Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 11 Jun 1858, p. 3

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To tliefEdifor‘of the British Tribune, DIAR Sine-‘What a misfortune gar a Q3 boy“ like my dear self to lie under the control of a d‘ealfiPapa. flevertheless, such is the case, or I rjhould have .bee‘ir-‘at your last Cattle ghow,â€"as Big, as erect, and as Weeited as any would-be Mem- r of Paf'liament on the swarth.‘ ' fact,on the-very day of the Show, . ear Papa and myselfhadaspecial engagement to ,‘meet the notorious Professor Small-beer, in his dark chamberstud y ; there we witnessed the fantastic movements ofbobbing’ around candidates, strait‘ened lore- headed fools, and nip’t in the bud sim letons. The able clairvoyant Pro essor whispered to dear Papa, that all the old women declared en masse that the hantam magistrate was degradingly befuddled at the dinner. ,_ Papa cannot laugh when he obsefves the drunken capers of a misplaced magistrate. Had I fieh at the scramble for eatablcs, should not] have laughed? Yes! to side splitting entirel '; to see a muddy-brained Jack-ass throwing about. his arms, kicking behind, (donkey like) as if spurring his ass to t’chargcâ€"all the while abus- ing the Press,.,calling the British Tribune a foul sheet, the whole establishment a nest of worthless vagabonds, rank cowards, and knowing propagators of untruths. The breath of such playfully wick- ed Just-asses is strongly tainted with sulphur. Did I not prophecy and record in your spirited paper month’s ago, that you need only tell a man of his faults or opp05e his wicked career, to earn a bad character. Papa heard that Mayor Bram; willikafspasmodical hiccup, . drank to the ladies, his corporeal fram’e expanding. ([Esop’s tables). frog-like,-â€"'croalritig forth the mani- To the Editor of the British Tribune. SrR,â€"â€"-.In the Economist of the 20th of May, you will find some of the most barefaced falsehoods that any editor ever inserted. They are concerning the Orangemcn of Canada. He commenced by heading his article in those beautiful words, _‘~A Face of Ovangeism.”â€"It appears by this that there is something peculiar in their features. Now, Mr. Editor, he asserts that Coulter is an Orangemen. Well, the truth of this I cannot deny; but I have heard from good authority that he is not an Orange- nian. Well, the next affair is that of John McNeely. Hear what he says :â€" “ Last week John IVIcIN'eely, an Orange- uian, was convicted of wiful and cor- rupt perjury. The verdict had scarcely been delivered before some half dozen petitions were- put in circulation by the Now this is a most. barefaced lie, for there was not a petition got up by any member of the Lodge. And further, were some half dozen petitions. members of his Lodge.” he says there There Were but two petitions out, and the men that got them up are not Orangerncn;â€"â€" neither were they ever inside of an Orange Lodge. Further, he goes on to say that the County Master, erlium Button, was most active in circulating a This is false; for I do not think there were one out of ten in our Lodge that signed the petition. petition. Now, Mr. Editor, I hope you will give this a place in your valuable paper, so as to let the Orungemcn of Canada know what barei'nccd falschoods I’teesor will print to injure them. Yours truly, and a lover of truth, Ii. MARK, MEMBER or Loner: 51.8. fold qualities of earthly angels, all pure, none frail. What a want of common knowledge, horv ignorant of his bible; did not an ancestor of mine, Madam 'Eve, in a certain garden injure the whole human moo? Papa says, such exertions made by any chairâ€"orâ€"stool-man, at an Agricultural Show, pro- claimsa mushâ€"room brain. Pro- fefir Small-beer, the hero of seâ€" cret knocking, says if my friend Major Bran had been as ignorant ofacertain Missionary box move- ment, as he acknowledges to be of his Bible, his character would have been 7more,respectable,â€"â€"Iess pie- balded and shaggy. Mr. Editor, your staff of workmen, from the first commencement of the esta- blishment, [rave been well selected as patterns of good conducted men ; they can lose nothing bythe windy abuses and false assertions of ro- guish‘ Colonels, insolvent Majors, cowardly Captains, depraved Ma- gistratesmor ragga-muffin effusions, nor threats of libel law. Show them up, with their liccntious deeds, to the light of day and the ken of-honest men. With every consideration, Mr. Editor, PAX, JUNIOR. Yonge'St. June 9, 1858. w COUNCIL ‘RILPOR'I‘S. To the Editor of the British Tribune. DEAR Silt,â€"â€"\\'ill you kindly insert the following in your valuable paper.â€"â€"] have fI‘tqucud-ly been struck with tho- dissimilavity there is belivecn what Mr. Beesor says in Council, and what he re. ports as having said in his paper. On pa .mlel‘ his speeches look parsihln, while in Council they are, on the contrary, ridi- culous and conttmptib'c. II‘Iow is this’! Does he rehash speeches himself, or gel somebody else to cook them for him af- terwards; _ _]u my ignorance I thought that “'hptappeuied, in print was [In- bonafide doings of your august uSsCHI- blies; but it Seems it is not so. On thr- Sepanite'School question Mr. Rcesor has a very neat specch in print which, gnu safely aver, was never delivered in uncil. And again, at your last meet- ing he was badly whipped by our respect- .ed-ltceve. I felt quite bad to see him wrilhe in .. agony under the lash. l was afraid he would never recover. lie was convicted most damn-ably of wilful ftilsehood and slanderâ€"«so much so llinl nearly every one in the Council cried “ open shame on him,“â€"â€"nnd I know that he felt real bad, for his looks bespoke the agouy‘of his mind ; and I certainly fully expected that in his last issue he would have'llnd the ‘honesty to acknowledge. at just, that he had been mistaken, and had itidde‘his‘charges without due caution; hull was much surprised to find that in- stead of his pursuing the only honorable ct'nme open to him, he gives a distorted 'accoiint of the Council; indeed, his re- port is a disgraceful sham. Ilc strives ”‘0 make the public believe that Messrs. 