Ihavc to ask the House to ad- journ lrom 10-day until three 0 clock on Monday. I Ally. Gen. MACDONALDâ€"THE, *ouse cannot do anything else Ilmn‘ accede to the L'quest of me hum; menber for Cornwall. But I new not say to my hon, friend, that at this late period of the session: an}! in the present 31a“; of [he punlnc business, it is to be, hoped there will be all reasonable spi‘ed in maâ€" king the new arrangements SIR: For lwo or tlII‘I‘l‘ dn‘s past, the people 0| {his tom: haw been Once zuulu intensely agilaled ’11 ï¬le coal quesliouâ€" not. 1 am sm-ry In NH , mi.»ng from {n.lllur devvlo‘uuenh conï¬ ma ()1) 0! HIV exialencc OI‘ an rxlcuaiw amJ aich name m lhut Usrful and may desirable arllr‘le, b-II in coinequeuce ofil having bvcmnc knuwn bcyoud llw shudmv of a donut, hml lln: allcged dhuorery, in May lust w.» a bul'e‘acrd pirce 01' impomunn. Yes, Hm pew“: of Hm (own, I rcgrut m stale, hue brrll ~a Hy h MXeJ ; and wh .l I‘I'Ildcn the cum llimnce more agrava “1;. L (In: f‘cl lhu .Vlr. James Hahn, lhc p.11ln-irlor all“: burglls Ininc-â€"u mm who iu-rrln- fore, was held in llwl.i:_he.~l rail‘ï¬â€˜ll by his l'rllow lowuamrn, a nl who“: clxa uclru {Of hour-sly. llllnf,’n‘lly. uIIJ h'mmr, II-rnc ever dnlblrll, slam-l1 convaclcd, by hh own ron‘essimn. ol' luring been a party lu the work ul' dvccpliufl TIM: facts comm-«led will! [his sham:- ful lruusacliun h-uke. um sumrulnl u~ folhnh :«Aï¬er “ll' Hrs! “:11- wd ILSVOwr) of Coal. Mr. Ulunlcs iï¬wtvs‘ u bwlher lu Janna, a geullmuu of \Veallu â€".:|Ll win. 1 nnglu here remu‘x. \v u IlL'lUler Jam-any no: ul lu'uc‘ly null ivan m 111- ham utlmu â€"-'nlernJ Inm |:Il‘lu¢r~|l [1 mill I|n~ bu l‘uer, \mh ~.\ \‘ivw o. Oixrnhg up lhv mine 3:9{e plume-Jun; to '1»: Work m sum“; :1 shall, hoWeY-u‘, he. d.e‘|u:l il l‘u prude w uukc u \u [her scumh lul' anolher hm] (1| cuu‘, Which. ll“ lrll unwr- ed, wvuld «as ly be lound. prmidud nu d: cv'llliou bid brul prauliud III III: dw- covery 01' [he ï¬rst one. Cr) scluumly. lhr. work of boring l’u.l|n'r d w. was r:- lerell upnn, and Cl‘lllllIUld unlxl mlh u about a wwk ago. “hen snuulhing “a (mud which mum d Alr. Uhurlc‘ Ullm to unsu‘u»! lhnl all “'3‘ no! :h it shnuiJ be H: [III-n umJe ulv his mun] llml he kuld nuke uma~u r3 l0 lc~t Ihc rialin ml. e exislruce 01' the hub! lhr‘ugh Whlcll u. was alleged (hwy had pih‘t‘xl, and lb’ this purpose he lud a nun-him: made. which. 11-: felt assured. would. ii the (Juul Was \hcre, demmmhah the fact hpynnd all doubt. The lllilL'llule w-u nude and bA‘ought [n the pa. and what struck Ali. U. Bales as vmty n-nuukuhle w.» (hr flu that the wry (In) llml the leak-r \vu.~ I) ought, Joe Bu's Inn, llm mmer. Ivlt (he “ .vig ‘ia gs." anJ coud not be u‘duvd t: ge um‘ Umvu’el', [he VII‘lllr' 0] Inc l-w'e. w» ‘.it‘(], and the result was :4) u mu s the o y lhu .Hr. Bum a: once dl c a ~d his Urhel lllzll Hm llnu; Was a hummg. and cut his (tonnrcliou n‘iih ll Ill-med»:qu ly. Al this lim ’ he ILâ€! not the. m nl ne- mme idea that his bmtlwr was in any Way imp icaled in llw “o‘k ol drceplir n “Inch had burn pl‘ill'liird Upon thv people 01 mi. vicinlly, and When lllr fact brcamv knowu to him. he saw Vent to hi~ leï¬hllï¬ï¬ in (cars. The nmn BuNl-m. did um loan [but vic'un'ny uf \he “no, bul wcm \0 work harm-Ming wuh a Iarlnu in lhu mighbur- lmod. All llle ï¬lm: he strongly dulned L113“ any decvptéon had Kern pvl'pt‘h'alrd, _l‘lle House three o’clock 1 breas‘ of it‘. and_ “7" [he whole a-l'hr Joe, E .dmg bungeli (lapped, ouncluded [0 make neceasilv a urine. and um" and were out with the whali- srcrc[. Hr coulessml that he got coal from a calm-m coal-yard, and that he, Mr. Bates, and Mr. Lllaimrlll, (Ihe genllxmhn Ira," Hamilton wlm nupeiinli-ntlrd [he bll‘i“: and who ï¬gural an conspicuï¬uly lM'lUn the M.clmmca' luslilulc of llguniilon) Wrre lhe pailirs who put lhe Coal iulu the borr, and afterwards. by dint 01' ha y. faced lying, made 'he people believe lllal it was a genuine dlaCOVcl‘y ol veritable @oal. ‘ As might naturally be supposed, the M": spread like wild-ï¬re lhrougli the town Bm‘l disappointment, indignalion. ancf aaâ€" lomshment were depicted in every coun- lï¬nlnce- Mluy could not believe it pos- it. That he haul been hum‘mgginig “W penple, and would be made In quH‘ 5‘0: hi, nllaluy- Such plain la|k,and so UII “pl-cud. nether nonp‘usxd Joe, and alaggvred ‘luu amazmgly The party we“ [old hull llml ll' he was really uuwln. Ihe but plan would he lo make aucltin breast ol‘ it. and lull [he whole al‘ar Joe, (5 .dgng himself llapped, cunuluded |o make Deans.†a nuns, and me" and were out with the whovi svcret. Ht. BOWMANVI LLE C0 AL MINE EXPLODLD. From the Oshawa Vindicator, ,- then adjourned until on Monday. when Sillllrlllillg nu 311'. Churlc‘ 154nm ‘ibje (ha! Mr. Junnvs Fates could have bwmne H Party [0 so sham-ï¬ll .1 ll'flnsilc- lion. and um uuhl llzvv heard him com-e» il Openly [mo e the In Ighll'fllt‘s of the lawn. couid Hwy credit the trulh of BalsllOn’a gory. exploded. It ha: ended tn nothing but gas. and, that too, of a most worthless and abominable natur». As to the mo- livcs which actuated the parties concernrd in lhis wry discredilnble affair, lslta“ 03-“ no opinion, although various stories a e told. I will only say that l. with scores of others in liowumnvillv. due, ly rl‘grfl that Mr. James Bates shou'tl hate, in an unfortunate moment. so fair forgot ten wlutl was due to himself m a gvnlle- memslauding high in the estimation of his h llmv lowrsmun, as to have pmliL-ipatml il alrxnmctinnnhe inevituh'e "null 0 which. he might have l‘orsee‘r, couhl UN] in nnllling. shmt of utter rui nu inn Io him- 5 ll‘, as an hourst and ilnlmlll‘ublu man. Il-an'tng a sligtna. upon his character which will cling to him for the irtnuindei of hie lil'e. 