Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 13 Aug 1858, p. 3

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fitâ€"EATLANTICEABL’E if ARRIVAL OF THE ' AT TRINITY BAY. | Intrigfin-riou ron “run vrnsv‘ MESSAGE 5.7 TRINITY Bar, Aug. 5- The Atlantic Telegraph fleet sailed from Queenston on Saturday, July I7â€"arrived jat. mid-ocean on Wednesday, the 5,251”)â€" ‘ lmade the splice on lhc afternoon of I hors- ratedâ€"the fday,the 291b, and then sepfl bound LAgamemnon and Valera!“ terday ; cable will he landed. rnph House attire head of Valentia liar- ulls, Trinity Bay; and for more than . most two miies in depth. . I The electrical signals sent and received ‘ 'iliinery for paying out the cable work- If in the most satisfactory manner, and ' not. stopped for a single moment from . time-the splice was made till we arrived _"ie. Captain Hudson, Messrs. Everett Woodliouse, tlie Engineers, the electri- ms and officers of the ships, and, In fact, Very man on board the Telegraph fleet s exerted himself to the utmost to Inqu “fittedition successful,and by the bless- ‘ Divine Providence it has succeeded. ter the end of the cable is landed and oriented with the land line oflelegraph, the Niagara. has discharged some go belonging to the Telegraph Com- y,sbe will go to St. Johns for coals then proceed at once to New York. }, PHILADELPHIA, August 5. y The President, who is at Bedford, re- .- c’ived the first intimation of the success- Iil laying of the Atlantic cable, through Associated Press. The following is a loopy of Mr. Field’s message to the Prrsi~ dent of the United States :â€"u Washing- tourâ€"Dear Sir,â€"The Atlantic telegraph cable on board her British Majesty‘s steamer Agafiz'émmn and the United States frigate Niagara, was joined in arid-ocean, Julv 29m, arid has been suc- cessfully laid, and as soon as the two ends are connected with the land lines, Queen Victoria will send a Inersnge to you, and the cable will be kept free until your reply has been transmitted. With great re- tpect,I remain your obedient servantâ€"â€" Craus W. FIELD.” THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. . BEDFORD, Pa., August 5. ‘o Cyrus W. Field, Trinity Buy,â€" My Dear Sinâ€"I congratulate you With all my heart, on the success of the great telegraph with which your name is so lion- ‘ourable connected. Under the blessing of Divine Provrdence,I trust it may prove instrumental in promoting perpetual penci- and friendship between the L'iiitlrcrl nations. I have not yet reci-‘ivcd the Queen’s tiesâ€" patcli.â€"â€"Yours very respectfully, JAMES BUCHANAN.” New Yonx, August 5. The news of the success ol‘ttie Atlantic Telegraph Cabli- created an unexairrpled ' excitement here and elsewhere. Qucnsc, August 5. Intense excitement is created by the announcement of the snceess of the great event of the age. It has since been the almost exclusive tapie of conversation, and a general feeling of gratification is apâ€" parent. ALBANY, July 51b. The intelligence of the arrival o! the T‘ graph Calrle cirated an immense sen- isiitto here. The news reached here about 12 30 o’clock, and instantly spread over the city, causing inneli excitement. Crowds of persons flocked to each news- paper office and the telegraph offices for confirmation t-Mre news, which was at first doubted; but when the conviction of jlie tiutli of the report forced ilsi-lf upon the public mind, the scene in the streets was as though each person had received some intelligence ol'pcrsonal interest. No com- mercial event created more excitement. ‘he news was eonVeved'to the Board of - ‘- rode, to the court and the meeting of Central Railroad. and for a while entirely interrupted the proueedings of those bodies. The telegraph oflice and other public of- fices areilliiininated tonight in honour of the arrival of the 'l‘elograpli Cable. VI'ASHING'I‘ON, July 5. The public iiiiiitl was greatly cxcitu-d to- day by the news of the success of the At- lantic Telegraph Cable. The general im- pression at first was that the news was too good to believe. but the coufirinatiOn of the Ws has causrd a feeling" of delight, aflfiiting almost to transport. CINCINNATI, July 5. , Gieat excitement on ’Change upon the announcement of the success ol the At- lantic Cable. Business for some time was suspended. MONTREAL, July 5. , The news of the arrival of the Niagara . at. Trinity Bay was received here shortly f after new to day, anu caused a profound sensation. The union of the Provnrces with the mother country by the electric _ bond was hailed with intense gratification. HALIFAX, August 6. The orders ofthc associated pi css to held open the lines between New York andI Trinity Bay, last night, were received and complied with as for as this Province, but ‘ from some unexplained cause, the New- foundland line closed. or at least ceased to work iii_tlie evenirg, thus culling Off all r mmunication With the cable at Trinity . “e have as yet no communication tlfls morning with the ’ . I‘uinity Bay Tele- graph 0””?er have, therefore, nolhlllt" important to communicate in addition t: . 1h“ “E‘smcm'y “Fons of yesterday from I Mr. I: ield. Our latest advices left the I engineers and their assistants emplo .ed m . getting the cable on Shore at the 1’th . Of’ Bulls. No doubt was entertained but III-it the Againemnon had arrived a: Valentin Bay, but as the telegraphic IIISU‘IIIIIEIIIsfor I the transmission of intelligence have unvei-E been put} up on board ofeithcr \‘hfielflherel can be no actual couiriiunicatiou expected by signals, until both ends_ol the cable shall have been connected with the shore,whicli may require several day s. NEW YORK, August 6. The Merchants’ Exchange in this city and the several telegraph ofliees at ‘21 Wall-street, will be brilliantly illuminated, is evening, in honour of the success of; Atlantic cable. This greatest event be age will also be appropriately cele- brated this evening, in every city and town and "I‘lage throughout this Slate and New England, and the British prmiriccs.rvlicrc there are telegraph offices. NIAGARA to ‘Valentia, Irelandâ€"the Niagara and Go'" ‘ govt. for this place, where they arrive“ J’es' and this «turning, the end of the It is 1,698 nan'i- a], or 1,950 statute miles, from the Tele- . our, to the Telegraph House, Bay of win-thirds of this distance the water is al- The cable has 1 been paid out trom the Agamemuon at V, bout the same Speed as from the Niagara. _\ oug‘lt the whole cable‘are perfect. The PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 6. ’ges referring to the opening of the tele- graph cable. ! ..HACKVILLD. N. 5., August 6. The lines east to Halifax and west to New 1 ork‘are in good order, but the. New- foundland line is out of order. It proba- bly will be I't'l’lall’t‘ll in the course of the afternoon. 