1mg Corsuans to carry arms till June 1863. Several'distrids in Fuauce W1 re suWering severely from agreut want ol'wa- (er. > In Paris it Was be.ng USPd wry sparingly by (he lower classes. The Pa. .trie says that the Russian frigate hnsjoin ed the French sqlladmn on the Adrmlic, and been placed under llw 0"d(-rs of lhe French Admiral. This newa [1.111 created a sensation at Visnnn. FURTHER BY '1‘ up. LOI‘U Ueruy Iru'ucu nu... .. posilion to [he meaurie. llo behved wasimpossnhle w m:nm..in. imiollitc thv principles for whi- [- umr [(mLhips have solung been CU:|lt|ll'||-!;_". m‘hout bring)- ing (hcmaclws inâ€) cullisiin with (hv House of Commons, lbvrvlore he cmlsl- dared iv. lhr dulv 0I'.llu- Hon»: (0 unnâ€" sidcr whether lhcre \vm' any lm~=il>iug of salisfaclion in «Allin; ull diflicull.es.â€" He nelieved that lhr :u 4,;eslion of Lord Lucan, [1th the Commons should be al- lowed to dispense by re~o|ulirin with lhr words on the ‘ faith of a Clllislifln.’ “him a member ‘of the Jewish Pf'l"u?l§|0ll ap pliPd to take his seat all‘mded Ihe only :0- ‘ln wu ml the dilliculw. uml lherel'ore, lnuuéh Wllll gleut regryl ’he \Vil: prepared to accept |he measure. Loud Lynd- Ihurnt COIISt’lKEll [0 Ins'pane his lull. and Lord Lucan in movng ilw scwml‘remhng vf his memure, explainvd. lh.il i1 gai‘c Ihe llouse‘ol' Commom Ihe pmvcr of omitting the wordsâ€"‘ On We nu: faith of .i Clix-is ‘tian,’ by resolution. but r:quin~d than any member of the Jewuh phrauanihn .shrmhl present himac‘I in ‘lheiï¬rét instance at lllr lahle ol' the Lluuse‘ and stale his olijec. lions to die oath. in the I'm-m in which it now stood. Alter some den-almlhe se- cond reading was carried by 143 to 97. HAuI-‘Ax, July 16th. GREAT BRITAIN. 0:: the 20“). the Lonh Were not in ses- sion and the Commom were Engaged in debating the marriage law. on [he ht, in the Lord:, the quaimu ol the admis- sion of Jew: inlo Parliament was Lakun up. Lord Derby rpm-dud from his 0p position to [he meaul‘u. lle belived il was impossible l0 mulhlain. in\'io|.nte 1hr principle: for whn l. umr Imd~hips have In hum been CUIIltlIl‘Hug. wulmut bl‘illgl unatu ‘u . ~ u u . . . LONDON, ‘Sarurdziy. July 3rd.â€"â€"'l'hi- Timrs city ulticlu report» [hat the filmL opened yysurllay at n l'urlher decline of 1‘; but aubseque-nlly alighdy ran-overwrâ€" There was a very active ileniunil on Hie discount maiket, and at the bank to meet the bills due (‘0 lhv 4~lh,and lull rat“ “ere dr‘niamled. A I'vpon was circululell that the laying of the Atlantic cabh- was nmrly complvled, and shares advanced from 500 pounds to a nominal quotation nl' 600 to 800 pounds. It is reporied that anothei of the failure: in Rio Janermis lhut ol Ashley, Wilson, 8%. (20.. tor £150,000. FRANCIS. The Paï¬s correspondent of the Daily Nuts says lhal the afl'airs of Montenegro and the uekhsh slate of diplnmallc rela- Ztlons between France and 'l‘u klâ€"y and .AUSll‘iig,al'9 considtred very seniom :lhzu France has sent an ullimulum to Turkey. and if a satisfactory answer :hould not be returned a! once, more ship will be sent to [he Adriane. The 1110111197†publishes a decree re-appuinliug M. Demomey. Pre- sident of the Cerps Legislatif. A special sesï¬on of the legislulurc was anticipated. The M’aniteur contains a dr‘cn'e which continues the law of June 1853, forbid- ITALY: The; Tribunal of Amwal at Na‘llcs lm: declareJ the recently liberated atcumer Cagbars a good. lawful prize. Conhacl for a loan of 40.000 francs was taken by the Rollnchilds of Paris and the Cnmxner' .cial Bank of l‘ur‘n. Sanguiuury conflicts \vvru almmt of daily occurrence- helm-cu llle French and Roman soldiers. A serious dispute has taken place be- tWeen PrussiJ aud Auslria. in rvgu‘d to the gunmen at Radaladt. The cause 0| Ihe ï¬ght was said to be that inslvad 01 a mo- dvl‘ah- con-lingenl by Aushia to replace the Prussian soldiers, she sent a larger force, thereby, any: the Br-rlin papers, a!- h‘mpting lo dimith the inllueuce of PHI» sia. 'Hle newspaper cuntrortrsy. which 1his diflicullv has excited. rages ï¬ercely on both sldds. A telegraph despnrchgives the following as the now appointments in b’paimâ€"Min- ister of Foreign Alihirs and War, O‘Don- nell ; Minister of Junire. Magnulfa ; Miniï¬ter of Finance. balaveria ; Minister of the Interior, anerrn ; Ministrr of Ma- rine, Nodda. A Madrid despalch says, that General Conch-a has complained to ‘the Government of the insults ot‘lln’ Jing- ‘lish, in relerence to the slave trade ques- Ition. ’l‘ne Madrid journals says that the Government. intends to call on England for :an explanation of the gratuitom in~u|ts’ to which Spain has been expmed in “‘9 deâ€" bates of Lord Malmeabury and others. It is said tha! 12 000 soldiers would assemble in the camp of I‘nwonski, near \Varsaw, at the end nl'AnglN. (or inspec- lion by [he Cur. 'J‘he chulvra had made in appramnce at bl. Pelersburg. A ï¬â€˜e had almost deanyed the shipping at I‘Ielsingfurd. It is nnno‘unced that the Tu:kisn Gov- ernment had made ample salisliiclion for the attack on Mr. Fonblzinqne, the Britâ€" ish Consul General at Belgrade. The re- giment '0 which the soldiér belonged has been Withdrawn, and the soldier and his cifï¬cer; sent to Constantinop'e l'or lrial.