1311110" and Trudgeon’s defence were no thingâ€"but'that fill his Charges were suc- cessfullylprovcda ” RWY “Fe "“0 “t"! present, and heard and saw Ins overwhelming defeat, cries “ 01‘6“ shame 0' his “flair and dishonest report.” Turnstile report of a jufl’olililr de- ceiver, and is a complete burles-(fii. o: the proceedings. To particularize would be folly. ’Thia‘ whole report is a sham of the hut water. .It is by such .1ng,th nets that the selfâ€"respect of the press is Hflfiie’d. -In writing tIis’lIuLcan'mo ,u_ will tofRecsorâ€"meith'er am I acquainted with W. Button, Esq, nor interested in {any way whatever with the dispute. 1 "w'rite simply to mark the indignation I feel at. the unfairness of the report. 1 ‘like' our remarks on the preccedmgs of the Cbunc‘il, but should have much pre- ‘ferred Seeing a report of the discussion in question. ' Ho ing you will find a corner In your valaab e paper, ’ ' I remain, , Yours respectfully, ‘ " FAIRPLAY. Victoria on... June 9, 1858. Markham, Mary 291b, 1858. 30th Elma. 'I'lic wheat crops in Texas is really for harvest. ‘1 The annual allowance of Queen Vic- toviais 0,000,000. Bears are getting hold, and are killing, sheep at Stannord, \It. According lo the articles of war, it is death to stop a cannon ball. 'l‘ln- Hessian fly is said to be destroy- ing the wheat crops in Delaware. Counterfeit $10 notes on the Bank of Ohio are in circulation. Stale Over one million pounds of copper is ready for shipment at Ontonagon. Typhoid fever prev ails in Central Ala' bama, at present, in an eplllr‘lull: form. Selling papers on Sundny has been stopped by Mayor Henry, of Philadelphia. Snow fell at Summit, Allcguny county, the 20th ul[., to the depth of two inches. It is now thought that Hoffman, the Post. will récover from his longr insanity. Forty cows per Week is the averagi- uiorlahty in the New York still slop sta- bles. The Erie canal has been shortened twrlve miles between Syracuse and Koch- ester. The Iilkton (Md) Democlat says that plicalsuiils are now very numerous in that country. There are twenty-seven theatres in Pavls,t\venly-threc in London, and ten In New York. Fillibusler “'alkcr is said to be at New Orleans preparing ‘for another LIAS cent upon Nicaragua. The British Navy are extending; their search and seizure into the land on the Is land of Cuba. The army worm has appeared In im- mense numbers In the wheat fields around r\oifolk, Ya. 'l‘wenty-thrce vessels have arrived at St. Johns. l\-.~wfoundlaud, with a catch of about 89.000 souls. The great Mechanical Bakery in Phila- delphia is now baking about ten thousand loaves of bread a day. ' The number of houses erecth at Cinâ€" cinnati for the. year ending May 1, was 386, at a cost of $1,040,000. The subscriptions to the Ilavelock monument. proposed to be , erected in Snudcrland I'uik, amount to $5,000. Subscriptions are being vaited in New Orleans lor the sullerers by [he MiSsissippi river. Two citizens of Oswcgo recently shot and killed a panther, within a mile of Iliut city, with pigeon shot. rapidly falling,r in price. since the Ist,u|t., at H.000 hogsheads. It is stated that two hundred an: now composing the city and county 0 New York. Four sharks, measuring respectively 10 3-, 7i and 6 feet, were lately caught at Charleston, S. C., from the steam packet wharf. Fifteen soldiers were tried for dcsertior at Newport barracks, Ky., and, on con- viction, were punished with from 25 to 30 lashes each. Twenty-eight thousand five hundred “ labourers”â€"negr0es, coolies and Yucatan Indiansâ€"have been and thirty-one sent to Cuba since 1853. Steps are being taked to secure land for the location of a large Irish colony in It is BrOWn or Sliau‘ano county, \‘Vis. sul‘ll‘ised that. about six thousand wil come in a body from the vincinity of Bos- ton. From a calculation carefully made by O}. in Columbus, us, We learn that the eggs annually pro need by hens In that State, W011“ an intelligent gentleman pay the yearly interest on her public debt The ship Mountain “hug, from Bos- ton. has taken a cargo of ice for llonolulu Sandwich Islands. requisites for the dulivrry have been for'werded from Boston. The crops in France are said to be 15 days in advance of ordinary years, and is A private despatch from New Orleans gives the receipts of tobacco at that port thirty years ago $21- purchased the land Ice carts and other -â€"-Thcre were 56,165 more panpers in Eng‘ land and Wales in January, 1858, than in the same month of 1857. An entire Chinese regiment, for having abandoned an untenable fort during the recent attack on Canton by the Fi'enclr and English forces, has been sentenced to wear woman’s clothes for live years. An attempt is to be made to recover the million an a half'of dollars that Went down in the Centml America, although she sunk in water over fiveseighths of a mile deep, and in a spot that is ninety rnlles from the nearest land. I The Minnesota papers state that Da- cotah Territory his received a fair share of immigration.