.: Thornhill. Nov. 16. 1357. .. a e i I ,. . s r r r ‘L i 1 a I ibuï¬ï¬mtï¬ Bindery. r WWW DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond Hill. JOHN GRIEVE, LFRK THIRD DIVISION COURT Rice. Richmond Hill. . June. 185'. JOSEPH KELLER, g.1 -w_v. AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION Oï¬ice, Richmond Hill. 2.1-wy. Court. June. 1857. G. A. BA RNARD, I Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Oilii Painto, doc“ the. Richmond Hill. June. 1817. g.1-wy. P. CROSBY, Richmond Hill. June. 1857. g.1-wy. ‘ THOMAS SEDMAN, \ï¬ Carriage, W’aggmi .S; Sleigh " MAKER, I Opposite the White Swan Inn. A Richmond Ilill. June 10. 1857. gJ-wy. JAMES MCCLURE, r the. Counties of York. Ontario and , , coo. Corner ct“ Yoiige and Bradford streets. Holland Landing. ' ' November. 26,1857. WKEEPEIL Licensed Allt‘llone" PALACE s’r. (orrostri: Till-2 our GAS \vonns) gQS-tf '; JOHN HARRINGTON, Jn., w r ‘VI'O Miles North of Richmond Hill, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. Winemldquore. Hardtvnre. Glass, Earthenware. . due. [7' Also. Licensed Auctioneer. ' September. 23, 1857. 216-1) CALEB LUDFORD, " Saddle and Harness Maker, TIIOItNiiILL. gEM‘tf A. GALLANOUG H, . EALER in Groceries. Wines and Liquors. 'I‘lironliill. C. W. Choice brands of'I‘eiis. Sugars and Colfoos on hand. genuine as Imporred. An assortment ot'Bread. Biscuit and Cakes. constantly on hand. The Subscriber has also opened a Grocery , and Provision Store on RICHMOND HILL. ‘Whit‘li Will he conducted by Mr. C. Sherrie-kn. from the ï¬rm ol’ the lure Thorno 6:, Parsons. ' ‘hornirill. Sept.‘25.' 1857. gIT-lv HO I‘EL, EAR the I‘tiiilrorrd Station. Aurora. Careful Hostlers always in attendtrnce. C. CAsE. Proprietor. 132 ELLINGT ON January H, 1858. MANSION HOUSE, ‘SIIARON. Altontive Hestlers always in attendance. .1. KAVANA GH. Proprietor. r32 January 14, 1858. MESSRS. J. St W. BOYD, Barristers, &c., No. 7. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. KING ST.. TORONTO, June go. 1857. E CLYDE HOTEL, 'Klk'G STREET EAST, T0 .UNID. C OOD Stubling and Attentive Hustlers T g3 -wy. JOHN MILLS, Proprietor. g.l-wy. Jnaturism. Bottled Ale Depot, 65. YORK STREET. T 0 It 0 N '1‘ O, C. W. M. MORRISON. Agent. Toronto. June 12th. 1857. gl-wy. ROBERT J. GRIFFITH, "LAG, Banner and Ornamental Painter, 1 Elizabeth Street, 'I‘oronto.â€"Ovcr W. Grit- ï¬th’s Grocery Store. I]? Coats of Anne. and everyduscription ot Herald Painting. executed with desputcli,urid at reasonable charges. June. 1857. g.l\vy. J. VERNEY, .Boot and Shoe Maker. I’I’OSITE A. LA“ ’5. Yonge street. B.Cll- niond Hill. Ladies' and Gentlemeris’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest tyles. August 6. 1857. 8“ CHAS. POLLOCK, 80) MPO K'I‘I‘JR 0fBI‘III‘I1, French German and American, Fancy nirtl Staple Dry Goods. No. 80. City Buildings. King Strth East. opposite St. Jniiies’ Cathedral, 'I‘oronto. C. W Nov. 5. 1857. g22-t JOHN CO ULTER, Tailor and Clothier, Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. lime. 1857. g.1-\vy. GEORGE DODD, Veterinary Surgeon. . Lot 26. 4th (’on., Vriughan. "HORSE 5L FAILIIIEH†INN. 5 g1 g9-6ni. TREET HOTEL, AURORA. YONGE 8 .it A Good Inppr of Wfltll and LIQoons always on hand. .Excellem Accommo- c rim :prlu'lgrueilgeie. Farmers. and other: I). IIICLEOD. Proprietor. 858. 57~6ni J. N.REID, P HYSICIANVGL SURGEON Corner of Yonge and Centre Street- Thai-ulna. Aurora. July 6‘ l “(not 14. 1857. 2104,. RUACH’S HOTEL, ORNEII ofFront and George s‘rects, one block east of the Mark", Toronto. JOHN ROACH. P roprie tor. March 5. 1858. 139 ROBERT SIVEIi, Boot and Shoe Maker, ' DJOINING tho Wesleyan Methodist Cirrpcl, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. A choice selection of Gerrtleiiiens’. Ledies’ MPORTER of British and American Drv RY GOODS. GROCEIIIES. Wines. Liquors, Hardware, doc. ' “borer ,1 ,t \w / A.\A ,_,. WW~.-J«,_Js,,‘~ ,\,WW/‘J-s /-..r\,mncw Vol. II. No.’ 1‘2. DR. J. W. GRIFFITH, MARKHAAI VILLAGE. c.w. June 2. 1858. T. J. WHEELER, WATCH 8: CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &c. EGS I niond Hill and vicinity. that ho to inform the inhabitants of Rich has commenced Business in the above place, nrrd solicits their patronage. 5‘2-ly ESPLANADE HOTEL,l BY G. TURNER, All kinds of ‘Vntchos and Clocks cleaned and repaired in the best manner; also all kinds of Jewellery neatly repaired. Itichmond Ilill. Jrrrrell.1853. EDWARD CROWN, AS always on hand a large nirrl wall assorted stock of URAI‘EIIY. GlIO- JAMES HALL, ICERII'S. BOOTS and SdOES. die. &c. - AS “ml-v“. 0“ hm'd “ large "immnem M i which will be sold at prices that. will defy corri- TORONTO. Moals ‘20 cents each. and good accommoda- tion for Fiiriiiers and others. Toronto. June 11. 1853. 