building not as a circumstance of a mere- ly local character, but as an event in which the I’iori'rice felt a cow interest, It did not simply mark an epoch in the history of a > rculture, but. inaugurated an era in the progress of Canada. \\'ithin the last four or live yr ars they had seen Royalty herself encumaéing the enter- prise industry, and tastes oi ln-r peepl.-; and surely in a young, country like (,‘arra da the erection o. a all'uclui‘e such as this devoted to put-ï¬nes of a kindred na'ure Illl1lll Well excite a lively. deep and last in; interest. He looked upon it as a sure and visible sign of the advanrcnirnt Unn- ada was Itl-tl‘ltié in agriculture, the arts, and the sciences. Iir tlrat budding, side by side wrtli the products of agriculture would be exhibited the results of the skill of the inanulaciitrei' and the talents 0| Illr artist. \A but bitter evidein e than that now afforded them could they have of the capabilities of Canada and the advance made iii the inanuracturriig arts? ’llre buildrn,r was already in course of erec tron, and the elegant iron structure they Saw around them was tire wmk of the skillful artizairs ut the city of l'oronio. (t1ear,hear) And wi'h the Single ex- ceptions of glass and tin, all the materials ‘ the. building would be. produced anadian workmen. He agreed with . (entlrmuu who hail preceded him that agriculture alone wiruld never make the country rich and prosperous. It hail'ureu. too much Hie million to suppose that the mere. growth at grain and irrots would sul- ï¬ce lorgr wants; but the people could not clul e themselves with straw, rror *at ist their hunger Willi potato paringsâ€" they required something else fur the pH"- pose at life 5 they needed tire products 01 arts and manufactures. furnished in return lot the produce or the tar-trier llow .nlitch better Would the farmer be oh hail be here a good and remuneraiii'e market forlthe produce at his land, instead at be- ing-Aconrpelled to send his grain to an un certain market abroad I And such a mut'ket would be provided for him did agi'ir ultm'e ttttll manuactures keep {Lire to. gedreruiNext beplittlbel‘ wouldiwitness the completion of tbs building and its erect'orr would show the Warm, active and patriotic interest taken by the pe pie ol Lara la in tilewreliare, progress and pres- pet'in ot the c0unlry. loronln hall nian ifuted with regard to it a tniimï¬i-eirre railelv equalled, and be trusted that if the £5,000 devoted to the erection of the building was not found sufï¬cient for that purpose, other Murricipaliues would have lot: iiiuch geiicrOsily and public spirit to prevent the undertaking languishing for lack of funds. He trusted tlrattliis build- us are somewhat exaggerated, nevertheâ€" less we have sufï¬cient reason to tear that the crops Ibis season will come far short nl last year's general overage.â€"â€" Tho/old Gazwtle. Crux EMILY. AND OPs.â€"Italfmd. us pleasure. to be able to give a favorable accouvrt of the crops in this and neighbor- ing Inivnshins. We are informed by a gentleman who has within a few days travelled through Cavan. Iiinily, and Ops. that the growth has not th n i-xcelled for many years and that» by. peas, and llulflloes look luxuriant- ‘lw hay. also. Wlll be an average crop.â€" Ommee qurder. Pnosrscrs or Conn 1N ILLrN'iis. â€"VVe talked on \Vednesday’ with air in- Ivlligent old resident oflllrnuis from nr or the r\I'ssissippi above the Illinois River, in which sr-clinn of the. Nate he has lately tl‘avr H: d considerably this spring and since the rains ceaSed. and he says tln- country was wetter in I844. and that crrn planted the last week in June made a good crop. 'l‘his war, a very large sur- face that had liven given up to lit? useless as late as the 20th June. has since, been plom-d and planted. and the corn starteu up immediately. and is gri wing ‘very raâ€" pidly. and may yet make a good rrop. At ariv rate it \\ ill make fodder plenty.â€" N . Y. Tribune. RAILROAD A'JCI DENT. SHOCKING Orr the 17th inst., another terrible ac- cident occurcd or] tile Biie Railroad about six miles east of Port Jervis, to the t'XItI't’SS train wlrii-h leaves Jersey ciiv at 5.30. p. in. From the New York Times it appr-ars that the train consisted ol a locomotive, six passenger cars and one baggage var. There were about 150 persons on the train. 'l'hey had just ~t~pped at Turner‘s Corn‘rs where pas- sengers take tea, and then proceeded W' stward at the rate 01.35 milr-s air liriur. Ou‘appinachmg a place, known as “ r‘lllll llnllow,†wher7thc road ifstraiglrt, \vini .\ str-r-p curlarrkineirt, some forty reel in depth on one side, the locomotive struck il broken rail, which in iurnping, carrying along the baggage and the four pas- scllger cars. 'l he two rear cars howâ€" ever, were thrown lroni the rail, and, atr‘r being drawn Over the sleepers for sortie tllaItlllC'f, the i'oulrling broke, which connected these two cars with the rest 01 the train. and they were built thrown over the embankment, a depill of thirty ing would inspire every one wiilr renewed Zeal a energy, and that not only a taste for a n -ullure and manufactures would be eticuuragcd, bill a taste for the ï¬ne arts and for the occult sciences. IIe honed Canada would continue to advance till she had taken that place in the world which the genius of her people, the char- Icler of her institutions, and the Value. 01 her resr urcr-s, entitled her to occupy. (Applause) 'J liree chem-s were Ihm given for the Queen, alter which followed ihe National Anthem. A. pillar and girder were quick- ly rrm tip upon the corner stone. and the company having thus received satisfactory proof ol ilre pragrcss of the palare til glass returned to the city by the train which had brought them out. IIA RVES'I‘ PROSPECTS. DQMFIIIES.