â€"â€"Nurnbers are pouring in by way of the Missouri, bound for the valley of the Big Sioux River. A h-tter from London to the New York Commercial. says that the starting of the expedition for the laying of the Atlantic cable, is expected to be about the 10111 of June. in order to reach the mid-point of the Atlantic, between New foundlund and Ireland. on the 15th of‘ June. At that period there will, in that latitude. be only about four hours ofnight, and a full moon at that. so there actually will be no interval of darkness throughout the entire operation. 'I‘rrn Fumvcrr ARMY Immune.â€" ISy what outbreak the French army will take olfits ennui remains to be soon. I can answer for the following anecdote :-â€" A guru‘rnl officer, with whom I am per» sonnllv well acquainted, dined last week with the Emperor. After dinner, the lnlk was of Bernard's acquittal. The general I allude to was standing close to the Emperor, and condolr'd with him upon the latter circumstance, when. passing from condolence to another tone, be all at once said, “ Ahl sire, when shall I ngniu see those Englishmen fare to farce, as at \Vaterioo ? When Will you send against those eternal enemies of France? The army longs for it. sire.” The limv peror smiled graciously. put his hand on We speaker’s a m, and said. " linsll,lr0sll, General I don’t take fire so readily.” A bystander, who witnessed this litlle scene. l)l)Sc1‘\‘L‘tl, “' The Emperor‘s voice, mun- ncr, and entire nir reminded me of tin- times when. in 1851 and 1.951)., he used to say to those who asked ‘when Pruner! would . be again an empire 1’ -‘ Ilnsh .. France can never more be any thing but ,, republic.’ ”. I tell you this lJPt‘allsl' I ca vouch for it.â€"Pa7-z's correspondent oft/10 Manclzcstcr Guardian. 115 DEATH or A CHARACTER .â€"â€"Th« \vcll-krowu ‘ Scottish Trump,’ Jamec Brown, u/iux Iiogsgie, h/ias Lockerbil- Junk, alias Dunsu Jock, alias Leather- eyed Jock, alias Pudding .lock, and who knows how many more aliases might IJI' added, after many erntful years of hard- ship and sulleiing. quit-fly bieulhcd his last in the village of Derrholm, “'cdncs- day the 11th day oprril 1838. Though dead. he may in one sv-nse, be said to speak, for he has lvt't behind him a“ ‘ would- be diary,7 in which many very curious enâ€" tries are made regarding [hr- treatment he received in his journeyings tln'onphont the length and brr-arlrh of Scotland. from high and low, rich and poor. In it [here are entries to be found regarding persons of almost every station in life, from the Duke of Bucclcut'li and Lord John Scolt.down- wards. 110 Is great on policemen, some of whom he mentions as being very kind to him. He seems to have had a grad fancy for boys. though they generally made game of him, yet he often has kindâ€" Iivsses to acknowledge at their hands; but of Gilgal boys he writesâ€"J They are perfectwwlr-hcs. the worst I ever met with.’ 119. has 3130 left behind him a number of pecticnl cflirsions.â€"â€"IIait'iclr Advert i3! r. A Fumcrr Orrxrorv or BARNARn's AQUITTAL â€"Tbe Constztutiomzel, in an article on the ac ,nitlal of Simon Bat - nnrd, >111" : â€"“ 'l'lu- acquittal has ext-ill d dcrp indignation in France, and the ani- mated sentiment expressed 'by the Uni- acrs on the subject is understood by everybody. Nevertheless, we must rc- murk, in strict justice, that this is not tl c moment to attack the Times, as the Univers has done, since that j urinal sup- ported uilh energy the Conspiracy Bill denounced the assassins, and vindicated England‘s honor. \Ve will not dwell :t any length one such an acquittal, which throws an unheard-of scandal on public morality; for no mar of honour in France or England could entertain a doubt of Bu‘nnrd‘s guilt? Vl’c will merc- ly inform those of ourneighours who de- sire the maintenance of good .I'elatinns between the two countries, that if by misfortune, the address pronounced by Burnavd's counselâ€"41ml address which was allowed to teem with bitterness. culurnuy, and insults against the Emper- or, against the nation which elected him, against the army, and against our institu- tionsâ€"was circulated in the towns, bur- racks, and rural districts of France, it would be difficult for Govevnnient, with the best. intentilious to slay the conse qucnccs of public indignation.” DESERTIONS FROM THE 100Trr11ccl- MENT.-â€"-A good deal was said, on the arrival of this regiment at Quebec about' the dcsertions which would take place from it, and all that sort of thing. \\'e I understand the instances of descr‘tion have been rather rare; and, in cases 1 where the attempt was made, llie pnrtics went so awkwardly about it that their immediate detection fodowed. Last week four deserlcrs from the 100th, were taken prisoners by the look out party of the 39th reigrnent, on the other side of the river, under the followirg circumstan- ' ccs: the look-out mm observed the four men approaching, and seeing that one of them had upon his person a pair of regi- mental tr0\Vscrs,red stripe and all, he beâ€" gan to suspect that they were deserlern To obtain some further proof of this sur- picion, he entered into conversation with the men; and alluding to the 100th regi- ment, he remarked “ that he had a gm (1 mind to inlist in it.” The men advised him to do nothing of the kind; and at last told him in confidence that they I themselves had tried it, but finding that they did not like it, they determined to see the “ land of liberty,” for something better suited to their tastes. This was all the 39”) man wanted. Pulling a pis- tnl from his pocket and presenting it at their breasts, he