mudezer lodged in jail. He man peuumce. but reJOICBB Ill the than which he has no I.|bJEC‘l0u he says Um u is thought that he lnnsl be Will be declared to be BO â€"Luud-m any portion of their Since writing the above we have received information which warrants the Leliel'lhnt the ï¬ne was aha work of an incendiary, Two men wemsoeu making an allumpl to gel lhruugn a rear gale. but. not bemg aLle to do so. they tried another u the back of Mr. Nichol’s pre- mises wtlh'beuer surcew, and than bet the (0 lbs wood work. The police believe [hey have gained a clue h) the perpetrator: of this atroci- ous deed.â€"Glabe. The hard realities of society and business. “WNW, prnceed in the undq at all. Human pazaiuua are no! subd' ed by the beauties o- ï¬uid'uluess cl nature. Mom «1 kwer spot in Torkihiro, comes the news of a dreadful ulder committed under most exlraold.uar) Etcumstauces. A yolmg mm“ 25 years of age. courted the daughter“ I farm-sh aged 2|... They had grohn up \oguther t‘uom childhoud. and flow. this time uprated to be minded.â€" Her molher objl'cled. nuu nudq [mugs “Wan- umbmween mo 3mm; peel-to. ’l'hs girl told her sweetheart what the mo~her sand, and made him jealous. That still kept on Hod “nut hOWeVI‘H‘, and went to chnpol together on Sun- .dny night. But he had pmses‘ed human or ‘ sharp knife, and when the eorvme was over. he took the girl duhu a shady I.“ Md cm her lhlonl. Ieuvirg hex dead In the ditch. 1‘3 than went home to bed, hul could not sleap. common l’lvus lmvr' (run-Aura are not be deed. The bud) was soon di‘ " pluck " which they showed. '1 he courage of some of them. who with the bun ittg roof 0V0]- heurl. rot-cued a large amount of l'urttituro. eli~ citvd tututy exptessious ot~ upluovul. Ftottt Mr. Cullawat'a the ï¬re. fanned b) n veryttrong “ind. sine-ad to all points. The Mnu>iou Home hotel. the Slltlvll'soi Mr. \littkk 01 K» stun Mr. “al‘klth' Boarding hnuw. and .\l.. Mllls; [Kt-gislr) omenhwides in number ot'uttul. houses. occupied by the poorer cln>>us of out o tizetts. were rttccessit-ely raised to the gmuttd‘ A more dlbttl‘85ltlg ~~‘ght is boldnlll wuue soil. 'l'ltesu poor people. all of them in their t igltt- r es. were uaudtrittg about the strewn in the greatest distress. ultile their property was either being ct-ttsuttted by ï¬le. or de~l1’0_\'ed lit the hulty of tonmvul. Sixteen lmtseh. tltt‘ve outnihusses nt'd Newt-rial sleighs were tukeu front the stubles‘lot Mr. Mink. A ttutttlmt of com. belonging to va iuus people wete also ro>c1tcd_ $400 worth of :lt‘lglls “hich hnd lmr‘u trike" poxsessiouof by the Sltotiï¬', and Lu hitu Moteu on Mr. Miltk’s pI't ttttsus. wete demoted. Mutt} of the boutder: iu llte Mansion House. and at Mr. Hht‘ltlll't‘. losw all their property. Mr. (atl- laway is. Itouever. the gtet-te=t sum-m. “is smelt is stated a: heing “otlll about $tdwUU- ï¬nd what adds to his loss is the fact tl-ut lll.‘ books wera demoted “ith the t'etttutudut‘ ot the) property. His ittsurattt-e amounts to $2,501). in various ollices. Mr. Callu\\'a_\’s ptopetty has best] uncutttttlated by tho most uutttiug llltllblry. and the wuolo of our cttt- zens Wills} mpathtze with lttttt in this sm'ere trial. Among these “ho were Colbpit'inufl itt their praiSt “Ollll)' efforts to aava propett} were Mr. James .Hcluaster. and Mr. thulturt. Jun; Mr. [Lamb’s ptenttsos were. through the Q rtiuus ot'tlte ï¬tt‘liell. altlTObl lllltzculuthl; sged. The flames wete ttot subdued until two o’clock. It is ituposoible to give ltlt‘tltel’ par- ticulats at this late hour. The dutttuge may be roughly estimated at. $15,00th About eleven o‘clock last night a must dis- astrous ï¬re broke out in the roar of same frame hu’d’mgs at lhe corner of Victoria and Adelaide Slleels. hem! of Tuiunlo Street.â€" LillIB danger Wins {:1 hurt appieheuded by our ci ilens. but ihe Iupidily “ilh “hlcll lhb flmnun spuend. and the linid glare they llm-w aroul d. FOO" :hnwcil than an extensive confluâ€" graliou “as Iaging. 'l‘hv ~|u0|i of Mr. Na:th seems to hux'e been the place at “hich [he ï¬vï¬ ï¬rst broke out, Willi ihe eXx epu’on of a [nick building occupied by Mr. Cnlinn ay. [Le houw‘ about we 2 built 0! wood. which. together wiih coma exiemive slnbling beiunging to and mad #1. Mink. oï¬â€˜ered ready food (or the flames. e ï¬rmnen were soon upnn the ground. and i1 is well they were. on to «Ins mï¬icienily great disnsler would hnve been udde the loss ol hu- man life. The flames spicud .«o reuidiy (hut befoie Mr. Cnllnwa)‘ was awn-ed. his chumhel was on ï¬re. and it was with ihe gleaned d|f_ ï¬culI) he ¢>Cbp0d. His “ire jumped out o! 'bed. and without mopping lo pm on an} clothe“. look refuge on the rumice under he: bed-room window. truni wlnrh, l)_\' (he unned leflbrts at her husband and ihe ï¬remen, she was rescued. ’l'hi- Ullgada nus suou upon ihe ground. and deserve the greatest credit [or the We team that. du: ing thv stormy vh‘cus sion with clean! duoâ€, Mr. J. Cl'Ussâ€" one of the newly-fledged Ju‘ltcesâ€"sulu‘ that it Mr. Ferguaotu had shot :1 lot 0! the» Elma rowdle: he would have donv what was right lâ€"‘l'hut othch of the -* volunâ€" lrl'l‘s †admltled that they attended on thr invitation ol Mr. Linwuu lâ€"and that oth- ers did not. know [he dim-mm lecm a mnlion and an amendment. and so vxlu'ess- glllemarlves, aml could not vote before- a etplunulton was gin!