â€"â€" - The Pasha had personally exprvswd lhc regret of lhe Porte to lhc Consul. and or- ileretl salutes to be ï¬red in honour of the British Consulf It was stated that the Pasha had communicaled a telvgmphiu de- 1tpulch to Ihe Minister of Foreign Affairs of France,gi\'ing fresh insurances thin! the troops xent to Iler‘egm‘ine WFre nnl intended to act against th Moi-temgl‘in .rontier. Commisainneis meet at Romlsa n the middle of July. NEW YORK, July l7â€"The steamer Austria, arrived early this fan-noon from liamburg,via Southampton. t‘h- bnngs London papers of July 4th. She has netriy 400 palsengcrs. Reports heavy i GREECE. The Liheral customs' tariff. adnp'ed by the Grecian Govmnment. exempts mn- chines and implements for agricu‘flural pur- poses from all duty on importatton. The Greek Government has placed its huhjecls‘ residvnl in Cnndia, under the protection at the French Admiralty. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. The Cape of Good Hope dates are to May 2151, A ï¬erca struggle Wm going on between some of the frontier tribes. Dr. Livingstone had met an enthihiast'k: wel- come. His expedition had left for the HaAmberg; PRUSSIA TURKEY. RUSSIA. SPAIN. THE -« CANADA.†westerly gait-s and fog the Enter passage. she saw nothingvof (he Telegrzaph fleet. The‘Auslria brmgs nothing later than the morning ed-lion ol' the Saturday ‘ l‘unes.’ No m-“s In addition to that already tele- graphed Irom Halifax. NEW Dunc/ms, July 16.--7A coilision has occurred to the mall [min on [he va Url‘am and Jacksun Railroad at Boizula. god,“ of [he telegraph aqundrou; and 3‘ hwy ware lying Ishll, l at o'nc'é" l'den‘tl ship and 31 '0d iuwm'ds than. A! 4‘. a “1.1 \\’u~' boaldcd by Cynus \V. I‘llrlll‘ E q., and a quleuuul lrum the N.a;uru. [cum whom We recuhed a letter bug, and [he lullowlug COHIIHUIllca‘lUllâ€"VIZ, that the squadron had EXIIEI'ICHCCd very bau weu rucr, lrom ila leunug port, and was lb days renmung it: dashnuuon, and lllul xhr) had made two unsuccczslul attempts to l.1y llle cable. On 1119 2nd ulleull‘l, lllr lb'lh, they succeeded in laying upwurd‘ 01 +0 miles, and wele guilt; along ï¬nrly, When [he cnmmumcahun aud'wnly Cra5tu at 1‘2 55 :uuday morning [he 27th on June. The ship: [hen relurued lo lllc gnu ti lg point, and were waiting for Ill:- rcau n o. the Agamcmzzon alul Vuloraus. and us soon as they Incl, a :‘phce wuulu be made, and anolhvr ultvmpl maule to In) the cable. the lost sight of the Ma gura at 3 30. p. m., and as the log sel lu sol-n dl‘ler, 1 did not. lhmk th: aquadlou men betore the 26m. The Wealllel' :lnce. lor some days had been l'0g3y and uusel lltd. Mr. Field armle to be In xgood -:evu-rul perm one was kllkd Bosrox, July [TLâ€"Through the kind- u 55 0’. L'aptu n Joseph Culllllllllga, ol'lhe :lnp Alice 111mm: hum Liverpool. m‘rin an! In llns purl, we have rvcvlved lhe lol lowiué :--~' Al 36d, :uudayg J une‘ 23: A, 128.38, ‘al. 52 deg. 5 mm. northâ€"lung. L53 ljt'g. [5 min. weal, mud Ingaâ€"wra- lllcl' hazy. b’uw mo .s'ml-s bedding lu ILe enslwmxl; on luokins‘ will] a g'ns‘. imlud lllem lo be the U. a. steam l‘rlgulu [Vlagu/"1..andller Majesty‘s :lup Gm- PHILADELPHIA,Ju|y 17â€"One bundled And ILL) (leiegales ol' the anwnal Con- \‘cnlivll ul 11m buns of Malta have. arrived hcrr, includmg {Liven from San lira-“chm, :m-l represeummes from Cuba and \lrxico; (lelegalvs from France and Eng- iand au'e exprflcd by the Canada. The COnVeenllun Ineel.‘ On Monday next, QUEB 0. July 17.â€"-'['he stemmhip Anglo-Saxon suilcd for LI_\'erpnul at 10 u‘cluck this morning. with 9'2 cabin .md 1388 519931339 passengers. bosros, July l7.â€"â€"The Courier 0! this morning publiahea the Io lowmg blade meut lrom .ur- lilcllards’ u an: ofthv ship Alice Monroe :-â€"-“ The Alice Mon/o: ST. JOHNS N.F., July 17.â€"â€"'l‘l|e m-alher is dull and quite warm, and no! uui'm’orable to lhe 'l'elegraph fleet.â€" \\'inu| wast. murals, and thought that they would rye; autCPeLl in laying the cable. 'l he alurm) weather had mlerlmed muclnulh llu: >uc- an: ol (he Pnlcl‘prlae. One of the ship.» had suslained .. slight inju y, a coal bunLe breaking loose, I), “’lllull one sailor luau Ins leg broken, and another his mm. Ah was Well on board the A'iagalu. Her machinery worked well and we ship pen normed well." exluerienced almost constant southerly gules and WM lorccd to tukea much more uolherly course than she otherwise Wtulu have done. 0n the morning of the 27th ult., about eight o‘clock, suw ll e frigate Niagara, lying to in lat. 52" 5min.. long. 33" 15 mm, and was shonly butu'ded by a boat from her, contamin; Mr. Cyru~ \V. Field. of New York,and a heutci a n of the Niagara. It was ltien toggy, but the Weather wns very calm. Mr. Field and the lieutenant drail't'tl Captit Cum- ming to take certain letters and papers, rrlating to the telegraphexpedition,to the United State», and wrote one or two In. teis on board the A/zce Monroe during the hour or more they remainrd on board l‘hey also communicated to Lapt. Cum wings and Mr. Richards :1 statrment 0t their doings for the past fortnight. 'l‘hey stated that the other tersels, lln- Niagara and Agmncmnan, rxpcrieticed the must vioh-nt southerly gales from the day the) left l’lymnuth. and were driven as I'm north as lat. 5l~° much higher than the rendezvous, thus delaying their opelatinm for .set'erul days. '1 he Niagara. behavru in all respects, like a lhurou5h sea gumg wswl, and was none the wouse tor the storms. 