., fliruhingr I . T .'13b 1 y. k‘ , .a ‘I . ‘ ‘ ‘ or welcomed them in these terms 2â€"" Pope. . gun] by me. ma'am.†says he. " but you new“. nun. who ’ [devoid of delicacy and reckless of rebuffs. pry" send POETH r. , mfolb'flgfl'mllogub with Echo" was Wade; ht or nine [years since from an old ‘ï¬ï¬n‘daéfl iibd'ut1760 :â€" 1!) add: lithe Echo yonder. What wiII its answer be I wonder 7 .. (EC/Ill) I wonder. 0, wondrourï¬cho. tell me blessc. #- Lfsr marriage or celibacy ‘! . Silly Bessy. v If their to win the maid I try. Ml lï¬ud her a property 'l ‘ A proper tie. If neither beinnravo nor fnny Will win the maid to matrimony 1 Try money. If I should try to gain her heart. Hall I [o plain or rather smart I . . ' Stuart. . omy'et love dress. and 1 again. thou aycoln'e too lull"..th she’llconlplnin than? ' Cattle plain then. To please her most. perhaps ‘tis host To some as I'm 1 a eommon-drose l - r ‘ Come undressed. 4H]. Wplprrpme '1 team her. ‘ 'W'bsf will she so} if that sliunild please her I ’ V! ' _I'Iease. Sir. :2,""r’yl 1?‘ u -" ., . - 'Wiieu crods lor good words can appease hor. “halt ifsugh paqghty whims shqttld seizo he! I E n r g" I " ,:Yoa’d see. Sir. < When wegyhelu change. for Love’s no sticker. M, 3 er. usbapd less than liquor l . .2 ' ef- Then llt'k her.‘ no IObVo‘Jho’the‘n Ilcan’t compel her. Though every woman else excel her. Sell her. ‘ ‘m-dbuhtiug'yonth to Echo turned again. Sir. - To ask advice. but found it did not AkisWtLR,‘ h. i .._._____._.__ __._ -. __.. m i the poet speaks of " striking the trem- bling lyre." does it not suggest the image of a nhdohnonter flogging a quaking urchin for tutoring o‘falsehood 1 ‘ ~ " If you wish to make a shoe of durable malevlald." said the facetions Lathahcrgh. ‘ "" you should'take the upperparf of the month , “shard drinker. for that never lots in water." I. Aherlhejsight of the Pope from Rome. the "ling of Naples. who had come to VIMI the "on Father in his e‘xila. went with him on oggu-Anyoric-n frigate. The comma» â€". - (how are yeti“ King, how do you do ?‘ Ilere. Lieutenant Jones. you speak French ; purley can; with the Pope. while th'eEKiug and .I go down and have I'drlnk. King. come on. ‘ Ladies. prepare for an extreme change in 1' ï¬st" habits: for a Paris correspondentof the New: York Courier says the I ladies are coming out wibeutbo’ops. bustle. wadding. or anything abs. A gentleman who has just returned from Arkansas informs us that he heard the follow- dng conversation at a tavern :--" Ilalloa bov !†"Holloa yourself!" " Can I get breakfast here I" " I don't reckon you can.†" “’hv shot I†"' “boss’s away. mistress is drnnlf. 1hr baby's got the colic. and I don’t care a darn for nobody." "Daddy." said a young hopeful. " let‘s go Ip'to to the nine-pin alloy and rol'.†Roll, hey 2 Why. what do you krypw about rolling I†1" He knew about it Is Wliy. I can roll your darned old eyes out in less than ten miuntps.†.â€" A folio! coming out of a tavern one icy morning rather blue. fell on the door slep. Trying to regain his looting. he remarked. " If. as the Bible says. ‘_ ' (Ire wicked stand on slippery placss.‘ I must belong to a difl'erent class. for it is more than I can do.†I "‘5’! ;keep an excellent table." said a'I'ady. whining, WIIII.QI° of her boarders. “That put very little upon it." - .1 more romarkablo'for inquisitiveness than for correct breedingâ€"one of those who. into everythingâ€"took the liberty to question Alexandre Dumas rather closely concerning his genealogical tree. “ You are a qnadroon' M. Dumas I" he began.--"I am. sir.†quietly replied "Dumas. who‘hu sense enough not to of .sx'lascent liq cannotconccal. “And your father Tâ€â€"“VVas a mulntto.†“bad your grandfather ‘lâ€â€"" A negro,†has- ï¬ly's'ncgered the dramatist. whose patience ' each-row of trees is to stand. ECONOMICAL MODE OF SETTING. OUT: FRUIT TREES. If we could induce every reader who des a farm to plant out this spring two or " three acres of fruit trees, we should consider that we had (lcuc more for our county than Parliament with its long speeches and enormous expenâ€" diture will be likely to accom- plish for the next ten years. The cost ofthe trees is some; thing, but to the most of our readers who till their own soil, t/mfis a small item. The labour of preparing the groud, setting out and cultivating an orchard, is a bugbcar to many. So many have sct‘cut trees, and so many trccs have died ! wheat-ï¬elds as too many treat their young orchards, would they expect to ï¬nd a crop at harvest timc; We shall have’ something to say inn future number on the care and man- agement of fruit trees. Our present purpose is to point out a cheap and convenient plan for preparing the ground and planting out trees. The sea- son fnr this operation is close at hand, and we hope the hint may prove useful. 1 “After the land is prepared as for common farm crops, by such manuring as may be af- forded conveniently, and by as deep at ploughing as a sin- gle team will give with a common plough, proceed to measure off the distance of each row, and mark the ,phmcsby stakes, _Thcn bc- gin by ploughing a small 1“ land†about six feet wide, so as to leave the , furrow Where Repeat the ploughing on the saute piece of ground several times, until the earth is thrown out down into tne subsoil to a depth ofabout two feet. Tle.) mark'thc places, by stakes, where each row crosses these at right angles, or in other words when: each tree is to be plac- cd. Deposit near each cross- ing. half acubic yard of com- pOst or old manure, throwing a portion of'it about the place where the tree is to stand. Then proceed to plough the earth back again, one man be- ing employed at the same time to pass along the row and to scatter the compost gradually and successively ovcra space of six by eight fcct about the place for each free, while the ploughing is going on. In this way, a.bed , J .il‘é‘teraï¬y who want early tomato But if farmers treated theirtflivr/ziganFarmcr. ' 'TOMA'ro PL_\:st.â€"â€"If there and cabbage plants, and are not willing to go to the ex pence ofa hot-bed, they may have some early, by procuring a box the size ofa raisin box, and ï¬lling it .with geod rich earth, in seeds thinly. chp the box in a warm placc near a stovc or ï¬re-place, and watcr proper- ly. When the plants are up, place the box on the Window- stool, where they can have light and heat. warm days place the box out in the air and sun ; be sum to bringthcm in at nights, and never allow them to freeze. By the first of May, plants thus raiscd will be large cnough. to transplant into the g‘nl‘dCll.