'l he pr)l ululiuu of [he (3in of lugluu I: now [mum-led at 70.000 Naval forces are [0 be stalloned |o Irrnltcl bolh the Nicaragua and the Pan- ulna rouie. Five million acres cl Inn-l are l0 be acid Ill Uulnurmu next b'cbluuxy. Kine Intuclles are selling! in Mumplm l‘cuu.. at llhct: dullula pcr bushel. Uu UH: basmaw river. in a di~xunce (1 :25 mules. linen: are more than {)0 auw nulls. : l'cuches are lo be had III the L11 unto Intnkel. Ifcarl have traspassed Ion far 0‘: your space am] alllmuarh I could my mom on lhis‘ Very painful and (li~a4rwnh|r (ina‘ qm-slion, 1 shall for [he pl'l'aeut drnvr to a close. Unlv ï¬ve unmiunkeable autographs 01 b'lvakapL-urc we known. 'l'In-rc au- 20 030 \lemn employed In na‘clmmkma- In cwuzrrla nl‘. 'Hle Inha. t "Ls olMium-snln are mug-h cxulul «in/u. mu l‘luler nwr mmca. b'ix persons in Manchester, N. H . ware pulauucd a [cw days :mue by rating bud cheese. - Hie mw luombuory liquor Luv \VI-n ile Ullrl'ulIOh Iu Mame, (m the l.)ll| um A :luum machiuc lor nunnulucluriu we 1m: hucu mm: b) u Lunduu 11.“). The L‘lly (Inuncii, of LOuithnt’, Ky has rslabnalwd a [land lire. dv‘ aalmrul. HIP. Allnnlic £100 per “Hid. nun: [In In lual. The Moravian :ehem, [‘31, have at “neural. The London 'l‘llamrs [0 be luc m the wmld. A boat ullaclwd lo a apeun whale, in the l'uciliu, Wu: drain" 6;: uulta an houn. The X. Y. Express says peaches and up: amllrs are mllVlué m llul any twu. ‘ouulll La‘ollua. The 1.")7lh unnn'ersnry of llne foundm;J of Uelrml “u: ulchxulcd wuu glcul aylrll, UAI lhu 24-“! lual. U. 1’. R. James 1m: acceplcd [1): Con- sul Uulwl'u alul: ul Ude:§«l, and is ubuul lo leave Lilcmn-md. lurk '1 he luhl California steamer {rum Ne“ )VOI‘k Cdllled am a “UHIUCI‘ 0f il‘lllo'l'flll‘.‘ I'm" 1: later than: time: the dm: n‘cry of gOH on FraZvn rin-n, I'l‘ul e~luw Ina Ue‘ncclulcd DU .ul can. in bucruA c 0 It has hven Ilvcitlvd in n Cincinnati onurl that the dFIiVGTV ortce nn Sunday is ‘- a work of necessity or charity.†It is said that a chevse painted on: with melted suvt so as to I'm-m a thu- cont over the outside. uen‘r has mites. One of Lola Montwfs husbands. nam- ed Patrick Hull. .1 prinlm' by trade. died rerrnlly in California. at llle age 0(36. The overflow ha; mmle wood fnr xte-anv'rs very scarce :nlnng the Missiwipni. «ml the bouts are troubled to procure fuel. Mr. E. C. Ucluvun has paid off [he \vhnle dcbl ol the ;\, l. buns 1:11),qu- .mcc comely, HIIIUUHlllI-é [0 $9,168. The sugar crnp of Louiaiaua is estima- lwi (growled lln- wouwr Ilercu‘tur p: on . Imumble,) at 390,000 Huh. The Saratnzn papers say lhatthe ar- rivals :1! Nu- Sprinxs, up In the pie-mm timn‘. are about doublv the number of [In- snme dale |a~t yrar. The “1: )le [lumbrl' ol' lndmns in Oregon. and \Yuslnu-Elun nurnlm'wa, according to we lulcal rcluma. 1: 39.700. A bud of John [Inward Payne. nullmx "f" Swee' IInInP." hv .lm-ksm. line ~«cull: Inr ii to he placed in the Music Hull. Ba~lon. Mr. A. F. Snow. nf Bxunswivk, <m‘s a flaw an Iliculinns nl‘ cuilnr oil will kill all I I kn-ds of w: ls on man and bunst. The snhjoct of the prflpriety of admit ting fcumlo-s into llu- Univa-rsity of Micki gm, i~ now lye-fore Ilue 1’43me There is .1 Innremvnl nn font for 1h.) feulmalinn ofull llle Annh'ulinn Colnniw. [l is aaid tn meet With very general favor. Ont-Ha "o. appearq to b:- writtgr'ggg in Hue liquor bu~im-« ' 'he ~um o $ ~ Fuel 8 us ‘ 'dl‘ '0! ‘EIT In 7 been I. v I u )e “causes. Mr. Ji. B. .uulhcws, anirgiuiu. ha: a .lmmuud \Vvlsllll's l-H- carcls. ll. I: NI- .Ird an. le lull-lull (Julian. Tm’my ï¬ve hundred dngshave bren “0“â€?th the pnlice in New Yrrk. Si'fce "‘9 Dog Law went into operation llm~ summer. The editor of the India! Conrier says he has in his 06 .ugar beet "cighed siny po‘ mg a yard in circumference yard in length July 2611:, 1858 l‘luus has our Bowmanville coal mine 351mm Strum. "Crlvgraph Cable cost bums 900 mm» 0| 1| 'l‘ims dvcmres the unclcuuest, luulcal mu congreflï¬on at 13-41;- over one unflion dull.