'I‘IIIXITY Pay, .\ug.8' The people ilL‘IL‘ M em to havi- little faith â€"in the laying of the crrliIeâ€"tley have made very slight pl‘tpzttulltins. One end of the Atlantic cable was landed on the Irish coast, by the Niagara, on the 5th of August, 1857, the Ollir'l' trtul from the same vessel on the 5th August, 1858. The shore cud from the \'rr|ciitia laid last year, remains; so that both ends have been actually laid by the A’iugara. NEW YORK. Aug. 9.â€"We understand that the recording instruments for the At- lantic cable are in such a state of forward- ness as to ensure the early opening of the line for busiress. It is understood that the transmission of the Queen‘s and the President’s first message through the cable will take place early in the_alternoon, and probably in the course oftlie present week. Instantly after the transmission oftlre Pre- sident’s reply to the Queen’s communica- tion, the two messages, by cottsenLOI the President and cooperation ol the inana» gers and emplovees of the telegraph lines throughout the country, will be ltI'dtIc pub- lic, from Quebec to the boundary ofcivil.- zaiion iii the northâ€"west. V\'e have an snrances from all points that so soon as the Queen’s and President’s messages are received, there will be public and private demonstrations of joy by the ringing of bells, firing of salutes, &c., in every city, town, and village throughout the whole country. It is understood that Mr. Field will cause notice to be given in advance of the day when the first message will be transmitted through the cab'e BEDFORD. PA., A ng. 7â€"â€"A large crowd assembled to day to congratulate the Pre- ,s dent on the succe'ss oftlre Atlantic cable. It is estiiiiirtrd Illtit 1500 persons were pre- sent. The following is Mr. Fiell's reply to the President :â€"“ Trinity Bay, Aug. 7.-â€"To His Excellency James Buchanan. President of the United States, Bedford Springsâ€"Your telegraph despatch is ri- ceived. Vile landed here in a wilderness, and until the telegraph instruments are all perfectly adjusted no message. can he reâ€" corded over the cable. You shall have the earliest information. but some. days‘imay elapse before all is effected. The first message from EtirOpe shall be from the Queen to yourself. and the first from Amerâ€" ica to England your reply. \Vilh great respect, very truly your friend,â€"C. W. FIELD.” :JIII‘IHE glPIIIE. Drcd Scott in of Vancouver’s Island. now a“eitizeu” The Philadelphia City Treasury is again empty. More gold mines it is repm-ted, have been found in Georgia. The costof the Atlantic Cable is said to be nboul $300 a mile. The President has given permission to ,the Associated Press to copy the Messn. Seven serpents, of monstrous size. were bro’t into Salem. Mass, on Sunday week, in the M. Shepherd, from Para. A steam tug was destroyed by fire in Philadelphia, on Saturday week, and 48 mules were burned to death. I A strawberry plant was on exhibition in Albany, last week, on which was coun- ted upwards of 400 berries. The Secretary of the Navy had de-- eided against the request of the Collins Line, to make Portland the western ter- minus. Eight whalers arrived at New Redford, Mass, last week, three of which will lose to their owners froru $60,000 to $70,000. It is proposed in South Carolina to erect a monument to Gen. Francis Mar- lon, the “ Swamp Fox” of the Revolu- two. The \Voburn Budget thinks there has been considerable “ wire pulling” lately between England and the United States. The editor of the Savannah Republi- can boasts of having ieceivcd a water- consummate: For Sale. HE Subscriber offers for sale a Thorough-bred DI: IIIIA M BULL. three years Old, blend by Mr. Harrison, I'ltlll- gnrilr. Leavou, Yorkshire, England. and im- ported by the proprietor in 1856. For further particulars apply to EDWARD SANDERSON. Lot 17, 41h Cori. Markham. or address Buttonvillo, I‘. 0. August 1‘2. 1859. (SQ-If GLOUCESTER Horst; THREE MILES NORTH OF TORONTO, ON VOECIHST- HE above Hotel is filled up in neat and comfortable style. Transient visitors and others wrll find the accommodations to be that ofthe first class. while the charges will be ex- tremely low, [[3’ Good Stabliug and on attentive I’Iostlor. THOMAS COATES, Proprietor. Yonge Street. Aug. 7, 1858. GQ-Iv RIVERS & DERIOUS’ Grout! aromatic murmur COMPANY melon Weighing 5.35 pounds on Thurs- day week. John McDish, a giant from Georgia, passed through Norfolk, on Friday week. He weighs 300 pounds, and is 7 feet in height. A Salt Spring, of great purity, is said to have been diseovered at Clyde, Wayne Co , to work which a company has been formed. There were 607 deaths in N. Y. city last week, 462 of which Were under ten years of age. There were 139 deaths from cholera infanturn. Peaches have begun to arrive at New York from the South. One thousand boxes, sent from Charleston, reached that city on Monday week. lives in the Block House, and who brave ly pushed out in a punt to their assistance despite the violence oftlic storm. Air other boat was also capsiru-d below the town; but the men on board, three in number, clung to the bottom and were re- scued. The Kingston IV/Iz'g says that, on Friday last, a party of artilli'rymeii \vcnl offin a boat to Port Henry, and, as might be expected from the weather, the front swamped, and two of them were drowned. The bodies have not yet been found. Ransv’s Cancun Bnoucur To AN ENDâ€"Mr, Ilarey’s career has m,“ peetrdlv been stopped. He had cleared some £15,000 to £20 000 by his hm.