Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 18 Jun 1858, p. 3

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The \Vardvn laid upon the table a re- port of the Audrtors‘ and 'l'reasurcr's ac- counts for the year ending 31~t March, 1838, togelher with the detailed account, and vouchers. Alan, the arrears of wild lands avessmrnt. and copy of a statement of receipts and expenditure, and balance in the hands of b‘tlb-Tt'casurers‘ ol‘b‘chuol moneys. ‘The Council adjourned about four o’clock till this morning at eleven o'clock. Friday, June llth. The Council met this l'urenoon at 11 o‘clock the VVurdvn in the Chair. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Warden laid on the table a com- munication from the County Clerk ol On» tario, with an gxlmct from the report ol~ the Committee In reterencc lo the Bridge met the Black River, and also a pelitton from H. Brethor and others. p:aylng for grant ofmoney to construct a bridge 'bver the eastern branch of said river. The matter was reterred to the Commit tee. ijudas Muccabaus was repeated on Saturday evening in the St. Lawrence‘ Hall, “ltd” the able conductorship of its 1 .Snergeuc Promotor, Rev. G. Onions. The same power and eflicieut orchestra was there, and, we are sorry to add, the beggarey amount of empty benches_ It is difficult to account for this apathy and in- difierence on the part of our citizens, and i one is almost driven tothe conclusion that i of the majority of them, the love of the" .h almighty dollar” enters far more largely into their composition than the love of classical music. Most Of the patronsi were again absent; but we were glad to see Lady Head honouring the perform. ,ance with her presence. Her Excellency could not fail in being do.ighted that, in this practical country, two hundred such performers as made the Hall on Saturday reverberate with the noble strains of del’s music, could be brought so Well together.â€"- Globe. The Sacramento Union acknowledges the reciept ofa strawberry measuring seven inches round, from a ranch near Knight’s Landing. On motion of Mr. Starratt, ttheport ot the Special Committee appnmted to equalize the Assessments for the Year 1857 was read. The Council then adjourned till this morning (Satuaday) at 10 o’clock.â€" Globe. Alter a short discussion, the Comlnit- l tee rose and reported progress. On the mntion for the adoption of the report, it was moved that the name 0H Hiram Piper be struck out, and that the name of Eli C. Irvine be inserted, and also that the name of J. Smith be added â€"Cal‘ried. Mr. Starran gave notice that hcwould to-morrow move [Int the repent of the committee appointed to revhe llle assessâ€" ment roll at last session be read. The council, on motion of Mr. \Vuight m-nt into Committee of the Whole on the reportâ€"Mr. James in the Chain After sitting a short time, the Committee rose, reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. INSPECTORS 0F \VEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The Council went into Committee of tl'm’VVhole on the Bill to appoint addi- tional Inspectors of Weights and Meas- ureaâ€"Mr. Starratt in the Chair. The report as amended was then adopt- ed. $2.800.â€"Lost. The original motion was then carried. 'NSPKCTORS 0F wElGHI'S AND MEASURES. The bxll to appomt one or In :re Inspec- tors of Weights and Measures was read a second lime, and referred to Committee. The Council went into Ummmllee of the “Male on lhe hill. Mr. b'larrau in the cllail. The committee rose. reported plbgress, and obtained leave to sit ugmn. ASSESSMENT nous. 'l‘llc Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges presented lhcir firs( report. ‘ Thai, in additiun to the sum of £300 appropriated in the June Session of last year, a mum Mill] of $2,800 be approâ€" priated from the County funds to the Pro- vincial Agricultural Assocmtion, in aid at tlle‘erection of permanent buildings, and fencing the ground granted by Govern- ment, In perpetuity, for the holding of the Provincial Exhibitions thereon ; provided that the Agricultural Association be seâ€" cure in perpetuity in the u>e of the gazilds and building wiihuut further cust.’ Mr. Smith, seconded bv Mr. Price, moved that the sum he $2,000,insti>ad of PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION. On motion, the Council wentinm Com mittee oflhe Whole on the grant to me Provincial Exhibitionâ€"Mr. l‘rngeon in the chair. ‘ That the Special Committee appoint ed to prepare a petition to the Legisla- ture, praying that a Bill may be prepared to provide for the payment of Special Jurors; and instructed also to draft a pe- tition to the Legislature praying a Bill may be passed to provide a more just and equitable mode for the payment of Crown witnesses.’â€"â€"Carried. The Committee rose and reported the following resolution 1-â€" " That a Committee of five members be appointed with instructions to prepare a petition to the Legislature, praying that a Bill may be passed requiring parties re- questing Spccial Juries to deposit a suffi- cient sum with the proper oflicer author- ‘ized to receive the same, previous to summoning Special Juries, and in all cases when Jurors so summoned do attend, whetheF the case is brought before them or not, they shall be paid a reasonable sum to remunerate them for the expense and trouble they have been put to in at- ‘ Wing; and that said Committee con- ' ofMessrs. Price, Smith. V’Vheeler, Musson, and the mover.’â€"Curricd. The Council then Went into Committee, and after sitting for a short time, rose and reponed progress and obtained leave to sit again at half past one o’clock. PAYMENT OF SPECIAL JURORS. On motion of Mr. 