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York Ridings' Gazette, 20 Aug 1858, p. 3

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USURY LAWS. eously unite‘in the declaration, that it shall be forever neutral, and that its communf- cations shall be held sacred in the passage to their places at destination, even in the midst of li0stilities. JAS. BUCHANAN. VVtrereas it is expedient to amt-ml the Mr- F0! or the 'I'Ormrlonflice received lam relating to interest ofrnone)’. and, f0" “'9 ab‘m‘ ‘Iai’alCIleS. and sent ofl‘ that of the Governor. The following is the Bill, as it finally passed the House 2.. An a‘Z'to amend the Laws of this Pro- vi e regulating the Rate of Interest. that Pul'tIOse, to repeal the third section of the Act oftlre Pa Iancrti oi'tltisi Pro. V-Ilce. paSseti in the sixteenth year of III r Majesty‘s reign. and int-tied. An not an modify the flurry Laws. as to fultt.e contracts: ’Ilroreiure, her I‘lnjegy‘ by and with the advice and consent of”... Legislative Council and ASsetany 01 Car.- ada, enacts as lollows: CYRUS STATION (CNG Aug. I3. ithe [)irectm-s of the At/(lnti'c Tell: grllph Comping N Y. m Iiurope and America are n )w united by telegraph. Glory to iiod iii the IiIgln-st ; on earth, l)t-ace, good-trill towards Ina..- brgned, DI Tr l~.C'|'OR, Atlantic Telegraph Co , Great Britain. I. From anil after the passing of this Act, the tlrirtl Section of the Act rnt-ntion- edin the preamble of this Act shall be. and the same. is hereby repealed, except only as to contracts made alter it came ,into force. and before the passing of this Act, as to which it shall remain in force. II. It shall be lawful for any person persons, other than those excepted in .this Act to stipulate for allow, and exact, on any contractor agreement wnalsoevcr. any rate ofinterest or discouit which rnry be agreed upon. III)“ shall not be lawful for airy Bank incorpmate-l hit any Act of the. Legislzr ’I‘I’IE GOV. GEN. ADDRESS. TORONTO, August 16. P. M. To the Rig/rt Hon. the Secretary of Male for the Colonies. London, (England ) The Governor General of British North America presents his lrurnble duty to the. Queen. and respectluily congratulates llev Maj -sty on the completion of the. tele- graphic communication between Great Britain arid Illtfstf Colonies. IJDM UN D IIliAD. ture of this I’rovarce, or of the late Pro- vinces 0f Upper or Lotver rc~pec lively, or by Royal L hurter, nor for any Bank ' stablished or to be established uti- tler the provisions oi the Act of the Leg New Yontt. Aug 16. 8 P. M. The hells of Old 'l'rmitv are Irow ring ing a merry pcal. llrrg“ are flying, cannon tiring, and the greatest rnIlIIrsiasrn every- Islatttre of tlrls Provi'Icr. passed in the Sassion thereoi, held in the Illlt'ler'tllll and where prevails at the joyful intelligence. oi the Union of America and Europe by tele- fourteenth years of Her Majesty's Reign graph, intitled An act to establish freedom of Banking in this Province and for oth- er p107)!me relative Io Ban/rs and Bank- utg to stipul‘a’t: for take. reserve or exact a higher rate of discount or interest III In a Y > rate oi interest not exceeding seven per NEW YORK, August l7. The following Ines-age was rr-cerred lrorn l‘rinity Bay for Mr. Archibald. ore of the iIonornzy Directors of the Atlantic iielegraph l-ompairy :â€" seven per centum per annum: and funny RAY, August I7. To E M Archibald 'I'I-IIS BRITle ARMY IN INDIA. [From the Times' Special Correspondent] Camp, Futtygiiur, June 2nd. Although the military skill of the Corn- tuanderâ€"IiIâ€"CII-el’s cottrhmntions ts not ques- t|t)ttt'tl his operations are severely c- lttcrsed by people who actually seem to regret our possession ol an a tillery so powertul that It crushes unpasrltoir, sates the lives of our soldiers and almost unassisted reduces the strong ‘lo. es or [In enemy. " lie drdn t kll rtlongit i ’ " tirii' kill! k-il I" that Is all the cry.â€"Altei every victory they shout ior " blood? more blood I” 'llicy Care not for the results achieved â€"thry look rather to the IIyrng enemy, and rage loi' IrIIpiissIb.e slaughter. borne oi gentlrni it put one In rIrtnd oI the cIfl-ilx't‘t‘ “no, title. the Victory oi the, Nile, in nlricir Wt‘ destroyed all the enemy's feet saw: two. WI'III about shaking his brad and in deep desporidency. expressing his beiief"tb.rt those two iitgates Ivnuld p.ay Illl' no} r these deuce In the Channel." In t'IICCI, however .‘ there has been a very pletrttlnl shedding nl blood, and very great loss inflicted on the rebels. brrrce the begrirniug oi the mutiny. and ot the. Insurrection which followed It, not less Ilqu 30,000 heiroys, according to the Inost carerul estimalcs, have been slam In the held. or irate tired of their wounds and inst-rises incident to war. I should say that ts 0U0 or IO 000 attired men and III Irabrlants I f Ionns and villagr s hire a so prrtshed lrr encounters With our troops As to those shot. blown away irorn guns, or hanged III pursuance ol the sr-ntr nets 0 CIHI 0. IIII‘IIuII) Cortlls III) materials I It Is: by Iliearrs 0| wtncn an rsttrnate 0| llrc number or rnnlinccrs and rrbrrls o punished can be loaned Up to this time tircir has certanly been no LICK at work for Ilit' I’xr'c utio. er. K IJIIII‘. Iralrobs, zi mindars, have been " slurer Up." or " polished oll’ weekly, and men 0| less note darlyâ€" all. probably, deserving lIIL'II' late; bill l con- less that, anxious as I aln lor the punish- them of the guilty wretches wnose deeds have outraged innrlanrty, I have no syrnpa III) with those who gloat over their rlca'lr and who, itr tlie' press and clsetvlroc, fly into ecslacies oi d light at the recurris of each act oi necessary justice, and gior v III IIH“ VXIIIIJIIIUII ol 3 ‘| IlII. as sall'budlill‘) and Iniiu'uan as lllnl wittcn prompted IlIlll‘ deters, CtllttllII~LIIm ol the crimes for hale met their doorn. assassins, and Inurrlators to III.