“ Yours Iruly. BOWMANVILLE 'h.e Indianola (Te‘a‘) siny pounds, measur- in his ofï¬ce a Frelu' and over a \\'ush A meeting WM hv‘d at 9!. T’nul nn the 7111 inu to ron~iller [he fl'a‘ihilily of Opr- rating an arr-Hand route to the Frnzar River gold mines. Ruseia is on very hostile term; with Austria. and on lhv be“ to-rms will] Francw Qhe is quile inclined to form an alliance against England. lere was a severr- storm of wind and rain at St. Pauk on the evening of III» 81': in~t.. \Vhir'h did l‘umwge to the ex- The Hznndnire anvlle says the frog: in Nonlhmnplnu are in dinng of hm“; exlirpaued. (In-y are so uagcr‘y souahl after by epicures. tent Frazer's Rinr i: nnvnga‘tlp for strnm ham: ninety Tour mi‘mz m Fnrt “op:- 'I‘ho m‘ntw or [he znlul dis‘hict is siny :ix miles above Felt Hope. 0n? lman-‘e-l null ï¬ï¬v moan left New ank on Tumrlnv fnr Vlinmil'nn. erinn having bv-on manner! as laborers on llw Tehu'lnlepec Railroad. Tho wllmv Invnr i: prn-ruiling nn tho (311W \hnre in Tmniu'nn-u, and Main): mur-ln uneadm-u in New Orleans, where svvcral rnsus had Occ d. Over .000 Nnrwvsrinn nhd Sm'didu Pmitrr nts have mun-1| nvpr Hm Gahann R, TL, wHHu n {'va r'ars hound for La CrMSP and McCrPgnr's “'is. A correwnndent of the Philndvlphin Lfllgm' sm‘szâ€"u The same hr-lt of gold Hm is found in Sou‘hern (‘Jhl‘ornin ex- |Pm|~‘ :vhnnst ll'Ihl‘f‘Ih’Pll lhrmuh Calif/1min. Oregon. \Vnshinv Mn, and the PrilM. Pns~e§siunï¬ nvr!h; and owning near Behring Strnil‘. i‘ living. and ha: long lwun worked hy Russians in Sihvria. hem-all: lhe same range of mnunlnins with here and lhere a drop or a break." l‘he szun» “'rifPr claims to have hm] inf‘nr- mulinn of lth ‘liacm'vry concurrvnl wilh lhv IluJ‘nn‘s Buy Cumpany. and long br- l'vre nnylhing was puhh‘xhvd in rvlnlinn In il‘ through :1 mar Tulnlive ro-siqu nr rmhu-r x-nzumn: in thaw. wild I-Puinns. lie and '51â€"" One man had lhe-n wtvivml from Inthunï¬ npm‘ 'l‘hmnmom': Kin-r. mm‘e Wan $50 000 wmlh nf gnhl Ihnl hn'l lu e'l pi 'Lml u - “will: 11 Ill" use ofs'u‘z-e â€"’"0 nâ€" ockcrâ€"â€"nr p n. Thr- 9 mod a «(town '«L Ihq \‘amgrde commencml \vmu \\ HEAT â€"The average supvly in.» new“ anlluller [him for man" wvelh' pl'e vinuï¬, prices A shade higher. 0n Fridu) [here were a few loads of new \Vhral in [11" market. (a very good samplr) which soul for 59 6d. Today a small supply of cld sold f0. 5‘ (no new). â€"’"0 nâ€" ockcrâ€"â€"nr p n. Thr- 9 mod a «(town wl~ lhq \‘amgrde cmn‘nentP-l \vnm Puget >mlml an I (Megan, and now ra‘lc‘ -\'il|l reinl'orcml fury in ('nl-fnrnin. ] hue rm doubt of [he rir-lmws hem;- vqllnl to llmse ofCaliInrnia in '4-9. when 'mwMo-r. many rvturnI-d from |IPYP In ' aome’ wnh 5:11 hearts :-nl anly pockets. cursing our l'.l Dorulo a.~ a l:llrnluu;.†Uu m Ihis day “new have been no new O.|ls in 1hr mmkvt. HAY. Ilne sum-1y has been good and rralisrd from $10 a $15. Sinre 1he lns‘ n>porl Ihe mun-km h-â€"rn dull. scarcvly anylhing doing in J-ain Inalkfl. ~nm|l ls farmed wiIh Illunsnmls of pores in every inch ul‘suruwe whue ofï¬re it is w cauy ofl'lhe im- .ur1ue~ of lhe Illuudâ€"Ihfl acknnoulel‘grd r-nuw m a“ durum 0f umnkiud-â€"when the rkm I~ (l1}‘ and pinchedâ€"«hm: il. i~' cuw ml \\ uh erupuomâ€"ulwn H. 15 (-uld and clamm_\‘â€"-\\ hrn here i~‘ mam d fever or inflaumlu-uâ€"Il is H“- pn-biln: lo: the .~k'|u Ul‘der Illneciwnmsmn es L pevl'orm their p alwr fllllclilllh and lo (':I!’!nll‘lhe impurmes hum llm body as de>igned l)_\' on. (Junior. Murw‘s Indian Rom [ills "more the-«- ob. alrucuons, and pluduce (rm: and heal h\' III md. I‘L'IIHIVB the eruptions from Ihe :kin. and cau~e in lo Iniglneu With the flus x of mum and hrauly Beau“ ismm‘h admier and luv-‘11 “Manly u-‘nlmul phillls and c-su.elicsâ€"l,ut be: lll)‘ puulncod hy heallh and Implnness. 11 dunizens 0! our vul'nlihl‘. dyl'lwpï¬n u Ihe u-giun nl' (he hnuid inva inhlc ll’\' cinvs, iINeud of rag-m or phlebotonnzing. b -en mver' hy lhe M: W. B. Mort-‘A'r. 335 and his A2911 5 '0 cure Abba, Lucy llewisnn . Robert leney. lloury Hutton. “'illimn Ueuuu. G. H. “on e . Daniel, Sen. Brown. Robert [2] Hume . Isaac Brnllinger. Gaorge [‘2] Knriuy, M 5' Hannah Hil‘ou. \‘v’illmm Kunck. Wnllialn Haney. Mr. Law. Abraham Hallie, “I Langsmï¬'. John liruum. Charles LungJaï¬. John. Jun ( uuper. \\ III. Mummit- Lodge (39.41.115. Juhn Meal“. £lesz d (,luk. AvdAew Mapes. William Clmprlier. Mary Mrkns. John Uerllmn. Mm McNuiIl. llerlor[‘.’] Dauhnm. MIL-hard Mchath. 'l hos. [2] Demon, Miss Ru [It-due. J. Durraul. Charles Stephl‘nron) .lowph I And many Olher Dusrnces. l’nrsnns Inhong under Pilllt‘l‘ «afII-e nl-ove n-euliomd Div-mes. wi)‘ do \vol‘ lo cal: in lime. All lone-Is 10 be uddreswd m E'liolt, Miss Fancy Lllioll. Robert. E~pe~ . Joseph Goodwin. Mrs. Joh Grey. William Gram. Jesse Gough. Frederick 155 M. TE Dr. Morw'a Indian Root 1.111531" sold by all denials in Medicines. August fl. 1858 Remaining in RICHMOAD HILL PostOfï¬ce‘ AUGUST “1,1858. {'mnru'sy Enlarger! .anls, To the Sick and Dying \‘I R. SNIDER, Of the 7h roucmsion of ‘ Vaughn“, near Klulehmgl , guurruuwes ï¬tm abutrtimmtuta. FLOURâ€"JIM: husiuem is excetdiugl)‘ NEW POTATOES from 45 a 55 BUTTER In. 1;“ch 10d. All oHner 'dl'llt‘lt’s as last renor IFR «$10000 or $12,000. TO RUN TO M A R KE' [‘5 Pills and Phenix Diners. Sedvutary nizens nl our large cities : mirlrd with w, dyrpep-in, .‘hull hrmnluug. pains A‘L’iU‘l nl' (he phnlii's and the Inc N. B. NO CURE NO PAY Spcciai N0 cos M. TEEFY. Postmaster l‘lll“. SKIN John Letters PETER SNIDER plxnli and me lI-e . Ills “Yams of lhe~6 llll‘dl- Hing In Cupping, leaching 'l‘huusnnd of lives Inna olfu Inn-dmiuee. Suld ln’ Broadway. Neg Yo! k. A "gust 4-. 1958 Meal“. Edwin d Main-s. \Villlaul Mrflns. John McNuiIl. llemor[‘.’] Mchmh. 