 10 - Thomas Martin. 0 5 - do swmeâ€"ni‘s’r noan. - £0 15 - - John Palmer. First Prize. - 2nd do First Priz o, - 2nd do - - - 0 10 - - Georgo Leak nusr snoop sow. FirstPrize, - - £1 15 - - Wil inin Ontby. L‘lltl do - - 0 10 - - Alcx. Marsh. PAIR or KENS AND coca. First Prize. - - £0 10 - - G. P. Dickson. 2nd do - - 0 7 6 - Thomas l’nr. 3rd do - - 0 5 - - G. 1". U'ckson. horns AND DRAKE. l’irst Prize. - - £0 10 ~ Geo. Kempshall. 2nd do - - 0 5 - nrzsr stx ms. or BUTTER. First Prize, - - £1 0 - - G. P. Dickson. 2nd do - - 0 15 - - 'I'ltos. Martin, 3rd do - - 0 10 - - H. Jennings. BEST CHEESE “IILIGHING OVER SIX L115. First Prize. - - - £0 10 - - H. Jennings‘ IRON BEADED rLouuu. First Prize, - - £0 10 - Michael Brown. 2nd do - - 0 5 - John Palmer. BEST Wr-onru rLouoH. First Piize. - - £0 10 - Wm.Troncli.sou. 2nd do - - 0 5 - Patterson &Bros. BEST PAIR SEED HARROWS. First Prize, - - £0 10 - Jonathan Calvert. nr:s1' GANG PLOUGH. ‘ First Prize, - - £0 10 - Orren Richmond. LlenL‘R waooos. First Prize. - - £0 15 v - Michael Brown. 2nd do - - 0 10 - - John Palmer 3rd do - - 0 5 - - Wm. Sanderson, MOWIN‘O MACHINE. First Prize. - - £1 0 - I)af.illg&AllchlsSll. RHAPING MACHINIis. - £1 10 - Patterson Bros. - 1 5 do do SI'IIAW CUTTING MACHINE. First Prize, - 2nd do First Prize. - - £0 10 - Orreii RlChIIIOHII‘ HORSE RAKE. First Prize, - â€" £0 10 - \‘V. Trench. jun. 2nd do - - U 5 -Orreu Richmond. HARNESS. FirslPrize, - - £1 0 - Robt. Armstrong. 2nd do - - ii 10 - \Viii. Harrison. 30th Elma. â€"Gold has been discovered in Centry Co.. Mu. -â€"Seiiator Sumner sailed on Saturday week for Europe. â€"I he 'I‘uillorios at Paris is to be demolished and rebuilt. â€"'I‘hc Wisconsin Legislaiure are about to restore the death penalty. â€"The now Queen of Portugal is on a visit to the Queen 01 England. ‘â€"'I‘he population of tho city of New York is estimated at 812,000. â€"'1‘he Legislature of Oregon, at its last sol~ ston. divorced sixty couples. -A church for deal mules is about to ho or- ganized 111 New York. â€"'1‘ho typhotd fever is very alarming and fatal Ill some parts of Virginia. â€"'I'lio schooner Col. Cook sailed on Wod- iiesday trout Detroit. for Liverpool. â€"'1'he I‘ehunniepec route to California will probably be opened next lail. â€"'1‘hera Is a prospect ot'u renewal of the railroad troubles at Lilo. l’ann. -â€"'I‘lio grasshoppers ot' the West are said to be on their Way to the Middle Status. â€"Tlie United States piaclico ship Preble has been put in 00111111551011 III Norlolk. â€"llenry Ward Beecher intends spending a few chks in Kansas the coming summer. â€"'I‘lieie was a fall of snow on the high grounds at Northern New Hampshire, on \\ oi.- uOsday neck. â€"Yollow fovar has made its appearance among the sailors of the shipping in the harbor of Havana. Cuba. â€"A physician at Danville. Virginia, has it horse that loves tobacco. and not only Chow's, but swallows ll. â€"'l‘lie boot and shoemakch of Eastern Ma:- sachusetts havo organized a league for mutual pmlectiuu. â€"According to the Massachusetts Register. llieio are in Massachusetts 3 little rising at one thousand lawyuis. â€"A fer Mormons linger in Boston. are mostly Lllgllhh. held every Sunday. They Religious services at o â€"All the banks at Savannah, Ga.. resumed specie payment on Saturday week, but lh.ro was no extra demand tor coin. â€"'1'ho damage to the sugar crop of Louis- iaiina, by the Bell crevasse alone, is estimated at no less than $3.0.IU,UUU. â€""1'lio New York newspapers generally credit the news of the entrance of Gov. Cum- mings into Salt Lake City. â€"The Submarine Telegraph from Key West to Havana, has received the sanction of llio Captain General of Cuba. -â€".Sixteon thousand Texas cattle are now ll'ltHlIlg nortliuaid. that Will be in Illinois. Iowa. Missomi and Kansas in the fall. â€"Two new Colleges have been completed at Amherst, Mass., and they were lorinerly dedicated on V1. eduesdav week. â€"’I‘lIo press of Georgia is complaining a good doal because the banks at South Carolina do liol. iesuuie spemo payments. â€"_Silver coin is so plentiful at New York that it Is advertised for isan in lots of $100 and upwards, nt one-half per cent. discount. -â€"'I‘he people of Kingston, Jamaica. are on- cuuraging tho oiiiigiatiou to that Island of tree colored people from this country _â€"â€"-A companyof 100 families of Ware. Mass, Wllh their mlnisior, migrate this opting to a newly selected settlement in Iowa. .