- which [hey the utterers til centtlm p:-r annnm Itray be received and - . l‘ri ’u \ .. r ~ tak a In alvam-e by arty such Ilank an. - h Qua)” Akin"; “‘15 wmfm‘d it shall be Iawlttl for anV such Bank. to :II. in m" 0 CIOCk H.“ mnmmg' 1‘ “8: co“.- -- Intel".'-' “A- low anti pay any rate oi Interr-st rtlratso- "c ( It‘ltlddl' all” dunné '1‘ Hull . r. . '. . . r . - .r . . I . l I . » . i-vI-r upon InotrI-ys deposited In such llank. "m \a i“ "I I BN‘ ‘1 “ "UU‘ I” "H H M maki- some slight repairs Iii the cable. IV. Notwithstanding anything to the the part receirctl “as sent. through Itris- contr' in the Act passed in the Session held in the nineteenth and trvr-ntiml. W. lr‘ lake, .‘(iUtII’ as II It constituted Illt- “Iron “tonnage. of Her Majesty's Iicign. chapter forty- g (‘lgtied) eight. Inllile‘l. [In Actfm enabling rI/l the C/Irlrtrru} Bun/is in this I). Province ' . . . . New YoliK Au- st 1 . to (’lljtfl/ u cerium prim/ego Ihcreuz ' a" 7 - . 'i‘he f)ll<)tVI ['1 Vt" s ’. 1‘ ' I mentioned. or in any ()llltâ€"l' Act or 11d“. ‘ '0 " “'"Wd'a “I ’9” I” \l'asnrngton together with that ItOrn Mi. Archibald: From I“ to York to the PI (side/It of the United States I/VitS/Lt/lgloll :â€" itslrall not be laWIul for arty Batik or Blinking Institution. carrying on business as such in this I’rovmce, irt discnutti-rg a: any 0! its places or seals of business. branches,agrhcies or ofliccs of discnunl anti deltasit any note bill (it' other nego- tiable security or paper payable at any other oi'its own places or seats of busin moment received trout 'Iriirrty I’ay ex l platnlng the cause of the. “hole of the I 5 v queen s‘ Message not Leatg‘ triegrapirr d . ti‘om Valentin. \hallwe consider ‘our ess. branches, agencies or oificcs of (Its ‘ K ’ message to Iler Maj-st a full reply, ann t count and deposit within this Province to receive or retain in addition to the dis- count any amount exceeding tlrc ftlIIOWIII; date It this da)’ accordingly? 'I he Opet'v r atoss at 'I rnrrly Bay await your answer. . I _ . (figured) I’LI‘LIL COUI'LII. rates per centuiii, according to the time it has to run. on the amount of such it te. bill or other negotiable security or paper “VASHBGN‘V Ausu“ 17' to the erth-trses atteirtlolg the col lt~ction of their toll, note or other negotia- 'I he mission or his message to the Queen 0 I‘resulcnt autirmich the trans- hle security or paper, that is to say. nn- Luel“"dr l'”“‘"‘“) “5 'l “I “"d “"1"” tier ti-irty dat‘s, one-eighth of one per "I‘m'ge “I ddc' cent. thirty days,tinr| over but uoder sixty days,one-iourtlr of our- per cent., sixty New IonK, August I7. days and over but under ninety day: A salute of 200 guns- Will he lircil in three-eightirs of one per cent. ninrrty days day. this evening every public, and .rt In} and over, one-hall‘ofone per cent. private buildings will be Illuminati-ll, nir- rnct-ous b0tr-iirrs Will be lighted In Iii-ports V. ‘ix pct cvnt. per titmum shall con e to be the rate ofrnterest in ttllcnse~ 3"”‘5 or "W “IIY- tlmum “"5 Amy‘” ' June by the ogre: Incnt of tin [Ittt'llI'S o; by law interest is payable, arid in rate has arrive, grand salutes will he fired in turn u.- at her. 'Ilre great Crlclll‘lllUII depends be“. find by “H, mm,” or ‘by [he law, upon the day to be fitted by Ilre authornn tr 1V_ fiolhiug in [hip Ac; gym" be cow of London and thronglrout the wurlrl. evil-“pd '0 am.” [0 My Corpormim,‘ 0, Hire celebration in honour ol the nllartc Company. or Awwiation of Verso“, no. cable commenced to-diiy at sunrise, b; . being a Hawk. herploime “moriwd b) ii mg salutes from the. Battery. Park. and ‘ Central Put It. law to lend or borrow money. 1‘ leg» “'5”: dlrr'l-chd 01- ext‘IUII/IIS have taken rlice. din-mi; my nrdr-crl, take place so setrctly that one oi»- ’lHtI “IllCtI lItr inllli'tinn oi capital lru.rl‘l.- _ merit has in view. to deter others from Ire I beg leave to transmit a mess-1.2.0 “1b c rlnllilsfltttl ot crime, must he frustra'erl. ways met-ling th-rir death with I't‘IrrllllIOII and courage, which they never exhibit in limit. a e Irnlecrdrd. such sights apply the tertn -' white I’andy" tr" Innsc who are bold enough to remern those sentiments have been so terribly irigbtrned that they never can ‘orgrir those. or the race ol lltuse. “ho Indicted such terrible sltut‘ks on IIII'II' nervous sy. lt‘ltt. Ilrey \l‘e no solely. no absolutr means oi p.e\entron, to the recurrence oi sncli ala. ms, but In the annihilation ofcI't-ry \t-pn) rvlnr rnutrnied or who was likely to have done so II he ci u d tiny forget that the experience of all irisrory and of all time is against their «In-or) , that security can be olrtaIr-ezl try blond~lred arid urrui'rsal prescription At wery large station which I have visited stay. but I hate never been yet I-Illlli't'tl to wtlness one Ul these spectacles, \vli.c! , i'hus you hate missed litany IIIIIIIIII}; inrrors tales of men blown away ‘roni IOWIIZI rs or s‘zvutrg oil Ironi carts. and al. In held. Or when the i hanres of lite and Unconscious of the eal iori'e ol the. term, Ihc admirers or Inr tin-y .Ire Chri IIrIIIS. I’audyâ€"-black or v biteâ€"Is the name of a savage fern: ions l rner'CIlr-ss. bloodthirst \VI'I'It‘lI. who has It . ity and no stint In his lust ior taking Ill! aâ€"wltlr disregards the voice oi religion and ol humanity or II is never board it.- but“ .I one Is he who can write like this, a‘rnosr benefit of an organized caravan of camels for crossing the desort. The Prairie rlu Chien Courier says that a riclt vein ochppcr has been struck in Crawford cottrrty Wisconsin. The American State Committee oi b’lrissaclmsetls have called a State Con- vention for the 15th of September. 