â€"IFI'021L the ('ULTURE or CURRAN'rs.â€"Asl thch is likely to bc a scarcity of summer fruits tlxisycar, owâ€" ing to thc dcstruction of peach and cherry buds, &c., all who have current bushcs should be- stow upon them special atten- tion. Old and ncglcc‘rcd bush- es should havc some of the old branches cut away, so as to give thc youngr shoots a chance to ï¬ll their placcs and these should be thinned out, if nu- merous and shortcncd if long, so as not to crowd the others. Dig the grass out if any, about the roots, and apply a good dressingr of manure and ashes, spading,r it in ;snd when the hot weather commences, cover the entire surface under the bushes with tanbark, saw- dust, old lcavcs, or ship dirt; this will prevent the growth of weeds, and keep the ~ground moist, greatly pmmotino‘. the quantity and quality of the fruit. CARE OF ANIMALS. ~Evcry comfort of every animal under his careâ€"not only from a cont- mon principle of immunity, which is or should be instilled into him by the gentle and humanizing character of his pursuits, but from a healthy and laudable regard for his own interest. DANGER or Havisc A 11am; SKIN.â€" 'I‘wo ladies of Caucassian desccnt, crass- ed from Cincinnati to Covington.a few days since, for a pleasure jaunt. They were accompanied by a young female slave, who belonged to one of’thc ladies, a resident of Louisville. \Vben they came lb rcturnto the Ohio side, the man, at tlieifcâ€"rry looked into the carriage to' demand fare. He observed thrcc " dark of rich, deep, mcllow carth, formed of throughly intermix- ed soil and, compost, over a space six feet by eight, is made at the place for every trcef An cxca'votiou large enough for the reception of the roots, is quickly made in this mellow bed, of soil, and the tree planted by placing the unmanurcd and adjacent top Soil next thcroots. This mode ofplanting will be decidedly “waning last. "And may I inquie what » your [reatagrandfather was ?"â€"“ An ape. sin". thundered Dumas. with a ï¬ercenoss that made his inlportinent interiogator shrink into the smallest» possible compass. “ An ape. sinâ€"- I†ï¬rfl\MIces where yours termi- asflsï¬â€˜: « . had been dreadfully hon- , Iâ€) peeked all his life. was visited on his deathbed; 1 y ‘ 'I‘y'a‘elorgyman. ‘ The old man appeared viii-y. ' In'diï¬'orent. and theparson tried to arouse hint . by talkingof the King of Terrors. " Iloiit, tout. man. I'm no acar’t. The King 0' Ter- i“Y's! I'Jo been living sax and thirty years with the Queen 0’ them. and the King csnna ’ be mucklewsnr." _ " “are. pow." cried a little girl. while nmmagipg a drawer in a bureau. ‘-tbere_ 'ltow. [na'pi has gone to Heaven without his ' spectacles I What will he do ‘1" I t. t l ,,i Who! will the Queen be a soldier ‘1 \Vhen the wil'ba a granny. dear (Grenadier). _ Flowers that beautify the earth with colour. and delight the passer-by with their fragrance are everywhere : the poison berry and’ “the ‘ My nightshade are found only in the noi- ooate marshes and untrodden swamps. h -aâ€"~s‘ Ms... A. Ohio o'ditor say-sithat he knew Shako ' “I'd I '71)“! he lived in Pennsylvania. and that his name was not Sbakspenre. bnt Wil- Io'iilpesreâ€"that he afterwards moved into ï¬eStato of Michigan. caught the fever and ' “do, and was afterwards nick named Slur/rc- 8pm.. ‘ Ayonng Miss at Bridgewater. lately after Ilsemsrrilza contuouy had been performed. discovered that the ring had been placed on the was; ï¬nger. So unhappy was she at [111$ mistake. that she could not rest. and before 05! Unite. bed called on the clergyman to make ythat she was a lawful bride. One great secret of domestic enjoyment is ‘00 lunch overlookedâ€"that of bringing our wants down to our circumstances. instead of l '“muxto bring our circumstances up to our , I who. , , 2, ' 'Wb are curious to know how many feel in Inn-Io arithmetic go to a mile. because we sever mat with a lady whose shoes were not. V Day the very least. a mile too big for her. 1" Ireland a sharp fellow is said to be " as at. as Paive'r's fox." the for of Bally-botherem. better than in holes dug.r by hand, for those strips of land being down =1he natural slope of the land, as they always should be, form a channel in theisubsoil through which any surplus water, (which would otherwasc stagrat; .in the dug,r hcle,) may easily Sink away. and. not remain about the roots to injure the growth, as all stagnant water does in a most serious degree. This is especially the case with holes dug in hard clay subsoils, complectcd" individuals, one of whom was unmistakably a negro, and his fears were excited that the country was in danger on account of an nth-mp1 to stral away from' some patriarchal household. Ilc rcfusetl to permit them to pass, unless they shewâ€" cd their “ papers.†able to do, and all their asservations and scoldiugs were disregarded. This they were unâ€" Thcy were compelled to wait until recognised by a lriend, whcn the way was opened for their return to the land of the free. on the other side of the Ohio. related, to the mirth of thcir blends, and Their adventure was their. own chagrin at being accused of having a skin darker than a ferryman's. 'I.‘\vi:NTvthvs YEARS IN Parsonâ€" Putt'ick M cAuley at noon yesterd’ay‘ ' discharged from the Penitentiary, having served out a sii mpntbs’ sentencc‘,‘and be- fore live o‘clock in‘llie afternoon he Was safely lodged in Jail, where he was stun.1 at his own request, at hard labor, for the term of three months. Patrick is now1 quite an old titan, probably sixty years of age, twenty-five of which be has passed which hold water like a tub.†The Country Gentlemen, a leading American journal, in- forms us that‘ this plan has been found-very advantageous for large. orchards. We think it will be equally useful in the case of one, two, or three acres, with less than which no farmer should be content. RHUBARB on PlE-PLANT.â€"- We would recommend to every person having,r a good garden, to plant half a dozen or a dozen roots of the rhu- barb. The leaf stalks in carly Spring, long before goosebcr- rics are large enough, make some delightful tarts, by some â€"aud by the writer amongst the restâ€"preferred to thcl' guoscberrv. Plants may be raised from seed, but they re- quire much‘carc. It will be more convenient to purchase a small number of some ap- proved Varicty. They should be setfour fcctapart each wav,in very rich land and \chI pre- parcdâ€"the ground to be kept. clean and loose at all times. The stalks of the Victoria and some other kinds are some~ ‘lll’yb'ich used to read the newspapers every A nor-intro ï¬nd out where the hounds were to .001. times almost as large as one’s wristâ€"From the Southern Far- ' mar. in the State Prison, Penitentiary and Jail. So feeble is he that he prefers a home in pri‘on to wandering abnut the slrecls, for he has no home, friends or which sow tomato. correct farmer will study the‘ 1 L211“ Unatinpï¬ Lfasctl byttitzlltwl‘ . 