53- 3m 53-1y l _ BOII'I'S and SHOES, which Will be ,emw“ sold at prices to meet the tunes. I T, .1." J l 30 1853 5) h . I ,. r rut-hman Hill. June r7, 18.38. 54-15- mm" ‘ u ‘ ‘ ' F. W. HOLLISS, , ERCII IINT TAILOR. has always on i band a vvry superior stock of CLU'f l l S. READY MADE CLOTHING. 6L0. Gur- W. HODGE & Co. V HOLESALE and Retail Copper. Tin and tron I Into Violin». and Furnishing , V Ironmnnaers Portion giving this IlOlel.‘ a cull . "10"!" made 1" menrlno in the first .«tyly. A u'rll find their orders purrctually uttended to, lg°°d 1“ “'"WWled‘ and the lowest p.ice.< charged. Thornhiil, July 30, 1838, 6-1.1). Richmond Ilill June 17. 1958. EDMUND GrrAINOER, U T CHE II. TIIOIINllIlrL. Fresh and Pickled Monte, l’uriltrv. t\‘c., always on hand. Families supplied on the shorrestr nniico. Thornliill. March 19. [858. 5+va J, HACKETT, M.D. Licentiate of the Bond of Upper Canada LATE RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER. KINGSTON GENERAL HOSPITAL. RESIDENCE, MAPLE VILLAGE. W- July 23. 1858. sirâ€"rm WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, Next door to G. A. Barnard‘s, Richmond Hill. ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VILLAGE. 00D Accommodations. \Vines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. June. 1857. g-bwiu R. MA rm, Proprietor. â€"â€"â€"â€" Markham. July 1858. 57-ly JAMES JENKINS’ 1 r ’ NLW STORE, Grocery &, Provision Store RICHMOND HILL. r 0 CREDIT GIVEN. I’rotuco takenin ALL Richmond 11': j) INI‘IK of “Wight & Y; 4g? slrt-r ts. OI exchaii e. r V ‘ l The abovegis llio oldest e~tnblisbcd Grocery C Cheap Groceries :intl I’i‘nvrstons, and l‘rovi~iou Store on the Ili.l. (‘rorkery and Glassware cheap for Cash. Nu July 2. I858. 554:“ Credit. D. HOPKINS. ’“ "’ Jon. 7. 1858. I31 'W. H. MYERS, SADDLE r13!) HARNESS MAKER, 'rwo nouns SOUTH or rm: TRIBUNE OFFICE. (if? ALL “'OII K “'ARRAN'I‘ICD. Richmond Hill, June 1858. 55-ly , l Li LIIKES’ HOTEL.â€" HOLLAND _LAND1NC§. r \III‘.‘ Subscriber begs to inform the Irr- linbitints of the above-named Village and surrounding Country. and the Public gen' urnlly. that he has leased the above Ilnicl, formerly kept by THOMAS MAY, which he has fitted up and furnished for the accommodation 01 his CUSIOIHBI‘S,aIid he trusts by constant Yattention to their wants to secure a liberal patronage. RICII MON D HILL IIO'I‘I‘ZL. STAGE runs from the above Iintel to Toronto every morning, starting train the Eight Mills at 7. a in. and returning at 7. p.m. Fare. 25. 6d. each war. / Liquors of the best brands at the Bar, and every attention paid to Guests. THOS. LUK ES. GOOD ACCOMMODAI'ION FOR TRAVELLERS. IIICIIAIID NICHOLLS. Proprietor. . . . - _ -. . Holland Landing. Prri rmlm'. Richmond Hill. July ‘2. 1.859. {)pr ‘ Sew. m. 1857 P gH‘Em . . . r > _ > ' _ A '. “miâ€"t I1’.(,.ADAMB ; THORN HILL I‘IO'I EL. ‘ y I! I 7 i _- - ])('( [01‘ l’ IIIIC Subscriber begs to inlorm lllt‘. 0'. 1 Public that he has leased the above D?†‘15: lprurrriscs, and ï¬tted them up iii a neat turd it'umforlitllle style. S U R G E 17:“ , , 66. Kin; .S/ur'l East. 'I'nruvrt.) “murders and transient visitors trill find the st-comotlatious in cvoiy way agreeable. The best of Liquors oird t‘rgors carefully P l. , u t, , l _ ft selected. Good stabliug and attentive |iosllt~r~ ur it‘ll or n on ion given lo I re regulation 0 I V V, Children’s Teeth. MERRY J‘I‘MO'N' Consultations Free, and it" “Turk Wan-noted. Thomh‘u‘ PI“P1131013 Jun. 21). 18.38. l l r l l . r :33 r Toronto. June, 1867. Livy. l ’I‘OItOh’I‘tl t‘i’I‘r MARBLE ‘1’leth T. MACHETH. 1",." ‘, res YUNGE STREET. LARRIAGE. erx, liIrIONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, â€"ANUâ€" TOMB~STONES. 6w. Ornamenml Paintâ€. ,Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN AF? 01 "ER ESI'ABLISHMET- l. l I ll Richmond Hill. Feb. 17, 1858. 11:.77 t37-1y [HIE L'ntlcrsrgned Assignees of llrr- r _ estate ofD. C. 8; \\'.Y.\Ll‘3,willcnn- tintin the business under the superiritt'irderru- ‘al our duly authorized events, Avsilx Ana. v [FORMERLY error In Win. nou'n.] llflld D. CARIOS Yarns. whose receipt Will be OltNElt of Palnce and George streets. east l duly acmle‘dE‘ld- r ot‘itm hl‘urkel Square, Tor-0mg. llumd $1 y RS. All notes and accounts remniriinu unâ€" per day. Good Stirblinz and attentive Hustlers paid on the 1st drry of June. 1658. wilr be put ielit'iiys in attendance. An omnibus to and , iirlo Court for collection. from the Railroad Starion. J" C. YALE. G. CUMMER. 4841‘ THOMAS PALM F. R. Proprietor. t38-Iy DAVID ATKINSON, AGENT FOR ‘ 2.. r' 5 Toronto. Feb ‘26. 