'l‘he Agamemnan. on the con- trary. suffered severely. At one limu'lln- cutriinandei‘ of the Agamemnon informed the ï¬ist oï¬icér that he had no hopes ot aiming his vessel two hours longer, so grgul “as her straining; but tln- stoun subsided at last, and the Agamemnou rode out the gale. The meat utzlui'tunatc accident occui‘ted on board, however caused by the breaking l o e of the «one which held the cable in its position on t'lu- gun deck. The cable got adrilt, and mu pitched about tt'e duck, undoubtedly Illutlll to its damage. Two bundied tons otch 4,1,0 got adi‘il‘t on the same-deck and cau>ed inï¬nate trouble. Two seamen were injured by'there accidents, one hav- ing an arm, and tlte other a. leg brokpn, The two \‘t’sscls and their tenders ï¬nally arrived on {be ground, and on the mornâ€" ing of the 26th ult., a connection was i-tl Ecru], me weather being llth rutï¬ciently calm. 'lhe paying out ot‘i‘the cable bad" scarcely commenced belong tlttjntvire snap-j pod. After a few hour? detention another splice was made, and the steamers Starleil .â€"the Agumcmnrm and bet: consort lor Ireland, and the Niugcbgjndflhgr‘ can}; panion for the American coast. Sigma were'krpt up between the two lleets con stantly, a message being transmitted every fifteen minittés, and all was going 0.. “1Ԡtill about forty miles had been paid nut, \\ hen the electricians on board the [Viagâ€" ara discovered that the current was bt'OK- en. This was at hall-past twelve o‘rlock n m. of the 27th. 'l‘heNiagara Mn irnmediateiy put about, and had already reached the mid-ocean, the rendezvous, where, at eight o‘clock, she “a: ï¬rst seen by the Alice flImu‘oe. lt was bt'llL‘Yud on board the Aviagara that [he cansi‘ ol the second break was a kink in the cable on board the Agamem/zon. cauwd by Its ‘d.surrangrinent during the gale, but ol' lltl> there is no certainty. _ Nothing was said to Mr. Richardson about the working at the new brakes, probably there had been no Occasion to put them in n-e. '1 bn Alice Mom-0e parted from the .Nzkzgaru shoitly after noon of the 27th u't , and lnst sight of her about {our o'clock. The 1 'rlmamnorz had not then Mine in sight. '1 he Niagara had hope that ltL‘t‘ consort wou'd arrive in season to make another tiial that day, but as the waathi r was leggy. thou;hcalmi it is hardly probable thiat anything was (lane on tln: Q71]. that anylhing was done on 'llie 27m. Two days suhsequenllv [he wralher was quite calm and l'uvourablv, but afler Illa; [here waï¬ annthvr succession .of heavy southerly gales, and the weather an the banks, as experienced by the Aline Mon- roe was exceedingly rough; TH]; TELEU 1mm FLEET >0I|s were wounded, but no NEW YORK, July 20- The steamer qurt/z Scar arrived at 10 o‘clouk this moruinan, from Southamplon- July 7th. The stoamship Asia arrived at Liver~ real on the 4-:himtant. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. The most important intelligenct‘ by Ihis arrival is the faiture ofthe attempt to My llll' Athlnlic Cable. The Niaga Hz and Gorgon arrived at Qut-enstown nn the 5th. The Agamemnau and Vulorryus Imd not arrived on the 7Ih l‘tw Niagara and Agumemmm met lht' 3rd tunr on th:- 98th, and u thirtl litm- rrornectvd the Cahlv. They then started afresh when the IWag/u'a Inning paid nut (‘\'l'l" 150 Inilus of cuhlP, :III on bnntd pntettninetl the most saluttine arlticilra'ious of mucosa when the fatal announcenwnl was mmh- On lhv 29th, at 9 p. m., that the electtic currvnt hatl et-awd to flow. .\5 the nacus>ity of abandoning the pro» ject for the present Was now only too tnunilt-st. it wn comidered that l“? on pmtunity might as well be availed of to t-‘sl the strength ofllw Cahlr: according- ly' lhi< immense temel wuh ull hi-r stnre~. &::.. wu allowed ti swing to (h.- Cabli- nnt‘ in addition a strain of four tons mm hlncvd upon the hrakes,yel although it' was blowing l‘n-sh at the time tlw Cable? held lwr as ifshv hul heen at anchor. for "var an hour wlu-n a heavy pitch ol the Sl'a suaplri'd the rope. and 'he JVI’ngara bm-e away for quenstnwn. “lii- lllu‘l hm'v pussvd the Agamrmnrm. hut owing to the heavy fog this~eil weing nr lfvaring my ti«lmg< of llf'l‘. It was conjecturml tlmt Ihe laltrr hail nnt delivervd her spa-- ciï¬ed quantity of Cable. at the limv ofthp failurs. and mhy have c0n<equently re- turnetl tn the pl:er of muting. Slmu'il nothing he heard nf her, the l\~'irt2ara wnulil prncovd tn tlw ncPan station. hav- ing still on hnatd l 4-00 milvs ofthr Cuhlv. Whirl] summsing the: other vowil has ro~ tained a similar amount will still permit r‘f thy junction being completed and and al‘ 'OWing 30 per c: nt for casualties. List of New Advertisements this week. Life is a wonderous theme on which to think; its army develop- ment is passing strange, and afl'ords interesting and thrilling material ‘for thoughtful study. It is beau- teous to see vegetation flourish and grow, but more wonderful still is 't to see the growth and develop- ment of animll existence; and thence upwards to man as the per- fection of nature. It is not our in- tention to enter upon