'l‘he warden, J. Hattman, Esq . in ad- dressing the Council said, that he was; happy to be able again to meet them on this occasion. It was not his intention to detain them long, but he might state that the business which was left in his hands to transact alter the Council ad- A joumed inst January, had all received his attention. The ï¬rst item was in re- ference to Mr. Tully’s N‘P( rt. matter had been referred to Messrs Cumberland and Fleming, and upon their certiï¬cate Mr. '1 ully had been paid. The next item was relative to the dispute between the Water Works Company and the Coucil, in regard to this he was glad to be in a position to state that the inatâ€" ter had been settled by arbitation. The necessary panels connected therewith would all he laid before the Council. In reference to the aibitrntion case between . the City and County Council relative to , the gaol, he regretted to say that it had not as yet been completed. The delay, however, was not to be attributed in any way to any one connected with this Coun- cil. It principally arose from the course which had been taken by the arbitrators. Mr. Gibb and Mr. B \(lt'u‘l‘ had been apâ€" pointed rerpectirely 1y the county and city, and theydmd selected Mr. Auditor General Langton to act with them. The parties had all consented to act, but it was not until last 'l'hnrsday that a meet- ing had been held. He trusted, how- ever, that ere long an award Would be made which he hoped would be satisfac- toty. lle would state the petition of the Council respecting the Municipal law had been submitted to the Legislature at the proper time, and he tell glad to be able to add that many of the suggestions contained in the petition had been approv- ed of, and embodied in the new act, which he thought there was every reason to believe would soon become law. There was one other matter to which he would allude. Since the last meeting the emi- net Medical Otï¬cer ol the gaol, Dr. \Vidmer had died, and in consequence a vacancy had occurred. The deceased had held the olï¬ce of Medical attendant to the gaol for upwards of 30 years, be having been appointed to the office by the Board of Quarter Sessions, though he (the Warden) believed that. there was no speciï¬c authority rested in the Magis- trales for making such appointments. He alluded to the matter the more particular- ly at this time, from the fact that since Dr. Vl'idner’s death there had been a large number of applications made for the appointment to the vacant ofï¬ce. A short time ago the Clerk of the Peace is sued a notice calling a meeting of the Magistrates, and dint meeting was to be held on Wednesday next, in order to ï¬ll the vacancy. His own view of the mat- ter was that the power to make will an appointment was vested in the Council. But as he had no wish that they (the Council) should come into collision with their brother Magistrates, he would sugâ€" gest that no action be taken in the matter untill the meeting of Magistrates on \Ved- nesday. The members of the Council being also members at the Board of Quar- ter Sessions, would thus be enable to attend the meeting and take part in its proceedings, so that there might be no misunderstanding between the two bodies. He was of opinion that in future an au- thority for making such appointments would be vested in the Council as a pro- vision to that ctfect, bad betn included in the New Municipal Act. He would state that Several ('einands for payment of outstanding accounts had been made on the Council, and it was for them to say whether they were correct or not. He might mention that he had received a number of communications, among others one from Mr Tully with copies of the report drawn up by Col. Mason respect- ing the Georgian Bay Canal, and one from the Registrar ol the County at Peel, infotming him that the oflice needed res pairs. He held in his hand a letter from Mr. Dennison which he would now rend. It. had reference to the building about to be erected for the Prorincial Fair to be held in Toronto in the mouth of Septem- ber next. The ‘ On Monday 7th June, the Council for the Counties of Yank and perl, commenc- ed their duties in the Council Chamber, Adelaide Street, Toronto. J. Hurlman, Esq. M. P. P. presided. Members pre- sent, Button, Bridgford. Clarke, Ego, Evans, Faulkner. Unity, Hanna. Hart, Hyde, James. Jeï¬ery, Jones, MucLeod, Musson, l‘hillips, Price, Richardson, Sprague, hmilh, Sutherland, b‘larrall, Street, Stiles, 'Irudgoon, Ty rel], Wallis, “’heeler, Vl'light, and Wells. -Tlhe vow ‘offlast year waslsmhll gscom- pmed withlvotgs ï¬â€˜om qthgr ngua‘ at“! Ibrmagnilude of‘this. :You win «‘9 .a'V reference to lmusgcligsn‘s jpgt ‘yubiismg‘J ,at page 311, the pledge I'gqve_at [he an. ‘ nus! meetng 'at Branlford, however {you} I ibis-I am'abs’olved by the am‘o utJthage ‘I already obtained b1:ng £5,35 _. l "Having obtained that, a party of us set to work to get permanent ground for this purpose‘ with the View of getting the same more frequently within our County, where the most good may acctue to the Province and the Association. In this we succeeded, and the ground is vary suitable and convenient to the Railroad depots and the steamboat landings. The O. bland H. Railroad runs along one fence, and every etfort is n0w being made to‘get a switch into our own ground, which is most desitable. The corporaâ€" rtion of the city have made us the liberal vote {in addition to the £1,250 of last year) of £3,750, but this with the under- omnding that we build at Crystal Palace suitable to our own wants, and beautiful in: park. This hat-s been accomplished, as far as adopting the plans and obtaining aconlmct and a oammumcment made; “N3 W! Spend the 43%!)th uirpn .bv the thus we spend [he €350,000 given by “'6 Council. \Ve have yet to fence the ground, buihl all the oflices,.s(ables, pens, sheds, booths, 81m, and ornament the whole, which should be permanently done and somewhat in keeping with \lw main bhilding, and with that View the Finance IC’Tomlillee intend to uppiy to your Cnuuv ,cil for another gaunt, and lhey do so with Ihe greater mnddence who“ they fee! that it m'H-be flu! km lime that they will appeal lo your generosity. “ Joseph Hartman, Esq., \Narden York and Peel. “ Sm,â€"â€"â€"I lune the honour to inform you (as one of the delegates, Wm. Macâ€" dougull, Esq., M. P. l’., heing the other), that in consequence of lhe voles of the County and City Council of last year, we were enabled at the annual meeting of the Provincial Agricultural Association to obtain for this county the Grand Provin- cial Fair for 1858. COUNTY COUNCIL “ DENNISON TERRACE. June 5, 1858. led bcihg £5,356: ' 5119!!- E" ‘ I am, &c., ,petltlun ofï¬; RICH). L. nexusâ€? lrt‘al beprim-ed He then stated that he had received a communication from Mr. Pyper, Inspector of Licenses, to the effect. that his func- tions had been discharged by the Inspec- [01's of Licenses for some time. He [Mn P._] Wished for instructions from the Uonnril relative to the subject. The Warden ~gave it as his opinion that, ac- cording to the Act, Mr. Pyper was en- titled to the appointment, and that he ought to discharge the duties connected therewith. He would inlorm them that the principal hns'ness to be transacted at this sitting was to levy the various town- :hip :iSSL-ssments. 'l'ht-ir apportionment for the school money had he believed been made, and the snhject would be brought lundcr their notice in a few days. The Council then adjourned. WEDN esnav, June 9. The County Coucil met “HS l'nrennnn at 10 o’clock-«the \\'arden,.l. Haltman, E~q., M. P. P., presidino'. GEORGIAN BAY cm'AL. The report of Mr. Tully in reference to the GeOrgian Bay Canal was submitted to the Council and read by the Clerk. The report explained the great advan- tages that would accrue to the Piovince in the MGM of the undeitaking being carried out. P. S.â€"â€"The Crystal Palace is 256 by 144 feet, irun and glass, exocpt part of the roof, which is lo be wood and tin, and ï¬nished by [he contractors by the lst September, under forfeit of $100 per diem. NOTICE OF MOTION. Mr. TYumzLL gave notice that (o- morzow he would more that the Council resolve itsvlf into Commillee of the \Vllole for the purpose of considering lhe proprier of petitioning the Leglslaturc to make more just and equitable provision for the payment of Special Jurors, and also for the payment of Crown VViinesses. INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASTRES. Mr. PRICE introduced a Bill for (he appoimmem of one or more Inspecmrs of “Heights and Measures. The Bill was read a ï¬rst time, and ordered to a second reudi ‘2' tomorrow. Mr. STARRAT moved that [he Council resolve itself in a Committee of the \\'liole, for the purpose of re-considering the report oflhe Special Committee on Finance and Assessment. After a short discussion, a motion that the Council do now adjourn was put and carried. The Council llien adjourned at half-past 3 o‘clock. Montreal Ocean Steamship Company ARNAKGIJIEFTS 0F SAILING BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC. During the Season of 1858. in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada :â€" rnou LIVERPOOL. FROM QUEBEC. W'ednesday. April 2‘1 ‘1 land ry. May 22 VVednusday. May 5 luturday. June 5 VVednosday. May 19 \alurday, June l9 \Vednosday. June 2 . <aumlny. July 3 Wednesday. June [6 <31urday. July 17 \Vcdnesday. June 30 \amrday, July 3l Wednesday. July 14 *aturday. Augu=t l4 “lednesday. July 98 Saturday. August ‘28 “'ednesda)‘. Aug. ll Saturday. Sept. 11 “'odnwday. Aug. ‘25 Saturday. Sept. 25 Vlledumdny. Sepl. 8 {mm-day. Oct. 9 Wednesday, Sept. 2'3 Saturday. Oct, 23 Wednesday. Oct. 6 'lalurday. Nov. 6 Wednesday, Oct. 90 mturday. Nov. 26 In the your 1R591lta Line will be weekly. Esplanade Hotelâ€"Toronto Grand Demons‘ranon at Lemon'ville Grand Demonstration at Musselman's Luke T. J. Wneelerâ€"Clock 5.. Wald) Maker 614: Toronto Races '3 Mr. \V. R. ROBERTSON, of Toronto, is authorised to collect and receive monies on helm†of this of- ï¬ce. ï¬ring!) (Etihnuc. The Speaker ruled the rider out of order. RICHMOND HILL, JUNE 11,1858 The bill was read a third time and passed. Hon. Mr. Menus moved that the return 10 an addrE-ss on the subject of the Court of Probate be referred to the Printing CommiUee. Hon Col. PRINCE reported the Windsor Assessment Rolls Bl“ from the Committee without amend- ment. Hon Mr. MORRIS, from the Com- mittee, reported the bill to amend the charter of the Zimmerman Bank, with a slight amendment. Hon. Mr. VANKOUGHNET moved the second reading of the Emi- grants Law Amendment Bill. The bill was read a second time. Hon. Mr. DEBLAQUXERE present- ed a petition from the Toronto Gas and \Vatel‘ Company praying for a renewal of their Charter for three years longer. Hut. Col. TACHE moved the second reading of the Grey Nuns Property Bill, which was carried after a keen and spirited discussion. He moved, seconded by Mr. PAT- TON, that a capitation tax of 55. for adults, and 35. 