Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 30 Jul 1858, p. 1

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n my“; . ifilnno. 1857. I I . I W A chance relucttutl ot Lu-Iutenmis'.' 1, “No.1, Iotland Landing. .i iWIno‘Jlitpiurn. lIttIdwiu-II. Glnss, l-Iuithonwnru. ‘ Sititotnber. 23, 185?. v ' sviuséwirggtgm DB. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF, Richmond Hill. June. 1857. g.1-wy. ,r‘JOHN GRIEVE, ,LEltK TtltltD DIVISION COURT. '0fice. Richmond Hill, June. 1857. g. I «vy. JOSEPH KELLER, All-[PF Seoond V Court. Office. Richmond Hill. June. I857. v.1 -\\-\‘. G. A. BARNARI), “PORTER of British and American Drt ands. G ocerics. Wines, Liquors. Oils. Pain". hm. &C. Lehmond llitt. June. l8 7. P. CROSBY. RY GOODS. GltOt‘EltlES. V Wines. Liquors. [Iflrd\"fll9.t\c. ll. June. [837. [Ll-wy. z l-wy. dram-mud tli ' THOMAS SEDMAN, :Oarl'lago, “'a.:,:on & Sleigh I M A K E R , ,I’ Opposite the White Swan Inn. _ filt'ilthmnd llitt. June to. 1857. g.t-wy . ' JAMES McCLUttE, lNNlililil’lfiR- Linrnsed Auctioneer for the (,‘otintirs of York. Ontario and juice. (‘urner --t' tongs and BI-uttt'uid smoother. 26. [857. Kits-Ir JOHN llA‘RRtNG't‘ON, in, '.'tI\\\'0 Miles North or l‘ticlunond llIlt dealer in Dry Cit)le Gram-rm- I &c'. II? Also. Licensed Auctiuneer. gIG-l) CALEB LUDFORD. Saddle and H It'ness Maker; ‘l'ttOttNtttLL. Than-hill. Nov. lti. [857. A. GALLANOUGI-I, EALER in Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Tlt ouhill. C. \V. Choice lirnnds of'l‘eaa, Sugars and Cofi'ees on hind. genuine as Itnpor ed. 'An ll-‘Mlttllletll ut Brcud. Birt‘llll and Cakes. “uni-tidy on hand. The Subscriber has also opened it G~orery and l‘ioi-istun More on llIt‘lIMUAI) l ILL. whith w It to (0i ttuc ltl hy _\lr. (‘. suit-Mutt; ‘ Iran: the fin" oI II'I- lutl‘ 'l Iiornc t5; l'msons. 'l‘horttiiill. Sept. ‘25. 18.37. gliâ€"lv LLING‘I‘ON no t'EL, 2944f ‘ ' ' R the linilrond Station. Aurora. ' Careful Hustlers always in auritdnitco. C. CAzE. Proprietor. January H. 1958. I32 MANSION HOUSE, ”‘ HA RON. utter-dance. Atteiitive Ilosdrrs always in J. KAI'ANAGII. I‘roprlvttir. t3.‘ ,Jauttary I4, I35". . MESSRS. .I. Sc W. BOYD, Barristers. &c., N0.7.‘\’l’l‘1!.Ll.\'G'l‘().\‘ BUILDINGS. KING s’t‘.. 't‘uttox't‘o. June '20. isn’t. " émun HOTEL, tttNG Sit-.2 T EAST, T0 LNID. GOUD building and Ant-hum Hustlers JUIIN MILLS. I’i'iipttrt-n . fl.t-\\'_\. June. 1857. «floated Ale Depot, 65. YORK S'I‘IIL'IS'I‘. T 0 It 0 N 'I‘ 0, C. W. -.\I. MORRISON. Axum. Toronto. June I‘Jtlt, IEST. gl-uy. iv ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, LA“. Banner and Ornamental I'nittte. Elizabeth Street. 'I'ofutlto,â€"U\'Qr w, Gm. fitZI’s Grocery Stuns. I?" Coats of Arms. and ei'oryduscripitnn u; Hot-aid I'aituiuu. otwcuted with despatcti,mrd at reasonable chm-gas. Junit. 1857'. E-IW.“ J. VERNEY, Boot and PIN“: Matter. l’l’OSITE A. LA \\ ’c. l'otige street. R cli- tltt‘lld lltlt. Ladies’ nttd Gentletiimis’ Boots and Shoes. mud: nut-rthe Intost st} res. August 6, Mil. gQ-Gui. 30] CHAS. POLLOCK, 50] L ll’Ul't'l‘l‘jli cl Bt'lll‘ll. French ( iI-i'urtt ' and Ammicuti. Fattry and Na rle I)i'_l Goods No.8", tint llui dings. King $1.0 Iliust opposi 1- st. Jnuws' Lutttedi Id, ‘I wont». (f. \ Nov. 5. 1557. JOIIN CO Ulll‘I-ZR, Tailor and Clottticr, Yet-go SL. Ilichuuiud Ilill. lune. 1857. gJ-wy. Gli ,‘RUIS DOLD, V ‘teritmry Surgeon. Lat 96. 4th i 01).. \’niiuhnn. g'l‘lvt mid 'l‘lii d DIVISION Vol. II. 1"". 8. DR. J. w- GRIFFITH, MAILKIIAJI VILLAGE, C.\V. June ‘2. tbfid ESPLANADE HOTEL. BY G. TURNER, PALACE 5T. (ort'ostri: 'I'att-Z uLt- 'toitutto. GAS wonxs) Meals ‘20 cents each. and guud Iiccotnniuda Ion l'ui' It'nI-mers and utliers. 'I‘IHUU‘U, .ltttlQ II. IP55. 53'1," JAMES IIALL, 7 AS always an hand a lrt Lie n-‘SDI'IUIOIN of III) NS and b'.l')ES. which wdl be ~uld at prints to Inert the units. [8.38. itu ltlttUlttl llill. Juno [7 54 ty \l. LODGE St (70. \ [lull-.SAIJJ and ltt-uxil ('0; g or. 'l‘t'tt m d I on t bin H t. kw». tlt‘ l uiiilsltliig tl‘tllltll -ui_ri:r-. l’niltc git lllL tlvis huh-r u cn'l "III tiud lllr'll' hula-s punctually uttctided to. Ind the, ltiWe-t p Ict~~ climga l. Ilicliuiniid llill Junt- IT. I658. EDJ‘IUND Gtt’AINGIJR, U 'l' C H E It. THORVIII LL. Fresh I and l’II-kw‘l .\Irat~. i‘uutII'r. t\'c.. always n hand. Families suppliud on tho Shut-Bil tunic-e. 'llturuhill. March 19. IESS. 54 1y I41. WILLIAM HARRISON, \‘addlc and llarncss Maker, Next door to G. A, Ilaruard‘s, Richmond l‘lil'. gJ-wy, lune. [$57. JA\IES JILNKIIVS’, :azzry 1' Provision Store Ill’,‘l’l.