30 011 "will ' 51)!) Sliver \anrlws 3‘51†“(Mo ‘25 (10 curb IUIIU (ioltl Guard. Vest lllltl 1“!)i) =0? LOOK AT 'I'HIS 14m ~ot' what we are boundâ€"at any cost to ourselvcs w. Sui-c Remedy: 1N 'I‘IIF‘. IVORLI) for the sure ClllG ‘of, llbcumatism. I’ams in [be llnck. Breast. :«iul Sidc. I’ulpito- lion of thc llcmt, 'l'uulltm‘lm. Ilcntl- at 11c, \Vnak Stout-1 :u'it. and General . ‘bcmmv; Cramps in 1 the maniac“. r lush-(t Hands or 178.01. SPI'BIHV Ill-uisoé."or’ Stiï¬â€˜n‘vw in tho .luintervVOI' "I‘d Agno. Cholera Morluls. (:(iuLth‘ Colds. 1.053 of Appcute, Summer (juniplnints. llt'lllws. Solo ‘I‘bhmt nr Quiusrv. vaclittlgs‘. Cub. Burns, External I|l_lll||L\:t. Lt“, is Dr. Tumblctyts chctablc‘ Coziipcuml. . " Its cilicucy has been fairly tested. and it~<| Vll'lttos pmnodnccd unpurallclrd " The Clll't's made bv Dr, 'I‘umblctv with his Veg‘clnhlc Compound. are so mimrruluus us 101 resemble the fantul Scriptural account of similar cases in ancmnt Linn-s, and those cakes am 50 tvnurlcrlul and ItlSantl-‘Illt‘tllle so snti<- factory and tuiiiuutingnf human ill. asln call upon public l‘llllCllbl'lilllOS and tbme bnvmg charm: of public iuslitutions for the sick and qul'uIiug to look \vcllinlu the well tilteslctl unuils ofthis chctablo Mi-dirinc. Numerous cuscs. two months in lluspital. without any lmnefit. have bccn cured by a few days’ use nftbc chclublc (,‘onlpunutl. It is the most soothing medicine in the world, or that ovcr \vill bu... '1‘110 chofnbln Compound 1:: put up highly conccntrntt-d in buttlns nt'f‘mnpflult‘d \vilb priulcd directime mnlsclls fru‘L’J cents. 5ft cents. and :31 pct‘ buulv. 1 r. 'l‘nmblcty‘s lt‘gctnblc Piils.‘ Tho bc>t and stiflki (albumin and I’urifyiug l’ill evor cll'ercd tu lhc public, for thc cure of Costivcncss. litllntm C(lllllllt.i||le‘ “mpsy, Heartburn. Ill‘1|(1:-(‘lt(‘. arising from a ton] Stomach. Nausea. ludigudiun. Morbid Inac- tion oflho liuncls. and I’nin a|i~ing lbercflum, Flatnlcncy. Less of Appulllv. all Ultx‘vs and Cutaneous Diseases ubn-b icqnuo nu evncunu' McdiCinc. Svrofula. King‘s Evil. Functional Derangemcntol' llm Litui, Splccu and Viacom. they stand ullt'tvullt‘tl. 11? Price ‘25 rants and 5!) cnnts pcr bov. These are no crude and llllil'lF‘tl rumt'tllt-s cxperimcnlall} placed ltt‘fore the public. but Illt‘_\‘111|\'o sicml lllt' lc~t of yours. All that science. rltlll and cvporicuve could do. in perfecting goutl. wholesome and over safe and reliable 19:11]:in All-(llt‘ltlt‘s. llavc boon concentratcd in tbrsn preparations. N0 pa- rents who value the 11051111] or even Ibo lives of their children should be \vtthnut Ibcm. Illil‘lll’f‘ll~' of Physicians now use them and ncknowlcdgu llll‘lTl to bc thc muslscit‘nliflc anrl‘ wholesome preparations cver ulll-rul lo the public. For sale wlmb‘snle Ol'l'f‘l’tll by Dr. Tum- blety. at his ofliro. 111 King su‘cvl. 'l'oronlu. Cauntln \"est. “gt I’uor pcnplr- will be libcrally dealt “llll' Toronto. DN'. 2-1. 13.37 till '1'11112 G {P EDEN PEREZ E I u.1.usrn.vrnu. DEAN sh. Sun-1R. Editors and Proprietors. 7 WIN: New Yurlt \\'cckly Gm’r/wn Prin- in (mo of {lip lug-wt and 1- st literary payers oftbc dayâ€"nu Impt-Iinl Qumln, containing no 'I‘ l‘,\tiks or hm'iY (nmrmvs. a: original ill-titer. and ultgunth entertaining " ï¬' 'i" , illuslrated every‘ï¬eck. -. A .3 _ : r a A C I F wou'rit r‘uun 50 (1‘.st 'l‘t) $5!) ()1) IN G’lllt. \Vill be pvt-muted to reel] sub cllbm' unnumb- aluly on receipt of the sub‘criptinn muncy. This is presented as a Meniuutu oil“. inndsbip, and not as an inducement In cbtniu sllb~ct‘ll)et‘s.‘ TERMS: Ono Copy for one year. . . . . 111 and 1 gift ()ne Copy fortwn tears 2; Miami '3 {11115 One Copy for three yen . 5 (bl and .‘t gifts One ()upy for live _v.-nrs.... . 8 ‘60 and 5 gilt ANI) it) owns Thrco Cnpies. mm your... W1 and 3 gifts Five Copies, nuc yenr . . . . . I") and ."i ui'ts 'l'cn Copies. 01m ycur. . . . 1.3 (It) and 111 £11} 'I‘wenty'cnn (‘1)[‘Ilۤ. 1 _\Ptlf.3il 0') and 9.1 pi'ls The Arliclcs 1' be given au'nv are comprise-d in lb» folnwiug lisl : ‘2 Package: 01' Hold. containing. .$.’>t1(1 011 cut-1| v 5 (10 do do .. L’Ull Utl cm-b 10 (In do do . It)†(It) each 10 Patent Lever llu'iling Ca-vd \Valcbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... It)“ ('0 crtcb ‘20 Gold '\r\’alcltc<.. . . . . . . . . . 7..) till cncb‘ 5') (In .. .. .. 6') llIlth'llI 100 (In .. so (In curb 311i) lmtlics’ Cult] \‘r'ulv-bw .. 515 Uil'cncli ‘ «. Chains. . . . . . . . . -. . . >510 0d 1p ‘55 (If) each 1 (3.51.1 Lackcts, “Imbbwsj Bruncluu. lirnnsl I’ius, UIII’I l'iIH, Slt-cvu llu‘luus. Minus. Shirl Studs. Watch Keys, Guld and Sub cr 'l‘nimblcs, and n iuty of other articles. worth fieiu 511 cents to $15 each. Iintucdintclyuu receipt of 11m nmncy. the subscriber’s Imnm \\'|ll bu (uttered upon our weokrby mail or cypress". '10§1.[Htld. ‘ ’All bohnnnnioations should be addressed to ISI‘ZC'KI‘IT it Co. 48 and :19 Moil'at Building. New Ymk. LMOST I'ZVEIEBUDY is ordering the I‘LOUGH, LOOM and .‘INI'IL. That the rest mav be as wise. and possess thcutsclvox â€"10 make the Leading Industrial Journal of the relatives in the wide world. The first time he entered the State Prison was upon a sentence of ten years, for highway robbery. which term he served out 10 the last day. At the time of his conviction he dented the charge against him. and up to this day persists in asserting his inno- cen'ce. From the period of his release from the State Prison up to the prescrrt time, he has been sent up at divch times for petty ofl'i-nccs, and occasionally at his own request. He invariably prefers the goal to the penitentiary, and is so well acquainted in the former that he can give the names of thc sherills and goolcrs for the past ï¬fteen years. He is an Irish- man, and as sharp in a trade as the keenâ€" est Yankee in the country. Many a deal . of clothing has he had with new comers in the goal, and in almost every instant: 9 Pat would come off best. Some years ago he became so annoying in that dines that the gnulcr kepfliim, awnyi‘l'rnura the- rcst of the prisoners. so great were the complaix t~ against him. Pat’s sands have Wellnigb run out. but he will probably spend the remainder of his days here in prison.