â€"NE\'H‘ did the appear- ance in growing crops around Gall: more lrIlly warrant us in predicting a bouirirhi Lani-st. ;\riiily all kinds of grain lunt, \‘XCt'llr rt. bvlrlom has Iall wheat pre- 5"“ch such a line appearance, and should the wearher be favorable until after the crows Earn-red. it Will be one ol the best ever reaped in Canada At one time it was ferric. there would be two heavy a growth, but under tle influence of lllt‘ warm sun ut June, this sup,osed injury has not resulted. Farmers are now en guged in buying “but and heavy,†and Mich a oiopl' It is not only u-u-rlly heavy. but it will be superior in qrral iy. All kinds til gai'd’en piodrh‘e look well. \ (rung potatoes arr-l g’lt’t'tl pr as have IUD; been plenty. and the crop of each appears til be excellent. 'Ilie prosprct of an Ebundaiit harvest. calls for praise and thanks to the bureficrent giver oi'all good. â€"‘ 1i (farm er. K L‘NT â€"'I‘lie midge has and is doin_ feet. The rear cat turned two or three times over. while the other mode but one turn and a half, remaining bottom up. llle last car was turn to li'agtnents, one at the heavy iron trucks passing through the bottuur and Cl'u‘ltlug lrl death several oltntise within. All the deaths occur- red in this car, while in this, as well a: the other, a large number were Serioust iirpired bercral had their limbs broken. and were pte.c--d by spliriteis and fragâ€" rncnts of the wrrck. hour pr.3nis we... .rrund to have been killed, tlz.,tliree men One woman, (cuiured) anl lorry more 0. less injured. the scene is drsc.ibed a being must horrible; the Hill)» of the cars were all blood-stained, and scores - (pro. plb Milfeniia' from every species of lulllila. lion crawled from under tin-u- f agumr, As sum as it cr,uld be aiconiplisned, thr victims of the disaster were borne in lIr‘r cat's, where their \Vullllds \Veii- tempm- arily bound tip, and the. train set off in Port Jervis. Uri at‘ ival lllere_ [boy m... utnnedialrly‘ cariieil to the hotels. and I, the medical skill that the Ilulélllltllli‘lttllirl afforded \\ as brought int-r re lllslllOi‘ lb.- folioniirg is a by of the killed: ‘. lIart’i’y \YirOil, \‘IflLNIJUIOIIglI. 'l'io;.. County. I’cnn. (supposed front papers on his person.) ‘2. A (ierriiun, name un- known. su,pr ed to be Isaac Nrullz o llutfalo, Iron. papers found in his chest 3 Mas. Izai . (colored) with: of Mr. Ila barber at Barghamplon. Ilei' in'a.t which she was lrolrlrng at the time of iln» accident (scapcd uninjured. 4 A child of Mrs. l‘n irr-r. residing corner of Ninth avenue and 'l'wentv-seientli street. New. York. 5. A ch ll of Mrs. Blown \Vatei'hul‘y. Conn. 6 G. \V. Robert- son of New York. His remains Were removed in New-York on Friday in rhaige of James Lards. It was said that Ilt‘ Was :in Ohio callle-drnvr-r Among those wounded we observed the names of Gearge Sylvan of \Vr-odstni-k great damage. to the wheat crop in this countryâ€"arid some say the barley crop is subject to the some plan-ire. It the early fall wheat will be but slightly injured, while the MerIileran-‘un variety is said and John \\'.ryl:rtirl. The. latter had jiis irrived from lrelanil. lle was Injured in lire chest, but was W Ilkimr about on 5:1 » . n . . llirilay. His“ friend! are said to reside t|| ol tall wirial,aird the late sum-d swim: wheat, are likely to escape With little damageâ€"Adminsâ€. 'I‘trc. \Viisn CRUPS is BAYHAM â€"v§“poits lt‘- III the township at Bay burn an! the ellcct that the crops are line, and With a total absence or weevil i.r nudge. 'I he hay crop on the uplands is all that can hi- rushed, but on the, luw~ land it has suffered much from the wet. rIlie stillbg crops are likely to be more than an averageâ€"Free Press. 'I‘iti: “'Eicvu. â€"\'r-slerda_v we were shown a sample or li-ty hr ads of Wllr‘al gathered near the Junction, about six miles from London, and which are li'er- ally alive with this destructive little iii- sect. Scarcely an ear that had not its two or three occupants devouring thr- Wltent. Our inlortiiairl, a highly i-es,ect- able farmer, tells us that the wheat III the whole of the same neighbourhood, is« wise infected with these veiinin. It this be the case. the wheat cr0p in \Vestrnin- star will not be worth the cuttingâ€"Lon. don Free P/‘rss. III/L. MIDDLESEX no ELcrx.â€"â€"ll‘you go i to a'nrOst any ï¬eld l't the we tern part &i\liddlcsex, or in 15155", and pluck a low ears of corn, you will find them tales:- ed with the nudge or Weevil. So much so is this†llle case, that out of many cars scarcely one grain can be found nuiouch ed. '1 be full crops Will be scarcely worth the reapitw. Indeed. in Caradnc antx Delaware, some oftbe farmers are cut- ting down the. crops for fodder, being- co... viiiccd, from the itppi-atnrice‘ of the-“Tam that it will not pay lur harvesting. B We tiiav rncntron Ala). that the dvlruciire ln- Ects are to be found swarming in it... common road-side weeds â€"Free Press \‘VELLANDyâ€"In no previous y..." has the injury to the wheat crop by this do. btrnclii'e insect brrn more general or de- structive than it seems to be this season throughout the whole of this country, i, the report- which we daily hear he cor rect. [t is said that many 0] the favnrbr. have already turned their cattle into the Plds. and not only is ,tllh valuable crnp thus destroyed, lut we are told that the midge has appeared in the ears ofthe barâ€" I")' and clover crops, in which it appear“ '10 be committing a fearful havoc. We fa'n trust that the reports which come to Ilrrs city. George Sylvan is known to have left for lr;s home. A GREAT FIR Ii AT THE LON DON DUCKS. Ono oftlie mast destructive fires that has rrrcurreu in this inelinpolis of latr- years. was witnessed on 'I ursdav, in the London docks, and fol'owing so closely I‘p ril the remarkable outbreak at \'t (‘atliarirics Dock and Fresh wharf. Ct‘i-a Ietl great cnnsternation throughout No shipping and inercliantile interest of Lon don. 'l‘he Warehouses contained at the ï¬rms Slims. The famous English steamer Styx has gone to Halifax. A pestilence has broken out among the Cattle and deer of Florida There are about fourteen Ilritish subjects in California. thousand John Sherman, of Ohio M. C., is a grandson of old linger birerrnail. 