“ Thevcpuri. was, Occupied the whole of the eleye'uth dhy with the examination of a] persbng‘in‘. Chuqee, formerly editor of: dailygipgimr gauged the Dc'hi A'cws. conducted on I uovdl principfe~â€"lhe edi- (or’s duty $311240 .wn‘te his paper full, and flier. carry it around and rmd it In his subscribers. knew more than your brollnr Jlm.’ A man had a horse to sell. A Wag asked him if the hnimul had the bolts; ‘ Shuxe an’ be has the [mus an’ ivery oth- er admntage.’ Emï¬N6‘mt‘ EAST Ixmus.~â€" lheaccountjdf'lhe trial of the eLKiu Dem; ï¬g'i‘eda'éj a' D Little boyâ€"J “'hat‘s the eclipse ?’ AstronnInPrâ€"‘ Oh the sun time for reflection} ‘ That cat has got a cold,’ said a friend to Jerrold, poinking to a domeslic favorite. ‘ Yes,’ Jerrold replied, ‘ the poor thing a Subject to cat-arth.’ Pat-ms ‘huxrgry, gnd got out of the cars for refreshment. The cars though!- lesdy went on withdut him, which excited Pat‘s iregl'uvlh’e, utmost. ‘ Ye spalpeen !‘ he criéd starlingron a run, and shaking his ï¬st ashe flew after the train, - slop there, ye ’ouid slame waggin, ye [nurtth in stame inlgirjâ€"yq‘ve gotu passenger aboord that’s lift' behind !’ Sudï¬i‘ “INTAKEâ€"J Did you say my brother Jim didn't know as much as Smith's dqg ’l’ ‘ No, I said Smith‘s dog knew more than your brollnr Jlm.’ "you would know one of the minor secrets of_ happiness it is this: cultivate, cheap pleasures. Good taste is not the: ruinous thing it has been supposed to he ; but bad taste is always expensive. For instange) did‘ you. notice our breakfast ware Kimoit' without ornament and m common ail-thenware, yet you could nol but havevremai‘kied, ifyou noticed it “tail that (helm-ms were good ; they were, in- deed,copie+ï¬om classical models. Prosy was bOring Jerrold with a long story, and wound up with, u I thought I should have died with laughter.†Motherâ€"h By the way, Mary, diIJ you notice Susan Brown 2†A ward to the weaker vessel.â€"A lady who obstinalely persists in wearing lumps. ought not to complain 0! being ridiculed. If she will make a barrel of herself, :llc must expect to be treated as a butt.â€" Punch. There was recently a concert on the ï¬kirts of Nuwcnsle, and the audience comprised some amueurs from a mine. In the course of the evening the Paganini of the orchestra stepped forward to play “ a solo on the violin.†His ambitions selection was the famous “Carnival,†through which he struggled with exemr plary courage, and at the end he dropped his bow and ï¬ddle by llli side, right and left, and: made oheisance, "peeling a burst ol applause; instead of which his ears were astounded by an exclamation from (behind; seals: “Awsay, ï¬ddler. are ye gaun to be a†nee! tunin' that ï¬ddle 0’ yourn, or are ye gaun to give us a tune ‘2†‘I wish to Heaven yo: had ’ said Jer-II told. Bachelors are not quite so stupid as in» voluntaryhmidens Would have us believe. One othe invsterates being“ asked, the other day,†why he dhl not secure some fond one’s company In his voyage on lb: ocean of life, rephud.â€" Motherâ€"“ \Vell‘ my deér, ‘your mum ory is certainly had.†1‘ Good n'lorlï¬ug, Mr. Henpeck. Have you any daughters that would make good lypefettersl?’ ' "‘ No. but I have got a wife that would make very ï¬ne ‘ devil.’ †Why is the Ieller b' like a sewmg ma- chine’l Because it makus needles need less. “1 would; “'1 were sure such an Ocean would be Paciï¬c. “End and Toilet.â€"“ Mary, my love do you remember the text this morning I" Maryâ€"â€"“ No, pa, I never can remem- ber the text, I‘Ve such a bad memory. ’ Maryâ€"W Oh, Yes. VVbat a {right She had on her last year’s bonnet done up,a pea-green silk,a black lace man- (illn, brown gaiters, an imitation Honi- ton collar, a lm‘a, bracelet, her old ear rings, and web a fan“! 01:, my !†During lhe search for fumale composi- tors, It is reported'flmt’ the following dia- logue took place: A gentleman, taking an apaltmenl, said to a Iaml-ladjâ€"r “ I assure youï¬nadmn, I never left a lodging bu‘l. LhAe landlady shed tears.†“11mm, sir,†said she, “ it was not because you wen; away without paying.†Saunhum flirnhingï¬. She deal: with her ivy The old ruin’d wall. And leans o‘er llm cliï¬â€˜ and The sleep Wale-fall ; And where she has harried Beside the lone spring. The primrose bank hangs like A beautiful dream. The wild be. is humming The lark is on the wing The cushal is cuoiug Beside the lane spring: The Fuel. is naming To join the glad throng. Impefl’d by luve’s rpil'it, The soul of his song. Her footsteps we trace, where The v.olel blows, And the joy of her face. in Tim laughing wild row. A mighty emotion. Old ocean. thou art; Bul the song of (he syn-n Has hush'd thy gram heart. Tho Spirit of Bounty I: nnging abroad. And show'ring her daisies To deck the green and, She’s over the mounmin And through the depp doâ€. And hangs by the ruuulain Her prelly blue bell. On hills and in Valley: The lambs areal play ; The cuckoo is calling In wooda far uwa)‘ : The “roams are n-juicing ’l‘o wander with spring : Wilh,lhe songs of their gladnoss The valleys do ring. There’s joy in the greonwood. For mom has awoke: O’ar mountaiu and valley The song is afloat. A joy us of Eden. A glndneu, u bloom, As fl'enrlh conmin'd not. A tour. norn tomb. n NIIXANDEB u'ucmu Tï¬Ã©i'ivi'éï¬NlNG 1mm]. an extraordinary The lumps, if the been cold, are all‘ crevices between all of different c being pretty g( while others are 1 A clean, sweet, airy, cool apartment, if possible a cellar, should be used as a milk house, and all the dishes should be kept scrupulously clean by frequent washing 0r scalding. The temperature at churning should be always the same. The color of the butter should be as far as prac- ticable uniform, and that a rich yellowish whiteâ€"The cream should not be allowed to become in any degree rot- ten or bad tasted. This fault is a most common one and de- stroys butter. It isthe resultof careless, slovenly, dirty habits on the part of the person hav- ing charge of the dairy, and is quite unpardonable. If any cream