'l‘lre sugar crop of Louisiana is eslirna tell, (provided the weather hereafter proves favorable.) at 3:30.000 birds. The vine) ards about l'incini-ali are at make. the. grape crop a perlect larlurc The London and Port Sarnia Railroad. LC. \\'.J is to be. contplctr d to the Iatic. place by the lirsl of br-plt-mber next. Farmers are confident that Kansas will .,an, or to any Note in the Union. 'I‘lte suhjr-ct of the propriety ol admit- ‘Iing ietna-‘I‘s Into the University of {\Iiclirâ€" gait is now before the Regents. There is a lnovetrrert on foot for the federation ofall the Australian Colonies. It is said to meet with general favor. The whole number of Indotns in Ore- IEon and \Vashtnglon ll‘l’l‘l‘lltll‘lt“, accord mg to the latest returns, is 39,700. on temporary abstinence irorn all labor, as essential to his restoration to health. 'lhc only Woman in Salt Lake Cit} when the U. 5. tronps entered II was Mrs. Cumming. the Wife of the Governor. of nearly thirty counliics to Missouri “hole the slate population I) rapidly di- tllllttslllltg. AI orotrtreal. one day last week. pu' - l.c oiIiI-ers seized, Irr severa bakeries rm. hundred and twenty eight loaves oi light bread. A committee of Germans have petition- ed the city governintiit of New \ork in. the establishment of free salt water baths. 'l wo men in \‘l'est IIaven. Chitin. haw lubed this season 7 000 balls of straw oerrics upon an acre and a quarter 0 ground. A curious eifect of the electric ds- Charges dming a recent thunder sro in in lioston. wrrs the ringing of acre.“ churi h lrclls. 'l he parlors of the hotels iir Buston haw itr them on s‘flitlltln)‘ and Ellllduy. J lily 24th atid 25th. 'Ihat‘s tare ior do.r days. Mammoth bones were found the otlrc dry at >Ill‘lllg Creek. Long Island. Urn moth. an incisor, measured fourteen incheâ€" 11 length. Ntrall but handsome pearls have been taken irom muscles. foundiu Grand litter, \lich. I’carl gathering, however, has had Its day. "*â€" \ s- ...___s. ._ _..L 7... . 'I‘Ol’tt)N'l‘() \IARKE'I‘S. 'I‘L‘ESDAY, August i7 18â€"9. In reviewing the proceedings of last week‘s markets. We find some, a‘teratimrs in price. Itl our last Week's report tle quotations were 4s 2d a sl-s 9d. '1 Ir. wrck it has been from 5s 3d a 65 Sum» excellent samples of Sole‘s wheat brou.lil 6s 3d. to quality. Prices firm at 5s a (is accmtlin. The supply only limited on account of the Very tavorablc wealI-er Ior saving the grain. The at'rra;e this week has been from 500 a 600 bushels. New win-at very good. 'l'berc has not been any new Oats n the market yci. l'rir-cs of olhcr articles given under. 1",.“ \Vhr'al. 5: 3d a (is per busln I. as bad is he who can print and publish It'. -" I dd not get a cut at any of tin- ivrelrlres. but I had the satisfaction ot'rtd‘ tog my horse over the bra s and loans or some of the beasts as they lay on the fir-Id ‘ i am glad to say the writer was not a soldier, at least not a soldier by profession Very diiferent indeed are the Sentirr.en!~ which pri-vail in the army. It is almost an offence to them to say so. The first fierce excitement having died away tin army rs only animate-I by the cortrtnon iriâ€" strncts which actuate Bitish soldiers, and they are little desirous of continuing a w It in which there is no mercy to the vanquish ed. and no glory to the conquerer. For 'his reason, perhaps. it is that the tour- which prevails among officers of tin Queen’s army Iii reference to this outbreak rs mori- rnm'erate than that of civil scr- titlt's‘ of the t'flln'ltllly. or of many oi the urban CQIIIIIIIIIIIIV oI large. the. public buildings. hotels, and many ‘ ‘ n ‘ ~ ' ‘ ‘ ~ I private edifices. l'he slrippirt.r generally '1 up; A1 LAN l K“ ILLLC’ “APH' n‘rl‘e decorated --:Iirother salute. of lilo { LonDos. (luncusn). Au;. 16. To the Him the President 0/ the Ulzflrd States:â€" Hrr Majesty desires to congratulate tin- THE QUEEN-s MESSAGE; gr Ih‘ at noon was it ed with ringing or bells I “Its Iiess \\a- suspended to so: e I xtcnt and 1 an extrmpore holiday pvt-railed. The lcilowirrg message Was sent in dar by Mayor 'l‘rernnn to the Lord Mayor of . . i tuition.â€" President upon the sucer-sslnl completion A . . . , I congratulate your Lordship upon tin~ oftlre great international work III which the Queen has taken the deepest intt‘t‘est The Queen is convinced that the I’resi dent nil. join with her in fervently bolting successiul laying of the Atlantic Cable. uniting the continents of Lurope amt America and the cities of London and New York. The work of Great Britnzn that the electric c ble which now connects . . . a and the United \tates; the triumph ul Great Britain with the United States will . science and eneruv over s ace thus ntrit.n. [WOW link between the "' p ’ an addition I ~ . ’ . . a . . . more closely the bonds oi peace and com nations, whose trteIIdslnp is Iounded upon . ' . . . . - . . . Inei‘cral prosperity. introducing an era Into their common Inter est and l‘cctprnc a ' world‘s I-istor', Ireuttant with results esteem. the I I h “w Queen has much rleasu.e . i I beyond the conception ol the finite man on thus eotnirrurncrrting with the I‘Iesrdrnlv trnd In renewing to Iriltr her wishes for t|r~ Illflil‘lll)’ of the United Mates. I“ [‘0 (ind be all the praise. (\‘ignr-d). D. I“. 'I‘II‘IMANN, Maan of New \ ork City A 5......â€" THE Ptiasmsuv's REPLY. I On \Vt-dnrsday evening last. a young man named John Monkhnuse who had been employed in the Montreal Bank In Hamilton for about a year past. suddenly decanit ed. (‘ill‘l'l in: with him as was so» posed, nea Iy $14- 000 in hills of that Ilank. lie. was e-l Westward. His fa'hi-r arrd mother rr-sidiâ€"d in Hamilton. and. up In the late-t moment, no one thought Irim rapnble of any srrch villany. From the contents ol'a letter from the mgilive to his father, and Which letter fell into the hands of the Irnlir e. on Saturdar [hf POI-"3" dug up nearly $9.000 of the ""‘SII‘L’. ll't'usure in the garden occupied by the elder Monklttrnse. who is now in cu! [Ody 0".