\IU.\D HILL. :0 Clll‘ilill‘ GIVEN. eu'lmnge. 'l‘ is ulinvo is the oldest o~twblislted Grurury and l'toti Inn btul'e till the UL]. July 2, toss. W. H. MYERS. “DIME All) IIIIIMISS MAKER. T‘vll DllUlyS SOUTH "F TH I; 'rllll“ NI: OFFICE. 71'? ALL \\ tlllK \lAIiIIAA'I‘IL‘D. R clunnnd HII'. June I 58. 55.1y i J PI‘Ut new taken in L 5.3~ly. lil(,‘li.\IU:\'D IllLL lIL)I‘t;L. \ S'I‘HI'r‘. runs lrnm .ho abuts llv-tel In I 'lomnlu new In Iii-iii '. smiling tiom he Elgiu .\III~1|I 'I'. {I III and IBJIIIIltIg at T. - Eilll‘ :Is (id. i':.t-li w..’. AL(’UM\I5)ItAII N You 'lRAVl‘lJJP-S. ltlL‘llAliD NICIIOIJm‘. Proprietor 5.3-Iy Guub Illr'ltmn‘fll lli'I. July 9. I359. W.(.‘.ADA MS 3-1 DOCTOR 0F Dental S U R G ERY, b'ti. King Shred Elsl. 'l'urautu l’nrtirnln actr-nt'on given to the regulation of Cltildirit’s Truth. (‘nusultntiuns Five. and all “"urk \Vurrauted. I'nrnnto. .Ittnr. IEGT. l- wy. '1‘. llllClllE'Ill. Jnr., LARIIIAGE. SIGN. â€"A.\‘I>â€" J Ornamental Painter. I t H Richmond llill. Fob. IT. 1358. tTIT-Iy I BLACK HOTEL lynummt‘ tItPr ur \t'rll. uni.rtt.] f‘()lt,\E-i ot' Palm-a tut (lo-nip st rats. east II (it (hr dln km .‘qitnII-. 'l'uiuntii. "on d , \Pt' day. U. ml Mnb‘ung :iiid Intuitive llustlors lwnys in fl'lr‘lltlflttt't‘. An umtiihus to and Hum the Station. THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. t38- l y DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT run Darling k Ait‘cttismt’s t)0.\lttl.\'l2t) HORSE «l To‘outo Feb ‘26. ISSS. lilll‘illlllli till] llillllllll HENRY SANDERSON, Veterinary surgeon, AND AUCTIONEER. Corner of Tonga and Centre bll'rots, RILHMUNU “ILL. g I.W_\" J. N.REID, llelclAN t» stint;on Corner ot‘ Yottge and Centre Strl‘ets. Thin-unit! . \ugunt t4. “45.7. “(Mr W I i i i . . . huALItb IIUILL, OKNISII 01 Front and gmyse b "1,“ one block rust of the Mark” 'lotonto. ’ JOHN ROACtl. I'i aprietnr. till! March 5. l858. ROBERT SIVEtt, Boot and Shoe Maker, DJUISIAG the \\ esleyun Methodist utup‘t, \‘ouge street, Auclttuuttd tIItI. A d \.tutdrens’ LOUIE and Shot-s community on and Inuit matte Iu oidcr on tho thuI'tvsI tw- lice. ‘7 All kinds Shoemaker: Findings {or sale. Netti-mud llilt. June 12th, 135:. 2-Way. / l 111.21 ('11 !.'\"ES, R icltutuntl Hill, .lnne. l957. ngv, _. IT: . ’ . N iitttt) t. tiertusmti, ,, Housc, Sign and Oiiiamuitul ' I t 1 j I, PAIA 1 Lbs, Gtaiitts, Gilda-rs, Glaziers, and t’apt-r Hangers, T]! 0 HIV“ l l. L. .9” litnds (3f .l/ia‘t'i/ Paints 0415, Glass, and Fully. GOOD RDRKMHN SEX'I‘ TO ANY I’Alt'l’ OF THE COUNTRY. G O T O MORPH Y BROTHERS FOR ctes to suit cvw‘)’ rlflliij’ar §Im°““' and >I’fllll' . ,_ . 'l ornnro. June, 1557. w... W-KW...V_.v-;y. ,m,.:_:=w~~/ -v.-t:n-;v=:p:-;suv:;-.v.,m~p_- MW IVITH OR IVITIIOUT OFFENCE TO FRIENDS OR FOES, AND YORK RIDINGS’ y’vmWV- er/W,‘ GAZET gilti‘tinnn. THE ANGLEIt’S GARLAND. Here upon the trunk rrclinl'ig Let us think uh .t u'i- can do. “’hile llna sun is brightly shining And tlw irouIs IeI-bnutg Ion. Let us “'alf‘ll the ll\'cf rushng, Lt-t us strut Ilia hawthorn flitwcl’ In its blunmlntr litiI nitliltts'iiug \Vltitvnessâ€"IIII or every huur .' LII us Luv the big two humming. \Viili us it iiig in i'n- it "IL’IHI Let us list mid sm- its coming. 'l‘n-iugli i s wingx I‘llltlf‘ ou sig‘it! Chi [1* ills) s val o.v. trainerâ€"Higher. Lnutlnr limits the ltnmli a Itv-e; Pan has donned his best titti'e. And pipes t'rutu ttec to life. On the strtialti tho ~unshinr dancesâ€" Sunshine- yilils :lttI lI-:.llnts glean; “adenine nml In: huti- fan: ies Fringed with sun-r sun-mar sheen, [Ir 6 Ce es inut su qunlliiig The spi'it 0‘ Ilia p are, “‘hde tllt‘ttltl‘lth Ciilllt“ laughing Like child en in h. t- lace. Hail the lzli+ful rernllartinn Ol'the beniiti III-'it has been Like the (who :Ii.d I(‘fl“(‘llllll 0! tbs stlllllnk‘ sunnds and scene! Bettorfar thnn Cllulflt’F tun Iiing. 'I‘hxn wild \t'it's t‘nnt miir fliuus. Is tht- knowledge of di earning Comtttutt good in common things. Let us male on gulden measure, And cnuut ttut Ilium g .in. Finding profit in our pluztsure Or in our pleasing pain. We with tell our tailing nolg‘ibour 'l‘hr-re‘s an hour tor honest play. And the longer We shull labor It we laltuur not an ay. Tlisre is wealth of IIIOIIP)‘ stalling. 0t cattle. and ot'graiti, \Venlih in havingsome dear d‘tfllltg. “‘enltli ul l) d\‘ and til I) am. Th to is good In liunrst getting. 'l'uem is good In ltnnast plnt'. For the axlr's Constant. trtutiug \Vents ttte ado-woo an ny. And when comes the settled saduoss \\'litcu the u only hours lmpart. Vu'liciv is the oil nt' gimme.