is spoiled, it should on no account he made into but- ter. Another very common fault is to leave a portion of the milk in the butterâ€"indeed it is scarcely ever tuken out with sufï¬cient care. All milk and Whey should be most scrupulously worked] 1nd washâ€" ed out, but too much washing is injurious as it tends to take the ï¬ne freshness of the butâ€" ter, and to give it a waxy tal- lowy character. Great care should be used in salting ; the salt should be ï¬ne, clean, and thoroughly worked in. Nei- ther too much nor too little. In order to procure. good bit ter, good pasture and good cows are necessary. Pastures should be cleared of all garlic, leeks, or other cvil Weeds, and be harrowed thoroughly and topdressed every fall. In order to give good hay for but- ter purposes, a very rich ï¬eld should be sowed with vetches and clover. â€"The vetches will be ï¬t for mowing in July, and again in September just at the time when pastures fail, and the clover will produce a crop of hay next year, and for four or ï¬ve years following. A prouortion of clover hay helps to produce good milk. The Cows should be of a good breed, giving sweet rich milk, and they should be kept in good condition, iiasmuch as poor cows will never give rich butter. A proper pl‘OpOl‘ tion of carrots and mangold wurtzels should be cultivated for winter feed, but turnips should in no case be given to Milch COWS. \Vehnve been at pains to procure from the best practiâ€" cal authorities the information necessary for making and put~ ting; up :1 superior article, and if the following rules be atten~ ded to they will probably adrl several hundred thousand dol- lars to the income of Uanada annually. We divide them into three heads entitled, the Farming Department, the Dairy Department, and the Packng Department. THE FARMING DEPARTMENT. The importance of the but‘ for trade to (Launch can scarce- ly be over-estimated and every farmer and merchant and I]C\Vspnp(‘l‘ in the Pro- vince, should do what in them lies to improve and de- velope this staple production. Canada has notori( usly and egregiously failed in produc- ing good butter. The de- fects of nearly all that comes to market are numerous and great, and the. deception, and annoyance, disputing, trouble and profanity occasioned by dirty, mixed, slovenly, rancid and 0Vt‘l‘saltt‘d butter, consti- tute in the zln‘ï¬â€˜l‘e‘rute an evil of at? b _ [10 common magnitude. HOW TO MAKE GOOD BUTTER. THE DAXR Y DEPARTDIENT. PACKING DEPARTMENT. mary appearance. if the weather has re alldistinct with tween. They are ‘nt colors, some :y good quality, mm rancid. The sZstriped, it presnts German fatherland moistened by our mingled blood. [Loud cheers] Gentlemen [he added, before sitâ€" ting down], whatever may be the dictinctions between a Palmerston and a Derby Adminstration in the sphere of domestic politics, or on the ampler scene of foreign and colonial affairs, there is one in which the policy of the present Cabinet will strictly coincide with that of their predecessors, in seek- ing to maintain the most intimate and friendly relations with the United States.†[Cheers] Prussia. “ the union to which I allude has become the gentle sym- bol of that profound and ancient sympathy which, notwithstanding the disturbances of contemporary politics, still prevails between the nations of Germany and England. That sympathy is founded in the deep and durable engagements of the past. We trace it in our com- mon birth, our common faith, our kindred thought, our confederate arms; in our standards always planted side by side, in the recol- lions ol' the great Frederick and of the great duke, on the soil of the outsides are discolored by the cask, and perhaps by the charcoal of which we have spo- ken. And very liker both ends of the keg have had a heavy layer of coarse salt which has worked into the butter. No two kegs, how- ever, can be relied on as alike. If the weather has been warm, the mass has run together, and does not nearly ï¬ll the keg, whilst the discoloration from the unscasoncd wood is much greater, and altogether the appearance, smell and Liste are anything but invit- ing. There are a number of care- ful and experience packers in Canada who send only good butter, and that in ï¬ne order, but the greater number adopt somethingr like the slovenly plan indicated above. How important than that this carelessnes should be reme- died! and the remedy is not ditï¬cult.â€"â€"'l‘he kegs should be made of well seasoned white or black ash, white being the best, but sapwood must on no account be used. Let them be smooth and clean in the inside and with the dry tare marked distinctly on each keg by the reaper. Soak them thoroughly with cold water foranight, and scald them thoroughly with boiling,r water to take ofauy bad taste. Let them cool completely, wash them out with brine, and pack the butterasc10sely as possible, each quality and color being kept seperate. A cotton cloth soaked with brine should be laid on the bottom before pack- ing, and another on the top, the last covered with a thin layer of damp salt. An ex- cellent plan for storekeepers to adopt would be to keep three or four kegs of different qualities and colors, always packing, and whenever they purchase a lump pack it at once in the keg that it most nearly matched, incorporating it as completely as posssible with what had gone before, and seeing that it was kept covered with brine till the keg was full and headed up. Each store should have a clean, airy celler, expressly for packing and storing butter, until it can be forwarded to market. Tubs ortinnets sell best for city use; kegs for ex- portation. At the anniversary celebration of the St. George’s Society, in New York, Lord Napier, the British Am- bassador, was among the guests. The news of the capture of Luck- now had just arrived and caused (considerable animation. On his health being proposed, his lordship delivered a very elegant address, in the course of which he said :â€"“ England repudiates the sordid safety of an insolated and idle power. It is the boast of England to be embarked on a course of ubiquitous activity and unccasing progress.