'l‘lir-re Wore 284 deaths in Philadel- phia. last Week, 21 by sun stroke. Frogs are in demand in New York, and sell for one dollul per d:rz.-n. line peaches are selling in Memphis. 'l'enn., at Illl‘r:e dollars per bushel. Fire million acres of land are to sold in California, next February. be It Was rumored in Europe that Prussia is about to increase licr Navy. The military buildings at Mackinca. Miclt., liuVe been destroyed by lire. Independence passed oil with compara- tively very low uccidctlls ilns year. The City Council of Louisville, Ky. has established a paid lire department. In Louirvrllc, the, night. a man and his wile both died of mama. a pain. The water of Lainâ€" El‘ll' continu s lrlgl - er than Illl‘ oldest iilllubllaut I'Mflctitbem. A new style at skirt,cal!ed the. “ Lev - allian Crinrrlnre,†has been brought on . 'l‘lie Bostonians are raisinga fund at $50000 to build a lcinule medical col- lege. At Birmingham, Eng., eight fans or wire per week are made into hooks and I‘J'tS. There are more prisoners in the Indie ana Penitentiary than can be accommoda- led. The nomination of Prince Napoleon I'i tire G'TVer'irorsliiyr UfAlglift's, If alluri- doned. On the Saginaw river, Mich, in a (lis- tance 0! ‘25 miles, there are more than 50 saw-mills. Henry James, the noted ’I‘lrcoloai al essayist, arrived from Lngland in the steamer Persia. A firm in Boston have 60 sewing ina- clrines operated by steam, at work trial.- lug hay-cups. Some green leaves in the hat crown are said to be a certain preventive against sun-strokes. They are beginning in Boston to Orna- ment lllcll‘ pulpits and sacrament tables will: flowers. The N. Y. Express says peaches and ripe apples are arriving in that city from South Carolina. The four lrarling jnii’nals of Chicagn have adopted the cash system with regard 3a.d to subscripli0iis. Col. Kane. the retarncd messenger at peace lo the .\, lies very ill oflril Iiuus fever at I’hiladelplla. Correspondents from Kansas say there is no doubt of the almost unanimous dl'" ..vat at the English bill. A railroad has been surveyed in Kan- srs from Elwood to lapeka. 'I lie work will be, crowded forward. The Legislature of Louisiana has trio!- is red capital pnnislnnent, subsiilu ing trerefor hard labor lut‘ lile. The. wheat in Virginia will gt-rrcrallr yield an average crop. and the tobacco crop promises to be t‘ei't’ large. It is stated that, altogether llnre are I)r'IWt-'t’ll lurty and fray than and fincy urrds sold annually in N, \‘. i-riy. TlVr'IIlY horses were burned to death I n the tIl‘.~ll'lIClt(7ll of the l e: nsylran a House sla‘rli-s, at Dtt‘et-ptl' . Ir WI. The hog cholera is making Lavo- u h the hogs in l’u'a-ki (20., Ill. .rianv In - iners have lost thrir entire stnt k. In the late lloods of the. Mi~souri river. one man lost thirty acres of land whicl. were carried off in the iurrent. It is said that the swamp lands of ar Kansas. .\lississippi. and Louisiana pri - diice 000 000 bales of cotton annually. Ice-water, ire-creams, cribbler-s,_;n'errs~, s-owrmer garments, tirirhrellas, arid shady nooks are now at a premium. A gold boulder, weighing 4-4- pounds. ind Valued at $42000. was on exhibition at San Francisco at two hits a sight.‘ The iii-heat harvest is progressing very linvly in Central Ohio. yield. There is a great The corn is coming on splendidly. The St. Louis Democrat givesa lr~t of nearly thirty counties in Missouri where the slave pOpulation is rapidly drin~ irrishing. The subject of making a new mmth for the Missouri river, near the town I time goods to the value ot'at li-ast twi- millions and .i half sterling, and but for the ilnsperale eï¬'nr's of the firemen. it t> thought that the . Whole would have ‘een destroyed. As it was the flames w re conï¬ned to those warehouses Where 'huv nr'igitin‘eil. but still the damage is believed to he not much less than £300 000. What greatly added to the corr- llagratinn andlosm was the presence 0 hundreds of tons of oil, tallow, and salt. petre. \I'ln'n the la'ter was rear-lied hr the, flames. a series of dreadful explosion. orcurerl.and the effect is said by lltose who experienced rt, to have 'bi-en appaL ling. An immense Sltt't‘l of fire shot al most halfway across the basin, and the heavy roncris-ion that shook the. earth led to the belief that the whole range of the south stack of warehouses was com The centre divisiors'ï¬-as blown to a‘oms. The front and back? walls, or arm“ thickness, were thrown outWards and fell. A number of Prl‘SOtl! were. in- iirrcd by falling bricks, but it is not. cer~ tain that any prrson was killed, although 'lw death of one was reportedâ€"Globes Cor. inrz down. The Lam/on Tina's is about t0 I)? printed on the " br't‘t punch†“l a “allâ€: of 2 cents per poundâ€"which on their edition of several tons per day. is rq'lul 1“ IIHOOOOO a year. It will soon in; used "It the Il/uslratcd Lola/022 AVIch and all 'ihe leading London period en'sâ€"it having been thoroughly tested, and found I†puery respect superior to the pup“ ln'ri-Ifllfll'e used for printing tIl‘yâ€"-“TIVIII" a clear sharp impression, so desirable in ihe working of wood engravings. l‘orlage (le. Sioux. is hiring aéitated by the Alton Board of Trade. A number ol grey squirrels which Ir 6 b urn placed in the public squares of New dart-n. have been drivrn from their lodg- iig‘ places by swarms of honey bees A coloured man, named Samuel Bart- lr-lt, residrng iiear the city of L-rndon. C \V.. received a sun stroke on 'l‘linrsdav. from iln~ «fleets of which he died on Fri- day.â€"Globe. At a meeting of the St. Georges Society, Toronto. held at the Globe Hotel. Young street, on the 9th inslair', .luliirn Sale, Esq.. was unanimously elect- eil Secretary; and Robert Robinson. lisq . one of the Managing Committee.â€" Globe. On the 29th ult., there was a great ilisturban 'e in Three Rivers, crinscqrien1 upon the drunken frolics oftt number at rowdies. Mr. Dasyloa, the high-eon- stable, was badly beaten and other to .