'l hos, [fl] Rutledge. J. Sieplll‘llroll. .'0~Bph [3] Shewl'ell. Clarecy Simpson. heurgn Slockiil. Ruben Willimus. Jacob G.[2] Wilson. William Wil-on. Richard. Son. last report Klinelnurgh 61-u‘ ha lill’ Hell. .'o n Iiustaul. John “Inter, Samuel ('1urk. James Carr. M. (“mum-on. John Chi-Hey. H. (‘hitllqu .Inlm Culllcï¬ll. June (‘nlulu-II. .13! e (’nllaglmn. 'l'immhy lenoll' . Michael Clalk. Adam Donald. Julul Dean. Ma thew “inn, John \N App'cnlin'e is \Vuulcd 3! III ' Pro-«mum ï¬ulllery and Hurne~ Makel’s. Richmond Hill. For palticulurs ap ply to W. H. MYERS. I EMAINING in the THORNHUJ... 1".0 15L Augu~l 18.25. Hmst any. Robert Ka'ler. John Brown. .Inmcs Ensues. Grnrgo Junker lumen 573 READY MADE mvub made l. mr good ï¬t u'mmnled axsurhd flock of HR \I’BRY. (NU)- (‘I'RH S. I‘OO'I‘ and S‘IOICS‘ ((9. Km. “hicl. will be sold at prices that WI“ defy com- pelilloll. I'qu nIu-nvs on hand A lnrgn and we!) J IIACKE’I‘T, M.D. Licentiate of the Burl ofUpper Canada uATE RESIDENT {HI-EDWAI. OFFICER. KIBGS‘ON GENI'RAL HOSPITAL. Richmond Hill. Aug‘ 6, 1858‘ Ju'y 23. 18.78 uwnor may 'ake HM and l)a_\'lllg expr’lIH“ M ‘1 wivhin n I'vw milan lhriving Vilnge of Richmond EASY. For particulars apply by EGS m inf:an Iheinhahi'nuls of Riah mum! NIH and Vlcmixy. Ih-rt hn hm Cununeur‘ml Hu<in¢s~ in the above pinto, and solicits Ihoir pnnnnnge All kinrh u!‘ \Vavchns and Clocks leaned and Iepnin-d in Ilm host manner; nlaoa kinns "Jewellrn ncmly lepaired. REQIDFCNCE,.1\1APLE VILLAGI dnxiun lm 'I'm' Cigarh of a“ bra n’ROWN nnnsr July 23.1833 Richmond Hill. July ‘23. [858‘ T. J. W H E EL ER, \VATCH SJ. CLOCK MAKER, JEWI'ILER. 8w l-TGS [n iwl'mm llueinhahi'nuls of Riah mum) NIH and Vlcunu'. Ih-rt lm hm bi YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. l llow|.-ilu.umlum I.01Nu. 5. 61h (Tom-e- m III Ille 'lou‘nslup 0' King. with good sluhling and : evenloen A0l’c‘soi Excellent Land. liven} necmszn'} uccomodnlion [or an Hotel are m Fm rale repair. 'l‘orms extreme!) easy. Fur l'ur lln-r 'an llClllHIs uppl} lu lllï¬ [II'UPVil‘IUI on the pre mises or (0 D12 DUMvmc. Richmond Hull, A u m lylm. David 'lowden. Challns hbnuy‘ Robert lawn thn ackmu. .‘olm mne~l Reuben held «I It 1-“ Instant. 'l't- came of P0; attend. 1pm; QUARTERLY MEETING of the Queensville. Jul\ 9. 1853. ’xprll 22. 1855‘ ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE ! MAIKHAM VILLAGE. FOOD Arroum odalimw. \Viuem Linnnrs Markham. Juh' PIIOJ'OG 13.11’11 U K WRITING BY SOUND! A n A ppm-en tics “'a n led L01 '1 o Thoruhin. Jnlv 30. 1853 leaf of whi giving: \Vli \muk in (1‘ Manual. m dmly plm chiId of more “'0: surï¬r-ienl spwches. more words per lniuule! This role ol'speud is surï¬r-ienl lo take down ordinary sermons, spedches‘. and mun-amnl'ou as fun as upukeu The " Manual 01 l'houogruphy.†75 cv'nls. and ï¬le " Phoungrapic Cupy-Mok." '45 cams. are sous lo any addrew. h_\' Mail. post-paid. on receipt of lhe price. UNE DULLAR. Richmond Hill. June 'l lluillhill. July 39. 1853‘ \\‘1LL1A M 'II. ORR. USHAWA. C. W., From whom all Englirll or American l‘hon ‘rlpic “'orkn may I: carocurtd. ' '.~’\l.\'L\'G ONE HUNDRED AN!) AMT: December 34. X837 n. W HES HOTEL FOR SALE. Pi {THAN DHELI EDWARD CROWN, h: Illb\\' ME nn Ihe Fu‘Jq-rihur‘s prrmiws on 'lluxrstlu'. the 19m instant. A F0r Sale, IJOIT>E AND LOT, situated FARM FOR SALE ! and C Dining-home and nbaul an Ac‘a of in flu: Yil ago of Vlcluna Squaw. sunn- a 8mm or 'l'uvem. mes apply to \V, Trudgcon, E.~q.. 1; olï¬rr. Richmond “iâ€. curl} By unit-x u!’ the As=0wialion ofu Juh‘ 6. 11‘58‘ F. W. HOLLISS, lb. 4:h Cm. "arughnu‘ nuiculars, apply Io Nov. 19. 1857 List of Letters S'I‘RA Y El) any .xchu rds. mar ice is a]! ‘rllinan‘ SAMUEL l)();‘: 1.01 3.}, Con 310 or to Rent, )RSIC. ngr‘d nhom 4 wars. The k9 the smue by proving propel". 'l‘h ('Huu’ A~sochIm will be umnd lli I, on SArummv. «he 24m fll'hv'lS. and all fl‘.(‘l\dl_\' \0 Ne ulur Edumliun. me requested [0 Sh of J '0 7‘! CL‘ \Imrnfl'vrs fur sale that well known uml um I.m N... 5. 61h (Tome-sin“ up 0' King. with good ‘luhlillg Addrei-i post-unit! '1 HOS. (.‘OOi ER. pro P..\I Manna! of Phonogrnphy is a about IUU pages. every other printed lrom stone eug‘nvings exorcims in the art “hinh the I(‘() I0 leach. lh‘ the nu: of this nu odaliuns. '5 ul Iho choice us of 1853‘ 1). MC l .1201). Proprielon mum in [NCâ€"IIOI‘SH, Suns-house \Icl‘i‘ THOMAS RI'IDON, R. MA RR, l’rupriclur Ka‘ler. John Knarus, Gem-go Kutfli, Gray‘s Kc r, James LumIey. Margauvl Lvlmnn. Richmd Laurr. .lamv-a Lee. Gem-go W. 'l homson J Illll s "I hnmson, blues I“. 'I'hu'p 51 Tinle \Valkm'. Samuel [3 \\ ahiL'OM, W m. ‘Vilm. June Walker, Henry R gq Grams Suu‘erson \Vm Miller. James Ml-Farland. Michas‘ Mchm 'l'lwmns Mcï¬augln. James Mt Gee. VVIll'nm Mclh ughâ€. Win. [5 Meran, 1'" A. W. HARRISON H. 1858, \VHFS and Liquons Exmllem AI-rommu- Farmers, and OUIOIS GEORGE ROSE Id luud, hem-tr" pan. of (he ï¬rst ml; Dn. REID, ER 3nd. Mavkham 59-“ Winn. Liquors Juhll wnIk 0F thr- Uiâ€. Tums Propn l‘mpr elov' 6| ~lf Saddler. 