“ Chara? of being implicatet' In ii“. my": ,Ii‘NI“ lbat one oi the surrâ€" ttrs bad IIIIIIYIZIIP‘I to [hp 3.0"": man hp Ilttt‘llllfln‘ol withdraw n2 pram H", hond n" the Is! heptember next. and it... “3",”... Iron that he despalred 0f suvvlyhm hi‘ WASHINGTON (.‘i'rv. Aug. 16, ’58 ‘ f1}, Hir Majesty Victoria Quun if Great Britain : The President cordially reciprocate; it... congratulation of Her Majest the QHH.“ on the success of the great international enterprise. accomplished by the scicwp‘ skill. and indomitable. energy of the two countries. It is a triurnpb more glorious because far more. useful to mankind, than was ever won by conqueror on the field or battle: ' May the Atlantic Telegraph under the blessing of Heaven. prove to be the bond aflterpetua' peace and friendship beIWeen Ille‘indred nations, and an instrumen‘ dt-‘Ilned by Divine Providence, to (llflllsr religwnr civilization, liberty, and law “tr “shout the world. In nil. new will ‘“ 'u' ""300! “Christendom spontan- clrmtniss-inn o" the off. rice, I]... (t,.|'mqu,,,,, being oi slt‘atly habits. IIe kflect escape to the United States. " Shrug Elinor. The Minnesota State Prison is to be located at \\ inona Fleece wool has advanced five cents a pound ilr Boston. It Is said that the yellow fever prevails ex ensively in Br‘azrl. There is some talk ofa special session oftlre \Vbconsln Legislature. The Lord Othce at Mackinac has been removed to Grand i‘raverse. It is said that a courage of double sovereigns is shortly to be issued iii litig- .atid. Brigham Young is the father of forty â€" eight clirltlrenâ€"torly-one are still ~living Companies are Iornrirrg in St. Louis to the 4-751 dogs were killed ~- by an irorrly" in .\erv tork, III the months of June and Jury. proceed to Frazer river, vra I’rarrrs 'I‘lre price ol'gas in Pittslmrg has be .educeil to $l.50 per thousand cubic leet. Cases of ye'low fever are occurring daily on board ol vessels at New York guaranttnc. It is estimated that no less than '25.- 000 Cairornrans are now on llmlr way to Frazer l'ltcl‘. Dr. IIolmes says that he observes that coll'ee bought real/i ground ni-ver afiects the bead. Over three hundred tons of coal, daily. now reach byracnse by the Uinghamton Railroad A steamboat has been run tip to Dix- on. “L, cansnrg quite an excrternrnr among the people. Mr. B. A- MatlreWS, of Va. has a dia- mond Wt‘tghlng 14-4 cavets. It is valued ilace. as yet tin reason is kmwh for H". at $2.000,000. There are 700 cells in the Ohio Peni- cd his tentiary.anil U99 convrct:â€"â€"ao that but _ one cell is vacant. Sprin.r “vhcal 4-: 3d per bushel. Flour 17‘ a ‘22s per barrel. liarlrt' 2‘ a Qs 3d pcr bushel. Rye, 2s 9l .t 3s per bushel. ()ats Is 10; per bushel. Peas, '2s 3d a ‘25 6d. llay $10 a $13 per ton, good quality Straw $8 per ton. Beef $6 per cwt. Potatoes 2~ 6d per bushel. Butter 10d per lb. Fggs IOd per doz. Poultryâ€"â€"Chickens 2s. 6d per pair. Vl'ool -â€" I: a I: it â€"lri(/t7 Special Notices l iil‘) SKIN ls' formed WI‘II thousands of pores ill every Illt'll ofsurtitce \vbore office it is to carry oil'tho IIII- pundits of tire lllutltIâ€"Illut non Iel'grd causi- ot all diseases of iII:IiIltiIidâ€"-wltclr the. ~krit r dry and parchedâ€"when it is curt red \\ irrr eruptionsâ€"n lien ll Is l'UIli and t'ItttlIlll\'â€"-\\ her» here is Inward lover or lllflflltlltllt‘lIâ€"ill is un- possible for the >Itin under thosecircutlrstnlrces to perform their paper functions and in corn otl'tlio impurities from the body as ilerigncd In our Creator. 7 ' Morse’s Indian Root I‘illr remove these ob- structions, arid produce free and healthy blood, remove the eruptiorisfrolii the skin. and cutt~e it to brighten unit the floshof 'oth and beauty. Iloautt' is much admired and loved. lIcauly without paints and cosmeticsâ€"bur beauty produced by health and httppitlt'xt. Dr. Marsh's Indian Root I'ills are sold by al dealers in Medicines. IFE Pills and PIICDII x Bitters It II II veri- J table fact. ‘hal more on as are silett' rind economically elfet'ted trot only iii the rural-dis- tiicls. but In all the Its-gobbies and 'I otvrrs‘ ir- tltr- South and Southwest. by a timely resort In these invaluable Itiedii-ines. than hr the ex. crtnt-‘ttrsol the so called faculty. For ffllIItv lies- and travelers they are unsurpassed. Sold by the proprietor I". B. Mon-1r, 335 Broad- way. New York, and his Agents. not) momma... x CHRISTIAN WURSTER, SADDLE &. HARNESS MAKER, R OUI.D inform the inhabitants oi MAPLI. \\ I'iLtacr; and surrounding c.-untrv, lllnl he has opened a Shop in the above lino. where be u ill. by strict attention toivall orders. endeavor to tiitrit a share or their support. Repairing neatly utrd exprdicrouslyatteuded to. ll?” All “'ork IVnrranted. Maple Village, Aug ‘20. LESS. 63-6or F0” 8.5 )E .' ‘IIE Subscriber olfch ior Svtlt‘ a l' I HOUSE AND LO'I‘, situated in .he Village oi 'I‘hornhrll. bring part of Lot No 33. Isl concession oi Markham. 'l he Lot titeasnres one acre and merit} -r~evetr perches, nllt cleared ufs'lurnps. The Building is one storey and admit high. hld contains seven rootan ; attached to which is an excellent well ul'watcr. llPridx-s suit ble outbuildings. For {articulurs apply on the premises to PETER VAN HORN, I’mprietor. Tbornb'ill. Aug. 20. 1853. 63.4 Emigrants to Arziona are to have the IV I L L I A III U. N E, M l L LWRIGHT, ALToNA. EC? to intimate that he is now preâ€". pared to err‘ct MILLS of Hwy description. by contract or otherwise. 0" tens-nimble terms. lie is also agent for SOHIO ol‘tlre best I‘onrrdrys in (fannda. All coltll'nCl pills wttrt‘fll‘lt'tl from three to suit month-‘- l-‘r-oirr thirteen years’ exporioncehehope‘t 10 give general satisfaction. Alrona, August 20, 18.38. 