1858. T°'°"‘°' q A†'l ‘3 ‘3 DARLING & AITCHISON’S FIRST PREMIUM Darling s. Aitchison’s ICANADIAN mowers AND HEAPIasJ COMBINED i _ ' . would cull the attention of farm: V‘ to our Combined REAl’lilt: ,arid MOWl-ZIIS which we are manufacturing for the coming harvest. We now uli'er it as low ol'the most perfect Machines now in use : lil is sulrstuiriialry built nl'tvrorrghl iron. without ' weight on the horses nt-cks, lull] entirely free from side draught; cuts with equal ease iii Grass. Wheat Unis and Harley. and ithorit c'oggings and can be raised to any convenient height. by a screw in front. without any clrnngu of knife or gearing. We were awarded the ï¬rst Prize and also a Diploma or the trial of M ecniires, held at Hroirll‘ord. :-t the Provincial Exhibition. “‘0 would solicit Farmers to call rand examine our Combined Machines. as rt maybe said with safety, that they have two perfect Machines iii one. GEO, DARLING. 111A CH [NE S, Richmond Hill, June, 1857. Fâ€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"~ , l WARD & IIICCIIUSLIIND, ll g.lwy. Hausa. Sign and Ornamental PAINTERS, Graincs, Gildrrs, Glaziers, and Paper Hangers. THORNHIL L. .Hll kinds of Jllircd Paints Oils, Glass, and Putty. l ~Thornliill. June 15. 1358. 55 8 SWAN HOTEL, TIIORNIIILL. The Subscriber tendering his thanks for past l'zrvors, would beg to call Public attention to his NEW Estulrlisliirrent. 'I‘horirlrill, and known as the -btv.ts IID'I’EL. which he has lately entered iiiio GOOD \VORKMEN SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. l I in consequence ol' the accnmodntrori in his old I July 28‘ 1857' 72-133 .estublishinont being entirely too limited for the 9‘,‘_ _7 r ‘ comfort of his ntirrrerou.s guests. _ ' â€" J' The Swas IIOTEL In it (cw dnys will lie lcompletely renovated, and respectable \‘ixilois‘ G O T 0 mm -elv- on hfl‘lllE therr call» riirtiredrarely rit- \ ' . v v i â€" ' ,‘ tr-rrdt-d to. He has iirsoterr extens \t\ .rccomo .r.:illol| tor Horses tirid Carriages. FOR Il=< liar \ii‘l always be found we†stored r\ :lr it‘e chorccst l/iq' ors; while the subscriber in , YORK 11'] TH 0R IVITHOT 0F FE NOE 7 '( ) F]? [E VDS OR FOE S, RIC “DIOR? I) Where‘m' lieavv hearts are beating Comes the gently whispered greeting, llopo’s swch vorce i~ o'er repealing. I3} rind by l by and by I (Thine the [Pill «hop. check the sigh, Joy is coming by ltlrtl by I l Rosy clrildlrood’s pulse ls bounding I To that magic whispm’:- sounding, Telling of the joys alionnding By and by I by and by ! H1sto1heriiunieirt<,lotth0in flyâ€" .loys. we’ll grasp them by and by. To the student. pain and weary, Through the night-hour's. long and dreary. Stcnls an echo soft, yet cheery. By and by l by and by ! Flirrclr not. prime. not grist-don high Shall reward the by and by. To him across tho or‘eftlt foaming, , Far from home and loved 0118\‘l0itllllllg, Floats an echo through the glriarnirrg. By and by l b; and by ! Thrills the warm heart. lights the eye. Wi h thoughts of meeting by 111111 by. Tho watcher by some loved one lying “'an and helpless, to her sighrng Hears angelic tones replying, By and by I by cut: by l “latch arid prayâ€"tire languid eye Health shall brighten by and b}. The mourner by llio‘grcen grave weeping. Where a cherished form is sleeping, I Ililars a spirit sultly speaking, By and by I by and by l Dear one, hit thy thoughts on high. “'0 shall meet thee by and by. is - I- H _ , THE “ AGAIII‘JM‘NON †IN A 25 I‘Ul’tM. The Gill‘l'CSptnitIttllI. of the Times was on board Ilicflgnmcmlmn dur'rupr ler l:ilc urrsucccsslul attempt to sub- rifl-r‘gc the Atlantic cable. The at- Icrrrpt to ltry the cable failed three times, and once in the most myste- rious manner. At the srrme second of time each vesscl discovered that u lotirl ft'uciut‘t: lraal trikcrr piact: rrt a distance Of certainly not less than 10 miles lrum ouch shipâ€"iii frrcl, as wall as can be judged, at the but- [till] Ol'tlru occrrrr. 'I‘lirrt Of till the many rrrisirnps connected with the Atlantic [ultrgt'irpll Ilrrs is the worst and most drslrcur'lcrrrirg is certain since it proves that, ttl‘ter'nll that human skill :rrrd science can elf-cc! lulrry the Wire down with Safety lrus llctfll nrcorriplislrcd, tlrcrc miry br: s-nrrc fartirl obstacles It) success at the liollrrrrr til" the occult which tzrrrr never be guarded zrgrrirrst. \‘VlltJll 1er .wrre squadron wont to sen, 1er tun ttlrrul vussuls “CH: ltrdcn :rl- must to the writer’s edge, tllld in all other rcspccls so little fitted for rough weather that, hard it little of the tr‘err.errduus wcutlrer' they expe- ricncctl been tirrcsucn at home. 1101 it ship would huvc moved from I’ly- mouth Sound. The .dgrzmrmrton lirrtl 2.840 tons dead weight in but, a rrrrirrslr'uns loud for tiny ship Ol' h 'r‘ tonnage, liul rmrtlc still more dun- ger'ons rind Overwlrclrrririg by the manner in which it was stowed. In her hold \HIS tlic rrrrrin .trttll, a cum- pircl mass 01 1.100 rrrrlus in length, and therefore 1.100 tons in tvcrglrt Uri lrcr'urlop deck, right forward, IJCIWCCII the cyvs. :rs srriirrrs :srry, wars rrrrullrcr‘ coil OI 100 tons, wlrrlc or) her ripper deck, :rrid also right furtvrrrd, \vrrs l1 troll of 236 tons.