59-tf 'l‘hcrnhill l [3] 59‘Gm 60-13' 53-3": [9] 146 629-“ LL f 57-2 6m The Scottish ~lmcriczm Journ .l l SCOTTISH LITERA'I‘UKE AND ART ‘OL'SIDEKING the multiplicity of news- pupws in Ameaca. u h» [0 many been a matter ofrlll'prlao that the numerous body ul Seoulrh residents should havu been solo-1g un- repwsenlcd 'l'o supply (lns desideralunl. N0- 1, ul' llle Sea-nun 1mm:ch Janusâ€. wa> pulw'ishcd uu Euunday. August 6‘ 15.27. and i: now uununued weekly. 'I he primary objecl oI'lhe JOURNAL is to furâ€" Inn“ | n mt dns rugqu ly wuh the “ens of the†"alive ulnar}. It pvesanls a weekl} ra- Cold .1. .m events ul inlemst uccmring in Scul- qud. and us subs rilmm arm in Ulis way as full) muo med ul whu is musii mg; m humu as i. (he) were In regular IGCEIIII of an ud-cuunlr} nowapan Stolllhll q1lculi0lls \v1ll be dInCU§SLU Huh mlulngcucq and annrlmlil} in me emu).- mk column . and [he >8|Hiln€uks 0! [he lcudur. pul‘ ie~ on lhc>o subjel‘ls \.'.|| lo l'uinly I‘Epl‘u- scnltd and cummeuud upon. In me htexnry nnd whee! uneous departmeul ol' the paper. “hile mull and uflunl \HJ be ap- prucla rd nom “luau-vex cuumry they uumlmle. lhe bculusll elm-meal WI" pneponderam. 'l ‘4 ea. sluncues. and pocny, inn xrauve (II the 500â€.th ‘Imracxet a..d ol’a u'muu: I'm-d [0 can with rlmramer. 31.11 « lhu ï¬ll-palmer: a nhruud. \VIH UCCU lhi~ dupallumnx who are rupuna \ o‘ k tum elm wh liuencu [or the su "yum" In all pun be glad lu cumin ues at a (in auto “Ill Hh): operate wnh lheu pupel in lmir le»| A lullxlicmion r “lure culmeflul \-_\' bmh u; ‘deuen‘ wuh cuunlr) “hum t'llrrell‘ hi~lurf It clnulnc bu. a, the h and bnis uf (an jam II .I neu Hues, Ill addmuu. um ll‘vallllclll ul ull 1m} um queqimh ash-chug Amuncan lu‘ul’eï¬a. u.~ it: Illemluxe “Ill be cusmopulilulr. ll i~ In that. even lu llm gem/ml leader Ils columns non (am-cau- nueuleutmmng ur proï¬ilcss. One Copy fur our war $2 5‘ Fivekowes........................ 9;; 'l'weh‘ekolirs........ . . UIU 'l'wem_\'-twe (Joplrs‘ ... .. . . .. . . . . .. 4U HU Tu pauia~ gelling 111) a club or {won-L) -ï¬vu a copy will be sent gmkis. Cupiea forwarded to Europe per mail. United Slams puslugt‘ mud. lor .393. ur 135‘ aleriug, plâ€~ BlllHl" PROSPECTUS OF The Woman’s Advocate FOR 15.33. Fourth Volumn. '1 he object of Ihe \’\ oman’s Advorulo is lllr opomng nut ol new sphems ul' empnu} Int-Ill lu wnunen “nu llnvv m long Nufcncd Um dune.» hllt‘lldillll ulruu Um i.l>u.uc.l:nl emuuclnuuu. and n [no mulled number ul uccupul una. 'l'he pupa! endeavons to Cu] eat an lulunua- xiun lhmcuu be “upon n [U womun, Amatuu ln ccuuyutmu; butler muted to them. and “Inch will yield a more Cumlu lz-l-le .‘llbn'h ncu- llifln [he law ulnhuullhy ll‘xlUB: upon wmuh lufl) have lmen M) [at ubugcd to depend [or 0x1; lunt'e. '1 he Advocate employ . in me vnzious deb |uunluu‘llls 0| lhv Lust-nun, Inml)’ “amen. wm. are puld |ur lhuu' hour as nigu pn'lcesus are [mud in men 101‘ Lhe same nmonnl of walk. '10 Hw ed 10: and plopuvlur [he p:L~l 111.09 3am: In which she ha: bem- cugagrd Ill [has Warns. lmvu been )bzns ol unxu-Iy and [oil . lul II. emurprlze Inn bneu cauled on u’hh me hope u! du‘ug gun-d lu ulhurs. uud luml y puanmg lhu bu~lm>a [0 u hlkCCt‘SSIHI pulm, when H. u re- munerulu all cuncernud WM: [Ins 110,â€: >hc when: the lhld |ur ulwIlIrueur. uu lu g m lhe uuun' assluauuus 01' [Hands :u all pan.» of lllc tummy. Xur md and cu-uy‘ Iauuu. Poslmaqcm lhl‘ullg out the countr' que~le l l - ucl as ugrnh‘. und dcducl l cummissluu For One Cup}: uu« year For Five Copies. . . For Tcu 00pm. . . Any lady of gum! Bltdll‘nfl. :uul enel'gelir hn'mh', curl ï¬nku hum [we [0 Mann dollars :x ‘Vux‘k. by cnnvnmin: fur sulmallho-cs {ur t!“- Adw-cnte. We “ant MINI :ngvnt- in even mwmhu: and ( il_\ in tho United Drum and me Cunndu». ll any one Wlsllas lo cull-r “you a lncrnuvo exnuluynuul. and WI“ smul u recon: - memlnliun fur hunnsl)‘ nnd uhllily. [hay win h We rzledclllialï¬ forwarch tu the.“ w “Ci 1:: 51cm:- Intezests of Scotchmeu in America, A. E. M’CUH L L. J. HLKSUA. Luum 1. CA GILMOR. l’x-e THIS COMPANY lusuuh‘ nu descriptions of Buildiug<.Munzll'nr-loricw. MRHS. SIC . and Good: and Fun-muu-e. In the same, ngnillsl lossordum age by lire. on libeml terms. Losses pl'Oluplly sellled. Remand Huh! Anqu Rnsidrncn. Iuclu- and ! “LAugusl l3 Rice Lewin‘ FM] Jumus beau. L‘ SWAN HOTEL, rrIIonxluLL. The sumcraher [13‘ Ofï¬ce. No, ‘29, Beekumu Sueel. N.Y coml'tut of hi“ nuuu~|ou< gnlesls. The SWAN “HTML in n frW dam will be cumple‘ely leuovmenl. and respucmlflh visitors m,“ rely on huvmg their l‘nllS immrdinlelv ul- pnded vo. Ila has also van exlauuivo acct;an- dnllon for HUNN and Ca nages. His Bar win always be' wilh the ciwxcest Liquors; u himself intends to dvvolo his fan of all xhose who may he cull. Fire 1 Pi re WE§ (HPI'ILJL STU CK, £100,000 Thornhill. ’ 2 January 90, 1858. INCORPORATED It" ALF Oll‘ PARLIAMIN Haul ({ï¬cc. L‘qur/l Street, Toruula. £1} TERMS UP" SUIJSCLLH' l IUN. Hum»; n Auvnmu. Address. ANNA E. M’DOWICLI A3010 TH )1 DIsShMlSA'l'ION UP Insurance Com pan 3' of Toronto. IMPLUY“? T FDR L\D1F.