told them they were his prisoners. that be arrested them as de- - scvters. The other look-out men coming up to the scene of action at this moment. the four men quickly surrendered and nearly ' showman. Barnum. has been mended and is fully as good as now. He now proposes to bring to this country Lumlav’s Opera and Ballet company from London. It campuses in allâ€"tho company and its udJunctsâ€"ubout 500 persons. including almost every distinguished artiste in Europe. The cost of the 2-1represon- tations proposed is estimated at not loss than $300,000. and as a partial security' for the remuneration forthis great outlay, the projector requires eight hundred subscribers at five dollurs a night for twenty performances, the linkers to be delivered by Mr. Lurnley on the arrival of ,hs troupe. â€"__â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ BIRTH. At the German Mills, Mar-khavuwu the 30th of May, Mrs Win. Dixon. ofa daughter. DIED. After a short illness, Mrs. ANN HARRISON. wife of Mr. Henry Harrison , aged 92 years. Friends and accquaintances are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late resi- dence to the Primitive Melhodist Chapel, Victoria Square, on Saturday next, at 11 o’clock. u.rn. On Tuesday. the 8th inst. at his residence on Yonge Street. Mr. Jas. Giunch. #â€" TORONTO MARK ETS. Tomnt0,Jnne 10 There was an improved supply of pro- duce on the market this morning, which moved off rapidly at full rates. \‘VHEAT to the extr-nt of 9.000 Illsllt‘ls was sold at an average price of about «Is hid per bushel, the range extending 43 to «Is 10d. the latter igure, and indeed tiny- thing above 4's fill, biting; the exceptional cases. The improved I‘atvs are put forth probably to induce larger supplics,and are not founded on the state of this or any other Itiulh’t'l. Spring “'11an is worth 35 (id to 3" 91 per barrel. Flour is very dull, and the price is ex- tremely difficult to obtain. A few hails- nclions are noted, but the rates have not transpired. Nominal qnqtyitions are, Su- perfine, 3 dr llnvs 00c to 3 dollars 70'; Fancy. 3 dollars 80c ti 3 dollars 00c; I'.Xll':1,4l dollars in ~I« dollars 10.: per brl. Special Notices. DISEASE OF‘ THE S'I'OMACII. I ‘IIE stomach is the most liable to gel . out of Oldt r'. llencc how Impor- [111111131110 diseased matter clog its operation. which would cause liuusca :Illtl distress by on food. It also weakens the brain, destrovs tli memory, crealospuius nnd (IllII‘ltS‘. and various ullir-clions in ice brad. It produces great dif- ticrrllv in lncalliiug and swallowing. Some- times failitingand file will ensue; also bad breath, rr stlcs>lle~s and great loss of strength. If not immediately (tilell'T‘ll to, the blood will carry the disease llnouuh the whole system. and death will end the work. From '2 to 5 of these l’rlls a day will keep the digestive organs in a healthy condition, and uriclog or carry away all Irnpnre Iiintltr. and thoroughly re- store and cleanse the stomach; at the same lime Ilia l‘ills will so purify the blood. as to dine all mann~r of disease from the system. WORMS. In a quantity of corrupted matter, thero'is al- ways to be found a nest of worms. They can- not. neither will they stay anvwhere clsv. \Veuk stomach and Iron ols me subject to them. as they have not sufficient power to digest their food. Hence a large heap of Irintlcr is lodged, and worms innsl be the vault. A few doses of" these pills will disturb them in their nest, and drive them out of the system. It should be l't‘lht‘lllbpled. that an occasional duse when in health. \espcciully after taking cold. will prevent the disease frun forming in the body. Dr. Morse‘s Indinn Root Pills are Bold by all dealers in Medicines. 7,\ OFF/\T'S Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters. A These valuable preparations should he kept in every family, and provider] for the tra- velling cases at all who intend " prospecting ” into a new setIchncnt. All experience has taught and proved lheir superior efficacy in all scorfulous diseases and those annoyances which are peculiar to young women at the central period of their l|\’6". For the cure ot'dyspopsra the Mofl'uit Life Modicrnos uro radll'ltl. Sold by the proprietor. W. B. Morrn‘, 335 Broad- way. how York, and his agents. ‘- s 7,. , 112cm abbtx'ttacmmto; ESPLANADE HOTEL, BY G. TURNER, PALACE s-r. (OI'FOSI‘I‘E 'rrrr. our GAS worms) TORONTO. Meals 20 cents each. and good accommoda- lion for Farmers and others. Toronto, June 11, lcfn'. 53-1y Grand Demonstration. ELIEVING that Public Dcmoii=trations I are well calculatt-d to “(loud the Benign principles of our I’hilnullilopic Institution. the members of LEHONVILLE DIVISION, No. 385, S. of T. have therefore come to the determination of holding their ANNUAL SOIREE! I). V. on THURSDAY. the 17th d i)’ of June, 1858. at Lorrruntille. 7th Con. of thitcliurch, 'I‘IIIQ VICTORIA BRASS BAND ! Has been engaged for the occasion, and will attend without fail. A Proces~i0u will be formed at the Lodge Room, and march to the Soiree ground. Tea to be served at 12 o'clock. Noon. Alter lho removal of the cloth several Enri- nerit Gentlemen will deliver suitable addresses. No pains wil. be spared lupunko every thing t'OIlI- furtublc. as Lemonville is justly celvbrnted for good parties. the committee is determined that its character shall be fully sustained on this. HS on former 0C 'rsiuris. The Inornl ms of sur- rounding l)ivi.~ior|s of Suns, Good 'l‘ernplars, and the Public generally, are respectfully iri- vitcd to attend Tickets. 'I'wenty-five cents each. Children under 1‘). lzull'Apvrce.