'l'yrrel; the Council went into Committee of the Whole, and reported llieglollowiug resolutions :â€" ,/ THURSDAY, June 10. The Council met this morning at ten o‘clock, the Warden in the chair. GRANT 1‘0 THE PROVINCIAL EXHIBI- TION. Mr. PRICE, seconded by Mr. \VHEEL- BR, moved that the Council resolve itself into Committee ol the Whole to consider the propriety of gn'nnting a sum of money to the Provincial Exhibition.â€"Carrlcd. Assxssmtu-r REPORT. 1857‘ COUNTY COUNCIL THE ORATOR (From the Globe.) RIO more largely the love of C Mr. Davis replisd to Mr. Douglas. and said that he (Davis) never belonged to the war party in time of peace, or the peace party in time of war. A lengthy di<cussion then ensued res- pecting gun lmals, after which Mr. Cling- umn‘s gun-bout amendment was lost by 24-, against 12. .ouutry put In an aggressive attitude, if neel he These ten sloops-olâ€"wzir cun- uot be taken as a war measure; they add In a hundred guns to the Navy. He agreed with the Senator from Georgia tha' the country was never in a bettur lutlilude for war lh.ui now, either for de fence or aggression. \Ve began the lie- volution without any army or a navy and we commenced the last war with a total revenue. ufsmtven millions, while to day we can have eighty. \Ve have all the elements at defence: and no longer thit weakness which invites insult. Our na- tional character for honor, moderation, committing no injustice and suhimtting to no wrong, in stroner than \vere Casar‘s Inglous on the plains of l’ltarsalia, or then a navy that would cover the Gunman Ocean. Mr. Dnué’las made a lengthened speech, min; strung war language. He said a Win n'LIh England must decide not only the right of search, but her right to [read the soil of the American continent. Mr. Green offered an amendment, that in case of flagrant commnsaiou of outrages by other powurs on the commerce or cit- izens of the Unitel States, for the speedy redress of such wrongs the President b9 empowered to grant letters of marque and repriml, to continue in force till the meet- ing of Congress. Mr. Mallory again renewed hi: amend- ment to construct five screw steam sloops- oil-war and one paddle steamer, at a cost of$1,200,000. Carried by 18 against 17. Mr. Crittenden offered a resolution providing that [he steamships ofthe Navy of40 guns be called after the SIMes; of 20 guns after the rivers and cities; and under 20 as the Prvsident may duect. Agreed. er. Greven’s amendment was then lost by 4-6 against 6. The original amendment for ten sloops- of-war was then voted on and lost, by ‘24.. against 20. Messrs Cameron. of Pennsylvania ; Mayne. of b‘outh Carolina, and olhers made remarks, and Mr. Halv’s amendmrut was lostâ€"31 against 22. Mn-Cliugmm, of North Carolina, mov- ed to add‘lo [he amendment, “ To build [en guuboats.” 'l‘he- rt-solutions ai~ned against the poor, wuak Central American States war». a dizhonor to NW American name. They have got the small pox at Chi- cage. The hog cholera is very prevalent in the interior counties of Indiana, Mr. Hale mgved to amend by appro- priating $300000 for the machinery of [her éhip 1"I'a/t/Jin. Mr. \Vilson would vote for a small annual increase ol' the Navy. “ A good deal had been said, as there was before in former wars, ahout weakness [or a war \‘Vllll England, but ling]:in has given a guarantee of peace, ina‘much as she has territory north ()1 us covering three thou sand :quare miles, with only three millions of pimple, which in six monlhs would be ours.” He called on the country to use lllcae aloops to prevent the slave-trade. The balance in (he amounls to nearly $7. A promising revival of religion is in pro- gress at Hamilton College. Mr. Seward exp'aincd his course in the. present war debate. He was not one of those who was willing to indicate that any explanation could be given short of a total abandonment of the right of police on the seas, and he had so expressed it in his rt-inarks. He had no idea that the British Government will sustain or sane» lion the outrages. It'they do, then it is time to meet and redress them. The Senator for Illinois has made an attempt by a bill to anticipate the reply from Great Brilaln,bul the country and Con- gressare against that proposal, and it lies on the table; He (Deward) had wished. with a contrary view, to extend the sess- :ion lill explanations can be had or the A temperance political party has been organized in Boston. Mr. “'ade made a lorcible speech,ask- ing the Senator to pause ere plunging in- to a war which would be a war of exter- mination of one or the other power. He concluded by moving mat twenty sloops of war instead of ten, be built. Mr. Bell, (Tenn.,) supporting the pro- position, made some happily sarcastic re- marks, asking where Were the war spirits who excited us so much a feiv days ago; where was the Senator from Georgia, (Mr. Tombs,) who had wanted a war With England any time within these ten years past: where was the :enator from Illinois, (Mr. Douglas,) whose bill to lcluthe the President with extraordinary power lies on the table; where was the Senator from New Hampshire, (Mr. lHalc,) who could not agree with the wise and moderate counsels of the Chairman ot the Foreign Committee, (Mr. Mason ?) Those War spirits have left no margin for any Senator following in their wake, exâ€" cept to resolve that the President shall give orders to capture the whole British Navy. His (Bell‘s) course was to pre- pare gradually and silently for a contest, should it eVer come, with that great and arrogant power, but never to use bravado. Cholera is raging in the Republic of 3uatemala. ITIIE RIGHT OF SEARCH â€" Mr. Hale. of New-Hampshire, moved to Sll‘lke out the four of fourteen {eel draft, leaving the others. Mr. Mallory, of Florida, from the Na- val Committee, reported an amendment for the construction of ten new steam sloops-of-war, viz: Five of twelve feet drafl, [our of fourteen draft. and one pad- dle steamer of eight feet draft, at an ag- gregate cost of $1,200,000. The following are the principal items of news with respect to the Right of Search Controversy. Though still pretty violent, they show a considerable cooling down on the part of the Yankees. WASHINGTON, June, 7th. The Naval Appropriation bill being unâ€" der considerationâ€"â€" The bill was then passed CANADA IN DANGER !! 