9d. for children, be levied on persons of colour emi- grating 10 Canada. The message from hlS Excellency on the subject of admitting Hops and hay free of duty intothe United States, was read by the speaker. WEDNESDAY, June 2. Bills read a third time. The bill to remedy certain informalities in the Assessmont Rulls ol' the town of \Vindsor, and the bill to amend the charter of lhe Zimmerman Bank. Hon. Col. PRINCE moved a rider {0 the Emigrants Law Amendmem Bill LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL New Advertisemets tins Week. AFTERNOON SESSION. TUESDAY, June 1, 1858 'v. Pm‘rox moved that 11):: 51* ~ Grey Nuns of Mon- †:n both languages. inInA mew, June 4 Hon. Mr. DEBLAQUXERE moved the second reading of the Sunday Labor Abolition Bill, which was the subject of a very spirited de- bate. We regret to add that the bill was lost,â€"l being for it, and 10 against it.’ ‘ The House went into Committee on the Lower Canada Municipal and Road Amendment Bill; Which was ordered to be r01: third time. Hon. Mr. DEBLAQUIERE present- ed a petition from the Mayor and Council of Toronto, praying for a modiï¬cation of'tllc Common School Act. Hon. Mr. DEBLAQUIERE moved‘ for copies of all, or any instrument incorporating the community of the Sister’s of Charity. The motion was agreed to. Hon. Mr. De La FERRIERE mov- ed fora statement of all the leases and licenses to out Timber on the banks of the river Saugenay.â€" Carried. Hon. Col. PRINCE moved that the evidence taken before this House relating to the divorce of John McLean be communicated to the House of Assembly. Carried. On motion of Hon. Mr. MOORE, the Municipal and Road Amend- ment Bill, 1858, was read a Ihird time and passed. Hon. Mr. VANKOUGHNET laid upon the table a return relating to the property of 1110 Saurs Crisis of Montreal ; and The House went into Committee ofthe Whole on the Bill, Hon. Mr. Mills in the chair. Hon. Mr. PATTON moved an amendment to restricl [he invest- ments to property of the. yearly va- lue of £5,000, 1he highest sum he found in the statute books. Nega- lived by 10 to 17 Hon. Mr. MORRIS gave notice of a motion respecting money orders. The bill was then reported 10 the House. Several Bills from the House of Assembly was 11' ad a ï¬rst time. Mr. John CAMERON moved the ï¬rst reading of a bill to provide an Insolvent and Bankrupt Law for this Province. The bill was read a ï¬rst time. Mr. J. CAMERON then moved that the bill be read a second time on Wednesday. Carried. The House adjourned at twenty minutes after ten. Mr. PATRICK moved that the election of G. B. L. Fellows be de- clared void; and the seat of the member for Russell to be vacam.â€" Their was a very long and animat- ed discussion onthis motion, which was rejected by a majority of one, there being 48 for the motion, and 49 against it. Mr. DESAULNIERS moved an Ad- dress to his Excellency the Gover- nor General, for correspondence re- lative to the 26111 clause of the Im- perial Union Act. He stated that this clause, requiring avote oftwo- thirds of the House of Assemblv in order to the changing of the repre- sentation, had been passed in 184], for the sake ofprotecting the Anglo- Saxon partofthe population. It had afterwards been repealed, when it was found to protect the French Canadian part of the population, and this without any regard to the rights of the country as represented by a Ministry responsible to the country'; He wanted to know if any correspondence had taken place on the subject. Mr. WRXGHT moved an Address to his Excellency for returns from the Indian Department, of expenditure and lands sold since last return. Mr. FERGUSON introduced a bill to extend the jurisdiction of the Di- vision Courts, and lo amend the law relating to the same. Mr. BRO\VN presumed that, as there was no Solicitor General for Upper Canada, the hon. gentleman had taken upon himself the duties of the ofï¬ce. Mr. FERGUSON said he thought these things were too much left in the hands of members. Mr PAPINEAU enquired ofthc Mi- nistry whether they intend, during the present session,0r atany future period, to move for an increase of the appropriation of £50,000 for Primary Schools. Atty. Gen. CARTIERâ€"The subject is under consideration. Mr. BUREAU moved an Address in reference to causes curried before Her Majesty’s Privy Council.â€" Carried. Mr. CARLINGâ€"Bill to amend the Acts relating to Land Surveyors who have studied and praclised in any part of Her Majesty’s domini- ons other than this Province. Mr. COULTERâ€"Biii to amend the Act providing far the holding ofen- quiries in case of ï¬re. Mr. CLARK moved‘an Address for a copy ofa Petition presented by [he Cobourg and Pgterboro’ Railroad, praying for the disallowance of a certain By-Law of the Town of P9- terboro’, and other papers on the subject.â€"Carried. The following bills were read a ï¬rst time, viz :â€" Mr. HOLMES moved that hereaf- ter, until the end of the present ses- sion, the House do meel Satur- days at eleven o‘clockâ€"Carried. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. VVEDN ‘DAY, June 2. TUESDAY, June 6 MONDAY, June 7 TUESDAY, June 1 Mr. BELL moved an Address for a return, showing lhe salary paidvto each County Judge, together with the last increase and date greof. Carried. ,In Jeply 10 Mr. W'. SCOTT, Atly. Gen. MACDONALD sï¬id it was not lht- intention of IheGoverm men! mi do anything thé present ses‘sion iowards [he establishman of an Asylum for ldiols, Mr."1‘nmAum-:AU enquirgd 201' the Ministry, whether it is their inten- tion to hold any investigation into the murders of Sheady and Farrell, in accordance With the prayerof the petition of P. A. 0 Neil, Esquire, and mhers, eleven to twelve hunâ€" (lred of the Citizens of Toronto, which was received by 1his House during the past momh of May. Atty. Gen. Macdonnld said an in- quest had been held on lhe ï¬rst case. As regarded the Farrell (22150, the person accused had been indicted, but the Grand Jury returned no Bill. Instructions had been given to lay another indictment beforethe Grand Jury at the next Assizes. In reply to Mr. \Vright, Hon. Mr. Cayley stated that the Clergy Reserve money would be ready {or distribution among the Municipalities on the 151 July. Mr. Robinson enquired ofthe Mi- nistry whether they intended to take any stops to repairthcdamage done to the Harbor of Toronto by the. late storms. (Laughton) Atty. Gen. Macdonnid said an ap- plication on the subject had been made by the Mayor and Corporation of Toronto, which was under the consideration of the Government. On motion of Hon. Mr. Cameron, The House resolved to go into Committee of the Whole, on Mon- day next, to amend the laws relativo to the sale of Spirituous Liquors. Mr. Cameron said, he had in no way altered his views in regard to the importance of Prohibition. But he believed a. Prohibitory Law could not pass this House, and he there- fore proposed to bring in a measure to improve the Liovnsc L2\\vsâ€"-â€"lliat which was submitted to the Home last 3e n‘ by Mr. Congvr, and he be- lieved it would pass unanimously. Mr. W. F. mell moved an ad- dress to his Excolluncy lo the effect that in the opinion of llxe House it would greatly conduce to the des- palch of public business, if Parlia- ment were assembled every year about the 15th ofJunuary. Mr. Patrick moved to umvnd the resolution by erasing the “ 15lh Jaâ€" nuary,†and inst-Hing the “ last week of Januzu‘v.†Mr. Powell moved an address for copies of papers relative to surveys of the Ottawa Ship Canal. The motion was agreed to. Hon. J. S. Maorionnld moved for an account at all the debentures is- sued by or in favor of the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railway Com- pany. Also copies of any reports of Engineers, which had been made to the Government with respect to the said road, 8w. Stuâ€"Carried. The main motion was carried by 77 10 17. Mr. Macdougall introduced a Bill i0 abolish ï¬le property qualiï¬cation for members of the Legislative As- sembly. (Hear, hear.) Hon. Mr. Merrit moved, 11ml so much of his Excelleucy’s Spevch as related to emigration, the success of the Quebec and Liverpool line of steamers, and the increase in value of the lake commerce omeiuda, be now readâ€"Curried. now readâ€"Carried. Mr. Benjamin moved the fallou- ing resolution 2â€"“ That it is expeâ€" dient that a stringent enquiry be made into the extent to which bri- bery, corruption, and violence, and all other breaches ol'lhe law ofelec- tions prevailed at the last general election, and that the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elec- Lions be authorised and instructed to proceed forwith with such enquiry, without thereby affecting the seats of members.†He presumed there would be no opposition to the mo- tion. He thought it. embraced the views of members on both sides of the House. Hon. J. S. Macdonald moved that the resolution be amended by strik- ing out the words, “ without thereby affecting the seat of members.†Mr. Macdonald’s amendment was negatived; . Hon. Mr. Drummond moved, “ That the said committee be auth- orised and instructed to enquire into all breaches of the election laws during the last general election; proceeding to enquire, in the ï¬st place, into all sllch matters as shall have been complained of in all the petitions presented to this. House, and in all the petitions or notices presented or submitted to any judge or commissioner, acting under the I ‘“"â€â€˜.‘3 ‘â€"" "" Act of last session relating to con- travened electionï¬vhich have been rejected by reason Of the nonobserv- ance of formalities, or for any other cause whatsoever The House at ï¬ve minutes past one, adjourned till Friday, Thurs- day being a holiday. anAv, June 4. On motion 'of Hon. S. Smith, The Housé went into Committee on the Bill to legalize certain By- laws and Debentures of the wan Council of Cobourg, and for other purposes. Tlic Bill was reported without amendment, and ordered to be read a third time. The main motion, as amended Dir. Drummond, was earned by (0 5. . On motion of Solicitor General Rose, 'G Ol" PARLIAMENT The House'Wem into Committee on the Bill to enable fureignexccu- tors to sue and be sued in Lower Canada. The bill was reported with amendments. Report to be received on Tuesday. .Hon. Mr.Smilll moved the second reading of the bill to enable lhe Co- bourg and Pelerboru’ Railway Company to issue preferential Bonds. The bill was read a second time, and referred to the Railroad Com- mittee. After some discussion, the House wum. into Commiltee on the bill pro formu, the Committee immediawl} ‘rismg and reporting progress. On motion of 501: Gen. Rose, the bill to regulate the Inspection of Leather was read a second time and referred to Committee of the Whole. On motion of Sol. Gen. Rose, the bill to amend the Act 19, and 20 Vic. relating to the inspection 01 Flour and Meal, was read a second time, and referred to Committee of the \vVlIOlC. Atty. Gen. Macdonald moved that tha House go into Committee an Ihe Bill to define the elecluml franchise, to provide for the registration of votes, and for other purposes. The following Bills were read a third time and passed. Bill to incorporate the St. James? Club ol‘ Montreal. Bill to incorporate the Village of Southamptonâ€"11011. Mr. Cayley. Bill to incorporate tlie Village of Renl‘rcw.