- ~t.ih|rs injured' I‘Ileven ol the rascals have lien. arrestedâ€"Globe. A gentleman named Legato, of South ()ai'olina. has succeeded in making III‘IIL'IEa of furnitri e out of cottmiâ€"â€"in.idc so cllltt pact. as tn be hard as wood. Uni of thy BJIIIII‘ material he has obtained a ï¬re and \vati'râ€"prrrof substance suitable for walls of buildian and capable of tow amount nfbnildinz, and relief A house, it is itltl. may or built from foundation to roof-tree of compressed cotton, nearly as hard as stone. and quite as impenetrable to the elements; and it may be briill in half II)!“IIIII€ it. Would take to lay the bricks in a brick house of the same size, and at about one-third of the cost. , i'illu n gbi OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS. Sccncnav’s Orricc, ’I‘oaonro, 17th July. 18:38. His Excellency the Governor (Zens-- ral has been pleased to make the following appointments, viz: Samuel S. Macdonell. Esquire, Barris- ter at Law. to be County Attorney fer the County of Essex. Vl'illiam II. Drake, Esquire, M. D., to be Associati- Coroner for the County ol 'Issex. Thoinas Holmes, of the 'I'orvns'rip of . \Vawunosh, Esquire, to be a Notary I'ub 'ic In Upper Canada. 'l‘lrornas Ellis, of the City of London Esquire, to be a Notary Public in Upper Canada. William Cooke, of the lawn of St. Catliaiinrs, I‘lsipiiie, to be a Notary Pub: .ic iii Upper Canada. Asa Frary of the Township of Sutton. lientleriran to be a l’ret‘cnttve Olliccr in t'ler Majesty’s Customs. IIis EXt'llt'nl'y the Governor General has been pleased to grant Licrnses to lllt' itrlltIWltlg Gentlemen, to enable them to practise I’lry sic, Surgery, and Midwifery rlt Lililttt' Canada, til: James Burley Rounds, ol risqnire, .\I. 1)., Drurnbn David Caw, of Paris. Esquire. Lur'lus ~Sterne Uille, oftlre City of To- intrto, I‘qu., M. A. B. .\I-, 'I'lrnrlurv Cunyngharne, of \Voodleck, risqnire. Al. U , Don rld llrtrderson. of the Township or \Villiarns, Esquue, M. D. Moses Henry Aikins, ol the Toronto, Esquire. IS. M. City ol TOIIUN'I‘U MARKETS. 'l'ottom‘o, July 22,1958. There has been no alterations of any Wortance the lash return. 41‘ wheat there has been a falling off. and since irices a shade lowar, ranging from 4s 3d l-s 9d. Hay is in demand at $15 good ruality. All other stand the same. Fall \\'hca', ‘I-s 3d a 4-5 9d per bushel. Spring \Vheat 3s a 33 6d per bushel marketable articles Flour 175 a ‘22s per barrel. Barley ‘25 n 2‘ 3d per hostel. Rye ‘2s 9d a 35 per bushel. Oats Is 105 per bushel. Peas 2s 3d a 25 6d. Hay 5315 per ton, good quality. Strnv $8 per ton. Beef $6 per cwt. Pork no supply. Potatoes 25 6d a 35 per bushel. Butter Is per lb. Eggs 7.5 a 9d per doz. I’I'ultryâ€"Clrickens 3s 6d per pair. “'oolâ€"ls dimâ€" Patriot. M A R R I E D . lti Markham. in Tuesday, 61h iiist,. by the Rev. Mr. Dean. Mr Justin WALH, of St l‘all‘eriltes, to DII>S Maitv J. Reason. third daughter 01 Win. Robson. Esq" Markham. DIED. At his residence Yonge Street. near the O: k R t'lges, on he I4tlt iiist'ttlt. Mr. ROBERI RIVNSKI L. Ju rr., agul :55 years. Speciai Notices Glthlï¬L AND STONE. llv this we understand a collection of sand. lie substance b ving been lodged in ihe pus- agu rrfrlie lll'tllO- When the s SIN" is in a ralilry state this substance is r. rrrretl off by the rrarn al p assage of the b dv; but when there is r rvi-nkress ol ilrc organ. cs| rrinll. the kit'- crs, umrbra. or the b adder. causing great in- tl motion to these organs, and Eleni pains and \Hlliirg, HIIII great il-l'ï¬criliv in voiding tiriiri . " l'trs la- n ai‘nriiieil by inarry llrysir~rrr-s,tlri.t h‘lurse’s Indian Root lills tire lllfltle nut in nine particular pfants u hlcli have a wonderfil banning influeili‘e iii dissolving the siilistan- i- which has clogged the passage. and try ilnir cooling properties. they expel all Itlflr'llllflllll. , -irrd leave the rumor palsï¬g‘e iii an active nrrd walrlry strie. Flutll lll.90 to four 0 tliesr and morning, font one tr tn-o r cells. will decide burr -lr'is- dreadful dist-rise i. to be treated, and its they rrmove the can“l t-f -ve y krnd nl disease. It is utlirly iiripr ssibli or them to tail in ruling the gravel, an tllerinclirg the pas-age. and leave the parts in ii rrealtiiy and lively i-oirdi:icii. Dr. Mnisc’s Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. ' ' IFE Pills and Phoenix llittols. Setlulllr‘l‘}' IJ habits. begetiing nro Irid Iancies in IIII brain. are the seeds iil LIer +6 in the chest. ibr hen the liver and the kldiiors ‘lo a h gerrrrirraliun 0| ills tluoined incurable by lllt‘ ‘wculty corirrneriees. 'l'lie stilt'erer iii bled and d usth remedies resoi It‘ll to. which iiiva iabl makes the pniii-nt wove. A neat to a fi w downs of rho Muï¬'d's l‘ills. n d (1 hr the l‘lror-n .Hint-rs, enables the scdurrtarrï¬u’ tesiiiittr II! it rial bus ness without conï¬rrniriarrt. and iii a low days he will ï¬nd his Iltltld restored to it~ natural spring. whilst the buns of health will ..iaiille the cheek. Sold bv the proprietor. W R. Morn-r, 335 Broadway. New York. and bi- Agents. ï¬egï¬hcrtiermcuta. J HACKETT, MD. Licentra'te of the Board of Upper Canada “ATE RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER. RINGJ‘OH GENERAL dUSPII'AL. RESIDENCE, MAPLE VILLAGE. Ju'y 23. I858. 59~6in The Scottish American Journal I DEVOI‘ED TO THE Interests of Scotchmen in America, AND TO 1H II DlsSI.Mlt\'ATIO.'I 0F SCOTTISH LI'I‘I‘IRA’I‘URE AND ART ! tONSIDI‘IRING the iirulliplicity of news- pupirrs til Airrcrrca. it has to many bieir I irratier ut'surprrse that the numerous body ut'r BCUIII>II residents should have been so long tau- reprcser-tcd 'I 0 supply this desrdoruturii, l\0.4 t, of tire Sco’rvlsi-i AMERICAN Joonsu. was published on Saturday, August 8 1557. and ts. now continued Wl't‘ltl}. 