â€" Trrt: latter was of sullicicrrt S'th3 to interfere seriously \\llli the pr'Opur' working (If the vessel lrtnrr the deck, and the muted Weights Of zrll Of course brought the c’jngIIZP/n/uilt down by the llt:u(l to air utmost uri- safc extent. The four 111 had woo-l tlrr r was, tlrzri in some oflrcr' lrtrtrvy rolls 1er whole muss wuuld slip, and rlakc the vcsscls’s side out. On the ï¬rst Sunday (Junc 13.) the sky lsecmed it wretched mistâ€"hull ruin, lrull‘ vapourâ€"through which the, lOIIltil' vessels of the squzrdl‘mr lpmrr-' ed faintly like shadows. Heavy" rain was lullrrrg. and 'tl grayish look- ing sctrd was flying accr‘uss the sky wrlh inconceivable rapidityâ€"«every r rope and slrr'rrtrd. trititencd lo the u'w most, was huimrrrrrg with it loud (:Iezrr' 11UlSC,‘.tS if tcrr thousand ac~ cor'ditrrs were going at once, while rnow rind “1011,33 the ship pitched RI-DINGS’ GAZETTE. r .» ,rm‘.V~_~\/V\_-AM\NVV\Ave/N“.-. -, \V I,\ 1 _ «x .»\/\A A’A.V\/\ AJV x"... 7.. tit, -e«,\ ‘~,‘~r\~\ \A.â€"~ O»cm . .~.c\4\_, .. \_,., armyxtx‘ V†VMAAV *~-"A.\« «A -¢ I SKETCH I‘O UR II’ORLD EXACTL 1' AS IT GOES.â€" Byron. , and assist, if lit‘Ct:S:‘-:ll‘V, the ciga- memnmt nrrtl .r\"'mguru, we szrw no the squadron bud r'ctrssirrrrblrrd :rl Ilrc‘ ‘I‘ClltltflVOllS some12(In)srrl'rtrr'wrrr‘tls. l'l‘lrirt night the ()(‘Uilll r'cscrrrlilutl one, fvn t sriuwrlr'rl'i, tirc wlrrtrslr Qllll'e H r . :7 i.....,.i7.,,..,._ 7., HILL, FRIDAY, AER; tone. mameWv-flvï¬m W W’hole I‘m. 6 l. (Imus t-r'rrslr. us the ship full still through the ther send, tlrcA'iagrn'a deeper uvu". tlrric.r:rls Sltril‘t‘tl till the could be smutâ€"titre mmntnt on at V rriur'c trll till durrrc'er' \vrrs prlst and mum rim-k brultc [0057,“ and smash. mnnslmusllm ofwawp and them.“ 1111’: (ivoryzlrrrrg licl'ur'c Ilium, wrerrt quite ltistto View. as lbe flgamem .nvcr :rmrrrrgr 1er rust tu Inboardâ€"Hum went down between the waves. 'l‘lrt: (:(rul Iiirsi hid everything «all tlreiBut now those glimpses showed us Intrlrr llt,“'l\ III on rrrsturri, lirrl tlregtlrut our traits-Atlantic(trrrisort wrrs glt’nm whit-Ir, I'tflivflilct on the darkmrrslriir; rmuhl still lu: lit‘llt‘il going: itcluurls tlrzrt :rlrriOst rested on 1er sczi, rfctzl, its if the Ol'tlllli'll‘y lilVVS of im- Illlllcl‘10lttlpl clusu, chllll to give a ‘vur‘v i‘fllltl laboured urrrIcr' lrcr‘ hurrvv bur. (Jul) 215 it she “:15 Ill‘cllltlng up, and 'beyond the smashing of all things“ lurid liip near the wind, lrcr‘ grout s.rils \vcr‘c comier out Of her“. the afternoon the .Jgr/mt’nznorr wars r‘Uslrirrg tlrmuglr the foam urrrlcr clusc-r‘ccfctl topsoils :iriIl l‘nr'csrilrâ€" rlrcrrrsclvcs. At lrulf‘pust 4 the crow caught the snilor‘s, lust glirrrpsc Of 1er Gm'gou. its, mark- Irrg 2r llillg stretch to \\'llitl\\'ill'tl, she was lost in the rrrrsty rlirrkrress llrtr‘ nrur‘kcrl tho Iror'rzmr It) \VllltIVVilltI. At 5th: Vulul'uus btgutr to tll‘trp trstcr'ti, and by 6 Sim :rliu ll.ltl .iis'rp- poured, but still the .Vuguru ‘dllil dgrtmt/mnun hvltl on tugrmrt-r, the hall at tr‘crrrcrrtluus irrrd urrrirrtur'ul cf- lul‘t) lrrrtl Storm. butrli r‘cvcr'scd bv the i r ,. . ' I 1er Alt/guru. which hard wrtlt; north, and, its drrr'krrcss irrer'crrscd, slic loo tvcrrl outofsiglrl, l and It wars uvur'y uric for llr-:rri- 'I‘li l' i " sr. yes. it Jsanumnon strirrnctl tlrt: unissrvc burrrrrs under her upper deck (trill (:TIHLIIUtI .rrrtl snapped \vitlil it nurse r‘usurrrblrrrg ther of small ar-, trllcr‘y. ulirrost druwrrirrzr.T tlrc hide-E ()US i‘uitl' Ol'tnc wind as it rrruzrncd ztrrd ll~thcLI through the rigging, jerking zirrtl slr'zrirrrrrp,r the litth storml srrrls us llruuglr ll. mount to terri‘ them! from 1er yards. The sea, tnO, kcpt striking with dull lrcuvv VlOltHlCC rrgarrrrst the vizsscl's bows, forcing its way lhr'orrgl. lrawsedmles itnd’ Ill-closed porls with :1 heavy slusb,', llrcrrtzc hissing and winding oft.â€" Such was the Sunday night, and such was it fair average Of all the nights rlrrrrugrrrrut the week, vary-r int: only from bud IL) worse. Dary- brctik on Monday ushered 111 as licrt-c 'i gull: as lrzrs ever swept over the Atlrrrrlic. The space occupied by tit: trorl below litrd deprived llrc .dgamcmnon of several of her cool bunkers trrrtl, in order to make up for this deï¬ciency, as Well us to en- derrvour' to counterbalance tlrc irn-. lilt‘llSC mass which Weighed her down by the bond. 21 lzrrgc quantity of l‘._()illS laud bee-r) stowml Orr thcl duck aft. The night, huwevcr. prrssed over without anv mist-lrancc incuulruusly left loose and (:rrprible of rolling, and one or two attempts which the .nglmvmnon made in the middle watch