â€"A man was arrested on Monday week in Cincmnait, with a bundle of counterfeit bills under his arm, amounting to $13,000. â€"Armed men are being regularly drilled at an irrupiion into Northern Mexrco. â€"-Tliero are complaints in Boston of a lack ofsniall dwellings, suitable for persons wileso ncomos range from 58.10 to $1,500 a year. â€"It is estimated that not less than 5.000 lights of glass were broken in the hall storm that passed over Borodino, N. Y., on Saturday week. â€"-Tho Atlantic Telegraph Company have applied lo the Secretary of the Navy tor anoth- or frigate to help the Niagara to} ny the cable. â€"-0vor 1,500 places for the sale of liquor. Cigars, skin. were open ian.Y. Cut on Sunday iwoek. and yet the police report a manifest. Im- [lIOl'OlflOnL â€"Tlio Ballaton Journal says that nearly all tho plank roads Ill Saratoga county have proved unpiolitublo investments. and been abandoned. â€"Col. Prince has introduced a bid into the Logislniivc Council for the abolition of the ol- free of Solicitor General of Upner Canada. â€"â€"Tho seat ofa member of the Connecticut Legislature to contested on the ground that he ‘ "treated" some of the voters on election day. Yorktown, De Witt Co., 'l'exas. preparatory to 1 â€"Har Majesty reviewed the troops at Alder- shott on Friday. 17.000 infantry. one regi- ment of cavalry. and twenty-four guns were on the ground. â€"Ths Morning Chroni'lc says it in asserted in distinguished circlos that His Royal High- ness. the Prince of Wales. has expressed his intention to enter the army. and that the ragi- ment is the Coldstronm Guards. â€"An eminent lawyer. who has given much attention to the subject of the Police of the city of New York, estimates the number of dead bodies taken annua!ly from the waters surâ€" rounding that city to be four hundred. â€"A ï¬rm in Havana have obtained permiss- ion to lay down a nubmnrine telegraph from Cuba to Key West, Florida. The work will be speedily proceeded with. â€"According to M. Gonin. a French J/lrtl‘nf, the sex of eggs can be distinguished. All eggs containing the germs of males have wrinkles on their smaller and. while female eggs are equally smooth at both extremities. â€"»The receipts of produce at Montreal from the commencement of the your amount ’0 155,- 466 barrels of flour. and 358.000 bushels of wheat, being fully fifty per cent above those of any other corresponding period. â€" At the paper mill of Wm. Clark 61 Co.. Northampton, Mass, a halo of rags was re- cenlly opouod, which came from the Crimea. Pillow cases. sheets. shirts, bandages. surgical aprons, remnants. and parts ofclothing stained with blood told oftlio uses to which the artirlon had been put. â€"I‘1 the trial 0ft: lottery case in Phil adol- phia, a victim testiï¬ed that he had lost by the purchase OI'IICIIt'l! over thirty thousand dol- lais: that he was broken up and robbed in business. His ï¬rst start was from Richmond. to Virginia. where he purchased from eighty to one hundred dollars' worth of tickets. â€"A cab driver was ï¬tted at a London police- conri but week. for running against and dain- aging the Earl of Ellen-time's carriage. His defence was. that the earl'n coachman being on Hold woman.†had caused the accident by his im-ompeieucy on the box. He added. "I vush I'd the bit of wood that 'cro coachinan was cut out of. Pd prei-ious soon above It on the fire for what it was good for. â€"Last Saturday. so the newspaper lo'ls us. the Athcmtum was seized by the police in Paris. \Vo make no complaint. but we will state is fact. During the whole period oftlie Criiiienii war, the Athcnwum freely pa~ned into Rubin. 