Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Ridings' Gazette, 17 Sep 1858, p. 3

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The U.S.Gomemment havingnhnndon- ed the attempt to improve Hod rim-r, two boats with the tackle which cost $30,000, have been sold for $2 +6.3. In the cheapest lodging house: at N. Y there are no beds in the npm'l’lllt‘llb. hul the Occupants lay upon the floor in “unit: marked out by chalk. John W’- White, a member nfthe Tenn. Legislature. baa been arm-stun for forging papers to secure lnnd warrants from we U. S. Government. In order to give greater “eclat ” to the opening of the Provincial Exhibition in the latter part of this month, the Fire Bligade 0i Toronto will have a grand demonstra- tion. It is expected that a large numb“. of Firemen tram various seciim‘s or the Province will take part in the proceedings which will consist of aprocesswn in (he forenoon and n torch-light parade in the evening. For the purlmae ot receiving and entertaining their brotherfiremrn from other places, the committee at management will wait upon the citizens for subscription». The call will. no doubt, be responded to in a liberal spirit. The Firemen (lefierre e ably seconded in their ondenmrs tn l‘ a Suitable denmnatrutivn. “lit” the i"Hmriant sr’l'Vlt‘r‘s which they lltll't endured in saving life and propertv on several l't‘cent cecaiions, are taken into The Mayor of Prnvitlcncc. R. I. has refused to liuuuse auv more cix'cuscsin consequence of a murder committed in the last; 'l'l.e N. O. Picayune helices a hunt. r of allgators. wlm has cupluccd 400 m the swamp, near that city, since May. "Aslmrt time mwe, Samuel Owner. Mr. Cyrus \V. Field liu\(C1'-)<§cll line AllamicVuventv-pLe liulcs II) the M‘I'Vicu 0| lhe Allunlu: 'I‘elegmpll Comm”): Kndem several account The boat [he past suamnvr in Spain, has been execssn‘e. Alum»! every day the mrrcury has been 100 in the shade. A German alarved In de-ltll llw 0 day ln Detriot He was nut of mud; prel‘crwd to die rather tlun beg. In Milwaukee ml)" “Visq We - pr'oplu are taxed at (he run: of $2 37 {or ever} man, woman and child for city purposes akme. 'Eourteen days from Lnuisvilln to “’ashinglnn was the quickest limr- in 1824:. 'I‘hirlyâ€"six hours is [he uhno>l re~ quir-cd in 1858. A m as of copper weighing 4-300 pounuls wusmkvu from the Fudge mine, Bliulliéun, a (cw days ago. Jim Chicago Press states that there are I e men awaiting tl‘xul‘ibrfumrdcr, in Nu jull of that city. Mrs. Daniel Mitchel, ( finds llmt dlit'd peach Icuvc goatl )‘caat for bread as do An effort is mukin; m Arkmum [0 in- duce the Legisiu'uze to cmnyrl lllc ulmlr colored populnllou to law lln: NMe. The expvriumul ()fgl'0\\'i||g tobacco In Minmsota Ila‘ pron‘d successfulau beau crop being aulicipahrd llus nur. A man in New Orleans, who went thm‘e cm? W spring, finding that 1.5 last d01- lar had bet-n spent in a useless search for empioyment, commenced in [he Inner purl of May to hunt alligamrs and up to the la‘ accounm he had killed four hundred of 11:58. realising from the sale of their m'l. teeth. and hides, $560, besides paying hi‘ expenses. He hums them at nightY can,“ ing a pan of fire, which attractfihpm dog? up to him when [hey are and, shah Flint. of‘Concm-Il. Mu» _- v swallow [hat was pun-1y while There arrin-d at the port of Boston durng the month ol‘Augml 71.970 llllls 01 coal, meal of II. from Philadelphxa. A new route for an Atlantic Cnhle 11.x been airemly pninled out. It is lhmuah the Bermudas and Fuyul In l’nrlugal. A letter from Old Lliver Lake, Arkan- sas, say the hogs are dying off by lnuu. (Ireds of (he choIera. A Woman. sm‘vn feet the American Hotel, 'J1un~,~duy neck. A vessel of 800 runs burden is bring built at Green Bay, Wish, lo go direct to Livaool with lumber. agml IOI yours on in a fit-Id ul In some parts of Alabama and GeOrgia the red rusl. is seriously injuring (he col- ton crop. T! has been financial (wistsâ€"m Shangnae. The new lea crop is of a very inferior quality. Companies are being organized in Misâ€" souri, to proceed to Frazer river \‘Ia Um plains. On Genesee Fats is a field of 300 acres of broomcom. Enough to “ sweep the blate !” Crops for 1858 throughout Europe wil' fall little ifany short of the usual average. The British East India Company ceasml to exist a,» a cerporauon on \VenL nesday Week. The telegraph celebration on VVednes- day week was a great uvenlin New York 93% Martin Kotz, rpported dead, is still liv- ing in Medetra county,'l‘exas, and is Well 06'. A paper in Minnesota says the retml price of a Minnesota Legislator is $500. COWS are dying in Cleveland, Ohio, in great numbers, from (be black tongue. Gloucester Co., Va'., on, the 9m ull Mazzini has issued anolhcr characteris- tic Inoclumnlion to his tollowers. The Calt!e disease is spreading very rapidly throughout South Carolina. last wevk, fromâ€"violeucm The celebratvd Humboldt has predict ed that he will die in 1859. Two hundred barrels ofapples a day are now shipped at Allon, I”. The Navajo Indians in New Mexico are troublesome. Crops fine. A Telegraph from London to India has Keen commenced. There