â€"Hon Mr. Cziyley. Bill to legalize certain Byâ€"Iaws and Debentures ol the Town Coun- cill ol' Cobourg.â€"l[on. Sidney Smith. (011 a (livison of 40 to 5, the minority being Messrs. Muc- krnzle‘ McDongall, Allan, \Vliito and Dorland.) Bill to authorize Henry Rult’m to surrender ceriuin grants of Jena: patent, and to take a subslitulional gnant.â€"llon. Sidney Smill). Bill to incorporate the Montreal Mountain Boulevard Company.â€" Sol. Gen. Rose. Several wimessos were examin- ed on the Essex Election Petition. There was a very hillerdc ale 0n the Public Accounts Commitlee; the Opposition wishing to have more of their number on the Com- mittee. Several motions were made 10 that effect, but were inâ€" variably lost. Mr. Foley moved that an humble l address be presented to his Excell- ency the Governor General, repre-‘ senting to His Exeellcnoy. that Mr. Mercer applied to Government for a promise ot‘the ofï¬ce OFSherill‘to himself, in the event of Rapclje’s resignation, and obtained a {awr- able reply; that the said Mercer thereupon paid the said Rapclje $2,- 000 and conveyed to him real es- tate to the value of $20,000 as se- curity ("or the payment to him (the said Rapelje) of $1,200 a year dur- ing his natural lifetime; represent- ing,r Further that in the opinion of this House said transaction is cor- rupt and criminal, and if permitted to he consummated with impunity w vuld lead to results in the highest degree demoralizing. and praying His Excellency to revoke the com- mission ol‘ the said Lawrence W. Mercer as Sheriï¬â€˜of Norfolk. Hon. Mr. Cameron moved an amendmentâ€"That this House is of opinion that ‘he mailer should be left to judicial investigmion m the ordinary Courts of Law.†Seconded by Mr. John Cameron. The debate was very protracted and at Inst adjnul‘ned‘ Tvrcszmv. June 8. On motion of SOY. Gen. Rose, the Bill to enable foreign executors and administramrq to sue and be sued in Lower Canada. was read a third time. On motion of Hon. S. Smith. The House went into Committee on the Bill to mnan and consoli date the Jury Laws of Upper Cnn- adv. On motion of Ally. Gen. Mac- donuld. Thc Home wont again into Com- mittee on the Bill to deï¬ne the Electoral Franchise, to provide for the rcgistrzniun of voters, and for olher purposes The ï¬rs‘ clause passed wimout opposition. On the second clause being moved. Mr. anan moved that the sec- tion under discussion be amended by making the sentence “every male person" read “every resident male person," and that words be added to the end ofthe clause to the eï¬bct that electors should be a bond ï¬de tennnls or occupants and occupy for their exclusive use. Mr. Gowun’s amendment was then put and lost. 28 to 29. The Committee then rose and reported progress, and the House adjourned. It is the intention of the members of the Lemonville division, No. 385, to hold their annual Soiree, on Thursday the 17th day of June. at Lemonville, 7th con. of VVhite- church. The Victoria Brass Band will be in attendance. Several cm- incnt gentlemen will deliver suitable addresses. incnt gentlemen will deliver suitable addresses. We are glad to ï¬nd our neighbor, Mr. Richard Gaby, is ra- pidly improving from his late injury received by his team furiously run- ning oï¬'. Resnlvedâ€"Tlmt P. G. Heslop be al- lowrd to sit as Deputy from the “ Alma†Lodge at this District Meetingâ€"the D' C. 5. having received notice of his being appointed Deputy by the Lodge. Resolvedrâ€"That the Resolution of the “ Ontario†Lodge. relative to taking part from the Conlribulion Fund, and placing it to the Widows’ and Orpllans’ Fund, _ be laid on the table. GRAND ’I‘EMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION. SATURDAY, June 5 \Ve present our readers, with the ‘ report of the grand annual commit-l tee, held in the lodge room, Thorn- hill. The report will be foulid highly interesting», The death of D. G. LL Stephenson, wa§ briefly and touchineg alluded to. Sevcrai important resolutions received the sanction ofvthe meetino‘. I ,3 . There were also‘ sexier-a1 dele- gates present from the ditferent lodges. The proceedings were characterized by the most perfect unanimity. We feel it is quite un- neceSsary for us to urge the numer- ous and peculiar claims this socie- ty has upon the public. We know that it has done much good. The widow and the fatherless are pecu- liarly the objects of its regards. It also affords pecuniary and otherre~ ulsovaflords pecuniary and othcrre~ lief to the indigent and aillicted son of humanity, such facts as these- speuk for. themselves, they require no comment. We hope to see the day when such societies will be much more universal then they are at the present time, which we feel assured will be the case whentheir aims and objects are better under- stood. chm't of the Grand Annual Commit tee 0/ the Tumnto Disti'ict. C. 0. 0. F , BI. U., IIc/(l in the Lodge Romn- Tucxdzzy, 116/; JI’Iay, 1858. OFFICERS PRESENT, W'm. IIill, D. G OFFICERS PRESENT, W'm. Ilill, D. G. 31.; Thos.1‘.ulley. D. D. G. M. ' DEPUTIES PRESENT, City of Toronto Lodge, Charles Gould, 1’. (9.; ditto diltr), Thomas Smith, P. G. ; Ontario Lodge, John Trebilcock, P. G.; ditto ditin, Ucnry Norlhcnle, P. (L; Thornhill Ludgu, Robt. J. Arnold, P. G.; Alma the Muelng as follows: W’arthy Oflwers and Delegates,â€" ln acCOId'dlhie with the General Law, \vc aasemble [0-day ("or the purpose ol [ramacling lhe necesnn‘y business of the District. 