â€"to be had at the ticket office on the ground. \V. L. \VIIITIS. . b unitary. Lomuuville. June ‘2, 1858. 534 GRAND DEMON STRATION ! members of the NEI‘VTON STII‘JVAK'I‘ the conclusion of holding their Second Annual Soiree, 1659, Willtln . ‘ tween the 81h and 91h Con. ‘,of “’hrtcliurch TIIE VICTORIA BRASS BAND Has been engaged for the occasion. and wil attend without fail. lland. Tea to be served at 12 o‘clock. Noon After the removal of the cloth sevarn' I'IIo quent Gentlemen will deliver suitable address o~ on the occasion. As the Committee is anxious to sustain th reputation of the neighborhood, no pains will be spared to make everything comfortable. Members of surrounding Divisions 0] Sons. Good 'l‘éruplars, and the public in general, are respectl'. ll_v requested to attend. {IT Tit kets, twenty-five cents each. Children llalf'pl'lcu.â€"10 be had at the ticket office on the were brought into the city, and now oftle “ll“?lt‘” aWait a Court Martial for their offence.â€"â€"- . Qtltft’f Gaztttc. ground. S. T. DOUGIIERTY. BARNUM on His 1?sz AGAIN â€"Tho broken - FTEII a successful rear of experience, the DIVISION. No. 223, S. of'l‘. have come to D. V., on TUESDAY. the 23nd day of June, View of Mussclman‘s Laie. be- A Procession NIII be formed at the Division Room, (Mr. J, Irwm’s.) at Ten o'clock. and march to the Tea Ground, headed by the Brass WATCH 8: CLOCK JEWELLRR, a... ICGS to inform thoinhnbitnuts of Rich- rnoud Hill and vicinitv, that he has commenced Business in the above place, and solicits their patronage. All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleaned and repnlred In the best manner ; also all kinr's of Jewellery neatly repaired. Kichmoud Hill. June 11, 1858. MAKER, 53-3111 TORONTO SPRING RACES! l 8 5 8 o ’ ‘HE Toronto Spring [laces will come off over the New Mirrxm .Couusrt. Don and Danforth Road, ‘ tars-M . . ....~...W~,~. N...“ . ,.._ . APOTIIECIARIES’ "HALL 71NG S-rurtm. Toronto, 2nd door 93,1 of Church Sheet. opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATkrNsou. 6:. (30., Late of King street \Vest, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, P111811 Jllmlicincs, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- lf’oods, Combs Brushes ($0., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- Cul'fl CIISIOIII. \V. T. A. & Co. having crusidernble ex- perience in the Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation |Il svviug. Ihnr a great runny of their «\quut'uclnrml Articles will he found very superior. )Iellu'irir-s used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Ro- csipls. Horse and Cattle Medal inns, $20.. are of the very best qliulilv, (III'I'CI from tho prin- cipnl English Drug llonws. 'vV. ‘l‘. A. Jr. Co. June, DAYS. Under the Iiinliugolrrcnl of the following Stewarts : S. H. Slrong, Esq. , Dr. Mairlrrnri. ILC. IL; J. H Robinson, M. I). l'.: J White, M. 1’. 1’.: w. r. hum. R,C. R. on. Regiment; Slicrifi'Gr-ange; A. .l. Forgnsson, Esq. First Day : St, Lodger I'luto. valued at 80 dols. with an inside Stake of 2t) dols. each, Ill dots. forfeit. for 3 youroldsx bred-u Canada; I mrlu bears, to carry 90 lbs each. On Tuesday, 29m AND TWO FOLLOWING lnu-kcopcrs’ l’nrse, 1.30 «lols. with an inside stnku Off) I dols. 0 .Ch, '20 dais. l'o:fn:l, open to al. Horses; ‘2 mile hunts, (Tluh \Vciglils. The winner to pay linlfa basket of Champagne, 'l‘rotting I’I'I'so of 50 (1014. with an inside stake 01'25 dolS. ouch, 10 duls. forlnit. open to all Horses owned in Canada at this date ; mile heats. 3 in 5, to go as they please. Second Day: Member’s Purse Inn dols. with an inside strike 01'4” duis. ouch. ‘le dols. forfeit, open to all Irorsos brad In Canada, milo heats, 3 III 5 Club “’erglits. ’1 lie winter to pay half a hf'~kel of Champagne. Trotting I’llrso 2': d ils. with an inside strike of It" (I’Jli- each. 5 duls. forfeit, two for all horses that never won a purse over :35 dolu ' 1 mile heals. 3 In 5. to go as they please. Purse 25 dols. with an inside stake of IO dols. each. .5 duls. forfeit; free for ullliorscs Used as liacl's. Illtll never won it purse, meuh bers of the Club to ridn, catch weights, Third Day : Goodwood Cup 100 dols. in specie. willI an inside stake of 00 dols. each. 20 duis forfeit open .to all horses. to carry 110 lbs each; 2 IIIIICSHIIIO winner to pay liull'uba-ket of Chain- plight). Trotting l’n se 5() rich. with an i nuide stake of It) dols. each, 5 duls full-ell; 1 “Illa him“. 3 III 5. to harness, Beaten Plate 10 dols. cacir, 1 mile heats, It U L I'.‘ S :â€" 1. All persons wishing to enter their IIOI'W'.Q in the inside stakes. must send their forfeit money and the .nsnne of their horses to Charles Gates. Box 253 Post Otiics, Toronto, by the I‘lllr ol'JIIIte. V. All parties can run their horses for all of the above purses. without going into the insrdc stakes. bypuymg 10 percent. entrance. 3. Entries will be made the evening pre- vious to each Day’s Races, at the Course, by 10 o’clock. p.m. ; after that time they will be charged double entrancu. 4. Entrance 10 per cent, f( r all purses. 5, lliders Io turn out in full jockey style. 6. Five per cent deducted from all stakes and purses. - 7. "hrce horses to make a field, two to start. 8. No horse can be entered for any of the above purses, unless his owner be a subscriber to the Knee Fund of 10 dols, except for purses loss than 50 dols. ' Tour Cum Wr:rorrTs,â€"-‘.2 your old. a fea- ther; 3 years old, 86 lbs; 4vours old, 100 lbs ; 5 years old, 110; 6 years old. 118 lbs ; 7 years old. I‘Z-I lbs; 3 lbs allowed for Mares and Geldings; 7 lbs allowed to I’roiince Bred Horses. USturt each day at One o‘clock. precisely. CHARLES GATES, Proprietor. Toronto, May ‘27. 