‘u“ G ry in His inspired Word."~G(obe. iv . ’t l V‘ 3 THE PRESBY'I‘ERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA. I I On Friday, the 18th June, the discussion on the question of the union of churches was brought to a close by the adoption (by a vote of 116) of the following resolution, moved by Rev. Mr. Frazer:â€" “ The Synod approve of the arâ€" ticles drawn up by 1110 Joint Com- ' mitten of the two Churches, as embodying the vich, on the im- portant questions therein treated 01', which this Church has always been anxious to uphold. Further, the Synod, although embarrassed by the circumstance that the U. P. Synod have not, in their resolutions lately laid upon the table, expressed any opinion regarding the said articles; yet, being assured that they regard the action oftlic Joint Committees as having served a most important purpose, in preparing the way for the formation of a basis of Union, and that they desire the reâ€"appoinlâ€" ment of the Committee of this Church to co-operaie with theirs-in forming said basis, now re-appnlnt he Committee for that purpose, in- struciing them to take heed that the basis of union be in harmony 'with the princmlcs set forth in the articles already fronted by the , Joint Committees, anti now appro- ved bv this Synod;and also to give it frankly to be understood that this Church cannot, In consis- tency with its views of truth and duty, treat with unfettered fur- bearance all varieties of opinion on the relations of the Magistrate or of Civil Government to revealed Re- ligion. But, ï¬nally, instruct the Committee to assure the Commit- tee oftlie U. P. Synod, that this Church is not only willing, but sin- cerely’desirous, to form, without any needless delay, a union with them on a basis, which, allowing forbearance on minor relations or applications of the question, shall distinctly assert the Headship oi the Lord Jesus over the nations of the earth, and the duty of the Civil M igislmie to acknowledge and obey the revelation ofGod’s authori- FEARFUL TORNADO IN NEW YonK.â€"A leiiriul tornado Vlsltco our e:ty yesterday “1101110011, and though its duration Wits but hall an hour its cll'ects Were visiiile in t:\t!1"quarter to an extent never before known after it storai of such short duration. The streets Were coin- plctely inundated. and for a while the ï¬erce wind made sud havoc with all iiiovcublc oijecis, starting trees. reefs, (5111111118) s, signs. waggoils. and objects oi less note, “lili'llirg them like feathers about the streets. Among the more serious accidents Jhmr gong. Cardinal Wiseman is said to be dan- gerously ill. Great nomincrcial distress is exper- iei ced at. Paris. The Ei'ysiprlas is prevailing among the Cuttriiangus Indians. Red skirts and red shoes are the latest lenialc agony at New York. Gov. Winslow, of North Carolina, ne- cr-pls the tarditiia Mission. Dr. James Deane, the Geologist, died at Greenfield, Mass, last \\ rek. The Secretary of the Treasury antici-' notes heavy iniportuiions in the tall. In Providencv, on the eighth trial, the members of the Legislative Were elected. The largest and finest straw )errirs are selling in Cincinnati at live cents per quart. Ex President Pierce is said to be en- gaged in writing a history of tlieélilexicaii \\ al‘. Durina . ï¬rst week in May, thi- birtlis‘dtl 1,688 children were registered in London. England. Stilt Lake, in Utah, is salier than thi- sea. 'I'wo quart.» of its water will invite .i pint of salt. Cotton ism bloom down in Georgia and Lomsianna, a iortnight earlier than last year. One hundred and four years ago, the 19th iiist., the first Colonial Congress met in Albany. Two white burglars were caught a few llléllls ago in New 0.1cans, by means at tiloodlioutids. President Monroe‘s remains are to leave New York iii the steamer Alabama ..n the 3rd 01 July. A sturgeon was caught in one of the Canal locks at Lockport, on Friday week. “eight; 3.) lbs. '1 here is every asmrance of one of llir greattst grain crops this year, ever ye- ir.irvested iii Caliloriiia. The number of trains arriving and leav- ing daily at Chicago, is set down at one hundred Lwen‘y. Col. 'l‘itu-. of South Carolina, Kansas and Nil magnet notorictv, is now organiz- ing a company for Arizona. Forty thousand dollars worth of horses wi-rc sold in Cincinnati at varlOUs stables, during the last netâ€"k. Lord Napier, in company with Sena- tors Cameron and bewan’, I.\ on a visit .0 toe Pennsylvania coal mines. G i-cral bcoit's Seventy-second birth- .1. y was celebrated in New \0ik,by a or.l.t..;y parade, salutes, &t'. A iiriillsier prayed fervently for those <il his COIigi‘l'Ballf'il who were too proud in kneel, and too lazy to stand. Willi tin: exception 01 two houses in “111011 are American partners, there is lot in the city were the partial drstr‘uc- 3" A"“-‘"'°"' “‘m “‘ harm“- tiou ol'a church in Filly-fourth street; the drinolislitngof the cliinr- I Claims have herii presented against thiâ€" irokvn liiin of Lawrence, None 81 CO.. uey of the Methodist Book Concern at b'ouon, 10 the amount of $2,900,000. by whicn the root (rt a neighboring house “its broken in, and a woman badly injured; ilic unroii‘liug‘ of n ('1) only establishment in Eighteenth- gtrect, by which two men were Ser- iously injured, and a horse killed ; the uni-noting oi' the staples of the Seventh avenue (minibus line, iiijur~ ing one man, and the hustler oi the stable being strut-It by lightning. Fortunately. so Ilti‘ us we can learn, them wrisno loss of life in the all}, though the injuries of some of the wounded may possibly prove fatal. The damage to property, however. is citicusive, and indeed more Sir than would seem credible from the limited time during much the storm con him (1. At liuiit i"s l’oiui, Long Island. just above Gt‘ecilpomL tin,- tornado was morc disastrous. Olll‘ wing ol'ihe large establishment oi the An er t'tui Flint Glass works was biolvn down, killing two of ill employees lIISIuIiIl't â€".iio one an en- gluccl' and the other a foremanâ€" nnd seriously injuring seven otin-rs. The total loss of properly by th s disaster is $80,000. \Ve give clse~ ,where it very full detailed account of all these and other accidents. sliownig the progress of the tornado at Brooklyn, Jersey Clly,Gt)“‘utltiS. Flulbusl:, and elsewncre.