â€"Albany Jtmf‘mzl. CHILDREN.â€"The biographer of Leigh Ricltmuudsays:-â€"-“ It is remarkable that both at Turvey and Brading, the ï¬rst ‘ prepared supply orders for new Olliccs. in limosâ€"tho bcst fur the Ifaruwr, tho Alttt'lttttllc. and the Family Circleâ€"we make the ful‘uuing unprecedcnted liberal ollbr :â€" Our Eleventh Volume will .cnmmcnv-c with Jannarv, lSSBâ€"will run to January. lbjtlâ€"nnn contain 703 large octnvu pages. on fine paper, with new type. It will be is~ncd within the til'st‘ week of each month. in numbcrs of 64 page“ each. done up in the bestinaanzinc style. To all who uill forward the moncy for tbixj volume. as ample subscribers or in clubs, “'0 wull send grziuutiously. the "I‘mlml’s of the cur- rent volatile. from the time of their forwarding. and one month prevroue. thus giving in two. three. or four numbers. according to 111 c time. to all who subscribe before January. 'l't-zmis:_$‘2 n year. in advnnt'c; $1 5010 clubs of four and upward»: $1 for s x months. Advertising. ten cents ti line. for giving pub. licity to improved stackmgricultura' implements. mechanical improvcmcnts. and like matters of general inlcrcsl, there is no other medium good at the price. Liberal terms to persons disposed to no agents for this work. Lot us In-ar from U: .1. A. NASH. M. 1’. :I'AIIISH. 7 llenktuun Street. New York. October ‘22. lcéT. ’1‘ 0 'th It I .v T]; R s. 311115;" Sunscu [13$].t’begs to inform the Tï¬dc. that his" Stock of ERINTING PRESSES. 'I'YI’E._1NKS. veri" larpclv incremed this Suns-on. by arrivals from NEIV YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL: and that. be is addition to these in operation, at the shortest noncc . Printing MACHINES and ENGIN 155 im- ported to order. Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb ‘. the only l‘hysicinns in the State who are mem- . rylnp'om of disease. , nine days. and cast-s of a slight nature in two book. and the gift will be fdrwardod within one i' and; all other description of materials. has bw-n . Buffalo Medical icsnausuan you run was or uvsmcrsu. GHBEIIAI. IH‘IBIIJ'IY. FEVER AVI! AGUE. SCIIOFUI.A. OLD L'I,L’PIRS. GIII’ZVI' IMPU- IIIIY 0F Till: BLOOD, a.\l.’l~ HHKUM. riurms. Fl"l‘l'L\. FILES, Kununs. vicanv. IN- irinmvrucs or worn AND our «on. &c. C? No Mercury Used. 430 R. AMOS & SUN. Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Iiui'lhlo. New York, are Dispcnsary, I bars of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. May be conmllcd from 8 o’clock in the monk ing until 5) o‘clock al night, on every state and The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards-of 3t) ycars’ extcnsivo and sncccssful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or m- tlnvo (law at a very moderan expense.â€" '1‘1m i'tlw utl'v-rtcd without confinement or hin- dizum'c from buiniI-ss. Young lllmâ€" Tu/rc I’arltrufar Archer. 'l‘bcta is an evil habit sometimcs indulged in b} boys, in solitude. often growing up \vtth lbrm Iu mnnbnod. and which. if not reformed by llll‘ltt Ill (luv timc. nut only bcgcls serious ulvstm‘lcx In matliumutul liltllitlut‘x“. lull givm t’iv‘ In a \n'rirs of protrnctud. insidious. and dcvnxtwt‘u: lllll’CiIt‘llS. Few of tlmse who girt- way [1| tbi~ |t('l'llll'lul‘.i practice am auzno 01 the t‘ouwtplcnccn Ilnlll they find the nervous sys'em sb'uttmcd. foul stratch and unaccounta- bEc lockup. and vague loans in the IIIlI'tl. .rl il/ux/ Nrfr-n/f/ic ,Inrcnfion. An imtmmcnt for the cure of Genital [)9- bihly. or more properly known as Scininal \chktlcss. Nervous I)t‘lllltl._\'. &c.. which are pcrninucntlv curt-d in from 1.3 in 2|) days by tho use nftll's lll>Il'lllll0lll. \vllun nscd conjuinlly with medicines. [\flllf 1ffl’lllfdlt’3 nml Quir/r Currs. DR. AMOS & SON tnkP plrnsuro in nnnonn- ring that Ihny bavo lllVI'Illl'Ll a must ilnporlaul Instrumcul for [be cur» of the above diseases. It has hecn subjected to a lust bv tho most eminent phv~icians in London. 1'n:i~. l’bi'mlcl- phia and .\c\v York. It has burn dcclmml the onlv ivcful instrument over-yet inventv-d fur tlu- curc ut' Scntuml “Veal-muss. or any dirtase of tho gnnit 1| organs. caused by the suvret habits 0| \untll Ilr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the ram: skeptical m In tho nictits of these in~trn- mruh. plmlgu tbr-Ilnclvcs. that lll any instance \vbc c Illtt_\' may pruvc unsatisfactory :illcr a fair lll'tl. tbc munm‘ will be rvfundt-d by re- Illvnltly llH- immuneâ€! in gwud urdv-r. I’vrsuns \\l»lll||21lle above tl~cful Ill>IllllllCllI \vid 01r>t\l'\'l‘. that the price. v. itli 11w :u-cnni- pnnying dirtctinus. sccurcly luckcd and sent by mail or chn'css, is ten dollars. Burn/c of Intpnxiffoll. inwarn of Clll|)ll'l(‘\' and i mcrnnt Kelf-styled professors, who A'l|l..\ll’l' cult-s. but never stit'cccd llr Alum S‘ Fran have for a 10m: sevios of ycats bch cngnLu-d in an (lVlt‘lLIl/M prncucc in the trcntIm-nt (it tho-(- (it-5mm) Colllplultlh‘, and ‘ am the only lvuully quabfn-d I'll}\1t'lltlts' \vlm‘ nmv atlvcllisc to cum curtain culnpluinh. u. from whom genuine llniopcun rmnedies can be obtained. I'V.R~o\s h‘ .\.\'Y I’au‘r or run “Run u may 1 be successfully trcnlcd by ftuwardmu a corrch detail of their cows. with a minimum-o for Mcdicines. s\'(' . which will be rctuvnrd with the utmost dispatch. and mvurn from obsorvntion. Address 1)r. ,‘\\m< A". Sm. cuzncr Main and Quay strut-ts. Bullhlu, N. Y. l~lb'-1\‘ PEIHIAM OUT-DONE ! I 11115 prnpvit'IUF m the .\lr1.c \1\Tll.t: GUIDE wvnuld rtwyvr-tfully call 111- ntcnlion of Alt'l'tllftllls. Farmers and Mech- anics rmidmg out nftlm city. in the n orlcra'o terms for .1 \cntly kub~4-ripnnn to the UUIIIE. being. to mail slllISCrthfS. only Fifty (hits, Per outrumm, 3 M\Kl.\'t} 1r Tm: CIIFIAI‘lSl" SFWSI’APY,“ l.\' 'tHE, Usâ€: I) s‘l'.\'l'lIS. , 'I‘h“ cr‘nwms of Ilm “ Guide†will contain‘ the usual varirty of original and spicy articles, 1 nnucn not only to plea-e. but to insult-:t. In rcg-ud tn pnbli'cs the" Guide†will maintain an advocate momures as conductive to beneï¬t the great numbur. I’m mush -;\.~ nu indu'omeht for ItPISOIlS to interest themselves to nbtmn su-cripduus for the “ Mercantile Guide.†no offer the follow- ing prcnmilns. Upon the receipt of the names pn’d III advance. “'0 will lonvmd by flX})to<s, ut‘ ulbcrwi o If crib-r ed. to the address oft lose c‘ttitlml to thcut Fm 3 ll subscribers. cash .. .. . . . . . . . i 35 (.0 For 250 subscribers. we will gtvo a spicu- dill gold watch, warrnntcd . . . . . . . . .. . 370 (10 For it“) subscribers. no givv an clog-tut Lm'd lorknt. four EIIE>HPS’.\\'0I‘111.. . . .. 