536!" rims MACDONALD, tanked by a sPccies of rot. all II “III S'l'OllPFVILLE. )EGS to rltlIIrII Itist ) of Stonll'villo and l hitherto fwrrml him ‘\‘llll tlrslr cu turn. and n cold announce that business "gr-in III his old Idiop. .IIIHV YARE" prove a whcrt country superior to Mrchi- IIO‘I'IL- “"d I'Olmh b." Stradv ttlll‘ltdatt'n and moderate charges, to I lllfill' support. Jewr-llry neatly repaired. LEW Stonll‘ville, Aug. 2d. For Sale. I ‘III‘: Subscriber 'l‘linmngh bred three years old, bend it gartlr. Leavmr, Yorkshi llon. Rufus Choale‘s physician insists W'INI I‘." “'0 I'mltrifitor In 18-36. particulars npplr to EDW A III Lot or address Ilntturrvillc. l’. O. Atlgthl I'.’. 153*. lllll‘kl to the inhabitants the friends who have he has- Cilllllltt‘llt‘t‘I‘ norit Is continuance of All work warranted. IS M .\(IDONAI.I), “<58. I‘ll-If offers for sale a l)l'l’ilIA .\I HULL _v Mr: Harrison, llnll re. England, and int- For i'urtlre I SANDI‘.RSI)N, l7. 4 It (on. Ma kliunt. Rfltf 'Ihe N. Louis Democrat gives a list THIN-It". mus sonrn or ' ‘IIE :tlir vo Hotel is (‘nlll lirl'lltll‘l stI lo. others \v Il find the area 0 the first t'lass. nliile t nenrelv low. [13’ Good Holding Itn 'I'IIOM \S COAI ES, Proprietor. Vorrgc Street. Ann. 7. I RIVEHo & TORON l 0. 0V VUNGIZ-ST. Fitted up ioncat and ’l‘rnII-‘tnt vrsira's nnrl minodalions to he that he charges Will be ex- d on nttent've llostler R7)“. t'9-l'. To the Sick and Dying . R. SNIDHR. of the 7th concession of l Vaughan, near Klineburgli, guarmmees to cure , Cancers, Enlarged Necks; And litanyrothor Diseases. l’ersono laboring under either oftlre above IIIEIIIIOIIKd I)i\9_,,.e.._ will do well to cal: to time. All letters to be i . dt m drama 0 PETER 'SNI‘DICB, Klinebuhgl’t. N. B. NO CURE N0 I’AY. August 6. I358. GI-tf PROSPECTUS OF The W'oman’s Advocate I~_‘OI{ 1858. Fourth Voiumn. A. E. M'COi‘r ILLL. Entrott. L. J. I'lthSUN. Critrttt;~Pu.\lIIsG Enron. The object of the “union’s Advorale is the opening r or of “(TN splro es of employ ltlt'ill tor women who have so long suffered the dr~trcss attendant upon the iosnrticrcnl orrrilzieralrun. and a too I lirrtcrl IrIInrlicr ofoCrupnlmim. 'l‘lrc paper endeavors to col 9 it all rrrlornia- Iiorr tlrntcmi hr- iniport.rir' to women. relative to cccnpntrons better sound to them. and rririch will yield n more Comfortable subsist nee than the rerv unhealthy trodes npori \VIIIL'II titt:_have been no iur obliged to depend ior exrs. letrr e. 'l‘lm Advocate employs, in t' 0 Various do- ya IIIlOlllJ! UI this I l|>|llc.‘.~£. titan) trotiicli. \vlir. tIlt' pntll lot their labor as high prir-oorrs irrt‘ pull‘. to tIii-tr lor lilo ~tIIIre hIIIO‘ElIl of work. 'I 0 Illr ell lot illrtl p.u;oir tor the past llr ec rears III I'.' in it are It. . Ilf‘r'u eng- gr-d in this tt‘ol‘K, i‘l\'t‘ll(‘1"l_\(‘rll\' oi nnvir-ty tori, ltll ill" i'lllt‘l'p'llu It.i~t III-en cairn-d on With the ltopo oi doing good to oriiers', and final} pushing Ilrc “thlltt‘ss to a sorter-ssittl point, when it may rev turrriornte all concerned, \Vrtlt this hope she t‘lIlCl'.‘ the lit id lor anoint-near. tin-ting to the IliHiIr assurances of friends In all parts of tire Coulttl‘), for aid and Cir-ope ration. and Th'flflfl 0F SUBSLRIPII'VNI For One Copy, one rear... . . . . . . . . . r .93? Oil For Five Copies. . . . . . 6 00 For 'I'en Copits. . . . . 5 lb. To Pos'IMser-zlts. I‘ostrtIa-tcrq throng out the. contrtrv are re- DrLRIOUS’ (Grant Dramatic EQUESTRIAN Ulll’ll’ANI u- Gymnastic, BALLET Iatro- EelabltoIttlllnl In! two «nun. ml rn aim-mt. .. “no uonn- ol THE 1trt~T AIUI“T“ III pun. by .lpe'irln‘OII A‘rnu â€" Acrobatic, IMMEM thoroughly re «mains ft)! um y Augmented by the .amnm ot IN IHr. \VIINLD ne'erxorl In Iltcll tun Inuhle urn Prnprw'on u. [no In laterlnlotlknl second to none on it... continent WILL EX IIIBI'I‘ AT RICHMOND HILL. Saturday. august 21 \fternoon performance at?; Evening at 7. Price of Admissiou. ‘25 cent. No Half-price Among the Non] I’rvrnrtturt- u w no ylrfll'tllfll a \irtriri EQUESTRIAN SPECIACLE "mun 7n llll‘llll Ill llllll, Siege of Lucknow .’ with .ppmpmtoc‘annm. n: u. n cal-u" In. ‘ El rlfirrtrrh (nunlrutt m In Thy-l.) It, is Lint." lnIIGIII'IFmoII, and f-llllilril 0.} n l‘lll‘ili EQUESTRIANIM A‘TURIHHXO 'Gymnaslic Ferris All. ACROBATIC EXPLOITSI It, It.» not...” P-rf mum RICHARD RIVERS. E DI'IRIOUS, F. RIVERS, G. motions. (T RIVI" SI Mai... l.t-2'I‘0It 1". Mons. Glllll \( E. W'INIDS. ThellllTLEY BROTHERS Muner J at nonnrav. . THE GROTBSQUE GONTORTIONISTS “Inn '1‘" EXEOVY and Moss. MAFFI’I‘T, The .ltnrrirrnt :lrrrrlrrrt Th. than". of'.|r- a... tin nu‘ntrnrs atnt'ou 'lt taunt urn-1, illrnl’llr MARI Muri'lla AN. E. Flu :lrrrrnrilr t‘urps count-I'D or \Itstsr t)l.l)\7.t, Master FREDERICK, I.» l‘r-Irrea l\'l.Z. lilrlZE and (7i. “i I. \rnom: In. (t nip-quit l'rrl'urli are I. .o Iona-1...; ilo‘wns 8r Jesters! ll Nll‘llillfi. TUII NILIXO. Master \V \SlllVli'I‘t). rll ’l s! M. V. "" i, If 1 h f b 1 ltlt‘lIAlib RIVERS, IIAN. IOI'NO INN. Kai-II of tho-tr ll outed for his III-bro .r nrcvrrtulnt .ms qua-ht and u up"... POST’S Philadelphia Brass Banli \\'rlt un‘ttrn the entlrummetrt rltsttrr mil Intrruttrtnth \tmrâ€" Id r.» prtrlxallful . v" s'i- .I- I; ‘U with I'll: 'I‘. COU LI DUCK. Agent. A It A ppt'cnticc “‘air tttl N Apprentice I’t'l‘rnrttrn Saddlery and ' llnrncss' Maker’s, Richmond I ply to Richmond Hill. Aug. is \‘lillllt‘tl 3' III.- Irll. For particrllzirâ€" ap. \V. II. MYERS. I’ropr clot“. G, 1858. til-If List of Letters Isl August IUibl \r'tnstrong, Robert llrorvn. James IIeIl. .Io-In Ilrrsrlartl, John IInslt-r, Samuel t'Iurk, James (‘aIrz .\l Patriarch, .Iohn Clrirller, ii. Cindi»); Joltll Ciirlrcmt. Jane Catttltell. Jal'e t allaglrnn. 