“ to them H At the conclusion of I'm farce notice- 'was gin-r that an indictment would be prr- ferred barre a Grand J ury. and that Mr. Fergusun will be afl‘oudud full opportunity to go into his defence befor» a less purual ‘ tribunal. nul cuncncled for a purpose. and «hat ii w-i’lhe more trustworthy; and he had 0 lieailation in saying Illal il'aome [7001' 'mau iasleud Ufa mvmber of 5V8'!‘“"â€â€™"" Lal bum clmrgrd with gut-h 5: crerv. llu' wuulu hch by en locked in “‘6 Wu“? gaal wilhout delay. HOWV‘H' h': m'le' ly that'hm'gvd Imduiy in anuuunrulié "“' drCiMOH; and in dvcimmg lllr cum U-l-“11531.40, he again proleanfd aguum the “mu-1,0 unrishlraua and Illlllllllnu‘, He had come [here al the urgent requexl of Mr. b‘uu'lh bul'one whom (he inimum- tion was laid, but he saw around him [en juhljccs who had come as voluuleem, unr invited, and Wllll What whit-cl Hwy brsl knew. Una of lluâ€"uL al \he had, had n-amlled here all the way from (In: county of biulc'Nâ€"Mr. Ferguson's con stiluencyâ€"aud had persisted in huh-g.â€" flu I'ell lhal he shuu‘d not bu fully dus- chnrging his duly in he did nol make Ihesc fuel: public. \d as soon as i( was day (old of his dloadI-ul one more deserving the action ofa Grand Jury. The evidence was mast respecta- ble and concluflve, and ifit varied in small particulars, (hat Iact shewrd Hm it In“ nul cuncncled for a purpOse. and «hat ii w-i’lhe more trustworthy; and he had 0 lieailation in saying Illal il'aome [7001' man iasleud Ufa umnber of 5V8'!‘“"â€â€™"‘- Lal bum clmrgrd with gut-h 5: crerv. llu' wuulu hch by en locked in “‘6 Wu“) gaal wilhout delay. HOWV‘H' h': m'le' ly that'hm'gvd Imduiy in anuuunrulié "“' drcmon; and i“ dwinung lllr cufu Ul. The J udges of DESTRUC’I‘IVE FIRE IN TORONTO. DREADFUL MURDER GREAT DEéTEVC‘HIIN o!" PROP): ‘dvcxdcd Ihal ralnvuy ‘und totakc care u: baggage. the manifests uc ï¬eudnah act says to be h rCUVOI'l‘d. and _\‘ a Very strong The Mï¬xbion Mink'anl Kalg- hmbe. and Mr. munbex ol'un‘ul. lush lllbflnï¬ 'l mus. and lDl‘ he An uniml at Ne'wburyport brings in lelhguuce cuufummg lue 111-01 lea lh-auc can ol the macch ï¬shing fleet. 1n lhe manul'aclure Ufaull at Syracuse about eigm huudrtd thousand con]; 0 wood are annually cOusumed. There are lrom tweh'e hundred to four- lern hundred house: vucaul |n Boston and L3 immediate auburn». The amount of bullion in the bank. 0: England, I: $90,000 000. - Last flag a lln: tune it dld not reach $.)5,000,U . A cable is m be carried avross the UH" ul' Memco, Iron] this comment [0 uh: island of Luba, The law Census taken by fll'tlt'l‘ of r' e "ml'e’m 0‘ Chum. :|\'~s 413.000 000 u.- “-“'““n=i Ol' lhe hm. "1:, am! [pi-5,5†The Kansas Clly Journu' says that 3,000 leum's wm‘c Ieculvrd at the but uflicc In my my 1n one day. Rev. Dr. .10er: Lulhrop, of \Yesl >pl'ingï¬eld, during.r Ins Immalry of '5‘) wens. mole 5,00U smmous. ' l'y‘xlmid fvver I u: lhc Uluo Penn On Monday week reported. Col. Alexander Wilson, of PhiladeTphla ha: bcen appointed U. E. Dlalrlcl Allor nay for Utah. The Free Lovers of Berlin llciglns, Oiuo. have reluacd to as†lhrir plumâ€) and lame lhr place. Beau me so lhick in \Yisromiu that they u'eshuy calfle. Hzc Niagara lual riglny miles of spare cable whz-n sh:- lauded. 350,000 “Tlhin (h? lust [Tn-My fears, quards of ï¬fty colleges have been lounded In the mu (1m a In custnd Gerri! Mnilh “C(‘l‘rï¬‚ï¬ the nomination fur (iovuuor of va York. The London Times declan-s tlu l'lmmes ln'be the " uncleanest,†“ï¬nd est ’ river in the would. Discoveries of flake gold in a brook at Frruerlclou, are reported in [he Bealou papers. Twenty ï¬ve lunatics in Zurich Asylum :u‘e 1hr: vicums 01 table lumng and blunt rapping. Frnzvl‘ [ï¬ver dish'ici.‘ is Said to be a.~ mil-J and fade as Lnglnud. Thr naval exlwdilion inlended fur l‘ar- uguay will not be ready for a muan yet At Birmingham, Eng‘., eight luns 0| wire per Week are madr into hooks and ‘n t‘rkm prrmlses Mnce 4 o'cluch, P M , on Sa .1 - (14y luau and on luv. Imlwwln; day. u- c: m~ be nghzll‘011»ed,l e ne'g b s l r- “me. 0 until); “no In}. u an: ur- al: “an: lllr cauw 0| lln-ir annihent aim we. Uu cuhrmg. a homhlc Mghl prvsunlt'd ilsvll. [he hmbnml In) upon 1hr hm], Hs’l'e‘ll. and .‘lllllld [rum l:0n~lul|l inloxnculiun, \Vllllr me body of hi: Mfr “a: luund on HP door in a 00mm" 0! the mom. dead mm «mid. and cm‘urul lrom head In loot wuh élldtl)‘ bruisesund wuuuds. '1 M {'u Iuiune 01 [he disnml aparunrnl was ecancud about in lrightlul dimmer. b'ome 01’ the uï¬airs being wen in \he area broken lo fragments. A number of witnesses we 8 examido â€"amung Fthers lwo women. “no I‘m! stern (he hu~band cruelly abusing hm wile with .. blutlgvon at 3 o‘clock on Salurduy. Dr. (St-thud», who (-xnminrd the budy, gnu: evidwncu lhal death I‘caultt‘d from (he (in- lcncn which dH-rawd had l‘t‘crivcd on her head. bmly and limbs, and lhal she haul been (It-ad a‘rpan-mly ahout' (hirry-aix hnuns. Coxoner Philbrnck held an inquest on Monday, at Alublefs Ifirlmunler lnn, Vaughan Hank lï¬oad. upon lhc body 01 a woman named Mary Ann \\ lutmurc, who was louud m a hullac on the Tom. l-ne w York and Vaughan. near [he Normr n Runway. 5hr. and llcr Illhbaud Jacob \\ lnlmorv, had not been swell ab .ul HW pumises since 4 o‘cmch, P M , on Sa .1 - DIABULUJAL MURDER OF WIFE. Homer Gn-ely is flu)ka oi‘as cand or Governor of New Ymk. An expvrimonl is on foot (021min steam 1m the Ohio Lannl as u pu'npullmg power Four brolhvrs, Immed Reed, are 30w ‘ncurcw‘uled in um blale l’riaun 0| eorgia. _“ . um unudared,’ undrallmg lo the 5. on d 7m: ammal quuclhalrly calmed. An al..rm “an :pueuuly given, and pmmlablg \\ mm was soon on the spot and apprehended uiusold, who ucknowledgrd (but i! w. a he who bud glwu the lulu. lnuw. Au h' quest was [mid yealenday venue Uuruncr uusgzm. Liiuguhl “as exunnncd and gth' unuume alllmul' [0 Inc acme mmulnr. Lb: Was than conmlltlrd to guol ‘11 [he Coroner s nurrunl.