15 00 Fur 1:30 subsclibcrs. one elegant bracelet 11 00 «For IOU-subscribers. one gold vestcbain l .' trtl 'lfur 75 subscribers. one Lr-ld pen and bolder. handsomely englavcd . . . . . . . . S 00 For 511 subscribers. one gold pun and bolder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ti 110 For 11 sttbsvllbt'rs, 0:10 gold pen and bolder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 UD For ‘25 altlht'l‘tlk‘l'c, two medium gold prle and lmltlcr.... .... .... .... .. 2 ()0 13m 112 rubwl ibch lmldvr . . . . . . . . . one grld pen and . 150 , ,g All communications should he adrcxkod ta _\\ . llLAitu v. I'illllnl' and l‘ublisln-r of the New York N1uu:.'mtllotiuidc, Nu. IUB Green- n'irb Street. New \mk. Nuuspnpt-rs throughout the Union by pub- lishing tho nbovu. nppr'cp'intvly displayed. Ill- (‘1L.t'llllf_f lbw nutics. two months. and cnll'nsIr nttcntiun udituzinlly to the sums. and sending is :bc pnpt-r. \\ ill be entitled In an excbaugn, and [waive :1 gold ten and bolder worth ten dulmls. - «Id-2|“ less] r‘oitu'iltt smsux. [1858. 'l/Ic lmpm‘lul Premium Draught Nurse 91* _ G n n A r “IE BR 1'1‘111 N Will stand for Mares this svaSDn lowing place: : .. MONDAY. Ma; Iiâ€"Hc \\ ill leave his own stably. lot 11. renrof the ink con. of Whit- cbuuzb. and pound to James Lloyd's, 4111 con 01’ \Vltitvhurcb. at noon : thence-lo Chris- “sun‘s. Yongc stwet, and stop all night. TUESDAYâ€"He will proceed down Yonga slrcct to Joseph (iaby’s, and stop all night. WEDNESDAYâ€"Ila will proceed to Ma- plevtllc. 4th can. of Vaughan. at noon : thcnco by way of ltnsscl’s to 1\1ndville‘. 5th con. 01 ,\ augbau. nudstypjill night. "l‘llUltSDAYâ€" 119, will procch to Henry l‘cathcrstonc’s, 'l'bnl‘nliill. at noon ; [hence to \\ m. Dixon’s. Gciman Mills. and stop the night. FRIDAYâ€"1'18 \vill procerd lo Sliicld's. Brown’s Corticrs. 4|1| con. of Markham. at noon ; thence to \V'Illlatn I)uro.\e’s. Victoria bquare. and stop all night. at the fol- b‘A'I‘L'RDAY-â€" He will proceed to S. Migbion’ri, Lrosby's Corners. at noon ; thence to his own stable and r morning. The above route will be continued dnrinwthe SBi'lh‘Oll, health and weather pnrrnitting. a ‘ Ibo owner of GREAT BRITAIN \voul [0 ht‘gland in 1855. for the express put-pom of selecting uneof the beat horses adapted for this country. and purchased Great lllitain.â€" As he has descended from the most notod line 01 Draught HorrseS. and possessed of great strength, symmetry and superior action ; and the breed of Mares which be has spruutr from has been in Mr. Thomas Cass’ fanlilvn sincc 15(1‘2jâ€"Illld for strength. sunniatrv and good con~t|tutinn. stands. unrivalled in Englandâ€"it i must recommend him to the patronage of all ‘JudlCIUUb brr-cdcis. Pedigree of Great Britain. GREAT IIIU'I‘AI brown. clear of stands 17 hands superior action etnain 1111 Monday g N is'u beautiful dapplc while; using 8 yours old: high. \\'llll strong flat bone and t has proved himself a sure . - ,, I . Oul 71/,†who in ur/mnge for new. memorials ofbis usefulnesscccurred in the instance of children.†D. K. FEEIIAN. Colborne st , Toronto, Jan. 9. 18 57‘ I. g.) It foal getter. Ilebas received premiums at lluu'don. \Veathcrby. Snlby, Tadcaster, and 3011:; also. the first Ill'lZO at the Markham Society; the ï¬rst prize at the Yonge slrcet Agricultural Society. and the second prim a! :10 Stoulfvillo Society. Great Britain was gut \. .b'oung Active ; dam by Old Dart, supposed o be one of the best horses in Notlhnmbcrlnud; grand-dam by I‘sofnl; g g d by (:ld Symme- independcnl (one. and from time to time will _._‘.â€"â€"â€"tâ€"â€" trv. Young Active was got by that noted hmse. Black Active. which prode himself to he the best horse in England following premiums at l-ludon zâ€"Iho prmniutn given by the I'loldcrness Agricultural Scciuty hree successive years, 1839, 18-10. and 1341 ; at Beverly. the premiums given by the East Riding Agricultural Society in 1535!. 1541. 18412 Land 154-1; at Ilowdon. the plt‘llllllltts Elven bv the Ilovvdcn Agricultural Society. In 1541 : at Hull. the great Agricultural premiums given by the Yorkshire Agricultural Sucroty. In 1841: open to all England. as bt-ing lhe host Slallionfln the Kingdom for getting drnugltt horses’; at Burlington. tho pvcnilnuis given by the Burlington Agricultural Suctcty. in 1-542. 1843, and 18-14. for the best draught stallion. Young Active, (lam by I‘Irnpcrur: grand-dam by Old Oxford. which travellud 17 seasons in one circuit, and I't‘Ct‘IVt‘d n prcunum Ill. Lincoln. Onkbnm. Ilullcrlun, and Redford. TERMS: To insure a foul. $171 to be paid on the Is! of January. 1859: for the season. $11). to bc paid the last two rounds; sinng leap, $7. to be paid at the time of M‘IYICU. Matias lltnl arc insurcd must be returned regularly to the horse or they Will be chm-gt (1 whether in funl or not. blow: flit-d by Great. Britain. and not returned Will he charged as scusutl mares. Insured um rc disposed off before fouling \vill bu chm'ged for 11w insu'ancc \vbvllicr in foal or not. fun. 50 cents. owners. JOHN FISI'IIIURN. “'hitchnrclt, 185.8. 149 l’lcpiictor. ' EIWDR. ï¬msu’.‘ Indian Root Pills. It.i\1()11>‘13.thc iuvmunr of Morse’s Indian 1 ltunt lillx. has spout lbc greater portion of hi< lifc in lravcl lug. liming \isilcd I‘luxupc. Ann and Attirt'v. as \vcll as lelt Alncllcaâ€" has spcut til-ct- yc'n’x among 111'} Indians of our Weston! c‘onvuryâ€"it was in this way that Indian Root I’llls were first diwuvcrrd. Dr. Morse was the ï¬rst man to establish the fact that all discus-cs arise from INIPIIRITY OI“ '1'111‘) BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life (If‘pl‘lllltll upon this vital fluid. “'bcn the aniolts passages Irv-coma cloggcd, and do not act in perfect lumnnnv “’Illl tho dil- l'erent functions of the body. the blood loses its action, becomcs thick. corrupted and dimmed: IllLlV causing all pains, sicktmss and (11\1|6.\\l)1. over-v name: uur sllcnglli is «\hnusled. our bnalib we are deprived of, and if nature is not ns-istcd in Lu‘ou'ing 011' tbc stagnant humor-s, the blond \\i|l become t'bckI-d mid cease to act. and thus our light of We will 1m I‘mcver blown out. How important then that we should keep tho vm-inm passages of tbc body frco and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in you" fPtll'll. namely, Nurse’s Indynu Root I’iils. lnulitlfnmurvd from plants and roots which grow around the innu I tnntous cliffs in Nauru-K Garden, fur the health and rccuvcry of (liscawd lilItlI. tools from which [lit-ac I'ills are made is n Sndurilic. ubicb vpt‘llS Ill" ll‘III‘S of the skin. and n><i<t< Nature in throwing nnl the finer [Hill's of NW (-minpfiuu \\ lilllll. plant which Is an l‘lvpcclornnt. that opt-us and umlugs the passage to 1116- lungs by copious spitting, 'I'betln.t1i< n 1)ll|l't'lll'. which gives raw and tlunblc strvuptll to tho kitlutflu‘: thus "lictitliagctl. . purity from Ibn 1t'tm(l. ulm-b is then tbrmvn nnt bonntlfntly by the u 'mnrx nr “tllI‘l‘ passage. and u bit It (-nuld nut ll‘th‘ bwn tll<t‘llitr'_rr‘t1 In any clhcr \vuy. '1‘ch l'v‘ttt‘llt ix :1 (‘nthartnu and nccunipauith lllf‘ Ulllt‘l' prnpnillcs of 11m 1’il'.