wow 15 deaths in New York Afew days sinCP, Mr. Charles \\’ The N. 0 whale was captured in North Zfétmfi Btemfi. mute, WPIII l0 l5dez1lhs in New York JCilllllll [hey are e;;g',‘;‘,;;; m , .shul, 11 [Min in height, was ludiuuopolis, lome. Ga.. “'1” nuke a: p5 Izmd otlw erL'I' bu at Home I went. feeling very much as a criminal must when the jury Is having in their hands his destinyâ€"- life or death. [couldn't make up my mind how she would meet me, but some kind of a storm lexpectcd. Will you believe it? she never greeted me with a sweeter smile. never had u better dinner for me than on that dav ; but there stood the churn just where I left it! Not a word was passed. I fell con- fomtdcdly cut. and every mouthful of that dinner seemed as if it would choke me. S c didn't pay any re- gard to it, however, but went on as if nothing had happened. Before dinner was over, 1 had again resolv- ed, and, mohng l'm'li my (-ltair. marched up to the churn, and wen at it in me old \Vav. Splash, drip. rattle, Splash. drip, rattleâ€"l kcttl it up. As ifin spite. the butter never was so long coming up, I suppnst-d the cream standing so long had got warm. so I t'cdonblcd my efforts. Ohstinatc matterâ€"the afternoon wure awnv while 1 was churning Obstinntc mutterâ€"the afternoon were away while I was churning [Paused at last from real exhausâ€" tion, when she spoke for the first lime. ‘ Come, Tom. dca'l 3”” have rattled that buttermilk quite long enough. it. it is only for fun you are doing it. I knew how it was in a flush. She had brought the hut- tcr in the l'oi'cimon. :ind left the churn standing with the hu'tcrinilli in for me lo cxervisc with. 1 nuvvr set up fur mysdt in household mul- ters, after that. quiet. but determined as ever grew. Just after we married. and all was gning nine and cozy. Site got me ’in the habit «if doing all the churning. Site nevrr asked me to (in it. you know. hut then sheâ€"why it was just in this wav, she finished hrenk~ fast before nu: one morning. and slipping away from the tubli,-._ she filled the churn with cream. and sci it just where i couldn‘t help St’t‘itifl what was wanted. 50 I took hold. regulnrly enough. and churned III] the butter (fillllt.â€"Sl10 didn‘t thank me, but imilled so nice and SVtevl that i fell well paid. Well, when the next t'hurning day came around she did the Stunt: thing. and l fallen- ed suit and fetched the butter. Again. it was dune just, so and l was in i‘nt‘ it every time. Not a ward was said, you itiinw,nfi‘nttt'5i_~. Well, by and by this Immune In me very it‘ltsnme. i wanted he: Ir) ask me, but slienet'cr did. :nnl i couldn’t say anything almut it ; m (in we went. At last I made a re- snlve that l wiruld not churn titl- oihcr day unless she asked me. (liturning day came ; and when my Uhurmng day came ; and when my breakfast-she always got nive ln‘ezlkll'lslsâ€"was swullo ed, thorn stood the rhurn. I gm up. and sunnling a few mvnntcs. just In gnu- her a ulmnm. put on m_\' lull and walked out dnm‘s. I stopped in the yard to give her :1 chance to cull me. but not .1 word said she; and so with n pulpilating lleurl. [mow-(l on. Iwem down lawn. up 1mm, and all over the town. and my font was as restless as Noah's dove. I fell as if] had done a wmng: I didn’t exaclly fuel lluw, I’m {here was an indescribable sensation all guilt rusting upon me all llue l'nrc- noon. lt Sucmod as ll'dinner time would never come, and as fur going home one minnle before dinner 1 would as soon cut off my cars. So I went fretting, and moping around town till dinner time came. NR‘VMARKET Sean FAIRâ€"The first fair fortiie sale and interchange of fall seed whent,in connection with the North York Electoral District Agricultural Society, [Ooh plm‘r‘ in Newmnrkct. on Saturday, the 28th of August. The Weather proving un- favourable, being cold and wet. mili- tated very much against the sur‘cess at" the exhibition. However. the samples shown were considered by competvnt judges to be of the first qualityâ€"much better than anticipa- tedâ€"and changed liatrds at from 55 9d to 65 per bushel. at private sale. \Ve are sorry so few entries were made. there being but seven compe- titors‘ aLLhe success Illâ€"these exhilri» tinns depends very much rm the gen- erous rivalry excited. The Judges were. Messrs. Jnhn \Vnslr, J. VVay- ing. and Joshua. Bogart, and thev awarded the follnwing premiums :â€"-~ \V. Mullnv. Exist Gwillimbury. lst prize. $12 : Amos Dunno. King, 2nd, 38', R. Powell. East Gwillim- bury, 3rd, $5. The Judges stated that there were other samples c‘thi- hited, whit-h, for milling purposes, were preferable to SOIHU of the prize samples; hut not so good for seed wheat.