'l‘lre Pltlllrirt‘ object of the Jounsri. is to fur- lliill I s ie>-der's regulu ly with the news of their name crrulilr}. It presents a weekly re- coi'u ivt an events ul interest. occurring |I\ Scot- land, audits subscribers are III this way as lolly in o riled of what is transpiriiig at borne us if iliev Were rii regular receipt of an odcoiiirtry newspaper. Scumin questions Wlll be discussed thll intelligence and rirpurnalri) iii trio editor- iul culniiiiid. and tile sciitiiiiclils oftlic lending parties on these suliï¬r‘ts Will be fairly rcpl'e‘ sciited and conirrrentcd upon. In the literary and nirscel aneous department of the paper, vvliilc rirriii uni.l talent will be up- prei'iu rd truin whatever countil' tliey’eriiuiluie, ibe Scottish eleiiioat will preponilcraie. l'ures, sketches, and poerry. illu~:ra‘i|VB III the Scourin character. and ol'a nature Iirtwd io call forth the s_vir.patlrre»r ul Scuiclrrncn built at lirririe and abroad. wrll occupy ii con~prcuoris place. III this department. the cu-o,ei'rrtioii ul' vuriuiis‘ drflllllgrlislldl authors, pusgnssing uuuvaLgd tucilitrr s luv the link, has been secured lri pulrircs, the Juuniui. Will occupy a thoroughly independent post-10H, alrne free tom pa t_\ lri is and IitIrIOIliIl prejudice. III on, der to It tern st its readers wire eVer siiuaieil, iI WI†lilki‘ a broad View of topics of this class, avoidier iliusu or a |IIEI'«I\' local nature. exrepr iii so far a» hay I1I|_\' p.6‘enl points or inrpurt- ‘ once to tho gent-rill pit iiic Qrii-siiuiis liquiv- rug the interests ol iriitisli residenis in tire United Sales and iii tire Billlall troVirrces. Will ‘ tin specially cons d3 ed. and II is beliriVed that the rrrioririairorr and new: 01 the Juuunai. on 1 I-tl.‘ irirpo taiit class tsrisjecis wil: no suctr as shah cuinniaiid attention. 'l’lre Scurirsit i\M.-.itic.\n JllURVAL. will in ever) re ptct he conducted in tin t'Iï¬Clc‘ll ..nd 1, uusrt ess like rirarr er, every reqmsiie guarattiuclor iLs ['L‘flnnllellct'. 'l‘llepiopricturs. who u.e responsible parties. resident iii i\ew,‘ \or'n unu clsewliere, ilierefore look with Cuii- r nuance tor the support of their iiuiin-rous cunn- ll'_\'IIIL‘lI in all parts at America. and iliey will be glad to curnrrriirrica u with respectable par- ties at a distance wno may be disposed to co- upernre VLilit ilrern tor Lie est-.bdslhtldjt of the piper in their respecuve locaiitias. A pulrl'icaiion estab'ishr-d With these objects tiiitstut course look lr,r support mainly tronl louse connected by birt‘r or descent wrth tire country whose current history it chronicles; uu. as the b and basis of tiiis jnnru lI irecessi rates, in addition, Illa 'lri-atrrierrt ot‘ all itiiport- nlll questions atl'ectiiig American interests, and as It: literature wrll be cosmopolitan. it is hoped ‘ rhat even to the general reader its columns will not appear unentertarnrng or profiiless. TERMS OI" SUBSCRll’I'IUN, PAYABLE IN source. ..... $2 50 9 U“ U 00 4U 00 To pariie- getting up a. club of twain.) -ï¬ve a copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United States postage uaid, for 53.1†Ills. storing, p~r IIlllfllJ. [127‘ Ofï¬ce. No. 29. Baekman Street, N.Y, One Copy for one mar . . Five (Ioprus .. . . . . Twelve Col iea . . TrvcirLy-live Copies. . .. ... . .. . . .. . PROSPECTUS OI" The Woman’s Advocate FOR 1858. Fourth Votumn. A. E, M’COn ELL, EDITOR. L. J. l‘lthSUN, Uonnesi’usuiio Bonus. The object of the Wonrnrr’s Advocate is the opening out at new ol e.npru_r merit for Women who have so rung sulfur-ed the distress atti‘llunlll. upon tll‘i r.rsri.irc.errr eiriurrerution. and a two iiiliiied number at occupations. 'l'i.e paper cirdenvom‘ to Col tut an interim:- lion ttiutL‘uii be lliipoilrin to women. ielutive \U cccupuuuns better suited to thrill, and which ni.. Held u more cuirrlurtablu subsistr IlL'r inan tire .iew unhealthy trades upon Willclt the) ..ave been so tor obliged to depend iur exis» tunes. The Advocate employs, iii the various do- pa.tiiiciits or the business. many women, Wllt) ill†Pilld IUI‘ IIIUII' lflUlll' H) IIIgII PING! 115 I’ll'fl pain lu men for the same amount ol work. In the editur and proprietor the past “use )eals in whrclr she has been engaged iii Illlu w.rit, iave been years ul ailsieiy and roll , rut tilt enicrpiizu iras been canted oil With the hope at doing good to uiliers. and triial _v pushing the ..nsrncss to u sirccusslul point. wire“ it may ru- iiiu rerqu ail concerned Wrtti tllrs hope she u.ers lite llrid tor tiiiutilet' _\etii', .t’.t-ttiig to tile man) asunancrâ€"s of friends it al penis of the country, for aid and cu-opcraiiun. Tunis or bUBSL‘RIPlIIiN: For one Copy. one yeah... . . .. . .$Q CU ForFIvuCirpres........ .. SUI) For 'I‘eii Cupks... .13 DU 10 ros'masu'ns, ...........n... Postmastch tltl'utig out the country are re- runs-tel in net as agents, and deduct tiie usual CoillitllSSIull. I.l\ll‘l.lIY\IENT iron Lroir-zs. Airy lady of good addre~s. and energetic 'Ia'iits. can rii'ikn from live to t.l'Blll)' dollars .r we k. by canvassing for subscribers for the Ad would. We want StrC‘I agent. in oven .0 \II bin and r it) in the United States and the Canaran It all} one Wishes to eutr-r upon is lucrative eittplrtyulrilt. and will send a recorii - iiiendaiinn for lr-rnrrsiv and ability. they wrll hive Ciedciitials forwarded to them io nor as ngllla- Addreu. ANNA E. ll‘t’DOVl/Et,l.. Editor and Prupi'ii tar, 59 Philadelphia, Pa. ___________________.. JI‘0 T1 CL‘ . ’ HE QUARTERLY MEETING of the Yonx 'I‘i. cumts' Assocuvios will be held at R clrnrorril lli'l. on Sa-rununr. the 2111i .il~taiit. Tour heis. and all friendly to me cause ol'Pupnlui‘ Education, are t‘equaslgd to attend. By OIdI'I ol‘ the Association. GEORGE ROSE Queensvillo, July 9. 1855. 57.2 ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MAEKHAM VILLAGE. OOD Accomrrrodations. Wines. Liquor: and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARE, Proprietor. S'I‘RAYED. AME on the Subscriber's premises on lhuzsday, the 19th instant, A UROWN HORSE. aged about 4 years. The owner mav take the same by proving property and paying expenses, SAMUEL DOA‘IER. Lot 3.3. Can. 3rd. Markham. July23.1858. 59h FOr Sale, HOUSE AND LOT, situated L within a few minutes walk of the ilrr-iving Vi.l:ige of Richmond Hill. Tennis L'ssv. For particulars apply to W. HARRISON. Saddler. Richmond Hill, July 23, [853. 