1 Uur prcsvnt meeting will, to many ofus, be painfully suggeflive, from the fact, that not one of “1': Utï¬cers chenen lay, and pl‘ctcnt at llielsist D. M. are with us to- day. Our late Brotlu-r the respected and lamench D. U. M. élenhtnsnn, has been calle': to exchange a “ brotherhood†mu- lable and transitory at but, for one that is constant and enduring, and by his hpeudy dissolution We are taught lessons ot'morlulity. The l). D. G. M. vat-319d his olliue through a violation of the 33rd Gme all Law, and by an aflliction pro- tiactcd and acute, wev are deprived of lh: pleasure and advantage we should derive from the company of the D. C. S. The vacancy of thc olï¬cusrlof the D. G. M. and D. D. Gr. M. occurring within a few days of each other; and before poxntmr-nl was male‘ the D. C pointed me lo the oflicl- of D. L [er which P. G. liulley, of the (er which 1’. U. [lulley‘ o! the “ ()ntario Lodge,†was appointv‘d lo the ofï¬ce ofD. D. (1‘. M., in which capacity it is our duty and pleasurv to meet you today. WWI/2y Deputies â€"- Iam sorry it is MT in my [nwel' lc congratulate )ou on the prosperin of HM" Umnct; on me numrmy, we are lrss ir I am sorry it is not in my [nwer to congratulate )ou on the prosperity of the Umnct; on the nontrmy, we are less in number and 01 necessity puurer. It i: not my intention -10 enter further into the all-ans of the Dislrlct, during the time my pedecusor held ofï¬ce, than merely to no- ttce that. the “ \Venon†nn-J 4‘ Alma†Lodges were both suspended, the “ Wes- ton" still continue: 50, and may, 1 fear, be consulered extinct; the " Alma ’ Lodge has sent in their Returns and paid their account to April, as tequired by Law, and is now in good working order. The ~‘ Nemnurket†Lodbre has [mid up to Its Janunrv,’they were then four good and aix had, but have sent no lietdrns for past quarter. It is also my painful duty to inform you of me deuxh of three Brothers during \hr past year, (hen- ie no additional charge on [he Widows‘ and ()rpham’ Fund this year. The total amount received by the Dis- trict during the past year is $489 67% Paid during the same period $838 77 Showing a dcï¬menuy of $349 09}; in the expeudnlure of this District over it: receipts. I shall cause to be laid before you a correct statement of the Accounts, Cor- rc<poudence, and general business of the Dmn'ict.(luringll1e past year; and also the following business for your considera» lion lorduy, VIZ. :â€"A case of Appeal from Bro. l’oppleu'cll, lol' the “ Cily ol from Bro. l’oppleu'cll, ol' the “ Cily 01 Toronto" Lodge. A ~Rnolulion ï¬om the “ Ollfario†Lodge. r1:110 present state oflhe \anows’ and Orphans’ Fund. with ullaer matters of Vila! importance (n the [‘I'mperily of our belovvd Institution. \Yorllly Delegalvs, I shall not Occupy your time further than to remark the ne- cessity of a free and earnest discussion of all lhe matters brought before you lhiï¬ day, and fully rer on your ardent zeal direutrd hy judgment for the forwarding of the various mallels that may be mlru. duwd (his day calcululed to build up, stranglth or extend our deligllll‘ul brolheuhood. Resolvcdâ€"That this meeting adjourn half an hour. ' Meeting rcsumed. AH Delegates pre- sen? An excuse from D. C. S. Hart was lead and received. Resolvedâ€"11m P. G, Nm-thcote act as secretary at this mveling. The Accounts of the 1).. C. S. and Auditor’s Keport were submitted and adopted. Correspondence from Lodges to the District, and answers lhercl‘rom, read and conï¬rmed. An Appeal of Bro. Henry Popplewell, against the decision of [he “ Cily of Torâ€" onto†Lodge not paying his late wife’s funeral donationâ€"4m 'not being in com)“- unce will: the 33rd General Law. Resolvedâ€"'l‘hnt the decision of the “ City of Toronto’i’Lodgc, be conï¬rmed P. G. Heslop, of the Alma Lodge, paid up We District Account. to lst A‘pr'rlf but had no Certiï¬cate. Minutes of Annual District Committee 1857. &c., Sun, were conï¬rmed. dg'c, Ruhr. J. Arnold, P. G.; Alma dgu, Thomas Heslop, P. G. The mwling opened with prayer. The Dnll‘ict Grand Master addressed : Mceling as foilowï¬: ASSOCIATION OF ODD- FELLOWS. }0u|d, P. G.; P. H. ; ()utur k, P. G.; ( le. P. (L; Arnold, P. Heslnn, P. (1' x... any ap Ontario 31., al‘ Resolvedâ€"That the N. G. of Lodges in this District are requealec‘ to take up, 9301‘ Quarterly night, a collection for the beneï¬t of the \‘Vidows’ and Orphans’ 1" A “H: Fund Resolvedâ€"That this D1 at (Incl-next A. M. C., the f aliens‘ and amendments in Laws.A stï¬â€˜ Giant-Hui. LAiir.â€"T1mt an" the \ @311 “ b‘hillmgs" in the second line he stfljck out, and the lolloMng substitul ted :i’aimd shall be subject to live cents per wéek contribution, for the support of the Incidental Expense Fund 01‘ the Lodge to wt-ich they belong; and shall be amendable to the 33rd and 34~th (Jenâ€" eral Laws. They may take Olï¬ce and Degrees, and shall be allowed to vote on all questions, including Incidental Expen- ses ol‘thc Lodge; but not on Financial matters of the Order or District; and shall not have any claim on the Funds of the Order. Rescind the 54th, 137th, and 175th. New LA\\’.-â€"Tlmt the \Yidmu’ and Orphans†of any Lodge breaking up and dividing their funds on or alter the lst dny'of September next, shall forfeit all claims thuoy may have previously had on the lhnds 0|~ the Order. 1 NEW l‘A\v.â€"'l‘lml any Widows now chargeable on the lunds of the Order, or- iginally belonging to Lodges which are now cxtinct, shall, from and after lhe ï¬rst day of Scplcm‘m‘ next, be reduced to one half their pay for the (arm of one year, after which all beneï¬ts shall cease. NEW LAWâ€"That all Lodges be compelled to pav their money to lhs Dis U‘lL’l‘A one quarler in advance, to allow llmn sufï¬cient muuns to wouk llm Dis- tl‘lcls. Resolvedâ€"Jl‘hat a levy of 3'7!l cents per member, be made by the D. C. 5., for District expenses, Ste. NOMINATIONS FUR OFFICERS OF THE ORDER.