apparently to tur‘rr‘ bottom upwards. In zrll other mat- tcr's it was the more dittnOfSIrnrlny night, cxr'cpt, purliaps. a little worse, lllltI cer'tuirrly much more wet bc-. low. Tuesday aftcrrromr the A711- gar/z l‘UlellCtI curtrpuny, and, the wind going more :rlrcud, the ï¬gu- mcmnon took 10 violcril pitching. plunginerr stctrrlily into the trough Of the son as if she merrrrt to break her brick and lrry the Allurriic cable in a heap. There was 1er szrmc sea and less wind on \Vcrlnusdzry, heavy scar and ruin on Thursday, with gusts :trrrl squrrlls; rrr’rd lrcrrvy rain on Friday. Srrturdrry, the 1th Of June, Lliiugs IIJOIICLI it little better. Brit soon the wind begunâ€"not vio- lurrtly, nor in gusts, but with :r slcarly irrarczrsrrrg force and tho .‘Tgumrm- Iron, rolling 30 deg. earth wary, was larbour‘iriLr lrczrvily, illld srrrrirrlrrg dangerously. The writer thus dc- s‘ur‘rbcs wlrart followed : The ship was almost its wot in-. side rrs outâ€"rind SO things wore on till 8 or 9 o‘clock, everythingi get- ling titli‘rl‘t :rrrd lltflllg smashed. iind every one on board jamming 1 cm- sclvcs up in corners or holding (in to beams to prevent their giring adrift lrkcwisc. At 10 o'clock the J]g(tul(17llnon was rolling and labour-- ing IL‘HIIUII)‘, w.lh the sky getting rlzrr'ltcr, and both wind and sea irr- trr‘crtsllig every minute. At about half-past It) O’clmk three or four grgirrrtrt: wrrvcs were seen approach- ing the ship. corrrirrgjy heavily and slowly on through the mist ricrrr'cr‘ ittrtl rrcurcr’, rolling on like hills of grocrr water, with It crown of foam lirrrl stunned to double their height. The .dgamcmrron rose heavily to the first, rtrrtl then went down quit-lily, izrro lliu deep trough Of the sen. fallingr over us she did so, so as ril- must to cupsizu corrrplctcly on llcl ‘lv was put about, illltl OllL'C more on in all tIll‘::ttll()llS, its the lurnpsztrrd' sacks of currl, willi starrttlriorrs. lrrtlâ€"‘ (Itll'S. and moss 1IllS went lcupirrg' :rbmrt the docks. pouring down the hutclrwuys, and crushingr through the gloss skylights into the crrgirrr: morn below. 5er it wrrs not done, and, surging agrirr Otcr another tr‘crrrcnduus wuvc, tltc .dgtirzzenrrtzrrr dropped down still more to port, and the cozrls on the starboard side of the lower dock gave way also, and curried everything:' before them.» It tvrrs “Illrrrds, wear ship," HI once, while Mr. Brown, the irrtltrfzi- tigzrblc chief engineer. was ordered In get up steam rrrrrrrcdirrtirly. The crew grrrricd tlrc dct-k tvitlrdillivulty. and not till trftci a lipsc Of some minutes, for all the lzrddrrrs lltltl been broken away and the men wurc primed with coal (lust, and murrv bore still more serious mirr'ks upon their fut-cs of how they had been knocked about below. There was some Confusion at ï¬rst, for the storm was fearful ; tltc OlIICCl‘S were quite inaudible. and a \Vlltl dangerous sen, running mountains high. heeled the great ship but-k- wards and forwards, so that the crew were unable to keep their feet for an instant. and in some cases were thrown across the decks in a dreadful manner; two rrrzrr'intts went with a rush bend-foremost into the paying-out machine, as if they meant to butt it over the side; yct. strange IO say, neither the men rrm‘ lhe machine suffered. The regular discipline of the ship, however. soon prevailed, and the crew set to work to wear the ship on the star- board tack The lurch of the ship was calculated at 45 degrees each way for live times in rapid succes- sion. The galley cnppcrs were only lrrrlf ï¬lled with soup, yet. neverthe- less. it nearly all poured out, and scolded some Of the poor fellows who were extended on the rlccks' holding on tO anything in reach, The upper deck coil lrzrd strained the ship to the very utmost. but still held on fast; but not so the coil in the main hold, which had be- gun to get :rtlr'ift. and the top kept working and shifting over from side to side as the ship lurchcd. till some 40 to 50 miles were in a hopeless strrtc of tangle, resembling,r nothing SO much as it cargo of live eels, and there was every prospect of 1er lrrirglc spreading deeper and deeper as the bud weather continued. The condition Of the masts at this time was a crime of much anxiety, bath to Capt. Br‘cerly and Mr. Morâ€" irrly, the master. The licrivy I‘Oll- ing lirrd str‘uirre'l arrtl Sllt‘lit‘llcul the wire shrouds to such an extent that they lrrrd become perfectly useless :15 supports. The lower masts bcrrt visibly at every roll, and once or twice it seemed as if they must go by the board. Unfortunately no.lr- mg wlrzrtcvcr' could be done to re- lieyc tbs strain by sendingr down tiirv Of the upper spurs. since it was only her mrrsls whit-h pr‘cvcrrtcd ircr' rolling still more and qurtzkcr, ltlid so