'I'titr-Ithy (‘otrnoil' . Mrchael' Ciark Adam Donald. John Dr-nn. Marthew IIva. John Dixirn, W. I‘ I\ tin. David Floivden. Charles Grbney. Robert HOsGV', John Jackson. John [9] James. Reuben 57-3 EMAINING in the 'l'llORNHIliL, P.O. Keiler. .Iolrn Killings. (George K rclr, Gnome Kt- r, .Iatites Lumlev. Margaret Lctmott. Richard Lain-r. .Iamv n _ Lee. (Ii-rue \V. Miller. James _ Mrl‘arland. Michael Mchm 'I‘lr-rnias Me \nngbt. .Iarrics lleree. “'III‘HIII hchvtrgnII, Win. [2] Mch an. I". A. - QII"IICI‘. .Ii-hrt Rogg. George Sittdorson \Vm. Thomson. James Thomson, limes F. Tharp & 'I'Indle \"alker. Sairruil “’anieoat. Win. Wilev. Juno “Walker, Henry TIIOS. COOPER. pro RM. quested to act as agents, and dedith tho it~u.rl t'orlttnission. I MPI.I!V\IIILNT FOR I. \IllI-‘S. Any lady of good midi-ea. and energetic 'raliils. can make from live to iwottlv dollars -. Wei-k. by canvassing for subscribers for the \d\'i\cate. \Ve want. \Itf‘ll agents irt even township and cit} in the United Stalin» and tire v'anadm. II any one Wishes to enter upon a lucrative OIII;III)IIIIPIII. and will send a rel-out - rueirilntioti for ltonoslv and ability. they WIl. nave credentials forwarded to them to act as agents- Address. ANNA E. M‘D0\\'I‘.[.lr. Editor and I‘roprlitn', 59 I'ltiladolplita, Pa. Fire ! Fire 1 Fire I WEErERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. I V INCORPORATED FY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. (.‘flPITJL 6"“) CK, £100.000. l. C. GILMOR, l’res. nttir C’IORS : I'lros. Ilawo:ih. E~q. \V. Henderson. i l‘. l’. ltolm IV. Mactailane. II Rossilt. | er'Inrd llaldau. Es]. Sci-rotary .y Treasurer. Angus Morrison. I". q. silllt'lfr'fif. in ii; of Unoor Can llIrl. But/tiers. Br le-tlll'n Switzer, r.sq. Inspector. | Iitzo. Mtcutr.,Vice I're . Tillie Lewis. Esq. .latnes Ile’ttt. ‘ bi}. .L? [krill ({Jicc. Church Slrcct, Toronto. & 'I‘Hts (Tomesls‘v Irrsnres all descriptions oi :Irrildings.Matrnfactorios. Mills. the . and Hooch »nd Furniture. iii the smite. against loss or dam go by tire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly Hilletl. A. LAW, General Agent. ill,AIII_'tlst rlu-:57 gill-l} Residence. With and ' S'I‘RAYEI). {WA ‘1 IC on the .Qulrscrib’r's pmrrisi-s i. on I hit sdnv. the IQIII instant. A iROIVN HORSE. aged about 4 rears. 'I‘lte Ivlier Iirnv who the some by proving property Itid paymg expenses, SAMUI-Il. DONER. Lot 35, Con. 3rd, Markham. 59-tr I .Iuly 23.1353. For Sale, \ IIOIISE AND LOT, situated within a few minutes walk of the thriving Village of Richmond Hill: 'I‘rztuts I'Ihv. For particulars apply to \V. HARRISON. Nuldlet'. R-clrinond IIiIl. July ‘23, I85‘3. 59-lf For Sale or to I) IV E I. I. lNG-llf‘I‘FE. Flore-limbo Driving-house mid about an Acre of Land. in the Vii awe of Victoria Square. Slit-'1 l>lr' for a Store or 'l‘nvorn. Rent. For terrtrs onva to \V. Trudgeon. Esq.. Trill"!!! olfir-e. Richmond llill. April ‘23, I955 bit} Letters Remaining iii RICHMOND HILL Post Oil'rce. AUCUS'I‘ Isl, I858 rbbs, Irtlrv Ililney. lletiry ilcnau. G. ll. “IOII'II. Roban [2] Brillirtger. George [‘3] llil'on. VI illrarli ilal‘i‘ey. Mr. liable. W llrooril. Charles I‘nopcr. \’I III. ('0 ~Iiiiis. .InlIII gitrlt, AI-dzcw (‘Ir'p-‘l-er, \lnry tin-nun“. .\l-~ II)'_‘Il|Ii|tI, liit'lrnld i III-Inuit, Mi“ Ulll‘r‘tlll. I iIarII-i I Ilrori. .\¢I».~ Fancy l l.lltitlt. lilrbrrt l I“. tro _ Insertlt (irttttlfi‘tll. .\l.r<. Jolrn (III‘I'. “rib or fir Ill. .If‘\‘“ (itrrrrglr. l-‘rcrie‘ick 1.}5 )I 'I‘I‘ZIIF‘I , I’udinaster. llehistin. Robert Horton. I’l'illinnr Ilorne‘. Daniel, Sen. Iltttrtfi.. Istmc Kirby, M 5- Hannah Knock. “'rlllritit Law. Abraham Imngstnfi‘. .ItIIIII I.’tl1g»|all. .ItIlItl, .Iun. Mast-trio Lodge Mcgtll. IlllJlt ll Maya». \Virliairt ‘2 III Itm- .Iralltl [ ] )iv-Vri t. Ii\‘t'l"l‘lQ] MI'IIr-nrh. llrirs. litltll‘tlyt’. J. r“ < pit: limo. 'osepll [ii] 5 .r-IvtI-I‘I. (‘Inret'v i\II!I[l“ult, tri' IL"! Hriclrrr now [9] \\ rill'rrrr~. .‘I with Gill] \\'rlsirtr. “ idiom 1’ H 0 (I'OG Rail I'll 1' OR WRITING BY SOUND! )l‘I'MAN’S Manual of l’bouograpliv is n Wink of about liltl pages. evcrv other lrIIt' ot “'lllt‘ll i~ printed IrorrI stone 0 rg'nvtng. YIN“: Writing exerci-ou In the arlulrir'lr llrr ln-uk is tit-signed to leatilt. iv the use at llll‘ Manual. any school bov or girl. to 5 or (i run ~l and npnrtrds. tIItI\ learn. lll t'l snrprr titult short space ol lime. to read and write I’Irottouraph} or Phonetic Short-band. and u lew month. It. Ilarlv practice Is all that is required to enable :- chi d of ordinary intelligence lo nine Itlil 0! more words per minute ! This. rate of spied I> sufficient to lake timrn ordrnarv sermons. speeches, and onve-satron as last as ‘l’Ukel' The " Manual 0. I'honogrrrprzy.“ 7:3 c: are. and the " I’lronngraprc (‘opj dumb." :5 Ci'llb. are sec. to any address. Irv inarl. post-paid. on receipt of the price “N E DUlrerK. Address post~trald. WILLIAM ll. ()RR. Usuaw \. C. W.. From whom all Englhh or American i’bon- .rlplc Wot-h any h uroomd. II: V“. it on, Itrclrard, Son.i “'IIULESA LE Paper 5; Stationery Warehouse. ’ IIIIL' Sub-critters have always on hand, a large and general stock of the best Ilritislt and l’rovincral manufactured “’ririnu, l‘nlorr-d, Ilrmvn, ntrd Wrapping Papers, “'nv, “Valera. Slate", Ink, Steel l’ens'. Ertvelone“; Metallic Memorandum Books. 'l‘uines, Coyy Rooks, School Books and General Statiotlet'}. 316.. &C _ The facilities Ivh'clt the sub crilrers have tor rIrnIrutncturing, having two of this largest I’nper MtLls It (‘nnndal tliev are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to order. L‘UN'I‘IN', BRO. 8‘. Co.. Youg'o street, 'l‘ororrto. January 6, 1858 tZ‘I T0 F R l.