59»tf T. J. WHEELER; WATCH -& CLOCK MAKER, J E WELLE R, 65c. I Has to inform the inhabitants of Rich rrroird “ill and Vicinity. that ha has commenced Business in the above place. and l srrlrcri~ their patronage All kinds of \Vatchns and Clocks Cleaned of Jewellery neatly repaired. Richmond Hill. June It. 1858. and repaired in the bust manner; also all kinds 53-3": Markham. Julv 1858. 57-1)‘ YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. Good supplr of Win25 and LIQUOR: ‘ hhvay‘ on liultt‘l. Excelle’nr Accommo- dation for 'l‘rrvellere. Farmers. and other: Cigars of all brands. D. MCLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora, July 6. 12:58. k hle for a Store or 'l‘avern. Fur terirrs nnply to \V. Trudgeon' Esq lTribune ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. April 2‘3. 1855. 146 .Ke ry, John 57-6m For Sale or to Rent, D W E L l, INGâ€"HOI'SE. Store-house Driving-house and about. an Acre of Land. in the \"il nor- of Victoria Square, and... DARLING 8; AITC HISON'S. ft 351‘ {II DZIIUK CANADIAN MUWcHS AND BEAPEHS T B would call the attention of farmers to our Combined {EAPISILï¬ Ind MOWEltS which vie are ummifariuring for the coming harvest. We now offer 11 as our- ot'ilie most perfect Machines now I'I use ; it is enlisiarllioliy hulltot Wiought troll. without weight on the horses necks, and entirely free from 51/]; (hang/it; cuts with equal ease in (irass. “heal Oats and lrurli-y, and ithuut c oggrngs and can be raised to any convenient. height, b\' a screw Ill front, without attp'Cllnngel of knife or gearriig. “B were awarded the ï¬rst Prize and also a Diploma at the trial of M ist‘nirres, Iii-Id at ltranllord, t the Provincial Exhibition. “0 would solicit Farmers to cull and exairiine our Combined .‘Iflcllllle‘. as it mar be said with safety. that they have ten) peit'eCL Machines iii one. G 1-20. DARLING. ROBERT Al'l'CIIlSUN Thornhill. Julie 15, 1858. 55 B _ messenger“, ORN ER or wright srzr'oi’g'efs‘hects: Cheap Groceries and Provisions. Clorkery and Glassware cheap for Cosh. No Credit. I). HOPKINS. Jan. 7. (£58. ' :32 WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. 7 111') Sulwcnib’ers have always on hand, a large. and general stock of the beat British and I’ruvrncinl itiaiiufnctiirerl “’ririilg. ('olorr-il, Brown, and Wrapping [’npcrs. Wax. “Wafers. Slate', Ink. Steed I’ens. Envelopes} Metallic Meritoruiiilirin Books, 'I‘rvirros, Copy Books, School Books and General Staiiorrerv. &c.. Air: . The facilities whch the sub crilier-s have for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills II tinnndn, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds ofpnper to order. DUSTIN. BRO. St (30., Yang: street, 'l‘urouio. January 6. 18.53 i3| List of Letters 1 EMAINING in the TIIORNHILL, 9.0. Ist July, 185.8. Arnold. George Moore. Robert Anderson. Alexander Muirshuw, Ilalser Arnold. ‘l'lioriius Morgan. Julm Badgoro. Mnitiiius Mui‘ttir, Mun Ann Bell. John Mt'Naiiglit J. tlurrrs, 'l honrtrs M! Qqu, 'I homo: Buttes W'illiaiii DJch-r. ‘IIHI II. vs lej , George I‘roclor, Juli“ cralk. Adam Prentice. Aaron ( my, '1 human Pride, Vance Chrdl. r. John Roberts, Robert l‘nllaglran. 'l'imothy’ 51"“ch Julio Cailrcarr. Juno §llfl°h Jame! Carirpbr ll. Archibald anll'. rlonry Cameron J. Slit‘llhi'ltl. Aaron l).rr' lug 3t. Aitcliison Suva". Mr- 1).pp, Jon" 'I are. James A. Dan... Matthew ',| lroitipso'i, James F. ' Donald John 'I Ilt.‘nI]’EDl). Junie: Finch, Jol n 'I'iiiirp. Oil. Marv Frizgernld, Thomas 2 'I bump.» «in. Oliver Gibney. Robert Wilmn RUI’BFI Gentleman. Miss Mary“ arsirront. WI"- ‘2 Walker. Henry Gardner. John “night, Elijah Hunter. George VValkor. Samuel 3 J rckson. John “\ alker, Francrs ' Wright. Christopher ' l \Villiaiiis, George VValnrsley, 'l‘hurilu Kai-h, Julm (rervrge “'illiatlis, Jacob G. Liglrroivler. 'I‘hornns \Vilson. A. J. 5H 4‘IIOS. C001 ER. pro I‘TM. T0 PRIJVTERS. I HE SUBSCRIBI‘L‘R begs to inform the 'l‘rade. that his Stet-k of PRINTING I’RESSES, TYPE. INKS. and all nihcr description of materials. has been verl Ian:er int-reasrd ihis Season, by nrrlvrrlsl from Nl-LW YJRK. l'IIlI.AUl‘Jl,l’Hl/\,l BOSTON and DI()NII‘RI‘:;\I.: and that he is prepared to supva orders for new Ofï¬ces. iir addition to those in operation. at the shortest rroirre I’rintrrig MACHINES and ENGINES iiii- IOI'II d to order. ' ,_ Best quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling per lb Old Type taken in nrhnngz for new. I). K. F‘ F. I? II AN. Colbornc It. . Toronto. Jim. 9, la 57 25 F=====-- JOHN MURPHY. Kcrr. Jaiirea Kiiaggs. George ‘2 House Decorator, I’aintrr KERR HANGER, GLAZIER &c,, 51.6. so Lcttcvs Ileitiainingin RICHMOND HILL P05101529, ‘ . ' tree! JULY lst.18.38. 1‘0 49, King S p 4 Doors West of Bay Street.- I.augstaï¬'. John (9) Mortlev, Julrir Mitchell, “'illiam Murmriu. Catherine McCartney. Robert Mt-Cbesney. Isaac [2] Newton. James Nicholle, John (I'Grady. William Osi r, George O'Orudy’ Lieut. G. S. Pinney, F Page. Frederick Patton. Alexander Grrvin, Robert. Riddell, Rev. George GrenVes, Joseph Raymond. Robert l'luultes,i\rlls.~i Mary AniiSlnone, George Horrirk. David Sto in. Jacob Ilur~t, William Simpson, William Hodge, Mr. Springer, Mr. llislop. Robert (2) Simpson, S rrah Ann Huntley, Miss Eliza Sanderson. H. Iretlulo. \‘lilliuin Siniih. 'l‘lronins Senior Kirk. Allan (2) Sheppard, Edwn d Kirkland. Chimes Sweat. Miss Mary Jane Lawrence, Mrs. C.E Twigg, William Lyrrr-ii, l'atrick 'I‘retiraiire. Geo gr- R. Larigsiafl', Jame.