own" one knew ‘llrnt if Once they were carried away it might soon be :rll over with tlc ship, as thou the (lock (:oll could not help your}; after them. So there was nothing for us but to watch in anxious silence the way lhcy went (and strained, and trust in Providence for the result. About 6 in 1er evcrrirrpr it tvzrs thought better to wear ship again and stand for the rendezvous under cosy steam. and her bend according- loud the storm. As slim went room] she (if ('Htll'St: full llill) the port side. There wrrs at fearful crushing as she lay over this wuygr, for or“ 'llririg tlrtri‘ scoured or confusion Wcr'c lcr'r'rfrc ltll‘ a On the starboard bctlrtl in the Sillllt‘, Irrrrirncr‘, only quicker, and still tlcrapcr than bulrrr‘c. Again more was the same must: and crushing, ‘zrrrd ler OlHCCl'S Ill [be \vot‘d-i'OOrri,, ROBERTAITCHISUN llzrppcd and slartlcd like perils OlWWIrO knew the danger Of the ship. tlrtrrrtlcr‘, pitchingr 1er vessel wiilr :Ili‘sll'llgg‘lctl to their feet and opened ullCila'y vlbrutrorr, us if the Irrzrsts 1 Hit: dour lending tOt'nc main deck.â€" At 4 rriiIIct‘e, for an itrstzrrrt. the scene a]. dciirrs shouts IIIIISI lutltl description. Amid and eli'or'ts to a confused mass of boys, and marines, with duckâ€"lmtc‘rcts, ropes, ladders. and everything that could get loose. and which had frrllcn llill'li again to lhe prir't side. were being: lrrir'lctl :rgzrirt in :r rrrrs< :rvross 1er ship to sturâ€" l)r)::l"l. l)r:rrly. and only for mi in- ::I.r.rt, t‘nrihl this be set-ii, \\'llll groups of mun clinging to tliclrcmris broke irrlr'ift, \vlrtr-lsr.;um pipe, 1"illrrrr_r i'Ul' (‘llï¬llllE'lOOlli r ~ . -, . 1101, and the uproar . wrih sluurn, arrrl ((uprrrrrry Ilt:|‘l)l tlrt: ,lm-r'vitxn: «if um: bu it-r‘ minute; then back she came agllllllsor't)i\' llL‘tttlrjd, l SOVO‘ trough of the suit zrguirr, tilltl rolled srawl'rrily as 10 hr .rk lit-r \vrrstc when it was 1‘er upon. us “Ill and “it-ltml tr rrrglrl .rs cvur‘. tuxcd the courage :rrul r'rmlrrcss of u sailor. There were of ttrrrrr'sc, men 011 board who were l.rrr‘rrir;rr witlr galcs and st ants in all ports of the world, and there were some who, with the writer of this article. hurl witnessed the tremendous hurricane srrrr sol plunging,r heavily, shipping sorts. and evidently licr'vrrrg u had true of it. though she. got through it better tbzrri the .dgamcmuon. us. of u-mrs-i she could. having only the some lu:rri though 2,000 tons larger. Sritlrlrm- ly it came On darker and thicker. rind we lost sight of her in the thick spray, and tin: aspect of affairs be- gun tucxcitc most serious misgiv- irrgs iii the minds Of IIIAISF irrclrnr‘gc 'l'lrc .‘Jgamz’mnon is one of the finest lirrc-ofâ€"bulllc ships in the \‘t’llt‘rlc nuvy. but in such a storm, and so heavily t)V€’l‘-ltl<lcn, what could she do but main: bad weather warm. and labour and fall in the trough of llrc sun. as ifslrc was going down lletlll foremost. Three or l'Orrr~ hours more llll(l the v csscl lriru' Imi‘rrt‘ :rll which she could hour with safely. The sea. forcing its wuy Illl't’illgll ports and lrnwse-lrolcs, had tiCuUlllU- lalctl on the lower deck to such an cxlcnttlrut it l'londted the stokcdrolc. so that the men could scarcely rc- rnain at their posts. I‘lvcrytlring.r wont smashing,v :rrrl rolling about. One plunge put all lllt: electrical irr- strurrrcrrts /t()l‘S rle combat at a blow, grtitl slaved some barrels of strong solution of sulpirntc (ifcnppci‘, which went cruising;r about. turning till it touched to it light pen gr'ctrri. 13y :rml by :1 tremendous sou struck her forward. drur'rclrirrg those on deck. irrrd leaving them up to their knees in water. A little after 10 o’clock I)†Monday, the let, the rrspcct all adults was so rrl:_ir'mirr}_v, tlrrtt Criptuirr I’r'cctly r'csolvcrl zit all risks to try wcur'mg the ship round or. the other tack. '1‘er ship’s lruzrtl went round enough to leave her broadside Oil to the seas, and their for a time it seemed as if nothing could be: done. All the rolls which she had ever given on the previous (lily seemed mere lr‘illes as compared to her pet‘- lbrmrtrriws then, UJICU round 011 the Slill‘lflll‘tl'tl lack, an] it was seen in on instant that the ship wars in no de- grce relieved by the change. An- olliei‘ heavy sea struck her forward. sweeping clerrrr ovcr the fore pill'l ol the vessel, and carrying away the wo)dwurk trrrtl plrrtfor‘rrr which llttd been placed there r'oundthc m rclrirr- cry for under running. This and a few more plunges were quilt: nulli- cicnt to settle the manor. (Hill at last reluctantly. Captain I’i'cctly suc- cumbed to the storm he could neith- cr' conquer nut‘ contend against. Full stcrtm was put Orr, and, witir :r for‘esuil iirrd fur-tOp-suil to lift her head, the .dgamcmnmz run before the