â€"â€"\Ve believe that our purposes are good that our actions are honest. that our work deserves, on the whole ; the com- mendation of men and the tavor of Providence. This very day we have learned that the fantastic fab- ric of barbarous empire, supported by delusion and despair, has crum- bled under the thunders of the British gunsâ€"(vehement cheering) â€"and that the Indian mutinyâ€" \vith all its associations of horror and anguish, of faith, oftenderness, and gloryâ€"is vanishing away leaving to us the duties of mercy and the task of restoration. When the gloom had gathered most thick- ly, then a voice of comfort and en- couragement burst from the Ameri- can peopleâ€"[Cheers] That was a fraternal voice, and its tones will not soon expire in the grateful me- mory of England.†llis lordship then referred to the marriage of the Princess Royal with the Prince ol LORD NAPIER HE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the Trade. that his Stock of PRINTING DRESSES. TYPE. INKS. and all other descriptinu of materials, has been vorv lar el)‘ increased this Season, by arrivals from N W YORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Ofï¬ces. in addition to tImsoiu operation. at the shortest llOllCe. paged lo ~érder. ‘ Best qualilf per ll): 7 V The 0 nly Sure TERMSIâ€"$‘2 a year, in advance: $31 50 to clubs of four and upwmds: $1 fur s x months. AdverliSing. ten cents a line. For giving pub- liCil)‘ to improved stoc ricuhura' implements. mechanical improvements. and Iike matters of general interest, there is no other medium good at the prica. Liberal termsm persons disposed to ac agents for this work. Let us hear from I! J. A‘ NASH. M. P. PARISH. 7 Beekmau Street. New York. October ‘22. [857. Numerous ca§es. lwo month in Hospital. withqu any beneï¬t. have been cured by a few days’ use ot'the Vegemtule Compound. lln mumulm, r uqu u Bruises. or Slifl'ness in Ague. Cholera Morhus ol‘ Appetite. Summer Dr. Tnmhlety’s Vegetable Compound. “ [is efl‘iCaC)‘ has been fairlv tested, and its virtues pionouncod uupamllelrd †The cures made by Dr. Tumble with his Vogeialile Compound. are so miracï¬lous as 10 resemble tho famvtl Scriptural account of similar cases in ailment times. and those cases are so wonderful and iiislazilaneous, so salis- factory and mitigating ol' humnn ill, as to call upon public funclionm'ies and those having charge of public institutime for the sick and sufl‘eiiug to look wellii'lu the well attested inciils uflhis Vngotnble Medicine. Our Eleventh Volume will commence with January. IBSSâ€"will run to January. 1859â€"8110 contain 765 large octave pages. on ï¬ne paper. with new type. ll will be issued within the ï¬rst week of each month. in numbers of 64 pages each. done up in (he heslmagazine style. To all who uill forward the money for \hi- volume, as single subscribers or in clubs. we Will send gruluiliously. the numbers of the cur- rent. volume. from tho lime of their forwarding. and one month previous, thus giving in two. lhrea, or four numbers. accordiu ‘ to [Ii 0 lime, to Ell who subscribe before January. ll is the most sonlhing misdich in the world. or that ever will be. The Vegetable Compound is put up highlv concentrated in bottles accompanied with primed dil‘emions. and sells 1'01'25 cents. 50 cents. and $1 per bottle. â€"lo make the Leading Indus-trial Journal of the limesâ€"the best for the Farmer. the Mechanic. and the Family Cix'cie-we make the fol‘owing unprecgdenled liberal ofl'er :â€" Ill the Back. Breast. and Side, Palpita- [ion of |hc Heart. 'l‘oolhanha. Head- ache, Wonk Stom- ach. and General Dehililv. Cramps in “h Umnmlm. r ,muu IHIIHIS or Feet. Splains Bruises. or Stiffness in tho Joints. Fever and Ague' Cholera Mmlms, Coughs} Goldy. Lost. or Appome, Summer Complaints, BruiQï¬S. Sme 'l‘hroat or Quinscy, Su'ellmgs, Cuts. Burns. External Injunes. s‘ï¬c..is The he‘t and safest n,†, Am. Calhaft it: and Pu rifying l’Ill over oflbred to the public for the cure of Coslivuness. Bilinus Cumpluiule, Dropsy, Heartburn. Headache. arising from a loul Stomach. Nansan, ll]digO<liDll, Morbid Inac- [ian of the Bowels, and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency. Loss 01' Appeule, all Ulcels and Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuun' Medicine. Scrofnla. King’s Evil, Functional Derangemenlof the Liver, Spleen and Viscera. may slalld unrivalled. (I? Pxice 25 cams and 50 cents per box. These are no COUIIB and untried remedies Dr. Tumblcty’s Vegetable Pills. For sale whohsnle or retail by Dr. blely. athis ofï¬ce. 111 Kimr slreal. "I Cadadu West Immediately on receipt of the money. “19 subscriber’s name \wll he enlared upon om book. and the gift Will be forwarded within om week. by mail or express, post paid. All communications should be addressed to BECKE'I‘ $5 Co. 48 and 49 Maï¬â€˜ul Building. New York 50 do Giltlfleach 100 do .............. 50009::cl1 30!) Lndies' Gold VVnttthes .... . 35 00 each 200 Hunting Cased Wntrlles. . . . 30 ()0 each 50H Sllvar Watches . . . .35“) 0010 25 00 each 1000 Gold Guard. Vest and Fol) Chains.... “$100010 25 00 each Gold Lockele. Ilranelms. Brooches. Bl‘ensl Pins. Cuï¬'l’ins. Sleeve Hullons, Rings, Shirl Smds. Watch Keys. Guld and Sllvor 'l‘himblesV and a variety of mher mucles. worth (ram 50 cents to $15 each. \HE New York \Yeekly Gn/rlrn Prize T in one of [he Ingest and best literary papan oflho dayâ€"an Imperial Quznlo, containing morn" mat-:5 or run'rY commas. or emertaining and original In'IUOl'. and elegantly illustrated every \Vél'k. A GIFT, One Copy One Copy One Copv One Copy Three Copies, one year..,. .355 00 and 3 gifts Five Copxes, one year . 8 00 and 5 gills Ten Copies‘ one year.. . . ..15 00 and NI gifts 'I'wenly-one Cupies. 1 year-.3†(J0 and 2| gills The Articles to be given away are comprised in the following Iisl : 2 Packages of Gold. containing. .