~GlubL’. The crop ofapples m'm‘ anlnu xccllrnl one. 1 he Inuit (sh em |llul ll Win .1 lluuw ul lmu mum. hluémh mdel‘rd llmn lu lmn‘u lhu l-I’uuiws, wmcn they dnl, but Ilulllcdmlc‘] lc‘qunl uuu [JUIEI olmu we du nr. 6.2152“:th mute J wax the ï¬rst to eula , “Len he “as uan by ulngmd. wlw cutlng up an «X: or cum-I .md muck (he umul'luuule man a Icahul blow on the Ir“ shoulder, ~evermg lm: arm I} am the bud} , breaking three 0| Ins HUS, and culling a number 0! the mum \ r gun sluaml bark and Mln', _“ . um muldftred,’ undrallmg lo the ,4. on d At an early hour yesterday morning the residems of St. Patrick‘s Wand wan: lhruwu iqu a slate ol guealexcuemcnl by me repm' llml a man had been mantle:ch m a house at the corner 01 Quern and u:.~lmp bllrels. '1 In: quts, so lar as can be leunwd, am as lolluw~ :~â€"h ammu-S lhal n yuung luau llumcd l’aln'lck Lump“- The militia of New York largely ex ‘eds [hut 01‘ any olhcr b‘lale-uumbcrmé 3m. lmvm nu! Duluzvm Nuith arr Senators vh-cl from Uregun. The jury tendered a verdict of wilful der againfl Jacob \Vhllmore, who i5 ulu enlruucc. ullrgm; . wanted «‘1 drmk ul nu ll Win u Must-011qu! I‘I'd [In-In lu lcau' Um dnl, but unmcdmlcl} MUR DER IN TORONTO. 311mm 31mm euur 'u’ouist “nary. a [Orly-one as an s an cpnhunc at Lumumu; e cases were and Malina “2.. (unsold mmws, wlllun lc‘udnnl uuu was m that .Allemnlcu the Elli CHRISTIAN WURSTER, SADDLE &. HAï¬NEss MAKER, OUI.D unfouu lhr inhnhrlants o' Mum; \\ VILLAGL and ~nrluhndiu2 c unin. Hm he has upenul‘ u blzop in lllfl nhove h. o, wier llu nill. b\ Hurt nurnhon lo all Urdu». rudenvur lu merit a slum: oI their suppmt. Repninug mull) [Ir-d uprdiciouslylltended to II? All Work Wamuned. Mlplo Village. Aug. 20. 1858. 63-611: SLouflviHe, Aug. 27, 1858‘ his PANOKAM \ “'l†he in attendance. All Tfllllpcrnllce Urgamzmions and the Public generally me must rappecu‘ully united iu attend. Tho Procenion will form at the 01d Division Room. at 'I'I‘LN o‘mock mm. headed by 1hr V1C’VI'ORIA iIRA>S BAND. when as man} Socivu’ea as possibla are requested to mrel. A! the opening of their new Divuion Room. On Wednesday, Sepfember 15Lh 1858‘ When Dr. BEAT'I‘IE. G. W. P. or Col-)0ng Is expecmd lo preside. 49 Ull 'l‘ucuhy George Dennis The cares of Business and the pen-suits of fashion and pleamre alike prodnca a strain upon the mind. which reacts upon Iha physiqur o! Ihs subjects thereof. and prodllce3105< of up- peme, [min in lhe head. afl'ectionsm the 1mm- phial nervm. dyspcpsm, billmus ('Imlic, and in. Humanion of Ihe hladdor. If in |he omlv stage» 01 [ha-m vumplhinu, a retort i: had to Moï¬'al‘s Lie l’ills nud leanix Hiltars. a Spredy cure Ina. be relied on. Sold by {he prmu'ieter. \'V. Slouï¬'ville. August 23. 1853 Four eminent Speakers have kindly tendered their smvnces on :his occasmn In \Vlzeat there has been an advance during the past week, and on that accounl the supply has been a good deal better. Old VVheal has Iisen to prices ranging trom 5s 6d to 65 9d a bushel, at'cm‘dlng to qutnlity. Sprung “head has also admitted: It sells new for 5s per bushel. Them were sume Plums in market during the “eek which were hrou;ht from the other side at [he Lukth but. the :upply lb \‘esy lllTlllctl, as 15 the case With all tlï¬SCl'lpllUns at tlmt. L’rlct’s ot‘ other articles as under :â€" Uula, scarce at 2‘ per hu>hcl. hluu: $4» a $5 50 per banal. bulky :2» 9d :1 35 pct hu~hrl. luv, 33 a 3.x 4d per bushel. J. ma.3~ ld ‘u-r uu~lu-l. Hay .3510 :I H- lm ton. r-uzm :57 a $8 per ton. Bret from to $6 per 100 lbs. on foot. Bacon, dull ~ale at $8 per 100 lbs. Hams; scarce at $125 yer 100 lbs. Putulfws '2: 6d a 3~ per bushel. Unions $1 per btl>l1ul. 't omutuo 3‘ 9d per bushel. Applm 313.3 a 6d per banel. [’tua: $0 a $7 “ Bullet .lubb'u tn 8dâ€"hesh 10d to Isa lh. dl}~ and pinchedâ€"when il i< cow u-d eruylimhâ€"u hrn It Is cold al|d¢1mhl|l_\'â€"â€"\‘ hme i~ inwmd fve or influumtionâ€"u is [)n\>ih‘( for [he :Ixin u: d8! lllmw'l ('umsm 1r pelt'nlm their p-npur l'um-Imlh m-d [U r “Willa nnpmuiea hum Um body a: 119-487†TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, KNOW YE! Mnrw’s Indian Rom li1l> rt-nmve III!“ Mrucnons. mu! pludure {rue and heal 1n Icmuvv [ha erupliun- flmn Ilu- Mun. and it lo luigluen wuh lhe flush or mum heamy Beuuu ismuch udmirt‘d and 1 Beauly “‘ilhulll pninls and cLsmeIic: be: my ploduced by health and happmas Dr. Morae’s Indian R00! l'ills are soltll dealms in Medicmes. ’I‘HAT the Semi-Annqu Mowing of [he Olï¬cms and Uiueclorsul' (he STOLFPVHJJZ leaxcu Aoulwm-Umu. Socuz'rv will he held «I ML Alexandr): hullgsh'l’s Hotel, Summiile. on Wedne<dm the Isl dav of Septemlu-r row ensuing. therefore those inleles'ed are Inusl re>pecuuily iuviled to amend. Grand Public Enle minment Tables will be set in the new Huiiding. a TEA carved at 1‘2 n’clock noon. precxsely. TICKETS, 25cents. Chnldv'cn half-prise. - “(ALTER SCOTT. IL mummy]: M. D. 33513.1oaaw..y. New} M Yolk. and his Agent DEMONSTRATION us he sli†held on one hand. he was the baggage curs His dualh was iI inquusl was lwh ('m'nnhl‘. an arm h'nm Burlie. and A New Division Room 5’] OL'FFVILLE LJVJSJUN. No.47. S oJ‘T A melancholy and fatal :mchll‘nl