storm, rolling rind tumbling over the huge waves at :1 tremendous price. Throughout the whole of i\.ltlll(.lllV tlrt: .dgumemnon Tim before the wind. which. rriodcr‘utcd St) much that (114 ii. in. on Tuesday lrcr heard was, again put about, and for 1er second time she COIntIlclICCtl bcrriirrg up for the rendezvous, Ilrcn some ‘200 miles further from us llltln \VllCll the grrlc was at its Illily‘lll on Sunday morn- mg. 80 little was gained against the wind. that Friday, the 251b, 16 days rifle-r" leavingv Plymouth, still found us some 50 miles awrry from the rendezvous. So it was (101:er mined to get up steam and run down on it at onct. As we rip- prmrclrctl the place 01 meeting the Vulm‘ous lrovc in sight at noon; in the tlfltfl‘lml‘ll tlic .N‘rcigrn'a crime in from the north. and in the evening the Gorgon from the south ; ar‘rtl llren. zrliriostlur the Ill'Sl Illllt‘ since Starling. lirt: squadrons Were r‘e-urri- tcd hour the spot where the great work was to commence. . [The writer then recounts the paying out Of tlic electric coil. down to the lust l'rrtnl breaking, which is thus described ,1 When 146 miles but] been pzryctl out, Illld about 111.2 nirch distance from the rendezvous :ttrtzmnptislrctl. the last llzrkc but mic Of the upper duck coil crime in turn IO be llswd. In order to mrrkc it crrsmr passrrrg to the main coil, the r‘cvulritiurrs Of the screw were re- riuced gradually by two revolutions ‘dl it time front 30 to 20, \‘I'llllc Ilii: paying out machine went slowly 1mm 35 In 3‘3. At this rule, the vessel going tlrrcu knots and tire tinirlc tlri‘uu and ir-Iinll', the Operation which swept the Black Scar Oll the rncmorublc15tlrquovcrrrbcr. when scores of vessels were lust tllitl scuâ€" rrrcrr perished by thousands But of ull on board nOnC lrzitl (:“t‘l‘ sccrr it liercei' or more dangerous sort than ruined throughout that night illltl tlrc l'rillowir’ipr rrrur‘rririg, lossirrpr llr ,memnon from sirlc to side like ‘pliry thing :l-tnttlig tlr': Writer‘s. Mirrrrirru lrr‘rtrrulrt rm l‘li.l'.'_‘:t“. strve that the Silt'rlll \vus still us ticr'rtc HS llmtiull the scar could not £1. lIiCl'C c .Jgu-‘l was currtrrruetl wrilr pcr'fcct regular- ritv, Illl: ilytrartrruincter indicating a ‘51‘1411101‘2 ltltllbs. Suddenly. \vrtlr- ‘uut an isltrrrt warning, 01‘ the occur. lr-cncc of any single incident that ltruuld account for it, the cable part- ‘Ctl. The gun that told the Valor'ons of this l'rrtnl llllsliflp brought all on 1 IMHHI 1hr: .dgrrmr'mnan rushing:r to the ‘dctrk, for none could believe the m- lrirorrr that had spread lrkc wild lire ‘rrlioul tirré slrrp. 3111llltfl‘CSlOtKIlllt‘ trr'rr Iiirrci‘y, srlcrrt irrrd rrrrriititrlt‘ss_ that an accident s0 instantaneous and irremcdiablc should have oat-ur- red, and of course a variety ol'irr- genious suggestions were instantly afloat, showing most satisfactorily how the cable must and ought to have broken. ‘1’ ‘1‘ Thursday, the lst of July. gave every one the most unfavourable opinion of July weather‘in the Atlantic. However. the upper deck coil of 258 buliri gone, the .dgame-mnon was as buoy- ant as a lifeboat. and no one (‘nr‘t‘d how much she took to kicking about. On Sunday. the 4th, the ï¬gumemnon reached the actual run- dezvous. and full in with the Valor- ous. During the remainder of Ilr:rr duv and Monday, when the weather was very clear, both ships cruised over the place Of meeting, but it is needless to my that neither the 31““ agzira or Gorgon was there. It was evident then that the .N'uigtn‘a bud rigidly, but most unforlutrntely. ail- hcred to the more letter of the agreement regarding the 100 inrlcs. and after the lust fracture had at once turned bar-k for Queenstuwn. On Tuesday, the 6th, tlicrolurc, as the dense fogs and winds set in. it was agreed between the Vale/“0113 and ï¬gumcmnon to return onlv once more over Ilic rendezvous. But as usual the fog was so thick 1but the whole American navy might have been cruising there unobserved. so the search was given up, and it! 8 O’clock that night the shin's lerrl was turned for Cork. and unrlerc .1. mil thc flgnmrmnon at last SIOUtl lmmewur‘ds. The voyage home was made with ease and swifrrrcss. Considering that the wind wzrs light, the Irim ol‘tlrc ship, and that she urer steamed three drrys, and on Monday July 12, :it 12 30, the ï¬g- (Imemnon cast anchor in Quceirstowu llrrrbuur, having met with more dangerous Weather, and encounter- ad more mishaps. thrrrr Often falls to the lot of any ship in a cruise of 33 do} 5. ‘ NIiIV DIRECTIONS TO BE- STORE THE AI’I’ARENTLY UIIOWNEI). . 1. Treat the patient instantly. on the spot. in the Open airâ€"exposing the thee and chest to the breeze, cx~ :(rpt in severe weather. TO CLEAR THE TniinAT.