“ taming secret. when suddenly. Routledge, the cheap publisher, got hold of a pain. phlet published by the horse tumor in America. and printed it. It cont-tins in a small compass all the art of horse tnir- ing;:ind the siihscribevs. who had bouan themselves not to rlqu‘ue the secret u- - ilcr a penalty of £500. became furious, and Mr. Rarey had to release ill“m from their pledge, in a letter in the Times. Fâ€"y â€" TORONTO MARKETS. August 11.1958. To-day market It snot been large. Prices firm at 55 3d a 55 (id for OLI The poor do not have the gospel preached to them in New \VOIk. There are about fourteen thousand British Subjects In California. The population of the City of “'ash- ington is now estimated at 70,000. Fish are advertised in Chicago “ only 35 hours out of New York water.” There is to be a Convention of Infi- dels, at Philadelphia, in October next. The Wheat crops of Iowa ls poor. there is also a great scarcity of money. A man later died in Boston from the effects of the growing in of a t0e nail. The Mississippi river, at Vicksburg, when the flood was highest, was 97 feet (It't‘ll. good samples of new from 5: 9 a 65. i No changes of importance In any other articles. No new Oats in market. Hay a good supply ; no alteration in prices. Fall \1'heat,iiew,ls 6 a 55 75d per bUshel. Spring “'hpat 35 3s 6d per Flour 17s a 225 per barrel. Barley 25 a 2s. 3d per bushel. Rye, 2s 9d a 35 per bushel. Oats Is 10}, per bushel. Pens. ‘Zs 3d a 25 6d. Hay $15 per ton, good quality. Straw $8 per ton. Beef $6 per cwt. Potatoes ‘25 6d per bushel. bushel. !. The Minnesota Legislature have cs- t:rblis|ied 15 per cent. as the legal rate of interest. The first appearance ol the “ sea St‘r- pcut,” this seaso , has been at Newbury- port, Mass. A company of Germans has been or- ganized in New York to proceed to Frazer river. The London Times is again out in fa- vor of the annexation of Cuba to the United States. The contest of the Pope with some of the Swiss Cantous is assuming a serious aspect. ' Real estate has depreciated 50 per cent. In Sacramento, since the discovery Iof gold on Frazier River. The late fire in the London Decks has settled the long disputed question that sulphcr' will explode. Emeline Torrey, a young woman of Cliicopee,is seriously ill from the effects ofa bite of a black spider. The coroner of San Francisco corn- plains that the navigation to Frazer river has cut short the suicides. Col. Kane is going to nublish a book about his trip to Salt Lake, and his ef- forts to bring about a peace. The heat, this season. in India is ex- cessive.â€"â€"In one regiment 84- deaths from apoplt xy are announced. Iev. Eleazcr \Villiains, the Bourbon prince, is now dangerously sick at Hogans- lrurg, Franklin (50., N. 1'. In St. Paul. less than an acre oflan-l that was bought in 184-8 for $1 25, was rsuld in 18525 for $10,250 cash. ‘ There have boon 6O amalgamation l marriages in Boston, the past year, all of [White Women to colored men. I I Partv of thirty gunners killed 449 {Sql|“r”l§ in one day’s hunt, within four ‘ml es c'rcultr near Alinena, M ieh. It is_said there is not a boot or shoe- maker in the town of \I'eldon N. C. nor is there any within eight mild-s of it. , 'I he Cincinnati Enquirer says 000d “when has been sold four miles from Eris- mty Thaw, at 37’, ch. cash per bushel. I Butter 10d per lb. Eggs 10d per doz.â€"Lcarlnr. DIED. ANNA Mum, the beloved wife ofJacob Marv. Esq , departed this life. in the triumphs 0f fallh. July 27th. 1858. Sister Mnrr died in the quite of her own family, surrounded by weeping and dutiful children, kind friends, and an attentive and sorrow-stricken husband . She was third daughter of Major John ButtonI of Buttonville, Mownship of Markham. She was boriIQOih Nov., 1806; experienced reli- gion I897; and continued a most faithful and devout inomber oftho Melliodist.ChIircIi till. by death. she was taken from the evil to come to her reward in heaven. In Nov. QTth. l858. she was united in marriage with Jacob Marr, Esq. who ever proved a kind husband and her friend. In her. children have lost one of the kindest of mothers, the church one of Its briglitr st ornaments. the communits a kind neighbor, and her husband a constant, affectionate, and attentive wife. The graves of all his saints he blest, And softened every bed ; Where should the dying members rest, But with their dying head. â€"Ecan.ami'st. constant II. H. Special Notices. TIIE SKIN Is formed with thousands of pores in every inch of surface whose ofiice it is to carry ofl'tlie ini- puriiies of the bloodâ€"the acknowledged cruise of all diseases of mankindâ€"when the skin is dry and parchedâ€"when it is covered with eruptionsâ€"u lion it is cold aridelammyâ€"wheu there is inward fever or intlnmaunnâ€"It is im- possible for the skin under these circumstances to perform their proper functions and to carry off the impurities from the body as designed by our Creator. Morse‘s Indian Root I‘ills remove these 01» structious, and produce free and healthy blood, reiiiovo the oriipticiis from the skin. and cau~o it to biigliteii with the flush of )Olllll and beauty. Beauty is much admired and loved. Beauty wiihont paints and cosmeticsâ€"hut beauty produced by health and happiness. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. IFE Pills and Phoenix Bitters. Sodetitarv denizens of our large cities nfilicted with headache. dvnpepsia, short hreathrrigs. pains in the region. of tho pleiiriiis and ilie liver, should invariable trv ilie effects of these inedi- cinas. instead of resorting to cupping. leaching or phlebotom'izing. Thousand of lives lla\e been saved bv the A‘IOITIII. medicines. Sold hv Gymnastic, Aerobatic, Barter ibmrnsr arm. Iotnhllihmenl i... I..." tI'orouglily ...ormimr my rim nelson, inn! ii. strength in pearl,- augmented by the million! at some of THE FIRST ARTISTS IN lHt‘: Vb'ORIJ) selected In III pins by expenmmi “minâ€"wind. mu enable the l‘roprielors to give In Entertainment nerond to none on this comment, WILL EXHIBIT AT RICHMOND HILL, Saturday, august 21. Afternoon performance at‘Z; Evening at 7. Price of Admission. ‘25 cents. No Half-price. Among the Now-I Peril-minutes will i.» prenentt‘l ii Growl EQUESTRIAN SPECTACLE "rinse ru- llll‘lll‘l Ill lllllll. air can Siege of Lucknow .’ With nppl‘opl‘ml! Faultlmel, he kc. f0 cor-nuc- In. El emu Lnunlmht u r.- Tho-L4 of III tad..- unvlfien'lemrn. Ind followed by iusniuo EQUESTRIANISM ASTUNISHIKG Gymnastic Feats ACROBATIC EXPIOITSI fly the fnlluwmg I'rvt' rmovli RICHARD RIVERS, E. DILIIIUUS. F. Iiivtcus, G. neurons, 0 R1" R3, lnrts.l Z’I‘OR'I‘, Mons. mniixo, 1'2. “MODS, Tlnllll'lllll BHUTHEIS Monsrs J .v 'r ntIIII)l-.AN. THE GROTESQUE Hmiii 'I'lt I‘IXl,(l\‘Y and Moss. )IAI-‘I’I'I‘T, All) The Illfiflrlrflll rlI‘I'ObiIlSl The “’tinrlen 0mm Age. on nrirlrnrnsv. stirrup III \RGIIFRI'I‘E, Mud'llo MARIF Murl'lln ANNETTE. Elli Srrurrulr trips )1:I.~tvrt)|.0\'7n\. I‘lllnlel’ FREDERICK, Master WASHINGTON, Len [’ciitcs IVIZZ, ELIZE n:irlCI..\RI. tltltilig tin- C‘rilrsqti! Performers, arr I. u- (DID-WI": llrwns Ir laslersl *- II NICHOLS, Tull |Illl.‘l\'0. IIII‘IHItD RIVERS, IIAN, YOI'NG Dlr‘l, Each of whom is noteâ€"if for Ma Ila-lie! ni' mmirneni iirrd quqrnt ...-it w ll, Llylng‘l POST’S Philadelphia Brass llndl \Vill euliieti llre entertainmrviil with .;,/â€" 3,?" u, rlrou-u .mi tin-rapt...» “my err-w ,m'liculm'l, .m on w mm $13"; T. COULDOCK, Agent. A A ll Appren tice \Vaii ted. N Apprentice is Wanted at the 1 Premium Saddlery and Harness Makei’s, Richmond Hill. For particulars ap- ply to W. H. MYERS. Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Aug. 6, 1858. til-tl' List of Letters 1 EMAINING iii the THORNf-IILL. P.O. Ist August 1858- Ariiistiong, Robert Brown. James Bell. John Bastard. John Baxter, Samuel Clark, .laiires Corr, \1. Cameron, John Chidlev. H. Cliidley, John Cailrcart. Jane Caiiibell. Jane Callaghan. Timothy Coniiollv, Michael Clark. Adoiu Donald. John Dean, Matthew Dinp, John Dixon. W. Flynn, David Flowdeu, Charles Grbiiey, Robert IloseV, Jnhii Jackson. John [2] James, Reuben 5T3 Keller, John Kiiaggs, George Koch, George Keir. James Liimley, Margaret Lotmon, Richard Latter. James Lee. George W. Miller, James McFarland, Micliaol McQuav. Thomas McNaught. James McGee, VVillinIn Mchi‘ignll, Win. [2] McLean, F. A. Qirnuce. Joliii Riigg. George Sanderson Wm. 'I‘Iiomsoii, James Thomson, James F. Tharp & Tiiidlo “'ulher, Samuel Vl/aisicont, VVIn. VVilev. Julie “’alker, Henry 'I‘IIOS. coor-En, pro PM. Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL Post Office. AUGUST lst, I858. Abbs, Lucy IIIlIiev. Henry Bciiuu, G. H. Urowii. Robert [9] Brilliugcr. George [9.] Dll'oll. V’t’illinin llarrev. Mr. Hallie, \V llrooiii, Charles ('ooper, \VIII. Cunnibs. John Clark, Andrew Clinpiitior, Mary Derliani. Mrs. Dei'liani, Richard Deiitou, Miss ,Durrniit. CllarlPs Elliott, Miss Fuiivv Elliott. Robert - Espev. Joseph Goodwin. \Irs. John Gray, “'illiani Grant. Jesse Ileivison. Robert Horton, \Villinin IIOI‘IIO', Daniel, Sou. Iluuier, Isaac Kirby, MrS° Hannah Kliiick, \Villiam Law, Abraham Laugstutf. Joliii Laugsvafi, Joliii, Jun. Masonic Lodge Megill. Edward anos, William [2] Mrl’tao. Johii MchiIl, Hector [2] Mth-aih. Thos, Rutledge, J, Stephenson. Joseph [3 Shewt’elt. Clai'ecy Siiiipsou, George Stockill. Robert [9] \Villianis. Jacol) Gig Wilson. William W. B. IVIOFl-Z'AT, 335 Broadway, New York. and his Aguirre. Gongh. Frederick r‘ i515 bl. TREFI’. I‘mmnqm. .1 age by tire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly \Vilsori. Richard, Son“. To the Sick and Dying- SNIIH‘JR, of the 71h concession of I II. :hl Vaughan. near Klineburgli, guarrantces to cure ('mrrr‘rs) Enlarged JVuIrs, And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either oftlie uhove mohtioui d Disasses. will do well to call in time. All letters to be addrur‘lell lU PETER SNIDER. Kliireburgli. N. 11. NO CURE NO PAY. August U. 185%. Ellâ€"ff PROSPECTUS OI“ The “Woman’s Advocate FOR 1058. Fourth Volumn. A. E, M’COWELL. EDITOR. L. J. I’IEIISON, (Joni-.Issi’osiriso Enron. The object ofth Women’s Advocate is the opciiiug out of new spheres of eirrpluvriient for wmiicii \vlro how so long suffered the dun-(ass attendant upon the insiiilicieirt :elllflliulutlall, and u too limited ItUIIIDt‘I’ ul ournpnimrm. The paper endeavors to col eat all riiloriiia- I 11011 that can be important to woman, rerritivo to cccuputions better suited Io ilrrni, and much will yield a more cuml'oruthlo sub |>I‘ lH't‘ than the few Iiiilicaliliv trades irpurr \vrirrrli they have been so tar obliged to dt'pt‘lld Ior L‘.\IS- tent-e. The Allvocull‘ employs, in t' 9 various (lo- prptniaiits of the business, man) \\tillit'|l. who are paid for their labor as high pin-cs .is are paid In men lor‘ the some amount oi “wk. To the ed tor and proprietor tho prr-i tlr M5 years In which she llih‘ been engaged rir [ILS \vr.r|i. have been years of an .iety and turf, tut lltt- oiiiorprize I1i|\ her-n car I Icrl on with the hope of doing good to others, and filial y pushing the business to a successful point, when it may re- Iiiuiiorato all concerned. With this hope she carriers the lit Id for another year. trusting in the many assurances of ldlt‘llds III nll pails of the country, for aid and «so-operation. TLIIMi 0F SUBSLRIPTI'IN: For One Copy. one year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 For Five Copies...“ ... . cl ()0 For Teri Copies . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ........15 00 T0 POSTM ASI'ERS . Postnin‘trrs throng out the couiitrv are re- quested to act as agents, and deduct the usual COIIIIIIISSIOII. ) MI’LUYHICNT FOR LADIE‘L Auv lady of good address, and energetic habits, can make frorri live to twenty dollars a Wet-Ii, by canvassing for subscribers for the Advocate. We want such agents in even township and tin III the United States and tho Cnundtis. lucrative oiriployrncnt. and will send a return - meiitlation for honesty and ability. they Wlll have credentials forwarded to them to act as agents- Address, ANNA E. M‘DOIVELL, Elfilnr ll II (I Prnyn'itlu r, 59 Philadelphia, Pa. Fire I Fire I Fire I W E S '1‘ E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. ! 