lmpm-ncd at Bull liwnrtnn Monday nmrniug. A party nf gcnllenn-n from 'l‘urmmn gluing In ()rlllin. czzmu up h) Ihe mnmiug 1min. Amrng them was a Mr. Lul‘d. When lhu train was swing .1†back 01] [he < formed wivh thnnsands ui' pales in Merv incl 1' surince “lure uflirc it is m mava oï¬'lhe im- wlriliev ol' the Maudâ€"Illa acknom’et’gvd ram: 1 all dlsva-es of mankiud~nhen the 1]\i'] i My and pinchedâ€"when il i< cow u-d will The Fergus Constitutional reâ€" grets lo sav that the wheat crop is seriously affected with rust in parts of the NI-rlh and Snulh Rulings of that Cnumy [Wellington] Many farmers allege that [he rciurns WI“ no more than supply their own im- Inudiule wunls. ï¬cjn flflbtï¬iï¬tmtflta. On Tuesday I'. Nathaner lupham. a Ila ' years. ‘HE above Order of the Sons of Temper ance will gwe n hiis ï¬xpocl‘edilhal Mr. CARhWELL with L553 8d l0 10d per duz. l'ouilIyâ€"â€"Ulmkeus ‘23 5d Lo 3: 5.311 I‘L’l pulr.â€"â€"Leuder. 'l‘UllUN'l‘U MA K Kli’l GRAND 'I'EMI’ERANCE pociai limit-cs AND OPENING OF the 24th inst. at the re>ideuco of KM b}. Vaughnâ€. Mr. '1 home» uve 01 Y orkbmre, England, aged lam, the infant Daughter 01 ML 01' '1 [101mm], ugcli ï¬ve “881w HIE SKIN DIED August 26, S J. HOLDON Soc rel an‘ Secrelar ’ 1858 0 and Thornhiil. Aug. 20. [858. Hose"; Juhn Jackwn. John [ James. Reuben he Village 0! 'l‘horuhill. being part of Lol. No 33. I»! cum-sash)“ of Mm-knum. The Lol mensmes one mm and lwsnly-seven pPl‘ChES. «ullx cleaved ol’slumps. The Buxlding is one No e)‘ and a-huh Ingh. and contains seven JIDHI‘.‘ :xllacJII-d In whmll ig an rxueHeut we†ul water. hmidn sun Me om-buxldlngs. For ‘ nrticuhus flpuh «m xhn [ventures lo PETER VANUORN. Proprietor. Thomhill. Aug. 20. [85$ 63-4 1:1,“an w Broom, Charles (‘unpen Wm. (Ionmbs. John Clmk. Andrew Clmpnlier. Mary Del'haln. Mrs Derlmm, Richard Damon. Miss Dnrranl. Charles Ullaâ€. Miss Fam I‘llliull. Hobart Emmy Joseph l)un:1|d..luhu lh'nn. Ma!†ew Im'p. Juhu I.)le n, W. I' l_\uu. lhvhl Flowden. Charles Gibnm‘. Robert LEWIS MACDONALD, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, N Apprenlivc is \VanIed al lh ‘\ Premium Saddlery and [121mm Slaken’s. Richmond Hill. For pulticulurs ap My :0 ()l'a superior pnllern, and would invite all interested in the Breeding or Fatiening of Stock to call and examine these Machines. IL EGS lo innmatc that lu- is now pre- pared to erect MILLS of evm'y description, by comruct or mherwise. on masonublu terms. Ha is also agent for some tï¬Lthe besTFuundIYS in (Iaï¬uda. KI] camï¬cl jobs warranted 510m Ihree [u SIX uonlhs. From lhuleen 3ears’ experience he hopes to give general snli>faction. ufSlnufl'ville and the mendx who have hithevlo favored him with thair cu tom. and would announce that. he has Cutnnmll'ced business again at his 0M shop. JOHN YAKLU “OHL. and hopes. by steady attendance and moderate charges. to men: a continuance of thetr ~\upport. Jewellry neatly repaired. All work warranter‘. LEWIS MACDONALD. I EGS to raturn his thanks to the inhubitnnts or address BuHonviHv. l’. '0 AugIM 1'3. 155R. WILLIAM U. SKENE, MlLL‘VRlGHT, l 'I'lmmugh- Med DU KUA M HULL lhlE'o years old. I) end by Mr. “unison. Huh yawn. leavan, Yorkshire. England. and im- ported by the proprietor Ill 1856. For i'unho: particulars appl} to Hemainingin RIC] | MOND “ILL Post Ofï¬ce AUGUST |sl. I858 Abhs, Lucy Blluey. Henry Bonau. G. H. Brown. Rohar! [Q] Brillinger. Gaorga [9.] liil‘ou. \‘v’ilham Haney. Mr. lihHie. \V Broom. Chafles (‘unpen Wm. (Ionmbs. John Cluk. Avdrow Hewison. Robert Honon. William Homer, Daniel, Sen. llunlou. Isaac Kirby, “11$†Hannah Knuck. W|Ilinm Law. Abraham Imugflnfl‘. John Lang-.Iafl'. John. Jun Masonic Lodge Megill. I‘Idwmd Mapes, William GnodwnL Mrs. Jo (her, \\ imam Grunt. Jame Cough. Fredevirk [)H'MAN’S Manual of Phonogmphy is a Work of almnl ll)†pages. evory other leaf of whinh i- primed lrom stone engrnvings ulViug Willing exerci~as in the art which the book i5 designed lo leach. BY Iho use ol‘lln’s Manual, any school bov or girl. of 5 MB years rvceipl of xhe kw“ H ‘ ‘ ’7" y I ‘ “In W%%%®“N%%« M%M\K«% 4w Lumiqu mm “munmn Mm! "awn M W mm. MW Richmond Hill. Aug. 6. 1858 05an \ . C. VV.. From whom all Engli~h or American I’hou Elia! ic Works may 1) turocured. L. ‘ And trust that in future thvy will be able to Supply \hose who may desire to procure one of these Valuable IMPLEMENTS, which for book. is Manual, and up“ THE Subscribers 1ake pleasure in informing the Farmers throughout [his section of the Province, that they have increased their facilities for the manufacture of lheir CANADIAN PLO‘WS, LICHTNESS OF DRAFT 8!. GENERAL ECONOMY Ablw, Lucy Blluey. Henry Bonau. G. H. 1" IE 0 ."b‘ (IG R .11 1' ll 1" Allona. August 9|}, 18.38 PATTERSON IMPLEMENT WORKS. List of Letters )EMAIVING in the 'HIORNHILL. PJO. Isl 1\ugu»1|8.‘.8. rmx'l'nny. Ruben Ke‘lvr. John Hm I). J Imus Knrg‘gi. George Stoufl‘viUe. Aug. 20. 1558. ‘IIE 0:? Prices so Low that, none need be. without them ‘IH‘ A n Apprentice “'an led Richmond Hill, A11gl1$125, 1858 (’1 RQOT SLICERS WRITING BY I) E Subscriber olfch for 3.119 .1 HOUSE AND LOT, :imated in ard-s. mav lean-h, in lune. to lead and lie Short-"and. m 1‘01! S.ZLE .' ’I'hvy are also constructing a large number of M. “I‘EEF‘Y . Pnslmafler ulvsLilre-r offers for 53,9, 3 EDWA RD SANDERSON‘ For Sale. 'pm. ()NE. DuLLAR.’ Address post-(mid. “ILLIAM H. ORR Repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms S'I'OUF‘FVILLE‘ [9] unc)‘ John 'l hnmson. James Thumson, Mules F. 