â€"J\’cw Era. Two large barns, owned by Mr. Joseph Walton, farmer, Kennedv Road, Township of Scarboro’, were ‘destroyed by fire on Sunday night last. Mr. Walton’s loss Is very con- siderublc. it is said, 82,000. He had just got in his wheat. and had been threshing it the previous day. The ‘fire broke out about half-past ll o’clrwk. One of his neighbours oh- surving the flames. alarmed Mr. Walton and his family. Ever thing that was then possible umlz‘r tho ch. cumstances. was done to check the progress of the fire; hut all that could be aI-<-ompleslied was the sav- ing nfthe horses and cattle A valu. able threshing machine, and the usual agricultural inmlomcnts used by a respectable farmer. were de- stroyed ; also. nearly the entire pro- duce of his land. The dwelling be- ing situated at some distance from the barns, was uninjured. The work of destruction is attributed to an incendiary, as no light had been used in the barns either on that or theprcccdingday. Much sympathv is felt in the neighbourhood for Mi. Walton’s loss. He is unfortunatelv for himself. uninsured.â€"â€"Globe. ' A HUSBA NI)’S CONFE‘SION WM Life PM: and Phuanix Bitters. Diseme in tits umyienlalale is ea>ily "Innkgtdwuhcul Ie aid or the farulq. ll hehoves the wise man to watch and now down llle first iudic'v non of. n_\' change in his syslvm He should then resort to me Mufi'm modivinrs. and meme. the enemy at (I e outpos ~and before the citadel Are the result ofilnpure blood. The blood be. comes thick add clogged‘ The skin 'Is‘ not able to cast ofi' the impm-ities so important to health. How many young men and women we see with l..eir faces covered with pimples and blozches, who we endeuvming to ramove them by the use 01‘ soaps and \vnshes ofvnrious kinds. This is very dangerous and $hould never he warmed by pnrsons desirous of good haallh, Mothers who have children afllicwd wilh sores and elnlnions should never dry :hem up by exmuml applicmious, (m- in \his way they will dxive in [he humurs and produmâ€" ill health for the chxid during iis‘ whole hflume. Thane is no mother that like» to see her children aflilul- the child durng its whole llfrume. Theme is no mother that likes to see her children afllml- ed wuh feeble lleallh. Monsz’s hmu R001- l'n.Ls are prepared expmsxl)‘ for the cure of uruplions of mo 5km. blll'll as l’imples. Blun-hes. Sores. \YcA 'l‘hey Cleanse Ihe blood of all impurities. prcducing a hsamilul, clrar and henlIh. skll). so much ad- Imred by all vanple of msle and refinement. Dr. Morsa’s Indian Root liills are sold by all dealers in )ledicmes. BEEF is plenty. at $5 pow puma; $4. for second rule; Inferior. 0n the 61h inslnnt, by the Rev. J. Durrnnd. Mr. David Dafoe. to Miss Susannah O‘Neil, both of Markham. non of .‘nychunge in Ills sysxvm He should then resort 10 ms Mofi‘m medivinrs. and bafille. the enemy :1 ll 9 Oulposls and before the citadel \‘uulll lw auncked. For all billions. nervous Ill‘m-Lium ol'llle kulnexs and heart. the Lil'v PMs and Blue-s are unrivalled and mo~z effica- vmus. mm by ‘he propr’mmr. W. B, Mun." at hisoffiua. 355 Broadway. New York. and his Agents. APPLES Larrcl. (I vz On Thursday. the 2nd day of September. by the Rev. James Dick. Mr. John Amos, propri- alor of ma Pail Factory, Markham, lo Mia: Sarah Ann Bradburn, both of the Township of Markham. uhe week. MIXIers image that the ram“ Iol' wheat have been! 10') luau to enablr lhrm [0 convert it Inlo flour, except at a s entice. To this fact, it Is said, Huâ€" scarrny of flour in now mainly owing \lry hle one“, and lil lllu uhwnce uI any nunsncmms 01 momeul. we mth eun- line ourselves to ginng mere nonuqu quo~ luhuus. Superfine $3 per brl', Vane) $5 250‘ and Extra $3 50c. a $3 7.3c , am! smmrlnnva r-wnc WHEAT sell> at 55. a 55. 3d WATER-MELUNS sen, by wholesale at 1.") u nls. l’LLMS a v scarce and .wll at $4 in $4 115 [u'r lmslwl I'm daumuns ; grven gage: $14 im‘ bushel. ISABELLA GRAPES. from Lewision. MUCH-d at 25 cvnlx lxer lb. 'l'uMATOES 3~. 9d. a 55 per bmllel. Pvnchus arc coming f0r\\ard hhvraHy. plim-ipally [rum New Jersey. They sold a! $3 a $3 50¢: per 11:14am BUTTER (h'L’slI) was very scarce to day and was held at ls. a 1». 3d. per lb. Tub-buller 10¢ a lilac per ll). JLGGs were l-luuly at 7d. a 9d. per POULTRY THIEVES.â€"The quantity of poultry kept and produced in this city is immense. It has been remarked that no other city of its siza can compete with Toronto in this respect Pr ibuny this that alone pauses a number of persons to try their hands at pill‘ering ; for the temp- union is great and powerful as geese and lurlu-ys. ducks and chickch are to be seen at every corner. At the Police Courl yeslci‘day. John Foley was brought up charged With stealing poultry from our wonthy City Clerk. Mr. Charles Daly. Uh being brought to the bar, the prisoner, who had et'ldently practiced the lrlck. a<- sl'llwd an agueish condition and shook most violently. His shite being so re- tnurkable‘ it was l‘onsillel‘ed proper to re- umntl him for a few days. [’tevious to this, hownrver, it was propusetl by some one near that a restnrutiw in the shape 0| a glass ol~ whiskey should be adininistu-retl. At. this remark the prisoner brightened up, and it being then seen that his “ uglâ€" tzttion” was merely a ruse to excite com- passion, he was reniored.â€"Calwusz. It: is settled that the charges oftln- At- lantic Telegraph are to he one dollar a word. including signature and address. 'l‘htoughout the Wer 5 good btmness has been done in all descriptions of lawn produce. An actiVe demand has prvmil- ed. and th? current rules have been temu wralive to holders. while purchasem cun- not complain 0‘ exorbitant prices. The glam, {run and vegetahles Oll‘ering haw. been of excellent qualtty. Of gram and vegetables, Indeed, the least that. can he find is that the quality has been hithertu, cqual, it not superior. to that of last year. the Potatoes daily brought. into the mur- kel are exeellent, and entirely flee from any appearance ol‘the rot. 1n the article of meat. thete has, too, been an ample supply, for which we have been solely in- debted to Canadian lalmrrs. During the past week aflnsiderable Mien ot' llw cattle oflered fur sale ht-re was bought lot .\10nl|'eu| market, to be transported thith- er by the Grand Trunk. YEARS are scarcu. Early Fans 21 e ow on! of (LIH‘; while lhc Full l’eur i~ 0! ye! suflicimzly ripe for mazkd. ( RAB»APPLES were held :ll 3» 9d per Hm: 1th coming lbrwmd, but mil: 3:. 3d. per bush K’U'I'A rnEs wen- \'ely plentiful tu-le ‘d of very good quuhl) ; {he :eHi SHEEP 50 a $+ each 83 wch ‘II1 )ATS are bu‘h 3 wch is, u 25. L’LL ‘k'r hush. UMPKINS sold at 4d. a 6d. each EETs 4-1141 10d pcr doz. EGETABLE AlARkuw Is. a 2 AhLEY I! In ml) l’lMPLES AN D BLOTCHES TORONTO M A R K 1916‘ Special Notices THURSDAY, Sept. 16 1858 MARRIED. From the Leader Ill :1! my H J inuctivv through-u: ailege that the ralw 10': Ill-5h to enululr H0 flour, except at a huah 9d Mlppiy 100 lbs for :5! 50 f0: per 2nd 1mm du do lieu 2 bu~llcls Spnug ‘2ud hesl do ( Bcsl 2 bu>||e|s Peas 2nd best do do Bea! L’ buahels Ouls 211d lmsl do do Best ‘2 bushels Barley 2nd best do do Bus! not of Team Hm‘udss 2nd hast do do ‘21“? best do Be>l Cheese. not 2nd best do Id best du BcM anil 2nd brsl do 15 fit (Levant! 2nd best do 2nd best do - - - I) 3rd but do - - - - 0 13le Pair of Mun's Flue Hoots - 0 2nd best do do do - 0 A Purse of 25* will be appropriated for creliouar)‘ Premiums by the Judges, L exhibitors 0| Dummlic Manulncluma l. Per>ons \viahmg lo become mamborrs of [he Sluulfvillu Branch Agl'lclllllll’nl bucml). can do so by pm" g fivo Shll'llH-Vs‘ or upwaldx'. annually to (he bucwu'. [on days prevmus lo the du_\‘ ul'tlle Sprung Show. Bust onu 2nd best [5051 one Qnd best Best agyd Ram -_ 2nd best do - Best shenrling Ram 9nd best du du Bast Haul Lamb 2nd best do - 2nd bth do - Besi 2 Ewe Lambs ‘an be-l do do “6:4. 2 Fat Sheep 4nd best do do 80512 bu lies: 2 bushels Po|aloes - 2nd best du do - - Best :2 dozen Turnip: - 2nd hast du do - ~ B0512 dozen (‘nrrols - 2nd host do do - Best 2 down Maugle W \mzels 2nd best do do do Best Paar ul' home-made Blankets 11nd beSL do do do do Lieu l’xoco home-made Flannel. Hut 1055 than .3 Hands 2nd 1m au' do do do “Cal Fancy Nuudle Work - - “Bud .du do do - - I l Lint I’Lnn Needle Work ind busl do do - - Best Crochet \Vork - - - 2nd best do - - - Best Leather Frame \Volk - - 2nd baht do do - - Best Honp'd Sim: - - - For particulars apply to E. \VHELLR and M Joxas. qullil'es, and '1‘. SHA\V. 2. Members puymg five shillings shall lmv» Ills pnvilege 0| blwuing two annual: or articles wnluu the current yeur. excepting Ennro “Discs; on paplng (an slnllsngs, may compcle for [he prlzes ul' Entire Horses, and lwu other arllcles :n the currunt your. or may show {our anima|~ or articles other :lmn Enllro Hur-es. in the current year: on paylngtwanty slnlnngs may show 'welve annuals or nrhc‘as in the cunreut year ; on papng lllinv bllllllllg~. may compete for any or all 01' Ill!) prizes awarded in the current Year. 5. All Animals or nrliules shown must be bonufidc the properl} ol‘ the personshowiug Lhe same. one month previous [0 the day of the show, and all Implements must be :howu by the manufacluuer. 6. The Directors are to usa 1hair utmost cu- daavors to p event lhu Judges from examining the annuals or articles exlnbiled. or ohlainmg any knowlndge as to lllEIruwnUrsal. unul nl‘ler lhelr duties are perlorm: d; any pehon Inlerial - ing with the Judges. wlule on (hair duv shall l'or‘su any claim he ma} have toa Prize. 7. All entries who made in the Srcretarg’s CANADIAN “RED C Best Fat Ox or Heifer - 2nd best do do - - Beat uvo-3ears-old Heik‘r - 2nd best do do - Bust onuâ€"_\ear-o|d do - 2nd best do do - 15051 one-year-nld Bull - 2nd best do do - - Best Swing Calf - ~ 2nd best do - - - 3. Non-members entering any article will be charged one-half the lughesl preuuum [hut can bo nwnrded on such animal ur article 8."Nu.lneucal l‘ickvzs wall be supplied by the Secratury. which must be uzlached lo every animal or article enlared for compeliliuu. No person to receive two premiums on any one class of ‘ limes. The Stoufl‘ville Branch Agricultural S‘cuiely’u Uesl l\\'0 2nd lmsl Best lwa 2nd best Best 130:" (over 2nd besl dn ¢ Bus] Email Saw 2nd bed (lo do 4. No Animal or anticla shall ba entitled to a Premium mat the Judges may pvonuuucc uu- worthv. book before I 1 o'clock on the day of the Sth. at “hich lime the Uuoks uill he closed. and the Judges proceed on their dunes. Stoufi'ville. Sept 17. 1858 7 ‘HE Subscriber begs to infirm his friends and the public generally lhal he has opened the above Hotel. opposna the St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto. His lmr thl alwa_\s he found r-plalo with all kinds of Liquumof firsIâ€"rale quality. His 'l‘nble will also be found recharue. Good Slubles are allached to the premist‘s. W‘ M. SHORT. l’lop.iolor. 8th! Team Dml’L Horses, - 2nd be»! do do - Best Span Carriage Horses, 2nd best do do UGsl lwo-ynars-old Horse Colt. 2nd lmsl do do do Best lwa-yenrs-uld Fully Coll 2nd best do do do Bust one-year-old Coll - 2nd best do do - ' Bust Spring Colt - - 2nd basidu do - - . PHILIP WIUEMAN and has always (‘Llllml bu<iness. There is 1: Stable atlauhed. and n 0 ing some exrellenl fruit be had at valunliuu or nl Appl} 10 Mrs. DOI AGRICULTURA L 8110 W l lv‘ridc’ry, Octaber 15’ 1853‘, Al ALEXANDIuR S.\.\GS'I‘ER'S lIO I‘EL. when the [allowing prizes wle be awaxdud, viz :â€" Markham " Econnmisl." " New Era. Onlarin “ Observer,” plane copy. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL e>t Button than 6' 'l‘oxonto Sept. 17, 1858‘ ‘ITUATED on Yongo Street, near Fw Tavern. It is a moxl desirnhla 5 Taorlh‘u Sept. 6. 1858 ‘ALL FAIR! DOMESTIC MAN UFAC'I'U [{E FOR A TERM 0]“ YEARS, Blacksmilh’s Shop KING STREET, TORONTO. ‘wes Rules and Regulations, W o Woulluu do Woollen u. 11 is a most desirable Sland. rays vunmnnded nvury urofitnhle There is a Double House md :hed. and a capital Garden (:nnlain- DAIRY PRODUCE. in 1 lb. milsgmd not less ‘ 91' six months old) do do “'II,L CO“! on OK TO LET, G RAIN le WlmaL PI exit/ant HARNESS HORSES. HUO'I'S SHEEP SHINE Muls 49; Wheat do fruit liens Thu! TOOL or at an mldnion lo the DOUGHTY. an the do do than 6 lbs. do not less Ihuu S. J. HOLDEN A [‘ TL. 1' doU £0 Secret/u ll (J l) r Dira- Lu (ha In JU 1U I0 lU 'inch’s 67ld‘ 'Pnl and (i CANADIAN FLOWS, Ofa superior pallvm, and would invilp a“ inim'vsied in (he Breeding or Falloningr of Stock to call and examine Ilwsu Machines. 6:? Prices so Low that none new-:1 be without them THE Subscribers take pleasure in informing the Farmers throughout tlns section of the Province, that they have incrvased their fucililies for me manufacture of lheir LL PARTIES whose accnunh WI'Y'P due ' “mm; mm: sown-1 or Tononm. on voxmhs-n I to the Undermgnvd before the 1:: of Jauunrv. |8~>8. or "018“ lake" W" '1‘“ “3"10- ’ ‘HFZ nln-vn Hotel Is fined up in nan! an: ""9 'eq‘w‘md ‘0 m“ “"‘l 58m" "‘8‘" h" “W l-"- (tom nrl'lhiu Sula. ’rl‘fllhitlll VlNilOlS nm of Uclvber. mlhou' a"! with” “MH‘G- amuw Will 13ml .lm fir‘nnmmndmim-u n. lm um Gum‘an John Hughw. Max Ann Homer. Jacob lmll‘wd. \Villmm Lawrence, C. L) Crnwrold. Mr. Collins. John Donaldmn. James Fuggm. John Fl} nu. Daniel Guernwuod. John Green, James Gulmay. Kuherl Gunou, [{uhelt Richmond Hill. Sept I. IRSS‘ Elstoi-u, Henry Elli Ill. Miss M. A Fraemwons The Alldé‘rsolL sts E. Imuglm Br”, John MoHuu Benny. Juhn Mumhn Baldwin, Mary Ann[2}Mrl)nu Camelun. James I). McClos LIGE-GTNESS 0F DRAFT 8!. GENERAL ECONOMY Hihh, Humgo Dunialfi. W Dovlm. [high Elli Ill, Miss M. A. fichick. J. A.“ Triiemwons The VV.Slnhhvnson. Jnsnph M. [2] Snider. Jncnh Goodwin. John Slum]. Joseph Hughm. Max Ann b‘iver. Robert [3] Homer. Jncnh Simpson. Jamm Latfoud- Willmm Slnlpsull, Wi||lnnl Lawrence, C. [L Sodmnn. '1'. Lnugswfi'. John Sen. 'l'eacdnle. Thomas Lungsmfi', John Jr. [2]Vnuderhurgh. l'eHr Mullen. Michael \Vlllifllll . Jaroh G. \loddlv. Alex. “'Illiamsml. Miss M .HL-Umsuey. Isaac “Mop. Robul'l L. H. : Iss Halpar. Thomas Hancock. Samuel Hmnlmrlwn Thoma Jnlnhun. Daniel Knugys. Geo-g6 modulate chargu.» to m leir support. Jewellry nuatly repaired 1 'I‘Imrrm; (hree yous 0k]. gurth. Leave”, ported by [Ina [H purliculurs app] or address Buttonville. P. 0 August 13. 1853. )EGS In I'nlurn h‘h lhnn‘ ) of Slumfl'villm and the hilhmlo fnvmcd lnm with 10 Village 01 Thornhill. being: pnrl of Lot No ‘5. ht concession of Markham. The Lul muasuves ane arm and twenty-seven porches; I‘ull} cleared ul'slumps. The Building is one storey nnd n-hnll' high. and cumulus srvmi l'onlm: attached tn‘wlncln is all l-xvellunl wall of water. hesidus suit lble om-hnlldmgx'. For parljculars apply on [he prumisw to PATTE RSON IMPLEMENT ‘WORKS. I‘u||_\ cleared ul'sluulps. storey (Illd n-hnh' high. I'OOIIH: attached In which Asszze~ {or the Cum: lurio nnd Snncon. Rexid Wright and lungs Sueels. E>q’s‘ F\ PPOINTED (‘ONS'I In T1 [’1‘ On Tuesday. For the benefit ngemeut ol' lhu The VICTORIA nRASS BAND luer recurred an addiliun-‘tl wiecnou 0H Ten will be sewed at 1‘2 o'c that highly smisl'acmry manna has huheno been noted. Addresws will his de spoken and Select Puelry r the schnlam Eminent Min are expeclsd Io Imrmomz ocunqon Tickets :â€"Aduils. Mukhnm. Sept. 6 Am] trust that in future they will be able to suppiy 0:059. who may (h‘sin' to procure one of these valuable IMPLEMENTS, which for DEMONSTRATION )ugeer. .l )mm\‘ .101 'l‘hnrnlxill. Aug ‘HELL'S C ’RNERS UNION SABBATH ; SCHOOL will celebrata its Fourth Anniversary by a Sloufl'ville. Aug. ‘2”. IHSB Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, Angus! 25, 1858 ‘IH ‘ [I E Subscriber HOUSE A ND ROQT SLICE List. of Lvttt‘rs MAB M. in me THORNHII Isl Soplenlhm‘ 185.8 ‘. John \VI 51 M54 .largnrelWilli ngniu :11 nd hope chm‘gu: :{Krlfg‘ ‘21). [358. J. B. DEE( [in RICHMOND [H MUER lst. ISJS. Suhscrilwr FOR SEQLE .' : CHAPEL concession A They are hn {Ha-Nair. James .\laâ€"qal‘eLHcKuumn. I); Elie] Nawlove. \Villimn Joseph (J’Lvrud Muss Bridge! .‘lr’lindn hmiah EDWARD SANDERSON Rvpairvd at slum notice and on ruuswublv terms Fm- Sale. NOTICE. Ril‘hnl‘ll scril-H‘ “films for 8:151 h- hwd [H7 R NA M “ELI bxeed lty Mr. “unison. Hal‘ Yorkshim, England. and im roprielor m 1856. Fur furllu ofllm Institution and oncour Scholars. the 23rd September, 1858‘ M. TEEFY . P Letters Miss ~paired. All work wurxaIHL-d LEWIS MACDONALD. I‘HUS. COOPER PETER VANHORN Sept. H). 1853‘ GRAND 1.01 1'7. 4111 Con; Mmkhum In St Malls”; Time. Mundmw. Wm M'CG McN McF McC ML'Mulm. Joh.‘ McLean. F. A Rom-us Sletson. Smith. McFarland. Macks] McCunol} . MI" Niclm‘sxon. Andrew "kid. Gfllnl'gfi Rohmsuu. er id Chi-drou ha rf Mmkham delivured \‘ recilrd ufll-rs [or 51]? a LOT, >ihl.ll("l in 1‘2 o'clock, neon. in manner for which il ughmmL Margaret Have no aqua s in the country ideuce hL I [I unld. l‘alrick skis. James neur u“ ABLE Em of Y so conslrnclin § BAND hnvo Recliuu o!‘ Such-d 1011” son. Thoma: l). ‘aslmueler D. If Mi ( ROSBY L Post Officn l' khe Gns; ei. hnprovu me In nson. Hall d. and inn Fur ful'llle ‘5 Murg'xre 'l'upriel 0‘ 93‘ at the 'k. ()n. bS-ly righL EQ-Cf I? a ml in ‘1 No Lol Chas, 5 one :F‘VI‘H wall CHARGE: ms earnest cula to [ho “Olld hst auccmsful in mom 1h quu'm‘ each upplu'unt SCI ipuun (-l' [he ryjnp (66(8.) In 1:11) 1h 9 zel relnru them Ins (w!) I‘cmiuns fur preparing Th: 01/] [)uctr/I' Iw not. on f1l't:n|:llt nl'dal sulling him |9cauwh s OIL‘ nlvviu-l in blht'l‘Ll ll“ cnn- be me he (Hus. l\ m‘lehrmwl I'm' (*ll‘e I llrnuclntis. Newanx‘ .4 P1) [KM 65-4 Ann 66-1 5th parm desrriplinn. Cm: (Ci-s, And many 0mm nude. (Hulur‘uh wfl' do we“ m m Ind, and u-hlrg’. i’ROSE’EC'I’US OF The W’ommn’s Advocate olhow 0 (hr- lromel fin“ that cam be u Cccupulluns bone will yield 1: murc the law unhanh have been su tar lance. The olxjncl of [he Womal oprning “In 01 new spheles Women who have so Mug :- nuemianl upull the insuliic WILLIAM U. SKENE, M l L L‘V R lGH'I‘, ALTLLXA, 7 Lf VGnml Slhblmg and an attentive Hustler. THU.“ AS CUA‘I'ES. Proprietor. Yongu Slrpcl. Aug. 7. 1853. 62-13' M ha A “gust h‘, 1358. lurrnln'u {\[IIplu5‘lllt‘UL and will send luaudalinn for lluuesly nnd “hi1in huvo (:redunuals forwarded to then H CUL()L\IS'|‘.” are six" dollam a in advance. Fm' the WEEKLY a dollar and a half. also pamble w To Clubs ofnw. llm \VEI-LKI.‘ plied at one dollnr n your. ll'n \\c I|\[I 7‘ EG ii p Richmmnd “HI. .1qu 23. 1953. THE “COLONIST.” WEEKLY.â€"6d a I Best Advertzsiv‘g Medmm in Canada. TERHS : A. E. .\1’( L. J‘ [ILRSUN \dv DAILY‘f4d a line for fil‘xl insertion. and I lune [or each subsequent insertion NILâ€"I" SLOUCESTER HOTEL, PA 1 'I'ERSON 8L BROTHER IR ’\ in the um: lhq. The valvc d: ufl5 HOI h j a“ ;4 '1’.‘ SNIDER Klineilungh N. B. NO CURE N0 PAY. the Sick and Dying NHHZK. of (he 71h coucmsiun AuguleJ. 1858 unhealthy I Isu jar uhli large number at rs. Enlarng Inlle \\"a \anl MINI ngeuk in everv ud city m the United States and the 1! un)‘ one msth 10 enter upon a ‘0 int ddv (Ass :: succussiul ,xu'mt. When H I“ ll rum-Mum]. With [his hol h 1d I‘ur auulher_\ear. unsung am-us of friends 41 all parts A zud and cn-opmalinn. “(Ms or svnsummum: yp_\'. mm _\‘eur. )xller Diseases. Pars 'uflhe above memim 1n Pal: in Kilns. All Naval“ A nn Ii FOR 13.33, Fourth Volumn .cd ‘au' 00("1'. [‘NCAS BR‘NT. liux 3531'. P. 0.. New Ym'l! COLON lb" (I years' 4 \cfnction ho nr‘comlnud: while [he cha l. of lhe 71h Concession of near Klmehurgh, guarrnnu‘es mnh- “Int ho i“ now pre- chct MILLS of evpry contract or nfllt‘rwfs‘fi. nu Mn is at!“ agent for some ys in (janudsL All cmlrncl Ion) lhn-o to six months. ‘ars' experience he hopes to numher avors h me [or first Insertion. and 2d :I'ur each subsuqnem inserkinn ls whu send advertisements nus. will have; a couunissiuu ‘eul allowed them. Sullwcriplion for [he DA”.Y ‘ are six dollam a }cnr. payable the WEEKLY. lhe price: is ANNA F “’oumn’s Advmâ€"ue is tâ€"ho )\\ ELL, Emma. CURI\LL3PONUL\G Burro“ T'H l.“ PIX-"Hi F. “I K r Sale, AND LOT, silual Inge of Hirhmnnd IJ particulars apply to \V‘ HARRISON. Saddler NT FUR LADIES ’B‘imusuud tho \VFJ-LKLY will be nup- year. 66-4 dunes of Employmr'nl Im- ‘ong snfl‘med {he digress Isulllclelll <emuuerauou. .her of ocm-upuuons. m mIIm'l all inlornm- H10 women. I'eialive In ted m them. and which l'ollablu submlcmm man 'mdes upon which the. igod l0 dvpend for exus 'IMADI'ERS. all! [he cnuntrv are re- ‘ . uud duducl the: usual cixcnlaxi addiefi. and live [a twenty for suhsmihe from Erlllnr 11.1111 Pruprirtur l‘hihndulphm, l‘u. \s No Charge. H In L‘u ull 'I'e you “015 that ha i> jns :umyrnun. Adlun: us, Chuflhs, ( old uhilil)" they wwl 0 them to act a Id mil; [11le with the hope of all)‘ pushing the \I’DOVVELL, up in nan! and :(m VlNilOlS nud lions lo be that gas will be ex- nns laboring n d D’heases. letters to be I‘v‘fll’flulg y HA‘w‘ energetic dollars :L vance‘ 636m siluaY-Pl‘l “3120”! Gmr Bl‘d 2d 64-11” 59â€"1! I d Id ’ 'Hl‘: ing a la Brimh a ('oIorl‘d. ‘ WnFeN. Mukuliic Bookx Fl \‘LV‘H KC The f: for mzmn‘ I'nperrM‘ Hill H is good just- the the 00 00 | Q. CHRISTIAN WURSTER, SADDLE 86 HARNESS MAKER, \Vf OULD inform the inhabitants of MAP” ’ VILLAGE and surrounding cuuntry. Ihm he has opener‘ a Shop in the above ling where he will. by strict auelmon to all orders, endeavor to merit a share of IIu-ir support. Repairing neatly and flxpedicionslyauendcd lo [13’ All Work “’nrramad. Mgplo Village. Aug 20. 1558. 63â€"6.“ Aha. ONE ACRE OF LAND. situated in the Village of Thornhill. with guod House and out-buiidings. [1? Terms Easy. Applv In per l_h To Medical Practitioner: Paper & Stationery Var " 'HI‘I Suhscribers have nlway: i a large and general stock of Bri‘ish and Provincial mnnul‘m-(nrm (‘0101'1‘d. Brown. and “‘mmuhg l’a; \anem. Shue". Ink. SWM Pens. MuLuliic Memorandum Buok‘, 'l'wi Howls. School Books and (imwrul ’ ‘HE NUBSCKIBICR begs to inform [he 'l‘rade‘ that his Stork (If PRINTING PRESSES. TYPE. INKS, The Scotxish :lmcrican Journx! ! lerun. Applv. if by letter post paid,to the: Editor of tho 'l'nl.1.n,c. Rlchmond Hi”. June L501. 1857. 2.9- “’3'. ‘ONSIDERING the multiplicity of news- (J papels In Alnerlca. ll hm to many [won a matter ol‘snrpriso than the numerous body at Scottish residents should lmva been so long un- Iopreseutcd 'l‘o supply (has desidornluun, No. I, 01' um Scurrlsn AMERICAN JOURNAL was publhllcll on Saturday. August. 5, 1557. and la now cunIiuImd weekl}. 'l’lIe primary object of the Jovnxu. is to fur- nislt Ls readers regulazly with the "PHYS of the” native eoIInII'y. it presents a weekl} re- cord 01’ all events of interest occuriing In Scul- land. and its subscribers are in this way as fully into Int-d of what is transpiring at home as if the) were In regular receipt of an old-country neuspnpor. Scauish questians Will be discussed guilt Inwlligonca and impartiality in the editor- ml Columns. and lhe sentimean ol'the lendinu’ pill'llfls on these subjects will be fairly repre- senth and commented upon. In the literary and miscellaneous department of the paper. while merit and talent will be ap- preciutd from whatever country they emanate, the Scottish element. will preponderate. 'l'ales. ~l'9lclIt-s. and poetry, illustrative ol'Ihe Scottish BOS' SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART \pril vhnrncler. and. oh: nature fitted to call forth lliu sympathan oi Scolchmen both at home and alumni. will occupy a compimlous place. in this department. [he cu-operation of various dlSllllHlllshe‘l authors. possessing unrivalled" fuuliin-s lur the laak. has been secured‘ In politics. the JOURNAL will occupy a thoroughly independent position. alike free frum pally bins and national prejudice. In ro- dor 10 ii tel-est its readers whatever situated, iI \\’lll inkn- .1 broad view of topics of this clnsy. hoidlng lhoso of a Illel't'lY local nature. except in >0 fur as they may p:e>om points of import- ant-e m the general pn‘uhc Questions involv- ing the interests of British rewidenls in the [ niled Stale-s and In the British Frovmces. will he sliccmlly considezed. and ii is believed that the inl'ornmlion and news of the JOURNAL on his iinpu taut class fsulvjucls will be such as shah command attention. xpe One 'Mhmg MACHINES and ENGINES im and to order. B981 quality of NEWS INK at One Shilling In polil mumqu frum pally dor Io il 18 \\’l”1flkl' .1 lloidhlg ll but 2 mu»~ nnl ( lhal awn nol apron The fnn'HtiAfi wh7ch the sub cri‘w u- mzmnfaulur'mg. having mm of mo 'nper Mills n Canada, the)" me preI munfucmra all kinds of paper to order. mu [hm January 14. 1858 Colborne st ,' Toronto. Jan. 9, 18 57 Interests of Scotchmen in America, aper in l JOHN MURPHY, House Decorator, Painter, PAPER HANGER. GLAZIER Torcnta, Juna 18m. 1557 or Sale or to Rent 01d 'fimc («km in err’ntngt for "W‘- D. K. FEEHAN DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS. &c. A publicu GOOD OPPORTUNITY now offers it- sell to a Medical Man of standing and 'ienee. Home and Premises. boxh Men- nnd convenient, can he had on masonublo DWELI No 49, King Street, ("opv for one Tear ’1‘0 PIE/A'TE {S liler TERMS OF SUBSCRH’TXON, Oiiro, No. 99. Boukmln Street. N‘Y Vlhe 4 Doors West of Bay Street A D To TH E DISSEMLV TION OF viug-house and about an Ac the Vil‘ago of V icuma Squaw. Store or Tavern. FOR SALE! forwarded to Europe pur mail. ( xlngo Duid, for $3. ur 135. ale G. 18. 8 cation sstnb‘ished with those objects nurse look for support mainly from nevtml Ivy birth or descent with the hose current history it chronicles: blond basis of this journal necesxi ddmon. tha Iraaunom of all import- m< affecting American interests. and mm, M“ be cosmopolitan. it. is hoped la the general reader its columns will ‘ unenleflalning or Drofitlcss. WHOLESALE Stationery Warehcuw BUNT‘IN. BRO. & Cn‘ Yongo sweet, Turo PAYABLE IN ADVA NCE apply (a Richmu‘ DEVOI‘EU T0 Tu &c,, &c INC-'HOUSF JOHN PALMER. \V. ' d U11 Richmond Hill club of twenty-five Trudgaon. 'ed \V 2-wv ured l ‘, United nleriing, 1.46 cu 52 so 9 00 ~o 00 4E) 00 of éood at agents fo including ’1 Garden if required are a! pros mam and I! Ix \‘lns wuthj mar. SADDLE c} HA RNEM three. on w all w} TERM Adverli licity lo r[‘HI Mason each H OH 01'? LOOK AT THIS 1J3!) wilh ne“ wuek of each. do] RICHMOND HILL QCPPREMIUMém lug in each moulfi of wlla'. we â€"10 muko x limESâ€"Ihe and the [ram unpreceden ES'l‘ABLISHM-‘ENT. Two Door South 9)" the TRIBUNE Ufliz'c LHA'I) JV!) WJITER .MILL .1 mm: RICHMOND HILL. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE; N0. 644, \IEIITS at \VM. DUROSE’S HOTEL. LL. V|c_loria Square, the last Fr‘dny emu- Munholl JOHN BUTTON. Master. JAMES CANAGHAN, Deputv. THOMAS BOWMAN. Secruu JOH'N GA\VLEY,"fi-eusurer. Viclnria Square. May 7, 1858. 4 Premium Ilarnc ESPECTFULI.Y generullthmheh R It I Z 1') forJ-laruess Our Me «i January, )8 7ING Swarm I Chuu-h bl W. T. ATlesus, West. now offer 881$ confi u all brar WTT. ATKINHUN. (Q (‘0'..- Late of King shoal \‘Vebl. now utYur at their new establishment. Genuine .Englia/L Drugs, Patent .Medicinm, French and English meumory, Oils, Paints, (‘olmu-s1 l)ye- Woods, Com/m Brushes &c., Al such model-ale prices ascaunut fail to so- Cul‘a CUFIGI‘H. \‘V. 'l'. A. (V (‘0, lmving consifl-rable ex- perience in the l)‘ of England. have 1 daily practice is all lhnl is required lc child of ordinary intelligence to wr more words per minule I This rate 1: sufficient to take down ordinary speeches. and rouversnlion as fast! Th3 " Manual of Phonogrnphy," and the " Phouozrapic Copy-hook." are sent to any nddress. by mail. post {benign of Lhe price. ONE DOLLAR Address. post-paid. a great many 01 will be found \‘c in campuundln; ceipls, Horse in of [he very has: cipal Engliah Dr beg to call all. n APOTEEECARIES’ HAL OSHAWA. C. W.. From whnm AH Englhh or AmeriCIn Phon graph: Works "my [3 wrecumd. H ' {h}; Uflice l ('Ipal Englmh Drug Huuses. W. 'l'. A. 6L ()0. beg to call aw mion to their C(«lebmwd Pref-av ration for the Teeth. Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Paste. A|so their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda \Vnier boilch and from the founlain; St. Catherines Mineral Wait-r. and the Plantagenet Water. celebrated for their healthy prol'er‘iW- April Q'ZJ‘ISB. (46 ley‘ombc P I! 0 .“B'YJ'G Raflpll Y New Y “J A Inrpy‘ stock of Harness. 6m. alwn lid. and nmde lo ordar at the lowest pn: nuneraung prices. Richmond Hill. Oct 15. 1857. g‘ All 1| flit nllnral \Villimn H nnuary LMOS’ PLUL BLANK FORMS. “ilh a niii 76% large oclavo pages, (in film phin' new iylw. 1! Will be issued within [In Ii:- ( of (View mouth. in numbers of 64 'Vagi . done up in [ha best. magazine style. u 3'] who will forward the money l'ur [il me. as .‘HlE‘ie subscribers ur in club». “ send gr mliously. the numbers othc n-u volumn. no": the time of their forwarduu one mm: 11 previous. thus givingin 1w 3. or iom‘ numbers, according to um mu 1 who w ‘ cribe before January. Tribune“ Ofii LARGE SUFFIX orMagiscmes Blank. Richmond Victoria. 1) fl All Work Warranted. WRITING HT the \L ORANGE LODGE. No. vote at Brother Robert Wise“ 3 Hall. the second Saturday eveni‘ ()th. III RI“ ICTFUIJA' announces to the F ullleml he having: taken flux 1“ 1 R J'nrJ-larness at tho Yonge Siren! Show. Two Years in succassiml ism that he can give entire auislm ches of his business. '{s ELECTâ€"Coionel D. Bridg’n-d. B. DeeGier, Deputy Master: John d. Secretary ; W. Vogue. Trenm-u. ‘21. 1858. Hi". LOOM and ANVIL. Tth y be as wise, and possass themsan ? are boundâ€"at any cusl. to Ollhcheb‘ 126 Leading lndustrialJoumaI ul' lhu best for tha Farmer, the Mevhunir; nily Circle‘â€"we make lhe fol‘ua ing u-d liberal ofi'er :â€" mxlh Volume will Commoner with iiiâ€"will run to January. lSéSLâ€"nmi T EVERYBODY in ordering 2 :1 year. in advance; $1 5010 I upwards: $1 far so: mumlnf [on cents a line. For giving pub- ved stockmgricuhurn' implements, ‘zn-rovemsms‘ and like mauan of N, there is no other madnqu a mid C hast qua OFFICER! ELECT In pers_ons dispOFe'd to r: \TE SALE ! ! rk. Let us hear from n J. A. NASH. M. P. PARISH. 7 Beelrman Street ILer 522. $857. ‘lll (‘0, lmving consifl-rable ex- )rhg Lusiness in various parts In) lwsimtion in saying. that llwir Manufactured Articles y supmior. Madicinvs used I’rosuipuons. Family Re- d (‘uule Medecines. &c.. are ” nperty will be sold 0.1 may Yearly Paylnenls, and is I u!" the Mechanic and Far- nmins about Fifty Auras. Garden, and small Clemâ€" nbcred. The Water Mill. ul Dwelling Home»; wnh .' to ha. DUNCUMB‘ Fifteen Kcres of LamL purcha‘ser: Thoprflmsvs WILLIAM H. ORR s an Agricultural- Implo- ‘ronlo. 2nd dour east 01' roppqsite th gathedral. nl of I’honography is n IOU pages. every other -d Irom stone engravings. ises in the m which the leach. By the use ofthz's 03' or girl. or 5 or 6 yeau n-n. in a surprisingly shorl d and write Phonography Id, and a few months of m is required to enable a elligence to write 100 or [e ! This rate of speed in lawn ordinary sermons. malion as fast as spoken. ’honogrnphy," 75 cents. ic Copy-hook." 25 cents. mail. post-paid. on direct from the pri» . Myers. .flfanufiwfu hund Richmond HI gH- SOUND ! for Illa a 4:5- W 133 LlulLr, "Iii

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