any elaborate discussion on the Philosophy of Life; by no means. \Vc wish to direct the attention of our readers to an important fact, that is: it “1,9 wish to make our lives happy and prosperous, we must use prudence and foresight; if not, our lives will be afuilule and a blank, and We shall pass through this world un- thoughtofand uncured for, and “die even as a fool dieth"’ unwept and unlamented. Dr. Hackelt M D â€"Maple Village For Sale. 5 [louse and Lot q:ralwd. a Brown Horse The Scottish American Journal The VVoman’s Advocate. *3 Mr. \V. R. ROBERTSON, 01 Toronto, is allIhOTiSFd to collect and receive monies on behalf of this of- ï¬ce initial) @ribnnr. RICHMOND HILL, JULY 23,1858 As it is with individuals, so is it with†governments and nations. Where are the nations of antiquity and renown whose sceptre swayed . the world P They are swept away, ‘ and now live but “to point a moral and adorn a tale.†Do you ask when and how they fell? The answer is: they fell because the rulers and the subjects showed themselves incapable of discharg- ing the high and important "all-ties: devolving upon them. Treachery, incapacity, and corruption swayed the Senate, till at length the whole people became infected with the baneful malady. Personal‘ag‘g'r'ii'n- disement was the chief and only aim of the rulers, and the public welfare was set at nought. Such are the chief causes that leads to the downfall of a people, and We ask, seriously,‘ have we. not the same elements at work in our midst ? \Ve fear that We have. Look at our Parliament and its acts during the present session, and compare their miserab'y in- competent deeds to the gigantic necessities of the ProvinCe, and you will ï¬nd food for bitter reflec- tion and anxiety. The public monies have been squandered to enrich a few hirelings, who:=e want ol‘ principle is only equalled by their audacity. we are deeply in- volved in debt, and, instead of using their prunning knife and lopping ofl‘ unspairingly every un- necessary expensé, and- sending the suckers on our vitals about their business, they deduct a small ARRIVAL OF THE “ NORTH STAR. FAILURE OF THE ATLANTIC CABLE LOOK AHEAD ! trifle from their own salaries, and also the salaries of lhose subordin- ates who before could scarcely make two ends meet. Is not such statesmanship, we ask, a miserable sham? Nor is this all, there exists between the Upper and Lower Provinces' a marked disunity (,t feeling on several important ques- tions. We ask where have been the measures passed, or the steps taken to allay this illfeeling? we will not say that these measures are not in the brains of our wise Senators; but we do say, that if they exist in their craniums, they haVe taken very good care to keep them there, for the Province has never heard of any such measures. But say, some of our readers look what along session We have had, and at the great speeches made by various members. ‘Ve have had Representation by Population, the Sent of Government question, Don- blc Mujorily, and lhe Budgel, dis. cuSsed Aye, and discussed is all ! ,‘I‘hcre has been plén1y' of talking; and we rather think that if all the members had thought twice before they had spoken once, the am'ounl 0| common sense expressed would have been vastly greater, and lhe nonsense and child’s lwaddle con- siderably ‘less. ‘ For ourselves, we cannot but feel that the able reports of the Committee on Public Accounts have done far more good, than all the other acts of our present session put together. But, oh! cries son 6 poor soul, look at our noble Bud- get. Now, really, candid and courteous reader, we feel both ashamed and afraid to ltmk this grossly grotesque piece of mechan- ism in the face. Do you ask us why this shame? we will tell you. It is because the means are so con- temptihly absurd by which he (Mr. Cayley,) intends to make the in- come equal to the expenditure; \\'(-' subjoin the following from the Colonist :â€" “ JLIsI let us look, for an instant, at the two great points in Mr. Cayâ€" ley’s economy, as developed so far. He begins by: making a ï¬erce on- slaught on the pcnniless settlers in the back woods. Out of these he is to wring two million dollars at a single execution. Then, from the toiling backwoodsman he comes to the very worst. paid scr- vants in the country, and on these ho puts what is simply a spcciul and entirely exceptional income tax of ten pvr cent ;â€"covering up the last monstrous proposition by an appnrt‘nlly self-sacriï¬cing cur- tailment of ministerial ltâ€"‘rquisites. Have We not shown thr- (ease in its naked monstrosity P Municipaliâ€" ties in arrear to the extvnt ol‘ :1 milâ€" lion; individual del'aulters owing nearly as much moreâ€"â€"bnt not a word of touching these. The difliâ€" culties of the Province have to be met by the bushmen in the wildest puts ol'the Province, and the sub- ordinate ofï¬cers in the difl'crent de- partments !†Is not this, we ask, enough to make us asliamr-d of the Budgr‘t F We are afraid to look at it, becauw it seems to us to be such an awful mess, that we are afraid doomsday would arrive before We had unru- velled half of its inconsislcnccs ; and yet, ibis miserable Budget is swallowed by our “ wise men.†Well may the Colonial ask :â€" “ Wllt‘lllel‘ are we Drilling?