â€"Jv‘lw York Herald. June :2iid. Discovniiv on Tim Bonv MR. “nounsâ€"An inquest was held at Hopkins triveru. Front street, before Dr. Scott, Coroner. at half-past two o’clock on Monday af- ternoon. on the body of the late Henry Robtiris. aged about 17 years (son ofJ. 1’. Rubriris, Esq.) who wit drowned on the ‘let at May last. whilst sailing on the Bay in company with a son of the lat" Hon. Henry Sherwiml. in a plea- surc skill. The body was very much decomposed, but was ideiititi “‘1 b." lhe clothes. and a ring which had been presented to deceased a short time prev ous to his death MI‘S- Tlmllms Burgess. who SCCTTH’U very much tiller-ted. A sailor. nuin~ ed Nicholas Graham. discovered tlnr body at about half-past eleven 1». AL, yeslcl'dfl)‘, floating about hall a mile 4‘1†l" the Bill'. between this (luv and the Island, opposite Bursp‘s “'hrirf. A reward of £10 was or, fcred by Mr- Wily-“15. for the rt:- covcry ofthe body of his Son. at me time of the death. A liighh respectable jury. John blerriiii. Esq., forciiinii. after being duh. S“'Urll. retired to view the bodv of .deceased, and after returning in nthcir rooms. and hearing the en- deuce handed the Coroner a Vi'l‘diCI ‘of" Found Drowned."-â€"Leuder. A dispatch from Memphis says, as far- ls ascertained. eighty-tire cabin passeu» gem and one hundred and IWVllly deck passengers have been and from the burning ofthe steamer Po'nnsyliania, on ,the evening 01 Sunday week. This would leave the number of 10st at ï¬fteen cabin and eighty deck passengers, or a total of ninety-five. in b1- leaving OF \‘VIIOIE caravans of travelers are said Ibuss'ia, inventing to pass the summer in France and Germany. The Philadelphia live-ling Journal learns lllal. .\ir. 110611, the American Aluâ€" oassador to China, is about to return home. An attempt had been made to assassin- ate Lii'tl (.astleinaine, at AiIIIOIIL‘, Ire- an -, by a father attendant on his person. 'I'he British schooner Vivid arrived at New York on b‘alurday Ivecil. W11114',:)i50 linshels ol potatoes from Nata b‘coiia. The farmers out "lust use the new skel- etoli skirts as scai'eei'OWs in their corn- .ields. They thus answer an admirable purpose. Noses Y. Beach. the enterprising pro- prietor ol' the New 1t ork Sun, has invent- ed a press that prints both sides 01 his pa- per at once. The \Vashiiigtou Union contradicts by authority, the rumor that i\1c5srs Cobb and bloyd were about to retire from the Cabinet. Since the swill milk war opened in New York, the quantity ofnnik consumed .it the hotels has diminished at. least liiiy per CL‘HI. The Princess of Prussia, Queen Vic- toria’s daughter, is silflin'ing much ii- lllfullli lately. in consequence ot a lull don n stairs. The Mississippi river has commenced taking at bi. John, and what is better, the upper Mississippi and Missouri are built billing. Uri the six great railways iii process 01 construction in India, nearly one hundred millions oi dollars have already been ex- ,ielldcd. Prince Daiiilo, of Montenegro, paid a ducal. tor each 'I'urk‘s nest: that was brought. to him. The number cut 011' is stated as 111511 as 2,000. Travis, the pistol shooter, is teaching his art to the ladies at Lexington, 1x) I'iiis is a new leuture, but a mast dall'aei- ous precedent. Right Ilon. “'illiam Yates Peel, brother oi btr Ilobcrt L‘eel, died at ins residence iii BdglllglOII-llail, \\ ill'WICli-I shire, England, on the 1:1 inst. A. original portrait of I'ranklin ,was r c nilv discoterid ru lfll'IS, and it is to in: brought to Boston, having been pur- chased by an American. The people of Azore Islands, particu- larly the inhabitants of Fayal hand l‘uu- clial, are reported to be again in the niOst d“plorflblc condition. The 5111p Black Hawk was cleared at New Orleans on the 23rd ult., for Liwr- 0001. with 11.225 barrels of floor; the largest cargo of flour that evrr left that port. Private letters from Sonora I"’l‘mr'" that the dominant party tho-re have deter mined to declare their independence. and apply for annexation to the United States. The British loss in slorming Lucknow was 70 ofï¬cers and 1,100 men. killed and Wollndedâ€"«Iliat oi the Sepoys is colnpllle‘l to have exceeded 4.000 killed. The >8- pays can more easin lose ten thousand men than the British one thousand. The war is not yet ended. The farmers of Tnma county, Iowa, held a rnel:tin,t_r recently, resolving that all dilliculties shall be settled among them- selves, by aibitrtition. and to nominate no man for office unless he is a laboring inau. Ofï¬ce-seekers will please make a note of it. EMIGRATIGN 'ro VANCOUVER’S lsL.th.-A number of gentlemen interested in the colonisation of Vancouver's Island met on Fridav at the Rossin House. A committee was appointed. conaisting of Mr. Ruiian of Cobourg. Mr. Dennis. and several other gentlemen. who wore instructed in open a subscription list with the view ofraisiug funds to de- l'rav the expenses of an exploring: party from this country, in order to ascertain and report upon the nrlnpt- ability of Vancouver's Island as a ï¬l'ld for Canadian (migration? A gentleman present statcl he had learnan from a reliable source that the British Government propose shortly to ni-niil the jurisdiction of the Hudson’s Bav Company over :1 part ofthe main land 11l1_ilf‘,6111 tn Vancouver's Island. embracing the newlv discovered gold ï¬elds on Fra- ser's :iutl Thompson's River, and annex it toiliat Colony. In order to further the colonization move- ment another meeting is in he held at the l’wssiu House during,r the course of the present wcelt. GOLD W KANSAS â€"TliP Lccouinion correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune writes under date May 3Ist :»â€"â€"' 'l'lw -;oI-.I fever is still pretty general. and par ties are still starting out in quest of the Kansas placcrs. 