>1 while engaged in pwifflug the blond: tbc coarser partIch-s of impurity which cannot pass by t11('U~l|(‘l~ outlets. :Irr thus taken up and r-unvo-yt (1 rd in grant qu'umlir s by the bow ls. From the abcvc. it is shown that Dr. \lli-se’s Iudmn [toot I'llls nntnnlv cuter the stomach. but become ll||llfl‘1\\‘|lll the blood. for‘ flu-y rind lhcir way to r-vr-r) pa 1. and rottiplclc- 1y rout and n-lonw Ibc ~y>tcm from all impuvity. and the life uf Ihc both. which is the blund. lnwnumx~ puilcctly lictxltliy: cnnxcqucntly all ~ltfltl|e.\\lllld pain is driw n from the system. for they cannot remain win It the body bccmnes so pure and clear. The reason “by people are so di~lrc>scd \\’llt‘ll xii-k, and \\'l|\' M) innuv dip, is bccnltw Hit} (1!! nul 21-! :i int-divine u ltlt‘ll \vill p:|\\ to Ibc itiillt‘lOtl I17||I<. and “bit-b “ill open the natural pcsuigu for thr- r’iK. aw to bc (‘Ilrl out; bcnccm Iargc quantin offoud :mtl ullwt' mutter. I\' lodgcd. and the stomach and lu.cstiucs let' lttm'ally ovcillmtimj \\':t|) the curznplctl mass; thus undergoing- til~2‘gl’t‘t‘.’ll)18 fcruucntauuu, rulixtnutly 1111\111g with (bu blmnl. ulticli Ill'u\\~“ the C‘l'llllllF‘fl mutt-r limit-:11 cvmv vein and Minty. until lifu 1‘ taken fruit: the bully by (list-um. 1)r. Movsc’s “1.1.3 lmvc uddcd tn llli‘tlt~l\l\'t‘.\‘ v it-tnry npou \‘iclclv. by rest-ring millions uftbe ~ir~k to blonmi-ig ltu IlllI and bap- pine“. Yes. lllulhands who llbYO becu rnckt-d or tnrlucntcd \vith sickness. pain and anguish. ‘ and whose fceblu frames nnvn boon >L‘t)itillt'i1 by the burnng cleman 01 fcvm'. and who have been Inuught, :\~ 1| \vvrc. \vnhin :i stop of be >11t‘lll urnvu. now s'nnd rcndv In tcstify that tbcv would have lh‘t’lt number: (l with [be dead. had ituot been for this grant and ucudv ful ulcdicine. )Iorsc’s Indian I‘moi 1‘i1|~. or two timeshnd been taken. tlwy \vcu- :u lcuisltctl. nnrl .tbsulIHely snrp'istd. l'l \\'11||r‘.~‘lllfj their charming cll'ccts. Act cub do they yivtv mum-(lint? case and \llollglll. :iutl [aka n\\‘n\ all sickness. pain and nugtush. but tbnv at once 1 go to work at tho lnnudntmn of 11m (11"I'Ilt‘. which Is the blond. Ibcy null sn vlcnse and purify, lbnt (“scamâ€"â€" that deadly enemyâ€"Will take it» flight. and thu flush of youth and bcuuty wle again return, and tho prospect ufa lung and happy life “ill CllL‘ll\ll and brighten your dms. ('\U'l'lnN.â€"-1$t-\vnre of n countcrfcit signcd. .‘I. B. (Home. All genuine have the tittmu of A. J. “'Hn't-z & (30.. on each box. Also 11n- signuturr If .1. .l. ll'lutu .I- (.‘0. All others are spuliuns. A .l. \VIIITE S; (10.. Sula Pl'npl'irtm'x. 50 Leonard Stu-ct. New York. Dr. Nurse’s Indian rout I’ills are sold by nll dunlcrs in Mcdit‘incs. Agvuls wantrtl in every town. Village at‘d hamlet in the land. \\i1| address as nbm v for fer-us. Price :25 cents pi-r box. five boxes will be soul on receipt of .51. [\(hingt‘ paid. [33. Canada Type Foundry. REMOVIle T0 Sr. '1‘nrzui-2Lir. SL. l.\' DEBI.1:\‘1".Iluthncs, .‘IOXHHAL. 1' ‘IIE Proprietors of this Establishment bcg to inform [be I'nin t-rs of Canada. that tbcy have now manufactule and ready for tlcliverv, 9 large, quantity of Small l'ica. Long I’rilncre 3011111601.“) and llicvicr, of Scotch face. which . they will guarantee cannot be Slli'llilS‘E‘lfl b_\ any Foundry upon this continent for tlnrnbilitv and nupcnruncc. They have also on hand a choice assortment of various kinds- of Ornnmcntnl Type. The prices at which these and other 1.1 pcs ma sold at the Canada 'l'ype Foundry, Will be found at least 30 per cent. less than tlzcy could be pur- chasud yrevious to its ostnbhsbnwnt. It. is therefore llopt'd llI-‘tl the l’rinters ofCann- (la will show lbcir appreciation of the advantages it holds out. by bcxtnwing upon it a fairsharc 0 their patronage. in return for which Ilm propriet- nrs pledge themselves In leave no means nnlrn-t to give ample satisfaction. l’riutcrsl mark thc reduction in the price 0 type since this Foundry was opened ; and bear in mind that ogrcuter rcductinn depends upon your- solves. Our motto tsâ€"supply the trade wtlb ty p0 ofsucll quantities and at such prices as \\ Ill pre- vent the noccmity of patronising foreign lumin- facturors. The folluu'inglist ofa few ol‘tbe principal arti- cles requier by printers. \vill givenn idwioftbe grentadvautages ol'tbc Canada 'l'ype Foundry I’IIICI‘IS: Nonpmicl - - - - - ‘25 (id per 1b. Minion - - - - â€" - 2s 3d “ l‘lrovier- - - - - - L’s 1d “ Ilourgt-otsc - - - - 1s 10d “ Long I’runer - - - - 1:4 ad “ Small l’ica- - - - - 1s 7d “ I‘imt - - - - - - ls (id “ 11:†All other Bunk Fans in proportion. Luvsâ€"6 to I’ica and thicker. 1s perlb.: 7 to Pica. Islld; b' to l’icn 1s (id. '1‘1105. J. (iIIIiXINS; Fa. St. '1’In-reso Strcct Montreal. May 19111. 1357 N.B.â€"I’nblisber< of ni-wspnpcrs gii Eng imm- tion In this advmtixnn-nt for L‘ nmntbs‘ Will It“ allowed their bills npun Plll'l’llih‘lllg ï¬vn tune-s their nmount ofnur umnnfncturc, Ildilors will confer a favor by directing nttontinn to the announcement. ' '1‘. .l. (I. S‘ (‘n. {:3 BLANK‘FORMS. I LARGE SL’I’I‘IA' of Mrigislrntcs‘ Illnnks A’ nccordlng to tho lntcsl forms for sale I11 this Office by the tluzuu or hundrml. "ll‘nbuuo"01bcc Aug. 27 15.37. 110 tecnived tlm‘ Groom’s ' All accidents at the risk ol’the‘ the ‘ One of tbe‘ 'l'hc scrond is ti ' lltl'\' llllt\\'l:l1‘_‘t‘ umnnuts- uf imâ€". .‘lllex‘cnu, 'I'lxcrcful’r‘. it \\ ill be shun u. 1 especially by thu<e who the there l‘ills. that l’nrtiusdnsiripgthe agencv . TO MECHANICS, INVE; TORS, AND MANUFACTURERS. 1N announcing the 'l‘liirlcenth Annual Volume of Tut; Scitzxrmc AMI-Zer ‘cxx, tlIDPlllili\lI0:'s respectfully inform lbepublic 1 wt“ in order to incl-cine and stimulate the fann- yauun 01 Clubs, they propose to offer One T/umsmlrl Five Hundred Dollars in ('us/r. Prcmimns. for the ï¬fteen largest lists ofsubsvribcls sent in by the 1st of,lanumy. 1c58; premiums to be (Lsâ€" tnbutcd as follows :â€" For the largest list. . . . . . . . . . Qnd do . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd ' 41h 51h tith 71h l 81h 91h 111th 1 till 12:11 liltb 14111 1.3111 Nntncs ufsubst'l ibcrs can be sent in at different limos and from (titlerunt Past Ofï¬ces. The cmh m†be paid to the 01(1t‘l'5 oftbc succrssful 0cm- pclituis. immediately after the 1st of January. ‘ less. I . . . $300 . 250 . .. 200 Southern. \\’:-slcrn,nnd (Innnda money will be :Iukcn for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers i will please to rcmittwcnty-six ccntscrtra on each i year’s subscription to preran postage. Tmulsott Slll‘.5t:hll"l‘lUNâ€"$2 a year. or $1 .fur Six Months. , f (,‘LI‘B RATES. ‘ . 1“ch copies "or 0 months. . .. . . . . .. “84 I“l\'t‘ copies for 1.’ months. . 8 I Tell cupius for U months. . . 8 Ten cupics tur 12 months»... Nu . . .15 Twenty cupics fur 1:2 nmnihs. . . . . . . .28 For all Club». of 'I'uonty and over, the vearlv subscription I: only 17111. I 1 1 I l r 1 v . . . Ilic new volume Will be prmled upon ï¬ne paper With new tvpo. 3 The general character ofthe Scimtiï¬c .Immi- cm! is well known. and, as llerctul'orelt will be ‘t-lnt-fly devoted In 1111‘ prmnulgatiun ol'infonnalion iclnting to the various Mechanical and Chemical ‘t.\ll.\‘. Manufactures. Agricultule. l’alrntâ€". In- ventions. Engineering. MI11\\otk. and all Inter- tuts which llw light of Practical Science istml- rulutt-(l to advance. It is issued weekly. in form for binding.- it contains annually from film in ‘ (i )0 firmly executed lingravtngs. and Notices of ‘ American and European lmpruvcmcuts. togeth- cr with an Ullicial LIN. of American I’atent ‘ (‘1.ums published weekly in advance ol‘all other piillL‘I'S 117’ succinwn copies will be sentgratis funny part of tho t'UlI1I[I_\'. MUNN A". (10.. 1 Publishers and I’atcut Agents. 320,126 Fulton sll’t‘el. New York. ' gal-I ‘ a I . A ~ ‘ fl .' .i._. Ilium-c a tins-1.1 Mir 10t‘itt'l'. 'rm-z l.|",\ltl\(‘~ nn l.\ltnlt~'l‘ (lltt‘lllJ'rt-Zl) AeltlLUiJllitL. l.ll‘ll{\RV. aau FAMILY bk\\'el’.\l’l.l(. VOLUME 1X. FOR 185-9 " I‘V‘XCEISIOII," its glorious Mutt". and 1 “ I’Tufltl'ï¬s and lmpruvvmcut.†its lmzdrtblc Ol'jrt‘lx. the Itnml .\u\\’ Ynikm‘ cun- tinues to excel in Merit. turd up rts (bu-:dcd lirufll’e>>‘,lll both Circulation and [hull-Inc‘s. ‘It'ur rwdcncc [11.11 it is unquestimmblv the fStnndnrd in iL< sphere. please cxnuiine lln- paperâ€"compare in bulb contents and nppcnr. ancv. \ulh any olliur cxtantâ€"uvd you will lcnlncxdc uiib its patrons and the I’rexs in pro- lnnnllt'ing it of its cits-c. 1 T1112 Iil-Zh‘ 1' \\'l-JI‘.Ki.Y ‘1 As an Agricultural. Horticultural. Lilernr land Found) .\'c\vsp:ipcr. combncd. :11.) Rural ‘lIItS lung bren uniqnnllcd. It ctnplms Illt‘ 'ln'st tnb-nt.2md is illnshntcd with ninbcrou- tonsil) and appropriate engravings. Embracing in one a L'rvntvr number of important. useful and timely 10':le than scvcral oldiuauy journals lâ€"III' ltltliug rtlrnl ni‘liurs. Hilt‘l‘t‘f'. Iltt‘tllilllit'ill l.\l AM 1‘31: [CA ! ‘nrls, education, history. biography. llllll’ltl cs- suys and Itlk“. pot-1:) and inn-it, trading for 1 youths; nctvs of the (lay. market Icpcrts. Sc“ ‘â€"â€"it is L-mplinlicnlly and economically 1 A I'.\i’1-LK II‘UII 'I'lll'l TIMI-IS! and uorks may for the horses. 0P 'rouox'ro, OCULST 81. AURIST. Operator an the Eye and Ear. ‘ TNIVERSA1.LY known thron’ it t - D (In and the United Slates ferliiffsliiill and success Ill Restoring Lost. Sight & hearing! A nd removing all 1)i~etues of the Eve and Ear paper-ally, begs mots-t respectfully to itiform those uflnmed Ill these delicate organs, that he has for- \\'nr(1(‘d1_o the allies of this paper it few dozen copies at the 4th edition of his 'I'rmtisr: nu Dissa- sas bf III-l: Eyc um! Eur. pnblishud i do da ‘ \\‘lllCh “'111 be presented to applicants, " PRICE 01“ CHARGE. Ton 'l'lwusmul Copivs are now rcrtrlyfur distri- button. Thu: work contains ncallv 2000 page! of reading matter. in which will be found reported a large. number of most importantand sucocwful operations on the Eye. and more than Una fianllrctl Micros-ting Cases of everv duscri )- uon. illustrated with numerous Cuts imd Plato's Also. mil be seen. Letters and References froni highly rcspcctz‘ibllc parties from all parts of Cana- da and the l/nuc-d SIalos.â€"all of which will be found well worthy the careful perusal of the aflltcted. TIIO‘AHIIIDT feels fullv assured lltatov ’zu- prejudirrtl rem/er ot'tbis work will be COII‘BII tbnt Diseases of tbo Hyc or Bar in inn] sï¬lgs short of complete disorganization. mn ahd mm] be rural : and it must nppvnr evident to every considerate person that Ibe principal muse if lmlure to obtain reiivfm lltt'sc cast-s throughout the. country. is the n-snlt of impropri- treatment. and a want of urcunm'v. bdrm. and court:- ‘ynm r on the part ot'tbose prul'esringor attempt- mg to cure such disenst‘s. This Work will nl‘o be funvardcd to indivi- duals fr'rc 11f cltru'g'c) sending their add ('38. l’UH‘f-l‘allb. lo tho Author on Toronto. Tonow'ro. June 81h. 18.37. gill-1y (1' 1': N '1‘ L 1‘; .\1 1'1 X1 ECONOMY IS WEALTH- ‘111-2 I'ndorsigncd bogs lcnve to inform the ,. l I'nbhc that he holds himsell in readiness at his 01d I‘lxtnb lrlllllt'lll. \\ bich Inns boon t‘un- tinm-d for the lust Dix \‘cars. in this City (No. 1653. Yonge Slim-t, and rhn-ctlv opposite that “ Brittannaia Ilunse.†'I'unnto.) to J.’wmmlr. clean and Ii‘rpiu'r V _c . ‘ All Dcscr iptions of Clothing, In a proper and satisfactory manner. by credi- t'ati'ig I‘xinls. ()il. 'l'nr. Ac. Ac. and restoring Colorsluibei. original :tppt'nralict'. so as to pivo . . . (xcntlerncn’s wcnnng apparel tho lnll appear- once of new. From 31 ycars' cxprrience in lllt‘btt‘innfl and prompt attention“: all orders with with: he may 1w Invorcd. combinv-d with an earnest dcsirc to please his swimmers. lie Impcs lu Morita shale of public patronage. Wat. RICHARDSON. '1'oroitlo.dunc 5:11. 18.37. l-tf. Darling & Aitcllisnn‘s contuxw r Mrmrcr (mrl Ii'cupcr. UR .uAt‘mx’r: "a..- substantially built It) () Wrought Iron. onm-cly free from side draught. can be elevated to any height. from n Mower lo a Itenper by a svww in front. and cuts .vi'lmnt clogging. in Grass" “'Iicnl. “at: or thirlm‘. willth change ofkuife or gearing, The price for n Mower. 1:2) .01): ('1 ' iplcted as a lit-nzmr. $110. 011. An extra knife trill be $5 . UU extra. All our Machines are warranted to be well Imillnnd of the bust man-rial. GEORGE DARLING 1(011'1'. Al‘l‘CiiISU-‘l 'I'hornhlll. Yungc Street. . livery family can afford the» Rural. for such tan cunnrnlly in>uw~uvr and enlcrlmnnm ptlltl‘l‘ 1 IS not it luxuly. but a n(-ca~xity. Intlccd. a‘.1 ltvbu dech a 11-21: tuned. progressive. and (-tni- inentl.