†And we would seriously ask our readers to look ahead, and endeavor 10 see what we must inevitably come’lo il such a slate of Illings i310 last. we care not a straw for your party men. We candidly admit that wé have no faith in either Clear Gritism, or any other ism,â€" we want to see our country pro- rperous ; we do not wish to see her stranded on the numerous shoals and quicksands that beset her path. \Vé’fe'ar that she is likelâ€"yâ€"toâ€"run aginuï¬d if suclr a 'state oLlhipgs is allowed to exist. Tllel‘ClOl‘e,'lll€ warning, Look ahead ! ' The recent hot weather has been very favorable to the crops. Har- vest opertaions have already com- menced in many pla 'es. We think, from appearances at present, that throughout this section of the Province \it'e shall get an average crop; but, we are compelled to add our conviction, that in many parts the weevil has completely blighted the prospect. We refer our readers to the opinions expressed upon this subject by other papers, from the diflerent townships 01 Canada and the United States FOOT RACE AT RICHMOND HILL. On Friday evening, at '7 r. M. a lace will take plane for 10 do’lars u side, between Cass Nicholls and Thomas Macbeth. The I’cdus- trians to start (mm the Elgiu Plank. Road and run 1 mile to Falco'nv bridge's store. HARVEST. On Saturday last, the inhabitants of Headford were coneiderably exâ€" cited on hearing that a body had been snatched from the graVe-yard adjoining the village. Mr. Monk- man was the ï¬rst that discovered that the grave had been disturhcd The grave contained the remains of the late Mrs. Daniel Homer, sen, who has been buried upwards of twenty-eight years. For what purpose this dastardly outrage was committed it is impossible to say, neither has any clue as yet been discovered to indicate the guilty parties. We feel great pleasure in an- n'mncing that Mr. Joseph Thomp- son, of Markham, has just import- ed a very ï¬ne Stallion ol the cel(‘- Vbiialed Clydesdale breed. Tl e horse is considered one of the ï¬n- ea-specime-ns of lliis biped eve]: imported. The animal Wits rezm'd by Mr. Fox. of Outtertown, Aunan, Dumfriessliire, Scotland. A Bull Calf, (Durham) was also imported at the same lime, ior J. P. Vthlm', Esq. Scarbm'o’. \Ye uré always glad to record such things, as we feel that Canada owes much 10 such men as tho Messrs. Armstrong, Simpson, G. Miller and others of ilie‘ township of Markham. \Ve hope that their example will be followed by many others- THE WOMAN’S A DVOCATE We have lnicly received a number ofa mcdium Sized sheet called the " Woman’s AJVucuic," published in i’hiludclphiu. 1i prni'csscs lo be “ an advocate of VVomuu’s right, to earn her living at any respectable cm- ploynenl sudcu' 10 her capacity.â€â€" 11 is Iically got up on line lul'pcr, and sucms 10 be Well conducted in thu cdiloriui depurimcnl also. \Vc re fur our readers 10 lhc prospectus ul’ the 41h volume, “inch is published in our ad'ul‘lialllg column. . We would rccmnmend this Jour- nal to lln: nolicu of our rcudcls. 11 gives a ï¬rst lute summary of news from all pnrls, but more parliuularl} l'rmu lhc old country. It prnlbsscs THE SCOTTISH AMERICAN from all parts, but more parliuularl} l'mm lllc old country. It prulhssw lu reprcscul the inlurvsls ol' Suuuzln- men In America, which it does with (:I'utlll. Eur lurlllur particulars. wu ruler to the prospccms in uumhul column. Published ucckly by J. W. Finl:13,2l)Buckmun Street, New Yolk. Yuurlv subscription, $2.50. ALFRED ELSONâ€"THE LON- DON AN FELOPE. On Saturday last this celebrated Pedestii‘m ï¬nished his arduous task, and was escn‘tcd from York- villc into Toronto by a band 01 music. The fame ofthis renowned walker is wide spread, both in England and the States, and doubt- less this feat will go far to esta- blish his reputation in Canada. W0 cannot but regret, however, that he should waste his time in such a pursuit; yut, injustice to him, we add that he appears 10 be a very respectable young man, and has hitherto sustained an unblem« ished character. PARLIAMENTARY SUMMARY ‘VHDNESDAY, July 14. Hon. Mr. I’ANET moved the sec-- ond reudingof his Bill, the object ol which was to pl'CYt‘nl further wrong being done to [our settl'ersjin the eastern township, 9/110 haglbtaken poswssion of lands and improved “1910 under the belief that they would he suffered to remain in un- disturbed povsession; but who were alttrwards turned adril't by the owners, and for all their improve- ments they received no return. [1011. Mr. BOULTON moved, in amendment, that the Bill be read a second lime this day three monlhs. The amendment for the three months hoist was lhen put and car- ried by a vote of I410 11. The Bix’l was consequently 1051. Hon. Mr. VANKUUGHNET laid upon the lablt- a return of monies dlstribuled lo lhe Indian Tribes of Lower Canada. THURSDAY, Juiy 15. Hon. Mr. VANKOUGHNET moved the second reading oi'lhe Witnesses in Criminal Cases (L. C.) Expenses Bill, inlroduced into the other House by the Atty. Gen. East. The pur- pose of the Bill was to diminish lhe expenses of wimea‘es in criminal cases, and also to provide a sum- mary plOCt‘SS of torleiling rm-ogniz- ances, similar 10 that prevailing in Upper Canada. . The-Bill was theri. re_ag_a second time, and referred to a Committee othc Whole. BODY SNATCHING The House then adjourned LEGISLA'HHS COUNCIL. IMPORTED STOCK FRIDAY, July 16. ATTORNIES ADMISSION AMENDMENT MILL. Hon. Mr. PATTON moved lhe sec- ond reading of his Bill‘ lhe Ol)_](‘Cl of which was to eand ihe provi- sions of the Bill passed last session. The Bill was read :1 éeoond time, and rel'cricd to a bulccl Commitlec. SHUBAL me’s Atlornt‘y Admis- sion Bill was also read a second tune, and referred to the. same Commillcv. W TNESSEH xx CRIMINAL CA~Es. The House thrn \wnt into Corn- mittec on the Witnesces in Criminal Cases Expvnses Bill (L. C.)