$500 00 eat-h 5 do do do . . 2m) 00 sub 10 do do do .. 100 ()0 encl- 10_f_’f11ent Lever Huuling Cased 7 WORTH Hum 50 CENTS To $450 ()0 [N can). Will be presented to each .xub~criber immedi- M.le on receipt of the subscription money I his is presented as a Memunto ul'Fuiend<hip, and not. as an inducement to obtain subscribers Walches ‘20 Gold Watches... 50 do . . . . . . . . 100 do ........ 30!) Lndies' Gold VVuttthes DEAN 6L SALTER, Edltors and Proprietor Colborno at PrixJIlmg MACHINES and ENGINES im GOLDEN PRIZE ! '3‘ Poor people win he liberally deull with Toronto‘ Dem. 524. I857 {3| 0M Typ; T0 PR! LOOK AT THIS ! €33 for one year. . . . . . for two years ... . . for three years for ï¬ve years AND TO cums D. K. FEEHAN‘ , Toronto. Jan. 9. 18 57- of NEWS INK at One Shilling takm in exchange for new. ILLUSTRATED TERMS 18 or raImI by Dr. 'l'nm- 111 King slreel, Toronto. TH E JV‘TERS IN for llh $9 00 and I gift, . Ii 5“ and 2 gifts 5 OH and 3 guns 8 (10 and 5 gift THE WORLD [he sure Cure of uumatism. Pains Remedy 100 00 each 75 ()0 each the our one The prices a! which these and other types are sold at the Canndu Type Foundry, will he found at least 30 per cenL less than they could Impur- chased previous to its establishment. It is (heraler hoped that the Printers ol'Cana- da will show their appreciation ol‘the deantages it holds out. by bestowing upon n a fair share of lllell’ patronage. in return for which the proyl'iel- ors pledge themselves to leave no means unuied to give ample satisfaction. Canada 'I‘ypc Foundry. Ramon-:0 To ST. 'l‘mmmn St. m Dannnn’s BUILDINGS, Mo mun. HE Propriotors of this Establishment beg to inform the Plin era of Canada. that they have now manufactured and ready for delivery. alnrge quantity of Small Pica. Long Primer. Bourgemsu and Bravier. of Scotch face. which they will guarantee cannot be surpassed by any Foundry upon this continent for durability and appearance. They have also on hand a choice assaitment of various kinds of solves. Ourlnouo ofsucll quauliur-s z vent the necessh)‘ faclurers. PLrinlers ! mark the reduction in the price of type since [his Foundry \vm opened ; and baar in mind that a gunner reduction depends upon your- selves. Our mono i~â€"supp|y the trade will) I} [10 ofsucll quaulillv-s and at such pliL‘BS as will pre- vent the necessny of patronising foreign mann- LARGE SUPPLiEMagisme.» Blanks xenon-ding lo the latest forms for sale at lhil Ofl'ice by tho dozen or hundred. The following list ofa few oflhe principal nrli- dos required by primers, will give an idea oflhe great udvumnges of the Canada Type Foundry PRICES:â€" Newspapers throughout the Union by pnbv Iishing [ha above. appropriately displaysd. in- cluding this notice, two months. and calling nuenuon editorially to the same. and sending us the paper. will be entitled In an exchangfl. and receive a gold pen and holder worth ten dollars. 48-2m Montreal, May 1811:. 1857 g3 N.B.-â€"l’nbliahars of nciwpnpers giving inser- tion to this ndvertisment fur 2 momhs‘ will he allowed their bills upon purchasing ï¬ve times their amount ofour manufacture. Editors will confur I: favor by diiecting attention to the announcement. T. .l. G. 6'1. Co. LEADSâ€"6 lo l’icn and Ihirker, ls per lb. Pica. ls3d; 8m Pica 15 6d. lhe treatment they nclupl is the result uf np- wards of 30 yeahy extensive and .«uocvssful practice in London. The most IIquleralP symptoms of Disease eradncaled In eight or nine dens. and cases of a slight nalure in two or three da\'.~t at u ve'_\' mxvderam 0XPBIIN'B.â€" The rum efl‘m-led without cunï¬nanu m or hin- drance from business. *â€r did gold watch. warranted.a . . . . . . . . . . For 200 subscribers. we give an elegant gold locket. four glasses. worth . . . . . . For 150 subscribers. one elegant bracelet For 100 subscribers. one gold vest chain For 75 subscribers, one gold pen and holder. handsomer engraved . . . . . . . . For 50 subscribers. one gold pen and holder ........ .... .... .... Hâ€... For 4|) subscribers, one gold pen and holder . . . . . . . For 25 subscribers, two medium gold pens and holder.... .... .... For 12 subscribers. one gold pen and holder . . . . . . . . . . . ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE 0P DYSPEPSIA GENERAL DEDILITY. FEVPJZ A‘D AGUE, SCRU‘CI.A. OLD ULCERS. GREA'I IMPU- KIIY 0)‘ THE BLOOD. SALT RHI'UM, PIMPI.LS. I-‘ISTULA, FILFB, xiv-NEW. numuw, w- )‘IIUII’HES 0F YOUTH AND OLD .4612. &c. P§rnllunls,â€"As an inducement for persons to interest themselves to oblaiu suscriplions for the “ Mercamiln Guilde"' we oï¬â€˜er the follow- ing plclllillmF. Upon the recaan of the names paid in advance. was wiH forward by express. or otherwise if order ed. to the address of those entitled to them .â€" Fm 3 10 subscribers. cash .... .. .. ....$€5 L0 For 25(lsubscribers, we will give asplen- 1-. .- I R. AMOS «S1. SON. Corner of Mum and Quay Streetq. Bufl'alo. New Yank. are [he onl; Physicians in lhe Slam who are mem- bers of the Rnan Cullege of Surgeon». London. May be con~u3ted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until 9 o'clan at night. on ever; stats and >ymp om of disease. There is an evil habit somatimrs indulged in by boys, in solitude. oflen growing up with lhmn lo manhood. and which. if lln' refmmed by lhem in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to mallimouial happinrs», but givl-s rise to a series of protracted, insidiuus. and devastating ufl'ecliens. Few orthnce who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences. unnl they ï¬nd the nervous sysiem shattered. fuel strange and ulnar-countri- hlu feshngs. and vague fears in the mind. Au imh'ument for lhe cure of Genital Do- bility. or more pmperly known as Seminal Weakness, Nun'qu Drhihly. &c., which are pernmnuully cured in from 15 lo 2“ days by PIZR‘ONS w . 