7 o I ISCORI’ORATED FY ACT OF PARLIAMENT- CJIPITAL STU CK, £100,000. I. C. GILMDR. Pros. I uno. MIcIiII.,Vice 1’ro=. nittrcrous : l Ilice Lewis. Esq. Thus Hawortli. E~q, James heatv. E~q. W. Henderson, Esq. T. P. Itobarts. Esq. IV. Macfailnrio, Esq. M. I‘iossiii, Esq. | ‘ Barnard llnldau. Esq. Secret/try .y 'f'nasurcr. Angus I‘tltil'ihott. E~q. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Rim/tors. Btiijaiiiiii Siviizer, Esq. Inspector. [13' Head (yfire, Church Street. Toronto. 4]] THIS CoIIvAuv Insrrios all doscriptious of Buildings,Mniiufectories, Mills. the” rind Good: and Furniture, In the same, against loss or dam settled. A. I. A \V, Residence, General Agent. Riehu oiid IiiII.August13.1857. gIO-Iy I S'I‘RAYED. AME on the Subscriber’s premises. C on Thursday, the llllh instant. A BROWN HORSE, aged about 4 years. The owner may take the some by proving property and paying expensesI SAMUEL DOI‘IER, Lot 35, Con. 3rd. Markham. July23.1858. 59-tf 'â€" For Sale, HOUSE AND LOT, situated , within a few minutes walk of the thriving Village of Richmond Hill. TERMS Erisv. For particulars apply to W. HARRISON. Saddler. Richmond Hill, July 93, 1359. 59-If For Sale or to Rent, D W EL LINGâ€"IIOIISE, Store-house Driving-house and about an Acre of Land. in the Village of Victoria Square. suita- blo for a Store ov’l‘avern. For terms anva to W. Trudgoon, F.qu Tribune office. Richmond Ilill. April 2-2. 1855. as HOTEL FOR SALE. HE Subscriherofl‘ers for sale that wellkuowu Hotel. situated on Lot No. 5, 6th Conce-sion in the Township of King, with good stnhliiig and Seventeen AcrcsovacolleIit Laud. Every necessary accomodatiou for on Hotel are in first rate repair. Terms extremely easy. For fur- ther poi ticulnrs apply to the proprietor on the pro- mises or to 'Dr. Dusctriiiu. Richmond Ilill, . THOMAS REDON. Proprietor. g‘34-1f King. Nov. 19. I357 .7V0 T1011. Tut: QUARTERLY MEETING of u..- YORK 'I‘nicrimts’ A<§0CI\'I‘IO\' will be held at P. (-limond Hill. on SATURDAY. the 7242!. instant. Teachers. and till l'rvoiiillv to im- t:.'ilI~(| of Popular Iidtlt'.itlull. mo requested in attend. By order of the Association, GEORGE ROS F. Queensville, July 9. 1858. 57. 0 P [IO-N'OG Rug 1’]! 1‘ OR WRITING BY SOUND! I'I'MAN’S Manual of I’liouograpliv is It Work of about lUll pages, everv other imp or which is printed from stone onginviugs giving writing exercises in the art which the book is designed to teach. II_v the use of this Manual. any school boy or girl, of 5 or 6 rears and upwards, inav learn. in a srirpridiiglv'short space of (into. to read and write Phoriuérnplfi or Phonetic Short-hand. and a few months of dq‘llv practice is all that is required to enable a child of ordinary intelligence to write 100 or more words per minute ! ‘1 his rats of Spét‘d is Surficifiul, to take down oniiuarv sermons. speeches. and r onversatiou as Trig}. as spoken. The " Manual of Phouogruphv," 75 cents. and [he “ Phouogmpic Copy-hunk,” 25 cents, are 53m to [my address, by iiinil, pest-paid, on ramipi of the price, 01‘”; DOLLAR. Address. post-paid. WILLIAM II. ORR. USIIAWA. C. VV., 1 ] 1' rpm whom all Eugluli or American Phon- f and rill other description of rnriiciizil'. has l‘l‘t‘lt from pI-ppnrt-tl It) supply orders- for Ilt‘n' (Illness. in :rtlilru'rin to.i|m~c in operation. :it tho s‘ioitcst llOlll'l‘ pi‘i III ‘ ll'any one wishes to enter upon a , soul and convenient. can be had on reasonable IEI‘IIIS- llIB Tri/n. 116. \VIIULESALE Paper & Stationery Warehouse. HE Subscribers have always on hand, a large and general stock of the best British and Provincial Iiinriirl‘at-tnred Writing. Colored. Brown. and “napping Papers, \\'n\-, “'afers. Slate“. Ink. Stool Pens, Envulupeu. )lctullic Memoramlurir Iloolts‘. 'I'ivines‘, (‘oLv Hooks, School Books and General Stationery. Ac“ Ike. The faoEliIics which the sub (‘I'ilievs have for iriouufaciuriug. linviiu: two of the largest Paper Mills ll Canada, they are prepared to tirnulifrrciiiro all kinds ol'paper' to order. IJUN'I'IN, IlRO. & (‘o.. Yoiigo street. Toronto. January 6. 1853 till 'J'o PRINTERS. HE SUBSCRIBER bch to inform the Trade. that his Stork of PRINTING PRESSI‘IS, TYPE, INKS, \"\1'\ lal-gr-I} iirr'rt'nsed llIIS Surnsrrii, b} :rrriv-ih NI‘LVV Y IIIK. l‘llIl.:\l)l".l.|‘lil.\, HUSTOV rind MUN'I'REAL: Iiiirl Iliut lir- is l‘ritiiiiig .‘t'r \IIIIIN ES and ENC.le S Illi- 1o'tr (l to n-dor. Rm! qu rliti of NEM'S INK at One Shilling (ll/l ‘I'ypt' lllfrt/l in err/unity: for firm. I). K l"l<il-le.\.\', (inllinrtie >1, Furrinto, J.ru_ 3!, In [7 JOHN MURPHY. Ilouse Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIEII &c., &t:. No. 49, King Street, 4 Doors “lost of Bay Street. DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. n. Toronto, June 18th. Il‘oi. [‘0 Medical Practitioners . GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers itâ€" , sell to a Medical Man of standing and r-xpoi-ionee. House and Prriiiisrs, both plea- Applv, if by letter post paid, to the Editor of Richmond Ilill. Jitiiolfith,1857. FOR SALE! ACRES OF LAND. East half of Lot No. 2, 7Il‘ Coticesstou. North Guillrir bury. Also, ONE ACRE OF LAND, situated in the Village of Thornhill, with good House and out-buildings. I]? Terms Easy. Apply to JOIIN PALMER, Richmond Hill. i712 g.2â€"w_v. 'Januarv 14.185 . NOTE'LOSTI N or about the QOLII February last. a POCKEF_BUOK. raiiiaiiiiiig a note against John Thompson to the amount of Forty-eight pounds. due on the 3rd of February last. Any person finding the same :indretnrningitto the owner. Dovrrl 'l'honip. sou, loiQG, 2nd con of Markham. will be nitably rewarded. The note will be of no use to any one Bleep! the owner. DAVID THOMPSON. Markham. 13. 1858. 