30mg 3191115. DEBATE IN THE SENATE. nearly $7,000,000 U. S. Treasury BANQUET IN TORONTO.â€"On \Ved- nesday the tenth inst, a large number of the otficers of the active am.l sedenlary militia force met in the Rossini House, to bid farewell to C03. the Baron De Rot- tenburg, who is soon to leave Canada wilh the 100th Regiment. on the Col- onelcy of which he has been appointed. The room presented a most brilliant ap- pearance, all the ofiicers present being in the full uniform of their respective corps. At the principle table sat Col. Thomson (Chairman). on the right His Excellency 5i.- Edmund Head, on his left, the guest of the evening. the Colonel Baron De Rottenburg. Shortly before entering the banquetting-room, His Exuellency the Gowrnor General and Staff. and the members of the Executive Committee assembled in the drawing-room and preâ€" sented the gallant Col nel with a splendid sword of the value of 125 gnineas which had been subscribed by the militia of Up- per Canada, several toasts were proposed and duly honored by the gnests.â€"Globe. Mcstkv FREE.â€"'I‘he Quarter Sessions opened in Cayuga on Tuesday tlw 8th inst.. Judge Stevenson presnding. Townsend alias Mchry was presr-nl at the opening ofthe Court, but up to the time 0| going to press. no person had apreared against him. He attempted to have Mr. Graham indicated, but the Grand Jurors found -‘ no blll.”â€"Sayugrz Sentinel, lOzh. An occurrence of a most extraordinary character is reported in the Geelng Ad vertiser. It appears that as the mail from Ballarat to Geelong was proceeding to its destination, 3 person, who appeared very anxious to reach the latter town, reâ€" q'lested the coacliman to be accommodated with aseat. The mail was alrraly full, and a positive refu~al gi en to the appli- cant, who, notwithstanding, managed to climb up the side, and strap himaelf on to on to the vehicle by a leuthern belt which he bu kled round his neck. On reaching Lethbridge to change horses, it ‘ was discovtretl that the unfortunate man was dead, having unwittingly hung him- self by the experiment. Several 5:le of wheat grown (be pre» sent :easm at. Montgonmry. Ala., have been harvested recently, and the yield was fine. Grit 7 by 9 ‘counlry pupe’r or not, thv constable did not say ; at all events. he had to pay to Mr. Andrew’s the sum of ‘2 do]. flue, and 1 do]. 50c casts, for having been found in a how came you, so condi£ion.â€"Leadcrs Police Repm t, Tune The Iumbermen of \Visconsin are ling their lumber imhe piJer‘es. the I being too low l:~ pay for running it market. There isa pnpnr published at ‘chl Chesler, Pan, called “11:9 An Prlcan [ilepublican & Democrat.” Comprehenâ€" sive. One hundred and nine thousand trees have been engage-d for the NrW York Central [’alk, all of which are to be tram-Named. The CaIiroruia papers contain the [HO- upectus ofa Catholic journal, the first is- sued on the Pacific coast of North Amcnca. The New Redford (Mass.) Register says a bass weight 28 pounds was caught from the South Dunnoth bridge on Tuesday \Vcek. The re 'nto an A is now a! for elfcct A canal boat has clearvd at landed with ISO lens of com. ‘20 tuns “It: largest 1: ad ever 0: the Erie Canal. John Smith came next in order, whether he is [he indvidual who does the butchering (at Yurkville) for a Clear A great pigeon population is concen- trating about. tour miles from New Bos- ton, in the western part of Lewis Co. The Emperor Napoleon IS preparing {thhe ress a work man rides, to form a P . . I . pendent to [us treulhe on artillery. It costs twenty-six dollars an hour to light the new hall ofthe House of Re- presentitavcs at \Vashiugton, with gas. A new street-sweeping machine, re- sembling a piano un wheels, has been got up hy some enterprising Yankee. Albert Pike, aged 12 years, son of the poet Pike, was drowned in Arkansas river, at. Little Rock, on the 10m uIL. Dlrs. Gaines is in \Vashinglon actively urginghm‘ climes to a pension as the widow of general Gaines. In VIPW of the many incendiary fires in Bufialo, the appointment ofu Vigilance Committee is urged. The last society spoken of in Californ- ia is the “ Pay Noth'ngs.” It is said [0 be alarmingly prosperous. On the 20th April no less persons sailed from San Fm the Frazee IiVCI' gold diggings The \Vaterville Times says IBM! has been discovered in a stone quarry in the town of Kirkland. New wheat has appeared at Augusta Georgia. The mills are busy grinding for the New York market. The Portsmouth Tribune ealimates the damages by the late freshet in the Scioto Valley at 354000.000. The amount expended by American rravellers in Europe is estimated at over :3 10,0000 00 annually. Over four and a half millions of dollars is inVested in the manufacture of gas in Massachusetts. Strawberries, in great quantities. are now for sale in Cincinnati, at 10 and 20 cents per quart. Over fifty thousand men have applie to the President to fill the two new reg' ments lor Utah. Corn is selling at the warehouses in Terra Haute, Ind., for twenty fiive cents per bushel. million In case of a war with England, who will own the Suspension Bridge at Niaâ€" gara’! Four silver watches were ploughed up last week in a fiehl in Akron, Ohio. Early cucumbers are being enjoyed by the citizens of Kalamazoo, Mich. The first white man born in Kentucky [5 still living, and is residing in that State. The number of foreigners reaching the 5., in the last 15 yenrs,is nearly four report of the Prilish ship firing Alm‘ricnn weasel and killing a man, nlfirmed to be a canard, got up April no Iess than 1,700 from San Francisco for 'e and sedenlary Rossin House, to Baron De Rot- to leave Canada read at Bufl'ulo, corn. This is ever carried on I nee TUE Diseases of the Digestive Olguns, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. in their incipient slum. affect very peculiarly the mental powers. When young poisons ofa sedentary turn complain of their aches and pains in the head. moles in their eyes. hemorrhage uftho nose, at purification of tho sy.