‘ llh’ttfllttll and u‘elnl farm and fireside journalâ€"one \\'l‘1|l‘ll ignores lrnsh. bumbng and iEIIuCttpllotl. and set ks to enhance Illc Inst in- ilere~t« and promote the home happiness ul‘ its tuus ul tbunsnnds ut' tendons. of various ocn-n- patrons. III both tmvn and countryâ€"arc invrtrd to try the ltnrnl. 1 1 'l‘illl .\1.\'I‘Il VI): U311". FOI‘. 1858. 1 \\ iil bu prmlcrl on clear new type and au- po'inr lumenâ€"while no ptbcr cllbrt o vxponse t\\’lll bu >pztt‘rt1 to make lllu linral continuously ,worlby the iuuucnst- cl culntinn 11 is tittilllllllg ‘anmng flill‘lu’l&\‘(‘.\‘ and thruiubnut the whole country. Next. tuyonr local paper the Rural is indhpvnsabla. Tin- I‘utrnl Now Yorker is published \vccklv. ‘cach number. comprising eight large tlonblc brim-[u pages. [forty t‘ulutnns]. printcd and Illll [ruled in snpt‘riur :l)il\. 'l'ernis :â€"()Il|) "I‘m: llo|122r< n year; three copies for Five 1 Dallut’s; six for Ten Dollars; ten for Fifteen ,Dul nI:.â€"1n advance. Our b~l of l'rcminms fur obtaininLr Subscri- ’liL-s'u 10 the Rural for 1854. is “ququ ml in lbutli Ii wraliu n: (l fairnessâ€"Ibo best t‘\t‘l‘ of- ‘fuwd! It has no blanks. but rt-tvnrr‘s cvr‘ y pmer Who scutb‘ n n-Inb ofsix or tunic! 'I'he ‘1i-Iis just innml and will be SNIl frec fwrth 1spot lllitvllx‘, slimy-bills. a\'C-.] lu all applicants. ,Now is the time to do good nnd ln-rwl‘it your- 'srlvcs by cnnms~ing for the mndcl ltnrnl and lbnmily Wet-lily. ‘ Address D. D. '1'. MOORE. l 1.29 ‘ ltnclu‘xtrr. N. Y. Moï¬nt’s Lift: Pitts, June 24th. 1857’ ‘ T II E ,._ 3.. e e i s r. . H: mm @nhnur IR PUBLISHED, EVER Y l“li1|l.-\ Y Milli .\'l.\'('l. And tlcspnlt'llctl Iu Subscribers by the eariot tnuih. or other cunvovanco. when so Ila-sited. The lllll'l'lgll 'I'IIIIII'NI'I will always be l'unm: lu contain the lute-st and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets. and tlu greatest care will Em taken to render i acccptablr tn tlu‘ man of businnss, and a nil able Family Newspapvr. '1' 1‘: II M S.â€"T\vo Dollars per “wasâ€: : and if not paid within Six Mnnlln Annmu. I! two dollars and a half will be charged. “"11 Ilium '1‘ r n (l g 1: (HI, EDITOR A ND I’ROPRlI-I'I'OII. Ratcs of Atlvcrt isin ;: Sixlinesnnd under. first llict'l’liull LU 2s. Iiil ICat-b subscqnunt inscrlinu . . . . 0 7x1 'l‘cn linrs and limb-r. first insertion (Is 411 I‘luvh subsequent insertion . . . . . . ( 'tl Abuw tcn lines, ï¬rst in.. per. line 0 1d lint-b subsequent insertion. per line H Id If?" Advertlscun‘nls \vitbnnt “rim-n din-v- . A‘D PHOENIX lil'l"1‘1‘iflf\'. 1 1 Thu reputation of these very cclebrntad vogu- ‘lnb u redo lit-s is now nncqunlln-d by any nun-rs in this runntry or in I‘lnrope. 'I‘hny are fully .nstnbbsbvd as the must ulnvcrwl family morb- cine now in use. and they “'1†maintain their prc-cmiucnt renown by the inlrin~ic and cum- ;plclu-nsive Vll'lllt'S which acquircd it. The ‘thtlal modes of pnll‘cry would he unworth of lltcul and is ttnnr-ccssm'y. 1 'l'bousauds and nuts of thousands of poasnns now living in pvrfcctly H‘Htll‘l‘d health, can 1 testify. as thousands have lesllllotl, In their prompt and decided efï¬cacy notunly in all n-di- nary dt-rnngements of licalth. from Impaircd lllgmUvU Functions. leivu:lus~, Iblmnsam.’ . Invcr (‘muplainta lihcumnttc and lnllzuntna' tury Colds, Coughs, Nervous \Vt-akncss. I.ns~' ofAnpt-tito. Failure of I“lt‘>ll. llenduclm and Ilnpuru State nftbo Illuud nnd olbur Fluids. but also in Ithcumatisnl, Fever and Afllli‘. Olllbl’ Intermittent Fever-s. Asthma. “IOIH'IHIS- Cho' 1 llf‘, l’lvnrtsv. I‘ulpntaliun uflho 110ml. Rush of Illcud to [lie Ilcnd St-tth-d faith In the Johns. f f . 1 and Iinlnms. Jauudicc. l)-up.<_\‘. I‘lltS. bowevo inveterate.~ Habitual (Tmtivenuss. Scions and lillious Looscucsx'. ()bsltnnlo Ilcmlnt‘lm null (ittltliness. and an lllilltcilsu number of other maladies. r ' ' ‘ - - '- ' ‘ n ncmcn . me Ibe\ require no dialing nur :- lll pvrfccflv llilld and pleasant in their operation. but \vill'pmvorfu'ly restore llt‘ullllâ€"illfll greatest of all carthlv blessingsâ€"101110 most exhaust )t‘ and dilapidated Colhlllllllblls. Prepared and sold by Du. WILLIAM B. MUFFA'I‘. 33.} Broadway. A. Y. I34 ' N ULD ltidlittl doctor who has made ‘ 3‘ his forluue and rclin‘d front llllalllt‘SS. \f'ill «pr-nil thc remainder nfbis (lays in‘ curing tbut dreadful diseaseâ€"t ossvui-riosâ€"I' Km: or (3.1mm: ; Ills earnest (luser born: lucnmmnm- onto to the world his remedies that lune pron-d successful 111 more than 3.0l10-(‘ases.- Ile re- ‘quiros each nppbcant to send burn a minute de- scription nftbo symptoms, \Hlli two Stamps, (6 cls.) Ii) pay the rutnrn latter. in ulm'b he will rctnrn tbcui his mlrire prescription, with di. rct‘uuns fur preparing the tut-divine. The ()M Durtnr hopes that those ufllit'lcd will not, on account ufdcbcncv. refrain from cunâ€" sulting him liocnuselm lnnkcs N0 Chm-gs. Ills sole object in advertising is to do all the good be can. bcfom ho dies. He feels that be is just- ly cclubrntvd fur cum of Consumption. Asthlnn. Bronchitis. Nervous Alb-Minus. Coughs. Colds} &c. Addross. DUCT. [INI‘AS Illi \NT. 33 Ho); 3:111. r, 0.. No a York, lzlllllls'hllll Organs. AII't‘t‘ll'Ill“ of the Illntltlb.‘ ‘ Imn inscrlcd till forbid. and chm-3rd accord- ingly. All transin atlvr-rtiscmcuts. from strangers or it'rcgnlar customers, must be paid for when handed in fur inscrtiotl. A Iihcral discount will be made to parties ad- vcitising by the your. All adv.rti.~ctiicuts published for n lcn pa. rim than one month. must be paid for in ad- vain-e. All letters ndtlrcswd to the Editor must be post paid. 1V0 paper discuntinncd until all nrrcarages are paid : and parties refusing pn’ivrs without pay- Ing up. will be held accountable for the sub- scription. blcrt-ltnuls and ntln-rs \vbu advertise liberally the Til/[JUNE \vill lliu'o their Cards inserted III the Business Directory. Book and Job Printing ES TABLISHMENT. ::0:.‘â€"â€"â€" RDI-IIIS fur any of Ike nndenncntioncd ( tlmcxipliori of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly nttcndod to :_ norms, fa‘stY Ayn \MAIJ, con liltR. rtnrrt Ans. Luv ronm. till I. ttr \ttsmivx tHH‘H“.DR AFTS. liar l‘\“1'lll HTS. D[|,L<‘ BI'SISESS THIDS. LAIIG'Z And every other kind of LliT'l’ljliâ€"I‘RICSS PRINTING ! tlnnc m the best style. at lnodcrntu mics. ()ur nssorlmt‘ltl u.’ Jul; Tyâ€; ,5 “‘mi...“- . now and of tho bites-t patterns. A large variety of now Fancy Typo and Burtlcrs. for Curtis. (‘trculurm \\f..l\01\1 sln n}: on build