019-4 The Scottish American Journal I DLVO I‘ED TO THE Interests of Scotchmea in America, AND TO THE DISSLNINAI‘ION 0F SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART I TONSIDERING the Iiiuliiplicitv of news- papers iIi Airrorica, it has to rnany been a matter of surprise that the iiiiiiieroUs body of Scottish residents should have been so long iiii- represented 'I'o supply this desideraturn, No. II of the Scorrisu AiiIeItIcau Jounsu. was published on Saturday, August 6, 18.27. and is now eoiiiiiriiad weekly. The primary object of the Jonas“. is to fur- Iiislt irs renders regularly With the news of their native Country. It presents a weekly re- cord of ad events of interest occurring in Scut- laiid. and its subscribers are in this way as full) iulo med of what is trniispiriug ai home as if they were iii regular receipt of on old-country non spupri‘. Scottish questions Will be discussed wrili intelligence and Illill‘dl‘llallI) in the editor- ial column“, and the sentiments of the lending pur ios on those subjects will be fairly repre- senitd and commented upon. In the literary and iiiiscollnncousdepartmoiil of the paper. while merit and Lalont wirl be ap- prewar d from u liatever' country they Utll‘tltlalb, the Scottish oieiiient \vill piepondoi'ute. 'I ales, sketches. and poeiry, illustrative ul ilio Socitisli character. and of a iratiiio l’ittrd to call faith the sl‘lllpflllllr-‘i o: Scoicliinen both at home and abroad. in” occupy a conspicuous place. In this depai'tiiioiit, Ilie co-opcrntiuii of various distinguished author-s, possessing unrivalch foetlitirs for the task. has been secured' In politics, tho JOURNAL ivrll occupy a thoroughly iiidopeiidoiit position, alike fret: from party bins and national prejudice. III or- dor to ii tercst its readers wherever situated, il Will take a broad View of topics of this class. nvonlrtrg those of a "newly lot-til nature. oXcept in so far as they may p;eseiit palms of import- once to the general public Questions involvâ€" iiig tho Interests of British I'G‘ILIOIIIS iii the United States and iii the British I'rovuicox, will be specially considered, and it is helievr-d that the information and news of the Johns“. on this irrrpu Iarit class .rt subjects will be such as shalt cuiriinniid uttoiiiioii. 'l'lio Sco'r'rrsu AMERICAN JOURNAL, will in every re~pcct be conducted in an efficient and biisii css like man or. With every rcqursito giizrrariicn for IL‘ ['91 IlIIlllL‘IIL‘l‘. 'I'Iirx proprietors. wliu uiu responsible prirtrvs. It:.rrir iii in Now \'o:|t nitri elsewhere. Illt"t‘l'iitc‘ In: \\lll1 coii- lirrciit'u for the srrppnri of Illrll' Iiimivrrius coiiii- Il‘\ll»f‘|| II: Itll parts or .\IIIL'|L'.|. nrrtl they wlll Im glad to I'riiriiiriiiiit-a i~ iirt.r iruptrrnlrie pur- ribs at :i (list rrire who run} In- IIIn,it)'Ull to I'o- lif}!‘i'i\f|l \iitli lllt‘ltl (Iii Ult‘ L‘Nlrrdll\llllll'lll 0f IIIL‘ paper in tire-Ii lurllr'x'ilv'i |trt.‘.i‘.llt;‘ l l A publication t‘rtriliiaslrrd \-.'?Llr Ilium objects iriu to. «nurse loon Itr s pprrri lilitlIlIV Iioiii tlr-rst- coriiructtd I._v lrr.I‘r u. rrt~«-:-rri with the can tli" \ilirrse current rt cliionicles; our llu.‘ It and l)i\i.s -l } til n -| net-essi titres.rirzitlitiiiuir,1tric lI't'.|l.Itt‘ttI «If all ImpOII- an: questions fills-cling .\.rrn l“:tt interests, find as its literature “Ill be crisrrropolirori, II is hoped that even to the general reader Ila coliiiiiiis \\'i.l not appear uiieiitoi'uiiriiiig or pi'otiiless. TERMS 01“ SUBSCRIPTION. PAYARLI‘Z l.\ ADVA 511.. III"U| as Iri.. l One Copy for one \ear . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5‘2 50 Five (Iupies . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 9 (HI Twelve Copies .. . . . . . . . . . . 0 PO Twenty-live Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-0 00 To parties getting up a club of twoiiti-tive a Copy “Ill be sent gratis. I Copies {awarded to Europe per Innil. United Stains postage paid, for $3. or 135, sis-Ling. pet‘ flllIlut2. ll? Office, No. 29. Beekinau Sircet. NY. FARMFDR SALE ! Lot To Iii. 4th Con. Vuuglinii. For particulars, appl) In ‘ONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AN“ Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. l THU” Y ACH‘S 0" LCWd lam-II b‘““h’ PM" “I Also lliL'II‘ riruch admired Porfuiiio reunion iIiL. QEPPREMIUMCQ} SA .D D L E 128' .5- H A .1: .v E s S I‘AIILISIIAI EXT. THY) Door Soul/i of Mr TRIBUNE Olfit'f’. William H. Myers, .llfmr rift/I‘lm'l’r'. Prrmrum If ESPIQCTFIILIN announces totlm Public 1 gerrci'nlleliat lie linv-iigl rkr-i) [lie I" I II S T P It I Z [‘2 for Ilnrimss at tho Yurigo Street Ag- IICIiltuml Slimv. Two \'t':iisiii succession. Ill) fuels- roiilidoiii that lir- can giro eiiti.osniisiccrtou iii till branches of his business. foAll Work Wu I'm ntod. "f A large stock of Ha: rirss. 81c, fll\\'n_\'« mi hand, and made to nrdui zit lllU lowest possible Ioiiruucrutirip- prices. Ilii'birioud llIlL Oct. 15. 11:57. Harness 1%" _‘â€"â€"-’“J Ind-II LOYA 1‘70. (Md . \, EIZ'I‘S tit WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL, A \"zrtnria Square, the last Friday even- ing in each month. OFFICERS ELECT I Jfllll‘i BUTTON. Master. JAMES ('ANAGI‘IAN. Dem/til. THOMAS BOWMAN. Smirefrt/‘If. .IOIIN G.\V\‘I.EY. Treasure". ' Victoria Square, May 7, 18.38. 48~lv Richmond Victoria. I OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 773, 1 meets at Brother Robert VViserrinii’s. Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening in each month. Oi'r'tcrtns ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgford, blaster . J B. De Gmr, Deputy M.ster; .lohii Miiirhollnnd, Secret y ; W. Poguc, Treasurer. January ‘21, 1858. I33 P A I N T I N G . Subscriber 11ch to infurin the iii- ' ‘lie liahitants of Iliclrurond Hill and sur- rounding conntry. that he has t'oriimoni'ed business in House Painting, G/azing, Paper ' Plunging, Graining. 4-0. ‘51:. He hopes that by slvit't attention to rll order on- trusted to lrrnr which will be cxrcutcd in a neat and workruariliko manner, on the shortest Iio- ‘ ties, to merit asliare of pii'nl-c patronage. Richmond Hill, {RH/‘1'“). VAILES. March 11. 