1858. 53-2 Letters Ileuiainingin RICHMOND HILL Post Office, J UN L' 1st. 1855. Miss Mary Hericlt. Dnvid Ilulrnkoy. John Ilaincl, James Ilurhnl, John Lawrence. Miss G. L. Luvili, John Lungstufl'. John Jr. (6) Lungstnll'. John Sr. (2) Murnnne. Cullioiine Miller. James Miller, John McCuguo. “lilinm Cook, William McClrcsney, Isaac (2) Clinrnberlin, 1'). McCartney, Ilubort Campbell. Mis< J. ('2) Oberlin. Louis Cotton. Charles Patterson, John Duncurnb, J. Qnunce. F. Dcrhnm. Mrs. Simpson, James Durrant, C. Sanderson. Mr. Dendnian. Eleiior Simpson, William Dance, Richard Slinl’elt, Miss Clarissa Duvrdson. Miss Agnes Sundmsou, Mls. II. Disrnml. Joliri l' SIvcers. K. liver. Miss Elizabeth Spiiingcr, Mr. Firriunn, Catherine 'l'rernaino. G M. (2) Girv‘isn, Robert Triclier. Mark Cough. Frederick 'l‘iernuino. O. R. Goodw II. J. L). Thompson. Levi ‘zoodwill, J, Vanker, John Ilardv. Miirv “"viglit. Mrs. Senior Handll, Miss Catbo ine\\ilson. ltichnid ( ) 152 M. TEEFY . l’ostruu-s‘ter. ‘ fl DR. d. W. GRIFFITH, Armstrong. Jane Ambler, VVillinm Alltinson, David Humor. Joseph chnon, Mrs. Mary J. linker, Miss Susan Benson, MI'S. Jnnc llrillinger, George Brillinger. Henry lieldwiri, William Coombs. John bug to call attention to their C(‘lt'brutud Prepa- ration fur the 'I'ectii, Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their lunch admired Perfume TIIIS ICNU LISII NOSIIGAY. Soda \Valer bottled and from [he forin'aiti; St. (Jrlrlierinos Mineral “late-r. and the I’ldlltngellrt \rV‘dlt r, celebrated for tlrei. healthy proport es. April :22. 1858. ltffi II. HUSBAND) has SURGEON DENTIST, CULI) respr-clfnllv inform the Ladies \\ and Gentlemen. who wish to avail :Iierri- Selves of his profesnmrnl services. that he will he in alll‘IILlnlir-o the first Moiirlrn' mill 'l'uesdav following of each iirnritli, :ii Allibler’s tlotc-l. Richmond lllll : “'odrrwduy following at the Aurora Holnl, Aurora; 'I'liursdav and Friday at J. McClure’s llolel, Holland Landing: this rest of the nionlli at the 'I'huviihill llotcl. Thornhill. (1' [IT Currimunicntions to be addressed to Thornliill 1'051 Office. lIr:I-‘I-'.m“crs [by permission] zâ€"IIev. R. Pnlnlirl; Ill: V. C. (:uwnu; I". lluck. M.I)., II C. S.. ling: (J. Kaiser, M. 1).,- F.0welr, .\1. D. ; .1. ZIIIIInernInII, S. 1). December 31. 1857. 130 - r. g , 5 LOYAL OiiAuGE LODGE, N0, 64.4, ME HTS at WM. DUROSE'S HOTEL. Victoria Square, the last Friday even- ing izr each month. OFFICERS ELFCI‘ 1 JOHN BUTTON. Muster. JAMES l'ANAGIIAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOIVMAN. Secretary. JOIIf)1 GAWLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7. 1858. dB-lv Richmond Victoria, your. ORANGE LUDGE. No. 778, 1 meets at Brother Robi‘l’l VViseninn’s, Masonic Hnll, the second Saturday evening in each month. OFFICERS ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfm’d, Master . J B. DeeGier, Deputy Master; John Mnnhollanrl, Secretary ; \V. I’oguo, Treale’or. January 21. 1858. I33 To Medical Practitioners. GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- , sell to n Medical Mun of standing and r-xporicnce. House and Promises, both plea- sant and convenient. can be had on reasonable terms. Apply, if by letter post paid, to the Edi'ar of the Tribute. Richmond Hill. June 15th, 1357. 'DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR Darling 5.; Aitchison’s COMBINED lllll‘llllll lllll lltlllll MACH l N E S, Richmond 11111, June. 1857. “strayed Steer. g.2-w_v. g,1 ivy. Come into the premises oftlie Subscriber. Lot No. 1‘1. 51h Concession Markham. about the lust of March. a Hazel coloured Steer, lwo vcars old. ‘ The owner is requested to prove properly. pnyexpcnscs. and take it away. WILLIAM PADGET. Markham, April 15th, 1558 ' 1-15. WARD :51. lllcCIUSLAND, House, Sign and Ornamental MARKIIAM VILLAGE, C.W. June 2, 1858. ' -ly Information \Vaiitcr‘l- ‘OBERT EDWARD FORGE a native of Driftinltl. Yorkshire. England, sailed from Ilnll fur Quebec in the ship " Fergus," in the spring of INS-1, Iris brother is desirous of finding him. Allurvs‘s FRANCIS FORGE. WM. SIINDI‘JIISON. Buttonvillo, 1’.0. Markham, C. \'V. June ‘2, 1859. 52-11' I]? Ouremlnuges will confer- a favor by passing him round. For Sale or to Rent, I) \V E L L lNGâ€"IIOUSE, Store-house', r I)l'ileIg-lloll-'a and about an Acre 0 Land. in the Wings of Victoria Squaio. sulta- bls for a Store or 'l'uveru. For terms nuply to W. Trudgeon, qu., Trillium oflir-e. Richmond Hill. 146 April 2-2. 1855. 'Oi‘TEâ€" H u N Demos OF l’INl‘l ‘VOODII FOP» *LE. For terms apply to Mr. TIIOS. COOPER. Thoruhill. 'l‘hornhill. Au ust Il. 1857. 210-1.! ! TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS I 185 voxcr: STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TO M B-S’I‘ON ES. ace, Twenty Per Cent Cheaper . THAN AhY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. e ‘IIE Undersrgned Assignees of tln- estate ON). C. & \V. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Avsrrx Army)! and D. CARIOS Yuma, wliasa receipt will be duly acknowledged. RS. All notes and accounts remaining uri- paid on the Isl day of Julio. 1858, will be put irilo Court for collection. C. YALE. Socrcturv- Whitclrurch, Juno 2, 1858. 5371 G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, 1959. 4841‘ l ‘PAINTERS, G “nines, Gliders, Glaziers, and faprr Ilunweru, TH 0 RN“ IL L. fill libido igfmJlliJ'lvl iPm'nts Oils, Glass, and Putty. I GOOD \VORKMICN SENT TO ANY r I’AII'I‘ OF THE COUNTRY. 