'I‘hev lit tip here, in _iarties 01' four or ï¬ve to a horse. It‘lIIIl, with provisions for six mouths and mining implements. The out lilting expense per mil“ is frotn $100 to $130. Vaiinus inscriptions are given of tlic liold regions liv parties who have been lltt‘l‘t' (In in the winter or last full. Some desriilw it as “ lying in the valleys like wheat.“ ' )ihers, that it is in the, quartz also. in he obtained by washing. >ome Di‘lxw ll't‘ Indians who wrie there II‘I fall hr. UJIII bark-specilnens. Mr. Conant. a int-r- about here, gave one oftlirsc Indians :1 iiaIf-dollar for a smill piece imlieilded inn portion of quartz rork. lie sent it oil and obtained $2 50 for it. A goal tinny other account are girlâ€"n oltlie ulnl'i» lance of the goid There can be little question liul the discovvrv brings to light the fact that ar‘ ‘ V'tlllal'lit gilil dig lugs ii K iii-as nn ll e e.~1el'ilslopl'~ o' the Ru. k \Iountains. Toe expl‘iia'i ms 0" gold in ‘hal direction this su iim~r “ill bring in light all the advauiays of thit romptrn tit'ely unknown portion 01 our c untry. A Goon EXAMPLE rt-n I‘L'Buc \lsâ€"bir Iienjatulii Hall, the late Cilic Collilliissioner of Her Majesty's \\ Olin dam»:r the two years he was in olliee ap pointed lilly set‘cu men who had at‘l‘tt‘d it me late wars to pin-es as park hut-pet's. park, Constables, and other cotiienhnl ~:niil.il oltices. admitting thine only who could produce with tln-ir discharge the .uos' Uiir‘XCcpllOiiul reference lliiiu tin-.r C'Ntilndlllllfls ofï¬cers; and these [lily- seveu gallant lvllous wear upon then crusts iorty liini: C«tlttlt‘al| “Ind.tl~,‘ six tirdiaii medals, one Railir liar nlelhi', on. China medal, one Baltic medal, i'oul' luv- dnls for Illsllllélllslfl'd settlers on the iield, nine good conduct medals on. L‘l‘tfltch l_ioml enlitlrict and IOn-é~ Si‘l‘t'llfi' medal, one French war undid, and one .Jnldlnlull medal. They have also 13?} clasp declaratory ot'tlie actions in which they have been engaged; three of tnim wear the Legion of Ilnnour, and three oilicisliave that iiio«i noble of all distinc- lions, the Victoria Cross. or thing a total 0. 1:19 marks of honour possessed by llir‘br ilily-M‘lCII iiiiru. Ul‘ those who had won the Victoria Ci'on, one Iiasilie Cliiii.i medals, the French \lal‘ Inl‘tlai, and the Uilllll‘un medal, with lhliic clusps, iiiid he now occupies a new ludée at Holy IOULI i’atace. Another 11.15 the Ghuzncc ined- ill, and Crimean medal with three this; and he lives at the new lod,e at [11" Marble Arch. The third has the Crimean medal with 1W0 t-Iasps, and is Chet-tiller l‘. oi the Legion of Honour; he also orcv- pit-s a lodge which has recently hren built in the long walk of Regent‘s Park. FINALE or THE New ORLEANS PARCELâ€"~01 all recorded luilures it would oc hard to find one more total and com- plete than that oi the .\eiv Orleans V151 lance Lornuntiee. One great Occasitii iUI'Ol';2111|lelg it was said to be the. nu; - oer OI unpuutslmd homicides committed in New Unions. '1 lie occupation by the VnDiIzints oi the Arsenal resultril in den n iiiquesis held within their CIIII'BIIClllllt‘liI.‘ upon persons of their own party, slain by tile \igilauts thtiuxelves. several of 'h in .relouplng to a senu'iiig party sent out from the. camp, and who. on their return. were iirrd upon with illuskeis and grape- SIIOI,0I)111< supposnion that they wee assailants. Besides the killed, it Iarae number were wounded. AlliIIICI' etnh piaiiit was the inelliciclii administration at Justice, to remedy which the Vigiltinis took possession of the bith Disbiel Court. ielusell to dt'llVi‘I' the records to the other-is for safe keeping, used them apparently for lighting their cigars. and .ii lliril dispersion left them in a nruiilatetl condition. The only additional pron; ibev have furnished of their (II\II(ISIIIOII and capacedy to put things in 0d. r, is re Mulching. lith condition in when 11,5,- ielt the public others on which tin-y had seized. ’lhis,togrthcr with breaking up the pavements and the interrUptiou of the business of the city lor two or three day.’ makes the sum of all which they action). pllsiicd. The whole thing was appropn. :itely wound up, so soon as as the result of the election was knot“.y b,» a stump). Iilltlnlgltl flight, leaving their cannon still [minted down the tlioronï¬li'avvs, and load. ed aims, scattered about in every dlroc. iron. I he only indemnity yt-l forth-mm mg lor all the damage done is the sixty bales of t otton employed tor hurrica ie~ and upon which the Clerk of Sixth Ills», trict Court has Ivtied an attachment with the \‘Ir'W of holding it to answer the. damâ€" all?" done m I'lllilic and private proiiertt. It is to be hoped, however, that all attire leaders in this Operatic†“"l‘l I“? S'NCI Pfcuiiiiry and criminal re- s-Y'°““l“l"l'v_ “Ii-1e W» said :irln.es to blah '0 P11111511 Ill" treason and rrlr. l ion 0,1. the Mormm": “'3 lrllst that an ensnrler- tionary attempt m “in. by for“, and tor “'1' lll“ goveinineiit of one of otir princ - llle Will I)? [211 cities Will not pass without both iuv SIR Buuvizn L\"I‘TON.â€"TIIC re- presentation of IIerlfordsliirl: is not. after all, to be contested this time; and [lie newly appointed Secretary for the Colonies is to be i'e-elccted. we are told. wiihout question or trouble. Sir Bulwer Lvtton’s turn of political fortune Iiuslieen, per- haps, in the Opinion of his friends, slow in coming, but apparently it has set in at last with the sudden flush of midsmiuuer.