“ I‘m [in- |l\'(tl,< of me ltv-‘t’t ? “'ltere the minimum ever wa-llmg For ablu Intt oi't r mind I And Itzitttt'r‘s vuicrs tel i reâ€" Muu. be tltuu uthumau ltiud‘l Oh. .Iiu ~t iving and the straining lti thf lilnoillos.. e. (llr'\§ lint, “'tn :9 young 1‘ ashni- g t‘nst Is waning Like a Clulltl~ ri'lesetl nmiu-d ._t . Blessrd .he \vutkui who Is ~it suing Lim- 'Itv tiller ul'thu si-il. \"IIHI tlua pulse is lll‘l‘l\ boatingâ€"- Bcuiiiig time to Int-rust tutl. We wuuld wo-lt till we weri \vnnry. At d \vuik l'i Il w:- Illlijlll t‘mL; Comm-titling \t‘ltul is (I carry VVi h the Iiupe~ ut \\I|tIl I~|It<~tâ€"~ “‘th|| thn hup Is at ihu~~ ~e-'Lini ig 0- h t turtu ~il's slmdt' liruilt. Theth of mutiny dividing. H htta olcuniumn lltlltats we think. It. I}. -â€" Scutsmun . 'l'llE MAXI Wl'l‘ll IIICSSl-AN BOUI‘S. TRANFLATED PIIIIM THE FRENCH Ol“ PAUL NHLLl-ZTHN. Among the pursuits who were in the habitul' rugulirly fruqucntlug the quI-lil’thtt (:ztlc dt: F-iy l” the Paâ€" lais lluyal, about the year 1815. was :t littlc old until. very carefully dress- cd. although his mistunii: triinstrtutcd :1 real :uincltruuism. Ilis ltuad was ‘trttttlud lwu nut (it'tlic fin,- pquus nl'. TE. M MAWâ€"\MJ I SKETCH YOUR WORLD EXACTLY AS IT GOES.~Bymn. wryva IHCIINIONI) HILL, FRIDAY, JULY 30. [5'58- inoruiug. From this pint-tire: tlit: tild gntitlumnu lict-Iiwc Ituiiwii mun-lg the illlli-rc .t wultci's bygthc sou/unn- qucl ul ' lllt: Inuit who always utt: Istnlt- brcud.’ 'I'lic old gctrilcmun's state of ex- istence was Sn nmtnrm, and his IlltiVultlt‘ltIS 5n regular. us In rcscm- blc Itt llt) Slllllll dcgl'ct: ttirist: tf :III III: every morning without lllltlt'lll‘r; It; the right nr tltu lull, illtLI ttututttutmt. t'tttcrcd ilii: mt}.- pt'iiI-ccdud dit'ctrtly liirtt'tirds It) :t lttllt: rutmd titlilv, istilntt'd IItiII IIICUIIHIIUIIIHUS, and w ltt\:l\ tur this t‘cztsntt was unzu lyt always vacant, Alt.r hunt: sct'w'd with lllS brcaltlitst. lic luv-H l-Iltl\’ abs-t sugar which ligurcd tirsidu his ('Up,; and Itaiuvcyi:d tltctu Iutii tlti: dcxtcr pucltct UI. Ills grunt) “visit-nut : be next [it‘tim'ctlcd tn ItUllCl' Iii strung», siuu catl'lt ul~ tlic ttlltllL‘l‘UllS Iuni‘suls til" bread, adding. Ill InIstnltI: nut. pi‘c- (:IScly the sauna uumticr (it’gruius of, still to ctl(‘ll. :tnd tticti ntc his Ill'tfiilli‘ lust, cautiously :ibstsiiuiug ft'utii ltioltttig :ttutiy ot- the jiiut'nuls of periodicals. Some of the ardent politiI-inns who lt‘vquetited the call; cxprcsscd :lSlUIl-i islimuiit ntitl Irtitttciiipt at this last Il-‘l-I bit, lllld rcgut'dud lllt: little man :is u very Vandal. cat‘clcss of thc llttlltll‘. II III: |t|1it‘t,‘jtttllt:ititt$. and uniting thcut Ill\ -g and iutci'csts ut‘ his country. so“. tt'urc ulndill' rcut npittiutt ; “c ciitistlcrud him, for pruniscly IIIU saint; t‘i:.'t.\uitts‘. “I it \'t.'l‘_\' ll‘ll‘ilfltttl pI‘tuIcuct: and wisdom. Iu.IItI,-utt\'t: to built partics, ' tliI: ttlltl \t'hu ul- Wtiys :ttu St-IIL: bruud ’put‘sucd llm‘ qtiict ul- Ilt: ltt:\'t.'t‘ :Ittcuiptcd lt' tciiur his way u ittmut cliuttgc. form any iIitiiIiaI-ius. or stillin'I-d any unucrussur) t-xpi‘cssiiins tu (511,0 li‘um his lips ; his brt'ziltt'nst wrs cttthI in Silutti'c, :Iud usu illv lct'ttti- ttdlud bcuturt with his lingcrs nu ll)t: littlt: \\llII lllt.‘ linulc (ll-ll tttttlttlt. ttiblc : his next stt'p cults'Istcd ltl pull- ing up the IlCiSl'tll limits In lllttlt' gruutcst Itliitudu. tlllul‘ whit-II he paid tor his brctltl'nst, gun: the waiter :t 501). :iIId lct't tln: Iqusc \\ itli- nut s.tiutiu;,r tlIc Ilium (It: rump/nit". 'I‘itc worthy till g'dlllttttl Iti’s habit-.- and pI~I:uli:ir.tlcs cxmtI-d sii utuclr att- lcuttuu uniting tut: ('ustniut-i‘s ItIItIl Waiters :II the I:ulli:t:-lwu~c. and his Ill:|t)ttt'l's wcrc saga-mic and Ilnt'ilr. that some til the yuuugur puniplu lic- gziu to think In: u'uuld prut‘I: :iu Ult- A sIIb-licutttnttut ()tt lIulr-pnyyuud in gllilt; butt litl‘ tltcli' pluusutttrlvs. want «If t-lu-up :uuuscmrtit dctcr- utiucd out: day to forestall the old enveloped in a warm \Vc'slt wig. Will] a lung llllt'l( cuc dirpnuding lrutu it. ttliiI-h \‘l‘lli'll vicwud l'rtim its hinder aspect, to rc~ nppcni'ctl, ismublc it lull-grown cabbage, will. , tlic slum Sllll tlnngldig limit its cir- it‘llllll‘cl'ulltft‘. Ilis pantalnnns were of blnI-lt I-lnth. and \t‘urc tnct ui'duay down his stiiinpy lugs by lung llcs- sinu hunts, gnrmslicd with tztsscls. 