â€"â€"2. Place the patient gently far-.c Ilmvu- Will'tlS, with one wrist under Ill": forclicarl. in which position all fluid; will escape by the month. and no lurich itself will fall forwards, leaving the entrance into the wind prpc frt-c. Assist this operation by wrping and cleansing the mouths-4 If there be breatlring-â€"-w.~rit tilltl wzilt‘ll; if not, or if it fail, thou-â€" ’l'o Excr'rs RESPIRA'IIION.~â€"~¢ Turn the prrlicnt well and rtrslrrrrliy on the side. aridâ€"4. Excite llrc rins- “is with sriull', hur'lslror'n, volatile salts, or the throat with a fcutlrcr‘. 63¢, and (lush cold water on tho lirec,‘ previously rubbed worm. If there be no success. lose not 31.1110- meni, btrt instantly begin. To IMITATE RESPIRATION.-â€"5. Repluve the patient on the frrcc, raising and supporting the chest ell m u {whicd coat or other article of :lrt-sz. 6. Turn the body very gently on the side and a little beyond. and tlr: n briskly on the face, alternately; r 'pctrlltig these measures dclilrer :tlt:l_\‘. viiicicntly, and pcrsevcringly ltb=lUI r'i.tcun times in the minute, or evcrv four seconds, occasionally varying the side. (By placing the pallclrl on the chest. its cavity is compressed by the Weight of the body, and uxpirulion ltlltUS place; when turned on the side, this pres- sure is rctrruved, and iirspiraliorr (ii:- cirrs.) 7. On crrch occasion thril the body is replaced on the face, mnkc tirrit'urm but efï¬cient pressure. with brisk rrrovcnrcn't on the back be- tween and below the shoulder- blardcs or bones. on each side, re- moving the pressure inrrrrcrlinlely before turning the body on the side. (The first measure increases the exâ€" rirulrnn ; the second commences irr- spirrrliorr.) The result isâ€"I'cspii'it- tion. or natural breathing; and. if not 100 lute. life. 8. After rcspirzr‘ tron has been restored, promote the \vtil'rrrllt-of the body by the applicaâ€" tion Of hot l'lriniicls, bollles 0r blrrd- (101‘s of but writer, ircatcd bricks. file, It) the pit Oftlrc stomach, the arm pits. between Inc thighs, and to the soles Of the feet. To Irvnucr. CIRCULATION AND WArtIii'rHâ€"â€"9. During the whole time do not cease to rub the limbs up- words, with ï¬rm grasping pressure and with energy. using handker- chiefs, ï¬trnrrels, doc. (By this mea- sure the blood is propelled along the veins towards the heart.) Let the limbs be :lltlS warmed and dried. and then t-lothcd. the b‘.stnridcr's supplying the r‘equisi'c garncrrts. GENERAL Oesurrvnrrons.â€"â€"Orr th‘e restoration of life, a teaspoorrful of warm water should be given ; and tlrcrr,if the power ofswallowirrg have returned, smallqtinrrtitrcs of wine. or llr‘zrritly and writer warm, or cofl‘ce. The patient serrrld__,bt;$lrï¬)t in bed. and a disposition tO sleep errt'ourr rigctl. The treatment l'CCOllianCl-till Slltrlllil be persevered in for a cm \i’ Jumble time, as it is an erroneous opinion that persons are it'rccovct‘- :iblu because life does not soon make its appearance, cases having, been successfully treated after pcrsevcr’ rug several hours. The lezitllrrjj, principles Ofthe above IIISITIICIJMIS are those Ofllie late Dr. Marsh-w: Hull for the restoration Of the apâ€" upurcntly dead from drowning. In conclusion, we may state lh::‘ the comrrrittee Of the NIIIIOIMI L:l* Biml Institution will be gr‘arrfrc.. It be the vehicle for collecting any art- formation which further UX|n'l'lt:Ii"t‘ may developc on this lmpurlrriil sub- ljitt'l, and Will fuel lIIdl'I‘ICd in ltll 11H“ ,dicirl men or Olllt'l‘a‘ who may have trppnrturrrtics to test the rrcw Iii.â€- t n OOD VVolcbo.<.Clock5. Electra Ware. Silver cles to suit every sight. ‘ r . - ~r' urrtl Jewelry. )rclodemr r lt‘L l . Wllilt,‘ the fractured t'l'lCl of the “ire hPoons. and Specta- "lllS(‘|11llll‘ll(‘I>lU devote his time lo the cum- urtol' all those who may honour him with a Ind ummem’uom and Show cfmmlml‘lou former Ulltlt‘l‘ Still “ml 51mm, the lslrtrll lltrll tllUlllut‘l. if they wrlltrn it- hand. and made to order on the S iortest o- . \villr rill tlrrzir might, with a muss <er 1,9 Mm.“ m» ttrldur, yet the addi- ï¬e. , _ can ‘luller', lrkc till the English vessels. WHICI‘ Which had lurccrl its way iii 1 no...†“mum†OHM-“kc†wawrnhuwy hung over Ilrcdst-cr'n ztl'lrc lswingrrr‘;r Hump-1,“. the wsuhs of H“. same to RT Aukind' Shoomlhm Findings," “,0. Clï¬sgxshgï¬g“:1‘3335‘eration. Werrunted . JOH SHIELS. under sail alone. Or the two vcs-_tllrl‘0ugl| P0â€?! 811d decks surging it still more dangerous to the slrrp. , IOUWIX ‘0 ‘m'blllot- I [‘56:de fol; the lr'r‘sti'tulronwarom theJoui‘n010f Richmond HilLJuue 12th.1857. g.l\v.y. Toronm 1...",1357. J, T"°‘:,“:n'2;n 20 1858 E PY°P“8‘°';33 :scls specially apportith to convey about ; and then, With a trcrncrr-, Vch dimly, um' only now and “n.1,. must impossr e o rea rss 1 a we ,(hg Armand] [Af‘cggaz lnstuumn, V