â€"~Duily .N‘rws. @- TOIION'I‘O I .\I A It â€",,~r‘ . \..I 'I‘ononro, July 1. 18.38. There has been little or no alteraton in prices since last week's issue, and the ulppl)‘ much the same. 'I‘oâ€"day', Monday there is a fair market. Fall \Vllt'fll,+s 3t] .1 4“ 81,0 per bushel. Sprint: \\'lic.it 3-, 9d per bushel. Flow 17»; 6. a 9.25 6d per barrel. Bar'ev ‘3. a ‘2" 31 per bushel. Rve, 52s 9d a 35 per bushel. Oats ls (id :1 Is 103d per bushel. Peas, (3s 3d a 25 (5d. 11in $15 50 per ton, good quality. Shaw $8 per ton. Bee! per cwt. Pork no supply. Potatoes ‘2: 6d 3: per bushel. luiit-r 6(1 :1 ()1 per lb. Ilggs G'pl a 7g,ll per .102. Poultryâ€"Chickens 2s 6.1 a 35. \l‘ool 10d a 15 1.1111 per lb. Sheepskins 6s 3d wool skins. Hide-l $3 per cwt. Cord \Vood 15s a 17 '71 per load, 92% (id pi~r cord.â€"â€" anfr’r. Special Notices. GltAVnL AND S'l‘UNE. 1ivihis.wc tindeis‘and .1 collection of sand- Illit‘;lll).\’l:illtu li iviiig been lodged in the pus- saqn ol'tho urine. When the s stem is in n in allliv stilts this substance is e iriied elf by the nritulnl passage oi the bud_.'; bill when them is u \vtaloinss o: the organ. esptciall. the kid- “91's, medium, or the b'.nlder. causing great in llltlllilllofl to these organs, and great pains and shelling. and great dillieli'lv Iii voiding urine. l| IIItS been titiiiiitied by many physirinns. lllht .lilorsc's Indian Knot l‘ills mo made out of some paliicul'ii' plants which have a wonderful charming influence in divolving the subslairce which has clogged tlm pas-age. and by their cooling pronnrtics, they expel till iiiflriinatiou, and leave the \vnler plunge in an active and .‘i -allli_v Slnlt'. ll‘llllll 111 so In four or lllosr Pills night and looming, from one to two week», will decide how .liis d aidl‘til disea~0 Is to be treated, and as the) remove the cause 01 every llllitl ul' distillb". it is utterly inipo ‘sihle tor them to tail Iii curing the gravel, as they noting the |itiS~flQ0. and leave the parts in a health} and 1|\t‘l)'c01|(lliloll. Dr. Moiso‘s liiii'ran Root l’iils are sold by all dealers in Medicines, ' ‘Illi \Iiud and the Body have tlintclc~e l rennet-lion. that it lia~ been aptly said. that when (Hit. is di~euscil the other is do icals. analh true is it. that when any of the dolor} and digestlve organs tin diseased. even the most incipient form. we ï¬nd the mind dis- tracted and pe Illl'llut‘l, and the bowels we then clogged wiIIi unhealthy secretions. The tilil. snfc icirlctly for this mound and lindin condi- tioii is or the patient to iiike a regular dose 31 lolliaielv ut‘ine Liio i‘iils andl’liuenlx Blll.“1'~'. Sod by W, 1.1, .‘iloi-‘EAI‘. 33.3 IJI'UAdil'h'Y. N.Y . iilld his Agents. T. J. WHEELER. -\VATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, die. EGS to inform the inhabitants of Rioliv mond Hill and vicinity, that he has commenced Business in the above place, and solicit-i their patronage. All kinds of VVaiches and Clocks cleaned rind repaired ili ihu best manner; also all kinds oi Jewel'icry neatly repaired. “iCItniond 11ill. June11.1858. 53-3ni DARLING & AITCIIISON'S FIRST PR1 IIIIUM -CAllAIJ-IAN MUVIchS AND REAPEHS V E would call the attention of farmers to our Combined ILICAI'I‘LII‘ , and MOWERS which no are manufacturing tor the coming harvest. We now nll‘cr II as on: ol'tho most peltect Machines ii w it use : 11.1.8 substantinhv htitltol wlonglit iron, wttliout weight on the horses iii-cits, uml entirely fne J'Thm still: thought; cuts tvith egnal ens-6 1" lIrHsR. “heat Unis null mil-v. iiiitl illmit| C Ollfl‘lltls and can be raised to cinv CullVUlllalll height... bv a scicw in front, without nnv elm go of kwll'e or geurug. \\o were anilidt-d the ï¬rst Prize and also it Diploma at the irilil or M tirt‘lines, held at lli'nniluid. l the l‘lovinrinl 1.xlnbition. We would solicit Fnllllt‘rfl to cal: and examine our (oinhincd lhIltCIlIllé‘. us it may be said “’1111 saluiy, that tliev have two porloct Machines iii one. (i [’20. DARLING. ROBERT A1 I ClIISUN Tliortthill. Julie 15. 18.38. 55 8 '1‘0R0l\'1‘0 ("111' 11.11% 131.11 WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, 'ronnsrox ES. it... Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN Ah! OIHER I-LSI‘ABIJSHMET. ’I‘IIE Undrrsrgncd Assignvi's of IllI' ' cslnle of D. (,1, Si \l'. YA LIC. will con- tiiiuu tho business "Hill" the SIIIH‘I'IIIIEIIdOIICI' oi our duly authorized agents, Airs-iii Asia: 1 .‘llIII D. Curios '1 LE, when) receipt will be duly ackiiotvh dyed. 1’ 8: All notes and accounts remaining lili- patd on the 1st d1_\' of June. 1558. will be put into Court for CDIIuCDOII. C. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto. Apiil 29. 1859 48-" To Medical Practitioners G001) OPPORTUNITY now offers it- . b01110 a Medical Man nr sir-riding flllll nxperieiiee. Home and Promises. Iioili plea will and convenient, can be had on reasonable tarnis- Applv. if by letter post paid. to the Edi'or ol tli-I 'l'riLi nr. Richmond Hill, June 1511i, 1857. {2- wy. TIIORNHILL HOTEL. i111; Subscriber bugs to inform the ’ulilie that he has leased the above prcriiises. and ï¬tted them upiii alient and comfortable style. Boulders and transient visitors will ï¬nd the act'ouiodalloiis in every \vuv agreeable. The best of Liquors and t‘iguis carefully selec.ed. Good stabling and attentive hustlers HENRY LEMON, Tlinrnhill. Proprietor. t 'NOTELOST! N or about the 20th February last. a POCKEl‘â€"BOOK, containing a note Jim. 20. 1858. 13% flew flnbcxtintmwta. w. H. MYERS, SIMPLE Am IIIRNESS 11.110313. 6:â€? ALL \HJIIK \VAI’tlIAN'I'I‘JD Richmond Hill. June IHSR. 55-1)“ RICII MON D HILL HOTEL. , STAGE runs from the chute [Intel to L 'l'oionlo every IltutlllllL'. sturfln; hour the Elgin .