'and bright as the surface of a pal- l ,rnitt lull downwards in liilds suns ti) isliud mirror; :1 l-inggrcun waist- Ir‘OVcr In part a round and wall-du- t,\'t:l«ipi d ptluttt'lt ; it louse :itid capa- t'intis cont, til' :I tlttcp titltl‘t)0n t'tiltir, decorated With large bright mutnt‘ buttmis, :ittd linrcibly ruiuittding one i liltc outward lll‘dtl ; and It Ilill, bevel- ol' the era of the lie] u‘ilii', cncascd ‘ch (ill to :1 sugar loaf form. sur- uuiunlt-cl the wig, and coniplctcd the equipment. Al'tcr all, however, t' is costume‘ was nothing very extraordinary. 0r llltluctl \‘cry ditl'crcnt lruui tlutt of the lIundrcds ul' tttttiquntcd men who: nhuut this cpmrli were: to be sect) swarming forth in fine weathci'. llltt.‘ l gniitluin'iii in his :irL-ustnincd scat, inid tnltc pusscssiuu til IIIU ltlltlt.‘ to 'I‘ltc liltlu utttn :IrI'Ivcd, :III.l \\'lllltttll hall): d.s- \\'Illt’ll llt: tins :ttlnt'ltutl. (.‘Hthtjl'lt‘tI. limit his plum: on tho up- pusiic sidc. . i ‘ 'l'ltcrt: Is no mum ltt‘l‘t: for two," twit Iltlt’ c" said tlii: young lit‘c-catct', his umustucbc. ‘l have 'lSt‘II this table For mouths,‘I rtl‘Illt'tl the null In;|ll. without moving, and Ill 3 dcpi'mnitiiiuduuu ul‘ t'ii.itc. - cstublisltmcut. had I) 'Criiuc attached ’brtrnldliszs, not doubting tltul thcl 't‘lttpst'd w‘tltnut ttll_\' allusiuti In Ihc' litl'ttit‘tilnt's, and generally had the daughter on his mvu sdc; he did lititt'uvct‘. CXIIIUII pnurnm'u of triumph ,niit. tiny and alter out: or two yntItItllUlttlI attempts at up- ’ mystifiuatiuu, finding hint quitc lin- jny in pI-Itt:c his lttllc lttblu at the Call: dc F‘uy. One day. towards the Muse nl‘tliei ,ycnr 1817. thc nld Inuit qttllltftl (lit: .trnli: without paying l'ut'lttsltt‘ealtl'usl; ‘ but us ltu Iu-idt' nu ubsut‘vntiuu in so (I‘lln‘l. it was supposed that lit: liztd thi'guticii it. and wuuld rcnteitibci' the ltuxl thinning. a |ie<:tilli:e-lmtisc Itt-upvr, ltnwiivcr, rcr'kiincd without his bust in this Stlpposltlmt for the, Ilt’Xl dny t'ntDt'. and the next, and] tlur trustâ€"J tln: man who alwuysntc SIMIL‘ hrcnd' regularly pnckctt-d his tzt'u lu pS (ill sugar, licttt lIis tw- Custtiuu'd titurt‘li, pulled up his III-s- sizttt bouts. and did all tnut he had bucn accustomed to do. with the cx- Ccptinn (III pay tug his bill. This change in his usual practice Cllllllttuutl for It wcck. at the cud of which time the prnprictnrulthc cul- l‘ctwltuusc. lL’tlttt‘ttt‘Il of the name or rcsidcncc (if his dubtor. dctcrmimrd upmi presenting him with a bill. the timrt: cspct-inlly as the little man gun: no cXplauatinn ul'bis conduct. or u.:tdc ttlt_\' allusion In this rum It‘lt-I :tblc (-huiigt: itt his :uII-iuut habits. Dominic. the chief waiter til" the It) Inc nld utztti iit ciiusi-qttt'ltt'c til. the littlc truuhlc Itt: gave, and ltis qufct :iuiI gi-titlu dutitcauut'. Uiittttniuim- tunic-d, from the circumstance ol'liis not din‘iiuisliing Iltc expanse Of his brctiltt‘ust, that the grind man was Iucrulv luliuriup uitdcr sumc thu- that purlli' l'rnui I-nlitnlutiuu, and partly lltll'ill'y cit-liurinssutcnt; so t'rum grind fouling, ltomlttit: detcr-. Iuincd tu lictctiuic reapnusthlc to the prnprictur for the past and lutui't: Ct!)l):it't‘il§$lttt:l)l ivuultlslnii'tly reuse, and that the Illllt: Iunu would smut, stzttlc Lis urt'cars, and perhaps tit:-E with gratuity liir lIlU nut‘tiitiiutidutititi. mimptuiy the Settlement it But Dtilllllllt1\\"ds dcccivntl in his calculation of time ; tcn mo libs, matter. or iillci' of pay tucut. 'l‘liu I~Iilli:u-Iiuusc ltcnpci' and his \Vttllct‘s I)I';_'ttlt to slung tltcir shoulders and iiinltc lung lines Hi the risk yitmt', ltiiuiiuit: wits i‘II-utiiig. Dominic lll'll- scll‘. cxpnscd to these daily doubts, l)t-g:itt tn tlttult that he bud ilt-tcd tut) libwi'nlly iii lit-coming i‘cspuiisibli: l‘ut' :1 quin whose dulit sccuiud dcstiurd to go on accruing liii‘ et'cr. \t'licu one day the old man. without any uxplmuiiiou. chItuItdcd his it';t'tittltl., St‘lllt‘Ll it iii in“. and alter It curt-In] (‘ttlt"-tl;tll0t\. handed to the Walter. in :ulditiun. the sum «if fit'tccti fruni‘s six sous its his gratuity, sit the rutar of nun. sou :t~<l;iy l-ii' ten months, of which t'uur contained L‘itttll thirty-I one days. It‘ inth-rst alone had guidcd the 'I‘hc soldtct‘ could not rcsist the up- pe:tl. :tuII t'ctt‘mttcd I‘I‘iim lltt: licld.