~tem becomes neeesSary. and this can he easilv and sa'oly at- tained by u few doses of the Mnfi'm’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bilteis. Sold by the proprietor. W. B Mofl'at 335 Broadwn;. New Yank, and his Agents, EGS to inform the inhabilauts of Rieh' mond Hill and vicinity. that he has commenced Business in the above place, and soliciLs their patronage. n the Township ofKing, on the 11th ultimo~ 1L", MAI-I‘ch LOCK. aged 69 years. forlnauy of Brandsburlon, Yorkshire. England. He was a decendeI-t of the celebrated John Lock. the Philosopher and wriler. It should be remembered. that an occasional dose when in health. especinlly ufler taking cnld. will prevent the disease from formng 111 the bodr. Dr. Morse‘s Indian dealers in Medicines. All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired in the best manner ; also all kinds of Jewellery neatly repaired. In a quantity ofcorrupted matter, there is al- ways to be found a nest of worms. They can- not. neither will they stay anvwhem else. Weak alomach and bowels are subject to them. as they havu not sufficient power to digest their food. Hence a large heap of mutter is lodged, and worms must be (he resul'. A few doses of these pills will disturb them in their nest. and drivn them out of the system. T. J. WHEELER; WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, 15w TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS Spring \Vlmat 3s 9d per bu‘lml. Flour 175 6d a 20: 0d per barrel. Barley 1.» 101] per bushel. Eye, 25 6d per bushel. Oats ls Gd per bushel. Pem, no sul ply. Hay $10 a $16 per ton, good quality in demand. Straw $8 per ton. Beef$6 50 per cwt. the best quality. Pork no suppy. Potatoes 25 6d a 33. per bushel. Butler 8; a 9d per lb. Eggs 7; per (102. Poultryâ€"Chickem 2v Gd a 35 6d. Sheep 45d lb in carcass. Wool 10d 3 ls 1d per lb. .QIIePpskins 6s 3d w )0! skins. Hides $5 per cwt. Cord “'0ml [5: a 17s 6d per load,2'25 6d per cord.â€"Lcud¢'r. MONUMENTS. TOMB<TABLES. TO M B-S'I’ONES. &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper ll‘HE stomach is the most liable to get out of ortlt-r. Hence how Impor- tnul that no diseeked matter clog its operation. which would cause nausea and distress by all fund. It. also weakens the brain, dosh-0‘s th memory. creates pains and dimness. and variou: nfllections in the head. It produces greet dtf- ficully in breathing and swallowing. Seme- titnes fainting and fits will ensue: also bad breath, restlessums and great loss of strength. ll‘not Immediately attended to, the blood will carry the disease through the whole system. and death \tiél end the work. From ‘2 to 5 of these Pills a day will keep the digestive organs in n heultlly cotttlttion, und unclog or carry away all impure matttr. and thoroughly re- xtore and cleanse the stomach; at the same time the l’ills will so purify the blood, as to drive all meth of disease from the svstem. 0n Lhe morning of ('10 11th ins]. M s Hardinge of a daughter. HE Undersngned Aisigneps of the estate ofD. C. & W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly nulhorized agents. Auan ABBEY and D. CARLOS YuLM. whuso receipt will be duly acknuwledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the Is! day ofJuno, 1858. will be put. imu Court for collection. promo, April 29, 1859‘ els TonoxTo June 17. 1858. The weather of last week was not such as to inducn farmers to attend. To- day, Tuesday, markets dull; no change In prices. BURGLARY.-â€"â€"On Thursday morning last about 1 o’clock Mrs. Thomas Cudâ€" die of this Town was awakened ly a noise, and thinking it was her husdand (who was unWell and sleeping in an ad- joining room) who wanted something. she got up and with a light proceeded to his roomâ€"finding all right, she returned to bed. She was again awoke about 4 o‘clock by hearing the front door open- ed.â€"She called out,“ Who is there i” A man answered, “ Me.” She again in- quired, “ Who are you ?" He replied that he had got on the spree, and was merely taking a sleep on the sofa. On examining the house, several gold rings, a gold broach’ some gold coin. and other articles of jewelry. were found mISsing. The man had entered the house throuéh one of the windows, and after effecting the robbery, made his exit through the the front door, which he unlocked from the inside. This is the first case of bur- glary that has occurred in this Town. and if such characters are abroad, people would do Well to see that their Windows and doors are wdi secured at night..â€" Perth Courier. The young men of Burwick, (Vaughan) and its vicinity, have lately organized :1 ‘debaling society. To aid them in rais- ing funds for a libary, they got up a tea meeting on a large scale which came oil on the village green on Friday evening last. Nearly two hundred persons were present. The vinnds were ample and 0f excellent quality, and the ladies rendered every assistance to promote the halmony of the evening. The Rev, Mr. Carry, the incumbent of VVoodbridge, addressed the company, pointing out the invaluable benefits of education and the untility of societies like the one they Wore no.v so happily inaugurating. The other Slilalt- ers were, the Rev. MrJackson, Meessrs. Rouse, Fox, Qomers, &c. The weather was all that could be desired. The com- pany separated highly delighted with the happy and social evening which they had Spent. Richmond Hill, Juuell.1858. Fall \Vheat, 35 EM a 4-5 10d per bush- THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET‘ all ilnpure mallt r. and thoroughly re- and cleanse the stomach; at the same the HHS will so purify the blood, as to all mannnr of disease from the system. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH TORONTO MARKETS. Speciai Notices 185 YONGE STREET BIRTH WORMS DIED. Root Pills are Buld by C. YALE. G. CUMMER 48ny 53-3m all Arm<lrong. Miss Mary Jane Ambler. William Atkinmn. David Bonner. Josrpli Bernon. Mrs. Mary J. Baker, Miss Susan Benson, Mrs. Jane Brillinger, George Brillingcr. llrnry Baldwin. William Coumbs. John Cook. William Chambeilin. 1‘}. Campbell. Mis~ JJ (‘2) Cotton, Charles Duncunib. J. Derhain. Mrs. Durianl, C. “codinth Elenor Dance, Richard Davulson, Miss Agnes Dismad. John l'Iior. Miss Elizabeth [“Inigan, Cniheiino Giivon, Robert Gongh. Fruderit'k Goudwrli. J. l). Goodwill, J, ilnrdx'. Marv “l hick, David JIKiII]k6_\" Johu Hnlnel. James llailun. John anrcllcb. Miss G. L. Lavin. John Lnngsiufl‘. John Jr. (6) Langslafl', John Sr. (:2) Mni‘iiai)e_ Catherine Miiior, James Miller, John hIoCnguo. Wi lium McChesney, [same (51) McCartney. Robert Oberlin. Louis Patterson. John Quanta, F. Simpson, James Sanderson. Mr. Sill)p>0]l. William Shul'ell, Miss Clarissa Sanderson. Mrs. H. Siveors, R. Spninger. Mr. 'l‘rumaine. G M. (2) 'l‘richer. Mark 'l‘remaine. (1‘. R. Thompson. Levi \erillier, John VVI-ighl. Mrs. Senior Huneill. fills; Callie ineWilwn. Richard ( ) Came into the pruunxes oflhe Subecriber. Lo! No. N. 5th Conceesion Markham. about the last of March. 3 Hazel coloured Steer, two Years old. 'l‘ub owner is requested to prove prupuny, pay exyen V {11in la_k_e it MURPHY BROTHERS FOR ‘ 00D W'alches.ClockS. Jewelry. Melodeons T Electra Ware. Silver Spoons. and Specta- cles to suit every right. If? Wamh (‘lubs in Operation. \Varmnmd Clocksh‘oxn QUS upwards. Toronre. June, 1857. _31 TURF CLUB V/zmHTs,â€"2 year old, a fea- ther ; 3 _\Bars old, 86 Ilus; 4years old. 100 lbs ; 5 years old. 110; 6 years old. [18 lbs : 7 l'enrs old. 124 lbs: 3 lbs allowed for Mares and Remainingiu RICHMOND HILL Post Office. JUNE ls1,1855. H E Subscriber ofi‘erfi for sale that well known Holel. situated on Lot No. 5, 6th Concession in the Township of King. With good slabling and Seventeen Acres ofExcellenl Land. Every necessary accomodnliou for an Hotel are In fil':l. rule repair. Terms extremely easy. For fur. ther particulars. apply 10 the proprietor ou the ple- mises or (a Dr. Dvxcumn. Richmond Hill, 3. Enu-i s will be made xho evening pre- vious La each Day’s Races, at the Course, by 10 o'clock. p.m. ; after that nme they will be charged double enhance. 4. Entrance 10 per cent, fu- all purses. 5. Riders Io turn 0m ill full jorkoy style. 6. Five per cent deducted from all stakes and purses. 7. Three horses to make a field, two to start. 8. No horse can bu entered for any of the above purseS, tuless his owner be a subscribur to the Race Fund cf )0 duls, except for purses less than 50 dob. Guldings; 7 lbs ulowed to Proxiuce Bred Horses. [Li’SI/zrt each day at Our o'clock. precisely. CHARLES GATES. Proprietor. Toronto. May ‘27. 1858‘ WILLIAM PADGE'I‘. Markham. April lSIh. 1553 145‘ Goodwood Cup 100 dols. in specie. with an imide stake ol’ .30 duls. each. 20 duis forfei: open to all horses, to carry 110 lbs each ; 2 miles. the winner to pay halfa basket ofCham- paglle. 9. All parties can run their horses for all of the above purses. without going into the inside . by paying 10 [or com. entrance. l’urse 25 (1015. with an inside stake of 10 dols. each, 5 dols. forfeit : free for all horses used as hacks. that never won a purse. mem- bers of the Club to ride. cahzh wcighls, ‘ 'l'mltiug l'u se 50 dols. with aninside stake of 10 dols. each. 5 dols forfeit; 1 mile heals. 3 ill 5. to hnruess, Beau-n Plate 10 duls. each. 1 mile heats, RULES:â€" I. All persons wishing to enter their horses in the inside stakes, must send their forlbiz monoy and the name of their horses to Charla-s Gates‘ Box 263 Past Olfice, Toronto, by tllb 18.11 ofJune. Member’s l’urse 100 dols. with an inside stake of 40 dois. each. 20 dols. forfeit. open to all horses bred in Canada, mile heats. 3 in 5 Club Weigth. 'I he WIIIuOl‘ to pay half a bxsket of Champagne. Troylng Purse 25 duls. with an imide Blake 01' {1’7 dols. ouch, 5 dols. forfeit, free for all houses that never won a purse over 25 dols ' 1 mile beam. 3 in 5. to go as they please. For terms apply to Thornhill. Thmnhill‘ Au usl ll Trotting Purse of 50 dols. with an inside staku 01'25 duls. each. [0 dols. forfeit. upon to all Horses owned in Canada at this date; mile heals. 3 in 5. to go as they please. On Tuesday, 29th June, lnn-keepers’ l’ur~o. I50 dols. with an inside stake of 5U dole. each. 20 duls. forfeil. open lo all Horses; 2 mile heals, ()lub Weights. The winner lo pay halfa basket of Champagne, iuslde SxaEe of 20 iinl.‘ for 3 year 01:15, bred in to carry 90 lbs each. HE Toronto Sp'in Races will come of? over [he Nx-zw Luann 'CuuRsE. Dun nnd Dauforth Road, AND T\V0 FOLLOWING DAYS. Under [he managemem of the following Slcwurls : S. H. Strong. Esq. . Dr. Mailland. R. C. K: J. B Robmson, M. P. P.; J White, M. P. 1).: W. 1’. Bulls, R, C. R. 9th Regiment; Sherifl~ Grange ; A. J. Felgusson. Esq. pnid in Cash Richmond Hi1 SPRING RACES! 1858. X D W E L l. INC-HOUSE, Store-house- l)xiving-house and about an Acre 0 Land. in [he Vil‘age of Victoria Square. sum“ ble_for a Store on'l‘avorn. U01" exchanges will confer a favor by passing him round. For terms afipiyr 1;"'\'v. 'I‘rudgeon, Esq Tribune office. Richmond Hill. April 2-2. 1855. 146 Hull fer Queboc in the ship fForghs." in fhe spring 01' 1854. his brother is desirous of finding him. Address June 2. 