\1l 1‘ at 7, am. and returning at 7, p in. Pure 2s. h'd. each wn coon ACCOMMOIIAthN FOR TRAVELLHRS. IllL'llAitD NICIIOLLS, Proprietor. Richmond llill. July 2, 1858. 55-1} JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery & Provision Store. mention) HILL. {0 CREDIT GIVEN exchange. l The above is the oldest established Grocery and i‘ioVisioii Store on the Mill. J tin ‘2. 18.38. I’rodnca taken in 55-13‘ Letters llouininingiu RICHMOND HILL Post Office, JULY lst,1855. lnngs’aï¬'. John (9) Mi th-v. John 111 ieliel , William Minn i111. Callieiiue Alrzfladito}. Robert MrCiiesnny, Isaac [9] Newton. James Nicliolls. Joliu ()‘Grady. \‘Vllll'inl Osier. George O'Giady’ Lieut. G. S. Piuuc}. F Page. Frederick Patton. Alexander 0min. Robert lllddt‘ll. Itev. George GTI‘th’S, Joseph llnrninnL‘. Robert ilu Iiiis,l\llss Mary Annh‘luuiw, George Heiritk. Uaiid Slo in. Jacob IIn.-t. William Simpson. “illiam Hodge. Mr. F} ringer, Mr. llislop. Robert (‘2) Simpson, S with Anti Huntley, Miss Eliza Sanderson. 11. Iiedaie. William Hiiiilh. 'I'holuas Seuiur Kirk, Alizin (‘3) Slieppaid, I‘Idwa d Kirkland. Charles Sweet, Miss Mary Jane Lawrence. Mrs. C. E" Tivrgg. \Vilhnui Lviieit. l‘ntiiek Tremaine. Geo go R. Lutigslafl', James W.ido, J scph Lawrence. W. E. E. \Vlwlnn. Mrs. Marv Lawrence, Miss 11. Young, Rev. “’m.’ C. M. 'l'l'iEF‘Y. Postmaster. Alis. Mi 9 Lucy Ur the», Mr . ilUITlllillf: . \IQ‘X'IIIIIBI’ ISi-ltiui, .‘\i s .\1. J. Bonn d, (1'. N. Cook. M a. William Chaliibeilmll. 15. Durham, Richard (2) Devlin, llngli Dance. Ilicliaid “uncut. U. l’._\e|'. i\1.ss Li'dia It‘l-uigun. Calliciiiio l-‘rtaek. J. t55 1 O a Fire 1 Fire 1 Fire I WESTERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED NY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. (HPITJL STO CK, £100,000. I. C. GILMOR, Pres. 1 (Inc. Mlcuil‘..Vice Pro- mitrc’rotts : Rice Lewis. Eiq. I‘hog Iloworth, E~q. James Dean. 1-} q. “L Henderson. Esq 'I‘. 1'. Rulinrls, L'sq. \V. Mnctarlaue, Esq. M. llossiil. L‘sq. | lloi'naid lltlldan, E31. Secretary .9 Treasurer. Angus Morrison. E-q. Solicitor. Iluiik ol'Uppor Canada. Btu/Hrs. Bi flJfllultl Stvnzrr. Esq. Impaler. 113’ Head ()jice. Church Street, Toronto. £1] Tim Comm.“ liisurei all descriptions of Buildings,Malinl'nrtorios. Mills. Nc . and Good:- nnd Furniture, ill the same. ugnilisi loss or dum- raga by tire, on liberal terms. Loases proluley settled. A. LA w, quiry and punishment.â€"N. Y. Tribune June 17. i Rpsitlence. General Agent. Richmond Hill, August 13, 1857. glO-Iy nuninst John 'I‘hnmpsoti to the amount ol Forty-eight pounds. due on the 3rd of l-‘ogiiinrv Inst. Any per-inn ï¬ndingth sums and‘returningit to the owner. DaVid ‘I'Iionip son. lot‘26. 20d con or Markham. trill be suitably rewarded. '1 lie note will be of no use to any one except the owner. DAVID '1 IIOMPSON. Malkhim‘. 13. 1858. 1494 F011} SALE!â€" 1 ACRES ()1“ LAND. East half of Lot No. ‘2, 7th LOIICGSSIUII. North UM’IIIHI bury. Also. ONE ACRE OF LAN D, situated in the Village of '1 iioriihill. with good Home and out-buildings. 11? Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER, Richmond Hill. January 14. 1858. lire To Carriage Makers. '1‘111“. Advertiser is desirous of obtaining n Situation in n ('nrrizigo Sliop- where n numl-er oi' Imnds are kept. Would have no objections to discharge rim duties of Foruiiiun. leeling convincn-d l’riiin Iii« knowledge of [11:4 birds that he would be able to give general satisl'iiclidu. Adtlreivl 1V. 5., Tribune Oï¬ice. Richmond Hill. CW. April 1. 1858. Mil-~11 FARM FOR SALE 1 “()N'I‘AINING ONE HUNDRED AND 'I‘mrn'v Acres of good land, being part of Lot '1‘!) 13, 4th Con. Vaughan. . ‘ For Mcularo, apply '.0 ' ‘ DR. REID, Thorlihill. December ‘24. 1837. [294‘- ......_. Iitforixiation Wanted. 1 03m EDWARD FORGE it native o" lhitlield. Yo-ksl‘iiie England. smled from Hull fer Quebec iii the ship"1“eigus." in the spring at 1.3234. his brother is denrous ol’ï¬iidlng hint. Allule ' FRANCIS FURG E. » ’ W.\1.SA.‘IDI~§RSO.\I. w Builnnvilln, 1’.0, -» 7» Markham, C. W. June 2‘, tabs. 5-2-n II 9’ Our exchanges will confer a favor by yttssing him round. For‘Sale or to Rent, D W E LL INC-HOUSE, Stormhnme Driving-house and about. an Acre 0 Land. in tho-l'il ago of Victoria Square, sud... bin for a Store or 'I'iivorn. For terms apply to W. Trudgaon' Esq†'l'nlium oflico. Richmond Ilill. April 2‘2. 18.35. HG HOTEL FOR SALE. ‘H E Subscriber DIE-rs for sale that well known '1 Hotel. situated on Lot No. 5. 6th Concession in the Township of King. With good Slallllllfl and haventcen At'rcsol’Exeelleul Laud. Evan necessary necomuduliun for on Hotel are in first rate repair. 'I‘erins extremely easy. For fur. [hl-r particulars apply in the proprietor on the pro- mises- or to Dr. DUNt'l'MR. Richmond Hill. THOMAS REDON'. Proprietor. King, Nov. 19. 1857. “2441 G O T O MORPle BROTHERS F011 OOD \Vaicho-.Clocks, Jewelry-{lilalodoons T Electra \Vare. Silver-Spoons, and Specta- cles to suit every sight. ' - ~ [13' “latch Clubs in Operation. “'arrnnicd Clock: from 205 upwxrds. Tot-cure, June, 1857, .31 ICHMOND HlL 'QjCPPREIl/IIUIVIde ESTABLISH M ENT. TLl'O Dom" South of Ike Teiuuivt: Oflir'c. \Villiam ii. Myers, Premium Harness Jllun ufucturcr, ESI’EC'I‘FULI.Y announces to the Public 1 Qï¬tli‘rilllt‘Jhnl lie hltV ngtnkeu the F1 11 S T 1’ [I I Z L for llaruess tit the Yougo Street Az- iiciilttirnl Show. '1th Yearsiu succession. he feels ('ulllltlf‘lll that he can give clitiia satisiaeitmi in all branches of his lilisiiioss. 87:?11 11 Work Warronled.;€iï¬ Â« a v A Inge stock of l Inrticss. Sic, alwnvs ou lmnd. and made to order at the lowest pusstble leiiluni‘rntliig prlcex. Richmond llill. Oct 15, 1857. 