\"l'L'R S. r l the Trade. that his Stink of III]; NIVBSCI‘I l Ill-“Ii lrt'gs to irrforrrr PRINTING IRESSIIS, 'IVVI'E. INKS. and all other description or riiotiarlals. has berrt verr Israeli" itrr‘rvav-C this Season Irv r- .I from NEW Y tRK. I‘lIlI.ADrrt.. lll' . l l r BOSTON and MONTREAL: and that It" is prepared to supply orders- for new (lilir-rs. in Iitltlllltttl to those in operation. at tho sltol’lcs! notice Pl‘lttllll! MACHINES arid ENGINES IIII' yorch to order. Best qunltty of NEVI'S INK at One Shilling per lb Old Type (alien in err/rungs for new. I). K. FFI'IHAN. Colhorite s‘t . Toronto, Jan. ll. lrl o7 JOHN MURPHY. Ilonse Decorator, Point’s; l PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER &c., m. No 49, King Street, 4 Doors West of Bay Street. nl2\lrliR IN PAPER IIANGINGS. HOUSE DECORATIONS. ik-c. Toronto, June IStlr, 1‘57. g.2~wy. 0 Medical Practitioner: GOOD OPPORTUNITY irou' tillers It- A sell [0 a Medical Man of standing and «patience. House and Pretrtiscs. both plea mot and convenient, Can be had on reasonable =ertirs. Applv. if by letter post paid. to the Editor of the 'l'rihurrr. Richmond Hill. June lfilh, I337. FOR ACRES OI" mOmmao Uwillin bury. ii, Also, ONE ACRE OF LAN D. situated in the Village of 'I hornllill, \vitlr g-ud Home and out-hiridings. if? Terms Easy. Applr to JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill. g2. wy. ALE? LAND. East half oi 7th Concession, North Janiian'I4.I§158. NOTE LOST! N or :IIIOIII the 1’, February I'ls‘l. l’tX'Kl‘. I‘â€"l$()()K, containing a. 'rrs‘t .Iolin 'I'ltorrtpson to the trilltlfitll o. '-eigl]! potitrd<. due or) the 3rd l-‘ebiuarv last. Any person finding the satire and min-mag It in the owner, DIV-d lhorirp. s'Olt. lot 26. and . con or' Markham. will be triiablv risnarded. The note “all be of no use to any one except the owrrei. DAVID THOMPSON. Markham, 13. 1858. .494 the Scottish American Jouru I i DEVOI'ED TD TII B it IuII. Iii Interests of Scotchmen in America, AND TO TH i1 11135? MINATION UF SCO'I‘I‘ISII LITERATURE A.\D ART I IONSIIHERING the trrulriplicilv of "GWE- papr-rs III Atrrezlt'a. it. has to ltrttll)‘ liven a .iratler ul'snxprrsi- that lire irtrrire.oti~i body ul cotti-Ii residents should have been so long on- epruse- ch 'I 0 supply this dusrderniiiiir, .\o I, of tins Mor‘rtsu intercicu .IIlUN\AL \vus rllbllhllcd on Saturday, August 6 1557. and I~ now continued rvcckly. The primary object of tho JOURNAL is to fur- nish I s renders regularly “till the lions or their native conntr}. ll, preserizs N wet-kl} rcâ€" cotd of all events of interest occurring in Scot- tzitid, and its subscribers are III this way as full) Into tired of wllnlis hairs‘piitng at home as It they were to regular returpi ul an iid coutlll'v newspaper. Scottish questions Will be discussed \\Illl intelligence and Itttltal'ltulll} in the editor- tal colon." , ’tIILI trio sentirricirts oi'tltc Ieadrnc par io< on these subjects h‘lll be fairly rel le- settxtl nllll commented Iipon. In the literary and inrscel IIIK'DIH department ol the paper. \tlilte lllt‘tll nnd tulcnt \\l‘l be ap- I’ECIU ed IIOIII \‘ IIHIQ‘I'UI CUt-Illrl lilt‘y ('lllilllalu. lie bcoilrsii eleinuot \vIlI prepondelnie. in e-. sketches, and poetry. Illll~lrttllvc ol the Scottish haracror, and or a virtue tot d to call lottll lllt: >_\'lliplllllit'w‘ o Scolclrrncn both at home and lIIIUin. \vlll occupy a coiirptcnous place. In rlu» duparlrrrntit. the co-upt-r'ntiun of various d stingurslior authors, possessing unrivaled’tilllr'>' tor the link, has lit-cit secured In politics, the .IUL'IINAL will occupy a thoroughly independent poorron, alrhe free roiti pull) bias and tin-tonal pit-prince. In or- der to II turret its readers \vlre.eviâ€",r :iturrtcd. I| rvrll inks it broad view of topics of this clrss. avoiding tlruso or a Inert-Iv Local nature. ext apt in so int 'd‘ the) may parent points or tirrpori'» JIN'B to the general public Qtics.iuris involv- ing the. llltt‘lesL“ oi irrrlish re-rdenis tn the United States and in the British lrovrntos, “n. in: specially runs-tie ed. and it is bclIr-vr ii that the lIIlot‘tIratIoti and Ilt'\\'> oi the JwUItAAL on till? rrnpu Iant class isnrjects nil; be such as snai. cuttiltluttu uticnoun. ‘l he Scottish AMIRICAI‘ JOURNAL, will in ever) to pect be conducted in an t-IIicrcot and oustl ess‘ ilhu tirari er. \"llh every It‘qllbllt‘ uttul'anlctâ€" tot its pt-i'tiiatII-nce. 'I'lte pioprmtors. \erlI) 'al“ I't'hpull5lble parties, I'eilllt III, III Did“ ‘i o. I\ (Illu clsr \\ here. rlicrufods look \\'Illl con- tinence tor the support of their numerous coun- rr_vrnen III all parts ul Arnerrca. and they Will ins glad to cornrlrtintca e \viItI respt-l'rubre par- irers at a distance who may be dreptIscd to co- operate with tilt-iii tor the cstnbosirirrcnt of the paper In Iirt-ii respective locarrties. A publication estab'rsltcd wrtlr these objects most or course look tut sippirri nralrrly ll'UltI those connected b_\ birth or descent With the ttttflttlr} vrlrose current history It chronicles; but its lite b and basis of this journal tier ossi tales. to addition. the lrr‘fllluutit ol nll rutpu.t- uIIl quesIIblis nlll'citttg American Interests, and its It.» literature “Ill be costiropoiiian, it Is hoped that even to the uerrI-rrrl remit-r Ilstullllltno “Ill not up, out untitrtult:tliirlr,~_r or irroltiltas. TERMS OI‘ hUilSCIlII'IIUN. PAYADIJ, I.‘ AIIVJHCE. One Copy loi onr- roar . . . . . . . . . . .. .. $2 50 t‘iltoiuloes........... . . . . . . 'Jul- lineve Loni: ...-- . . . . . . . II (It) Twenty-litt- Capt u.......... .. 4U lIU 'I u parrro- getting up a club of twunt'r-fivo a cup} \\il. be sent gratis. (.