- VViida. J seph anlence, IV. E, E. \Vhelau. Mrs. Mary Lawrence, Miss H. Young, Rev. Wm. C. Ah... Miss Lucy Br..cke:r, Mrs. buCl'tflIlalt' Alexander Be} non, Mrs. M. J. Berra-d, G. N. Cook, M-s William Ch1tllhcl‘lflit‘l. E. Derliain. Richard (2) Devlin, Ilugli Dance. Richard Durront. (I. Eyer. Miss Lydia Fenigan. Catherine Fret-k, J. DEALER IN PAPER HANGIA'GS. HOUSE DECORATIONS, 61c. Toronto, June 18th, 18,57. L_______. g.2-wy. i l l l l l l r] ======:; PRIVATE SALE! 1 l LJIJV‘D JIND WJJTER JIIILL ! NEAR RICHMOND HlLL. HIS FARM contains about Fiftv Acres, with a House. Garden, and small Clear- ance. and is well tirnbared. The W'ator Mill, including Three good Dwelling Houses. \vrth Gardens. and about Fifteen Acres of Land. if required by the purchaser. The premises are at present used as an Agricultural Implo- ment and File Factory. All the above property will be sold 0.! easy I\ vtiis for Cash or Yearly l’uyiricntp, and i~ worthy the attention of tho Mechanic and Far- iiicr. Fur particulars apply to Du. DUNCUMB, t55 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Richmond HHL September 10 I857. gl4-tl FARM FOR SALE I ONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND 'l'itrit'vv Acres of good land, being part of Lot To til, 4th Cull. Vaughan. For particulars, apply to To Medical Practitioners GOOI) OPPORTUNITY now oï¬'ers it- ; sell to a Medical Man of standing and experience. House and l’renrises. both plea- Dn. REID, nut and convenient, can be had on reasonable Thornhill. terms. D°“’"l’°’ 24- 1357- ‘23“ Applv. if by letter post paid, to the Editor of tll- Tribute. Richmond Hill, JunolSth.1857. g.2-w_v. Fire! Fire! ! Fire! I .' WESTERN. II LUKES’ HOTEL. Fire Insurance Company . “ , of Toronto. HOLLAND LANDING. f \HE Subscriber begs to inform the In« I llabit'ints of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gcn orallv. that be has leased the above llirtel. forrnbrly Wt by 'I‘Hoius .‘InV, which he has Fitted i p'uiid furnished for the accuniurodaiionot his L‘ustoriieis.aiid be trusts by constant attention to their wants to secure a liliercl pairOnnge. INCORPORATED I‘Y ACT 01’ PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. I. C. Gluten. Pres. [ Giro. Miruii..Vice Prov. trinizcrons : Rico Lewis. Esq. Those Hnworlh. qu. James Booty. E-q. W. Henderson, Esq. 'I‘. I’. Robin-ts. Esq. W. Muclarlane. Esq. M. Russin, I£~q. l llernard llirldun. Esq. Secrrtury .y Treasurer. Angus Morrison. E-q. b‘ulirtitn'. llrrrk of Upper Canada. Brut/rims. B. njainin Swirzer. Iii-q. Inspector. Liquors of the host hrund~4 at the Bar, and every atteniion paid to Guests. 'I‘IIOS. LUK ES, l’ruprie/or. .gH-Ilnr Holland Landing. Sepi. in, 1657 III}a Haiti Qjï¬ce, Clinic/r Street, Tort/I210. .51] FOR SALE! Tm: COMPANY lnsirres all descriptions of “Buildings.Nrrrr'rt'ar-tories. Mills. the . and (‘mod- ACIIES OF LAND. East. half of and Frrrnrture. in the stone. against lessor dam Lot No. 9, 7ll‘ Concession, North age by tire.uu libel-l terms. Losses promptly un-ilIrn bur-y. mm A I Aw Alm. our: ACRE or LAND. situated in . ' ‘ 'l the Village of 'l‘lrornhill, with good House and Residence, Genera Agrm. “build-lugs. l‘iir-hir'oud I ill.Angost H.185? alD-ly SWAN HOTEL, 'l'IIORNllILL. 'I‘lle >ubscriher iii tendering his thanks for past favors. would beg tn call Public attention to his NEW Establishment. 'l‘lrorirhill, and known as the hint: llot‘icL. which he has liitrly entmed into in consequence of tlio acct'tnod-iuon in bi~ old establishment being entirely too limited for the f corrifort oi his numerous attests. 'l‘lre. SWAN HOTEL in a few days will be completely renovated, and respectable visitors inar rely on having their calls rniiiii-diuioly at- tended to. He has also Verv extensive acconio- dairo‘nlor, Horses and Carriages. His Ilnr will always be found we" stored with this choicest Liquors; \vhrle thcI subscriber hirnselt’intsnds to devote his iiine to the com- U Terms Easy. Apply to JOHN PALMER, Richmond Hill . 1.32 January 14. 1858. THORNHILL HOTEL. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the abut‘e pr't‘tliises, and ï¬tted them up in anoat and comfortable style. Hotlich and transient visilors will find the act-onrodations in every way agreeable. 'I‘bo INS! ol Liquors- aud Cigars carefully selected. Good stublrng and attentive hustlers HENRY LEMON, i-,,rtof all those who may honour him With a Thumb". z Prom-mm,- cull. _ . 3 I ‘33 ions Stt1EI.S, 1““ 3mm Thorrrlrlll. E Proprietor. January 20. 1853. t33 NOTE LOST! N or about the ‘ZOth February last, I POCKl-iI'â€"IIUOK, containing ii note against John 'l'linnipsoii to the amount of Fortv-clght Febriisrv lust. Any person ï¬nding the some and returning ii to the owner. Dnvrd ‘l‘honip lot 26. 2nd coil of ONE HUNDRED CORDS OI“ PINE WOOD†FOR SALE. For terms apply to Mr. 'I'HOS. COOPER. Tirorilliill. son, suitably rewarded. 'I‘lmi-nlrill. An unit 11. l857. 2104! use to any One except the owner. DAVID THOMPSON. P 11 0 JVOG I: a 1' 11 y Madam. 13.1858. its-4 Olt WRITING BY SOUNDl l'l'h‘IAN’S Manual of l’honographv is a Work of about Hill pages, everv other . leaf of which is primed Irorn stone GIIg-hvlltgfl ‘giri'rrg writing exorcnes in the art which the book is designed to teach. Bv the use of this 185 YONGE STREET. HOTEL FOR SALE. rnlo repair. 'l‘ernis tun-enier 9hr. niiseii or to Dr. Duacouu. Richmond Hill. THOMAS REDON. V [I F. Srrhstribcroï¬â€˜i-rs- for sale that well known “map ~riuaicd on Lot No. 5, 6th (Toni‘e-sion I“ me l'uwnslrip 0' King, “'llll good stubliug ...d .‘ct‘erltNtt Arres- nt Excellent Lnltd. Everv "press-an acrninodniioii lot on Hotel are lit first ' . For fur- ther particulars apply in the prupr ietur on tho pro‘ Manual. any school boy 0r girl, MS or 6 vemn TO M 3-3 I O N E S. t" C. and upwardS. inav lonru. iii a surpri»irii_vl\"short ,i-pnce of time, to read and write I’lronuérnpbv ,‘ or Phonetic Short-band. and a few months of ‘dnilv practice is all that is required to enable a lrhild of ordinary intelligence io urite IOU or ‘ more words per minute ! This rate of lpbed is sttlï¬r lent to take down ordinary sermons. priaeclies, and ronversntron ns fast as spoken The †Manual of l’honograpby.†75 cutie. and the " l’lionuuinpic Cup} Jioult.