218-13 CHARLES Bolton". '1‘. Dean Excusu, ILD. Ilcsitv CLAPP, Juli. GEORGE ARNOLD, SAIIUDL Yovxo, Mrs. ANN WHR|.PI-2);\'. Mrs. Di v1-2R\0N, Miss Vim:th VAUGHAN, f Fist." Jon-sou. Miss Hurts CLARKE. ‘ Write only for the GOLDEN PRIZE. T111“. GOLDEN PRIZE Ii ILLUSTRATED. DEAN 5L SALIER. Editors hlld Proprietors. '1‘1117. New York \\'erkly (Io/([172 Prize is one of the lltgo‘sl and bi-st literary papers of the dayâ€"an Imperial Qimrm. COIIIIIIIIIIIg LIGHT PAGES 01' “ultTY LOI.UI\5. of entertaining and original nutter. uud ell-guild. illustrated every week. ' 0/1 PiRESEJV.’ T worlTri ritual 50 (‘1.le in $50 00 IN sour Will he presented to each subâ€"either immedi- ately on receipt of the subscription innnev. “its is ;i10~eillt‘(l us a )lt‘iiini-lo ol 1“ lcntI~1np, and not us an inducement to ohttnn sub~criiiers. '1‘ E. R 111'. .5 5 One Copy for one your. . . . . . Uiie Copy tor I\\'U _\ cars ... . . J 5') end ‘.' 4iiis ()tiu (Iopv tor three years . . 5 (lo and 3 gifts ()iie Copy ior lite years . . . . . 8 L0 and 5 gilts Asi- T0 cums ‘2 1‘0 and 1 gift.. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, NO. 644, \l EE'I'S at WM. DUROSE'S HOTEL. _ ' V.ct.rri1 Square, the last. Friday even- ing in each month. or'li‘lcmls iuzc'r : JOHN BUTTON. Muster. JAWES r'ANAGIIAN. Deputy. '1'11(l\lr'\S Ill)\\'.\l,\.\, Secret/try. JOIIN G,\ WLEY. 'l'rcusurar. Victoria Square, May 7, 1558. 48-lv Richmond Victoria. OYAI. ORANGE LODGE. No. 77A. 1 nit-('1‘: at lliollier Robert “'iseiiiau’s. Masonic 1141!. the second Satudny evening in each month. OFFicrns Currâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford. Master. J 11. 1)erGigr. Deputy Master: John Munholland. becretar) -, \\'.1’ogue,'1‘rca~urci‘. Jillillltl') 21,1855. t33 PAIN '1‘ IN G. 'Iilie ‘ .fulisrrilier lugs to inform the in» liabitruls of llicliniond Hill and stir ioundiug country. that he has commenced btisinc» iii Hal/56 Painting, (Hazing, Paper IIri/Igi/zg. Gmining. (1-0. Ila hopes lhrit liv sl-ict silent on to rll order on- trusted to him which urll be exPCutt’d iii a IIt'uI and \\'Urlilllalllll\e manner. on the shortest nu- tico. to merit a share of publ:c patronage. Richmond Hill, (111C111). VAILES. March 11, 858. Nil-Gin NElV " :' STORP‘ RN15“ of \Vriglit Si. Yorw "‘U'L‘I ls. ‘ ï¬visions. O ' Clien’p Groceries and (Irorkery and Glassware cheap fnr (‘n~li. No Credit. 1). HOPKINS. Jun. 7. 18.58. t31 Richmond Hill, \VIIULLSALE Paper 01. Stationery Warehouse. HE Subscribers have always on hand. Three Copies. one your†. ")5 00 and 3 gifts Five Copies, one )t-ur . . 8 ll) rind 5 pills . Ten Copies. one yenr. . . . . .15 (It) and Ill gifts 'l'wotilvvoue Copies. 1 )eui.1tlt (it) and 21 gins '1 he Artrclos tibe given away are eoiiipiised iii the to lol‘. lug list : 9 Package-of Gold, cont: innig. .3300 00 each .7 do do do .. zntl (iii each l 10 do do do .. 1J0 tio Soul. 10 Patent. Lover lluiititlg Cased \‘Valclies .. . . . . . . .... . 100 ill) each '30 Gold Waicues.... .. . 7.) on each 5! do ...... . . Glttlvncli ltlf‘l do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 till eat-ii 301) Lmlips’ Gold VVntiihes .. . 35 00 earl: 200 Hunting Cased \‘Vatchea... . 3-1 0.1 each 50‘. Mlvar Watches .. . "fluid -.0 to 25 00 each ltllil.) Gold U'lhl'll, Void and Pub CII"llI\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 0-1 in '45 00 cacti , Gold Lockets, Iliar‘olt-is. Brunettes. Brensl Pins, Ciill‘ ‘- liis, Sleeve 11.:iloiis. Ring-s, Shirt Studs, \N..tclt1{eys, Gold and Silv or 'l'liiuibles, and a variety of other articles. worth from 50 cents to $15 ouch. We will present to every person sending us 51) sub~c ibe's, :-t ‘J 1101‘. each. a Gold W'utcli, wu th 40 dols. : to any one sending us IIIIIMIII- scriliais. at 2 dots. each. a Gold \\ at. h. “Ollll i)" no]... 1Lv..y subchlror LIII aha receive a i present, linii odintelv on receipt of the money. the subscriber's name Will be ordered upon on book. and the gift Will he forwu‘ded iviiirin one week. by mail or cvpress, pus-i pnid. All communications should he aid.6ssed to DEAN 5L SALTEII, on i 8.15 Broadwu). New York. I l. I 1-: 1: n. .Aj'b T uni VIlI/XVSPI svu is ‘nnvuuun NI sump: H. O a: Z 3?. H t'l b 5†"U “x: 0 v w 1". 3-1 5. w» uvnbs i n o o u in .i > a ,_ Z '3 D -t -( > a Z M u ’D x U -¢ 1 c V1 .1 4 x o n a m If? LOOK AT THIS 1-53 LNIOST EVER) BODY is ordering the l’LUUIJl. 1.00111 and .1 I VIL. That the rev tinny he as wise. and possess IIIPIIWQ‘IVO.‘ of who: weave houndâ€".11 any «ï¬st. tu'onmelt‘eo -â€"to intake the Leading lndust‘ml Juultlhl of the ninthâ€"u a best for the Partner, the Mechanic, and 11.5 F'iniilv l‘irr-icâ€"wc ninke the iol‘oui lg unprecedented liberai’ otter 1â€"â€" Our Llei'enili \ oliirne \\.l1 commence with January, loftsâ€"will run to January. Nollâ€"anti contain TtiN large octave pages, on ï¬ne paper. with new type. It W|ll be iSsu tl Within the ï¬rst \Ver of ouch monlh. in nunil'e» - ni' 64 pages each. done up in :he liestm-igu'ti ~01 styla. To 11‘] “'b0 “ill fortvnid the H10tk‘_\' for this '1 a large and general stock of the best volume. as single subscribers or in clubs. we British and Provincial manulnctured Wriiing. “"11 Send E'mulhumb‘ ll“. '“lmh‘lm “I me In)" (blond. Browâ€, aud Wrapping Papers, \Vax' rent tolinlie. item the time 0' their l‘orivnrd rig. \an‘ers, Shite-g Ink, Steel I‘rlis. Envelopes “"‘l °"° "‘m‘ll‘ Prevw‘R' “ll†g‘v‘l‘gln "V"- Sletallic hleiiiornudmn lloolu, Twines. Copi ‘l‘n‘e- I“ “ll†“llllll’el'li “comm 1- l-“e limb. Hooks, School Books and General Stutiuiion. 1" f‘,†“’l‘0 “lily-‘1'le ind-"EC J"“â€â€œ-'."- ‘QC‘. Ac ' IERM‘Iiâ€"lï¬gfl yrar. in nrlt'utl"e.' $1 50 to The facilities tvli'cli the sub crilii‘rs IinvP Fell? antifldm$i ZEITSILTE. iiioitui'ncture all kinds of Paper to order. nmc‘mmcm “nl‘rnvmnpi‘h' and m“ mawa 0' general interest, thing is no other medium UUNTINI, 11110. & CO.. good at the pllub. Yong†sum,“ Tummo. Libertil terms to persons dispmed to M: ‘3, agents tor this work. Let us Iii-ar lrom LI .1. A. NASH. M. 1‘. l’AizlSH. 