â€"- 'I‘liis (ittt'ut‘t‘cttuc cuttnumgud (Int: of the \vuitcrs to make 2i litithcr ll'l'll 'PIIC lllllt; Iild mun, unit-tiling as l have Sillll. to (it. his cqiiuuiutity. \t'itstc words, was in die habit of holding out his liiru-titigur tn inti- ntatc thu quantum sufli it of (‘It cc and ol't'runm. '_-"ltc “'tlllt’l'. [tl‘utttlltl- tig (Ilt‘tlt‘lt‘d the stream of builing (mill-0 liver the lttittI\'t:l‘Ittli“C. fi igi'r oi the Original. III the instant tuat ht: wnt‘cd it liirtli :is .1 signal in ccnsc pouring. 'I‘lic sulli I'l.‘." rnsr sl- Icutly trout his seat. and with nil a bust (it tttuucetit grcuu [rugs bnsk-‘ ring in the sun :iltt-rzi Spring shower. The little old man in question visit- cd the (Jade tle toy cvc y Inurniug pre.~isc|y at one o’clock. called for a cup of (‘ttll‘qtfi with cruam, and a lull ul‘brcud. whit-h he zilwus dl\'l.l-, ud into the same Iiuiuburul' circular-l, s'it'cs. It was Iieccssai‘y, lmwcvcr, t Int this brand should he stale. and :ts'tltcy knew the peculiar fanny Iif the old gentleman in Ihis FCSPCtt' '1 roll was carcl‘ully rcscri'cd from WW‘HHW each dat’. cmupnsitinu, and put :tt aside for his breakfast the following :tlatt:rity for which no one guru hint credit, brought tltt: p iiut Iil‘liis stiiut llcssiuu bout iIt contact with that ptrt 'il' tlic person til the :llll‘r which was uncururud with chat tnils,:iiid sum the jiltcr Spinning across tltt: llimr 0| tltc :Ipiirttuctil. I I . . 4 - lltc wmtcl‘ was cXIlcd from the COKE-mum :Isa punishment Iii" the :tttaI-Ii ; the justly til lllt: intistt'r condemned him In survc liur n vermin spaci- in tho lulmi‘Itury, :ts tlu: lilt- Cltctt (if the (:.Il'c-i'cs'ziurtiut is I-nllt-d. In the end. ‘ the man who always a i: statle bread ' triumphed over his Cttlltllltfl oftltc licatI-tt'titct‘. it must be tmtilnssud that lit: had lntttetilttbly liiili-II in Ihc result. hir in France the contributions in the wuiturs are all Itl;lL’t'tl in one gcnurnl rush-box. and at tltc end «ilu (:l‘t'tttltt period the prut-t-eds are divided numnyy :tll tltu servants of the house. the» master lii'st lit-lpiiitz Iiiiiiscll to the lion’st At this rate. therefore. DU- uriuir’s rcrompvu 'c \\ ould pt‘til‘zubly‘ amount to it sulitary SixltellCO. l)”- Hillllt‘ knew this, but was satisficd share. with the reward of his own heart ; hi- lllttttlicd the old man graciously for ilit: payment, plat-ed the gratit- Ity in the Common rct'cptat-lc, nud ll'ttltsli‘t‘l‘ed tltr other monies to his own Stt‘nugllnltl, for In: lind lit‘pvi. ously pdttl day by day the cxpcusc til" the brenltlnst lrmn his tttt'tl [)tit'lt'ul, The littlc man ftillnwrd Dominic’s movements with his cycs, at the same timt- licntiug upon the table a tnttt'"l!. somewhat longer and :t littlc miit't: rclicnivnt than was his wont ; inim‘ulilc‘. his Uttctttltrs left him to eu-t ,ltend uln house llkc this. l)t'('ltlt‘tll’\" ,(Ielit \Vholc No. 69. A bout the close nl'tlic snitic your-â€" that is to say. lilf'CU Ul‘ liittr ltltillllls ttllct‘ tlic lltltlllltlllltll UI‘ this singular dcbtâ€"tltu prtipriutnr of the: Cult}. wlto haul rc:ili2cd a fortune. announc- ed his intention oi~ disposing of the and cstnblisltmcntp retiring from trudc. , lluuring this intpntinu announced in the tzzifc, the old gI-tiIlI-iuau made :1 sign It) Dominic, who was in ut- lclltltltltic. tu ttppt‘tittttlt. and began It cout'ct'satiun. [)muiuit: was as mttI'It surpristrd at this sudden fit of. Inqui- t‘lly us though one of the sun-I 0 ligurcs on the ceiling had opened its mouth and asked fur nutip ulmdfuc. But, eVuii more surprised at the tlulut’e‘ l 'My li'icltd,’ said the little old gentlcniuii to Hit: ltctttl \vuitcr. ‘ t‘Iiu Utiiiiluii: trns (IUSIIUULI to lie til the cuttvct‘sntiun. are a good follow, and I wish you well.’ ’ Dominic lmwul. and elevated his. shoulders with that slight tlltinitnUIll.‘ which may be iutcrprcttad ad liltiluin to menu 'I am ltltltfll obliged] nr ' It is “I. litllu cunscqurui'c to Iiic.’ The old man took the former cxpluuu- lion. and cuntinucd.â€" 'DOtllllth. lam sure you have been economical; I know this and murh more of which I do not Spunk, tic-l, cause luui IUO wcll :tt-quuiiitcd with the value of wnrds to tlirutv tliuin‘ nwayâ€"l know you have saved ttiIiIiey.’ Dnuunlc bounded bark .1 stop or, two, and the action liurdly IlUtJlIt'd tu- . l ‘Ilc ts about to I)U ititcrprctcd. ask me In laud him moucy,’ tttuuglitl tin.- heud wn-tcr. l'ltc quI-stiun appeared to divine, tltc thoughts til the Wiltlt’t‘ ; his \'l.