'Y PART or Tm: VVotu 0 may he successfull) treated by forwarding a correct detail of their times. will! a remimmce {on Medicines. Mn, which W||l be returde wilh the utmost dispalch. and mx-ure from ohscrvalion. Address Ur. Anms 6L Sui, cmner Main and Quay sn'eels. Bufl'ulu. N. Y. l46-Iv V ‘UE proprivtor nl Ibo MFRCANTILE GUIDE would re<pectfully call lle auemiuuor Merehmm. Farmers and Mech- anics reading cm of lhrs rily. lo the moderale terms far a )enrly submriplmu to ‘he GUIDE. being. [0 "mil subscribers. only MAKING [1‘ THE CHEAPEST NI-T‘VSPAPZR IN THE Uhl'l kl) STATES- The columns of tho “ Guide" will contain the usual variety of original and spicy articles. written not. onl_\ to please. but to instruct. In regflrd to politics the‘I Guide" will maintain an independenL lane. and From time to ï¬rm! will advocate nteasnies as conductive to boneï¬t the great number. ,3. All communications should he adressed :o W. BLAKELV. Editor and Publisher of the New York Mercnnllle Guide, No. 108 Green- wich Street. New York. DR. AMOS &S()N Nuke pleasure in nnnonn- cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above liiseasos‘ It has been sulsjecwd lo a test by the most eminent plnmiciansin London, Park. Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only theful instrument evur _\el iIIVenled fur the cure of Seminal Weakness. or any disease uf the genilnl organs, caused by the smrel nf the geniml organs, caused by the se‘rel huhils ofruuth- Dr. Amos ISL Son. in urder to smisfy the most skeptical a: to the merits of these inclru- nmntx. pledge lhmns’eIVOS. that in any instance whexe they may prove nnsaliafaclm‘y nï¬er a fair trial, the money will he refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Parsons \viahing the above u<e|‘u| instrumen' will obsorvn. that |he price. \\'il|| [he accom- panying directions. securely pncked and soul by mall or express, is |en dollam Beware of empiries and ilinernnl self-styled profusmys, who ATIEMI’T cures, but never sm-cued Dr Axum & Snn have for a long- series of years been engaged in nu extemive practice in the ll‘entmmlt of the»: delicate complaints, and are the only legally qllilllï¬t‘d Physicians who now advemso to cure vermin complaints. or from Whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. ihs “>0 ofthis imlrumunt. when usx-d COleDillfl)‘ will] medicines. Fifty Calls, Pm' flmmma Young Menâ€"Take Paritculm Notice. NEPV TREHTJIIEA‘T. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, “ Tribune" Ofï¬ce Aug. 27 [3.†All other Book A Most Srimn'lic Invmlion. New Re'nu'dies and Quir/x' Cures. DR. AMOS «SLSON mks pleasure in mum" [111? No Mercury Used. {50 Nonpmiol - - Miniun - - - "rovicr- â€" - Bourgeois!) Long l’rimer Small l’icu- - P ERI’IAM OUT-DONE 13011qu of Irnposi!it2n. Ornamental Type. ANK FORMS. ’I‘HOS. J. GURNIN & Co‘ ‘onL: SL Therese Sires! in proportion 23 (id per lb. 23 3d “ ‘2: 1d " Is 10d " ls 8d " 1357 6d $55 L0 . 30 00 200 800 600 300 I50 710 GREAT Will stand for Mares this season at the fol. lowing places :â€" MONDAY. Mn; 3â€"Ho will leave his own stable. lot ll. rear of lhe 51h con. of Whit- church. and pmceed Io James Lloid’S. 4lli can of Whilchurch. at "00“ ; thence to Chris- tiso ’ Yonge street. and slap all night. 1858.] FOR THE SEASON. [1858. TUESDA Yâ€"He wiH proceed down Yonge street to Joseph Gaby’s. and slap all night. WEDNESDAYâ€"He will proceed to Mn- pleville. 41h con. of Vaughan, at noon ; \hence by way of Russel’s Io Mudville. 51h can. of Vaughan, and slop all night. uFRIDAY-«Ila will proceed lo Shield’s, Brown's Cornels, 4th con. of Markham. at noon; thence to Wllhnm Durose’s. Victoria Square. and stop all nlghl. ISA'I‘URDAYâ€" He will proceed to S. Mighlon’n. Crosby’s Corners. at. noon ; thence to his own stable and remain llll Monday morning. The above route will be continued during the season. health and weather permiuing. The owner of GREAT BRITAIN went to Ergland in 1855. for the express purpose of seleang one of the best horses adapted for [his country. and purchased Great Bl'llulll.â€" As he has descended from the most noied line of Draught llorrses, and possessed of great strength. symmelry and :uperlor acliun ; and the bIGL'Ll of Mares which he has sprung from has been in Mr. Thomas Cnss’ family since lBH'Jâ€"and for slrenglh, symmetry and good constilulion. stands. unrivallod in Englandâ€"it must recommend him to lhe patronage of all ndicious breeders. TriURSDAY-llle wifl proceed to Henry Featherstune‘s. Thornhill. at noon ; thence lo Wm. Dixon’s, German Mills. and stop the night. Pedigree of Great Britain. GREAT BRITAIN is a beautiful dapple brown, clear of white; rising 8 years old; stands l7 hands high. with strong flat bone and ~~uperior action; has proved himself a sure foal getter. He has received premiums at Howden, \Veutherhy. Sulb)‘, Tndcaster, and Yolk; also. the ï¬rst prize at the Markham Smialy; the ï¬rst prize at thu Yonge street Agiicullural Society. and ihe second prize al the Stoul'l'ville Socrety. Great Britain was go! by Young Active ; (lnm by Old Dfll'l, supposed to be one of the best horses in Nm'lhninberland : grand-(lam by Useful; g g d by (.11! SymmeA try. Young Active “’11: got by Ihul noted horse. Black Active. which proved himself to In: the best home in England He received the Following premiums at Hedon :-â€"Iho premiums given by the Holdorness Agricultural Society. tines successive years 1839. leU. and 15-11 ; at Beverly, the premiums given by the East Riding Agricultural Society in I839. 1841. 1:542 and 1844; nt llowden, the premiums given by the llowden Agricullural Sootety. in it‘s“ ; 2n Hull, [he great Agricultural premiums Price 25 cents per box. ï¬ve boxes will be sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. 1.33. lMll ; zit Hull, the great Agricultural premiums given by the York<hire Agricultural Society, m IUAll, open to all England. as being the besl Slallion'in the Kingdom for gelling draught horses; at Burlington. the pramiutns given by the Burlington Agricultural Society. in 18452. 1843, and 1844. for the host draught “zillion. Young Active. dam by Emperor: gland-113m by Old Oxford. Wllll‘ll travelled l7 A J. WHITE 8; CO.. Sale Proprietors. 