1 I | July 23. nor. Tg-ly. ' l MURPHY BROTHERS F011 00D lValches,Clocks. Jewelry. Melodeons T Electra \Vure. Silver-Spoons, flllll Specta- cles to suit every right. IE? Watch Clubs in Operation. Clocksfrorn 203 upwards. 'l‘oronrc, June, 1557. HOTEL FOR SALE. -.'11 mises or to Dr. Domini“. Richmond Hill, Tl IOMAS IL I“. DON, Proprietor. King. Nov. 19, 1857. g'l-I-t fl LUKES’ HOTEL. flflllfi Subscriber begs to inform thr- In Mid SHTFOUHdlhg Country, and the Public gen orally, formerly kept by filled Up and furnished lor the his Custorncrs.uutl lio trusts b} to their wants to secure it liberal patronage. Liquors ofilie best brands at the Bar. an every attention paid to Guests. THUS. LUKES, Proprietor. gld-RI Tr-rorlus )Iiv. which he ha Holland Landing.» Sept. Ill. 1857 W arranted f ‘11 E Subscriber ofli-rs for sale that u'ollktiown Howl. situated on Lot No. 5,6Ih Conce-sion III the Township of Ring. with good slnbling and Seventeen Acresol Excellent Land. Every The fno‘lilies which the sub. embers have necessary accomodalion for an 110th are In first for muuulnclnring. having two of the largest rule repair. 'I'errnsollienrclv easy. For tur-» Paper Mids n Lunnd'r. they are prepared to ther particulars apply to die proprietor on the pro- HOLLANDâ€"fiLANDING. linbit'ints of the above-named Village that Ito lins least-d the above Hotel, accommodation of constant Rllotluoll RICHM NO Hm. msPREMIUMéjg 4:â€" Id‘ SADDLE (5‘ }[A If ALESS ESTABLISH \IICN‘T. Two Door South. of 11.0 TIHBUNE Oflir'f’. \‘Villiam IE. Myers, Prcmfu. In Jlla :1 ilfdclu rm", 1) ESI‘I‘XT'I'I‘TIIJJV announces lo 11 Harm-SS .o I‘nlrlic \\'..licr )Iucl'arlanc, Fire ! Ffi'e 1 Fire 3% W E S T E R N V Fire In snrance Company of Toronto. l\(‘oI<I‘ort.\'IED 1!! ACT of PARLIAIIIIT. (LIJ‘ITJL STOCK, £100,000. 110A RD 0‘? DIRECTORS. .l. (I. (itLr-lol‘x, Pres. | Tues.HawoaTH.V.I‘rol. Win. Henderson, Juror-s Imusk, Rice Lewis. George Michio. J. P. Iiobuts. Robt. Stanton, Set. “up. M llr-r. LIJ‘ 11134111 Qficc, Church Street, Toronto. .3 'l‘rrre (‘rmnxv Insuros all descriptions of lillilrhrtgs.hlriliul‘aolm‘les. Mills, &c.. and Good: I. ge-mrallleinl he luv uglukun the F1 II S F “ml 19m“ ““0‘ '" the some. against 1°55 ordain- P It IZ F. for Harness at the Yongo Street A"â€" Iiculturnl Show. Two YI‘III‘.\I|I succession. lie feels roulidvnl tlmt hr: cuu pm a untho satrslnnrtonll in all branches of his business. @2111 Work \Yurvnntod.;; “a" A I Ir;_r:\ Stork of | lnrnoss. Sic, nlwnyx- on hand, and Innrln to order at tho lowest possible rernuucinling prices. ILDIIIIIOIIII IIIll, Oct 15, 18.37. {118-1) 7 ..... ...,__,V._-. .._-, _.._.. BLACK HORSE HOTEL [FURNII‘IRLY KIZI'I' NY “”11. ltl)1.l'I>I.] IORNER of Palace and George streets. cast l of the Market Square. Toronto. IIouId $1 per day. Good Slnhirug and attentive Hustle-rs always in allt‘llll.‘tl:t:l‘. Ari omnibus to and from the Railroad Station. '1 IIOMAS PALM FIR, Proprietor. Toronto. Feb ‘26. 1858. tilts-1y Fâ€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"-= JOHN MURPHY, llause Decorator, I’nintrr, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER &c., doc. i No 49; King; Street, I 4 Doors “lest of [lay Street. DEALER IN PAPER HANGING". HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. Toronto, June lath, 1557. gfl-wy. |_ - _____;.___ ‘ SWAN HOTEL, ‘IIOIINIIIIIL. 'I'heNibxcr-ibcr in tendering his lilnnks for llil\f favor-s. would beg to call l’ri‘ulic attention It) his .\E'v\' Establishment, Tliornliill, and known as thr- Swan IIorr:I., which he has Intcl)‘ entered inln in consequence of the :mconiodilion in his old estublislurient being cntiu-fv too limited for the comfort of his numerous Ericsls. The. Swan Ho'rr-zr. in n few days will be completely renovated. and respectable visitors Inrn rely on having their calls irrrrnediatclv at- tended to. He has also verv extensive necdnro- dntiou for Horses and Carriages. His Bar will alivavs be found we” stored «go by limmu liberal terms. Losses .promptly A. LAW, General Agent. EMILAIIgust 13.1857. glO-ly ~crth-d. ilosirlcnco, l'tn: II In N 0 T I c E. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Flori risliin g Village 012‘ BUTTONVILLE, IN THE Township of MARKIIIIM, 0:? FOR SALE. .59 IONSISTING of Three Village Lots, with suitable Buildings, with a fourth paint of 'III acre of Land attached to each. One is a sluall Cottage suitable for a small familv. -"I'lro second is a New House, adapted for aMechan- ic of any kind or Doctor. (us there is no Doe< ror in the neighbourhood). The third is 1: Large House. with all the accomodntions for a Tavern, with a never-failing Well of Water. Also, good. suitable out-buildings. consisting ol'drivrng-house, large shed, wood-shed. gran- dry and stable, together with some choice Fruit I‘recs, comprising plums, pearsmurrantsfiand the black tame cherry. IIU'I‘TONVILLE is situated on a plea- sant rise of ground, on the 4th Concession of Markham. There is an established Post-Ollico together \vilh a Grirtand Saw Mill, Store. with Mcelianicsof different kinds. Terms easy, apply to the Proprietor on " the premises. or by Letter, post-paid to Brittan- villo. Possession will be given on the 1st SI April, or if needed. the lst ofJunuary. I? Title indisputable. a - - WILLIAM MORRISON - Bullonvillo, Oct. 28. 1857. 