~F0; Grand Masler, D. G. M. “In. UNL; Deputy LL M.,1’. D. G. N1. Jas. \\'orlhinglon.; Corresponding \‘ec., C. S. John Hart. Dim‘irt G. [\L Wm. HIâ€, and Past District G. NI. Jas. -\Vor[hiuglrm, Were appointed Delegalu: 'to reprnent this Dl‘trict at the A. M C to bu had In Toronto on \Vednesduy the -\Vortlliuglrm, w 3to represent this to bu had In To 213LJu1y, '858 'l he following Olï¬cers nihthe J â€"P. G. M.; U. John Had, I). C. RD. (2". M. Jan. C. PM], P. G. John TIT-hil- cock, and IF. (1?. Henry Norlhcoalc, were appointed “‘XU‘IiIOEN for the year. Resai'vwd â€"'1'hnl the next. Annual Dis~ triut Meetingrbe nelJ at the Lud‘a Mull, Toronto. Ilrsv/‘zwlâ€"Tllat (he District Omar†and Uk'legnlvs asfl’lllbled at [his DNHCI ï¬rming. present 4h: remuneratiuu allow. exl Ilmn Iy the [)Mrict for loss ofmm: to he VVidO-V and Orphnns’ Fund. \VH lium UNLD. G. AL; Thomas Rutley, D. D G. NL; John Hart, D. C. E. The ()fl'xccrsprescnt having burn in- sta'icdâ€" Resolve m‘rrling m cers and I Lodge for Lodge [or llxe uue nl llu-n' Lodge-lion": for Loiding A. D. C. A‘leeling. 'l‘iw Meelmg dosed with pray/er. Thomas Bullvy. D. G. M.; Charles Gouid, D, D4 G. M.; John Hart, D. C. :5. DEAR Sunâ€"The Econmnist of the 27th ult. displayed an energy almost un- equalled by that renownedjournalinf, {\lr. [’olt, whvn he ueteitnitwd upon the anni- hilation of his antagonist, lhu “ liatun: will Independean by saying "the com test shall he prnimuvd so lung as l have health and strength, and that- portigm of talent with which I am gifted.†Flam that contest, sir. although it may unsettle men’s minds! and excite their feelings! and render them inculahln for the dis- charge of the every-day duty of ordinary life; from that. contest, >ir,[ will never \lll‘lllh’, till I have set my hevl upon tle Eutmmvill Independent. I wi>h the peo- ple of London, and the penple of this country to know, sir, tl‘at [hi-y m i}' re'y upon me! lhatl will nut tlvsett tlu-m that 1 am resolved to stand by I/LC‘HL. air to the lust!†Your tlitplOflCllJt; duum. in the ‘- contest†hetwue’n your» 11' allttl the Mr. Putt, of. the Eumomist \Vnuld be a subject for seitcus‘ retlecttun, ll it was mt: untlerztootl iuy the public Ihut Mr. lievsox’s “Countaut immersion in He VUI‘lth of politics!“ has lowed him to resort to stratagvm in under to keen himself bulore the public, as a candidate for future L‘egislatix‘e honors. '1'0look- ers on, it has been umuxing, if not very edifying,~the result of which is mt likely to “unsettle men’s minds,†for the pre- srnt, altihflugh Mr. Reesor appears to “ la)" the flattering unclion to his snuL†that by the lust flourish of his quill he has consigned you into eVerlasling ob- :cm‘tly. fails (0 meet yamâ€"He has, however, >ulï¬citnl cunning to etude straight-{or wsz argument;â€"it Would not serve his pm-pnse,â€"â€"and the stake for which he runs is so tempting that he is prepared to throw honesty overboavd,‘tltmking that the less weight he carries the more likely he is to win the raceâ€"he understands po- litical jockey-ship,â€"-â€"“ he .does I†'l'lxe' T715147“: of the: let May placed Mr. lice-501‘ in :1 mm}: unonviable posilinn, and Line Evan/unis! of [he 27th fails (a meet yamâ€"He has, however, >ulï¬citnl cunning to evade straight-{or :His last edildrinl is a ducidt‘d failure. I gave him credit for more llmn [ ï¬nd he deserVes, l'orI really cxpecled he would have been able \9 \mye made an honor- able retreat; but he has evitln-nlly Wen! up‘like a rocket, and came down like a slick. ' 118_ I’nfleavuurs to deal lloz'n'y blows, right and left, on the qupslion of Separ- ate Schools, and would desire to be con- sidercd llre champion of our School sysâ€" (em. As for Dr. Ryerson! hisopinions dWindle into insigniï¬canco. When (he Markham 'l‘hundergr decides against him ; nevertheless, with thinking, honest men, the Chief Superintendent. appears to be receiied as the best judge of what is calculated'rlo promote the interests of itlie Canadian public, as regaids the scl-Ool question, and in his report laid be- fore Parlmim-nt lliis Session, he says, “I “ entrant the attentng ol‘lhe friends ofour “ system of public 'instruclion' in Upper “ Canada of all parties to the following “ fuels and consid:-rniions:-‘-In connec- " tion with' these prn‘rnle School prowl- “ sion's, our public school‘sy-slem has been “ es‘ablished, has teen ‘dewlnpail, and has “winner! and extended beyond preceâ€" “ dent or parallel in any other cauutry-â€"- “In a few rural sections some lunpor. diurrmpnuheurr. To the Editor of [be British Tnibmm Hmving Bmlhers were electen. 01111:: District for the ensuing ’A Ur. 'J‘llOllluS Rulley, D. G. (1'. Charla.» Gould, l).2 D. U. 5. John Had, I). C. 1’. D. 'lâ€"That the [banks of this u hereby tendered to line 01Hâ€" }rmhers of ‘he Loyal 'l'hnrnhill the u<e of llu'ir Lodge-Room : A. D. C. A‘leeling. 'l‘iw THE CON I‘ESI' [lgâ€"The Economix: of the Sprayed an energy “KIMOSl UK]- that renownedjournalist, Mr. he uelaminrd upon the anni- his anlngmlial, lhu “ kahuna is Dishict propose the followiugnltcr- Elle ,G encral straight-101' not serve his which he runs “ ary or local incOnvenience mgrheg‘hgi “perienced from them; but in me ciue,‘ .‘ and towns it may be queshoned Micther , “ the character and eï¬â€˜xciency of_lhe pub- n he schools are not rather pro'nloldd by “ the (nizstz‘ncc of Srpamlr- Schools.