50 Leonard Street. New York‘ Dr. Morso'a Indian root Pills are sold b\' 5! dealers in Medicines. ' Agents wanted in every town, village and hamlet in lhe land. Parties desiringlhe agency will address as above for terms. To insure a ï¬nal. $H to be paid on the [st of Jnnuary. 1559; for the season. $10. to be paid Illa last two rounds; smgle laap. $7. to be paid at the lime of service. Mares that are insured must be returned legularly lo the horse or they will be charged whether in foal or not. Mares I led by Great Britain. and not returned will be charged as seawu mares Insured mam disposed of before- l‘oaling will be Charged f0: Iho instrance whether in l‘nal nr um. Groom’s fan. 50 cents. All accidents at the risk ol’ lhe owners. L} Root l ills, has >pa||l “HA greater portion of hi< hl‘e in lrnveLing huving visited Europe. Asia and Al'rica. as well as North Americaâ€" has sanl lhiea years among lh 3 [Indians of nth \Vosu-rn countryâ€"it wan in this way that the Indian Root Pills were ï¬rst (lisouvervd. Dr. Morse was the ï¬rst man to etlnh'id) the I’act that all dissnses arise l'lom lMl’URl'l‘Y OF THE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life depended upon tlllw’ Vltnl fluid. \then the vmions passages bucomu flogged. and do not act in perk-ct hmmoni‘ \vul: tho d1!- t‘arent functions of the body Um hluod lows its action. becomes thick. corrupted and due ll: thus naming all pain. sickness and (listlet: at every name: our slmngth is Mhunsled. uni health WE are deprived of". and I'l'nulure i~ nu fls>isled in Lirmvilig off the st'vanant lmmurs. the blond n ill her-onus (:hnka-d uml came to act. and thus uur light of his will be I’orever lluwn out. How important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And huw pieasnnl to us that wo have it in our power to put it medicine in your rmch. namely, Morsa’s Ind-nu lloul Pills, mannfacturvd from plants and rnots which grow around ths mun I ianlous clifl's in Nature’s Garden. for the health and recovery of diseased mun. One of the CAUTlou.â€"-Bawuro of a counterfeil signed A. H. Maura. All genuine have (he name of A. J. Wilsz & Co., on each box. Also the uignuturr if A. .I. "flute .f Co. All others are spurious. is lodged. and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation. constantly mixing with the blood. which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery. until life is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PlLLS have added to themselves victory upon victory. by restoring millions oflhe sick to blooming health and hap- piness. Yes. thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickness. pain and anguish. and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of fever, and who have .been brought. as it were. within a step of he silent grave. now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the deed, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine. Motse’s ludian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken. thev were as tonished. and absolutely surprised, in witnerxsing their charming elf-eels. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength. and take away all sickness. pain and anguish. but they at once go to work at the foundation of the diseme. which is the blood. 'l‘hercfore. itwill be shown. especially by those who use there Pills. that they will so cleanse and purify. that diseaseâ€" that deadly enemyâ€"Will take its flight. and the flush of youth and beauty will again return. and the prospect ufa long and hnppy lite will cherish and brighten your days. roots from 'which thase Pills aro made is n Sudoriï¬c. which opens lhti pures of the skin, and nssisb‘ Nntnlo in throwing out the ï¬ner parts of [he corruption within. The setztnld is a plant. which is an Expectnrant, lhut upens and nnclogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The thitd is a Diuretir‘, whit-h gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus mnemtraged, they draw large amounwa im- punity from the blond, which is then thrown out bountifully hy the urinarv or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fuurlh is n Calhnrttc. and accompanies the other propeities o: the Pill: while engaged in intuifiing the lylnud; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pas» by the other outlets. are thus lakrn up and conveyed uï¬â€˜ in great quatlliliA-s hy the bowo' . From the above. it is shown that Dr. Mo-se’s Indian Root Pulls nolonly enter the slonmch. but become united with the blood. for they ï¬nd their way to every part, and cgmplele- ly mm and releasa the system from all impnvily. and the life of [he budr. which is the blood. becomes perfectly healthy: consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the splem. for they cannot remain when the body becomes so [mm and clear. reasons in oné circuit. and rocclwd a premium at Lincoln. Oakhnm. Hollerlon. and Redford. The reason why peaple are so distressed when sick. and whvso mnnv die. is because they do not get a medicine which Will puss [u lhe afflicted parts. and which will open the natural passago for the disease to ba cast out : henna, a large quantity of food and othar matter \Vhilchnrch The Imported Premium Draught Horse DR. MORSE’S Int'ian Rout Pills. R. MORSE. the TERMS JOHN FISHBURN 1850‘. 149 I iuvmnor of spent “It: gl '1. huving of Morse’s Indian greater portion of g visixe‘l Europe. Norlh Americaâ€" BRITAIN Proprietor. 133. 33 our, (hel’ublishers respectfullyinform lhe public that in order to increase and stimulate the form- ation of T0 MECHANICS, INVENTORS, AND MANUFACTURERS. llubs. they propose to oï¬'er One 77wusmzd Five Hundred Dollars in Cash Premiums. f'or the ï¬fteen largest lists ofsubscribers sem in by the 151 of January. 1858 ; premiums to be (Lsâ€" tn'bnled as follows :â€" 9lh 60 lmh . .. 50 llth 40 1‘21!) 35 13th 30 I4â€: 95 lSlh 20 Names ofsubscrihers can be sent in at different limos and from difl‘eranl Posl‘itï¬ces. The cmh will be paid to Ihe ovders oflhe successful acm- pelilors. immediately after the 1.51. of January. 