11 was never once seized by the police. Our raiders will remember that we took a i‘.o ough- l,’ English flow of that contest. as we take as tuorouglily English view of the press pi'moi‘t. lion recently inspired by the French Govern- monI. SI. Polersburgli respects our freedom of thoughtâ€"Paris answers it with npolitoman‘! â€"Allienaum â€"A report lat ly presented to the Emprror Alexander contains the following statistical ro- turnl relative to landed property and serfs in “05511 The number offnmilios who no land owners amounts to 127.000. Out of these 2.- 000 possess from 1.000 to 10.000 serfs ; 2.000 from 500 to 1.000: 19. 00 from 100 to 500; 30.0001rum 21 to 100; and 75.000 have less 11131121. The total number of peasant serfs of the nobility amount to 11,760.600, and those of the Clown to 'l‘hero are, there- fore, 20.750.11.11 persons anxiously waiting tor an improvement in their condition. EMIGRANTS 'ro OrrA\VA.â€"Great numbers of emigrants are coming into the city by almOst every boat and train that arrives. A good proportion of 1111‘!" are farmI-rs who am likely to add to 1111‘ bone and sinew of the country. They are welcome and we hope they will ï¬nd a comfortable home in Canada.â€"â€"0tlu.wa Bonner. THE COST or A RAILROAD DtsAs- Ten.â€"The Auburn American says th. t the entire loss of the late disaster on the Central Railroad is put down by soon: at one hundred thousand dolluis. Others es'iinate it even higher. Settlements of claims of about one-half of these injuired, have already been tnade. The father of J. C. Knowles, the ninth victim, who died on bunday,recrived $1,200 as com- pensation. The other amounts paid were generally small, the Victim being willing to take what would pay all expenses, loss of baggage, time, &u., rather than litigate for damages. FA'rt. ACCIDENT.â€"At Cobourg We hive just heard of a sad accidrnt tn the Queen’s birtli-dayâ€"A large party from Keenr 2 Id Allandalelnd gone off Heelej’s Falls in the steamer Alanaoce on a flea- sure rXt‘lIl‘sIOil, and as some of them Were- on the (lam opposite the lowcr slide, Mth Margaret Slim-t of Allamlale, niece of Thomas Short, Esq, M. 1‘. P., fell into IlIc rushing water, and although a young man named John Londreval jumped in alter her. she was swept beyond the reach at suct-i u , and was seen no moreâ€"Cc- bourg Star. ,____..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 'ronois'ro MARKETS. 'l‘onou'ro. June 1, 1858. The supplies of all kinds of p Oduct‘ moderate. WHEAT average 4-s 3.1. have fetched 35 5d. FLUUR .5 without change. There has ban a fair supply of IIAv, Good quality _â€" .. OFFAT’S life Pills and Phnanix hitters. More lives have been saved during epi- demic. by those well known and world-renown- od medicines than by any other ever invented or patented in this or any other country. Ba- itig of purely vegetable compounds, they are well adapted for travellers, and a remedy against the malara of now settlements. and as a certain cure for fever, aligns, cutaneous and other disordora. Sold at 335 Broubway. N. Y.. by \V. B. MOFFA'I'. proprietor. and hi†Agents. ‘â€" ‘ ï¬rm swimwear. Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL P031031“. JU.\ Ii 1.1.1855- Armstrong. Miss blary HPTIICk. David June Holmkoy. John Ambler. William Hamel. Jan-es Atkinson. David Harhui. John Bonior. Joseph Lawrence, Miss G. L. Beynoii. Mrs. Mary .1. Lav'in. John Baker, Miss Small Lnngstalf, John Jr. (61 Benson. Mrs. Jane I.nng>tatl', John Sr. (‘2) llriilinger. George Murnanq Catlierino Uiilhiiger, IIrIlry Miller. James llolduiu. William Miller. John Courtibs. John hIchguo, William Cook. William McClIosnoy. Isaac (2) Chambozli ., E. McCartney, Robert Campbell. Mis- J. (‘2) Oberlin. Louis Cotton. Charles Patterson. John Duncumb. J. Quancu. F. Derham. Mrs, Simpson, Jamal Duriaiil. C. Sanitation. Mr. Donduinn. Elenor Simpson. William Dallco. Richard Sliuieli, Miss Clarissa Dnvrdson, Miss Agnes Sanderson. Mrs. H. Uisniad. John Sivoers, R. L'yor. Miss Elizabeth :pniugcr. Mr. Fiiiigan, Catharina '1 remains. G M. (2) Giiven. Robert Tncher. Maik Gougli. Frederick 'I‘reiiinine. G. R. Goodw II. J. D. Thompson. Levi Goodwill. J, Vl'alker. John “Bldl'. Mary Wright. Mrs. Senior aucll. Miss Cntbe inoWilson. Richard ( ) 159 M. TEEFY . Postmaster. DR. .1. W. GRIFFITH. MARKIIAM VILLAGE. c.w. Juno 2. 