290 ‘t 9110 woandpu 1* OR WRITING BY SOUND! ITMAN’S Manual of Phonagraphy is a work of about 100 pages, ever-v nt‘ror leaf of which is printed from stone enginvings. giving writing exercises in the art which the" book is designed to teach. By the use of this Manual. any school boy or girl, of 5 or 6 years and upwards, mav learn, in a surprisingly short space of time. to read and write Phonogrnphy or Phonetic Short-hand, and a few months 01‘ daily practice is all that is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence to write 101) or more words per minute ! This rate of speed is sufficient. to take down ordinary sermons. speeches, and conversation as fast as spoken. with the choicest Liquors; while the subscriber himself intends to devote his lime to the corn- fort of all those who may honour him with a call. JOHN SHIELS. I Proprietor. 1.33 Tliornhill. January 20. 1853. PRIVATE SA LE I ! LflN‘D JIND WJTER MILL! NEAR nicrmmn 1111.I.. IIIIS FARM contains about Fifty Acres, ’1 with a House. Garden, and small Clear- ance. and is well lirnhcrrd. 'l‘lio “'ntor Mill. including Tlrrre good Dwelling Houses. with Gardens. and about Fifteen Acres of Laird, if required by the purchaser. Thr- Incrnisos are at [)I‘OSOIII used as an Agricultural Imple- ment and File Factory. All the above property will be Sold 0,) easy 1| nus for Cash or Yearly Payments, and is worthy the attention of the Mechanic and Far- men For particulars apply to Du. DUNCUMB. Iiclrrnond Hill. September 10 1857. gH-tf TIIORNHILL IIOTEL. WIIE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased lhe nbove premises, and fitted thorn up in uncut and comfortable 51} lo. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selecled. Good stabliug and attentive hustlers HENRY LEMON, Thoinlnll. Proprietor. 2 FOR SALE! ACIIES OF LAND. East half of 1 Lot No. 2, 7d- Concexion. North Uwillin bury. Also. ONF. ACRE OF LAND, situated in the Village of 'I IIOIIIIIIII, with good House and out-buildings. fl? Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER, Richmond Hill. (3‘2 Jan. 20, 15.38. 138 January 14. 1858. To Ca rriagc Makers. 7 ‘HF. Advertiser is dashous of obtaining a I Situation in n Carriage Shop where a number of hands are kept. Would have no nbior-Iio’ns to rlircliarlze the duties of Foreman, feeling convinced from his knowledge of the undo Iliat he would be able to give general satisfaction. Address \V. 8., Tribune 011106. Richmond Hill, C.VV. April 1. 1858. m-n WHOLESALE l’nper 8L Stationery Warehouse. ' ‘111; Subscribers have always 0;) hand, 1 a large and general stock of the best lirilish arid Provincial Innnuinl'tured Writing, (Iolorrd, Iivliwn, rind “'rnppillg Papers, \‘Vax, \Vufcrs, Slate“. Ink. Slot-l l‘cns. Envelopes. Metallic anomudum Hooks, Twines, Copy. Hooks, School Books and General Stationery. &c., t\c manufacture till kinds of paper to order. liUNTIN. Hill). Ar. 00.. Yonge street, Toronto. January 6, 1858. t3l 'ANTED lo pnwhnse Our. THousAuD grind Unis. Highest price at the 'I‘J'ilmuc Ofiice, t36 \I paid in Cash. Richmond Hill. Feb. 11. 1555 Hindu-ls 0f Arab FARM FOR SALE 1 105‘1‘A1N1NG ONI‘. HUNDRED AND 'I‘slu'fi Acres of good lurid1 being put of s I ’l‘he " Manual of Phonography," 75 cents. and the " I’honograpic Copy-book,” 25 coats. are sent to any address, by mail. post-paid. on receipt of the price, ONE DOLLAR. Addresu. post-paid, WILLIAM H. ORR. Ostuwx, C. 1V.. From whom all English or American l’hou- grapic Works may b (procured. 1.42. W“. 7 he Subscriber begs to inform the in- habitants of Richmond Hill and snr- i rounding country, that he has commenced .. I‘IJEIJIQSSJJI. . . . . House Painting, Glazing, Paper. IIzmging, G'rraim'ng. 4c, (51:. He hopes that by strict attention to rll order am trusted to hun which will be executed in a neat and workmaulike manner, on the shortest no- tice, to merit a share of public patronage. Richmond Hill, {RICHIL VAILES. March 11, 858. Mill-6m EDMUND GRAINGER, ’ , U '1‘ C H E R . THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, &c., always on hand. Families supplied on he shorten Hall/'9. Thornlrill, March 19, 1858. I41 WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, Next door to G. A, Bernard’s, ‘ Richmond Hill. g.I-wy,‘ ' June, 1857. _w.c.ADAMs, DOCTOR 0? Dental ' i _s u R G E R v, ' 66, King Street East, Tin-onto. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth. Consultations Free, and :11 Work Warrante’d. ' l-wy. , Toronto, June, 1867. l T. Iricrrrrr, Jnr., . CARRIAGE. SIGN. .' â€"ANDâ€" Orn amen tal Painter. l Richmond Hill, Feb. I7, 1858. t37-Iy 1E STORE, fill Richmond Hill, OIINER of W'right 8r. Yonge streets. Cheap Groceries and Provisions. Crockery and Glassware cheap for Cash. No Credit. D. HOPKINS. Jan. 7. 1958. t31 TO PRINTERS. IIE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE. INKS, and all other description of materials. has been. van lnrgclv increased this Season, by arrivals from NEW YO IIK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to thosein operation, at the shortest notice Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im‘ ported to order. , . Best‘quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb. Old Two taken. in. , exchange for new. I). K. FEEHAN. Colhomo at. Toronto. Jan. 9. 1-8 57- “5 N 0 T E L O S T I N or about the. 90111 February last. .I POCKETâ€"BOOK. containing a note against John Thompson to the amount of Forty-night pounds, duo on the 3rd of February Inn. Any person finding the some and returning ittp the owner, David Thomp. d ‘ .. . V , son, 10126, 2nd con of Markham. will be Lot 1° l"' 4"" (’“u‘ “ugm'u' suitably rewarded. The note will be of no For particulars, apply to use to any one except the owner. Du. R'FIIID‘ ‘ _“ 1 8 DAVID THOMSgN- ornn . ,1. I 5 11 December ‘31. 1857. 99'“ Mflkhum . 3‘

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