1858. Southern. Westernmnd Canada money will be taken for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please [0 remit lwemy-six centsu'tra on each year‘s subscription to pre-pa}~ postage. TI-ZRMSOF SUBSCRIPTIONâ€"$2 a year . or $1 or Six Months. CLUB RATES. Five copies for 6 lnuulhs . . . . . . . . Five copies for [‘2 months. . . Ten Collies for 6 months.. Ten copies for 12 months... Twenty eupies fur l2 mumhs. For all Clubs of Twenty and over. subscription is only 140. The new volume will be printed paper \vixh new type. Publishers and Patent Ageuic. Noil2t5' Fulton street. New York. {1‘24 The general character oflhe Scientiï¬c Amni- clm is well known. and,as heretoforeit will be chieflydevoled Iolhepmmulgalionol'inl‘ormmion relating to (he various Mechanical and Chemical Ans, Mannfncmues, Agriculture. l’aleub‘. In- ventions. Engineering. 'Vlill Work. and all Inter- esls which lhlf lighth l'raclical Science is cal- culated to advance. It is i.~sued Weekly. inform for binding; it contains annually (mm 500 to 6U0 ï¬nely executed Engravings. and Nmices of American and European Improvements. togeth- er with an ofï¬cial List ul‘ American Patent ('luims pumide weekly in advance ofall other papers [13" Specimen copies will be sanlgrmis to any parlof the vounll‘y. Every family can afford the Rural. for sm-h an eminently imtruclive and enlerlaiumg g-apor is no! a luxury, but a llet;e~sll_\x Indeed, 11:! who desne a high toned. pruglessive. and «mi- ueullv pracucal and welul farm and ï¬wsid? journalâ€"one which Ignoneb Irash. humlmg and dacnpziou. and 581 ks to enhance the best in- terests and promote the home happineSs of its lens of Ulullsallds of lenders. of valiom ocul- pations, in both town and countryâ€"arc iuvuvd [0 ll')’ the Runal. succusslut III Inuin umu mum: caacm no 113- ‘HULM§ tor mw quires each applicant to send him 11 minute do- I description of PL scriplmn of the rymptoms. with two Stamps. \VORK will be prom (6 cm.) to pay th 9 return letter. in which he will Boom F N" mus return them his adviu yrcscriplion. with di- l' A . ‘ motions for preparing the medicine. “W 5m†“sum†The Old Ductor hopes that those nfllicled will not: on account of delicnct‘, refrain from cnu- r A M P sultutg him locnuaohe Innkos No Charge. His - s ole object it: Hdvï¬lllrillp is to ‘0 .1] me end And over) he FRI“: heroin“ he dies. He feels that he is $nst- LETTERwPlUE FILL HEADSJIANK Moore-"s Run-Ll New Yorker. " ‘XCELSIOR.†il~ 1‘ “Progress and laudul-Ie objrcls. the Ru among COIIIIU‘Y among allcla ‘05 and [hm country. Next to your luc: is indispensable. The Rural New Yorker i: each number. Colnpvising: quarto pages. [forty cohm Illu~lraled in superior H'Hk! Two Uullnrs a year: 11m Dollars six for Ten Dullu Ir celebrated for cure Bronchitis, Nervous &c . THE NINTH VOLUMP. FOR Will be pruned on clear new type perior I'fllYBT.-â€"\V|)ilu no other ofl'oll 0; Will be spared to make lhv liurulï¬uu worthy the immense aimulnmm i1 is among all classes and throughout ll I N OLD Indian doctor who has made his fortune and relired from business. will spend the remainder of his daysin curing that dreadful diseaseâ€"ConsvuPTmNâ€"ann or CHARGn; his earnest desire being' to communi- cute lo the world his remedies lhal have proved successful in morn than 3.000 casas. “a re. quires each applicant la send him n minute de- scrlplmn of the rymploms. wilh two Stamps (6 ms.) to pay lh e reuer leller. in which he wifl relufu them his advica pnscriplion' “m, di_ recllous for preparing me medicine_ 77:: 0M Dnclor IIODes lhm Ilmmnm‘mnna . n Dollars; six for Ten Dullzus; [on I‘m 1“: DollaILâ€"iu ndvnnce. Our Inst of l'reminms For ob‘aining Sul hers lo the Rural for 1:574. is umqunlv both liheraliu' at d l‘nirneSï¬â€"Ihe hen cu,- lbx'ed I ll has no lyluukx lull rowan-(s ; person who sends a clnl) ut' >ix or nqu 1 |i~lis just issued and \\Ill be SBIH Ilcv[ specimens, show-hills, to all app‘ir- Now is We lime lo do good and benL‘lii } selves by cauvnsaiug for lhc model Kuml Family Weekly. Address D. D. 'l‘. MOORE. Thu reputaliou of thew: very celebrated vege- lnb'e ranxodies is now unequalled by any olhers in [his country or in Europe. They are fully (mlahllshed us' the Inns! nmvarsnl family medi- cine now in use. and they \wll maintain lhrir pre-eminenl renown by the iulriusic and com- plehemive virlucs which acquired it. The usual modes of puï¬'ery would be unworthy of them and is unnecessarv. They require no dieting nor conï¬nemen', me perfect l)‘ mild and pleasant in tlwir operaxiuu. but will powerl‘u ly restore heullhâ€"lllnl groan-m of all earthly blessingsâ€"Lo the most axhausled and dilapidaled constitulions. Thousands and {ans of thousands of persons now living in perfectly restored Ileallh, can testify. as thousands have testiï¬ed, to their prompt and decided efl’lCaI'y no] only in all ordi- nary (Iernugemenls ol‘lu-aILh. from Impaired Uigoslivo Functions. Coslivenosz. Biliuus and Liver Complaints, Rheumauc and Inflamma- tory Colds, Coughs. Nervous- Weakness, Loss ol'Aupetita. Furlure of Fle~h, Headache and lmpure Slate ol'llle Blood and other Fluids. but also in Rheumatism. Fever and Ague, other lulermiuent Fevers, Asthma. Bronchits. Cho- lic. l‘lellrisy. Palpitation ot'tlm Heart. Rush of Blood to the Hele Settled ("aius m the Joints. Limbs and Organs. Atlbcuuns ol‘ the Bladdm and Kidneys. Janndice. Dropsy, Piles. howovn' invelerale. Habitual Cosliveuess, Serous and Bilious Looseness, Obstinato Headache und Giddinoss, and an immense number of other maladies. Prepared and sold by DR. ‘VILLIAM B MOFIPA'I‘, 335 Broadway, N. Y. IE4 THE LEADING AND LillGl-IST CIRCULATED AGKILUIJ'URAI». LITERARY, A31) FAMILY NYL\\'>PAP}.K. Fluffzit’s Lift: Pills, 1259 For the largest 2nd 3rd 41h 5th 61h 7th 81h 9lh lmh do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do..