1858. 52-13' Information Wanted- OHERT EDWARD FORGE a native of Driflield. Yorkshire. England. sailed from Hull fer Quebec in the ship " Fergus," in the spring of 1854. his brother is desirous of finding lulu. Address FRANCIS FORGE. WM. SANDI‘IRSON. Buttonvilln. P.O. Markham, C.W. June 2. 1858. 52-If FOur exchanges will confor a favor by passing him round. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMBTABLES, TO M as 'I‘ON Es. &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISIIMET. V HE linderstgned Assignees of the estate ofD. C. & \V. YAL C. will con- tinue the business under the snperiiitondence ol'our duly authorized agents. Ausviu Asian and D. CAKIOS Y L», whose receipt will be duly acknowl. dged. RS. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1855, will be put into Court for collection. C. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto. April 29. 1851 48-tf For Sale or to Rout, D W E L I. INGâ€"HOUSE. Store-house- Driving-liouso and about. an Acre of Land. in the Village of Victoria Square. suita- ble for a Store or Tavern. For terms apply to W. Trudgoon. Tribune ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. April 2‘2. 1855 L. .. NOTE LOST! N or about the 20th February last. a POCKEI‘-BOOK. containing a note against John Thompson to the amount of Forty-eight pounds, duo on tho 3rd of February last. Any person finding the some and returning it to the owner,'David Thump. son, 10196, 2nd con of Markham. will be suitably ren’axdod. The note will be of no use to any one except the owner. DAVID THOMPSON. Markham. 13. 1858. l49-4 IIO'I‘EI. Esq. 146 FOR SALE. r ‘HE Subscriber offers for sale that wellknown Hotel. situated on Lot No. 5, 6th Concession Iii the 'l'owuship of King, with good stabling and Seventeen Acres ot‘ExcelloIit Laud. Every iIecessarv accoinudaiion for an Hotel are in ï¬rst rate repair. 'l‘criiis extremely easy. For fur- ther particulars apply to the proprietor on the pre- inisea or to Dr. Duscunii. Richmond Hill, THOMAS REDON. Proprietor. g‘M-tl King. Nov. 19. 1857. good in demand at $15 per ton. \Voon market dullâ€"averaging 16s 3d to 205 per load. for Beach and Maple. FALL WHEAT. 4s a 4s 5d per bushel. Spring wheat 3s 6d a 35 9d. FLOUR 17s 6d a 20s. HARLEY 1s 9d per bushel. BY: 2s 6d per bushel. OATS ls 6d a Is 9d.per bushel. PEAS 2s a 22. 6d do llAv $15 per ton ; good supply. PorATOt-zsâ€"-‘.).s 6d a 39 6d. APPLES $4 per barrel. BUTTER 10d a Is per lb for fresh. [ices 6d a 61d per doz' PoULTnv-â€"â€"Chickens 2s 6d a 35 6d. SHEEP 5~l per lb in carcass. “'oor. ls 8d per lbâ€"best. SHEEPsKiNs 3s 9d a 35 101d. IIlDES $5 per cwt. CALrsxixG 6d per lb. STqu $8 per ton. supply scarce. PORK $6 50 per cut. BEEF $6 a $7 per cwt. for good.â€" Leader. Special Notices. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH. " ‘HE stomach is the most liable to get out'of order. Hence how lmpor. taut that no diseased matter clog its operation. 3 which would cause nausea and distress by our food. It also weakens the brain. destroi's the memory, creates pains and dimner, and various aflioclions in the head. It produces great dif- ï¬culty in breathing and swallowing. Sonic- timrs fainting and ï¬ts will ensue; also bad breath. restlessness and great loss of strength. lIf not Im'nodiutolr attended to. the blood will carry the disease through the whole system, andidoath \\i:l end the work. From 2 to 5 of these Pills a day will keep the digestive organ. 