“ “ Nor should it be forgotten that as “long as the lislll of establisling Separ- “ ale Schools is claimed by, and granted “to the Protestant minority in Lower “ Canwdtt,.the right to establish Separate “ Schools ought not to be dmz'ed to the “Roman Catholic minority in Upper"; :“C(Ul£llla, and 0N EQUAL TERMS-i,â€" HW“? ate the arguments of Dr. Ryerson- 1 beheru that, what! the public become aware ol the facts, it will be condéded on all hands that it would he unjust to deny tho‘niinority a claim 50 equitable, when our lrionds in Lower Canada enjoy similar prrvnleges wit/w“; a murmur trom the majority in that section of the Province. Let it never be said that we are so regardless of the blessings of civil and religious libcrly_â€"lhat great boon for‘ which our l‘orcliathcrs fought and bled,â€" as to deny to others what we would claim for ourselves under similar circum- stances. It may Aserve the; purposes of _ political Charlatans to fan the ilaine of: religious discord; hut, in the name of God. let us discountenaucc such ï¬rebl‘ands, and in the spirit. of charity towards our llllow creatures let us, however we may dissent from their pe- culiar religion: thIeIS, uspectlheir con- scientious convictions, by cheerlully “ do- ing unto them, as we would wish they should do unto us.†.7; “ Hath not a pnpist eyes 7 [lath not I pn- pisl hands. organs, dinionsioas. senses. alloc- tions, passions lâ€"l‘od with tho saino food, hurt with the same woapons, subject to the Baum diseases, healed with the sanm “loam. warm. ed and cooled by the same summer and win- .‘ tar. as We are? ll‘ we prick them. do they not blood? If we “(‘le them. do they not ’ laugh 'I if we poison them. do they not die 'I And if me wrong t/u’lll. shall they not re- veng: ? If they are [did as m t/m rest. they (“Irwin/Lug 1min! mu To conclude, ym llml. up to line we: Mn: nnpmmnl. bun all present. Imperi'uclly uzldchtood quantum, mil meet \Vllh the approval ofull candnl uuuds,â€"as l'or lln: sarcasms of pupuhnily limiting pblilicul Irickslers, or [he invccliws of families, yull hzu'e Homing l0 [curâ€"“fllflgild cs‘ vc‘ritus, (t [worn/{bit !" 1 remain. duar sir, yours, 'l‘lm Roman Catholics ground Illelr demand upnn (he lact [hat the fund was apportioned to the municipalities award- in: to popu'ation, and being a purl of [but population, they say they ought to share in the fund. But this argument would apply equally to grammar and pri- vale schools, and academies, which Would have an equal right 10 participale in the fund with the rest of the population; but they never dream of making such a de- mand, nor would it he granlad "if made.â€"â€" Thry next my lhuLlhe uording ol the lesolulion of ihc Council, granting Ill; fund to Common Schools, includeslhe separate Echools. I‘ul it is not so. A b‘i purate School, from the very fact of scpuraling, came; to be a Common School. ll dncs not come under (hi: [inno- nsions ol‘ lhc kummun tizhuol acl‘but under a special alnlute called the “ Se- ]mrutc School Ad," by which ifs adher<' ems are exempted from all Municipal 'l‘axcs levied for the :umxort or Comniou ï¬chools, are cut all hum all municipal hmduns ol' llm kind, and consequentlyï¬ll‘e drbai‘red liom claimingr any asamtunce from the municipalin :-â€"l"ur inslancc (he municipality sets apart evciy year a glut]! lor Common Schools, the Local :upvrinlendi-nt divides it amongst the V'ummon écliuols, but give.» more to [he ‘icpli'a‘t‘ Schools, ulm only receive a 4mm imquh the Lhiel :uneiinluudeut mun llll' 1'. Minnie, but none from the The Iï¬cerc \lu the inunicipuliliea upon lhu express cou- dilion that it. was only lo be applied to any purpose, insupportrfwhic‘h Jhe mu- moipu/ity con/(l tax the fublic. Now, no one pi'eunds lhat the Municipality could tax the public to support Separate Schools; but Hwy do tux lhe public for the hupllOll of Common Schools, and therefore they are justiï¬ed in granting lo the Common Schools the licscn’c fund l‘ox their use. M uu ‘Lhe Clergy lie the Inunicipulilies diliou that it. was It appears than that the Township Council could not legally include the Se- parate School in the appruptiullon ol \l‘ Clergy Reserve and. b'ut lct 11$ ‘look at the question in another point of View, \‘iz.’ would it be mprdient to assist} the Separate b‘chools'! The nnsweris no? The Common Schools aro- provided for the education of all the children of the land, all denominultons, except the R0- man Catholics, approve of and use them. If the latter choose to separate, and ask for exclusive privilege-s, exempting them- el\'es from all municipal burdens in sup- port of Common Schools, they ought to be content if they get Separate Schools, without expecting any assistance from the public in support of their exclusive lllhlllullolls. The Separate Schools are merely t0- leruted; those who Wlall for them must support theniselvuspand Hwy may “be thankful for tolcralmn and exemp‘ from all municipal burdens in the shape school tax, without calling upon the Mu- .nécinalily to support their sectarian and (lily l/zc exclusive in The Mun ’1 he Municipal Council would be do- ing a great Injusticeto the public they re- preeem were (hey lo grnnl nnyhhing nhlo than [vibration to Separate Schools. NASSAU .‘dAuKHAM, June ’7, 18.38. onnu m Echo In H: manly l :3 li PA B AT 15 SCHOOLS rue 0f Mark/Hunk, (1V. Button, algal/tents ugm'nst grunting Separate School at Thor/Mill porno/1. of the Clergy Kcscrve I] “It: ) .0“ lunons‘ u: may rest assm'ed 2».an lune, [he- honest )ou have taken upon .n pxeaenl. lmperfuclly .crve fund was iveu l!)