858. thâ€"Grn r1? LOOK AT THIS r em LNIOST EVERY BODY i: ortlnvittg the A I’LUL'GH. LOUM and ANI'IL. That the rest may be as wise. and possess themselves of what we are boundâ€"at any cos-L to ourselves â€"'ru make for Leading Industrial Journal of tlio [linesâ€"lite best for the Farmer, Llio Mechanic. and the Family Circleâ€"we make the t‘olmtviug uiiprecedvnted liberal oll'er :â€" Our Eleventh Volume \vill commence with Jfllltlfll‘t‘. Iii-ASâ€"It‘lil rim to January, 1559â€"3an corilairi 765 large neiavo pages. on fine paper, with new type. It will he issued within tlio fiist wvck of each month. in numbers of 64 page“ each, done up in the best magazine style. To n‘l who will forward the money for this volume, as single subscribers or iii clubs, we Will send gratiiitiously, the numbers of the cur- rent volume. from tho time of their forward ng, and one month previous, thus givmg in two, three. or four numbers, accordm to III 6 time, to rill who subscribe before January. Ti:R.iIs:â€"â€"-$Q a year, in advance: :81 501.0 Clubs of four and upwards: $1 for s )1 months: Advertising. ten cents a line. For giving piih- licitv to improved stockmgrictiltiii‘a' iniplerironts. mechanical improvements, and like matters ol general interest, there is no oilior medium good at tho price. Liberal terms to persons dispost to as agents for this work. Let us hear fruni t: J. A. NASH. M. 1’. PARISH. 7 Beeliniaii Street. New York. October ‘22, lt‘57. I o . N O ’1' I C E . VALUABLE PROPERTY IS THE Flourishing Village BU'IVI‘MIVILLE, IN THE Towuship of MARKED}, 5:;- FOR SALE. .93 WONSIS'I‘ING of Three Village Lots, with / suiinble Buildings, with a fourth part of an acre of Land attached to each. One is it small Cottage suitable for a small family: The second is a New House, adapted for a Mcclit-iv it: of any kriid or Doctor, («5 there is no Doc- tor in the neighbourhood). The third is u Large House, with all the accomodatious for a Tavern, with a, never-failing Well of Water. Al~o, good. suztabla out-huildiiigs. consisting of ilrivirigdroiiso, large shod, wood-shed, grati- nr-v and stable, together with some choice It‘riiii Tic-us. comp isiiig pltiiiis, lleul'5,0ul'l'ttlll.$, and the black tame. clieriv. IIU'I'TONVILLE is situated on a plea- sant list) of ground, on the 4th Cmicesfion of Mnrklmin. Thorn is an established Post-Office together with ti (iristaiid Saw Mill, Store, with Mocliuiricsofdifferent kinds. 'I‘i-rrirs easy, apply to the Proprietor on the preriiiscs, or by Letter. post-paid to Button- vrlle. Possession will be given on the 1st of April, or- if iiuedcd. Ilic Isl ol'Jauuary. IL? Title indisputable. fl VI'ILLIAM MORRISON Buttuiivillo. Oct. '25. lt’57. 299-4 APOTIII'JCARIES’ HALL WING S‘I‘Itrzrzr, Toronto, 2nd door east of Cliurr-li Street, opposite the Cathedral. W. T. .\1itr.\'sn\-. A: Co., Late of King street Wtui. now after at their new osttiblislrriient. Genuine English Drugs, Patent; .llr’tlicincs, Franc/r and English . Prifumrry, Oils, Pain/II, Colours, Dye- I I 'omls, Combs Brushes gun, {It StILlI iriudeiuie prices as cannot fail to se- ciirc custom. ' W. 'I‘. A. ck (‘0, having crumdnrablc ex- perience In the Drug business in various parts ’ol llnglarid. ll‘nt‘ no hesitation Iii sfl.\|llg.|lhfll ' rt-ui inunv of their Manufactured Articles “ g , , . will he found very superior. Medicines used in coriipniiiidiiig Prescriptions, l' aiiilly Re- ce'pls, Horse and Cntile Mode-clues, kc” are of Ill!‘ very hast quality, drroct from tho pI'I-ii- ripnl I'liiplrsli Ding Houses. 1". 'I' A A‘ Co. bug to call attuiiiion to their Celebrated Propo- ' ration for the Tooth, THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottch and from the founrain ; St Du. REID. Thorulrrll. r gmpit‘ Worlu may b itirocur'cd. r. ' l)t\ut‘nll)01'Q-b. 1857 L‘Jil 'i i Wrirer. celebrated for their llt'flllll)‘ properties (cull-r it favor by directing uttoiitioii :iiiiioiitit‘eiircuf. Catherine: Mineral \Vater, and the Plantagenet Canada Type Foundry Rtnovnn To ST. ’PHERI'EE S12. is Duncan‘s BUILDINGS. Moxrasu. ...â€"â€" . Il‘IIE Proprietors of' this Establishment I" :5 Ii) iiiftil‘ltl the Piiu'ers of Canada. Illnl ll . I have now iirnnufactiricd and reudy for deliver . a large quantity of Small I‘icn. Long l'imn r. i;'ll(l‘_’tflf.‘L' and Urevier, of Scotch fave. \\ b.- r: they \vill guarantee cannot bo surpassed l‘} or v Foundry upan this continent for durubilrir rim: uupcarziurc. They have also on hand a I‘limt": essuitiiieiit of various kinds of Ornamental Type 'l‘lll‘ piil‘cs‘ at which these and other In [its are sotrl at the t‘anndu'l‘ype Foundry, will In- I ow; zit lrmt Illl per cent. less than they could Ire pit:- r-l . SI‘II glorious to its establishment. II is iiitrvl'oi'e hoped that the Printers 0! t ‘M - - rla ivrll >llu\\' ilieirappmcrniioii oftlio IIII\'I..I' ‘ rt ltolrlx- out, by bestowing iipou itu fair "IY-‘ their patronage, in return for which the pin!” :r ‘- rrrs pledge themselves to leavotio means an in J to glvu zniiple satisfacriou. l‘riuivrs ! mark the reduction in the prion at typo since this Foundry was opened : and hour l"I rnrnIl Ilrai a greater reduction depends upon \ Ulii ~ , sews. ()Iir nietto‘Isâ€"supply the trade \\ il. l\ pc : ufsiit-li quantities and at such prices as \\ ill p:-_-. I vent the Iiertvsity of patronising foreign limit“- t':ii:’.u i hrs. The f'ulfrrwiuglistofa fow oftho pi'iiici; 'ti r :â€" L‘li‘> ‘t“lullf‘(l I-_\ printers. will give an idr~:- ut'Ilm , gl'l‘hlutlt‘fillllt‘gt‘s oftlie CauadaType Furriidri‘ PRICES:â€" Nriiiiirtricl - - - - - 25 6d per lb I‘lllll-II] - - - - - - 25 3d " P’It‘VrIJI- - o ~ - - 28 1d " ntllI‘LVI'UII‘O - â€" - - IS 10d “ I orig l'rirircr - - - - Is 8d " Minrll l'ieaâ€" - - - - ls 7d " I it ll - v - - - - 15 6d " IIE‘ .‘.ll oilior Book Fonts in proportion. Luneâ€"G to Plan and thicker, Is porllm 7 to Pica. l-Bd; H to Pica Is Gd. _ ’I'IIOS. J. GURNINtS; (‘0. St. Therese Street )Irririreal.. :iy 18ih,1857. git N. I3.-â€"I'iiblrsliers of newspapers giving lltst‘r’r lion In this advertisme‘ut for ‘2 months will hr.