~«-‘ u gt‘itttztcc ultyliiclt lltc tuutlcl may“ he suctt in the ligurcs ul' tltu iuidulu, “ch “Illt'lt ducurutu lllL: pui’clt Ul't some Untbit: church. ' lltitttittit'.' he I~Iitilittuc(I. ' I see that I am rightâ€"you have moucy ltl tlit: l’unds. That is cxl'cllt IIt ; and \'. Dun you think. ll|)\\i' tn t'tply tn my (pit-stint) slinrtl mid to tlic purpose. from your own lilltt\\'lt.‘t.l,""t', that am intulltucut man, desirous ul' itnprny-J ing his itit'cuiiistauccs, “mild lltlll‘ Hits :1 favorable spct'ultltiiitt in wliiI-h‘ l l to rIslt It capital su lurgt: as that III:- mnndcd by your nizistcr for his busuicss l' Unituuic was pleased to have an uppniiuiiIIy ut‘ tulltiug on It sulijcctt w lttt’ll cutircly mzcuptcd his tlIIiuglIts, ‘ It,’ said he l ‘ tltc ptirtcluisur uudcr-‘I stood the liUsiItL-ss St) :is to be able to ttttuttLI In his own interests. and it", he was not cumpcllcd to linri-uw tltc‘ |)llIClIiISU-ll](tllt!y till cxti'uvugttut‘I terms. llc Would find the business it liirttitic.’ ‘ chll. and why do you not pur- cbnst: it ?‘ ‘ Murry. II with tilintl’ ‘ \Yttlt yntir swings} ‘ I‘ly savings! they do not altoge- thcr amount to ten thousand litmus} ‘ 'l‘cu thousand francs! how long. have you buen itt sirt' DutuiuiI: ‘l. ‘ l have carried the napkin l'ur‘ 1 am now‘ th-nty-thrce ycars. thirty -nlue.' ‘ You siren good fellow, nsl sziid ; the man who I-ould :Iiitziss tcu thun- .snntl francs by adding sun '4) suu Would soon be \\'nt‘llt a million :it the I it must be so. Duuiltiic. I know .1 person who could assist you with :1 loan; liIiw mm-li do you want .7' I would not iuout‘ It til. two Ittllltll't‘d ‘ Nothing. nttd th‘tth thmtsnud {minusâ€"the rlstt is ttm grunt. ttttd the interest wuuld pm- bably nbsm‘b :Ill tin: prnfit. lwuuld i'nthtrr continue :i waitrri-zi lbw yours lmtgnr, and l'Clll‘C upon It Stt‘ttll :III~ Iuiity. than run the ristt nl'mnrcbing tIi prisiiu iti the shots [if a buultrupt.‘ ' You spcult sciisr, Iny fricud, but lure the matter to itic.’ The old man tlinn .‘itljiistcd the-folds nlltis bouts. nud di-pdi'tcd without tit ti'l‘iiig another word. The ucxt but by no word or inm'cmt-tit did 11: “fibril an indication of having uiidur- stood the liberal conduct of the waiter in his behalf. morning he mute t0 the trnli: 'idll an hour Ctll'llCl'lIldll was his cus~ tum. lug his table, but the old man arrest- cd his arm. ltominic ctimmctuzcd arr-aug- jittii'tttm obtained by my ltitllgttilttl . . 4 . tin this liXCt‘IItlel mttti the age was ltii :ttt iustnutdtstut'tcd ttttli ' l ‘iithI-I', ‘ When.- is the proprietor 7.‘ sud he. t ‘In his Cttllllltll,’ said DouiinEC. ‘ Conduct uw tn liim.’ Dmniuii: quvcd l'nrtvut'd to show the "1d llltlll the Way; his heart bunt \thll I'i IUII'TL'. li-r :iltli'iugli In: .liad p Isscd tht: wl‘tulu ot' the prctzcd- ling duy in trying tn convince him- a :lt' tlisit tin: grind-m iti was \thtilt in his i.It.:llc-:t, and was trifling with him, still tits pct'pluxlty l't:ltII'tlt:tI whcu llt! liclli'ltl tltc :ur lifllSSllt‘.ttt(:U ttnd dutut'nmintinu \\llll which " lbc man Who tilt: stttlc Ill't‘fl l" procucdctt about the business. \Vheti thuy wcru both arrived ill the prcscutzt: (it' the pl'tipt'lcttit', the n:d Inn!) cunt- Iitmu‘ed trtc i-uIIVcrszitiuu witltcut luriliwr preamble. ‘ lluw ttlttl‘ll (It) you demand for your t-strtbltslumrut I. said he. B low I rt-ply tn yuur inquiry,’ sztid the prnprictur, “bu sttrpct-tcd Sum..- my shticuiinn or st't'iit: tit hilly. icti a: I reply to your di‘mntt I. :1 HI ctttm' upiiu tilt: all't I' with you. sul Inc to ask whom I have the IIuIIIir tn Iiddri-ss l’ ' You an: I‘igh'. If two par-tic: are about to cutvr Into It I-Iiutrut t. it Is lii'st iil'nll tth-cs'sury that they s'mu‘d Ituuw and have rnnlidcturc in cut-II uthcr. l nit) tltc Barriu Rug- clct, cx 4‘tiltl'lIlSStlt'}-geltcl'ul “I. IIIU armius til lllL' ciiipirc.’ ' Burnt) liugt'lut ." said the pro- pricuir, hinting; ‘I know thc name; 'I II:I\'U such it lately in the uuwspnpt't‘s.’ ‘ No doubtâ€"in ri-latinn to an iti- Ii: r tamil} tn Itt‘UVthl nit: l'rmn trusting. my tui'ttutc. 'I'hI-y sny that I um I. liml. :Iud that my IIlIcrulItj’ Iltls llr might in lttlllut‘llll}. Duringy ten months, \‘.'liIlc IIlt! inquiry wits gu- ti.g till. my. t-I'i-pcIty was ustrI-ntud. and I ruliiscd tn lltllttll tltu ulliiw- uni-culli-rud Inc. Since then. lltt‘ inquiry ltus tui‘IiIiuntcd in lltvm- “I my sanity, and having nuttttt (flllt‘r' ('(I upnu tlIu :idtutnistt'ntinit til. tin ' I’ct'liztps,’ said Dominic, fixttig his eyes upon the baron. as~ it he would ruin] his thoughtâ€"s, ». , ‘ I sec,’ said the othcr, ‘ you Have them when the occasion dcumnds it; you are rightâ€"I am pleased thll the rcscriatiou. I find you have not lost yuut‘ heartâ€"marriage is tilt! most important all-air ()I'tt ‘mtilrs lilo. Dutttlttlt', you must get married.