“ { announcing the Thirteenth Annual Volume of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERI- A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! XCELSIOR VOLUME PHOENIX M'F'J‘ERS Address POCT. UNCAS BRANT. Box 35M, P. 0.. Nu.- York list ol ht'l‘llh. from Impaired . Cusllvenvsa Biliuus and Rhelunauc and Inflamma- . Nerva \Veuknoss. Los: 1. He feels that heis Enstl of Consumption, Asthma Aï¬'oclions. C oughs, Colds IX. FOR 1858 MUNN &. CO J the Rural. For SIH‘II nu! emerlaiumg g-apor :-(:¢-~su_\x Indeed, ml pruglessive. and «mi- ul farm and ï¬wsid? g?onious Mu Improvewa vmgs. Lmbrm-Ing l' inworlaus, u:u1'u) a] ordinary journals .xence. nun-Lhanirnl graplxy. moral ea- Rochester. N mm 11 LV' “limn‘ug “ghoul lhu whole 1| paper the Rural ()b‘aininLy Suwan- is umqunle-(l in â€"lhe he.“ cch 01'- lull rmvart’x m‘v- } -ix or mom 1 TM he sum Ineu[\wll1 ] 10 all app‘ir‘anln, and benol'n _\um» uludel Rural and published weekly. ight large douhlv us]. pruned and Terms :â€"-()n|_\ COPIES for MW e; (on [ex Fulani the yearly upon ï¬ne $300 250 200 150 100 1853 and sn- rxpunsu imp u.\l 2S and UH ,. ‘5... U du Ind the United States for and success It: U 770 - And removing all Dis-eases of the Eya and Ear gnneralh‘. begs most respoclfally to inform 1,1089 ulï¬lcted in thase delicate organs. that he has for- wnrdcdto theofï¬ce of this paper a few doles copies at xhe 41h edition of his 'l‘rcatise on Disea- $123 qf th'. Eyc 11ml Eur, puMishcd ( ‘is dï¬)’. which will he presented to ayunlicallu All our Machines are warranted lo be well l-uillaud ol’ the bus! "Inlvriul. Restoring Lost. Sight & Hearing! The Author feels full prejudiqu ram/3r of lhi that Diseases of the E _\‘ assured that every n 3 work will be couvincq‘ ye or Ear in any Slug: short ofcomplete disorganization. can and may be cured : and it must appear evident to every r-omiderate person that the principnl cause If failure to obtain reliel’ln these cases throughout the country. is the result of improper trgalnunz. and a want of EXPEHIHHF.‘ SKILI. and COMPIL- [NI 1! on the pant of those professing or ulletnpl- ing to cure sud) diseases. UR MACHINE is subrlanxinlly built '0 ( W'ronghl ll'un, 91â€â€er free from sxdc draught, can he elevuled [0 any huight. from a Mower lo a Reaper by a screw in from, and Cuts ‘xivhunt clogging. in Grasg. Wheat. Uan or Ballev. wilth cflh'arlrlrger J‘kl'nil‘e or gaming. and \vor’ns easy for the horses. The price for a Mower, 12x) . 00: complede an a Reaper. $140 . 0!). An extra knife .\ill be .3. ()0 extra. - buliun. Thin WOIk contains nearlv‘ reading matter. in which will ï¬e alarge number of mosllmpormn operaliuns ou the Eye, and n Hun/[roll interesting Cums or ‘ lion, illustrated with numerous( Also. will be seen. Letters and I highly respectable parties from al du and the United Stales.â€"all be found we†worthy (lie caieï¬ aï¬licted. This Work will al’u ba forwarded to duafs free 1f charge) sending their a POST-PAID. lo the Author at Toronto. G L’ N 'l‘ L E M [C N! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. gangs; Gribnur In a prnper al canng Pains. Colon‘ u- their Genllsmeu’b‘ hum of new, lhurulnll Ton Thausand Cupires [CY ER Y FRHM Y MOI} NINC l'he W'i I “am 'l‘rlulgcon vance. All Iellers addressed iollia Editor lull-l In posl paid. No paper discmilinued until all arrearagea an paid : and parties refusing papers wilhom Pay. mg up. will be held accountable lorllle nub- scription. Merchants and others who advertise libel-LUV me TRIBUNE will involheir Cards insane}: in the Business Directory. Renovate. c/mu uml Rrpuir .Hl Descripiions of Chilling, And All transitory ndvurxisomems, from llr’ulzurs m nrvgular cuslomers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal disconnlwm be mude [0 pnrxiel ml- vellisiug by the year. All advcrlisemenls published For ulcss pe- riod Khan one month, must be paid for in 3d- ‘l lu'h UM Inuvd I'm Book and Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT. OCULST 81. AURIST: Opwalor on the Eye and Ear. new and Dr' IA IA , Taaomo. June 8m. 1857 ti UH'U)‘ Yuugo Sn uauuniu ll xii Von-mu and Provincial News and Murkuls. and the greatest (rule “in be taken to render it nem-pmlnle to the man of businpss, ands rah:- nlrle l"umi|\ Newspaper. E Ii M 5,â€"Two Doll:an per Amulm, In “Hymn. ; and il'notlm'ul wulliu Six Months two dullnrs and a hair will he clmrgod. [1? Ad IH‘ NIVERSALLY' lfno‘wn‘ thrnlighom C‘ 1):: rlin g & A itchismr’s COMBIAEU Om- nssor RDERS fur done in the ‘rulnn ll 0\\' I|rl by Rates of Ach‘t-rl isin g: despnlched IHH'I‘ISH TKIBI‘NI' Ilsrnrd F. DITOR A ND PROPRIETOR 31 years’ experience in attention: to all orders favored, combime with new, lu Conlniu public bsenl . Youge Shem. June '2-llh. IFS-I the l FREE OF cuAkGE ERâ€"PRESS PRINTING 3 [he best style. at madame rllos. urtmeut uf JOB TYPE i entinly { tho lulom. pulllorns. A hrgo urifl)‘ uncy Type and Borders. for Clflku &r., kept always on hand. [h wearing uppzuuel the full ()il or: TORONTO, ed M) Subscribers 1:)“ the onrlies cr uuln nuance. \ylisp so desired. llent u- .3le lS PI'BLIS HIE!) ‘gmd l l he h hi>h|ur ulinser ill forbid. W M COMBINED (I ml Ii’mper. l Insertion GEORLFI DARLING RUB'I'. Al'I‘CH [SUN ï¬rsl in I'KIBI'NIC will always be the Inle<l and most important libfm‘lul} manner, b_\ credi- Tar, Ac. £13.. and maturing nul :q'pcurfluco. so us to give [Inge - and more ï¬les of even numerous Cms veklers and Rafe his “'hhoul \vrilh-n dint-- nmerous Culs Lnd Plules. Jars and Raferences from ios from all parts of Cann- ales.â€"all of which will the careful perusal of the (LTC rofr the nndermenï¬omd AIN and FANCY JOB ‘plly ntlendod lo :â€" nearly 2000 pnges of will be found reporled uportanl and successful 'HECKS.DR.\!T5‘ the nmmiun LII mseniun now rcadyfur dulri ICUA RDQON is 'I'rcalise m: Diseé published (‘is day applicants. 1 iuu a in the businnsnnnd lurs “ilh whic'l m rilh an earnosldmixe he hopes to mom a mt lino INK more than Una ‘ emry descrip- n . . _. kind of churng lmr CARE LAW m Liana. his skill o indivi- ndd e53, appear- um": mums. mzcord- AKD l-u‘. Gd 4d m Id