1853. gill fer Quebéé irn For Sale or to Rent, ONE HUNDRED CORDS l.) King. Nov - First Day: St, liedger l‘lfue. valued at 80 duh. with an HOTEL FOR SALE. F‘r-h H. IR OBERT EDWARD FORGE. a native of ' Dr'flield. Yprk§hir§. Engljnd. sail-ed frqm na.r\, . TANTED Information \Vanted Bushels S»! m ycd Steer OATS, OATS ! M. 'TH'IFY. l’oslmusmr‘ Second Day ’l‘llird Da y 19. 1857 FOR SALT! FRANCIS FORGE. WM. SANDERSON. Bullunvillo, KO. Markham. CJV TORONTO (o purchme ONE THousxxD of good Oats. Highest price Apply at the Tribune Otfice. Letters THOMAS REDON. Proprietor Mr. THOS. COOPER. each. HI (1013. forfeit Canada; I mxle heals glO-LI 3-2 (36 5'2-u' HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above premises. and filled them up in fluent and comfortable slylu. POCKEl‘â€"BU()K. containing a note agninsl John Thompson to the amount of Putty-eight pounda due on the 3rd of February hut. Any person finding the same and returning itm tho owner, David Thump sou. lntQG. ‘2nd con of Markham. will be suitably rmx‘arded. The note win he of no we to any one except the owner. ( N or about the 20111 February last, a 1 “ilh a House. Gnu-dun, and sum” Clear- ance, and is well limherml. The \Vmer Mill. including Three good chlhug Houses. with Gardens. and uhoul Fmven Acres of Land, if required hy the purchaser. The premises me at present used as an Agricuhurnl Imple- mqu and File Factory. All the nhove property will he sold 0.) easy h mm for C1l\ll0l' ch-Iy Paymelm. and i~ uuthf the ullcntiun of the Mechanic and Fur- HXCI'. Boarders and transient vi<itors will find the accomodutions in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully solocled. Good slabling and attentive hustlers September 10 1857 IA/LN‘D JINI) WdTIC/é .MILL ! NEAR IKICHMOAD mm“ Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND. shunted in the Village of 'l hulnllill, will) guod Hume uud out-buildings. Gw'illi'u'bury Markham. 13. 1858‘ I‘UEAdvenisor is desirous of obtaining n Situation in a Carriage Shop wlioru :- number of hands are kept. \Nonld have nu objections to discharge the duties of Foreman. feeling convinced from his knowledge of the midi) that he wouEd be able to give gouerul satisfaction. ,Addreas W. S.. Trihune Office. IOYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. J meets at Brother Robert Wisemnn’s, Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening in each month. To Medical Practitioners A GOOD OPPORTUNITY now ofi'ors ilâ€" V sell to a Medical Man nl' standing and experience. House and Premises, bolhplea- sant and convenient, can be had on reasonable IEI'HIR. Apply. ifby letter post paid, to the Editor of the 'l'riLLne. April 1 1 ACRES 0]“ LAND. East half 01 VLOL N04 ‘2, 711' (.oucesslun. Nurlh Richmond Hill. Juno 15Ih.1857. ’lv EETS at WM‘ DUROSE'S HOTEL. Li Victnria Square. the last Friday evon- ing in each month. Victoria Square. May 7. 1858 OFFICERS ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Mnsler . J B. Dether, Deputy Master; John Munholland, Secretary ; W. l'ogue, Treasurer. “Q” A large stock of Harnass, 81c. always on hand, and made to order at the lowest possibll remuneruhng prices. 1:00. To I3. 4th Can. V: For particulars, apply P R I Z E for Hurnass al this Yonga Street Ag- ricultural Show. Two Years in succession. he feuls confident that he can give entire snkisl'ncilou in all branches of his business. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N09 644, N, EETS at WM‘ DUROSE‘S HOTEL. 1 thnria Square, the 111:1 Fr‘da)‘ evanâ€" Premium Harness .1110 u u fucturpr, ESPECTFULLY announces lo {he Public geflqapyfijal hehnvuyglilfen dull” R T SA DDLE gr HA 12 [YES 8 ESTABLISHMENT. RICHMOND HILL ()3? P R E M 1 U Mcéji} 0339A“ Work Warranted. Two Door South If the TRIBUNE Oflice Tho: uh: 1!, Jun. 20, 1558‘ January 14. 18‘ January 2] . 1858‘ Docembur 524 Toronto. June 18th. 1857. g.2-wy Richmond Hill. Oct 15, [857 HXS FARM (‘ouluius abnul JOHN MURPHY. House Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZHZR ONTAlNlNG ONE EUR-WED AND THORNHILL HOTEL. DEALER IN PAPER IIANGINGS. HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. \Villiam ll. Myers, ’1‘0 Ca rri :l :c Makers NOTE LOST! Tum" Acres FARM FOR SALE ! No. 49, King Street, Richmond Victoria, particulars apply to PRIVATE S A LE ! ! 'erms [flax 4 Doors “lost of Bay Street 1858‘ JOHN BUTTON. Muster. JAMES CANAGHAN. quty. THOMAS ROVVMAIP'. Secretary JOHN GA WLEY. Treasum. FOR SALE! ' Aug: In" éood land. bent-g jun". of 4th Can. Vaughan. OD'FICERS I' W. 8. Tribune Office. Richmond Hill' C,W “3-41 &c., 62.0 1857 JOHN PALMER. HENRY LEMON. DAVID THOMPSON ‘. 149-4 Du. DUNCUMD Apply to Richmond “I” Dn REID Kirhmond Hill. gl4-lf Prop: iolor‘ Fil‘ly Acres sum” Clear- Thorn-hill gfl-wy 218-1) t35 48-1" [3'2 (33 IZZ‘J Al such modul‘am prices as can cure custom. Richmond [Iilb ORNER of \Vx‘ighl & Yonge ‘II‘CL ts ‘ Cheap Groceries and Providmw Crockery and Glasmvuro cheap (02' Cam. NL Credit. 1). HOPKINS Soda Water houh-d and from lhu fonnlain; S Culhelines Mumral \aner. and lhn Plnnlagam Waltz. celohralcd for then healthy propeltue: April 92. 1858. 146 April 22. 1858. selves of'hiu [II'ufns<ionIal survi‘ be in attendance (he first Mom] l’dluwing of each month. at Richmond Hill: “’ednesd-ny Aurora Hotel. Aurom: 'l'hurs :IlJ. McClllle's Ilolel. Holluu rest of the Inuulll at the 'l 'l‘horuhiil. IIoztse Painting, Glazing, I’upn' IIu/zgiizg, Gmining. [$13, ‘S-c. He hopes that by strict allemiou lo 1‘” order an- trusted to him which will be executed in a nun! and workmanlike manner. on the shortest nu- lice. to merit ashare of public patronage. Richmond Hi“. gRICHD. VAILES. March 11. 858. 140-6111 [- ING STREET, Toronto. 