7 Bealtuian Street. New York. Octol‘er 2‘2. le57. January 6, 1358 T0 PRI,N"TER S. VJ‘HIS SITBSClllb‘iiR begs to inform 1v 0 '1' 1 e 13. VALUABLEEOPERTY IS THE Florii'isliin 5;, "i1 laze the Trade. that his Stock of PRINTING I’RESSES, ’l'YI’E, INKS. and all other dewiiption of maieiials, has been \‘('1'\ Inrgelv llit'rt'thtll this Season, by arrivals from SHIV Y )RK PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL: and that he is prepared to supply orders tor new Uï¬iees, iii BUTToiiViLLE, |§ THE . Townrlnp cf 1111111111111, {33’ [OR SALE. 4:0 \IONSIA'I‘ING of '1 bus Village Lots, with stumble Buildings, with a fourth part 01 an arm of Land uttatlied to car-h. One is a small (Iottrige suitable for n sln~ill family. The second In it New Home, adapted for aMecIian' ie of any kind or [)0L'IUT. ( is there is no Doc- tor in the neighbor: hood). The third is n Laige House, with all the acclimodntious for a 'l'av'crii, Will] a never fuiling Well of Water. Al-o. 2001.1.Sllllalile OlllAlHIllleQS. consisting ol llI’lving-l‘nuse. larg.» shod wood-shed. gran- rm and >lill)lP. together with ~0inc c‘ioice Fruit '1‘ieos.i-onip~islni_r plums, pears,currants, and the black ionic cherry. 11 U'I'TON V l L L I“. inldninn to those in operation, at the shortest IIDIII'B I‘riuirlig MACHINES and ENGINES iin- lIOIlI'd to older. Iicst qunl.t_\' of NE‘VS INK at One Sliding per III, UM Type (alert in emu/mugs for new. I). K, FEFIIIAN. «3 Colllot'ne st . Piiriinio, Jan. 9. In .31 25 r..__ ________.._____-â€"â€"â€"____ JOHN MURPHY. 1 House Dccovttor, P inter, PAPER 11A NGIIR. GLAZIER I 1316., ALC- l -i a I l I l l l l is s'tiinted on I pleas uni vise of round, an the 4th Concmrsioii of ‘ Markham. ' line is an established l’ost-Ollico lingeilier wiih n (I ".lnlnl flaw Mill, Store. with Merlrrurrr‘sof diff-5113'†kinds. No. 49, King Street, -w .« ' ~ - 4 Doors est of Ion} Street. the Proprietor on 'ilie prennws. or by Letter. post-paid to Button .ville. Possession .ail! be given on the 1st of .April. or if llflt‘dt‘d. int-1st oleinuary. I Terms Fasv, apply to DEALER 1N PAPER IIANGINGH. HOUSE DECORATIONS. kc. , _ . IL? Tlllt’ indisputable. ‘51} 'Ilironto, Julie le'tli, I o7. g.2-wy. .w“ , ,3,“ MORRISON L llut'ouville, Oct. :25, 1557. 222-11 HIPO'I‘IIIICARIES’ HALL 'ING Srnrvr_ Toronto, 2nd door en.~tof \ Church Stir-M olipnsile the Cathedral. it. '1‘. Alvin‘s-is. a. Cu, Late of King street West. new wife. .ii .lieir new establishment, thuiizc Eiiglis/i Drugs, Patent .li'l'ilwinis, Flatt/t and English PRIVATE SALE 1! LAN!) .EA‘D WJTER MILL ! new. Itlt‘ll.\lU.\I) HILL. '1 ‘IIIS FARM ionlnius about rift" Ann-s. \itili a House. Gordon, and small Clean. ante. anti " “(All iiuileiwd. ' ’i‘iio \anul' Mill. Piii’f'lrmi’i'I/y 0-18, PaintSr including 'l‘lirie good Dvrl‘l'mg “0",â€. “.1â€, -' r ‘ I Gardens. itiiil aliiilil P‘Ifll‘ttll Acres (.l' [4,," L (Olin/rs, lye-"oath, if ielllliteti bt‘ llie purchaser. The pieililses . , ('Ii/n/JS DI'HShI'S $13., are lit ptesi-nl used :is an Agricultural lulplo- 1 men: and File Factory. All the abate property erI be sold on cast" it i‘ms for (Trish or )‘(all‘l' l’ntlnclits, and i.- \tcrlh'†the attention at tlzc Methanic and Far- mer. ' For particulars imply to on. DI’NCUMB.‘ Richmond Hill. soytunihcr 10 1857. 1514M ONE HUNDRED CORDS OI" PINE ‘VOOI !! - - FOP. slug: For terms apply to Mr. T1105. COOPER. Thorullill. ThomliilL Au out 11. 1857. (IO-t! At such moderate prices as cannot fail to so- wl'e (‘11 1.01“- W. ‘1‘. A. A’ Can having crnsidernblo ox~ liar1('l|t‘e in the Drug business in various parts at England. “1th no ilesuiitiou in saving. that a git at runny of their Manufactured Article: will be bound vet) sirncriiir. Medicine! used in compounding Prescriptions, «Faiiiilv 'Re- Cg pix, llursu 112.11 Culllb )ledeciiies, 5.2;. are of the very lie-t anlitv, direct from the prin- cipnl English Ding Houses. W. '1‘. A Jr, Co. beg to cull all. itlhtu lo iln-ir Celebrated Prepa- l'hiioii for the Teeth, Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much ~I|dlIIIICLI Perfume 'I‘IIE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Catlierines Mneral Writer. and the Plantagenet Writer. celebrated for their healthy properties. April 22. 1858. :46 Soda “‘nter bottled and from the fountain; St. i Miss Son'rnwoinn. Colonel G W. (Tritium-r. T0 )1 ECIIANICS, INVENI‘C, A Nil 1'» MANUFACTURERS X announcing the Thirteenth Ant l'olii me of THE SCIENTIFIC Am F \V. tlitrl’iililishers respectfullyiuforiu lliopn 0111 i- order to increase and stun ulutu the to 2 ~ utluu of Clubs. they propose to offer U116 '17umsaild Fire Iiuml/‘Cd Do/l’ in Cash Premiums. 10" the ï¬fteen largest list! ofsubsciiliers scrui lllllt's and from did}:an Post I lililies. For the largest list. . . . . . L’iid Ilrd 4th éili t} It 7:li Hill tub I ll) liih 12th Iiltli 1411i 150i ‘llre 1st iii‘Jnnuuiy, 1b58; premiums to be liltin'tcll as follows :â€" "Hunger .vnrncx ofsubscrihcrs run he sent 111 at (It. i 'I‘Iil u |1l he paid to the elders ot‘lhe SliCl‘t‘S‘I‘ut - lcliiurs, i.iiiiiedihlely ul'ter the 1st of Juili trod. Southern, “Instr-humid Canada mouer it i token tor subscriptions. Canadian Mlllstnii \\ i.l [Lethe Io I'blllll twenty-six centsezrtru 011084 . Five copies for 6 months . . . . . . . . . Flvct'opres for 1: months. . 'I‘en Cuplrfl for 6 months. . 