‘ 'I lt:l\’u tili'cady thought nt‘it. sir,‘ sud liutuiuuz; ' it will: would be it Stunt SOII'C’ (it. cuttiliii‘t :tud ct-Ii- .iuiyâ€"II \tuulJ saw: the expcttsu id' a dame dc cumplotr.‘ ‘ I I'uc.’ stud tht: baron, ' you have need ul' aid and counselâ€"you Sll-‘tll Itth' tliciu. B..- ru-‘Idy at eight u‘trluclt this u\'CltlllI,{; I will call tur -yuu, and We Will pay a Visit lugcllt- cI'.’ The appointed hour arrived. and with It the baron. Dtillllttlc was t' arty, :ttid Itttcinitputitcd Muustcttt‘ ltilb‘tjlcl In It liucltucy couch to that qu.trlct‘ ()l' dccuycd wealth-t ie I“uu:mUr,; St. Uicrttiain. Hct‘c tlicy shipped at the dour nt' :1 liiiusc ut' tmctm rippuut'ztncc. and having :ts~ curled several flights of stain, eti~ ti-i'cd :i sutulI apartment. when: tt.ey t'uund [Wu ladtus, who received them with in mud .Itcutiuu. ' MltIdtllu Dupruf said the baron to out: ul' lltctll, With an appearance or t'rtcndty lliunlturily ' this is the wurttty man of whom lhuve Spoken and III V‘IIUOU \Vclli‘ll'c I ltl'ipe to in- turrsl you. Dmniuicf continued be turning towards the entice-house Isucpct'. ' this lady is the wilow of a man who has t't'lldcl'lfll me many iInpoI taut SUI'VII‘US. Stu: ItuS pro- In cxtcud Itcr l‘ztvui's to you .IIlIl will pcrmtt you to visit bur :ti' iutcrv ds 7 \V ile Monsieur Ilagelct was It altiu,’ lituou introductions in duc‘ Iiit‘Iti, Itiu daughtcr of Madame Du- pt'ti, \VIIUSU name was llosc, u .d who. without being cxut-tly bounti- t’ul. possessed all the l't'cslmcss and tilnum til. “it: ll'tht' whose name slur: but‘u, Icgurdcd Dominicattentively. and In: in rcturit tic-stowed upon bar .1 lllgt.‘ shtirc Ul his uttentiuu. 'I'lrc rcsuu til" this double Investigation ::ppc:. cd titt'urntzlu in both parties, liit' D'tttllnlt' was well formed tum Wt’ll 10ml limiurus, and his l.’t)ultlt,'tt- tctutnt'e rcllcrtutt the goodness amu gentleness UI his ltuttl'l. But the Hicnuncss of the apart- ment. and Slittlili‘. nud ltteXpL‘ttSt'-c dI'cssus of tin: ludius, somewhat dts- uppuiutud I)” Itititit. Ht: was aux.- tius zit tilt: Cttt'IICSl possible moment In tcturu lltt: buruu’s limit, and III- duel thought, t'rmu a hurt the harm mid Ilmppt'd, that it was his ltttctt- tum I.) tttll'tidutic tu Itint it Indy (it pt‘titict’ty. Willi s'iiuu sum towards thu IIIpI (IJIIUH (if his tlcbt. But m,- SCI'VHIA' SUCII UIIV Oils Slglls Ul \Villll. ul' wmilth Iii Illt‘ Dupres. tic camc- lu ttIc t‘t)tlt:ltt>ltittl :It the burnt] “us now ItcsIIims «it IIIIII’I'yIng him to at girl who had liccu unI zr his prntcl - Inn it return tiir the l‘avut‘s “htcii llt.‘ had just bestowed. thin thng It tit2t2u>ll|llud Dominic grtmt ttttt‘itstttcss ; but uhattuvci‘ the “51‘ prupin'ty. l was t-uulilt-d tn t'cltttid ltttlt: sum Iicliml tlttth-i'tl-I'Iistly It) tlisliurst~ Nuw (but we know each lt‘l us return to lit-siiicss. \Vtmt suit) do run tItJtttletI tor your cgtnlilldtlltt'ttl I. ‘ l'u'ii linn.ltc.l and twenty thou- l'ur mt:- ,Slllltl lt' itit's.’ ‘ It s not pvriinps too dear: ntzd you wiitilil pI'anbly lllt\'(! ltIl ultj w- tiun tIil :tvc smut: til tln: litlt“'IlIlS(! mount" on mint): g“. IIut listen to ~'l‘ht: tiiurs an: unsettch :iitd tllIE. the most solid cstabl‘fluucuts arts at 11p; m'irI-t- ul‘ 1‘. \'lilttllitllS. and l\\"t ltuudt'cd tltuusaiul l‘ruurs Itri\\‘, is Il'llt’l' lll-‘lll l\\‘(iltUttlIl'L‘t.I1ttl(I I\Vt‘nll\' thousand lll pt'nspI't-t. l-Itrrt', llll‘lt., Ilt' viiiitiiiui-il, drawing :Iii nldp01't- fuliii limit his ’tiit‘littl. ‘is l\\I'i lllllt- tl't'd tlI-iusuid I'I'Iuit‘s iu untcsuu tit-.- 13 Ink ul' France. If iln s:'you tin: :illiiir is linislncd. 'l‘lils is my \\.t_\' I)!" transacting: hu~in '55. and Ill my time I li;i\'c (‘thpltrt'tl niqu itiumrtiult bargains in ll:\vI-r words.‘ Ittiminit: .‘tlttI his master built sm-nu-d stupiticd with surprise. 'I'lit- lltll‘itll :Ippcurcd tn (‘tljity tltt-ir i-ntilusimi. :uul rubbt-d his hands and I‘I-puuted tlti: griInm-u to which \Vc lint'u :Ilt'cndy :iliuilml. ' l mu \\lll'ltt_' ltt :tgt'ec,’ suid thc proprietor. ‘ but it is tht't‘csSflt'Y that the inattt-I‘ should be arranged by :i tiiitnry.’ - Why so? Is not the sale exc- ('utud in good limit, by the tlircc partiI-s pt'uscut ?' 'But with I'I‘SIICI‘fl totlicintrrcst.’ tnurniurcd Dominic in it smutlti't'I-(l litllt.