'l'hurp & Tindlu \Valkcr. Samuel [3] Wulsiconl. Wm. ‘Vilnv. June \Nalker. Henry THOS‘ COOPER. pro RM Letters ll Illul iuIell ALTUNA. 1.01 17. 41h (Jon. Mmkham \Y. H. MYERS MrlKaa. John McNeil]. llevlorli’] McBeaLh. Thus, [:4] Rnllndge. J. Hinge. Gourge Sunlenou Wm Slvphcmon. Joesph [3] Shewt'elt. Clare-0y Simpson, (v'enrgn Sluckitl, Ruben [2] VVi'linms.Jnt:oh G.[‘2] VVilsou. William VVilsou. Richard, Sen. Ke‘lvr. John Knrgga. Gem-go K «w , Gvorge 0|: n 'a surpriï¬ngly short i Wiile I’honngrnphy md a few months 01 required In ennltle a anvo In wrhe 10†or This ram ofspeed is onhnary sermons. m as: fast aw «pukeu Have no cqua s in the country SOUND! rol;r elor.11:ti7lld. in the Vila (SI-{f ;blejur a Store or '1‘ 636m vll‘1foï¬ 631!" [9] .:hln to cute 1 (Tamers. L'ulm‘gml Works, HE above Halal :5 ï¬lled up in neat and mm orlwble Myla. Trauvuu wsilms aud oumrs w H ï¬nd the m cumunldmimys to he! that u- Khe ï¬rst Clam" while the charges Will be ex- lremah low, (I? Good Stablmg and an Mien! ve Homer. '1 HJMAS COA'I‘ES. l’ropriotar. Yongo Slum. Aug. 7, 1858. 52.],- Fur terms Tribune uflice. April 2‘2. 1355. THREE MILES NORTH OF TORONTO. ON VONG): And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under eithl‘ ot‘tho above menliumd Ohms“. wul' du welI tn ml. in lime. All letters to be paid, and addre sod (0 TH†(701“qu lusures all descriptions of BilllllillERNIHIIUI‘uflOl'ies. Mills. 61 c. and Gnod~ and Furniture, In this same. ugaiml lossot dam age by ï¬xe. on liberal terms. Losses p‘romptly settled. A . LA\V , QLQUCESTER HOTEL, An)V lady nl‘ good adllrcus. and anergelit' hahiis. can In ike I'm-Ii live to szanlv dollars Ii wenk. by mumssing fur suhsmiliexs t'ur llir Advucnle. We want Muf‘ll :igruls in even Iuwmhuo and city Ill [he United 5mm and tho Caimdml [1 any one Wishes l0 unlrr upon a lucrative emplui maul. and will send a renam- meudulion fair honesty and ability. lhe)‘ w-l‘. have credentials forwarded to them no not :1: agents- [U7 Haul Qflicc. Churn/L Shut. Townâ€). ‘5] owner may 'nke the szzme by pyoving prr-perqr and paying expanses. A HOUSE AND LOT, situade within a few minnfrw waik of the- (huh-ng Village of [{irhmoud Hill. Tum: EAS'. For parliculars apply tn The Advocnm nmploys, in the various de- parhnams of' thn business. many women, who are paid Ior their labor as high prices as are paid to men for Khe same amount of work. To [he editor and proprietor the past three years In which she has been engaged in (his \vurk. have been yams of anxiety and Iuil', but [In- emerpiize has been carried on with the hope of do»): and no others. and Dual _\' pmhing lhe business to a Niccesslnl Imim. when it may re- mnnei'ule all concerned. With this Ilnpe >he enlers the ï¬eld for unulher )ear. (lumug u) we mauv as‘suraucus ol’ friends In a“ putts of (he cuuulry, for aid and cu-oprralion. Postmastcrs lhrnng out the country are re- qneqed m acl as agents, and deduct the mun! commisxiun. Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. Rnsideunn. G Richn-oud FULAugusl 13.1857 July 93.1853 Rlchmond Hill. July 23. 1858 Augusl 6. 18.38. PROSPECTUS OF The Woman’s Advocate FOR 1858. Fourth Volumn. The object of Ihe Woman‘s Advocate is the owning out of new spheles of mnploymenl fox wnmen who have so long suffered (he di~lres> nlh-lelnul upon [ha insulllcielll -e!nuueralion. uud :\ (no linnml number of occupations, The paper eudnnvors m cu] ecl all informa- tion (llmcull he llllpl)l'L|.‘I’ tu wumun. relative lU cccupntians better suvlecl to them. and winch will yield a more cmnfontable subsi>b11re than the few unhealthy (nudes upon which the; have been so for obliged to depend for 9x1:- lance. l. C.‘ leon, PM“. 1 Gm. MICHIE..Vice Pres Rice- Lewis. Esq. Juli-ILSSVJSBHI'Y. Iu'flq ‘l‘. l’. Holnnl , EM]. I W. Macluxluue. l M‘ “0553", Esq. ] Bernard Huldan. Esq. Secretary .3: TIM Anggx Morrilun. E>q.7Sulicittfl. Hank of Unner Canada. Bun/curs. B‘ ujaunu Swi|zer. qu. Inspector. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION For One Copy. one yaar†For Five Cupies. .r. . . . . . . . . For Teh Coping. . . . . L. J. HERSUN. Conmzsromum Emma For Sale or to Rent, PA 1 TERSON 8; BROTHER Fire 1 Fire (VIPITflL STO (:K, £100,000. l‘u the Sick and Dying IVCOHI‘ORATED BY .\C‘l‘ 0F PAHLIAMEN’L D W E L L ING-HOI‘SE‘ Driving-house and aha OI] Address, ANNA}; wow/my SNIDHR, of Hm 71h concession of Vaughan, near Klinebul'gl‘, guarranmes N. B. NO CURE NO PAY‘ A. B. M’COWELI.‘ EDITOR WES S'I‘RAYED IIlPlAyYUF FOR L\le§q‘ For Sale, SAMUEL. DONER. Lot 35, Con. 3Ad, Malkham . L ING-"OI‘SE. Slam-1mm» house and about an Acre of (il age of Victona Square. sum-- or Tavern. app’}' to \‘V. Trudgeon, Esq., Richmond Hill. TD POS \IAST DIR FCTORI PETER SNIDER 'I‘ERN 'I'I10°_ Hawovth, W‘ Henderson. W. Maclulluue W. HARRISON Editor and Propriti Philadelphia, Pu‘ 'ecnrtnry .33 Treasurer Fire General Agnm. 57- 210-1} up in neat and nut vusilom and ions to bu that, Ken Will be ex- Klineburgh Sudd Ior. 59 4f 64-11†Gl-tf 59-(f l4 6 CONSIDERING the multiplicity of news- pdprls in Atnenca. it he» to many lit-en a matter Uf§lllp||su that the nttuiet'uus body at DCUXHSII temdcnts zlmttld hath: been 50 lung un- iupirsenlcd '| 0 supply this dt‘hldel'allllu. No. l, of the SCO'rrm-i Amuuum Juuux'u. was published on Saturday. August 8, I857. and is now continued weckL The primary objuct. of the JOURNAL is to fur- nish 1.5 lenders regularly With [no new: of their native country. it pre>ents a wet-kl} ru- cuid ut' ml events of interest occurring in Scut- lund. and it‘s subscribetu are in this way as full} IlllO med of what is uninspiring at home as ll thoy Were in regular receipt of an old-counti) neuspnper. SCOUHll quastions mil he discussud with Intulltgouco and llll))i|l’lii1lll_\ in the editor- ial culumm. and the 58min)th of the lï¬ï¬‚dlllg pnt‘ios on tin->3 subjects “'1†be t‘uiily repre- sentutl and commented upon. 1n the literary and miscellaneous department of this papvl‘. “tine went and talent wt l be ap- , let'lil (d Iiom uhutever country they emanate. .lte bcutttsh element will pteponderate. 'l'a‘cs. >l5vlcllt's, and poetry. illustrative of the Scottish i-tmmcter. and pt" I: nhtuie ï¬tlvd to call forth the :ympqtln o'. Scotchnicn both zithume and nix-07d. will uicnpy a’comptctrons place. in this dwpal’lluï¬nl. the (reâ€"operation ol' various d S.lllgt|l.\’lletl authors. pusuessing uniivalled lumlities tor the link, ha: been :ecured' In politics, the JOURNAL Will occupy a thoroughly Independmnt pusition, nhlte t'lee aunt putty bins and national prejudice. In or- doi to it tart-st its readers whenevur :ituatedv ii iii I take a broad View of topics of llHS class, avoiding those of a inerulv lucal nature. exmpt in so fur as they may p:esent puinls of importâ€" ance to the general pnhhc Qnustiuns IIIVOlV' ing the interests of British rendems in tha United States and in the Btitish l‘rovinces, will be .spwtully consumed. nntllt I5 believed that the Information and uows ol' the JuumAt. on tliia Impo taut class i'sulajnruts will be such as Shall eulntnand attention. Also. ONE ACRE OF LAND, Situated in Lhe Village of Tlmrnhill, wilh good Home and out-buildings. Funy-eight poluxd<. due on the 3rd oI l'bbxuary Inst. Any person ï¬ndmg \he same and returning ix to the owner. Uavul I‘houlp 50â€. 10(26. 2nd can of Markham. wu'l be ~ultably rewarded. The hole Will be of no um [0 any one except [he owneu. SCOTTISH Ll'l'EflA’l'URE AND ART Copiéa forwarded to Europa per mail. Unixod Stale: poslage Dhld, for @3. or 135. steniug. pv)‘ BIHHRJ. Apply" if by letler post paid, to the Edi'or of th- 'l'riLan. Richmond Hill. Juno 15m. 18.37 Uwillin‘bury ua iL§ (um-alum wvll bé coalnopuluan. ll is hn that even [0 the general reader its columns noL appear uuemeilaxumg or :uroï¬llcss. TER MS OF SUBSCIU PTlUN. One Copy for one \‘aar Five Copies . . . . . . 'l‘weive Copies . . . . . . Twang-ï¬ve Copies... be: glad w cu Markham . 13. 1858‘ l‘lw Devilish .lmn-icm Journ..l ! V ‘IIE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the Trade‘ Hm his Slol‘k of PRINTING PRESSICS. TYPE. INKS‘, Lul. '10 Suhscribers have always on hand, , a “"29 and flenfll'fll stock of the best Brilich and Provincial manufactured Wrixing' Colored, Brown, and Wrapping Paper5_ wax. Wafem, Shir, Ink. Smnl Pens. Envelopes. Mulnllic Memorandum Bonka 'I‘winas. L‘on Booki, School Books and General Smtiunen". \Vc" 5L0, . The facilities which the subcribors have for mnnnl'acluning, having mm of the Imp-5‘ Paper Mills 1) C: 'du. they um prepurud 1° Inunufuct'ure an I: s of paper to order. N or about the 20th February last. a POCKET-BOOK. oommuing a note 12 ninsl John 'l‘hompaon 10 lbs nmuunt ol' Funy-eight poluxd<. due on the 3rd oI Yo: hue "L sell to a Medical Man of Handing and ‘pel'iellee. House and Premises, lrolh plea- aanl and convaniem. can be had on reasonable erms. ACRES OF LAND. East half of Lot No. 2, 76‘ Concesswn. Nurth To parties gelling up a :1 copy \\'l|| be seul grmis. ' †WHOLESALE ' Paper & Stationery Warehouse. ale (I? Terms Easy. App‘)‘ to JOHN PALMER. January 14. 1858 Interests of Scotchmen in America, m? Ofï¬ce. No. 29. Beukmnu Sheet. N.Y ‘ON'I‘AIAING ONE HUNDRED For paruculms. apply w Docun‘ur 24. 1857 ycr m L January 6. 1858 A uuhii House Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER Toronto. June 18th. [557 DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. Mr NOTE LOST ’N'I‘AIAING ONE HUNDRED A? lumen Aer»: of good land. bomg pm GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offer: FARM FOR SALE No 49, King Street, d‘lbfilllu II III all I T0 Pl?,d\‘TERS Medical Practitioners JOHN MURPHY, [ha 4 Doors \Vesl of Bay Street‘ AND TO THE, uhs‘ MSATION Ul“ Ill FOR SALE! b uud lmsi 'all'vcu ng A MACHINES supply and hose in 0] PAYABLE IS AUVARCL UUNTIN, BRO. .NL 00.. Yougn street, 'l'oroulm DLVO “'21) To Til E ‘f NE‘VS INK at Ono Sh &c., (\u DAV 1D THOMPSON A [49-4 MO Richmond HI“ D. K. FPIFIIIA Mn. n. [H 37 ............ U 00 .... . . . . . . . . 4U 00 club of twenty-ï¬ve Inn. Dn. REID. ENGIXI Thprulull‘ iwxn objects nmiuh‘ Irom ‘ ml wnh the chronicles ; 1.1 new»: all Import- 2.2- \v_\' “.3. will in ml and -qu|s'uc TUE [uNGLl‘iH N0>EGAY. .01]. \aner luoulrd nnd ‘erpm the fuungin ;,St. «Yullxerinos Mmml Wnlar. AMEN Plunmgenel lill. Wuaer, colalmnod for Lhoi: hubby puporuu. 123 l‘ April 22.1858. H6 ANl and )pud wnl 5U mll send Lr Itumously. Ihe numth 09â€qu cur- rent volume. uom the lime of their Yurwmtlmg and one month previom. (hyi giving um um lhu-e. or four numhels, nt‘cordm; [0 the llnm. to all who .xuhacrilm bvt'ure January. ’I‘ERIKS:â€"â€"$9 11 _\'mr. in advanob: $1 50 k ohms uf l'onrjmd upwardw 5‘) for s 1' month Advelli>ing. [an rents a ï¬ne. For giving pub s Imiu' lo improved slocl<.agrir:LIIIuJ'-n' implemou' ‘ ohms uf [our and uiwwardw 5} Advexliflng. [an rents a line. II(:il\' lo improved sloclnagriumhr mechanical improvaMlN. and general Interest. there is no (u good at the price. JV; mash Mmouic Hal each month ‘ONSISTING of Thrr-e Village Lots. with. >uital)le Buildings. wtth a fourth purl of an acre of Land attached to each. One is n small (‘oltnge suitable for a sum" family. The second is a New House, adapted for a Mechan- fc ufnny kind or Ductur, (as there is no [)oc- tor III the neighbourhood). The lhird is a Large House. with all the accumulations fun a 'l‘avern. with Q never-failing Wall of Wajer. Aka. good. suitable unbbundings. ‘ consisting ol'tlrivmg-house. largo shed: w‘ood-shed. gran- nr} and stable. together with sqme choice Fruit Trees, connpiising plums, penlsmurrnnts, «ad the black tame chat-:3: ‘ BU'I'TONVILbE is situated on I plea- nnnl ri~e of ground, on the 4th Co'ncésx‘ion of Markham Thove Is an established PoshOflir-e together with a Gristand Snw Mill, Store. with Mechuuimof different kinds. Twin 03:}; "apply to (he Proprintor on the promises, or by Letter. post-paid 10 Button- ville. Possession will,be given on the ls: nl Aplil. or if needed. the Isl ol'Juuuary. I? Title indisputable. a] House Painting, Glazing. Paper .Hungiug, Graiuiug. 4-0†{3-0, He hopes that by strict algamion to). order en- trusted lo him Wï¬ich willvhe t-xvculed in a Hvil! and Worknmuhka manneï¬'. on [he shu lesl uo- tica. to merit ashaye ol' [m'nhc palnnmue. Richmond Hiâ€, (’KICHI). VAILEK'. March 11. 858. E ‘ Hui-Gm 63’ LOOK AT THIS 1â€"55 \\' †Liberal .lerms to persons dispmed to 3': agents for this work. Let nu hmr from I! J. A. NASH, _ M. P. PARISH. 7 Brahman Street. OFFICERS ELECTâ€"Colonel D. Bridgl‘md. Master. J B. DeeCner, Deputy Mislbr; Juhn Muullolland. Secfetary ; W. I’ugue, Treasurer. January ‘21. 1858. 133 lm‘uitmls of Richmond Hill and sur rounding country. that he has commenced bueiums in [he Subwriber Ira-gs to inform the in cure custom. \V. T. A. 51 Co: perieuce iutho Dru; of England. have no a guest many of the will be found vary a ll] compounding -Pr ('aipls. Horse Bud C: of the very be~t qunl cipul English Drug I: neg to cull a‘l'flllion | ing in VALUABLE PROPERTY Victoria Squaw, May 7. 1858 hana. and niudn lo ordm Iemuncruliug pmmr.‘ LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N0, (Ml. afï¬rms ï¬t WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. SA DDLE 9- HA R NES S [i n W. T. A. 6: Co. having' c'tnsif'arnbleiax- parishes in the Drug busines- i’l yurléagparts of England. have no hosimlion In qay‘mg. mhul n gloat mam’ of lheir Manufactured'AI-ncles will be found very superior. Medich used In compoundnug rPreSCripuODC. Fxmily Ro- ceipts. Horse mud Calla Medecinou, 4&4. are of me very l>e~1 qunlil)‘. dirocl [roui the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. 'WE’Q' A' 5L C0. neg [0 call awnuou m lhenCflobrnlud Prelu- RICHMOND HILL G Av. such modern re cuslom. arouwmxms’ HALL BUTTO .‘J VILL E, New York. October 22. )857 Atkinson's Pansian Tooth Pasta {so their much admiled Perfume Richmond Hill. 0M WILLIAM MORRISON Buttonvilla. Oct. ‘28. l857. 222-! Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE Lona}; No. :18 William H. Myers, LMOST’ EVER\ RUDY is ordering the l‘LOUhH. LOUM and ANVII" That Township of’ MARKHAM, ï¬j?‘ FOR SALE. .35, ESTABLISH MENT. '0 Door South of [7:49 Tnmqlsl: 0W2 Flourishin g "imam ’ytvloria Squ‘h‘ï¬: nch momh. “I Work \‘VM‘l'antc‘d. m JO†N BUTTON, {"1180}. JA .Vl ES ' ‘A N AGH A N. DUN/331. THUM AS BOW M A ‘L Secretary JUN N GA W LEY. 'l'rmsuu‘zr. at Brother Hohert’ Msel‘llan's. N, the second Salutdxry evening in NOTICE. gs stock 06; [j '0 In o 'Flc as nuzc'r 5, [)ye- U'aods, s Brushes Q12, .3 prices as can-19L fail 50 \s,& “ohm. â€"wm~ A' «i Co. to lheIrCflobrnlud Prep;- for the Teeth, l.\' TH the last Fr‘rluy even n advancé: $1 50 lo ,3“) for 31' munth lme. For Ei\'lll'_Â¥ pub~ :rivrullur-I' implemeu: ' z. and lika runners o no other medmm "’57 .x\c, nlwnw un lowest maxim- ng-I) 48-“ ha "leo‘v’io‘ fo‘ ST. THERE“ 81.. In Begum-fl. Balwmas. Maura-2.1.. allowed their bills upon purchasing ï¬ve times their amount ot'our manufacture. Editors wrll confer a favor by directing attention h) the announcement. T. J. G. & (‘0. Dr. 1;.†.1. Son. in order to satisfy 1ho most xkeimcul m to the merits of thesu immu- tun-uh. pledge thenuelves. that in any instance “‘he e they may prove nnsalisfnclnry ul'wr e. fair ll'i'1]. the money Will he refunded by ra- mming the m<lrumem in good order. Persons \\'i.\hilrg Ihe above u<eful instrument \\-i!l ohscrvo. that the price. with xhs arcnm- nanj-ing diunclions,secure|y packed and sent by mm] or express. is ten dollars. ll is theml‘ure hoped that the Printers annnn- Ila will Show lhril’ appreciation ol'lhe Edvanlngeu it lioids out. by lie~tuwing upon it n faira‘iaro ul‘ their patrunnge, in mtnm [or which the prlipliel- ms pledge lhemselyos Io leave no mews unined in give ample smixl'nmion. Primers '. mark the reduction in the price of type since [his Foundry wa~ opened : and hear in mind that a gruater reduction depends upon )0!!! - wivell. Our mono isâ€"supply the trade wilh ‘\ no oi‘such qufllltilii’s and m such prires as will pre- veiu the necessity of patronising foreign manu- fnclureru. INK. AMOS 6L SON, Cartier of Main and , Quay Streets. Buï¬alo, New Ymk. use the un|_ Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Nluy he con-ulted from 8 n’rlock in the nym- ing unlil 9 o‘clock at night, an every state and ~_\'tnp 0m of diseaw. The treatment they lellpl is Iho result 0713(;‘ zvuuL of 30 years’ extensive and succ-sd‘nl p1‘:t;,iu-,e in London The most inveterata <\'Inp10(ns of Disease eradicated In eight or nine (1.1m. and cases of a slight nainre in two or thtee day: at ave:y moderate axpa:tw.~~- l‘lue rule oï¬â€˜ocwd without conï¬nement. or hin- lll'nllCU (tom business. -ha um \vilh u THE Proprietors of lllistflmqbllsliment [mg to inform the Prin ers_9j_(_:_anadn. llml Ilmy have new manufactured and newly for deliveryV ulnrgo qï¬â€˜anlily of Small Pica.“ Long Primer, Bourgemw and llmvier. of Scotch (are, whivh they will guarantee cannot be silfliass-ed h} nnv Fox-“dry upon this continent for durabiliu'rgnml nopearance. They- luwe also on hand a chow-s assaerem of various kinds of The prices at which these and other types an «aid at the Canada Type Foundn‘. will he I‘nun‘d at least 3†per cent less than lhey could be put- (‘llilsod [revious Io its ex-mh ishmnul. Monu-aaLMay lSlh. 1857 r V V v g3 N.B.â€"Publishers of newxpaper giving inser- tion to this advertismem for ‘2 momhs‘ will be Address Dr. Aflus 6L Sou. carnel- Main and Quay suesls. Buï¬â€˜aio. N. Y. 146-†'[WHE proprietor ol the Mancnnm GUIDE would respectï¬'qlly c H the allenlion of NIFI‘ChHII‘S. Farmers and “ech- ‘nllics residing out of the Pity. lo the moderate terms for a \early ,xnbsr'riptlon to (he Gums. bsing. to mail subscribers. only .Nowspapers lhl’ouglnoul the liahinz the above. npprop imulv éluding this notice. two moml Attention otlito'iully to the 5341‘ m: the paper. will be entitled [r and IPCBIVQ a gold pen and Ir Llwllanx. “("0 are the only legally qualiï¬ed l’hysicmns who unxv advertise to club certain complnilm‘. or from whom genuine European remedies can be .ubLained< I'Lmoxs H n1 PART or Tm: Wont n may he suvcessfnlly Ilenn‘d by (mwurding a correct xlctml of their elves. V‘A’ilh a reinï¬mnm for Medicines &c., which wu|l be returned wixh tho rrhumhdts alc’huand «arm from mlmervue‘mn. Dr Ame: A: Son have for a long series of Venus been engaged in an exten ive practice in the treatment of lhe<e delirum complaints. and 11 ao-ordulg 10 (ha latest tsun- 'his Oï¬ice by tho dozen or htmdred The following‘isl ofa few ofthe principn‘ nr‘i- c!es required by printers. will give an New)" [he groatadvamages ofthe Canada Type Foundry LEADSâ€"6 to Pica and thicker. ls per lb. Pica. ls3d; 5w Pica 1s 6d. pans a For 42 r holng Fifty Cents, Per flnhum, AKIN!) IT THE CHEAPEST NYWSP‘PEB IN THI UNITRD STATES. The columns of Iho “ Guide" will Contain the psunl variety of original and spicy «mi-2.35. written not only to please. but to illsll‘llcl. ln rogmd In politics the“ Guide" will maintain an ludxspendent tone. and from lime to time will advocate meamros as conductive to beneï¬t me great number. For 25 . . All communications should ' e ndrexsad :o W. BLAKELY. Editor and Publishar of the New York Mercantile Guide, No. luu Glt‘ell wit-h" Street. New York. Canada Type Foundry >pmd in advance. we or gun-rwise if order: entitled to Ihem .â€" F‘t r3110 Subscvibers. c For 250 subscribing. \r Them is an evil habit sometimes indulged u by hm)", in solitude. often growing up n'nh hem m manhood. and which. if “(ll ralu xmd av them in due lime, not only bezals 'senuus )'\sluv‘Iu~ lu Iualljluoniul happist~. hut gm :4 in m a xmias of protracted. insidious. und Jt'V;I~‘l‘-lll»g ufl'ecliuns. Few of those who ghe .vay (u mi; pernicious practice are aware of he constqnences. unnl they ï¬nd [he nervous ,svem shuttered. fee] strange and unavronmr )la l'eolmg-y and vague fears in th mind. 'oung Alenâ€" Talia Partzculur Notice. l‘fu Mums â€"An an inducement for person- 10 inlerou themselves In obtain suscriptiunx lor lhe “ Mermnuln GuI-iaԠwe ofl'er the www- New Remedies and Quick Cures. NE", TREJTJIEJV'T Bufl'nlo Medical Dispensary, A ï¬lms: Scientiï¬c Irwenn'oJ. DIR A MOS 3L SON take pleasure in announ- ug 11ml \hs) hava invanle-d u m-mt Illlpm'ï¬ï¬‚l“ <1 rumeul for the curu of the ahove disensvs. has been snlxjecxed lo a trsl h\‘ the moat linen! plnm'rcinnsm Londnn. Farie, Plui‘ndeh ia and -ow Yuk It has bet-n dur‘la ed 119 h n eful iII~Lrumelll ever )et Invenm! Tor a cure of St-mmal \Veakuess. or any di‘B'WE l organs. cuu~ed by tha seem n," {r 'r‘musuun FOR THE CURE 0F mer-su, mzmsun. DEBIUTY. ravm AND Acrn. SCROFULA. OLD ULCI-ZBS. GRHA'I IMPU‘ run or THE noon. SALT “mum. PlMPlJls. PISTULA, FILED, xmnns. mznan-v, IK- FIHMITIES or YOUTH AND our AGE. &c. IE?" All other Book Fonts “MNâ€! 01' empiryies and itinerant self-sty!ed (afr<~0r5_. who ATI'EMPT cures. but never I'm-ed Au BLANK FORMS PERHAM OUT-DONEJ Nonpmiel . Miuiun- . Hrev'mn . Bourgeoisg Long Primer Small Pica- LARGE SUPflA'Iof Mugisumu mm. Tribuna" 095cc AUG- 97 1857 ICE Beware of Imposition. Ornampntal Type. AH INrumem for the cure of Geniml D9- ur more properly known as Seminal ., Nervous [)ehilflv. . which are rm cured in from In to ‘2†dm's by )I' this instrument. when used couJonnly «ht-ices. euhsrrihors, lwo and Imlnar. . . mbscnbers. one y.)ch- No Mercury Used. 43,3 snbscribars. me will give a splen Id watch. warranted. . . . . . . . . . subscribers. we give an elegan hscribers. one T1108. .1. GURNIN & Co “'8 I" 110! ed †we aï¬'er the :ollow- Io race-1p! oflhe name- | furwnrd by axpreu, to the address uf Xhosa St. Therese Street 1 the Union bv inluly displayed months. and (‘r . worth . . . . . . Vegnnl. brurela! [old veslchuin gold pen and ured‘. . . . . . gold pen and medium gold guld pen and gold pen ve an elegant in proportion (in! per 1b afar cm a and bv’ pub~ 30 00 200 800 l50