& “MS 05‘ §UBSLRIP1 ll-N gm Mu- k of Up nn H Swn' DLVOI‘LU T0 1 Ha n Scolcmnon b upv a L‘UllhpnCll TU POJTIIAST H I] pporl ol' lhcu' munmous Conn 13 ul Amulca. and lluey WI] unicae mm ro<pcmahie pm Who ma) he dis-gonad m (u u Im the esLJmslunum of m pecm’u loculuies. Mtab'ishcd wllll (hem object (he lllKIC [ Um. MH'HnNice Pro" nys be -fuuud ['Iors: while [II may honoul him JOH Isuust. g Propriuot. '1 has. Hau‘orxh. E “K “(-Iudelson. I: \V. Muclullnue. E ccrrt/Irg/ .9; 'l'rcusurcr. . E»q. b'ulmitu‘. unadu. Btu/tum ‘1‘. th. [11.711314] Editur and I’ruprulur, l‘llileelphm. l'u. LL. EMTmL ‘mrun In so Ll'l'l’OlL wllh [IPUI' 1557 HOII lII 0d n'um in hi~ all! luu luniwd fur the LA“ lv|_\' elm (here objects mmuly mm. mm mm (he ol'wmk. '10 l [11.06 3am: nu thus w-uâ€"u. mil , nut m, ,h the hope «I ulh pl: ol' um'ival nernl Agmn. 220- I) lu his 3E“ "own a» [In- UlllC-vh SCOlllsh all IUIIh nine and well stored 3 aubscoihel' 'J the cum and ypcu \\ m will] v| VOI‘S 133 m Richmond Hill; ORNI') 1 of \Vx‘ighl &. Yongc etrw ti. Clwap Grncm‘im :Ind 1‘rnri~ion~. (Erna-liar)- and Glassware (1.1.0111). for (3.14:. No WHOLESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. ‘IIE Suhtcribers have always on huml, _ a large and general stack of the bezt Krimh and Provincial umuufncmrad Writing. ('olorvd, Brown, and \Vrapping Papers. “’ax, “'al’era. Slnle'. Ink. Sled l’cm. Envelope. Me-lnliic Memorandum Bunk-n 'l‘u'iI-éw. Co|y Buolu, School Books and General Slutiuuer). &c.. me The fnoï¬lities wh'ch the subcrihem have f'rw'nmnul'amuning, Inn'ng lwuuf the |nrg.-sl Paper Mills n (‘nnndru lhm' me prl-parud lo unnmhcturo ail kmds of paper to ordf‘r. I' ‘I'IE SUBSCRIBER Iwgs to inform l the Trade. Illa! I|i~' Stm-k of PRINTING I‘RESSES. TYPE. INKS. and all other (‘IesclelII'Il nl' mnlmials. has he“! ver\ largely invreawd [his Svmun. by ï¬l'lIVvIIK M)le NEW Y )RK‘ PHILADI‘ZLI'HIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL: nnrl Ihnl he is prepared to nupply Orders l'nr new ()mK‘FS. in uMHiuu la [hose in operallon. at [he hilorlesl pur lb Applv llv- 'I'riL llxchmon Y ‘11!) Subscriber hep to infurm H)? l lmhir'mlsnt‘ llw .Ihm'v-nnnwu \Vill :nnrl \urlounding (Rummy. and Lhu [Mime-3 wally. that I e hm luawd lhu almvo ll Immmlv kan by Tun)!†“Win-h he ï¬lled pnnd furnish-(I lor the: -cnnunm|:uh Ins Cnswxnersmnd he lrllxlï¬ by consmul Hue; [0 their \\ mus lo serum :1 Iiherel patronage. Liquors oflhe has: hrnnd< at (he Bar, every uuomiou paid to Uneqs. LUKES’ HOTEL. ’4; HOLLAND LANDING. [‘0 Medical Pr:ch ilinllt‘l's Mun ALI). ON the Vilhgeu qu-hmi ding l’linllng MACHINES and ENGIN .S cm d [u mder. Upst qualuy of NEWS INK at One Shi 10 7‘33 Guillln bury 5?" lo a Medical Man 14' slflllding and xperienee. Home and Prmnist-s. lmlh I)!†ml and convenient. can be had on reasonable Jan N 0 PC January G, 1358 D. K. FI'II'IIIAN Cullwrne st . Toronto, Jan. 5). )8 .37 MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES. TO M B-S‘I‘ON Es. .xo. 'l‘wcnly Per Cent Cheaper Markham ’ HE 1 mh‘rslzm-d Aï¬xigm-vs of ï¬le rsmtv ON). C. & \\'.Y1\L|‘I. will con- linue Ihn hu<inu<s under the SM 01 our (|||l\‘ muhorizvd agenb‘. ‘ mu] D. Cam us Y LE, “how “ch9: will bu dul} ncknuwh dyed. l’ S. All notes and nccnunte romaining un- paid nu the Isl d:|_\' ul'Juuc. 1556, wil‘ be put into Cuml lor cullrcuou. elec ‘UE Subscriber begs lo inform the Public that he lma letut’d ilw n'uuve I.mni~e.=. and ï¬lled [hem nlvin fluent and umibymhha snla. 'l‘ORONl‘fl H H MAR Bil) WORKS 18.3 YUNGE STHI'IE 1". CANADIAN MOW:ES AND REAPERS. V V to our Com and MOVVERS which ' for the coming hanust JOHN MURPHY. House Decorator, Pointer, PAPER HANGLR. GLAZIER Toromo, 29, Aplfl 155% Holland Landing. Sept. 1!), 1357 Toronto. June IBLII. 155.7 , TE \vnuhl cull Ill? allenlinn of farm V to our Combined HEAPICH and examine our I cum mnv he sun! will] sul'uly porfuc; Machines in one. Old Type taken in err/Hinge for new January H.158 Thomhill. June 15, IRES DEALER IN PAPER UANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. Sic. Thm uh NEW Hillil John Thump rly-mghl puund~. b liar) lust. An}~ p :1 rem'mug i\ in me d I‘elu'nmg ll In “1“! D\\‘IY6‘ 3, 10126. 2m! can 01‘ M 1nny l‘tu‘axdcd. The n 3 to (my one except the ow THORNHILL HOTEL. GOOD OPPORTUNH‘Y now om T0 PRIA‘TERS DARLING 8: AITCIIXSON'S No 49, King; Street, NOTE LOST! "ML-rs and tranx‘ienl vieilors will ï¬nd flle uudhlnons In evr \vm' ugreeubla. or n‘vont (his ‘2( FUCK 1‘2 I'â€"HU()K TH\N A.\Y 0 A 31.12" All-:1“ 4 Doors West cf Hay SlrecL d Hill. June [5lh 19 D 9 'crms Ea: ‘ ONE ACRE OF LAND. situated in go uI' 'l homlull. with good Home and if by [alter post paid. to the Edi'nr of FOR I1. 2â€. 13‘ Uoud :lu DUSTIN. BRO. & Cn‘ RES ()1“ LAXD. East half of l Nu. 2, 7d" (,oucesswu. North 13. 1858‘ £316., (\Lc. FIRST Pkihlll'll Yonge 5mm, 'I‘oronm r. Apph' to JOUN PALMER. mug and alienuvc hustch HENRY LEMON. z l’lOpI‘lEtOr-A DAV“) 'l'UOMPSON SALE! GEO. D \RLING. ROBLR'J' AlTCHISON 5201]} Fuhrun K. ronlami mm In Illa THUS. LUK ES. Richmond Hill D. humus STORE, M Pd Much that they C. YALE. G. (,UMMER re munufm ' now ofl'ernll- f standing and D xvui H10 I'khmn, Will :u \\'i.l be of g2-wy I’ruprlclnr. gH-Rm lhu velillleudellce l‘sl IN Ann: v 2 1h ry last, mg a n H)? In Yillam cureanv 3 rd im :liol 45-1!" mrn and 558 nu He: and is a N. ic of {my kuu lor in Ihe l ange Hullst a 'l'uvt-rn. wi AI-o. good. s‘ ul' drivnug-hm an and slnbk Twas. (-ump o! .iculuu'ul Show. Two Years in succms'wn feels conï¬dent lhul he can gnvo cmilo :uuslm In all branches of his hnsiuess. “f A Inge SID/7k ome-nnau. &c, always on hand. and muda lo urdel at me lowest possibly Ionulllemllng places. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. gls‘l) RICHMOND HILL (,cpPREMIUM‘g} 1 ESPECTFULLY announces lutho l’tlh‘il‘ gant‘ralh‘Jhnl hehavvnz taken the I"! R S T 1' It I Z |:; for Harncus m the Yonge Snecl Ag- .icullurnl Show. Two Years in stlcco~siull. he SADDLE (5-1“ R NESS ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South ryf the TRIBUNE Oï¬ue. Premium Harness .Manufuclurw: ESY‘ECTFULIX announces lathe l’ulr‘il gaflï¬ralh‘Jhnl he havvng taken the I"! R S 'I LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N03 644, OYAI. ORANGE LODGE. No, 771, 1 "IL-Pl" at B other [(uherl “'i~ozrxnn’.~. hlmonic Hall. the second Suluxd uy evening In each lllmllh. OFFICERS ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Buidgf‘nvd. \Irwu-r . J R. DesG er. “0pr NLMer: Juhu Mnlzholland, srcrelary ; W. l’oguo. 'I'rea-u‘or. Januan' 21, 1858. 133 V.:-tnrin‘Squu:e.1Ine laal Fr‘day even ng in each month. Gi'f’LOOK AT THIS 3-453 LWOST EVEI‘.\ RUDY 3: Ordering the [ I’LUUl-H. LOUM and ANVJL. 'l‘hax Im re~l am} he as “ i~u. and pavess thanwalvex u!" wlm we mo lmundâ€"nl any run to onrselvoa â€"10 make {no Leadu-g lnderialJunrunl of the lime-L“ o hem fnr \ha Farmer. xhe Mechanic and the Family Circleâ€"we make the lollowing unprtccdvIlled_l|b:ral nflbr PAINTING. habitvnls of Richmond Hill ouuding ceuulry. that he has to buxiness in ’I'lne Sub'zcribw br'gs lo inform i Liberal tar-“5m percuns dlspo‘ed to 3'. agents for this work. Lel us hear I'rum n J. A. NASH. M. 1’. PARISH, VALUABLE PROPERTY 1! l All ,1 ems m \V‘M. DURnsE's HOTEL Tenn»: envy. apply to the lhu [nemin o- by Loner. past-1‘ \ulle. [’(qu- ‘lnll wull be given Alnil. or il‘ lIm-dvd. the Isl. oi'Jan‘ [1:7 Tulle illdispllluble. BU'I"1'U.\'V|LLE is sunnled on I plea- mm Ai~e u! grmmd, on lha 4th Concrbion o‘ \lzu khzun. '1 lu-ve is an eslnhlished l’o~l-Olliw mus-ha: WM: 1: (‘n-LIaud Saw Mill. Store. wuh .\luch:.m¢:.~ot'ddï¬arunx kinds. \Villinm IE. Myers, R. I‘. A] KINiliï¬. 6!, U6.: Lalo of King sire-m V\’e.~t. uuw ufl'er ul their new enablishmcnt. Genuine English Drugs, I’ulcn] ï¬ledmimrs, Frcnrh and English. meuml’ry, Oils, Paints, Colours, I)ye-H’onds, Com/w Brushes £12, A; SuLh moderate price. as cannot fail to seâ€" curo cusluul BUTTO .V VILL E Also their much admired Perfume Soda Wmer \uomrd and from the foun Ii"; SI Cglherineerlnerarl Wider. Ind the Plant-wane! H'U’I‘IHJCABHJS’ HALL . 7 Beehmuu Slrcel New York. Octolter ‘22. WM. Waler. ceielnntod for um. healthy propoVrluu‘ Apr}! 72.1950. M ‘ONSIS'I'ING of Three Village LOIS. with / Mlilflhle Buiulings. with u l'uunh part 0- ucxe of Land attached to (-avh. One is a m l ('uunge suitable for a small t'mnily. The voml is a New House. ndnï¬ed for u Meclmn uf any kuld or Doctor, (as .1here ii no Doc- |' in the neiglnhou hood). The llnrd is n 'nge Huuse. with a“ the acconmdalious f0 'l‘uvc-rn, wilh n Hover-failing \Vrll nl' \Valel. a. good. sum.th out‘hluidmgs, collsiulllly PAH Work Warranied..â€"_€Jj‘3 Manch ll. 8. “‘ILIJAM MORRISON Butmnville. UCI. ‘23. “‘57. 222†Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. Richmond Victoria, a. L'ounLSIIIInMe mu-lmiidlnzs. consis flung-house. IHI‘g-‘l .shud \rulidnshed. g and Mable. lugulher Wllh mule c'milte F es. cum!) ismg plums, l)8fll§,0|lll’:ulb‘, black lumu chem. Township of MARKHHI, {3:}? 1‘01: SALE. .473 HI 1‘) li NGLISH NOSEGAY. ING Flourishiu g Squmu, Mny 7. ldJB 10H"! BUTTON. Muster. JAHES ' ANACHAN. Inpntyl. THUHAS “UWVMAN. Nerl'ullll‘y JOHN G\WLEY. 'l'lmsmrcr. A_ 51 Co, ham.“ crnsifl-rnble ex~ in the Drug busim-ss in vunuus Imrb (I. huvu um husilminn Ill say-Hg. Ihll' mnv of the-i1- Mnuufnmurml Arm-M~ mud ver lllpmiur. Med-nine- used mndmg Prescriptions. Family Ila use and Cnule Mordecinox. &c.. are y he-l qnu'ily. direct from me prin- h.-h Drug Huuses. W. 'l' A. AV, Co I an "lion l0 llu-ir Crlebmlcd l’l‘eyl- ration for the Tooth. armor-n! VLFCT FRI-:21" ~1I SI IN THE IN TH E RU)“ A). VAILES. HID-6m in advanée: $1 5010 _ $1 fur s x monlln line. For giving pub onto. 2nd door can of opposite Ilm ( :Ilhcdrnl. Io.‘ Lalo ol’ King sin-m air now establishmcnt. Village Proprietor on -1Iuid Io Uuuon I on the Isl m .quu the in and sur auneuced 48-lr ‘ruix um! mg ml- Uuuugeone and Hmvier. of Scotch I'art‘. \\ 1..Lh they u‘iil guarumec cannot be surpnswd h_\ any Foundry upon this continent for durabih‘ly and appearance. Thev have aka on hand .a cl-oico morunem of vailous kinds of Tho priCES m. \\hiCh these and olhorupe. .-u sold at the Canada Type Foundry. will be {mud :n least 30 per cent. lose than they could be pl!"- cllnscd [unions to its esluhrishmem. h I: mcwlulo hoped “ml. the l’nulersofCana- REMOVED To Sr HE Prop! to inform hnve now mu n large qnam. Bulugeone nu (la will show lluir appre Ialiou ol‘tlle advantage: ll holds out. b_\ be‘towlua upon in: fair share 04' llueir patronage, in return lot which the prup: lc'.