2nd door en-t r" Church Street. opponm [I13 ("mhedmL W. T. ATKINSON. & (30.. Late of Klllfl' sires West. now offer at their new eslablidnnuut. Genuine English Drugs, I‘a/ent JIII'dicin-es, French. and Englixh meumcry, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dyc- "’nndx, Combs Brushes Qt, , . Township of DIARMHM, 6:? FOR SALE. 4;) CONSISTINC of Three Village Lots. \ suitable Buildings. with a l'uurlh pal-I an acre of Land uuuchud lo uacll. One i small Cottage suitable for .1 small family. '1 serond is 9 MW llouse. adapted for n l‘lctll‘ ic ufany kind or Doctor, (as llmre is no D{ [or in the naighbouvhood). The [bird l: Large House. will) all Lhu accomodaliuns a Tavern. with n never-failing Wall of Wm Al‘o. g004l,suilallle unl-bnildxngs. cullsish “drivingâ€"house. lul'gv Shell wand-shed, gr: ary uml stnblo,logell1ur will: :omo c‘wice Fl 'l'lees, cumpvising plums, pears,cuu'uuls, a the black tame cherrr. Terms eacy. apply to (ha Propriumr ( (he premises. ur by Letter, post-yard In Uuuc ville. Passessiou will be glvcu on [he [st April. or if nearlvd. the lst ot'Junuary. IF T.tle indisynmbk. £1] WILLIAM MORRISON Buttonvilla, Oct. ‘28. 1857. g2‘2-I ITMAN’S Manual of I‘hnnog’mphy ie n work of nhom l0!) pages. ovary mhex leaf of which is primed Irum stone eng wings giving WIiting exerci~es in the ml which the book is designed to leach. By the use of fluis Manual, any \‘clloql buy or girl. nf5 or 6 )‘saw and upwards. mav luarn. in a surprismgly >hur1 space of lime, to read and wmo I’houugruphy or Phonetic Short-hand. and a few months 0! dain praclico is all lhnt is required to enable child of ordinary inlelligence lo wr'ue 100 L more words per minute ! Thi= rate of speed i sufl'xriem to take down ordinary sermnnc‘ Speeches. and ronve‘mllun as fast a: spoken 'Hle “ Manual 0! [’honugmphy,” 7.3 .( and the " Phonograpic Copy-hook," '25 L are sent to any nddless. h_\' mail. pact-pan receipt of tha price. UNE DOLLAR. Address. post-unid. WILLIAM H. ORR habitanrs 01' Richmond Hi” and sur rounding country. that he has commenced bu>iue~s in J'lm Subx’cribvr bogs Io infmm lhv in APOTliEé' BU'I'TONVILLI“. ifi situn'ed on a plea- sant rim of round, on lhe 41h Concomiqu ol Markham. ' ‘hcre is an sslnblished Post-Ullice together with a Gri:tnnd Saw Mill. Store. with Meclmuicsof dim-lent kinds. The frmilities wh‘cll the subscribexs have notice. ‘ for manulncluring. having two of the Iar est Printing MACHINES and ENGINES Im Paper Mills n Canada. they are prepares? to poned to order. _ _ manufacture all kinds of paper to order. | Best quality of NEWS INK n! One Slullml P110 JVOG Ref 1"]! 1° Paper 8: “NHL: .QLH . \VESTERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. J. C. GILMOR. l’re~. Wm. Hondcrsou. James Loask. Hugh M Her. Waller Macfurhne [llâ€"i" Hetill (win. CImrr/x S THIS Cam‘me ‘Ilsl‘ Buildings.Man'nacmrios and Fufuilure. In lhemn age by fine. on liharul u): seltled. I‘hoI'nhill I Rl- r an FA VALUABLE PROPERTY Residence Rich In- Frnm whom 311 Englid) or Ame-rican grapi; Works may in «mm-med. SURGEON DENTIST, BUTTON VELE Jan. 7, [358‘ W‘ T. A Devenul January 6. 1858‘ Fire I Fire CflPlTflL STO CK, £100,000 HIE ENGLISH NOSECAY INCORPORATED I'V ACI' 0F PARLIAMENI N E W CULD WRITING BY SOUND! Flourishin ;; Village and Gen!‘ omn Rev BOARD OF DIRECTORS N0 ll. HUSBAND; \\"H()I.LSA LE Slntionery Warehouse 1 (NH BUN'I‘IN. BRO. & Co. in. August 13.1857 :HHES’ HAL clfull Yonge street, Tom IN ’I'HF IN THE Ming 0' n ‘Hos. l’lAu'ox'I H, V. Pres 3' h Mi A. I,,\ \V J. P. Ruhmls. Rubl. Sluulon, Sun 5. 140:593 ‘rad. ’l'oruula‘ STU HAW M. I) J100k," '25 cents, ail. pu't-pmd. on all duscriplions of s. &c.. and Good> guillsl loss or dam» 140:593 pronulvll) General A K-‘IIL 57- glU-ly ’ERTY Ilagc LL E. BRILL“, 40 we Lots. with l'uurlll part on ch. One is a family. 'l'ho for n Muclmn ire is nu Doc- 'he ll)ll'(lls fl modulions for Vvll 0f “'aler. :s. consisting d-slle‘tl. gran- o c‘wice Fruit cuu’uuls, and on a plea- Concesqon 01 ed Past-Oilice ll. Stow. with eull'umu: (2) lack well inl Inn-in nl‘lhis Vegetable M Numerous cases. two “iiimui an) lmnefil, have (in) s’ w o ol'thu Vegetable ll i9 [he most somhil would. or llml ever will be‘ The Vogetabln Compo‘ wonccml‘ntcd in bottles prinlul direclions. ands cents. and :51 par bottle. Dr. ’l‘umblety’s V The has! and safest Cat I'll] ever ollbrod to the pi COANCIIGSS, Bilious C Heartburn, Headache. l Nonmch, Nausea, Indig lion (if {he liowels. and Ff ll‘lnlulcncy. Loss of Am Cutaneous Diseases whicl Medicine. Scrof‘ula. Kin; urengemeutof the Liver llisv :‘aud unrivalled. If? Price 25 cents and Those are no crude m (‘.\‘yorimculnll}v placed bl they have smod the test of All that science. skill 21 :lv, in perfecting good, V ~al‘n and reliable Family lconcentrated in these [)1 :(nL< who value the hon! “1' [hair children should b1 Hundreds of thsicizu) not fail to se- sudernble ‘ox‘ various part saving. (ha addrawed l 1‘ nck. M D m Uuuon [he [st .1 ‘ewl unnol. o r ‘HE SUBSC liIBER. begs to inform nn hand, the Trade, that his Stoek of “I”, best | PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE, INKS. Micllio, Ph( 142 (31 I30 ll 01m Copy {)uc Copy 0an Copy '}::e Copy ls. I'hrvo Co] ne‘ Five Copi N0 Ton Cupil 'l‘wenly-OI , ’l'lm Artie] rents to $15 each. lmmediatelyon receipt of the money. 1h subscriber’s name will be entered upon on book, and the gift will be forwarded within on wot-k. by mail or express. post paid. All communications should be addressed.tu 93’ LOOK AT THIS 1&0 LMOST EVERYBODY is ordering the f PLOUGH. LOOM and ANVIL. That the rest may be as wise. and possess themselves of what we are boundâ€"at any cost to ourselves â€"lo make the Leading lndustrialJonmal of the illneriâ€"tlle liesl for the Farmer. the Mechanic. and the Family Circleâ€"we make the following unprecedented liberal ofl'er :â€" Onr Eleventh Volume will commence with January. lBSSâ€"will run to January. 1859â€"and contain 765 large oclavo pageS. on fine paper. will) new type. 1!. will be issued within the first \\'l'L‘li of each month. in numbers of 6-1 pages each. done up in the best magazine style. To all who “ill forward the money for thi- vnluuie, as single subscribers or in clubs. we W|ll send gratuitionsly, the numbers of the cur" rent volume. from the time of their forwarding. and one month previous. thus givin in 'two. llll'E‘e. or four numbers, according lot i: tune. in all who subscribe before January. 'l‘mm:.â€"$2 n yi-ar, in advance : $1 50 to clubsor rum and upwards: $13" six‘niomhs. Hun \ opy for one year. . 00 and I girl. Unu Copy for two years .. . 3 50 and 2 gifis On; Copy for \hree years” .. 5 00 nud 3 gins '}::e ('opy for five years.... . 8 00 and 5 girls AND To cums - Flu-co Cnpios, one year....$5 00 and 3 girls Five Comes, one year .... . 8 00 and 5 gins 'l‘( n Copies. one year. . . . ..15 00 and 10 gifis 'l‘u'nnly-one Copies.1_\'ear.30 00 and 2] gl|ls l'lxu Ariicles to be given away are compnsud in the following list : 3 Pat-Inge; of Gold. conlaining..$500 00 earl] .3 do do do .. 200 00 each 10 do do do .. 100 00 each H] "atom. Lever Hunting Cased \Vmches .... 100 00 each 20 Gold \Valchos.. . .... . ... .. 75 00 each 5| do .............. 60 UOench 1M) do .............. 50 [Head] 3 M Ladies’ Gold Watches nu . 35 00 earl: ‘3')” Hunlino' Cased Watches. . . . 30 00 each S’H Sllror Watches . . "$10 0010 25 00 each 1.1m) Gold Guard, Vest and Feb Chains... .... “$10 00 to Q5 00 (‘noh Gold Locket“. Bracelets. Brooches, Brent l’im. Cufl‘ l’ins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Suuls, \Valch Keys. Gold and Silver Thimbles. and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 The Only Sure Remedy and all other description of materials. has been 5 Season, bv arrivals 1)}. ch wn 'I‘H mm“ 50 CENTS 'ro $50 00 m 00m, \\ ii» be presented to each subscriber immeflu 31st on receipt of the subscription money. Tine is presented as a Memento ul'Friandwhip. and not as an inducement to ebtain subscrihem. fieflred to guppl)" order: for new Ofli ~~-; from NEW Y0 Rx, PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is l) 1' 'l‘ u mblcty’s Vegetable Compound. ""1113 New York “'eekly Golden Prize E in am) of the largest and best ill-um} papers oflhe dayâ€"an Imperial Quarlo, 'Hll' filling LIGHT PAGES 0]" FUKTY COLUMAS. 0f umvlnining and original antler. and elegantly li asn'uud oven“ week. ALGIFT, reputed to supply order: for new Uflices. in 1djtion to those in operation. at the shortest ed at ll} Lnboral ucentrnlcd in these. preparations. No pa- nL~ who value the health or even the livas liw‘ir children should be willmuuhom. Hundreds of Physicians now use them an'r) lane“ ledge Ihem to be the moslsciemific and hulcsomc preparations over ofl'm'ed t0 Lhu New York. Oclober 22‘ nl vulnfiie. from d one month p ree, or four nun all who subscril‘ 'J‘ . .~ maxâ€"~52 u nbs of foul and u dverliSing. (cu m Fur sale wholesale or retail by Dr. Tum- 31y. alhis office, 111 King street, Toronto‘ u-‘U'a “lost. “f Poor people will be liberally deal! w'lh Town-1U. Dec. 24. 1857. till Vllvéglvduialuy of NEWS INK a! One Shilling ‘rlb. Old T5712 taken. in. "Mango for now. D. K. FEEHAN. Colborne st . Toronto, Jan. 9, 18 57 10 lies! and safest Cathartic and Purifying 1 ever ollbrcd to the public for the cure of >.~t.voness, Bilious Compluiiilsr Dropsy, ~nrllxurn, Headache. arising from a I'oul unncli. Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inne- u of the lion‘els. and Pain arising therefrom. itulcncy. Loss of Appetite, all Ulcers and itaucous Diseases which require an evacunu‘. :diciuc. Scrot‘ula. King’s Evil. Functional ngelnonlof the Liver, Spleen and Viscern. w 53nd unrivalled. [‘1’ Price 25 Cents and 50 cents per box. l'hcsc are no crude and untried remedies *orimcnlnlly placed beforethe public, but y have stood the test. of years. All that science. skill and experience could in perfecting good. wholesome and ever a and reliable Family Medicines, have her-n [3' to i schaui B (3 Li) EN PRIZE ! TO PRINTERS or {our numbers, 1 who subscribe befo: ms:â€"-â€"$'2 a year, 1 of four and upward: 'lising. ten cents a 0 improved stockmg mical improvemcm 1| interest. there is lt the price. ~ \‘ugelabio Compound is put up highly unmet] in bottles accompanied “'ilh (l direclions. and sells for ‘25 cams, 50 and $1 per bottle. Tumblety’s Vegetable Pills w ach. and General Debililv. Cramps in much. rusted Hands or Feet. Sprain! x. or Sufi'ness in tho Joints, Favor and Cholera Morbus. Coughx Colds‘ Loss went-x. Summer Complaints. Bruises. 'lwont or Quinsoy. Swellings, :Cuts. hnurunl Injuries, & «z. SALTER, Editors and Propcietorsl BECKET do Co. 48 and 49 Mafia! Building. New York tie (‘cunponnd. are so mirncnlous as to e the famed Scriptural account of cases in ancient times. and those cases wonderful and instantaneous. so satisâ€" and mitigating of human ill, usto call nblic functionaries and those having if public institutions for the sick and z to lunkwell into the well attested I‘ this Vegetable Medicine. Nous cases. two months in Hospital. an) lmnefit, have been cured by a few 0 ol'thu Vegetable Compound. the most soothing medicine in the lénns to persons di<posed lo a [his work. Let. us hear from l for for for for 3 made 1 M‘y has been fairly tested. and it! uuncgd unparalleled ” ILLUSTRATED. TERMS J. A. NASH. M. P. PARlSH THE a line. For giving pub- agriculturnl implmneuls, ms. and like mauars of as no other medium Dr. Tumblely with his Beekmun Street for the sure cure of Rheumatism. Pains in the Buck. Breast, and Side. Pidpitn- lion of the Heart. Toothache, Head- ache. VVsak Stom- ach. and Census] pebilitv. Cramps in IN THE WORLD $2 00 and I girl. . 3 50 and 2 glfls 5 00 and 3 guns ‘ B 00 and 5 girls 100 00 Each 75 00 each 60 00 each 50 0') each 35 00 MM: 30 00 each r 25 00 each the our one

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