'l'en copies for 12 months. . . . .. Twenty copies for 12 months. . . . . . . . year's subscription to pro-pay postage. Tums or SUBSCRIPTIONâ€"$2 a year . or lor Six Months. r . N CLUB RATES. For all Clile of Twenty and ovor,.the yearly ~‘ubscl'lpllofl is only 1 ~10. The new rolumo will be printed upon ï¬ne The goiieval character ofllio Scirritifc rim is well known. and,as lierctnluieit will I" chiefly devoted to the promulgation ol'iiitbriiiai.ci inhaling to llie various Mechanicer and Clieniic. Arts, Mallufot‘ttiles, Agriculture. Ian-uh, 1.. vciit‘ioi-is,Engineering. Mill |\ orlt, and all i it lists which the light of Practical Sciniice is ("i t’uldied to advance. for binding; it contains uiinti..llv from SM. 010 ï¬nely executed Engraviugs, hull Notit‘csi “ Aiiieiicaii and European ImprovonieiiLs, totmt‘ bf with an (iï¬ieial List of American Pine i. (‘luims published weekly in udvanCe ofall bin. - papers. payer M h new type. Amen: It is issued weekly, in tort I II? Specimen copies will be sent gratis to is us part of the country. MUNN 61. CO.. Publishers and Patent Agents, N0. 125 Feb: street. New York. M oorc’s 'I‘Hl’. 1. AG“ ICUIJ‘IIIIAL, [.1'1'1' IIA 141'. 1! 1? It l'zi PAIIIFG AKD LARGEST (IIILULA'I'Li AND FAMILY NEVVrl'API It. VOLUME IX. FOR 1853 -~' pxcuismn." in glorious Mon... As nii "i‘logiess and 1Iiipiovi-incni. laudable ulij cls, the Iiuml .\e\\ l'tiiltei i tiliuas lo PXt'el in Merit, and 1"p rt: 13:“ , progress in both Circulation and Usnl‘n r i-or evtdcuce that it is unquestionuoit Standard in its sphere, please cxarniiio paperâ€"compare in both con-ems and up ‘. nuco. with any other extantâ€"n d _vnii LDIIICitlU with its potions and the libss iii ; vi nouiicilig it of its cl ss. THE BEST WEEKLY IN A1117.le .‘.. Ag'iculinral, Iluriicnlnrzil, LEii . and Family Newspaper. coniblied, the IN has long bent unequalled. ll oiuplov: best. talent. and is illustrated with Iluli"' w cosin and appropriate engravings. Eliili. -i .i in one a greater number of iiiiportrint. “ i - and timely topics than severalmdinaiyjoi. r I â€"â€"ilit-lur1tng rural afl'uiis. science, lflLLht. arts, education. lllSiD‘j‘.blogrflpl|_\‘, morn- . . says and odes, poetry and liiti-ic. rendin; youths, new: of the day. market IOPOI'I-S. (v. . a. “it is emphatically and economically A PAPER FOR THE TIMES! llln trated in superior style. ’I'wo Dollars in rear: Dollars Eva-v ’I‘H I~3 family can afford the Rural, for i . an eminently instructive undeiiteriziiningi is not a luxury. but a necessity. who desire 11 high toned. progressivo. and - neiltlv practical laud u<olul farm and ti journalâ€"one which irzirores trash. humliiq '1 : docnptiou. and seeks to enhance the b. ‘ ‘. wrest. and pioniote the home happiness li‘ lens of thousands of readms, of Willow I potions. to truth town and countryâ€"mire int. v i to try the Rural. indeed. NINTH VOLUME. FOR 18.“. \'\ ill be printed on clear new type and pelior pawn-while no other eflbii o c \.i will be spared to make the Rural cumin. worthy the immense circulntinu 1| 1) a: . w . among ullclassos and tliruugliont tin. ~. country. is indispensable. The Rural New Yorker is publi~lietl i i each number. comprising eight large quarto pages. [forty columns]. lll'lnlif‘l i Next to your Iticnlpaper llih l. '1 arms :~‘ i- . three copies tor l . six for Ten Dollars; ten 101 1 :ti Dul or â€"â€"-in advance. Our list of Premiums for oh'aining So. tiers to the Rural for 185d, is nth tinted! rersoii who sends a club oi'six or more .' l L 1 unequal It has no blanks. tint rewnrt‘s t .. '1 MW YOI'iJ'f, lilii-raliiv and witnessâ€"the besLen ' u - li list just issued and will be sent fies 1r il specimens. show-hills, shear] to all appit . .i -. Now is the lime to do good and beneï¬t ti ., selves liv canvassing fur the model Rural at 3 Famin Weekly. 3 Address £19 D. D. T. MOORE, Rochester. N. Y. Moifat’s Lite Pills, The reputation of the-e verv celebrated ri gm tab'e remedies is now unequalled by any at. ' in this country or iii Europe. established nstlio moat universal family “it . . cine now in use, and they will iliniiitaiii l v. pie-eminent renown bv the intrinsic and m prelieusive virtues which acquired it. usual modes ofpuli'ery would be uuwortix 0 them and is unntcessurv. A\D PIICENIX. BITTERS. Thousands and tens of thousands of pa \ '- ’l‘liev now living in peiloctlv restored health. . testify, as thousands have prompt and decided times. 3' iloiouly in all uni-v derangement: at health. from III'I'W Digestive Functions, Costivonces, Ililii-i-- ' Liver Complaints. Rheumatic and llfï¬iti it 1|)|'_\‘ Colds, Coughs, Nervous ‘.‘\'eakness. of/tupriite, Failure of Flesh. Ilead'nzlni Inipure State oftlie Blood and other Fluilk Ii 1 also in Rlieuiiiaiisin, Fever and Agile, Intermittent lrovcrs, Asthnia,1§ronchiu~ I lie, Pleurisy, Palpitatiou oft‘ie Heart. R‘ » blood lo the Head Settled l’uins in the .li Lilnbsniid Organs, Ali'eciiuiis of the i. t. and Kidncts, .lztuudicc. D tipsy, Piles l , inveterate.- Habitual Costivciiess, SP, Bilious Laurent-5s. Giddiness, and an .iiiiiileuse number lil ( maladies. testiï¬ed, to ()iisliiiato Ileadtic‘m require no dieting niir Cf‘llï¬ll"ll e-i‘ perfectly mild and pleasant in their 0‘ hilt will potvoi'lu l_\ restate healthâ€"11m .y . of all earthly and dilapidated cuiistitutmus lessiiigsâ€"to the most i~...i . . Prepared and sold by DR. \VILI.I.\" I MOFFAT. 335 Brourlwav, N. Y. i w A N (11.1) Indian doctor who 11h ii his fortune and retired trout in will spend the remainder of his divs ii. that dreadful dl‘eaSeâ€"C033l rum Iohâ€"‘ Chums; his earliest desire Dell]: loco cute to the world his retuethi-s that but successful in more than 3,000 cases. quires each applicant to send him a in scriptiou oftho symptoms. with tvvn (6 etc.) to pay th a return Iolter. in \l'hl return them his udricc pl‘l‘Sl‘I'lllhon, recrinns for preparing ilie inrll:.~nie. Thu 0111 Doctor hopes 111111 Loom nfll not. on account oi'dullcncv. culling him lccaiisohe makns Na (‘lim_ sole Ub‘llcl iii tidiriiiuiiy is to (1' {-11 i he can. before he «lies. Iv Celebrated for cure of Co isuinpliuii. . , Brnncliitia, Nervous Alli-circus. Coughs ‘ i u the. tel'raiit ii 116 lot-Is that 1). Add roan. DOCT. I'NC‘AS BRANT Box 3531, P. 0., New t. :: They are fn‘. lire p