†‘25 cents, are sent to any address, by mail, past-paid. on receipt of the price. ONE DOLLAR. Address. trust-paid. WILLIAM H. ORR. as 1 ovi-imt ESTABLISHMKT. THAN estate of D. C. St W. YALE. will con» l l dulv acknowledged. P S. All notes and accounts remaining on piird on the 1st daynf June, [858, win be P“ "110 Court for collection. Pm up ‘ UIIIAWA. C. \V., c Y“ E or. . . r a . King. Nut ,9. ‘35-: l wrap,- From whom all English or American I’hon- G. CUMMER. turrc “ ark. mny h sorocund. “2- Toronto. April 99. l859 GB- poriiids. due on the 3rd of Markham. will be I The note will he of no W. '1‘. Autumn. AL Cu.. Late of Kings-tree: TORONTO (‘I'I‘Y MARBLE WORKS MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, *Twenty Per Cent Cheaper fl‘HE I‘ndersigncd Assigncrs of th- W NEW STORE. RICHMONDHILL Ungfl SA DD'L'E (5' HA RNESLS ' IcsruiuLtsmiizxr. ‘ Tu'o Dwr South of the TRIBUNE Ofï¬ce. \Viltiain H. Myers, Prrmium Harness Jllunufuctzircr. 1‘ ESl‘IICTFUl.I .Y announces to the Public _ i, generally-abut be lltrVrllEtnkeII the FI R S T l’ R [Z I) for Harries-s at tho .Youge Street Air- licultiiral Show. Two Years iii succession. he feels I‘Ulllltlt‘lll that be can give ontiresatisfacitou in all branches of his business. WAR Work Warranted.;€]{} ‘2," A -l rvg-x stock of Harness. 51c. always on hand. and Ilttute‘ to order at. the lowest possiblo reiilurlcihtriig prices. Richmond Hill. Oct 15.1857. 118-1) N0. 644, EFI'I‘S at WM. DUROSE'S HOTEL. 1 Victoria Square, the last. Friday even- ing in each Iuotllll. OI‘FICI‘RS ".ch 1 JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAN-LES I ANAGIIAN. Deputy. 'l‘lltHlAS BOWMAN. Secretory. JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. Victoria Squamhlay 7. 1858; 4L1Y Riclrin and Victoria, [OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. A nicets at Brother Robert Wiseman's. Masonic Hall. the second Saturday evening in each month. OFFICER! Furorâ€"Colonel D. Bridgfm't‘l. Master . J B. DonGrer, Deputy Master; John Mrrnhalland, Secretary ; W. Vogue. Treasurer. PAIN TING. I ‘lre Subscribe: Inuit to inform the inâ€" habitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding country. that he has commenced business in House Painting. Glazing, Paper IIanJiIlg. Gi'tiining_ ‘51., (sac, He hopes ilrnt bv spurt attention to rll order on- trusted to l.‘nr Winch \\ ill be executed in a neat and workinauliite iimnrrer. on the shortest no- tice. to merit it snare in" public patronage. Richmond 8.â€, ; RICHâ€. VAILES. March ll. 83% t4U-6m ï¬ï¬'LOOK AT THIS !-53 I IAIOST EV EPA RUDY is ordering the 1 PLUUtrH. LUOM and ANVIL. That the rest. may be as wise. and poswss themselves oi‘ what we are houndâ€"at any cost to ourselves â€"to oral-re the Leading lrrdustriulJournal of tho Illltesâ€"tl e lit-5' fur the Farmer, the Mechanic, and the Farrrrly Circleâ€"we make the following unprecedented ltllt‘l'nl nllZ-r :â€" Uur Llevenib Volume ivrll commence with Janna-y, lintâ€"“iii run ‘0 January, 1559â€"and contain 7cm largo rrclavo pages. on ï¬ne paper. with new tpr. It \\‘ill llu lssllt‘d within the first week of each lttoilili. in numbers of 64 page; each. done up iii the best magazine sivle. To alwlio vi'l forward the money for thin VOlltlIiP. rzs >i|it§lc Sllll~Cltrl6f3 or in clubs. we wrll send grairriiroirslv, Illu numbers of the cur- rent volume. llulll the time of their forward ng. and one month previous. thus giving in two. three. or four nnrrrhOI'S. accordin to the time. lu tlII \vlro -ri:rscr;hc hefuie January. ’l‘r;n.\is:â€"-$‘2 n _\'if|l’. in advance: $1 50 to I'lulrs of four and tiptt’atds: $I for ex months AdvertisiirL. tcu veins a line. For giving pub. hour to IIthIUVL’tl stucliJigrir'ultul’a‘ implements, irreclranrcal illitiruvt‘tllcllt‘. and like matters at general interest, ihere is no other medium good at the lillt‘ls. Liberal torn-S to persons disposed to no agents for this work. Imt us hear from ti .l. A. NASH. M. l’. PARISH, ’r‘ lleeltman Street: New York, Oc'olwr ‘22, lf‘57. N 0 '1' 1 c E. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Flourishing Village 1“ BUT'roherLE, IN Till Township of llIilRlIIIiIM, .33» FOR SALE. .59 ONSIS'I'ING of Three Village Lots. with suiiirlrle Buildings. with a fourth part of an acre of Land :tlldcllotl to ouch. One is a small Cottage suitable for a small family. Th. second is a New House, adu ted for a Mechan- ic of any kind or Doctor, (as there is no Doc- tor 'rii the neighbourhood). The third is a Large House, with all the accoinodntioii for a Tavern. with a iicvrrd‘ui’ing \‘Vell of “Inter. Also. good, suitable our-bindings. countering ut’drivmgâ€"lrouse, large shed. wood-shed. gran- ;rrr and sinble, lirgetlit‘r wrih :orne c‘ioico Fruit Trees, corripv'isingz plums, pears,curranLri. and the black tattle cherry. BUTTON VlLLE is‘ situated on a pleat- smri rise of roullfl‘, on lh'e' 4th Concession of Markham. ' bore in an e»-r:iblishcd l’mt-Otlico together with a Gridaird Saw Mill, Store. with' Mecliaiiinrof different kinds. Terms easy, apply to the Proprietor on the prernires. or by Letter, post-paid to Button- vrlla. I‘ossission rvrll be given on the III of April. or if hooded. the Isl ol’Jarinary. Title indisputable. a VVILLI \M MORRISON- Buttoriville, Oct. '28. l857. [2241‘ _ HALL 'G Sritzz'r, Toronto, 2nd door on»! 0! Church Street. irppasrie the (athedral. I West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent ..‘lchicinrs, French and English Perfumery, Orls, Paints, Colours, Dye-"both, Combs Brushes &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to II- cure cuntoni. “I. II'. A. 61 Co. having cruslz‘anblo ex. perience in the Drug business in various put: of England. have no ht‘sl‘ttlthn in saying, mm a great niunv ol' ihorr Manufactured Articlu will be found very superior. in compounding Prescripnoirs, Fairiin Kc- coipte, Home and Cattle )‘ledecinen. Jim. are of the very best quality, direct. from the prin- crpiil English Drug Ilmlscs. W. 'l' A. «St. Co. thine the business under the Superinmndence beg to Call our iiiiori to their (Trlebrittod Prepa- ofourduly auiliorizt-d agents, Ausris Anal! and D. Curios Y 4.â€. whose receipt will be nation for the Tooth. Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Puts. Also their irriich admired I’arfurire ‘, TIII‘: ENG l.l."II IVOSEGAY. Soda Writer bottled rind tram the fountain: St. Catherine: Mineral Water. and be Plantagenet Water. celebrniul for ilrrn healthy proportio- , April 22w“ 0‘ Medicine: used