'in a healthy condition. and uuclog or carry lawav all impure matter. and thoroughly ro- storo and cleanse the stomach: at the same time xlie Pills will so purify the blood, as to drive all matron of disease from the system. WORMS. In a quantity of corrupted matter, there iii a]- , ways to be found a nest of worms. They can- ‘ not. neither will they stay anvwhorn elso. Weak stomach and bowels are subject to them. ‘ as they have not sufï¬cient power to digest their food. Hence a large heap of matter is lodged, and worms must be the rosul'. A few dose. of l‘iese pills will disturb them in their nest. and dnvn thom out of the system. It should be remembered. that an oncuional dose when in health. especially after taking ‘ cold. will pravant the disease fron forming in the body. ‘ Dr. Monn'l Indian Boot Pills nrQ aold.by all dealers in Medicines. ONE HUNDRED cOuns 0F 1’ I N E W 0 0 D 3! FOR SALE. For terms apply to Mr. THOS. COOPER. Tlioriiliill. Tho-until. Au out 11. 1857. glO-t! l WARD 81. McCIIUSLAND, House. Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS, Grainos, Gilders, Glaziers, and Paper Hangers. T11 O RNHIL L. .911 lrinds qr Jilixed Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. coon wbannN scar TO ANY PART or THE COUNTRY. July 23. 1857. MORPHY BROTHERS FOR C 00D Watches,Clocks. Jewelry. Melodeons T Electra Ware. Silver Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit every sight. [5’ VVntcli Clubs in Operation. Clocks lroni 20s upwards. Toronto. June. 1857. Warrantod 1.3 DAVID ATKINSONf fl AGENT FOR Darling & Aitclitson’s COMBINED lllllllllll} Illll lllllll‘lllli MACHINES, Richmond 111119 June. 1857. EJWY- strayed Steer. Came into the premises of the Subscriber. Lot No. 1%. 5th Coneoaaion Markham. about he lost of March. a Hazol coloured Steer. two vcars old. The owner in requested to prove property. pay oxpenapgi'.I and take it agar. LLIAM PA ET. Markham, April 15th, 1858 145. HE SUBSCRIBER will sell by Public Auciiou i'u '1‘HORY1111.L, III the Large Shed adjoining Meck'a Hotel, On Thursday, June 3. and following Days. A LARGE STOCK 0F CROCKERY. GLASS. CH RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE IMPOR'I'I-LR. [IT The attention of S;orekeoperr~‘. llotolkeepers, and Farmers is particularly requested, a ' 1 Sale at 11 o‘ 'Ihornhill, June ‘2, 1858. SiOREKEEPEilS I", IIOUSEKE TAKE NOTICE I 1 EPEBS l c- . ._ ' . ’ WW: 8‘ T E R N Fire Insurance. Gompany of Toronto. .-‘,_'_‘ ..__ isooirroiurxn Pl ACT 'in- fantfbien-r. CJPITJIL STOCK £100,000. BOARD OF DIRECTON. J. C. GILMOR. Pros. I INA AND CUTLERY! Tuos. I‘IAWORTH. V. Pros, Wm. Henderson, Rica Ipswis. .lninos Loask. Geor e Mic-hie, lliigh M llcr, J. P. obhlL‘l, clock, 1) "3,, Walter Macfarlane. Robt. ,Sta'uton. Sen. WM. E. EAS'r'rv, Awaymur. L? mar (31;... CI...th. Stout. Toronto. in RICHMON WPREMIUMAJ} l l | l SADDLE 11A RNESS, ES'I‘ABLISHMICN'I‘. Two Door South of the TRIBUNE Oflice.g William H. Myers, Premium Harness I ESPECTFULI.Y announce-1 to the Public generallthal he havmg taken tliu F I R S '1' P R IZ El'or Harness at the Yongo Street Agâ€" ricultural Show. Two Years in succexuon. he feels conï¬dent that be can give entire satisfacitO'i in all branches of his business. OflpAll Work Warm nled. :sjf} ',," A lirgo stock of Harness, SIC, always on hand. and made to order at the lowest. possible remnuernling prices. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. Jlfu n ufucturr’r, B O e 1,118.13 D111LLl r if. ‘ vniiuiis Summer “oranges. brands of Cigars and (‘lterools. Hotel. daily. ‘ Richmond Hill. June. 1857. LUKES’ HOTEL, HOLLAND__LANDINC..' 7 \III'.‘ I formerly kept by Tnouu M‘rs. which hohas ï¬lled up and furnished for the accommodation of his Customersmnd he trusts byconstanl. attention to their wants lo secure a liberal patronage. - » - -~ m-.. __.. . 7 g This (‘uurasv Iiisulos all descriptions of m 7 Buililings,l\1annfuchries, Milk. &c.. and Good: n v 7 and Furtmuro. in them againotlobs or dam- IL I age by ï¬re, on liberal terms. Lotions promptly Am] ALIS/mic Ila/l, se'lled' A L. . Yourâ€; STREET . ' , X'I'PTNSIYII Slaliling, cud uliligiug Hustlers Rh'dence' General Azï¬'n' glO-ly ..