‘opim forwarded to Europe per mail, United blues poi-Lagr- bard. tor c3. or 1.5:: islet trig, ’lt‘r uIIIIULJ. IL? Office. No ‘29, Beckitran Street. NY, FARM FOR SALE I ‘0N'I'Al\tNG ONE HUNDRED AND Tum'ix Acres of good hind, being part of Lot 'lo lir‘, 4th Con. Vaughan. For particularsLappI-v to Da. REID. Thoruhill. December 94. nil. 39-6 .uuv. RICHMON tint LT. K?PREMIUMsm SA DDLE 5- HA RNES S ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door stun. of the Tmauxr: 0m \‘i'illinm It. Myers. Ilrirticss Jlluxsllfllt‘lri."i‘r. Prom "um ‘ ICCTFULI.Y announces In the [Hi If ufl'lt .rIIi'.rlIrIt be It iv IILvlrrken the I" I It I' ROI Z I'. for Harness at the Yonuo St cr-i icrtltnral Show. Two Years In succession L‘I‘i~ mnl'rtlonr trlrnl he can give CIIlIiU satisrar-rrur .r all branches of his business. {JEDA 11 Work Warranted..â€"§];’} "f .\ lrrge stock of Harness. &c, alwm s on hand. and made to order at the lowest possible it‘lnlltt, iniiiig pr ces. liicltlirond “Ill. Oct I5. l857. LSI' lie gig-I) sen-u â€" raw ORANGE LODGE, No.644, LOYAL \qi EF’I‘S nt WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. V clot-in Square, the last Fiday evcu- ing in ouch Inonlh. Iirrrtcr-tts Inter .' JOHN BUTTON. Allister. JAMES ' ANAGIIAN. Uepuitl. 'I‘IIUIIAS BOIVMAV, Secretory. JOHN GAWLEY. 'I'rcusrircr. Victoria Square, May 7, i858. as 4Hsly Richmond Victor-in, O‘YAI. ORANGE LODGE. No. 77". 1 meets at B other Robert Ivlselttiin’.~. Mast-uric Hall, the second Saturday evening in. each month. OFFICER! Enterâ€"Colonel D. Buiilrrfn'd. Master . .I B. DceGrer, Deputy Muster: .IHIH! Mrtnholland. Secretary; W. I’ogue, 'I'retssu'cr. )a-inarr 2t, 1853. till! PAINTING. V be. Subscriber begs to infnrun the in- habitants of I’ticltmoml Hill and sur- rounding country, that be has commented business in House Painting Glazing. Paper Hanging, Grrrining 51: (516 Hi- lropos that Irv strrrt attention to VII order on- i u~led to IIIIII \vh ch “ill be exrcntrd in a II II: and Worlx’ttifrttllkfi manner. on the slio test rro~â€" “CO. to Inc-it rt share of public patronage. it..r........d rim. raicrâ€"rir.' March II. 858. H -(:.m of? LOOK AT THIS ! «C9 LMOS'I‘ EVE It BIIDY i4 OrrIO‘Iltp the . I’LUUtiH. LUUIII arid ANVIL. 'l‘lrrit lm re» 1 mar be as n i~e. and posses< lltPlllFl‘IVr“ of \vlrrt weave boundâ€"at any costt I Oltr>0l~’l‘5' â€"â€".to make the Leading IndustrialJourItnl of the lll‘Iesâ€"ll e best for the Farmer. tho Moi-Ironic, and till- F'atnlly I'il'cieâ€"tve make the tbl‘ou’ing unprecr-dr tiled liberal nll'or :â€" Our Llevenrh Volume \vrll commence with January. loinâ€"will run to January. boilâ€"arm. contain 765 large octavo pages. on fine pant-v Willi new type. II \t ill be IS~III d within Ibo " Week ofeacli month. in numbers of 64 pupae each. dorrn Itrr in the Irostlitagnzine stvle. 'I'o a'l who w ill tortvard the “toner for Illl° ‘ volume. as single subscribers or in clubs. r 6 av“: send graltrttronslr. lhl' numbers of the ('t“. rent voiuiiri. .ronr lite time of their forum (I rig. not one 'II‘III‘I previous. tlrns gvmg in too. .ltreo. or fou.‘ unrnl czs, accord n to II)? time, to all who suitsr t‘lbl: before January. - Isaak-«$9 :r year. in advance: $1. 50 to r‘Iillmt four and nmein fill for s x tttry‘ rim. .Itlt‘t‘tli>lilL. ton cents a line. For giving lllllid llt‘ll" to Improved Sttlt‘li.flgrlt‘l|lllll"t inrpleiz evrtv, Ini-clranrcol Ittrtti'tu'l‘ltlt'lll‘. and lik“ ltttttlr‘ls oI general interest. there is no other Illetlltim good III the price. Liberal turn 5 to persons dispn-ed to n: agents for llll“ work. Let us hear from Ir. J. A. NASH. M. l’. I’AIIISII. 7 Beelzman Street. New York. October ‘32, lts'57. N 0 T I C E . VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THF Flourishing Village BUTToii VILLF, IN THE . Township of lllilIlllllrlrll, 0:? 1‘01: SALE. 4:9 CONSIN'IIAG of '1 Irrre Village Lots. with suitable Buildings. with a fouth part of an nr-te of Land ntlaclicd to l‘fll'h. One is a snmil Cottage svitablt- for a small fainilt. 'I no sit-i otrtl is a New lln: se, ado \ctl for n Mechan- ic of any kind or I)I)Clrrl’. (as there r~ no Hoc- tor in lllt- neiglrlrou hood). The llrndis a Large House. \rttlr rrli thr- at‘t‘otnoda'iorrs for a 'l'nvcrn, “Itll u never l'nr'iny “kit of “'arer. Abo. goon, suitable oitI-lrnidotye. consisting ol‘ilrivitIg-lrirnse. lnrgr- shed wood-shed gran- nrr and stride. together wnh rotne choir-e Fruit Tree“. comp ISlltfl pltitits, pctirs,curt'tint.<, and the black tame cherr). llU'l"l'Oi\VlLLl~l is s‘tumed on a plea- sant rise oi ground, on the 4th COIICI‘Q ion of Markham. 'I‘ltr'e is an established Pot-O To together with a Gri:tand Saw Mill, Store. with Meclihliicsofdriferorrt kinds. 'l‘crurs easy. apply to the Proprietor on the premises. or by Letter. past-paid to llrrtlon- vrllc. I’os~e.~storr Will be given on the Isl of April, or if needed. the Ist oi January. D Title indisputable. £1] ‘VILIJAM MORRISON Buttoirville. Oct. 2S.‘~‘57. p22-‘I APII'I‘IIECAKIEb’ HALL X ING STHHJT. Toronto, 2nd door ea~t of X ( lrIIItlI Street. oprosile tin I :rllrrrlral. W. 'I'. A'Ixtssos. ISL to, Lore of King streot Wen. now offer nt their new esthI-Iidrrm Irt, Genuine English Drugs, I’utcnt Jllrd.cinr.\', French and English Pnfumrry, Oils, Paints, Colours, Ihye- I I'ouds, Com/is Brushes do, At such moderate prices ascennot foil to se- cure CIIP‘IOIII. W. 'l'. A. 51 Co. having cvnsrz’uwbln ex- perience in the Drug business in venous ports ol England. have no hesitation in .‘UHIIIL'. that a great many of their Manitr'zrcrnreil Articles Will be lotrrrd very superior. .‘Iedll'lllt‘s used itt coiiipouttdlnz Prescriptrons, Fan ll) Ile- ce‘ptu, Horse and Cattle Medecttms. Ac . we of the very Ire-I qrtulitr, direct trurn Illr' prin- cipal English Drug Houses. \V 'I \ A (‘0. beg to call all ntion to their (‘4 lt-bt’rttt-tl I'repu- ration for the Tooth, Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume IIIâ€"lb} ENGLIMI .\U\E(‘.-'\Y. soda Writer bottled and In»... lite I'm... "In. St. Cutlrerines Mlnernl Writer. and div ['1 lI“'§l‘llt“ Winn. celuirratud for their healthy purport-OI. 92.1351 In

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