~ ms plellgs lhmuselves 10 leave no menus uuuricd to give nlnplo satisfaction. l’riulers ! walk the reduction in the pvice of [31% since this Foundry wn~ opened : am: In ar in mind [hm a g-‘bulcr reduction dopemla upon _\'uu - >e ran. Our mono isc-aupply the trade wl'ln 1w 01“\I(‘.l\ qx\nmilivs and m such wit-es as will we- vem (he uecmmy ot'pznronisiug l'orcignmanu- l'umurms. Canada Type Foundry Montreal. May lSJI. 1857 g3 N.B.--[’nbll.~hers of uew>pnpers giving inscr- lion xo [his advertislnam fur 2 monillls‘ will he allowed their hihs upon purchasing ï¬ve times (heir amounl oi'our manufnclu:e. Ldilors “UN coufrr :u favor by directing ultsntion lo the annauucenu-nl. T. J. G. 5; ('n. The follnwinglist ofa fewofthe principal 21' i- c!- a ‘eqnilcd l y pnmers. will give an idea Mme grv alum-mung“ ol‘lhe Canada 'l‘yge Foundry l'it'a --~---156d “ [L7 All other Bock Foms in proportion Luvsâ€"4S to ‘f’iva and :h‘u ker. ls per lb. Pica. 153d; 5' lo Pica ls 6d. HSTANIISUIZD )Oll 1115 (URI. 0" IJVN‘IZPSXA. Gk..\th\L DhullJ'l". I'EVI.I( A‘D AGLE. §CRUFULA. 01.1) UI.Cl-Vn‘. GRIZA'I IMPU- RIIV 0}" 1H}: BLOIII). SAL'I' RHIJJM. PIMPIJS. l-‘XSTUL‘. PILLI. KIIIALY‘. DI RILIIY. IN- \R. AVOS Jun SUV. Cdrner of Main new ) Quay Stu-ck. Hutflrb. New Yuk. ur‘ the oul. I h\'~iciuns in due 5mm who are men: bors of the Royal CnHege oTSure eon". Lundun May be null u led hum Ho'rlnck m the lllull‘ ins: unlil 9 o‘clock at night. on ever? suqu aw ~\'mp om ol'da~ea~e. . The ll‘efllmenl l'-o_\ Inn! is the result nf up There in by hay mom to u bv [hum o'valmtles list! 10 a dwvaslml wav [0 1| tile l'L-al Dr. AMOSJLSON 1..Leplcnsnr2in announ- cing [hm :lwy hava'iuwutrd u must nnpormnt hmvnmezn for the cum» of lhe above disensss. [I has been sulj‘ecuvd m 3 Item h_\' the mud enlinenl phvricmns ll) Landon. rank. Phi adri- phia and ~NV Vo-k M has [m n derlmea! he o‘|_\~ useful instrument avenex invenme hr the cure ux b‘man \Venklless. ur any dread nt‘ the gem ll ulguus. c4u~ed by ï¬le aecml An inwlrumem fnr \he cure of Genital Do. bilily. or more [yr-upoer known as Seminal Wenknrss. Kerwin [Jvhihnu &c4. \vhwh fll'fl perumnrnlly cured in :‘mm I510 20 (lugs by the me ohh‘a immuneui. when used conjoint†ilm me of this immune“ “'lh medicines. Young Menâ€"Tqu ‘Partzcultrr Nome. habits oI'KuuLh . Dr. Alnus &Son. in order to mlisf the musl skeptical ax [0 [ha merils of (hes-a inxlm- “mus. pludue lhcnrel\'e.. (hut. in any instants wine a they nun} [Hove nusz-Iisl‘actory tiller a fair trial. llue Inuuev “ill he refunded by re- ulrumg llm m~uuuxm m good ordcr. I'ersons whhing the above u~el'ul instrurnmtt will chrome, (hm me Inlllflf, will. the "('cqu- l'fll|_\lllg di ecnons. 5(1 Incl}- packed and :em by man! or e ' . is ten dollars. turning llm mmun Persons u'i~l|ing‘ will ohmrw, that Inn-3mg di ecnou: by man] or explws profx athC Bumlo Mcdical Dispmsnry yoais In an engage-d lll an exu-n Ive Brawn-P In the U'enlmrnl of the e «leln-nla complaints. and re the onlv lrgnl'y qn mï¬ed llHSiCIfllh who now advellhe w (:mcs u-mnu ‘l'nmpluiul". or Irom wiqu genuine L‘mopeau remedies can be “blamed. l’nuoxs u M'Y Pun- 01‘ THE Wom I) may be successfully Menu-(l by quwudzvlu u curlect delaul of Ihenr on ex. kid! a relnumm-e tor Mediciucw. «a. which vuul'he rem: nrd with 1h. uunast disgnmch. mu! 4" me from ohm-rwuiuu. Address Ur. Anus AL Sm“. comer Main and Quay sum-Is. Bul’lulu. N. Y. 145-1)‘ A Host Srfl'mi/[c Invention. New Renwdies and Quid: Cums. (:1? No Mercury Used. .gu Nunpmiel x. All conllmmivmions shoqu ‘u adv-e to W. "LAKFJJ. Ednnr and lubllsln-r ul New York Mmeuullla Guide. No. [.15 GI wit-h Slrnel. New York. Newspnpm throughout the Uninn I1}- lishing the above. npprup .iaiu-ly dhplnyall‘ cludulg this notice, twu InumlH. and .01: ullenuun unlito'iully lo the mum. and sen m- Ihe paper. will he enlllled In all cxclm and receive a gold pen and holder wont dullau. 4 RIuvnuw - Doulgoulse Long Primer Sum“ Heu- Bmvme 0| elm-"ms oil-sans. \zlm “Tu pew-ed Dr Amt» & Son h PERIIAM OUT-DONE Ornamental Type BLANK FORMS. NE W TR EH TJIEJV'T. Beware of Imposition. lie (-d. l'vex sin-Inge a llgï¬. and vagun l'curs in -â€"â€"l’RlCI-ZS:â€" nu 2w l\‘ of UHJJ nn evil Imhu sometimes induiqsd in wï¬un‘e. ohcn growing up \x’iâ€™ï¬ 'IhnurL n‘ d which. if nol ram: '11 'ielo the URLY". .Ul RILIIYq l FIRM] Ill-25 0F "I‘UTH up 01.]: A052. &c. THUS. J. GURNINSI Co. :r.. m stnm'r's EAL. '1 Hum“ um»: Mo 's of this EsLal-lichmenl Pnin ers of Canada. that cmmd and randy for deli Small l‘icn. Long ('1': on hnre fur a long series of ml lll an exu-n ive Bracuz-o id be etleIIr-nle complaints. and nl'y qn Iliï¬rd lll\SiCIflll~ who .mcs u-mnn ‘l‘nlnpl'ninb’. or he L‘uwpeau remedies can be Inâ€! is the result nf up- «xu- .xive and Elllcu‘s>1\il The nu»! xnvele um re erndmnlbd m elghx or of a slighl unluxe in ma 1' _\' nudvralu exgyrnsrrn [hum conï¬nement 0| luw N. 'l‘hereso Street at only I)P£"IS H I nappimsr. hut hack-d. insidium Few of lhuse whr pruclice nra uwn «he_\' ï¬nd the He :e and ulnar-cc l'cnrs in the min ' at the Mrncmnu: u] funeral“ sell' «:ures. but 29 6d per lb. 2: 3d " ‘25 1d ‘0 ls 10d " ls 8d " bug II the HuYGK‘ yivu ML .\' Ind :IIIL pu