‘ (ll \‘0lt‘t‘. seizing the bat'uu'st ttmtt “it is tict-I-ssury ” ‘ B III !. I‘t'pliml the old man. ‘ I dry it In nbligc :t l'riuud. and am no usur» t'r. Give lllC your ,tl"lt'ltt|\\'lctlt_'t‘v tttt'ttlâ€"I (IISII'C nothing rlsc. But :Is I litl\t) un intention of lttlllillltj you :i picst-ut ol two ltltlltll‘t‘tl thuir sand l'rnnvs. I will arrungc it it) Still] it umuiiI-r that you sliztll not long I‘c- main my dubim'.’ Dominic It‘ll from his elevation, and ‘ lllt‘ Inuit who always nte stutt- lircnd ' dcsccttdcd t0 the Collin: I'tltlln. While the buyer and seller Wore trttpuriiig thciiisulvcs to register tltc ttat'sti'r til the property be swallow rd trniitpiilly his t-up Iil't'ull'ct-_ “I'm- out l'uructtiu; the twu pivt‘I-SIII' su- cnr to IV: transit-rod It) his litlt‘hCl. uI-nt n stiprrb marle iii) the t:IlI|t-. 'I-cw up his limits, and di-pnrtcd with lttrt twu l‘t'II'lIIIS tn liiiisli. by :t dash nltl'c put. «it the two lItIIulI'l-d thousand l‘i'uiit's. In :i li-Iv .l'l'\5 lliiiiiiuii: was in stullml in his ucw dignity. 'I‘ln: lit- III- “III llt.'lll ('tlttllttttt‘tl tn trike hi.- (‘ttSli-t‘nitt’y' lirc Ikl‘nst in his “stud im- 'l;lS<;lltlt' lltiltlllt‘l'. \\ltt‘tt (N)t' day, as ltv tins lt-nviug tliu I‘m-m, he dcviu- lt'tl so tll' limit his usual custom :15 I.) .‘l‘ilir'lul'l! ltniiiiiiur who u‘ua’ CH“ Ihmm-d nu the scat “Humor. and address lllllt \\tllt tbc tollouing words : ‘ Dominic} s'ud he ‘I think you have warm olfuctions.’ :i tinusli-t' pu.Ii-am~cs migbtuc, the coucltmuu was :t WI‘Iit g UIIC. 'l‘tiu “qu day, as the interview had upon Stiltslttt'ttli’y betwcgn the young 1 capic, ttit: IMI‘UH aiitmuncud Iii I)I>Ittlttlt2 Iris plans Ill full. I'll: stulcd tltc It.ttttl'c ut tllu tibltgtitirius contorted tip-iii hi it by tut: old :I’ Utiprc, and ms dumt’u. its tltt: lillltlly Wul'L: lull in adverse (le‘tiunlslittttitrs, I,” t'clUlll tin.- unligutunt witnuut aI~ Itruttiig lllutt‘ dcdtntry ;uttd this. ltt: thud; It tic unutd best d.) by ell'..-I:2~ in}; it In ll Lugt: IICI\\t:ClI Dominic tittd tltc datugltlcr at his l'rtvtitl. Diutnuc was suttsticd with this cxrtlmuunn and arrangement ; lltt: young lady ail-pcnrcd truly Inuit:qu .tud tic-strand; us a partner tltt‘udczlt till: ; and before a we alt had ultipscd IJuiiquc marten t'm'mul ()tl'ur ul' his hand and Iicait, and was duty ur- ccptcd by lllt: pt'utigc til "the Inuit who always titu st..t,- tircad.” 'I‘uu Inurritgx: \\ as soon after sol- cuiuich, and the saint; day. after but rust-minty Incuktnsuhc baron bcclt- uncd tIi Ulitttlttlt: to approach. " You have done null." said he “you ltatVu tuitrricd Without ttttcr- cstcd undth, a woman ticsu‘tius and I-upat-lc ut' I't n lcrtug you happy 1 [aid you I SlIUUHâ€"I find the.» rituals t.r ('ttttCUl the Item yuu owe me; It Is lIlU Ituuct'y Iil’ liiisu. And lici'c, "cuntinuud in). “ruling the two huu~ drcd tliiiusuud lt'uuu tilll in pieces. ‘ I destroy the ucltitowlcdgcmcut yuu gun.- liit' tltu money. Enjoy, It. and and to happy.” Dominic, tuli ot'ératitude, WOtI.‘ have ltil'UVVt) tttttts’cll at the burn. a lcct, nut ht.- was already out or tilt: d.) 4. “Two or three such reputations,” ltC utuilcrcd tu tintsmt, as he \V‘dlncLl s\\lIll'. u\\tt_\, " utiu I sltztll die cut.- I. mud and ubsulvud ; tlltd these 'dl't. what my t'clutiuus cut prodigal dil- tupiduuuus nt‘ my I'm tuiic." May all (IHISG “Ito Wallnw In it :t quch wcutlh t‘cudur tltc Hltttt utImcuicut to suctuty as Barutt ling» Ict ; and may they UL: its ttatppy t.; the sclucttuu at their obj :cts. Dmiumc t'cr'ltcd thc pt'cdnztiun o.~ the buruu, and became it ltltlltittt'tit‘ti. Itc lttlpl‘uVud thu (fSlilIJIIshtnt'ttl In tttcl’ul.its Kaytil,;IIId,tI.t\-uig brought It to its Stats at liutlc‘cltutt, sum me prup.;ttt' tor livc liUitItiLrtI. lllUliSi‘ltd truncs. Itt: is now u ruttrcd CIIIZ -u, ,cmmug i“ ;. nuult: lIntct III llll.‘ line b". Iluuntc, and It Ittutitticrulcluu... u. r “I Uupttlttb, diatiugutshud ctucfiv for lltt.’ slittplc proud) tit~ lltS charac- tcr. Nutttict h : mm “03:; 1...“- gym- turguttctt or ticsitatctl tu :Ickuutil- crib"; tttctr ubiignttnus to the “ ltlttll mm :tltitttys itlU stattt: bt'uud." m There is uniting worth having that is nOI d.thcir.t; my life, and suppose the l {a ct (‘ttty mun wt; has wo It (I v i b lanl ut' .s h n air I ng «0) rs with d.!III- it- ties .u d lli‘llt‘ of t a would be 't... In it \« e n w ate it we had abut- ed ditlicut i s to conquer us.â€"-â€"b‘.r E. B. Lyttm. l

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