â€"Hon. Mr. Fergttsson in the chair. The, Bill was then reported tothe House without amendmont. TORONTO WATER \VORKS. Hon. Mr. PATTUN introduced a Bill to amend the Act authoiizing the city of orontoto erect water works, and lCV} a water rate. Hon. Mr. DEBLAQUIERE gave no- tice of u molion for an Address 10 his Excvllem-y to adopt measures for a mot-ting of delegules from 1119 Brilisll Non!) Alxleritzun Proyinces wilh a V'it'\V to an enquiry inlo the fe-asibilily of a Fedcrulive Union 01 the Provmces. THE GOLD FIELDS ONFHAZER’S mvnn. Hon. Col. PRINCE said it had be- come notorious that hordes ofstrang- ers had taken possession ol'a country which belonged to Canada, he re- ferred to the Hudson’s Bay territory â€"tor the purpose of seeking ï¬lthy Incre. He- gave notice that he would enquire of the Ministry whe- t er their attention had been draw“ L) the snlject. and what steps they intend to take in the matter. He it.- Lmatf‘d that if the repiy of the Go- vernment was not satt>fuct0ry, he would, during the week, move an Address to her Majesty 0n the subject. Hun Mr. VANKUUGHNET moved lhe third readingnflhc VViInPsses in Criminal cases (L. C.) Expenses Bill Hon. C0]. PRINCE m0ved in amendment, that me payment 01 \\ ilnesses in criminal (-uses in Up- per Canada be paid out of the Con- solidaled Fund, the same as in Lower Canada. The Bill was read a third time and passed. Hon. Mr. PATTON moved the sec- ond read‘ng ol’ Ihe 'l‘uromo Water \Vorks Amendment Bill. le Bxll was read, and referred to a Select Commillee. Hon. M. CAMERON moved that the House resolve itself into Committee ol the \Vlrole to consider the resolu- tions on which to l'ouml a Bill to regulate the License Law 01' llll.ProviHCe, and to provide remedies In certain gases against sellers 01 intoxicating (ll-inks. He said the object ol‘ this Bill was to provide a remedy for the evils and abuses arising from the sale of liquors, to prevent the sale on the Sabbath, and to shut up taverns every night at H o’clock. It preposed that the license in towns should be £25, and in the country, £12 105. Seconded by Any. Gen. MAC DON A LD. Hon. J. S. MACDONALD spoke. in favor 01‘ leaving the mnnicipulilies to regulate the Licenses. He 0!:- jectvd,nlorvnvcr, on a point of order. The hon. gentleman had moved re- solutions. and it was a Bill which had been called on lhe Notices. Hon. M. CAMERON said lhe resa lmions wvrc also on the notice pupt‘l but further on. It was, convenient to take them ï¬rst. "The objection beingpersisled in, lhe motion could not be proceeded will). Negatived by 53 to 34. Mr. Ross presented the ï¬nal re- port of the Select Committee ap- pointed to try the matter of the petiâ€" tion, complaining of the undue re- turn ol‘ Charles Allan, Esq., for the north riding of the county of Wel- lington:â€"-1stâ€"â€"'l‘liat the late elec- tion for North \Vellington he declar- ed null and void. Yeas, Messrs. Ross, Webb, and Price. Nays, Messrs. Short and White. 2ndâ€" ‘1‘hat the defence ol'lhe sitting memâ€" ber is not frivolous and vexatious.â€"- (Carried unanimously.) ‘ . Hon. J S. MACDONALD moved,‘ seconded by DI‘.CONN()R, the follow- in:r resolution 2â€"“ That an Address the presented to His Excellency the Governor General, setting forth that Jim Excellency‘s Advisers in the Provincial Cabinet do not possess the conï¬dence of tlze Representa- tives of the people of Upper Canada in this House; and respectfullv en- treating His Excellency that until he shall be enabled to summon to his Council men in whose judg- ment and political principles the Upper Canadian members of the House can rely, His Excellency will he graciously pleased to wit - hold the exercise of his undoubted prerogative in all appointments to plaCes of trust and einolument which are now vacant or may br- ,come vacant in Upper Canada, un- til such time as he can receive ad- vice concerning the same from members of an Administration which shall faithfully represent the well understood wishes and inter- ests of both sections ot'tlie Provincv.’ Mr. HOGAN rosumod lhe adjourn- ed debate on Hon. J. S. Macdonuld’s motion of non-conï¬dence in the'Ad- ministration. HOU EE 0 F A “ELY The House adjourned LICENSE LA“? \VEDNESDAY, July 14 MOADAY, July19 THURSDAY, July 15 After a few remarks by Mr. THI- BAUDEAU, a vote was Iaken on the resolution, which was negatived by 47 10 37. Sol; Gep. ROSE moved Ihe third reading of \he Bill lo :mwnd llie Act 19 and 20, Vic. gap. 87, relating to the inspm-lion 01 Hour and meal. Aiter a short discussion the Bill was passed. On motion of Hon. Mr. CAYLEY, The resolulions reported from the Commillee of the Whole )‘clativu 10 the Tariff, Excise, and Tonnage ‘ Duly, were read a ï¬rst time. Mr. DonmN moved in amend- ment, that they be lefel'red back 10 the Committee will) a view to a bet- ter adjuslmem of Ihe Cuslom>’ Du- lies, by substituting ad uu/orem for speciï¬c duties on all articles now charged or propmed to be charged in the Tariff. On 11:0 motion that they be read a second 1ime, Mr. PATRICK then moved that the resolulions be not now read a second time, but than lhe-y be Ize-commined {or the purpose at strikingoux print- ing paper hom 1|1'9 list on which 15 The amendment was nogatived by 33 to 48. pu; {set-n. is cllargvd, and restoring :1 t0 the articles, paying 5 per cenl. Negatived by 54 1o 22. The Hnuse lhvn went inm Con - millcc nf'llne \VImIn. rulutivu It) a man :uh'nntuumms provision fur llnu I'cdclnplinn ()I'l’mvim'izli Dchcmun-s by the (-rculiun of u Pruvincinl Muck. Mr Hy v a] in the chair. Aflcr some (list'ussion, the Com- millcc ruse and Iepurlcd progress. “on. Mr. CAYLHY moved that llw Speaker lcnve the chair. for lho. Huuw to go again into Cummillee 0| Supply. Mr. GALT muvud Ihe com-,nrrenre of lhâ€": lluusc in Ihr' Repurt ol'Cum- min M. lhc Whole on BI“ 10 n-nmul the Acts relating to the Grand Trunk Railway Company. Mr. LANGEVIN mm‘ed llml llu: ful- lnwing prowsin bu Ilddtfll m the third t-lnusu 2â€"" Prov-dcd always that lhc l‘urlhm ('nyliul In lnc lmrrowvd l»_\' Ihu (‘mmmm‘ shall nut cchd Ilu: Mr. Domox moved in amendment 1hat the Spunkur do not now luau: the (:h xil‘, but that it he resuvlvud ;â€"-- That an humhlu Address be pre- senlcd lo her Gracir-us Majesty the Queen, to rcprescntâ€"Tlmt this Huusu is (hil) grateful to her 1\lajusly fur (:mnpl_\ ing with lhe Address of her Canadian Parliaman pray‘nu Ilcl‘ Majrsly m Schrcl :1 [WHY] num Seal nt’Gm‘ermm-m; but Ina! lhi> House duuply rcgrcls lhal the (:ilv which her Maj My has been advised In sclcm. is n)! at'ltvplahle lo a hug.- Al'lm‘ :1 long (liscnssinn the ameni- man! was ncgzmvmi by 63 lo 45. mm of £2,000.000 sh The :anndmunl of was lust l)\' a Vulu of nujnruy Mr LANGICVIN mnvwl n I'urlher munndmcnl In prevent me Comm“) Irt-m Inning (llVIchds on 1116 sltwk Ind share mpilal nut of t1:e('upilul the B)“ gave llh'lll pnu'cr to borrow. NugJIIEVcd by 521031. The mulion fur the third reading nn M‘mduv was then carriud by 41 In Mr. {031x50}: moved that the Uuusu I'vsnlve ilsclfinln Cummich an the BI†In pmvidc fur lhc sepa- mlion of Ihc (rmmly nl‘ Durham: l’mm thuvnum) ul'Nnrlhumhcrlamh Mr. CLARK oppnscd the Bill. and mm’vd Ill unmndmcnl llml [Inc Hnuw #0 111(1) Cummillce on it llns du_\‘ lhrcc months. The amendment was ncgniivcd nn :1 (JIVISHIH. and [he Huusc wcul inlu (Jummiucc on the BIH. mg n Iu'mg to (In: Ln‘unu 1 1 mm wumlluu) of Canada. Hon. Mr. TERRILL moved the in- surlmu nfu cluusc to provide that the money ilullllll'Ithd m be raised under Ihc Bl“ slmuhl be. cxcluswcly du- voted 10 cu upluliug lhc works of Ihc Unmpuny, and :u-quuing by Icusc Ul‘ mlwrwnsu a ralluuy m Mluhigun. and than half yearly relurns should be Inudc lo Parliament 01' the umounla ruiSud. and how they had been expcmh:d. The Bill passud by’46 to 40. When the House resumed at half- pusl seven, lhu lirsl m'dcr culled “as lhu :uijuurncd dcbulc on Mr. Thihuu- dcuu': mnllun in fuvnr nt lhc Unublc. Mnjnrlly. and on lhc mnuudlnculs hi M r. (luuchuu and Mr. Lungevln M r: U; lhcrclo‘ Mr. Lnngcvin’s amendment. which :Iflimnzd that the prune-pie of lhc l)uul;l<: Mujurily carried out since 1848. sh..qu slill uunlinuc in was negalivcd on a lelsiUn. I'm'rc, lhc pernusflnu bcmg I'Ll'uscd to umch' 10 withdraw it. Hon. Mr. Cnuchon's amendment. Hon. Mr. Cum-lion‘s ameridmcnt. “ilil'il wcnl ill sume lcnglh Into the liislurv of cquuluy of RepruSc'li'a‘ nun bL-iwccn me two scclluus U‘ the huvimc, in Doll! Houses, and con- ucclcd with that the afï¬rmation of [he Double Majnrll)‘, was ucgulivcd on :1 diVIsinn 0| 27 In 71. The main moiion of Mr 'l‘hihau- dcuu, whirl: was In lhe effect that ;lll)' _ allmnpl ul lugishiliuu which Would :IflLnl one Suvllun 0f the Pro- vuicc in (ippusnion [0 [he \‘0ivc of the mnquin of the I'eprcsmlulives «if that >eclion, \\uul(l prndut-c (tun- scqucnccs dclrimcnlul lo the wel- fare ol'llie Province. and give rise 10 great injustice was also negatived, on a division of 33 to 65. M r GALT moved the third rend- thu Bl“ In unmnd llu: Acts ru- 10 (In: Grand Trunk Company ml. the Cunï¬diun .pcnple. SArCR A", July 17 FRIDAY. Julv 16. Munmv, July 19‘ rlm M r. ,Lnngevu. It) 25. repru i | 1'.“ pl'llH‘lplC 0! Unm-d ngi lhc busis of sunminnvd b l-vl,.-C_~c|1!.|li\‘c l'rum Lower (funnda i. y)“- prvsent svss'mn ; that the pro- lmstliun ni- :l Dulllllc 1W ujuritv in Ihc 1‘\ eculive (‘ounr il hm alsu lu-on enn- si u led and n~jectc-‘, and h u lhc ( p- ln-rmion nflhc pulmcnl unmn “hivh “8“ Iann-d hclwm-n Upper and mer Cmndn in 1840. under the awlmrily of an lmpcrml AH, occas- inns grunt dim-omen! in lhc minds of n large pm‘linn of Ho! Mnjcslv's ('21.!hful suhjt-vls. In supporling lhe :llmvt: nwlinn. the hon. member 'minh-d nu! a number of [he griev- nn(‘(:S wlm-h in his npininn flowed from the prcsvnl uninnbctwceu Up. pcr and Lmvur Cnnu DEAR Simâ€"I wa~ much suqrised at the remarks made in llle lnsv is~ue ol the Economist relalive l) myself. In reply thereto, I beg tn stale lliat Inm not in any way rcsponsible for any article that wppvars in the columns of [his paper. but that the proprietor, (Hr. 