â€"+... N o T I c E ‘ VALUABLE P'BOng-BTY rum: Flourishing Village 0!“ ' BUTTONVIL‘LE. IN 'I‘lll Township of MARKHAM, 0:;- FOR SALE.» $9 ONSIS'IIINIG df 'Ilhroe Villa e‘Lots. with suitable Buildings. --with a Eluth part of acre of Land numbed. to. chair; One is a small Cottage suitable for a amallfagtily. The second is a New House, adapted for a Mechan- ic of any kind or Dootorï¬oo-thgiyis no Doc- tor in the neighbourhood). The third is a Large House. with all-tho accomodntions for n Tavern. with a nevergfailing Wall of Water. Also. good, suitable out-buildings. consisting of drivmgâ€"Iiouse. large shodtwogod-ahed, gran- : ary and stable». together Wilfreome choice Fruit Trees. comprising plums. poars.c,urrants, and the black tame cherry. ‘ " BU‘I‘TONVILLE is situated at a plea- Riclim !?i1|.August III. 1857. V nlways in atwmlaiica. ('liou o \\ Ines and L.qums Iicor, Po. lertind Regalia. l’rincipo. llavnun. Mauilluand other All Omnibus to and [torn '1‘oronto.calls at tho ROBERT IYISEMAN, Prnpl‘ielon, g. L-wy. l Subscriber begs to inform the In- habitants of the above-named Village an iid surrounding Country. and the Public gon-‘ rally. that he has leased the above Hotel, Liquors of tboliost brands at itlao Bar, and, vary attention paid to (invests. THUS. LUKES, Proprietor. g 1 4-3m 3 Holland Landing. Sept. 1". 1657 FARM FOR ‘sin]: 1 ONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY Acres of good land, being part of' Lot To 13, 4th Con. Vaughan. BLACK HORSE HOTEL snnt rise of round. on the 4th Concession of Markham. ' 'hero is auvostp ishggfost-Ofliro together with a Grittaud SHVWMHI, Store. with Mochanicsof different kinds. ~: ~- Terins easy. apply to the Proprietor on the premises. or by Letter. post-paidto Button- [FURMERLY KEPT or two. uoLPHJ ORNER of Palace and George streets. east of the Market Square. Toronto. Board $1 ‘ For Particular“ apply to per day. Good Stabbing and attentive Hostlers ville. Possession .will be given on the Isl of 011- REID. always in aitentlancn. An omnibus to and April. or if:nedod..tholst ofJnnnary. ThOHIIIill- from the Railroad Station. December 2-1. 1857. 199-11 T, . . THOMAS PALMER. If? M "‘d'SP“l#b‘9...£ii i1 POTIIECARIES’ IIrILL VING STREET, Toronto. 2nd door on»! of Church Street, opposite the Cathedral, W. 'I'. A'rttissox. d1. Co.. Late of King street West. now offer at their new establishment. Genuine English Drugs, Patent .Medicinrs, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Points, Colours, Dye- Woods, Cambs Brushes &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. T. A. 51 Co. having crnsidernblo ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying. that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Ro- ce=pts, Horse and Cattle Modecines, are of the very best quality. direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. '1'. A. JL Co beg to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for the 'I'eetii, ‘ Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottled and from tho founiain; SI. Cathorinos Mineral Water. and the Plantagenet. Water. celebrated for their healthy properties. A...“ 22. 1858. .45 G H. HUSBAND, SURGEON DENTIST, OULD respectfully inform the Ladies ' and Gentlemen. who wish to avail 1118111- selves of his professional services. that he will be in attendance the ï¬rst Monday and Tuesday following of each month. at Amblor's Hotel. Richmond Hill : “’ednesday following at the Aurora Hotel. Aurora; Thursday and Friday at J. McCluro’s Hotel, Holland Landing: the rest of the month at the 'l'liornhill Hotel, 'I'liornhill. 0:? Communications to be addressed to 'I‘Iioruhill Post Ofï¬ce. Ritt-‘utrzscns [by porinission]:â€"Rov. R. Puiiiliu; Rev. N. C. (iownn: A. Buck. 1111).. R C. S., ling: C. Knyser, M. D. ; F. Owen. M. D. ; J. Zimmerman, S. D. December 31. 1857. I30 OATS, OATS 1 \ ANTED to purchase Oar. THOUSAND Bushels of good Oats. Highest price paid iii Cash. Apply at the Tribune Oflice. Richmond Hill. Feb. 11. 1858 t36 N0. 644, EETS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. 1 Victoria Square. the last Friday oven- ing in each month. I OFFICERS ELECT 1 JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAMES FANAGHAN. Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Squats. May 7, 1858. 4841' Richmond Victoria, ovAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. meets at. B-othcr Robert Wiseman’s. Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening in each month. Orrici-Lus [Steerâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford. blaster . J B. DeeG.or, Deputy Master: John Munholland, Secretary ; W. Poguo. Treasurer. January 21. 1858. 133 'l‘o Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- [ sell to a Medical Man of standing and . experience. House and Premises. both plea- sant and convenient, can be had on reasonable lenns. Applr. if by letter post paid. to the Editor of tho 'I'rtLLne. Richmond Hill. Juno 15lh, 1857. g.2-wy. Conveyance to Railroad Station. I HE Subscriber bâ€"e-gslo remind the inhabi- [ tanta of Richmond Hill and the public oncrallv. that he runs a regular Conveyance, ‘wice alloy, to the Railroad Station. and re- spcctfully solicits their patronage thereto. Paa- [z mom...“ WILLIAM MO§RISON Toronto, Fob 25, l858. t38-1y I Bullouvillo: Oct. 28. res-1..., m, 222-.. ll" ‘1 i M .. . .. JOHN MURPHY. WRITING PI'I‘MAN’S Manual of ‘Ph'bildgï¬iphy is a Work of about. 100 page“ every tillir-r loaf of which isprinted kom stone engravings giving writing exorcian Lathe 'art which I o book is designed to teach. By,th§ use of llIi< Manual, any school boy or gifl. of; or 6 you - and upwards, inav learn; in 1! Silk}? [singly sh. rt space of time. to roadandsmito-Phoniugr-I- ‘ r or Phonetic Short-hand. and of mouth: «1‘ daily practice is all that is require to enable '1. child of ordinary intelligence to wme 10 more words per minbte'! This rate of per-d Is sufficient to take down ordioafy nor..." «7:. speeches, and rouvomntion ast‘assas epowi'll. The " Manual of Pbouograpbyfl 75 c. "N, and the " Phouograpic Copy-book," 25 c n . are sent to any address, by mail. pint-paid, on receipt of the price, ONE DOLLAR. Address. est-paid. , wr LIAM it; can. 05mm. C. W . From whom allenglisb “American l‘linn- grapic Works mayb inrocurod. I. 112 PAI N T LN G. â€".. J5 he Subscriber begs to ‘in orm the 'in- _ habitants of‘R‘ic'hmon Hill and sur- rounding country. thnt’ he hits ‘houiinonrrd businessin House Painh'rrg, Glazing, Paper Hanging, Graining, 4%., do He hopes that by strict attention to kll order ori- trusied to him which will be executed in r. n It and workmanlike manner. bn‘tho, shortest no- tico, to merit a share of- piilrï¬Ã©â€˜piltrbnngc. Ilousc‘ Decorator, . Painter, PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER &c., doc. No 49, King Street. 4 Doors West of Bay Street. DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS. HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. ' Toronto. Juii018tb. 1857. g.2-wy. J ____..â€".____.___. SWAN HOTEL, ‘IIORNHILL. The Subscriber in tendering his thanks for past favors. would beg to call Public attention to his NEW Establishment, Thornhill, and known as the SWAN IIOI'EL, which he has lately entered into in consequence of the accomodation in his old establlsliment being entirely too limited for the comfort of his numerous guests. The Swan HOTEL in a few chys will be completely renovated. and respectable visitors ina\ rely on having their calls immediaton at- tended to. He has also very extensive accoun- dation for Horses and Carriages. His Bar will always be found well stored with the choicest Liquors ; while the subscriber liimselfintonds to devote his time to the com- fort of all those who may honour him with a cup Richmond Hill, {RICHD'E‘WAILE-V‘. JOHN SHIELS. March 11. 858. . . ‘ no.6... Thornhill. 2 Proprietor. % “mm 20° 1953- ‘33 EDMUND GRAINGER, U 'r c H E R. ritoitunitn. rm... and Pickled Meats, Foulth &c., always on hand. Families supplied ah the shortest notice. . I 'I‘liornhill. Match .19., £858., ROBERT, swish, Boot and Slice-'M‘nker, momma. no wuss. Methodist Chapel, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. A choice selection'of’GI’liillomens’. Ladies" PRIVATE SALE !! MJV'D AND WflTER .MILL ! ' NEAR RICHMOND HILL. i4| HIS FARM contains about Fifty Acres“ with a House. Garden. and small (‘loar- ance. and is well timborod. The Water Mill. including Three good Dwelling Houses, with Gardens. and about Fifteen Acres of Land. if required by the purchaser. The premises are at present used as an Agricultural .Imple-i u", Chldren‘ghnm’ m" smlonsumwmu mom and File Factory. I , All the above properly willbo-sold on easy' {liz‘e‘d' "‘d "mm 1“ “at†A.“ "§h°â€Â°" 5Ԡit rrns for Cash or Yearly Payments, and is 'l worthy the attention of the Mechanic and Far- Richmond Hill. Juno I‘lth, 1857I I g,1w.y. Iner. r- -- ._ For particulars apply to Du. DUNCUMB. -_ ' Richmond Hill. 1.7. '1 September 10 1857. gl4-tf " I V â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€" RICHMOND HOTEL, SVV Opposile the Pastle‘chth‘on Street. -â€"- N Omnibus- leaves tlia'abiIVo: Hotel every “ï¬ning: (Sundays excepted.) at («3va HE Subscriber begs to inform the o'clock. for Toronto; .rotlrniilg the some Public that he has leased the above - - ' - s t. L ." promises. and ï¬tted them up in a neat and "E's"?! . ‘ ' ‘ . . rses and B gses kept for hire. comfortable 3019' I I _ I “g RICHARD'NICHOLLS. Boarders and transmit visitors wrll ï¬nd the v propriewL accomodations in every ,Way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good subling niid allenti'vo hustlers j HENRY LEMON. g.1.wy. Richmond Hill. Gone. 1857. _ _., Tliomhill. 3 Proprietor. , ‘1‘),00 TOR. Jan. 20.1858. I38 ‘ . or a a 1“ Don tal FOR SALE! ACRES OF LAND. East half of Lot No. 2, 711‘ Concessmu. Nortli Gwillimbury. Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND. situated in the Village of Thornhill. with good House and out-buildings. II? Terms Easy. Apply to . JOHN PALMER. ' .3 one ERY. 66, King Street ' ‘ 'i Edit, Toronto. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth. 9‘s Consultnn'nasFroe, and‘nll Wait Warrantod. . Toronto, June, 1147. Ll~xwy. Richmond Hill. I T. 7 111.10 BETH. -Jnr., January 14. 1858. iii? I LARRIAGE. SIGN. To Carriage Makers. l __,...,_ 2 Ornamental Painter. Ricliuiondllill,Fcb.17.11558. tar-iv ll p; __ .l mm; HE Advertiser is desirous of obtaining ll Situation in a Carriage Shop where a number of hands are kept. VVonld have no objections to discharge the duties of Foreman. feeling convinced front his knowledge of the trade that he would be able to give general satisfaction. Address w. s.. Tribune omen. NEW :5- . AP'“ 1' 1858' Richmond" 11111. “Richmond Hill. P, w, ORN E11 of Wright & Yonge streets. 140-41 WHOLESA L‘F. , . . C Cheap Greceries and Provisions. Paper & Stationery Warehouse.l Clnrkcry and Glassware cheap for Cash. No Credit. D. HOPKINS Jan. 7. 1958. t3] ' ‘I' THE WHITE SWAN f Inn, and Livery Stab/es, Xenon Sinner. OSEI’H GABY begs to inform the public . that he has commenced to'run a Stngo from thoabovo Hotel to tho O.S.&H.K “- Staiion. (Richmond Hill) twiro a day; and will convey passengers to any partef lllt‘ country. night or day, in ton minutes more. H19 Subscribers have always on hand, 7 a large and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing. Colored, Brown. and Wrappiig Pu tors, Wm, Wafers, Slnto-, Ink. Steel Pens. Thin-low“. Metallic Memorandum Bowl“, Twines. (.‘opr Books. School Books and General SIIUUIIOI‘V, 8113.. Ace ' The facilities which the nubmrihers have for manufacturing. having two of this largest Paper Mills in Canada, they are prepared to mnnil'acturn all kinds of paper to order. Fengera convoyed to any part oltbo country on the shortest notice. RICHARD NICHOLLS. Doc. 3, i857. r g26-tf BUNTIN, BRO. dc Co.. Yongo street, Toronto. 131 “Joseph GABY. Proprietor. January 6, 1353, Richmond Hill, Oct. 15. test. r1841