- allowed their bills upon purchasing five Ilium. Editors will Io Illt: T. J. G. t‘. (‘0. lllPll’ alllulllll OI Ulll‘ IIIBIIUfflCIUIG- WV TRIM TMENT. . Butlrrlo Medical Dispensary. ESTABLISHED rou Tm: com: or Dysrri-sii, lil‘.\t'.RAL trr;I;II.ITY, FEVER A‘D rimL. :cuoruw. ow ULCERS. GREAT Iiurr II“ it or '11”: BLOOD, SALT RHEUM, I‘IMI’LI,.\'. PISTULA, Pines, mowers} DEBILl'f‘Y. IN- )~‘II<.\III'1ES or vou‘ru no em ace, die. (If? No Mercury Used. 4’3 PR. AMOS & SON, Corner of Mnin and I Quay Streets, Buffalo, New You. rim the onl_ l‘livsicinns in llre State who are limit:- lows of the RoyalCulloge ofSurneons. I out}. May he crvn~iilied f’rom Bo’clock iii thi- rump. iug until I) o'clock at night, on every sist. sc-l syrup Oill of disease. 7 The lrt-atinem the}~ Adopt is the result r f I'I‘ wards of 30 your! extensivo'nnd Ettr‘t‘r practice Iii London. The latest iirv era‘s. '3'inpt0ins of Dasouse eradicated iii t-l_lll 1" nine dais. and cases of‘a‘ slight 'IlaIUIt‘ in In L) or three «love at u very moderate ext-ruse.â€" 'l'lro euro i-ll'peterl \\l'.l\0111CODIIIICIIICII. or LIM- dioiice from business. Young filmâ€"Tulsa Particular , . ,. A attce. There is an evil habit sometimes IlliIZIlLrI d in by boys. in solitude, often growing up \\ ri‘r tlicuito r'rraulioorl. and which. if not rr‘n rurrf liv ihom in due time. not only begets serious obstacle». to matrimonial happiness, hue g.v s 'ISD to n smius of protracted. iiisidinrr~, and devastating afii-ciieits. Few of those who give: way It) Ilili pernicious prnctice are aroma of the consequences, Iirrrrl they find the LtIVL-Il'i vstem shalte ed. feel strange and lllIaI‘I‘OJIllasr ble feelings, and vague fears in tho niir II... A Most Scinth Invention. Air instrument for the cure of Ger-ind Lily bility. or more proprrlv know" as Ft-vrriirtf Weakness, Nervous Debility. &c., which are permanently cured in from.15 to 20d-3s II'.’ Ilia the of this iiisiriirirciil. when used CUIIJIJIIIII'I' \vitli Irit'dicinos. Am: Remedies and Quin: Cures. Du AMOS St SON tuko plensureiu aunonnv ring llHtl the} have invented a most important inst ruiiierit for the cure of the above rite-us It has been Fttlrleclotl in a test by tho most ciiiinczrt plrvsicinirs iii London; Paris, A’Iliri'shll‘ - phi-1 and \tw \Orlt ‘I! has been doclg. oil he '1 7. IDI l_v iveful l‘ts’lt'tltlltllil. over yet itIVcnri-Il for the cure of St‘lntllhl Weakness,- or an) tlisuz‘s"? of rho genial organs, caused by the sum-3| lialriis of youth. Dr. Amos (It Son. in order to 530va the most skeptical at to the merits of those instru- iiieuts, pledge ilisinselves. that in any inalulttfi ivbe-c they may pwvo unsatisfactory Jrer‘e fair trial. the mount- will be refunded by rr-v turning the Iii-riurrreni in good order. Persons wishing the above useful iii:t:‘u:rir\it will observe, that the price, with tho if'C‘lllI‘ paiiyiiig directions, securely packed. and so": by Iiiail or express, is ten dollars. Beware of Imposztzan. Beware of enipirres and itinerant. self-stvluti pl'tifessois, “Ito .i‘tiLMi’t‘ cutes, but new! stit‘c: ed Dr Arum & Sou have for a long saw-lo of team lit-on engaged In an extensive practice In his rreaiiirt-ut of those delicate complaints, at 'd me the only legally qualified thysicmus IIitn now adverti-c to I‘il'f.‘ certain compl:rlrr:~. (-i' from whom genuine European remedies I'nii bn obtained. 1 Parsoxs IN .tsv Paii'r of TH: Won: ir may he successfully tieutztl by forwarding a correct detail of ilii-rr tunes, with a remittance for Medicines. Act. Much Will be returned \viili the utmost dispatch. and sot um from observation. Address Dr. Autos dz Somcorner Main null Quay streets. BIIIIUIU. N. Y. t4fi-Iv PERHAM OUT-DONE .l r ‘IIIE proprietor of the Mancmvitu GUIDE would respectfully call the atloiitiou of Moiclinnts, Farmers and Moch- ariics residing out of’tlro city, to the luodorail terms for a Maori)“ subscription ‘to the Gum-s. mail ls‘ltbsCrlbOm,‘ only Fifty Cents, Per dmmm, AKIMI IT 1H}: (‘III‘APEST NEWSPAPER IN Till vsrii II SI'A'I'DS. The columns of the “ Guide” 'will contmai the usual variety of original and spicy ariit; cs. written not only to please. but to instruct. III regard to politics the" Guido” will maintain :.:i iiitlepuntleiit tone, and lroiii time to turn! wrll advocate measures as conductive to benefit the greatiiuriiher. I’rirstivirs â€"-As an inducement for persons to inter est themselves to obtain suscriprious tor the “ Mercantile Guido." we offer the follow- in: preiiiiiiiris. Upon the ieceipt of the name! paid in advance. no will forward by evpvr'w. or uthcrwic it‘oider ed. to die address oi Iliuso e‘ititlcil to ilieiri .â€" For 300 subscriheis, cash ... . .. .. ... .335 0 Par 25.] subscribers, no ivillgiveaspleii- did gold watch. warranted. . . . . . . . . . . For 2(10 subscribers, we give an elegant gold locket, four glasses. worth. . . . . . ]5 00 For I50 subscribers, orio elegant bracelet II 00 For 100 subscribers, one gold vestcliaiii 1c (.0 30 I10 For 75 subscribers, one gold pen and lioltler, handsomer ciig‘m ed . . . . . . . . 9 00 For 50 subscribers, one gold pen and liolder-......... . ..... ..... 6W 1“,"- 41) ri.b5t‘lll.’r€ls, o 0 gold pen and litrldei ......-. ............... 3 00 For 25 subscribers, two iiiediutii gold pens and bolder“ .. .... ... 2 00 For I2 subsoiibers. one gold pen and bolder . . . . - . . . ................... I50 3,, All communications should Le .drmsed to W. BLAXELY. Editor and Publisher of the New York Mercantile Guide, No. “,3 Guts..- wich Street. New York. Newspapers throughout. the Un'wn bv pub. lisliing the above. appropriately displayed. iii eluding this notice, two months, and culling attention editorially to the some. and sent“er us the paper, will be entitled to an exclitilbgi, Irnd receive a gold pen uiid holder woriti ten dollars. sip-Em BLANK FORMS. . LARGE SUP l.Y of‘sMngislrzites Blank. according to the latest forms for uk at « this Office by the dozen or hundred. 'I 1 Avril 22.15.38. “5 " Tiibunu" Office Aufl- Q: 1857

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