'l‘ruvlgeon.) is w'ely the responsiqu [arty ; therefore, any allusions to me are ix'rclavant; and I hope that in future 31!. Reesor will ï¬ght wnh um responsible party, and not ilrng my nann‘, before lhe pulnlic unm-cts‘ ~arily, and without any cause whatnver. I can scarcely think ilml even in war such ‘actics can be esleemed Fairpluy. The 'ielmIc on this question was the mus! brilliant 0|~ lllc scssinn. We will give an extcndcd report in uur ucxt. In conclusion. allow nw lo Mate that my private opinion 9n rewspaper wnriare iw ll)i.~.â€"lliat when it cannot be sustained wiliinut descending to personalities, it would in: far more eredilable for the par. lies engaged in it to cry “ quit.†as such iii5ru>5inns are derogatory to the charm: V (er of any inurnai, and tends to producé l‘IIF “ ECONOMIST" AND MR. EDWARDS. alvwill bolwvrn Hie contending an event always tn be deplored. Yours truly, From lhe Globe. The corner-alone: ol Ihe Cryslal Palace [or the Provincial Exhibition was laid )uslvrduy hy the Hon. 1’. M Vankrugh- nel. l‘rrmlrnl ol the Executive Council, rnnl Minis'er of Agriculiurp, in the pre- wince (:l a number of the mrmhers of Ihe in-gialulive (,ounciL [louse ol‘ Assembly, .h: L‘in Corporation, and upwards ol't‘me‘ Ihuu~nnd >|rt-u|a\l0I‘s, a great portion of whom \Vrle Lulu-s. A sprclal lrain left llw l’urlinmcnlury Burldings about hall'- ..u.~[ lire o'clock, unnrrying llw meml-ers ul ll()lll [lumrs In lhc allC. l‘he build- ing, which IS in a very utli'ancrd stale. is ‘ \Iluulrd nnnrerlinlely in the |'('i\|' of I’ll?" Provincial Lunalic Asylum, in lln- Minin- us ol [\ng :lrret. 1 he cast-iron co- .umns and gir-Jersâ€"â€"manul‘nclurrd by ,\.ie.~..~rs. Win. Umnilion 8:. Son‘ St. Lawrence melryâ€"harc :rl' been erect- vd; znnl (he COIIlliiClUIS, i\le5~'rs Sluilll. “r l‘.u‘, & \ o , have will! ol Ihe roof put up; while the lin-w. rk for the laller is “inugienlng sullslnclmiiy. Cdllslllg [hr con- [ruclol'h lu bn- snugu n.: lhal the Palace \Hll be llulalltnl [Jr-Lure remember 15!, lhe day on whzch lne CUllll‘alilâ€"It'rlll exlvires. .\ spacious gallery Iuni round 1hr inlelior .,| inc burning, In the \vwlurn portion of which, llu: band of llie Royal Canadian Lilllt‘s were >[dlllllll'd, and performer] bevâ€" czul [rivers of lllllalc in Excrllenl style. lhc ccrL-umny connnrnced by an address rum WEDNESDAY, July 2|. Mr. MAcRmzm moved that the l‘IlE CRYSTAL PALACE. ‘I h- MAYUR, who said the ground on which the building ua~ being erected had an gmulcd lo Ihc Agrlcultllml Associ- al;on by we Lx‘mcrnnwnl. am he had much p raqm». in slulmg llIuK ll“: (July nt 'l‘o- rnnfu had conlrzbuled the \uu) ul'£.') 000 lowurd~ luv mechon. [Ia hop d lvéKe mun) “lurks clawed, they “ould haw; a uulldnng \Vhlcll wuuld {wove one of the Illgintcsl ornaments lo the city, and in “hwh would be exhibilrd [he products of lhe counlry, lhat would she“: lo lhe un- tnons ol' the world the Il'dusll y, enterpxize 31d cal-ublhlies of Canada. U01. '1 HOMPSUN, l‘resillmt of the Board of Agl‘icullut'e, Said the Assoeiu- lxou wilh which ln- was cunn«cleu', com. memeJ Illillrcn"e1 sage. but Under very dl:ud\aulugc0m circumslances. They were told that lhv- country was so young (hut sud) an alwoaiauon a: “MS wuuld new- er succurd. But he was glad In any that i had he." a com. lele slice 5), and [ht-y cumd pant to [he pr svnt building as lhe ruult 01 [new pL‘l‘achl'allce. He might any lhut it was not Conlelnplaled to com- [ml the Provincial Exhibilion to he held In lllla building in p9 pHuity. That “as LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE u mullvr “101' could be managed by the cities interested. He concluded by say- mg that the 95011: of the Asmciut'on w--r: not bestowed on Agriculture ali-te, but that their atttntion had also been di- Iected to the Arts and Manufactures of the country. - Coi. JAnvxs, PresidI-nl ofIhe Board of Arls and A'Junu‘uctures, then came for- “ard and said. that at prrvio-ts exhibitions lne Manui‘urtures and Arls of III:- Pro- unce had always occupn-d a mo.~l Impor- m't P0>ition. and he ieil cellain ifat the lUllilCOllling hxlnbiiion illey would only exeil llleniaelws as tin-y had done ht‘l‘t’to. lore. Ihe exhibition would prove to be of a much more mien-sling character than any one ever lwforr held in the Province. Rev. Dr. McCAUL craved [he divine blessing upon the undullukmg. i A cane cnrlniumg \‘alious record‘s and nmvspuper: having bein dam-flied '" ‘Iht rinily [\I‘Pllurt'd fnl' HS I'O‘CPP'mnv JVII'. Fleming. [he- m‘cllilrcl‘ pmM'Nï¬ n litmu- @urrmpunhrm. .o .9 throng D Hon. Mr the people laying of t To {he Editor or the Brilish Tribune, ifully ml nrough, and .Mr. VANKOUGHNET addressed uple assembled. He regarded the of the foundation “one of “at roprcse lulu re. !ntion; 11.15 been Van of only one m Lower (Iunnda siml ; Ilvnl the pro- H. ED WARDS. ng variousD records and .beu. deposited in the fur us wceplion. Mr. u'lrct‘ pwsrnled a beau. er lrowvl In Hon, M... h whirl! lw mock/d") Than-hr- chit-f. u‘m of din and satisfactorin Nation in the aluminum] on parties: