Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 10 Sep 1858, p. 3

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ATROCIOUS CRIMES ON THE HIGH b’EAS. Within a few months past we have had to record in the new: columns or in the Law Department, says the Boston Courier of yestgt‘day,a series of crimes of great atroeijzy, committed on board at American ships. After a period of about twenty years, without the occurrence ol any case at wholesale homicide, or firing a ship with intent to destroy her, and also to destroy the lives oi the oflicers and [home of the crew who were not in the plot of the c in- spirators, we have hall all at once, as it Were, a rapid succession of such plt‘uiicul crimes upon the laii'geat scale. First cann- the murdel 0f the Ufl‘lCHrS 0f the lri~ Albion Cooper, of Portland, committed by “WWI of the crew, in pursuance of a preâ€" doncerted plan. Next. we had the inur- ber 01 the mate of the schooner Catnto by the captu'n, Estabrouk, who also at- tempted to kill the man at the wheel, and the cook. Then came the burning of the Cortez, by four at the crew, with the design of destroying the olficers, and a por- tion of lhe crew; and now we. hare the case of the mutiny on board the Junior with the murder of two olficers. and wounding at two others. In the annals ofct‘ime upon the high seas we do not k w when: to look Ior its parallel sinre 'fidays of the buccuneers ol' the apamn. Main Some of the incidents recall \‘isl- bly to the mind more than one scene in Scott‘s “ Pirate.” The awful Ciiines boasted of by the imaginary rulfiam ol Cleavelaiid‘s crew are lully matchru, both in the’fimtive and the manner and extent of the execution ol‘ the crime committed by Plutntuer and his hand. Christmas evening had been pns~ed in peace and cheertulness by otficers and crew. and in recognition of the natuml asset-muons ol the day, the captain, betore retiring to his cabin tor the ntght, treated each of the crew to a small glass of spirits, little Cortez, by four at the crew, with [he ( design of deStioying the oil'icers, arid a por- ( tion of the crew; and now we. hare the l case of the mutiny on board the Junior 1 with the murder of two olficers. and c wounding at two others. In the annals c of crime upon the high seas we do Hal 0 kn iv when: to look Ior its parallel sinre a fidays 0f the buccaneers‘ ol' the Spanish it Main Some ol' tlte incidents recall i'isi- bly to tlte mind more than one scene itr Scott‘s “ Pirate.” The awful Crimes boasted of by the imaginary rutliarrs nl Cleai'eland‘s crew are lully tnatchru, both in thefitotrve and the manner and extent of the execution ol‘ the crime committed by Hammer and his hand. Christmas ewening had been passed in peace and cheertulncss by otficers and crew. and iii recognition of the natural assOciattons ol the day, the captain, beta-e retiring to his cabin tor the night, treated each of the crew to a small glass of spirits, little dreaming that even then himself and ltis officers were doomed men, and that the eyes which seemed to thank him for re minding them 01' the Ct-rtstian‘s holiday, so far aiva ' from home, and the t'isihle itisti tutions #Clirisliarnly were in tact gleam ing with the felhst hater The actotkind ly teel'ng baring betn accomplished, ap patently to the satisfaction ol the parties. the captain withdrew to tlte cabin. The major part ol' the crew. unconscious n. the fearlul tragedy about to be enacted also turned iti. but there were watchers about that night, and aimed ones, too closely scanning the mates as they one by one sou;ht the cabin, attd stretched them- selves in slet p itt their berths. About one o'clock in the morning, a portion of the mutineers so placed themselves as to pre- vent assts‘lance being promptly tendered iii the ' at ot art alarn) trout the cabin. Then entered Plurnmer and his tour as- sociates. with guns extra luaded,and cock- ed. bileiilly aiui is taken at each at the berths, the tnuzzles ol' the guns nearly touching thrm. All is ready, and Pltllllr nier gives the word e tire". The sleeper~ start. and as they attempt to turn to the direction of the unwortted sound, lhei. bodies are pierced by httllets. Three enters the body of the captain, and he lives only to exclaitn, that he is shot. :ix bullets take ell‘t-ct upon the chief ittate and so hear is the discharge that the powâ€" der sets his bed-rlothes on th e. The third mate, wounded, mas. and attempts to esctipl‘. but lalIs under repeated stabs dealt with the murderous Whaling-spade, Or have. lit: at onie. By this “[110 the honest portion of the crew have been aroused from their sleep, and the Illullttt‘tflb find it necessary to retire trom the calm _ and, "till ti display ol llieii‘ aims. secure the suiimtssion ol those who have not een admitted into the consp-racy. The trust and second mates at‘all themselves at this respite to hide tltrtnscltes, to hare then lives l'inally spared because their Srrrice are‘lThlvil by the thutineers‘ Ill the n tviga- tion oh the reset to some pornt on tlrt Ausltal‘n Coast, from which they ran pro- ceed to the interior and enter upon a new career ol‘critne, as robbers and highway men. The next morning the bodresot the two murdered (illicers are dragged tip lrnin the cabin, by a rope attached to their heel. and thrown overboard. 'ihe scene now changes, and We have atiotlu r of a drll‘er ent character, havrn; its prototpr iii an imaginary orte iii the" Pirate.” Pltltll hl‘er is on shore with a po lieu of his b.llld and the women ol‘the plate: are sun ten with their ctreh ss gallantry and gay disâ€" play. Ptuinmer takes the nitric ot hag tain VVils‘on, and is about to be mart-1rd to a young lady who has become infatuated wttli the romantzc mystery of his appear- ance aiitonp5 tltetti, and the clnralr re air nt his personal heating. Then comes th' atrcsl, and tire poetry ofpiiacy vanishes ; and Plumttier, \thll titattarles on his arms. and chants on his legs, and dressed Willi a blue woolen sltirt,and coarse drab tt'OWset s, looks rather ltke a vulgar fellow. as he sits in (if court rooiii wtth his associates, no hett lookiitgthatthunsrlt. bueliarellie principal teattires ol' the latest llOI‘I or apart the deep; t-qual to arty instance of lcâ€"o. cityrâ€"and lollowed like sortie utthem, by inctdents reiealing the fund lolly and crednlity of the maker sex, \vlmse stiller- iiigs from misplaced confidence will hardly operate as a warning to the lair sisterhood. who may lterealtvr. in like tttanncr, be dazâ€" zled by the gay spirit of a red~iiandcd rul- fian like l’luintner, or the sentt'nental sweetness of a sham seion of French no hility like a little”:- THE TELEGRAAH CABLE AND 11‘s PROBABLE RublYL'l‘b‘. From lho lllustrued London News. Aug. 14. The main benefits will lull to Llie lot at Great Blilain and Amelica. 'l‘bese na- tions are almost the sole depONleL‘S 0| human fremuul. They represrnl the li- b ly, the inlelligence, and (he enlerpnso of uv Closely united by blood. language. and education, they Wlll become. UflllL'd still more ciobely by interest and friel'd51'll'9 no" that llwy can cfiimuni- cate their thoughts, wants, and wishes by means of electricity. Between “mm “'1” be formed an alliance the most natural and [lie mnsl beneficial pOS\|hle in the present confused and |mpcrfecl mam)“: of lnunanily; and [he probability of war will be as far removed mlo [he future a, the probability of hostile colliaiou bi-lweu. our globe and any \Vflll'lt’rmg Comet or which astronomers may have c0gul:ance. But it such are likely to be the inter-l national results, whilst not one or mo wires, but livenly.are throbbing under the waves of the ocean with the mess- Iges of trade, diplomacy, and aflhclion, what are to be the resulls lo the British Empire itself? Dialunce is practically annihilath between the component parts Of‘fial huge dominion; and it Will be for our laiesmen and leading minds to conâ€" 9id05' Whether that dominion “ on Whth the suns never sets” shall not become acâ€" "anhlfl well as theoretically, one. In uress of the whole Monarchyâ€"inclusive of Canada on the one Side, and of India on the otherâ€"shall assemble at Lnndnn or elsewhere to debate imperial questions in the presence of delegates and members duly chosen and appointed by the people of these regions? Already the prot'JlCCs ol‘ Brilish America are taking counsel on the means at l'mming themselves into a federal union under the British Crown, and linking themselves together, by rail- ways and lines of telegraph, as the first steps towards that consolidation and “ soâ€" lidity” which they feel to bo essential to their prosperity and Eond government. The more the uses of the transatlantic telegraph are familiarisrd to Englishmen in distant lands, the more intimate wr.l become the union of the empire, until Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotid, or evrn British Columbiaâ€"the last-horn chi d of a l'ruitl‘ul motherâ€"shall become to the England or the nineteenth cenlmy what Cumberland, Sutherlandshire, and Dunegal Were III the sixteenth and the seventeenth. Distance is no longer any nbstacle to the lullilment of such prujects; and the legislative unity of the Britiin Empire, accomplished by the agencies ol aGeneml Fediml Congress, Would llt more valuable as a means of defence the early days of our Parliamentary and Constitutional system, and even Within the memory of living men. it took as long a 'ime for the member for Caithness or {ass-shire to travel lrom his county town to Westminster. as it would now take him to travel trom Quebec or Montreal to Liverpool and London. Gteat Britain is but small compared with the United States; but the magnitude of the British lepire dwarfs even the gigantic realm of our transatlantic brother. And will not the outlying portions of that dominion, as soon as they are enabled to hold in~tun- taneous communications with Dowr.iu,- sheet, ask to be incluued in the empire as true component parts, and not as rem: te c lollies, possessions, and tleprndcnctes 'lâ€" And: White the Parliament of Great Bril- ain shall still continu» to legislate for the present isles, will it not at some future tune become desirable and necessary that another and a larger Par'iament or Con- against foreignâ€"aggressionAâ€"han an army larger lllitll any possessed by the most Powerful despots of Europe, or any tlnee of them. ’t‘here have been coalitions .Igaltlbl. England before now. There may be such coalitions again; but even the invasion of the sacred soil of the illollieriand and its Occupation by a suc- cessful enemyâ€"were such a cala~trophc possibleâ€"would not bea fatal blow to British power so united, and binding Eng- land and its colonies together by such strong ties as thr-s'e of common interest aid common responsibility. The electric telegraph is so great an idea that it will naturally produce othir grand ideas.â€" The demand for Parliamentary ret‘nrm .Vllll which our coy stutcsmenare now flirting,r and coquetting may, perhaps, ghe |thee hereafter to a greater demand for the unily of the Bitish Empire. Uf course lied-tape and the Electric \Viie ~\Ill play at 'Oppnsile purpows Ill thi~ great movement ; and Redâ€"Tape may .min in the meantime at what it may call the ubsurd.ty and impracticability of the nation. But the Atlantic telegraph it- self seemed to many minds. but a few months ago, nothing more than an absur- dity and an impracticubility. Now it; is a wel' established fact, with the fame and the advantages of which the whole world i« ringing‘ and on the consequences 0: which the whole world is speculating. In the meantime Peace is the Message. the LrKSOn. the Hope, and, as far as England and the United fitatcs are cm.- t-etnetl. the Certainty of the Atlantic Tel egraph. \Vith Peace between them, ce- mvntcd and incremed hom day to day by ewry pulsation at" the wire. small and -: lit'le account will he the wars and the s luabhles nl’ Europe. A correspondent writes us that on Monday evening about 8 p. m.. as Mr. Pherill. a most respectable inhabitant of Scarboro', was return- ing home wards from market. having th him in his waggun a man wmnn he had ihul day engaged in Toron- 10 as a farm hihuurur. he was ac- costed near Norway by two un- known men, whom he look into his Waggon. On proceeding about two miles, as if by preconcurled signal, these two ware joined by some two or lhree others. and uniled they commenced a furious onslaught on Mr. Phcrill and his hired man. There can he no dnuht but their 0b- jccl was robbery. In this, howewr, they were frustrated by lhe horsus running away to the next tavern (Wal‘fi’s) but we regret to add that Mr. Phcrill and his man have bOlh been seriously injured, the extent .»t' which has'nm iyel been quy cerluiucd.â€"â€"Glabe. \Viu‘L'L Fum-thtsuNG.â€"-’I‘Wn al- 1 tempts Were made la>t week, to set fire to \1r. John Alvxnnder‘s Furniture ware- romns, \Vyudl'am sheet. On Monday night, (the 16th.)lighlcd matches were flplllird at two places, but went out with- out doing injury ; a watch was then set. and on Friday night, between 11 and 1'2 o’cloek,a second abortive attempt was made by means of a bag filled wuh shav- ings, saturated with turpentine. A party has been arrested on supicion. and tmce ~xainined before thv Mayor and other Klagistiates, and the case adjourned until 'I‘hursday. It is much to be honed that the lierpetra'or ofso diabolical an attempt will not e~cape unwhipt of ju:tice.â€"â€" G I!” ph Herald. Fillibusler “'alker is in New York, at present. A “ century plant” is now blooming in Philadelphia. Louis Napoleon is training his soldiers lo sWim and tight in the water. St. Louis has just added a sixth steam engine to her lin- department. Prayer-Meetings are held in 22 engine- [IOULES in the City of Philadelphia. There are at present 2,100 mechanics at work in the Brooklyn Navy Xard. T"0_ or three wifeâ€"whippern were ar- rested In New York,on Wednesday week. There are fortyâ€"six persons In England who have incomes of £450,000 ayear- C tlilhe elecli'icilns report the Atlanllc lane as domg bener and better every day. The ONJEI‘Jioned plague is making great range: in the towns of Tripoli, Af- rica. 311nm 319nm. Thele are 87 Savings Banks in Mass., in which 177,000 depositors hold over The wind in Boston has been east for over a month. The weather is cold enou=h for frosts. $33 ,000,000. years. Two thousand colored Baptists held a Camp Meeting, near St. Catharines, C. W., last week. Barreli of water from the arlesian well in Louisville, Ky.,are daily shipped to New York. The yellow fever in Cuba, this year, is more destructive than it has been for 30 There was a snow squall at Franklin, N. [1,, Wednesday Week, that lasted five minutes. Cyrus W. Field. being the stt wire Puller in the country, is talked of lot lhe presidency in 18:38. A colony of while people has just l)er- svtllml in Florida, on the ground deserted by Billy Bewlegs. The New Haven papers notice a her ring, caught in that vicinily,which weigh mg forty seven pounds. There is m b9 a Na'ional Exhibition of Horsfls. at Kalamazoo, Mich., on the fllh, l3lh and 14th ofOctober. The La Crosse and Milwaukee Rwil Road is open to the Mississippi. The fii st train went ‘hro‘ Monday week. A servant girl at Louisville. KY", was relieved of lock in" on the I3ll) ult., by the application of chloroform. The crop of raltlesnakes in Alleghany Co , Md.. is largv. Ten were killed on the farm of one man last week. At one of the public gardem in Cincin- nati, six thousand glasses of lager heer were sold on a recrnt Sunday. The “ [marl mania” has broken out on the \VhitpwaterA in Arkansas, some 135 mi‘es from Topeka, Kansas Jenny Lind. in a recent letter to an American friend, expresses an earnest do- sire to cross the area.“ once more. rI‘he capture of an American vessel call- Hl llw. Eliza Gibbs. will! all the para- phernulia of a slaver on board, is repelled. The penpip of Virginia are discussing the project of introducing steam on the lames river and Kahnana canal. The celebrated horse Amba‘smlnn that won the grpal Alabama flake of $28,000, in 1834-. was killed Iaielv by lightning. The Englkh papers say that Sir John Dsan Paul. the swindlinq banker. is now a hopeless lunatic in the Pentonville prison. Mi“ Nightingale’s health is surh !hat (he has again bPen obliged to resort to Vlalvern for the benPfit oflbe wn'er cure. The do’PpPst coal-pit in England. and wrhnps in the “'0th l-as been Opé'nPd lately at Dunkenfield, Cheshire. It is 2,- 059 leet deep. The Marquis of Qupenebury, a Scot fish noblpman ot the Douglas family. ar The members of the Minnesota Legis- hture indulge in the delightful pracllce or making during the business hours of the Legis'alure. Queen VictOIia has been required hv her physician to abstain from Evening (Mes, on accnunt of the interesting state of her health. cheme shot himsel’, when gunning, Aug. 5th. ConnPcticut papers announce this (10:11]) or (‘3Ivin VViHey. formprly a Senator in Congres: from that Slate,at the advanced axe A gentleman recenfly renewed his <ulr <crip|inn to the \Vmcpstpr 9va who ha: tzkan that paper for sixty seven years Sut- cessively. A gold fever has broken out on tlw Kannvlwc river, MaSne. wlwre it is 5a (‘1 Ilia! the prerinm metal has been discover- ed in small quantities. Swamp {ever has broken out among lmlh whihes and blacks in the Inwlands of the Mississippi,oecusioned by the reced- ing of the water. A school commiflee-man in Maine. in advertising for a srliool-masler, says none need apply who wear a shawl, or specta- cles, or walk with a cane. Frost has bern seen in parts of Ohio, and in the ‘- Snulhern TiPr” of this Slate, within a few days. In Hudson, Ohio, it was sharp enough to do some damage. In Massachusefits it was still more severe. The papers in Yates, Tompkins, Erie and other counties in this Slale‘ complain of the extensive ravages of g:asshoppers in the mmadmvs and cornfieldi. In some Instances they haw taken to [he lohacco, and serioust injured that crop. From statistics carefully collected in England, it appu-ars that in that country three hundred and fifty-seven intemprrate persons die for every one hundred and ten of lemperate habits. A wine company has iust been organ- zed in Alabama, with a capital of $25.- 000, all at which has been subscribed. It is called the “Mobile Wine Com- pany,” and has for its object the gruwth and production of native wine. The yellow fever prevailing at New Orleans is particularly fatal to the young. The Crescent says that the badges worn luv ahout every alternate pronessinn are white, indirating that the deceased per- son is a youth. The cemetery in one dic- trict is Olerflowetl. and [he c films are only ~ubmerged. A dreadful stench and mias- ma must arise from such a Golgouia. WHEAT continues ‘0 arrive in market at the rate of from 1200 to l5"0 bushels dailyâ€"the Ian-Ir amnunt haing ofi’ured ‘o-day. An ex- canent demand prevails. nt rates varying from 5: to 65 “(I per bushai for Ionds of suporiov quality. The average figure of the dav’s sales would probably be close on 65 the bushel,â€" Some loadfi of inferior qualin were ofi'aring in market. and found purchasers at 45 per bushel. For seed wheat. (is 10d was. we undersland. realised. but only in one instance. The qua]. ilv of the grain ofi'aring in. in general preuy quality. The average figure of the dav’s sales Thomhm' Sept. 6' 1858’ 654 would probably be close on 65 the busheI.-â€" ._~,__,___,k some bath of inferior qualin were ofi'aring in market. and found purchasers at 45 per bushel. N I‘ For seed wheat. (is 10d was. we undersland. realised. but only in one inetance. The qual. ilv of the grain ofl'ering il. in 29‘1"?“ prefly‘l (D.V-.) on Mr. Hanson's [.01. 71h Con. ' - h ers maybe added vMarkham. 1’0 commence. b\‘ preaching at 6 230d: 83d (5:2:an ' o‘clock, on [‘hursday the ISM; of this n'lonlh. nrmcipa y - . . The Chrminn public are earnestly and Infec- The Flour mark“ h“ b°°n nth" macuva' lionntely invned lo -' come over and help us," ‘ . ‘ I I . ' " ' be accommodated with lenla on d from the emall busmue domz. It Is Im l‘nends. can ‘ . V In’guible to fix quotation; We ehn|l therefor, applicamn m J. GARNLR, Vlctona Square. . - P.0. Water on the ground. and puturage m "at"? "h"' In)“ '1“le l {he vicinin for horses. VfIlERE will be CAMP MEETING held confine ourselves to good: and purchasers no.1! may be added,! principnily for export. The Hour market he: been rather inactive, and from the null] business doing. it is im- possible to fix quotations. We Ihe|l therefore confine ourselves to stating flint but Iiule change hes been experienced since yesterdey. Srnlln Win-r found I ready enle I15: e 5- ‘I .6d [30! bnlhel. and van in moderate wriply. ‘ of 8‘) TORONTO MARKETS. Wznnxson. Sam. 7. 18584 Ons met a brisk demand at. ls 104d 1328 2d per bushel. and very well supplied. POTATOES of vary good quality offered at ‘25 6d a 3.: 6d per bushel. FRESH Bun-v.3 wu not very plentiful. Some sales are notable at 10d at 15 Id per lb- Ecus sold at 7§d 3 Br‘ per dozen. Faunaâ€"In this market the supply is some what larger than of late, but prices have nol rocently varied to my extent. APPLrs are quuled at $3 per barrel. Ind. for the prefient season. are not. hv any means so plentiful as might have been anticipated. Bun.“ was in great demandâ€"mainly, we believe, for export, and lold at 33 u 3- 7d per bushel. plentiful as mighl have been anticipated. Pmns are scarcely to be met with u all market. Mum‘s are plentiful at 3: 9d per dozen. l’ums. though renmrknhly scarce. are in betler demand than ever, and now find 3 ready 3318 a! $3 h: 3‘ per buShel. PUMmes sold a 5d a 6d each. Bur meets a good demand at $5 pm- 100 lbs fnr prime. and $4 a $4.50 per lbs for info- rior qualities. SHEEP are plemy at 313 5‘1 :1 4 dols. each. Lune sell at 1 dul. 50c. 11 2 dols. oach ; and Calves at 4 dols. a 5 dols. each. Hn comes forward in about the upunl quan- tities. To-day. with a good demand. prices ranged lrom IU dols. to 16 dols. per ton. Snuw is very scarce at 7 deliâ€"Leader. I TC‘IIATOES are held at 35 a 53 per bushel. ConN. 6d per dozen. Fowr. did not ofi'ur in any large supply to- day. Some snipe and plover were on hand al Is 104d per brace; and a few ducks 3129 6d per pair. The Meat market boasts a remarkably good supply. In quantity and quality ix is go- nerally believed to be superior to last year's stock. On the morning of the 7th instant, at Rich- mond Hill, Mn. Jung LAWRENCE. ofn son, On the same day. Mrs. ‘VILLIAM Powau, of Richmond Hill. of: son fin Thllrsdayrme 2nd of September. byâ€"fhe Rev. J. Boyd. Mr. JOHN Amoss. ‘he Proprietor of the Pail Factory. Markham. to Miss SARAH AM BRADBURRY. both 01 the Township 0f Markham. E} On the 24th ultimojn Vaughan. nfier usevere and long illness. Mr. Taosus CLAPHAM, aged 48 years. 0n Sutuzday, the 4th of September. by the Rev. Mr. Durant, of Sloufl'villb. Mr. THos WILSON. of Reach Township. to Miss CATH- ARINE Dncun. of Whitehurch. On the Is: insl.. at Thornhill, Yonge Street. Mr. WILLIAM CLAPHAM, (father of the above Mr. Thomas Ciapham.) in his 83nd 3oar_ This true Spet‘illlcll of an English yoeman Ian Easington, in liulderness, Yorkshire. Engla 1d. for Canada about eighteen years ago. He has died much respected by numerous fliends both in England and Canada. Ai‘e the rexult nflxnpure blood. The blood b8- culnes llmzk udd clogged. The skin ie not able lu 0331 oil the impulilms so impullant to health. [low mme )oung man and women we see wnh ‘I-EH' (aces covered with pimplu and hlulches. \\ home ondeavoxing (o rumove them by the use of soap< and washes of various kinds. This is very dungerous and should naver he pracmod by pmsom dcsiruus of good health. Mothers who have cluldreu ufilicled will) sores and emplious should never dry {hem up by exlslnul npplicmions. for in [his way (hay will d ive in the lmmur- and produce ill health for the child during in whole hf- Iima. 'I‘ho-e is no mol‘uar 13111 like< to see her children ufli‘ct- no mol‘ler [Em hke< cd wnh fable tfiallh Mama's [Slum Roo’r PILLS are prepared explesh for [ho cure of orupuuus of the skin. such as I’Imploa. blulf'hefi. Sores. 69:. Then cleanse the blond M‘all impurities, prcducing a heaulllul, Clear and heahin 5km. so much ud- llllit’d by all people of lasle and refinement. L'FE P|HS and Hurnix Bitlera. These popular and va'uuble vegetable preparunuus may he sufer lukeu at any semen of the your. u About any d Inger {noun exposuxe. and \rhih {unsung on ma or land. They me a soverign remedy m all cases of fever. remiunul or in- lerxmllem. in all bowel compluiuls and olher internm m sea. Sold bylhu proprietor. W. Dr. Moran’s Indian Root Pills are soklhy all dealers in Mudiciues. FAI h 5 Agents. 3357Broadwuy. Nefi York. and (PHI? “COLONIS'I‘” HAS A 3mm flflnrrtimmmta. NM‘W THE “COLONIST.” PPOKNTED CONSTABLE at the A Asstzes fur the Counties of York, On- uuio and Simone. Residenceâ€"Corner ol' anhl and Yunge Streets. near A Wright. Best Advertising Medium in Canada. TERMS: DAILv.â€"â€"4d a line for first inserfion. und ld n lune for each subsequent insertion. Wu:xLY.â€"6d a line for first. insertion. and 2d a line for each subsequent imerlion N.B,â€"l’05tmaslers who send advertisemenlu on these larms. will have a commission of 15 per cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAILY " C )LONIS'I‘.” are six dollars I year, payable in advance. For the WEEKLY, lhe prica is a dollar and a half. also payable in advance. To Clubs Of'I‘EN. the \VEEKLY will be sup- plied at one dollar a year. 66-4 ITUATED on Yonge Street. near Finch's Taveru. It is a most desirable Slnud, and has ahvavs commanded a very profitable bug‘ness. There is a. Double House and Stable attached. and a capital Gnrden contain- ‘ing some excellent fruit trees The Tools tan bé had at valuationor at an nddnion to the ram. Apply to Mrs. DOUGHTY, on the pre- mises. FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A Blacksmith’s Shop, Twelve Thousand Richmond Hill. Sepl. 10. 13584 Septembcr l. 1858 PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES Special Notices. Lona fide ” cilcu'lation of J. B. DEEGIER, MARRIAGES. AND [3 TH IR ‘ ORE THY. BIRTHS DEATHS TO LET, .J- GARNER. Snpafintandenl 65-2 Ill 65-ly THE Sgbscribers take pleasure in informing the Farmers fliroughout this section of the Province, that they have increased their facilities for the manufacture of their PATTERSONIMPLEMENT 'WORKS. And "list xhat in future they will be able ‘0 supply \hose W110 may desire to procure one of these valuable IMPLEMEN'I‘S, which [01‘ CANADIAN FLOWS, LlCaHTNESS OF DRAFT 8!. GENERAL ECONOMY Ola superior pattern, and would invire all interested in the Breeding or Fattemng of 81001; to call and examine those Machines. â€"LL PARTIES whose accounts were due [a the Undersignm‘i before the Isl of January. “358. or notes taken for the same. are 'equeslod to call and settle them by the lst of October. without any funher nolice. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1858. ~ WP " ‘W‘l‘ ‘* “W M “:2: "mm mm "Mum "mu “aw "mm Wm WM nu llomainingin RICH MO ND HILL P03105106. SEPTEMBER [51. l8“. 3. Alkinuon. Jo “lake. Miss . Chan-bell”), lehohufl, . Chessman. l Chamberlin. Sarah Pearce, J G. 1“ Clark, Miss Melinda lLobinsun, VVilllJm Dibb. George Raymond, Robert Daniels. W Ku‘sel, \Vill sun Duvlm, Ilngll Rovaley William Degaar, J B. Reid. VVillinm Uancy John Roecp, Leonard Elslein. lienrv Stanton. Coorga Elli-u. Miss M. A. Schick, J. A. Freemasons 'l'lie VV.Sin|v|ienson. Jaseph M. [2] Snider, Jacob Goodwill. John Storm. Joseph Hughes. Mary Ann Siver, Ruben! Homer. Jacuh Simpson. James lmtford. William Simpson, William Homer. Jacuh Simpson. James lmtford. William Simpson, William Lawrence, C. E. Sedman, T. Langstafi'. Julm Sun. 'l'easdale. Thomas Langstafi'. John Jr. [QJVauderburglL l’enr Mullen. Michael Wllllum~, Jacob G. Maddie. Alex. “'illinmson. Miss Mary McChesuey. lsnan 1 EMAINING in ‘he ‘J‘HORNHILL. P.O Isl September 1858. Anderson. Miss E. Lon ghman. Margaret Be”, John Moljoy. Thaw. Heavy, John I‘Jun shaw. Wm Baldwin. Mary Ann[2]McD. mlald. ‘l'nlrick A: " ---v s n. r 4 (,mnerou. James 1). Crawfold. Mr. Collins. John Donaldson. James Fuggiu, John Flynn, Daniel Greenwood. John McClo skie. James McMm m. John McLean‘. F- A. McGna. Wm. McNaugh 1. J. McFarlan d. Mackel McCuncly, Mr. Collins. John Donaldson. James ["0 in, John Plygngn, Daniel Greenwuod. John Green, James Gnhne)‘. Robert Garrett. Robe“ “Mop. Haber! L. H. Miss Harper. 'l‘homas Hancock, Samuel llnnlhertson. 'l‘llomns Johnson. Daniel Knaggs. Gemge Kelly. Laurens Knath. Zechariah Kerr. James Lungslafl‘. John McLean‘. 1"- A. McGna. Wm. McNaugh 1. J. McFarlan d. Mackel McCuncly, Mr. Nicholson. Andrew Reid. George Robinson, Mrs- Roberts. Robert Stetson. D. 15. Snmh. John Shepardson. Thomas Smellia. D. Thompson. Mnry .Ann 'l'honnson Jamrs Tharp. & Tindlc' 'l‘omllnson. Janms Vehe. John “New. Francis Lumley. Mus; .flargarelWillinms. George Lauer. James Lexmore. Mrs. Richard Wxight. Miss Marga rot LEWIS MACDONALD, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, STUU FFVILLE. 65-3 EGS to rntnrn his thanks to the inhabitants of Sluufi‘villu and the {liends who have hitheno f-IVored him ‘vilh than cu ton). and would announce that he has commenced business again at hin oLl shop, JuHN YAKE" HuruL. and hopes. by steady ullendancc and moderate charges, to men! fl continuance of their supporl. Jowellry neatly repaired. All work warranted. (:1?- Priccs Vso Low that none need be without them V HE Subscriber offers for MIN! 0 'l‘horongh-hred DU B HA M IKULL‘ Richmnnd Hill, Augusl 25, 1858‘ three yoan old, breed by Mr. Harrison, Hall garlh. Leave”. Yorkshiw, England. and im' purmd by the proprietor in 1856. For l'urlhe particulars apply to :65 ROOT SLICERS! or address Butlonville. P. 0‘ August 1'2. 1853. ‘HE Subscriber offers for 5.1]? a 1 HOUSE AND LOT, shunned in the Village at Tliornhill, being part of Lot No 33. 1:! concession of Markham. The Lol measuies nno acre and twenty-raven porchex. full) cleared of slumps. The Building is one swrey and a-half high. and conlnins seven rooms ; attached xo which is an exceiiem we“ ol'wmcr. besides suit >b|e out-buildings. For particulars apply on the premises to DEMONSTRATION Thornhi”. Aug. 20. 1858. A New Division Room S'IOL‘FI-‘VILLE DIVISION. No.47. S 011‘ Grand Public Entertainment! on Wednesday, September 15th 1858‘ When Dr. BEATTIE. G. W. P. of Cobuur is expected to preside. g LEWIS MACDONALD, Stoufi'ville. Aug. 20. 1858. 63-11‘ Four eminent Speakers have kiudly tendered their smviues on this occaslon. It is expected that Mr. CA RSVVELL with his PANORAMA Will be in attendance. A” Tfimperanco 0r ' - ""' » gnulznllol , Publ'c flenemflynre most rospeclugulldn'd '“m to amend. y lnvned , A” Tamperanco Organizations the W I A M U_ E EA Public generally are most respectfully inviled to amend. DIILLVVRIGIIT’ The Procession will form at the Old Division ALTUL‘IAa Room. M TEN o‘clock mm. headed bv the VICTORIA URASS BAND, when as hm“- EGS (0 intlma-tc that he .is now pre- Sociuies as possible are requested to meet. I r pared to erect M‘ILLS of every Tables will be set in [lug new Building. and descriplion. by commot or ulherwvse, on TEA served av. I? o’clock noun. precuscly. reasonable terms. He is also lugenl for some TI ‘KETS. - _ ~ of the heel Foundrys in Canada. All contract L 25“an Chlldren 'm” Pneo' jobs warranted from three to m months. WALTER SCOTT. From 1hirleeu yanra’ experience he hopes to Secretarv. ' l satisfaction. 8 , . glVO gener- lwflfllkv “$27. 13“ 54-2 ‘ Au"... Arugu1120.1858. 63 6m A: the opening of [hair new Division Room HE above Order of \he Sons of Temper- ance will give a John McN.a ir. James is Margaret McKm.“On. _ n. Elia] Nov/hula. William H Jo>eph O'Urndy, M35 Bridget . Henry j’reulis. Jan. ’3 List. of Letters They are also constructing a large number 0! GRAND TEMPERANCE Repaired at short nolice and on reasonable terms 1’01! SuiLE .' NOTICE. EDWARD SANDERSON. F0 r Sale Le hers M. TEEFY . Posllnasler‘ 'Miss TIIOS. COOPER. pro RM AHD OPESIHO 0! Lot. 17. 4th (Jun. Malkham PETER VANHORN McNh ir. Janie: Fugue, ‘IVIlll‘un Between.) G. F- Robinsun, VViIHJI Raymond. Robe! Ru~seL \Vlll sun Ravele)‘ \Villialn Reid. William lit-ecp, Leonard Stanton. Coorga Nicholsm}. Andrew Reid. George Robinson, Mrs- Roberts. Robert Stetson. D. 15. Smith. John Shepardson. Thomas Smellia. D. Thompson. Mnry .Ann Have no equa‘s in the noumry 1’. CROSBY. l’ropriel or [‘2] 6‘2-1!‘ 10 euro And many other Diseases. Persons laboring- under either of the above mennomd Diseres. wil! do walI to call in tune, All lasers to be plid. and addrossed lo PROSPECTUS OF The Wmnan’sT-idvocaxe FOR 1858. Fourth Volumn. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY August 6. 1358. The object of ‘he Woman’s Advocate is the opening on! of new spheles afenupluyms-m for women who have so long suffered [he dunes: amndan; upou Um insulficienl. lemuneratiun, and a mo .'imiled number of occupations. The pyper endeavors to Cullecl all informa- fion that can b% importuzn to women. relative Lo cccupmions boner suited to them. and which will )‘iald a more Comfortable subsistence lhan the few unhealthy trades upon which they have been so far obliged lo depend for exnsv l‘m‘o. Can tors, Enlarged JVCCL The Advocate emfloys, in iho various dc- partmeuls unhe busiuus. many women. who are paid for thH' labor 7v: high prices us are paid 10 men [or the same amount of work. To the altar and proprieLor the Past llnee years In which she has been engag “.d in lbw work. have bean years of anxietv axkn.‘ toil; lul mu enter-prize has been carried on wh'l lhe ’10!” 0f dumg grand to others. and finally pushing the busmess m a successful point. when it may 15" munerale all concerned. With [his hope she enters the field for anolher year. trusting to the many assurances of friends Du all parts of the counluy, for and and cn-operaliox]. 7 TERMS or sunscmp'nun: A. E. M’COWELL. Em‘rou. L. J. I’IERSON, CuRnE>PoNDING EDITOR. (6 ch: remm rec1iuu For One Cépy. (:1); For Five! Copies. . . For Teu'CopiLs. . .‘ TO rosnusuzua. Poslmmtcrs Ihruug out the conntrv quested to act as ageuw. and deduct, fl commission I ’ OLD Jndmn doctor who has made his fortune and relired from business. \\ ill spend the remainder of his days in curing that dreadful diseaseâ€"Cossumm‘mxâ€"~an: or CH tam-z: his earnest (loan-e being m communi- gale lo the world hls remedirs mat lune proved succgv§5rlll in more lhan 3,000 cases. He re- qLIJ’flS each BPPIH‘OHL to send him a minute de- scr man of the umpmms. will] xwo Smmns l MPLOYMENT FOR 'I. ADM-ZS. Any lady of good address. and energetic habits, can make from live 10 lwamy dailars a week, by canvassing for snhscxibers for [he Advvcme. We want >uch agrnls in ever) (uwmhlp and city in the United Slams and the Canndas. 1' any one wishes [0 enter upon a lucranve employnent. and will send a recon] - meudalion for honesty and abilixy. thay w,“ have credenliuls forwarded to them to act as agenis- rec1iuu< for preparing the'mediclne. 'l'lw .0111 Ductar hopes that those nfllicted will not. on I. ccounl ofdelicacv. refrain l‘mm cou- sullng In In became he makes Na C/mrgc. His s olu obj“ t in advmlising is 10 [In all the gonrl he can. hofw'e he dies. He Feels lhal heis jn F l_\- culebrme. l for cule ol'Consumplion, Asllnm, Blonclmis. ,Nel'vous Alfeclions. Coughs, Colds, «“C. PAI'I‘ERSON 8.: BROTHER I‘o AME on the Subscriber's premises, 1 on 'l‘lnursdny. the 19lh inslnnt. A BRO\VN HORSE. aged about 4 Years. The owner may take the same by ploving properly and paying expanses. Juiy 23. 1858 For Sale, A HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the Village of Richmond Hill Tums EASY. For parliculars apply to W. HARRISON. Saddier. Richmond "in. July 23. 1859. 59-“ leaf nl'which i1 2h": 1g whiting book is ,desigl Manon}. any s( and upwards. u space of lime. or Phonetic Sh‘ dnilv p‘uclice i: child or ul'din: more words pe sulficiem lo ‘ speeches, “land P I! 0 JVOG I? mi 1’ II 1“ ulr Phonetic Shun-hand. nud n {ow month's o] dnih‘ p'uclice is nll that. is rvquired I0 enable a child of' ordinary inlulhgenca to wrlle 100 or more words per minute ! This rate of speed is sufficient lo take down ordinary sermons, spbwhes, and t-onversmion as fast as npokeu The 0 Manual ol Phonography.” 75 cents. and (he ” Phonograpic Copy-hook." ‘25 cams, are sent to any address. by mail. post-paid. on raceipl of the price. ONE DOLLAR. Address. post-mid. WILLIAM H. ORR. OSHAWA. C. W.. From whom all English or American Pho grams Works mm' b mracured. » ‘ \I'I‘MAN’S SNJDEIR. of the 7lh concession of Vaughan, near Kliueburgh, guarramees the Sick and Dying uu oflhé ~~ympmms. with xwo Slump: ) to pay 1]) e return letter. in which he w» them his ,adrice rrtscfi‘ipllun, with d Address, ANNA E. M’DOWELI. WRITING BY SOUND! Address. DUCT. UNCAS BR ANT. Uz TR mmug out me country are re~ a agents, and deduct, the mun! SAMUEL DONER, Lm 35, Con. 3m], Markham 59-lf Box 353]. P, 0.. New York rmuul of PI xoul HM 5m; “:1 IR SNIDPLR AYE!) E11 itur u‘nd Praprictbr kf’hiladelphia. Pu. Kliuebungh prices as are ofwork. To 1 lhxeo )‘sars in mm work. toil; lul mu '1 [he hape of ograplxy is n . evvrv other (54-1f 61-lf s? no 63 6m I .Yongo Strum. Aug. 7. 1853 CHRISTIAN WURSTER, SA‘D D FE 85 HA'KNES'S M A‘KEH, \' OUl.D inform the inhabitants of MAPer VILLAGE and surrounding ch'mlry. lhBI be has oponer‘ a Shop' in the above Ii: 3. where ho will. by slricl alleuuon to all orders. endeavor to merit a xluu-e-of llxeir support. Repairing neatly-and axpediciously alleuded lo. a? An VmG Warmuéd.‘ Maple Village. Avg. ‘10. [858. 111;} Subscribers have always on hand. a large and general smck of ‘he best British and Provincial manufactured \Vrilillg. ( olorvd‘ Bum-u, and W rapping Papers, “’ax, “Hahn, Slme“. Ink. Smel l’eus. Envelope». \‘Vaferi, Slate“. Ink. Steel 1’63". Euvelopex. Metallic Memorandum Books. Twines. Copy Books. School Books and General Slflllullel’}'. &.c. 6'ch The fanflities which the subucribers have (or manufacturing. having two of Llw largest Paper Mills In Canada. they me prepared to Imlnnfacluro all kindsvol' paper to order. DUSTIN. 13110. 5; Co.. r ‘HE SUBSCRlBER begs to inform the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE, INKS. and all other description of materials. has been ven Iargeh' increased this Season. bv arrivals fmm NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL : and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Ofi‘wes in I Has! qualuy Per “P. . addition nom-e. WHOLESALE- upor & Stationery Warehouse. To Medical Practitioners The Scottish American Journal ! _ sell lo a Medical Man of slandng and exparzauee. House and Premises. both plea- sant and convenient, can behad on reasonable lanns. Apply, if by letter post paid.Lo the Editor of the 'l'riIaLne. Richmond Hill. June 15Ih. 1857. 2.2-wy. ONSIDERING the manipi.‘:ity of news- papers in Amenca. it. has lo Inh.“_V bw“ 3' matter of surprise than the numerous. mdy 0‘ :‘couish residents should have bean so long un ' repmsemed 'J a supply this desidoralum, Nu. 1, of the SCOTTISH .AMERICAN Janus“. wa> publi~hed on Samrday. August 8, 1557. and i: “uw cununued weekly. The primary object of the JOURNAL is to {ur- nish i‘s leaders regulal 1y with the news of their native country. It presents a weekly re- Cord u! all eveuls of interest (meaning in Scut- laud. and its subscribers are in (his way as full) imo med of whalis transpiriug at hmna as II (hey were in regular receipt of an oid-uounlr) uenspupcr. Scouisl; questions Will be discussed wuh llllbulgellcu andlhnparnalu) in {he edutor- in] columns, and the sentiments ofth leudmu‘ parties on these subjecm WI” be fairly rcpre- scnled and commm-nud upon. D W E-L L1 1 Driving-hou: Land. in the Vilia; ble for a Store or '1 Fur terms app] I" Tribune office. Ric] A prfl 2‘2. 1955. nl (MIDI- SCOTTISH LITERATUKE AND ART 5 January 6. 1858. In Lhe literary and miscellaneous department of the paper. while merit and talent “151 be ap- precia.ed from whatever country they emanmo. the Scottish element will preponderale. ’J‘ales. sketches. and poetry, illusn'auve ol‘ the Scouish characler. and‘ ofa uaLure mud to call forth the sympathleuxo: Scotchmcn mm at home and ahxmd. will occupy a conspicuous place. In this deparunent. the co-olneration of various dlslillglllshed authors, posses-sing unrivalled tucllinrs for 1116 task. has been secured‘ In politics, the JOURNAL will occupy .a thoroughly independent position. alike free nom putty bias and national piojudice. In or- der to it tern-st its readers whenever ailuated, il will take a broad View of topics of “I18 class. hoiding those ol'a merely local nature, except in so far as they may p:eseul points of import- ance to the genera] pnblic Questions involv- ing the interests of JSrilish residents in the United States and in the British l'rovmces. will be specially comideied. and it is believed that the inl'orumtion and news of the JUURNAL on this iuipo taut class - l'snlajects will be well as shall cuinmand attention. JOHN MURPHY. House Decorator, Painter, ;APER IIAEGER. GLXZIER 'l‘he SCOTTISH Aumucm JOURNAL. will in every respect he conducted in an efficient and busu.ess like mumer. with every requlsiu: guarantee forits permanence. Thepl'upnelul‘a. who we responsible pnrtie . resident in New York and elsewhere. therefore, look will! con- fiucnce for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all pans of America. and they will be glad tu communicate with respemable par- 6141 Type takm in exchange fur man. I. D. K. FEEHAN Interests of Scotchmen in America. lleS at. a distance who may be disnomd to ‘00- operate with them for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A publication estab‘ished with these objects must of course look for support mainly t‘iom those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles; but as the tread basis of this journal neces>i tales. in addition. the treatment of all import- ant questions ntt'acting American interests, and air its literature will be cosmopolitan, it is hoped that even to the general readerits columns Will not appear unanteltmning or profitlbss. Toronto, June 18th, 1857 ‘ol‘oome st .‘h‘oromo. Jan. 9, 18 57 DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. Ono Copyforone Your $2 50 Five (7op1es................ .. 91H! Twelve Copies........... .. 1000 Twemy-fivo Copies......... .. 4U 00 To parties gelling up a club 01f twenty-five a copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail. United Slams postaga paid. for $3. or 135. slening. per amulm. For Sale or to THREE MILE! NO! I 0! TORONTO. 0.‘ VONGL'ST‘ T0 PRIW'TE GLOUCESTER HOTEL HE above Hold I! fitted up in non and cum ‘ortnble style. Tmmicnl visitors and others WI“ find lhevaccommodatians 10 ha mm 0! the first class. while the charges mu be ex- Iromely low. N0 49, King Street, GOOD OPPORTUNITY now ofl‘ars it l1? Office. No. 99. Beekmnn Street. N.Y [[7 ‘Good‘ Slabling and an attentive Hostler THOMAS COATES, Propriotor. to those in upermion. at the shortos 4 Doors West of Buy Street. ANDTO TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, D W E-L L XNG-HOUSE, Store-house Driving-house and about an Acre of . in the Viliage of Victoria Square, suitaâ€" r a Store or 'l‘avern. ’ terms apply to W'. degoon, Esq., we ofiice. Richmond Hill. DEVOI'ED TO THE PAYARLFZ IN ADVANCE THE ur‘ummrlox or £10., (SLO. Y ouge street, Toronto 3.2-wy 63-6") Rent, 146 RICHMONDHILL m?PREMIUM$fi SADDLE g- HA R NES S ESTABLISHMENT. Two Door South rgf the TRIBUNE Ofiicr. l- volume, as mime subsc . WI” send grnlmimusly. H \ rem volume. how that if and one nruslh ymviou 1 lhree. or {our numbers, fa to nll who :uhcrzbe befu 'I‘zRus.:-â€""‘2 u year, clubs of four and upwarl GQ-Iy LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, N0. 644, cultural Show. Two \‘eurs'm succession wls confident that he can give entire sal‘mfm I all branches of his busiuoss. ’rcmium Harness Jlfan Igfuctu )ESPECTFULI.Y announces (o the 1’ \, generallehm he having lnkan the l" I R It [Z E fo-r Haruess M the Yonge SHOE! ‘\ EETS at WM. DUROSE’S HOTEL L 7 thoria Square, the last. Friday even ing in each month. icloria Square, May 7I 1858 OYAL. ORANGE LODGE. No. 7 meets at Brother Robert Wisamm Masonic H.111. the second Saturday evening each month. On-‘xcms ELECTâ€"Colo“! D. Bridng Master , J B. DeeGiar, Deputy Master; Jr Mnnholland. Secretary ; W. Pogue, Treasu' (39AM Work Warranted._â€".Q 1 he Subscriber begs to inform the habitants of Richmond Hill and rounding country. that he has commaY businessin House Painting, Glazing, Pt IInging, Graining. (5%, (st. contain; 765‘ Wilh new (313' week of each each. done 111 To 11‘] who and worluna Lice, to mun 0f? LOOK AT THIS! PAINTING. He hopes (h: trusted to hit .._ r , Ihe rest may he as wise, and possess \homsolve) uf what we are houndâ€"at any cost to om‘solvns â€"lo make ino- Loadmg lndustriaiJomnalul‘ [ha limesâ€"the host for the Farmer, the Mechanic. and the Fumin (‘ircieâ€"we make the fol!owing unprecedemed liberal ofl'el' 'â€" Our Elevamh Volume will commence with jaguar}; lSflâ€"will run to January. lawâ€"and comm}; 76H lalge oclava pages on fine pap”. Wm. new wk“. II will he issued Within the liwt week of each mgmh. in numbers of '64 pages each. done up in (he has! magazine Stilt To 11‘} who “in forward me money (or (‘uiw volume. as >inlrle subscribers or in clubs. we wull send grnlul'musly. the numbers of the cu!» rem volume. lmm 1119 time of their forward‘ng. and one UNUUI plavious. thus giving in No. 1lu-ee. or {our "mixers, according to lh e limv, to all wlm >ul~~ :lrc before January. 'I‘ERmszâ€"â€"$Q .1 year, in advance ; $1 50 to clubs of four and upwards: $l for s x months AdVeIlising. kn routs a line. For giving puh- licityloimluoved~1nck.ag1'iculmru'implemanln. mechanical improvements, and ilka matters oi uaneral interml. \‘nere is no other medium to all who :uh 'I‘zRus.:-â€". clubs of four 4 Advertising. l( licily lo imprm‘ mechanical in \Villiam H. Myers, good at the p Liberal le agents for 3‘ A lnrge stock ofHarness. 81c. always 111. and made to order at. the lowest p055] mum-Ming prices. {ichmond Hi". Oct 15. 1857. 213 LAV‘I) .096!) IVdTER .MILL NEAR RICHMOND HILL. ance. mm as wall Hi including 'l'lirco 2‘04 Gardens. and alum if required by [he are at present [ism mam and File Fae“ All the above u rms for Cash ur wulhy the allemim iner. January ‘21, 1858. Seywmbcr 10 185 [<ING STREET, Toronto. 2nd door east of Church Street. opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATKIN‘ON. 61. (30., Law of King streak West. now offer at their new eslablishlncnl. Genuine English, Drugs, Patent APOTHECARIES’ HALL Genuine English Drugs, Patent Jlledicinex, French and English Pétfumcry, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- Woods, Combs Brushes &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se‘ cure custom. New Yul-k. Odors ceipls, Hm of [he very cipul Euin beg to call Soda Waler boulnd and fro Calherines Mineral Wnler, Waler. celebrated for lheir LMOST I’LOLW For particulars apifly lo April 92.18584 Al‘ GJ‘xlfiu‘burY Also. the Vin M 100 ALEE‘EE. (s: out-build HIS FARR! \vhh a [lens Richmond Victoria, Atkinson‘s P ,moxu! Hi“. i arch 11, 85B. [Ij' Terms Easy PH 1‘ JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAMES FANAGHAN. Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN’. Secret“! JOHN GAWLEY. Treasurer. January 14. 185' PRIVA ACRES OF LAND. Eu! half OFFICE-RS ELECT ONE ACBF EVERYBODY is ordering H. LOUM and ANVIL. ' FOR SALE! by strict attention to HI orde which will be executed in a ke manner. on llie shu shara‘of public patronu firm Thorn J. A. NASH. M. 1’. PARISH. 7 Beekman Siren ar ‘22. £857. FE SALEM gRICHD. VAILE H‘ Du. DUNCUMB‘ arisian Imired Pa‘ (qwerty will be sold 0) us} Yearly Payments. and i‘ of the Mechanic bud Far LISII 3;. Apply to JOHN PALMER. Richmond Hill mus dispomd to :1 Let us hear from 1‘: the Test cripuons. ram”) Ie Medecines. 6w du'ecl from the OF‘ LAND. situated in ill. with good House and J‘ Conceasmn. N Richmond Hi'l. zl4-tf W. '1‘ A. & Co. Celebmlud Prepa- crnsié‘rable ex :3 in various pm-t non in saying. We ufaclured Arlit‘le Medicine: use fix me ‘l [he founmin: St. NOSEGAY nd the Plum: healthy prop Tooth Paste‘ 218-1) 48-1V 133 ms pry) ‘euet

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